Re: open source (Richard Gaskin)

2003-07-17 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| |  As Scott said the MC IDE is now open source so you can continue to 
| |  maintain
| |  an engine license and use the MC IDE instead of Rev. It's up to you if 
| |  you
| |  want to switch or not but it seems that all development will go into 
| |  the
| |  engine and the Rev IDE.

Ok, this is the part I find confusing - people referring to these products as
if they had 2 parts.  IDE and engine.

I propose it should be 3 or more parts.  Take for example, data base calls.

From the point of view of a developer, these fuctions are used in their code
the same way they would use any fuunction from the core engine.  Correct?  Yet,
apparently, they are not part of the core engine, but some kind of library layer
on top of the engine.  Is that true?  How would a developer know they are not
part of the core engine (without some kind of comparision, or technical diagram
of the architecture, or ).   These are some kind of core engine extensions,
I suppose.  I would not think of them as part of the IDE, they are not visual,
and they are mixed in with the list of core engine functions.  They seem more
like core engine objects than IDE objects, to me anyway.

So do we really have 3 parts as in

1. core MC engine   not open source
2. engine extensionsnot open source
3. MC IDE   open source
4. RR IDE   not open source

And how do you distinguish 1 from 2?

metacard mailing list

open source

2003-07-14 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
|  As Scott said the MC IDE is now open source so you can continue to 
|  maintain
|  an engine license and use the MC IDE instead of Rev. It's up to you if 
|  you
|  want to switch or not but it seems that all development will go into 
|  the
|  engine and the Rev IDE.


Sorry if I missed this (been too busy to read all the posts lately)
but a quick 2 questions:

 1) Will the MC and the RR engines become one and the same or will there
 continue to be a separate MC engine?

 2) If separate, will the MC engine become open source?  (which, IMHO,
 would go a long way to having more folks adopt it).

metacard mailing list

Re: UNIX help?

2003-06-26 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
|5. UNIX help? (Richard MacLemale)

Perhaps it would be instructive to see a cgi script that is working?
BTW, this is an old one, I now collect the post data in a loop, since
we found we'd sometimes not get all the data.  However, this should work
for a form that is not too long.

You will of course have to replace my qmail command with a sendmail


#-= Web Stuff =-
# Program name:
# Version number:   1.0
# Author:   SN
# Date: 10/9/01
# Description:  Process web form messages

on startup

  -- collect the information from the form
  read from stdin until empty
  put it into url file:/tmp/itdata.txt
  put urlDecode (it)  into formdata
  split formdata by  and =

  -- email the form contents to the user
  put formdata into url file:/tmp/formdata.txt
  put /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject '$EMAIL'  /tmp/formdata.txt \
into command_string
  replace $EMAIL with formdata[email] in command_string
  set shellCommand to /bin/sh
  put shell(command_string)

  -- respond to the user
  put Content-Type: text/plain  cr  cr
  put Your information is below  cr
  put command_string
  put keys(formdata) into keywords
  repeat for each line this_item in keywords
put this_item  =  formdata[this_item]  cr
  end repeat

end startup

metacard mailing list

Re: How do you join lines in a container (CGUPE)

2003-06-13 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

Ok, many thanks to everyone who responded to my post.  Taking various
hints from here and there, Dar, Pierre, etc., I have refactored and
shortened the code and it works without having to process the data in
an external file now.  Much cleaner!  Again, thank you all.

BTW, I asked the original question of how to join the lines so I could
use split but again, taking the suggestion of splitting by LF worked.
At least, it worked using the newer MC engine.  Ok, actually, it didn't
work, that term LF gave an execution error, maybe that is a transcript
only reserved word, but linefeed worked.  Strange that didn't work on
my MC engine at home but that is another story.

The other thing I had to do was capture the output of the shell
command on the same line.  Meaning, this did NOT work

put shell(command)
put it into sqlData

the above kind of approach does work with http post though

But this DID work

put shell(command) into sqlData

and the above is how the example is shown in the MC documentation.

I don't suppose anyone is really interested in the code of the complete
solution but, hey, I include it below just in case.  What this is,
is a utility program, a filter that takes a stream of input data from
a front end data collection program, then looks up something in the
data base which the data collection program is unable to do (without
extensive re-engineering), inserts that value into the data stream,
and passes it on to something else (a back end formatting program).
So it is a pipe line like

collect data | metacard filter | report formatter

And writing this filter was a lot easier than re-engineering the collect
data part.


ps, I'm sure the code could be improved further, for example, using a
function call rather than globals, but it's good enough.

#-= Payroll II =-
# Copyright (c) Cast  Crew Entertainment Services, Inc. 2003
# Program name: sony_filter
#File name:
#   Author: Sadhunathan Nadesan
# Date started: 06/11/2003
# Description:
#   Get Walker Numbers from Data Base and replace tselect field

global sqlData, keywords

on startup
  global sqlData, keywords

  -- Grab the tselect output in preparation for translation
  read from stdin until empty
  put it into inputData
  -- Now get the translation table from the data base

  -- Put the real product number into the data stream
  repeat for each line thisLine in inputData
put thisLine into dataArray
split dataArray by |
-- The set code is in the 5th field, space padded
put dataArray[5] into setCode
replace space with empty in setCode
-- Input data has constant 'walker number' instead of product code
replace WALKER_NUMBER with sqlData[setCode] in thisLine
-- Send the data on to RPT
put thisLine
  end repeat

end startup

on sqlFetch
-- get the list of set codes and product numbers from the data base
  global sqlData, keywords

  -- build sql query
  put lines 0  cr into sqlQuery
  put select sub_code, string_value from proptl  cr after sqlQuery
  put where option_code = 'SONYACCT' /  cr after sqlQuery
  put sqlQuery into url file:/tmp/sonylist.sql 

  -- run sql query and capture results
  put SQL /tmp/sonylist.sql  into command_string
  set shellCommand to /bin/sh
  put shell(command_string) into sqlData

  -- prepare data to be placed in an associative array
  replace space with empty in sqlData
  split sqlData by linefeed and |
  put keys(sqlData) into keywords

  -- cleanup
  put rm -f /tmp/sonylist.sql into command_string
  put shell(command_string)

end sqlFetch
metacard mailing list

Re: How do you join lines in a container

2003-06-12 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Allo Sadhu,
|  set itemdel to |
|  tune your metatalk code

Bonjour Pierre,

Ok, I'm not sure exactly what that means but it looks like what
it means from reading the Transcript dictionary is, change
the default item delimter in a container from comma to pipe.
Ah, well, ok, I will try that but it doesn't seem to address
the question.  Let me try again.

What I have in the container is a bunch of lines.

I want to join them into one long line.

It doesn't matter if the items in each line are separated by |
or not, or if there is only one item on each line.  I just want
to join the lines, or in other words, get rid of the end of
line characters.

How do I do that?


metacard mailing list

Re: How do you join lines in a container

2003-06-12 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
|repeat for each line x in keywords
|  put x   :---:   sqlData[x]  cr
|end repeat
| Wouldn't this just show you the last entry in the keywords?  The keys 


No, it works.

As you surmise, the above snippet is not actually part of the
intended solution, it's just debugging code to show what I got
as keys in the keywords container, and as array values in the
sqlData array.  It works as intended, namely, it show every
key and every value indexed by that key.

| This little test worked as I expected:
| on mouseUp
|put field Input into theArray
|split theArray by LF and |
|put keys(theArray) into theKeys
|put theKeys  LF into field Report
|combine theArray by LF and |
|put theArray after field Report
|   -- From Sadhu's code...
|repeat for each line x in theKeys
|  put x   :---:   theArray[x]  cr
|end repeat
| end mouseUp

Ok, you are using LF and that is working for you, but not for
me.  Hmm...  what platform are you on?

Well, maybe its a problem unique to Linux?  I tried about
everything I could think of, LF, newline, numToChar(10), CR,
etc, to try to split the array and it would not split right.

Or maybe it is a bug in an older version of MC I'm using on my
home box, I'll try it on a newer engine.

metacard mailing list

Re: How do you join lines in a container so it becomes one line, so

2003-06-11 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 10:00:21 -0600
| Subject: Re: How do you join lines in a container so it becomes one line, so  you 
can use split?
| From: Dar Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Could your fields have | or numToChar(10) in them?


Valid question.  Nope, they do not.

metacard mailing list

Re: php wikis

2003-06-06 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| From: Alain Farmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Subject: Re: php  wikis
|  ... and will be releasing that open source
|  (most likely public domain) ...
| Public Domain, eh! Admit it, David : I have had a (+)
| influence on you.  ;-)
|  ... as soon as it's all integrated
|  with the CVS servers.
| I am raptly interested, David. Please notify as soon
| as it becomes available to the public. Count me among
| the testers if indeed you need some testers.

Yo!  Another interested party here ...

We're using a wiki to create a user extensible software manual
(ah, you know me, love documentation), so end users can add
their own note pages to the manual.

It's an old wiki and infortunately, in-line images don't work.
I've seen some newer ones where that does work (heh .. including
the place where we got this one a couple years ago, It's Ward
Cunningham's, is that the right spelling?) and I've looked at
some newer ones like Swiki but this sounds very interesting.

Hmmm... yes, it would be cool if I could give the users a nice
MC tool for manual updates, searching etc.

Anyway, just another 2 cents.

metacard mailing list

Re: Installing MC at your ISP, a How-To

2003-05-30 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Subject: Re: Installing MC at your ISP, a How-To
| I put the mc engine in /cgi-bin with the scripts and #!mc does it just 
| fine. Upload binary.
| Regards, Andu Novac

Thank you for the kind words on the how-to.  

Good answers Andu  :-)

On the gentleman's other question regarding if it works on RH
at home should it work on RH at my ISP?

Most likely but it could possibly fail depending on the respective
versions of the operating system.  There was something changed in
how executables are built up, in earlier versus later versions
of RH, and the shared libraries may be different as well.
For example, MC 2.3 works fine on my (old) RH box at home
running RH 6.2, but later versions .. maybe starting about 2.4.1
(not sure) do not work anymore.  That is because Scott started
compiling them on a newer version of RH (7.2 maybe?) and the
binaries from the newer OS do not work on the older OS.

But fortunately it seems this was not the case in this instance.
Most ISP's would probably be 'up to date' along with Scott.

One of these days I'll upgrade my home server - about the time
I buy a new one.  It's so much easier to install a fresh OS on
a clean box than try to upgrade.

metacard mailing list

Re: the read from standard in bug

2003-03-16 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Sadhu,
| This was a post from Scott about this back in October:
| --
| We've recently received several reports of short reads from stdin in CGI
| (snip) ...
| We'll look into supporting a simpler way to do this for 2.5 (not sure
| whether to fix it so read .. for $CONTENT_LENGTH works, or to support
| read .. until eof on pipes), but in the mean time something like the
| above should solve the problem.
|   Regards,
| Scott
| ---

Ok, thanks Ken.  I'll try read until eof and see if that works.  In other

   put empty into buffer
   repeat until eof
 read from stdin until empty
 put it after buffer
   end repeat

metacard mailing list

Re: the read from standard in bug

2003-03-16 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Today's Topics:
|1. the read from standard in bug (Sadhunathan Nadesan)

Ok, thanks Ken.  I'll try read until eof and see if that works.  In other

put empty into buffer
  repeat until eof
read from stdin until empty
put it after buffer
  end repeat

Nope it doesn't work.  I guess pipes don't support 'until eof'.

Any other ideas?


metacard mailing list

the read from standard in bug

2003-03-15 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
Problem:  read from stdin clips off input

Scott, I request your help please.  As you may recall I am running
an older 2.4 version of the MC interpreter on my 2.2.16 (kernel) Linux
machine and newer versions won't compile due to library incompatibilities.
I think you said you were going to fix this bug after you got a faster
machine and ran into it yourself, but I don't have that fix.

So I am looking for a work around.

In the case of cgi scripts, to replace the read from stdin until empty
you suggested to check the content length and I currently use this,
which works great:

   put empty into buffer
   repeat until (length(buffer) = $CONTENT_LENGTH)
 read from stdin until empty
 put it after buffer
   end repeat
   read from stdin until empty
   put it into buffer
 end if

Except, I am also running into the clipping problem on non cgi use, ie,
when there is no content length variable to check.  For example I have
this script that I use as a replacement tool, and use it by piping text
straight into it with cat or redirect

# Program name:
# Version number:   1.0
# Author:   SN
# Date: 9/22/01
# Description:  Replace argument one with argument two, a filter

on startup
  read from stdin until empty
  replace $1 with $2 in it
  put it
end startup

What happens is that the output from this filter is chopped off, the trailing
part of the file is missing .. but only sometimes.

Of course I could rewrite this with sed and make it a shell script or
use Perl or whatever but one cool thing about MC is that it is not line
oriented like Unix filters so when I get those files from Mac guys that
are just one huge line, everything still works.  I am strongly resisting
going to another language although that would be easy enough because I
really want MC to be a useable scripting language for me.

In any case, can you suggest a work around for the clipping problem that
would work on 2.4 or even 2.3?
metacard mailing list

Re: that pesky post command - version problem

2003-02-03 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| You don't need, Sadhu, to rebuild all the app if you stick the commun
| part of it in a first stack and the issue-specific part of it in a
| second stack. You can even set each one as the substack of the other and
| get them working together in using the start using command or a simple
| send message to an object set in the second or substack ;)

Hi Pierre,

Good idea.  I did eliminate the version dependencies in the code,
the only one really was the 'split' command.  Seems I have MC 2.3 on
my wife's Linux box, and 2.4.3 on my PC, and in this case the path of
least resistance was to just rebuild the application.  As previously
mentioned RH 6.2 does not support MC 2.4.3.

I had this code in at first

 split this_line by |
 put this_line[1] into field title
 put this_line[2] into field contents

I changed it to this so as to work with both versions

 put offset(|, this_line) into pipeOff
 put char 1 to pipeOff of this_line into field title
 put char pipeOff + 1 to length(this_line) of this_line into field contents

So the majority of the common part is the main stack script file and
that indeed is identical.  But what I found is that even removing
all the resources, putting a 2.4.3 stack file from Windows onto the
Linux box and trying to run it under 2.3 or even 2.4 it would not run,
and the problem was somewhere in the interpreter code.  In other words,
trying to run it under the IDE the exception handler I think it's called
came up and showed me where the problem was, and it was not in my code,
it was in the interpreter.  So trying to figure out what was causing
that could have been .. ah .. 'trying' .. wherease, just building up
the one card UI was a snap, drag and drop a few fields, didn't take long!

