Re: MD: Portable MD Player in Car

2001-03-10 Thread jgvp

Thank you Ed, I'm surprised you remembered me, and thanks for taking the
time to write and tell me about your work-around. However, I have never made
any custom electrical parts in my life, in fact just reading your
instructions has me baffled and I would not know where to begin.

 I do appreciate your efforts but they are absolutely wasted on me. When I
get around to it, I will ask Audi about a CD changer and when they get to
install it I will ask them about making provision for the MZ-R50 to play
through the car radio, if it is possible that is.

Best regards, 


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Re: MD: THIS is what Sony should have brought to market

2001-02-19 Thread jgvp

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

It was because I had a Sony Vaio Digital Studio desktop that I ventured into
MDs. Everything you state is wrong with the PC and the MD format does not
happen with my setup. It is certainly much easier than the CD-RW route and
everything including the titling can be done even while you are recording to
MD. Admittedly the Sony software to accomplish all these features on a PC is
not universally available. I only wish it was as simple to accomplish on a
Mac too. 

 From: Timothy Stockman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 14:49:55 -0500
 Subject: Re: MD: THIS is what Sony should have brought to market
 I have been thinking for the past few days about what is right about MD and
 what is wrong; this thread prompted these
 observations.  Sony basically did a very good job designing the basics of the
 format, given the technology at the time it was

 What I think is "wrong":

 6)  Many MD users (including me) still try to integrate their MD with a PC,
 but the current situation exploits the
 *weaknesses* of Windows and the interface, rather than the strengths of MD.
 (That is, even though both Windows and MD
 handle data in an inherently "bursty" manner; current MD requires an
 absolutely continuous S/PDIF data stream; Windows
 has a hard time doing this.  Also, titling via PC is has suffered from a lack
 of software documentation and hardware
 As can be seen, my opinion is that technically, MD is almost the perfect
 medium.  All of its biggest problems are caused by
 non-technical reasons.  I just hope it doesn't carry these problems to the

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Re: MD: Imac to MD

2001-02-16 Thread jgvp

That latest blurb we all received from Minidisco got me to thinking.  Is
there anyone here in the newsgroup that is in involved with recording MDs
from MP3s downloaded to their Mac computer ? I am presently achieving this
process with my Sony Vaio via the superb Sony software; however, despite
Apple's iTunes, etc., it seems nigh on impossible to achieve with an iMac.
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Re: MD: md-l-mimedigest V2 #703

2000-07-30 Thread jgvp


I agree with everything you had to say with the exception of the
"advertising". Advertisers flock to wherever the action is. I'm sure that if
and when Napster came to terms with RIAA on the royalty demands that
advertisers would flock around them like moths to a flame.

 Napster would more than make the same kind of revenue from advertising that
FM stations do today, for besides anything else they would have a monopoly,
so long as the RIAA didn't agree on terms with other MP3 copycats.

 I'm not a Futurist, but I hope and can even foresee that the future holds
something better than the status quo with regard to consumers'
entertainment. I don't whether I have reached the saturation point because
of the years that I have had to endure it, but I personally am sick upto my
teeth with TV and Radio commercials. At least with the MP3s on Napster,
should they inundate them with commcerials, you would have the option of
turning a blind eye or a deaf ear while concentrating on downloading.  BTW,
I think you meant "pay for hear", didn't you ? G Nice to have a discourse
without flaming or inuendo.

 Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 20:01:16 -0400
 Subject: Re: MD: md-l-mimedigest V2 #702
 jgvp wrote:
 You're missing my point. I can record from FM Radio because the RIAA have
 struck a deal with the FM stations, so it costs me nothing. Let the RIAA
 strike a deal with Napster and it still won't cost me anything. Nor should
 it, if FM Radio doesn't.
 There is just one problem, the radio stations have advertising that pays them
 that they can pay the record companies.
 I don't see any source of income for Napster.  There are no ads on Napster.

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Re: MD: md-l-mimedigest V2 #702

2000-07-29 Thread jgvp

You're missing my point. I can record from FM Radio because the RIAA have
struck a deal with the FM stations, so it costs me nothing. Let the RIAA
strike a deal with Napster and it still won't cost me anything. Nor should
it, if FM Radio doesn't. It just means that Napster is using modern day
technology that permits selectivity (choice) instead of FM radio that
bombards you with advertising and a take it or leave it programming. I don't
know about this "taking control" aspect, we've always had the "control" by
choosing whether we listen, whether we purchase radios, cd players, MD
players, you name it. Without us, where are the artists, the record
industry, and the manufacturers of the consumer electronics ? They're all
wasting their time if we choose not to play with their bat and ball. No
flaming intended.  

