Re: [Marxism] WikiLeaks Site Taken Down

2010-12-01 Thread MARGARET WYLES
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China did it.

WikiLeaks website brought down in U.S. and Europe by 'powerful' cyber attack
'from China'

Read more:

The attack followed China urging Barack Obama to get a grip on the fallout
from leaked U.S. embassy documents that revealed Beijing is privately
preparing to abandon its ally North Korea.

According to cables made available by WikiLeaks, the Chinese are ready to
accept Korean reunification and increasingly believe their nuclear
activities are 'a threat to the whole world's security'.

Read more:

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Tom Cod  wrote:

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Re: [Marxism] 12-01-10 Like Radio before it , then TV: Obama's FCC chair wants 'to turn the Internet into cable TV'

2010-12-01 Thread Ralph Johansen
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Connecting dots? Two profiles of Obama's FCC chair, Julius Genachowski:

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[Marxism] 12-01-10 Like Radio before it , then TV: Obama's FCC chair wants 'to turn the Internet into cable TV'

2010-12-01 Thread Ralph Johansen
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[Again, quoting Assange: "He who controls today`s Internet servers 
controls the intellectual record of mankind." Whatever we get from the 
FCC this time around, we can be sure that, in a system where capital 
accumulation is the bottom line in communications as everywhere else and 
oligopoly is the mode of appropriation and control, barring massive 
public obstruction we're headed for the gutting of the internet as we 
know it and the dismantling of the closest approximation we have had to 
unfettered, free mass communication.]

Published on Wednesday, December 1, 2010 by The Nation
America Needs Real Net Neutrality, Not a False Promise from a 
Compromising FCC Chair
by John Nichols

When Barack Obama was running for president, he made Net Neutrality an 
issue  [1] 
-- pledging to defend the core values of a free and open Internet by 
assuring that all Americans would have equal access to all websites and 
to all the promise of this digital age. [2]

Asked in 2007 if he would "make it a priority in your first year of 
office to re-instate Net Neutrality as the law of the land" and "pledge 
to only appoint FCC commissioners that support open Internet principles 
like Net Neutrality," candidate Obama responded by saying 
 [1]: "I 
am a strong supporter of net neutrality," said Obama. "What you've been 
seeing is some lobbying that says [Internet providers] should be able to 
be gatekeepers and able to charge different rates to different 
websites... so you could get much better quality from the Fox News site 
and you'd be getting rotten service from the mom and pop sites. And that 
I think destroys one of the best things about the Internet -- which is 
that there is this incredible equality there... as president I'm going 
to make sure that is the principle that my FCC commissioners are 
applying as we move forward."

That commitment made Obama a favorite contender among tech-savvy voters 
in general and especially among young voters who see through the spin of 
telecommunications corporations that seek to do away with Net Neutrality 
so they can choose which websites consumers could easily and effectively 
access -- based on whether the owners of the sites paid the providers 
top dollar.

There was never any question that Obama understood the issues involved.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that Obama still talks a good game 
regarding Net Neutrality 

[3], the man he appointed to chair the Federal Communications 
Commission, Julius Genachowski, is proposing a "Net Neutrality" rule 
that bares scant resemblance to what candidate Obama promised.

Genachowski's plan, which he unveiled Wednesday and which he wants the 
FCC to vote on December 21, does not restore Net Neutrality as it 
existed before a Republican-dominated FCC took steps to undermine the 
principle, nor does it guarantee Internet freedom and flexibility. (You 
can read Genachowski's plan here  [4].)

An analysis being circulated by the Save the Internet Coalition 
 [5]asserts that Genachowski's 
"proposed rule is riddled with loopholes, and falls far short of what's 
necessary to prevent phone and cable companies from turning the Internet 
into cable TV: where they decide what moves fast, what moves slow, and 
whether they can price gouge you or not: a shiny jewel for companies 
like AT&T and Comcast."

Specifically, the analysis argues  [5] 
that the chairman's proposal:

   1. Fails to restore the FCC's authority over Internet service
  providers (ISP's) like Comcast and AT&T. This guarantees that the
  new rules, if passed, will be swiftly rejected by the courts. Any
  other future rules related to the Internet, such as competition
  policy (that would give you more choices than your expensive
  monopoly cable and phone company) would suffer the same fate if
  the Chairman continues to avoid the simple procedure that would
  restore his agency's authority.
   2. Allows the loophole of 'specialized services,' which effectively
  allows these companies to split the Internet into fast and slow
  lanes that Net Neutrality is trying to prevent. To make matters
  worse, the proposal has weak protections against "paid
  prioritization". That is, ISP's charging content providers extra
  to get their product to move quicker across the Net than others'.
   3. Fails to make even Genachowski's tepid protections apply to
  wireless connections. With the inevitable explosion of

[Marxism] Assange lawyer speaks

2010-12-01 Thread Rory Dufficy
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"Apparently having consensual s-x in Sweden without a condom is
punishable by a term of imprisonment of a minimum of two years for
r-pe. That is the basis for a reinstitution of r-pe charges against
WikiLeaks figurehead Julian Assange that is destined to make Sweden
and its justice system the laughing stock of the world and
dramatically damage its reputation as a model of modernity.

Sweden’s Public Prosecutor’s Office was embarrassed in August this
year when it leaked to the media that it was seeking to arrest Assange
for r-pe, then on the same day withdrew the arrest warrant because in
its own words there was “no evidence”. The damage to Assange’s
reputation is incalculable. More than three quarters of internet
references to his name refer to r-pe. Now, three months on and three
prosecutors later, the Swedes seem to be clear on their basis to
proceed. Consensual s-x that started out with a condom ended up
without one, ergo, the s-x was not consensual.

