Re: [Marxism] Guardian Headline -Surprise - Not

2010-12-07 Thread Gary MacLennan
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 Sartesian wrote:

 Oh, they definitely want to get rid of him [Obama].  He served his purpose,
 and now
 it's time to go.

 Why?  For the same reason they wanted to get rid of Gordon Brown:  it's
 to smack the shit out of the working class, and with such force that it
 make  Maggie, Attila the Hen, Thatcher,  Paul Volcker, and the Chicago Boys
 look like Cub Scouts helping the elderly across the street.

 ...Obama can't rally that type of madness, and viciousness.   It takes a
 old white boy to do that-- somebody who makes Cheney look like Jonas Salk.

My comment:

I wonder who that would be?  Palin?  Surely not.  But every time I say that
about an election I am proved wrong.

Again I may sound naive, but surely even a decayed bourgeois democracy like
the USA cannot deliver the kind of Armageddon figure you say is needed by
the bourgeoisie.

On second thoughts: Don't answer that.



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Re: [Marxism] My employer reverses itself on Wikileaks

2010-12-07 Thread Paul Flewers
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Following from the warning to students not to touch the Wikileaks
material at Columbia University, I wonder if any Columbia University
professor has recommended to his or her students Merle Fainsod's
Smolensk Under Soviet Rule. A sort of Wikileaks of the Cold War
period, it was a translated selection from 200 000 pages of Soviet
state documents that had first been captured by the Germans as they
advanced into Soviet territory in 1941, then subsequently come into US
hands after the war. These were reproduced with not the slightest
by-your-leave from those from whom they were taken in the first place.

And what about Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin's The Mitrokhin
Archive, a recent two-volume set of translated selections from KGB
files acquired in dubious circumstances by defector Oleg Gordievsky?
Like the Smolensk documents, these too were reproduced without

Surely no respectable prof would want students to peruse these
collections of stolen documents?

Paul F

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[Marxism] Trotsky on Wikileaks (well, sort of) | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2010-12-07 Thread glparramatta
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Re: [Marxism] How big or important is the Wikileaks?

2010-12-07 Thread Paul Flewers
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Andy P asked: 'By the way -- has anyone yet made the parallel to
Trotsky's publishing of the Allies' secret diplomatic treaties?'

Yes, my erstwhile ganzer macher and today's Spiked supremo Frank
Füredi, who made the comparison between Trotsky and Assange expressly
to denigrate the latter and the Wikileaks endeavour as nothing other
but egotistic posturing. Those broadcasting personal information -- as
if diplomatic cables are personal letters amongst friends and family!
-- are no better than the purveyors of voyeuristic reality telly
shows. He also claimed that Wikileaks-style operations make it hard
for professors like himself to comment fairly amongst themselves about
their students because there is no guarantee that anything can stay
confidential anymore.

This kind of stuff shows that the former Marxist internationalist
cares not one jot about the wealth of information broadcast to the
general public via Wikileaks about the sordid reality behind US
diplomatic niceties around the world, the attitude of China towards
North Korea, the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Islamicist
extremism, and all the rest, and that all he's concerned about is
slotting this important episode -- the first mass public displaying of
state papers in most of our lifetimes -- into his feeble theoretical
hobby-horses, promoting his banal contrarianism, and defending the
student marking system in his college. His condemnation of the public
displaying of state confidential papers also jars somewhat with
Spiked's noisy campaign for Internet freedom.

Füredi's article can be found at .

Incidentally, on the telly the other evening was Jacqui 'Jackboot'
Smith, one of New Labour's most authoritarian Home Secretaries,
condemning this scandalous releasing of confidential state papers. How
ironic, as she (along with many other British politicians and public
figures) has been a firm advocate of the line that state surveillance
must be acceptable to the public on the basis that if you have done
nothing wrong, there's nothing to be worried about the state observing

Now, surely if our diplomats, military men and politicians are doing
nothing wrong, then they can have no reason to complain if we can do
the same to them and look at what they're doing.

Paul F

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[Marxism] [Spa] Irish worker priest victim of the 1976 regime remembered in Argentina

2010-12-07 Thread Néstor Gorojovsky
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Homenaje a Patrick Rice

Organismos de derechos humanos, familiares y amigos realizarán hoy, a
las 16, un homenaje a Patrick Rice, un ex cura obrero irlandés y
“militante de la vida” que también sufrió los horrores de la dictadura
como detenido-desaparecido. El mismo se realizará en donde funcionó la
capilla de la ex Esma, donde los capellanes de la Iglesia Católica
bendecían las acciones y a los miembros de los escuadrones de la
muerte de la Armada. A cinco meses de su fallecimiento, ese lugar
pasará a llamarse a partir de hoy “Espacio Patrick Rice”.


Néstor Gorojovsky
El texto principal de este correo puede no ser de mi autoría

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Re: [Marxism] How big or important is the Wikileaks?

