MD: . PC-based ATRAC3

2001-08-31 Thread Danny-K


Someone posted a link to the ATRAC3 codec the other day, so I downloaded and
installed it.

I've been converting using SoundForge5 and the save-as option.  Saving as
wav, while selecting the ATRAC3 option with 132 bitrate (105 for online

Anyway.  I don't know if it's better than MP3--most would say it is and I
wouldn't disagree.  But it's a hassle converting tracks one at a time, and
I'm wishing for an automated process.  I have not been able to find a
converter that allows custom codec selection.  Everything either converts to
MP3 or RA so if anyone knows of a customizable encoder it would be great.

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RE: MD: Sony Commercials

2001-08-24 Thread Danny-K

On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, fpga wrote:

 In fact there were two double-page full-colour ads in different parts of the
 magazine. One was MD-generic (foucussing on the MP3-PC-MD chain) and the
 other was R900-specific. Seems Sony is really pumping the UK market up for a
 big one.

I also saw this ad (with the doll) in Muzik magazine.  I don't live in the
UK, but I do read Muzik every month which is published there.

The ad for the 900 is really cool looking.

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MD: . nightingale pro6--user review

2001-08-20 Thread Danny-K


I tried looking for this card in various stores and websites and couldn't
find it.  Finally found someone selling them new on ebay and I got one.  The
place was in Canada and it costs me $60 including shipping.  Not a bad price
for a sound card with optical/digital in/out and DVD/AC3 6.0 sound (which
I'm not using right now).

Set up was pretty easy.  The optical/digital daughter board has some plastic
on the right side that made it impossible to put in my computer the way I
wanted to.  I had to take out my usb card, and one pci slot is now wasted,
but I don't have a complaint about that.  Don't need more than two usb ports
right now anyway.  But if you're low on pci slots, you may want to think
about this.  Basically, the daughter board will only fit when placed to the
right of the main card, and can not be placed on the left.  You'll probably
have to end up putting the daughter board in the last slot, and the main
card one above it.  This may be good in that the sound card will be far away
from the fan and drives in your PC, possibly cutting down on any internal

Ran into some problems later with the PC not booting up.  Took the card out,
and completely disabled the system's built-in sound and put the card back in
and presto--no problems.  I suggest you disable whatever other sound
card/built in sound you have before installing this.  You don't have to
remove your drivers, just disable them.  Somehow, my PC doesn't
automatically shut off now which is weird, but it doesn't bother me.  I just
shut off manually and there aren't any problems with drive-scans during the
next bootup.

Recording to MD is dead easy with the software that comes with it.  Set the
pause time between tracks (mine's at 3), compile your files and you're good
to go.  My computer didn't come with an internal digital cable from the
cd-rom to sound card (analog only) so I need to score one of those cables.
For now I'm going to go with the rip and copy method instead of copying
direct from cd to md.  An extra step, but not a big deal with me since
ripping is pretty quick anyway.

By the way, it comes with an extra long optical cable.  I'd say it's around
9 feet.

All in all, this is well worth the money.  If you've got a crappy sound card
in your PC, or are still going with the built-in sound, get this thing.  It
even has an option to support MDLP recording--it's quite modern.  I don't
know what's different about that, but maybe it does something to prep the
files or something.  At any rate, MDLP support is there, and it's obvious
from the documentation that they had MD recording in mind when they made
this card.  The people I ordered it from on ebay were very cool and sent is
pretty quickly--CompuGlory out of Toronto.

By the way, the latest New Order single Crystal kicks total ass!

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MD: . DAT recorder question

2001-08-18 Thread Danny-K


I remember someone posting a DAT list address here a while back but I didn't
keep it.

I was hoping someone could help me, or point me to a good resource.

