M-TH: Membership

1999-03-21 Thread George Pennefather

What is the membership of Thaxis? And how do you I get information on the
mailing list etc.

The list is gone very quiet. A lot of people seemed to have left. Has Hugh
Rodale and Bob Malecki left?


 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Re: Capital and the state

1999-03-28 Thread George Pennefather

John Holloway and Sol Picciotto In Capital, Crisis and the State print the

It is our argument that a materialist theory of the state must extend and
develop this critique of the 'fantastic forms' assumed by social relations under
capitalism, Just as the analysis of the categories of political economy must
show them to be surface forms which have their genesis in surplus value
production as capitalist forms of exploitation, so the analysis of the state
must show it to be a particular phenomenal form of social relations which has
its genesis in that same capitalist form of exploitation. This implies, firstly,
that a materialist theory of the state begins by asking not in what way the
'economic base' determines the 'political superstructure', but by asking what it
is about the relations of production under capitalism that makes them assume
separate economic and political forms.

George: Value is a category of political economy yet it cannot be validly
regarded, as Holloway and Picciotto would have it, as a "surface forms" of
political economy.

They also mistakenly suggest in the above piece that "political forms" including
the capitalist state are forms of the relations of production. The capitalist
state is for them a social relation of production. This means, then, (that for
them) there obtains no essential difference between exchange value, commodity,
money, capital and the CAPITALIST STATE since they are all social relations of

As I have suggested before Holloway, Picciotto and Clarke by conceiving the
state as a social relation of production extend capital, as a social relation of
production, beyond the limits outlined in Marx's Capital. Consequently this trio
challenge the very nature of Capital and its categories and thereby Marx's
critique of political economy.

Warm regards

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---


1999-03-30 Thread George Pennefather

-Original Message-
Date: 30 March 1999 08:29

This post is about Yugoslavia and discusses in detail
the use of terms "fascism" and "ethnic cleansing" in the conflict,
so hopefully other list members will find this of interest.

I am also about to add links to the B92 banned Belgrade radio station
web-site from the top of ACF web-site - it's not anarchist or even left
wing, but it's updated regularly (last one I saw was at
16.00 CET, March 29, 1999).

You might want to cut and paste the HTML for this, for other sites:

News out of Belgrade from banned B92 Radio Station:
http://b92eng.opennet.org/">B92 Home Site (slow),
Lastest News (fast) via Mirror Sites in



Anarchist Communist Federation,
ACF c/o 84 Whitechapel High St, London E1 7QX, England UK

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 23 March 99
   Vol. 3, Number 24 (#240)



   - - - - -

  by tallpaul

 "The history of philosophy is the history of forgetting; so T.W.
 Adorno has remarked. Problems and ideas once examined fall out of
 sight and out of mind only to resurface later as novel and new. If
 anything the process seems to be intensifying; society remembers
 less and less faster and faster. The sign of the times is thought
 that has succumbed to fashion; it scorns the past as antiquated
 while touting the present as the best."
--  Russell Jacoby
Social Amnesia: A Critique of Contemporary Psychology From
   Adler to Laing

Clinton's speech to the nation showed that it is no longer necessary to
extensively rewrite history; sound bites and advertising jingles now
suffice. Even Social Amnesia has been forgotten; one no longer scorns
the past; one incorporates a created memory of a never-existing history
into the eternal present.

Clinton's speech presented several arguments ostensibly based on
experiences from World Wars One and Two on the dangers of "waiting too
long" to deal with aggression. He then used these otherwise-undescribed
"lessons" to justify bombing human beings in Serbia.

Have we so soon forgotten the real history of these past events?
Clinton, his speechwriters, and his cabinet believe so.


The President warned us of the dangers we experienced from WW I in
waiting too long to intervene against injustice. Too long! Let's
examine this history, as written in the Encyclopedia Britannica:

  "... a Serbian nationalist assassinated Archduke Francis
   Ferdinand of Austria at Sarajevo on June 28, 1914 "
  "On July 25 Serbia accepted all the Austro-Hungarian conditions
   save those two that directly compromised its sovereignty. Two days
   later Berchtold persuaded Francis Joseph to initiate war. At the
   same moment the Kaiser, returning from a yachting expedition, tried
   belatedly to restrain Vienna. On July 28 Austria declared war and
   bombarded Belgrade; on the same day the Tsar approved the
   mobilization of the Russian army against Austria, and alarms went
   off all over Europe. Sir Edward Grey, Kaiser William, and the
   Italian government all proposed negotiations, with the Austrians to
occupy Belgrade as a pledge of Serbian compliance. The German
   ambassador in St. Petersburg assured the Russians that Austria meant
   to annex no Serbian territory. But it was too little and far too
   late. In St. Petersburg the generals protested that partial
   mobilization would disrupt their contingency plans: How could Russia
   prepare to fight Austria-Hungary while leaving naked her border with
   Austria's ally Germany? The weak and vacillating Tsar Nicholas II
   was persuaded, and on the afternoon of July 30 he authorized general
   mobilization of the Russian army.
  "The previous day, Poincaré and Viviani had finall

M-TH: Serbia and imperialism

1999-04-01 Thread George Pennefather

Hi Folks

The United States led NATO bombing of Serbia is clearly an act of imperialist
aggression. There is no doubt that principled opposition must be mounted against
imperialism's attack on Serbia.

At the same time this means that opposition must be mounted against the current
Serbian regime and the the KLA. We must understand that the Serbian regime and
Kosovan nationalism have helped create the conditions facilitating this form of
imperialist aggression by NATO in the Balkans.

In a sense, then, all three forces have jointly contributed to creating the
conditions for imperialist aggression in the Balkans. In this sense the politics
of all three elements  are essentially imperialist and internally
interconnected--an imperialist alliance.

This means that to express opposition to aggression against Serbia we must also
express opposition to the Serbian regime and the Kosovan nationalists. This
means that principled revolutionary opposition must organise itself in the form
of opposition to NATO bombing, opposition to the reactionary actions of both the
Milosevic regime and  Serbian nationalists. Opposition by the working class
against imperialist aggression in the Balkans must be organised against all
anti-working class aggressors in the Balkans: NATO; Misosevic and the KLA.
This means that imperialism in the Balkans is fought by struggling to create a
revolutionary working class movement which has as its aim the establishment of a
workers communist federation of the Balkans  existing independently of any

Down with all nationalisms!

George Pennefather

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Melissa

1999-04-01 Thread George Pennefather

Hi Folks,
Has anybody heard of the virus Melissa. It is connected with email. It can
apparently access address books replicating mail.

A Jay Moore seems to have the virus in his email software.


 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Scholars and academics

1999-04-17 Thread George Pennefather

-Original Message-
From: Bill Bartlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 17 April 1999 04:34
Subject: Re: AUT: Re: Capital and the state

George Pennefather wrote:

>So you say John "life is class struggle". So when you or I do a
>shit or fart this forms part of the class struggle. Perhaps too you will
>inform your disciples as to what different roles in this class struggle the
>capitalist and the industrial worker play when they are both shitting. Ain't
>it all a lot of shit!

Well put George. But our shit can also become a commodity, its just a
question of supply and demand. Farts are a different question, taking  a
different form so to speak. At the moment supply of shits and farts
somewhat exceeds demand (especially on this list) so market prices are
depressed. This was, of course, entirely predictable in accordance with
Marx's classical theory of price.

But, I see I am only exacerbating the crisis of overproduction. ;-)

Here's another way of putting it:

  F R E E D O M   P R E S S
  I N T E R N A T I O N A L
  Volume 3 Number 9




Dear Editor,

One of my ethnobotanical friends once said to me that there were two
kinds of people to be found teaching in British universities. He
described these as the scholars and the academics.

The scholars (Lewis Mumford is an example) think of knowledge as
intrinsically a social product. It is thus something to be shared and
disseminated as widely as possible. So scholars write in a style that
is readable and accessible. As knowledge belongs to no one it is
fallacious to treat knowledge as a commodity, or the property of any
group or individual. Scholars, my friend said, were essentially
egalitarian: they believed in reciprocity and mutual aid, helped
others in their work, encouraged them to express and publish their
thoughts, and freely shared their own knowledge. Scholars moved freely
across disciplines, happily combined teaching and research, and
devoted their scholarship to critically exploring social issues and a
world outside of texts. They did not promote themselves as gurus,
resisted being made into academic icons or experts, and sought no
disciples. Nor did they act as patrons.

They were approachable, non-sectarian, valuing the diversity of
viewpoints and alternative  perspectives,  even  though expressing
their own commitments.

Academics, on the other hand, were quite different. Heidegger and
Wittgenstein are prototypes. They treat knowledge as a individual
product, either as a commodity, or as something to be kept secret or
confined to an exclusive, intellectual elite. Academics thus tend to
flaunt with great pretension their own originality and
self-importance. To do this they either cultivate intellectual
amnesia, or practice a kind of competitive 'slash and burn '
scholarship, or write in an 'elevated' or obscurantist, jargon-ridden
style, promoting the false idea that obscurity is the essence of
profundity. Academics hate teaching undergraduates, still less people
outside the university setting, and devote themselves to academic
research, usually of an esoteric nature, meeting only with
postgraduate research students who they cultivate as devotees.
Emphasising hierarchy, academics actively promote themselves as
'gurus' or as academic icons' or 'experts', and surround themselves if
they can with admiring disciples who promote their own work. They thus
actively promote patron-client relationships. Academics also tend to
be sectarian, rubbish alternative perspectives, as well as being
narrow and exclusive in their scholarship. My friend warned me that it
is difficult teaching in universities as they are full, as Brian
Martin's book explores, with aspiring academics. It would also seem
that many contemporary anarchists model themselves on the 'academic'

Brian Morris

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Inter-capitalist war

1999-05-04 Thread George Pennefather

Hi Folks,
The war in Serbia is essentially an inter-capitalist war 
between an imperialist alliance and a capitalist state. Given this the war is 
essentially a war over how exploitation of the working class and the 
masses  is to generally proceed.
Consequently revolutionaries and the working class can have 
no class interest in supporting any side in this war. Opposition must be 
expressed against NATO, the Serbian regime and the KLA. The only correct 
position for revolutionaries to adopt is one of supporting the conversion of 
this war between capitalist states into a war of the working class against 
all the capitalist powers involved in the war. This position is advanced 
by revolutionaries of individual countries by exposing the bourgeois role 
conducted by their respective states. In this way they can promote 
opposition to the war by opposition to their "own"  government and state. 
Implicit in this political position is the eventual overthrowal of 
the government and the establishment of a federation of communist 
Warm regards
George Pennefather

M-TH: Chinese embassy.....

1999-05-09 Thread George Pennefather

As I stated before the Balkan war is an inter-capitalist war 
--not an inter-imperialist war. The protests in China against the bombing of the 
Chinese Embassy in Belgrade are of no revolutionary consequence if not developed 
in a  revolutionary direction. Indeed the protests are "misplaced" which is 
why the Chinese government have apparently given ostensible support to them. 
Rather than the protests being directed against the US and UK embassies, which 
are of only symbolic significance, they should be directed against the Beijing 
government for its effective support for both US and British imperialism both in 
the past and the present. It is their support and even collaboration with 
western imperialism that have helped encourage NATO adventurism in both the Gulf 
and the Balkans.
Warm regards
George Pennefather

M-TH: Chinese embassy.....

1999-05-11 Thread George Pennefather

Hi Folks
As I stated before the Balkan war is an inter-capitalist war 
--not an inter-imperialist war. The protests in China against the bombing of the 
Chinese Embassy in Belgrade are of no revolutionary consequence if not developed 
in a  revolutionary direction. Indeed the protests are "misplaced" which is 
why the Chinese government have apparently given ostensible support to them. 
Rather than the protests being directed against the US and UK embassies, which 
are of only symbolic significance, they should be directed against the Beijing 
government for its effective support for both US and British imperialism both in 
the past and the present. It is their support and even collaboration with 
western imperialism that have helped encourage NATO adventurism in both the Gulf 
and the Balkans.
Warm regards
George Pennefather

M-TH: Chinese embassy.....

1999-05-11 Thread George Pennefather

As I stated before the Balkan war is an inter-capitalist war 
--not an inter-imperialist war. The protests in China against the bombing of the 
Chinese Embassy in Belgrade are of no revolutionary consequence if not developed 
in a  revolutionary direction. Indeed the protests are "misplaced" which is 
why the Chinese government have apparently given ostensible support to them. 
Rather than the protests being directed against the US and UK embassies, which 
are of only symbolic significance, they should be directed against the Beijing 
government for its effective support for both US and British imperialism both in 
the past and the present. It is their support and even collaboration with 
western imperialism that have helped encourage NATO adventurism in both the Gulf 
and the Balkans.
Warm regards
George Pennefather

M-TH: Chinese embassy.....

1999-05-11 Thread George Pennefather

As I stated before the Balkan war is an inter-capitalist war 
--not an inter-imperialist war. The protests in China against the bombing of the 
Chinese Embassy in Belgrade are of no revolutionary consequence if not developed 
in a  revolutionary direction. Indeed the protests are "misplaced" which is 
why the Chinese government have apparently given ostensible support to them. 
Rather than the protests being directed against the US and UK embassies, which 
are of only symbolic significance, they should be directed against the Beijing 
government for its effective support for both US and British imperialism both in 
the past and the present. It is their support and even collaboration with 
western imperialism that have helped encourage NATO adventurism in both the Gulf 
and the Balkans.
Warm regards
George Pennefather

M-TH: Impeirialism and Serbia

1999-05-13 Thread George Pennefather

Some people on this list talk about American imperialism advancing its 
interests by attacking Serbia. However nobody on the list it would seem to me as 
clearly explained how those interests are being served by this attack. Neither 
has it been clearly explained why and how British, German and French 
imperialists are also being advance by conducting this air war.
Perhaps somebody will explain this to me and others.