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (md-l-mimedigest)
 Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 21:45:27 +0100
 Subject: md-l-mimedigest V2 #702
 Napster, on the other hand, allows you to download any song from any CD
 without permission, and without paying for it. By using Napster, users
 are taking control of the broadcast and distribution medium and, in turn,
 the music itself.
 I'm not making any judgements here. Just stating matter-of-factly.

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Re: MD: Napster viewpoint

2000-07-28 Thread jgvp

Will someone please explain to the recording industry the difference between
my being able to record the same artist's performance from an FM Tuner to MD
compared to recording it from Napster to MD  ? Either way there is now no
additional cost to me after purchasing all the necessary not inexpensive
equipment, nor should there be.

It would appear that it's alright from the RIAA's stance that in the case of
the FM Radio they have been able to extract their royalties from the
broadcaster but in the case of Napster it's not alright since they haven't
been able to do so so far ? They must really salivate when they ruminate
on the "audience" numbers that could be gleaned from Napster's download

 The discernible difference to me personally is that Napster permits me to
have a choice to what I want to listen to right there and then, as opposed
to having to listen to maybe an hour or two's worth of music ( to say
nothing of the excruciating advertising ) in order to garner a pleasureable
three minute cut. If I choose to retain those three minutes then that's OK
if it's radio but not, according to the RIAA, if it's Napster. I do happen
to have a sizeable 45,78,LP,CD,Cassette library nonetheless.

The crux of the matter is that the RIAA wants the same pound of flesh from
Napster as it gets from the radio broadcasters. Then let them sit down and
agree to terms. RIAA, this is the 21st Century, and besides this being what
contemporary "radio" should evolve to, a matter of programming CHOICE, don't
stand in the way of progress with this dog-in-the-manger attitude and adopt
the stance that if you can't make any money from it then throw out the baby
with the bath water.

 As paying through-the-nose consumers we have had enough of TV and Radio
so-called "programming" just being a vehicle for advertisers to annoyingly
peddle their wares, and WE'RE NOT GOING TO STAND FOR IT ANY MORE 

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Re: MD: md-l-mimedigest V2 #644

2000-05-28 Thread jgvp

Well, until yesterday I would have vouched for the fact that the MZ-R50
was the best portable MD that Sony had produced; however, during only the
second time of using it to RECORD outside sounds since I've had it, ( I use
a JB-920 for home recordings,) I discovered that it is not able to record.
The "red" indicator light comes on, and on playback you can discern that a
recording seems to be taking place, but no discernible recording is
apparent. I have my fingers crossed that it is some switch that has been
turned-off in error instead of something more seriously wrong with the
innards. Anyone have any suggestions as to what needs to be done to
pin-point where the fault really lies ? Thanks.

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (md-l-mimedigest)
 Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 08:16:40 +0100
 Subject: md-l-mimedigest V2 #644
 Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 23:21:01 GMT
 Subject: Re: MD: Sony MZ-R50
 From: Stainless Steel Rat [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * mjarco [EMAIL PROTECTED]  on Thu, 25 May 2000
 | I have heard opinions that this model, | overall, was the best mini
 | that Sony ever made. Any truth to this last statement?

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Re: MD: md-l-mimedigest V2 #645

2000-05-28 Thread jgvp

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

When recording the red light is constant, the record level indicator shows
two bars only, and the disk icon rotates. On playback there is a "white
noise" sound until the end of the recording and then no sound at all. I have
tried it with another Sony cardioid mike that I have had for years and get
the exact same results. I even tried a new Sony "74" MiniDisk for a
recording and.still the same result.  All signs are indicating that
somehow the "50" has lost its recording capabilities. Lord only knows what
Sony will charge in the way of repairs.

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (md-l-mimedigest)
 Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 13:28:51 +0100
 Subject: md-l-mimedigest V2 #645
 ok, some of these may be obvious questions but for the sake
 of troubleshooting bear with them.
 was the "red" indicator light solid or flashing
 flashing is standby mode, use puase to drop to record.
 was the mic plugged in all the way?
 is your mic working correctly?  Try it in another device
 to be certain. 
 Beyond that (like I said probably kind of obvious) you might have
 a problem internal on the unit.  (unless you had your record levels
 set wrong, or used line, vs. mic port when recording)
 If none of these appears to be the answer, I'd suggest taking it in
 for service.  I always do level chheck when recording (obviously not
 bootlegging concenerts) to make sure stuff is working.
 no idea if this helps, but hope it at least
 gave you a few things to check.  If you're solid on all of this
 it might be time to get the unit ot a service center.

