[Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]

1999-06-06 Thread Gustav Schaffter

To everyone reading (and answering) this subject:

The guy is trolling. We are all going into his troll. (This is proven by the fact that 
he just *wont* stop.)

Trolling is a technique used on the News lists since long time. Sometimes with 
disastrous result for the list. It's been quite rare on mailing 
lists, but it's coming more and more. We need to start reacting in the same manner as 
they have done on most news lists:

There is only one way of escaping a list troll. To ignore it. Unfortunately, it 
requires *everyone* on the list to start ignoring the subject at the 
same time, which is not always so easy. There is always someone who is still upset 
about something and the stuff goes on and on and...

So, please everyone reading this subject; STOP.

Mind you, I do not tell you to ignore all posts from him. Just don't react to anything 
that upsets you. If you want to react, then write a *private* 
e-mail directly to him. *Not* on the list. If everyone can follow this, the list will 
calm down again.

Best regards

inux -- The *ultimate* NT Service Pack.

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[Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]

1999-06-06 Thread Stephen Whitis

At 03:53 PM 6/6/99 +0200, you wrote:
To everyone reading (and answering) this subject:

The guy is trolling. We are all going into his troll. (This is proven by the 
fact that he just *wont* stop.)

I agree, he's trolling.  He claimed to be a programmer, but then over and 
over he claimed that bugs should *always* be caught in testing, prior
to release.  That proves he's lying, because no programmer can believe
that happens in the real world.  Shoot, I wouldn't think any computer
user, much less programmer, would believe that.  I'd been about to cuss 
him out prior to realizing that he was a troll.

Maybe we'll get lucky and his ISP will screw him again...  :^)

Stephen Whitis
Visit http://www.whitis.com for information 
about Delphi, NT4.0 software, Juggling,
or darn near anything else I happen to be
interested in.

Don't spam me, and I won't report your spam.
Spam me, and all bets are off.

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RE: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]

1999-06-06 Thread Rick Pali

From: Gustav Schaffter

 The guy is trolling. We are all going into his troll. (This
 is proven by the fact that he just *wont* stop.)

Amen to that. No one can possibly thing that *everything* works from their
point of view and everyone else's view is wrong or unimportant. I would
think that anyone with a modicum of tact or sense would now apologise to
George for what he said, but that would put an end to the troll, wouldn't

You're offering good advice Gustav, I'm out of this discussion for good.


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Re: [Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]

1999-06-06 Thread Peter Doherty

I second that.

At 16:33 06/06/1999 +0100, you wrote:
NO MORE. The end..

Chris Jefferson, Girton College, Cambridge, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a proof that x^n+y^n=z^n never has integer solutions for n2.
However, it won't fit into my signature file

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Re: [[Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]]

1999-06-06 Thread Paul Derbyshire

Stephen Whitis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 He claimed to be a programmer, but then over and over he claimed that
 bugs should *always* be caught in testing, prior to release.  That
 proves he's lying, because no programmer can believe that happens in
 the real world.

A complete set of test-cases should catch all major (e.g. showstopper) bugs.
If a bug of such magnitude makes it into a release product testing cannot have
been thorough. And someone admitted that testing for v.17 was in fact not
thorough, as the routines that kick in above 2^22 never were tested since the
test suite didn't include an exponent above 2^22.

 Maybe we'll get lucky and his ISP will screw him again...  :^)

You should grow like a turnip, with your head in the ground and your legs in
the air.

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Re: [Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]

1999-06-05 Thread Paul Derbyshire

Peter Doherty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is normal.  Because of the bug in v17, all the math it was doing
 was wrong, so using that 77% would have been a waste since it was
 incorrect data.  There is no need to try and retrieve that data.  It's

Are you sure of that? What if the bug didn't happen to strike my run, or the
errors could be corrected?

If what you say is true, then whoever designed version 17 acted in a
completely unconscionably rash manner by releasing it without thoroughly
testing it for problems as serious as that. And has therefore shot the whole
GIMPS effort in the foot by setting it back many weeks.