Anyway, the good news is the application works on both Linux and Windows
now, no more problem with the post command.

Pretty much any changes I make in the future will be in the main stack
script and again, that is portable, so I can just copy it over to the
Linux machine and save it under the IDE there.  No problem.

BTW, I have some documentation and sample stack to send you.  I'd post
to the list but I think mailman won't accept attachments.

metacard mailing list

Re: No return from post on Linux? A bug?

2003-01-31 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Could it be the shell call waiting for an answer?
| I know I have to wait for the info to return from the shell to be able to
| continue using MC on NT...
| Suggestions: 
| - send the shell on idle or 
| - have an agent app detect a shellfile (file with shell commands to be sent
| by  the agent... Return the result to another file and have your app pick it
| up... 
| Xa (just suggesting!)

Ok, thanks Xa, I'll try to figure out what you mean by - send
the shell on idle - and try that.  I'll think about how I
might be able to test your theory of the shell call waiting ..
thank you very much for the suggestion.

metacard mailing list

No return from post on Linux? A bug?

2003-01-30 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
Greetings Scott,

Not sure actually if this is a bug report, or I am doing something wrong,
a library mismatch, or maybe, just a request for a 'how to do it the
right way'??  In any case I would appreciate any advice.


I have a stack that does a post command to a cgi script on a remote
server.  The cgi runs some sql queries to standard out  (it has of course
first set the correct html content type so that apache likes the output).


On Windows, the sql output is returned as it right after the post
command in the calling stack.

On Linux, this does not happen.  Nothing is returned.

More Details:

I can confirm that the cgi is being called, that the sql is being
invoked, and I can save the output in a temporary file from this cgi
(which is an MC script) or even read this file back in to a buffer,
but then when I do a 'put' of this buffer, it does not return to the
calling stack on the remote client.

Again, only if it is a Linux client.  It does return just fine to a
Windows client.

The stack itself was created using MC 2.4.3 and the MC interpreter on
the webhost is 2.4 if that could be the problem, but it seems like the
post would not work at all to invoke the cgi if it were.

Anyway, any thoughts?  I can provide more details as needed.  Code samples


- code sample, the calling stack 

on AzzList

  set the listBehavior of field contents to true
  put action=list into azzdata
  set httpheaders to Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded  return
  # the real name of the host has been replaced to protect the innocent
  post urlEncode(azzdata) to url (;)
  put it into sqldata

  if (the number of characters in sqldata is zero) then
answer Sorry, your data base is empty  cr
put In the contents field below is a list of all the card titles into field 
put sqldata into field contents
  end if

end AzzList

- code sample, the cgi stack 

on startup

  put Content-Type: text/plain  cr  cr
  put emtpy into formdata
  if ($REQUEST_METHOD = POST) then
put empty into buffer
repeat until (length(buffer) = $CONTENT_LENGTH)
   read from stdin until empty
   put it after buffer
end repeat
read from stdin until empty
put it into buffer
  end if
  put urlDecode(buffer) into formdata 

  split formdata by  and =
  put keys(formdata) into keywords

  switch formdata[action]
case list
  put select title from azz order by title; into the_query
  put the_query into url file:/tmp/azzlist.sql 
  put psql azz -qt -f /tmp/azzlist.sql into command_string
  end switch

  set shellCommand to /bin/sh
  put shell(command_string)

end startup
metacard mailing list

couldn't create cards, fixed

2003-01-29 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Resource mover adds some stacks to your main stack and depending of what 
| resources you move (libURL) a little script. My impression is that when you 
| can create a new cd successfully you use the correct defaultStack(), 
| otherwise not. If the stack is locked then you get an error.
| Copy your scripts to a fresh stack but without any other resources, see 
| if it helps. Or just remove whatever resources you may have moved to your 
| stack and give it a try. Don't forget to save...

Hi Andu, thanks.  Yes I was able to get around the problem by going back
to an earlier version of the stack with no resources, and then apply later
changes.  Scott mentioned that resources could be removed, that would
have been easier.  I upgraded all my copies of mc to 2.4.3 (still have to
do the mac).
metacard mailing list

Re: newbie question, wrapping text

2003-01-29 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
Hi Jose,

Ok, many thanks.


| Hi Sadhu,
| I understand you want to pad the text  to a fixed lenght (in fld 1 or in a
| variable) to a fld 2. Try this:
| local thetext, counterr, tam
| on mouseup
|   put 0 into counterr
|   put 80 into tam
|   repeat for each char x in fld 1
| add 1 to counterr
| if x=cr then  ---you have to control if the char is a return
|   put cr after thetext
|   put 0 into counterr
| else
|   put x after thetext
| end if
| if counterr=tam then
|   put 0 into counterr
|   put cr after thetext
| end if
|   end repeat
|   put thetext into fld 2
| end mouseup
| Sure the script may be tunned, but even in this form it is very fast for
| small texts (some thousands of chars).
| Regards,
| Jose L. Rodriguez
metacard mailing list

Re: dontWrap

2003-01-29 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| | 
| | Just set the dontWrap of the field to true.
| | 

Actually as it turns out, that works, but I did have to
set it to false.  Not sure what I did wrong before,
possibly not saving the stack before testing.  
metacard mailing list

ps to lesson 3

2003-01-28 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| After that you can do a \d within psql and see your table structure as
| follows
| azz= \d
| Database= azz
| +--+--+--+
| |  Owner   | Relation |   Type   |
| +--+--+--+
| | sadhu| azz  | table|
| | sadhu| azz_pkey | index|
| | sadhu| azz_recordid_key | index|
| | sadhu| azz_recordid_seq | sequence |
| +--+--+--+

Ooops, that's the data base info, forgot to show the table info.
The command would be \d azz   (because the table name is azz).
Remember, we are in psql typing this command

azz= \d azz
Table= azz
|  Field   |  Type| Length|
| title| text not null|   var |
| contents | text |   var |
| recordid | int4 not null default nextval(' | 4 |
Indices:  azz_pkey

If your create table command was successful, you will get something like
the above.
metacard mailing list


2003-01-28 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
|   That is Pierre Shores, master MC craftsman, whose native
|   language seems to be French.  Mine's English so I'm writing
|   docs.

Speaking of credits ..

I should also mention the invaluable help of Sanyassin Sivakatirswami,
who has been my MC mentor.  He is producing very professional MC real-world
applications.  For example, it was from him I learned the easy way to parse
the data from an incoming post in 2 lines of code,

   split formdata by  and =
   put keys(formdata) into keywords

And of course, others too numerous to mention (Scott Raney et all..)
metacard mailing list

Re: sample db stack coming

2003-01-28 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Perhaps if Pierre agrees I will post the actual stack on his ftp server,
| similar to what he has put there.  

Pierre agreed.  Merci!

BTW, another thing I plan to do is make available a publically
accessible postgres db for this stack, so you can actually
try it, if you are unable to set up your own data base.  I have
a new server that just arrived at work recently still being
which i'm sure you understand!
metacard mailing list

corrections to lesson 3

2003-01-28 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

Corrections to lesson 3

1) the subject was lesson 1, should have been 3.

2) the following command is wrong

  grant all on azz to 'nobody';

Should be
  grant all on azz to nobody;

metacard mailing list

unable to create cards???

2003-01-28 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

Strange, somewhere between a version of a stack I had
yesterday, and today, I can't create new cards.  But
I don't  know how/where this problem crept in??

If I go into the message box and say create card or
say clone this card, and then ask put the number of
cards or put the number of this card, it is always 1.

If I go into the same stack, yesterdays version, it
works properly.  If I put in the message box next card
or create card or clone this card, I get cards 2,
3, 4 ... etc.

the can't modify property is not set, anyone have an
idea how i might have caused this?  mc version 2.4.3.

Gosh, save your work often often under different names
or use an rcs system i guess is the lesson!
metacard mailing list

Re: unable to create cards???

2003-01-28 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

One thought occurs to me just now is, I notice I have 2.4.3 at
home and 2.4.1 at work and I was passing the stack file back and
forth to work on it.  Using resource mover for example.  Could this
have messed up my stack?

/ FROM:  Sadhunathan Nadesan [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jan 28  8:13 2003
| ABOUT: unable to create cards???
| Strange, somewhere between a version of a stack I had
| yesterday, and today, I can't create new cards.  But
| I don't  know how/where this problem crept in??
| If I go into the message box and say create card or
| say clone this card, and then ask put the number of
| cards or put the number of this card, it is always 1.
| If I go into the same stack, yesterdays version, it
| works properly.  If I put in the message box next card
| or create card or clone this card, I get cards 2,
| 3, 4 ... etc.
| the can't modify property is not set, anyone have an
| idea how i might have caused this?  mc version 2.4.3.
| Gosh, save your work often often under different names
| or use an rcs system i guess is the lesson!
\ END: Sadhunathan Nadesan

metacard mailing list

Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL, help!

2003-01-27 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Allo Sadhu,
| Did you try in using the clone this card command instead of the
| create card one ?
| -- 
| Cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Problem solved.  Thank you Pierre!
metacard mailing list

newbie question

2003-01-27 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan


A newbie question:

I want to wrap some single line text in a text box and not use a
horizontal scroll bar.  I have an algorithm that works.

But it is horribly inefficient and I'm sure there must be a better way!
Can you X-talk gurus help me out with this one?

if (the length of this_line  80) then
  repeat with i = 1 to the length of this_line
put char i of this_line after field contents
if (i mod 80 = 0) then put return after field contents
  end repeat
end if


metacard mailing list

Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL - lesson 1

2003-01-27 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
Greetings all,

Building on the work of Pierre, I would like to share with you another
simple MC - web enabled - data base application.  This is another example
to show how it's done.  

Kindly pardon any over verbosity or belaboring the obious.  It's hard
to know who the audience might be, especially when emails are
archived, and it might be a newbie at some future date.

Perhaps if Pierre agrees I will post the actual stack on his ftp server,
similar to what he has put there.  I will take a slightly different
tact in describing things for the list, although the applications are
very similar.

Pierre, Swami and I sort of agreed to that .. he would show us, we
would write it up.  Ok, here goes.

1) Infastructure 

You need a web server running Apache or some other http server, and
a data base such as PostgreSQL, or similar.  I'm using RH Linux and
Postgres came installed so that was easy.  You also need the MC engine
installed on this server.  You don't necessarily need your own server;
for example, Sivakatirswami has MySQL installed on his Hawaii on Line
ISP and also MC installed, and he can add cgi scripts.  That's all
you need.  Obviously you need MC on the client side, and cgi enabled on
the server side.

2) Architecture 

This is a 3 part architecture.  The client side is an MC application,
a form with fields basically.  The fields obviously should correspond
to the fields in your data base on the back end side.  Ok, that is the
front end and the back end, the middle piece is a CGI program that
connects the two.  So you need 3 pieces.  I'm going to show you the
middle piece first.

3) Knowledge required 

If you are on this list you probably already know a lot more about MC
than I do.  That's one reason my app is simple.  You would benefit from
some experience with simple CGI programming.  Basically, that just means
intercepting a 'post' command from a web page (html form), gathering
the data it sent, doing something with it, and usually, responding in
html format.  Knowing something about html is very helpful in CGI but not
much required for this app.   You would also benefit from experiences
with data bases, especially, working with SQL, although, again, not
too much knowledge is needed.  SQL is a very easy language to learn,
and you don't need to know very much for a simple app anyway.

We wrote the CGI in MC so you don't need Perl, C, shell script, etc.

However, one key to successful applications is data base design, so
it is suggested you would put in some effort getting that right before
building too much code for any real world application.

4) How it works

Very simple.  Your MC application sends a 'post' command  a stream of
data, in the form 'field_name=field_value', each such pair separated by
the  symbol  with the requisite fields off your form to the middle
layer cgi program.  The cgi program invokes the shell to make SQL calls
to your data base.  The results of the SQL operations are automatically
returned to your calling MC program as 'it'.  Nuthin to it, once
you've seen it done!

Ok, that's enough for lesson 1.  Stay tuned for lesson 2.  Oh, also,
disclaimer, this is a work in progress.

metacard mailing list

Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL - lesson 2

2003-01-27 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Greetings all,
| Building on the work of Pierre, I would like to share with you another

That is Pierre Shores, master MC craftsman, whose native
language seems to be French.  Mine's English so I'm writing

| , the middle piece is a CGI program that
| connects the two.  So you need 3 pieces.  I'm going to show you the
| middle piece first.

As promised, here you go.  On my system this MC shell script
was installed in the global CGI directory, /home/http/cgi-bin in
my case), and referred to by web pages as domain-name/cgi-bin.
The web calling convention leaves out the full path name, it
makes the root of the http system look like root to the world.

Your next step is to read this code.

-cut here ---

on startup

  put Content-Type: text/plain  cr  cr

  put emtpy into formdata
  if ($REQUEST_METHOD = POST) then
put empty into buffer
repeat until (length(buffer) = $CONTENT_LENGTH)
   read from stdin until empty
   put it after buffer
end repeat
read from stdin until empty
put it into buffer
  end if
  put urlDecode(buffer) into formdata 

  split formdata by  and =
  put keys(formdata) into keywords

  switch formdata[action]
case add
  put insert into azz (title, contents) values ('$TITLE', '$CONTENTS'); \
   into the_query
  replace $TITLE with formdata[title] in the_query
  replace $CONTENTS with formdata[contents] in the_query
  put the_query into url file:/tmp/azzadd.sql 
  put psql azz -f /tmp/azzadd.sql into command_string

case search
  put select title, contents from azz where title ~* '$TITLE' or contents ~* 
'$TITLE'; into the_query
  replace $TITLE with formdata[title] in the_query
  put the_query into url file:/tmp/azzsearch.sql 
  put psql azz -qt -f /tmp/azzsearch.sql into command_string

case modify
  put update azz set contents = '$CONTENTS' where title = '$TITLE'; into 
  replace $TITLE with formdata[title] in the_query
  replace $CONTENTS with formdata[contents] in the_query
  put the_query into url file:/tmp/azzmodify.sql 
  put psql azz -f /tmp/azzmodify.sql into command_string

case delete
  put delete from azz where title = '$TITLE'; into the_query
  replace $TITLE with formdata[title] in the_query
  put the_query into url file:/tmp/azzdelete.sql 
  put psql azz -f /tmp/azzdelete.sql into command_string

case list
  put select title from azz; into the_query
  put the_query into url file:/tmp/azzlist.sql 
  put psql azz -qt -f /tmp/azzlist.sql into command_string

  put Unknown Action - call technical support
  end switch

  set shellCommand to /bin/sh
  put shell(command_string)

end startup
-cut here ---

Ok, so what's it doing?