I'm trying to buy a portable DAT recorder, but most are out of my price
range.  I've found one that is, but I wanted to see if it's worth getting.
It's made by AIWA, and the model number is HD-S100.  It's used from ebay.
And I'm trying to see if it's a decent unit.  Any help would be greatly

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MD: . where do *you* like to use minidisc

2001-08-14 Thread Danny-K


I was trying to see where you guys like to use you minidisc
players/recorders.  Since this is the MD (and not mp3) mailing list.

I take my E60 and R50 on any trip that I take.  Whether it's the beach, or
the lake, or the mountains.  In the cabin/hotel/motel room I hook it up to
my harman kardon powered computer speakers and voila--instant sound system
to get the party started for everyone.

I have begun to the see the limitations though, mainly having to transfer
all my CDs (there are wy too many) onto MD.  Compilations are great on
MD but CDs where every song is good tends to want to stay on CD unless it's
good for working out.

In a few weeks, I'll be traveling to Reno on business for 4 months and you
*know* my computer speakers and MD player and recorder will be going with
me.  I hear Reno is ultra-boring so MD will be my savior.

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MD: . the R700 is ugly

2001-08-08 Thread Danny-K


I finally got to see the R700 up close, at Tower of all places.

I was put off by how ugly the thing is.  Compared to my R50 which is curvy
and delicious looking, the R700 is a brick.  Pretty thick and with straight
angles and everything.  The color is ugly too, and only one headphone
output?!  Anyway.  I do see myself buying a portable MDLP recorder at some
point, but it won't be for a while.  I haven't seen the R900 yet, and I'm
super-excited to see the R909.  Although my next purchase will have be a
minidisc player for the car.  That's got to happen.

//future-shock/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: MD: recording audio to video tapes

2001-07-29 Thread Danny-K

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

 What I actually want is to record shows off the radio without having to
 change media. Figured that if a videotape can hold 6 hours, then I could
 get the show on without doing much more than turning the radio and
 recording on with power timers.
 iT takes forever to convert a huge wave file in to an mp3, last time I did
 it, it took not much less than real time recording.
 I suppose my disk just isn't fast enough. has a free program called recordit.  It records mp2 (yes that's
right) on the fly.  No need to record as wav and then convert.

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MD: . Nightingale PRO 6

2001-07-06 Thread Danny-K


Since reading the review posted here a couple of weeks ago:

I've been looking to buy this thing and no luck.  I've looked on,, and even went to compusa and nobody has it.  There
seems to be too much demand and not enough product.

Does anyone know of a place that's selling this?

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MD: . blanks in bulk

2001-06-24 Thread Danny-K


I've decided it's time to stop buying our blanks 10 at a time.  They just
get used up too quickly.

I remember seeing a place that sold a 40-74min/10-80min combo for something
like $75 but I didn't save the link.  And now I can't find it.  Does anyone
know what I'm talking about?  It's not minidisco.

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RE: MD: Marking tracks on MZ-R900

2001-06-17 Thread Danny-K

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

 I'm trying to add track marks to a recording on my MZ-R900, and
 would like
 to know how to do it accurately.  Currently I press pause when it gets to
 the right spot, then tarck-mark.  Is there a better way?

 Beyond setting automatic marking (every five minutes, or at any 2 sec
 pause), you're doing them the best way that *I* know how.

Are you guys saying that the R900 (which seems to be top of the line right
now) doesn't have a simple track mark button?  Good god.

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RE: MD: MZ-R50 potentially dying

2001-06-16 Thread Danny-K

 I've noticed lately that in bass heavy recordings (or even when
 I'm just in
 the studio with the band and pounding away on the drums), my
 recordings are
 starting to get choppier and choppier by the session.

I pay attention to R50 stuff because I have one too.

From what I've gathered here, strong vibrations kill it.  I remember someone
else saying they had theirs on top of an amp and then it started to weird
out on them.

I don't know to what extent your unit may be damaged, but it might be good
to put it on some pillows or something from now on when you record.  I also
remember reading in the manual that strong vibrations (like bass) may
potentially damage the unit.