Hopefully, realization of the impact on GIMPS is punishment enough to make
sure this won't happen again...

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Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18

1999-06-05 Thread Chris Jefferson

 If what you say is true, then whoever designed version 17 acted in a
 completely unconscionably rash manner by releasing it without thoroughly
 testing it for problems as serious as that. And has therefore shot the whole
 GIMPS effort in the foot by setting it back many weeks.
 Hopefully, realization of the impact on GIMPS is punishment enough to make
 sure this won't happen again...

On the other hand, it is often difficult to find out when trying to
squeeze speed out of programs if you've gone too far, and the only way to
test the program is the do entire LL tests in both this and another
program we are sure works.. Doing it for more than a couple of exponents
is VERY slow...

Although I do agree, I hope that it doesn't happen again..

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Re: [Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]

1999-06-05 Thread Rjpresser

Well, you've dropped the annoying Mandelbrot quote, but you're still trying 
to stir up trouble on my favorite mailing list.

In a message dated 6/5/99 10:27:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Are you sure of that? What if the bug didn't happen to strike my run, or the
  errors could be corrected?

Evidently you haven't been monitoring the list.  The version 18 software was 
DESIGNED, immediately after the bug was found, to determine whether any given 
run contained corrupt data.  Errors mounted with each and every iteration, 
making "correction" impossible and worthless anyway.

  If what you say is true, then whoever designed version 17 acted in a
  completely unconscionably rash manner by releasing it without thoroughly
  testing it for problems as serious as that. And has therefore shot the 
  GIMPS effort in the foot by setting it back many weeks.

More inflammatory statements showing your non-monitoring of the mailing list. 
 George made COPIOUS apologies REPEATEDLY when the bug was found.  If you 
think his behavior is unconsionable, you are welcome to withdraw from the 
project.  Remember that 100% of this effort is volunteer.

  Hopefully, realization of the impact on GIMPS is punishment enough to make
  sure this won't happen again...

Hopefully, you'll get a clue and stop being so insulting.  I don't hold out a 
whole lot of hope though.

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Re: [Re: [Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]]

1999-06-05 Thread Paul Derbyshire


 Well, you've dropped the annoying Mandelbrot quote, but you're still
 trying to stir up trouble on my favorite mailing list.

I'm not trying to stir up trouble. However, between your insulting of my sig
file (absent temporarily, due to my ISP's mail trouble and my consequently
being stuck with usa.net's crummy web interface) and your accusing me of
flame-baiting, I begin to suspect that you, who I formerly had not even
noticed, are in fact trying to flame-bait the list.

I think that is a bad idea. This list is a good thing and causing a flamewar
on it will be a bad thing.

In the interests of not allowing a flamewar to start, I shall henceforth not
respond to anything you post that appears to have inflammatory intent. I
recommend that everyone else do likewise. Then there won't be any flamewars.

Of course, if I have misunderstood your intentions, you presumably won't post
anything else inflammatory, and the foregoing will be rendered moot.

 Evidently you haven't been monitoring the list.

No thanks to Globalserve...

 Errors mounted with each and every iteration, making "correction"
 impossible and worthless anyway.

A problem of such magnitude should have been caught a lot sooner... but I
repeat myself.

 George made COPIOUS apologies REPEATEDLY when the bug was found.

Well, no thanks to my ISP, I was not aware of this.

[Various inflammatory stuff deleted.]

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RE: [Re: [Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]]

1999-06-05 Thread Rick Pali

From: Paul Derbyshire

 and your accusing me of flame-baiting, I begin
 to suspect that you, who I formerly had not even
 noticed, are in fact trying to flame-bait the list.

I don't think that anyone's trying to flame anyone at all, but I can't

  Evidently you haven't been monitoring the list.

 No thanks to Globalserve...

Well that's not the list's fault, not is it George's or Scott's so might
it not be a good idea to ask to be apprised of the situation before
accusing the very people who make all this possible of being "completely
unconscionably rash." Not only would've it prevented that egg on your
face, but it's just plain courteous.

