MD: inexpensive MDLP player

2001-03-12 Thread Ken Clinger

On Fri, 9 Mar 2001, payvand wrote:

 do you guys think are we going to get more portable players in the $100
 range with MDLP in the future?

That's just what I'm waiting for too. I'm one of those "my home deck is my
main MD deck" people, where I just need a relatively inexpensive player
for commuting. 

I'm hoping that there will be an "MDLP Bundle" sometime this year, which
will be the introduction of an inexpensive MDLP player, with others soon
to follow. 

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Re: MD: Longer than 80 minutes - is it possible?

2001-03-12 Thread David W. Tamkin

Simon Mackay asked,

| Is it possible within the MD standard to make discs that go longer than 80
| minutes in SP mode by tightening the "pre-groove" spiral on the disc?

When 80-minute MDs were about to come out and Rick gave us the news, wasn't
part of it that getting 80:59 required tightening the spiral to limit of the
standard?  If that's true, tightening it further would require a new spec and
might be incompatible with most existing hardware.

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MD: NiCd/NiMH charger and batteries...

2001-03-12 Thread Timothy Stockman

These people sell rechargable batteries and chargers:

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MD: Whats with the Hip-Zip?

2001-03-12 Thread Robin Landy

OK, I feel a bit crazy expressing my *hate* for what is afterall 
simply a consumer audio product. But at the end of the day, surely 
Iomega's hip-zip is the most *pointless*, *overpriced* personal audio 
solution in exsitence?! The merits of vanilla (ie solid-state) 
personal MP3s have been debated in this forum at tedious length, but 
the Hip-zip is something different. Why would anyone want to shell 
out 290 UK Pounds on a gadget, (a similar size to minidisc units), 
which can only fit 40 minutes of audio onto a disc, has a poor 
battery life, and for which fresh discs cost a tenner? Oh, and of 
course, you *still* have to plug it into your computer to put dump 
new stuff onto its discs. Its absolutely ludicrous. Despite their 
cons, vanilla MP3s have a significant advantage over minidiscs in 
terms of size (look at Sony's network walkman) but WHY oh WHY oh WHY 
would anyone want a Hip-Zip.? Its completely beyond me.
Anybody else got an opinion on this (or indeed has anyone else noted 
any other *really* stupid electronic products?)
On a somewhat brighter note, as I sit here in John Rylands 
university library in Manchester, I see a lot of people listening to 
minidiscs and very few tape walkmans (and this being the UK, no MP3 
players at all). With every day that passes, I see less and less 
tapes around, and a *lot* more minidiscs. Minidiscs may be suffering 
a slow death in the US, but over here they're doing *very* 
well. More people are buying them, and more shops are stocking more 
equipment and more accessories.

Robin Landy
Manchester University
Mobile: 07970 253609
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Re: MD: Whats with the Hip-Zip?

2001-03-12 Thread Henry Mostyn

I suppose it has the advantage of being able to be plugged into a PC and
also used as a storage medium for other info(something tonnes of people
always put on a minidisc feature wish list) but in its current itteration
(or it's third party cheaper sister) it is poor.

Perhaps its an issue of waiting for the tech to improve (ie, 100 to 250 zip
disks, I might be tempted on something that size if it held 150 - 200 MB).

I also agree with you on the minidisc situation in the UK. As well as people
seeing the technical benefits of the format its up there with mobile phones
as a 'show off' and 'left out if dont have one' kind of item which is a good
business position for Sony + Sharp and co.


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Re: MD: Longer than 80 minutes - is it possible?

2001-03-12 Thread Leon

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

The groove can't be tightened without rendering the disc incompatible with
existing equipment - the gap between grooves on 80-minute discs are already
at the lower limit of what Sony says MD equipments should be able to handle.

A way of getting 90 minutes (or more?) would be to use an 80-minute disc and
spin it at a lower speed. However, it seems that we don't have materials
that would have the physical properties necessary to allow that.


on 3/11/01 11:22 PM, Simon Mackay at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi everyone!
 Is it possible within the MD standard to make discs that go longer than 80
 minutes in SP mode by tightening the "pre-groove" spiral on the disc? This
 could be interesting because I have heard a rumour being passed amongst
 retailers that there could be 90-minute MDs on the market.
 If the rumour proves true and someone starts to manufacture 90-minute MDs,
 you could have discs that go for 3 hours in mono or LP2 stereo or 6 hours in
 LP4 joint stereo. This would be enough to threaten Audio CD-R and most
 solid-state MP3-carrying media.
 With regards,
 Simon Mackay
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Re: MD: Longer than 80 minutes - is it possible?