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RE: MD: Headphones

2001-06-10 Thread Danny-K


Please disregard the mistakes, I've been having drinks with a friend I
haven't seen in three years.

I've been using the same pair of headphones (not to be mistaken with
earphones) for 10 years now.  They were my brother's, just like the 2 CDs
that I borrowed from him--but hey, he's my brother.

They are Sony MDR-V4.  I'm guessing if they're still making them, they're up
to V9 by now.  They're those kinds of headphones that white people don't
like to use because they're big.  But not nearly as big as DJ
headphones--like the Sony 700 which everyone loves to have.  I made the
mistake of not getting them when a friend worked at Sony in New York, but
there was a defect with the hinges of their early ones anyway.  Hey, anyone
think Sony tests our their products in stores sometimes?  kinda rude, but
those things that work are nice.

My old Sonys are pretty worn now, and they're definitely not small, but they
carry sound quite nicely.  They're versatile because they have screw-on
adapters to go from 1/4 to 1/8, and they last.  Not for exercise I guess
although mine have absorbed quite a lot of sweat over the years.  Just the
thing for the train and/or bus though. or the PC or whatever else.  I also
use them as microphones now which is great because people never know when
they're being recorded. haha--suckers  ;-)

I'm still happy with real oversized headphones after all these years.  They
cost a little more, but they sound good, and they last.  I'm in the market
for a new one myself and I'll definitely post when I've bought the one.
Although I'm sure there are some smaller ear/headphones that sound good.

Have a good week everybody.

//future-shock/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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MD: . R700 in URB magazine

2001-06-08 Thread Danny-K


The R700 is featured in the gadgets pages of the current issue of URB
(American techno magazine).  There's some other neat stuff also for all you
gadget freaks.  This is the current issue with Digweed on the cover.

BTW, is it unusual to own and/or want multiple MD players and recorders?  I
think I've gone MD crazy.

//future-shock/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: MD: MZR700 warranty?

2001-06-08 Thread Danny-K

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  = be more selective when quoting text =

You should buy the warranty.

I have a JE440 and E60 and I have BB warranties on both.  I don't abuse
electronics, but you *know* I don't have any concerns when I take the E60
outside.  If it breaks, they'll fix it.  It's worth the $10/year.  I was in
the electronics sales business for a while (Ward's and BB) and all of my
coworkers also bought extended warranties when they bought stuff.

I recently bought the R50 from someone on ebay.  It's in great condition,
but you know I'm not going to have it laying around without its sack like I
do the E60.

I think Best Buy has changed their policy though so go and get it quickly
before it's too late.  In the past they gave 30 days from date of sale to
buy the extended warranty but I think that's changed.

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Luis Dodero
 Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 12:25 AM
 Subject: MD: MZR700 warranty?

 Hi all, I'm back after a really long time...a few years ago I
 bought a grey
 market Kenwood DMC-G7R and about a month later it broke on me -sniff- so I
 stepped out of the world of Minidisc until now! I've got me an
 MZR-700 which
 I'm extremely impressed with. Anyway, my question is, should I
 have gotten a
 Best Buy extended warranty with it? It's 39 bucks for 4
 years...and after my
 luck with my Kenwood...are the Sony's reliable? I remember the trusty old
 MZR 3's and MZR 30's, but I don't know about any of the curent units (this
 one's made in Malaysia).

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MD: . a good mic for portable MD

2001-06-05 Thread Danny-K

Hello all-

I finally bought a portable minidisc recorder (R50) which I hope to use for

I went over to radio shack today to look at microphones, and I was not very
impressed.  Their response range was from 70 to around 11,000 hz.  Is this
the best I can expect for microphones with 1/8 jacks?  Are there places
that sell better mics?  If you know, please do tell.

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2001-06-01 Thread Danny-K


I know this is the MD list, but I figured some of you probably had DCC
players back in the day.

In my ever-lasting quest for a recording medium that provides
optical/digital out (for transfer to PC/CDR) I have come across a DCC
deck.  It's going for $50 on ebay right now, and has optical/coax in/out.