First, the data transmission from your front end MC application is
being read and decoded into the container 'formdata'.  This in turn is
being converted to an indexed array (using split) where the first
element of the array is the action to perform, and subsequent elements
are field-value pairs.  My simple app has only 2 fields of interest, a
title, and a contents.   (There is a 3rd field, serial index, but it's
for managing the data, ok to ignore it).

Wow, that was easy, collecting all our info into an array, better than
Perl!  (which uses chomp)

Next we have a case statement for each action.   Amazing, we are
supporting 5 different activities - inquire, list, add, modify, and 
delete - in only 67 lines of code.  Ok, not too much error protection
here but you can add your own.

The actions are translated into SQL statements and  written into
files.  Then SQL is invoked on the file.  With PostgreSQL, you can
call it's interactive SQL monitor, psql, from the command line with an
argument of a file name.These two lines invoke the shell which in
turn invokes SQL:

  set shellCommand to /bin/sh
  put shell(command_string)

SQL sends it's output to standard out and beause of the statement at
the top of the program which first tells Apache that it's legal HTML
even though its plain text:

  put Content-Type: text/plain  cr  cr

then this text (SQL output) is returned to the calling program,
namely, your MC application.  Once you get it back you can do whatever
you want with it in your MC application.

Easy, eh?

Ok, that's lesson 2.  The hard part is over.

metacard mailing list

Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL

2003-01-24 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| I didn't have time to play with Pierre's thing yet but I kept wondering 
| what's the benefit of padding each name with ___ to keep a fixed number of 
| chars in the column names?
| Regards, Andu Novac

Ah, hi

I guess I should have posted one mail of 'gotchas' I found to
the list, there is a separate group confering on this but I
think it's list material.

Anyway, I'm wondering the same thing but I found it easier to
comply than switch.  I first set up my postgres table without
the extra underscores but then found .. oh darn, Pierre has
done a lot of working coding SQL statements in his stack using
those field names so if you change them, you have to change
all his code .. and THEN when he releases a new version (3
already) you have to do it again.  Darn!  

So it is easier to stick with his conventions.

Another on the list of gotchas:

His script assumes psql is in /bin at least in my
environment.  What I had to do was put the full path name to

In my case the change was to

put /usr/local/pgsql-7.1.3/bin/psql -h abook -U sadhu into 

metacard mailing list

Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL

2003-01-24 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Allo Sadhu,
| It's exactly the right way to use : i will update the install docs to
| avoid possibles confusions ;)
| -- 

Allo, Pierre,

You have made a major contribution in figuring this out, IMHO.  Thank
you Pierre.

metacard mailing list

Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL

2003-01-24 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Subject: Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL
| | 
| | Allo List,
| | 
| | A build 3 issue of the MCSQL Address Book example app is available for
| | download at :

In an earlier post today I said I thought I should have posted to this
list a few gotchas which I had sent to Pierre, so here they are:

1) Don't forget to chmod a+x abook.html in your cgi-directory, even
though it is an html file it is being executed as a cgi script.
(Perhaps Pierre will explain that little twist to us).  That one got me.
 Changing it to have extension .cgi  (because I thought I might have to
register html as a valid cgi extension with Apache if I didn't do this)
caused it to fail.  ???  Well, anyway, it works the way Pierre designed
it, so don't change the file name would be my humble advice.

2) The instructions say to change the http://localhost etc to be your
real cgi-bin directory.  I changed it and it didn't work.  Hmmm.. Ok,
then I went back and realized this pattern occurs 4 or 5 times in the
stack main script and I only hit the first one.  Gotta change them all.

3) I got the db connection working when I ran the ap under the IDE
but not stand alone.  Ah, gotta use the resource mover to put the url
library in the stack.  

metacard mailing list

Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL

2003-01-23 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Allo List,
| A build 3 issue of the MCSQL Address Book example app is available for
| download at :

Merci, Pierre,

I'm out of town on a business trip but will install and test
as soon as I get a chance.  Good show!

metacard mailing list

Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL

2003-01-23 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| See the installabook.txt for more, including explainations about the
| need of a primary key to index the column name and the needed
| add of a new serial-typed column to the abook pg table, used to add
| to each row an unicity control key...

FYI, Pierre, this is what worked for me.  First I just dropped the
data base (from the shell)

dropdb abook

Then created a new one

createdb abook

Then entered the interactive sql with

psql abook

Then issued the create table command at the sql prompt.  The syntax on
mine, version 7.1.3, is slightly different than shown in the
installbook.txt file.  Here is what I used:

 create table abook (
 name  text primary key,
 company_  text,
 street__  text,
 city  text,
 state___  text,
 zipcode_  text,
 telepho1  text,
 telepho2  text,
 mail  text,
 web_  text,
 recordid  serial not null

 this worked and gave

 NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence 'abook_recordid_seq' 
 for SERIAL column 'abook.recordid' 

 NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
 'abook_pkey' for table 'abook'

 NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/UNIQUE will create implicit index
 'abook_recordid_key' for table 'abook'

metacard mailing list

Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL

2003-01-21 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| An updated issue of the MCSQL Address Book example app is available for
| download at :
| This issue provide a replacement version of the stack,
| including a new delete card handler, previously bugged.

Greetings, all,

I would like to report initial success .. I have Pierre's ap running and
connecting to a PosgreSQL back end.  Right now that is on a work
internal network but at some future point I will put it on a public

Pierre, deep bows.

metacard mailing list


2003-01-13 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Sorry.  I'm on so many Mac mailing lists that I forget sometimes that
| everyone else isn't the Mac addict that I am.
| OS X is not perfect, no OS is.  But OS X is by far my favorite OS to work
| on, and at my job I work on many (Win 98, Win 2K, Win XP, Win NT, Mac OS 9,
| Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server, Red Hat Linux.)  The Darwin mc engine has been
| automating our network and providing all CGI scripts for 2 years now.  If I
| have to write a CGI or shell script that will be shared with other folks, I
| try to write it in perl.  But when I need to get a job done on our network,
| I use mc.

Ok, thank you.  Understood.  Yep, Unix guys were happy to
see Apple adopt it under the hood, I had just never heard the
term Darwin.  Perhap MS Windows XP-2 will have Linux under the
hood?  (just kidding!).  Yep, true multi-tasking.

Thanks again.
metacard mailing list

Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL

2003-01-13 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| The best, in my mind, would be to build a general purpose example app,
| directly descibed and shared on the Metacard list, to let evryone become
| able to understand how the purposed technology works and how to reuse it
| to build, from scratch,
| other kinds of dedicated apps.

Agree!  that would be great.
| If you are ok about this, i could contribute to this commun effort in
| converting an existing AddressBook stack in a client-server
| AdressBook stuff, in using, on the client-side, a standard desktop
| dedicated AdressBook stack converted in a Metacard-based AdressBook
| front-end and, on the server-side, a PostgeSQL-based AdressBook
| back-end.

An impressive spirit of volunteerism, for which we'd be very
grateful, merci!

| I can't, for my how, open and share an access to the production servers
| (including an access to PostgreSQL), because the servers i'm working on
| are howned by private companies or administrations.
| What we need, at this point, is (1) to find a fine free and reusable
| AddressBook stack on top of witch we could add the client-server layer
| code

Seems like someone out there would have something they could
contribute?  If not, we could do something very simple.  I am
thinking, for a beginning application, simpler the better.
Such as a single record data base with just a few typical
fields, name, address, phone, email etc.

| and (2) a free hosted access to a PostgreSQL enabled server (including
| the right to install mc as a cgi engine or, best, as a web application
| server deamon (startable and rebootable trough SSH only, for security
| reasons). Could you
| find an host interested in supporting this part of the project ?

Well, that might be me.  It would be ideal if I could get this
going at work, but my home server may suffice for the time
being (if we can live with MC 2.4 as the cgi engine).

We could at least start there.  MC is installed in
/usr/local/bin, so what do you need, Pierre, just an ssh


metacard mailing list

Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL

2003-01-08 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Yes ! I'm building such Metacard based client apps and, with a back-end
| database server available (PostgreSQL, for me), you can do same in using
| (in addition to the server-side code we spoken about some weeks ago in
| this thread) such kind of code to do this client speak with the back-end
| server in using the POST method :
| put SQL=  urlencode(fld Request) into larequete
| put id1=data1id2=data2id3=data3  larequete into retour
| set httpheaders to Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
|  return
| post retour to url (fld csrecents of cd 2  wmc.xml)
| where id1, id2 and id3 are contextual parameters and the field Request
| can hold a direct SQL query or client-side fields contents to be passed
| to the database server trought the metacard server-side cgi or was.

Bonjour Pierre,

Awesome!  I really want to try something like that.  About a month ago
(but I have been too busy to follow up) Swami sent us a message with a
similar idea and we want to try it on a PostgreSQL data base I have
running now (contents, url's of audio files on assorted topics)
which has a query form but the only maintenance is by
hand, SQL.  Swami wants to build an MC client front end that combines
search and play.  I want to build an administrator's front end for
add/inquire/modify/delete.  It seems like this would be possible.

The query page is at

The CGI part does something similar to what your book app does, they
are MC scripts composing SQL and calling as shell commands.

So anywhoo, will probably take some of the discussion off list but we sure
would appreciate any hints from you.  I have an email at home from
Swami that I will reply to later (be out of town tomorrow).

metacard mailing list

Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL

2003-01-08 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| I'm working on such a stack right now for a client. It posts queries to a 
| http server + mc cgi which in turn passes them to the database using 
| shell(), then replies the results back to the client. I can't make it 
| publicly available though, just a confirmation that it can be done without 
| much hustle and it works nicely. SQL must be used in communicating to the 
| database, no way around it but that's the easy part.

That's two!  Awesome.  Yes I think the world needs this.

Welp, I plan to work on something also and will keep the list
posted from time to time.  Thanks Andu.

metacard mailing list

Re: darwin mc?

2003-01-08 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| It's the metacard engine for Darwin.  You can slap it into your
| CGI-EXECUTABLES folder and then write MetaTalk scripts to do cool CGI stuff.

Ok, I get it.  Call me ignorant, but I had no idea what Darwin was.
Your response gave me enough of a clue to do a search on the net and
uncover the fact that it's probably a Mac operating system code name
or component or something.   I found this on an Apple site which makes
it sound like Darwin is a code name for the Unix kernel.

 Mac OS X also marks the debut of true preemptive
 multitasking. Darwin, Mac OS X's underlying code, constantly
 analyzes your computer needs.  It works on processing tasks on the
 background. But when you receive an e-mail or have an urgent need,
 Darwin will allocate processing power to your immediate tasks.

As you can probably tell, I'm not too familiar with Mac's.  Anyway,
thank you!
metacard mailing list

Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL

2003-01-07 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Alain Farmer
| xCard fanatic
| PS: I should probably mention that in addition to all
| of the above, the Java version of FreeCard will be
| able to be embedded into web-pages in the same manner
| that Java applets are. No separate program or plugin;
| the stack in a portion of the web-page. Or vice-versa,
| I am told, so that we will be able to browse the web
| inside a widget of the stack's interface. Yup! the web
| from *within* a stack.

Hello Alain,

Sorry I've been busy with year end at our company, busiest time, and
just catching up on this thread which is of enormous interest to me
too.  So anyway, somewhere along the line I missed out ..

What is FreeCard ??

metacard mailing list

Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL

2003-01-07 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Just as you say, Alain and we, all, are going to open l'avenue des
| Champs-Elysees to the web-dedicated metacard developments. 
| Because they did'nt know it was impossible,... ;-)
|   Do you mean you will distribute MC
|   stacks and the user won't go through a browser?
|  You certainly can.
|  Let's conquer the Web with MetaCard,
|  Alain Farmer

Hi Guys,

Again, pardon my late entry here, but I'm hoping to keep this topic
alive.  I had asked Pierre before about a working application to look at.
It appeared that what he showed me (if I correctly understood) was all
server based, with HTML, and MC as a background CGI language.  Meaning,
he had a cool site where you could look up authors and books and stuff
(sorry, my French isn't really very good, so pardon the guesswork) which
had browswer, maybe PHP forms - calling CGI scripts written in MC which
in turn invoked shell commands to do SQL stuff with Postgres.

Very nice.  I was hoping to see something a bit different.  A sort of
real data base application.  Across the net.

In other words, something where the front end is running on the client
(an MC app) and the back end is a data base across the web on the server.
Something with rich a interactive nature, the kind of application you
can build native with MC for strictly local use.

Such as, you bring up the stack and it displays all the fields in the
current record.  You click next, next, next buttons and it is paging
through .. not cards in your stack, but records in  your data base on
the back end.  You want to change something, you just change it, press
the update button, and the back end data base is updating.  Without,
hopefully, having to hand code a lot of SQL statements to make everything
work, but if so, so be it.

Anyone have anything like that happening?

metacard mailing list

darwin mc?

2003-01-07 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| won't know either.  So I choose MetaTalk.  :)
| It's too bad that more people don't take advantage of darwin mc.  It's easy,
| powerful, and free...

Richard, thanks for the perspective.  What is darwin mc ??

metacard mailing list

Re: cgi mc/large data reads

2003-01-04 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

| Date: Sat, 04 Jan 2003 07:37:12 -0800
| From: Sannyasin Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED] (by way of Sadhunathan Nadesan 
| Subject: Re: cgi mc/large data reads
| Om Sadhunathan: 
| Wonderful! 
| You might tell Scott that. I am sure he would appreciate feedback... 
| And, can you send me a script with the patch installed? I want to convert
| our guestbook over to MC, but have been very reluctant to do so because
| of this problem. Even the PERL script was chopping an long comments sent
| (though that might be a problem in the client browser and not necessarily
| on and we haven't been able to do anything else with in
| coming guestbook sign ins because i don't know PERL. this weill be an
| excellent area for Saravana to get hold of. 
| Om Sivakatirswami 

Namaste, Swami,

Sorry for the slow response.

