[MLL]global economy facing biggest threat since

2001-04-28 Thread Charles F. Moreira

IMF warns global economy facing biggest threat since 1997 crisis

WASHINGTON (AP) - The global economy is facing its biggest threats since the
worldwide financial crisis of 1997-98, the International Monetary Fund
warned Thursday as it sharply cut its economic forecasts for this year.

The IMF's worries centered on problems facing the United States and Japan,
which have the world's biggest economies. IMF officials also said Europe is
doing too little to fight the global slowdown.

In its latest World Economic Outlook, the IMF slashed its forecast for
global growth for this year by a full percentage point, to 3.2 percent
compared with projections published last October.

The 183-nation international lending agency, preparing for its spring
meetings, also warned that a global recession cannot be ruled out,
especially if a hoped-for rebound in the United States does not come.

''The outlook remains subject to considerable uncertainty, and a deeper and
more prolonged downturn is clearly possible,'' the IMF said in its gloomiest
economic assessment since the end of the late 1990s Asian currency crisis.

The IMF's projection of 3.2 percent global growth would be down from 4.8
percent growth in 2000 and would represent the slowest pace since the world
economy expanded just 2.8 percent in 1998, at the height of the Asian
currency crisis.

In the 1997-98 crisis, a red-hot U.S. economy kept the world from toppling
into recession. This time, however, the weakness is originating in the
United States as it battles a dramatic slowdown caused by plunging stock
prices and cutbacks in consumer demand.

The IMF predicted the U.S. economy will expand by just 1.5 percent this
year, its poorest showing since the last U.S. recession ended in 1991. In
its October forecast, the IMF pegged U.S. economic growth this year at 3.2
percent, more than double the current estimate.

The fund also significantly lowered its forecasts for other countries. It
slashed growth expectations for Japan, the world's second-largest economy,
to just 0.6 percent this year, and reduced the growth forecast for 12
European nations to just 2.4 percent.

Still, the IMF found reason to be optimistic that the United States will
rebound this year. It pointed to consumer demand bolstered by aggressive
interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve and to expected congressional
approval of most of President George W. Bush's dlrs 1.6 trillion, 10-year
tax-cut program.

Another hopeful sign, IMF officials said, were promises by new Japanese
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to attack the root problems of his nation's
11-year economic slump, including bad loans held by the nation's banks.

IMF officials were less positive, however, about developments in Europe.
Just Thursday, the European Central Bank, which controls monetary policy in
the 12-nation euro currency area, refused again to reduce interest rates.

''In a slowdown such as we are experiencing, ... it is desirable that the
central bank of the second largest economic area in the world would be a
part of the solution rather than a part of the problem,'' IMF chief
economist Michael Mussa complained to reporters Thursday.

Interest rates as well as the overhaul of operating policies for the IMF and
its sister lending agency, the World Bank, will be prime agenda items at the
institutions' spring meetings in Washington this weekend.

Unlike last year, the discussions are not expected to draw thousands of
protesters, whose activities clogged streets near the White House and
resulted in more than 1,300 arrests last spring.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan
Greenspan will meet with their counterparts from the world's seven richest
industrial countries Saturday as a prelude to the IMF-World Bank meetings
Sunday and Monday.

The finance discussions will focus on current economic trouble spots.
Principal ones include Argentina, mired in recession and battling turbulence
in financial markets that has spilled over to its Latin American neighbors,
and Turkey, seeking more IMF loans to stabilize its economy.

The Turkey loan package probably will be approved by the IMF board soon, but
under stricter guidelines set by the United States. The Bush administration
is hoping to avoid huge IMF bailout packages approved during the Clinton
years. - AP

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Re: [MLL]Marxist-Leninists and the Working Class Movement

2001-04-26 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Magnus wrote:-

 Here is some information:

 Prairie Fire

 Interesting discussion on the new communist movement in the US:

Thanks Magnus.

I've checked out the FRSO and Prarie Fire and I find that Freedom Road is
trying to address the kind of problems we are discussing here, though like
with many left movements today, it still seems to have not been able to make
inroads into the organised working class, which brings us back to the
central problem being raised here and the question remains why this is and
how it can be overcome?



 Magnus Bernhardsen

 Den 25.04.01 klokka  16:25 skreiv [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 We are happy to see some healthy discussion and exchanges of
 return to the ML list. So with these comments I would like to add on to
 richness of our experience.
 Revisionism and opportunism has been the dominant trend within the
 imperialist oppressor nations since WWII. We overstand this as being
 in the economic relationships that constitutes world imperialism, the
 super-profits, and the class nature of the imperialist nations.
 As for the old CP was peace when it was first founded in the early
 a genuinely proletarian vanguard composed rooted mainly in the Eastern
 European communities of immigrant workers, but even then revisionism,
 expressing itself as an Amerikan white nationalism-chauvinism in practice
 then line. Other than that the cp, for the larger part of its history,

 largely void of the thororoly revolutionary and proletarian masses of
 Amerika such as the East Asian proletarians employed on the railroads, or
 immense proletarian masses in the cotton fields of the South. In the
 tho, we see an effort and a two-line struggle with the party to base the
 party in the proletariat or the expanding labor aristocracy. During and
 this period the old CP continued on its path of development. the
 of the cp is rich in practical lessons for comrades today. Comrades had
 probably read Comrade Harry Haywood excellent and valuable Memoirs --
 Bolshevik for a vivid description of this period, and his observations
 the nature of the old CP and its contributions. In the 30s, as comrade
 Jackson use to say the wheels fell off. Here we see the old cp at the
 height of its revolution viability, temporally overcoming the rabbit
 white nationalist -opportunist line within its ranks and taking a
 leap forward in theory and mass practice for the Amerikan Communist

 rallying the oppressed Black communities around the line of
 self-determination for the Black-Belt, which was peace, and was a step in
 right direction. but this position and revolutionary Marxism-Leninism
 was thrown out  by the revisionist leaders of the old cp in the 40s.
 comrades, we had seen the existence of this particular brand of
 white Amerikan nationalism, and right-oppertunism within  the ranks of

 old cp, and we then seen its formal expression as Browder's revisionist
 Amerikan white nationalist formulation of Amerikan exceptalism and all
 rest of the the garbage. During this period the old cp was the left wing
 the new-deal of the fascist Roosevelt. The old CP even liquidated its as
 organized detachment of the working class, and resurfaced as something
 the American Political Association or something to that effect.
 Due to practical activities I don't have the time to spit any longer

 thought i was going to write a couple sentences, gotta be out. So that's
 I will say at the moment but I know comrades on this list will push me on
 say more.
 in struggle,
 Also, Do comrades have any information, documents or experiences

 the CP-ML, October League which formed in the 70s, Piaire -Fire

 Committee (which split from the Weather Underground) that formed in the
 There's very little info on that. Also I would like to hear experienced
 comrades observations and views on the 70s and 80s ML movement in the US,
 problems and initiatives. That would be extremely helpful.
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Re: SUSPICIOUS HEADERS (was AW: [MLL]Zionism is Fascism!)

2001-04-19 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Sven Buttler wrote:-

 The reason why some messages are not send directly
 through to the list and held back for approval is
 because they are composed with HTML (for those
 who don't know what it is: HTML, aronym for Hypertext
 Markup Language, is a discriptive "programming
 language". For instance, most websites are coded
 in HTML. Also if you are using HTML to compose
 your messages you can underline, colour or format
 your text in a special way.) Please check your
 mailer if it uses HTML and, if you can, turn it

Thanks Sven, that explains a lot. My Outlook Express e-mail program is sit
to send text messages by default and as such I have little problem with
"suspicious header:"

Please comrades try and set your e-mail program to text and hopefully this
priblem will be solved.



 Also messages will be sent to the moderator first
 if they contain some kind of attachments. Several
 comrades have already pointed out that most
 viruses, trojans or worms are spread via these
 attachments, and this is exactly why they are

 Thanks for your understanding.

 Sven Buttler

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Re: [MLL]Marxist-Leninists and the Working Class Movement

2001-04-15 Thread Charles F. Moreira


 Rafael Writes

 Comrades I think that these subjects are very
 important I want just appoint some general aspects
 based in my observations in Sweden.

Did Sweden have any colonies?

 First the historical imperialist dominations process I
 can say that the evolution is from a colonial form to
 a semi- colonial forms in terms of state dominations,
 but the exploitation in economical terms is even
 harder today than in times of brutal colonialism. But
 now the most powerful and active in the unjust
 relations is the multinational companies not any more
 national states.

That's true but the imperialist nation state will step in if the interests
of its multinationals are threatened as in the case if Chile under Salvador

You're right about the worse level of exploitation but from the perspective
of people in a former colony, it's harder to see a local subsidiary of a
multinational company as an enemy than it is to see a colonial master as an

For example, during the British colonial period, Malayans were discriminated
in terms of opportunities to advance in their careers both in the civil
service, military, police and corporations, since the managerial and higher
supervisory posts generally went to the British.

In the medical services, equally qualified Malayan doctors could only become
"Assistant-Doctors" and no doubt the exploitation of workers in the
plantations and estates was harsh.

Even the best opportunities in business went to British companies when
tendering for government contracts and all this created a lot of resentment
against colonial rule which was a major factor contributing to the support
for the Communist Party of Malaya and other national bourgeois independence

However, now the situation has changed with Malaysians even heading some
local subsidiaries of multinational companies such as IBM, SAP, Oracle,
Texas Instruments, Motorola and so on.

Furthermore, if the workers have a grievance against a local subsidiary of a
multinational company, they can take their complaint to several government
bodies to seek redress or even take the company to court.

Malaysia also has certain particular circumstances which make some
Malaysians prefer working for multinational companies and that is a racist,
aparthied-like policy which gives special priveleges to one race the Malays
in terms of employment, places in educational institutions, business
opportunities and so on -- a policy which vrey effectively created a racial
divide which is very hard for leftists and progressives to overcome.

This policy was enshrined in the constitution by the British and it
initially was to run for 10 years as a sort of affirmative-action programme
to enable the Malays who were generally agrarian people better compete with
the immigrant Chinese, Indians (East-Indians) and Eurasians who were
generally urban, since the British colonialists had kept the in rural
activities and relied on immigrants to work in the government, services and
corporations out of fear that the Malays would soon start demanding

When Malaya became independent, a coalition government comprising three
comprador capitalist parties -- the United Malays National Organisation
(UMNO), the Malayan Chinese Association and the Malayan Indian Congress were
in power and while they had some differences over certain aspects of this
special privileges, they all generally agreed to it and Malayan politics has
since been polarised along racial, rather than class lines which suits the
local capitalists fine.

Following the May 13, 1969 racial riots over these special privlieges, the
Malaysian government extended the period of these special privileges
indefinitely and introduced what it calls the "New Economic Policy" to bring
Malays up into all areas of government services, state-owned industries and
private industry.

So the civil, police and military services first became staffed mainly by
Malays, followed by strategic industries like telecommunications, public
utilites, then state-owned enterprises -- many of which have since been
corporatised with a major government equity, then the private corporations
owned by people or holding companies owned by UMNO and to a leser extent
even multinational companies dealing in petroleum, telecommunications and
others which supply equipment to the government agencies or state-owned

The government also requires that only companies with at least 70% Malay
equity can tender for government contracts and this has resulted in the
multinationals creating largely Malay-owned front companies to tender for
government or state-enterprise contracts while they supply the equipment and
do the turnkey installation and commissioning through these front companies.

Also, these state-owned companies or companies with political connections
hire mainly Malay workers at all levels and this has created a lot of
resentment among the Chinese, Indians and Eurasians, leading to 

Re: [MLL]Marxist-Leninists and the Working Class Movement

2001-04-13 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Bill wrote.

 lull. Unfortunately, some messages get held up for moderation due to
 "suspiscious header," so I have to ask members to bear with not seeing
 message appear right away.

 This problem stretches back many months
 if not years. Delays on a list create somewhat
 more than a minor problem and is bound to
 destroy the List sooner or later.

 There are no such problems with Yahoo! Groups
 list server.


Indeed, that's true and Sven Buttler who knows who to contact recently
replied to us moderators and said that he will look into the various
problems rasied.



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Re: [MLL]Stalingrad monument

2001-04-12 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Per Rasmussen wrote:-


 Can someone who can write English well and perhaps Russian make something
 can use?

OK Per. Here is the proposed English version of protest letters to be sent
to the following:-
103132, Russia, Moscow,
Staraya ploshad, dom 4,
President of the Russian Federation,

103074, Russia, Moscow,
Kitaigorodskii prospekt, dom 7.
Minister of Culture of Russia,
The Minister.

400060, Russia, Volgograd,
ulitsa Volodarskogo, dom 5,
The Administration,
Volgogradskoi Region.

Re: Stop the desecration of the graves of Soviet patriots at Mamayev Mound

We the undersigned -- members of the Marxist-Leninist List, an
Internet-based discussion with the mission to re-affirm Marxism, hereby
support Russian patriots in protesting the construction of an 'All Saints
Church' at Mamayev Mound which will defile the graves of  Soviet patriots
who gave their valuable lives fighting for the freedom of Stalingrad and
defending the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics against Nazi fascist
invasion during the Great Patriotic War.

Despite the Russian Orthodox Church and the Volgograd regional
administration being fully aware that soil movements resulting from this
construction pose a great danger to the collapse of the Memorial Complex at
Mamayev Mound, the question of constructing this church has already gone
from the discussion stage to its practical implementation.

Neither the Orthodox religion nor the Orthodox Church defended the heroic
Soviet Union from the invasion of the Fascist occupiers. Instead, the
majority of those who defended Stalingrad were atheists while those in the
Red Army who were believers were representatives of different religions. All
of them were the true sons of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as
they guarded Stalingrad.

The construction of a church at the Mameyev Mound not only defiles the
graves of these heroes but also is a sacrilege of the monument to all the
anti-fascist fighters in the Soviet Union and abroad who gave their lives to
end the fascist yoke in the years of the Second World War and the
construction of a Russian Orthodox Church at the Mameyev Mound is also an
open outrage on the religious feelings of those heroes buried there who
professed other religions.

We thus join the proletariat of Russia in demanding you stop this outrage to
the monument to the heroes who
perished in the fierce struggle against the fascist beast in the years of
the Second World War!


Next a letters of Support and Solidarity to :

400112, Russia, Volgograd - 112
(Stalingrad), a/ya 2048.
Yevtushenko, Vladimir Nikolaevich
(Newspaper 'Stalingradskoe preodolenie').

195030, Russia, Leningrad,
prospekt Nastavnikov,
dom 25, korpus 3, k. 101,
Nikiforov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich,
('Proletarskaya gazeta')

Re: Victory to the Russuan proletariat's fight to stop the desecration of
the graves of Soviet patriots at Mamayev Mound

We the undersigned -- members of the Marxist-Leninist List, an
Internet-based discussion with the mission to re-affirm Marxism, hereby
support Russian patriots in protesting the construction of an 'All Saints
Church' at Mamayev Mound which would defile the graves of  Soviet patriots
who gave their valuable lives fighting for the freedom of Stalingrad and
defending the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics against Nazi fascist
invasion during the Great Patriotic War.

At the same time we denounce the Russian Orthodox Church and the Volgograd
regional administration for deciding to go ahead with constructing the
churce, despite being fully aware that soil movements resulting from the
construction pose a great danger to the collapse of the Memorial Complex at
Mamayev Mound.

Neither the Orthodox religion nor the Orthodox Church defended the heroic
Soviet Union from the invasion of the Fascist occupiers but instead, the
majority of those who defended Stalingrad were atheists while those in the
Red Army who were believers were representatives of different religions --
all of them true sons of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as they
guarded Stalingrad and the construction of a church not only defiles these
heroes' graves but also is a sacrilege of the monument to all the
anti-fascist fighters in the Soviet Union and abroad who gave their lives to
end the fascist yoke in the years of the Second World War.

Besides that, the construction of a Russian Orthodox Church at the Mameyev
Mound is an open outrage on the religious feelings of those heroes buried
there who professed other religions.

