Re: [Matplotlib-users] Happy Valentine's Day

2014-02-15 Thread Jason Grout
On 2/14/14 4:13 PM, Benjamin Root wrote:
 I rolled a 20 today for necromancer, so I am going to do a thread
 resurrection.  Given recent improvements in matplotlib, we should
 definitely make this web-enabled. That way, we can share our nerdiness
 with our non-nerdy significant others.

Here's one try, with the experimental CommFigure IPython comm-based 
matplotlib backend I tweaked a few months ago:

(it responds to mouse motion, so move your mouse around.  Change the 
duration line at the top to change how fast the heart beats.)



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Reports from SciPy 2013

2013-07-02 Thread Jason Grout
On 7/1/13 9:33 AM, Michael Droettboom wrote:
 SciPy 2013 was a great success.  I didn't get good headcount at the
 matplotlib BOF, but it was a good number, and we had 15 participants at
 various points during the sprints.  It was nice to see the diversity of
 experience with matplotlib at the sprints, and I hope we oldtimers were
 helpful to the newtimers getting started so they can continue to
 contribute in the future.  It was also great to put some faces to many
 of the talented names I've been seeing on github and the mailing list

On a slightly different, but related topic: is there any chance the 
entries (or at least the winning entries) to the plotting contest could 
be posted online?



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] 3d performance question

2012-12-18 Thread Jason Grout
On 12/18/12 6:53 AM, Sturla Molden wrote:
 Interactive 2D plots can be sluggish too, if you have enough objects in
 them. It is not the backend that is sluggish. Replacing the backend does
 not speed up the frontend.

 OpenGL is only 'fast' if you have a frontend that exploits it (e.g. uses
 vertex buffers and vertex shaders). If you just use OpenGL for
 bitblitting an image or drawing vertices individually (glVertex*), it is
 not going to help at all.

 My impression is that whenever Matplotlib is 'too slow', I have to go
 down to the iron and use OpenGL directly. It tends to happen when there
 are too many objects to draw, and the drawing has to happen in 'real-time'.

 Observe that if we let OpenGL render to a frame buffer, we can copy its
 content into a Matplotlib canvas. Unless we are doing some really heavy
 real-time graphics, displaying the image is not going to be the speed
 limiting factor. Even though using OpenGL to swap framebuffers will be
 'faster', you will not be able to tell the difference in an interactive
 Matplotlib plotting.

I'm curious: how come Chaco is so much faster for real-time plots?  What 
are the main technical differences to enable it to plot things much more 



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] IPython receives $1.15 million from Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

2012-12-12 Thread Jason Grout
Hi everyone,

Just FYI, IPython just received $1.15 million in funding from the Alfred 
P. Sloan Foundation to support development over the next 2 years. 
Fernando talks more about this in his post to the IPython mailing list:

It's great to see a significant open-source python project that many of 
us use on a day-to-day basis get such great funding!



Jason Grout

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Plotting a circle while also changing the limits of the axes

2012-11-05 Thread Jason Grout
On 11/5/12 3:19 PM, Benjamin Root wrote:

 On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Brad Malone wrote:


 I am trying to plot some small circles in my plotting window, in
 addition to the curves I'm already plotting. If I don't want to set
 my x- and y- axis scales equal to each other, a naive drawing of a
 circle results in an ellipse.  To fix this problem I found some nice
 example code online here :,
 which solves the problem by basically plotting an ellipse, but an
 ellipse which will look like a circle in the display window.

 That works all fine for me, but then, if I change my xlim or ylim
 using ax1.set_xlim((something1,something2)) then the solution no
 longer works, and I get an ellipse.

 A minimal example showing the breaking behavior can be seen below.

 I am probably gonna reply to that stackoverflow question with a better

 Essentially, you want a similar behavior to the markers in the scatter
 plots, right?  As you zoom or resize the plot, the circle markers stay
 as circles and have the same size relative to the size of the figure.
 If that is what you want, the way to do that is very easy.

 ax1.scatter([0.5], [0.5], s=30)

 Or whatever size you want (units of points).

I think the units are points^2, i.e., area of the circle...



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] colormap shift

2012-11-05 Thread Jason Grout
On 11/5/12 3:50 PM, klo uo wrote:
 You can see there how to use Gimp and create mpl colormap and then later
 there is nifty code that will allow you to shift colormaps with a slider

Nice!  I couldn't resist doing a Sage interact version of the slider thing:



Jason Grout

LogMeIn Central: Instant, anywhere, Remote PC access and management.
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] XKCD style graphs?

2012-10-05 Thread Jason Grout
On 10/4/12 2:16 AM, Fernando Perez wrote:
 This would make for an awesome couple of examples for the gallery, the
 mathematica solutions look really pretty cool:

 The matlab and R version not quite so much, still for reference:

Just FYI, wolfram now has a blog post up about it:



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] XKCD style graphs?