M-TH: Fw: UNITE! Info #98en: A US writer on bomb "economics"

1999-05-15 Thread George Pennefather

- Original Message - 
From: Rolf Martens 
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 1999 8:10 PM
Subject: UNITE! Info #98en: A US writer on bomb 
UNITE! Info #98en: A US writer on bomb "economics"[Posted: 
13.05.99]Note / Anmerkung / Note / Nota / Anmärkning: On the UNITE! 
/ VEREINIGT EUCH! / UNISSEZ-VOUS! / ¡UNIOS! / FÖRENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se 
series: See information on the last page / Siehe Information auf der 
letzten Seite / Verrez information à la dernière page / Ver información 
en la última página / Se information på sista sidan.INTRO 
NOTE:Below is reproduced an article by James K. Galbraith on the 
"efficiency", as seen from the standpoint of the US establish-ment, of 
bombing campaigns such as the present, criminal, one directed against 
Yugoslavia. Needless to say, the political views stated do not coincide with 
mine, and for the correct-ness of various detail assessments made I cannot 
vouch, but the article in my opinion contributes towards showing the 
des-peration and the utterly reactionary character of those 
go-vernments, not only the US one, which continue to perpetrate this 
crime. The article was posted on 10.05 to the Activist Mailing List (at 
 - to 
subscribe, writeto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>).Date: 
10 May 1999 13:21:08 -From: Activist Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: 
The Dis-Economics of BombingThe Dis-Economics of Bombinghttp://epn.org/galb/jg990427.htmlCopyright 
© 1999 by James K. Galbraith. 
Dis-Economics of BombingJames K. GalbraithAfter one month, the 
bombs over Serbia have not won the war. But before we decide that the remedy 
is another month, and then another, let's ask: can bombing work at all? And 
let's not ask the generals, for a change. Some simple concepts from 
economics,and some deep lessons from history, can help us answer this 
question for ourselves.Let's go back to World War Two. In October, 
1945, the United States Strategic Bombing Survey, which my father [the 
well-known economist J. Kenneth Galbraith, I presume - RM] directed, filed 
its report. The Survey found that our huge air assault on Germa-ny had 
not worked well. Nazi aircraft and munitions production rose prodigiously in 
1943 and 1944, under the bombs. They fell only as Germany collapsed, in the 
final months of the war.'Substitution' is what defeated our Flying 
Fortresses and Libe-rators. We hit the railroad marshalling yards, but the 
military trains only needed a little bit of the capacity that was there; 
they switched to undamaged track and got through. We hit ball-bearing 
factories, but the Germans used stockpiles and rede-signed their engines. We 
hit the nitrate factories, and they switched from fertilizers to explosives. 
German farm output might have fallen, the Survey found, if the war had 
continued into 1946.Years earlier, German bombing had also failed. 
The Blitz famous-ly strengthened British morale. And while the V-bombs 
rained on London late in the war, Churchill announced, or so I once read 
in Thomas Pynchon's novel "V", that it would take until 1960 forthe city 
to be half destroyed. After that, more than half the rockets would hit 
rubble, and the pace of destruction would slow. "Diminishing 
returns."In Vietnam, years later, diminishing returns undermined our air 
war. Pre-industrial North Vietnam just didn't have enough tar-gets; 
after a while, the B-52s could only make their own cratersbounce. And the Ho 
Chi Minh trail pitted a $4,000 truck, easily replaced, against an F-4 
Phantom costing 1,000 times as much.In the Persian Gulf, we exaggerated 
the effects of bombing, as later studies showed. At the time, bombs were 
said to have kil-led 100,000 Iraqi troops in Kuwait alone. But in fact the 
wholeIraqi garrison was smaller than that; most of the soldiers we 
admitted killing never existed at all. In Bosnia, also, NATO's bombing 
of the Pale Serbs was mainly for show. What decided thatwar was the 
Bosnian-Croat force that retook Hercegovina on the ground.And so 
today over Serbia, hard lessons need relearning. U.S. Ge-neral Wesley Clark 
announced that in less than a month Nato cutYugoslav oil stocks in half. And 
how much gas does the Serb mi-litary now have? As much as it needs - at 
civilian expense. Meanwhile the other half of the oil will be harder to 
find. Theother real targets are also elusive. After a month, the New 
YorkTimes reported that we had destroyed just 16 of 80 Yugoslav 
air-craft, just 30 per cent of their older SAM missiles, and just 15 per 
cent of the newer ones. Today's B-52 is the B-2 bomber -- with its payload 
of 8 F-15s at only 40 times the cost.Then there are increasing costs of 
a grimmer kind. So long as wetargeted air defenses and fuel depots, civilian 
casualties werefew. But as we moved to rail bridges and trucks, they 

Re: M-TH: Imperialism and Serbia

1999-05-15 Thread George Pennefather

Hi George,Lets put it another way, if it weren't for 
this war, would the US have sucha strong physical presence in Europe?  
And whilst the conflict may be thebeginning of the end for Nato, conjured 
demons are essential to keep ittogether:- no matter that the threat to the 
West is inconsequential,re-create the enemy as a new Hitler and the same old 
ideological game offreedom versus totalitarianism can be played out willy 
nilly.As for Britain, well it's now a two-bit power on the world stage, but 
SaintTony can massage his own and the establishment's narcissism, by 
pretendingto the world that it still has a _role_ to play in civilising 
thebarbarians. (St. Tony also gets blood on his hands, it excites him: 
watchhis eyes next time you see him on TV.)Ditto the French really, but 
add some anti-American independent gallicspice to the conconction.And 
the the Germans? - it's their backyard - they have to be involved atsome 
level, but I reckon that the most strident anti Nato rhetoric willarise from 
here.The real fun, the frisson in inter-imperialist rivalries will be 
whenthere's a conflict between who backs who. I can see the day when a 
Germanbacked Europe will tell the States to fuck off out of its terrain, 
orperhaps more likely, when the two Great Powers start to back 
differenthorses.George: This kind of subjectivism just wont do. This 
is the kind of stuff one is forever getting from much of the Left. To simply say 
that Britain is a two bit power that still wants to believe it is a world power 
is rubbish. The British bourgeoisie are not going to get involved in the present 
attack on Serbia for Quixotic reasons such as feeding an illusion that it is not 
just a two bit power.
The reason for US involvement are equally bad. You say that 
the attack on Serbia gives the US a military presence in Europe. But this 
army has had a big presence in Europe for years through the stationing of its 
military in Germany. Anyway it makes no sense wasting money stationing troops in 
Europe when it does not serve the class interests of the bourgeoisie.
As I say I am still waiting for a reasonable outline as to 
how the class interests of the imperialist bourgeoisie is being served by 
bombing Serbia. I still have not gotten one nor seen one yet. Instead one gets 
subjectivist knee jerk responses of a speculative nature.

Re: M-TH: Imperialism and Serbia

1999-05-16 Thread George Pennefather

Charles: Doesn't American imperialism and all imperialism 
need the INSTITUTION of war ? Some war , somewhere, regularly ?  Otherwise, 
how could it avoid disarmament ? And wouldn't disarmament spell the end of 
capitalism ? World peace would take away capitalism's ultimate form of creative 
destruction, its method of restoring the rate of profit. There would be no way 
to impose the will of the IMF and the big banks and financial institutions, no 
way to collect the debts which are the basis of neo-imperialist control of the 
neo-colonies. Brazil and Mexico could just default and what would Wall Street do 
?George writes: It is the above thrash that has been coming 
from much of the radical left over the many years. This kind of rhetoric is 
no substitute for objective rational outline as to what the NATO 
bombing of Serbia is about.
Simply making abstract statements such as the one's Chlarles 
makes above which can be applied generically to a host of situation 
explains nothing. It is a bit like saying that all cats are animals. Apart 
from this it is not true that impewirialism simply conjures up 
wars as a form of economic policy to modify the business cycle or 
--- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

M-TH: Serbia and the West

1999-05-16 Thread George Pennefather
to be taking the Serbian masses and bourgeois elements 
down  a cul-de-sac. However appearances contradict reality --Milosevic does 
not promote the politics of idealism. The course and outcome of the Bosnian war 
is evidence of this. At the end of the day he cannot win any genuine struggle 
for substantive national independence entailing independent capitalist 
development. Just as socialism in one country is not possible neither is 
capitalism in one Serbia possible. Milosevic is merely fooling the masses in and 
out of Serbia in the interests of sustaining his regime in power by 
ultimately serving imperialist interests. Milosevic appears to be 
anti-imperialist while being essentially pro-imperialist. In the end, if he is 
not toppled, he will have to further compromise with imperialism and accept a 
Serbian capitalism that  is dominated by imperialism. Indeed, in many ways, 
the attack by NATO on Serbia may precipitate domestic conditions which will 
allow Milosevic to further compromise with imperialism and thereby establish a 
framework for co-operation between Serbia and imperialism. The current Balkan 
conflict may eliminate some of the conditions or elements within Serbia that 
have been preventing the Milosevic regime from co-operating in the way that 
Washington requires.
In the final analysis it is no problem for Milosevic to 
collaborate with imperialism. He merely seeks a form 
of imperialist stability that includes him.  No better force than 
Stalinism exists to settle with imperialism --its record proves this.
So all this talk about imperialism attacking a sovereign 
state and the right to national self-determination is mere ideology disguising 
what is basically a matter of advancing bourgeois interests in one specific form 
or another. At the end of the day it is the working masses that suffer the 
reactionaries --Milosevic, the KLA and NATO.
The conviction that, if the NATO bombing of Serbia goes 
wrong, imperialism can be defeated under present circumstances is a gross 
miscomprehension among the radical left community. Even if the NATO 
invasion is not going according to plan it does not at all follow that 
imperialism can , is being or has been necessarily defeated. Whatever way the 
cookie crumbles imperialism in one form or another must come out on top. The 
only scenario in which it cannot is when the working class topples capitalism to 
replace it with communist relations. The latter case is not remotely possible 
under present conditions. The silly glee experienced among much of the 
conventional radical left each time something goes wrong for NATO in its air 
attack on Serbia is an expression, if anything, of the weakness of the radical 
left and its substitution of the spectator politics of the boxing ring for the 
politics of revolution. 
Revolutionaries must express their opposition to Milosevic, 
the KLA and NATO exposing the common capitalist class interests that they serve. 
What is required is a federation of Balkan communities based on communism.
Warm regards
George Pennefather

Re: M-TH: Impeirialism and Serbia

1999-05-16 Thread George Pennefather

  To Bob:
  This stuff of yours below is does not add up to a response to my query. 
  It merely reinforces my view that much of the Left provide knee jeerk cliched 
  resposnes to the boboming of Serbia. Thre is no substitute for an objective 
  rational outline of why US imperialism bombs Serbia. Still waiting Bob
  PS: Why these awful lines in your formatting.
  George, Charlie sent a quote to the list today which is the short 
  "The aims and scope of Germany's drive east were summed up by the 
  Chair ofThe East Committee, the industrial group promoting business in the 
  East:"it is our natural market...[I]n the end this market will perhaps 
  bring usto the same position we were in before World War I. Why not?" 
  (28)"This is a forward on Yugoslavia.Charles 

M-TH: American civil war

1999-06-12 Thread George Pennefather

Hi Folks,
I have been reading some stuff on the Amercian Civil War. It would seem to 
me that although slavery was a central issue it was not such for the best of 
reasons. Many whites desired a free state --free of black slaves and all blacks. 
Lincoln's position o n slavery seemed quite ambiguous. 
Was the American civil war a bourgeois revolution. Reading this stuff on 
the civil war one can see how deeply racist white America was.

Re: M-TH: Re:Linux

1999-07-06 Thread George Pennefather

Hi Russ,
Interesting piece. But what about Unix. I hear people talking about Unix 
and its advantages. I still dont really understand, I'm a philistine here, what 
is all this about Unix. Could I run Microsoft Word on it. How do I install 
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~bepreparedHi 
Chris,Interesting baby is Linux (and equally interesting questions 
raised inrelation to the commodity form)-... an unfinished operating system 
its fanstill now have been people with very few resources and hackers, but 
it'srecently become flavour of the month and dubbed a threat to Micrsoft's 

Re: M-TH: Give me the child when he is seven ...

1999-07-08 Thread George Pennefather

Hi Jim,
Who is Dave. 
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared
 Anyone in London tomorrow (Wednesday) night might be interested 
in this:Dave Chandler will be discussing his book Bosnia: Faking 
Democracy AfterDayton, Weds., 7 July, 7.30pm, Room 10, Friends House, 173-7 
EustonRoad, London NW1, opposite Euston station. Admission £3.Dave 
has also written an article on the Bosnian model for Kosovo in thenew issue 
of New Left Review.-- Jim heartfield 
--- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: M-TH: Re:Linux/Unix

1999-07-08 Thread George Pennefather

Very Good Russ
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared
- Original Message - 
From: Russ 

Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: M-TH: Re:Linux/Unix
>    Hi Russ,   Interesting piece. 
But what about Unix. I hear people>talking about Unix  and its 
advantages. I still dont really understand,>I'm a philistine here, 
what  is all this about Unix. Could I run Microsoft>Word on it. How 
do I install  etc.   George   Be free to check out 
our>Communist Think-Tank Website:>http://homepage.tinet.ie/~bepreparedHi  
Chris,>Hi George,Unix is a major league operating system 
best suited for corporate sites,though some techies might disagree with 
that. Sun systems (who developedJava) pump out a lot of Unix related stuff 
and they own at least one brandof Unix operating systems- http://www.sun.com . It aint easy and is run 
inmuch the same way that Microsoft's old DOS system was- ie by tapping 
intext commands, though there are probably easier interfaces 
nowadays.Linux is a Unix type system, with the difference that it's free and 
easierinterfaces are being developed- see earlier mail.To  install 
either you'd need to get hold of a copy on disk or download it.I've never 
done it and I understand that it's not especially easy! Ifthere's a Word for 
Unix it should run on it, but Word for 95 won't.My advice, stick with an 
operating system with an easy GUI (Graphical UserInterface) and spend the 
extra time and headaches saved by arguing onThaxis or drinking beer or 
making a revolution!Russ --- 
from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: M-TH: Re: Luxemburg v Lenin?

1999-07-22 Thread George Pennefather

The book Accumulation of Capital was flawed, but to her credit 
shetrained the Marxist who best corrected her, Paul Mattick (See 
hisEconomic Crisis and Crisis Theory).-- Jim 
Whats this about training Paul Mattick? Please explain.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared

M-TH: Re: Commodity fetishism and reification

1999-07-22 Thread George Pennefather

Hi Philip
Philip: In fact, concentration on the surface appearances can 
even lead todemanding 'progressive' reforms which end up strengthening, 
rather thanweakening, the hold of capital over society.  This was the 
case with muchof the radicalism of the 1960s.  Essentially the social 
conventions againstwhich many young people rebelled were a hangover from a 
previous period ofproblem-ridden capital accumulation and had been rendered 
obsolete by thepost-WW2 boom.  What much of the rebellion of the 1960s 
did was get rid ofthe by-then obsolete aspects of bourgeois society and 
modernise the socialstructure, bringing it in line with the more dynamic 
process ofaccumulation which continued until the new slump set in in the 
1970s.Understanding the 1960s in this light helps explain why so many 
youthfulradicals of that period went on to become ardent supporters of 
the(reworked) status quo in the 1980s and 1990s.
George: Despite its interesting nature the above analysis is 
Even if you are correct in your claim that what "much of the 
rebellion of the 1960s did was to get rid of the by-then obsolete aspects of 
bourgeois society and modernise the social structure, bringing it in line with 
the more dynamic process of accumulation" this does not mean that the issues 
over which "the rebellion of the 1960s" proceeded were invalid. The problem was 
not with the issues themselves but with the basis and form by which 
popular mobilisation proceeded. The basis and methods employed, in large part, 
determined the outcome --an outcome according to you that suited the class 
interests of the bourgeoisie even enhancing the further development of 
capitalism. The problem, generically speaking, was not with the issues but with 
the political form within which the issues were fought. That has been 
the perennial problem both then and now.
Philip: For 60s radicals, bourgeois society was also a 
set of distinct spheres.They would fight in one sphere, rather than 
challenging social relations asa whole.  
George: Again the problem is not that of fighting in 
"distinct spheres". This may not be avoidable. The problem concerns, as I 
have already said, the political form within which these fights take place. To 
bear a revolutionary communist character they must be fought in such a way as to 
entail an inseparable link into the challenge to social relations as a whole. In 
this way as the struggle unfolds on a principled revolutionary basis the link 
between the particular issue and its necessary connection with the character of 
capitalism as a whole. Consequently the need to abolish capitalism is 
increasingly revealed as the struggle assumes  deeper and wider 
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared

Re: M-TH: Re: Luxemburg v Lenin?