For three months Assange had been waiting in vain to hear whether
media statements by and for the two female “victims” that there was no
fear or violence were going to be embellished so the charges might be
carried forward due to greater seriousness. Such statements would stop
a r-pe charge in any Western country dead in its tracks. R-pe is a
crime of violence, duress or deception. You can r-pe someone by
deluding them into thinking you are someone else or by drugging them
or by reason of their young age but essentially it’s a crime of

The women here are near to and over 30 and have international
experience, some of it working in Swedish government embassies. There
is no suggestion of drugs nor identity concealment. Far from it. Both
women boasted of their celebrity connection to Assange after the
events that they would now see him destroyed for.

That further evidence hasn’t been confected to make the charges less
absurd does Sweden no credit because it has no choice in the matter.
The phenomena of social networking through the internet and mobile
phones constrains Swedish authorities from augmenting the evidence
against Assange because it would look even less credible in the face
of tweets by Anna Ardin and SMS texts by Sofia Wilén boasting of their
respective conquests after the “crimes”.

In the case of Ardin it is clear that she has thrown a party in
Assange’s honour at her flat after the “crime” and tweeted to her
followers that she is with the “the world’s coolest smartest people,
it’s amazing!”. Go on the internet and see for yourself. That Ardin
has sought unsuccessfully to delete these exculpatory tweets from the
public record should be a matter of grave concern. That she has
published on the internet a guide on how to get revenge on cheating
boyfriends ever graver. The exact content of Wilén’s mobile phone
texts is not yet known but their bragging and exculpatory character
has been confirmed by Swedish prosecutors. Niether Wilén’s nor Ardin’s
texts complain of r-pe.

But then neither Arden nor Wilén complained to the police but rather
“sought advice”, a technique in Sweden enabling citizens to avoid just
punishment for making false complaints. They sought advice together,
having collaborated and irrevocably tainted each other’s evidence
beforehand. Their SMS texts to each other show a plan to contact the
Swedish newspaper Expressen beforehand in order to maximise the damage
to Assange. They belong to the same political group and attended a
public lecture given by Assange and organised by them. You can see
Wilén on the YouTube video of the event even now.

Of course, their celebrity lawyer Claes Borgström was questioned as to
how the women themselves could be essentially contradicting the legal
characterisation of Swedish prosecutors; a crime of non-consent by
consent. Borgström’s answer is emblematic of how divorced from reality
this matter is. “They (the women) are not jurists”. You need a law
degree to know whether you have been r-ped or not in Sweden. In the
context of such double think, the question of how the Swedish
authorities propose to deal with victims who neither saw themselves as
such nor acted as such is easily answered: You’re not a Swedish lawyer
so you wouldn’t understand anyway. The consent of both women to s-x
with Assange has been confirmed by prosecutors.

Proposed reforms of Swedish r-pe laws would introduce a test of
whether the unequal power relations between the parties might void the
sincerely expressed consent of one party. In this case, presumably,
the politically active Ardin, with experience fielding gender equity
complaints as a gender equity officer at Uppsala University, had h

Re: [Marxism] A comment by Diana Johnstone on "A Serbian film, " Croats and Muslims, and the left

2010-12-01 Thread Tom Cod
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How so?

On 12/1/10 10:31 PM, Tom Cod wrote:
> > I've bookmarked some of these for further analysis, but I have to say
> that
> > any reference to Trotsky's view of the Ukraine as moral authority in this
> > context should be viewed with skepticism . . .
> This is totally non sequitur.

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Re: [Marxism] A comment by Diana Johnstone on "A Serbian film, " Croats and Muslims, and the left

2010-12-01 Thread Tom Cod
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here's a link to Voline, who wrote the intro to Arshinov's book, and who
himself wrote "The Unknown Revolution", about anarchist uprisings during the
period of the Great War and the Bolshevik Revolution, a work I've never been
able to track down until just now.

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Re: [Marxism] A comment by Diana Johnstone on "A Serbian film, " Croats and Muslims, and the left

2010-12-01 Thread Louis Proyect
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On 12/1/10 10:31 PM, Tom Cod wrote:
> I've bookmarked some of these for further analysis, but I have to say that
> any reference to Trotsky's view of the Ukraine as moral authority in this
> context should be viewed with skepticism as his role there as a leader of
> the Soviet regime was notorious as he played a brutal role there in
> suppressing the Ukrainian insurgent workers and peasants during the period
> of the revolution.  Peter Arshinov's book on the Makho movement in the
> Ukraine, which I picked up in a radical bookstore in the 70s, reproduces
> Trotsky's "War Order No. 1" in which he ordered the dispersal of the
> All-Ukranian Congress of Soviets and the summary execution of its deputies.

This is totally non sequitur.

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Re: [Marxism] A comment by Diana Johnstone on "A Serbian film, " Croats and Muslims, and the left

2010-12-01 Thread Tom Cod
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I've bookmarked some of these for further analysis, but I have to say that
any reference to Trotsky's view of the Ukraine as moral authority in this
context should be viewed with skepticism as his role there as a leader of
the Soviet regime was notorious as he played a brutal role there in
suppressing the Ukrainian insurgent workers and peasants during the period
of the revolution.  Peter Arshinov's book on the Makho movement in the
Ukraine, which I picked up in a radical bookstore in the 70s, reproduces
Trotsky's "War Order No. 1" in which he ordered the dispersal of the
All-Ukranian Congress of Soviets and the summary execution of its deputies.
 Yeah, I know, we're not supposed to bring up Trotsky-Stalin stuff here, but
moderated broached the issue.  Moreover, whether something is a "Marxist
analysis", what I don't purport to present, begs the question of what
actually occurred (whether something "passes muster" in material and
empirical terms). Nonetheless, Makhno's army remained steadfast opponents of
the Whites, dealing them a critical defeat in 1919 that saved the Russian
Soviet regime.

