Re: Apache settings for MC CGI (urgent)

2004-01-26 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land
Chipp Walters wrote/ schreef:

> Oh, just received this... hope it helps, too.
Yep, it helps a lot. The problem seems to be te one mentioned on the
Sonsothunder website: a c++ library is missing. With the version you posted,
it runs scripts perfectly.

Thanks a lot, and for the moment, everything works.


metacard mailing list

Apache settings for MC CGI (urgent)

2004-01-25 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land
Hello all,

It's been a while since I last posted here, but I still dare to pose my
question ;) (Hope you forgive the lurking...)

Does anyone of you have installed cmc.exe as CGI interpreter for MetaTalk
scripts with Apache? Could you please post some essential details on setting
up the server?

I pose this question as urgent because the previous webhoster of some
scripts went bankrupt, and we now have 'till end of January to move to a new
one. The problem is that he isn't able to set up Apache correctly... so if
you could post some details on setting up Apache for that... that'd be
really great.

Thanks in advance,
Sjoerd Op 't Land

metacard mailing list

Modal in modal

2003-12-14 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land
Hello all,

After being away for a long time, I hope it's still acceptable for you that
I pose my question here:

I've made my own dialog and when I modal it, answer dialogs opened by my own
dialog disappear to the background... just strange. Anyone an idea how that
could be solved?

Thanks in advance,
Sjoerd Op 't Land

metacard mailing list

Re: Metacard CGI's

2003-01-14 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land
Michael Crawford wrote/ schreef:

> I have done what you have suggested and have tried using a library
> stack. However it still seems that I can not get any properties of
> the image in the library stack that require a GUI.
That's correct. If you want to make images, you will have to make a
standalone which communicates via sockets or something, and generates the
image files.

Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

ODBC connectivity in CGI

2002-10-12 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land
Did anyone manage to let a MetaTalk/Transcript CGI-script talk to an ODBC

I would think of a continuous running standalone that talks to the database
when it gets a command for that from a CGI-script. Did anyone make such a
standalone already? Or another solution?

Thanks in advance for everything that might help,

metacard mailing list

Re: Print stack as PDF in OS 10.2

2002-09-23 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Mark Talluto wrote/ schreef:

>> The File menu in MetaCard has a Print Card item
>> and the Tools menu has a Print Field item, but neither invokes the OS
>> X print dialog that gives me the Preview or Save as PDF... choice.
> I see.  I thought you were using referring to an app you created.  I
> have not used the print feature from the development tools that come
> with MC.
Do these built-in thingies use the print command or an 'open printing with
dialog; print; close printing' construction? (Just a wild guess.)

> -Mark
Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: MC & openGL

2002-09-09 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Ken Ray wrote/ schreef:

> JB,
> This stuff is awesome! This will be very useful for game and animation
> development...
Well, it will definitely be so when it becomes available for the Mac. When
will that release be? (Just kidding; do you plan to release a Mac version?)

> Ken Ray

jbv wrote/ schreef:

>> Hi list,
>> The demo of an external / DLL bridging the gap
>> between MC and openGL is available at :
Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: More on recursion...

2002-08-29 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Michael Kann wrote/ schreef:

> Recursion is one of those items like the ASCII chart
> that for some reason must be in all programming books.
> For what most of us are doing here it really is
> unnecessary and can cause problems.
I disagree; what is a more elegant handler to calculate 7!, faculty(7)?

  function faculty v
if v is 1 then return 1
else return v*faculty(v-1)
  end faculty

Or to make a list of all files (also in subfolders) in a specific folder?

  function deepFiles startDir
set the cursor to busy
if it is "Cancel" then exit to top
set the directory to startDir
local tFiles
repeat for each line tFile in the files
  put startDir & "/" & tFile into line (the number of lines in tFiles
+ 1) of tFiles
end repeat
repeat for each line tDir in line 2 to -1 of the directories
  put deepFiles(startDir & "/" & tDir) into line (the number of lines in
tFiles + 1) of tFiles
  set the directory to startDir
end repeat
return tFiles
  end deepFiles

Or to repeat a string (just elegant):

  function repeatstring rChunk,rTimes
if rTimes is 1 then return rChunk
else return rChunk & repeatString(rChunk,rTImes-1)
  end repeatstring

I think, if one really thinks structured, it's possible to make things much
simpler with recurred functions.

> Good luck, Mike
Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: Can't hurt to ask...

2002-08-11 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Richard MacLemale wrote/ schreef:

> What would be involved with having a MetaCard stack talk to a digital
> camera?
> (Stop laughing.)
> In theory, could a stack communicate via USB with a camera, and control it,
> as in tell it to take a picture, then download the picture to the hard
> drive...
Mmm, I'm not aware of an ability of MC to talk over USB? Does anyone know
about this?

But I have another idea in mind: I have about the same problem, but in the
software of the camera, you can configure it to display the camera's memory
as a disk on the desktop. If that's possible for you, you could of course
build a nice 'browser'. Just an idea, I don't know if it's an option for

Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: [REQ] chat client testers

2002-08-11 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

MC, Stuffed, please.

Nice possibility to get MC/RR persons in touch on the Net...

Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: a good one

2002-07-06 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Yates, Glen wrote/ schreef:

> What problem?
> 82.845 rounded to 2 decimal places should round to 82.84
> Think about it, if you use the more simplistic method of always rounding
> perfect halves up, then you artificially skew your data upward. Perfect
> halves are exactly half way between the next lower number and the next
> higher one, so why would you always round up? The higher number is no closer
> than the lower one.
In MC you can choose:

round(2.5) --> 3
statround(2.5) --> 2
> -Glen Yates
Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: import snapshot question (Scott?)

2002-06-18 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Chipp Walters wrote/ schreef:

> Thanks, Richard for the idea. For some reason, it doesn't work. In fact, no
> matter how long I wait, the screendraw is updated AFTER the import snapshot
> command is issued (and I suppose BEFORE the capture is made).
THis isn't neat, but... what about taking *2* snapshots?

> -Chipp
Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: Stupid CSV tricks

2002-06-13 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

What about (this would be a new feature for MetaCard) multi-char

  set itemDel to quote & comma & quote
  repeat for each line m in csvData
put char 2 to -2 of m into tRecord
put item 1 of tRecord into ...
  end repeat

Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Parallel port (MC guys, are you there???)

2002-05-15 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Hello everyone,

Any tips/hints on using the parallel port (LPTx: port) from within MC? On
*nix I get the impression (but I'm a total newbie, so...) one could do this
by something like:

  open file "/dev/lpt1" for write
  write data to file "lpt1"
  close file "/dev/lpt1"

Is this correct? And what about other platforms? Something with

  open driver "LPT1:" for write

??? Please your experiences (not ideas only, because I don't have the
possibility to try things out) or insights from the MC team, because I want
to eliminate this factor when debugging.

Thanks in advance.

Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: netscape/mozilla

2002-05-05 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote/ schreef:

>> Does anyone know in what language are Mozilla and Netscape 6.x written?
> C++. The source is available at, good stuff!
Mmm, how difficult would it be to write an external for MC which uses the
HTML-display module of that code? (For non- commercial use only, of course.)

> Tuviah
Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: Return Character Substitute

2002-04-10 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Ray Horsley wrote/ schreef:

> Any suggestions on a good substitute for the return character.
What about urlEncode() -ing the input?

> Thanks,
> Ray Horsley
Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: Feature request: tooltip

2002-03-21 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Paul Kocsis wrote/ schreef:

> This may sound simple, and if there's a way to do it already, then I
> apologize for labeling this as a "feature request"...but...for my
> application it would be quite useful if a tooltip could display in something
> other than a single line.  I'd like to be able to populate a tooltip with
> several lines (lines separated by lineFeed characters) and have the tooltip
> pop up as a small rectangular window instead of one long line :)
A good idea! Also, MC should wrap the text to the next line, when the
tooltip wouldn't fit on the screen for some reason.

Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: icon id 3001 where are you?

2002-03-21 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

erik hansen wrote/ schreef:

> the custom icons created in HC and opened in MC
> cannot be found. in HC they are referenced to the
> stack and appear in the icon window with the id
> the creator chooses. guys 4001 etc., dolls 3001
> etc. where they can be edited. after going
> through tutorials, concepts, and references, re:
> icons & images, the dancers remain elusive. "My
> Icons" shows no trace, "Icon Chooser"- nothing.
> are custom icons supposed to show up somewhere to
> be edited? or could my "Properties" dialog bug be
> the culprit...
Some things about icons here... (came from HC myself so...)