1999-07-23 Thread George Pennefather

So the Luxemburg connection may help explain Mattick anti-Leninism and 
particularly its form of centralism etc.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared
Mattick joined the youth section of Luxemburg's Spartacus League 
in1918. There is an oblique reference to his own views in the essay 
'TheEpigones' in Economic Crisis and Crisis Theory (Merlin, 1981):'it 
was just her insistence on the inescapable end of capital thatassured her a 
following among the workers of the left opposition,whether or not they 
accepted her specific argument for it, as they didnot care very much whether 
and how capital would break down from theseor from any other causes, as long 
as it was doomed to breakdown fromsome cause'. (p92)You could say 
that Mattick's subsequent work (evidenced especially inthis essay) is an 
attempt to put Luxemburg's intuition of the historicallimits of capital 
accumulation upon a more scientific footing.In his anti-Leninist work 
Marxism, Last Refuge of the Bourgeoisie,Merlin, 1983, the distillation of 
Mattick's Luxemburgism is more openlypolitical, especially in the essay The 
German Revolution, an account ofthe creation (and eventual 'subordination' 
to Leninism) of the SpartacusLeague.-- Jim 
heartfield --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

M-TH: Fw: CSM: One-way tickets to better lives

1999-07-23 Thread George Pennefather

- Original Message - 
From: Colombian Labor 
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 1999 11:01 PM
Subject: CSM: One-way tickets to better lives
"It's finally dawned on many Colombians that 
country's future is in the balance, and when 
don't see any light they say, 'Oh, I'm leaving.'"__  
MONITORThursday, 22 July 
One-way tickets to better 
By Howard LaFranchiThe lines that once formed outside the trendiest 
restaurants and nightclubs here are all gone now - replaced by lines in 
front of the UnitedStates, Canadian, and Spanish embassies.A sense 
of crisis here is fueling this exodus of Colombians (many arepurchasing 
one-way airline tickets for places like New York or Miami).And the flight is 
indicative of problems that could have repercussionsthroughout the 
hemisphere.The Colombian economy is at its worst in 50 years. There is 
deeppessimism, too, over recent mass kidnappings and the prospects for 
peacein the country's 40-year civil war.The government announced 
Tuesday that it's imposing economic austeritymeasures - slashing the budget 
and streamlining the state bureaucracy.And it hopes to start talks with 
guerrillas in the south next week.But in the first four months of this 
year, 65,000 Colombians left thecountry, officials say. They estimate that 
nearly 1 percent of thepopulation - some 300,000 - could legally leave the 
country this year,not to mention those settling in new countries 
illegally."It's not exaggerating to say we are in the deepest and most 
complexcrisis of this century," says Juan Manuel Ospina, a senator from 
theConservative Party.The US Embassy in Bogota has registered a 27 
percent increase in visarequests over last year. And the potential for mass 
departures intoneighboring countries is even more worrisome to some 
analysts. "The warhas created a huge population of 1 million internal 
migrants," saysAlvaro Tirado, a diplomatic expert and political 
analyst.Neighbors Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panama have already confronted 
theColombian government about guerrilla incursions and 
cross-borderrefugees.Last month several groups of hundreds of 
Colombians fled into Venezuela,causing "serious" concerns, a diplomat here 
says. With Venezuela andEcuador especially in economic turmoil, an upsurge 
in economic or warrefugees would lead to new tensions that would echo across 
the region."What is happening in Colombia certainly could bring serious 
consequencesfor all Latin America," says Roberto Teixeira da Costa, 
president inBrasil of the Council of Latin American Business Leaders. "Our 
concern isfor South America as a whole, because as we might like to claim 
that thesituation in Colombia is an isolated case. The fact is that [it] 
sendsout negative signals about regional stability."A year ago, when 
Andres Pastrana was elected president of Colombia, thiscountry was brimming 
with optimism.After years of apathy at election time, Mr. Pastrana had 
won a heatedthree-way race in which voter turnout jumped 20 points from the 
usual 40percent level. Taking their cue from a president-elect who made 
peaceafter 40 years of war his first priority, Colombians held huge 
peacedemonstrations across the country. There was also a sense of relief 
thatinternational treatment of Colombia as a pariah state, based on 
strongevidence that the former President Ernesto Samper had links to 
thecountry's cocaine cartels, was over.But today much of that 
optimism has vanished. Reasons are varied. First,the idea that Mr. Samper 
was the bad guy who would take many of thecountry's problems with him when 
he left office was destined to lead todisappointment, some observers say. 
Then despite some recent signs to thecontrary, the Army has over the last 
year has not been able to check thecountry's two main guerrilla groups' 
advance."A year ago I would have said an eventual military victory by 
theguerrillas was highly unlikely, but today I see how it might 
happen,"says Bogota political analyst Sergio Uribe. "It's not because they 
havethe military power to do it, but the military will."A recent 
poll by the Colombian television network RCN, highlights thislack of faith. 
It found that 66 percent of Colombians support a USmilitary intervention to 
curb its problems.In a country where the strong-arm, take-no-prisoners 
tactics of PeruvianPresident Alberto Fujimori receive frequent accolades, 
Pastrana's moreconciliatory political style is also faulted. Some media 
analysts havetaken to calling the government "gobierno light," while even 
thepresident's political allies are not without criticism. "The country 
hasbeen at a point where we were ready for a popular mobilization 
againstwar and viol

M-TH: The IRA and Peace

1999-07-29 Thread George Pennefather


is a piece by Karl Carlile a friend of mine. It is an interesting piece and
worth a read











The recent farce at Stormont
which resulted in the establishment of a six county government that lasted a
mere ten minutes raises questions as to the real political nature of Sinn


Sinn Fein/IRA by actively
supporting the Good Friday Agreement has openly accepted partition. Its
entrance into the erstwhile six county executive means that Sinn Fein/IRA has
agreed to administer a reconstituted partition and use state power against any
threat to the existence of partition.


Sinn Fein has effectively
abandoned its official republican programme and its armed struggle. It has
agreed to actively participate in administering the  oppression of the “nationalist” section of the working class in
particular and the working class of the six counties in general. Up to now,
this present period of apparent overt betrayal of republican doctrine, Sinn
Fein/IRA’s promotion of imperialist oppression assumed a more disguised form.
Due to the exhaustion and demoralisation of the “Catholic” masses partly as a
consequence of both Sinn Fein/IRA’s conservative leadership and organisational
forms it can now abandon its formal adherence to republican principles while
increasing its electoral support. This exhaustion is a consequence of the
continuous organised violence directed against the Catholic masses by the
British state over the last thirty years together with the reactionary
leadership provided by the SDLP and Sinn Fein/IRA.


Sinn Fein/IRA is facilitating
the advancement of the class interests of the bourgeoisie through its programme
to reconstitute the six county state in accordance with the new objective
conditions that obtain both nationally, regionally and globally.


Consequently there is no
question of the present settlement meaning, as has been claimed by Bernadette
McAliskey and others, a defeat for the “nationalist community”. Instead  an adjustment is being made to the character
of the six county statelet in correspondence with the changing
politico-economic context within which it is organised. In short an adjustment
is being made to the form of class rule in the six counties, the Irish Republic
and Gt. Britain. 


Concerning the “Catholic”
section of the working class the new adjustment will simply mean a change in
the form of its national oppression. There is no question of this constituting
defeat. Indeed the popular upsurge of the Catholic masses in the North against
national oppression experienced defeat a considerable time ago. This defeat
manifested itself in the form of the growing hegemony of the conservative
forces, in the form of the SDLP (including its precursors) and Sinn Fein/IRA,
over the “Catholic” masses in the face of the savage imperialist response to
that insurrection. The latter response manifested itself as the increased mass
terror of the British state in the form of internment, the active oppression of
the British Army and its paramilitary loyalist gangs against the “Catholic”


The political role of Sinn Fein/IRA as a key player has been changing.
Sinn Fein/IRA’s bombing and shooting is the form through which the popular
insurrection of the “Catholic” masses was subverted in the interests of
imperialism. Civilian bombings and attacks on state and loyalist military
forces by elitist “republican” organisations were the subversive form
eventually assumed by the spontaneous potentially revolutionary revolt of the
Catholic masses. In this way a positive popular challenge to the system was
subverted in this reactionary form --in the form of Sinn Fein/IRA, the SDLP and
other minor elements. The place for a revolutionary communist movement was
filled  by the reactionary politics of
Sinn Fein/IRA. When this form of petty bourgeois politics had served its purpose
by nihilistically assisting in the destruction of popular revolt in the North
the traditional role of  Sinn Fein/IRA
was no longer called for. Sinn Fein/IRA was now required by capitalism to play
the new role of leading sections of the “Catholic” masses into constitutional
politics by actively promoting continued partition around the bourgeois peace process. Its purpose
was to lead the “Catholic” masses into acceptance of partition under the guise
of an apparently new and promising settlement, the Good Friday Agreement, that
was presented by Sin Fein/IRA as the embryonic form of a thirty two county
Irish republic. The latter illusion was, in some degree, the product of an
elaborate ideology constructed by the bourgeoisie and sections of the petty
bourgeoisie (Sinn Fein/IRA, sections of the mass media etc.).


To suggest that the GFA
constitutes a defeat for Sinn Fein/IRA is to entirely misrepresent the real
character of the current situation

M-TH: Fw: Republican Movement & GFA

1999-08-01 Thread George Pennefather

A reply by George Pennefather to Philip Ferguson
George: Karl never denied that you "dont promote imperialist 
oppression by fighting against it". However the point he made is that the Provos 
did not fight against imperialist oppression. Instead they have been promoting 
imperialism in both disguised undisguised forms.
Philip: But it is *not true* to say this is not a 
defeat.  Indeed a major defeat.The point is that the opposition to 
British imperialism has been massivelyweakened and demoralised by the 
republican leadership's betrayal.
George: The reverse is the case: What you call "the 
republican leadership's betrayal" is a result of the weakened and demoralised 
nature of the "Catholic" masses. However their weakened and demoralised state is 
principally a product of the combined role of the British state, Ulster 
"Unionist" forces, the SDLP and the Provos.Philip; But because 
republicanism has been the form through which the resistancewas manifested, 
the new course of Adams and co. serves to confuse anddemoralise large 
numbers of activists and much of the radical section ofthe nationalist 
population in the north.
George: The opposite has been the case: The Provos have been 
the form through which the popular opposition to the British state has been 
obstructed and  undermined as manifested, in concentrated form, in the 
Good Friday Agreement.
Evidence of this is the degree of popularity enjoyed by the 
Provos as manifested in a variety of ways including the relatively strong 
electoral support they enjoy. The "new course of Adams and co." equally serves 
to confuse the Catholic  masses as  did the old form of their 
politics. If the politics of the Provos do not perform the bourgeois tasks 
of confusion, demoralisation and illusion then the conditions for their 
political existence would be absent.Philip: Funny, then, that the 
imperialists didn't recognise that the armed strugglewaged by republicans 
was actually in the interests of imperialism!  Howodd, that the 
imperialists murdered, tortured and imprisoned all theserepublicans who 
were, after all, 'subverting' the resistance in the serviceof 
imperialism.  I think Karl has lost the plot a bit. . .
George: The very opposite has been the case: Imperialism has 
been rewarding the pro-imperialist role of the Provos in a variety of forms 
--the release of Provo prisoners; the promotion of Provo leaders as popular high 
profile media figures; a guaranteed place for them in the enforcement and 
administration of partition by the British state.
There is no evidence to suggest, as you put it, that "the 
imperialists didn't recognise that the armed struggle waged by republican was 
actually in the interests of imperialism". The very fact that you purport to 
provide as evidence of the anti-imperialist nature of the Provos the fact 
that  "the imperialists murdered, tortured and imprisoned all these 
republicans" is, if anything, evidence as to how effectively these 
attacks on the Provos disguised the pro-imperialist character of their 
politics. Merely because the British and Irish bourgeoisie repressed 
the Provos and subjected them to attack does not necessarily mean that the 
latter's politics are not pro-imperialist. The deValera government 
cracked down on the Blueshirts yet that did not mean that the latter were not a 
right wing pro-imperialist political force. The Allied "imperialists 
murdered, tortured and imprisoned"  German soldiers during the second 
world war and did much more (bombed Dresden) yet that did not mean that the 
German state was not imperialist. Philip: The elitism is also not 
very accurate.
George: The Provos are elitist in the sense that 
they and not the masses are armed. There did not exist in any enduring way a 
democratically structured popular armed militia.  Indeed the Provos 
actively prevented any such development from establishing itself. The arms, 
instead, were controlled from above by a private secret organisation accountable 
to no one but itself. In that way they were able to determine the character of 
any armed action from above --they were able to contain and even prevent the 
development of a popular armed struggle. This suited the interests of the 
British and Irish bourgeoisie --which leads directly to the arms crisis and 
Charles Haughey.
Philip: It is true in the sense that the actions of the 
republicans on the militarylevel tended to leave the masses on the 
sideline.  But it is false in thesense that the IRA was comprised of 
the most oppressed people in Ireland.It wasn't some petty-bourgeois 
conspiracy a la the red brigades or BaderMeinhof.  Young working class 
people flocked into the IRA in droves in thenorth in the early 1970s in 
order to defend their communities.  Therepublicans emerged as the 
dominant political force in the nationalistghettos becau

Re: M-TH: Fw: Republican Movement & GFA

1999-08-02 Thread George Pennefather

Jim Heartfield:  But thetruth is that the reactionary catholic 
masses were fighting against theBritish ruling class while British workers 
were queuing up to get another smacking.George: REACTIONARY CATHOLIC 
I expressly challenge Jim Heartfield to show me and the other subscribers 
where I used the term "reactionary catholic masses" in my recent posting to 
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared

M-TH: Republican Movement & GFA

1999-08-07 Thread George Pennefather

To Jim: Jim still has not indicated where in my recent posting I said that 
the Catholic masses are reactionary. This is because I never made such a 
Clearly Jim seems to lack the qualities necessary to admit that he made a 
mistake. On the other hand Jim may be in the habit of slandering people's views 
in a variey of manners. If the latter is true it does not say much for his 
credibility nor reliability. 
Apart from this his entire letter is not to be taken seriously and hardly 
merits a reply. It is totally lacking in intellectual content. Politically it is 
crudely sectarian and speaks for itself without any necessity for one to expose 
its general content. It may indicate too that Jim has a bee in his bonnet.
Overall Jim has not done Living Marxism a service with this composition of 
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared-George 
Pennefather collapses two distinctive points in history togetherin his 
discussion of the Republican movement.He takes the current situation in 
which Sinn Fein is collaborating withBritish imperialism and projects it 
backwards into the past, saying thatSinn Fein was always in collaboration 
with capitalism.But that is rubbish. The British state fought a 
twenty-five year war tosuppress the Irish revolutionaries. The current 
sell-out only makessense in the context of the revolutionary struggle that 
preceded it.Like all sectarians, George holds a measure of revolutionary 
purity upagainst the republicans and finds them wanting: they have not 
crossedthe 'T's and dotted the 'I's on their programme - so they must 
bereactionary. But these matters are decided in struggle, and 
notaccording to abstract formula.When Karl Marx insisted that the 
First International pass resolutions ofsupport for the Fenians he did not 
demand to first check their programmefor errors. He understood that this was 
a revolt against Britishimperialism that ought to be 
supported.George makes all the usual chauvinist sentiments about 
'reactionaryCatholic masses' that one would associate with an Orange bigot. 
But thetruth is that the reactionary catholic masses were fighting against 
theBritish ruling class while British workers were queuing up to 
getanother smacking.The current sell-out is all par for the course 
for George. After all,what's to betray? Republicanism was always a 
capitalist plot. But thatmisses out the historic significance of what is 
going on. For the firsttime in a quarter of a century, the Sinn Fein 
leadership is acting onbehalf of British imperialism.In message 
<003f01bedc0e$ccad12a0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">003f01bedc0e$ccad12a0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
George Pennefather<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
writes>    >    George: The opposite 
has been the case: The Provos have been the >    form 
through which the popular opposition to the British state has 
>    been obstructed and undermined as manifested, in 
concentrated >    form, in the Good Friday 
Agreement.>    >    Evidence of this 
is the degree of popularity enjoyed by the Provos >    as 
manifested in a variety of ways including the relatively strong 
>    electoral support they enjoy. The "new course of 
Adams and co." >    equally serves to confuse the Catholic 
masses as did the old form >    of their politics. If the 
politics of the Provos do not perform the >    bourgeois 
tasks of confusion, demoralisation and illusion then >    
the conditions for their political existence would be 
absent.>>    Philip: Funny, then, that the 
imperialists didn't recognise that >    the armed 
struggle>    waged by republicans was actually in the 
interests of imperialism! >    
How>    odd, that the imperialists murdered, tortured and 
imprisoned all >    these>    
republicans who were, after all, 'subverting' the resistance in the 
>    service>    of imperialism. I 
think Karl has lost the plot a bit. . .>    
>    George: The very opposite has been the case: 
Imperialism has been >    rewarding the pro-imperialist 
role of the Provos in a variety of >    forms --the 
release of Provo prisoners; the promotion of Provo >    
leaders as popular high profile media figures; a guaranteed place 
>    for them in the enforcement and administration of 
partition by the >    British 
state.>    >    There is no evidence 
to suggest, as you put it, that "the >    imperialists 
didn't recognise that the armed struggle waged by >    
republican was actually in the interests of imperialism". The very 
>    fact that you purport to provide as evidence of the 
>    anti-imperialist nature of the Provos the fact that 
"the >    imperialists murdered, tortured and imprisoned 
all these >    republicans" is,