2010-12-07 Thread Mark Lause
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Like all these questions, the actual importance of Wikileaks is a matter of
context.  What was important about what specifically a speaker might have to
say isn't as important as the attempt to silence him or her.  I can't even
recall offhand which speaker they tried to ban that sparked the rebellion of
May-June '68

Understanding the content of what has been leaked is a different matter, and
it reflects the present dysfunctional state of journalism and the society in
which it exists.  The analogy would be for me, as a historian, to decide not
to write a book but to take my notes, dump them on the floor, scan them in
that order and send them electronically.  Or selling computer software that
regularly crashes or freezes up the computer, being fully aware that the
public will buy it and use it because they really don't have an


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[Marxism] Leaks Suggest Iran Is Now Winning in the Middle East

2010-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect
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Leaks Suggest Iran Is Now Winning in the Middle East
Posted on Dec 7, 2010

By Juan Cole

Iran is winning and Israel is losing. That is the startling 
conclusion we reach if we consider how things have changed in the 
Middle East in the two years since most of the WikiLeaks State 
Department cables about Iran’s regional difficulties were written. 
Lebanon’s Sunni prime minister, once a virulent critic, quietly 
made his pilgrimage to the Iranian capital last week. Israeli 
hopes of separating Syria from Iran have been dashed. Turkey, once 
a strong ally of Israel, is now seeking better relations with Iran 
and with Lebanon’s Shiites.

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s visit to Iran was in part an 
attempt to reach out to a major foreign patron of his country’s 
Shiite Hezbollah Party. Hariri’s father, Rafiq, was mysteriously 
blown to kingdom come in 2005, and a United Nations tribunal is 
now rumored to be leaning toward implicating Hezbollah. Many 
Lebanese are terrified that the tribunal’s findings might set 
Kalashnikovs clattering again in Beirut, given that the Hariris 
are Sunni Muslims linked to Saudi Arabia, and their followers 
could attack Lebanese Shiites in reprisal. Lebanon, a small 
country of 4 million, is more than a third Shiite, but Christians 
and Sunni Muslims have formed the political elite for two centuries.

Hariri’s consultations with the ayatollahs in Tehran were an 
attempt to seek Iranian help in keeping Hezbollah militiamen in 
check (many Lebanese Shiites look to Iran as their external 
patron, just as many Sunnis look to Saudi Arabia and Christians to 
France and the U.S.). The talks also aimed at reconfirming Iranian 
pledges of economic aid to Beirut. In return, according to one 
anonymous Iranian source who spoke to Agence France-Presse, Hariri 
would throw his support behind Iran’s “development of nuclear 
capabilities for civilian and peaceful purposes.”

If true, it is a 180 degree turn. According to The New York Times, 
an August 2006 cable reports that Saad Hariri had said that “Iraq 
was unnecessary” but “Iran is necessary,” and that the U.S. “must 
be willing to go all the way if need be” to halt Iran’s nuclear 
enrichment program, should negotiations prove fruitless. As late 
as March 2008, according to another leaked cable published on the 
Al-Akhbar newspaper website, Lebanon’s Minister of Defense Elias 
Murr, a Christian, passed along advice on how the Israelis could 
effectively fight Hezbollah without alienating the Christian 
Lebanese, as Tel Aviv had with its bombing of the Christian north 
in 2006. (Murr now disputes the account in the cable.)

Not only has Hariri radically altered his discourse about Iran, 
but he has made an even more incredible turnaround regarding 
Iran’s best friend, Syria. In the past two years, President Michel 
Sleiman and Hariri have energetically sought a rapprochement with 
Syria, one of Hezbollah’s patrons. They sought to repair ties with 
Damascus that had been badly damaged by Beirut’s accusations that 
Syria backed the assassination of Rafiq Hariri, which had led to 
massive anti-Syrian demonstrations and the withdrawal of Syrian 
troops from Lebanon. Hariri now says he was wrong to accuse 
Damascus. The growing influence in Lebanon of Syrian strongman 
Bashar al-Asad has alarmed the Obama administration.

Likewise, during the past two years, Turkey has increasingly 
offered Lebanon its coat strings as a rising Middle Eastern 
regional power. Ankara and Beirut have concluded a treaty creating 
a free trade zone between the two countries, which Turkey hopes to 
expand to Syria and Jordan. In sharp contrast to the ambivalence 
of Lebanon’s own Sunnis and Christians, Turkish Prime Minister 
Recep Tayyip Erdogan came to Beirut on Nov. 23 and warned Israel, 
“If you invade Lebanon and Gaza using the most modern tanks and 
you destroy schools and hospitals, don’t expect us to be silent 
about it. We will not be silent, but will support what is right.” 
Erdogan also defended Hezbollah from rumors that it had itself 
been implicated in the elder Hariri’s assassination, saying that 
“no one could imagine” that the organization, which called itself 
Lebanon’s “spirit of resistance,” had been involved in the killing.

Turkey’s defense of Hezbollah tracked with Ankara’s improved 
relations with Iran itself. Turkey attempted to run interference 
at the United Nations Security Council for Iran’s nuclear 
enrichment program. When the council voted to ratchet up economic 
sanctions on Iran on June 9, Turkey and Brazil voted against the 
measure, and Lebanon abstained.

 From 2005 through 2006, Iran appeared to be on the retreat 

[Marxism] What's wrong with a primary challenge to Obama?

2010-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect
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[Marxism] Racist rabbis

2010-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect
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Top rabbis move to forbid renting homes to Arabs, say 'Israel 
belongs to Jews'

Dozens of Israel's municipal chief rabbis signed on to the ruling, 
which comes just months after the chief rabbi of Safed initiated a 
call urging Jews to refrain from renting or selling apartments to 

By Chaim Levinson

A numbr of leading rabbis who signed on to a religious ruling to 
forbid renting homes to gentiles – a move particularly aimed 
against Arabs – defended their decision on Tuesday with the 
declaration that the land of Israel belongs to the Jews.

