Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-06 Thread J. van de Griek

On 06-08-2000 07:15, las wrote:

 MD could still be a big thing if  a) People were educated.  b) They started to
 fill music stores with prerecorded MDs that were selling for the price of
 cassettes, not CDs.  c) They started offering recorders and players at
 realistic and competitive prices.  I can't see any reason why a portable MD
 player should cost more then a portable CD player.
And don't forget complexity; they shoud have sold low-end MD recorders that
are the equivalent of a tape deck: record, play, pause, stop, fast-forward,
rewind. No frills like editing etc., way too daunting for the average
technofobe (my parents or sister, for instance).

 But everyone has their hits and misses.  When Phillips and Sony got together
 and created the CD they eventually had a hit on their hands (CDs were not
 moving off of the shelves for quite some time after they were introduced).
 Sony had Beta.  Phillips had the DCC.
Philips also had their own video format that failed: V2000. It failed
because they refused to rent porn tapes.

 You have to admit that the DCC was a much bigger failure then Beta.  Beta is
 still used professionally and did generate some sales.  But how many people do
 you know who own a DCC?
Two. They're quite happy with them, they bought their (portable) recorders
just after they wer discontinued for bargain-base prices. But a downside to
DCC is the size of the media; while it was sort of a boon that regular
analog cassettes can be played in them, it was already determined that
protable DCC equipment would never be smaller than a casstte box. Look how
tiny the latest MD protables are...

 Phillips also had the CD-I.  Another bust.  Expensive and you had to buy a
 separate video module to play movies and certain games.  The quality of the
 movies was not good.
This is an interesting comparison... CD-I failed mostly because it's biggest
competitor was the CD-ROM, which emerged more or less at the same time.
CD-ROM is much more versatile, and came out on top. I daresay part of the
problem with MD is that DataMD never caught on, for various reasons (speed,
interchangeability with MusicMD, price...).

 When I was a kid RCA had the original cassette.  It was much bigger in size
 then the compact cassette, but didn't sell.  DATs never caught on in the
 consumer market.
Because of copy protection schemes, mostly, I think. Which is in part what
is holding MiniDisc back. Look at the MP3 craze; people are willing to
settle for lesser audio quality, if it means they can easily record and swap
music. In a sense, this is why compact cassettes are still quite popular; a
taped copy of a CD sounds like crap, but it's cheap, easy to make, and you
can swap it easily.

Joost van de Griek
Applications Developer
Yacht ICT

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Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-06 Thread las

"Philips also had their own video format that failed: V2000. It failed
because they refused to rent porn tapes."

The whole video tape thing might have never gotten anywhere if it were not for
porn.  That's a fact.  The original tapes that were available for sale/rental were
porn.  There's a case where what some people might consider vulgar, offensive,
immoral or what ever, brought upon the availability of people being able to watch
the greatest movies ever made.  Right in their homes, when they want, with no
commercials and uncut.  With DVDs we are now seeing alternate versions of movies on
the same disc.

I personally don't have an opinion about so called porn.  There is a time and a
place for almost everything.  If it offends you don't watch it.  But don't tell
others what to do as you sit there watching the Sound of Music (which you could have
never seen uncut with no commercials if it were not for X rated videos).

Getting off of the MD topic, sorry.  I would love to see the results of a
prerecorded MD vs CD test.  I seriously doubt that if all the other factors are
equal most people could hear the difference between a well produced and recorded MD
and a CD.

I make all of my MDs using digital connections.  But when I first got my MZ-1 I had
to wait for the optical cable to come in.  So I made some discs in analog.  I find
it impossible to tell which are which using headphones.  This is not to say that I
don't recommend people use digital connections.  But sometimes I wonder if most
people can hear the difference.

I think that it comes down to the equipment that you are using.  On a set of $40
headphones, I don't think you could tell.  But maybe on a very high end system with
top of the line Polk speakers for example you can.

More ramblings of a mad man

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MD: monauralizing algorithms: An Explanation

2000-08-06 Thread Jonathan Irwin

I have been messing around with my MD recorder again this morning and I
think I may have figured out what is happening.

The results I posted previously show a frequency dependant loss in volume,
which increases as the frequency increases.