Ok, I will post this on the list, which I believe Scott reads.  The
context of the feedback you mention is that at work, I had to replace an
MC cgi script with a Perl script because of erratic performance by MC -
it did not always, but sometimes, would get nothing at all as input from
an html form using the algorithm: read from stdin until empty which is seen
in examples all over the place explaining how to do scripting on Unix.
At first Scott was not able to duplicate this problem until he got a
faster server and started noticing it himself, whereupon, he posted a
work around.  I tried the work around on our application program (which
happened to be mission critical - it was used by customers to approve
invoices, so having it sometimes fail was totally unacceptable!) and it
fixed the problem.

I mentioned to you this was a good thing because it would be sad if our
IT staff could not trust MC, we'd never be able to use it for anything.
The entrance barrier is hard enough due to the lack of documentation,
plus general programmer arrogance.  We can't buy books on MC, there is no
manual, etc.  But I want to be able to use it, despite the fact that my
staff are expert C and Perl programmers and resist anything that takes
the power of IT out of the hands of the few (them) and into the hands of
the many (much easier to learn MC than C).  So the fact that it didn't
work made it instantly rejected.

Anyway, here is an RCS diff .. I basically replaced the first part with the
2nd part below.  I'm sort of ignoring the 'get' method from forms because
the form behind this cgi doesn't use it, I more or less left that in as a
comment to remind me of the old way whenever I see this code.  I don't
necessarily recommend copying what I did, but it will give you the idea.


   read from stdin until empty
   put urlDecode(it) into formdata


Now is:

   if ($REQUEST_METHOD = POST) then
 put empty into buffer
 repeat until length(buffer) = $CONTENT_LENGTH
read from stdin until empty
put it after buffer
 end repeat
 read from stdin until empty
 put it into buffer
   end if
   put urlDecode(buffer) into formdata
metacard mailing list

postgres mc

2002-12-17 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Hello Sadhu,
| Just have an eye at in using
| visiteur as the login and visiteur (again) as the password. It's a
| small tests purpose dedicated mc/pg web app.
| Have fun ;)

Bonjour Pierre,

Ok, I got on, it worked!  What is pg?  Is this a CGI script?

Pierre, D‚sol‚, je ne parle pas vraiment fran‡ais. Mais je pouvais
obtenir sur votre site Web et l'utiliser. J'ai recherch‚ quelques
citations. Je ne suis pas s–r o— Metacard est employeed dans ce site
Web? Est-il employ‚ comme un manuscrit de cgi aux questions du
processus SQL … une base de donn‚es de PostgreSQL??? J'esp‚rais
voir un certain genre d'UI ou les ‚crans faits avec MC pour
l'enquˆte, s'ajoutent, modifient, effacement des donn‚es sur une
base de donn‚es arriŠre d'extr‚mit‚, mais peut-ˆtre je mal
comprenais. Merci! 

metacard mailing list

Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL

2002-12-16 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
Fantastic, Pierre!  

Simple is beautiful.

Do you happen to have any working examples, meaning, a front end to 
an existing site?



| Allo Friends,
| For the ones using Oracle or PostgreSQL backend databases (unix hosted)
| and wants to drive them from within mc apps, without to be sure about
| the way to do it, just adapt the next script example to your needs
| (replace psql with sqlplus to link an Oracle server).
|put  into DbAuteurs
|get shell(echo  quote  select distinct auteur__ from citations order by 
|auteur__  quote  | psql -h localhost citalis)
|repeat for each line l in line 3 to -3 of it
|  put word 1 to -1 of l  return after DbAuteurs
|end repeat
| It's probably the fastest and most secure way we can use to get the best
| from both mc and postgres, without any supplementary middleware need,
| alike dedicated c, php, perl and soo on libraries, nor odbc drivers or
| expensive and slow marketing toys...
| Have fun ;-)
| -- 

metacard mailing list

Request for Proposal

2002-12-16 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
Request for proposal:


I have a project which may be suitable for Metacard.  This would be a
budgeting system for Film, TV  Commercial producers.  We'd like to have
a Mac, Windows, and Web version.  The Web version would have a front end
MC client and a back end PostgreSQL data base, while the Mac and Windows
versions would be stand alone, with hopefully a single code base for
all 3.  For example, they might operate somthing like Quicken where you
can synchronize your local data with the bank's central data base, or
not, as you choose.

Now, obviously, this is vague and I will be doing a more formal RFP
but at this point I am interested in hearing from any consulting firms
who would consider bidding on this.

Many thanks,

Sadhu Nadesan
Cast  Crew Entertainment Services, Inc.
metacard mailing list

Re: MC on Apache and CGI

2002-12-09 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 15:51:00 +
| Subject: MC on Apache and CGI
| As I want to use MC for cgi in more and more projects, I'd
| be very glad if someone could take a part of his time and explain
| everything to me (or at least everything I need to know), on or
| off list, it doesn't matter...


I posted a detailed message of how to install it if you want to
search the archives.  I didn't go for a cgi wrapper although
that's not a bad idea.  It was mainly for people who did not
have direct access to their server  (such as someone using an
ISP that didn't provide shell access).  If you do have access,
its trivial  - just get the right engine for your OS and
put the file called 'mc' in a suitable directory (such as
/usr/local/bin) and make it executable (chmod a+x mc).


ps, caveat

the examples that are seen of read from stdin until
empty lead to trouble when you get a large amount
of data from an http post.  Scott recently posted a
way around this.  If you don't use his new method,
MC is unreliable as a cgi scripting language.

metacard mailing list

Re: Faceless CGI challenge/print incoming text-email files

2002-12-09 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Message: 5
| Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2002 15:33:46 -1000
| Subject: Faceless CGI challenge/print incoming text-email files
| From: Sannyasin Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| OK, well maybe it's not a challenge maybe it asking if someone has done 
| this already:
| Goal: have a faceless metacard/revolution process running on a OSX 
| server that will  check a directory for files (deposited there by an 
| email server), on a timed interval,  if files are found, format these 
| to letter size in a particular font and print to a specific networked 
| printer  in another office on the LAN.
| I think i could set this up with an open stack in the GUI, but don't 
| know how to script to choose a specific printer without having 
| previously selected that printer as the default printer for the whole 
| server. Use of a page set up request... returns a system dialog 
| box... but this has to run without human interaction  i.e. need to be 
| able to poke, by script, the values that are usually entered from the 
| system print set up dialog box.
| Can do?

Hi Swami

Can do?  No sweat.  This is the kind of thing we do ALL the time
on Unix systems.  I would tend to write it in Bourne shell script,
happy to do it for you if you like.  I know you like writing everything
in MC, once you saw how easy it is you could convert it.

You could set it up to run from cron on a timed interval (ie, put
it in your cron table), or you could start it up as a deamon (good
idea to put it in your .rc files, so it would start up at reboot)
and then put a sleep command in it.

in psuedo code, it would be something like this

cd right-directory
while (true)
  if [ email-file exists ]; then
cat email-file | fmt | pr | lpr
rm -f email-file
  sleep 300
end while

Of course with specifics for your system, maybe strip out mail headers
or other refinements, handle mutliple files, remove them, use the
correct printer name and arguments, assuming you do have printer filters
somewhere, some error checking, etc.  Then again, I'm not sure how much
Apple has messed up your BSD Unix?  What I have heard is that Jaguar is
just a wrapper and it's true BSD underneath.

Aum Aum

ps:  There's an easier way to do that, grin!

metacard mailing list

RE the large file challenge

2002-11-16 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Maybe we need a new name for what Transcript does.
| Transcript pre-processes scripts into pointer-based bytecode, which
| generally outperforms purely interpreted xTalk by anywhere from several
| times to a few orders of magnitude.

Maybe?  This is an excellent clarification.   If MC is seen as trying to
compete with Java and Sun has decided to redefine 'compiled' then, hey!
Why not.  Come to think of it they used to call UCSD Pascal compiled
but it was p-code possibly similar??

There is an exception, that is, when MC is used as a scripting language
such as cgi scripts, or such as the tests I have been running.  In that
case there is no preprocessing.  In that case, I believe interpreted
would be the correct description.  The good news is, it _still_ compares 
in speed to the compiled languages.

For an interesting read on security and high level languages, this is fun:

metacard mailing list

RE: the large file challenge

2002-11-15 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Message: 1
| Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 10:39:01 -0700
| Subject: RE: the large file challenge
| From: John Vokey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| To be fair: most of metacard is coded in metatalk; it is a 
| boot-strapped language, much like many of the TILs (threaded 
| interpreted languages) of yesteryears (e.g., forth, apl).


I agree with you too.  I take his point that a C program should not be
slower than a bash script invoking 2 utilities written in C.  If anyone
cares to contribute a better C program, go for it!  Right now I'm running
Pierre's MC revision to see how it does.  This has been fun but I think
we've come to the end.

I think it has come to light that MC holds it's own with compiled
languages.  That was where this whole thing began, I was explaining
to Swami that MC is not a compiled language, then Scott kinda said, so
what, there is not that much difference between compiled and interpreted
languages these days.  That would be supported by the results of the
timing tests, so I'd have to agree with Scott.  However, I'm still
sticking to my guns - MC is not a compiled language. Swami apparently
thought it was.  So I was trying to clarify it for him.  And
that led to all this fun!  :-)

metacard mailing list

RE: the large file challenge

2002-11-13 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Actually, this says more about your specific implementation of the algorithm
| and/or the quality of your compiler than it does about the relative speed
| merits of any given language. As in your bash example, the bash shell
| actually calls functions from libraries of well written highly optimized C
| code. So, all things being equal, straight C code could never be slower than
| a bash shell script.
| MC, as well, is also coded in C, so in many interpreted languages (bash,
| perl, MC) while the script itself is interpreted, much of the real work is
| done by compiled code.

Yes, I agree.
metacard mailing list

the large file challenge

2002-11-12 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
|  So ! MC as far so fast than Pascal ! Is'nt it great ? And, thanks again
|  to Scott, for that too !
|  It's enough to make a Java programmer cry. ;)
|  Java ? Help me to remember... Are you speaking, Richard, in about this
|  dead marketed toy that crashes any time he search some more ram to eat ?
| If you're thinking of the one with the slow development cycle and the even
| slower runtime speed, yep, that's the critter.
| Anyone care to write this challenge algorithm in Java for laughs?  Or would
| we need Raney to add a new time token in addition to seconds, ticks, and
| milliseconds:  eons.

Someone mentioned about C vs Pascal too, can't find that at the moment but
a couple of thoughts.  It seems to me the main revelation of this excercise
is that everything came out about the same.  I think that defies the 
conventional thinking that interpreted languages are slower than compiled.

Now, we could probably go back to the drawing board and eek a few less
seconds out of each alrgorithm.  For example Scott mentioned using binary
read (then you have to put in the extra code he discussed) and we could probably
improve the Pascal with a similar approach with block reads; however, 
leaving them all doing line reads makes them all fairly comparable and
again, I think it's surprising they take about the same time.  One
point should be to try to write it in as few as lines as possible since that
is generally an advantage of the 4GL's.

I don't have a Java version yet but below is a C version.  It's a bit longer
than really need be because of copying a routine from our libraries at work
rather than using a C intrinsic, and again, the result is, about the same time.
Obviously harder to write.  I'm guessing Perl and Java might be in the same ballpark
too and maybe I will pursue that.  As far as the pascal i'm using the free pascal
compiler out of europe, no particular optimizations, compiled with just a
pc386 command.  The C is the gnu ansi c compiler invoked with a -o (optimize)

Here's the latest round of times

bash 1:44
pascal 2:04
C 2:28
MC 2:10

goodness, C is slowest of all?!?

#include stdio.h
#include string.h


int fgetnline(FILE *, char *, unsigned int);


int main(
int argc,
 char   pattern[] = mystic_mouse;
 char   buf[300];
 intcount = 0;

 while (fgetnline(stdin, buf, sizeof(buf)) != EOF) {
  if (strstr(buf, pattern) != NULL)

 (void) fprintf(stdout, %d\n, count);

 return 0;

/* = */

int fgetnline(
FILE*fp,/* IN:  Stream to read from. */
char*buf,   /* OUT: Buffer to fill.  */
unsigned intbufsize /* IN:  Size of buf.   */
 unsigned int   count = 0;

 while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF  c != '\n')
  if (bufsize == 0 || ++count  bufsize)
   *buf++ = (char) c;

 *buf = '\0';

 return c;

metacard mailing list

Re: the large file challenge

2002-11-10 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| I'm confused:  if the point is to avoid reading the entire file into memory,
| isn't what what line 8 does?  And if it's already in memory, why is it read
| again inside the loop?
| I think I missed something from the original post


Sorry, yes you missed something but not from the original post, the
part you missed wasn't posted at all.

It went like this

1.  (not posted) - conversation in progress regarding the difference 
between compiled programs, like C, and interpreted programs, like

2. (not posted) example sent of a shell script (bash or bourne shell)
on Unix - interpreted of course - and Pascal program doing the same
thing - compiled of course.  Question asked:  how  would one do this in MC?
I am not an experienced MC developer and I had no idea.

3. (not posted) a code snippet was sent to me as an example and I turned
this into a working program.  Yes it starts out by reading the whole file
to count the lines which is not very efficient.  In fact it failed when
run on the large access file with an out of memory error.

4. (where you came in) - I sent a post inquiring, basically, isn't there
a better way?

I got a lot of good responses and it seems there are much better
ways, so I am going to try them all.  

Clear it up for you?

metacard mailing list

Re: the large file challenge

2002-11-10 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| If we're allowed to read the whole thing into RAM and the goal is the count
| the occurences of the string mystic_mouse, then to optimize speed we can
| just remove the redundant read commands and use offset to search for us:
| #!/usr/local/bin/mc
| on startup
|   put /gig/tmp/log/xaa into the_file
|   put url (file:the_file) into the_text
|   put 0 into the_counter
|   put 1 into tPointer
|   --
|   repeat for each line this_line in the_text
| get offset(mystic_mouse, the_text, tPointer)
| if it = 0 then exit repeat
| add 1 to the_counter
| add it to tPointer
|   end repeat
|   put the_counter
| end startup
| This is off the top of my head.  If it runs I'd be interested in how it
| compares.


