Re: [Marxism] Dalai Lama: I am a Marxist

2010-05-22 Thread Brett Murphy
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The Dalai Lama never said that. He's just a Buddhist isn't he?

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Re: [Marxism] A provocation in Canada?

2010-05-22 Thread Mikhail Rodsky
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Re: [Marxism] Alexander Cockburn: stop picking on Rand Paul

2010-05-22 Thread James Holstun
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Cockburn says, “Because Paul had
deprecated the ADA, on Democracy Now! on Friday morning Amy Goodman even fished
some spavined old nag from that dismal body to join her in execration of the
Slouching Beast that is Rand.”
Here, Squire Cockburn brings his knowledge of horse ailments to the aid of
another sexist assault, following up on last weekend's heehaw about thick-jawed 
dykes. But he is lapsing more and more into incoherence: this
ADA is not a “body,” but an act (the Americans with Disabilities Act), and the
spokesman for the A.D.A. on Democracy Now! was a stallion, not a nag: Mike
Ervin, “a freelance journalist and a longtime activist with the disability
rights groups ADAPT.” Could Cockburn be confusing this A.D.A. with Americans
for Democratic Action? Different things altogether, old chap.

The rest of Cockburn’s piece lurches incoherently from one position to another,
including the blissful counterfactual that, if Rand had wanted to, he could
have moved away from Rachel Madow’s questions about the 1964 Civil Rights Act
to a discussion of “what has happened to blacks since that glorious day, from
an appalling school system, to blighted housing, constricted employment
possibilities, shriveled share of the national income and most recently the
great transfer in US history of money and assets from African Americans to rich
white people by the mortgage speculators, given free rein by Democrats and

Yes, he could have, if he’d been Bernie Sanders (excoriated in this piece) or 
Gray. But he isn’t. He’s Rand Paul, and he wants Lester Maddox to be able to 
service to whomever he damned well pleases.

The weed up Petrolia way seems to be excellent this year.


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Re: [Marxism] Alexander Cockburn: stop picking on Rand Paul

2010-05-22 Thread Eli Stephens
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Ernest Leif echoes a common criticism of the Maddow interview when he writes:

"He says that the Civil Rights Act of '64 is a non-issue, one that will never 
come up for debate in the Senate, and I think he may be right."

Yes, Paul says he won't try for repeal of the Civil Rights Act, but that's only 
because he's smart enough to know he would have exactly zero co-sponsors and 
that, even though 30% of the Congress probably agree with him, not a single 
other member of Congress other than his father would have the guts to put their 
voting fingers where their repulsive thoughts are. So far to my knowledge, only 
the equally repugnant John Stossel has come out publicly in support of what 
Paul had to say, and he's not in Congress.

The idea that the Civil Rights Act is some 46-year-old law is dead wrong. The 
Justice Department is charged with enforcing such laws every day, and their is 
little doubt that Paul would be doing his best to deny funding to that 
division, just as he would deny funding (and possibly try to abolish) the EEOC 
or Health Departments or the FDA or the MMS or any other government agency who 
dared interfere in the sanctity of private business. The biggest flaw in 
Maddow's interview was precisely that she didn't bring out the very real and 
very current implications of Paul's racist philosphy, which sounds more 
appropriate in German: "private property über alles."

Eli Stephens
 Left I on the News

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[Marxism] new study shows African Americans tumbling out of the nation's economic orbit