We thus express our support and solidarity with the proletariat of Russia in
your struggle to prevent the construction of this church which will be an
outrage to heroes who perished in the fierce fight against the fascist beast
in the years of the Second World War.



Re: [MLL]Marxist-Leninists and the Working Class Movement

2001-04-12 Thread Charles F. Moreira


It's heartening to see activity resume on the Marxist-Leninist List after a
lull. Unfortunately, some messages get held up for moderation due to
"suspiscious header," so I have to ask members to bear with not seeing their
message appear right away.

Now turning to what George Gruenthal wrote:-

Dear comrades,

 I would like to propose this as a subject of discussion on this list, and
 hope that we can have some exchange of experiences. I direct questions
 particularly to other comrades from the major capitalist countries, and in
 particular also to the comrades in Britain, since the situation there is
 somewhat closer to that of the United States. (This is not by any means to
 downplay the experience of comrades in the dependent countries - the
 contradictions there are in general on a much higher level, and even among
 the imperialist countries the U.S. is still relatively more backwards,
 despite some movement.)

This would be a good subject of discussion and I hope that it will take into
account new developments in the relationship between the bourgeoise and
proletariat in the imperialist countries, in the developing countries and
the inter-relationship between the two worlds today.

While the basic fact that the bourgeoise in the imperialist countries
exploit their own proletariat, as well as the proletariat in the developing
countries remains the same, the nature of this exploitative relationship and
the relationship of the developing countries and the relationship of the
developing countries to the imperialist countries has changed since the
times of Lenin and Mao.

For example, at the time of Lenin, the major imperialist powers had their
own sets of colonies which were more or less their exclusive domain for
extra-territorial exploitation of land, labour, resources and markets. Their
colonies provided them with the raw materials for their industries and a
market for their manufactured goods.

In the time of Mao, especially after World War II, when the granting of
formal independence to their colonies left their former colonies in the
hands of comprador bourgeoise which protected the respective imperialists'
economic interests by oppressed their workers and peasants on the
imperialists' and their own (the compradors') behalf.

Just as in Lenin's time, during Mao's time the former collonies still
provided their former colonial masters with raw materials for their
industries and served as markets for their finished goods.

Today however, the former colonies have opened up to inviting foreign direct
investment from various imperialist countries and thus no imperialist
country exclusively dominates the economies of the former colonies, nor
exploits their land, labour, resources and capital.

Also, some of the former colonies such as Malaysia have effectively
nationalised their utilities, generation, telecommunications, plantations,
petroleum, mining, airline, banking and other such strategic industries,
while allowing the imperialists to set up manufacturing, marketing,
equipment supply, service and retail industries.

At the same time, home-grown industries have also been set up in the
developing countries and combined with the output from the imperialist-owned
industries, they have more or less reversed the flow of manufactured goods
between the imperialist and developing countries, though the imeprialists
still gain from the cheaper labour in these countries and thr profits
generated therefrom.

This reversal has to an extent affected the ability of the bourgeoise in the
imperialist countries to continue giving their bourgeoise the concessions
they could give them during Lenin's and Mao's time, while at the same time,
it has provided employment and income to the proletariat of the developing
countries such as  Malaysia which is something Malaysia could not provide on
its own.

Malaysia opened up it's market to foreign direct investment from various
imperialist countries, especially after the ruling comprador capitalist
coalition government suffered an electoral setback in the May 10, 1969
elections and the racial conflict which followed on May 13, 1969, as the
reason for this frustration was the lack of employment opportunities.

As a result, American, Japanese, Dutch, Swedish, German and other factories
are a common sight in these countries today, apart from the Kentucky Fried
Chicken, McDonalds, 7-11, Pizza Hut and other such franchises and more
recently an invasion of Carrefour, Makro, Tesco and Jusco megastores.

As a result, this has created a mindset of economic dependency in the minds
of not only the comprador bourgeoise but also in the minds of the
petty-bourgeoise, white-collar workers, professionals and also the
increasing numbers of the proletariat not only in Malaysia but also in other
developing countries in the region -- all of which are competing like
prostitutes for the imperialists' investment.

Of course, Malaysia is one of the handful of third-world countries which

[MLL]Marxist-Leninists and the Working Class Movement

2001-04-12 Thread Charles F. Moreira


There were a few errors in my earlier reply to George Gruenthall on this
matter, so please ignore the earlier post.

Turning to what George Gruenthal wrote:-

Dear comrades,

 I would like to propose this as a subject of discussion on this list, and
 hope that we can have some exchange of experiences. I direct questions
 particularly to other comrades from the major capitalist countries, and in
 particular also to the comrades in Britain, since the situation there is
 somewhat closer to that of the United States. (This is not by any means to
 downplay the experience of comrades in the dependent countries - the
 contradictions there are in general on a much higher level, and even among
 the imperialist countries the U.S. is still relatively more backwards,
 despite some movement.)

This would be a good subject of discussion and I hope that it will take into
account new developments in the relationship between the bourgeoise and
proletariat in the imperialist countries, in the developing countries and
the inter-relationship between the two bourgeoise today.

While the basic fact that the bourgeoise in the imperialist countries
exploit their own proletariat, as well as the proletariat in the developing
countries remains the same as in the times of Lenin and Mao, the nature of
this exploitative relationship and
the relationship of the developing countries to the imperialist countries
has changed since the times of Lenin and Mao.

For example, at the time of Lenin, the major imperialist powers had their
own sets of colonies which were more or less their exclusive domain for
extra-territorial exploitation of land, labour, resources and markets.

Their colonies provided them with the raw materials for their manufacturing
industries and as market for the manufactured goods which resulted.

In the time of Mao, especially after World War II, the granting of
formal independence to their colonies left their former colonies in the
hands of comprador bourgeoise which, protected the respective imperialists'
economic interests by oppressed their workers and peasants on the
imperialists' and their own (the compradors') behalf.

Just as in Lenin's time, during Mao's time the former collonies still
provided their former colonial masters with raw materials for their
industries and served as markets for their finished goods.

Today however, the former colonies have opened up to inviting foreign direct
investment from various imperialist countries and thus no imperialist
country exclusively dominates the economies of the former colonies, nor do
they exclusively exploits their land, labour, resources and capital.

Also, some of the former colonies such as Malaysia have "Malaysianised"
their public utilities, generation, telecommunications, plantations,
petroleum, mining, airline, banking and other such strategic industries,
while allowing the imperialists to set up manufacturing, marketing,
equipment supply, service and retail industries.

At the same time, home-grown industries have also been set up in the
developing countries and combined with the output from the imperialist-owned
industries, they have more or less reversed the flow of manufactured goods
between the imperialist and developing countries, though the imperialists
still gain from the cheaper labour in these countries and thr profits
generated therefrom.

This reversal has to an extent affected the ability of the bourgeoise in the
imperialist countries to continue giving their proletariat the concessions
they could give them during Lenin's and Mao's time.

At the same time, it has provided employment and income to the proletariat
of the developing countries such as  Malaysia which is something Malaysia
and most former colonies which took the capitalist path could not provide on
its own.

Malaysia opened up it's market to foreign direct investment from various
imperialist countries, especially after the ruling comprador capitalist
coalition government suffered an electoral setback in the May 10, 1969
elections and the racial conflict which followed on May 13, 1969, as the
reason for this frustration was the lack of employment opportunities.

As a result, American, Japanese, Dutch, Swedish, German and other factories
are a common sight in these countries today, in addition to the Kentucky
Chicken, McDonalds, 7-11, Pizza Hut and other such franchises and more
recently an invasion of Carrefour, Makro, Tesco and Jusco megastores.

As a result, this has created a mindset of economic dependency in the minds
of not only the comprador bourgeoise but also in the minds of the
petty-bourgeoise, white-collar workers, professionals and also the
increasing numbers of the proletariat not only in Malaysia but also in other
developing countries in the region -- Countries which are competing like
prostitutes for the imperialists' investment.

Of course, Malaysia is one of the handful of third-world countries which
have managed to become fairly wealthy and in some 

Re: [MLL]Stalingrad monument

2001-04-11 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Per asked:-

Subject: SV: [MLL]Stalingrad monument


 Can we do anything useful? Powerful

The best we could do is to organise a joint petition and message of support
to the people and organisations mentioned in George's earlier post.



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[MLL]Record 162,867 job cuts in US last month

2001-04-07 Thread Charles F. Moreira

Record 162,867 job cuts in US last month

WASHINGTON - American businesses announced plans for record job cuts last
month as a cooling economy reduced demand for labour, a private survey

Businesses intended to eliminate 162,867 jobs, up 60 per cent from 101,731
in February, according to Challenger, Gray  Christmas, a job placement firm
in Chicago.

The March figure was the highest monthly one since the company began a daily
tally of announcements in 1993.

Firms announced an average of 7,755 job cuts daily for the 21 business days
last month that Challenger examined. The data excludes any announcements
made on March 30.

Job cut announcements are not the same as firings as companies sometimes
trim payrolls through encouraging early retirement or attrition. Some find
work elsewhere in the company.

Electronics, telecommunications and computer firms announced the most
reductions as a slump in spending on communications gear hurt profits.

Solectron, the biggest contract maker of electronics goods such as computers
and cellphones, said last month it cut 8,200 jobs.

It said this week that it planned to fire another 1,075 workers.

Electronics companies moved to eliminate 24,684 jobs, those in
telecommunications announced plans to cut 22,456 jobs and computer
businesses planned to reduce payroll by 19,034 positions.

The largest job-cut announcement came from Delphi Automotive Systems, the
largest car-parts maker. It will axe 11,500 jobs as it sells or closes nine

Visteon, the third-largest car-parts maker, and TRW, the No 2 maker of
airbags, also said they would cut jobs because of production cutbacks at the
car makers.

The second-largest cuts will take place at Procter  Gamble, the leading
maker of household products. It will eliminate 9,600 more jobs as earlier
reductions did not revive profit.

The Challenger survey came a day before the Labor Department released its
March employment report.

Analysts surveyed by Bloomberg News expect the jobless rate to have risen to
4.3 per cent last month and the economy to have added 60,000 positions, or
less than half the 135,000 created in February.--Bloomberg News

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[MLL]Fw: [WW] We're online

2001-04-03 Thread Charles F. Moreira


I think the panic over being cut off is over.

Workers World is up again as this e-mail messages says.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 10:06 AM
Subject: [WW] We're online

 Our Internet connection has been restored and Workers World News Service
 will restart broadcasting today.
 Thanks for you messages of support and solidarity,
 Gary for WW

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Re: [MLL]Fw: [WW] WW news service will be offline temporarily

2001-04-03 Thread Charles F. Moreira
refusing to take steps to stop
it, the Macedonian fighting is more of a problem for the
European NATO countries than for Washington. The European
NATO powers are thrown back into the wartime situation of
dependency on U.S. military might to get out of a crisis.

Whatever the conscious strategy, it is apparent that neither
the U.S. nor its allies can bring peace and prosperity to
the region. They can only plunge it into another war.


The NATO occupation was the focus of a series of
international anti-war conferences held in Athens, Berlin
and Belgrade on the anniversary of the attack on Yugoslavia.

In Belgrade, 30 people from 17 countries and 100 people from
Yugoslavia took part in the Belgrade Forum on March 22-23.
They also took part in a mass anti-NATO protest
demonstration on March 24.

Italian journalist Fulvio Grimaldi, who attended the
Belgrade Forum, told Workers World that "there were tens of
thousands on the demonstration organized by the Socialist
Party of Serbia. Many were young people, which is a new
development. Last fall the pro-SPS people were mainly older,
including former partisans. A new layer of the population is
coming into activity." Grimaldi is a senatorial candidate of
the Italian Communist Refoundation Party in the upcoming May
13 national elections.

The Belgrade Forum's closing appeal reviewed the crimes of
the U.S. and NATO against Yugoslavia and against peace, and
demanded an end to the occupation and reparations for
damages. It also ended with the following program of action:

"Raise public awareness in our respective countries on the
truth about NATO aggression.

"Demand the abolition of the illegal International Criminal
Tribunal for the Federation of Yugoslavia, also called The
Hague Tribunal. Defend the former president of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia--Slobodan Milosevic--as well as
Dragoljub Milanovic, former Director General of Radio-
Television Serbia, and all victims of political oppression.

"Raise the issue of the responsibility of Carla Del Ponte,
[British commander] Michael Jackson, Bernard Kouchner and
others for consolidating the Albanian terrorist groups.

"Insist on NATO-member countries paying compensation for the
damages done during the aggression."

In Berlin, a group that had held popular anti-NATO tribunals-
-like ones held in the U.S. by the International Action
Center--hosted the founding meeting of the European Peace
Convention on March 23-24. This too had Yugoslavia as its
main theme. Some 200 people from both NATO countries and the
formerly socialist countries met and again condemned the
imperialist criminals who launched the war.

NATO's aggression against Yugoslavia and its consequences
remain the major war-and-peace issue within the European
anti-war and anti-imperialist movement.

- END -

(Copyright Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)

- Original Message -
From: "Partija rada" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 12:23 AM
Subject: Re: [MLL]Fw: [WW] WW news service will be offline temporarily

 Charles F. Moreira wrote on 31 March, 2001 9:35 AM

 I received this from Workers World last night and its implication for our
 list is that we will also be affected by the closure of NorthPoint
 Communications Inc www.northpoint.net which provides broadband services
 Workers World.
 We'll have to look for an alternative host or wait till Workers World
 an alternative to Northpoint in about three to six weeks as stated below.

 Partija rada:
 Dear Charles!
 I hope that you will send us new information's if is there any of them.
 Also, I wish all the best to Comrades from Workers World in their efforts
 continue with this kind of struggle.

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Re: [MLL]another list

2001-04-01 Thread Charles F. Moreira


The Marxist-Leninist list is still active and we can continue discussions



 To all participants on MLL.

 Charles, Bill and I have joined and been posting on another list that
 you might want to consider.  I am not vouching for its credentials
 because I have not been on it very long and I have not read comments
 from some participants, but so far it has looked promising.  The address



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Re: [MLL]Communist Internet List still Available

2001-04-01 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Bill Howard wrote:-

 Marxist-Leninist List appears to be havin probs
 at the mo

The fact that we can still post shows that it's still up and running, for
how much longer I don't know. Only problem is inactivity.

 - so too Crash List -

I'll take your word for that.



 Communist Internet
 List is still running despite Yahoo! losing 3% off
 the stock market in a single day - if you want to
 sub click the link below...


 ...more links...

 Communist Internet Web Site Homepage:

 Communist-Internet eGroup Homepage:

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Re: [MLL]another list

2001-04-01 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Klo wrote:-

 Please don't misunderstand what I meant.  I am certainly not suggesting
 people leave the MLL as it is the best list I have found.  I was merely
 suggesting that people may want to be on both.  But if someone's time is
 limited I would certainly recommend the MLL first.  Hopefully it will stay
 active for the duration.

 The best,


Sorry if I gave the impression that I misunderstood you. I just wanted to
highlight that the MLL is still operational, though some messages still get
held up of a moderator to approve due to this "suspiscious header" thing.

Anyway. I personally prefer sticking with Workers World, since I believe
they will eventually be up again.
I don't have too much confidence that free Wen sites like offered by Yahoo
will be around for very long.
The laws of capitalism abhors freebies, especially when they can't earn
enough side revenue (ie. advertisements) from it.

The only other thing is I'm concerned why this list has gone so quiet, while
lists like DownWithCapitalism are so active.



   To all participants on MLL.
   Charles, Bill and I have joined and been posting on another list that
   you might want to consider.  I am not vouching for its credentials
   because I have not been on it very long and I have not read comments
   from some participants, but so far it has looked promising.  The
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2001-03-30 Thread Charles F. Moreira


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Re: [MLL]Weekly Worker 376 (21/3/01)

2001-03-28 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Viktor Bourenkov wrote:-

   Could the moderators block CBGP’s e-mail address and any its
 known derivatives permanently?

 With communistic greetings,
 Viktor Bourenkov.