Re: M-TH: Republican Movement & GFA

1999-08-08 Thread George Pennefather

Dear Jim,
Your apology has much appreciated. I believe if there was more of this kind 
of response of yours it would at the very least create a healthier environment 
for discussion. 
It is to your credit that your apologised.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared
My apologies, George, for misquoting you. Sorry I did not reply 
sooner.-- Jim heartfield --- from 

M-TH: Colonisation

1999-08-09 Thread George Pennefather

Hi Folks,
There is a new article on colonisation and Ireland on our web site.
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared

M-TH: Ireland

1999-08-10 Thread George Pennefather


M-TH: Re: Colonisation

1999-08-10 Thread George Pennefather

The term 
Celtic Tiger is being bandied about ad nauseam. It is a term that 
forms part of bourgeois ideology and is thereby designed to serve a certain 
function: It promotes the delusion among the masses that Ireland is a thriving 
independent capitalist economy. In this way it conceals the bitter 
inter-imperialist struggle, taking place in Ireland, between American and 
European imperialism. It thereby conceals the fact that there is a struggle as 
to what imperialist power Ireland is to be a colony of. There has been virtually 
no attempt within the mass media to investigate what really lies behind the 
ideological term, Celtic Tiger. 
Even a 
brief examination of the situation underlying this ideological construct will 
expose the false image conveyed by this term:
emergence of the “Celtic Tiger”  
is a product of  Ireland’s 
growing integration into the European Union; the character of the relationship 
between the US and the EU; the current erstwhile economic boom being experienced 
by Western economies and the changing character of capitalism itself.
The EU’s 
growing economic integration has recently manifested itself in the establishment 
of the single European currency. Ireland, unlike Britain, has joined this single 
currency drawing it even closer into Europe. By subordinating itself to a single 
European currency Ireland has effectively further subordinated itself to the 
German economy –the strongest economy in Europe and one of the strongest 
economies in the world. The Irish economy is being effectively colonised by 
German imperialism in particular and European imperialism in general –further 
proof of the dependent and oppressed nature of the Irish economy.
recent step by Ireland, joining the single currency regime, helps explain the 
increased overseas investment in Ireland and the consequent improvement in 
economic conditions. The increased overseas investment has been especially 
accentuated because of Britain’s failure to join the single currency. Overseas 
capital that would otherwise have gone to Britain is being invested in Ireland. 
It is this latter situation that particularly explains the phenomenon 
misleadingly known as the Celtic Tiger.
overseas investment in Ireland has been the principal investor that helps 
explain the emergence of the Celtic Tiger. Over the recent past America 
has succeeded in surpassing Britain as the principal overseas investor in 
Ireland. This helps explain  US 
interest in assisting in the development of political stability in Ireland with 
regard to the North. It has nothing to do with a benevolent Washington  caring for Ireland due to its past 
associations etc. with Ireland. The latter is pure ideological bunkum designed 
to fool the masses. Washington’s interest in Ireland is based on a cold, 
calculating and unscrupulous strategic decision. 
Because of 
its close historical and cultural ties to Ireland including the sharing of a 
common language Washington views Ireland of particular strategic, economic and 
political interest. Given the preceding factors together with the weak and 
unthreatening nature of Ireland’s indigenous bourgeoisie, it is an ideal 
national location for US capital investment. Ireland is of particular interest 
to Washington as a location for its capital investments by virtue of its 
increasingly closer integration into the European Union. Consequently American 
investment of capital in Ireland is being undertaken because of Ireland’s 
existence as a very willing colony of the European Union. It has little 
to do with the Irish economy in itself and its “concern” for “the friendly 
Irish”. The latter suggestions are mere ideological garbage. In short Ireland is 
the beneficiary of its own growing integration into the EU.
American capital investment in Ireland proceed as it has it is not inconceivable 
that it might become overall the biggest capital investor in Ireland 
outstripping all other overseas investment and even indigenous capital 
investment itself. Under such conditions the US would emerge as the principal 
economic power in Ireland effectively transforming Ireland into one of its 
colonies. Under these circumstances Washington would have an even greater 
strategic interest in Ireland. It would then be all the more in Washington’s 
interest to seriously concern itself as to the course of economic, political and 
cultural developments in Ireland. Washington would then have, in effect, a 
another foot inside Fortress Europe.
Given this 
scenario the Provos can be viewed as Washington’s guerrilla army based in 
Ireland, the UK, and  the European 
Union. Perhaps this helps explain why the Provos have been politically, 
financially and militarily sustained by elements within the US. Their political 
and ideological function exists to lend  
justification to Washington’s political intervention in both Irish

M-TH: Sartre

1999-08-12 Thread George Pennefather

Were you watching the programme on BBC2 on Jean Paul Sartrel? There were 
two others before --on Nietsche and Heidegger. 
What did you think of them of the programmes?
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared

Re: M-TH: Re: Colonisation

1999-08-12 Thread George Pennefather

Hi Bob
Thank you very much for the compliment
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared

  Not bad at all George. I think 

Re: M-TH: Re: East Timor

1999-09-12 Thread George Pennefather

Hi Bob

Interesting and informative. Can you tell me what --in the main-- was the outcome of 
Indonesian elections. How did Megawatti fare etc.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

Bob writes
A speculative answer to the very real weirdness of all this:

1)  Habibie did want rid of East Timor - for both economic and foreign
policy reasons.

2)  Habibie gave the referendum the go-ahead in May.

3)  Then comes the Indonesian election - it's everything the ideal-type
Indonesian general would hate:

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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M-TH: East Timor

1999-09-13 Thread George Pennefather

Hi Folks,
I have been reading much of the post on the East Timorese 
situation with interest. However I am of the view that  neither of the main 
positions are tenable --support for intervention or support for the East 
Timorese independence movement. 
Interventionism merely constitutes another form of 
imperialist action. The struggle for independence is a utopian petty bourgeois 
movement that merely leads to the exhaustion, demoralisation and defeat of the 
masses. And isnt this just what predictably happened --look at Dili.
It is the latter that I want to dwell on since the 
reactionary nature of the independence movement is a political characteristic 
that is less obvious to much of the radical left. There is no possibility of any 
independence movement, no matter how radical, being able to achieve an 
independent East Timorese republic. The weakness of the East Timorese 
bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie against the power of imperialism renders the 
success of such a movement impossible.The strategic importance of East Timor 
makes the imperialist powers all the more determined to ensure at all costs that 
East Timor remain integrated into any regional imperialist arrangement. 
Consequently it is a reactionary policy that mobilises the 
East Timorese masses into a struggle for national independence. It can only lead 
to the kind of carnage that has been meted out to the East Timorese masses over 
many years.
The only way forward for the East Timorese masses is through 
the establishment of a mass revolutionary movement embracing the Indonesian and 
Timorese masses against imperialism. Consequently of much greater interest, 
in many ways, is how the masses conduct themselves within Indonesia and 
Australia. The only way that the mass popular self-determination of the East 
Timorese masses can be promoted is thought the masses of Indonesia and Australia 
mobilising support against the imperialist actions of their governments against 
the East Timorese masses. This means that the aim of revolutionary elements 
within both regions has to be the overthrow of their respective imperialist 
governments and states.
As I write the imperialist powers and their satellites hover 
like vultures over the East Timorese masses while deciding how to divide and 
consume their prey.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site 

Re: M-TH: East Timor

1999-09-14 Thread George Pennefather

No, you are wrong on this George. One should not confuse the reactionary 
leaderships of these movements with the just desires of the peoples who inhabit 
this region and it ain't just the East Timorese. In fact there are a myriad of 
peoples who are living in this part of the world with both different languages 
culture and history and to ignore this for communists would be utra left 
would suggest the practices of the early Bolsheviks in the East on dealing with 
this questuion. But also Lenin on the national question and not in the least the 
contributions of the ICL on interpenetrating peoples.
George: You are gone all blue again Bob.I dont confuse 
the reactionary form with the revolutionary substance. Nothing I said suggess 
regardsGeorge Pennefather
free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site athttp://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/

Re: M-TH: Fwd: Re: Fwd: jhurd_dsa-doc: The Dalai Lama on Marxism (fwd)

1999-09-22 Thread George Pennefather

Is it Nestor Gorojovsky, Argentine Marxist, and long-time subscriber? He
wrote a really excellent account of the left in the Argentine national
Jim heartfield

Where can I obtain a copy of this account Jim

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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Re: M-TH: Fwd: Re: Fwd: jhurd_dsa-doc: The Dalai Lama on Marxism (fwd)

1999-09-22 Thread George Pennefather

Hi Mac 

How do I sub to this list. Is it sectarian?

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

Nestor is an Argentiniam Marxist who calls himself a 
Marxist-Leninist-Bolivarist, moderates the Leninist International list, and 
generally has some of the sharpest insights into todays international 
situation. I personnally look forward to all of his posts over there, clear 
insightful and sharp, even if english is his second language.



 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Reformist FARC

1999-09-25 Thread George Pennefather

The Colombian Communist Party has been waging a continuous 
guerrilla war against the Colombian state for many years now. It occupies a 
large section of Colombian territory. Its main source of income is agriculture 
--monocultural farming in the form of cocaine production.
Its negotiations with the Pastriana regime would seem to 
indicate that it is prepared to collaborate with the Colombian bourgeoisie and 
indirectly with imperialism. It the difficulty merely boils down to the price 
and conditions at which they are prepared to collaborate.Given this fact the 
military struggle of the FARC cannot be regarded as in any way a revolutionary 
struggle. Instead it is a reformist guerrilla campaign designed to achieve a 
reform in the political situation in Colombia. 
FARC"s guerrilla campaign is merely another form of 
reformism, In this sense it is no different to any traditional social democratic 
party. The FARC guerrilla campaign presents revolutionary image with all the 
romantic revolutionary connotations that guerillism has. However in substance it 
is a reactionary campaign that sows illusions in the masses concerning the 
nature of capitalism in Columbia.Castro's 26th of July movement had a distinctly 
reformist or liberal character to it too. However there was at least one more 
radical element within it in the form of the Che Guevara faction. However when 
Castro won power he was forced by the specific objective circumstances to 
radicalise his politics and policies.
It would be interesting to establish how the FARC got going. 
Was the original guerrilla war a spontaneous affair among the revolutionary 
peasantry which was eventually taken over and controlled by the Communist Party? 
In that way did the Communist Party through FARC contain a peasant uprising and 
in that way engage in a form of invisible collaboration with the bourgeoisie? I 
would find it difficult to believe that the Communist Party initiated the 
guerrilla campaign.
I found Louis' suggestion that the social contradictions are 
the source of the conflict interesting. His conclusion that any  attempts 
to achieve political and social stability in the absence of a corresponding 
resolution of the objective contradictions equally interesting. However this 
same conception could apply to northern Ireland in relation to the peace 
process. The cobbling together of a stability package in the long run, according 
to Louis conception, is hardly going to achieve stability in the long run is the 
social contradictions in northern Ireland are not resolved.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site 

M-TH: Louis on Columbia

1999-09-25 Thread George Pennefather

I read your article on the FARC. If FARC is the armed detachment of the 
Columbian Communist Party does this mean that the Communist Party has a 
substantial working class base in the cities and towns? And if so why not?
Is the Columbian Communist Party an orthodox Stalinist party? How come the 
Communist Party promotes peasant insurrection. I would have thought their aim 
would be to concentrate their activity among the industrial  working class 
rather than the peasantry.
Finally does it have a web site.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site athttp://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/

M-TH: Some tenative observations

1999-09-26 Thread George Pennefather

A few tentative observations on East Timorese 
It is clear that the imperialist forces that have descended 
on East Timor to ostensibly protect the civilian population against the 
pro-independence "militia" are a mere pretext for direct imperialist 
intervention to protect and advance the class interests of the imperialist 
Now that the cold war period is effectively over imperialism 
no longer relies in the same way on the kind of regime that has ruled over 
Indonesia. Consequently it can suffer a facade of  East Timorese 
independence involving formal democratic structures.
Imperialism has directly intervened in East Timor in order to 
protect and develop its oppressive hold over the world. East Timor will be 
effectively another "invisible" colony of imperialism. Australian capitalism is 
required to do Washington's work for a variety of reasons. One of them is 
Beijing. If Washington was to walk into East Timor as the main player China 
would  become increasingly worried concerning the former's strategic 
intentions. China is highly sensitive to any direct intervention by Washington 
in that part of the world. Consequently direct military intervention by the 
Americans would most probably  lead to a deterioration in relations between 
Beijing and Washington. At a time when relations between them have already 
deteriorated after its intervention in Kosova and its bombing of the Chinese 
embassy Washington would merely reduce the options available. Some other powers 
in that part of the world would experience greater uneasiness with a relatively 
large scale American military intervention too.
Any direct military intervention by the US might encourage 
closer co-operation between Russia and China. Already these two powers have been 
drawing closer together in the face of the growing power of American 
imperialism. Direct military intervention in East Timor would only encourage 
Russia/ Chinese unity. Furthermore it might also lead to greater unity 
between these two powers and other lesser powers under the threat from an 
increasingly powerful interventionist Washington. Consequently Washington 
has to avoid making moves that would foster unity around a 
Russian/Chinese axis. In view of this the ideal player for the role of 
chief bourgeois crusader is Australia. It is an "Asian" power and has been 
conducting itself over the last while --before the current difficulty- 
within that context  rather than as a Western power within Asia. 
Jakarta, on the other hand, if forced  could play the 
Asian card and thereby increase bourgeois instability in that region. This could 
only but upset Washington strategic plans. This is what Washington fears even 
though it is a highly unlikely scenario. Jakarta can play this card by making 
things difficult for Cosgrove in East Timor through its deployment and 
reactivation of --its Trojan horse-- the "militia" in East Timor. By 
re-activating this force it can make things so difficult for Australia as 
to undermine its ability to impose and maintain imperialist stability in 
East Timor. As the situation there deteriorates --getting increasingly messy-- 
Canberra would be forced to pour more and more troops into the island. This 
force the Australian bourgeoisie to introduce conscription. This development 
together with the body bags returning home could adversely impact on the 
Australian regime. The conditions for the emergence of a mass anti-war protests 
might be created. There is always the remote possibility then that East Timor 
could lead to growing bourgeois instability in Australia itself and the 
consequent radicalisation of Australian politics. Apart from all this Australia 
would be effectively finished as a regional power --for some time-- capable of 
conducting the current kind of intervention in that region. Obviously neither 
Canberra nor Washington would be pleased with such a state of affairs. This 
would significantly upset Washington's strategic plans since no longer could it 
hope to use Australia to serve as its lieutenant in that region. Canberra's loss 
of credibility would further destabilise the situation in that part of the world 
and correspondingly strengthen China's regional status.
Furthermore Washington, under such circumstances, would be 
forced to intervene militarily in East Timor thereby exposing its naked 
imperialist aggressive intentions to other powers in that region thereby 
prompting them to seek protection under a Russia/China umbrella. The one thing 
Washington does not want is a Russian/Chinese bloc that includes other Asian 
powers. To avoid this Washington might be prepared to hand back East Timor to 
At present the main danger facing many powers in the world is 
the growing power of  US imperialism in the absence of an effective 
counterweight as the Soviet Union had been until its demise. With the Soviet 
"menace" gone it is becoming increasingly clear that the Amer