For people looking for a Marxist analysis of the Balkan wars, I believe
> my own articles pass muster:
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Re: [Marxism] A comment by Diana Johnstone on "A Serbian film, " Croats and Muslims, and the left

2010-12-01 Thread Shane Mage
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On Dec 1, 2010, at 6:56 PM, Paddy Apling wrote:
> I spent several years of my youth in Venezia Giulia, as a junior  
> office in the British Army...

> ...I knew very well that...they had only begun the Second Front (D- 
> DAY) BECAUSE OTHERWISE THE WHOLE OF Western Europe would certainly  
> be liberated from the Nazis by the Red Army...

I was a bit younger than Paddy, but I remember, in 1942-43, reading  
the Daily Worker and PM, listening to Johannes Steel and Elmer Davis  
on the radio.  For two years the whole of Stalinist/fellow-traveler  
propaganda centered on one and only one point: the demand for an  
immediate Second Front.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] A comment by Diana Johnstone on "A Serbian film, " Croats and Muslims, and the left

2010-12-01 Thread glparramatta
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For an alternative viewpoint on the Balkans, see the articles collected 

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Re: [Marxism] A comment by Diana Johnstone on "A Serbian film, " Croats and Muslims, and the left

2010-12-01 Thread Louis Proyect
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On 12/1/10 9:11 PM, Tom Cod wrote:

> Then again, we had the Chetnik Great Serbian chauvinist collaborators of the
> Axis in World War 2, Chetnik having been also aptly used as a political
> epithet by Milosevic's political opponents against him and his followers in
> the 80s and 90s.  Emblematic of that,  forces allied with Milocevic have
> been demanding that Tito's remains be disinterred from his tomb in Belgrade
> and sent back to Zagreb based on his ethnicity, at least according to Tito's
> grandson. So let's not be too knee jerk in our analysis.  Like the Irish in
> 1916, the Muslims of Bosnia and Kosovo had the right to accept material aid
> from whomever.  To me it is ironic, looking for example at the review pages
> of Johnstone's books on amazon, to see leftists lining up with anti-Islamic
> bigots worthy of O'Reilly and Beck.

For people looking for a Marxist analysis of the Balkan wars, I believe 
my own articles pass muster:

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Re: [Marxism] WikiLeaks Site Taken Down

2010-12-01 Thread MARGARET WYLES
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On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Tom Cod  wrote:

> ==
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>From the article.
Swedish police issued an international arrest warrant on Wednesday, though
they haven't filed formal charges.

I thought Interpol was issuing an international arrest warrant.  Is it
common to issue an arrest warrant and not file formal charges?   If the
charges are solely for rape, why would Interpol be involved?

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Re: [Marxism] A comment by Diana Johnstone on "A Serbian film, " Croats and Muslims, and the left

2010-12-01 Thread Tom Cod
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Then again, we had the Chetnik Great Serbian chauvinist collaborators of the
Axis in World War 2, Chetnik having been also aptly used as a political
epithet by Milosevic's political opponents against him and his followers in
the 80s and 90s.  Emblematic of that,  forces allied with Milocevic have
been demanding that Tito's remains be disinterred from his tomb in Belgrade
and sent back to Zagreb based on his ethnicity, at least according to Tito's
grandson. So let's not be too knee jerk in our analysis.  Like the Irish in
1916, the Muslims of Bosnia and Kosovo had the right to accept material aid
from whomever.  To me it is ironic, looking for example at the review pages
of Johnstone's books on amazon, to see leftists lining up with anti-Islamic
bigots worthy of O'Reilly and Beck.  The Machiavellian dictum, often
ascribed to Mao, that your enemies enemy is your friend, has a lot of
applicability, but it is not a universal substitute for a concrete analysis
that starts from the facts.

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Paddy Apling wrote:

> ==
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> ==
>   The Serbs were the leading elements in the Yugoslav partisans (in spite
> of the fact that their charismatic leader was the Croat Josep Broz Tito) -
> and consequently were those who must be castigated as the "hated dictators"
> of the period.
> As one who was young, and in the British army in those crucial years of
> 1944-48, it seems so simple to understand the REAL forces and interests
> involved in so much that occurred afterwards - and I constantly find it so
> difficult to understand why so many of those,  who believe they are on the
> left - and even revolutionary - find it so difficult to understand which
> side they should be on. (Do they not even know that Croatia was a puppet
> republic under the Nazis ?)
> Paddy

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[Marxism] The Madrid Cables

2010-12-01 Thread Louis Proyect
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The Madrid Cables

By Scott Horton

In Spain, the WikiLeaks disclosures have dominated the news for three 
days now. The reporting has been led by the level-headed El País, with 
its nationwide competitor, Público, lagging only a bit behind. Attention 
has focused on three separate matters, each pending in the Spanish 
national security court, the Audiencia Nacional: the investigation into 
the 2003 death of a Spanish cameraman, José Cuoso, as a result of the 
mistaken shelling of Baghdad’s Palestine Hotel by a U.S. tank; an 
investigation into the torture of Spanish subjects held at Guantánamo; 
and a probe into the use of Spanish bases and airfields for 
extraordinary renditions flights, including the one which took Khaled 
El-Masri to Baghdad and then on to Afghanistan in 2003.