I also get the feeling that maybe DCC is not compressed sound?  Only
problem is finding blanks.  The guy is giving two blanks with the unit,
and I guess I could just recycle, but does anyone know of a place selling
blank DCC?  Is it worth getting into?  The price is right, but do you guys
think it's totally a dead medium at this point?

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RE: MD: Digital matching a wave (was: If MDs had come out before CDs)

2001-05-31 Thread Danny-K

 With due respect (and perhaps I'm misinterpreting what you say), this
 statement is completely false. Digital achieves a wave perfectly,
 provided you sample the wave at twice the highest frequency you're
 trying to capture. Flaws can be introduced in the conversion (A/D and
 D/A) steps, but these are quantifiable (and appear simply as
 correlated noise), there's no missing, magic, element of wave-ness
 that a digital representation lacks.

This is what I'm thinking.

Think of a perfect sine wave on an old analog oscillator.

Digital is in essence a series of ones and zeros.  To duplicate that analog
sine wave digitally, you are limited to those ones and zeros--up and over.
The higher the sampling rate, the smaller those steps--kinda like how you
would get jaggies on fonts a few years ago.  Monitors have improved so
things don't look all pixelesque, just as A/D converters have improved in
their resolution.

I am curious to learn exactly how sampling at twice the highest frequency
changes things.  I'm trying to visualize it, but I can't grasp it.

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MD: . MD-Sony complaints

2001-05-30 Thread Danny-K

 Which was exactly my arguement, availability, thats why
 MiniDisc's aren't as
 popular as CD's, prerecorded ones are in the majority hard to
 find, and you
 find an average consumer who wants to wait up to 80 minutes to listen to
 some music on their portable

This is true too.  If Sony would introduce 4-8X combo CD-player MD recorder
at cheap prices, it might ignite a minidisc fire.  But they probably think
that might lessen their brand name.  But I think it would be a good start
and might up sales of their upper-level models as well.

I showed my MD player to an old boss at work once, and the first question he
asked was if you could buy pre-recorded music.  Sony needs to either price
this medium low enough for teenagers to buy, or get better pre-recorder MD
coverage.  Older people are usually too busy to take on another format, one
that's pretty much blank digital tape at that.

In other news, I was cleaning out some boxes the other day and found an old
magazine with a DCC advert in it.  haha.  MD has a lot of life in it still.
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RE: MD: If MDs had come out before CDs

2001-05-30 Thread Danny-K

 I can't even listen to cassettes, they sound so bad to me.  When
 I go back and
 put on a vinyl record, I realize just how bad they actually
 sounded.  If CDs
 have a hard edge blame the recording producer, not the medium.

 What sounds good is all relative.  How many times have I been
 stuck at a light
 and a car pulls up next to me where the bass is so strong and the
 volume should
 that it actually causes my car to shake!

 But to those dudes in that car it is heaven.

Some people claim that a good and new vinyl pressing carries base better.
Let us not forget that digital is in essence trying to achieve a wave that
it never can.  I don't know if the issue is MD trying to match CD, or CD
trying to replicate analog sound.  Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of CDs
and they're so much better than tape.  But have you listened to some of your
older CDs?  They sound pretty bad now because mastering and D/A converter
technology were very young then.

Good needles, and a good pressing can go a long way--specially on a powerful
sound system.  But then again almost all recording media are digital anyway
so maybe it doesn't matter.

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MD: cAPItaLIze

2001-05-29 Thread Danny-K

 By the way, Matt, you can't burst my bubble if I'm right, which I am.
 Besides, how could anyone take seriously any person who is too lazy to
 use the Caps key on his keyboard?

Only a complete wank would criticize a person's capitalization habits on an
internet mailing list.