If the signals from the two input channels were out of phase with each
other when they were combined, some interference would occur.  The loss
in amplitude depends on the phase difference.  For example, if the phase
difference is pi radians, or 180 degrees, the two signals cancel out.
For general phase differences the amplitude is always less than the

Hence a volume loss will occur if the two identical input channels are out
of phase when added together.

As the amount of volume loss increases with increasing frequency, it is
clear that the phase difference is increasing with increasing frequency.
As my results cover 1-20kHz, the phase difference between the two input
channels is increasing over this range.  As the volume is never reduced to
zero, the phase difference must be less than pi radians for all input
frequencies in this range, and it also must be increasing from 1kHz to

Returning to my previous idea of the channels being out of sync. with each
other, this type of phase difference could be caused by a synchronisation
problem between the two channels on combination.

If the two channels were out of sync. by one sample then it turns out that
for zero volume mono output, the frequency of the input wave would be f/2
where f is the sampling frequency of the input signal (I will post a proof
of this later).  f was 44100Hz for my experiment, giving an input
frequency for total volume loss of 22.05kHz.

This fits quite well with my data, because the volume was very small at an
input frequency of 20kHz.

Because of the good fit with the experiment I decided to retry my initial
experiment with a data source where the channels were out of sync. by one
sample.  To do this I wrote a small C program (email me if you want a
copy) to read in a wave file and write it out with the left channel one
sample behind the right channel (a guess: I had a 50% chance of getting it
right), and redid my experiment at a frequency of 16kHz.  This time the
volume loss was greater than before.  So, I tried it the other way round:
the right channel one sample behind the left channel.  Voila! there was no
volume loss!

I retested all the frequencies I used in my experiment from 10-20kHz and
none suffered any volume loss with this adjustment.

So, to conclude, Sony's monauralizing algorithm has the channels out of
sync. by one sample, with the left channel one sample in front of the
right channel.  I don't think this is occuring in the SPDIF data stream
because the synchronisation information embedded wouldn't allow this.
Instead I think there is a bug in Sony's DSP software.

I will post a more mathematical proof of this at a later date.


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MD: PC transfer

2000-08-06 Thread jerry

Did anyone compare the difference between digital transfer of songs from a
PC vs. analog? I have downloaded many songs to my MD using just a mini
cable out into my MD input. Results are very good. Sometimes I have to edit
as the PC does little repeats due to hard drive activity, I guess. Thanks
for feedback.   Jerry
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Re: MD: PC transfer

2000-08-06 Thread Mike Burger

More often than not, you're not going to notice much difference, unless 
your analog connections carry any hum or feedback.

If you get little repeats and such from your PC on the analog connection, 
you'll also get them on the digital connection, although you should only 
get them when recording from WAV or MP3 files on your hard drive.  If 
recording from your CD/DVD-ROM drive, the only thing you should have to 
worry about is your Windows events sounds popping up in the middle of 
your recordings.  For those instances, I always turn off WAV playback 
while recording from my CDs.

On Sun, 6 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Did anyone compare the difference between digital transfer of songs from a
 PC vs. analog? I have downloaded many songs to my MD using just a mini
 cable out into my MD input. Results are very good. Sometimes I have to edit
 as the PC does little repeats due to hard drive activity, I guess. Thanks
 for feedback.   Jerry

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Re: MD: PC transfer

2000-08-06 Thread Simon Gardner

Did anyone compare the difference between digital transfer of songs from a
PC vs. analog? I have downloaded many songs to my MD using just a mini
cable out into my MD input. Results are very good. Sometimes I have to edit
as the PC does little repeats due to hard drive activity, I guess. Thanks
for feedback.   Jerry

I've got an Aureal Vortex2 soundcard (which has an optical output) and I 
tried both analogue and digital recording. I couldn't tell a difference 
between the two (MZ-R55 recorder and Sony MDR-V200 headphones).

[OT: can anyone recommend a soundcard for Windows 2000? Aureal's drivers 
are still very poor (they hadn't finished them when they went under), and 
daily reboots just to get sound working again are no fun. Anyone using an 
SBLive? Reply off-list, etc. Ta.]