Thanks much for the code and suggestions.  We aren't allowed to read
the whole thing into memory because the real access file is 300meg
and my poor little Linux box has only 128meg RAM.  One of the great things
about Linux of course is that it will run fine on minimal hardware.

Anyway, alas, the program failed with this message

mc: out of memory

Ok, on to the next suggestion!

metacard mailing list

Re: the large file challenge

2002-11-10 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| I'm pretty sure the problem with speed here is from reading in the entire 
| file.
| Unless of course you have enough free RAM- but that's hard to imagine when 
| the files are 300MB+.
| How about this, which you can adjust to read any given number of lines at a 
| time.
| Try it with 10, 1000, 1, etc and see what gives you the best performance!
| Hasn't been tested but hopefully it'll run with a tweak or less.
| #!/usr/local/bin/mc
| on startup
|   ## initialize variables: try adjusting numLines
|   put /gig/tmp/log/xaa into the_file
|   put 1000 into numLines
|   put 0 into counter
|   open file the_file
|   repeat until (isEOF = TRUE)
|  ## read the specified number of lines, check if we are at the end of the 
| file
|  read from file the_file for numLines lines
|  put it into thisChunk
|  put (the result = eof) into isEOF
|  ## count the number of matches in this chunk
|  put offset(mystic_mouse, thisChunk) into theOffset
|  repeat until (theOffset = 0)
| add 1 to counter
| put offset(mystic_mouse, thisChunk, theOffset) into tempOffset
| if (tempOffset  0) then add tempOffset to theOffset
| else put 0 into theOffset
|  end repeat
|   end repeat
|   close file the_file
|   put counter
| end startup
| HTH,
| Brian

Hey Brian, thanks, excellent.

I tried it with 10, 1000, 1 and it got slightly faster (just a few
seconds) with each increase so I'll leave it at 1 and compare against other 
suggested algorithms, and let everyone knkow results..


metacard mailing list

Re: the large file challenge

2002-11-10 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| One last note:
| Be careful of using read from file xxx for yyy
| If you do not read for lines, you run the risk of cutting a line in half on 
| the spot where your magic string occurs.
| So always use read from file xxx for yyy LINES
| HTH.
| Brian

Good point.  For this particular use of the
program a close count is ok - no problem if
it's not perfect but clearly, that might matter
in other instances.

It is interesting that the different algorithms
are varying slightly with the count, probaby
for reasons like you mention.
metacard mailing list

Re: the large file challenge

2002-11-10 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| # repeat for each line this_line in the_text
| #   if (not eof) then
| # if (this_line contains mystic_mouse) then
| #   put the_counter + 1 into the_counter
| # end if
| #   end if
| # end repeat
|  close file the_file

| Allo Sadhu,
| Perhaps is it way to speed up your script in using the lineoffset
| statement, as the upon proposal ;)
| -- 


I'll try that


metacard mailing list

Re: the large file challenge

2002-11-10 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
|  So that is 1:53 for bash, 2:04 for pascal, and 2:19 for MC. darn good!
| But golly, I thought an interpreted language like MetaTalk was supposed to
| be slow, certainly much slower than compiled Pascal.
| :)

By golly, that would be I think the conventional wisdom alright!

Another myth goes by the wayside?  :-)

Of course, now the C programmers will probably come out of
the closet.  (they might want to know, what compiler,
what flags set, etc.)  Point might be - that is a non issue
with MC.

Assembly language programmers need not apply.
metacard mailing list

Re: the large file challenge

2002-11-10 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

I got this suggestion from Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 read from stdin until mystic_mouse
 if the result is not empty then add 1 to the_counter -- found it
 else exit repeat -- encountered end of file, no more occurrences
end repeat
put the_counter

But I was not able to make it actually run.

Any suggestions?
metacard mailing list

Re: the large file challenge

2002-11-10 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
Ok, here are the results so far,

Sun Nov 10 13:01:59 PST 2002
Sun Nov 10 13:03:43 PST 2002

Sun Nov 10 13:03:43 PST 2002
Sun Nov 10 13:05:47 PST 2002

andu's metacard
Sun Nov 10 13:05:47 PST 2002
Sun Nov 10 13:08:10 PST 2002

pierre's metacard
Sun Nov 10 13:08:10 PST 2002
Sun Nov 10 13:10:21 PST 2002

bruce's metacard
Sun Nov 10 13:10:21 PST 2002
Sun Nov 10 13:14:59 PST 2002

That would be 

pascal  2:04
Pierre  2:11
Bruce   4:38

Now, it is likely I have become confused and mixed up exactly what came
from who, sorry about that!  My apologies if your name is not associated
with your contribution, or vice versa.

Now, why did we get different counts?  I believe the count of 17333 is
correct.  Maybe someone can debug that.

Here's the code


on startup
  put 0 into the_counter
  put 1 into the_offset
  put 333491183 into file_size
  put   3 into the_increment
  put /gig/tmp/log/access_log into the_file
  put mystic_mouse into pattern

  open file the_file for read

  repeat until (the_offset = file_size)
read from file the_file at the_offset for the_increment
put it into the_text
repeat for each line this_line in the_text
  get offset(pattern, this_line)
  if (it is not 0) then add 1 to the_counter
end repeat
add the_increment to the_offset
  end repeat

  put the_counter
end startup


on startup
  put 0 into the_counter
  put 1 into the_offset
  put 333491183 into file_size
  put   3 into the_increment
  put /gig/tmp/log/access_log into the_file
  put mystic_mouse into pattern

  open file the_file for read

  repeat until (the_offset = file_size)
read from file the_file at the_offset for the_increment
put it into the_text

 repeat until lineoffset(mystic_mouse, the_text) = 0
   if (lineoffset(mystic_mouse, the_text) is not 0) then
 add 1 to the_counter
 delete line 1 to lineoffset(mystic_mouse, the_text) of the_text
   end if
 end repeat

add the_increment to the_offset
  end repeat

  put the_counter
end startup

on startup
  ## initialize variables: try adjusting numLines
  put /gig/tmp/log/access_log into the_file
  put $1 into numLines  -- called with 1 as parameter
  put 0 into counter

  open file the_file

  repeat until (isEOF = TRUE)
 ## read the specified number of lines, check if we are at the end of the file
 read from file the_file for numLines lines
 put it into thisChunk
 put (the result = eof) into isEOF

 ## count the number of matches in this chunk
 put offset(mystic_mouse, thisChunk) into theOffset
 repeat until (theOffset = 0)
add 1 to counter
put offset(mystic_mouse, thisChunk, theOffset) into tempOffset
if (tempOffset  0) then add tempOffset to theOffset
else put 0 into theOffset
 end repeat

  end repeat

  close file the_file

  put counter
end startup

metacard mailing list

Re: the large file challenge

2002-11-09 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

Just logged on to work and saw all the great responses.  Thanks all,
what fun.

Anyway I will respond to each later and try your code too.  I have
to run right now, appointment.

I did however have some code from Andu via Swami that I modifed 
somewhat and got enormous speed improvement.

Here's the latest run (ran this several times so file
would be in cache equally for all programs).

Sat Nov  9 16:48:12 PST 2002
Sat Nov  9 16:50:05 PST 2002

Sat Nov  9 16:50:05 PST 2002
Sat Nov  9 16:52:09 PST 2002

Sat Nov  9 16:52:09 PST 2002
Sat Nov  9 16:54:28 PST 2002

So that is 1:53 for bash, 2:04 for pascal, and 2:19 for MC. darn good!

Here's the code, gott go...

on startup
 put 0 into the_counter
 put 1 into the_offset
 put 333491183 into file_size
 put   3 into the_increment
 put /gig/tmp/log/access_log into the_file

 open file the_file for read

 repeat until (the_offset = file_size)
  read from file the_file at the_offset for the_increment
  put it into the_text
  repeat for each line this_line in the_text
   get offset(mystic_mouse, this_line)
   if (it is not 0) then add 1 to the_counter
  end repeat
  add the_increment to the_offset
 end repeat

 put the_counter
end startup

metacard mailing list

re, Giant files

2002-11-08 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Try something alike :
|  on mouseup
|  put 1 into startread
|  open file thefile for read
|  read from file thefile until eof
|  put the num of lines of it in endtoread
|  close file thefile
|  repeat while startread  endtoread
|  open file thefile for read
|  read from file thefile at startread for 99 lines
|  ...
|  do what you need with it
|  ...
|  close file thefile
|  add 100 to startread
|  end repeat
|  end mouseup
| -- 
| Cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Merci bocoup Pierre,

I'll try it and let you know the speed.  I have
to guess it's going to be slow though.  But at
least it should run to completion.

Perhaps this will inspire MC coders to optimize!
Take the speed challenge!  Put your MC script up
against a compiled language! A prize for the 
fastest program.

metacard mailing list

the large file challenge

2002-11-08 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan
| Try something alike :
|  on mouseup
|  put 1 into startread
|  open file thefile for read
|  read from file thefile until eof
|  put the num of lines of it in endtoread
|  close file thefile
|  repeat while startread  endtoread
|  open file thefile for read
|  read from file thefile at startread for 99 lines
|  ...
|  do what you need with it
|  ...
|  close file thefile
|  add 100 to startread
|  end repeat
|  end mouseup

Alors, Pierre,

Many thanks.  This turned out to be more efficient than
I thought.  I had to modify it slightly because the 
'read from file at' command takes an offset in characters,
not lines.  (Code below).  Anyway, on those 3 sample
programs, here are the times on the last run, not my full
access log, but a chopped (50,000 lines) snippet.

Bash shell script (interpreted) 24 seconds
Pascal (compiled) 7 seconds
Metacard (interpreted) 2 minutes 50 seconds

So, any takers on the speed challenge?  Here's the code
I used.

on startup
  put /gig/tmp/log/xaa into the_file
  put 1 into start_read
  put 0 into the_counter
  put 1 into the_offset
  open file the_file for read
  read from file the_file until eof
  put the num of lines of it into end_read
  close file the_file
  repeat while (start_read  end_read)
open file the_file for read
read from file the_file at the_offset for 99 lines
put it into the_text
put the number of chars of it + the_offset into the_offset
repeat for each line this_line in the_text
  if (not eof) then
if (this_line contains mystic_mouse) then
  put the_counter + 1 into the_counter
end if
  end if
end repeat
close file the_file
add 100 to start_read
  end repeat
  put the_counter
end startup

Now, I feel sure we could improve this, fix my errors, etc   anyone?

metacard mailing list

Copy protecton

2002-08-02 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan


Can anyone help me with some ideas for copy protection?

I'm developing a small Windows application that I want to give
for free to existing customers, but I don't want them able
to use it after they are no longer customers, or, making
copies for friends.  I'd prefer something more robust than
a license key or password because that can be shared too.

One idea I have is make it web enabled ..  it has to check
back with our server and verify a valid customer record 

Another idea - put a time bomb in it.  When a certain date
is reached, it expires.

But if there is a simpler way, would love to hear it.

Thanks all,

metacard mailing list

Re: Web-PHP-Metacard Process FAQ

2002-07-16 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

| Subject: Re: Web-PHP-Metacard Process FAQ

Pierre, excuse me for butting in here ..

| First : Do you have a linux box with apache, php and mc installed on it
| ? (If yes, it will be a piece of cake to explain how to run MC as a
| WAS).

Swami has for deployment a Sun OS box with apache, php, and mc
installed.  Yes.  So as long as Linux is not part of the
required equation, ok.  Should be the latest of everything.

Or, I have a Linux box with apache, mc, but i can't quite
remember if php is linked into the apache, might be.  all are
slightly older versions of everything, however.

| Second : How to get MC running in a long process mode, even in console
| mode (without XWindows)

Not sure what you mean by running in a long process mode?  We simply
installed the (pre-compiled) interpreter  (the file mc) and are
running scripts using that.  Can you explain long process mode?
Sorry, never heard of it.

metacard mailing list

Re: Bug? Intermittent situation with CGI program

2002-07-15 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan


We have identified an intermittent bug situation using MC as a CGI
language which I will submit to the bug list.  Personally I don't read
the bug list emails and I imagine there are others who don't either
but who might like to know of the existence of the situation.

In a nutshell it is that using MC as a CGI to collect data from a form
(which is in turn dynamically generated), it sometimes fails to
collect anything, on some large forms.  It is as if the form on the
web page did a transmit, but, the MC CGI did not do a receive.

I realize that itermittent bugs are very hard to track down.  We can
provide a test situation wherein, in one of our offices (NY) the cgi
always fails on a given form, for certain users running Outlook 2002
or Outlook 2000, and Windows 98, sometimes fails for other users in
this office (same set up), and never fails for other users in our San
Diego office with the same environment.  

This would seem to suggest the environment!  However, when we recode
the same CGI program in Perl, it always works for all users.  H!!
This might suggest something coded wrong or lacking in the MC program.

In other words, it might not really be a bug in MC.  I'm sending it in

The basic scenario is like this:  a program on our main transaction
processing situation collects a series of invoice numbers from the
user.  It then generates an HTML form with a yes or no button for
approval of each invoice, and emails that to the person who is
supposed to approve it.

That person (a customer) insists they have to use Outlook, even if
this problem does not occur on other email clients (the customer is
always right).  They insist it has to work on their Win98 machine in
their NY office.  They are not willing to use a browser to submit the
same forms.

They fill in the yes/no buttons on this form and click submit and the
form calls the cgi back end in MC which in turn emails their response
to the right group and saves the emails in an archive so there is a
historical record of everything.

I am going to include in the next couple emails 3 things,
(since I have to conform to 15k or less per message).

1) a shell script for emailing an html form to someone, however, it
depends on other programs I am not supplying, so  you can basically
ignore this, send the form any way you like.

2) a form which is an example of the kind that are generated with a
list of invoice numbers - useful because it always fails for certain
users.  (other, shorter forms work for them).

3) the back end cgi in MC.

So, bottom line, if anyone has any suggestions to offer, please!

I'd hate to have to conclude that MC is unreliable and everything will
have to be coded in Perl.

metacard mailing list

Re: Bug? Intermittent situation with CGI program

2002-07-15 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

Promised 3rd mail follow up.