These cables reveal a large-scale, closely coordinated effort by the 
State Department to obstruct these criminal investigations. High-ranking 
U.S. visitors such as former Republican Party Chair Mel Martinez, 
Senator Greg Judd, and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano were 
corralled into this effort, warning Spanish political leaders that the 
criminal investigations would “be misunderstood” and would harm 
bilateral relations. The U.S. diplomats also sought out and communicated 
directly with judges and prosecutors, attempting to steer the cases into 
the hands of judges of their choosing. The cables also reflect an 
absolutely extraordinary rapport between the Madrid embassy and Spanish 
prosecutors, who repeatedly appear to be doing the embassy’s bidding.


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[Marxism] Fiji Water....

2010-12-01 Thread Erik Toren
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They are back...

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Re: [Marxism] A comment by Diana Johnstone on "A Serbian film, " Croats and Muslims, and the left

2010-12-01 Thread Paddy Apling
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How right Diana is.

I spent several years of my youth in Venezia Giulia, as a junior office in the 
British Army, so had it early inscribed in my brain how to distinguish a Croat 
Ustashi from a Slovene partisan (anti-fascist).

During the years of the Balkan conflict I have been constantly appalled at how 
easily the British and American publics have been so easily swindled into 
accepting the NATO View of the disintegration of the democratic socialist 
republic of Yugoslavia, constituted following so many years of such bloody 
struggle against the Nazi-fascist invaders and their Ustashi allies.

Did I think in 1945 that we had REALLY won the war against fascism?  No - I 
knew very well that those who in Britain and the USA who, in 1939, had really 
wanted a war on the side of Hitler against the USSR, were still in command in 
the West - that they had only begun the Second Front (D-DAY) BECAUSE OTHERWISE 
THE WHOLE OF Western Europe would certainly be liberated from the Nazis by the 
Red Army (their REAL enemy).

The assessment of all that has happened since then really depends on 
understanding this fundamental truth - the role-back of all that had been 
achieved by the Yugoslav partisans in the "no-man's land" between the areas of 
Europe liberated, and subsequently "occupied" by the Red Army, and the areas 
"liberated" and occupied by the "Western Powers" of USA and GB was the crucial 
determinant of USA/GB foreign policy from 1945 (or even before) until the 
present day.  The Serbs were the leading elements in the Yugoslav partisans (in 
spite of the fact that their charismatic leader was the Croat Josep Broz Tito) 
- and consequently were those who must be castigated as the "hated dictators" 
of the period.

As one who was young, and in the British army in those crucial years of 
1944-48, it seems so simple to understand the REAL forces and interests 
involved in so much that occurred afterwards - and I constantly find it so 
difficult to understand why so many of those,  who believe they are on the left 
- and even revolutionary - find it so difficult to understand which side they 
should be on. (Do they not even know that Croatia was a puppet republic under 
the Nazis ?)


-Original Message-
[] On 
Behalf Of David Thorstad
Sent: 01 December 2010 10:17 PM
Subject: [Marxism] A comment by Diana Johnstone on "A Serbian film, " Croats 
and Muslims, and the left

Here's a further comment by Diana Johnstone, posted with her permission, 
in response to the awful ahistoric note by a "Bosnian friend" posted 
earlier. David

It becomes clearer and clearer to me that the Anglo-American-Israeli 
imperialist axis was eager to sustain and rejuvenate the moral dualism 
that triumphed to their advantage from the conflict with Nazi Germany in 
World War II.

They – and first of all, journalists eager to live in those exciting 
times – jumped at the propaganda version of the Yugoslav civil wars 
cooked up by the Ruder Finn public relations agency on behalf of the 
Croats and Bosnian Muslims. This served up Serbs as Nazis and Muslims as 
Jews. From then on, the scenario was written, and reporters simply had 
to jerk the tears.

Almost the entire left, with nothing else exciting to do, fell for this 
Manichean rehash hook, line and sinker.

And what has happened now, is that the Serbs=Nazis + Muslims=Jews 
equation has been so internalized that any attempt to hint at reality is 
automatically and vehemently rejected as "negationism" on a par with 
Holocaust denial.

Many Muslims of course enjoy being promoted to the status of Jewish 
Holocaust victims, without realizing that all this is a morality play 
serving to perpetuate war against Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and 


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Re: [Marxism] ASorry, Frank. I paid for them and I can see them if I want to.

2010-12-01 Thread Mark Lause
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Jon Stewart did make a very good point of all this the other night.  While
defending WikiLeaks, he also pointed out that it was quite naive to think
that anything WikiLeaks disclosed was going to shock Americans.

As a people, Americans have managed to process vast quantities of bullshit
with so much as a hiccup...and certainly no real indigestion


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Re: [Marxism] WikiLeaks Site Taken Down

2010-12-01 Thread Mark Lause
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I love the comments by would-be Democratic Vice President Joe Lieberman.

Let's hear it for lesser-evil politics


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Re: [Marxism] ASorry, Frank. I paid for them and I can see them if I want to.

2010-12-01 Thread Paddy Apling
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WikiLeaks certainly embarrasses the "powers that be" - which is certainly
all to the good.  Surely it will awaken some to the disgustingly anti=human
activities of these powers - but there must also be the negative effect that
the result of  these leaks is to just vastly increase the security network
these powers set up against us.

Who wins in the end all depends on us - and millions more, not only
realising how we are being duped, mislead and exploited, but also being
prepared to "to put our lives on the line" in opposing this system and its
leaders until we REALLY get a change !!

Just at the moment WikiLeaks is a great help to our argument and propaganda
and should be warmly welcomed.  In the long term it will only have a
positive effect if our use of it brings many others into sufficient activity
which starts to get rid of the bastards exposed by their own words unleashed
to the public by WikiLeaks

THIS is the main argument in question - everything else is a sidetrack


-Original Message-
[] On
Behalf Of Shane Mage
Sent: 01 December 2010 10:12 PM
Subject: [Marxism] ASorry, Frank. I paid for them and I can see them if I
want to.