It's been done but there's no gurantee they won't re-subscribe under a
different e-mail address and it's difficult to tell until they show their
true colours.



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Re: [MLL]Weekly Worker 376 (21/3/01)

2001-03-26 Thread Charles F. Moreira


The Trots have been removed.


 I can only endorse J's comments on the so-called 'Weekly Worker' and urge
 that the list make it clear to these sinister and vicious Trotskyites that
 this is list is not to be used for advertising their wretched
 rag nor their sick promotion of legalisation of peodophilia and heroin.

 As a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain until its liquidation
 1991 I can assure comrades that this group has nothing in common with the
 Marxist-Leninist tendencies that remained in that party.

A question. Is the present "Communist Party of Great Britain" a trotskyist
organisation now? In one of the earlier messages objecting to them, a
comrades said something to the effect that it is not a Trot party but this
sect is.

There's a good article by Barry Stoller, "Left Wing" Libertarianism on this
issue of Trotskyites advocating things like peadophilia, etc and it can be
found at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BarryStoller/message/12



 This faction/cult led by the openly Trotskyite Jack Conrad is not
 in any way as a successor party to the liquidated CPGB indeed its main
 purpose is to detract from efforts aimed at a unified communist formation

 The two communist organisations that emerged out of the CPGB in the
 seventies and eighties -- the New Communist Party and the Communist Party
 Britain both treat the 'Conrad Party of Great Britain' with the disdain
 deserve and other Marxist-Leninists in other organisations and of none,
 waging a co-ordinated campaign to rid our movement of this provacative and
 deceitful clique.


 From: "Charles F. Moreira" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [MLL]Weekly Worker 376 (21/3/01)
 Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 15:35:55 +0800
 I've forwarded your objection to the moderators panel and we'll decide on
 what to do shortly.
 - Original Message -
 From: "hkb" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 2:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [MLL]Weekly Worker 376 (21/3/01)
   The Weekly Worker is NOT the paper of the Communist Party Of Great
   but of a tiny Trotskyite sect which (mis)uses the name. It's paper,
   Weekly Wrecker is famous soley for being no more than a fractional
   sheet for the Left in the UK.
   They call for the violent overthrow of Cuba's socialist system and
   Fidel Castro as a "Dictator" and describe Stalin as a "mass murderer".
   During the NATO war against Yugoslavia, the Weekly Worker were vocal
   their support for the KLA - even printing an interview with a KLA
   at the height of the war and calling for "Victory To The KLA"!
After the recent bombing of Iraq they gave tacit approval to this
   action on the front-page of their paper. And during the CIA coup in
   Yugoslavia they ran with the fron-page headline "TRY MILOSOVIC".
Ian Donovan, a leading Weekly Worker 'ideologist' who penned the
   mentioned below on Macedonia, openly boasts that he considers
   be the same as Hitlers Nazi's and regularly describes anyone who
   NATO imperialism as "Red/Brown" and liberally throws in accusations of
   communist "anti-semitism" and "mass murder".
And to top it all off, the Weekly Worker are open advocates of the
   lagalisation of peadophilia and heroin.
   Don't believe me? It's all available on their website (see below).
   - Original Message -
   Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 6:32 PM
   Subject: [MLL]Weekly Worker 376 (21/3/01)
Weekly Worker 376 - Towards the Daily Worker
In this week's Weekly Worker, paper of the Communist Party of Great
Macedonia and Consistent Democracy - Ian Donovan demands a
democratic approach to the latest Balkan flare-up.
Foot and Mouth Outbreak - Only a working class approach can resolve
current crisis, argues Michael Malkin
From Iskra to Pravda - Mark Fischer examines the sort of paper the
class needs.
Australian Left Unites - Marcus Larsen reports on the coming
Australian Left under a Socialist Alliance banner.
SSP Retreats Before Drugs Onslaught - Carol Newson sees signs of a
from the Scottish Socialist Party's position on the legalisation of
Welcome Shift - Phil Watson calls on the Worker's Power group to end
bureacratic poscriptions on it's membership.
AK47s and Calculators - Ian Farrell analyses amendments put forward
Worker's Power to the March 10th SA Pol

Re: [MLL]Test

2001-03-25 Thread Charles F. Moreira


 George G wrote:

  This is just a test. I have gotten only about 1 message from the ML list
  a few days, and one that I sent out to the list was returnred to me as
 I am experiencing the same thing George.  Messages are very sparse.



I checked the server and just released six messages and approved three
applications for subscription.

I've sent a message to the moderators on these problems and also about
problems of  a lack of enthusiasm and sustainability of discussion on this
list, which has become more of a posting board for political news,
statements and commentaries with very occassional discussion like what's
been going on between Klo and Harry Steele about Webb's statement.

More in this matter later.



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Re: [MLL]On Webb's Strategy and Tactics

2001-03-25 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Harry Steele wrote:-

 Yes, but is it not the case that in the past communists have helped to
 successfully form an alliance between the working class and other classes
 including what could be termed the petit-bourgouise?

Indeed yes but should the communists confine themselves to the interests of
the petty bourgeosie or include it as part of a broader proletarian struggle
for socialism.

 This was the case in China where the "national bourgouise" were seen as a
 potential ally against the "comprador" elements who had allied themselves
 with imperialism -- there are plenty of other examples.

Yes but the Communist Party of China did not make the concerns of the
national bourgeoise their main political platform but rather a part of their
broader programme.

 In a period where capitalism is taking on increasingly monopolistic forms
 and there is a concentration of capital in an increasingly small number of
 giant companies, is there not a case for trying to win over some small
 business people, shop keepers, locally based small companies etc to the
 that a socialised and planned economy is in their interests?

Yes there is but it must be based upon policies and strategies of the
communist party and NOT organisations of the petty-bourgeoise. In short the
proletarian party should lead and not tail the petty bourgeoise.

 That does not mean reducing the import of the working class, but could be
 seen as part of a strategy of winning allies for the class and the party
 couldn't it?

Yes it should but judging from what Klo originally posted, it looks like the
CP USA is making a petty bourgeois concern the party's key strategy which is
wrong. An anti-monopoly is not a path to socialism, though it could very
well form part of its struggle for socialsm, which might be what Webb
intended to mean but failed to express it in such words.



 From: KloMcKinsey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [MLL]On Webb's Strategy and Tactics
 Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 16:27:37 +0800
   While perusing the website of the CPUSA I decided to read an article by
 Sam Webb, National Chair of the CPUSA, entitled Discussion on Strategy
 and Tactics.  Although much of the document is commendable I must
 disagree with an important assertion that is repeated several times.
 Nearly halfway through the writing he makes the following statements,
   "Let me try to illustrate this point with a single example: our
 strategic approach in present circumstances isn't identical with our
 approach, say in the late 1950's and early 1960's, but it hasn't changed
 greatly either.  Its thrust then and now is against corporate domination
 of our nation's political and economic life."
   Later he says,
   "The policy rests on the fact that large corporations and banks
 dominate the political and economic life of our country as well as form
 the structural underpinnings of the system of capitalism.  With their
 economic and political power, these corporate behemoths determine the
 fate of hundreds of millions  of people at home and around the globe."
   And he also states,
   "Stagnating wages and income, high energy costs, rising unemployment,
 skyrocketing rents, privatization of public services, the wage gap,
 strike breaking, persistent racism and discrimination, the corruption of
 our political process, the erosion of our democratic rights,
 anti-immigrant bashing, environmental degradation, persistent and
 growing poverty, and militarist aggression - all of this and more can be
 traced in one way or another to monopoly corporations and banks and
 their relentless search for maximum corporate profits. That's their
 bottom line."
   And finally he contends,
   "The anti-monopoly strategy is our path to socialism."
   To that which is implied by these comments I say, No it is not our path
 to socialism, nor has it ever been.  This is a petty bourgeois
 ideological approach that is quite acceptable to a large segment of
 capitalist society.  An anti-monopoly strategy does not equal an
 anti-capitalist strategy and it is certainly not equatable with a
 pro-socialist philosophy.  Sam's philosophy in this regard is not only
 quite acceptable to the petty bourgeois class but lies at the core of
 many of their preachings.  In fact, Sam implies as much when he says,
   "Even some segments of the capitalist class feel the pinch of its
   Exactly, and that is why these segments are the strongest advocates of
 anti-trust laws and similar legislation, but theirs is neither an
 anti-capitalist or pro-socialist program.
   Later Sam says,
   "It [the program he is advocating] aims to unite millions of our
 nation's working people and their allies to radically curb the political
 and economic power of the biggest monopolies. It is at once a class and
 a democratic struggle."
   This comment is misleading because it implies a 

Re: [MLL]Test

2001-03-25 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Thanks for your assessment and the commentary by Barry Stoller which is
interesting and which I'll have to study in greater detail later.

 Your assessment is correct.  It has, indeed, drifted into a
 posting list.  Where are Jim Hillier, Sven, bon moun, and many others?
 they still with us?

With regards discussions on this list, I've been wondering whether we should
have discussions dealing with contemporary issues like the one you, Steele
and Stoller are discussing with references back to the classics and
contemporary writings?

Have we been discussing theoretical and historical issues in a vacuum which
results in people quickly losing interest in continuing the thread of the

On the other hand, is this a common occurrence on most lists, since I
haven't received anything from the Cuba Si list since the 22nd, though
activity on the Stalinskaya list appears to be picking up?

Could a lack of list activity be because with the current slowdown in the
economy, collapse of dotcom companies, retrenchments in the information
technology and Internet industries, people simply have less time to spend on
lists like this?

Any ideas??


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Re: [MLL]Weekly Worker 376 (21/3/01)

2001-03-25 Thread Charles F. Moreira


I've forwarded your objection to the moderators panel and we'll decide on
what to do shortly.



- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: [MLL]Weekly Worker 376 (21/3/01)

 The Weekly Worker is NOT the paper of the Communist Party Of Great
 but of a tiny Trotskyite sect which (mis)uses the name. It's paper, the
 Weekly Wrecker is famous soley for being no more than a fractional gossip
 sheet for the Left in the UK.

 They call for the violent overthrow of Cuba's socialist system and
 Fidel Castro as a "Dictator" and describe Stalin as a "mass murderer".

 During the NATO war against Yugoslavia, the Weekly Worker were vocal in
 their support for the KLA - even printing an interview with a KLA
 at the height of the war and calling for "Victory To The KLA"!

  After the recent bombing of Iraq they gave tacit approval to this
 action on the front-page of their paper. And during the CIA coup in
 Yugoslavia they ran with the fron-page headline "TRY MILOSOVIC".

  Ian Donovan, a leading Weekly Worker 'ideologist' who penned the article
 mentioned below on Macedonia, openly boasts that he considers Communists
 be the same as Hitlers Nazi's and regularly describes anyone who opposes
 NATO imperialism as "Red/Brown" and liberally throws in accusations of
 communist "anti-semitism" and "mass murder".

  And to top it all off, the Weekly Worker are open advocates of the
 lagalisation of peadophilia and heroin.
 Don't believe me? It's all available on their website (see below).


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 6:32 PM
 Subject: [MLL]Weekly Worker 376 (21/3/01)

  Weekly Worker 376 - Towards the Daily Worker
  In this week's Weekly Worker, paper of the Communist Party of Great
  Macedonia and Consistent Democracy - Ian Donovan demands a consistent
  democratic approach to the latest Balkan flare-up.
  Foot and Mouth Outbreak - Only a working class approach can resolve the
  current crisis, argues Michael Malkin
  From Iskra to Pravda - Mark Fischer examines the sort of paper the

  class needs.
  Australian Left Unites - Marcus Larsen reports on the coming together of
  Australian Left under a Socialist Alliance banner.
  SSP Retreats Before Drugs Onslaught - Carol Newson sees signs of a
  from the Scottish Socialist Party's position on the legalisation of
  Welcome Shift - Phil Watson calls on the Worker's Power group to end
  bureacratic poscriptions on it's membership.
  AK47s and Calculators - Ian Farrell analyses amendments put forward by
  Worker's Power to the March 10th SA Policy Conference.
  Can the Republican Communist Network Go Forward? - Dave Craig evaluates
  RCN's future.
  Defeat Failed Ideas - Simon Harvey of the Socialist Labour Party issues
  call to it's membership.
  In Defence of Bedfordshire SA - The RDG looks at the reasons behind the
  SWP's refusal to participate.
  Plus Letters, Socialist Alliance Round-Up, and Action.
  Extracts from this edition can be read at
  For more information and sub details, go to http://www.cpgb.org.uk ,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or write to CPGB, BCM Box 928, London, WC1N 3XX,
  The Communist Party of Great Britain is an affiliate of the Socialist
  Alliances. Please visit http://www.socialistalliance.net
  Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
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Re: [MLL]Test

2001-03-25 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Klo wrote:-

 PS.  I got the following message from Barry Stoller.  Does anyone have any
 regarding the orientation of his list.  Barry sounds pretty good.

  Your post to the Marxist-Leninist list about anti-monopoly tactics (re:
  CPUSA) was brilliant. Cut quick to the real problem among the left and
  quasi-left today: petty-bourgoeis mentality radicalized in the rhetoric
  of anarchism.
  While Marxists acknowledge the dialectical movement of centralized
  capitalism INTO collectivized ownership of the means of production,
  today's 'populist' opposition to capitalism is, alas, confined to an
  anti-CORPORATISM which, with little encouragement, opposes collectivized
  socialism with as much vitriol.

Indeed this is very true. Much of the anti-corporate sentiment found among
the environmental, ecological, sustainable development, hippie, consumer,
Libertarian, marijuana legalisation, anti-war and other such movements may
seem anti-capitalist but they are not.

In reality they are virulently anti-communist and even racist and fascist.
Just visit Web sites of Britain's neo-Nazi British National Party and other
such neo-Nazi or fascist organsiations and one can see this anti-corporatism
linked to anti-Semitism.



  I am forwarding your essay to my debate forum, downwithcapitalism,
  address below, in the hopes of promulgating your fine presentation of
  this problem.
  Please visit, subscribe or participate:
  Barry Stoller

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[MLL]China on the capitalist road

2001-03-24 Thread Charles F. Moreira


This article by a Malaysian author currently in Shanghai which was published
in Malaysiakini, an online publication in Malaysia gives us an indication of
China's current position on the capitalist road.





Saturday March 24

Chinese dragon not waiting for the future

Foong Wai Fong

12:14pm, Sat: The rise of China is not a future event. The Chinese economic
reforms and opening have put China in a leading position in the political,
economic and social order of Asia. China's super presence in the global
economy has also risen very rapidly.

Health Minister Chua Jui Meng the other day in opening a karaoke competition
made a call to take up Mandarin, as "China will be a very important economic
model in 20 years."

Keen China watchers will want to correct this impression; China has already
eclipsed Southeast Asia in economic leadership. Malaysia will ignore this
trend to its own disadvantage. The current squabble over mother-tongue
education, especially Chinese education in Malaysia, reflects a big gap in
grasping reality. Malaysian public policy must adjust quickly to the present
fast changing regional environment to maintain the country's relevance in
the region.

Numbers speak louder and paint better pictures. Take a look at these
strategic statistics:

- GDP: China's total GDP is US$1 trillion, ranks fourth in the world, after
the US, Japan and Germany. At purchasing power parity (PPP), it could rank
higher. One survey estimates 25 million of China's coastal population to
have reached GDP per capita of US$8,000 (Malaysia's 23 million has per
capita GDP of US$3,248). Income has doubled every 10 years for the last two
decades. The middle class at PPP measures is reaching critical mass; urban
Chinese spends only 20 percent of total income on food today.