3. back end cgi

...cut here
#-= Web Stuff =-
# Program name:
# Version number:   1.0
# Author:   SN 
# Date: 04/09/02
# Description:  Process Foobar Invoice Approval form messages

on startup
  global formdata, keywords, the_message

  put [EMAIL PROTECTED]  into recipient_string

  if ($REQUEST_METHOD = POST) then
read from stdin for $CONTENT_LENGTH
# Collect the information from the form
put it into url file:/tmp/it2.txt 
put echo 'get'  into command_string
put | /usr/psl/bin/mimemail -s  after command_string
put 'Unhandled get in script' recipient_string after command_string
set shellCommand to /bin/sh
put shell(command_string)
  end if

  # Our user's Outlook sends extra null data, prevent acting on it
  if (length(it)  10) then
put echo 'got blank' into command_string
put | /usr/psl/bin/mimemail -s  after command_string
put 'Our user Blank' recipient_string  after command_string
set shellCommand to /bin/sh
put shell(command_string)

  # if actual data is received, then act
put urlDecode (it)  into formdata
put formdata into url file:/tmp/formdata2.txt 
put /usr/psl/bin/newcopy /tmp/formdata2.txt into command_string
set shellCommand to /bin/sh
put shell(command_string)
split formdata by  and =
put keys(formdata) into keywords
sort keywords

put formdata[email_address] after recipient_string 
# format the response as html
put empty into the_message
put the_message into url file:/tmp/commdata2.txt 
put /usr/psl/bin/newcopy /tmp/commdata2.txt into command_string
set shellCommand to /bin/sh
put shell(command_string)

# Email the form contents to the user
put /usr/psl/bin/mimemail  \  cr  into command_string
put -a /tmp/boiler2.txt   -t text/plain\  cr after command_string
put -a /tmp/commdata2.txt -t text/html \  cr after command_string
put -H -x  \  cr after command_string
put -r [EMAIL PROTECTED] \  cr after command_string
put -f [EMAIL PROTECTED]\  cr after command_string
put -s 'SUBJECT'   \  cr after command_string
put recipient_stringcr after command_string
replace SUBJECT with formdata[subject] in command_string
set shellCommand to /bin/sh
put shell(command_string)
put command_string into url file:/tmp/command2.txt 

# Playback form contents to the user
# Our user says, turn this off please
# sorry, no can do

  end if
end startup

on write_web_response
  global formdata, keywords, the_message

  put html  cr   into the_message
  put body bgcolor='white' text='black'  cr after the_message
  put center  crafter the_message
  put h2  crafter the_message
  put INVOICE APPROVAL CONFIRMATION  cr   after the_message
  put br  crafter the_message
  put Sent by Chloe Productions   cr  after the_message
  put br  crafter the_message
  put /h2  cr   after the_message

  put br  cr after the_message

  put /center  cr after the_message
  put br  cr  after the_message
  put br  cr  after the_message
  put h5  cr  after the_message


  put th align=center  cr after the_message
  put Approved?  cr after the_message
  put /th  cr after the_message

  put th align=center  cr after the_message
  put Inv #  cr after the_message
  put /th  cr after the_message

  put th align=center  cr after the_message
  put Inv Amount  crafter the_message
  put /th  cr after the_message

  put th align=center  cr after the_message
  put Paymaster  cr after the_message
  put /th  cr after the_message

  put th align=center  cr after the_message
  put Who Sends  cr after the_message
  put /th  cr after the_message

  put /h5  cr after the_message

  repeat for each line this_item in keywords
if (formdata[this_item] = Yes or formdata[this_item] = No) then

  put tr  cr after the_message

  # Need this false tag so program knows which invoices are approved.
  if (formdata[this_item] = Yes) then
   put approved_inv invoice= after the_message

Re: cgi troubles

2002-07-15 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

Bonjour Pierre,

Ah, merci for the confirmation!  Yes, good idea, just put something in
front of MC to handle the sockets communication.  That probably would
have been faster than a complete rewrite in Perl.  Did you ever hear
anything from Scott or his team about fixing these bugs?  Anyway, will
look through the archives for your posts and again, thank you!


| Hello Sadhu,
| I got the same kind of troubble, tree yahrs ago, before avoiding to use
| MC as a direct CGI engine. By starting to use it, in both console and
| graphical modes (under linux), as a Web application long running process
| server (linked, one side, to the Apache cgi gateway trough a php cgi
| script, acting as the MC sockets listener and, second side, to both a
| PostgreSQL and a MySQL-Max servers, trough a second php script, directly
| builded by a Metatalk script), i never got any bug in using this dual
| config and the 10 lines of php are for me the best way to have more than
| 15.000 lines of great metatalk handling some fine web apps servers 24/24
| hours, 7/7 days.
| About Apache/PHP/Metacard, all you need is to read back my previous
| wrotes in the archives. If needed, i can write about the way i use to
| link together Metacard/PHP/PostgreSQL and Metacard/PHP/MySQL. In this
| way, MC challengers are no more tools like PHP, Python or Perl but
| stuffs like ColdFusion, OmnisStudio or the J2EE Web Apps Servers (alike
| WebSphere or WebObjects) and MC is, clearly, the very best of them !!!
| (working in production mode under Suse-Linux Intel 6.3/PHP 3.0.15/MC
| 2.32 to Suse-Linux Intel 8.0/PHP 4.0.6/MC 2.32 and, probably, soon under
| MacOSX 1.0.15. - In between, while i'm running Suse-PPC 7.3 under a new
| 2002 IBook II Combo/DVD, i'm trying to install unsuccessfully yaboot,
| nor lilo from within Yast2. Any idea on how to cleanly install the
| boot-loader would be greatly apprecied ;-))
| Regards, Pierre Sahores
| WEB  VPN applications  databases servers
| Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
| Qualifier  produire l'avantage compétitif
| --__--__--

metacard mailing list

Re: Running CGI's locally on OSX

2002-07-08 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

Well, Swami, I should probably remain silent on this, not having an OSX
around - but the quick and fraught with peril answer may be  - log in
as root.

(I would expect to hear back a few no, don't do it! responses from
seasoned Unix veterans, because it lets you overcome all sorts of
permission problems instantly without knowing what you are doing.)

Again, I really don't know enough about your environment but I'd suggest
you try it to see what happens.


| Message: 2
| Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2002 18:13:05 -1000
| Subject: Running CGI's locally on OSX
| From: Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| To: Metacard List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
| I have moved up to OSX (it's wonderful) and want to develop CGI's on my own
| machine. The mail lists have snippets, but not enough to put it all
| together.
| I put a copy of the darwin engine into
| /Library/WebServe/CGI-Executables/
| But, that's as far as I can get, the on -ls returns only my
| user directory. / returns permission OSX won't let me deeper
| than my own user directory to CHMOD 755 to make the engine executable.
| Anyone figure this out yet? If so, suggest you would help us all to write a
| small FAQ on the subject.
| Now, I am wondering if we need to use that library at all, really, if one
| just made a cgi-bin directory in one's own Sites  folder, then one could
| set permissions from the But, I don't want to re-invent the
| wheel just now. This has got to be simple.
| Hinduism Today
| Sivakatirswami
metacard mailing list

cgi osx etc

2002-07-08 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan


Just run the script directly from the command line and
see what error message you are getting back from either
Unix or MC.

Premature end of headers means apache got something that
was not prefixedwith the content type etc, ie, the
script didn't run.


| Message: 1
| Date: Fri, 05 Jul 2002 14:40:03 -0400
| Subject: Re: Running CGI's locally on OSX
| From: Richard MacLemale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| On 7/5/02 12:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  Premature end of script headers error message in the error_log when trying
|  to  call this script:
|  ==test-mc.cgi
|  #!/mc
|  on startup
|  put Hello into buffer
|put Content-Type: text/html  cr
|put Content-Length:  the length of buffer  cr  cr
|put buffer  
|  end startup
|  =
|  I don't know if this means that the MC Darwin engine is working or not...
|  Anyone else have clues? Again, seems simple, but doesn't work.
| Couple of things to try.  One, I use #!mc and not #!/mc, but that's probably
| not your problem.  However, make sure that the script file you wrote is
| saved with UNIX line breaks!  Not Mac line breaks.  If you haven't already,
| grab a copy of Bbedit lite, which is free, free, free and awesome.  It can
| easily save your script with UNIX line breaks.  I'd guess that's the
| problem.
metacard mailing list

Re: Sending an email message from within MetaCard

2002-05-31 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

| Has anyone implemented a system like this?  Is there a better way?  Can
| anyone point me to a model I could follow?


Yes, we've implemented some things like this.  Either custom cgi's or
using the script from Matt's perl archives.

In other words, the problem is - trying to send emails directly off a
personal computer of some kind means you have to deal with too many
variations of how these machines are set up to use email.  A

So instead, you use a 'post' command to send off your data to a
webserver somewhere running a cgi like FormMail which in turn sends
the email for you.

If you have an ISP and they let you put cgi scripts in your home
directory (generally ~/public_html/cgi-bin or something like that) you
can use FormMail or your own variety of script.  (It can be an MC
script if you have the Metacard engine installed on the web server for
example; I sent a post last year of how to do this.)

Lately I have wanted to do this with the mail being in turn an html
mail with a form on it with a submit button.  At work we developed a
perl script ( for sending html mail that does a lot of the
work of composing the right headers, and what my MC cgi's do is create
the html file to be used as the attachment and then system off a
command line to

Make sense?

metacard mailing list

GGI works and then doesn't work--global replace (Sivakatirswami)

2002-05-21 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

| Today's Topics:
|1. GGI works and then doesn't work--global replace (Sivakatirswami)


This doesn't solve the problem but may give you a clue?  As you know,
the premature end of headers message from apache occurs when the cgi
script returns something that is not html.

In your program it appears that the only way this could happen is if
you got a fatal error prior to getting down to the lines of code that
put the content type, etc.  So my first suggestion is - put that stuff
at the very beginning of your program then you might have a chance to
see what is happening  (ah, maybe depending on if when the mc
interpreter fails it sends to standard out or standard error, and if
stderr it would be picked up by apache, not sure.)

Of course, if you only had a SHELL account then you could simply trap
the raw input from the get into a file, then test by piping that input
directly into your script and see what error message you are getting
back and then track it down that way.  Oh well.  I suppose there are
tedious ways around it using SSI.

Anyway, I would ask myself the question - how could a fatal error
possibly occur?  Such as, what if variable y is empty?  or .. etc.
It is always a good practice, IMHO, to initialize variables even
though MC doesn't require it.

Also, I have some shell script code at home that would probably do
your directory walk a lot faster, I'll dig it up and send it later.

Aum Aum

| --__--__--
| Message: 1
| Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 08:04:36 -1000
| Subject: GGI works and then doesn't work--global replace
| From: Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| To: Metacard List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| There's a mystery with the following CGI running on a SPARC-Solaris -- two
| questions.
| FYI The intent is to have a global search and replace function for strings
| in HTML files.
| 1-Mystery... I ran this script using GET and about 3 minutes later, after
| processing  792 files it returned Done. and a manual check of files showed
| that it had succeeded in processing the file.
|   Then, a few minutes later I changed the text in the string to be replaced
| and, inexplicably, the server returns a configuration error and the error
| log indicates premature end of script headers which I know to be a generic
| error message that tells one very little about what actually went wrong.
| Any one have any ideas why it could work the first time and fail the next
| time? 
| 2) This script is a little slower than expected running on such a powerful
| CPU... though perhaps my expectations are too high... but, is there a better
| strategy, perhaps issuing shell command to get UNIX to do the work?  Just
| the directory walk itself to get a file list was fairly time consuming.
| #!/export/[snip]/www/public_html/cgi-bin/mc
| global gHierList,gMainFolder
| on startup
| set the directory to ../ ## gets us up and out of /cgi-bin/
| put the directory into gMainFolder
|   directoryWalk gMainFolder
| repeat for each line y in gHierList
| ## following line does the work.
| Replace copyright (C) 2001 Himalayan Academy with \
|  copyright (C) 2002 Himalayan Academy in URL (file:y)
| end repeat 
| put done into buffer
| put Content-Type: text/plain  cr
| put Content-Length:  the length of buffer  cr  cr
| put buffer
| end startUp
| on directoryWalk whatFolder
|   set the itemDel to /
|   set the directory to whatFolder
|   put the files into temp
| filter temp with *.html
|   add the number of lines of temp to tCount
|   sort temp
|   repeat for each line x in temp
| put whatFolder  /  x  cr after gHierList
|   end repeat
|   put the folders into tDirList
|   sort tDirList
| delete line 1 of tDirList
|   repeat for each line x in tDirList
| if (x = ..  or x = webmaster) then next repeat
|directoryWalk (whatFolder  /  x)
| end repeat
| --__--__--
metacard mailing list

Time Date Problem on Sun SPARC SOLARIS (Sivakatirswami)

2002-03-10 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

| Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 08:37:38 -1000
| Subject: Time Date Problem on Sun SPARC SOLARIS
| From: Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| To: Metacard List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| I am running a .mt script as a CGI on a Sun SPARC Solaris that hosts our web
| site in Honolulu.
| Problem, my script depends on this function:
| put the date
| returns March 10, 2002 and Greenwich time (London)
| A shell script on the same machine using UNIX to echo the date returns the
| data in Honolulu March 9, 2002
| So, the daily lesson that is built has tomorrow's date.
| The sys admin blames metacard...but obviously, the server must have *some*
| setting that MC is accessing. thus: two questions:
| 1) how to get MC to return the same, local date and time, that a shell
| script returns on the same UNIX machine.
| 2) what setting on the Solaris is MC accessing that I need to tell the sys
| admin to fix. (they are overloaded like everyone and didn't bother to
| investigate further... so I need to take the initiative here.
| Any ideas?


Unfortunately a lot of stuff obtains GMT by default  (like RCS we use
at work, harummph) and that can be confusing.  But even if there were some
environment variable you could set to obtain the time zone you want,
how about a primative solution:

A You normally run the create the daily lesson script at the same time,
so the date offset will be the same every day, so you could subtract a day,
perhaps in some way more efficient that this:

  put the date into foo
  convert foo to hours
  subtract 24*60*60 from foo
  convert foo to long date
  put foo

B you could make a system call to the Unix date function instead of using MC, such

  set the shellcommand to /bin/sh
  put date '+%B %d %Y' --date '1 days ago' |  sed 's/ /_/g' |  into command_string
  put shell(command_string)

using whatever the correct date command on (is it Solaris?
I thought it was Sun OS? ) - they could email you the man page.