"This idea that the publication of private conversations and  
communications is in the public interest"

So the official, publicly funded, communications of the most  
militarily powerful state apparatus in the world are "private  
conversations and communications!" Sorry, Frank.  We paid for them and  
we have a moral right to see them if we want to.

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Re: [Marxism] A comment by Diana Johnstone on "A Serbian film, " Croats and Muslims, and the left

2010-12-01 Thread Thomas Bias
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Jeez, Ruder Finn is still in business? They were a client of a type shop I 
worked in during the 1980s.--TB

They – and first of all, journalists eager to live in those exciting 
times – jumped at the propaganda version of the Yugoslav civil wars 
cooked up by the Ruder Finn public relations agency on behalf of the 
Croats and Bosnian Muslims. This served up Serbs as Nazis and Muslims as 
Jews. From then on, the scenario was written, and reporters simply had 
to jerk the tears.

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[Marxism] A comment by Diana Johnstone on "A Serbian film, " Croats and Muslims, and the left

2010-12-01 Thread David Thorstad
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Here's a further comment by Diana Johnstone, posted with her permission, 
in response to the awful ahistoric note by a "Bosnian friend" posted 
earlier. David

It becomes clearer and clearer to me that the Anglo-American-Israeli 
imperialist axis was eager to sustain and rejuvenate the moral dualism 
that triumphed to their advantage from the conflict with Nazi Germany in 
World War II.

They – and first of all, journalists eager to live in those exciting 
times – jumped at the propaganda version of the Yugoslav civil wars 
cooked up by the Ruder Finn public relations agency on behalf of the 
Croats and Bosnian Muslims. This served up Serbs as Nazis and Muslims as 
Jews. From then on, the scenario was written, and reporters simply had 
to jerk the tears.

Almost the entire left, with nothing else exciting to do, fell for this 
Manichean rehash hook, line and sinker.

And what has happened now, is that the Serbs=Nazis + Muslims=Jews 
equation has been so internalized that any attempt to hint at reality is 
automatically and vehemently rejected as "negationism" on a par with 
Holocaust denial.

Many Muslims of course enjoy being promoted to the status of Jewish 
Holocaust victims, without realizing that all this is a morality play 
serving to perpetuate war against Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and 


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[Marxism] ASorry, Frank. I paid for them and I can see them if I want to.

2010-12-01 Thread Shane Mage
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On Dec 1, 2010, at 3:53 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:
"This idea that the publication of private conversations and  
communications is in the public interest"

So the official, publicly funded, communications of the most  
militarily powerful state apparatus in the world are "private  
conversations and communications!" Sorry, Frank.  We paid for them and  
we have a moral right to see them if we want to.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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[Marxism] Frank Furedi does not like Wikileaks

2010-12-01 Thread Louis Proyect
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Re: [Marxism] Of Perhaps Some Small Interest

2010-12-01 Thread S. Artesian
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And speaking of German debt:

WSJ of 11/30 published a breakdown of German bank exposure to the debt of 
the EU core; the EU PIIGS [Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain], and 
other EU countries in  THREE sectors:  debt of other banks, sovereign debt, 
corporate debt;

So for German banks in the PIIGS Category:

exposure to debt of other banks:  euro 180 billion [out of a total exposure 
to debt of other EU banks of  euro 405 billion]
exposure to debt of corporations: euro 200 billion [out of a total exposure 
EU corporate debt of  euro 460 billion]
exposure to sovereign debt: euro 90 billion [total EU exposure euro 121 

Half a trillion here, half a trillion there, pretty soon you're talking 
about unreal money.

- Original Message - 
From: "Vladimiro Giacche'"  

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[Marxism] "A Serbian Film"-From a Bosnian Friend

2010-12-01 Thread David Thorstad
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Ismail Lagardien wrote:

  fast forwarded through most of serbian film. probably the worst example
of stylized chauvinism I've ever watched. which wouldn't bother me much 
if the
film wasn't coming from a country that is in a complete denial about its 
past. the violence that this film celebrates is legitimized by that past.

I haven't seen the film either. However:
1. It is absurd to think one can comment intelligently about any film if 
the way one "sees" it is by fast-forwarding.
2. What "fascist past"? Serbia, it so happens, was virtually the only 
part of Yugoslavia to be an ally of the West against Hitler (unlike 
Croatia and Slovenia, for example). I may be no expert on the history of 
Yugoslavia, but to say it has a "fascist past" strikes me as utter 

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[Marxism] Bill Gates debates sociobiologist Matt Ridley about Africa’s future

2010-12-01 Thread Louis Proyect
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In a debate that is remarkable for the mendacity of its 
participants, Microsoft billionaire and self-appointed savior of 
the world’s poor answers one Matt Ridley in the pages of the Wall 
Street Journal last Saturday, an appropriate locale for such 
figures. Gates’s piece, titled Africa Needs Aid, Not Flawed 
Theories, an attack on Ridley’s latest exercise in sociobiology 
“The Rational Optimist.” Unlike most sociobiologists who lean 
toward Hobbesian pessimism, Ridley is one of those people who 
think that our genes predispose us to cooperation. His 1997 
Origins of Virtue argues that the human mind has evolved a special 
instinct for social exchange, for example. Gates, like Soros and 
other movers and shakers, appears very much worried about the 
ability of the capitalist system to reproduce itself and therefore 
finds Ridley’s arguments Panglossian even though he does not use 
that term:

Mr. Ridley dismisses concern about climate change as another 
instance of unfounded pessimism. His discussion in this chapter is 
provocative, but he fails to prove that we shouldn’t invest in 
reducing greenhouse gases. I asked Ken Caldeira, a scientist who 
studies global ecology at the Carnegie Institution for Science, to 
look over this part of the book. He pointed out that Mr. Ridley 
celebrates declining air-pollution emissions in the U.S. but does 
not acknowledge that this has come about because of government 
regulations based on publicly funded science, which Mr. Ridley 
opposes. As Mr. Caldeira rightly observes, “It is a wonder of 
development that our economy can grow as air pollution 
diminishes.” What is true of the U.S. case, I’d suggest, can be 
true of the world as a whole as we deal with the challenges posed 
by climate change.