Re: M-TH: Some tenative observations

1999-09-28 Thread George Pennefather

Bob: Well, I don't know too many Australians 
who think we're 'Asian', and Idon't know ANY 'Asians' who think we 
George: If Australia is a country in Asia then 
it is an Asian country and its people are Asians --just as white from South 
Africa are Africans.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank 
web site athttp://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/

M-TH: Howard doctrine

1999-09-28 Thread George Pennefather

Already what I wrote in piece on East Timor is proving true. 
Howard has been apparently forced to retract his statement concerning 
Australia's role in Asia because of the antagonistic Asian and domestic response 
to it. The Canberra government commitment to East Timor is already creating 
difficulties for it.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site 

M-TH: Australia's Vietnam

1999-09-30 Thread George Pennefather

In relation to Gary's letter I just see that Indonesia has 
pulled out its forces from East Timor. Clearly then this leaves a power vacuum 
that can be filled with the pro-Indonesian militia since the Australia led UN 
force has only recently deployed and needs time to pan out. It is questionable 
whether the forces currently on hand will prove sufficient to establish control 
over East Timor. The upshot may be a rather messy and ongoing affair --perhaps 
even Canberra's Vietnam.
I omitted to suggest in the last posting in response to 
Gary's observations that the adverse economic conditions impacting on Australia 
due to the economic meltdown inflicting that part of the world is another 
condition that has probably led the Australian bourgeoisie down the 
interventionist path. Clearly racism will feature in this changed strategy. 
Racism will be encouraged as a means to ideologically and politically underpin 
this strategy. Initially as with Washington over Kosova and the Gulf this racism 
will take the form of ethical foreign policy. Racism has been, in a sense 
acquiring new and perhaps more virulent forms --a racism heaped under an  
ethical foreign policy. Ethical foreign policy is the new form assumed by racism 
--the form that most needs to be exposed and discredited. The traditional forms 
of racism are easily identified and even undermined. It is the new forms that 
need to be identified and combated. Imperialism, in many ways is a hydra headed 
Under such circumstances domestic unrest may break out 
--already the situation has led to protests within Australia that have not been, 
I would say, witnessed there for some time. If body bags start coming home and 
conscription is introduced domestic instability may increase. It must be 
remembered that Indonesia controls West Timor and merely has to funnel a 
continuous flow of its armed forces into East Timor in the guise of the militia 
to upset and even destabilise Australia. At a time like this  Howard  
shooting his mouth off is "an own goal" achievement. The Indonesian army may not 
have left East Timor at all --officially they have left all right. They have 
merely, if anything, changed the form in which they are presenting themselves. 
The Indonesian army is now continuing the struggle to control East Timor through 
the form of the militia. Whether they choose to continue and even develop this 
strategy is another matter. This entire Australian adventure may increasingly 
overspill into West Timor. Indeed just a short while ago --perhaps on this list 
or elsewhere-- I read a call by someone to the UN forces to intervene in West 
Timor where the East Timorese, the commentator says, are imprisoned.
The destabilisation and the comprehensive discrediting of 
Australia may be what is at stake. If this were to happen Japan and even China 
might finding it very tempting to invade Australia under certain circumstances. 
Australia, in many ways, is the Israel of the Far East (hope my geography is up 
to scratch here). Washington cannot allow it to destabilise and discredited 
since its foreign policy in the Far East has Australia centrally factored into 
it. If Washington is forced to take a more overtly aggressive and oppressive 
policies against the Far East the entire situation there and elsewhere could 
lead to a massive anti-imperialist backlash.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site 

M-TH: Gurkhas

1999-10-03 Thread George Pennefather

The deployment of the Ghurkhas in East Timor by London illustrates their 
use in disguising the aggressive nature of British imperialism. Since they are 
Asian they present an image of being on the side of the oppressed masses. It is 
like sending an ethnically Irish regiment of the British Army into Northern 
The Ghurkhas have a useful role, then, to play for imperialism. Perhaps US 
imperialism will create an ethnically Arab regiment of the US army for 
deployment in Iraq.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site athttp://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/

M-TH: Indonesia and Washington

1999-10-03 Thread George Pennefather

The fact that Washington dithered over the East Timorese 
crisis and eventually backed an force entering Timor to stabilise the situation 
may be understood as a signal from Washington that East Timor is not at the top 
of its agenda. If one looks at the totally different way in which Washington 
hyped up the matter of the invasion of Iraq before it mounted its attack one can 
see that there is some justification for Jakarta concluding that Washington is 
not prepared to go as far as it can to establish East Timorese independence. One 
of the principal factors that may discourage Indonesian belligerence is the 
domestic turmoil it is itself facing. But then this may be a reason to use Timor 
to play the nationalist card. Indeed the anti-Australian mobilisation around the 
Australian embassy in Jakarta may support this thesis. 
The fact that Canberra is spearheading the invasion on the 
ground can be viewed as an another indication that Washington is not very 
serious concerning the establishment of East Timorese independence. Such 
ambiguity on the part of Washington can lead to worsening the problem. In the 
first place Jakarta may feel more encouraged to resist through the mounting of a 
guerrilla campaign through West Timor to get its way in part if not in full. On 
the other hand Canberra's confidence in its new role may be less strident  
because of the ambiguity created by Washington's apparent lack of resolve. All 
this can quite foreseeably lead to the situation becoming increasingly 
intricate, all encompassing and more dirty. And of course the Timorese 
masses will be the pawns in all this. Already Canberra has demonstrated at this 
early stage how the situation can easily spiral out of control with the Howard 
and Moore gaffes. All their statements have achieved is the increased alienation 
of Jakarta and perhaps of other powers in the region. Indeed the very trust that 
exists among ASEAN countries is the fact that Jakarta, a key member of ASEAN, 
has successfully urged some of these countries to send forces into East Timor as 
part of the UN force as a counterweight to Canberra's forces. This is an 
indication of the distrust among ASEAN of both the West and Australia and its 
kid brother New Zealand.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site 

M-TH: Hot Pursuit

1999-10-03 Thread George Pennefather

Canberra's "hot pursuit" statement concerning invasions into West Timor 
ties in with the views I have expressed concerning the imperialist invasion of 
East Timor leading to the conflict widening to increasingly include all of 
Timor. As I have already said the situation is more complicated than it may 
appear and could lead to a very messy situation for Canberra.
The Australian's Defence Minister blunder is a further indication of how 
unprepared and inexperienced they are diplomatically and militarily for their 
new role as Washington rotweiler in the Indian/ Pacific region.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site athttp://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/

Re: M-TH: Hot Pursuit

1999-10-03 Thread George Pennefather

Hi Rob,

Your reply is appreciated. Dont think because I dont always reply I dont read any 
you post.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at
G'day George,

Yep.  I have to agree.  Canberra is going with the military on tactics, and
with the Yanks on strategy.  0/2 for mine.  We're busy making something
that could have worked quite nicely into something that might well get very
ugly for all involved.

To torture an old Australian insult, if brains were dynamite, John Howard
still couldn't blow his nose.


>Canberra's "hot pursuit" statement concerning invasions into West
>Timor  ties in with the views I have expressed concerning the imperialist
>invasion of  East Timor leading to the conflict widening to increasingly
>include all of  Timor. As I have already said the situation is more
>complicated than it may  appear and could lead to a very messy situation
>for Canberra.   The Australian's Defence Minister blunder is a further
>indication of how  unprepared and inexperienced they are diplomatically
>and militarily for their  new role as Washington rotweiler in the Indian/
>Pacific region.   Warm regards
>George Pennefather   Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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M-TH: The UN and Washington

1999-10-04 Thread George Pennefather

Washington's failure to pay the millions of dollars that it 
owes the UN is a deliberate strategy designed to keep the UN weak and thereby a 
pliant tool of Washington's ambitions. By keeping the UN week by starving it of 
badly needed funds the UN is  forced to allow NATO forces and Australian 
forces to do its job of work. This makes the UN ineffectual since it cannot 
really control forces under NATO and Australian command. In the past the UN was 
principally responsible for creating and organising the UN force. Such forces 
were mainly drawn from countries such as Sweden and Ireland --countries formally 
far removed from having any vested interests in the particular hotspot.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site 

M-TH: South America

1999-10-04 Thread George Pennefather

Washington's perspective on South America.
Washington cannot allow South America to become increasingly 
strong and unified. Washington, then, is caught in a dilemma. This helps explain 
its schizoid foreign policy in relation to South America. On the one hand it 
does not desire South America to become so weak and divided that it turns into a 
chaotic wasteland such as virtually happened in sub-Saharan Africa. South 
America would then be of little strategic value to Washington. Consequently 
Washington has a vested interest in a relatively prosperous South America that 
does not become too prosperous, unified and strong "for its own good". Such a 
South America would pose a growing threat to Washington strategically and 
commercially. Washington's policy, then, is to support a contradictory economic 
and political development in South America. Consequently its prosperity tends to 
have an uneven and contradictory character. In this way it develops economically 
in a circumscribed way. Washington wants South American development to take a 
form that does not lead to an economically independent and united South America. 
This is why it engages in policies that prevent unity establishing itself in 
South America. This is why is does not encourage and even conspires to undermine 
any South American country that begins to assume an independent leadership role 
in South America conducive to promoting the independent and unified growth of 
South America. Consequently, as is commonly thought, Washington does not 
conspire against a more independent minded and dynamic regime merely because it 
threatens the commercial interests of American firms there. This undoubtedly 
comes into the equation. But it is not necessarily the principal concern.  
It conspires against them principally because of their more independent 
character. Washington must always seek to remove any conditions conducive to 
South America emerging as an economic and political rival to its class 
interests.It cannot tolerate the existence of an independent South American 
bourgeoisie at its doorstep.
Consequently America seeks to promote and yet retard South 
American economic and political development which is why it plays one 
regime off against another.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site 

M-TH: Indonesian collapse

1999-10-04 Thread George Pennefather

There is the danger that Indonesia will collapse and 
It is this danger and its adverse effects on Australia and 
New Zealand both in the context of its commercial and security interests. 
Australia's new and more active strategy entailing its leading a force into East 
Timor is aimed at seeking to assist, however modestly, in preventing the 
collapse of Indonesia from occurring. If Indonesia collapses it will fragment in 
such a way that the Indonesian armed forces will break into a variety of 
regional military worlordships each in combat with each other.
The principal reason that Australia has shifted away from 
splendid isolation and taken its armed forces into East Timor is danger of 
Indonesia collapsing. The interests of the East Timorese masses has little to do 
with their actions.

M-TH: China and Indonesia

1999-10-05 Thread George Pennefather

Russia and certainly China might have a vested 
interest in the disintegration of Indonesia. Certainly China might have an 
interest in somewhat assisting in Indonesian instability (and being seen to be 
assisting) as a means of increasing its leverage with regard to Washington 
concerning commercial relations as well as in relation to the issue of Taiwan 
Perhaps the instability generated by the break up of 
Indonesia might not suit China's especially as China itself could conceivably 
experience a somewhat similar process --Manchuria and Japan. However it might 
still be interested in mischief making in relation to Indonesia as a means of 
increasing its leverage.
It may also, despite its tiny participation in 
the UN force, like to see Australia getting into some difficulties in East Timor 
through a sustained even if moderate guerrilla war. It would hope to exploit 
this kind of difficulty for its own national interests.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site 

M-TH: Washington's anxieties

1999-10-07 Thread George Pennefather

The antagonism shown by Washington to both Iran and Iraq is 
further evidence that Washington does not  mount opposition to a power 
simply because it is state socialist,  or revolutionary socialist. Neither 
Iran nor Iraq  fit into any of these categories in any comprehensive sense. 
Washington has been antagonistic to both regimes because of the relative 
independence of these regimes. These are regimes that would seek to be establish 
themselves as regional powers. Consequently and such independence, no matter how 
moderate, is viewed as a challenge to Washington's imperialist interests. In a 
sense Washington, although a global power, is still weak in the sense that it 
cannot brook even relative national independence in the Middle East, Near East, 
Africa and South America. Washington feel threatened by any characteristics of 
independence shown by any powers in these parts of the world. This is why it has 
been so antagonistic to Libya too. The existence of a relatively independent 
political power in Africa or South America is a cause of anxiety in Washington. 
It fears that such powers can then proceed to establish a regional system of 
power independent of Washington --a pan African or South American unity that 
could then challenge Washington foreign policy.

M-TH: Washiington, Turkey and Iraq

1999-10-08 Thread George Pennefather

One of the reasons why Washington hammers away at Iraq is 
Turkey. Baghdad can exploit  the Kurdish question to undermine the Turkish 
state --a lynchpin in the NATO gameplan. Since Turkey is such a significant 
ingredient in America's policy for that region it cannot afford to tolerate the 
undermining or even weakening of the Turkish state in such a manner as to 
strengthen Iraq as a regional power --a power that subordinates Istanbul to its 
interests. As I indicated  in a previous posting the one thing Washington 
cannot tolerate is the existence of independent powers that do act as compliant 
agents for American imperialism.
If one independent power succeeds in establishing itself this 
can create a precedent for the development of other such power thereby 
increasing challenges to American hegemony. America's foreign policy is a 
feverish and relentless strategy to keep as many powers as possible subordinate 
to its interests. Consequently it struggles to divide and rule.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site 

M-TH: Torie and taxes

1999-10-08 Thread George Pennefather

The Tory Party Conference raises the issue of reduced 
taxation. This sounds very appealing to many British workers since the tax 
deducted from their wages is huge. To promise to reduce this taxation burden is 
a very populist demand that strikes a chord in the hearts and minds of many. 

But is it as good as it sounds?
If, say, income tax is to be reduced is this going to 
necessarily, in general, benefit the workers. Is it going to lead to a 
corresponding increase in take home pay?
A reduction in income tax means, on the face of it an 
increase in real wages. However if this happens wages increases negotiated or 
won through industrial action are going to be correspondingly less. Consequently 
any reductions in taxation will in the long run benefit the capitalist class 
leading to correspondingly increased profits rather than the working class. 