Aum Aum
metacard mailing list

cgi question

2002-03-08 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

| OK, here's a question.  When darwin mc is running, what is it running AS?
| It can write to files with read/write (everyone), but cannot write to files
| with read only (everyone.)  If I knew what it was running AS, I could put
| that into a group and simplify my life.  When I use the shell command
| whoami, it returns root.   But that's what the shell commands are run as,
| NOT what the metatalk scripts are run as.  I can get around this by using
| shell commands to write files instead of metatalk commands (open file,
| etc.), but the question remains.  Anyone have the answer?  :)
| :)
| Richard MacLemale

What's darwin mc?  Sorry if I missed an earlier thread here, but it
sounds like you mean, what is the user id of the process when an MC
script is executed as a CGI program??  Would this be on a Unix system
I presume?

Darn, I remember running into that too but I forget what I found out,
it was maybe nobody or httpd or something like that.  And as I
vaguely recall, that was configurable in  Apache maybe?I might be
totally wrong here.

However, I suspect there is an easy way to answer your own question
(that's what you really wanted to know, right?).  Can you have your mc
cgi script create a new file somewhere that is read,writable by
everyone (like /tmp) and then, just look at the file permissions?

I did that just now and the answer I got I believe would be specific
to the system where I ran it:  I got

4 -rwxrwxrwx1 wwwrun   nogroup   498 Mar  8 11:10

Perhaps the tiny script I used to write this file would be of some
help?  Here it is.  (I call it  You have to drive it with
an html form with a post command, such as:

form methond=POST action=/cgi-bin/

and it will spit back your form fields plus save the raw data in
a text file for examination.



on startup

  read from stdin until empty
  put it into inputdata
  put urlDecode (inputdata)  into formdata
  put inputdata into url file:/tmp/ 
  split formdata by  and =
  put keys(formdata) into keywords

  put Content-Type: text/plain  cr  cr
  put I am an MT script - hello world
  repeat for each line this_item in keywords
put this_item  =  formdata[this_item]  cr
  end repeat

end startup

metacard mailing list

failure of pipe in shell command, CGI scripting

2002-02-09 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

This posting is for the benefit of the technical archives, regarding an
apparent problem I ran into, and worked around.  Not sure if this is
something I am doing wrong, or a problem with MC, Linux, or what.


Using MC as a cgi scripting language on RH Linux, to perform data base queries
via shell commands, and return search results as web pages.  The data base is
PostgreSQL, and each individual component of a command is proven to work fine.
This is Linux kernel 2.2.16, MC 2.4, PostgreSQL 6.5.3.


When components are combined in a pipe line and submitted as a shell command, it 
stops working.  Same command run directly from the shell does work.

Work around/Solution

Redirect SQL output to a file then cat the file into the RPT report formatter
program rather than trying to pipe directly from SQL into RPT.


Both methods have identical results when done from the shell directly,
but when submitted as MC shell commands, one method works, the other does not.

See example script below  (the line commented out is the one that fails).


on startup
  read from stdin until empty
  put urlDecode (it)  into formdata
  split formdata by  and =
  put url file:./by_date.sql into the_query
  replace $TALK_DATE with formdata[talk_date] in the_query
  put the_query into url file:/tmp/by_date.sql
  put psql cybertalks -qt -f /tmp/by_date.sql  /tmp/date.dat; cat /tmp/date.dat| 
./by_date.rpt into command_string
  #put psql cybertalks -qt -f /tmp/by_date.sql | ./by_date.rpt into command_string
  put Content-Type: text/html  cr  cr
  set shellCommand to /bin/sh
  put shell(command_string)
end startup
metacard mailing list

POST not working in 2.4.1?

2002-01-11 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan


Has there been any response to Swami's query below?  I am
having a similar problem with Post.  Worked on 2.3. Fails
on 2.4 - IF - I build a standalone.

I'm using a mail reflector (Matt's, I have some
code that:

Hasn't changed

Works from a Windows standalone that was built under 2.3

Works as an interpreted (.mc) file from within the 2.4
development environment

Does Not Work when compiled into a 2.4 standalone for Windows.

I would think this is either a bug, or some resource I'm missing?  I
moved all resources into the stack.

I get the same behavior as SivaKatirswami, namely, the it returned
by the post command is empty (and nothing happens).

The code line is something like this (name of webserver changed to
protect the innocent).

Post tText to url;

Be happy to hear from anyone who has a work around before I send in 
a bug report.


| Message: 6
| Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2002 14:37:35 -1000
| Subject: POST not working in 2.4.1?
| From: Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| To: Metacard List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| I have a script which works in 2.3.2 but not in 2.4.1
| it posts a complete URI to a CGI on another server. The CGI check to see if
| the file exists and returns true or false..
|   start using stack libURL
|   put tMonth / tFinalDateString/index.html after tPastFile
|   POST tPastFile to url
|   delete line 2 of it
|   if it = true then
|   ## build html links to that day in the past
|   ## and post to today's page.
| anyway... it is empty now under 2.4.1 even when the file exists... proven,
| because I can run the same procedure in the same stack under 2.3.2 and get
| true back for the same request..
| So, how to implement POST now?
| Hinduism Today
metacard mailing list

stack architecture

2001-12-11 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan


Oh darn, getting frustrated with the stack architecture and know there
must be a simple solution.  The problem is hard to describe in detail
since I have tried so many combinations of things all of which failed,
but in a nutshell, I think it is the fact that substacks get saved in
the same file as the main stack.  How to turn this off?  How to get
rid of a stack that got saved in a file you don't want it in?  Mmmm,
if only we could just edit a stack file.

So anyway, here is the scoop:  I want basically 3 stacks.  I think. Only
because I think I have to.  I'd happily change.

1) Stack one, gets compiled as the executable standalone.  Has to be
executable.  But as a result, it cannot save data.  Enter stack #2.

2) Stack two, this is for data.  Each user of the program will have
their own data set.  Consequently, this should be a separate file,
just for data.

3.  Stack three, for algorithms.  If I want to add new features, I
will add them here and distribute this.  I don't want stack 2 and 3
mixed together because then I would overwrite existing data if I
distribute this.

Problem is that 2 has to be a substack of 3 to inherit its algorithms
and this causes the files to be saved as each other.  I have them
horribly mixed together and delete doesn't remove the algorithm code
from the data file, or the data from the algorithm file.


metacard mailing list

Re: stack architecture

2001-12-11 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

/ FROM:  Robert Brenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dec 12  1:30 2001
| ABOUT: Re: stack architecture
| Problem is that 2 has to be a substack of 3 to inherit its algorithms
| and this causes the files to be saved as each other.  I have them
| horribly mixed together and delete doesn't remove the algorithm code
| from the data file, or the data from the algorithm file.
| No, 2 does not have to be a substack. As a matter of fact, to achieve 
| the distribution goals, each of your stacks must be alone in its own 
| file.
| There are several different mechanisms that you can use to get your 
| data and algorithms together. A simple one is to use fixed names and 
| complete references to objects in other stacks. For example,
| get fld data1 of cd sampledata of stack sadjudata
| You just need to ensure that the shared items have unique names.
| Another mechanism is stacksInUse which allows you to make stack 
| scripts available to any other stack.
| Yet another mechanism is using frontscripts/backscripts feature of Metacard.
| Robert
\ END: Robert Brenstein

Wow, Robert, I think you saved my sanity, thank you.  Your email
mentioning 'stacksInUse' led me to find the start using command which
seems to solve my problem.

I have now ended up with 2 stacks, a startup stack and a data stack.
I hope when I compile the startup stack into a standalone the start
using will still work.  That will be a next test.

Meanwhile, during the time I was struggling with the effort to keep
the data and the algorithms in separate files, but thinking the only
way I could share the algorithms was by making the algorithm stack the
mainstack of the data stack .. I seem to have gotten my data stack to
be a substack of itself.  It's own name is listed as a substack in
the components dialogue.  I can't seem to get rid of it from there.
Any ideas?

Anyway, thank you very much and for such a quick response!

metacard mailing list

Re: Using a stack as a small data base

2001-11-21 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

Kevin, you sent me this a while back: (on how to save data with

| You need to place the stack that you want to save changes in an external
| file, then reference this stack using the stackFiles property.  When you
| load your standalone, load this stack, make changes and save as normal.
| Developers often place such stacks in a data folder.  Distribution Builder
| can do all of this automatically when you create a Distribution.
| Regards,
| Kevin

I finally got around to this, also, to reading the article on stackfiles
on the xworlds web site.  Finally made it work.  Wasn't easy for me,
but, it does work, at last.  So, a few notes for the list someone may
someday find helpful, elaborating on a couple of minor points.

One gotcha, and a reason I'm trying to post this to the mailing list, is
that in the stackfiles property there cannot be a space after the comma
after stack name and before the path/file name.  That is unexpected
(for Unix developers anyway) that white space matters, but I suppose
the convention of allowing spaces in file names on other systems may
be responsible?  

In any case, for others out there like me stuggling to save data in
their stand alone applications, the basic idea is that you have your
stand alone executable be a stack that opens another stack (or stacks).
This other stack is NOT a substack of your main stack.  It is located by
the first stack using the fact that the stackfiles property can contain
a stack name, comma, full or relative file path name.  So if your primary
stack (which is compiled as the executable) has a statement like

 go foostack

and the stackfiles property contains a line like


Then it can find it, without it being a substack.

Per earlier note, it wasn't working for me when I had it as

 foostack, Data/

And that took a while to grasp what was wrong.

But if this is correct, then the first stack can find the second stack,
and this second stack is not compiled into your executable, it is a
separate MC file for data (doesn't have to have an .mc extension).

Then your 2nd or data stack has to have some save code which again is
relative to the main executable, and has the file name, such as

 save this stack as Data/

Those are the basic elements for saving data that are now working for me.

Kevin, thank you for your help.


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Re: Printing Field Text

2001-11-19 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

Hi Geoff,

I saw your post, looked at the scripts in the 'print field' stack.  Wow,
it seems so complicated.  From what I could glean, it seems you cannot
just print a field,  you have to put the stuff into a card, and print
the card.

So anyway, my problem is, I have a scolling field that is larger than
the visible portion of the card.  Thus, when I print the card, only part
of the field shows up.

What I would like to do is something very simple like,

 repeat with line_count = 1 to the number of lines in field Results
print line line_count in field Results
  end repeat

But this is incorrect for the print command, it only seems to take a
card as an argument.

Would you have any suggestions for me?  Perhaps I have something else in
my (simplistic) print routine that is messing me up.  This is the code:

on mouseUp
  set the formatForPrinting of this stack to true
  set printScale to 0.75
  set printMargins to 20,72,20,72
  set printRotated to true
  answer printer
  print this card
  set the formatForPrinting of this stack to false
  set printRotated to false
end mouseUp

Thank you in advance for any suggestions.


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I call it a bug, do you agree?

2001-08-29 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

This script courtesy of Rich Herz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Aloha, Scott:

I call this a bug in the round function.  I get the same results on a
Windows PC.  I believe some would disagree.  What do you think?

Whatever it is called, I find I have to compensate for it doing
dollar arithmetic where one penny off is unacceptable.  Thus, my
request is either a bug fix, or a money-friendly rounding routine.

Have anything handy?

Thank you!


 | A test of round() on Mac G3 with MC 2.3.2
 | on mouseUp
 |   repeat with i = 0 to 9
 | put 38.1  i  5 into tNum
 | put round(tNum, 2) into line i+1 of field 1
 |   end repeat
 | end mouseUp 
 | Results displayed in field:
 | 38.1   - 38.105 should result in 38.11
 | 38.12
 | 38.13
 | 38.14
 | 38.15
 | 38.16
 | 38.17
 | 38.17  - 38.175 should result in 38.18
 | 38.19
 | 38.2
 | Some other series show this behavior, though not always at the same
 | positions in the series; some others do not (put 100.1  i  5 into
 | tNum).
 | -

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Round function bug

2001-08-27 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan


The documentation for the round function states that .5 or larger
rounds up.  But apparently, it is not consistent, and sometimes rounding
up occurs at  0.5, not = 0.5.

round(1.335, 2) returns 1.34


round(38.175, 2) returns 38.17

on my machine.

I'm thinking as a work around, just add a small number like 0.0001
to every call to round.



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Rounding Bug, eeek!

2001-08-27 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

| | From: Richard Herz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| | Subject: Re: Math errors, HELP!
| | Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 14:15:45 -0700
| | 
| | 
| | The code you supplied and put into EXAMPLE 2 below works OK.  EXAMPLE 1
| | below shows a similar rounding problem that can occur with the MC format
| | function.  The format function with a format of %6.2f rounds 1.3350 to 1.33,
| | whereas round(1.3350, 2) returns 1.34.  My summer students discovered this
| | last week in homework 1 with similar behavior of MC format function and True
| | Basic's PRINT USING instruction.  None of this may have solved your problem,
| | so good luck!

Oh dear, I am still having grief with the rounding function, and it seems like
a bug to me.

I put this into the message box

 put round(1 * 0.50 * 76.35, 2)

Now, this should resolve to round(38.175, 2) = 38.18.  But try it, it
returns 38.17.


If someone can suggest a work around, I'd be very grateful.


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Re: OT: Page generation Do it locally

2001-08-15 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

| --- MESSAGE metacard.v004.n426.3 ---
| From: Scott Raney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Subject: Re: OT: Page generation Do it locally or ...
| Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 15:16:51 -0600 (MDT)
| OR
| 3) have the server generate it, but only once per day.  There are
|several ways to do this.  Probably easiest would be as a batch file
|run from the UNIX crontab file or with an at command.  You could
|also set up single long-running MetaCard process that uses wait
|or send .. in to just do the work every 24 hours.  I'd recommend
|the crontab file option for maximum reliability (no need to worry
|about restarting if the server goes down or if you get logged off),
|but it does require the assistance of the sysadmin.  Also note that
|in all versions of this you'll have to write the script as a .mt
|file rather than putting it in a stack, though of course you can
|access data and run handlers in other stacks from the .mt script.
|   Regards,
| Scott

Swami, this is kind of a 'specific to your situation' response.

Yeah, easy to do this sort of thing with cron if you have shell
access, alas, you don't.  You can get HOL help to make cron entries
but harder to test your programs without shell access.  Also they
might say ...what's this? 