Gates does admit that it is possible to be overly pessimistic:

The most obvious instance of excessive pessimism in [John Stuart] 
Mill’s era was the “Communist Manifesto.” In one of history’s 
great ironies, Karl Marx used the profits from the German textile 
mills of Friedrich Engels’s father to support the writing and 
distribution of a political philosophy based on pessimism about 

Of course, the Communist Manifesto was neither “optimistic” nor 
“pessimistic” about capitalism. It simply recorded that it was 
transforming the world and creating the objective conditions for 


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[Marxism] Leading Republican mouthpiece urges Assange to be executed

2010-12-01 Thread Louis Proyect
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US embassy cables culprit should be executed, says Mike Huckabee

Republican presidential hopeful wants the person responsible for 
the WikiLeaks cables to face capital punishment for treason

by Haroon Siddique and Matthew Weaver

Mike Huckabee Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said, 
'Whoever in our government leaked that information is guilty of 
treason, and I think anything less than execution is too kind a 
penalty'. Photograph: Tony Gutierrez/AP

The Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee has called for 
whoever leaked the 250,000 US diplomatic cables to be executed.

Huckabee, who ran unsuccessfully for the Republican nomination at 
the last election but is one of the favourites for 2012, joined a 
growing number of people demanding the severest punishment 
possible for those behind the leak, which has prompted a global 
diplomatic crisis.

His fellow potential Republican nominee Sarah Palin had already 
called for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be "hunted down", 
and an adviser to the Canadian prime minister has echoed her comments.

Huckabee said: "Whoever in our government leaked that information 
is guilty of treason, and I think anything less than execution is 
too kind a penalty."

He added, according to Politico: "They've put American lives at 
risk. They put relationships that will take decades to rebuild at 
risk. They knew full well that they were handling sensitive 
documents they were entrusted.

"And anyone who had access to that level of information was not 
only a person who understood what their rules were, but they also 
signed, under oath, a commitment that they would not violate. They 
did … Any lives they endangered, they're personally responsible 
for and the blood is on their hands."

Bradley Manning, a US army intelligence analyst suspected of 
leaking the diplomatic cables, is currently being held at a 
military base. He has been charged with transferring classified 
data and delivering national defence information to an 
unauthorised source. He faces a court martial and up to 52 years 
in prison.

The 23-year-old was arrested after boasting in instant messages 
and emails to a high-profile former hacker, Adrian Lamo, that he 
had passed the material to WikiLeaks along with a highly 
classified video of US forces killing unarmed civilians in Baghdad.

Kathleen McFarland, who served in the Pentagon under the Nixon, 
Ford and Reagan administrations, concurred with Huckabee. "It's 
time to up the charges," said McFarland, now a Fox News national 
security analyst. "Let's charge him and try him for treason. If he 
is found guilty, he should be executed."

It is not just the Americans who are demanding blood. Tom 
Flanagan, a senior adviser to the Canadian prime minister, Stephen 
Harper, issued what has been described as a fatwa against Assange, 
on the Canadian TV station CBC.

"I think Assange should be assassinated, actually," he said. "I 
think Obama should put out a contract and maybe use a drone or 
something." Flanagan chuckled as he made the comment but did not 
retract it when questioned, adding: "I wouldn't feel unhappy if 
Assange does disappear."

Revelations directly relating to Canada have been few and far 
between so far, although there was some embarrassment for Harper 
in the leak of a US embassy note from one of the French 
president's key foreign advisers. It explained that Harper was 
invited to last year's D-day commemorations in Normandy only 
because his government was in trouble.

Assange is facing growing legal problems around the world.

The US has announced it is investigating whether he has violated 
its espionage laws, and his details have been added to Interpol's 
worldwide wanted list, based on an arrest warrant issued by 
Swedish prosecutors in connection with rape allegations.

On Monday, Sarah Palin wrote on Facebook: "He is an anti-American 
operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified 
documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to 
the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we 
pursue al-Qaida and Taliban leaders?"

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[Marxism] World bourgeoisie escalates campaign against Assange

2010-12-01 Thread Louis Proyect
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Rape charges land Assange on Interpol list

The Associated Press
Tuesday, November 30, 2010; 6:50 PM

PARIS -- Interpol has placed the Australian-born founder of 
WikiLeaks on its most-wanted list after Sweden issued an arrest 
warrant against him as part of a drawn-out rape investigation.

The Lyon, France-based international police organization has 
issued a "red notice" for 39-year old Julian Assange - the 
equivalent of putting him on its most wanted list.

The issuance by Interpol was expected after a Swedish court in 
mid-November approved a motion to have Assange brought in for 
questioning. The notice, posted on Interpol's site Tuesday, is 
likely to make international travel more difficult for him.

Assange, whose whereabouts are unknown, is suspected of rape, 
sexual molestation and unlawful coercion. He has denied the 
allegations, which stem from his encounters with two women during 
a visit to Sweden in August.