In MC, icons are nothing more than ordinary image objects. If you want to
make your icons, you need to import the desired image (as gif or jpeg),
remember its ID, place it offscreen or hide it. Then take a button object,
and set it's icon to the ID, remember?

In HC, icons are stored as ICN# resources, and wont be used when a HC stack
is imported into MC.

The solution? Try to extract the resources from your HC stack, and import
them in your MC stack. (Maybe this can be done with GraphicConverter).

Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: metacard for CGI

2002-03-05 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

andu wrote/ schreef:

> Subject: metacard for CGI
> I am putting together some documentation regarding the use of
> metatalk/rev for CGI scripts and I wanted to ask the list for some
> feedback:
> -how many of you are currently using metatalk/rev for CGI
Me. What I think is important, is security. We want MC to be available as
widespread as Pearl, but admins don't want it on their systems, because
there is no wrapper.

Keep on the good work, Andu!

Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: Dial a phone number

2002-02-28 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Mathias Glaus wrote/ schreef:

> Hello, 
> Few years ago, I have used the dial function in Hypercard, e.g. : dial
> 0555 
> What is the corresponding function in Metacard?
There is none in MetaCard. You could try to build something like that
yourself. E.g.:

on dial dNumber
  open file "modem:" for write
  write "ATDT" && dNumber to file "modem:"
  close file "modem:"
end dial dNumber

> Mathias Glaus
Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: Clicking outside movie windows

2002-02-14 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Shari wrote/ schreef:

> Playing a movie in a player window, how do I prevent messages from
> being sent while the movie is playing?
> [snip]
> I have several pulldown menu buttons on the card, and if I click on
> one of them during the movie, the pulldown menus appear.
Basically 2 options:
1. 'show' a transparent button over the pulldown (and any other menus)
2. Script:

  disable button "myPulldownMenu"

The second is neater, because it also gives the use feedback about why she
can't click the menus, but the first one may be easier to implement, because
it also blocks other 'mouse' messages to be sent. (A combination of the two
is also possible, of course!)

> Thanks!
> Shari
Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: CGI examples?

2002-02-13 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Richard Gaskin wrote/ schreef:

> I may have sold another copy of MC today (to my brother who builds server
> systems), but I couldn't answer one question he asked me:
> Where can I find URLs to public sites using MC as a CGI engine?
Well, it's not big, but at least something...

This is the (Dutch) site of a music festival going to happen this Friday and
Saturday. Visitors can claim tickets on-line. The form is also equipped with
some input checks.

  Click 'Kaartverkoop' and then click the 'online formulier' link.

There is a form which one has to fill-in. When you don't fill in in some
fields correctly, you'll get an error message. Just try it.

Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: beepPitch

2002-02-08 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

slavko milekic wrote/ schreef:

> I am designing an application where different cursor positions are supposed
> to elicit a sound of different pitch -- I tried "set beepPitch to NewValue"
> but it does not seem to work -- whatever I do, I get the same old
> "ding.wav".  I am using Win 98 SE, and MC 2.4.1.
> Any help (including suggestions about other methods of achieving the same
> effect) is appreciated.
I hit this very same problem recently. The beepPitch only applies to the
'beep' sound, which is not played over the sound card (which is able to play
*.wav files). I can't exactly tell how to solve this, because one some
configurations it works, and on others it doesn't, even on the same

A workaround: use a player object to play a sound file, and change the
playRate. Have a look at the attachment and have fun! (You should add some
sound file to the player yourself).

> Thank you in advance!
> Slavko Milekic
Regards, / Groeten,
Description: Binary data

Re: SampleDraw challenge

2002-02-02 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Karl Becker wrote/ schreef:

>> Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> ...
>> Also:  Is there a way to interactively edit points of a polygon graphic?
> You can always set the points of graphic "whatever" to a return
> delimited "x,y" list.  However, to actually edit the points, you'd
> need to come up with a workaround.  I suppose you could find the x,y
> value that the user clicked, find what point it's nearest to on the
> graphic, and then just set that graphic point to the mouseLoc.
> That may not have sounded the greatest...
Mmmm, maybe try to make somthing as seen in Office: Make a tool 'Change
points', which when selected shows the points of a polygon (with a marker)
and enables the user to drag that points around. When clicked, the user
returns to the arrow tool.


Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Writing to LPT1:

2002-01-15 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Hello all,

Unforunately I didn't get a reply on my earlier question about LPT ports and
such. It is quite important, so I try again:

Has anyone by any change written to the LPT port on Windoze systems?

Does anyone know anything about the undocumented "open driver "

Thanks a lot for any help in advance!

Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: AppleScript not working

2002-01-15 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

LiangTyan Fui wrote/ schreef:

>> Thanks Jack, but I've already tried it, it doesn't do it.  When I do
>> that inside a card script, no error message is given, and when I do
>> that in the message box, I get the "alternate language not found"
>> error.
>> I'm on Mac OS 9.1 on a beige G3 if that has any bearing on anything...
> Try MetaCard 2.4.1 build number 5.
> Find this out in the message box by:
> put the buildnumber
> This is the version that I am using, and I've the same problem on some
> versions earlier.
Great! That did the trick!

I downloaded the last version (buildNumber=7), and it now works like a

> Hope this helps.
> Regards,
> LiangTyan Fui
Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: So does anyone know what a colorPalette is?

2002-01-08 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

David Bovill wrote/ schreef:

> I wish the documentation was that clear :)
I seems to me that this feature was built for the IDE, not documented.

> The question I'm asking is what on earth is the "colorPalette" object in the
> "Colour Chooser" stack? The control browser lists it as a colourPalette
> "Color Map" and the only documentation I can find is that they have a
> selectedColor property.
> Any other properties? How would I go about creating my own palettes. It
> would be nice to figure this out before I go ahead and create palettes made
> out of buttons...
Mmmm... you can't create one by

  create colorpalette

But you need to select it with the Control Browser in the Color Palette,
copy it and paste it into your own stack. Great!!!

With a script like

  on mouseUp
set the backcolor of button 1 to the selectedColor of me
  end mouseUp

> David
Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

open driver

2002-01-07 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Hello all,

Recently I heard about the open driver  command. It seems to be
an undocumented feature. Are the MC-people willing to share something about
it with us? That'd be great, because I (and maybe some others) am developing
an interface for PC <--> DMX (MIDI for light control), and I'd like to do
this on the PCI bus, but MC hasn't (documented) suppart for that.

Another question: has anyone of you tried to write data to the printer port?

Thanks a lot in advance for any hints, tips, tricks...

Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: why MetaCard?

2002-01-07 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Shari wrote/ schreef:

> As I create programs that I distribute, I have to have an environment
> that I can trust.  If it crashes and burns for me, no doubt it will
> do that to the people who use my programs, and that is not acceptable.
Besides the fact that I choose MetaCard for the same reason as you did (IDE
not stable), your last argument isn't true. The environment is unstable
because it uses a *lot* of memory in bad way, and the bugs are there of
course because RunRev is still in development.

But when you make a standalone, it will experience none of the unstableness
of the IDE (or at least, no more than it will if developed in MC).
> So I chose Metacard.
At last, I did the same.

Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list


2002-01-01 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Hello all,

Recently, I discovered a bug/problem. I tried

  do somescript as AppleScript

But got

  alternate language not found

as result, although

  put the alternateLanguages



I thought this was a performance problem (I have a Performa 5400/160 MHz,
OS9, MC2.4 (a lot for an old Mac)), but still, it should give a neat error


Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: Windows question

2001-12-30 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Andu wrote/ schreef:

> As a sign of aging (or worse), I'm begining to ask questions about windows
> platform.
> I want to run a command line application on NT and was wondering what is the
> mechanism
> to let the system know about its location so that at the prompt I'd just type
> its name and
> whatever options necessary.
> Can anyone help me?
Do you mean setting the start directory of a shell? I always did this like:

get shell("cd" && replaceText(startDir,"/","\") & return & appName &&

Hope this helps.

> Regards, Andu
Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: Moving directories

2001-12-30 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Karl Becker wrote/ schreef:

> The rename function doesn't move directories on Mac and Windows.  D'oh.
> What would be the easiest way to go about moving one complete folder
> to a new location?  (copying or moving, either way)  I suppose I
> could write up some sort of repeat loop to repeat thru a folder's
> hierarchy and file list, but I'd imagine there's an easier way...
For apple, you could execute the following AppleScript:

tell application "Finder" to move folder "HD Sjoerd:Desktop Folder:1:2" to
folder "HD Sjoerd:Desktop Folder"


Re: Matrix (or array) problem...