2001-03-12 Thread Matt Wall

dont take this the wrong way, but i doubt it will threaten MP3 solutions.
most mp3 zealots will still want to be able to put thier mp3 files on md
media, mind you not convert them to atrac, but have them there just as an
mp3.  IMO people are just too stupid to see a good thing.  on the bright
side MD does have a good solid base and is not going to just go away.

- Original Message -
From: "Simon Mackay" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "MiniDisc Mailing List (E-mail)" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 2:22 AM
Subject: MD: Longer than 80 minutes - is it possible?

 Hi everyone!

 Is it possible within the MD standard to make discs that go longer than 80
 minutes in SP mode by tightening the "pre-groove" spiral on the disc? This
 could be interesting because I have heard a rumour being passed amongst
 retailers that there could be 90-minute MDs on the market.

 If the rumour proves true and someone starts to manufacture 90-minute MDs,
 you could have discs that go for 3 hours in mono or LP2 stereo or 6 hours
 LP4 joint stereo. This would be enough to threaten Audio CD-R and most
 solid-state MP3-carrying media.

 With regards,

 Simon Mackay

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Re: MD: recording to CD

2001-03-12 Thread Peter Jaques

in addition to the other suggestions, i find it helps to do NOTHING at all
on my computer while transferring to HD. if i move the mouse too much, i
can get little blips in the sound. and this is on a pretty quick machine


On 11 Mar 01,  6:32PM, Charles Redell wrote:
 it to their web site... My problem is that when I record it to my hard
 drive, there are skips in the sound that do NOT exist on the MD. They
 sound like digital hicups that happen momentarily when you listen to a
 CD through your computer and you open a big program. They are very short
 (less than a second) but annoying and detract from a recording they
 could sell or give thier fans...

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Re: MD: RE:Re: RE:Upcoming Creative Sound Blaster AUDIGY Lineup

2001-03-12 Thread I Can Not Tell You

Matter of fact...I am running Windows 2000 Professional + SP1 with the
latest SB Live! Value drivers.
Never had a single problem even during the beta stages...whoever is having a
problem is not doing something right or doing something wrong...I mean it
was easy as beans for me...

Install Win2k and install the sblive drivers...simple as that...though I
should say I dont use that PlayCenter crap...happy with WinAmp :)

- Original Message -
From: "chaulsr" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 10:44 PM
Subject: MD: RE:Re: MD: RE:Upcoming Creative Sound Blaster AUDIGY Lineup

 Sounds like you are neither running a dual processor system nor Windows
2000. Check out the SBLive newsgroup in the Creative's news server and you
will understand what I was talking about..

 Good luck!

 Actually I own a Creative product...nothing fancy though...SB Live!
 Value...and I'm happy with it so far :)
 Man..I have got to stop sending these one liners emails

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Re: MD: RE:Re: RE:Upcoming Creative Sound Blaster AUDIGY Lineup

2001-03-12 Thread Taky Cheung

I don't like PlayCenter too. it's been crashing very often, slow, takes a while
to launch. the dumbest thing is it won't allow drag and drop operations.  But
then I still use it to rip and encode audio CD cause it has hardware


- Original Message -
From: "I Can Not Tell You" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: MD: RE:Re: RE:Upcoming Creative Sound Blaster AUDIGY Lineup

 Matter of fact...I am running Windows 2000 Professional + SP1 with the
 latest SB Live! Value drivers.
 Never had a single problem even during the beta stages...whoever is having a
 problem is not doing something right or doing something wrong...I mean it
 was easy as beans for me...

 Install Win2k and install the sblive drivers...simple as that...though I
 should say I dont use that PlayCenter crap...happy with WinAmp :)


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Re: MD: Longer than 80 minutes - is it possible?

2001-03-12 Thread Chad Gombosi

When 80-minute MDs were about to come out and Rick gave us the news, wasn't
part of it that getting 80:59 required tightening the spiral to limit of 
standard?  If that's true, tightening it further would require a new spec 
might be incompatible with most existing hardware.

Maybe, or maybe we will have something like the longer playing audio 
casettes such as the 110 min type, which play fine in some players, but the 
tape itself it so very very thin that it will not be thick enough to get 
traction in some decks causing malfunctions...although less tragic than MD 
malfunctions of course.

Man I hate picking tape out of my decks.

So maybe if a 95 min MD comes out, you might to buy a new player, but you 
might as well since it would track poorly?