Dozens of Israel's municipal chief rabbis signed on to the ruling, 
which comes just months after the chief rabbi of Safed initiated a 
call urging Jews to refrain from renting or selling apartments to 

Signatories include the chief rabbis of Ramat Hasharon, Ashdod, 
Kiryat Gat, Rishon Letzion, Carmiel, Gadera, Afula, Nahariya, 
Herzliya, Nahariya and Pardes Hannah, among a number of other cities.

We don't need to help Arabs set down roots in Israel, Rabbi 
Shlomo Aviner of the Beit El settlement, said on Tuesday. Aviner 
explained that he supported the move for two reasons: one, a Jew 
looking for an apartment should get preference over a gentile; and 
two, to keep the growing Arab population from settling too deeply.

Racism originated in the Torah, said Rabbi Yosef Scheinen, who 
heads the Ashdod Yeshiva. The land of Israel is designated for 
the people of Israel. This is what the Holy One Blessed Be He 
intended and that is what the [sage] Rashi interpreted.

He added that he did not see the move as racist so much as 
segregationist. The world is so big and the State of Israel is 
small, that God intended it for the people of Israel and the whole 
world covets it. That is the injustice.

Upon news of the religious ruling, Meretz faction whip Ilan Ghilon 
immediately asked the attorney general to dismiss each of the 
rabbis who had signed their names.

We are witnessing an epidemic of racism and xenophobia and we 
must act firmly, he said.

Deputy Knesset chairman MK Ahmed Tibi decried the letter as a 
mass crime [committed] by a group of racist rabbis who should be 
given intensive course in Jewish history.

The entire group should be tried for incitement to racism, added 
Tibi, Muslim clerics have recently been tried or fired from their 
jobs for much less but the rabbis are able to pursue their unruly 
behavior without concern.

Haifa Mayor Yonah Yahav termed the ruling the real desecration of 
God's name. It is bringing hatred against those with whom we have 
chosen to live our lives.

Nazareth Mayor Ramiz Jaraisy also decried the moving, declaring 
that whoever thinks it damages one side is mistaken. We are all 
children of the land. Both nations must search for common ground 
and not bring about escalation.

In their ruling, the rabbis called on the religious community to 
voice support Safed Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, who could face 
trial for incitement against Arabs for initiating the move against 
renting to gentiles.

Minority Affairs Minister Avishay Braverman has also asked Justice 
Minister Yaakov Neeman to begin the process of suspending Eliyahu 
immediately from his post as municipal rabbi.

Politicos from the national religious sector believe that the mass 
of prominent figures who signed on to the ruling – all of whose 
salaries are paid by public funds - will send a message to the 
attorney general to take Eliyahu's position seriously.

The rabbis' letter prompted by Eliyahu, which was first published 
months ago and reprinted in October, urges Jewish owners of 
apartments to reconsider renting their properties to Arabs since 
it would deflate the value of their homes as well as those in the 

Their way of life is different than that of Jews, the letter 
stated. Among [the gentiles] are those who are bitter and hateful 
toward us and who meddle into our lives to the point where they 
are a danger.

The rabbis also urge neighbors of anyone renting or selling 
property to Arabs to caution that person. After delivering the 
warning, the neighbor is then encouraged to issue notices to the 
general public and inform the community.

The neighbors and acquaintances [of a Jew who sells or rents to 
an Arab] must distance themselves from the Jew, refrain from doing 
business with him, deny him the right to read from the Torah, and 
similarly [ostracize] him until he goes back on this harmful 
deed, the letter reads.

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Re: [Marxism] How important is Wikileaks

2010-12-07 Thread sobuadhaigh
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With the latest ruling class hysteria that some of
the material from Wikileaks is directly benefiting
Al Qaeda, one wonders wether Assange is now marked 
to dissapear into a secret prison somewhere. The 
larger issues that this case brings up was put very 
well on another discussion site: 

The class dictatorship character of the bourgeois 
democratic state stands revealed before the world 
in a way that is new and huge. The resort to naked 
censorship, intimidation and calls for the extra-judicial 
execution of Assange are stark. So too is the contradiction 
between the promise of the internet as an electronic 
commons and the reality of corporate power (as reflected 
in the actions of Amazon and PayPal). 

For whatever the common knowledge about the sordid 
nature of US diplomacy, the revelation of this fault 
line within the digital world itself is important
and will have an effect way beyond the boundaries
of online socialists. As to effectively using
some of this material for agitation, I just received 
this today from the Campaign against the Israeli Occupation:

WikiLeaks Exposes U.S. Militarization of Middle East
The cables released so far by WikiLeaks shed light on 
behind-the-scenes struggles between Israel's quest for 
complete military dominance in the Middle East versus 
the U.S. desire to saturate the entire region with a 
flood of high-tech weapons. Read more about these 
revelations here:

WikiLeaks: Israel's Security Concerns Often Clash With 
U.S. Interests, by Josh Ruebner, our National Advocacy 

WikiLeaks: War, Diplomacy  Ban ki-Moon's Toothbrush, 
by Phyllis Bennis, a member of our steering committee

Top 10 Wikileaks Palestine Nuggets, by Yousef Munayyer of 
the Jerusalem Fund, one of our member organizations

WikiLeaks has done a great service, exposing in detail 
how U.S. diplomacy is geared toward flooding the Middle 
East with weapons, fueling a never-ending arms race, 
abetting Israel's crimes against innocent Palestinian 
and Lebanese civilians, maintaining U.S. wars 
that have cost hundreds of billions of dollars.


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[Marxism] Operation Avenge Assange

2010-12-07 Thread David Thorstad
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Jay Moore wrote:.