2001-12-16 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

David Bovill wrote/ schreef:

> I have essentially two lists containing boolean values (ie 0 or 1), that I
> want to find the intersection of (that is if either value is true then the
> same position in the new list is true otherwise it is false).
So you're doing a bitwise AND. (Only if foo AND bar are true, the result
will be true, otherwise false). Have a look at bitAnd in 'operators' section
in the Help Index.

Good luck!

> Any ideas?
Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: Is Among Error?

2001-12-14 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Sivakatirswami wrote/ schreef:

> put "apples" is among "apples, oranges"
> returns an error... shouldn't it return "true"
> ??
Should be:
  put "apples" is among the items of "apples, oranges"

As you could use

  put "a" is among the chars of "abcdefg"
  put "My" is among the words of "My Fair Lady"

> Hinduism Today
> Sivakatirswami
Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: [Metacard] Re: Speedomatic Mail Server

2001-11-28 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Sjoerd Op 't Land wrote/ schreef:

> I wrote:
>> Anyone against removing that prefix? Metacard team: is this possible?
> Kevin Miller wrote/ schreef:
>> Done.
> Wow! This is like speed of light, right?
Well, at least a little. Kevin: I still see this [Metacard] prefix, how

>> Kevin
> Regards, / Groeten,
> Sjoerd

Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

[Metacard] Re: Speedomatic Mail Server

2001-11-27 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

I wrote:
> Anyone against removing that prefix? Metacard team: is this possible?

Kevin Miller wrote/ schreef:
> Done.

Wow! This is like speed of light, right?

> Kevin
Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: [Metacard] Speedomatic Mail Server

2001-11-27 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Scott Rossi wrote/ schreef:

> I just now sent a post to the new mail list and saw my message appear on the
> list in less than 2 minutes.  All I can say is *FINALLY*.
> Good job RunRev guys. :-)
Without wanting to detract anything from the above, I wonder why that
'[Metacard]' prefix came in. The problem is that sometimes the subject of a
reply will be:

  Re: [Metacard] Speedomatic Mail Server
but sometimes
  [Metacard] Re: Speedomatic Mail Server

Then my mail client gets confused and doesn't get the thread anymore. Anyone
against removing that prefix? Metacard team: is this possible?

> Regards,
> Scott
Regards, / Groeten,

metacard mailing list

Re: CGI under OS X via Darwin Success...

2001-11-25 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Richard MacLemale wrote/ schreef:

> put "Content-Type: text/text" & cr
Guess you meant to write plain text out here. In that case it should read:

  put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr

Regards, / Groeten,

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Autoplay a CD and open an html file with MC

2001-11-18 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Blair mail wrote/ schreef:

> I am trying to make a little MC app that will act as a CD file launchpad
> to open an Html file (Win OS only ):

> # determine the drive letter of where the CD was launched from.
> put directory into dirName
> set the directory to dirName
> #open the file from the CD in the browser
> launch "folder1/Index.htm" with tDefaultBrowser
Guess the above should be:

put THE directory into dirName
launch "file:" & dirName & "folder1/Index.htm"

Maybe "file:" should be "file://", I don't know, just try.

> Question : how can I get it to use the directory variable to point to
> the right path??
> Thanks,
> Blair
Regards, / Groeten,

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Inquiry for graphics external

2001-11-15 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote/ schreef:

> MC currently doesn't support painting on an it strips the
> alphamask with any image editing operation (ie.flips and rotation). You
> can however save the alphadata away before rotating it..rotate the
> alphadata by script, and apply it afterwards using the alphadata
> property.
> If this is too slow you can still take advantage of the
> alphadata/imagedata/maskdata properties by having an external do the
> heavy bit fiddling (external api now supports manipulating binary data)
> [snip]
Or what you can do is use MC built-in functions to manipulate the image when
the user is rotating, flipping etc., and do the manipulation on idle (when
the user's done) by exporting the mask and alphadata. Also you dan save the
original image, so it only get minimally distorted.

> Tuviah
Regards, / Groeten,

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

rotation property (was: Inquiry for graphics external)

2001-11-14 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Tereza Snyder wrote/ schreef:

> MetaCard's implementation introduces very noticeable
> distortions, especially with images that have alpha channels.
I think this is a quite important subject, because it is one of the things
that Macromedia Flash does better than MC/RR.

Anyway I feel that this 'rotate' command that we have now is a step in the
right direction, but definitely not 'it'. I think a better solution would be
that every object (I mean every field, button, graphic etc,etc) had a
'rotation' property, which could be set to some value between 0 and 359

This solution would involve storing the original image(,field,button...) but
would take care for not distorting the image.

How do others think about this?

Regards, / Groeten,

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: [urgent] sending mail via CGI: sendmail?

2001-11-10 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

andu wrote/ schreef:

> The authentication for SMTP is the user's address
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). I guess if you put that in the "from" part
> should work with
> It's not clean but it should do the job.
Thanks for your help in the first place.

I think the e-mail address is not the username. In my situation my
address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And I have the impression that the matching of the two usernames is
occasional. Anyway, I need a way to pass trough a password, and that needs
to be done via some way of encryption.

I believe MC should be able to handle this. So it should be possible to give
'' but also 'username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]' as SMTP

Andu, is there any chance MC is going to support SMTP AUTH(entication)?

> Andu
Regards, / Groeten,

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Premature end of script headers

2001-10-19 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Nicolas Cueto wrote/ schreef:

> newbie here, running mc on a Linux/Apache home server...
> This mt script, when called over the internet thru a browser by an html
> form's submit button, successfully puts stdin into the specified file but
> the error logs show "premature end of script headers":
> #!mc
> on startup
>   if $REQUEST_METHOD is "POST" then
> read from stdin until empty
> put it into url "file:rawdata.txt"
>   end if
> end startup
> What am I doing wrong?
> [snip]
I don't know anything about Apache, but I guess the problem is that Apache
expects the cgi-script to output a legal set of headers. A cgi should output
something like:
  -- start output --
  Content-Type: text/plain
  Content-Length: 5

  -- end ouput --
So your script would be something like:

on startup
  if $REQUEST_METHOD is "POST" then
read from stdin until empty
put it into url "file:rawdata.txt"
  end if

  -- put something to output in a variable here
  put "This is a test." into outputBuffer

  -- output the variable plus headers
  put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr
  put "Content-Length:" && the length of outputBuffer & cr & cr
  put outputBuffer
end startup

Note: put without an 'into' clause outputs to the stdout, that's exactly
what you want.

Hope this helps.
(If you want to output html, change 'text/plain' into 'text/html')

> Thank you in advance.
> Nicolas R Cueto
Regards, / Groeten,

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Re: Mod function

2001-10-16 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Gregory Lypny wrote/ schreef:

> Hi Everyone,
> Just confirming that MC does not have a mod function.  Right?  So,
> I would use something like
> 5/2 - trunc(5/2) = 0.5
No, it *has* a mod function, but 'mod' is not a function but an oparator:

  put 5 mod 2 --> 1
  put 6 mod 2 --> 0

> Greg
Regards, / Groeten,

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Re: Deleted file

2001-10-14 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Jacqueline Landman Gay wrote/ schreef:

> I am wondering if anyone knows of any property settings in Windows that
> would cause disappearance of a file after saving, since the customer did
> have to change the "read only" setting manually due to an error in the
> way the master files were originally shipped. They may have accidentally
> changed some other setting as well. Or does anyone know of any other
> reason why this file (and not the 49 others) might disappear?
How are the files named? Can a file accidentally end at .sys, .ini or some
system-like name?

Just a guess.

> Jacque
Regards, / Groeten,

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Re: Making an uncloseable stack

2001-10-13 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Andrew Griffin wrote/ schreef:

> Okay, I'm not sure how I can do this.  I have one main
> stack open then I open another smaller sub-stack above
> it (so you can still see the main stack).  What I need
> is some way to make it so the user can only do things
> in the smaller stack and cannot close that stack
> unless they push a button labeled "close".  If you
> click on the main stack the smaller sub-stack drops
> back behind the main stack, so the smaller stack also
> has to remain as the toplevel stack.
> Any ideas?
When the user tries to close a window a message 'closeStackRequest' is sent.
If you don't pass it, the stack will remain open. Like this:

on closeStackRequest
end closeStackRequest

But a liitle more neater would be:

on closeStackRequest
  send "mouseUp" to button "CLose"
end closeStackRequest

So that closing the window does the same as clicking the 'Close' button.

Hope this helps.