- Asean's share of exports to the US dropped from 23 percent in 1997 to 20
percent in 1999, China's export rose from 22 percent in 1997 to 24 percent,
in spite of the currency devaluations in Asean. The reminbi held its ground
during and after the financial crisis, and we have reason to believe that it
won't become fully convertible in another 5-10 years. China took up 52
percent of net FDI inflow into Asia in 1999, taking US$40.4 billion of
US$78.7 billion

- China now has the third largest stock market in Asia, and best performing
in 2000, with 1,049 companies listed, market capitalisation is 80 percent of
its 1999 GDP, some 4.8 trillion yuan (US$578.3 billion). If ranked by the
number of listed companies, it is second after Tokyo. The Chinese saving
pool is huge: in 2000, Chinese saved 6.4 trillion yuan (US$774 billion), 80
percent in the banks, against foreign reserves of US$162 billion. Some 58
million Chinese have stockbroking accounts. Why is the Chinese stock market
shooting through the roof? Simple answer: a basic demand overwhelming supply
situation. In 2000 alone, more than 13 million new investors started
accounts in the stock market.

- Mortgage and consumer lending tripled from $11 billion in 1999 to $31
billion in 2000. For example in 2000, one third of the Industrial and
Commercial Bank's (ICBC) loans went to consumers, mostly for mortgages,
reflecting the government's epiphany that consumers can be a source of
growth. In 2001, it is shooting for 40 percent. The estimated $250-400
billion in bad debts problem (25-40 percent of GDP), up to two-thirds has
been moved to an asset management company, the plan is complete
restructuring in 10 years. Chinese banks will be very powerful players; for
example, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) with 420 million
individual accounts, eight million corporate clients, it went from no credit
cards 10 years ago to 76 million today, it has US$500 billion in assets, it
is the No10 bank in the world, with 25 percent of China's market.

- While the rest of Asia frets about a US slowdown, exports are no longer
the main driver of growth (the sector only makes up 30 percent of GDP in
2000), the Chinese economy has shifted to being domestically led, achieving
greater self-reliance. China also has a healthy national debt level, at less
than 15 percent of GDP (compared to well over 130 percent in Japan). When
the reforms deepen and spreads afar to the vast western region, China's
dependence on exports, and to the outside global economy will further
reduce. With infrastructure spending, upgrading of the coastal industrial
sector and modernisation of the farm sector, reform of the banking and
capital markets, domestic demand will be further strengthened. China's
middle class is reaching critical mass.

Size matters

- China has the lowest labour cost in Asia, outside Indonesia. But if you
put in the unemployment and the surplus productive human resources from the
West and the under performing state sector 

Re: [MLL]RE: List matters

2001-03-05 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Milan wrote:

 Dear Comrade!
 Thank you for information. But since we are members of list, is it
 that News0101 looks like "suspicious header"? Really, this story about
 "suspicious header" looks like a god idea for paranoic vision that someone
 like to do a bit of censorship job on list.

Well, bearing in mind that Workers World would be a highly likely target for
rightist attacks, it's not surprising that they have a lot of security in

Furthermore, I don't have any illusions that if the bourgeoise wanted to,
they could easly censor the Net, and so would the proletariat when it is
power but this I would say is more of a progressive organisation's methods
to safeguard itself against reactionary elements.



 Just a note to tell you that I've released nine messages held up in the
 server for a variety of reasons including "suspiscious header," some are
 non-members and other reasons.
 Besides "non members" I don't know why the server behaves like this.
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Re: [MLL]Virus details!

2001-02-22 Thread Charles F. Moreira

Sanjay comrade,

Well done. We're not experts but we can solve such problems collectively.
I've scanned my PC and it' s OK for now.


- Original Message -
From: "Sanjay Singhvi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Marxist Leninist List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 3:39 AM
Subject: [MLL]Virus details!

 I have just spent over four hours on the net and located the virus and
 cleaned my system. The virus is the "W95.MTX" or the "W95.MTX.dr" virus.
 can find out if your system is infected by checking whether any of the
 following files are to be found in your computer
 If any of the above files do exist then you are infected. Go to
 http://vil.mcafee.com/dispVirus.asp?virus_k=98797; for details on this
 virus. The removal instructions can also be found there. All the strange
 attachments that we have been getting in the past few months are also to
 found mentioned there. I am sure that most of us must be infected. If you
 need to download the latest anti-virus software (from
 if you use Norton as I do) and get rid of the virus. Till them may I
 that no attachments be sent or opened as this virus spreads through

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2001-02-22 Thread Charles F. Moreira


This warning was posted to the Cuba Si group and looks somethig like what
affected Sanjay's computer.

Also it looks like it's created by someone targetting leftist and
progressive discussion groups.

Prevention is better than cure, so please be careful of what attachments you

- Original Message -
From: "mart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "NY Transfer News" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "New Worker Online"
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 6:19 AM
Subject: [Cuba SI] VIRUS ALERT

 If you receive an e-mail entitled "Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs", from
 someone named" HaHaHa", do not open it. Delete it immediately It is a
 It's not really new. It's been around before but it's making the rounds
 again. I received two copies today
 It appears that the bastard is sending this crap may be targeting
 progressives, as he seems to be getting addresses from the PTTP, CUBA SI ,
 CUBA NEWS and possibly other lists.

  Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~-~
 eGroups is now Yahoo! Groups
 Click here for more details

 Cuba SI - Imperialism NO!
 Socialism or death! Patria o muerte! Venceremos!

 Post message: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subscribe:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

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Re: [MLL]Strange messages

2001-02-21 Thread Charles F. Moreira

Sanjay comrade,

I was just administrating five messages held up in the WW server, I released
four but one -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] contained another .exe file attachment
which appeared to be an Internet Explorer virus so I deleted it without
letting it go to the list.

This e-mail address is not subscribed to the list.

I thought the same, that perhaps it's a sort of "I love you" type of virus
automatically sending these messages out but why to our list.

Such a virus would send messages out to people at random.

Yes, we should check our PCs and scan them with anti-virus software updates
with the latest virus definitions.

I'm not a computer whiz but I'll see what I can do.

If Sanjay Singhivi's computer was switched off, then this person is
operating from somewhere else. Or maybe it is a plant residing unknown on
someone else's computer.



- Original Message -
From: "Sanjay Singhvi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Marxist Leninist List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 7:08 PM
Subject: [MLL]Strange messages

 I have down with a mild slip disc since the past one week. On opening
 mail today I found two messages bearing the attachment ing_with_dogs.
 The e-mails claim to have originated from [EMAIL PROTECTED] which is my
 e-mail address. I have obviously not sent any such messages. (All messages
 sent by me anyway have "Sanjay Singhvi" as the sender's name and not my
 e-mail address. In fact I have sent no messages at all since the past one
 week. Besides being extremely embarrassing this is also very dangerous.
 means that even when I am off the list and, indeed, when my computer is
 down, some messages reach the list purporting to be from my e-mail
 I believe from Com. Charles' later mail that the attachment is a virus.
 Please can we all check our own computers and would the moderators also
 please check the list itself for viruses? The problems being reported by
 Javad and others are also indicative of a virus. How can we solve the
 problem? Any computer whiz on this list to take the lead please!

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Re: [MLL] We Won't Go Back

2001-02-21 Thread Charles F. Moreira


I don't know how to stop this, since I don't know 
the contact person with the WWPublish server site. Only Sven would 

I know this is a problem as I checked the 
administrators' page and found 49 messages queued up. I can only go in and 
release them.



  - Original Message - 
  Partija rada 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 7:16 
  Subject: Re: [MLL] We Won't Go Back
  I don't want to panic, but, how does looks 
  these messages to you:
  Your mail to 'Marxist-Leninist-List' with 
  the subject News 0101Is 
  being held until the list moderator can review it for 
  approval.The reason it is being 
  held: Message has a suspicious 
  headerEither the message will get posted to the list, or you 
  will receivenotification of the moderator's decision.
  or this one:
  Your mail to 'Marxist-Leninist-List' with 
  the subject [MLL] Curious 
  messages?Is being held until the list moderator can review it 
  for approval.The reason it is being 
  held: Message has a suspicious 
  headerEither the message will get posted to the list, or you 
  will receivenotification of the moderator's decision.
  Revolutionary greetings,


2001-02-19 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Some news from Malaysia. The Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) claims to be
Marxist-Leninist but is more of a left social democratic party but it is
building up close links to the working class, especially the plantation
workers -- mainly ethnic Indian (East Indian to North Americans) -- who are
among the most exploited.

The government of Malaysia has dragged its feet over registration of the PSM
as a political party, so it operates as an ad-hoc party, though it's not
illegal either.

BTW. Ipoh is a town about 160 KM north of Kuala Lumpur and is the capital of
the state of Perak which is a rich tin-mining area.




Ipoh, 17th. February 2001

Today, Ipoh town witnessed a new alien. The PSM (Parti Sosialis Malaysia)
flag - striking red with a clenched left fist was seen everywhere leading to
the Dewan Tow Boh Keong at town centre. The hall itself was full of the
flags. One observer said, "it seems PSM has invaded Ipoh".

The PSM Sg. Siput fund raising dinner held today was an overwhelming victory
when a thousand people attended the dinner. The attendance was an
endorsement by the work done all this while by front members as well as PSM
activist in Ipoh and Sg. Siput. The crowd had a mixture of mostly working
class people from various communities surrounding Ipoh as well as Sg. Siput.
The Alternative Front(BA) too participated in full force.

The programme started at 8pm. when a slide show was presented. The first
slide was a poem by PSM chairperson Comrade Nasir Hashim. The poem titled
"Perjuangan Sosialis" described the struggle as opposing all cruelty, all
colonialisation, all hypocrisy and all exploitation to create a new system
which can unite all the differences. The Slide show was followed by the
welcoming address from PSM Sg. Siput treasurer Sdr. Sukumaran. Then PSM
Secretary General, Comrade Arutchelvan  addressed the crowd. Among the
highlight of his speech was when he announced that PSM will field
Dr.Jeyakumar for a rematch with Samy Vellu for 2004 to end Samy Vellu's
legacy in Malaysian politics. This brought rousing applause from the floor.

This was followed by other speeches and performances. Among the guest of
honour who attended were Parti Keadilan Nasional, Secretary General Sdr.
Anuar Tahir, Sdr. Mohd Azhar from Pemuda PAS, Hew Yoon Tat- PRM Ipoh Brach
chairperson as well as other leaders from villagers and estates.

PSM Party Chairperson, Comrade Nasir in his keynote speech said that PSM
though a small party will always fight the odds. He said the party became
the first party in Malaysian history to take the Home Minister to court. He
also talked about the numerous grassroot efforts and intervention by the
party. We will fight fearlessly for the struggle, he declared. Anuar Tahir
in his speech among other things said, " if BN is afraid to endorse PSM
registration, then BA will register the party when BA comes to power". This
statement received tremendous applause from the floor.

The event was interrupted when a group of farmers from Gunung Pari Kuala
Kuang wanted to present the party with a souvenir. They presented a red
banner with the words, " Long Live The Peoples Struggle" to party
chairperson.  A sketch was also presented by party front in Kajang,
Community Development Centre. The Sketch was titled what happened in Sg.
Siput in 1999. The sketch brought much laughter as well as took a swipe at
BN dirty tactics and Samy Vellu.

The much awaited speech from Dr. Jeyakumar then followed. Dr. Kumar spoke
about the problem faced by the people. He said the problems encounted by the
nation is not a racial nor a religious problem. It is the problem between
the rich and the poor. To address this inequal system, the socialist
analysis and PSM has become relevant.

The event ended with a song from Band Rakyat titled "Uprising". The band
which has created several interesting hits about local struggles entertained
the crowd and was well received by the audience.

The day ended with the slogan, " Long Live working class, Long Live Class
Struggle" which was shouted in all three languages.

PSM has grown in the last two years. The support received by the party in
its first public gathering in Ipoh was overwhelming. It has made PSM a
potential force in a town previously controlled by the Seenivasagam

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[MLL]List matters

2001-02-19 Thread Charles F. Moreira


My resposne to Javad was held up but this time I've managed to release it
from the WWPublish server and subsequently released 26 other messages and
approved three subscription requests.

However, I don't see the 26 messages, though they may come later. The
wwpublish server is rather slow at times.



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[MLL]Alert! strange attachment

2001-02-19 Thread Charles F. Moreira


One of the messages I believed I released is from a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
contains an attachment named "f***king dogs"


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Re: [MLL]List matters

2001-02-19 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Klo wrote:-

 I am getting a stream of messages I sent out weeks ago that have already
 been posted.

Thanks, that's them. However did you notice any duplicates?


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2001-01-29 Thread Charles F. Moreira


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Re: [MLL]Virus

2001-01-28 Thread Charles F. Moreira

Sanjay comrades,

I noticed that message a few days back and it had the name "Sanjay" but I
guessed it wasn't you.

It looked suspiscious.



- Original Message -
From: "Sanjay Singhvi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Marxist Leninist List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2001 3:42 PM
Subject: [MLL]Virus

 Sorry, I have been away in Kerala in the south of India for the past
 week. Of course, there are a lot of mails that I would like to answer but
 first something disturbing. I found a mail to this list from
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] which is my own e-mail address. This in itself is
 suspicious since my contributions to this list never show the address but
 rather my name i.e. "Sanjay Singhvi". When I opened this mail there was no
 text but only an attachment named "QI-test.exe". I at once deleted this
 attachment since I had not sent it. This definitely means that there is a
 virus on this list. Please locate it and let us weed it out.

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Re: [MLL]Maoism vs. Marxism-Leninism!

2001-01-27 Thread Charles F. Moreira

Javad comrade,

You wrote

 Comrade Moreira,

 In order to discuss an issue, I usually prefer the primary sources
 over the secondary ones. So, the source of the Wang Ming's private
 conversation with Mao is Wang Ming's own book, Mao's Betrayal.

OK thanks. I accept it as a reliable source.

 When you state that you have "heard and read of references to `the
 Moscow group' in discussions with student comrades and Chinese
 and believed that they were supporters of Soviet revisionism an this
 you have started will tell it from a different perspective, whether or not
 end up agreeing with you or not", it gives the impression that this
 group" story started during the Khrushchev misleadership. But contrary to
 this impression, its history is earlier than the Khrushchev misleadership
 time, and goes back to the time when Stalin was the leader of the USSR and
 the Chinese Communist Party was in struggle against the imperialism.

Thanks for pointing the chronological aspect out. However, if the CPC
leadership had wanted to discredit anyone aligned to the Soviet line for
dishonest reasons, it would not have bothered about chronology.

What are your criticism's of Mao's work on New Democracy, his comment that
Stalin was 70% correct and why China and Albania went revisionist.



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Re: [MLL]Maoism vs. Marxism-Leninism!

2001-01-26 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Firstly, I'd like to ask Cde. Javad about the trustworthiness of the source
of this account of what Wang Ming said about Mao, since Wang's accusations
of Mao seem more like slanders than honest criticism and evaluation of his

I've heard of another account in a recently published boot that his doctor
said that Mao frequently had sex with teenage girls and while I don't
remember this book's title or who it was written by, it's obviously one of
those "revelations" by the imperialists to discredit Mao.

The damage it did was to turn my friend and comrade in my student days in
the 1970's from a stauch Maoist and supporter of Stalin and Enver Hoxha into
one who is critical of Mao, Stalin and Hoxha in the late 1990's.

He said that Hoxha personally executed a leading PLA member (can't remember
who) for being a CIA agent and he asked why Hoxha did not kill him earlier,
despite knowing that he was an agent.

Secondly, whether the account is true or not, I'm in favour of Javad's
proposal to critically examine Mao and his ideas and doctrines and rather
than arguing about "isms," I'm more interested in whether Mao's theories on
New Democracy and the two-stage revolution were valid for the time they were
written and if they did, whether they still hold any validity today.

Furthermore, especially since China's rapproachment with the United States
began (as far as I know and can recall) with an invitation of a US table
tennis (ping pong) team to visit China, sometime in early 1971 ("Ping-Pong
Diplomacy"), culminating in Nixon's visit to China in 1972, after which
China began to slowly soften its stand towards the United States and the
West, while becoming more hostile to the Soviet Union and its socialist

Mao was alive at the time (he died in the summer of 1976), did he play any
part in these developments, apart from shaking Nixon's hand? Also what was
Chinese premier Chou En Lai's role in all this, since he was the main
negotiator with Nixon?