2012-10-04 Thread Jason Grout
On 10/4/12 4:02 AM, Pierre Haessig wrote:
 Hi Fernando,

 Le 04/10/2012 09:16, Fernando Perez a écrit :
 This would make for an awesome couple of examples for the gallery, the
 mathematica solutions look really pretty cool:
 I've never used Mathematica so that it's pretty difficult for me to
 understand the following lines of code which I guess do the main job of
 distorting the image

 xkcdDistort[p_] := Module[{r, ix, iy},
 r = ImagePad[Rasterize@p, 10, Padding - White];
 {ix, iy} =
  Table[RandomImage[{-1, 1}, ImageDimensions@r]~ImageConvolve~
GaussianMatrix[10], {2}];
   # + 15 {ImageValue[ix, #], ImageValue[iy, #]} , DataRange -
 Full], -5]];

 Is there somebody there that can describe this algorithm with words
 (English or Python ;-)) ?

f@r means f(r)

a~ImageConvolve~b means ImageConvolve(a,b)  (~ treats an operator as infix)

Table[..., {2}] means [... for i in range(2)]

#+1 is a lambda function lambda x: x+1

So I think it goes something like:

def xkcdDistort(p):
 r = ImagePad(Rasterize(p), 10, Padding='White')
 (ix, iy) = [ImageConvolve(RandomImage([-1,1], ImageDimensions(r)),
 for i in range(2)]
 return ImagePad(ImageTransformation(r,
 lambda coord: (coord[0]+15*ImageValue(ix, coord),
coord[1]+15*ImageValue(iy, coord)),



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] XKCD style graphs?

2012-10-04 Thread Jason Grout
On 10/4/12 9:11 AM, Michael Droettboom wrote:
 Yes -- this would be a great application for the path filtering
 infrastructure that matplotlib has.

Is that the same as the path effects features, like ?



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] who (F/OSS science) uses matplotlib?

2012-06-05 Thread Jason Grout
On 6/3/12 6:41 PM, Kevin Hunter wrote:
 I'm especially interested in open source/science/  projects that use

Sage ( uses matplotlib for nearly all its 2d graphics.


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] FancyArrowPatch -| style doesn't have solid arrowhead when linestyle='dashed'

2012-04-17 Thread Jason Grout
On 4/15/12 10:12 AM, Jae-Joon Lee wrote:
 Unfortunately, this is something that I haven't considered when
 implementing the FancyArrowPatch.
 As you may know, FancyArrowPatch is a single patch object (at least
 viewed from outside), so you cannot have multiple linestyles that can
 be set by users.

 So, one option is to change the implementation to use a hard-coded
 line style for arrow heads, but this is not straight forward in fact.

That was my conclusion as well.  Thanks for confirming.

 Another option is to use custom path effects. Attached is a modified
 version of your script with this approach.
 Although this makes your code more complicated, this could be the most
 straight forward way.

Awesome.  I've submitted a patch to Sage with your example (and credited 
you as an author):



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Question(s) for new MAC 10.7 User

2012-02-21 Thread Jason Grout
On 2/21/12 9:24 AM, Lou Pecora wrote:
 To William Jennings.

 I would suggest you look at the SAGE python package
 ( Like Enthought it's an all-in-one package.
 My package uses Python 2.6.4. Current versions may be higher. It has a
 LOT of stuff, but you don't need to use it all and can ignore it (lots
 on symbolic math, but if you don't need it just ignore it). It contains
 matplotlib, numpy, scipy and lots of other scientific packages. Lots of
 other stuff too, like IPython, ctypes, Cython, and a SAGE notebook
 (looks good, but I haven't messed much with it). Too much to list. IIRC
 it does not include wxPython, though. If you need that, you should
 check. I think you can install it (see below)

 Cost? It's free.

 I've compiled several versions of it on my Macs with no hitch, but I
 think you can just download Mac binary packages in a .zip file,
 decompress them, and put them in the Applications folder and you're
 ready to go. You can set up the sage env variable and point to the
 python in the SAGE application instead of the Mac one. You can install
 more in the SAGe package if you want. Just point to sage python instead
 of python in the install scripts.

 I've been using it for 1 1/2 years and have been very happy with it.
 It's a tour de force package of packages. Beats manual installs for my
 needs any day.

Noticing the title says OSX 10.7---We are working on getting Sage to 
compile on 10.7.  I believe you can download the 10.6 binaries and they 
work for 10.7, though.  If you have any troubles, be sure to post to the 
sage-support mailing list:

or ask on



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] How matplotlib got me a job

2012-02-08 Thread Jason Grout
On 2/8/12 2:53 AM, Paul Ivanov wrote:
 Patrick Marsh, on 2012-02-07 13:58,  wrote:
 As I continue to mature as a Python person, I want to give back
 explicitly to the community that's given so much to me. The problem
 is, I don't know how. I'm intimidated by the awesomeness of what I see
 being done around me that I don't even know where to begin. How does
 one even begin to learn how to understand the deep intricacies of MPL,
 Numpy, and Scipy so that I'd begin to develop a comfort level that
 would allow me to begin to actively contribute? I know pretty much
 everyone on these listservs, including myself, is busy. (I'm in the
 midst of a 30-day PhD General Exam, and probably shouldn't even be
 reading the listservs and/or typing this email! *wink*) But if there
 are those out there that are willing to take a little time and invest
 in me, and I'm sure there are others like me, I'd gladly become an
 active contributor instead of a lurker.