> --Andrew Griffin
Regards, / Groeten,

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Changing Colors on MouseEnter

2001-09-27 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Reinhold Venzl-Schubert wrote/ schreef:

> When I move the mouse over a graphic (curve) in a field a name is displayed.
> on mouseEnter
> put "das Scheitelbein" into field N_Scheitelbein
> end mouseEnter
> Now I want to change the color of the graphic from white to gray. How can it
> do it?
The script of the graphic:

on mouseEnter -- when someone enters the graphic
  set the foregroundColor of me to "Gray"
end mouseEnter

on mouseLeave -- when someoone leaves the graphic later on
  set the foregroundColor of me to "White"
end mouseLeave

> Reinhold Venzl-Schubert
Hope this helps.

Regards, / Groeten,

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: do ... as applescript -> "alternative language not found"

2001-09-26 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Rodney Tamblyn wrote/ schreef:

> In MC 2.4.1, Mac OS 9.1:
> put "tell application"&"e&"Finder""e&return&\
> "activate"&return&\
> "end tell" into cmd
> do cmd as applescript
> put the result
> returns result "alternative language not found"
> alternativelanguages() returns "applescript"
> Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?
> Rodney
Maybe put applescript in quotes?

Regards, / Groeten,

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Re: .mt script for processing web form data

2001-09-17 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Sivakatirswami wrote/ schreef:

> After putting it on the shelf for sometime my need to create some scripts to
> process data submitted by a html web form is reaching critical mass.
> Reconfiguring PERL scripts to do what we need is out of the question... but
> before I get too far into this...has anyone already created a .mt script to
> process web form data submissions? goal is save to the data to a file and
> serve up an acknowledgement page to the user.
> If so, can you email that to me off list (and send to Simon Lord also for
> his site...)
I've made things like it, but I don't have them available yet. But I do
think this is not very difficult or massive. So I think you want some more
than what you say here (like error checking, e-mail sending and such). Can
you be more specific?

> Thanks! 
> Hinduism Today
> Sivakatirswami
Regards, / Groeten,

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Re: tree field redux

2001-09-17 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Tereza Snyder wrote/ schreef:

> Hello all,
> I'm sure many of you were as interested as I was in José Luis Rodríguez'
> "tree field". As it happens, I had an immediate use for it. In adapting it
> for my needs, I ended up modifying it extensively, although my version is
> for MetaCard 2.4 only. If anyone would like a copy, please email me.
I do!
And again: if possible, put a copy on the internet. If you want to do it
easy, just mail it to:


He'll put it on the site.

Regards, / Groeten,

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Feature Request: recordLoudness

2001-09-17 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Great thing, but I'd like to be able to use this also when I'm not
recording. Something like soundLoudness?

Regards, / Groeten,

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Re: ClickLine strange in 2.4

2001-09-15 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Mark Mitchell wrote/ schreef:

> [snip]
> In 2.3 it worked fine.  You could
> hit return, control/click (Mac) and type away
> in a different color.  However, 2.4 does not return the clickLine unless you
> have already typed something and
> click directly over some of the text you have typed.  So this script does not
> work so well now
I'm afraid i can't help you with this one.

> [snip]
> Also, I think I learned this once but I forgot.  Is there any way to know
> which line of a field you are currently typing in?
> ie. the line which the cursur is currently on?  I'd like to be able to recieve
> a tabkey message and change JUST the currently
> typed line of the field.
the selectedLine returns the line where the cursor is in, also when there is
no multi-char selection.

> Thanks for your help
> mark mitchell
> japan
Groetjes, / Regards,

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Re: Novell Login

2001-09-15 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Jack Rarick wrote/ schreef:

> Hi all ...
> I was possibly dreaming at some point in the last few months but I swear I
> read some mail about being able to determine the Novell login of the
> current user.  Does anyone have a clue?
> Thanks in advance
> Jack Rarick
> Braintree Athletic Systems
Try 'put the globals', then you'll get a list of all global variables.
The ones a=starting with $ are environment varables. If memory serves
something like $LOGIN is there. Then use:

  answer "You logged in as:" && $LOGIN & "."

Groetjes, / Regards,

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Tree field

2001-09-08 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Jose L. Rodriguez Illera wrote/ schreef:

> Hi,
> I¹ve finished a simple Œtree field¹ that may convert a tab delimited field or
> file into an outline,  and seems to work fast and well. Anyone interested may
> write me and I will send it.
Sounds interesting, can you mail me a copy:


Or can you post it somewhere on the web and give us the address?

> Regards,
> José L. Rodríguez

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Re: 'delete' deletes right away... trash?

2001-09-07 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Ben Rubinstein wrote/ schreef:

> It'd be nice when MetaCard put the files in the trash when using the
> 'delete' command, because then there still was a way to recover the
> files.
> Even if something is added to built-in functionality, please don't change
> the meaning of delete.  In the current situation we have the ability to
> either delete a file or move it to the trash.  If delete is changed, we only
> have the ability to move it to the trash.
You're right about that: for backward compatibility the current function of
"delete" shouldn't change. What would be the most nice way

  trash "file"
  -- a new command

  set deleteToTrash to true
  delete "file"
  -- as a global/local property

  delete "file" to trash
  -- as an option with "delete"



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URGENT: where to get the externals collection? (solved)

2001-09-06 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Hello all,

I just got a reply from Michael Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, and he told me
the licence was free. Just mail him for a code.

Regards and sorry for spilling some 'URGENT' bandwidth,

I wrote:

> Hello all,
> This is quite urgent because my client is waiting for it to come every minute
> it takes longer for me to get it... (right?)
> I'm searching for a way to register the externals collection. I used the
> built-in payment module of the downloadable MetaCard Externals Collection
> Stack, submitted it, and didn't receive answer until now.
> Tuviah Snyder told me that it was free by now and told me to request a key.
> When I asked him 'where?' he didn't answer (no problem Tuviah, I'm just in a
> hurry, see?) So:
> Where can I get (or buy) a key for the Externals Collections?
> Thank you all very very very very very much for anything that could be
> helpful,
> Sjoerd

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: 'delete' deletes right away... trash?

2001-09-06 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

andu wrote/ schreef:

>>> It'd be nice when MetaCard put the files in the trash when using the
>>> 'delete' command, because then there still was a way to recover the
>>> files.
>>> Is this a useful idea or am I the only one?
> Even if you were, it's easy to come up with a function to do just that,
> either create a backup file or move them somewhere. Having something
> like that built in is overkill, I think.
Sure, I thought about writing my own function for this already, but because
the script would differ for each platform(), I think it's nice if this was
built-in. Of course if I'd really need it, I'd write a function myself,
but... you know a little step closer to perfection of MC.



Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

URGENT: where to get the externals collection?

2001-09-06 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Hello all,

This is quite urgent because my client is waiting for it to come every
minute it takes longer for me to get it... (right?)

I'm searching for a way to register the externals collection. I used the
built-in payment module of the downloadable MetaCard Externals Collection
Stack, submitted it, and didn't receive answer until now.

Tuviah Snyder told me that it was free by now and told me to request a key.
When I asked him 'where?' he didn't answer (no problem Tuviah, I'm just in a
hurry, see?) So:

Where can I get (or buy) a key for the Externals Collections?

Thank you all very very very very very much for anything that could be

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: 'delete' deletes right away... trash?

2001-09-05 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Mark Luetzelschwab wrote/ schreef:

> Isn't the trash just a folder?
> set the directory to "/Macintosh HD/Trash"
> put the files
> lists all the contents of the trash...
Could be true, but we wanted 'delete' to put files into the trash instead of
deleting them right away, see?

> PC's are similar, though I think each drive has a recycle.
> -ml

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Re: 'delete' deletes right away... trash?

2001-09-04 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Geoff Canyon wrote/ schreef:

> At 9:21 PM +0200 9/4/01, Sjoerd Op 't Land wrote:
>> It'd be nice when MetaCard put the files in the trash when using the
>> 'delete' command, because then there still was a way to recover the files.
> On a Mac, at least, with the new AppleScript support:
> [snip]
Oh I'm sure this could be done using AS, but I think this should be the
standard (or maybe settable) on Mac and Windows.


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'delete' deletes right away... trash?

2001-09-04 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Hello all,

Since we don't have an improve-metacard list, I post this here ;-)

I just deleted two vocabulary files of my home-made-words-rehearsal app by
accident. Some wrong scripting of course and an absence of backups... I
know, but still:

It'd be nice when MetaCard put the files in the trash when using the
'delete' command, because then there still was a way to recover the files.

Is this a useful idea or am I the only one?


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Re: field behavior

2001-09-04 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Rosli Hassan wrote/ schreef:

> [snip]
> I then took the cd and went to a different machine,
> and copy the standlone onto the hard-disk, and
> everything works fine.  it just refuses to work
> correctly when running directly from the cd.
Mmmm, this sounds like a bug. You should send it to


Hope this helps,

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: ErrorDocument CGI with a .mt script??