Between 1972 and 1976, the Communist Party of China took the stand that the
Soviet Union was state capitalist and social imperialist and that while it
was feigning an attack on the East, it would actually actually attack the
west and China based upon its three-world theory, China called upon the
Western European nations to support NATO and the European Economic
Community) as a bulwark against "Soviet Social Imperialism."

I was supporter of the then Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist)
(Now the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain M-L) which at that time
was pro-China and I repeatedly echoed China's position in its speeches and
publications and like most Maoists, I treated all this as Gospel.

However, I subsequently began to feel that China's position was rather
opportunistic, since it seemed to be provoking the Soviet Union and the West
to go to war -- possibly a nuclear war -- and destroy each other, which
would leave China relatively untouched as the sole big power on earth, since
I believed that two heavily nuclear armed blocs engaged in nuclear war with
each other would not waste their nuclear bombs and missiles on other
countries which did not immediately threaten them.

Here China appeared to completely discount the revolutionary potential of
the West's working class, nor did it seem to care how many of them would be
killed in the war if it ever took place.

Furthermore, its opposition to Soviet social imperialism led it to oppose
the Soviet and Cuban backed MPLA in Angola, China supported Jonas Savimbi's
Unita which was backed by South Africa and also to oppose Vietnames
intervention in Cambodia in support of Hun Sen's faction against the Khmer
Rouge who were completely destroying Cambodia and not allowing it to start
constructing socialism.

When the Party of Labour of Albania published Enver Hoxha's report on the
Seventh Congress of the PLA which critisesed China Three-World Theory and
its policies above, I felt vindicated and became a supporter of Hoxha and
Albania. The CPE (M-L) and Reg Birch's CPB (M-L) were among some of the
Marxist-Leninist parties in Britain which split with China to align with

Another question is why, after criticising the triumph of revisionism in the
Soviet Union and later in China, Albania eventually went the same way after
the death of Enver Hoxha and the collapse of the Soviet Union? The collapse
of socialism in Albania was a very demoralising experience for me who
believed it was the last bastion of socialism -- a disappointment which led
me to turn to Trotskyism for answers for a few years.

Why is it that after shrilly condemning Soviet revisionism, especially after
Mao's death, China increasingly went down the same road?

Cde. Alan Dover has provided a cogent explanation for the collapse of
socialism in his work, Two Complementary Roads to Socialism which can be
found at http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~dove/.

However, I'm also interested in other comrades' explanations of  these

Re: [MLL]Maoism vs. Marxism-Leninism!

2001-01-26 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Javad wrote:-

 Comrade Moreira,

   I would like to make some comments in relation to your e-mail.
 (1) I have never made the following claim that you have ascribed to me
 because I am not in that China discussion:"Javad maintains that based upon
 the pro-capitalist (in fact comprador capitalist) policies of China's
 leadership to seek foreign direct investment from the imperialist
 to set up factories and exploit its workers, China is
 already a capitalist country -- a conclusion based on policies of its
 leaders, rather than on material conditions".

MY APOLOGIES Javad comrade, it was Joseph Stalin who more or less said the
above in his discussions with Klo below. I paraphrased him over several
posts, though I mixed Joseph up with you, since your topic is also about
"I am new to this NG, but I must agree that China's
policies are capitalist and even fascist in nature. I
do not support that Cuba and its heroic people and
leader are called fascists. But Ping and all the other
revisionists ruling China today are absolutely, 100%
capitalist. They don't even make an attempt at even a
communist image. I think these are not slanders. The
evidence is in every store you go into. Pick up a
shirt or a toy or a pen, and see where it was made.
Does it say "Made in China"? Most propably. This shows
that the Chinese governemtn allows Foreing companies
to exploit Chinese people at will for profits in the
west. All the sky scrappers in Peking and Shangai are
all owned by western companies. All the factories and
sweatshops are owned by the capitalists. Deng returned
China to its 19th century status, of shperes of
influence. China is again today carved up into shperes
of influence. Its a shame and a discrace that China
today carries a red flag."

Javad continues:-
 (2) In relation to the question of the trustworthiness of Wang Ming, I
 say that the truth of his utterances, whether seemingly slanderous or not,
 will be shown through the examination of Mao's ideas expressed in his
 articles, and other written and oral documents on him.

I wanted to know where you read the account on Wang Ming's and Mao's
discussion and how trustworthy is that source or sources of your

 Let us remind
 ourselves that Wang Ming was in the Comintern, and remained loyal to the
 ideals of Marxism-Leninism, and could not make any kind of political
 with imperialism that Mao made (but Mao used to call Wang Ming the leader
 "the Moscow group", reminiscent of our bourgeois dictators who called any
 Marxist-Leninist group or party "Moscow agents"). Regardless of all the
 above, Mao will show his true colors through his own ideas, for example,
 though his On New Democarcy, and On Contradiction, and etc.

I welcome reading your criticism of Mao's works above. I've heard and read
of references to "the Moscow group" in discussions with student comrades and
Chinese publications and believed that they were supporters of Soviet
revisionism an this thread you have started will tell it from a different
perspective, whether or not I end up agreeing with you or not.

 (3) In connection to some "revelations" by the imperialists to discredit
 Mao, Mao discredited himself through his "theoretical" works, and his
 infamous political "deal" with Nixon, and other political misadvadures
 around the world. Thus, Mao did not leave any substanial "work" for the
 imperialists in their propaganda department! Some occasional "revelations"
 are seemingly directed to Mao in order to discredit communism and the
 Communist Party of China because some socialist-oriented workers in some
 countries, for various reasons, associate Mao's name with communism.

That answers one question I posed, which is whether Mao had anything to do
with China's deal with Nixon and the United States.

 (4)Concerning your question ("Why is it that after shrilly condemning
 revisionism, especially after Mao's death, China increasingly went down th
 same road?"), I would like to draw our attention to a misconception that
 "shrilly condemning Soviet revisionism" is not necessarily tantamount to
 having an "anti-revisionist" political standpoint.

No it doesn't but alongside those shrill condemnations, the Communist party
of China constantly called for its members to be "ever vigilant against
bourgeois agents within the Communist Party" to prevent such a thing
happening in China, so I accepted that they were sincerely making some
effort to prevent revisionism happening but it happened despite all those
efforts, so why did it happen?

Why did it subsequently also happen in Albania, after the death of Enver
Hoxha and the collapse of the Soviet Union?



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Re: [MLL]Foreign Ministry Spokesman on Tiananmen Papers

2001-01-24 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Spetznaz wrote:-

 I also agree with Alan and Klo. I support both the
 Chinese government's actions at Tiananmen Square and
 Yanayev's 1990 coup against Gorbachev.

Me too. While the poor farmers may have begun protesting, inspired by the
students' protest movement, the protests were led by the students who were
clearly demanding Western-style bourgeois democracy reforms and who were
backed by Western and pro-Western imperialist and capitalist forces outside

While in Canada in 1992, I met a young woman who had been a protester in
Tianannmen and I thought she was a Canadian-Chinese, since she seemed so
Westernised and her views with regards welfare recipients was just like that
of any right-winger -- ie. "get trained and get a job" when Canada and the
United States were in the depths of an economic recession and there simply
were no jobs.

Furthermore, some of the student protesters who fled to the west have since
got good jobs and we don't hear much of them now.

 The imperialists are willing to do anything to
 undermine socialism, ranging from "contra" style
 guerrilla movements to springing up opposition
 movements disguised as a geniune workers movement.

 The perfect example is Solidarity. In the 80's they
 said wanted power to the workers, yet when they were
 voted into power all they ever did was build churches.
 Now the Polish people have elected a former Communist
 party member as president.

Indeed, so true.

 Even in Romania, in 1989 you saw how the Romanian
 people were chearing over the downfall of Nicolae
 Ceausescu. However now, their country is total shit
 and they want a return to socialism.

And I recall seeing photos in the bourgeois media of Ceausescu's face after
he was shot dead and even my late father who was virulently anti-communist
felt the media had gone too far in its insensitivity to a dead person.

 I wonder how long it will take before the Serbian
 people admit they made a terrible mistake by deposing

And I remember CNN covering protests by opposition parties in Serbia when
they were still small but CNN made them look as if they were about to outs
Milosovich. I could see that the many opposition were supporters appeared to
be petty bourgeois and bohemian types.

I don't expect it will be too long before the Serbian people realise their
mistake. Problem though is that it will be much more difficult to revert
back to the situation under Milosovich.

 Like I said, the imperialists will stop at nothing to
 destory workers states, and we have to be willinging
 to use force against these elements.

They will stop at nothing to destroy any state which stands in their way and
that includes Iraq, Lybia, Cuba, North Korea and other countries or leaders
who impede the Western imperialist's aims of dominating the whole world.
They will use all sorts of tactics, whether military, the media, economic,
cultural or whatever to undermine nations.

 Sadly, its very easy for American capitalism to
 "bribe" young people in socialist nations with all the
 luxuries of the West. I'm a teenager myself, and I see
 first hand how stupid my peers are.

 "how can you like communism? We have MTV!"
 "its so cold in Russia, your privates fall off"
 "but theres no cute guys like N'Sync in Russia"

 These are actual arguments people at my school tell me
 all the time. Gees, I could give a much better defense
 of capitalism.

 Anyways, during my trips to Russia, I've seen how
 Russian teenagers are being "americanized". Like young
 Americans, they're more concerned with MTV than all
 the poverty in their country.

HA! I see too much of that here in Malaysia, especially among young, middle
class types and even working class youths who get caught up with Western
consumer culture and its associated fashions -- a modern opium of the masses
and a strong opium too.

I must commend you for seeing through this deception while in your teens.
When I was a teen, I was caught up in it all and was very pro-American back

One problem though is that while young communists like Spetznaz, who are
exposed to this type of culture in the West can see through it, youths in
the former Soviet Union who were generally isolated from it, fall for this
culture more easily, like the natives of North America who died when
contracted the diseases suffered by the white settlers, since they had no
immunity to them.

While I don't advocate deliberately exposing youth in socialist society to
this type of culture so that they develop an immunity to it (since most
youths in the west fall for it anyway), youth in socialist society should be
informed about this type of culture and clearly shown its true commercial
and exploitative nature so that they won't be deceived by its pretenses to

 Sadly, it seems only when the true horrors of
 capitalism becomes clear that these people realize
 they were wrong, and very often its too late by then.

Well it will require such a shock to bring 

Re: [MLL]new member from Indonesia

2001-01-24 Thread Charles F. Moreira

Javad comrade,

The problem looks like it may be with Workers' World's host server. Perhaps
comrade Sven could help,since he knows the people there.


- Original Message -
From: "Javad Eskandarpour" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [MLL]new member from Indonesia

 Comrade Moreira,

 I sent my e-mail with the same text under two titles:(1) Maoism vs.
 Marxism-Leninism!, and (2) Nazim Hikemt. As you know, Nazim Hikmet was not
 "suspicious header", but suddenly became one!

 The message on the first e-mail:

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 2:05 AM
 Subject: Your message to Marxist-Leninist-List awaits moderator approval

  Your mail to 'Marxist-Leninist-List' with the subject
  Re: [MLL]Maoism vs. Marxism-Leninism!
  Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
  The reason it is being held:
  Message has a suspicious header
  Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
  notification of the moderator's decision.

 This message on the second e-mail:

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 2:13 PM
 Subject: Your message to Marxist-Leninist-List awaits moderator approval

  Your mail to 'Marxist-Leninist-List' with the subject
  Re: [MLL]Nazim Hikmet!
  Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
  The reason it is being held:
  Message has a suspicious header
  Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
  notification of the moderator's decision.
 - Original Message -----
 From: Charles F. Moreira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [MLL]new member from Indonesia

  Javad comrade,
  Where did you send it and what exactly was the error message you
  - Original Message -
  From: "Javad Eskandarpour" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 1:40 PM
  Subject: Re: [MLL]new member from Indonesia
   - Original Message -
   From: Javad Eskandarpour
   Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 3:23 PM
   Subject: Re: [MLL]Nazim Hikmet!
   I have sent two e-mails under the title Maoism vs. Marxism-Leninism!,
   do not get through because the title is supposedly a "suspicious
   could not find anything "suspicious" about it. Do you find anything
   - Original Message -
   From: Javad Eskandarpour
   Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 3:54 AM
   Subject: Re: [MLL]Maoism vs. Marxism-Leninism!
 This topic, Maoism vs. Marxism-Leninism, might be an
   Maoists, but at the same time it might be a step to liberate ourselves
   some myths presented as truths, even as self -evident truths which
   inquiry. Thus, I would like to present some Maoist "truths" with my
   on them. Maoists are indeed welcome to present their views in order to
   the "glorious" flag of Maoism aloft in the course of rational
   instead of their habitual empty reference to the so-called tradition
   "from Marx-to-Mao"!
   Maoist-Myth(1): Mao's On New Democracy is a Marxist-Leninist
   My remarks: Mao's On New Democracy is not a Marxist-Leninist
   work at all, but it is indeed a Maoist "theoretical" work.
 In order to substantiate my claim, I must indeed show the
   ideas in Mao's work, which are not Marxist-Leninist ideas. Before
   with this task, I would like to mention that I will use any
   solid available (to me or other members) documents regardless of their
   or anti-Maoist orientation. In the next e-mail I will begin with some
   historical remarks on Mao's work, and proceed with Mao's political
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Re: [MLL]Hader problem

2001-01-24 Thread Charles F. Moreira

Javad comrade,

A few questions.

Please check your computer to see if there is any 
virus on it.

Secondly, try and use a header "Maoism versus 
Marxism-Leninism" and see if it makes a difference. I have a gut feeling that 
the "vs." in the header might appear as a virus to whether virus checker Workers 
World may have in place.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 7:23 
  Subject: Re: [MLL]Nazim Hikmet!
  I have sent two e-mails under the title Maoism vs. 
  Marxism-Leninism, which do not get through because the tiltle is supposedly a 
  "suspicious header"! I could not find anything "suspicious" about it. Do you 
  find anything "suspicious"?
- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 3:54 
Subject: Re: [MLL]Maoism vs. 


This topic, Maoism vs. Marxism-Leninism, might be an anathema to 
Maoists, but at the same time it might be a step to liberate ourselves from 
some myths presented as truths, even as self -evident truths which 
needno inquiry. Thus, I would like to present some Maoist "truths" 
withmy remarks on them. Maoists are indeed welcome to present their 
views in order to keep the "glorious" flag of Maoism aloft in the course of 
rational discussions, instead of their habitual empty reference to the 
so-called tradition of "from Marx-to-Mao"!

Maoist-Myth(1): Mao's On New Democracy is a 
Marxist-Leninist theoretical work.
My remarks: Mao's On New Democracy is not a 
Marxist-Leninist theoretical work at all, but it is indeed a Maoist 
"theoretical" work. 

 In order to substantiate my 
claim, I must indeed show the relevent ideas in Mao's work, which are not 
Marxist-Leninist ideas. Before proceeding with this task, I would like to 
mention that I will use any historically solid available (to me or other 
members) documents regardless of theirpro- or anti-Maoist 
orientation.In the next e-mail I will begin with some historical 
remarks on Mao's work, andproceed with Mao's political 

Re: [MLL]new member from Indonesia

2001-01-22 Thread Charles F. Moreira


You will also find some links to other resources on our Web site at

Relevance of Marxism by Klo (Dennis) McKinsey here

Marxist Declaration and Summary by Comrade Alan Dover over here
Aland Dover has written some thoughtful analyses "Two Complimentary Roads to
Socialism" explaining the causes of the collapse of socialism in the Soviet
Union and its deterioration and decline in China.

Dover has also written several other analyses, inlcuding one about
globalisation under imperialism ie- "World Free Trade -- A Feature of



- Original Message -
From: "Zullutfi Mohammad" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 9:52 AM
Subject: [MLL]new member from Indonesia

 Dear Comrades,

 My name Zullutfi, I am from Indonesia. I am very interested with marxism
idea and I want to deepth studies and spreading my knowledge on marxism.