 One simple, minimally intimidating way to contribute is by making
 improvements to the documentation. Here's a relevant pitch I just
 made on the IPython lists about how easy, yet valuable such
 improvements can be.

 Another would be to send the colleagues whom your helping here to
 these lists, that way any effort you put in to help them has a
 good chance of helping others, thanks to search engines and

 Yet another would be to go through some the active issues on the
 tracker and trying to make a test for them.

 Yet another still would be to test the various active pull
 requests - and confirm that the fixes or new functionality they
 provide actually work - look through patches and ask questions -
 we have a lot PRs that get very few eyes or comments on them
 (Last [academic] year, I consciously made an effort to be more
 active on this list, and though I haven't pitched in as much
 lately, perhaps the rest of this year I should focus my efforts
 on incoming PRs)

Another big way we've seen new people contribute to the Sage community 
is to answer questions on the site.  Scipy has a 
similar site, but it seems relatively quiet.


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Partial coloring of text in matplotlib

2012-02-07 Thread Jason Grout
On 2/7/12 2:47 PM, Michael Droettboom wrote:
 since this would never be full-fledged HTML anyway [1].

Famous last words, right?

I'm curious: for the SVG backend, or a possible html5 canvas backend, 
can we already include html?  I don't know, but I'm curious.


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] my pie charts gotta pop!

2011-12-14 Thread Jason Grout
On 12/14/11 6:33 PM, Justin wrote:

 Any suggestions or places to find a gorgeous pie chart, let me know...

I'd probably use Excel or OpenOffice if I were you.


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Line2D drawstyle

2011-05-30 Thread Jason Grout
In the docs for Line2D, it says that the linestyle can be any drawstyle 
in combination with a linestyle, e.g. 'steps--'.  However, this doesn't 
seem to work in practice.  I believe I have matplotlib 1.0.1 here:

In [2]: from matplotlib import lines

In [3]: line=lines.Line2D([0,1,2],[0,1,4], linestyle='steps--')

In [4]: line.get_drawstyle()
Out[4]: 'default'

In [5]: line.get_linestyle()
Out[5]: '--'

Note that if I specifically set the linestyle using set_linestyle, it 
appears to parse out the drawstyle:

In [11]: line.set_linestyle('steps--')

In [12]: line.get_drawstyle()
Out[12]: 'steps'

However, if I plot the line using the plot() command, the drawstyle is 
correctly set to 'steps'.

In [6]: from matplotlib import pyplot

In [7]: line2=pyplot.plot([0,1,2],[0,1,4], linestyle='steps--')

In [8]: line2
Out[8]: [matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x114fcb110]

In [9]: line2[0].get_drawstyle()
Out[9]: 'steps'

In [10]: line2[0].get_linestyle()
Out[10]: '--'

Should Line2D parse out the drawstyle from the linestyle, or are the 
docs wrong about the Line2D linestyle parameters, or am I just 
misunderstanding something here?



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Boundary edges of a set of points

2011-04-28 Thread Jason Grout
On 4/28/11 9:03 PM, gary ruben wrote:
 dups = [x for x in list_a if list_a.count(x)  1]

That involves iterating through your list_a a number of times to look 
for elements.  It probably would be much faster to use something like 
the Counter class to just get the items that occur once or more than once:



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] built docs contain .pyc files

2011-03-02 Thread Jason Grout
I tried building the standalone html docs using:

cd doc
python html

I notice that there are around 30 .pyc files left in the 
build/html/pyplots/ directory.  Are these needed in the html 
documentation build directory?

Also, it seems that the files in _images are redundant, as they are 
referenced in their original directory, not _images.

from the build/html directory:

% find . -name multiline.pdf
% grep -ri multiline.pdf *
examples/pylab_examples/multiline.html:p[a class=reference external 
code/a, a class=reference external 
a class=reference external 

Any comments about trimming down the size of the build/html directory?



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Any update on streamline plot

2011-02-12 Thread Jason Grout
On 2/11/11 3:06 PM, Ray Speth wrote:

 I wrote a script to generate streamline plots using matplotlib a while
 ago, and this post inspired me to finally clean it up a bit. The code is
 available at and you can
 see an example of its output at

 I'd be happy to have it find a home in matplotlib if it would be useful
 to other people there.

Could you put a license statement on the file you posted?  Even if it 
isn't included in matplotlib, I think we would love to include it in 
Sage.  I've wanted to have streamline plots in Sage for a long time, and 
your plots look great!



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] latex ' (prime)

2011-02-03 Thread Jason Grout
Observe the following image:

import pylab

Notice that the \prime introduced by the single quote in the legend is 
not raised above the \sigma, like it would be in TeX (i.e., in TeX, 
$\sigma'_0$ is equivalent to $\sigma^\prime_0$, IIRC).  Is this a design 
decision, or is it easy to fix?  This is with matplotlib 1.0.0.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Is it possible to plot axes with arrows ?

