Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed??

2009-09-16 Thread Joaquin Bustelo
Carroll: none of those posts ever bothered even to hint that perhaps we
should ask Lenin's question (even if we didn't accept his answers, which fit
1905): WITBD.

The absence of interest in this question; in fact the absence any hint that
the question existed, pretty much convinced me that the list was only
concerned with daily movement for its own sake (a la bernstein), with hopes
for the future occasionally thrown in for decoration.

Those of us that have been around for a while have all had occasion, often
many, to hear and perhaps even participate in formulating very self-assured
and categorical responses to the question of What Is To Be Done. While some
may disagree, blaming the vicissitudes of their particular sect or current
on objective circumstances, the perfidy of the bureaucracy (whether of the
misnamed socialist countries of unhappy memory or the almost as misnamed
U.S. labor movement), I believe the fault lies not in the stars, but in

Never mind not believing his answers a century ago apply to our situation,
Lenin posed the question WITBD at a specific time, when the Russian labor
movement was mature enough to make possible the drawing together of
scattered elements into a genuine workers party. The conditions that would
make possible the drawing together of such a party do not exist in the
United States nor have they for many decades. (I leave aside the question of
whether the Henry Wallace Movement, the Peace and Freedom Party, the Greens,
the Nader campaigns or similar could have eventually opened the door or led
to such a party. At any rate none of those efforts were a labor party, not
even in embryo because they lacked any real or organic connection to the
class movement, and that mainly because there is no politically independent
class movement.)

All the myths about Leninist party notwithstanding, WITBD is not about
organization at bottom but rather about the relationship between the nascent
party and the working class movement of which the party is the political
expression. That is why despite his insistence on the need for skilled
conspirators working underground (professional revolutionaries) he did not
treat the RSDLP as a closed circle with only members allowed access to
internal debates but rather these were carried out in public through
articles in the periodical press and special pamphlets. That is because in
Lenin's conception, which is the Marxist conception, the party is rooted in,
grows out of the actual class movement when it reaches a certain level of
development. That sort of class movement is precisely what we lack.

The most eloquent testimony to the lack of conditions anything like those
that led Lenin to pose his famous question is that with all sorts of
socialist groups in the U.S. adopting policies of colonization of factories,
industrial concentration, making their home in the working class, turning to
industry, or whatever phrase the specific outfit chose in order to claim
they were doing something different from everybody else, when in reality
they were all doing pretty much the same thing, none of them recruited a
single genuine hereditary proletarian from all their union and workplace
focus, or as close to as makes no difference. Instead, the union work
recruited socialists by the score into dropping their work as socialists.
This is not just a question of people adopting a mask or being discrete to
protect their livelihood or approaching their coworkers at a level they can
understand. I believe rather it is a function of the kind of labor movement
that we have, what Lenin called a bourgeois labour movement. (See
Imperialism and the Split in Socialism here:

Attempts by socialists to seriously lead current unions have led to some
more militant, combative or honest union leaderships, but has not meant a
break with the bourgeois labor movement, and cannot do so under current
circumstances because it is not a question of ideas in someone's head but
rather social realities. Bourgeois forces are completely hegemonic in the
organized labor movement. So for example, arguments in favor of political
independence from bourgeois parties in unions today have a completely
theoretical and unreal character, because a real party of working people
does not exist. And even if you had been able to convince some local or
other body to back Nader in one of his presidential campaigns, or McKinney,
the real meaning of that position is that the union is trying to pressure
the bourgeois  parties, usually the Democrats, into making more concessions.
And for all the other positions involved in the election, for Congress,
state legislature, city council, etc., the unions will back the Democrat or
if s/he is particularly repugnant, abstain in the given race, which has
pretty much the same meaning as voting for Nader, a move to pressure the
Democrats, not a break with them.

A similar statement could be made about 

Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed??