2010-05-22 Thread Dennis Brasky
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>> Black Agenda Report/ Glen Ford
>>  Massive Race Divide: Blacks Will Never Gain Wealth Equality With Whites
>> Under the Current System
>> A new study shows African Americans are tumbling out of the nation's
>> economic orbit on a tragic trajectory that will never let them achieve
>> parity with whites.
>> <
>> >
>> The gap between Black and white household [accumulated] wealth quadrupled
>> from 1984 to 2007, totally discrediting the conventional wisdom that the
>> U.S. is slowly and fitfully moving towards racial equality, or some rough
>> economic parity between the races. Like most American myths, it’s the direct
>> opposite of the truth. When measured over decades, Blacks are being
>> propelled economically downward relative to whites at quickening speed,
>> according to a new study by Brandeis 
>> University.
>> The gap between Black and white households ballooned during the 23-year
>> study period, as white families went from a median of about $22,000 in
>> wealth to $100,000 – a gain of $78,000. In the same period, Black household
>> wealth inched up from a base of $2,000 per family to only $5,000. The sweat
>> and toil of an entire generation had netted Black families only $3,000
>> additional dollars, while white families emerged from the period with a net
>> worth of 100 grand that can be used to send a couple of kids to college,
>> make investments, help out other family members, or contribute to the larger
>> (white) community. The typical Black family has no such options. [The study
>> did not take property ownership into account. If property were included, the
>> disparity would be larger.]
>> Viewed another way, the median white family was 11 times richer than the
>> median Black family in 1984 ($2,000 vs. $22,000). By 2007, the white
>> household had become 20 times richer than its Black counterpart ($5,000 vs.
>> $100,000).
>> Any way one measures it, the numbers show African Americans are tumbling
>> out of the nation’s economic orbit, wealth-wise, on a trajectory that can
>> never achieve parity with whites. I repeat: never.
>> On the campaign trail in 2007, Barack Obama flippantly declared that
>> African Americans had “already come 90 percent of the way” to equality, with
>> only 10 percent more to go. Whatever the future president was thinking, it
>> wasn’t economics. The meter of progress is running backwards on Black
>> America, toward greater inequality and relative poverty. Everything else
>> you’ve heard is propaganda.
>> The Brandeis study, conducted by the university’s Institute on Assets and
>> Social Policy, showed that upper income Blacks fell even farther behind
>> their white peers than lower income Blacks. During the survey period, higher
>> income Blacks saw their wealth drop from $25,000 to just $18,000, while
>> their white counterparts wealth soared to $240,000.
>> Black folks have been integrated long enough to know that the white family
>> didn’t get richer by a quarter million dollars because they were smarter
>> than the Black family. Privilege, especially cumulative privilege over
>> generations, works wonders, like compound interest only better. Whites are
>> both collectively privileged and capable of bestowing an endless stream of
>> privileges on each other, while Blacks are deliberately positioned outside
>> of the stream, and are preyed upon as a group by powerful (white) financial
>> forces that profit from the wealth differential.
>> The Brandies report recognizes the “powerful role of persistent
>> discrimination in housing, credit and labor markets” – that is, the
>> institutionally racist crimes of finance capital. Had the survey continued
>> past 2007, the carnage of the Great Recession would have revealed even more
>> dramatically the incredibly shrinking nature of Black wealth in the current
>> era.
>> Enemies of all colors and sly servants of the rich will use the news of
>> the evaporation of African American wealth to heap blame on Black “culture.”
>> This “shaming” strategy is designed to keep Blacks looking inward for the
>> source of their woes, and to simultaneously despair of finding salvation in
>> our own capacity for group agency. Meanwhile, the Lords of Capital devour us
>> like piranhas – quicker than they do whites, who are padded with the fat of
>> relative privilege – $95,000 worth of it, the racial wealth spread of 23
>> years.
>> Although Black parity with whites has never been on the horizon, impatient
>> whites have insisted since 1969 or thereabouts that “i

[Marxism] Crisis Imperils Liberal Benefits Long Expected by Europeans

2010-05-22 Thread Bonnie Weinstein
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Crisis Imperils Liberal Benefits Long Expected by Europeans
May 22, 2010

PARIS — Across Western Europe, the “lifestyle superpower,” the  
assumptions and gains of a lifetime are suddenly in doubt. The  
deficit crisis that threatens the euro has also undermined the  
sustainability of the European standard of social welfare, built by  
left-leaning governments since the end of World War II.