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Re: MD: md-l-mimedigest V2 #636

2000-05-17 Thread jgvp

Simon, I'm still going through the trouble of finding a reputable car radio
installer who can rig a portable minidisk player into an Audi A4's CD
changer input, (that's in lieu of a CD changer.) I have finally found an
individual who appears to be sufficiently interested as to do his own
research into the matter to the extent of contacting Sony etc to ascertain
whether it is possible. He claims Sony has told him that it may not be
possible since the two pieces of equipment do not "talk the same language."
He has, however, mentions that he personally thinks that it maybe possible
using the RF method with the latest cutting-edge versions. What do you think
? I'd appreciate your views on the matter. Thanks.

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Re: MD: md-l-mimedigest V2 #603

2000-04-18 Thread jgvp

Care to provide more details on this adapter, and also where can one find
anything about it on the Sony web pages. ? Thanks.

on 4/18/00 1:54 pm, md-l-mimedigest at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From: Sean Harding [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 23:09:48 -0700
 Subject: Re: MD: Sony Minidisk Recorder with USB?

 Yeah, Sony has them. It's basically just the recorder with an adaptor that
 plugs into USB on the PC end and into the optical input on the MD end.

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Re:MD: MD Portable Player in Car

2000-04-08 Thread jgvp

Thanks to all responders. All suggestions have been taken under advisement.
Will post if I am successful in achieving some success with this adaptation.

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Re: MD: Portable MD Player in Car

2000-04-06 Thread jgvp

I took my Audi A4 in for Audi service this morning and asked them, while
they were about servicing, to attach one of the accessory cables that came
with my MZ R-50 to the Audi radio line in. I had reasoned that when the
manual referred to the capability of attaching a CD ( changer) player an MD
player could also be attached for input to the radio. However, it seems that
any attachment would call for a DIN type plug for any line in ( probably on
account of the "changer" aspect. ) Is it still possible to achieve my goal
as the "cassette" attachment route is really out of the question from a
sound quality point of view ?  TIA. 

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Re: MD: Portable MD Player in Car.

2000-04-06 Thread jgvp

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The reason I mentioned the Car make was to make it obvious that any
suggestion as to replacing the standard equipment radio with anything else
was out of the question.. For one thing it is an absolutely splendid
sounding setup and is blended into the dash like no other radio possibly
could. I experience  no adverse effects on the radio's performance by any
extraneous noises from inside or outside of the car. FYI, in my neck of the
woods it is illegal to use a cellular phone let alone wear earphones while
operating a motor vehicle on the highway.

 I have to reiterate that the sound emanating from the SONY cassette
adapter that I have used is not comparable to the quality of sound that I
enjoy from the radio or the in dash cassette player and has been dispensed
with altogether. I shall have to resort to taking the car and the portable
MD player into a reputable car radio retailer/installer establishment
tomorrow and hear what they have to say. The Audi technician suggested that
maybe such an establishment could fashion a cable that has a mini stereo
plug on one end and a 5 pin DIN plug on the other.   Thanks anyway.

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (md-l-mimedigest)
 Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 00:52:09 +0100
 Subject: md-l-mimedigest V2 #590
 From: "J. Coon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000 12:57:56 -0400
 Subject: Re: MD: Portable MD Player in Car
 jgvp wrote:
 Is it still possible to achieve my goal
 as the "cassette" attachment route is really out of the question from a
 sound quality point of view ?
 SOund quality in a vehicle?  Use headphones so you don't hear the road
 noise and the people honking at you.
 Some of the cassette adaptors work better than others.  You might try a
 different brand.  I have had RCA and a Sony.  THe RCA tended to bend the
 cable and when it started breaking, it intruduced noise into the radio.
 THe Sony seems to be designed a little better and the cable doesn't bend
 as sharply.  (For Magic, it bends more Sonyly G)
 Jim Coon
 Not just another pretty mandolin picker.

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Re: MD: md-l-mimedigest V2 #461

1999-12-20 Thread jgvp

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 I have read and re-read the specifications of the DCR.PC-100 and nowhere do
I find any mention whatsoever of a 3CCD, which is to be found on the
TRV-900, which I happen to own.  I would much prefer to have a more compact
unit which would encourage me to carry it with me when away from the house,
if not on my person at last being handy in the car.  The single feature that
I am not prepared to sacrifice for this convenience is the 3CCD.

 It sounds to me like you don't know that the TRV900 and the DCR-PC100 are
 actually the same camera, only the PC100 has a different coloured chassis,
 has the buttons organised more for a more professional user and uses the
 DVCAM tape format (the primary difference between DVCAM and the consumer DV
 is that DVCAM runs at a higher tape speed, and i think cliplink comes into
 it somehow, too.)  So they have the same 3CCD block, and thus the same
 resolution, same lens, it's all very similar, and the main difference that
 sony pushes is the tape speed, which they say is more reliable under mobile

 Christopher Spalding
 Genius, generally excellent and gifted person.
 (ICQ#: 43270049)
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