2011-02-03 Thread Jason Grout
On 2/2/11 8:51 AM, Francois Maltey wrote:

 I use matplolib by the mathematical system Sage in order to plot a function.
 The Sage code calls matplotlib and uses its options : The Sage command is

 plot (sin, x, -5, 5)

 I add labels par axes_labels or remove axes by :

 plot (sin(x), x, -5, 5, axes_label = ['x', 'y'])
 plot (sin(x), x, -5, 5, axes=false)

 French users (and maybe others) uses arrows and not lines for axes.
 I'm looking for a plot (sin(x), x, -5, 5, axes=arrows)
 Is there a pretty way to get these arrows. The result of this code isn't
 so fine.
 length, width and color don't match.

 plot (sin(x), x, -5, 5, axes=false) + arrow ((-5,0),(5,0)) + arrow

 What options do you propose ?

I've made a Sage ticket for this:

As a clumsy workaround, you could use the .matplotlib() method for Sage 
graphics objects to get the matplotlib figure object for the graphics 
object.  Then you could:

1. figure out which spine was being used as the drawn axes
2. use that spine's transform to place an arrow at the end of the spine 
(using the example code that was just posted in another message to draw 
the arrow).
3. Draw the figure



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] latex ' (prime)

2011-02-01 Thread Jason Grout
Observe the following image:

import pylab

Notice that the \prime introduced by the single quote in the legend is 
not raised above the \sigma, like it would be in TeX (i.e., in TeX, 
$\sigma'_0$ is equivalent to $\sigma^\prime_0$, IIRC).  Is this a design 
decision, or is it easy to fix?  This is with matplotlib 1.0.0.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] latex ' (prime)

2011-02-01 Thread Jason Grout
On 2/1/11 11:40 AM, Darren Dale wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Jason Grout  wrote:
 Observe the following image:

 import pylab

 Notice that the \prime introduced by the single quote in the legend is
 not raised above the \sigma, like it would be in TeX (i.e., in TeX,
 $\sigma'_0$ is equivalent to $\sigma^\prime_0$, IIRC).  Is this a design
 decision, or is it easy to fix?

 Did you try:


Yes, both that and


work fine.  So we know a (somewhat clumsy) workaround.


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Possible to get variable spacing between certain subplots?

2010-12-14 Thread Jason Grout
On 10/28/10 1:18 PM, Will Grover wrote:
 Hello matplotlib-users,

 I'm using subplots to make an array of plots, but because some of the plots
 have wider y-axis tick labels than others, some of the subplots end up
 looking too close to each other.  Here's an image that shows what I mean:

 I'm currently using pylab.subplots_adjust(hspace = __, vspace = __) to
 adjust the subplot spacing, but since that applies to all subplots, no one
 setting looks right for the entire array of plots.  Is there any way to set
 the spacing so that the subplots *plus tick labels* are evenly distributed?
   Or can I manually specify the spacing between each subplot?  Thanks,

(to those more knowledgeable than me...)

Is this something that ImageGrid would solve?

Also, could you use subplotpar to adjust spacing in each subplot?



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] annotate arrow drawn slightly off

2010-11-09 Thread Jason Grout
I've been trying to track down a problem in the arrows where the arrow 
seems to be off by a little bit.  I've narrowed down the problem to a 
small example:

import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, xlim=(.98,1.02), ylim=(.98,1.02),aspect='equal')
from matplotlib.patheffects import Stroke

ax.annotate('', (1,1),
 fc=w, ec=k,lw=30,


I've used a miter join above because it illustrates the problem better. 
  Notice that the arrowhead tip is just below the line, but should be 
right on the line.  Any clue about what the problem is?



Jason Grout

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] annotate arrow drawn slightly off

2010-11-09 Thread Jason Grout
On 11/9/10 9:21 AM, Benjamin Root wrote:

 I just tested out the patch, and while it did seem to fix the problem for me
 on the test script, I am not 100% certain that it is properly lined up
 (maybe an off-by-one-pixel error?).  Anyway, I tried zooming in to see which
 kind of error it was and I got a very weird image.  I am not certain exactly
 what triggers it, but I think if the rubber-banding does not incorporate the
 entire arrow-head, then the distortion appears.  I was also able to
 reproduce the distortion without the patch (although I think it was easier
 to cause with the patch).

If it looks like an off-by-one pixel error, make sure you are doing:

import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['path.snap'] = False

to turn off the pixel-snapping that happens with horizontal and vertical 
lines in png images, or make sure you are seeing the off-by-one in a 
vector graphic format like pdf.  For me, saving a pdf with the slanted 
line a linewidth of .01 showed that the arrow is right on it now.

I did notice one thing that did seem a little off, though.  I see that 
the tip of the arrow just barely projects over the corner of the box. 
The arrow is supposed to go to (1,1), and the linewidth is 30, so I'm 
thinking that the miter join should project a long ways over the box 
(because the centers of the lines are at (1,1), and the line width is 
very large).  If I change the path_effects argument to:


so that I see more clearly where the actual line center is, it appears 
that the line center is far off of (1,1).  I guess at this point, I'm 
confused about how the arrow is supposed to be representing the segment 
between (0,0) and (1,1).  Is the tip of the arrow (after the miter join) 
supposed to hit (1,1), or is the center of the line supposed to hit 
(1,1)?  Or maybe the tip of the joinstyle='round' arrow (the default) is 
supposed to hit (1,1)?