Europeans have boasted about their social model, with its generous  
vacations and early retirements, its national health care systems and  
extensive welfare benefits, contrasting it with the comparative  
harshness of American capitalism.

Europeans have benefited from low military spending, protected by  
NATO and the American nuclear umbrella. They have also translated  
higher taxes into a cradle-to-grave safety net. “The Europe that  
protects” is a slogan of the European Union.

But all over Europe governments with big budgets, falling tax  
revenues and aging populations are experiencing climbing deficits,  
with more bad news ahead.

With low growth, low birthrates and longer life expectancies, Europe  
can no longer afford its comfortable lifestyle, at least not without  
a period of austerity and significant changes. The countries are  
trying to reassure investors by cutting salaries, raising legal  
retirement ages, increasing working hours and reducing health  
benefits and pensions.

“We’re now in rescue mode,” said Carl Bildt, the Swedish foreign  
minister and a former prime minister. “But we need to transition to  
the reform mode very soon. The ‘reform deficit’ is the real problem,”  
he said, pointing to the need for structural change.

The reaction so far to government efforts to cut spending has been  
pessimism and anger, with an understanding that the current system is  

In Athens, Aris Iordanidis, 25, an economics graduate working in a  
bookstore, resents paying high taxes to finance Greece’s bloated  
state sector and its employees. “They sit there for years drinking  
coffee and chatting on the telephone and then retire at 50 with nice  
fat pensions,” he said. “As for us, the way things are going we’ll  
have to work until we’re 70.”

In Rome, Aldo Cimaglia is 52 and teaches photography, and he is  
deeply pessimistic about his pension. “It’s going to go belly-up  
because no one will be around to fill the pension coffers,” he said.  
“It’s not just me — this country has no future.”

Changes that would have been required in any case have now become  
urgent. Europe’s population is aging quickly as birthrates decline.  
Unemployment has risen as traditional industries have shifted to  
Asia. And the region generally lacks competitiveness in world markets.

According to the European Commission, by 2050 the percentage of  
Europeans older than 65 will nearly double. In the 1950s there were  
seven workers for every retiree in advanced economies. By 2050, the  
ratio in the European Union will drop to 1.3 to 1.

“The easy days are over for countries like Greece, Portugal and  
Spain, but for us, too,” said Laurent Cohen-Tanugi, a French lawyer  
who did a study of Europe in the global economy for the French  
government. “A lot of Europeans would not like the issue cast in  
these terms, but that is the storm we’re facing. We can no longer  
afford the old social model.”

In Paris, Malka Braniste, 88, lives on the pension of her deceased  
husband, who sold household linens. “I’m worried for the next  
generations,” she said, having lunch with her daughter-in-law,  
Dominique Alcan. “People who don’t put money aside won’t get anything.”

Ms. Alcan, 49, is a traveling saleswoman. “I’ll have to work longer,”  
she said. “But I’m afraid I’ll never reach the same level of comfort.  
I won’t be able to do my job at 63; being a saleswoman requires a lot  
of energy.”

Gustave Brun d’Arre, 18, is still in high school. “The only thing  
we’re told is that we will have to pay for the others,” he said,  
sipping a beer at a cafe. The waiter interrupted, discussing plans to  
alter the French pension system. “It will be a mess,” the waiter  
said. “We’ll have to work harder and longer in our jobs.”

Figures show the severity of the problem. Gross public social  
expenditures across the European Union increased from 16 percent of  
gross domestic product in 1980 to 21 percent in 2005, compared with  
15.9 percent in the United States. In France, the current figure is  
31 percent, the highest in Europe, with state pensions representing  
more than 44 percent of the total and health care, 30 percent.