*Update:* Anonymous responded to Assange's arrest by taking down Swedish 
government site, the hive at 
13:15 EST has hit more than 600 users. This is more than enough to 
cripple a given domain, considering that has minimal 
infrastructure support.

The site linked is in fact inaccessible, and the idea sounds justifiable 
to harass the Swedish government. But isn't this the official site of 
the Swedish government?

It's functioning just fine.

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[Marxism] A proposal on Assange for the Peace Nobel by Diana Johnstone

2010-12-07 Thread David Thorstad
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The jailing of Julian Assange today in the UK amounts to perhaps the 
most significant revelation to emerge from the Wikileaks operations. It 
is a clear sign that we in the democratic West are not living in a 
free society.

Whenever before was Interpol mobilized to such an extent to jail someone 
on such dubious charges?

It is obvious that Assange is being persecuted for revelations that 
could conceivably arouse public opinion to oppose the war policies of 
the United States. That is only a remote possibility, given the 
ideological indoctrination of Euro-Atlantic populations, but the threat 
is considered serious enough to mobilize the judicial power of the U.S. 
empire to make an example of Julian Assange.

If Assange is not released soon, I propose forming a committee to 
nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize. Obviously the Norwegian stooges 
who awarded first Obama and then a Chinese dissident, whose cause was by 
no means as related to peace as that of Assange, but the nomination 
would at least help expose the hypocritical double standards that 
contribute to this deadly ideological indoctrination.

Diana Johnstone


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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Marv Gandall
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On 2010-12-07, at 8:58 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:
 Obama: On the way to a failed presidency?
 By Katrina vanden Heuvel
 Tuesday, December 7, 2010;
 Ronald Reagan famously quipped that the Democratic Party left him 
 before he left the party. Like many progressive supporters of 
 Barack Obama, I'm beginning to have the same feeling about this 
 Consider what we've seen since the shellacking Democrats took in 
 the fall elections.
 On Afghanistan, the administration has intimated that the 2011 
 pullout date is inoperable, with the White House talking 2014 
 and Gen. David H. Petraeus suggesting decades of occupation. On 
 bipartisanship, the president seems to think that cooperation 
 requires self-abasement. He apologized to the obstructionist 
 Republican leadership for not reaching out, a gesture reciprocated 
 with another poke in the eye. He chose to meet with the 
 hyper-partisan Chamber of Commerce after it ran one of the most 
 dishonest independent campaigns in memory. He appears to be 
 courting Roger Altman, a former investment banker, for his 
 economic team, leavening the Goldman Sachs flavor of his 
 administration with a salty Lehman Brothers

The subject line is another easy cheap shot at disillusioned liberals which 
misses the larger point that the article is further evidence of the rapidly 
growing distance between the Democratic leadership and the base of the party, 
particularly its important layer of more politically aware activists and public 
intellectuals. Krugman, Reich, Stiglitz, Frank Rich, Eugene Robinson, 
Olbermann, Maddow, vanden Huevel and others speak for a constituency larger 
than themselves, which at the present time is of more interest to me than their 
personal foibles, past histories, or to-be-expected illusions about reforming 
the Democratic party. Pity there is no longer a working class socialist left in 
and around the Democratic party, a bourgeois reform party supported by the 
unions and their various allies, with the connections, understanding, energy 
and organizational skills needed to advance the process further. 

Rather than delight in the dashed hopes of liberal public intellectuals, a more 
serious approach would pay careful attention to their political trajectory as a 
reflection of developments at the base. In this vein, I was struck by a recent 
comment from another angry disillusoned liberal, the economist James Galbraith:

The Democratic Party has become too associated with Wall Street. This is a 
fact. It is a structural problem. It seems to me that we as progressives need — 
this is my personal position — we need to draw a line and decide that we would 
be better off with an under-funded, fighting progressive minority party than a 
party marked by obvious duplicity and constant losses on every policy front as 
a result of the reversals in our own leadership.

A third party of any significance is not presently on the agenda, and won't 
likely be without a preceding faction fight inside the DP, or so it seems to 
me, but this is very strong language and the fact that the idea is even being 
floated in leading liberal circles suggests that something deeper and 
unprecedented is going on in the party than I had reason to believe. 

But to find this material - much more interesting, IMO, than the predictably 
boring denuciations of the DP leadership and ridicule of public liberals so 
prevalent here - you have to look for it, and with a mind open to all 

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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Gary MacLennan
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This is a very eloquent piece. And I file it under the Crisis of Liberal

It seems to me that we are getting inexorably closer to the come to jesus
moment, when Liberals have to choose. Their illusions which they wrap so
tightly around themselves are being ripped off with brutal ruthlessness.

Why this undending humiliation of Obama the true beleivers?  I accept
largely Lou's thesis that Obama was never the progressive he claimed to
be.   But he is now fast becoming a figure of ridicule and mockery.  The
contempt in ruling circles for the likes of Obama and those who believed in
him is palpable. Maybe Sartesion is right and Obama has served his purpose.
Perhaps he will be cast into the dustbin of history.

But I have an enduring belief in the power of liberals to keep inventing a
new illusion to grocvel behind. We seem somehow never to reach the moment
when man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions
of life, and his relations with his kind. So the wretched Obama might

I certainly hope not.