I noticed this bug when I was trying to figure out a way to have the 
actual drawn arrow end at a specific point (maybe using miter join, so 
that we had a sharp arrow) for Sage.  It would be nice if there was some 
sort of option that would do the math to shorten the arrow by the 
necessary amount.  Of course, if that's not an option, I could do that 
math myself in Sage's arrow wrapper command.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] annotate arrow drawn slightly off

2010-11-09 Thread Jason Grout
On 11/9/10 8:44 PM, Jae-Joon Lee wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 1:01 AM, Jason Grout  wrote:
 Is the tip of the arrow (after the miter join) supposed to hit (1,1), or is
 the center of the line supposed to hit (1,1)?  Or maybe the tip of the
 joinstyle='round' arrow (the default) is supposed to hit (1,1)?

 The tip of the arrow is meant to hit (1,1), which is done by the
 underlying arrow class adjusting the end point of the path during the
 drawing time. This only happens for arrowstyle - and etc.
 However, there was an incorrect arithmetic which I think is fixed now.
 The patch is attached (it also fixes dpi-related issues).
 I'm not sure it would be better if this could be optionally turned
 off. Any suggestion?
 Let me know of any (persisting or other) issues.

Wow.  You're amazing.  Thanks for all the work you put into this right 
away!  When I set shrinkB to zero, that arrow is right on the money.

 FYI, path is shortened by small amount by default. This is controlled
 by *shrink* parameter (shrinkA and shrinkB shortens the line begin and
 the line end respectively.)

Right.  In Sage, we're using the shrinkA and shrinkB options quite a 
bit.  For example, we use it in drawing vertex-and-edge graphs (so the 
arrows go to the edges of the vertex circles), and right now we use it 
by default to shrink by the linewidth (though I think I'm going to turn 
off Sage's default shrinking and just leave that up to the user).

This latest patch seems to take care of the problems I was seeing.

Thanks again!


Jason Grout

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] fontList.cache not being updated

2010-10-01 Thread Jason Grout
  I'm working on updating matplotlib in Sage to 1.0.  We're running into 
a problem where it seems that the fontList.cache is not being updated.  
I've included an example session below.  The .matplotlib directory is 
accessible here:  The problem 
seems to be that it is looking for a file that does not exist:

[ja...@sage:/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2]$ ls 
ls: cannot access 
No such file or directory

Does anyone have any idea what is going on?  Why is the fontList.cache 
file not being updated, instead of trying to access a path that doesn't 

A related question is: I see the variable USE_FONTCONFIG in  It says it is experimental.  How stable is that code?  
It's tempting to switch to using fontconfig.



Here is my example session:

In [1]: from pylab import *

In [2]: text(0.5, 0.5, 'text 0')
Out[2]: matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x18e7b50

In [3]: savefig('test.png')
ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (532, 0))

ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (643, 0))

ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (10, 0))

RuntimeError  Traceback (most recent call last)

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/ipython console in module()

in savefig(*args, **kwargs)
 361 def savefig(*args, **kwargs):
 362 fig = gcf()
-- 363 return fig.savefig(*args, **kwargs)
 365 @docstring.copy_dedent(Figure.ginput)

in savefig(self, *args, **kwargs)
1082 kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', 
- 1084 self.canvas.print_figure(*args, **kwargs)
1086 if transparent:

in print_figure(self, filename, dpi, facecolor, edgecolor, orientation, 
format, **kwargs)
1884 orientation=orientation,
1885 bbox_inches_restore=_bbox_inches_restore,
- 1886 **kwargs)
1887 finally:
1888 if bbox_inches and restore_bbox:

in print_png(self, filename_or_obj, *args, **kwargs)
 437 def print_png(self, filename_or_obj, *args, **kwargs):
-- 438 FigureCanvasAgg.draw(self)
 439 renderer = self.get_renderer()
 440 original_dpi = renderer.dpi

in draw(self)
 393 self.renderer = self.get_renderer()
-- 394 self.figure.draw(self.renderer)
 396 def get_renderer(self):

in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
  53 def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
  54 before(artist, renderer)
--- 55 draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
  56 after(artist, renderer)

in draw(self, renderer)
 796 dsu.sort(key=itemgetter(0))
 797 for zorder, func, args in dsu:
-- 798 func(*args)
 800 renderer.close_group('figure')

in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
  53 def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
  54 before(artist, renderer)
--- 55 draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
  56 after(artist, renderer)

in draw(self, renderer, inframe)
1933 for zorder, a in dsu:
- 1934 a.draw(renderer)
1936 renderer.close_group('axes')

Re: [Matplotlib-users] fontList.cache not being updated

2010-10-01 Thread Jason Grout
  On 10/01/2010 10:40 AM, Michael Droettboom wrote:
On 10/01/2010 11:31 AM, Jason Grout wrote:
 I'm working on updating matplotlib in Sage to 1.0.  We're running into
 a problem where it seems that the fontList.cache is not being updated.
 I've included an example session below.  The .matplotlib directory is
 accessible here:  The problem
 seems to be that it is looking for a file that does not exist:

 [ja...@sage:/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2]$ ls
 ls: cannot access
 No such file or directory

 Does anyone have any idea what is going on?  Why is the fontList.cache
 file not being updated, instead of trying to access a path that doesn't
 There is a fix in SVN for this, but it has not yet been released.  When
 a font file is not found, it rebuilds the entire font cache on the spot.