The challenge is particularly daunting in France, which has done less  
to reduce the state

[Marxism] Puerto Rico: Violent Confrontation with Demonstrators

2010-05-22 Thread Ian Seda
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Ian J. Seda-Irizarry
Department of Economics
818 Thompson Hall
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Phone: (413)-687-3889

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[Marxism] Obama wins the right to detain people with no habeas review

2010-05-22 Thread Dennis Brasky
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> Glenn Greenwald - - Friday, May 21, 2010 13:22 ET Obama wins the
> right to detain people with no habeas review
> <
> >
> **
> Few issues highlight Barack Obama's extreme hypocrisy the way that Bagram
> does. As everyone knows, one of George Bush’s most extreme policies was
> abducting people from all over the world -- far away from any battlefield --
> and then detaining them at Guantanamo with no legal rights of any kind, not
> even the most minimal right to a habeas review in a federal court.  Back in
> the day, this was called "Bush's legal black hole."  In 2006, Congress
> codified that policy by enacting the Military Commissions Act, but in 2008,
> the Supreme Court, in *Boumediene* *v. 
> Bush*,
> ruled that provision unconstitutional, holding that the Constitution grants
> habeas corpus rights even to foreign nationals held at Guantanamo.  Since
> then, detainees have won 35 out of 48 habeas 
> hearingsbrought
>  pursuant to
> *Boumediene*, on the ground that there was insufficient evidence to
> justify their detention.
> Immediately following *Boumediene*, the Bush administration argued that
> the decision was inapplicable to detainees at Bagram -- including even those
> detained outside of Afghanistan but then flown to Afghanistan to be
> imprisoned.  Amazingly, the Bush DOJ -- in a lawsuit brought by Bagram
> detainees seeking habeas review of their detention -- contended that if they
> abduct someone and ship them to Guantanamo, then that person (under *
> Boumediene*) has the right to a habeas hearing, but if they instead ship
> them to Bagram, then the detainee has no rights of any kind.  In other
> words, the detainee's Constitutional rights depends on where the Government
> decides to drop them off to be encaged.  One of the first acts undertaken by
> the Obama DOJ that actually shocked civil libertarians was when, last
> February, as *The New York Times* put 
> it,
> Obama lawyers "told a federal judge that military detainees in Afghanistan
> have no legal right to challenge their imprisonment there, *embracing a
> key argument of former President Bush’s legal team*."
> But last April, John Bates, the Bush-43-appointed, right-wing judge
> overseeing the case, rejected the Bush/Obama position and held that *
> Boumediene* applies  to
> detainees picked up outside of Afghanistan and then shipped to Bagram.
>  I reviewed that ruling 
> here,
> in which Judge Bates explained that the Bagram detainees are "virtually
> identical to the detainees in *Boumediene*," and that the Constitutional
> issue was exactly the same:* * namely, *"the concern that the President
> could move detainees physically beyond the reach of the Constitution and
> detain them indefinitely*."
> But the Obama administration was undeterred by this loss.  They quickly
> appealed Judge Bates' ruling.  As *the NYT* put 
> itabout
>  that appeal:  "The decision signaled that the administration was not
> backing down in its effort to *maintain the power to imprison terrorism
> suspects for extended periods without judicial oversight*."  Today, a
> three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals adopted
> the Bush/Obama 
> position,
> holding that even detainees abducted outside of Afghanistan and then shipped
> to Bagram have no right to contest the legitimacy of their detention in a
> U.S. federal court, because *Boumediene* does not apply to prisons located
> within war zones (such as Afghanistan).
> So congratulations to the United States and Barack Obama for winning the
> power to abduct people anywhere in the world and then imprison them for as
> long as they want with no judicial review of any kind.  When the *
> Boumediene* decision was issued in the middle of the 2008 presidential
> campaign, John McCain called 
> it"one
>  of the worst decisions in the history of this country."  But Obama
> hailed 
> itas "a 
> rejection of the Bush Administration's attempt to
> *crea

Re: [Marxism] Obama wins the right to detain people with no habeas review

2010-05-22 Thread Andrew Pollack
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The lead article in today's Times is about this typical Obama play in
the war on terror. Meanwhile in the Arts section Edward Rothstein uses
the display of the Magna Carta at the Morgan Library to talk about the
kinds of historical circumstances that lead to such advances -- in the
case of the Magna Carta, the establishment of  "habeas corpus, trial
by jury and due process."
With this ruling Obama has hit the trifecta and knocked out all three.