2009-09-03 Thread RicardoStarkey
In a message dated 9/3/2009 9:15:45 P.M. Pacific Daylight  Time, writes:
i don't want to spend my time picking through marxmail posts  looking for 
interesting discussions. i do want to spend time picking  through 
interesting discussions finding pointers to more in-depth  articles.
FWIW, I'm with Les  on this issue.  We all know where to find news on the 
net, and  there's already so much to try to keep up with on this list, that I 
think it  would be helpful to post only enough of the article to give us 
the  gist, and to encourage us to read it (along with the URL, of  course).
OTOH, I don't know  much about slow connections and bandwidth issues, so 
I'm in favor of the  greater good.
It's just that what  I find most interesting here are the unvarnished 
opinions of my comrades,  rather than the polished reports of professional 

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Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed??

2009-09-02 Thread Ambrose Andrews
 Patrick Bond wrote:
 I'm voting, as usual, for full posting of articles - copyrights be damned.

I agree, generally the burden of requiring *interactive* getting (by
web) of things in the context of poor connectivity is greater than the
burden of getting a large amount of redundant, but easily ignored
plain text, even in that same context.

2009/9/1 Les Schaffer

 i can think of two or three solutions to this problem...

 1. a separate companion list for news and forwards

I forsee a lot of confusion and peopl eforwarding to the long list and
a lot of reminders and reinforcements being required to make this

 3. Mailman has a Topics feature which is currently disabled, see
 details below. if everyone who forwarded would put a keyword like [fwd]
 or [news-item] in their subject line,  i think we could handle this.

That might be the most realistic solution, and the easiest to teach
people to conform to.


Ambrose Andrews
LPO box 8274 ANU Acton ACT 0200 Australia
CE38 8B79 C0A7 DF4A 4F54  E352 2647 19A1 DB3B F823
556A 6D19 0904 827C 9DB8  3697 32D0 1E11 403F 2BE1

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Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed??

2009-09-02 Thread Michael Karadjis
If this is some kind of plebescite, then I also cast my vote very 
strongly with Patrick, for the inclusion in most cases of full text of 
an article rather than just an url. Frankly, sending mere urls are a 
waste of good comrades' time, and I agree that this is much more a 
problem for comrades outside the imperialist centres, though it probably 
also is for poorer or less tech-savvy comrades even there.

Obviously that needs to be reinforced with emphasis on other protocols, 
ie, always including an url with the text, always clipping most of the 
text of the article you're replying to, and, conversely, RETAINING the 
small part of the text you are replying to so that readers can make 
sense of discussions. Several regular posters here do not do the latter, 
and so except for anyone reading every post, some of their replies to 
nothing apparently look like sheer nonsense.

- Original Message - 
From: Ambrose Andrews
To: Michael Karadjis
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed??

 Patrick Bond wrote:
 I'm voting, as usual, for full posting of articles - copyrights be 

I agree, generally the burden of requiring *interactive* getting (by
web) of things in the context of poor connectivity is greater than the
burden of getting a large amount of redundant, but easily ignored
plain text, even in that same context.

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Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed

2009-09-02 Thread Fred Feldman
Les wrote:
2009/9/1 Les Schaffer

 i can think of two or three solutions to this problem...

 1. a separate companion list for news and forwards

From my standpoint, this proposal is utterly without value.  My comments on
the list often, and even usually take the form of comments on articles, a
form of participation which Les apparently regards as not constituting
discussion because a post is attached. It is my experience that posts are
more often read if they are provided in full. So this is one of the ways I
participate in discussion, not the opposite of discussion as Les insists.

I don't do a lot of independent essay-writing, but mostly bounce off other
things that I read. Sign of a half-baked mind, of course, but that's me.

Separate list for discussion and articles would thus effectively paralyze a
large part of my participation.  
The very article Les chose to target was a discussion piece, not simply the
posting of an article. Les ignored that fact in his arguments counterposing
articles to discussion.

The approach Les suggests will tend to turn the list into a plethora of
three or four line back and forth discussion a propos of nothing in
particular. I think that's the road to hell.