Thanks.  Do you know the commit?  We'll apply it to the Sage matplotlib 

 A related question is: I see the variable USE_FONTCONFIG in  It says it is experimental.  How stable is that code?
 It's tempting to switch to using fontconfig.
 I use it as a matter of course on my Linux box and haven't had any
 issues.  It's experimental because it's the kind of thing that is so
 affected by external environmental issues and distro differences.  Just
 because it works for me, there's no guarantee it will work
 everywhere.  But go ahead and give it a try and report back with the
 distro you're using.

Well, with Sage, we're using it on a number of distros, flavors of OSX, 
Solaris, etc.  So maybe I'll stick with the home-grown caching 
solution.  At least until we've tested it a bit on different support 
platforms for Sage.

I thought there was some sort of build bot for matplotlib that tested on 
a number of platforms.  Do you know how the fontconfig stuff does on 
that (if it exists...).



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Order of 3d Plots

2010-09-23 Thread Jason Grout
On 9/22/10 2:55 PM, Lütteke Felix wrote:

 is there a possibility to order several 3dplots, if all are plotted
 in the same figure. If  I execute the code below, the higher values
 (blue) are covered by the lower (yellow) ones, which seems quite
 unlogical to me (see attached image). Any help if greatly appreciated
 - after having searched for a solution quite a few hours...

There is no cutting up of objects and ordering them based on distance to 
the viewer, if that's what you're asking.  I see an experiment on github 
that starts to implement that sort of thing, though:



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] citation of mpl

2010-09-22 Thread Jason Grout
  On 09/22/2010 08:59 AM, John Hunter wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 8:45 AM, Bala subramanian  wrote:
 I have mentioned in my research manuscript that plots were generated by
 'matplotlib package'. I dnt find the related reference of mpl. Kindly tell
 me how can i site mpl.
 You can certainly reference the website, but if you want to refer to a
 published paper, I suggest

 Matplotlib: A 2D Graphics Environment
 Source: Computing in Science and Engineering archive
 Volume 9 ,  Issue 3  (May 2007)
 Pages: 90-95
 Year of Publication: 2007
 Author:John D. Hunter 
 Publisher : IEEE Educational Activities Department  Piscataway, NJ, USA

 and/or the conference abstract at

Could this be put up on the website somewhere in a easily-found place?  
Maybe a short sentence and link in the bar on the right under Other 
stuff?  Something like To cite matplotlib in a paper, use a 
href='link to wiki page with that citation, preferably in several 
formats like bibtex' this reference/a. or something.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Level surface of a function of 3 variables

2010-09-17 Thread Jason Grout
On 9/17/10 9:08 PM, Fernando Perez wrote:
 Hi Luke,

 On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 5:49 PM, Dale Lukas Peterson  wrote:

   I'm not sure I understand how I would make use of my function then.
   My function needs to be evaluated over a 3-d mesh (x, y, and z) , and then 
   level surfaces (not contour lines) calculated.  I guess I could treat
   z as a parameter, then plot the zero level contour lines of my function for
   a discrete number of z values, but then I would need to adjust the
   height that each countour line is plotted at when I do the 3-d plot.
   This still would only give bunch of vertically stacked contour
   lines, rather than a nice smooth 3-d surface.

   If I'm misunderstanding what you meant, perhaps you could point me
   to an example of something that makes a level surface of a function
   of 3 (not 2) variables?

 You're looking for an isosurface; as far as I know matplotlib does not
 have isosurface modules, only 2-d contours embedded in 3d (such as
 those illustrated in

 VTK does have powerful isosurface capabilities, nicely exposed by mayavi:

Sage will also do this sort of thing, though it's not as powerful as 
VTK/Mayavi in this functionality:

Here are lots of sheets on that use implicit_plot3d somewhere:



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] plotting an arrow outside of the plot does not work any more

2010-08-28 Thread Jason Grout
On 8/28/10 3:59 PM, Stan Schymanski wrote:
 Hi JJ,

 Thanks for the advice. However, the annotation_clip=False addition does
 not make a difference to me. I am using Matplotlib from within Sage,
 though; not sure if this makes it behave differently.

FYI, matplotlib in Sage is still at matplotlib 0.99.3.  We're working on 
upgrading it to 1.0.0.

Stan, if you want, could you try installing the 1.0.0 Sage matplotlib 
spkg and seeing if that works?  You can do it by doing:

sage -i

(the ticket is )

Matplotlib 1.0.0 changes how axes labels work, so if you want to do axes 
labels, then you'll have to also install the patch listed at the ticket.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] spline smart bounds

2010-08-16 Thread Jason Grout
On 8/16/10 5:36 AM, Michael Droettboom wrote:
 For clarification: this change is related to spines not splines.
 Spines are the feature that allows the axes ticks to be plotted
 somewhere in the middle of the plot, rather than always at the edges.
 See here:

 Splines would refer to Bezier curves.  See here:

 Which feature are you interested in?