The entire idea of reduced taxation leading in the long run 
to increased wages is an ideological myth promoted both by the bourgeoisie and 
the bourgeois trade union leadership. Income tax is, if anything, is a deduction 
from surplus value and not a deduction from wages. 
Consequently the Tory Party's promise of tax reductions is a 
populist way of promising to reduce the state's deduction of surplus value from 
the profit of the capitalist class.Tax reductions may also mean a reduction in 
state that are of benefit to both the working class and the lumpen working 
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site 

M-TH: Cancelling 3rd world debt

1999-10-13 Thread George Pennefather

Can anyone fill us in on the matter of third world debt and Clinton's 
announcement that his administration is cancelling it. Is it genuine?
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site athttp://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/

M-TH: Pakistan

1999-10-13 Thread George Pennefather

The apparent coup in Pakistan may lead to increased 
instability in the region. Apparently the general leading the coup who had been 
a member of the government but was later sacked espouses a more militant 
approach over Kashmir seems. Kashmir seems to have been one of the issues that 
led to his being sacked.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site 

M-TH: The Boer War

1999-10-14 Thread George Pennefather

Just a short while ago the 100 year anniversary of the Boer occurred. It is 
a war is little discussed despite the importance Lenin seems attributed to it as 
a historic event.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site athttp://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/

M-TH: Pakistan and the military

1999-10-14 Thread George Pennefather

The military coup in Pakistan is being essentially supported 
by Bhutto who is in exile in Britain. Clearly for venal pragmatic reasons she is 
prepared to support the undermining of formal democracy.
The military coup in Pakistan indicates that bourgeois 
democracy in Pakistan is a total sham. It is a sham in the sense that these 
democratic regimes are only exist because the military support them. In this 
sense such democratic regimes are hardly democratic in the sense that Gt Britain 
or France is.
In general democratic regimes in Pakistan are merely 
disguised forms by which the military rule. This is why a general can serve as a 
cabinet minister. The conditions for genuine formal bourgeois democracy do not, 
it would seem to me, exist as of yet in Pakistan.
The power of the military in Pakistan is an expression of the 
lack of cohesion and weakness of Pakistani capitalism. The military is the only 
really national  centralised organisation in Pakistan. Consequently it is 
forced to maintain power to stop Pakistan collapsing into anarchy. Clearly 
the social relations of production are not highly developed enough to allow for 
normal democratic conventions to obtain.
Washington is clearly watching events in Pakistan with alarm 
since the coup may signal the emergence of greater tension between India and 
Pakistan. It was hoped by Washington that the ousted Prime Minister would have 
succeeded in establishing a settlement with India over Kashmir --a source of so 
much India/Pakistan conflict. Anything that undermines the prospects of closer 
relations obtaining between these two countries suits Beijing's nationalist 
interests. Beijing could only but feel threatened by improving Indo-Pakistan 
In the post-cold world it is not always in Washington's 
interests to support military regime's in less economically developed countries. 
A weak democratic regime can prove a more pliant tool than a stronger and more 
independent  regime. A more independent military regime may have been more 
actively encouraged in the past as part of a strategic effort to contain and 
weaken the Soviet Union. However in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet 
Union Washington's global strategy has been changing. 
The prevailing view is that the military coup was undertaken 
by a more stridently nationalist army which saw its credibility being undermined 
by the Prime Minister. Nothing could be further from the truth. The military 
coup was mounted because of the fear of the masses. The Pakistani economy has 
been going through a bad time. The ousted regime was correspondingly 
experiencing growing unpopularity.  The military, because of its existence as a 
national and relatively highly centralised institution with a widespread 
intelligence network, would know better that any other element in Pakistan what 
conditions among the mass of the population were like. So rather than wait for 
the Indonesian "virus" to strike the Pakistan military moved into position as a 
pre-emptive action.
The coup then contains within itself a contradiction. A 
contradiction between the domestic imperatives of Pakistani capitalism and the 
strategic imperatives of international capitalism. However the contradiction may 
be more apparent than real. The military regime may not be as belligerent 
towards India as seems to be commonly  thought. This is why Washington is 
being rather cautious about Pakistani events.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site 

M-TH: Pakistan again

1999-10-14 Thread George Pennefather

The military coup that has just taken place in Pakistan may 
suit Beijing's interest. Beijing does not want to see any unity developing 
between Pakistan and India. Growing unity between the these two countries might 
pose a challenge to Beijing's status and influence in the region. 

Re: M-TH: The Boer War

1999-10-15 Thread George Pennefather

Yes Chris I watched the last part of the series --missed the previous three parts. I 
realised that there was such an aspect of to the Boer war in the accentuated form it 
The programme was quite interesting. It took the romance out of that war.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

The fact of British concentration camps for the Boers was known. Until I
saw Channel Four tonight I did not know that there were also conctration
camps for 120,000 blacks. One report quoted an order that tents were to be
reserved only for white concentration camps, not black.

The Boer war was a war against civilians, rather like Kosovo and East
Timor. It aimed to deprive the guerillas of their supporting population.

Having relied on the blacks to defeat the Boers, the British compromised in
the political settlement and left the question of enlarging the franchise
until after self rule was re-established for the Boer Republics.

What hypocrisy.

Chris Burford


 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: INLA and drugs

1999-10-17 Thread George Pennefather

Can anyone explain to me the relationship between the INLA and the drugs 
issue. Paul Williams from the Sunday World claims the  INLA is essentially a 
gang of thugs involved in the drug scene from the point of view of pushing them 
and collecting protection. 
Yet if this is so it is hard to believe that up to a 1000 people attended 
the funeral of the murdered INLA man including prominent Provo fiugures. Can 
anybody explain this.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site athttp://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/
THE INLA has vowed to hunt down the drugs gang who slayed one of 
itsmembers in a bloody confrontation.Despite frantic efforts by 
gardai to stop simmering tensions exploding intoopen warfare, there are 
increasing fears that the republican group is aboutto launch a violent 
campaign against the drugs gang.

M-TH: Israel and UN

1999-10-24 Thread George Pennefather

The apparent likelihood that Israel's influence may increase 
to the level of eventually sitting on the Security Council is an attempt by 
Washington to increase the number of its friends sitting  on the Security 
Council. It may too be an accommodation made as a quid pro quo for some 
concession concerning the Middle East issue. 
It is ironical that a state that has been  in contravention 
to a UN resolution should be even considered for future admission to the 
Security Council by Washington when they it has bombed and sought to isolate 
Iraq because of its contravention of a UN resolution.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site athttp://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/

M-TH: Colombia and Ireland

1999-10-25 Thread George Pennefather

In Colombia a civil war exists. It is a civil war that that 
has nothing to do with the promotion of the class interests of the working 
class. The FARC and the ELN are the principal guerrilla armies claiming to 
represent the interests of the masses. But there is little or no difference 
between these movements and the forces of the state. Both are merely different 
expressions of the interests of the bourgeoisie and thereby serve different 
functions in perpetuating the existence of that class.
The masses are merely pawns in the conflict between the 
different bourgeois political interests. The FARC and the ELN are petty 
bourgeois organisations that ultimately represent the interests of the 
bourgeoisie --analogous to the Provo IRA. Like the IRA they cannot and do not 
want to promote the class interests of the masses --however much they pretend 
otherwise. Like the IRA they are prepared to do a deal with the forces of the 
state in the interests of establishing a bourgeois settlement. The issue is the 
price at which they are prepared "to betray their principals" --as some might 
put it.
The essential difference between FARC/ELN and the bourgeois 
political forces centred in and around the Colombian state is not the essential 
bourgeois class interests which each in its own way sustains. The difference is 
a more derivative, perhaps even more superficial, one. FARC/ELN express 
bourgeois interests in a way that is more accommodating to the petty bourgeois 
masses on which their support is based. Consequently a bourgeois settlement must 
be one that includes conditions that in some partial way satisfy the needs of 
the peasant masses. This compromise, like the Good Friday Agreement, must be 
dressed up in bright colours in order to deceive, confuse and diffuse the 
Colombian masses to render it more possible to foist compromise on them. 
The success in implementing such a compromise allows the leadership of FARC/ELN 
to establish itself within the institution of the state in such a way that it 
can preserve its petty bourgeois interests as an integral part of the state. 

This is what Sinn Fein/IRA in Ireland have been striving to 
achieve. They are hoping that their petty bourgeois interests are sustained 
within the structures of the British state in a Northern Ireland Assembly, the 
Northern Ireland Executive and other state and para-state bodies. Consequently 
the economic sustenance of Sinn Fein/IRA petty bourgeois interests will 
shift its support (through its existence as a armed organisation) 
from  economic sources that may have been less than legitimate to more 
explicit economic support in the state. In this way it will have succeeded 
through compromise in shifting the economic source of its existence from outside 
the imperialist to inside it. In this way this petty bourgeois interest will 
have been successfully colonised by the state --by imperialism. The corporatist 
imperialist state will have further integrated interests that had existed 
outside it into its very imperialist statal being. In a previous period this 
same state largely colonised the British working class in a similar way --it 
cannibalises all that challenges it from the outside.
Ultimately both Sinn Fein/IRA and FARC/ELN seek are more 
sophisticated and subtle capitalist state that appears to encompass the 
interests of a variety of different petty bourgeois elements while essentially 
and effectively serving the interests of the bourgeoisie. They thereby seek to 
restructure the capitalist state investing it with a colonising 
capacity --colonisation through a corporatist strategy. In short the struggle of 
Sinn Fein/IRA and FARC/ELN is a pro-imperialist struggle for the restructuring 
of the capitalist state. To suggest that these political elements are 
revolutionary from the point of view of the masses merely invests them with a 
revolutionary mystique which belies the essential political interests which they 

M-TH: China & North Korea

1999-10-26 Thread George Pennefather

China's apparent rebuilding of more friendly relations with 
North Korea may form part of Beijing's strategy to use its developing relations 
with North Korea as a lever in any attempts by Washington to forge some kind of 
unity between North and South Korea. Strategically the re-unification of Korea 
as part of the Washington empire can cause alarm in Beijing. Given that 
relations between the US and North Korea appear to be improving it would seem 
that China is seeking to rebuild relations with North Korea as a counterweight 
to the strategic threat of any reunification.
North Korea, it would seem, hopes to exploit this rivalry 
between Beijing and Washington.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site 

M-TH: Fw: A new regular feature in LM magazine

1999-10-26 Thread George Pennefather

- Original Message - 
From: Louis Proyect <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.socialism.trotsky
Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 3:50 PM
Subject: A new regular feature in LM magazine



Q: My husband is simply never home. He works until at least 9:00 P.M.
- and for six hours or so on either Saturday or Sunday - because he
says it's expected. Even though I have some household help, it's a
tremendous strain on me to raise two daughters, ages 1 1/2 and 4,
without a father around. On a recent Sunday, I was running a
102-degree fever, and he still went to the office. How can I cope with

A: You could tell him, quite seriously, that unless he can create more
time to be a husband and father, you and the children will be forced
to fire him. He needs to find a way to make clear to his employer
that, while he's willing to work overtime in emergencies, this
round-the-clock face time must end. Apart from what it's doing to his
family, his schedule is going to burn him out - if it hasn't already -
and make him a much less effective employee. Of course, the
possibility exists that even if his boss weren't pressuring him to put
in long hours, he would do so anyway because he's a workaholic. In
that case, you both need to figure out what he's trying to escape from
- like other addicts, workaholics are hiding from inner turmoil. It
could be the responsibilities of parenting two preschool-age children.
Clearly, it's time for a frank discussion of what each of you expects
from your marriage and what is missing. If that gets you nowhere, I'd
strongly suggest he carve out time in his schedule for marriage
counseling. Should you keep going on the way you're going, I foresee


Marxist discussion is at: www.panix.com/~lnp3/marxism.html

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Fw: Australian referendum

1999-10-26 Thread George Pennefather

- Original Message - 
From: Eric Cartman Sr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.socialism.trotsky
Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: Australian referendum

In article <7v0d21$cpo$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Andy Lehrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On November 6th Australians vote in a referendum on whether or not to
> abolish the monarchy and establish a republic. I'm wondering how the
> left in Australia is intervening? I understand from Green Left Weekly
> that the DSP is calling for a yes vote for a republic while the ISO
> is calling for a no vote "against the bosses' republic".

The ISO is voting to retain the British Queen as Australia's head of
state?  That deserves more publicity ...

Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Gusmao and East Timor

1999-10-26 Thread George Pennefather

The fact that Gusamao has apparently asked the remaining Indonesians 
settlers to stay in East Timor is an indication of the reactionary politics of 
this man. Again nationalism betrays the cause it is supposed to promote. He is 
only some days back in East Timor and already he is selling out. It would be 
interesting to hear from comrades on this list what the East Timorese resistance 
movement's programme is --more and more help from Washington I suppose.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site athttp://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/

M-TH: Re: ORG: Colombia and Ireland

1999-10-27 Thread George Pennefather

John: 1)Their political program and platform is not petty 
bourgeois.  They wantto implement a Soviet Union style command economy 
(or something morereformist) which certainly isn't in the interests of the 
George: Yeah! Sinn Fein/IRA said they wanted to implement a 
programme that would lead to the achievement of thirty two county independent 
Irish Republic. And look what they are doing now --begging to be let sit on a 
Northern Ireland Executive that will perpetuate and reinforce petition.
John: 2)The class composition of the FARC/ELN is not 
George: This probable fact is neither here nor there. The 
class composition of the NAZI party in Germany was not in general bourgeois yet 
it represented the class interests of the German monopoly bourgeoisie.

John: The FARC is opposed by international and internal 
capital, whichfunds both the Columbian State and its rich landowners in 
their respectiveefforts to crush the FARC.  
George: Hitler was opposed by the British and American 
capitalist class which means that for you he was a revolutionary commie.
John: I think the only way in which you are correct in 
saying that they are"petty bourgeois" is to the extent that the FARC (less 
so the ELN)represent the interests of peasants.  However most 
revolutionary movements(which I am defining as popular class struggles 
directed against their ownruling class) have made extensive use of peasants, 
so I don't think thistakes anything away from the ELN/FARC.
George: But what are the interests of the peasants? There is 
no real future for the peasants. To suggest that the class interests of the 
peasants is being advanced by FARC is to say that FARC support the extinction of 
the peasantry since the Colombian peasantry have no future and are ultimately 
--like all peasantry-- doomed to extinction. Neither under capitalism nor 
communism is there any future for the peasantry. Communal based farming means an 
end to the peasantry. Consequently if the FARC are revolutionary then  
rather than protecting the interests of the peasantry they are, 
willy-nilly, seeking their extinction.
However since FARC are not revolutionary they are still 
promoting their extinction by their essential support for the bourgeoisie. At 
the moment they are engaged in peace talks with Pastrana which amounts to 
seeking a price at which it is  prepared to sell out the very peasants 
whose interests according to you they represent.
By pretending to represent the interests of the Colombian 
peasantry FARC are sowing illusions in the masses concerning the nature of 
capitalist society. Their programme is ipso facto utopian  in the sense 
that they are claiming that they can achieve a society that is unachievable --a 
society that sustains the existence of a peasantry. They are reactionary in the 
sense that they seek a return to the past --since it only in the past that the 
conditions for a burgeoning peasantry would have existed. By contrast 
revolutionaries look to the future --the establishment of communal social 
Either way they thereby promote the class interests of the 
bourgeoisie since they sow and reinforce illusion in the masses. Such illusion 
only serves to disarm the masses politically and ideologically and render them 
vulnerable to defeat by the bourgeoisie. Consequently by assisting in the defeat 
of the masses FARC's politics assist the bourgeoisie in its struggle 
against the masses. This means, then, that FARC's politics are essentially 
bourgeois. Whether FARC are aware of this or not is beside the point. FARC is 
not necessarily consciously and intentionally deceiving the masses. Many of its 
lading fiures may passionately believe that they are serving the interests of 
the masses. Indeed the more passionate they are about such illusions the more 
effective they may be in assisting the bourgeoisie in the political and 
ideological disarmament of the working class.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site 

Re: M-TH: Fw: Australian referendum

1999-10-27 Thread George Pennefather


Who is the ISO

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

Yes, the DSP is calling for a yes vote and also encouraging people write
on the ballot paper - by direct election.  The ISO is calling for a no
vote for the "bosses republic", which begs the question do they support a
bosses' constitutional monarchy.  They have seemed to miss the point that
the Queen is a fuedal anchronism.  