 A problem of such magnitude should have been caught a lot
 sooner... but I repeat myself.

Yea, you sure do. I'd consider the software that the project has produced
as *outstanding* when compared to the commercial norm. And even when a
single problem has occurred, there was a fix within a day or two. It's a
pipe-dream with software that we pay hundreds of dollars for...and we can
download this stuff for free.

After two years, I've only lost two numbers (that weren't my fault). With
a record like that, the reasonable among us have nothing at all to
complain about. And if 100% accuracy is what you demand, Ken has extended
an invitation to you to join the testing team.

  George made COPIOUS apologies REPEATEDLY when the bug was found.

 Well, no thanks to my ISP, I was not aware of this.

We're got nothing at all to do with that, and you can't claim that your
ISP has anything to do with what you've written since your return either.

Like the previous poster said, George obviously regretted the error, felt
bad about it, and apologised repeatedly. I don't think that he deserves to
be called to the carpet for it so long after the fact.


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Re: [Re: [Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]]

1999-06-05 Thread Joe Decker

Paul Derbyshire wrote:
 Sounds like a lot to me. This CPU I have can finish LL tests in that kind of
 time, except that I have a habit of using it for other things a lot of the

It may seem like a long time to you, but I've been interested in Mersenne
Primes as an observer since around 1978-9, and as a participant in GIMPS before 
back when exponents were more like 700,000 rather than 7,000,000, which has been 
what, 3, 4 years?

Moreover, George and Scott have always been very clear and forthright about
what's going on in GIMPS/Primenet.  I've never met George and Scott in
person, but I've dealt with them in regard to GIMPS/Primenet, and I want
to take this opportunity to say publically that they are a primary reason
that almost all my idle cycles remain dedicated to the GIMPS.


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RE: [Re: [Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]]

1999-06-05 Thread lrwiman

alright, everybody break it up!

 Well, you've dropped the annoying Mandelbrot quote, but you're still
 trying to stir up trouble on my favorite mailing list.

 I'm not trying to stir up trouble. However, between your insulting of my sig
 file (absent temporarily, due to my ISP's mail trouble and my consequently
 being stuck with usa.net's crummy web interface) and your accusing me of
 flame-baiting, I begin to suspect that you, who I formerly had not even
 noticed, are in fact trying to flame-bait the list.

I doubt that anyone was trying to flame-bait, [EMAIL PROTECTED] was mearly
over-reacting to Paul Derbyshire's over-reacting to a software bug.
Hey, I understand on both counts.  Most of us deeply respect George as 
a brilliant organizer, and (at the very least) a very competent programmer, as
well as very good leader of a *fun* and *volunteer* project.

Here are my ideas on bugs:
Bugs happen! They're a fact of life, omnipresent in all software.
Bugs should allways be caught in the testing, but so often they aren't.
In the meantime, a subgroup of testers have been created which should 
(hopefully) ensure that things like this cannot take place again.  

 a) This incident was well discussed when the bug was detected
 about 9 weeks ago.

 I wasn't there then. Because of my F---ING ISP and their worthless mail

Ok, hopefully, you can see how your remarks seemed especially inflamatory, as
well as rude and stupid to someone without this knowledge.  However, now that
we all have this knowledge about your email, your remarks seem more reasonable, just 
an over-reaction. 

and remember,
A debugged program is one for which you have not yet found the conditions
that make it fail.
-- Jerry Ogdin
-Lucas Wiman

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Re: [RE: [Re: [Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]]]

1999-06-05 Thread Paul Derbyshire

"Rick Pali" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't think that anyone's trying to flame anyone at all, but I can't

[the rest is missing]


 ... might it not be a good idea to ask to be apprised of the situation
 before accusing the very people who make all this possible of
 being "completely unconscionably rash."

Erm? Regardless of when I found out, it remains a fact that to release
non-beta software to the general public without a thorough testing *is* a rash

 And even when a single problem has occurred, there was a fix within a
 day or two.

Yeah. But with spectacular showstopper bugs, that is still locking the barn
door after the horses have escaped. Spectacular showstopper bugs shouldn't
ever make it into a release product... testing (alpha or beta) should be able
to catch all of those.