 In Indonesia I has difficulty to find marxism reference, e.g. reference on
marxism phylosophy, marxism economic, marxism classic and development
thinking on marxism idea.

 I hope in this list, I could to building relationship, solidarity and
exchange experience with all comrade in the the world. I am very glad to
hear your contac.

 In solidarity,


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Re: [MLL]No attachments - please!!

2001-01-21 Thread Charles F. Moreira


I got the attachment too and my anti-virus trapped it. I then deleted the

Can't remember who sent it but it looked like a fake name.



- Original Message -
From: "Per Rasmussen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Marxist-Leninist-List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 4:58 PM
Subject: [MLL]No attachments - please!!

 No attachments - please!!

 Norton Anti-virus has just fixed for me - an exe-file.

 Elimination of the exploitation of man by man!
 Yours in solidarity
 Per Rasmussen

 "One has to have a great dose of humanity, a great dose of the feeling of
 justice and of truth not to fall into extreme dogmatism, into a cold
 scholasticism, into isolation from the masses. Every day one has to
 that this love to a living humanity transform itself into concrete acts,
 acts that serve as examples, as motivation."
 Ernesto Che Guevara

 "The Marxist-Leninist doctrine on class struggle and the dictatorship of
 proletariat affirms the role of violence in revolution, makes a
 between unjust, counter-revolutionary violence and just, revolutionary
 violence, between the violence of the exploiting classes, and that of the
 General Vo Nguyen Giap
 The Political and Military Line of Our Party, Selected Writings

 Let us continue the path of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao!
 Long live Marxism-Leninism Mao Tsetung Thought!

 Familien Rasmussen
 Srens hjemmeside

 Cuba SI!
 Subscribe Cuba SI mail-list
 Ernesto Che Guevara
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 Viden er Magt! - Magten til folket!
 Grundstudier i Marxismen-Leninismen Mao Tsetung Tnkning
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Re: [MLL]Nazim Hikmet!

2001-01-21 Thread Charles F. Moreira


While I agree with Klo that starving oneself to death has not been employed
by the Bolsheviks in the past and has not been prescribed or advocated by
any subsequent Marxist-Leninist leader such as Mao Tse Tung or Enver Hoxha,
nor by Nazim Hikmet, I feel this list should find ways of supporting the
Turkish revolutionaries' struggle such as by expressing our opposition to
the brutal methods employed by the fascist Turkish state against them -- ie.
isolation cells, deprivation, torture and so on, if we don't agree with
their tactic of a death fast.

Another thing is that we must remember that Marxism-Leninism is a living
science and there are different methods which work in different countries
and under specific local circumstances and as Steve Kaczynski pointed out in
a post of Jan 15, death fasts have won certain demands in the prisoners'
favour in Turkey before:-

"In the past, prisoners have forced the authorities to back down by going on
hunger strike. This happened in 1984 and 1996. On both occasions prisoners
died but the protests were successful. In 1984 the introduction of prison
uniforms was prevented - in 1996 the Eskisehir cell-type prison was closed
down. As a protest method hunger-striking by prisoners has been relatively
successful in Turkey. Whether it will continue to be, and continue to be
used, remains to be seen."

Even the imperialists, bourgeosie and petty bourgeoise recognise that
despite all their hype about the borderless nature of the Internet, which
supposedly makes geographic location "irrelevant" to the operation and
success of an Internet-based business, they have now begun to realise that
for an Internet business to succeed in different countries, language areas
and cultures, they must take local circumstances into account and not
simply apply an approach which has been successful in North America to
another part of the world.

Thus I feel that while we may not agree with the method of the Turkish
revolutionaries, we should find ways of critically supporting their struggle
without compromising on our principles.

After all, while we do not agree with all the tactics of the Provisional IRA
such as bombing pubs, other public places and their death fasts, we still
support the objective of their struggle which is to win total independence
for the Irish Republic from British imperialist rule.

Likewise, we should find agreeable areas where we can lend whatever limited
support we can as an Internet discussion group, to the Turkish
revolutionaries -- whether it be petitions, protest notes or whatever.

The Turkish revolutionaries are among a handful of Marxist-Leninist
organisations around the world right now who are involved in some form of
violent revolutionary struggle.



- Original Message -
From: "KloMcKinsey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: [MLL]Nazim Hikmet!

 Javad Eskandarpour wrote:

  Comrade George,
 As I replied to your posting recently, we support the struggle of
  Turkish political prisoners against the fascist state of Turkey, so you
  not have to repeat that this is "one of solidarity with revolutionaries
  under attack" as if we did not support them. But it seems to me that
  whenever Kaczinski comes with his irrationalities, you would like to
  the members of this list to keep quiet because if we respond to
  irrationalities, then this will be a breach of our international
  with the political prisoners in Turkey. And moreover, if we respond to
  Kaczinski's irrationalities, then we might be "the most chauvinist and
  revisionist elements" in the international working-class movement". What
  kind of logic is this? As it is well-known and self-evident,
  revolutionaries, especially Marxist-Leninist ones need theoretically and
  practically correct tactics in order to struggle against their enemies
  during the struggle itself with its own development which require
  change of tactics. If this is the case, then, contrary to your views,
  international duty of Marxist-Leninists must be to point out the
  in our ranks now (and not later) instead of endorsing the incorrect
  which might be of a great harm to the present and future struggle of
  around the world.  Our international working-class solidarity with
  revolutionaries around the world comes with our theoretical and
  involvement instead of our harmful good intentions of a "blind"
  internationalism which might get sighted miraculously later (when the
  of struggle settles down) under the pretext that "most of us here are
not in
  fascist Turkey, and none of us on this list are languishing in Turkish
  - Original Message -
  From: George G [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2001 6:50 PM
  Subject: Re: [MLL]Nazim Hikmet!
   Dear comrades 

Re: [MLL]Draft message of solitdarity

2001-01-12 Thread Charles F. Moreira


I've been away on vacation.

If I haven't submitted my name already, please include my name -- Charles F.



- Original Message -
From: "Sanjay Singhvi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2000 10:59 PM
Subject: Re: [MLL]Draft message of solitdarity

 Sven Comrade,
 Hope I am not too late. My phone line had been cut for a day due to a
 billing mistake. Please include my name also.
 Sanjay Singhvi
 -Original Message-
 From: Sven Buttler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 21 December 2000 01:21
 Subject: [MLL]Draft message of solitdarity

 Dear comrades and friends,

 This is a draft text of protest letter in
 support of the political prisioners
 in Turkey. Because of the urgency of the
 matter we need to act very fast. If you
 like to be included in the list of
 signatures let me know on or off-list
 as soon as possible.

 If you would like to send your own
 protest messages you can use these
 FAX numbers:

 Staatsprsident Sezer, Trkei: Fax: 0090 312 427 13 30

 Ministerprsident Blent Ecevit: Fax: 0090 312 417 04 76

 Justizminister Hikmet Trk: Fax: 0090 312 418 5667,

 Innenminister Sadettin Tantan: Fax: 0090 312 418 1795

 Generaldirektor der Haftanstalten Ali Suat Ertosun:
   Fax:  0090  312 414 63 01,
   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 For communision
 Sven Buttler
 Marxist-Leninist List

 Protest letter

 We are very concerned about the recent massacres
 carried out by police forces in prisons all over
 Turkey. The prisioners that have been under
 attack for several days now embarked upon a
 hungerstrike in order to protest the inhuman
 conditions in Turkish prisions.

 The Turkish authorities want to silence the
 prisioners and indeed the whole Turkish
 people to uphold the cheap pretence of being
 a democratic state. We condemn the recent
 undemocratic and coward actions against the
 prisoners and demand an immediate moratorium
 of attacks.

 Stop the fascist attacks!
 For a democratic and free Turkey!


 Sven Buttler, Germany


 PS: I'm cc'ing this to the Admin-list. I
 encourage all other moderators to post this
 to their lists and ask for signatures in
 support of this message.

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Re: [MLL]Draft message of solitdarity

2000-12-20 Thread Charles F. Moreira

Sven comrade,

Please include me: Charles F. Moreira



- Original Message -
From: "Sven Buttler" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2000 3:49 AM
Subject: [MLL]Draft message of solitdarity

 Dear comrades and friends,

 This is a draft text of protest letter in
 support of the political prisioners
 in Turkey. Because of the urgency of the
 matter we need to act very fast. If you
 like to be included in the list of
 signatures let me know on or off-list
 as soon as possible.

 If you would like to send your own
 protest messages you can use these
 FAX numbers:

 Staatspräsident Sezer, Türkei: Fax: 0090 312 427 13 30

 Ministerpräsident Bülent Ecevit: Fax: 0090 312 417 04 76

 Justizminister Hikmet Türk: Fax: 0090 312 418 5667,

 Innenminister Sadettin Tantan: Fax: 0090 312 418 1795

 Generaldirektor der Haftanstalten Ali Suat Ertosun:
   Fax:  0090  312 414 63 01,
   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 For communision
 Sven Buttler
 Marxist-Leninist List

 Protest letter

 We are very concerned about the recent massacres
 carried out by police forces in prisons all over
 Turkey. The prisioners that have been under
 attack for several days now embarked upon a
 hungerstrike in order to protest the inhuman
 conditions in Turkish prisions.

 The Turkish authorities want to silence the
 prisioners and indeed the whole Turkish
 people to uphold the cheap pretence of being
 a democratic state. We condemn the recent
 undemocratic and coward actions against the
 prisoners and demand an immediate moratorium
 of attacks.

 Stop the fascist attacks!
 For a democratic and free Turkey!


 Sven Buttler, Germany


 PS: I'm cc'ing this to the Admin-list. I
 encourage all other moderators to post this
 to their lists and ask for signatures in
 support of this message.

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Re: [MLL]DHKC London Information Bureau - Open Letter to the European Left

2000-12-19 Thread Charles F. Moreira


While the DHKC has valid reasons to criticise the European Left for lack of
support for its struggle, with the exception of the post on Nuri Eryuksel,
as far as I can see, none provide addresses, fax, phone numbesr or e-mail
addresses for members on this list to send messages of protest and/or
support to and perhaps financial contributions.

It would help if those details are made available.


 (Forwarding, but I agree with the contents of this open letter. S.K.)



 In Turkey the revolutionary captives are prepared to die in their fight
 against the introduction of isolation cells, but still the European Left
 does nothing.
 Since 20th October we have been asking the European Left for messages of
 support.  With very few exceptions we have received no response.  We have
 followed what goes on in your irrelevant and generally absurd "left"
 discussion lists, hoping that some mention of the heroic resistance of
 two hundred men and women on hunger strike might get a mention.  Why do
 remain silent?  Are you waiting for people to die before you act?  Or is
 your attitude the same as imperialism and fascism: "They are only
 terrorists, let them die"?  When we organise marches the European Left
 away.  When we organise meetings you do not attend them.  When people
   buildings, you are nowhere to be seen. Why? Is this your understanding
 international solidarity?  Imperialism is happy with your attitude towards
 us.  We are asking you once again whether it is not too late to act.
 Support the Death Fast Resistance of the revolutionary captives in Turkey
 and give support to their families.

 DHKC London Information Bureau
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[MLL]ASEAN Peoples' Assembly: The Enemy Within

2000-12-11 Thread Charles F. Moreira
rs' internal affairs is
a principle rooted in the ideas of sovereignty and self-determination - the
holiest of grails to the struggling new nations that in 1967 formed Asean.
All were then racked by the pains of independence's adolescence, and it was
clear at the time that Asean's Founding Five could either hang together, or
hang separately. Yet, each national experiment was so fragile that the
pledge of mutual 'non-interference' was the sine qua non of their agreement.
For it to have been otherwise, in 1967, would have been tantamount to
acknowledging defeat as nations.

Such positions, however, only underscored the terse statement of Miriam
Coronel-Ferrer of the Philippines' Third World Study Centre on what the
hands-off policy had become: "A dogma worshipped by Asean political elites."

There is a clear focus of this conflict. Although Asean peoples have much
cause to laud the farsightedness and statesmanship of the region's leaders
of a generation ago, they now want to know. what about Burma?

Admitted into Asean in 1997, seven years after the Myanmar 'State Law 
Order Restoration Council' ignored free elections that gave 82% of the
elected seats to Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy, that
nation's membership of Asean is the prickliest bone in the region's craw. "I
fully support the policy of non-interference," declared Debbie Stothard,
coordinator of the Alternative Asean Network on Burma, "when there is
interference that provides legitimacy to the regime."

So unbridgeable was this gulf that the Assembly found itself adopting a
lexical distinction: the state in question was called 'Burma' when referring
to its suppressed electorate, and 'Myanmar' in reference to its ruling
military regime.

It became necessary for the Assembly to acknowledge this sorest of Asean's
sore points and set it aside, in search of more hope in the bigger picture.
"With all our diversities between countries and within countries," mused
Hadi Soesastro of Jakarta's Centre for Strategic  International Studies,
"we have to move towards open economies and open societies. It's not easy,
but we have to. Perhaps people-to-people dialogues can create a forum to
prevent abuses."

There was support for the idea of an Asean Court of Justice, and for the
proposal to hold future APAs before Asean official summits, the better to
influence the policymakers' agendas.

Ali Alatas struck a pensive note in his concluding remarks to the Assembly.
"Is Asean an association in search of people," he pondered, "or people in
search of an association? NGOs have been active, but it's still the
political elites who have been communicating with each other, not the common
people. It cannot be said that we have reached our goal of a peoples'

Recalling the words of his predecessor Tun Adam Malik 20 years earlier -
"the shaping of the region is far too important to leave to governments" -
Alatas recommended "down-to-earth, mundane projects to encourage the
participation of the common people." He suggested annual 'Asean Festivals'
of music, art  culture, rotating among the 10 national capitals. (With the
possible exception of Burma's or Myanmar's, depending, perhaps, on whether
it would be held in Yangon or Rangoon.)

If the First Asean Peoples' Assembly was determined to end on an upbeat
note, it did. The fact of its having been successfully convened at all was,
for the moment, enough encouragement for the 'people-to-people' connections
now seen as a critical element of Asean's interrelationships.

It was Indonesian analyst Rizal Sukma, however, who provided the event with
its most plangent perspective, simply by quietly reminding the Assembly that
Asean's founding wish, 33 years ago, had been for "a peaceful and stable
Southeast Asia, at peace with itself, with the causes of conflict

Nothing else said at the Assembly more clearly crystallised how far we still
had to go.

© 2000 AgendaMalaysia

Based on the fact or regionalisation as I have described earlier, there are
western imperialist interests out to thwart the formation of a strong Asean
and the East Asia Economic Caucus as a regional grouping in Asia by using
fifth columnists and running dogs in Asia.

These fifth columnists and running dogs serve the geopolitical interests of
their imperialist masters and you will find them in Internet-based
publications, NGOs, the Reformasi movement in Malaysia and you'll even even
find them worming their way into labour unions and real peoples'

BEWARE of NGOs calling for "human rights," "press freedom" and so on. They
are the enemy within and their "human rights" is the "human" right for
imperialists to penetrate and dominate the economies of the developing

Charles F. Moreira

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Re: [MLL]What is postmodernism

2000-11-30 Thread Charles F. Moreira



I searched using Google and found quite a good description of it in
www.britanicca.com but it's not that easy to explain in simple words but
seems a reactionary concept.

What's difficult about finding a good explanation of it is that it's used so
much in sociological papers and in art -- "postmodern art, design, etc."
which expresses a rejection of modernisation and a harking back to less
developed times.

Wasn't the hippie movement and result of, or an expression of this
"postmodern" thinking?


- Original Message -
From: "Declan Carolan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: [MLL]What is postmodernism

 Comrade Charles,
 I have come across this term while studing for 'community studies', it is
intellectualised slang and I think  it is bound up with the right wing
thinking of the 80's. I believe it is connected with the idea that
alternatives to capitalism dont have any relevance in a globalised world.
Theorists of community use it alot 'the global post-modern phenomena' etc, -
I think they cant see past present capitalist structures etc. Your
definition is right, I think that it is a shallow concept.