Have a good 3-day weekend everybody.
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RE: MD: MD -- CD-R

2001-05-29 Thread Danny-K

 what is the best way to take live shows youve recorded on your MD and
 transfer them to a CD-R on your computer? should i invest in a killer
 soundcard or is it a waste of money? is it ok to just go
 mini-to-mini with
 the CD-RW? is there a reasonably priced MD component that allows
 for digital
 output to a burner?

All of this is coming from someone that's been looking to do the same
thing--record digitally from MD to PC.

You need a minidisc recorder with digital coax in/out (not to be confused
with optical).  Coax is best from what people tell me.  And from I've heard
optical is not desirable for digital PC transfer, and was probably designed
to hook up to high-end receivers.  As someone on the list recently
described, if the optical in board on your PC does not reclock the optical
signal, you'll get PC recordings that change speed unpredictably.  And
that's worse than analog.

Then you need an I/O card that has digital coax in/out and you're good to
go.  Go to and buy one of theirs.  They even have one that kills
SCMS, but you don't need that to go to PC, only for digital MD-MD copying.
Card can be had for less than $100.

As far as MD units, I originally had my eye on the Pioneer MJ-17D (the price
is right, and it's pretty sweet) but it doesn't have coax out.  M-audio (aka
midiman) does make a box called CO3 and it is both an optical/coax converter
and SCMS killer.  So you could go from minidisc to minidisc
digitally--pretty damn sweet.  The box is about $180 I think.  So you could
get the 17D and the box and the card for around $500.  The MJ-17D can be had
for less than $200 brand new on ebay.  No MDLP, but a CD only holds 74
minutes anyway.

If SCMS removal is not an issue, and you only need to record to PC, then
consider some Sony models.  The JB920 is pretty inexpensive, but it has a
problem where it kills discs.  I read this on where they ran
indie tests on 5 brands of minidisc.  Failure rate was 50% even with good
Sony discs.  Sony later admitted that the opening for MD insertion was too
narrow and fixed later models.  But you don't know which model you're gonna
get do you?  So stay away from the JB920 as far as I know.  The JB930 is
sweet, but none seems to be going around right now, and it's not MDLP.

I like the JB940.

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RE: MD: no more MD at best buy

2001-05-24 Thread Danny-K

 I was wondering when we would hear the real low down on this.

We took Victoria's E60 to best buy today because it wasn't working right,
and we had the extended warranty.

I was a little pissed when the guy said they had to send it in for repair (I
just wanted a new one right then and there), but we got to talking with the
service guy about MD.  I said that I had heard best buy wouldn't be carrying
them any more, and he said that was true.  He said he himself had recently
bought one (the R500) and that he likes it very much, but best buy is
dropping MD.

We figured out the problem with the E60 was the lcd remote, but we sent the
whole thing in anyway.  The service guy was saying that most of the portable
MD players in for repair, have problems with the remote stick.

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MD: . optical in sound cards

2001-05-23 Thread Danny-K


i've been reading what everyone had been writing about sound cards with
optical in.

i was concerned about what one person wrote about there being a problem with
optical in cards that drop sounds if optical cable is not perfect?

what does this mean? basically, i need a card that can take the optical out
of minidisc, and flawlessly transfer it to the hard-drive of a pc. i don't
need anything else (rca inputs, etc) and i'm trying to stick with something
that will take up only one pci slot. i guess i want something that won't
leave gaps in recording--something that will check the incoming digital

any leads would be greatly appreciated.

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MD: . optical in sound card--part 2

2001-05-23 Thread Danny-K


looking at some optical/digital cards.  this one's catching my eye as it
also has midi, which i need:

now, looking at this one here, i notice a difference:

the first card hasn't got those two black things which are the toslink
optical?  i like the first card, but i want to make sure it has the proper
inputs before i buy it.  my optical out source will be the pioneer MJ-17D
with optical out.  does anyone here know if the card shown in link #1 will
have the optical input i need.