However, you could do it from the gurudeva server.  Set up all your
raw materials and your .mt script there.  Have the daily page
generation run there (triggered by a cron entry) and then deliver the
lesson file to its destination on mahiai using wget.

Or, do it on your Mac server, that is running Unix.

Aum Aum

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Re: Installing MC at your ISP, a How-To

2001-06-14 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

| Subject: Re: Installing MC at your ISP, a How-To


| And 
| if you launched it as a user with admin privileges, cross your 
| fingers.


Isn't this highly unlikely, that an ISP would grant regular users any
kind of admin privileges?  No wrapper is required to set the umask so
that users can only modify things in their own home directory or below.
See excerpt from a Unix man page on umask below.  If ISP's don't take at
least this extremely elementary precaution (which is probably the default
installation for most Unix systems) they are asking for trouble from
any kind of cgi activity.  I think that admin privileges for regular
users must be an extremely remote potential, although, yes, it could
be possible.

When so many people were all hyped up about potential disasters prior to
Y2K I used to tell them .. yeah, its *possible* but its also *possible*
the gasoline in your car's tank could explode. No one seems worried
about that.

I think the potential of dangerous activity here is being somewhat
overhyped.  Can't users who install MC on their ISP take simple
precautions like, set permissions on the mc file so it is owned and
can only be operated by themselves, check the referrer in their MC cgi
scripts etc?


 umask(1)   umask(1)

  umask - set or display the file mode creation mask

Set Mask
  umask mask

Display Mask
  umask [-S]

  The umask command sets the value of the file mode creation mask or
  displays the current one.  The mask affects the initial value of the
  file mode (permission) bits for subsequently created files.

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flaming emails!

2001-06-14 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

| You make a point of telling people their car's gas tank may 
| explode while driving but that doesn't stop them from driving 
| anyway.  Your point is based on what a driver knows about their 
| environment, to put it another way, what if a passenger came 
| along and placed a flaming rag into the gas nozzle and got into 
| the car with the driver without telling them.  Two scenarios:  
| A) Tell the driver, who promptly freaks out B) Car may/may not 
| explode.
| As a server admin, I like it when my clients inform me of any 
| executable they install on the server.  That's all I'm saying, 
| I'm sure the other admins would like to know also.

Yes, I'm sure they would. 

Sorry, didn't mean to come across in a derogatory way if I did.  
Email can be dangerous in that regard.

Ok, me too.  I would like that too if everyone using my servers told me
everything they were doing. I would also like all my programmers to put
enormous amounts of comments in their code.  Oh well, dream on, I would
be the first to advocate common courtesy but we have to be realistic.
Some ISP's might panic and cancel your account if you said, I installed
a new executable but don't worry.  In the case of my programmers I review
all the RCS logs every week so I know exactly what has changed.

I would like it if the guy in front of me bothered to signal before
making a turn also, but if he doesn't, I realize I have to have control
of my own car and not be following too close.  Same with a sys admin,
I think one has to be proactive.  But I apologize if my mail offended you.
It would not be hard to write a script to locate all new executables
on a server and check it once a week, right?

My point was regarding, probabilities.  I think the probability of danger
is rather high if someone sticks a flaming rag in the gas nozzle.  Say,
more than 50%?  I think the probability of having someone take control of
an ISP's server and delete operating system files using root permission
just because a regular user installs MC is rather low, say, less than 1%.
Would you agree, those are fair assessements?  Yes, there are plenty of
hackers out there, but I would guess less than 1% of the web sites on
the net (how many millions do we have now?) are hacked, what do you think?

Of course almost anything is possible given time and extraordinary desire
on the part of the hacker.  

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Installing MC at your ISP, a How-To

2001-06-13 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan


On UNIX, Metacard can be used as both a GUI development environment as
well as a CGI scripting language. If you running your own UNIX machine,
it's fairly trivial to set it up for either use, using the supplied
install script and the instructions.

If you are not using your own machine, but are hosted elsewhere, such
as on an ISP over the Internet, its likely not appropriate to attempt
X-Windows development, however, CGI scripting is very feasible. If you
have access to a shell account with reasonable permissions (telnet or
ssh), again, its a snap to install, or if not, and your ISP is willing
to install it, they should have no trouble. They can just download the
necessary files and run


What if you have no shell account access, and your ISP says something like
'gosh, give us a few months to evaluate this, it is a possible security
risk, and by the way, its going to COST you..'. Are you out of luck?

Maybe not. If they allow you to install and run your own CGI programs
using FTP, then, you can still use MC as a CGI scripting language and
get it up and running without their help. You might need a bit of help
from your friends though, depending on how much UNIX experience you
have. The following describes how I got it working on our ISP.


The key fact is that, to use MC on your ISP's host, you only need one
file: mc. The file mc is the Metacard engine, or interpreter.

Writing an MC script is similar to writing a Borne shell or Perl script,
where the first line indicates the location of the interpreter.

Therefore, all you have to do is get the right interpreter for your ISP's
host, put it in the right place, and correctly refer to this place in
your metatalk scripts, and bingo, you are using MC on your web pages.

As indicated on the site, use of MetaCard as a
script-only (non-graphical) language is FREE on all UNIX systems: no
license is required. This in turn means that it is supplied as a binary
file, not as source code. So, you don't have to compile it. All you
have to do is get the right version, it is supplied pre-compiled. You
may need a bit of help to determine this.

In our case, our ISP was running Sun OS, and this operating system
only runs on Sparc processors, so the file we needed to download was
sparc.tar. This is an archive made using the ubiquitous Unix tar program,
and here again, you may need some help from your friends to unpack it. In
our case, I just ftp'd it to my Linux computer and ran the command

 tar xf sparc.tar

This gave me several files, namely, mc.gz, xanim.gz, and gunzip. The
gunzip was useless on my Linux (Intel) machine being compiled for Sparc,
but in any case, the only file needed is the mc.gz file. This in turn
is another compressed archive made with the GNU gzip program. So again,
depending on your ability to uncompress standard Unix archives, you may
need some help or have to acquire some tools. I simply ran the command

 gunzip mc.gz

which produced the file I needed, mc.

On the other hand, perhaps Kevin or Scott or some kind soul will put the
uncompressed, ready to run versions of MC for all processors on their
ftp site so that all the decompressing steps would be unnecessary.

Next, ftp the mc file to the place your cgi scripts can run from,
typically public_html/cgi-bin. Set the correct permissions to make it
executable. For example, on our ISP it has to be chmod 700 or chmod 755.
(chmod 777 is a security violation and programs with these permissions
will not run on our site). You next have to determine what is the actual
location, that is, the absolute path name, of your mc engine.

In our case, our ISP supports SSI (server side includes) so the
pathname was determined by building a test html page using pwd
(print working directory) as an ssi command. More details on this
below. In our case, the full path name turned out to be something like
/export/vhost/org/g/ourhostname/www/public_html/cgi-bin and therefore,
the first line of our mc scripts has to be:


To summarize, get the right mc file, put it in the right place on your
ISP, and set executable permissions. That is all there is to it!! Then,
you can write any MC scripts using the right first line to point to the
mc file, again, making them executable.


Sadhunathan Nadesan
CIO, Cast  Crew

PS, Some helpful files: 

This simple script can be installed as a cgi on your host to help 
find the correct pathname. For example, you could call it pwd.cgi. 

.cut here 
# write minimal set of HTTP headers to stdout 
echo Content-Type: text/plain 
.cut here 

If your ISP supports SSI, then you can use a web page like this to find
out the real path name of pwd.cgi. There are other ways, such as perhaps
a POST command from an MC stack. Here's the page I used:

.. cut here

Re: Installing MC at your ISP, a How-To

2001-06-13 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

| Play safe, we consider mchttpd experimental until it's *wrapped*.

Suppose one set the permission on the mc file to 700

permission  owner   group


Would this accomplish the same thing, ie, no one else but the owner
of the account could run the interpreter?

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Re: Digest metacard.v004.n325

2001-06-06 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

Question from an Apple newbie,

What should I do to prepare an MC MAC 'stand alone' for distribution?
Does it need to be 'stuffit-ed' ?  I built a stand alone on my mac laptop,
put it on the web, but when I download it with IE to another mac, that
mac thinks its a text file, not an executable.   ???  The download is
simply an http link  (option click, and the file downloads).

Obviously this is no problem on the PC, it recognizes the file types
by their .exe extension, but on the MAC as I understand there is a
separate file with this info?  Do I somehow have to include this file
in the distribution?  Where is it?

Thanks for any help,


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Re: Digest metacard.v004.n323

2001-05-20 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

| So 
| a) trying to understand the outside referrer business for CGI's called from
| distributed stacks and


Everyone is a novice in some area!  Let us not hesitate to speak
here in the assembled of the learned even if we don't know what
we are talking about.

That said, I might be completely wrong, but I don't think HOL
is paying any attention to referrers.  EG, in that
script we used - the widely known one from Matt's archive -
there is code that checks the referrer.  We just took it out.  .
I had people calling that script from all kinds of places,
Calif to NY - no problemo.

Since we will be the authors of the cgi programs, we don't have
to put referrer checks in.  HOL won't be paying attention to
where our programs are being called from.  That's my possibly
undereducated view point.  IE, nothing to worry about.
Unless they have changed something.

| b) still confused as to the extent that MC can be a threat to a mainstream
| WEB hosting service in the hands of a CGI novice who also has equal access
| to a PERL and PHP interpreters.

I think Andu and I agree, there is no more threat.  The issue
is convincing HOL.

It's possible when he is talking about bandwith he is referring
to cpu cycles and indicating MC may take more of them to do its
processing - I don't want to put words in his mouth though.
I think that would be a moot point in your case, with such
comparitively small scripts.  If it actually did become an
issue on HOL - meaning - if they notice our programs bogging
their server down - we could consider rewriting the pig jobs
(oops, no offense to pigs intended, just industry slang) in a
compiled language.  Now, compiled programs, there's where HOL
should really be scared if they dont have their security down
pat, but I think they do.  However, there is nothing to stop
us from writing C for Sun O/S, compiling and installing it on
their server.  They are not preventing this, so no reason they
should worry about MC, IMHO.

It's possible he means bandwidth in terms of number bytes uploaded
per time frame - your site already gets a lot of traffic and I
don't believe they are charging for useage, right?   So that is
a non issue too.


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Re: Digest metacard.v004.n322

2001-05-19 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

| I see this is turning nasty and for no good reason. 
| Simon's offering of free server space *and* Metacard engine for testing
| cgi scripts should be appreciated.
| Also, his security concerns should be taken as such, final testing and
| fine tuning of scripts on a public server I think is fine but figuring
| out what a cgi is and how it works could be dangerous.
| Calling a cgi from a stack or a browser should make no difference to the
| server, what the cgi script does is a another matter and could become a
| security concern.
| What I don't understand is why you don't do preliminary
| testing/debugging on a local machine, which is much easier and if there
| is a security issue you don't compromise a public server, but use a
| machine on the other side of the world.

Aloha Andu,

Please pardon my jumping in but perhaps you have mistook the intent
- Swami is a very noble person and would *never* get involved in any
nastiness.  Trust me.  I think we can do best on a list like this by
offering everyone respect.  Unfortunately, email is dangerous in this
regard, ie, it's easy to read something into it was not intended.
I'm sure you have seen it many times.

His intentions are good.  I believe he just wants to make sure that he can
assure his ISP there is no security risk in installing MC.  This same
ISP already permits customers to install their own cgi programs .
Obviously, these programs can ignore the referrer and do whatever the
customer wants - within, of course, the O/S and file system constraints.
So we should be able to tell them that installing MC is no more dangerous
than them installing a Perl interpreter, or Borne shell. (Which they have).


Thanks for your help, 

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Re: Digest metacard.v004.n309

2001-05-07 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

| OK, trying here to get this .mt thing going. Metacard is installed on our
| San Diego Apache server...
| Using the as a model I created this small script:
| #!/usr/local/bin/mc
| on start up
|read from stdin until empty
|put it into buffer
|put Content-Type: text/plain  cr
|put Content-Length:  the length of buffer  cr  cr
|put buffer  
| end startup
| We installed it as test_forms.cgi

Havent' checked to see if anyone else replied yet, but the
script above was fixed to make the on and end tokens
the same (startup) and added an end if also.

It now works.

BTW, before this MC was returning signal 11.  Can anyone
tell me how to find out the meaning of signal 11?


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Re: pdf

2001-03-06 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

| Do you want to replace the PDF forms with a Metacard version, or use 
| Metacard to manage and display the PDF forms?

Hi Dave, thank you for responding.

We don't intend to replace PDF forms with Metacard forms, but
only because we think PDF makes things easy.  We are talking
about taking pre-printed paper forms from outside sources that have
lots of fine print, a few fields to fill in, and need to look
identical to the original preprinteds when delivered.  An
example would be a SAG contract for a performer on a
commercial.  With Adobe we just scan it in, and get an exact
(or pretty darn close) computer replicate, which we can turn
into a form.  No programming required to print it.

So it's more like : something to manage a collection of these
forms.  Be able to save and recall instances of filled out
forms, or at least the data that was extracted from them, be
able to pull up a blank one, fill it in, print, submit, save,
that sort of thing.

| Replacing the PDF forms with Metacard should be fairly 
| straightforward. Basically collect the data you need from the 
| Metacard forms (one form per card), format it as required for your 
| CGIs, and use the "post" command to send the data to the server.

The problem with using MC only is (or is it a non problem?)
all the effort required to get the form to print out and look
exactly like the original.  Another example would be an I9 or
a W4 from the IRS.

| The only problem I can see is if the CGIs are already made to deal 
| with PDF forms that are sent using Acrobat's FDF format. (I think 
| Acrobat can send form data in either HTML or FDF formats.) You'd have 
| to organise the data from the Metacard forms into the FDF style. 
| However, this isn't too difficult. You can find the structure of the 
| FDF format by saving out form data to a file in Acrobat (full version 
| only).

No problem, we don't need to do that.  Just as with MC you can
send only the data entered by the user, you don't have to send
the whole form.  

| However, if printing the forms is of more importance than sending the 
| form data, it's probably hard to beat PDF for print quality.
| Cheers
| Dave Cragg

Printing is crucial, yes.  

Does it sound like you are saying .. MC won't help me?

Thanks again,

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