 On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 03:35:26
  Charles F. Moreira wrote:
 I'm reading a book, Spectres of Capitalism by Samir Amin which criticises
 neo-liberalism and Libertarianism and one chapter refers to
 which gives me a rough idea that it has something to do with a period in
 capitalist development when people don't feel a common objective and tend
 be self-serving.
 A search with a serch engine does not yield much which explains what it
 Perhaps comrades could advise me where to find a good description of it.
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[MLL]What is postmodernism

2000-11-29 Thread Charles F. Moreira


I'm reading a book, Spectres of Capitalism by Samir Amin which criticises
neo-liberalism and Libertarianism and one chapter refers to "postmodernism,"
which gives me a rough idea that it has something to do with a period in
capitalist development when people don't feel a common objective and tend to
be self-serving.

A search with a serch engine does not yield much which explains what it is.
Perhaps comrades could advise me where to find a good description of it.


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2000-11-28 Thread Charles F. Moreira

- Original Message -
From: "Parti Sosialis Malaysia PSM" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 2:20 PM

 Klebang Estate- victory of the new millennium

 26th. November 2000, Ldg. Klebang, Perak.

 The blazing sun kept shinning on the 26th. November 2000. A thousand
 mostly from Perak and the rest from Selangor, Kedah and Ng. Sembilan
 witnessed this historical celebration. The place was decorated with small
 posters and flags, almost half a kilometer from the mainroad. The red
 clenched fist at the stage was very evident about the spirit of the day.
 beat of drums continued to beat on.And then they came, one by one.
 of them. Mostly women ranging between 50 years till 71. They were
 one by one. Each name was accompanied by thunderous claps and at times
 slogan. As one of them spoke later, she said, they never knew how long the
 struggle would take but nevertheless they were determined to fight on. Do
 die, were her exact words.

 Today these 17 workers stand proudly on centre stage. But things were
 different eleven years ago. Then, in 1989 their employer stating that the
 people must give way for development project gave them eviction notice.
 Their estate was created in 1905 and there was this one person, the grand
 old lady Genggamma, 96 years old who is still living to witness this grand
 victory. The LandOwners then disconnected water and electricity supply.
 this was the whole story of suffering and darkness. In 1994, five years
 later, the workers hit the streets. They started to organise with the help
 from Alaigal. They formed a committee and on the 11th. September the same
 year, they held a demonstration at the roadside. The police arrested all
 them. They were later released.

 The news of the workers demonstration brought laughter and insult from a
 number of people. The local MIC members laughed all the way. The union
 the workers are no more their concern and should have left. And then the
 Great Leader, Dato S.Samy Vellu, said that by doing demo is not going to
 bring them anywhere. He also cited a town in US where the people stayed
 under the bridge and questioned and ridiculed the people's demand for

 But then, the workers had the last laugh. They become stronger day by day.
 After tremendous pressure, the state Government was forced to provide
 supply to these workers. The Owners. AMZ Corporations then filed two legal
 suits on two temples and a sundry shop. The Owners thought these were
 meeting points of the people and need to be demolished first. The workers
 with the help of Alaigal then appointed Kula (former DAP Asst. Sec
 The Owners lost the case with cost at the lower courts as well as the
 in High Court.

 The owners then became more restless. They tried to encroach the land
 through several points but were stopped at each point by the alert
 Bulldozers were stopped. The Owners tried for five days but ended up the

 At the end of July this year, The Owners after failing all other attempt
 called for a dialogue. Finally on the 1st. of November 2000, the deal was
 settled. The workers will each receive a free land title each measuring 50
 90-meter. The company will install all infrastructures to the land as
 electricity and telephone lines. Their long due termination benefits will
 given to them with a value three times the original amount. They will get
 another one-acre land for their temple and RM 50,000 for the temple

 Dr. Nasir Hashim, chairperson of PSM while addressing the crowd during the
 celebration event said, " the workers of Klebang have proved that the
 formula of struggle will eventually win, this is the great message for all
 workers and warning for all capitalist in this new millennium.  Sdr.
 a grassroot activist from Alaigal as well as PSM central Committee member
 also gave a fiery speech. He said those who called us mad are now
 The victory of Klebang is the effort of the people and people alone. It
 got nothing to do with other forces as said by some people. Even the
 and gods were saved by the people. All credit to the workers and their
 believe in this struggle. The victory of Klebang workers is a victory of
 working class, not only in Malaysia but the world. Nasir in his message
 quoted the famous phrase, The workers of the world have nothing to lose
 except their chains, but they have a world to win.

 Socialist party website : http://partisosialis.tripod.com

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[MLL]RE: Napster issue

2000-11-28 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Going through past posts, I found a question by Sven Buttler regarding our
views on Napster which I did not respond to at the time. However, I have
been thinking about the correct position to take for some months now.

Below is part of a post I sent privately to Pakito who had just

Despite illusions held by some that Napster was doing what they did out of
some Robin Hood-style altruism of robbing the rich to give to the poor, it's
now abundantly clear that Napster was in it for the money all along, since
while they did not earn money directly from the swapping of songs or from
downloads of their software which facilitates it, Napster had thier sights
set on making money indirectly through advertising and quite possibly
through an IPO later on.

My position on the Napster controversy is that on the one hand, the
arguments focus on the consumers versus the recoding companies which charge
too much for their products and which exploit the musicians, which is true.
On the other hand is the issue of bourgeois property rights of the recording
companies, which most of the consumers are rightly against.

However, left out of these arguments in the populist bourgeois media, as
well as some leftist media (such as League of Revolutionaries for a New
America) are the musicians, who lose out on royalties on their music sold,
however much a pittance it is compared to the surplus value which the
recoding companies extract from their talent and labour.

I however feel that it's still premature to deny the musicians their due,
since they are not living and working in a socialist society just yet. If
Marxist-Leninists ignore the musicians and instead support the populist
position that it's OK to grab their songs for free, then I can expect the
Marxist-Leninists will lose out in attracting musicians to our cause.

Workers World has a more correct perspective on the whole issue and
recognises the current position of the musicians and calls for the Musicians
Union to control the music industry and charge a reasonable fee for the
music downloaded using these new information technologies.

In short, Napster and others like them are a bloody bunch of parasites.

Question is: Will the current consumers who are making so much noise about
Napster's tie-up with BMG still continue to steal music and deny the
musicians due income on the fruits of their talent and labour.

What are your views on this issue? (I asked)

To which Pakito replied:-
"Thanks for your message!

Ous position on Napster is quite similar to the Workers World's one. Music
must be unionized and control themselves the industry, along with other
workers (technicians, etc). We have made a proposal which was took to the
negotiating table of FARC and government."
Below is the Workers World position I referred to.


Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Aug. 10, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper

Musicians' union should control distribution


By Greg Butterfield

Napster, an Internet-based software program that allows users to share
digital music files, received a temporary reprieve from a two-judge appeals
panel in
San Francisco July 28. The appeals court said Napster could continue to

Two days earlier, on July 26, U.S. District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel had
ordered the site shut down. Patel ruled in favor of the Recording Industry
Association of America, which sued Napster last year.

The owners of the recording industry are angry because millions of people
use Napster to swap popular music for free instead of buying pre-recorded
compact disks. Napster's network also makes available many out-of-print
and the works of musicians who don't have recording contracts.

The RIAA charges Napster with aiding and abetting "wholesale copyright
infringement." Napster's lawyers argue that the service's more than 20
million users are engaged in lawful trading for personal, noncommercial use,
defined in the 1992 Audio Home Recording Act.

Basically, Napster users do what music fans have always done: they share
copies of their favorite songs with friends. The difference is that music
now have a pool of millions of friends to trade with, instead of a handful.

In its legal fight, Napster's owners try to portray themselves as underdogs
fighting the recording monopolies to keep music free. It's true that Napster
provides a free service right now. But its investors want to build it into a
profitable business based on controlling the distribution of artists'
work--just like the big recording companies do now.

Napster CEO Hank Barry said he wants to come to an agreement with the RIAA.
Barry hinted this might entail charging users a subscription fee or per-song
fee for 

[MLL]Globalisation: EAEC idea revived

2000-11-26 Thread Charles F. Moreira

EAEC idea revivedComrades,

Further to discussions on globalisation and Cde. Dover's thesis Free Trade
if a Feature of Communism, not Capitalism, here is a recent report which
appeared in Malaysia's New Straits Times on revival of the proposed East
Asian regional grouping East Asian Economic Caucus which further confirms
this trend towards regionalisation.




EAEC idea revived
From Ashraf Abdullah in Singapore

EAST Asian countries which had earlier dismissed as irrelevant the proposal
for an East Asia Economic Caucus, have now realised that such a grouping
will give them a stronger voice and make them less vulnerable to economic

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who mooted in 1992 the idea
for the EAEC comprising Asean countries as well as China, Japan and South
Korea, said yesterday the idea was being revived by the East Asian countries
because there was also a need to balance development in the region with
other parts of the world.

Asked why the East Asia countries which rejected his idea for a formal East
Asian grouping, were now trying to revive it, Dr Mahathir said:
"In the first place, we find that we are quite vulnerable. Even the big
countries are vulnerable. The idea of an economic get-together, a caucus,
group or community is to balance the developments in other parts of the

Dr Mahathir said after the financial crisis, countries especially those
which were affected began to realise that it was important to have a

"It is necessary that East Asian countries go into huddle to discuss any new
ideas, globalisation for example. Globalisation is touted to be very good
for everybody including the developing countries. But is that so? Let's go
through it, let's do some modelling to see what happens when we embrace

"This also applies to other fantastic ideas which will make us all very,
very rich. But we have not seen ourselves getting rich, we have seen
ourselves getting poorer," he said when speaking to reporters at the end of
the Fourth Asean Informal Summit.

Dr Mahathir said the West which had its own grouping such as the European
Union and North American Free Trade Agreement had gained from the Asian
financial crisis.

Dr Mahathir said East Asia should also have a grouping similar to the EU and
Nafta so that Asian countries could argue its causes more effectively.

The leaders attending the summit agreed on Friday to set up a study group to
look into the possibility of formalising an East Asian grouping comprising
all 10 Asean nations as well as China, Japan and South Korea.

Currently, Japan, South Korea and China are Asean's dialogue partners.

Eight years ago, the last time Singapore hosted the Asean summit, the
grouping endorsed the establishment of the EAEC.

The Singapore summit in 1992 had endorsed the Malaysian proposal but changed
the name from East Asian Economic Grouping to EAEC. Dr Mahathir's idea was
for Asean to establish a loose, consultative forum to promote co-operation
and protect members interest.

The EAEC was to group Asean and China, South Korea and Japan, which are the
three countries in the Asean+3.

The United States had opposed to the establishment of the EAEC from the
start, claiming that the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation was sufficient.

Japan and Singapore, being allies of the US, also objected to the setting up
of the EAEC.
The Asean+3, which was formalised in 1996 in Bangkok, is in effect the Asian
group in the Asia-Europe Meeting (Asem) process, which last held a leaders'
meeting in Seoul last month.

Dr Mahathir said although a free trade area and concessions for investments
within the grouping would be among the areas included in the study, it would
not happen in the near future.

"We think the idea of closer co-operation between Asean and the three North
Eastern countries is very good ... not only in the economic field, but also
politically and culturally.

"We think there is a possibility of free trade and investments in the zone,
but that is not going to happen anytime soon. We need to identify the
problems and concerns of the participants to make sure that such an
arrangement will not be bad for some of the less developed Asean countries."

On his bilateral meeting with his Japanese counterpart Yoshiro Mori, Dr
Mahathir said Malaysia had expressed the hope that Japan would participate
in a study of the international financial architecture, particularly to
identify the root causes of the 1997 financial crisis.

"Japan pointed out that the Group of Seven has carried out a study and has
made some recommendations. We are of the view that those recommendations are
inadequate and do not serve our purpose."

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2000-11-24 Thread Charles F. Moreira


The Parti Sosialis Malalaysia has taken the government to court over its
foot dragging over registering the party as an  legal political entity. Here
is its report on the latest devlopment.

The party has been doing good activist and militant work related to the
workers and poorer sections of Malaysian society which is a plus point for

Its down point is that while it claims to not be Trotskyist, it is anti
Stalin which is someting I've been telling them is a mistake on their part
and which is a result of them being influenced by bourgeois propaganda
against Stalin.

Well, sad to say, so far, it's not changed their minds on Stalin, which is
why I refuse to join them, while maintaining communication with them.



- Original Message -
From: "Parti Sosialis Malaysia PSM" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 11:31 PM


 22 November 2000, Kuala Lumpur Special Appeals Court, Denmark House

 A fiery court battle to determine the status and registration of Parti
 Sosialis Malaysia(PSM) fizzled out when the Attorney General Chambers
 offered a settlement. The turnabout came when Datuk Azhar bin Muhammad-
 of Civil Division defending the Home Minister seeked an out of court
 settlement. PSM lawyers after consulting with party leadership agreed for
 short postponement to facilitate the out of court settlement.

 PSM was represented by lead counsel Sdr. Tommy Thomas and is assisted by
 Sdr. Ragu Kesavan (Chairperson of Bar Council Legal Aid Centre) and Sdr.
 Teng Chang Khim (National Youth Chief of DAP and State Assemblyman for
 Bandar Klang). All three lawyers are doing a free service for PSM based on
 their believe in the notion of freedom of association.

 Today the courts were jammed with PSM Supporters who came from Perak,
 Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. Members wore badges and carried party flags.
 The policemen on duty kept reminding the supporters that there is a new
 directive, which does not allow people to wear badges. The directive did
 materialize, as there was no open hearing. The lawyers discussed with
 Justice KC Vohrah and postponed the case to 13th. Of December 2000.

 Outside the courtroom, Dr. Nasir Hashim (Protem Chairperson) explained the
 new development to party supporters. He said, " If they want to fight, we
 are ready for a fight and if they want to negotiate, we will negotiate ".
 PSM has no problems in seeking an out of court settlement and is open to
 negotiation. The Party knows very well that the settlement came about
 because the Party is strong and we have a credible case to fight.
 PSM sees this new development in a positive light. Dr. Nasir also said
 though we are a small party, we have a big heart.

 PSM created history in October 26 1999 when the party took the Home
 to court. This is the first case in history where the Government is
 challenged and put in the defense on the issue of freedom of association.
 PSM feels strongly that its constitutional right to form a political party
 has been deprived. If nothing works out, then the case will go on on the
 13th. of December 2000.

 PSM is a party born from years of grassroot struggles. in the factories,
 plantations and the urban settlement. The Party was formed not as an
 election party but a machinery for the poorer classes in society to fight
 for their rights. The party though unregistered continues to threaten the
 capitalist and the exploiters. The party gives room for people who want to
 do away from racial and religious extremism.

 Socialist will continue to exist in Malaysia and other parts of the world
 and will fight for a fairer world and fairer system where the wealth and
 income is well distributed. As long as there are sufferings and
 the struggle has to go on. Registered or not.

 View PSM updated website: http://partisosialis.tripod.com

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2000-11-21 Thread Charles F. Moreira


There's a rather interesting relationship between this Socialism.org
Socialsim.org is the Web site of the Socialism Organisation of Hong Kong
which is fully funded and sponsored by Wyith Ltd.

On this page, Socialism.Org promotes "socialism" with Chinese
characteristics versus "traditional" socialism.

Anyone know who this Wyith Ltd is?



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[MLL]thestar.com.my So... shy, shy this American tie

2000-11-12 Thread Charles F. Moreira
Title: thestar.com.my: So... shy, shy this American tie


This piece of satire about the US election appeared 
in Malaysia's Sunday Star




Sunday, November 12, 
2000Sunday Star says... 