The rule Les is now making obligatory is an obstacle for my participation.
But the owner owns. The moderator moderates. And we guests on their list
have to follow their rules, whether they make complete sense or not.

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Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed

2009-09-02 Thread S. Artesian
I don't really see a problem with the long posts.  Yesterday, for example, 
DNRath posted  a simply extraordinary, and long,  article on shipbreaking in 
India.  The list will be poorer without these types of contributions.

Speaking of contributions, several days ago in discussing railroads and 
development I floated to the list several ideas about development in, and 
the development of the revolution in Mexico.  I neglected to say that much 
of those ideas was worked out in offlist communication with Greg McDonald, 
whose own analysis sparked me to begin a deeper investigation of Mexico, and 
whose ideas, which sounded good to me before I started that investigation, 
sound still better now that I'm in the midst of it. 

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Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed??

2009-09-01 Thread Lüko Willms
Les Schaffer ( wrote on 2009-08-31 at 16:38:28 in  
about Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed??:
 but i have my own opinion on this. and that is, in my opinion, the list 
 has become way too much a news-forwarding list and much less so an 
 interesting list for discussions. 

  Talk to a certain L.P. who is forwarding two-thirds of articles or naked URLs 
and curtailing discussions. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed??

2009-09-01 Thread Les Schaffer
Lüko Willms wrote:
 Talk to a certain L.P. who is forwarding two-thirds of articles or 
 naked URLs  and curtailing discussions.

so you are agreeing with me that we should have less forwarding and more 

except Lou is one of the people who forwards stuff and who actively 
engages in discussion on this list. i doubt anyone on this list would 
claim Lou is not so actively engaged. are you saying others forward 
articles because Lou does? if Lou stopped forwarding, others would too?

the curtailing discussions must refer to when he unsubs people, which is 
a separate issue in my opinion. i'm with Mark Lause on this one, i would 
like to see more moderation in an effort to maximize discussion and 
minimize pissing contests and encourage forwarding to lead to discussion.


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Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed??

2009-09-01 Thread Les Schaffer
Patrick Bond wrote:
 I'm voting, as usual, for full posting of articles - copyrights be damned.

 The reason is that I sit at the base of Africa (in Durban) and I think 
 it's fair to say that this entire continent suffers a huge digital 
 divide in getting quick and reliable access to the internet. 

i can think of two or three solutions to this problem...

1. a separate companion list for news and forwards
2. modifying Mailman behavior to route forwards only to people who want 
them. i have some ideas on this.
3. Mailman has a Topics feature which is currently disabled, see 
details below. if everyone who forwarded would put a keyword like [fwd] 
or [news-item] in their subject line,  i think we could handle this.
 So my vote is for comrades to be comradely, and post the entire article. 
 If Louis needs some extra money to handle the added bandwidth for the 
 listserve, I'll be first to pony up.

hold that thought 


Mailman Topics:

The topic filter categorizes each incoming email message according to 
regular expression filters you specify below. If the message's Subject: 
or Keywords: header contains a match against a topic filter, the message 
is logically placed into a topic bucket. Each user can then choose to 
only receive messages from the mailing list for a particular topic 
bucket (or buckets). Any message not categorized in a topic bucket 
registered with the user is not delivered to the list.

Note that this feature only works with regular delivery, not digest 

The body of the message can also be optionally scanned for Subject: and 
Keywords: headers, as specified by the topics_bodylines_limit 
configuration variable.

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Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed??

2009-09-01 Thread Les Schaffer
Les Schaffer wrote:
 3. Mailman has a Topics feature 

reading the Topics description again myself, it seems the Mailman 
behavior would need to be modified so that people could subscribe to 
news and fwded content particularly while still receiving regular 
postings. i would not want to require normal posts to be tagged as 
normal somehow.


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Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed??