2001-09-02 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Sivakatirswami wrote/ schreef:

> Specifically we need to have Apache redirect a http request for not just a
> file in a particular directory to another web site with the same directory
> and same file (which is what REDIRECT does) but we need to be able to
> redirect an http URL request from

I don't know if I understand your question, but I'll give it a try. If you
want to output another page, but the address in the browser remains the
same, just do something like:

  put url "http://www.other_domain/bar.html"; into outputBuffer

Or if you want the users browser to go to that other site output something



If this is not the answer to your question, try to explain the problem in
more generic words, because for understanding your present question, you
need to know about Perl and Apache.

Hope this helps,

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Sending emails

2001-09-02 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

jbv wrote/ schreef:

> AFAIR, MC2.3.2 doesn't support SMTP.
That's correct.

> Any better idea ?
I think so: you could build your own SMTP client in MC. It'd be something
like the script below.

You could use it in the stack with the server (and eventual authentication)
already supplied.
> Thanks.
> JB
Hope this help,

BTW In case you wondered: some comments are Dutch, I hadn't time to
translate them.
NOTE: Didn't test this script good, you may have to change things yourself.
BTW 2: As you may know, I have the Starter Kit. I put this script into a
HyperCard stack, converted it to MC, and 'library'ed it to use it.
- SMTP Script 
function sendmail 
  # declare globals
  global logF
  put empty into logF
  ### genereren maildata ###
  put "To: " & mToName && "<" & mToAddress & ">" & cr into data
  put "From: " & mFromname && "<" & mFromAddress & ">" & cr after data
  put "Subject: " & mSubject & cr after data
  put "X-Mailer:" && the version && "(" & the platform & ")" & cr
& cr after data
  put mBody & crlf & "." & crlf after data
  schrijfLog "--- data ---" & cr & data & cr & ""
  ### openen verbinding ###
  put hostnametoaddress(mServer) into serverIP
  put serverIP & ":25" into socketY
  open socket socketY
  read from socket socketY for 1 line
  put it into temp
  schrijfLog "  " & temp
  if char 1 to 3 of temp is "220" then
put hostAddress(socketY) into localIP
write "HELO " & localIP  & CRLF to socket socketY
read from socket socketY for 1 line
put it into temp
schrijfLog "Server replies..."
schrijfLog "Server doesn't respond correctly."
  end if
  schrijfLog "  " & temp
  if char 1 to 3  of temp is "250" then
write "RSET"  & CRLF to socket socketY
read from socket socketY for 1 line
put it into temp
schrijfLog "Identity accepted."
schrijfLog "Identity denied."
  end if
  schrijfLog "  " & temp
  if char 1 to 3  of temp is "250" then
write "MAIL FROM:" && mFromaddress & CRLF to socket socketY
read from socket socketY for 1 line
put it into temp
schrijfLog "RSET succesful"
schrijfLog "RSET UNsuccesful"
  end if
  schrijfLog "  " & temp
  if char 1 to 3  of temp is "250" then
write "RCPT TO: "& mToAddress & CRLF to socket socketY
read from socket socketY for 1 line
put it into temp
schrijfLog "MAIL FROM: succesful"
schrijfLog "MAIL FROM: UNsuccesful"
  end if
  schrijfLog "  " & temp
  if char 1 to 3  of temp is "250" then
write "DATA"& CRLF to socket socketY
read from socket socketY for 1 line
put it into temp
schrijfLog "RCPT TO: succesful"
schrijfLog "RCPT TO: UNsuccesful"
  end if
  schrijfLog "  " & temp
  if char 1 to 3 of temp is "354" then
write data to socket socketY
read from socket socketY for 1 line
put it into temp
schrijfLog "DATA being sent..."
schrijfLog "DATA NOT being sent"
  end if
  schrijfLog "  " & temp
  if char 1 to 3 of temp is "250" then
write "QUIT"  & CRLF to socket socketY
read from socket socketY for 1 line
put it into temp
schrijfLog "Ready"
schrijfLog "Not ready"
  end if
  schrijfLog "  " & temp
  close socket socketY
  schrijfLog "Socket closed."
  if line -4 of logF is "Ready" then
return "OK"
return "Error, see log:" & cr & cr & logF
  end if
end sendmail

on schrijfLog tekst
  global logF
  put tekst & cr after logF
end schrijfLog

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Re: borderwidthSolution?: "effective rect"

2001-08-26 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Richard Gaskin wrote/ schreef:

> I would like to propose that we consider adopting "the effective rect",
> which would return the complete rect of an object including any temporary
> decorations like the focusBorder.
> Would this be acceptable to the readers here (and more importantly, to
> Scott)?
Very good, I second this. Of course I don't know that much about programming
(unlike scripting), but I'd think this wouldn't be that difficult to
implement. And of course we have the point of being backward compatible.


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Re: A little troublesome script

2001-08-22 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

MisterX wrote/ schreef:

> Hi gals and guys,
> Here's a little troublesome script...
> This is in a button, when pressed, the button hilites itself non-stop
> forever (the type command I presume) instead of typing the text in the field
> as expected.
I think (according to the syntax) you used 'type' where you should have used
'put'. But I still don't get the object of this script...

Hope this helps,

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: designers nightmare, and how to avoid it...

2001-08-21 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Klaus Major wrote/ schreef:

> Do i miss something, or do you really have to set it manually in the
> control panel "Display" ???
What is the value after you set it in "Display"?


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Re: Format of a Container

2001-08-20 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Phil Davis wrote/ schreef:

> One way:
> get fld "tenDigitNumber"
> if (it is a number) and (length(it) = 10) then
> --do stuff
> end if

Second way:

on keyDown which
  if which is a number and the length of me < 10 then
pass keyDown
  end if
end keyDown

put this into the script of the field. The user won't even ever be able to
enter 'wrong' data.

Hope this helps,

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.


2001-08-19 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

I don't know if I understand your question, but I'll give it a try:

Your want to open "","","" (are in the same directory) when the stack opens.

If you want to do it from a standalone it's easy:
  the directory will contain the current working directory (like "C:/programming/test" or "D:/govatwork")
  Also, when you just don't give a absolute path (C:/.../ but a relative one ("") it will use
  the current working directory as start. So you can just:
    go ""
  When the stack is in the same directory as the standalone, of course.

If want to do this from within a stack, thing get a little different, but still, not that difficult:
  the fileName will contain an absolute path to this stack like
  As the directory contains the path to the current engine, like
    c:/program files/mc/
  We have to use the fileName, and just split the filename from the path:
  on openStack
    global stackDir -- here the path is gonna be stored
    set the itemDelimiter to "/"
    put item 1 to -2 of the fileName of this stack into stackDir
    -- stackDir now contains something like "C:/programming/govatwork" or "D:/govatwork"
  end openStack
  -- now you can use the stackDir from everywhere in you app e.g.

  on mouseUp
    global stackDir
    go stackDir & "/"
  end mouseUp

Hope this helps,

BTW We all sometimes have a time problem when programming a project, but when you have a urgent question again (I assume of course that you tried everything to avoid this situation), please use a little more polite tone, because there is nothing wrong with being polite. You can, of course, set the priority of the mail to "High".

A Oliver wrote/ schreef:


I have a project that I need to go onto a cd-rom as a part of a government project @ work.What I need is a script to run only once when the stack opens. Reason being is that I can't put all the stack locations into scripts.. for example: c:\project\ because then this forces them to copy to their harddrive. It is going to be 700MB, what happens if they don't have that much space? -well they can';t use it. 

outline: what I need.. 

On OpenStack 
{set a global field in the stack to the location of where this file is opened} - so for example it will set a global field called "location" to x:\[folder]\ (where x is the drive letter of where it is opening from. 
If this can be achieved then how do i recall it 

for example: (I want to open a file in the same folder called "") 

A Button called Credits has to do: 

open "{location} (as defined before as the location) \" therefore printing below: 

open "e:\project\" -- where e: is the drive and project is the name of the folder 

If you can send script or something to help me with this it is greatly appreciated. 

Re: double mouseDown messages

2001-08-14 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Leston Drake wrote/ schreef:

> Does anyone know how to turn this off (without setting ListBehavior to false)?
> Or ideas for trapping the second one?
flushEvents() ?

> TIA,
> Leston
Good luck,

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Re: Toolbar buttons - techniques...