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[Marxism] Rethinking Conspiracy: The Political Philosophy of Julian Assange

2010-12-07 Thread PoliticNow
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Rethinking Conspiracy:  The Political Philosophy of Julian  Assange
by Peter Ludlow
Dept. of Philosophy
Northwestern University
_peterjlud...@gmail.com_ ( 
Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government  
owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To  
destroy this invisible government, to befoul this unholy alliance between  
corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of  statesmanship. 
-- President Theodore Roosevelt (epigraph from an  Assange paper)
There has been plenty of venom spewed about the recently arrested Julian  
Assange, ranging from calls for his assassination to claims that he is an  
anarchist and even (according to Newt Gingrich) that he runs a terrorist  
organization.  On the other side there have been those who view him  positively 
as a prophet of the “information wants to be free” hacker  ethic.   While I 
used to agree with the latter group, but I now  understand that this is a 
gross oversimplification of his views.   
I’ve been reading some of Assange’s more philosophical writings, ranging  
from blog posts to position papers.  While this work is scattered and at  
times technical (and certainly enthymematic) I think I have the gist of his  
position.  My goal in this note is explain his philosophical position as  
best as I can.  Since my goal is pedagogical, I won’t weigh in pro or con,  but 
I will conclude with some questions for further discussion.
To keep things as tight as possible, I’ve organized my summary of his  
position into three parts.  First, I’ll look at his view of what  conspiracies 
are and how they are formed.  Second, I’ll examine his views  about why 
conspiracies are necessarily harmful.  Third, I’ll turn to his  reason for t
hinking that leaks are optimal weapons for the dismantling of  conspiracies.
1.0  What are Conspiracies?
One of the core goals of Assange’s project is to dismantle what he calls  “
conspiracies.”  I use scare quotes here because he doesn’t mean  ‘
conspiracy’ in the usual sense of people sitting around in a room plotting some 
crime or deception.  As I understand Assange’s view it is entirely possible  
that there could be a conspiracy in which no person in the conspiracy was 
aware  that they were part of the conspiracy.  How is this possible?
I’ll get into details in a bit, but first I think the basic idea of a  
conspiracy with unwitting agents can be illustrated in a simple way.   Suppose 
that you have some information that is valuable – say some inside  
information about the financial state of a corporation.  If you immediately  
make that 
information public without acting on it, it is worth nothing to  you.  On 
the other hand, if you keep it to yourself you may not fully  profit from the 
information.  Ideally, you would like to seek out someone  that you could 
trade the information with, and who you could be sure would keep  the 
information close so that it remained valuable.  Let’s say that I have  similar 
information and that we trade it.  You may trade with other friends  and I may 
do likewise.  In each case we have simply traded information for  our own 
benefit, but we have also built a little network of information traders  who, 
hopefully, are keeping the information relatively close and are giving us  
something equally valuable in kind.  We may not know the scope of the  
network and we may not even realize we are part of a network, but we are, and  
this network constitutes a conspiracy as Assange understands it.  No one  sat 
down and agreed to form a network of inside information traders – the  
network has simply naturally emerged from our local individual bargains.   We 
say that the network is an emergent property of these bargains.
Emergent conspiracies like this needn’t be restricted to the business  
world.  Suppose that I am a reporter.  I would like to have some hot  news to 
report.  You agree to give me the inside information, but you do so  with the 
understanding that you and your network friends will act on your  
information before you give it to me and it becomes worthless when  published.  
I get 
my scoop, and you get to control the conditions under  which the information 
is made public.  I, as reporter, am now unknowingly  part of the 
conspiracy.  I am participating in the conspiracy by respecting  the secrets 
that the 
network wishes to keep, and releasing the secrets (and  sometimes 
misinformation) only when it is in the interest of the network to do  so.  I 
become a part of the network, and hence part of the  conspiracy.
The network need not start out as a conspiracy.  Suppose we have an  
organization (say the US State Department) and some of 

Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Lajany Otum
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Gary writes: 

 But I have an enduring belief in the power of liberals to keep inventing a
 new illusion to grovel behind. We seem somehow never to reach the moment
 when man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions
 of life, and his relations with his kind. 

Or as Richard Greener wrote in the article to which Gary was referring: 

If we start now there's time for a reliable, truthful, electable 
liberal-progressive Democrat to emerge.


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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect
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On 12/7/10 6:59 PM, Lajany Otum wrote:

 Or as Richard Greener wrote in the article to which Gary was referring:

 If we start now there's time for a reliable, truthful, electable
 liberal-progressive Democrat to emerge.

To which I wrote Richard: I think the chances for a socialist 
revolution are more auspicious.

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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Peggy Dobbins
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 It had not occurred to me that president Obama might recognize he should not 
 run for reelection and take himself out to assure election of someone further 
 to the left.  But that would be decent and shrewd, and in my opinion he is 
 both.I will oppose  this groundswell from the left that further weakens 
 him until I'm convinced it is not a play in behalf  of someone further right, 
 Secretary Clinton or former President Clinton, or a trap quite worthy of Karl 
 Rove, Newt Gingrich etal that smart people,too pure for the collective good 
 of the human species, are falling into.  Have people here read left wing 
 communism, an infantile disorder?  or the update of it by the Chairman of 
 the CP in west Germany before the end of east Germany, named something like 

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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect
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On 12/7/10 6:59 PM, Peggy Dobbins wrote:

 It had not occurred to me that president Obama might recognize he
 should not run for reelection and take himself out to assure election
 of someone further to the left.  But that would be decent and shrewd,
 and in my opinion he is both.I will oppose  this groundswell from
 the left that further weakens him until I'm convinced it is not a
 play in behalf  of someone further right, Secretary Clinton or former
 President Clinton, or a trap quite worthy of Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich
 etal that smart people,too pure for the collective good of the human
 species, are falling into.  Have people here read left wing
 communism, an infantile disorder?  or the update of it by the
 Chairman of the CP in west Germany before the end of east Germany,
 named something like Steinbenner?