2009-08-31 Thread Les Schaffer
Jeff lays out the issue well. i would like to see some discussion on it. 
the Subject line is a little off, the rule is not about length of posts 
per se (the limit is 35 kB), but the length of a post which is already 
available somewhere else on the web.

one point: Jeff states that for the person who WANTS to read the entire 
article, THEIR download costs can be higher. true. the issue then 
becomes, DOES everyone want to read all this stuff? for people with slow 
downloads who do not want to read all of an article, the download costs 
go up without the rule. we would have to poll a majority of the 
subscribers to see for sure what is a win. and it may be we will revisit 
the rule about including entire web pages in a post.

but i have my own opinion on this. and that is, in my opinion, the list 
has become way too much a news-forwarding list and much less so an 
interesting list for discussions. i have said this online several times 
over the last year. so my focus is on re-invigorating useful discussions 
on list. to send snippets of a long article is certainly a means to 
start a discussion. but my sense is the ratio of forwards to discussions 
has gone up too high.

as a result, my vote is to things to limit the tendency to forward news 
and web pages around, and to do more to foster discussions.  this is 
indeed a change from our earlier rationale for the rule, which was 
focused on bandwidth per post.

Lou and I are kicking around the idea of having a companion list which 
would allow for forwarding of articles, web pages, news items, and so 
forth, that people could optionally subscribe to. to my mind, this 
allows everyone to forward as they like without cluttering up the 
discussion list for those that don't want to read all that stuff and 
don't want it to become the focus.

anyway, please discuss the issues of bandwidth, ease of reading long 
online articles, difficulty parsing long posts, etc.


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Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed??

2009-08-31 Thread Jeff
At 16:38 31/08/09 -0400, Les Schaffer wrote:

anyway, please discuss the issues of bandwidth, ease of reading long 
online articles, difficulty parsing long posts, etc.

And I just wanted to correct the numbers I threw out before, when I said
that the webpage (107KB) was 7 times more data than the same article sent
as an email (16KB). It's much worse! I hadn't noticed, but that particular
webpage (but again, this is typical) was only the FIRST of 3 containing
that article; the other two parts were probably of similar length. Also,
the 16KB of the email containing ALL the article's text is only 12KB longer
than a one-line email (4KB). So I could safely estimate that someone will
use more bandwidth viewing ONE such article on the web than receiving 20
such emails each containing the full text of such an article. (And that is
just for someone whose web browser is set not to download images).

Having put the bandwidth issue to rest, I will also thank Fred for copying
all 3 parts of that article into one email, for MY/OUR convenience!

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed??

2009-08-31 Thread Les Schaffer
Jeff wrote:
 And I just wanted to correct the numbers I threw out before, when I said
 that the webpage (107KB) was 7 times more data than the same article sent
 as an email (16KB). It's much worse! I hadn't noticed, but that particular
 webpage (but again, this is typical) was only the FIRST of 3 containing
 that article; the other two parts were probably of similar length.

Jeff fails to mention that one can forward a link to a printer-friendly 
version of the post which requires much less bandwidth. this, for 
example, delivers  less than 24 kB, though it is dynamically generated:

and his argument does not apply to those of us who do NOT want to read 
all this stuff. it only applies to those Marxmailers who want to read 
the entirety of all these web pages.

Another issue i forgot to mention earlier: inability of people to 
properly format a cut-and-pasted web page into their email application 
in such a way that the post is easily readable. this after years of 

But yes, more a readability issue than a bandwidth issue per se.

For a clutter-free marxmail future!


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Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed??

2009-08-31 Thread Mark Lause
Les offers a telling comment on the potential value of the list for opposed to the mere forwarding of electronic

I've suggested in the past...and would resurrect it here...that we
have particular topics for discussion at intervals.  Other things
could be posted, as usual, of course, but the subject for this week
should be such-and-such.  This would coax from lurkership the many
people who have something to say and might say it, if they thought the
floor was more open to their concern.

Just a suggestion.


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