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[Marxism] U. of Minnesota embroiled in Turkish-Armenian genocide controversy

2010-12-01 Thread Louis Proyect
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Suit Over 'Unreliable Websites'
December 1, 2010

The University of Minnesota was sued in federal court Tuesday over 
allegations that a website maintained by its Holocaust studies 
center defamed a Turkish-American organization in a way that 
raised First Amendment and due process issues. The suit came just 
days after the Holocaust center removed the material that is the 
focus of the suit -- although the university maintains that it 
acted as part of a routine review and not because of the threat of 

Underlying the legal dispute is the debate over what happened to 
the Armenians during World War I. Among most scholars of genocide, 
there is a wide consensus that the deaths (some say up to 1.5 
million of them) constituted a genocide. A minority of scholars 
(and many Turkish-American groups) disagree -- and some of those 
who differ have been called "deniers." The material that was 
removed from the Minnesota website was a list of "unreliable 
websites" for research on genocide -- including the website of the 
Turkish Coalition of America.

The Minnesota lawsuit follows a retraction (under legal pressure) 
by the Southern Poverty Law Center of statements it made about a 
retired University of Massachusetts professor who has written 
books that cast doubt on the view that the Armenians suffered a 
genocide. David Saltzman, a lawyer involved in the suit against 
Minnesota and the one against the Southern Poverty Law Center, 
said in an interview Tuesday night that "the prospect of further 
litigation is great."

Minnesota's Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies (CHGS) 
features a range of materials for use by students, researchers and 
teachers. The list of "unreliable" links was included in the mix 
of offerings.

Bruno Chaouat, director of the center, posted a note this week 
explaining that a review of the website had been going on -- 
irrespective of the complaints of Turkish-American groups. "I 
decided to remove the section providing links to 'unreliable 
websites.' My rationale was quite simple: never promote, even 
negatively, sources of illegitimate information," he wrote. 
"During almost 20 years working in higher education, I have never 
put a dubious source on a syllabus for my students, not even for 
the purpose of delegitimizing the source. The decision to remove 
the links to 'unreliable websites' was made before the Turkish 
Coalition of America began its efforts to intimidate CHGS into 
removing the links. The links were replaced with legitimate 
information devoted to the history, ideology and psychology of 
Holocaust and genocide denial."

Chaouat added that he believes that what happened to the Armenians 
was in fact genocide. "On behalf of the CHGS, I want to reiterate 
that in accordance with the vast majority of serious and rigorous 
historians, the CHGS considers the massacre of the Armenians 
during World War I as a case of genocide."

The Minnesota Holocaust studies center still features a "warning 
to researchers" that states: "Students and researchers should be 
aware that there is a proliferation of websites operated by 
Holocaust and genocide deniers that CHGS and others in the 
academic community consider unreliable. CHGS encourages all 
researchers to exercise caution when they use the Internet and any 
other media (films, books, journals, etc). Our center, staff, 
advisory board and experts are here to assist researchers on a 
case-by-case basis. We consider it our obligation to orient 
researchers toward reference materials which, in our opinion, 
represent the best scholarship in the field of Holocaust and 
genocide issues."

Saltzman, the lawyer for the Turkish Coalition of America, said 
that the removed list amounted to defamation of the views of the 
Turkish group and had the impact of limiting academic freedom 
because students would feel discouraged from quoting materials 
from a group labeled "unreliable" by a university source. Further, 
he said that there were due process issues because there was no 
formal way for a group like the coalition to appeal the placement 
of its website on the "unreliable" list.

As to the First Amendment, he said that the university gave "a 
clear overtone of an academic penalty" for anyone who used the 
Turkish group's materials. (Those materials continue to dispute 
the Armenian genocide.) Saltzman said that he considered the 
"warning to researchers" to be "a poor cousin" to the original 
list of questionable websites. The university, he said, "is saying 
'we're no long defaming by wide broadcast, but we're going to 
whisper it to you if you call us.' "

Minnesota officials were not able to respond to the lawsuit 
Tuesday night. But Mark Rotenberg, g

[Marxism] Intellectual Proletarians in the 20th Century

2010-12-01 Thread Louis Proyect
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November 28, 2010
Intellectual Proletarians in the 20th Century
By Heather Steffen

Academic labor has lost a lot of ground, and fast, in the last few 
decades. In 1970 roughly three-quarters of professors were on the 
tenure-track; now only 27 percent are, according to the American 
Federation of Teachers. Most critics focus on the recent 
acceleration of this distressing situation, but the precarious 
position of college teachers was felt as early as the Progressive 
Era, when the modern American University first took shape. Looking 
at the difficult conditions of academic labor then—and the efforts 
of Progressive Era reformers—gives us historical perspective and 
insight into today's labor crisis in higher education.

Between 1870 and 1920, the number of institutions of higher 
education in the United States nearly doubled, from 563 to 1,041, 
and the faculty population grew by a factor of almost nine, from 
5,553 to 48,615. In 1870 only 1.1 percent of Americans ages 18 to 
24 were enrolled in postsecondary education; by 1920, 4.7 percent 
were. The average college in 1870 had 10 faculty members and 98 
students, but by 1910, it housed 38 faculty members and 374 
students, with the largest institutions boasting enrollments of 
5,000 or more by 1915. Women and African-Americans entered newly 
founded colleges like Vassar and Spelman in the 19th century, and 
students also began to attend junior colleges and for-profit 
correspondence schools.

The academy's rapid expansion changed how universities were run, 
who was running them, and what was taught. Governing boards, 
previously composed of ministers and clergymen, were stocked with 
businessmen, lawyers, and educators. Professional, medical, and 
graduate schools were added to existing colleges, and the elective 
and course-credit systems individualized undergraduate education. 
Responding to the developing needs of industrial capital, the 
overall goal of higher education shifted from the production of 
genteel citizens to preparation for work in the emerging professions.