Just mu thoughs.

Chad Gombosi
Member SCP
Chad's Game Music Page page:

"Let me explain a couple of things. Time is short. That's the
first thing. For the weasel, Time is a weasel. For the hero,
Time is heroic. For the whore, Time is just another trick.
If you're gentle, your Time is gentle. If you're in a hurry,
Time flies. Time is a servant, if you are its master. Time
is your god, if you are its dog. We are the creators of Time,
the victims of Time, and the killers of Time. Time is timeless.
That's the second thing. You are the clock, Cassiel."

Emit - Far Away So Close

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Re: MD: recording to CD

2001-03-12 Thread KVE

 it to their web site... My problem is that when I record it to my
 drive, there are skips in the sound that do NOT exist on the MD. They
 sound like digital hicups that happen momentarily when you listen to
 CD through your computer and you open a big program. They are very
 (less than a second) but annoying and detract from a recording they
 could sell or give thier fans...
I've had a problem like that before. This might be because of your hard
drive -- it could be too slow for audio. Mine is. I only have 5400 RPM
drive instead of at least 7200. The way I fixed it is to enable
buffering in the software that you use to record audio. I use
CoolEdit2000 and there is an option that allows you to set buffers and
their size. Also, don't forget to exit all the other apps that you have
running. I mean everything that you can exit from you should exit. If
you are on Windows (which I assume you are), look at the tray and see
if you could exit the programs that are running in it. Don't forget to
diable screensavers and powersave mode for monitor (might produce pops
on if the wiring is not perfect). Avoid using your computer for
anything while it records. Good Luck!

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MD: Which MDLP deck?

2001-03-12 Thread Alan Dowds

Hello everyone,

I'm about to buy a new deck, and I'm looking for suggestions. I need MDLP to
go with my MZR900, but I'm easy apart from that. Co-ax  optical in and
optical out (at least) are the minimum connections, and I'd like a keyboard
connection and an easy PC titling solution.

I'm thinking about the Sony JB940 or JE640. I can get both at Richer Sounds,
the 640 being 60 cheaper. Is the 940 that much better? (main difference I
can see is scale factor edit which I'm not bothered about).

Are there any other MDLP decks worth looking at, for around 150-250 UK


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Re: MD: Which MDLP deck?

2001-03-12 Thread Keith Whitfield

I have the Jb940 and am very pleased with it I have started to use the LP
feature as I have just got the mzr-900 as well But i noticed you can't use
the scale factor edit on lp md's.  as you mention Lp mode is a must I
Think you could save the 60  get the 640.

p.s I don't no anything about the 640 i'm just going by what you said.

On 12-Mar-01, you wrote:

 Hello everyone,
 I'm about to buy a new deck, and I'm looking for suggestions. I need MDLP
 to go with my MZR900, but I'm easy apart from that. Co-ax  optical in and
 optical out (at least) are the minimum connections, and I'd like a
 keyboard connection and an easy PC titling solution.
 I'm thinking about the Sony JB940 or JE640. I can get both at Richer
 Sounds, the 640 being 60 cheaper. Is the 940 that much better? (main
 difference I can see is scale factor edit which I'm not bothered about).
 Are there any other MDLP decks worth looking at, for around 150-250 UK
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RE: MD: recording to CD

2001-03-12 Thread Churchill, Guy

 I've had a problem like that before. This might be because of your hard
 drive -- it could be too slow for audio. Mine is. I only have 5400 RPM
 drive instead of at least 7200.

Other things to watch for.

Dependent on the PCI slot the soundcard is in.  Believe it or not
my experience is that soundcards seem to work better in one slot then
another ... it's s techo thing about polling, IRQ'S and DMA'S.
(not within my knowledge base to explain it though)

Watch for that Internet connection .. you will be amazed how many
of your ports are being scanned and other unwanted traffic.

Defrag and optimise your HDD.  writing to contiguous free space is alot
easier for the HDD to keep up.  (use something like Nortons speedisk)

Watch for the virus protection programs ... 

A 5400RPM HDD is plenty fast enough, I used to do ripping on a P166, 32MB,
10Gb HDD with no issues.  Maybe it's badly fragmented.

Cheers   GC
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MD: Sony E55 player on ebay BLUE

2001-03-12 Thread Kenneth Lee

Hi everybody, I have a 2 months old E55 player on ebay
right now.  It's a 5 days auction, so please act quick
if you want this.  I have an extra battery and the
238L earphone included.  Here is the URL:

Must see!!


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