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MD: USB audio out connectors ,was Re: PC transfer

2000-08-06 Thread Greg Conquest


There are a coup[le of these available now (Sony's PC Link, Thunderwire
(, and Xitel's MD Port ( All of them
claim that all you need is the USB port. Well, some sound cards have
digital out, and some don't, right? So, if my laptop's soundcard
doesn't have digital out (Music Match's Jukebox *does* give scratches
while in digital mode for me -- analog sounds fine), then will using my
USB port really accomplish anything?

Thanks for any replies.

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MD: Target

2000-08-06 Thread Jeff J. Voeller

Speaking of drug testers, I just noticed that Target has two 
different PC-Link-equipped portables for sale.  They've been selling 
blank discs for several years and in fact just added Maxell and 
Memorex after previously only stocking Sony.
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Re: MD: Target

2000-08-06 Thread las

Circuit City advertised a Sony portable (I think it was the 37) a few
weeks ago for $199.00 which it says comes with a PC connect cable.

If Sony had been selling their portable recorders for this price 3 years
ago, the MD might have had a fighting chance.  This cable is USB.  But
the problem that I see is that you still have to record in real time.

Actually even with a CD Writer, if you want to be sure that you get a
perfect copy, it is best to record in real time.  I suppose if you have
a super fast computer and hard drive might not matter.  My flagship is
only an AMD 500 and I'm sure that the hard drive is just average.


"Jeff J. Voeller" wrote:

 Speaking of drug testers, I just noticed that Target has two
 different PC-Link-equipped portables for sale.  They've been selling
 blank discs for several years and in fact just added Maxell and
 Memorex after previously only stocking Sony.
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MD: MD at Target

2000-08-06 Thread DoctorWu51

With all of the talk about Bust Buy, etc., I just had to mention that In 
their Sunday newspaper flier, Target has a blurb about "New At 
Target--Minidisc".  What they have are a couple of Sony portable 
player/recorders, but anything that makes MD more visible is okay with me.  
They also have 5 packs of Sony MD blanks for $9.99, which is not a bad price. 
 Go figure, though, Target of all places...MD, right there between the 
disposable diapers and the dog food...

Chris Callahan
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Re: MD: What's up with Best Buy !

2000-08-06 Thread las

Jeffrey Scorsone wrote:

 I used to work for Best Buy years ago, and they do screen for drugs.
 I can't say for an of the other stores that have been mentioned.

Well I just check with my daughter and her friend was tested.  I couldn't
believe that he and his roommate were hired because I knew that they couldn't
pass.  But it turned out that the guy who hired them was kind of sketchy

They knew him from when they all worked at Circuit City.  He was the manager
there and was fired for pulling crap to make is sales numbers look better,
etc.  But he was get to work for.  If he liked you, you could get open box
stuff for a fraction of it's cost.  Employees at CC are not supposed to even
be able to buy open box specials.

I've never been to a Best Buy. But I will visit this one when it opens in
September.  This place must be a piece of work.  They hire the people fired
from CC (all three of them were fired from CC and are now going to be managers
at BB.  What a joke.


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Re: MD: monauralizing algorithms: An Explanation

2000-08-06 Thread Jonathan Irwin

On Sun, 6 Aug 2000, Eric Woudenberg wrote:

 May I ask that you please write up your findings carefully and let me
 post it as its own web page on the MDCP?

Sure.  I'll get on to it tomorrow.
 It would be interesting to try this experiment on some other
 equipment, a portable, and a machine from a different manufacturer.

Definitely.  Unfortunately the Sony deck is the only recorder I have.
I'll look into borrowing my friend's Sharp 702 at some time.  I would
suspect (hope?) that MD equipment from other manufacturers does not suffer
from the same problem.


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Re: MD: What's up with Best Buy !

2000-08-06 Thread las

"Political issues aside, one of the fundamental problems with drug

 testing is that it just plain doesn't work.  False results, both
 negative and positive, are pretty common.  But it makes great PR.

That's true all around.  If you eat a poppy seed bagel you will test
positive.  I'm serious.


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Re: MD: Blargh. (MiniDisk Blues - Help?)

2000-08-06 Thread J. Coon

Jason I am forwarding your mail to the Minidisc list.  I don't have any
experiance with the USB port.  

YOu might open the Volume control from the start menu, not the taskbar,
and click on options, properties, and make sure everything is checked
that you want to listen from.  