Peggy, I have no idea why you have so many technical problems with this 
listserv. You sent the message above as if it were a reply but it would 
have been less confusing without the 's.

Now, I have indeed read Left-Wing Communism but it has nothing to do 
with the 2 party system in the USA. Lenin urged the CP to back SP 
candidates in order to get a hearing from rank-and-file members. He 
reasoned that they had no idea how treacherous their leaders were since 
they had never exercised power as a governing party. Once they did, the 
workers would be open to CP ideas but it was necessary to remove any 
obstacles to that dialog.

This has nothing to do with the Democratic Party that has been around 
since Andrew Jackson and that was the party of chattel slavery. Workers 
have seen it in action. Mostly they vote for it out of a sense of 
futility. We are trying to create a radical alternative to both the 
Democrats and the Republicans without worrying whether Palin will be 
elected because of our actions.

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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Gary MacLennan
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Peggy, Peggy, Peggy how could you?  The diatribe against 'Left wing
communism' only makes sense if one realises that there was a bona fide
Communism around.

We do not even have a bona fide liberalism.

Obama is one of two things - spineless, gutless, grovelling liberal


a shrewd opportunist who took advantage of the despair brought about by the
Bush years.

He now needs to somehow restore a little of the faux liberal pretensions
that he spun around us so beguilingly.

For me, speaking personally, it is our *sacred* duty as Marxists not to
assist him in that task in any way.



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[Marxism] Would Obama Prosecute Martin L. King Jr. for WikiLeaks' Revelations of War and Environmental Crimes?

2010-12-07 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Would Obama Prosecute Martin L. King Jr. for WikiLeaks' Revelations of War
and Environmental Crimes?


Or to put the question differently: Would Martin Luther King Jr. support and
defend Julian Assange's efforts to inform the public about war and corporate
environmental crimes?

Last night I watched The Great Debaters with Denzel Washington again, and
it occurred to me that during the arguments given in support of civil
disobedience that Julian Assange, publisher of, is practicing
civil disobedience and that the Obama administration is on the wrong side of

For much of his crusading career, Martin Luther King Jr. was regarded by the
U.S. Justice Department and Hoover's FBI an enemy of the state, a
terrorist, and a communist.   Many more accusations were made against
him for his attempt to shed light on human suffering that had its violent
roots in the acceptance of racism. Most people remember King for his
demonstrations against segregation and racism, but what the history books
conveniently leave out is his equally strong opposition against the Vietnam

Here is a passage taken from his Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break
delivered April 4
th, 1967.  When asked about Vietnam, he replied:

 They asked if our own nation wasn't using massive doses of violence to
solve its problems, to bring about the changes it wanted. Their questions
hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the
violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly
to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own
government. For the sake of those boys, for the sake of this government, for
the sake of hundreds of thousands trembling under our violence, I cannot be

Today, I have no doubt that, like Julian Assange, Martin Luther King Jr.
would be opposed to the unnecessary occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq.  He
would question the interests of Big Oil in these regions and he would also
defend Julian Assange's WikiLeaks revelations on corporate crimes committed
against nature and human beings, the exposure of toxins and pollution of our
air and water.

While Eric Holder spends his time prosecuting a Martin Luther King activist
for exposing corporate and war crimes via WikiLeaks that would otherwise
remain secret, he turns a blind eye to BP executives who've literally
destroyed the Gulf sea life and the economy of the Gulf, which is
understandable since he used to defend oil companies.

History will show that Obama's Justice Department prosecutes individuals who
believe the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq are morally and
legally wrong. Holder argues that WikiLeaks is putting troops at risk.
Martin L. King would reply to Holder: The use of military violence, for any
reason, gives opponents fuel for criticism and risks harming others.

One thing is for certain: President Obama is no Martin Luther King Jr. in
that one must practice what one preaches in campaigns, and he is no
environmentalist.  As TruthOut
The Obama administration has doled out billions of dollars in stimulus
money to some of the nation's biggest polluters and granted them sweeping
exemptions from the most basic form of environmental oversight... The
administration has awarded more than 179,000 'categorical exclusions' to
stimulus projects funded by federal agencies, freeing those projects from
review under the National Environmental Policy Act, or NEPA.

As Mark Karlin, Editor of Buzzflash, put it, on shutting down
WikiLeaks: President
Obama hangs an iron curtain between U.S. citizens and the Truth./node/12040

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Re: [Marxism] Rethinking Conspiracy: The Political Philosophy of Julian Assange

2010-12-07 Thread David Thorstad
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Ye gods, what a lot of quasi-academic verbiage delivered with unreadable 
pomposity. I gave up counting the Let's suppose, For example, and so 
on. The speech by Assange at the 2010 Oslo forum explaining his 
philosophy (posted on Nov. 29 on this list) shed far more light than all 
this blabber.

On 1:59 PM, wrote:
 Rethinking Conspiracy:  The Political Philosophy of Julian  Assange

 by Peter Ludlow

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Re: [Marxism] Carl Von Ossietzky

2010-12-07 Thread Gulf Mann
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You might have mentioned Obama, too. Notwithstanding, the prize still has
cachet and even a serious nomination campaign will offer some cover for for
Assange and Manning, who are right now isolated in a cell somewhere, and for
the Wikileaks workers, who are also under the gun. Including Ellsberg and
Russo in the nomination would be a tip o' the hat to 2 brave guys who also
put themselves in harm's way not so long ago by doing good, brave work. As
part of a broader fightback, a nomination for a joint Nobel would seem
justified and useful for our team.