2001-08-13 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote/ schreef:

> Hello again,
> Im trying to implement the cut,copy,paste buttons on a toolbar below the
> menubar but everytime I click on the buttons the selection goes away... I
> tried to put the buttons in the menubar but no success...
> I know I can catch the selectedchunk with a "on mouseenter" event in the
> button script 
> but is there any other way which might be more elegant or natural?
I assume you are working on a Windows machine, because this problem does not
occur at the Macintosh platform.

The problem is that the 'copy' button, for example, gets the focus, while
the textfield loses it. When you turn 'traversalOn' (under the 'Behaviour'
tab) of the buttons off, they won't get the focus when the user clicks them,
and now the field won't lose the focus anymore.

> thanks
> Xavier
Hope this helps,

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Getting multiple sounds to play at once

2001-07-15 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Andrew Griffin wrote/ schreef:

> I'm using version 2.2.3 of MetaCard and I need to have
> at least 2 sounds play at once.  Is using the
> MCIsendstring (is that right?) a way to go about doing
> this?  I know upgrading may be the answer, but I don't
> have the money right now.  Any help would be greatly
> appreciated!
WHat about having two (hidden or offscreen) players with a sound, started at
the same time?

> --Andrew Griffin
Hope this helps,

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Re: Double click problem in Windows

2001-07-09 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Klaus Major wrote/ schreef:

> I have similar experiences.
> My mouseenter/leave-handler are executed
> even if another application is in front!!
> I am working in e.g. Photoshop with my stack in the background and
> i hear my "mouseenter-"sounds all the time when i move the mouse...
> Very annoying...
> Sorry, i have no recipe to avoid that :-(
What about storing a false or true in appActive at suspendStack and
resumeStack handlers?

on preOpenStack
  global appActive
  put true into appActive
end preOpenStack

on suspendStack
  global appActive
  put false into appActive
end suspendStack

on resumeStack
  global appActive
  put true into appActive
end resumeStack

on mouseEnter
  global appActive
  if appActive then play ""
end mouseEnter

on mouseLeave
  global appActive
  if appActive then play ""
end mouseLeave

Hope this helps,

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Re: eine Seite aus dem Internet holen

2001-07-09 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Christoph Wollek wrote/ schreef:

> PS: I hope, I did not offend any folks out there, writing again in
> German, but it was easier for me to put my problem in German.
Well, I guess guess you don't offend anyone, because the answer was in
English (that's the educating thing), but I only think you may get a lower
response 'cause not everyone reads German (I do, but still...).


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Re: counting and listing backgrounds

2001-07-08 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Wilhelm Sanke wrote/ schreef:

> "on mouseUp
> put empty into BList
> put 0 into counter
> repeat until BName is empty
> add 1 to counter
> if there is a background counter of this stack then
> put the name of background counter of this stack into BName
> put BName into line counter of BList
> else
> exit repeat
> end if
> end repeat
> put BList
> end mouseUp"
> indeed displays all backgrounds:
> group "one"
> group "two"
> group "two-sub"
> group "two-sub-sub"
> group "three",
> but this is a rather circumstantial way to achieve this.
What about checking 'the owner' of each line of this list?

> Regards,
> Wilhelm Sanke
Hope this helps,

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Re: Printing in columns

2001-07-08 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

This is a reply to everyone who responded.

Hugh Senior wrote/ schreef:

> Sjoerd wrote:
>> I was thinking of another solution: Making a table with two columns of 50%
>> width. I know, this only guaranties that both columns are of the same width,
>> but still...

> All Browsers support tables, of course, but writing a
> parsing routine to convert tabs to HTMLtables is a pain.
> What about writing your data to a temp.doc and using EXT.dll to print it?
My idea was indeed to write the HTML to a temporary file, and print it using
EXT.dll. I only don't understand what's the 'pain' here, it's as easy as

function tableEncode htmlCode
  return "" &
replaceText(replaceText(htmlCode,"",""),"	","") & ""
end tableEncode

Bruce Lewis wrote/ schreef:

> Could you use RTF and print in Word?
> This was a tabular table. I think you wanted continuous text. I don't
> know if the same principle would work, but I think it would.
Well, actually I don't. I'm going to use this all to print numerous reports
which all should have approximately the same layout, so...

I still have a question: when printing a temporary HTML file with EXT.dll, I
find all kinds of unwanted headers and footers (file path, print date and
'Page x of y' instead of 'Pagina x van y' (Dutch)).

Being able to set these headers and footers in a way (by setting a .inf
files or a registry entry) would be optimal, but being able to disable
headers and footers would be also nice.

Thanks to everyone who responded and hoping for a final reply,

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Re: Digest metacard.v004.n351

2001-07-06 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Charles Buchwald wrote/ schreef:

> This produced the desired effect in the stream, but the problem still
> exists: the appearance of no stdin when the cgi script is called from my
> stack
> Is this a problem with my server, or with MC, or my scripts?
> I have searched in vain for an example of a cgi script that works similarly.
On UNIX you have to use the global variable $QUERY_STRING as input, stdin is
empty. You script would be then:

on startup
put "Stdin received: " & $QUERY_STRING after buffer
# put "Content-Type: text/html" & cr
# should be of course
put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr
# but doesn't produce an error
put "Content-Length:" && the length of buffer & cr & cr
put buffer
end startup

> Any advice?
> - Charles
Hope this helps,

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Re: Printing in columns

2001-07-04 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Hugh Senior wrote/ schreef:

> At 10:23 PM 03/07/01 -0400, Sjoerd wrote:
>> So I want to print things in columns. First I thought of making a table in
>> HTML, and then printing it. But then I realised that the MC print utility
>> only supports the MC subset of HTML, which does not support tables. Of
>> course I can save it and open it in Explorer, but that ain't neat.
> I disagree, Sjoerd... Using Netscape as the previewer and printer is a
> solution I have often used. The only problem in this instance is that not
> all browsers support the column tag. The alternative may be to hardwire the
> number of lines printing to your defined column heights, perhaps adjusting
> those heights based on the screenRect of the host monitor.
I was thinking of another solution: Making a table with two columns of 50%
width. I know, this only guaranties that both columns are of the same width,
but still... I didn't know there was a 'column' tag, or are you saying not
all browsers support tables?

> Wishlist item: Linked fields for flowed text!

> /H
> Hugh Senior
Thanks anyway,

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Urgent: Windows printing landscape (was: Printing in columns)

2001-07-04 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Sjoerd Op 't Land wrote/ schreef:

> The externals collection of course.
Well, that is a possibility, but it isn't possible anymore to set the page
orientation (landscape/portrait). Is it possible to set it somewhere in the
HTML code, or do I have to set some registry entry?

Any fast help appreciated,

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Re: Printing in columns

2001-07-04 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Sjoerd Op 't Land wrote/ schreef:

> So I want to print things in columns. First I thought of making a table in
> HTML, and then printing it. But then I realised that the MC print utility
> only supports the MC subset of HTML, which does not support tables. Of
> course I can save it and open it in Explorer, but that ain't neat.
> Does anyone know of some kind of external that could do the job? Printing
> 'real' HTML for example, or RTF or anything?
I found it myself... How stupid! The externals collection of course. I
firstly thought that it would only print raw text, but now it appears that
it tells Windows to print a file, so that you can print almost everything:
RTF, HTML, Word, Excel...

> Thanks in advance,
> Sjoerd
Excuses for causing the traffic here,

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Re: Hardware key protection

2001-07-03 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

jbv wrote/ schreef:

> Hi,
> Has anyone already tried to implement a hardware key
> protection (dongle) with a MC standalone ?
Well, I'm planning to do so. I know how to design the hardware, but I don't
have the mathematical knowledge of encrypting codes, so that I can make a
real safe and hard-to-crack dongle.

> Thanks.
> JB

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Re: Control technology

2001-06-27 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Kevin Miller wrote/ schreef:

> On 27/6/01 8:25 am, Hugh Senior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Has anyone used metaCard to control external devices? The need is to flash
>> various combinations of LED's and beep on right / left speakers (don't ask!)
Yes, I have. There are two solutions for this I know:
1. With a UART
I tried this one. It costs some money and time (and some soldering skills),
but then you really have something. I don't know how technical you are, so
please ask if you don't understand something.

The general idea is to connect this device to your serial port, the UART
converts serial (bit by bit on one line) to 8 parallel connections. And you
need some security, so the scheme is like this:

PC (serial port) -- optocoupler (safety first) -- baudrate generator
   -- UART - output 1 - LED1
   - output 2 - LED2
   - output 3 - etc.
   - output 4
   - output 5
   - output 6
   - output 7
   - output 8
Then you need to connect your LED's (eventually with an open- collector
output) to the outputs. With the open- collector connections you can also
use this device for various other things.