Jason Dilg wrote:
 Trying to set up my new minidisk player with an interface into my pc seems to
 have bombed my audio settings somehow.  I can't hear any playback on
 anything.  I've checked the cables and the volume settings, and everything
 seems to be plugged in and the volume on.
 Do any of you have any idea what might be going on?  The minidisk is the Sony
 MZ-R70 with the USB port cable.  HELP!
 Thanks in advance ...
 Jason Dilg
 Denver, CO
Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
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MD: MiniDisc Weekly News for 6 August 2000

2000-08-06 Thread MiniDisc Community Pages Weekly News

MiniDisc Community Pages News for 30 July 2000

 o David Popovits addresses several [1]repair questions from readers.


 o Attachai Ueranantasun finds [2]dStore Music (Australia) selling 
   pre-recorded MDs.


MiniDisc Community Pages News for 31 July 2000

 o David Popovits tackles [1]further repair questions from readers.


MiniDisc Community Pages News for 1 August 2000

 o Mark Bausch spots the [1]Nomad Jukebox portable player. The $400, 
   6GB hard drive based unit handles both MP3 and Windows Media format 


 o Bryan Hansen gives [2]careful plans for a Sharp MD-MS702 external 
   battery pack.


 o Mark Bausch points out our oversight: The [3]Aiwa AM-C80 on Ebyweb 
   is apparently an AA dry-cell powered variant of the [4]Aiwa AM-F80.


 o Jeff LaPort has made [5]postscript edge label files for various 
   brand blanks.


 o Kheops Minidisc offers [6]MD racks that couple together (1+1=3). 


MiniDisc Community Pages News for 3 August 2000

 o Andrew Stafford kindly scans in the entire [1]Sony MZ-R70 user 


 o Robert Schwartz finds Sharp's pdf format [2]MD-MT831 user operation 
   manual ([3]Sharp page ).


 o Jill Carter recommends using MD for [4]preparing cassette mixes.


 o Karsten gives a tip for [5]undoing the effects of Sharp's service 


 o Trucki submits a [6]QBasic titling program for Sharp portables. 


MiniDisc Community Pages News for 5 August 2000

 o We have the beginnings of an [1]MD LP mode FAQ.


 o Tim Banney notes that Xitel's MDPort-DG1 USB to Digital converter is 
   [2]available from Minidisco.


 o More [3]Repair QA with readers from David Popovits.


 o Brand name CD/MP3: Ramon de la Fuente points out's review of 
   the [4]Philips Expanium portable CD/MP3 player.


 o Peter Gloviczki points out [5]Statman Electronics, carrying several 
   pieces of [6]MD equipment.


 o Per Hoffmann finds [7]Midiman's CO3 format converter page. 


Minidisco-  Free-range MiniDiscs, Humanely Raised
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Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-06 Thread Charles Redell

las wrote:

 I make all of my MDs using digital connections.  But when I first got my MZ-1 I had
 to wait for the optical cable to come in.  So I made some discs in analog.  I find
 it impossible to tell which are which using headphones.  This is not to say that I
 don't recommend people use digital connections.  But sometimes I wonder if most
 people can hear the difference.

 I think that it comes down to the equipment that you are using.  On a set of $40
 headphones, I don't think you could tell.  But maybe on a very high end system with
 top of the line Polk speakers for example you can.

Exactly my original point. I am not an audiophile but I do recognize a good and useful
media when I see it. I would not hear the difference on $40 headphones, and 
not on $150 headphones either (unless it was pointed out to me)... What I care about,
and what makes MD so attractive to me is its convience. Sony et al must know that 
tape CDs for each other all the time. And they can't  be so stupid as to think that 
wiil kill off services/programs like Napster Stuff like that will always be going 
on the Net... why don't they make it easy and available for the most people to do it in
the best format? They would make more money than Microsoft (and probably get sued by 
governement too)!


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Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-06 Thread Charles Redell

Good point... I have seen a few bands come through town using drun tracks and
click tracks with little MD players and instructions for sound guys. Way more
convienent than DAT...


J. Coon wrote:

   = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
   = be more selective when quoting text =

 Charles Redell wrote:
  I hate to say this but I really have to say that I don't think we
  are going to
  see MD become the cassette of the aughts and tens Sony has very much
  the concept here and is now marketing it solely to us, those people who
  will pay more
  for quality sound and performance...

 Well, a lot of musicians are discovering them for the first time.
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