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Re: [Marxism] Dalai Lama: I am a Marxist

2010-05-22 Thread Mark Lause
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If the Dalai Lama said that he was NOT a Marxist, then he could be the
reincarnation of Karl himself!

Oooo!  spooky!  Now we're in for a chewing out...


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[Marxism] FLAGS

2010-05-22 Thread Hunter Gray
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These three quite related posts -- on Flags -- go back some years -- but not, 
sadly, to "another time" in the qualitative sense.  The Afghan War, of course, 
is still with us -- now much expanded into Pakistan and the cost in human lives 
has been massive.  The Iraq War, vastly costly in human life, continues.  
Today, I briefly watched Barack Obama, having long ago repudiated virtually all 
of his glowing campaign representations, speaking to the graduating course at 
West Point, news media pointing out that virtually all of the new grads would 
be going into our endless Middle Eastern blood-baths.  So my mind went back to 
the bare beginnings of this decade and these three posts.  The first on this 
page is a very early in 2003 update.  The next one -- October 31, 2001 -- is 
Flags #2.  And the third -- September 17, 2001 -- is the first Flags post.

I see virtually no flags these days on any vehicles in and around our Idaho 
mountain town.  I don't hear much talk about the Wars or even "terrorism."  I 
do hear much on the local and regional ramifications of our broken United 
States economy -- including mounting unemployment and very recent major cuts in 
all of the school budgets in the Gem State. [H]

UPDATE NOTE  [1/26/03]  HG

The American Flag Thing still lingers pluckily here and there on some
vehicles in this general Idaho setting.  But this afternoon, down in
Pocatello, I saw a big ole pickup flying a huge, flapping Jolly Roger -- the
traditional tribal Skull & Crossbones of the outlaws of the sea.   As it
sailed along the rocky street, it personally warmed my heart since I was
president of our Pirate Club at age eight or so [though the nearest ocean
was regrettably 'way beyond our reach and ken.]  But far more than that I
knew I was today seeing Honesty Incarnate -- someone with something candidly
and very intricately reflecting the current national policies of the
reincarnation of certain notorious water rovers of yore.

FLAGS 2 / October 31 2001

This is a couple of things:  a repost of my Flags piece of many weeks ago
[we have a great many new people on this list], preceded by this brief
up-dating.  There have been a number of very positive comments on the piece.
But we've heard nothing further from the vitriolically angry shirt-tail ["in
law"] kin -- not an American Indian, by the way, who -- because of that and
related things -- had angrily e-mailed me:

"I can hardly stand your spews on America, on Bush, etc. . .Give me Bush,
Ashcroft, Powell and all the other men and women of the present
administration any time. I thank God each and every day for them. . .  You
and I are related through marriage, but in no way can I see eye to eye with
your hatred for U.S.A. Yes, I can understand how you feel about the
treatment of the American Indians, the blacks, etc. but U.S.A. is still the
best place. Why not go and live elsewhere, in some other country. . ."

I'm sure many of us have heard this sort of thing [and we've had a few of
the usual  crank calls.] For my part, I have plenty of blood relatives --
and many consistently friendly in-law ones as well.  I can always lose a
relation or two.

The small flag that was placed in our yard in this 'way far-up "frontier"
area -- one of a multitude  carried and implanted by well-meaning folk --
slipped very early on, as I noted, into the weeds, and disappeared  long
ago. Locally -- in this small city Idaho setting --  many and perhaps most
of the flags have now faded from the scene.  The not-always-friendly daily
newspaper gives front page coverage to "War" events and the latest "Official
Warnings" -- but the spread is no longer garish.  My Jeep did encounter the
pickup, two days ago, of a still frightened acquaintance who ages in the
past -- long, long before September 11th -- cut off all contact with me and
flees whenever he sees me  anywhere in the vicinity.  Neither I nor the
other family members riding with me were especially surprised to note that a
large and obviously just dry-cleaned Flag was hanging in his vehicle's cab.