So... shy, shy this American tie(sung to the tune of 
American Pie by Don Mclean) 
A long, long time ago... I can still remember how those Yankees used to 
make me smile,And I knew if they had their goat,They'd try to teach us 
how to vote,And maybe they'd be happy for a while. 
But November saw me quiver,With every network news delivered,Chaos in 
the republic,The blunders were in public. 
I can't remember if I laughed,When I read about his ambushed 
pride,But something gored me deep inside,The day the voting died. 
So... Why, why this American tie,Drove the voters to a frenzy but the 
ballots were sly.Both Bush and Gore are running risky and dry,Singing 
"This'll be the day that I cry,This'll be the day that I cry.'' 
Did you write the book of jokes,And will you have faith in the winning 
bloke,If the Houses tell you so?Now do you believe in the voter 
rolls?Can the system save your mortal soul?And can you teach me how to 
count real slow? 
Well I know you're in a sticky mess,'Cause I saw you looking real 
harassed,You both ran out of cues,Man, I dig those rhythm 'n' blues, 
They were rich and fiesty mid-aged bucks,Nearly two years later and still 
in the ruck,But I knew they were out of luck,The day the voting 
died.We started singing... 
Now for some days we've been on our own,Left with a case of the great 
unknown,But that's not how it used to be,When Clinton spoke in front of 
kings and queens,In a coat he borrowed from Mr Bean,And a voice that 
came from Hillary, 
Oh, and while the crowd was looking down,Buchanan stole Florida's 
crown,The voting was adjourned,No verdict was returned. 
And while recounts were still going slow,The whole world stayed up for 
the show,And waited for the news to flow,The day the voting died.We 
were singing... 
Dedicated to the voters of Florida 

© 1995-2000 Star Publications (Malaysia) Bhd (Co No 

Re: [MLL]On item posted by Pakito

2000-11-07 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Steve Kaczynski wrote:

 This (Leftist intellectuals and Bourgeois respectability is a very good
 How can the left effectively fight the bourgeoisie
 when so many leftists have the bourgeoisie embedded deeply within their
 brains. There are many examples of this, not least here in Britain.

 Steve Kaczynski

Well comrade, all I can say is that it's not easy, it can be very
frustrating to the extent that one feels inclined to want to just forget the
whole thing in despair and give up but at the end of the day, it just has to
be done.

In Britain, they are at least nominally leftist. As a journalist, I find
liberal and libertarians who actually believe this "inevitably" of
globalisation nonsense among people who are critise the prime minister's
currency controls as a measure against attacks by fund  managers like George
Soros on the grounds that it defies the current neo-liberal economic "rules"
of this "inevitable," "new," "globalised,"  "borderless," economy which only
serves the interests of the imperialists' dreams for a New (Imperialist)
World Order.

Mahathir is no socialist by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, he's
anti-Communist but in as far as his recent stand against some aspects of
this imperialist globalisation drive are concerned, it's a progressive stand
for an oppressed nation to make and it's been  supported by leftist and
Communist parties around the world, such as the Communist Party of Canada
(Marxist-Leninist), Fidel Castro and several other which I can't name

In fact, many supporters of Anwar Ibrahim whom Mahathir sacked support the
neo-liberal worldview of globalisation and a borderless world and recently
one of its leaders admitted to having engaged a US-based consultancy to
lobby US congressmen to put various forms of pressure on Malaysia to secure
his release.

So far, a group of congressmen have filed a motion in Congress to call for
his re-trial but what more they will call for, including perhaps economic
sanctions is left to be seen, especially after the US elections.

Fortunately there are others, both leftist and bourgeois nationalist who
oppose this neo-liberal, globalisation drive, though even among the few
willing to describe themselves as leftist, they are anti-Stalin. Notably the
chairman of the Parti Sosialis Malaysia which calls itself as a Marxist
party. He's a former academic who now runs a clinic practicing holistic

It's only saving grace is that it the only party which gets militantly
involved in the struggles of the estate workers and of poor people being
evicted from their homes to make way for bourgeois property developers.

Besides them, very few people will even want to associate themselves with
the word "socialism." It "ain't fashionalbe" any more in their minds --
better to start a dot-com company and have wet dreams about making it rich
in an IPO (until the recent dot-com collapse).

In a recent newspaper report from Thailand, a student activist complained
that students there these days are more interested in supporting the rights
of aboriginal people to continue living their lives close to nature, in
ecological, environmental issues and issues related to sustainable
development but are not interested at all in issues of labour exploitation
in sweatshops in the cities, child labour, criminal neglect of worker safety
and about the plight and struggles of workers.

That's the sort of thing which happens here too. I guess it's not very
different from Britain.

However, the struggle goes on, driven by the intensifying hardship created
by capitalism and that is the fuel which should give leftists hope that the
present setback caused by the collapse of the Soviet Union can eventually be



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Re: [MLL] For signing in support of DR Congo, last date 16.08

2000-08-15 Thread Charles F. Moreira

- Original Message -
From: Alan Dover [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 7:21 AM
Subject: RE: [MLL] For signing in support of DR Congo, last date 16.08

  Cuba SI!
  Viden er Magt! - Magten til folket!
  Those others who wish to sign the below joint statement should
  do so no later than 16.08.00 (24.00 hours GMT), with a message
  to one of the mailing lists indicated. It's hoped that any orga-
  nization which may want to sign as such will have had time to
  discuss this until then. Adding what place and country you're
  writing from is optional. The statement will be sent on 17.08 to
  media and other addresses. - RM
  Support the just struggle of the DR Congo!
  Since August 1998, the Democratic Republic of Congo is
  being subjected to a largescale neo-colonialist aggres-
  sion. The neighbouring states Rwanda, Uganda and Burun-
  di are invading the country, occupying one-half of its
  territory and refusing to withdraw their troops as was
  agreed on in a so-called accord one year ago. They are
  acting as proxies of the imperialist, so-called rich
  states whose governments want to subjugate and exploit
  the DR Congo anew. The people in that country are suf-
  fering enormous deprivations because of this aggres-
  sion, which has so far caused the death of over 1.7
  million people. They are continuing to resist the in-
  vasion, by armed force and other means, solidarically
  supported in this by the likewise relatively poor coun-
  tries Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia, which are also tar-
  gets of imperialist machinations of similar kinds.
  We, the undersigned, are calling on the people in all
  countries to support the just struggle of the Congolese
  people. We demand that the governments in our respec-
  tive countries cease all support of the aggression
  against the DR Congo! We demand that they instead op-
  pose it, as they are required to do by the UN Charter
  and by the most elementary principles of justice and
  civilization! The mass media must cease hiding the
  facts about this barbaric invasion. Economic, humani-
  tarian and military aid must be given to the DR Congo.
  Per Rasmussen
  Skolevej 22B
  Rolf Martens
  Nobelvägen 38
  SE - 214 33 Malmö
  [Your signature here]

Charles F. Moreira
  Alan Dover,  NZ
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Re: [MLL] Progress Publishing

2000-08-13 Thread Charles F. Moreira


The URL is www.rcpbml.org.uk


- Original Message -
From: Declan Carolan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 5:55 AM
Subject: Re: [MLL] Progress Publishing

 You could try the Revolutionary Communisty Party of Britain (ML) site,
their book store online(sorry on link)
 On Mon, 7 Aug 2000 17:19:43
  snitting wrote:
 Hi comrades
 Another question from me:
 Is there any party or bookstore out there that carry old titles from
Progress Publishing, the department for foreign languages? ro does anyone
have a list of books published, so that I know which ones to seek out? Both
theoretical works and novels.
 Thanks in advance

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[MLL] People's organisations in the forefront

2000-07-30 Thread Charles F. Moreira


This editorial by The Nation suggests that the protests are probably
progressive since peoples' organisations are in the forefront and they
oppose globalisation.

My scepticism is just because I've seen enough of NGOs in Malaysia which
appear to be imperialist backed and while they harp about "freedom,"
"democracy," "human rights," etc, they have paid little attention to the
plight of those, especially workers and peasants adversely affected by

On the contrary, many NGO-types in Malaysia support more open borders, etc
which can only benefit the imperialists.

EDITORIAL: Protests highlight flaws in Thai democracy


THE nation yesterday witnessed two major protests by citizen groups. One was
in the heart of Bangkok's Sanam Luang, where major pro-democracy movements
in the past led protests to oust the government. Another occurred some 1,000
kilometres away in the southern province of Songkhla.

The two events took place separately and were different in nature as well as
in their demands. But both stemmed from incredibly similar root causes, the
government's lack of political will to solve the problems of its people and
the absence of a comprehensive vision of the new politics of direct

This government has always put its political and economic interests before
the interests of its citizens.

Yesterday at Sanam Luang more than 10,000 activists, academics, rural
villagers and labour unionists officially launched their campaign to call
for a House dissolution, which they hope will lead to a new round of general
elections. According to the groups' spokesman, the government lost its
legitimacy to run the country as it refused to address the grievances of
grass roots communities.

In Songkhla's commercial district of Hat Yai, some 1,500 students and
residents stormed into the municipal hall, site of a public hearing for the
JDA Gas Pipeline project, to express their disapproval of the so-called
hearing organised by the government.

To the opposing residents from four districts the pipeline would pass
through, the public hearing was nothing more than a rubber stamp to give
legitimacy to the Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PTT) to go ahead with the

Back in Bangkok, one of the major protesting groups is actually the labour
movement and not rural villagers. The labour union at the Thai Durable
Textile (TDT) factory has been abused, nearly 400 staff have been unjustly
laid off, and peaceful female workers were attacked by a hired mob while on
strike. Two months have passed, and the Labour Ministry has failed to
persuade the employers to solve the problem. The employers are believed to
have said that they don't want a union, and labour experts fear that a new
wave of neo-liberalism means business groups are systematically trying to
kill off the labour movement altogether, starting with TDT.

This is a shocking development, for the Thai Constitution clearly
acknowledges labour's right to unionise. What's more, the Thai Durable
Textile Union is among the most progressive in the kingdom, having played an
instrumental part in the call for 90-day maternity leave as well as
social-welfare schemes.

The fact that all these groups eventually have to address the prime minister
can only be taken as a failure of the process of decentralisation. Clearly
the government is far from being responsive. And while bureaucratic
bottlenecks must be overcome, it's the will that counts most. With good
will, the public hearing on the pipeline project should have taken place
before PTT signed any contract with its Malaysian counterpart in 1998. But
that wasn't the case.

Nobody should deny that conflicts of interests exist and that that may be a
reason why things do not get resolved.

The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Egat) must have a lot to
lose if they allow the Assembly of the Poor to win. Employers believed they
would have more to gain if they rid their factories or companies of unions.

Beyond the conflicts of interest, this is also a clash of views on how the
society ought to be run. Some want it top-down and autocratic; others want
it participatory and just.

Direct democracy, where people have to take to the streets to try to get
their problems solved, is now being put to the test. The concept is still
relatively new, but we all should try to learn more about it. We should also
begin, through examples of such unrest, to think and look beyond electoral
politics, which unfortunately has become the sole democratic process in the
eyes of many Thais.

It's clear that democracy, as it exists today, is not responsive to a
growing number of people who are already convinced that this is not how a
true democracy should operate.

The Nation

LAST MODIFIED: Saturday, 29-Jul-2000 11:23:00 EDT

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Re: [MLL] Marxists-Leninists versus CPGB

2000-07-30 Thread Charles F. Moreira

Reply to John Walkeer on MLL, 28 July 2000Comrades,

I've read some copies of the Weekly Worker both in print and on the Internet
and it's clear that they are Trotskyite in orientation. What Viktor
Bourenkov wrote about them is even more interesting.

With regards the SWP, way back in the 1970's, I recall their paper Socialist
Worker supporting dissident groups such as Charter 77 in what was then
Chezkoslovakia and the anti-communist Solidarnosc trade union led by Lech

Well, we can see the end result of their stand in the misery in the former
Soviet Union today, which they used to refer to as "state capitalist."



Viktor Bourenkov wrote:
Comrade Walker,
You are having deep illusions in the organisation called CPGB. Incidentally,
I came accross that insane grouping.
In mid-May, a comrade from Communist Party of Britain (CPB) informed me that
an article titled Auto-Labourism under attack appeared in issue 334 of CPGB'
s Weekly Worker. It was on the front page and was intended to support the
motion not to vote Labour party at the 45th Congress of the CPB in London,
22-24 May 2000. I am sorry to quote the two opening paragraphs from their
paper to this truly Marxist-Leninist list, but it is necessary to expose the
nature of their politics.
"Voting for New Labour has become so unpalatable that even the Communist
Party of Britain, the Morning Star's 'party', whose programme specifies the
road to socialism through a series of left Labour governments, is having
difficulty holding the (Labour) party line. Hitherto, the 'official
communists' have dogmatically called for a Labour vote, the only rare
exception being where it stands its own candidates.
Its April 22-24 congress (incidentally, there was a "fraternal" guest from
the anti-Semitic and chauvinist Communist Party of the Russian Federation),
saw an organised challenge to auto-Labourism which was only narrowly fought
off by the leadership. The Merseyside amendment relating to the Labour Party
and electoral work was defeated by 38 votes to 26 (Morning Star April 25).
Below are just several facts they managed to lie about in just two
paragraphs of the newspaper.
British Road to Socialism, the programme of the Communist Party of Britain,
did pay too much attention to parliamentary struggle in its early
revisionist editions. However, when CPB was established (as opposed to
revisionists in the old CPGB), the programme was re-written and a number of
positions were corrected (and I heard, a new edition is about to be released
shortly). Although the current edition is still described as revisionist by
the New Communist Party of Britain (a M-L organisation which has a positive
attitude to comrade Stalin), the first sentence in the article is a very
free interpretation of BRS with which the CPB members would certainly
CPB's line is to vote its own candidates if they stand locally or Labour
party otherwise (i. e. in cases when the only other option is not to vote.)
However, they have not been dogmatic about this line. In the recent Mayor of
London elections, they supported Ken Livingstone, an independent candidate,
not the official bought-off Labour one, whom they should have supported by
the letter of BRS. (Not that Livingstone was significantly less corrupt and
pseudoleft than Labour, but he challenged Tony Blair and called for
nationalisation of the Tube (London underground).)
CPB's 45th Congress was lively and interesting on the whole, and most
decisions were taken by a landslide majority. Indeed, the chair had to count
the votes just two times. Weekly Worker is trying to create an impression
that the party almost split over the issue.
Marxists-Leninists should start their critique of the Communist Party of
Russian Federation (CPRF) with pointing out that the latter was opposed to
revolutionary change from its formation in 1993. CPRF does little to defend
the great Soviet past and takes an anti-Stalin position. Instead of opposing
and condemning the criminal post-Soviet privatisation in Russia, they called
for conducting it "legally". Their main purpose of existence was to get as
many seats as possible in parliament, local councils and other authorities,
and hence they often sided with the bourgeois régime in attacking the
radical left. In their ideology, they replaced progressive Soviet patriotism
with backward and delimiting Russian national-patriotism. Later this lead to
them being tolerant to nationalistic trends, including those present amongst
their leaders. Starting by saying that they are anti-Semitic is just copying
the bourgeois propaganda who want to identify communism with fascism, and
are hence indifferent to whether CPRF is communist or not.
Forget CPRF - there were no guests from the Communist Party of Russian
Federation at the Congress. CPB leadership decided that they would
deliberately not send an invitation to Ziuganov (CPRF) because of
anti-Semitism. The 

Re: [MLL] List problem

2000-07-23 Thread Charles F. Moreira


Yes, I'm willing to help.

Thanks Sven for the instructions which I'll go through and get the hang of.


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: [MLL] List problem

 Sorry, comrades. From now on all new subscribers
 need to be approved again. It goes without saying
 that Henry has been unsubscribed again. Please
 bear with me, the new list management tool is very
 powerful and more complex than the old one at
 Utah. I just found out that there an option to
 moderate newcomers...I would be good if one of
 the co-moderators got familiar with this tool. I will
 talk to you privately. Let's move on.


  Dear comrades,

  Yes, lets figure out how this happened, but first lets throw the bum off.

  Sven, is there any reason that we can't use a moderated status for new
  subscribers? I think that would be the best. If ther is no such status,
  that a problem with the list server, or what is involved?


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