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RE: MD: no more MD at best buy

2001-05-22 Thread Danny-K

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

 My concern isn't buying units or blanks, but rather getting
 service if some-
 thing goes wrong.  I've wanted an MZ-R900 since it first came
 out, but I've
 waited for it to reach the US before I buy one because I want a
 locally valid
 warranty; now let's see if it will be sold here in some color other than
 retina-burn red.

the best buy in rockville, maryland has the R500 for $179.  they recently
got several of them in.  i guess the 700 and 900 can't be far behind.

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MD: . good decks with optical out?

2001-05-20 Thread Danny-K


we've come to the conclusion that we need a MD deck with optical out.

this is mainly so we can transfer the music we make (and record to MD) into
the PC with no loss (or little loss) in sound quality.

i've been saving up and want to upgrade my PC with more memory, second hard
drive, new sound card, USB-MIDI connection, and of course, a minidisc
recorder that has optical out. i have the JE440 already, but we'll just put
that in some other room or something. no sense in selling a MDLP home deck.

so. if you guys have some recommendations on good models with optical out
that i could pick up used on ebay please email me. i'm looking at the models
listed on, but can't quite get a grasp of which is the one. i
guess it would be ideal and cover the basis with something that has optical
and digital (coax) input and optical out.

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RE: MD: . good decks with optical out?

2001-05-20 Thread Danny-K


what do you guys think of the following models:

pioneer MJ-D707
denon DMD-1000

any ideas on what good prices would be on them?  don't wanna get ripped off,
and i know almost nothing about what a good price is on various MD models.

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MD: . difference between JB930 and JB940

2001-05-20 Thread Danny-K


subject says it all really. any significant difference between the two?
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MD: . does pioneer MJ-D707 have coax out?

2001-05-20 Thread Danny-K


last questions today, i promise.

according to, the pioneer MJ-D707 does not have coax out. but
according to pioneer's website, it does have coax out.

which is the truth? anyone here have one or seen one first-hand?

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RE: MD: Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon

2001-05-09 Thread DANNY-K

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

 Look, I said sorry, what else do you want, a public execution?

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RE: MD: Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon

2001-05-08 Thread DANNY-K

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =


if you're short on cash (like myself), i suggest having a look around on i can refer you if you like and you'll get a $5 off coupon. I buy
almost all of my music from there now.

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Stainless Steel Rat
 Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 1:46 PM
 To: MD-L
 Subject: Re: MD: Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon

 * Stuart Howlette [EMAIL PROTECTED]  on Mon, 07 May 2001
 | When I have as much money as an unemployed voluntary worker it becomes a
 | problem

 As far as the law is concerned, lack of funds to buy a thing does not
 justify stealing it.  And some of us would appreciate it if this list did
 not get shut down over contributory infringements.
 Rat [EMAIL PROTECTED]\ Ingredients of Happy Fun Ball
 include an
 Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ unknown glowing substance
 which fell to
 PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \ Earth, presumably from outer space.

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Re: MD: LP to MD Scratch/click filter

2001-05-04 Thread DANNY-K

On Fri, 4 May 2001, Marc Britten wrote:

 get a good needle, clean off the vinyl and pray
 marc britten
 On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 07:00:27AM -0400, Jim Coon wrote:
  What are some of the ways to copy LP to MD and flter scratches and

good needles are essential. i recommend either Shure (if you're on a
budget, but still want quality), or ortofons (if you've got the
money). Also do yourself a favor and get a can of grooveglide. every dj
has one, and you spray it on the record and it just moves like buttah. of
course, you'll want to get as much of the dust off as possible before you
spray. a can costs around $25 and is well worth the money.

that should give you pretty clean sound. 

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MD: . which is better

2001-04-29 Thread DANNY-K

the sharp MS722, or the sony MZ-R50

i need to use it mainly for outside sampling. some people love sharp, some
people say sony is better. i've looked at everything else, and these two are
within my price range. if you have a couple of minutes, please email me
privately with which you think is better, and why. i would love to hear from
owners of both machines specially.

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