Much more importantly, our monitoring/rights network involving many
individuals and the communities of color [Native, Chicano, Black, Asian, a
relatively small number of North Africans and Mid-Easterners] has detected
no physical violence [although there has been ugly verbal stuff.] The local
cops and state police [ who are certainly among the most negative we've
encountered  anywhere outside of the Deep South],  have been essentially
restrained -- so far.

And again locally, fear and hysteria have subsided -- somewhat.   There
isn't even -- although planes have been told not to fly over it -- much
apparent unusual concern about the nearby [an hour or so away] Idaho National 
Energy and Environmental Laboratories -

Re: [Marxism] Dalai Lama: I am a Marxist

2010-05-22 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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The Dalai Lama is living proof that the character of a movement or
regime (or, in his case, a regime in exile) is not defined by the
philosophy of its leader.

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Re: [Marxism] Alexander Cockburn: stop picking on Rand Paul

2010-05-22 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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If I may add to the idea of the ambiguous "middle class":

In the advanced capitalist countries, we can indeed separate virtually
everyone into those who own means of production and those who don't. But
clearly we have more than two groups when it comes to wealth and status.
The middle class, then, occupies that murky space between the two basic
classes created by capitalism. The easiest way to define it would be to
say that it's a synonym for the petty-bourgeoisie, or those who are both
owners and workers. But since they enjoy roughly equal social and
economic status with what sociologists like to call "professional"
workers and what a Marxist might call the labor aristocracy, it seems
unavoidable to include them as well. So, roughly, in my mind, the middle
class is the proletarian elite and the bourgeois peasants.

If you ask me, the nature of the labor aristocracy is one of the most
difficult questions out there.

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[Marxism] For those of you who love Capital

2010-05-22 Thread nada
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The Marxists Internet Archive is proud to announce that new volunteer 
Mark Harris has completed proofreading and made corrections to Marx and 
Engels Volume 1 of Capital 
It now available for downloading in single 520-page edition, nicely 
formatted for printing, confident that it will be error free.

D. Walters

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[Marxism] The Roots of Rand Paul's Civil Rights Resentment

2010-05-22 Thread caroltheartist
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The Roots of Rand Paul's Civil Rights Resentment

 Lurking beneath the Paul family's libertarian
 politics is a strategy of pandering to "populists"
 like Pat Buchanan

By Joe Conason
May 21, 2010

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Re: [Marxism] The Roots of Rand Paul's Civil Rights Resentment

2010-05-22 Thread C. G. Estabrook
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Conason is a right-wing Democrat, a former gossip-columnist and a Clinton 

The liberal establishment is seriously worried about the politics beyond the
limits of allowable debate that are emerging with the Pauls, the tea party
movement, etc., and are doing all that they can to destroy them - to corral all
political debate back into the predictable Republican-Democrat round. If that's
not done, who knows what people might start to think? (Remember that most
Americans - who didn't go to good colleges - are stupid red-necks, and easily 

Of course establishment scribes like Conason would have trouble actually
defending the policies of the administration (aggressive war, torture at Bagram,
summary execution of American citizens, denial of habeas corpus contrary to the
Constitution, etc.). So far better to suggest that all Obama critics are simply
motivated by racism, the one unforgivable sin on the liberal style-sheet.

Obamaism uses "Racist!" as McCarthyism used "Communist!" - and for a similar

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Re: [Marxism] The Roots of Rand Paul's Civil Rights Resentment

2010-05-22 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
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Speaking of the Paul family, his father has a long history of
association with the racist far-right. He had various newsletters
bearing his name that made blatantly racist comments for decades. He
makes the absurd claim that he didn't know this sort of thing was being
printed in his newsletter because he didn't read it. Even more absurdly,
everyone seems to believe him.