Historians of higher education call this period the Age of the 
University, but one could just as accurately describe it as the 
age of university critique. No part of the fledgling institution 
was immune to debate and controversy. Railing against 
businessmen-cum-trustees in his 1918 book, The Higher Learning in 
America, Thorstein Veblen modestly proposed abolishing boards on 
the grounds that "they have ceased to exercise any function other 
than a bootless meddling with academic matters which they do not 
understand." He was equally unreserved in his condemnation of 
university architecture, accusing campuses of "housing the quest 
of truth in an edifice of false pretenses."

A young Randolph S. Bourne became the subject of a New York Times 
article on how "Students Pity Workers" when he editorialized in 
the Columbia paper about a "gaunt scrubwoman" and "undersized, 
starving child" staffing the University. "College life" became a 
popular fascination, and undergraduates alternately praised and 
scorned elite fraternities like those immortalized in Owen 
Johnson's novel Stover at Yale (1912).

For faculty members, the Age of the University was a time of 
reorganization and power struggles. Most faculty members were 
untenured. Pay was considered insufficient to maintain them in the 
proper style, and some professors began their careers with debt 
accrued in graduate school. Ruled by autocratic presidents in 
thrall of plutocratic boards, administrations were derided as 
bloated and controlling. Curricular changes led teachers to 
self-deprecatingly describe themselves as department-store clerks 
hawking credits.

A first wave of Progressive Era criticism of labor conditions in 
academe focused on professors' salaries. Upton Sinclair captured 
the feeling in his book The Goose-Step: A Study of American Higher 
Education (1923). To research the book Sinclair traveled to 25 
cities and interviewed hundreds of educators and students. He 
summarized his findings: "There are few more pitiful proletarians 
in America than the underpaid, overworked, and contemptuously 
ignored rank-and-file college teacher. Everyone has more than 
he—trustees and presidents, coaches and trainers, merchants and 
tailors, architects and building contractors, sometimes even 
masons and carpenters."

Sinclair's description stands in contrast to the widespread belief 
that college teaching became professionalized at the turn of the 
century. Professors were beginning to earn doctorates, more of 
them were turning to specialized research and joining professional 
organizations, and business and government began to consult this 

[Marxism] ALBA and the Promise of Cooperative Development

2010-12-01 Thread Louis Proyect
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ALBA and the Promise of Cooperative Development
by Martin Hart-Landsberg

Existing international economic institutions and relations operate 
in ways detrimental to third world development. That is why eight 
Latin American and Caribbean countries—led by Venezuela, Cuba, and 
Bolivia—are working to build the Bolivarian Alliance for the 
Americas (ALBA), a regional initiative designed to promote new, 
nonmarket-shaped structures and patterns of economic cooperation.1

ALBA does this, in part, by providing a framework for member 
governments to create partnerships between existing national state 
enterprises as well as new regional public enterprises. The 
resulting initiatives, although still few in number, have helped 
member governments strengthen planning capacities, modernize 
national industrial and agricultural operations, and provide 
essential social services to their citizens.2

In response to worsening international economic conditions, ALBA 
has recently stepped up efforts to promote a full-blown regional 
development process. In November 2008, member governments 
announced their support for an ALBA People’s Trade Agreement “that 
protects our countries from the depredation of transnational 
capital, foments the development of our economies and constitutes 
a space liberated from the inoperative global financial 
institutions and the monopoly of the dollar as the currency for 
trade and reserves.”3 Although the precise terms of the agreement 
are still to be negotiated, official statements point to the 
creation of an integrated trade and monetary zone, with a new 
regionally created currency, the sucre.


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Re: [Marxism] Of Perhaps Some Small Interest

2010-12-01 Thread Vladimiro Giacche'
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Please, put things in the correct order: 
Portugal, Spain, and Belgium or Italy. ;-)
But I find really amusing that NOBODY says what's at stake: the German banks 
(184 bn euro only in Ireland...).

And what about the next big targets? UK and USA...
Six months perhaps?  
> Not to detract from the wiki issue, but we might want to pay 
> some attention to what is happening in the European Union, and 
> the fact that Spain and Italy are about to receive the Irish 
> treatment.

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[Marxism] It’s the End of the World as We Know It… Zizek and the End Times | Dissident Voice

2010-12-01 Thread Ron J
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Re: [Marxism] Washington considers espionage charges against Assange

2010-12-01 Thread Intense Red
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 > The Pentagon Papers counted because the US had lost control of the
 > battlefield.

   Call me dense, but I hope the "battlefield" you're talking about is 
public opinion. Because from my view, the military situation in Afghanistan 
isn't much better than in Vietnam.

 > Nobody's disgusted who wasn't disgusted before.
 > Why is that?
 > A:  Because there is no draft

   That is one huge key. The Pentagon knew exactly what it was doing when it 
got rid of the draft and created a professional, volunteer army.

 > B:  Because everybody already knows that the lies are lies, torture is
 > torture, etc. and  one side thinks all of that is justified, or at the
 > very worst, the few broken eggs needed to make the omelet.

   True, but I have to wonder if it's more than that. Community has declined 
dramatically since the 60s. This can be measured in everything from the 
increased number of hours watching TV to the fewer number of friends people 
have. That combined with even more relentless "individualism" and 
the "greed is good" mentality that permeates our culture, could it be that 
the American people as a whole have simply become less compassionate, more 
vicious and more callous to the suffering of others?

"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are 
evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." -- Albert 

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