 I don't think that he deserves to be called to the carpet for it so
 long after the fact.

From my point of view, it isn't "long after the fact". It was yesterday.

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RE: [Re: [Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]]

1999-06-05 Thread Aaron Blosser

 Paul Derbyshire wrote:
  Sounds like a lot to me. This CPU I have can finish LL tests in
 that kind of
  time, except that I have a habit of using it for other things a
 lot of the

 It may seem like a long time to you, but I've been interested in Mersenne
 Primes as an observer since around 1978-9, and as a participant
 in GIMPS before primenet,
 back when exponents were more like 700,000 rather than 7,000,000,
 which has been
 what, 3, 4 years?

 Moreover, George and Scott have always been very clear and
 forthright about
 what's going on in GIMPS/Primenet.  I've never met George and Scott in
 person, but I've dealt with them in regard to GIMPS/Primenet, and I want
 to take this opportunity to say publically that they are a primary reason
 that almost all my idle cycles remain dedicated to the GIMPS.

I also, as someone whose been in GIMPS since nearly the beginning, don't
consider a few weeks of lost time to be very much.  I run NTPrime/Prime95 on
anywhere from 30-50 processors at any given time.  The version 17.x bug was
annoying, and I had a few machines that were just about finished.  But it's
not a big deal.  I just started over.  Cumulatively, I probably wasted
nearly a couple P-90 CPU years, but so what?

I do this for fun...before there was any prize, whether I'm able to run on
just 1 machine or several thousand :-) or whether I'm doing just factoring
work, double-checks, or LL tests (or a healthy mix of all 3).

If losing a few weeks work is so upsetting, perhaps you should examine your

Just my $0.02 worth...


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Re: [RE: [Re: [Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]]]

1999-06-05 Thread Paul Derbyshire

 Here are my ideas on bugs:
 Bugs happen! They're a fact of life, omnipresent in all software.

Showstopper bugs should not slip through testing and into release software.

 Bugs should allways be caught in the testing, but so often they aren't.

Minor bugs yes, massive showstoppers no.

 In the meantime, a subgroup of testers have been created which should 
 (hopefully) ensure that things like this cannot take place again.

Yes... a good idea. With a shiny new lock on that barn door, perhaps these
horses won't escape a second time and cost GIMPS hundreds of P90-years of
time... I still think it would have been a good idea to have had this lock
from the outset. But it's water under the bridge...

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Re: [RE: [Re: [Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]]]

1999-06-05 Thread Paul Derbyshire

My motivation is to help. This spectacular bug caused some of my help to have
been wasted.

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Re: [RE: [Re: [Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]]]

1999-06-05 Thread Bryan Fullerton

On Sat, Jun 05, 1999 at 11:07:04PM -0600, Paul Derbyshire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Erm? Regardless of when I found out, it remains a fact that to release
 non-beta software to the general public without a thorough testing *is* a rash

The software *was* tested - the testing missed this particular problem.
The testing has been improved since then - if you'd like to help it
improve even more you're been invited to contribute.  George has
apologized, at length.  Another prime has (most likely, double-check
pending) been found. The world continues to turn.

 From my point of view, it isn't "long after the fact". It was yesterday.

Yay you.  Can we let this topic drop now?


Bryan Fullertonhttp://www.samurai.com/
Core Competency
Samurai Consulting
"No, we don't do seppuku." Can you feel the Ohmu call?

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Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18

1999-06-04 Thread Peter Doherty

This is normal.  Because of the bug in v17, all the math it was doing was
wrong, so using that 77% would have been a waste since it was incorrect
data.  There is no need to try and retrieve that data.  It's useless.


At 04:11 06/04/1999 -0600, you wrote:
Before the upgrade, I was 77% of the way through an exponent in the 7M area.
Now it says 0%. It looks like it couldn't read older versions' save files and
started over! How do I recover that 77%? (I assume it would have to be
to see if the version 17 error struck it, and either corrected or
discarded if
it had...)

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