2. Parallel port

Haven't tried this one, but should work also.
PC (parallel port) - data0
   - data1
   - data2
   - data3
   - data4
   - data5
   - data6
   - data7
I don't know what power these data connectors can supply, so if it's not
enough, you need to use some transistors too to connect the LED's.

I also am not sure about whether the values stay at the outputs after
writing by the computer, or that they have to be written every now and then
to stay.

3. The software
The software part is relatively easy. By writing a byte to both of these
devices, the outputs give the byte pattern. Example:
Write a 167 to the port (bin:10100111), then the bit pattern is like:
output1/data0: 1
output2/data1: 0
output3/data2: 1
output4/data3: 0
output5/data4: 0
output6/data5: 1
output7/data6: 1
output8/data7: 1
(or the reverse, I don't know, but that doesn't matter that much, just play
around a bit)

So the software would be a library like:

on initSoftware
  open file COM1: for write
end initSoftware

on writeByte decNumber
  global writtenBitPattern
  write numToChar(decNumber) to COM1:
  put baseConvert(decNumber,10,2) into writtenBitPattern
end writeByte

on writeBitpattern pattern
  writeByte baseConvert(pattern,2,10)
end writeBitPattern

on writeBit bitNumber bitValue
  global writtenBitPattern
  put bitValue into char bitNumber of writtenBitPattern
  writeBitPattern writtenBitPattern
end writeBit

on closeSoftware
  close file COM1:
end closeSoftware

Didn't test it, but should be something like this. A button to flash a LED
(connected to output2) every half-second would be something like:

on mouseUp
  writeByte "0" -- everything off
  repeat until the mouse is down
writeBit "2" "1"
wait 500 milliseconds
writeBit "2" "0"
wait 500 milliseconds
  end repeat
end mouseUp

The LED would flicker as long as the mouse is down.


Everything you do here is for your own risk. This is important:
- don't short circuit your data outputs, you'll blow you port controller
- check first with the Internet or data sheets to see what power the outputs
can give
- always try to first create you hardware and the connect it: the chance is
small, but if you're out of luck you blow your port controller when you
connect hardware while the computer is running.
- try to find someone in your neighbourhood who knows about all this

Hope this helps

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Re: sending mail via mc.cgi

2001-06-19 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Sivakatirswami wrote/ schreef:

> put it after buffer
> put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr
> put "Content-Length:" && the length of buffer & cr & cr
> put cr & cr & "Your Mail was sent" after buffer
> put buffer
Oh oh oh...

I don't exactly understand what you're doing, but this is definitely an
error. By outputting the length of buffer, and then changing buffer, the
outputted length ain't correct anymore.

So, first manipulate buffer as you want, and then output the whole thing. So
your script would be like:

  put it after buffer
  put cr & cr & "Your Mail was sent" after buffer

  # and then, at last:
  put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr
  put "Content-Length:" && the length of buffer & cr & cr
  put buffer


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Re: parallel port

2001-06-16 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Mathias Glaus wrote/ schreef:

> I tried to connect MC with my external analyser apparatus. I am able to write
> and read on a serial port (COM1:, COM2:, ):
> Now, I have no idea about the protocol that I can use when the apparatus is
> plug on the parallel port. I want to know how I can do it, from MC, to read
> data and control devices through group of inputs and digital outputs on the
> parallel port. 
For controlling those devices, you have to actually *know* their protocol.
Contact the manufacturer for more details. If he hasn't, try to analyze the
data and finger out the protocol yourself.
> Thanks for any help,
> Mathias 
Hope this helps,

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Re: Browser Close Workaround?

2001-06-16 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Scott Rossi wrote/ schreef:

> Has anyone found a workaround for the situation where a browser that was
> launched from an MC stack is closed when MC is quit?
What about making and launching a .bat file which then launches the browser?

Just a thought,

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Re: Urgent problem: group missing keyDown event

2001-06-12 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

I know I'm a bit late, but first priority was to get things out of the door,

Monte Goulding wrote/ schreef:

> Well what I would do on a user interface standpoint more than anythin is
> disable questions that are skipped depending on previous answers. In your
> example if the user has no phobia then then the phobia related questions are
> disabled. I can't really help any more than that without seeing the stack.
Well, I was afraid for that already, but I hadn't time to upload it and
explain the recipe.

> Monte
Dave Cragg wrote/ schreef:

> But it seems that (in 2.3.2 anyway) when the first object receiving
> the message is in a group, it's like this:
> object in group
> group
> card
> stack
Thanks a lot! This was exactly what I needed!

> Cheers
> Dave Cragg
Thanks a lot you both,

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Re: More Decorations..

2001-06-12 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Alex Shaw wrote/ schreef:

> I've just encountered this problem on the MAC with a borderless stack with
> white background etc which works fine on PC. Black of course is fine but
> any other colour... hmmm ... ive looked round but can you just somehow set
> this colour? How do you hide or get rid of this border ?? any 2.4
> options/hacks welcome :)
This can't be done from within MC itself. It's something Mac specific, and
you have to change it in your standalone using ResEdit (search the
Internet), but I don't know what exactly and in which resource...

Anyone? Scott?

> alex

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Re: Getting file information

2001-06-12 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Gregory Lypny wrote/ schreef:

> Hi Everyone,
> Does MetaCard have functions that get information about text files
> being read?  I'm interested in knowing the size of files being opened.
If they're not too big use:
  the length of url "file:test.txt"
  -- or
  answer file "Choose the file:"
  if the result is "Cancel" the exit to top
  answer "The file is" && the length of url ("file:" & it) && "bytes in

Otherwise, you can use
  the long files
in MC 2.4, check the reference.

> Regards,
> Greg
Hope this helps,

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Urgent problem: group missing keyDown event

2001-06-11 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Hello all,

I've got a problem. I made a program which poses a couple of (psychological)
questions to the user. It get the questions from a text file and displays
them one by one on the card. Some questions of them are multiple- choice,
and can (besides of clicking the right answer with the mouse) be chosen by
typing in a number (1,2,3 etc.).

This all works great 'till I make a 'jump' to a question in the list. E.g.
the user says he has no phobia, then the questions meant to find out what
phobia are skipped. Then it's no longer possible to choose an answer with
the keyboard??? A constant shown group should (and does most of the time)
grab the keyDown message, but now, for some reason, doesn't anymore.

If I choose the arrow tool, select the group, and choose the browse tool
again, everything works OK again...

Is this a bug or what? Does anyone know in what order the message goes
through the groups ('cause I've more of them on the card)?

Please help, 'cause this is a bug that has to be fixed on short term...

Thanks in advance for any help,

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Re: Print Confusion (still...)

2001-06-07 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Hooknet wrote/ schreef:

> Thanks Mark, but the problem remains.
> I'm using the following...
> on mouseup
>   answer printer
>   if the result is empty then
> print this card
>   end if
> end mouseup
> for Mac which works fine. This is the same code that you suggest for Win.
> I've created a test stack and *still* can't change the orientation on the
> pag, and I know that its not just my machine.
This is not standard behaviour. With 'answer print' you get a 'page setup'
dialog, but usually one gets a 'print dialog' after clicking 'print' in an
app. So you should use this:

  on mouseup
open printing with dialog
if the result is empty then
  print this card
end if
close printing
  end mouseup

> The product is now on test with 10 of our consultants. The 2 with Macs said
> the print button works 'OK'. 4 of those with PC's have the same problem,
> when the orientation is changed in the Page Setup, MC seems to ignore it. (I
> guess the other 4 have yet to install the product).
> So any suggestions ? Please anyone ?
Well, if MetaCard ignores the Page Setup settings, this definitely is a bug.
I'd say: report it to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In the meanwhile (I don't know whether this is of any use for you, but...) I
use the printfield stack from MC itself to print nice pages, which also are
neatly numbered etc. You can 'use' the stack in the attachment to use

> Regards
> Gary Rathbone

Re: CGI nightmares

2001-06-06 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Raymond E. Griffith wrote/ schreef:

> on 6/06/2001 12:01 AM, "Sjoerd Op 't Land" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was very
> helpful
> Thank you. This is helpful. But I am going to expose my great ignorance here
> (some things I do mighty well, but this is not one of them).
> This is an .mt script, right? So what is involved in putting up a MetaCard
> cgi? Will I have to have a version of MetaCard on the server? How do I
> format the MetaCard stack that contains the cgi script?
CGI works like this:
- web client sends some data from (e.g.) his Internet browser
- server processes it in some way (e.g. a .mt script)
- web client receives the output from this process