Here's a bit about it from Wikipedia:
On January 8, the day of the New Hampshire primary, The New Republic
published a story by James Kirchick quoting from selected newsletters
published under Paul's name. The publications had various names
bannering "Ron Paul" prominently in the title, such as The Ron Paul
Survival Report. Kirchick said that the writings showed "an obsession
with conspiracies, sympathy for the right-wing militia movement, and
deeply held bigotry", and were "saturated in racism", charges echoed by
Kevin Drum of the Washington Monthly's Political Animal blog. Kirchick
noted that one article referred to African-American rioters as
"barbarians" and suggested that the Los Angeles riots of 1992  only
stopped when it came time for "blacks to pick up their welfare checks".
Other issues gave tactical advice to local militia groups and advanced
various conspiracy theories.

Many, even worse examples can be found here:

On 05/22/2010 08:11 PM, wrote:
> The Roots of Rand Paul's Civil Rights Resentment
>  Lurking beneath the Paul family's libertarian
>  politics is a strategy of pandering to "populists"
>  like Pat Buchanan

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Re: [Marxism] Synthetic cell

2010-05-22 Thread Joseph Catron
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On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 11:16 AM, dan  wrote:

Does the announcement that an American team has managed to create
> artificial DNA and get it to reproduce within a cell, strengthen Marx's
> view that such an achievement would bring conclusive evidence that life
> is a phenomenon that emerges from inorganic chemistry ?

Is that a view that needs strengthening? Certainly many Americans reject it
(and are probably beyond convincing otherwise), but most of the world's
religions, not to mention the whole of global capital, resigned themselves
to it long ago.

And beyond that, I would say: not really. 46 of the most brilliant people in
the world managing to pull something off is hardly an argument for its
spontaneous occurrence. And rejiggering DNA is a far cry from creating the
cell itself.

"Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen

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[Marxism] Jim Crow supporters and Zionist settlers - birds of a feather

2010-05-22 Thread Dennis Brasky
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> <
> >

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Re: [Marxism] The Roots of Rand Paul's Civil Rights Resentment

2010-05-22 Thread Manuel Barrera
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> Obamaism uses "Racist!" as McCarthyism used "Communist!" - and for a similar
> purpose.

I would be careful with this kind of allegation; President Obama is actually 
being targeted for his race; witness the effigy burnings, assassination talk 
and assassination attempts (documented by Souther Poverty Law Center as one 
example); the emergence of racist right-wingers in the military, among other 
things. There is plenty to oppose in the Democratic Party President, and, for 
good or ill, the manner in which one raises this opposition must be taken so 
that it is clearly delineated from the racist hate-mongering going on. It's not 
easy, BUT IT IS NECESSARY. Indeed, one can argue that regardless of the 
ethnicity, a bourgeois liberal president is the chief in charge of implementing 
racist, imperialist, misogynistic, and anti-working class policies; witness who 
benefits and who loses by the sellout of healthcare reform, climate protection, 
continued imperialist war, terrorism by Israel toward Palestinians, etc. ad 
Indeed, the President seems to be the first to run away from addressing racism 
when confronted with specific attacks or affronts against him (witness the 
pathetic reconciliation with the racist cop who profiled the African-American 
professor in Cambridge, MA; first calling the incident for what it was and then 
backing off and having a beer with him at the White House just to acquiesce to 
the press). 
Revolutionists must be the most able to articulate opposition to the capitalist 
class and its mouthpieces in such a way that our opposition, and, more 
important, our clear solutions can be understood and supported by the most 
oppressed. Capitalism is the enemy and racism is one of its primary weapons in 
this advanced capitalist society. If we do not see this point and cannot 
differentiate ourselves from the rightist reaction who oppose the President for 
their fundamentally different purposes, we are not worthy to be called Marxists 
and can never be useful revolutionists. 

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