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: US elections

1999-10-27 Thread George Pennefather

Given that the political programmes of the main political 
parties in the United States are increasingly converging on each other 
personality tends to become the key issue in elections. Image becomes all 
because there is hardly anything left to distinguish one bourgeois party from 
another. Under such circumstance the most marginal considerations and issues 
tend to become the issues on which an election result turns.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site 

M-TH: Some Comments

1999-10-27 Thread George Pennefather

Timor: An interesting point that seems to 
have been omitted from any public discussion on the East Timorese 
referendum is the displaced population. If as many East Timorese have been 
displaced as has been claimed then the referendum on independence for East Timor 
would have omitted a large percentage of the electorate from the referendum. 
Many of these would have been in West Timorese camps or even holed up in the 
East Timorese hills. I now wonder how reliable this referendum was.
Japan: "The vice minister of defence lost 
his job last week after saying in a magazine interview that Japan should 
consider arming itself with nuclear weapons. Yesterday, the government belatedly 
muzzled Mr. Nishimura, pressuring him to cancel a press conference on the 
Clearly as in the case of Australian members of the government 
making extraordinary statement concerning the role of Australia as a regional 
power Japan has been drawn into a similar scenario where a government minister 
says publicly what much of the Japanese bourgeoisie are discussing 
Clearly as I indicated in postings of mine on  
East-Timorese developments, the interventionist role of Australia and the West 
re. East Timorese generates problems for the respective bourgeoisies of leading 
countries in the region that prompt developments that lead to complications.
It is clear that if the situation in Timor were to get 
increasingly messy  similar and even more unpredictable developments would 
occur causing the situation to grow more difficult in which issues not otherwise 
raised publicly would emerge. These tendencies are present as recent events 
indicate and can lead to greater regional tension.
Argentinean elections: It is clear that the 
election of the new Argentinean President is not going to lead to any 
significant changes in Argentina. It is not as big a change as may be thought 
when it is viewed in the context of the fact that the Peronists still control 
Parliament etc.
The incoming President has no intentions of changing the 
programme of cutbacks in state spending and privatisations that the outgoing 
President instituted.
The incoming President puts the emphasis on eliminating 
corruption etc. --the ethical politics of the so called "Blair Revolution" of 
New Labour. But this means nothing in substance since it is impossible to 
eliminate corruption under capitalism. Anyway  corruption among the 
bourgeoisie is of no real concern to the working class. Corruption among the 
bourgeoisie is nothing more than a matter of how the cake gets divvied up among 
the bourgeoisie. Bourgeois political parties promises to eliminate corruption 
and to pursue ethical politics domestically and internationally is just a form 
of the new bourgeois ideology that has been manufactured by the bourgeoisie.
 As at least one commentator suggested what has happened 
is that the politics stays put while the face is changed --image politics again. 
A mere marginal change of no significance is now what elections turn on.
The Gulf:  The Gulf states concerned 
are apparently increasingly unhappy with the continued high profile presence of 
US forces on their territory and along its coasts with the feeling that Iraq is 
less a threat to them than formerly.
Clearly if Washington is forced to scale back its presence in 
the Gulf it will become increasingly less able to maintain the no-fly zone over 
Iraq etc. Its military ability in relation to both Iran and Iraq will have been 
substantially diminished. It is clear then that international and regional 
conditions are becoming increasingly favourable for Saddam in his efforts to get 
a more satisfactory agreement with the West in place. Here is a case where 
Washington may not get things quite as they would like. Washington may be forced 
to negotiate with Saddam because of the threat of the relevant Gulf states 
forcing a significant withdrawal of American forces from the region.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site athttp://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/

M-TH: Andre Gunar Frank & Marx

1999-11-01 Thread George Pennefather

I have been spending some time reading Andre Gundar Frank's 
book called Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America. It makes 
for interesting reading especially in the context of my interest in developments 
in Colombia.
I am drawn to the way in which he conceives capitalism as a 
global system and thereby as the valid unit of analysis.It is an indispensable 
perspective for any serious attempt to comprehend developments within the 
capitalist system. It is a view to which I have tended too eve if not in quite 
the same way.
I like the way Andre subjects the dualistic conception of the 
world to criticism. I too am of the view that one cannot dichotomise the social 
relations of production of a South American country and even a sub-Saharan 
African country. I am of the view that such economies exist within the world 
capitalist system and form "a component" of such a system.
However where I principally differ from Andre is in his gross 
omission of the principal categories of Marx's critique of political economy. 
The concepts of value, capital, equalisation of the rate of profit and the 
law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall are conspicuously absent from 
his critique. His relationship to Marx is an ambiguous one. It is never 
clear where Andre stands in relation to Marx's critique of political economy. 
Marxists but not Marx are explicitly subjected to criticism in his book.
I agree that there is some truth in the conception that the 
capitalist system of production consists of  centre and  periphery. I 
tend to agree that this centre, to exist, must have an underdeveloping 
periphery. However the central problem, in my view, is not the identification of 
this relationship. The central problem is the identification of the character of 
that relationship. The central task is the identification of how this 
relationship emerged and develops. In short it is critical that revolutionary 
communists outline the specific forms by which the centre/periphery relationship 
exists --the conditions for the existence and development of that 
In Marx's Capital the general rate of profit, the 
equalisation of the rate of profit and the law of the tendency of the rate of 
profit to fall are principal social forms by which capital accumulates and 
expands. For Marx the law of the tendency of the rate of  profit to fall is 
the driving force behind the expanded reproduction of capital. It would seem to 
me that if Andre rejects these central aspects of Marx's critique then he should 
make it clear as to why he does. If he were to engage successfully in such a 
critique of Marx's Capital then the form in which he endeavours to outline the 
centre/periphery link or hierarchy  present itself in a more plausible 
Now perhaps Andre has already completed such a critique. If 
he has then someone this list might inform me of this.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site 

Re: M-TH: Republic (and preamble) defeated...

1999-11-09 Thread George Pennefather

But Bob they also voted in a referendum on the same day against accepting the original
inhabitants, the Aborigines. as the original owners of Australia. As far as I know 
this is
the case --racism.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

>From the reports here in Sweden it appears that the real question appeared to be the
question of who would elect a president. The people or the parliment and because the
purposal declined the former many "republicans" elected to keep the old hag.

Much talk about the deep mistrust of politicans and politics in general.

Warm regards
Bob Malecki
- Original Message -
From: Bullimore / Kim Maree (COM) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 2:40 AM
Subject: M-TH: Republic (and preamble) defeated...

> Although the final count is not in - due to postal votes etc, the republic
> was defeated in the November 6 referendum.  With 77.8% of the vote
> counted
> 45.3% Yes for Republic39.5% Yes to add preamble to constitution
> 54.7% No for Republic 60.5% No to preamble.
> To win the republic vote had to achieve a double majority.  That is
> to achieve constitutional change, the  majority of Australian voters and a
> majority of voters in a majority of the states (that is a majority must be
> won in at least 4 states) must agree to the changes.
> The preamble was resoundingly defeated by 60% of the vote.  This was a
> major slap in the face for the PM John Howard and Aden Ridgeway who
> drafted the preamble.  The preamble which was full of nationalistic
> jingoism, which our PM seems to love so much.
> It read (try not to throw up as you read it!!!):
> With hope in God, the Commonwealth of Australia is constituted as a
> democracy with a federal system of government to serve the common good.
> We the Australian people commit ourselves to this constitution: Proud that
> our national unity has been forged by Australians of many ancestries;
> Never forgetting the sacrifices of all who defended our country and our
> liberty in time of war; upholding freedom, tolerance, individual dignity
> and the rule of law; Honouring Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, the
> nation's first people, for their deep kinship with their lands and for
> their ancient and continuing cultues which enrich the life of our countryl
> Recognising the nation building contribution of generatins of immigrants;
> mindful of our responsibliltly to protec our unique environmentl;
> supportive of achievement as well as equality of opportunity for all; and
> valuing independence as dearly as the national spirit which binds us
> together in both adversity and success.
> The preamble was drafted without consultation (other than with the
> Democrats and Aden Ridgeway) to the people.  Originally it included the
> PM's favourite word "mateship" which offended a large number of people,
> especially women - mateship is a very male term which has its origins in
> the national identity myth of the bush battler and diggers at WW1.
> Eventually this was dropped reluctantly.
> The other main area of contention was with the wording in regard to
> Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander people.  The favoured word by many
> Aboriginal people and leaders was "custodianship", which gives a more
> accurate reading of the relationship that Indigenous Australians have with
> their traditional lands.  Howard refused to use custodianship, because it
> could also imply ownership (and there for would be at odds with his view
> of the history of Australia - you know the Europeans really didn't steal
> the land from the Aboriginals or murder them or steal their children).
> The word "kinship" was suggested by the only Aboriginal in parliament Aden
> Ridgeway who is a member of the Democrats and is conservative.
> Ridgeway has lost a lot of standing with the grass roots membership of the
> Aboriginal community because of this.  He is seen by many as a "token"
> black.  The intersting thing is that Labor Aboriginal spokesperson, Daryl
> Melham has accussed him of just this today - something they have backed
> away from prior to this.
> comradely,
> Kim B
>  --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Fwd: Roma Community Center "DROM"Kumanovo Appeal and Reports

1999-11-14 Thread George Pennefather

Thought you all might be interested in the Radio Program I did quite a while back on 

Hi Bob,

Can I get onto this radio station of yours via the internet. Is your broadcast in 

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Cyprus

1999-11-16 Thread George Pennefather

Talks concerning partition in Cyprus are apparently starting again.

Can anyone tell me what this partition is all about? In whose interests is it that
partition continue? Why cannot both Turks and Greeks form one political community on

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: WTO and value

1999-11-16 Thread George Pennefather

The World Trade Organisation negotiations with China is clear evidence that the law of
value does not operate in an unadulterated fashion. It is evidence that there is no 
thing as free trade in any comprehensive sense. It would appear that there never has 
free exchange of commodities in any enduring sense. The law of value and the specific 
of capital operate in an significantly adulterated way. The state has always played an
historically significant role in relation to the circulation of both commodities and
capital. Consequently to try to apply Capital to the contemporary world economic 
in any pure way will simply produce conceptual abstraction. Marx's Capital cannot be 
as a naive model that can be naively used to provide a comprehensive understanding of 
capitalist economic system. Capital is a work of abstraction. This may explains how 
of Marx's political work even after he written Capital are in at least many cases free
from the form presented in Capital.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Re: WTO and value -- the relevance of Capital

1999-01-16 Thread George Pennefather

>The World Trade Organisation negotiations with China is clear evidence
>that the law of
>value does not operate in an unadulterated fashion. It is evidence that
>there is no such
>thing as free trade in any comprehensive sense. It would appear that there
>never has been
>free exchange of commodities in any enduring sense. The law of value and
>the specific laws
>of capital operate in an significantly adulterated way. The state has
>always played an
>historically significant role in relation to the circulation of both
>commodities and
>capital. Consequently to try to apply Capital to the contemporary world
>economic situation
>in any pure way will simply produce conceptual abstraction. Marx's Capital
>cannot be used
>as a naive model that can be naively used to provide a comprehensive
>understanding of the
>capitalist economic system. Capital is a work of abstraction. This may
>explains how much
>of Marx's political work even after he written Capital are in at least
>many cases free
>from the form presented in Capital.
>Warm regards
>George Pennefather

This might hold if Marx had ever restricted himself to the theoretical bits
of the first volume of Capital, or had not been aware of the relationship
between the laws determining the movement of capital and their empirical
manifestation, or had not intended to write sections of Capital dealing
with precisely these points. It might even hold if early, revolutionary
Soviet Marxists such as Preobrazhensky had not developed the relationship
between the operations of the law of value and an economic system in which
this law is significantly impaired, such as the proto-socialist Soviet
Union with its workers' state.

George: Can you provide us with a brief outline of P.'s conception of this?

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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Re: M-TH: China and law of value.

1999-01-16 Thread George Pennefather

- Original Message -
From: Dave Bedggood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 11:45 PM
Subject: M-TH: China and law of value.

The point about the law of value is that it is a law. Capital tries
its best to accumulate by reducing the value of commodities. Nation
states get in the road of the perfect operation of the LOV, but they
cannot prevent it from operating including its crisis effects. The
former USSR and China in breaking with the world market suspended the
LOV except for imports (a relatively small part of their economy).
What the reintroduction of the market does is to reassert the
operation of the LOV. Zhu's role has been to open up to the LOV in
order to force the state sector to compete so that his bureaucratic
caste can convert themselves in a new bourgeoisie.  His desperation
is shown in the concessions made by China to the US - half of
telecommunications opened up to the US and the US allowed to use
anti-dumping legislation against China for another 15 years  (David
Sanger, NYT 16 Nov).

What is interesting about this is not that it sheds new light on Marx
- all this stuff is old hat - but what it says about the
counter-revolution in China. For those of us who belief that the
degenerated or deformed workers state in China was progressive
because it replaced the LOV with state planning, it looks as if China
has reached the point of no return in the counter-revolution at
which the banking, insurance and communications industries will be
opened up to the global market.

George: You miss the very point I have been making. My point is that the WTO is 
that the LOV does not operate in a free and unadulterated form under capitalism.You 
to suggest the opposite. The WTO is evidence that there is no free trade. If there was
free trade then China would not be seeking membership of it. The WTO is designed to
advance the interests of imperialist countries at the expense of underdeveloped 3rd 
countries by introducing discrimatory trading relations. My point is that the LOV never
operated freely for any enduring length of time. To attempt to analyse the world 
purelyt on the basis of these laws merely leads to the proliferation of abstraction

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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M-TH: Washington bombs

1999-01-16 Thread George Pennefather

The bombing of Serbia by the Washington led military coalition earlier this year may 
been meant as a warning to Russia not to step too far out of line. Certainly 
bombing of Serbia is clear evidence that Washington is now prepared to  use such
aggression against a European power such as Serbia and may be prepared to use military 
power against Russia over Chechnya or some other matter/s.

It would seem that the bombing of Serbia was not merely executed to simply deal with
Belgrade. It would seem to have broader political and strategic implications --an
indication as to how far Washington is prepared to go to develop and maintain its kind 
world. The bombing of Serbia adds clout to the seriousness of Washington's diplomatic 
strategic programme. It is a way of telling the world to take Washington serious. In 
way the bombing was generally meant to underscore and strengthen American strategy and
corresponding diplomacy. It may have been that the subjugation of Belgrade was 
a subsidiary issue to the one of underscoring overall global American strategy 
perhaps, in intent to nuking of Hiroshoma.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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M-TH: Washington and Moscow

1999-01-17 Thread George Pennefather

Washington's consideration as to whether to hold back on loans to Russia is of 
significance. Clearly there are a variety of interrelated reasons for any such 
It can be used as a lever to pressurise Russia to reform its banking system in a way 
increases its integration with Western banking. The actual investigation into the money
Russian money laundering scam ties in with this policy.

Then it can be linked with the Chechnya issue. Washington hints to Moscow that it may
create such linkage between the loans and Chechnya can be actually imposed or used as a
threat to pressurise Russia into yielding on the banks or some other matter. In short
Washington is seeking to increase its options as a means of forcing Russia to proceed 
in a
way that suits western capitalist interests.

If it suits Washington's interests it might try to turn the Chechen situation into
Russia's Kosova. Certainly Washington is positioning itself so that this may become a 
option that it can implement. However, as I already intimated, it can ignore this 
if Yeltsin is prepared to concede ground on other issues.

The point is that Washington is attempting to create as many options as it can to 
force as
much as it can, in the circumstances, from Russia. Washington is positioning itself so
that it can play the Chechen card is so wishes. Washington's seeks to exploit to the
maximum Russian embroilment in Chechnya.

As I said Washington is seeking to position itself to fully exploit the Chechen 
However it does not have as easy a ride here as it did with regard to Kosova. 
options may be more restricted than they were over Kosova. Since Kosovo many members of
the UN are becoming increasingly aware of the dangers of this Clinton doctrine.
Consequently they may be less reluctant to sanction measures against   Russian 
in Chechnya especially as the latter is a member of the Russian Federation. They are 
that if Clinton's Kosovo policy is implemented in Chechnya then it may be implemented 
other cases that may more directly affect individual members of the UN. They are also
aware that this Clinton Doctrine has been reinforced by Kofi Amman when he said that 
UN should be able to intervene on humanitarian grounds in any sovereign state. The
significance of this statement by the UN Secretary General has not been fully 
among the radical left. At the time he made this statement I drew attention to its
significance on the list but there little or no response.

The significance of Clinton's Kosova policy is only beginning to hit home now. 
Kosova policy is a basic declaration to the world that no longer is sovereignty a
universal fact. It is true that in actual fact this has always been the case -Vietnam. 
never before has it been stated so explicitly both in practice and in theory. Clinton's
Kosova policy represents a new twist in American imperialism's attempts to advance its
class interests. However Washington is still implementing this policy in a tentative 
since it is always fearful of it provoking a united front against Washington's growing
political and diplomatic power by other states. It has to thread with some caution.