 That said, I'm not sure what the spine smart bounds work is about, but I
 suspect Andrew Straw does.

Sorry, I mistyped that: I meant spines.

We use spines to do the axes in Sage, and in updating the matplotlib 
package, I was wondering if we could take advantage of the smart bound 
feature.  It certainly sounded interesting.


Jason Grout

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] spline smart bounds

2010-08-14 Thread Jason Grout
Hi all,

First: I noticed in the changelog to 1.0 that a lot of work has gone 
into splines.  Thanks!

In particular, I notice commit message splines and ticks: implement 
smart bounds from 20 Dec 2009 (commit 
58d31c10eef8648cd0fb81d5c0f0bcd0c05fe9a1 in astraw's github repository, 
labeled as git-svn-id: 

What are smart bounds?  It looks desirable to do, but it defaults to 
off, I think.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] ANN: matplotlib 1.0.0

2010-07-06 Thread Jason Grout
On 7/6/10 2:11 PM, John Hunter wrote:
 matplotlib 1.0.0 is available for download at

 You can read this announcement with links and rendered figures at

 This page just covers the highlights -- for the full story, see the

 A big thanks to all the developers who made this release possible.
 Some of the contributions are highlighted below, but a particular
 thanks to Eric Firing for new features and a heroic effort closing and
 fixing bugs, Jae-Joon Lee for continuing to amaze us with the things
 he can make matplotlib do (see gridspec below), Michael Droettboom for
 his tireless work tracking down bugs no one else can figure out,
 Christoph Gohlke for the Windows binaries, Russell Owens for the O X
 binaries, and Benjamin Root and Michiel de Hoon for many bug fixes and
 new features.

 What's new in matplotlib 1.0

 HTML5/Canvas backend:

Simon Ratcliffe and Ludwig Schwardt have released an HTML5/Canvas
( backend for matplotlib.
The backend is almost feature complete, and they have done a lot of
work comparing their html5 rendered images with our core renderer
Agg.  The backend features client/server interactive navigation of
matplotlib figures in an html5 compliant browser.

Wow, this is great news!  Thanks to everyone that has worked on this!

I tried to find the html5/canvas backend in the 1.0.0 tarball.  Is it 
included in matplotlib?  The heading What's new *in* matplotlib 1.0 
makes it seem like I should find the files in the matplotlib 
distribution, but I can't seem to find the code that I see up on the site.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Interact with matplotlib in Sage

2010-01-25 Thread Jason Grout
Gökhan Sever wrote:

 I have thought of this might interesting to share. Register at or try on your local Sage-notebook and using the following

A related example that lets you get the actual matplotlib figure from a 
Sage graphic and play with it is here:

The thing we'd like to do now is be able to wrap matplotlib axes with 
Sage Graphics objects (so someone can construct a matplotlib object and 
then wrap it in a Sage Graphics instance to then do further stuff with 
it in Sage).  However, I think we need to resolve the issues involving 
taking the axes from one figure and adding them to another figure; these 
issues were brought up on the mailing list a while ago.



Jason Grout

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Venn diagrams

2009-02-19 Thread Jason Grout
Ian Harry wrote:
 Hi all,

 Is there any simple way in matplotlib, or in any other python library, to
 make a simple Venn diagram, I want to show three events and their
 intersections? I have tried googling for any hints but didn't find anything.


You can use Sage ( or

(scroll down to see the picture; email me off-list if you'd like help in 
setting up an account or installing Sage; you can use Sage as a python 

Even if you don't use Sage and something like the interactive Venn 
diagram listed in the URL gives you relevant code for creating such a 
thing in matplotlib.

Sage uses matplotlib in the background to actually draw the Venn diagram.



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[Matplotlib-users] Arrows using Line2D and shortening lines

2008-08-22 Thread Jason Grout
I'm trying to get some pretty arrows for graphs and other uses in 
Sage.  One of the problems we've been having with the FancyArrow and 
YAArrow is that the arrow is skewed when the aspect ratio is not 1:1 and 
it is scaled along with the plot.  I've written the attached ArrowLine 
class which basically modifies the marker drawing code to draw an 
arrowhead at the end of a Line2D.  It doesn't suffer either of these 
problems; it works beautifully.

However, in drawing (vertex and line) graphs, we have another problem. 
The vertices of the graph are drawn using scatterplot, and I know the 
corresponding vertex size (in whatever units scatterplot uses).  I'd 
like to draw an arrow between the boundaries of the vertices.  Is there 
a way to shorten a line  that originally goes between the centers of two 
circles so that the line instead goes between the two boundaries of the 
circles?  Note that clipping the line isn't an option since I want to 
keep the arrowhead on the line instead of clipping it off.  I presume 
this shortening will have to be done in the drawing routine since it 
needs to be independent of zooming since the circles are drawn the same 
independent of zooming.