In any event, you first read about the idea here, on good old Marxmail, less
than a week ago. As I mentioned earlier, god bless the Internet.

On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 4:47 PM, wrote:

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 Kissinger receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize exposed the exercise as
 political propaganda
 George Anthony
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Re: [Marxism] WSWS blasts Stewart over Assange comments

2010-12-07 Thread Gary MacLennan
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 Stewart selling out, or enjoying the cossetting?

Nah! Just being consistent. There are barricades (metaphorically
unfortunately) going up and Stewart knows which side to be on. This
particular Jester knows how to make a joke out of a serious thing.



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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Gary MacLennan
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I don't know if I have said this before (probably) but I was mightily struck
by the absence of references to Obama at a recent conference here in
Brisbane on Indigenous matters.  Shortly after his election, there was the
rhetoric of 'yes we can' coming from some Indigenous leaders. There was also
a real sense of pride that a Black man had been elected President.

But now I detect a sort of embarrassment and even shame about Obama.  He has
been so awful and is getting worse with every day.

It seems so long ago since people were worried that he would be assassinated
by the FBI/CIA/Whoever for being too radical.




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[Marxism] Spurned liver

2010-12-07 Thread Peggy Dobbins
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The spurned 'liver' above was a splendid typo for 'lover'. 

Do you really mean this?

Louis wrote:
We are trying to create a radical alternative to both the 
Democrats and the Republicans without worrying whether Palin will be 
elected because of our actions.

Peggy Powell Dobbins 
Sociology as an Art Form

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Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread Marv Gandall
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On 2010-12-07, at 7:00 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 On 12/7/10 6:59 PM, Lajany Otum wrote:
 Or as Richard Greener wrote in the article to which Gary was referring:
 If we start now there's time for a reliable, truthful, electable
 liberal-progressive Democrat to emerge.
 To which I wrote Richard: I think the chances for a socialist 
 revolution are more auspicious.

Both, of course, are equally inauspicious possibilities at the present time. 
The issue is whether going through the experience and inevitable frustration of 
trying to elect a liberal-progressive Democrat will lead your friend Richard 
and others like him to finally break with the party and start a new one to its 
left, or will drive him out of politics altogether. As we know, previous 
efforts of Marxists - including most famously, Lenin's advice in relation to 
the Labour Party - to enter bourgeois union-based reform parties in order to 
turn the base against the leadership as a prelude to a revolutionary split from 
it all ended in failure. But, so for that matter, have attempts to batter the 
DP and social democratic parties from the outside through the creation of 
Potemkin village progressive and revolutionary socialist parties which have 
also gone nowhere.

All of these failures, however, took place in a period when capitalism was 
expanding and, despite periodic crises, providing its working classes with 
steadily improving living standards. The mistaken assumption of the radical 
left was that the period was revolutionary, that the working class would become 
increasingly immiserated, and that capitalism would collapse under the weight 
of its internal contradictions. 

That long period of expansion and relative prosperity and job security has now 
ended in the advanced capitalist countries, and in the US is reflected in the 
inability of the Bush and Obama administration to resolve its mounting domestic 
and foreign policy crises. These have produced the tea party on the right and 
the growing disaffection within the Democratic party. Whether and how far these 
political developments will progress will depend on whether the bourgeoisie 
succeeds in containing these crises or whether they continue to deepen. Whether 
a future radicalization would begin inside the Democratic party, the seeds of 
which seem to me to be appearing, or outside of it, as most Marxmailers 
believe, is something we can only know in retrospect.

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Re: [Marxism] Spurned liver

2010-12-07 Thread Louis Proyect
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On 12/7/10 9:25 PM, Peggy Dobbins wrote:
 Do you really mean this?

 Louis wrote:
 We are trying to create a radical alternative to both the
 Democrats and the Republicans without worrying whether Palin will be
 elected because of our actions.

Of course. This is not the Gus Hall or Irving Howe mailing list. It is 
the Marxism mailing list.

Karl Marx:

Even where there is no prospect of achieving their election the workers 
must put up their own candidates to preserve their independence, to 
gauge their own strength and to bring their revolutionary position and 
party standpoint to public attention. They must not be led astray by the 
empty phrases of the democrats, who will maintain that the workers’ 
candidates will split the democratic party and offer the forces of 
reaction the chance of victory. All such talk means, in the final 
analysis, that the proletariat is to be swindled. The progress which the 
proletarian party will make by operating independently in this way is 
infinitely more important than the disadvantages resulting from the 
presence of a few reactionaries in the representative body. If the 
forces of democracy take decisive, terroristic action against the 
reaction from the very beginning, the reactionary influence in the 
election will already have been destroyed.


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[Marxism] Independent: Sweden preparing for rendition of Assange to US

2010-12-07 Thread Lajany Otum
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Informal discussions have already taken place between US and Swedish officials  
over the possibility of the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange being delivered
into American custody, according to diplomatic sources. 

Mr Assange is in a British jail awaiting extradition proceedings to Sweden
after being refused bail at Westminster Magistrates’ Court despite a number
of prominent public figures offering to stand as surety. 

His arrest in north London yesterday was described by the US Defence Secretary  
Robert Gates as “good news”, and may pave the way for extradition to America
and a possible lengthy jail sentence. 

The US Justice Department is considering charging Mr Assange with espionage
offences over his website’s unprecedented release of classified US
files. Several right-wing American politicians are pressing forhis 
prosecution and even execution, with Sarah Palin, the former
vice-presidential candidate, saying he should be pursued the same as
al-Qa’ida and Taliban leaders. 