Despite Russia apparent determination to bring Chchnea under its control Russia has 
concession to be included in a final document to be signed which involves ging the OSCE
both a political and humanitarian role in the Chechnea.The fact that Russia has made 
a concession even if it were to turn out to be a merely paper concession is an 
of both Russian internal weakness and growing isolation from the West.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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M-TH: Visas and Ireland.

1999-11-22 Thread George Pennefather

In Ireland a new visa system is to be introduced which may mean that thousands of
are to be allowed into Ireland from non-EU countries such as Africa, Asia, South
America and elsewhere

Clearly this system is being introduced as a means of supplying a tight labour market 
immigrant labour. It is not being done in the interests of the Asian and Black masses.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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M-TH: Meszaros book

1999-12-05 Thread George Pennefather

I have finally been able to get around to reading Meszaros book, Beyond Capital. Have 
any view about it or any suggestions to make for one about to embark on a reading of 

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Provo leadership and rank and file

1999-12-05 Thread George Pennefather

Well finally the Provos have bit the bullet and gotten right into bed with British
imperialism and its more obvious domestic agents --the various forms of Unionism.

Some radical elements confine their attack to the leadership of the Provos. Yet there 
hardly a mouse squeak from the ranks of Sinn Fein over this new development involving 
Fein in a new six county government the purpose of which is the perpetuation of the
existence of the two state system in Ireland. If there is a distinction to be drawn
between the "revolutionary" rank and file of the movement and "the reactionary" 
then this surely would express itself in a form of organised rank and file opposition 
the leadership.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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Re: M-TH: Re: Meszaros book -- go for it!

1999-12-08 Thread George Pennefather

Hugh be a bit more specific. The stuff below says nothing.

So far the book seems to be saying nothing new and seems rather convoluted regarding 
it does say. It might contain the odd little interesting insight. However this is a
somewhat impressionistic conclusion

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

Whatever you do don't be intimidated. Mezsaros is a nice bloke and has
clear, sensible stuff to say even if it's not all hunky-dory -- like his
views on the party, say. But treat the book like riding a fiery stallion!
Jump on, dig in your spurs and hold on for dear life. Then when you get
where he's taking you, hitch him to the rail, go into the pub, have a cold
one and think about it. Then just go back and look in detail at whatever
intrigued you most.

You don't often get such a blend of serious thought and enthusiastic
full-blooded hatred of capitalism.

It's a good book to have in the mixer if we want to make a lens that'll
focus the fuzzy wills at present floating around like will-o-the-wisps over
a marsh into something that'll fuse the power of the contradictions
beginning to explode with a powerful united conscious revolutionary will to
replace capitalism with socialism, in other words to dump imperialism and
replace it with first one or two, and then dozens of workers states.

So many of the left who are radicalizing by the second in the States are
still befuddled by such goals as Henwood's "weaker capitalism" -- as if we
could be content with crippling the beast. As if a dragon with its fangs
drawn and its clawed extremities chopped off, its eyes stuck out and its
back broken, would be any good to anybody. We don't need or want a dragon,
especially one that stank when it was "healthy" and will stink worse when
it's got rotting lumps of itself lying around the place. We want our Maiden
in Distress and her Hero (I'm thinking of Andromeda and Perseus, but each
to his own -- there's a nice statue of Andro at the Atheneum art gallery in
Helsinki by the way) to live happily after with the Grail churning out a
wealth of material and cultural goodies for them, and for that only
socialism will be good enough, not some Social-Democratic fuck-up that
sweeps a few crumbs to the masses for a couple of decades, crowing over the
taming of the dragon, but then lets the dragon get back to its old
maiden-eating habits as soon as it's re-grown its claws and fangs.



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M-TH: Taxes and surplus value

1999-12-17 Thread George Pennefather

In Ireland there is regular and frequent reference to the budget surplus that the
bourgeois state has experienced. The surplus is being presented as something that the
bourgeois state can almost be proud of. It is presented in the bourgeois media as an
indication of the prosperity of Irish society. In connection with this the media is
forever inculcating  the view that "the country" is awash with money. Then when the
government introduces measures that reduce income tax as a means of cutting into the
budget surplus its policy is viewed as a act of generosity on the part of the 

The entire debate over the budget surplus and the economic condition of Ireland is
conducted within the superficial matrix outlined above. The entire debate  
the real character and significance of the current situation.

The budget surplus is not an achievement of the state. It merely means that that the 
is, if anything, over-taxing the economy. It merely means that the state is deducting 
much surplus value from the bourgeoisie. It is an indication of the inability of the 
and indeed its bourgeoisie to rationally plan under capitalism since these massive
surpluses were not intended.

Given the vastness of this unexpected surplus value in the form of state revenue there 
no question but that the state must release much of this revenue back to the source 
which it came --the valorisation process. For ideological and pragmatic political 
the government seeks to present any such return of surplus value as an act of caring
concern on the part of the government. Nothing could be further from the truth. All 
the surplus means is that the state has been over-taxing the capitalist economy and
consequently hindering the accelerated accumulation of capital within that economy. In
short the budget surplus is both an expression of the limited nature of the state's 
spending and the degree to which it is hindering rather than enhancing the development 
the capitalist economy.

When it returns much of this surplus it presents it as a return of surplus to the 
class. It suggests that the return of this surplus in the form of reductions in income 
means increased living standards for the working class. What it does not explain is 
under the corporatism that obtains in Ireland any reduction in income tax to the 
class means a corresponding smaller increase in gross wages or salaries to the working
class. The result is that the net gain to the working class in lower income tax is
neutralised by the correspondingly diminished increase in gross wages going to the the
working class. The upshot is that the reduced income tax is merely a disguised way in
which surplus value is returned to the bourgeoisie.

Among the most oppressive aspect of the entire strategy for fooling the working class 
this way and presenting the increasing exploitation of the working class as liberation 
that in Ireland there no voice, let alone organisation, that highlights this fact. The
radical left in Ireland is totally incapable of providing such an ideological 
Indeed, if anything, the left in Ireland is so bigoted that the kind of opinion offered
here would be vehemently suppressed by them. However on the internet is at present much
harder to engage in such censorship --although there have been, and are, conspicuous
attempts to achieve this on some mailing lists.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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M-TH: Degrees and the disadvantaged

1999-12-17 Thread George Pennefather

Perhaps somebody can answer this question.

In Ireland there is a points system for degree  places in university. The number of 
a student gets is a function as to how well s/he does in the Leaving Certificate
Examination. However a system has been introduced whereby as much as 15% of places are
reserved for mature students. These are people over twenty five years of age who may 
have done their Leaving Cert or not done well enough in it to qualify for a place in a
uinversity college. They have also apparently reserved places in college for students 
disadvantaged areas who don't do well enough in their Leaving Cert to qualify for a 

Whatever about giving grants to disadvantaged pupils I cannot see any fairness, so to
speak, in this kind of system. Surely the bourgeoisie are undermining their own 
norms of justice and fairness by undermining academic achievement as a criterion as to 
should go to college to take degrees. Since there are only a limited number of degree
places in all the universities in Ireland this means that this modified system allows
students who did not do as well as others to gain a place in a university.

Can anybody explain why the bourgeois state is introducing such as system. It cannot be
because they care about the disadvantaged.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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M-TH: Geopolitics and the East

1999-12-17 Thread George Pennefather

The increasing closer relations between the West and the Ukraine is a cause for Russian
anxiety. The more parts of what was, for all intents and purposes,  the  Soviet Empire
grow closer to the West the more Russian options are diminished. Such developments 
Russia's hand in its relationship to the West. Russia is concerned over the growing
eastward drive of Western control and influence. Clearly the ultimate goal of the West 
the subjugation of both Russia and China to western imperialist interests. If Russia 
China are reduced to mere minor powers in the East then Western imperialism will have
clear and distinct hegemony. Consequently this will reflect itself in a radical change 
foreign policy regionally and even globally.

In short if Russia and China are reduced to the status of minor regional powers the
character of international relations will take a new turn.

The role of Turkey is of decisive importance in the regional politics in this part of
Asia. Turkey has been apparently attempting to expand its power on the hinterland of 
once formed part of the Russian Empire. The distinct possibility of growing tension
emerging between Russia and Turkey exists. Both are competing over the same region. 
has been lending its support to Georgia which has not been on the best of terms with
Russia. Washington hopes to exploit Turkish ambitions to expand its power into this 
of the East.

The point is that with the collapse of the Soviet Union the hinterlands of what once
formed part of the SU is now the source of tension and rivalry among various regional
powers --Russia, Turkey and the US. To a large the hotspots have changed their 
In the past it was the Middle East now the frontlines have shifted further to the East 
the Caucasus.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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Re: M-TH: Re: Vote for Karl Marx!

1999-12-17 Thread George Pennefather

How do you mean that Ghandi did not keep to his own principles of non-violence.
Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

> >"Real" Marxists would instead be trying to bump Nelson Mandela and Martin
> >Luther King up higher, along with Marx, and help keep Gandhi where he is.
> No offense to Mandela, King or Gandhi

Why not offend them? They are hardly great working class 
revolutionaries. I'd rather have Marx on his own than any of them 
three. Mandela is a bougeois nationalist who on gaining power did 
little for the great mass of the population who have not got any of 
the small benifits they were promised. The Reverend King is hardly 
the first name I would think of as a Marxist as representative of the 
black movement. What about Malcolm X, George Jackson, Angela Davis 
even Marcus Garvey. And Gandhi, well he couldn't even managed to keep 
to his own principles of non-violence never mind leading a 'real' 
Marxist revolution. 

I'm not greatly keen on the individualist Leonardo but Newton and 
Darwin were so bad in the context of their own society (and where 
is Freud and Nietzsche). Wasn't Einstein a supporter of dialectical 
materialism or is that just optomistic thinking on my part? Was he 
ever a member of a Marxist organisation in Germany?

And anyway if voting ever changed anthing they would ban it!


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1999-12-17 Thread George Pennefather

"The leaders adopted a landmark charter proclaiming that conflicts in one state are the
legitimate concern of all."

The above is one of the important features coming out of the CSCE.

This proclamation fits in with similar comments made by Kofi Annan recently and with
NATO's actions in Kosova and elsewhere. It is clear that these events are evidence of a
new twist in Washington's foreign policy whereby it is free to intervene in the 
affairs of a sovereign state such as Russia's or even Irelands.

This is a proclamation that American imperialism that suggests that  American
imperialism is prepared to further intensify its aggression.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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M-TH: Iraq

1999-12-18 Thread George Pennefather

Washington's promise to suspend sanctions within a year or so if Iraq agrees to a 
inspection programme cannot be believed. Once the inspectorate is in Iraq the previous
imperialist process
may be repeated. The inspectorate will always want to become more invasive provoking 
into preventing further inspections. This response by Iraq will then be used to delay
ending its embargo on Iraq.

At the very least the establishment of a UN inspectorate in Iraq will strengthen
Washington's hand allowing it more options. It can if so wishes use the inspectorate 
as a
means to delay or call off the ending of the embargo. It is interesting to see that 
and China merely abstained. As I understand it they have a veto on the Security
Council --just shows how pro-western and weak they are

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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M-TH: Debt relief

1999-12-19 Thread George Pennefather

Does anybody have any view on the West's apparent attempts to extinguish much of the 
world debt?

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Fictitious capital

1999-12-21 Thread George Pennefather

Given the large amounts of fictitious capital in existence in the form of bonds and 
etc and the long run rise in the price of shares it must be that the accumulation of
capital in the West has been sufficient to sustain this bull market.

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Re: Vote for Karl Marx!

1999-12-21 Thread George Pennefather

Dear John 

Your reply was appreciated

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

George Pennefather asked:
> How do you mean that Ghandi did not keep to his own
> principles of non-violence.

He not only gave his full backing to the British war effort in the 
1st Imperialist War (1914-19) but also calling on young Indians to 
follow his reactionary lead telling them to 'think imperially' and 
'do their duty' 

 --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Meszaros

1999-12-22 Thread George Pennefather

I have been reading Meszaros book Beyond Capital. He seems to be concerned with the 
problem that I have grappling with -the nature of the relation between capital and the

It would seem to me that this is one of the principal theoretical tasks facing 
Marx had not dealt with this matter in any comprehensive and definitive way.

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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Re: M-TH: Re: Vote for Karl Marx!

1999-12-22 Thread George Pennefather

Is Palme Dutt still alive.Who was he? I remember reading a book of his called From 
to Vietnam. Have not seen it about since

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

Although I remember the fact of Ghandi's reactionary background from
a meeting on the Indian Independence struggle and other sources I
read some time ago, most of the quotes I gave come from Palme Dutt's
'India To-Day' published by Left Book Club/Gollancz in 1940. It is
well worth looking at his other sections on Ghandi's role. Especially
his defence of support of the regressive primitive economics of Khadi
production - 'it is necessary to understand that machinery is bad.'
And his role within the Congress in incorporating and then difusing
the more socialist leaning of people like Nehru.

It is definitely worth a read.


> Dear John
> Your reply was appreciated
> Warm regards
> George Pennefather
> Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at
> http://homepage.eircom.net/~beprepared/
> George Pennefather asked:
> > How do you mean that Ghandi did not keep to his own
> > principles of non-violence.
> He not only gave his full backing to the British war effort in the
> 1st Imperialist War (1914-19) but also calling on young Indians to
> follow his reactionary lead telling them to 'think imperially' and
> 'do their duty' 
>  --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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M-TH: Christmas

1999-12-22 Thread George Pennefather

Lets not all stop communicating by on the list over the Christmas period as generally
happens. After all communists dont recognise Christmas as their festival. A lot of so
called communists tend to be commies when it is easy and convenient.


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M-TH: Financial scandals

1999-12-23 Thread George Pennefather
is has been the ideological significance of journalism in all 

The bourgeois media in their discussion and criticism of the scandals essentially 
the illegality of it and the moral injustice of it. They stress the need for punishment
and arrangements that will prevent this from happening again. They talk about the
subjective character of theses individuals --their corrupt, immoral and greedy
characteristics. They never indicate that it is in the nature of capitalism to breed 
characteristics and this conduct. They never indicate that capitalism and its state are
not concerned with fairness and equity. Instead they reinforce this bourgeois liberal
ideology that merely covers up the source of the problem. They talk about Fianna Fail
being more corrupt than the other parties as if there was an inherent tendency for FF 
be more corrupt than other bourgeois parties.

In this way bourgeois journalism ring fence the scandals and the problems associated 
them so that the working class are hindered when it comes to drawing the necessary 
lessons from the events. Bourgeois journalism creates a certain kind of ideological
culture that prevents the working class from drawing revolutionary conclusions from 
In this way the mass media perform an invaluable service for the bourgeoisie that 
scandals and crises to break out without their catching fire in such a way as to 
the system. This of course is their ideological function. In this way the bourgeoisie 
have problems revealed and solved without their necessarily catching fire.

On the other hand the specific character of the working class at a particular point in
time is a decisive factor in all this. If the working class are in a passive even
reactionary state or mood the bourgeoisie can wash their dirty linen in public with 
chance of its leading to instability and the consequent development of the class 
Indeed a period when the working class are in a more passive state is the optimal time 
the bourgeoisie washing its dirty linen in public. It is the best time for the 
to sort out its problems without fear of the crisis or shake-up leading to a direct
challenge by the working class.

Indeed the scandals that are emerging may be surfacing because of the kind of objective
and subjective changes that have been occurring in Ireland. The changing character of
capitalism in Ireland may require that these anomalies emerge. The growing power of
finance capital in Ireland may demand that the sycophantic element within Irish 
capital be
atrophied or reorganised so that capitalism can operate in a more streamlined way in

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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