Another related issue is that width of the path used to draw the 
arrowhead makes the arrow tip go beyond the endpoint; is there a way to 
shorten a line by a certain number of points so that we can account for 
that?  Also, in drawing the arrowhead, the line pokes through the 
arrowhead; I'd like to shorten the shaft to the beginning of the arrowhead.

I think all three of these shortening questions are similar; I'd like to 
shorten an arrow in a scale-independent way (i.e., by a certain number 
of points or something).

The code I have for the ArrowLine class is below.  If people are 
interested, I could (eventually, as I have time) incorporate this 
functionality into the Line2D class (i.e., putting arrowheads on the 
ends of lines).

A matplotlib subclass to draw an arrowhead on a line.

 -- Jason Grout (2008-08-19): initial version

#  Copyright (C) 2008 Jason Grout [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#  Released under the terms of the modified BSD License

import matplotlib
from matplotlib.path import Path
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
import math
import matplotlib.cbook

class ArrowLine(Line2D):
 A matplotlib subclass to draw an arrowhead on a line.

 sage: import pylab
 sage: fig = pylab.figure()
 sage: ax = fig.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False)
 sage: t = [-1,2]
 sage: s = [0,-1]
 sage: line = ArrowLine(t, s, color='b', ls='-', lw=2, 
arrow='', arrowsize=20)
 sage: ax.add_line(line)
 sage: ax.set_xlim(-3,3)
 (-3, 3)
 sage: ax.set_ylim(-3,3)
 (-3, 3)


 arrows = {'' : '_draw_triangle_arrow'}

 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
 Initialize the line and arrow.
 self._arrow = kwargs.pop('arrow', None)
 self._arrowsize = kwargs.pop('arrowsize', 2*4)
 self._arrowedgecolor = kwargs.pop('arrowedgecolor', 'b')
 self._arrowfacecolor = kwargs.pop('arrowfacecolor', 'b')
 self._arrowedgewidth = kwargs.pop('arrowedgewidth', 4)
 self._arrowheadwidth = kwargs.pop('arrowheadwidth', 
 self._arrowheadlength = kwargs.pop('arrowheadlength', 
 Line2D.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

 def draw(self, renderer):
 Draw the line and arrowhead using the passed renderer.
 if self._invalid:
 if not self._visible: return

 Line2D.draw(self, renderer)

 if self._arrow is not None:
 gc = renderer.new_gc()
 funcname = self.arrows.get(self._arrow, '_draw_nothing')
 if funcname != '_draw_nothing':
 tpath, affine = 
 arrowFunc = getattr(self, funcname)
 arrowFunc(renderer, gc, tpath, affine.frozen())


 _arrow_path = Path([[0.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 1.0], [-1.0, -1.0], [0.0, 
0.0]], codes=[Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO,Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY])
 def _draw_triangle_arrow(self, renderer, gc, path, path_trans):
 Draw a triangular arrow.
 segment = [i[0] for i in path.iter_segments()][-2:]
 startx,starty = path_trans.transform_point(segment[0])
 endx,endy = path_trans.transform_point(segment[1])
 angle = math.atan2(endy-starty, endx

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Arrows using Line2D and shortening lines

2008-08-22 Thread Jason Grout
Jae-Joon Lee wrote:
 Hi Jason,
 I did made a similar class sometime ago and I'm attaching it just in
 case. I guess it is very similar to yours but I rely on
 matplolib.patches.FancyArrow class to draw the arrow head.
 The circle drawn by scatter() command should be a circle with size s
 (the third argument of the scatter command) in points . It seems that
 it is implemented as a unit circle centered at (0,0) with a transform
 corresponding to the size s (and offset). So you may try something
 like below to calculate the size of the circle in data coord.
   ax = gca()
   p = scatter([0],[0], 500.)
   tr = p.get_transforms()[0] + ax.transData.inverted()
   x1, y1 = tr.transform_point([0,0])
   x2, y2 = tr.transform_point([1,0])
   r = abs(x2 - x1)
 p is a collection object and p.get_transforms() is a list of transforms.
 Note that a circle in the canvas coordinate(?) can be an ellipse in
 data coordinates. So, I guess you'd better do things in the canvas
 For shortening your path, if you're only concerned with a straight
 line, it should be straight forward. But I guess it would a bit tricky
 to do this for general bezier curves (as in the example that Alan
 linked). I think (but I may be wrong) there is no universal algorithm
 to find the all intersecting points of two bezier curves. There may
 be one for between a bezier curve and a circle. And in this case where
 one point is inside the circle and the other is outside, one simple
 way I can think of is to recursively bisect the bezier curve (similar
 to the bisect root finding).


Thank you very much.  I am just finishing implementing a working version 
of what I wanted in my ArrowLine class; it now shortens itself by a 
certain number of points (assuming a line, just using a scale 
transformation).  However, I use paths for drawing the arrowhead where 
you use patches.  I think I like the flexibility your approach offers. 
Do you mind if I include your code in the GPL-licensed Sage, and extend 
it to do this shortening thing that I need?  I still haven't decided 
which is ultimately better for what I need (my class or your class), but 
if you're willing to license your class in a compatible way, that 
provides a choice.



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