Mr Assange’s appearance in the London court, the focus of massive
international media attention, puts Britain in the centre of the controversy
and recrimination over the publishing of thousands of diplomatic cables
have caused acute embarrassment to the administration in Washington.If the 
man responsible for putting them in the public domain is to besilenced, his 
supporters say, the process started here. 

The Swedish government seeks Mr Assange’s extradition for alleged sexual
offences against two women. 

Sources stressed that no extradition request would be submitted until and
unless the US government laid charges against Mr Assange, and that attempts
to take him to America would only take place after legal proceedings are
concluded in Sweden. 

Mr Assange, 39,  had voluntarily gone to a police station accompanied by
solicitors after the issuing of an international warrant. 

The court heard that Jemima Khan, the sister of the Conservative MP Zac
Goldsmith, the film director Ken Loach and journalist John Pilger were among
those who had offered to stand bail to the sum of £180,000. But District
Judge Howard Rule remanded him in custody on the grounds that there was a
risk the WikiLeaks founder would fail to surrender. 

Mr Loach, who offered £20,000, explained that he did not know Mr Assange other  
than by reputation, but he said: I think the work he has done has been a
public service. I think we are entitled to know the dealings of those that
govern us. Mr Pilger, who also offered £20,000, said he knew Mr Assange as
journalist and personal friend and had a very high regard for him. 

I am aware of the offences and I am also aware of quite a lot of the detail
around the offences,” said Mr Pilger. “I am here today because the charges
against him in Sweden are absurd and were judged as absurd by the chief
prosecutor there when she threw the whole thing out until a senior political
figure intervened. Ms Khan offered a further £20,000 or more if need be,
although she said she did not know Assange. 

Gemma Lindfield, appearing for the Swedish authorities, successfully opposed
bail being granted because there was a risk he would fail to surrender – and
also for his own protection, she said. She outlined five reasons why there
was a risk: his nomadic lifestyle, reports that he intended to seek asylum
in Switzerland, access to money from donors, his network of international
contacts and his Australian nationality. 

Mrs Lindfield added: Any number of people could take it upon themselves to
cause him harm. This is someone for whom, simply put, there is no condition,
even the most stringent, that would ensure he would surrender to the
jurisdiction of this court. 

Ms Lindfield told the court that Mr Assange was wanted in connection with four  
allegations of sexual offences.She said the first complainant, Miss A, said
she was victim of unlawful coercion on the night of 14 August in
The court heard Mr Assange is accused of using his body weight tohold her 
down in a sexual manner. 

The second charge alleged Mr Assange sexually molested Miss A by having sex   
with her without a condom when it was her express wish one should be used.
The third charge claimed Mr Assange deliberately molested Miss A on August
18 in a way designed to violate her sexual integrity. 

The fourth charge accused Mr Assange of having sex with a second woman, Miss
W, on 17 August without a condom while she was asleep at her 

Re: [Marxism] A letter from a spurned lover

2010-12-07 Thread S. Artesian
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Have you been paying attention at all to what's been happening over the past 
3, or 30 years, Peggy?

There isn't going to be a more socialist administration or congress, much 
less more socialist administration AND congress.  In fact there isn't now, 
nor has there ever been an administration or congress that was even the 
teeniest bit socialist... unless you're taking the word of the  the John 
Birch Society,  the Cato Institute, and the Chicago Boys.

This praying for the Messiah that never comes-- the liberal democrat riding 
on a white ass, or with a white ass, I forget which is the proper biblical 
allusion, is like a flying saucer cult-- or maybe the lost children in Mad 
Max Beyond Thunderdome... telling there little story of exodus, loss, and 
not being slack.

The only reason Rove's pick is going to win is because capitalism 
requires it to carry out its program of impoverishment-- just as that 
capitalism required Obama to do what he did-- carry out the Bush program in 
all essential facets but by another name.

Now that he's done that, disoriented and confused those disoriented and 
confused types who were sucker enough to believe Yes, he could-- adios 
Barack, maybe you and Jimmy Carter can build little houses for dispossessed 
people-- there are certainly going to be many more of those dispossessed and 
very soon.

- Original Message - 
From: Peggy Dobbins 

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Re: [Marxism] Independent: Sweden preparing for rendition of Assange to US

2010-12-07 Thread Jay Moore
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For those who may want to donate to the Wikileaks cause, Xipwire is now 
providing that service.  Go to:
 The pressure on WikiLeaks, which relies on online donations from a worldwide
 network of supporters to fund its work, continued after Visa and Mastercard
 suspended all payments to the website.

 A spokesman for Visa E said: Visa Europe has taken action to suspend Visa
 payment acceptance on WikiLeaks’ website pending further investigation into
 the nature of its business and whether it contravenes Visa operating rules.
 A MasterCard spokesman said: MasterCard is currently in the process of
 working to suspend the acceptance of MasterCard cards on WikiLeaks until the
 situation is resolved.”

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[Marxism] Assange accuser has CIA ties - Cuban press

2010-12-07 Thread Stuart Munckton
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] James Petras - The Democratic Party Debacle and the Dem...

2010-12-07 Thread Waistline2
In a message dated 12/6/2010 12:58:32 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_cb31...@gmail.com_ (  writes: 
Lack of a Soviet Union contributes to this.  The SU was more of the  
Center-Left's backbone than most of the left realized.
So very true. Petras time frame is 30 years and much has changed in 30  

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