So, a .mt script is just one of the (very) many ways to process the data. A
.mt script looks like this:

-- so that the server knows that this script has to be executed
-- with MetaCard
on startup
  -- everything between 'on startUp' and 'end startUp' will be executed
  # first make an array qParameter with all the arguments
  # as key
  set itemdel to "="
  put replaceText($QUERY_STRING,"&",return) into tQuery
 repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in tQuery
put urlDecode(item 2 of line i of tQuery) into qParameter[item 1 of line
i of tQuery]
  end repeat
  -- this is just a handy snippet to extract the arguments from the query
  -- string. Example:
  -- $QUERY_STRING = "name=Sjoerd%20Op%20%35t%20Land&age=14&vote=4"
  -- result: qParameter["name"] = "Sjoerd Op 't Land"
  -- qParameter["age"]  = "14"
  -- qParameter["vote"] = "4"

  -- generate the content, you can put whatever you want to do here
  put "This is a test" into buffer
  -- write minimal set of HTTP headers to stdout
  -- (if you use 'put' here without a destination, it goes to the 'stdout'
  -- i.e. the web client)
  put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr
  -- use "text/html" if you want to output HTML, or
  -- "image/jpeg" if you want to output a JPG file for example
  put "Content-Length:" && the length of buffer & cr & cr
  put buffer
end startup

You need to have MC installed at the server. Make a text file with your
script (like the above), and upload it to the server. Don't forget to set
the permissions to "755", use chmod.

If you don't know how to configure all this, and just want to test some CGI
scripts, go to and create a free MT CGI account.
Read the instructions!

> Now at the moment, I am using Tripod for my server. That will change, later,
> but for right now it is available and I need to use it.
> All this is very new to me, but absolutely necessary for the person I am
> working with. 
> Thanks
> Raymond
Hope this helps,

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Re: CGI nightmares

2001-06-06 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Raymond E. Griffith wrote/ schreef:

> I have been wrestling with the POST command for some time now with little
> success.
> Here is what I want to do. I want to have a MetaCard/Revolution program sent
> a POST to a URL containing field data. The URL is a CGI that should receive
> the data and email it back to me.
> Is this so hard to do?
Difficulty is relative, but... I think its absolutely doable:
WARNING: This is from the top of my head, so...

The CGI script:

on startup
  # first make an array qParameter with all the arguments
  # as key
  set itemdel to "="
  put replaceText($QUERY_STRING,"&",return) into tQuery
 repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in tQuery
put urlDecode(item 2 of line i of tQuery) into qParameter[item 1 of line
i of tQuery]
  end repeat

  # store the mail body in a temporary file
  put qParameter["message"] into url "file:email.txt"

  # generate the shell to be executed
  put "mail -s" && quote & qParameter["subject"] & quote && qParameter["to"]
&& "< email.txt" into eCommand
  # execute the mail command
  put shell(eCommand) into buffer
  #write minimal set of HTTP headers to stdout
  put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr
  put "Content-Length:" && the length of buffer & cr & cr
  put buffer
end startup

The MC script:

post "message=" & urlEncode(field "message body") & "&to=" & urlEncode(field
"to") & "&subject=" & urlEncode(field "subject") to
answer it

Or something like this...
> I'm having a hard time not saying bad words over my lack of success.
> *&%%$**!!!
> Any kind suggestions would be appreciated.
> Raymond 
Hope this helps,

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Re: Scripting menuPicks for hierarchical menus

2001-06-05 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

John Kiltinen wrote/ schreef:

> MetaCard is great, but boy, it would sure be better if it had better
> documentation.
Agreed wholeheartedly. Also a complete tutorial for absolute beginners would
be good. I hope this will become available with Revolution.

> John Kiltinen

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Re: how to make page turning graphics

2001-06-03 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Geoff Canyon wrote/ schreef:

> At 12:54 AM +0200 6/3/01, Sjoerd Op 't Land wrote:
>> But in the meanwhile, maybe this works: Clone your stack, open it offscreen
>> and make a snapshot of the page. Cost some memory, but if it works...
> Thanks for the suggestion. I don't think this would work. As an experiment I
> tried moving my stack offscreen before taking the snapshot:
> move offscreen
> go next card
> take snapshot
> go previous card
> bring back onscreen
> The import snapshot command, being given a rect offscreen, defaults back to
> letting the user select an area to be captured. In other words, it didn't
> capture the offscreen area.
Well, if I execute this here:
  set the loc of stack "Test" to "-200,-200"
  go next
  import snapshot from rect "0,0,100,100" of window (the windowID of this

It seems to work (I don't get a select-capture-area-cross-cursor and no
error messages) here, but the captured image is completely distorted, so
this is definitely a bug.

> Regards,
> Geoff

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Re: how to make page turning graphics

2001-06-03 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

andu wrote/ schreef:

> On Sat, 02 Jun 2001, you wrote:
>> Geoff Canyon wrote/ schreef:
>>> I was hoping that
>>> lock screen
>>> go next
>>> import snapshot from rect someRect
>>> would get a picture of the next card. Instead, it gets a picture of the
>>> current card because that's what's showing because of the locked screen.
>> Mmm, I see this as a bug...
> Why do you see it as a bug, isn't a snapshot supposed to take a
> picture of the current screen?
That's true, but if I want to do that, I would take the snapshot before I
lock the screen. But there is a point in what you say; maybe this is more
like a missing feature.


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Re: Record Video

2001-06-02 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Jack Rarick wrote/ schreef:

> As I've begun to see references to "record sound" - is there any chance we
> will begin to think about "record video"?  Just hoping.  I can launch an
> app inside of MC that will input the video - but it would be much nicer if
> MC had it's own "recorder".
I had to something like this a while ago, and unfortunately it couldn't be
done from within MC. But I think you, me and a few other people will want to
use this kinda feature, so I think this is not what we have to expect to be
integrated with MC soon. I think this is above the generic-specific
programming border:

  - PCI- card driving
  - list dialog
  - ftp- client
  - COM- ports
  - answer dialog
  - sockets

> Jack Rarick
> Braintree Athletic Systems

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Re: MC Skins Engine (was: MC 2.4 status check?)

2001-06-02 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Richard Gaskin wrote/ schreef:

> Along these lines, I can't say enough good things about using Fireworks for
> doing UI graphics.  Used well, you can modify entire sets of buttons in one
> move, and export all of them -- up and down states -- in one move.  A modest
> script in MC to import those and set the IDs, and you effectively have a
> "skins" engine, the ability to change the appearance of your app in a single
> step.
Can you give an example of this for download? I'd like to have a very
flexible 'skins' engine, but what I have here only works for button's icons
and textFonts, but not for nice dropshadows etc.

Thanks in advance for any help,

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Re: how to make page turning graphics

2001-06-02 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Geoff Canyon wrote/ schreef:

> I was hoping that
>   lock screen
>   go next
>   import snapshot from rect someRect
> would get a picture of the next card. Instead, it gets a picture of the
> current card because that's what's showing because of the locked screen.
Mmm, I see this as a bug...

But in the meanwhile, maybe this works: Clone your stack, open it offscreen
and make a snapshot of the page. Cost some memory, but if it works...

Hope this helps,

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Re: menu selection

2001-05-30 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Robert Brenstein wrote/ schreef:

> Where is the menuPick message sent to? I have created a menu bar on
> Macintosh. It is actually installed in a substack that is the
> frontmost window. I tried to put the handler into the menu group, in
> the card script, in the stack script, but it does not seem to get
> trigerred. I can't find an answer in the help stack.
How about placing the script in the actual menu button itself? Should work.

> Robert

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Re: HTMLText MC suggestions

2001-05-28 Thread Sjoerd Op &#x27;t Land

Rodney Tamblyn wrote/ schreef:

> 1. It would be good if MC would support font face tags with multiple fonts
> that editors like Dreamweaver commonly insert, eg: 
> At present MC will ignore these and use the default font instead.  It should
> at least try to use the first font listed in the tag.
> 2. MC should returns in HTML imports, at present it seems to add extra space
> where the return was:

> #swap out Dreamweaver multiple font selections
> repeat until offset("Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",data) = 0
> get offset("Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",data)
> delete char it+7 to it+37 of data
> end repeat
> #delete return chars, as MC adds space where these are found
> repeat until offset(return,data) = 0
> delete char offset(return,data) of data
> end repeat
why not:
  replace "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" with "Verdana" in data
  -- and:
  replace return with empty in data
  -- or the whole thing even with:
  put replaceText(replaceText(data,return,""),"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
  -- I have the starter kit, so I've to be short, you know...

> Rodney

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