[meteorite-list] Felix... CO3.2 or CO3.4???????

2003-06-11 Thread Dave Schultz
  Greetings Listees. I have this nice piece of Felix
in my collection that I purchased a few years back,
and with the receipt it was classified as a CO3.4, but
I looked it up in the book Meteorites from A to Z
which is a marvelous reference book that I use alot,
and it says it is classified as a CO3.2. I`ve talked
to two notable and well respected list members about
this and one says he found it listed as a CO3.2 and
the other found it listed as a CO3.4. Is there some
kind of conflict with this particular meteorite in its
classification, or just a couple of misprints? Thanks
for your help in advance!!!
 Dave IMCA #2725

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Re: [meteorite-list] Felix... CO3.2 or CO3.4???????

2003-06-11 Thread Dave Schultz
  Thanks to everyone for finally settling the Felix
mystery as one well known list member wrote to me. It
really had me perplexed for awhile. Have a great
evening everyone!

--- Jeff Grossman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No way Felix is 3.2.  Jones and Scott (1990) had it
 at 3.2, but more recent 
 data show it to be significantly higher.  Kainsaz is
 a solid 3.2, and all 
 properties of Felix show it to be more equilibrated
 than Kainsaz.  Data on 
 TL (Sears) and on amoeboid olivine inclusions
 (Chizmadia) show Felix to be 
 more like 3.3-3.4.  My own studies of matrix in CO's
 support 3.4 for 
 Felix.  So, call it 3.3/3.4.
   02:38 PM 6/11/2003 -0700, Tom aka James Knudson
 Hello All Dave wrote;
  I`ve talked to two notable and well respected
 list members about
 this and one says he found it listed as a CO3.2 and
 the other found it listed as a CO3.4. 
 Easy solution, Split the difference and call it a
 Thanks, To
 The proudest member of the IMCA 6168
 - Original Message -
 From: Dave Schultz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 2:12 PM
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Felix... CO3.2 or
 Greetings Listees. I have this nice piece of
   in my collection that I purchased a few years
   and with the receipt it was classified as a
 CO3.4, but
   I looked it up in the book Meteorites from A to
   which is a marvelous reference book that I use
   and it says it is classified as a CO3.2. I`ve
   to two notable and well respected list members
   this and one says he found it listed as a CO3.2
   the other found it listed as a CO3.4. Is there
   kind of conflict with this particular meteorite
 in its
   classification, or just a couple of misprints?
   for your help in advance!!!
Dave IMCA #2725
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 Dr. Jeffrey N. Grossman   phone: (703) 648-6184
 US Geological Survey  fax:   (703) 648-6383
 954 National Center
 Reston, VA 20192, USA
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[meteorite-list] My eBay spam! :)

2003-06-08 Thread Dave Schultz
  Greetings listees. Since my collecting direction has
just recently changed once again, I will be offering
some of my Carbonaceous Chondrites for auction on
eBay. Check them out if you would like to pick up a
rare piece or two. Ebay ID ... indy1996.
   Thanks. Dave IMCA #2725

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[meteorite-list] Park Forest (Midwest) Weather!!!!

2003-04-05 Thread Dave Schultz
  I just want to welcome more of our esteemed
meteorite hunters to our crazy Midwest weather. Friday
we had some rain showers with temperatures in the mid
50`s, followed by Friday nights weather of Severe
Thunderstorms and downpours of rain to todays
(Saturday) of a temperature of 30 with a wind chill of
around 20 and SNOW showers. See what we Midweaterners
have to put up with! Good luck and hope you brought
some warm weather gear with you!! :)

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[meteorite-list] Galim (a) and Galim(b) question??????

2003-04-03 Thread Dave Schultz
  Greetings listees. I was going through my copy of
Meteorites A to Z last night, and came across
something that seemed me a little strange. I noticed
that the two falls, Galim(a) and Galim(b) both fell on
the same day, at the same time, and in the same place.
What struck me curiously about this is that Galim(a)
was 5 stones found and it`s classification is an LL6
vnd. pmb., and that Galim(b) was only 1 stone and
classified as an EH3/4{5}! Now, I may be missing
something completely basic, but how can two different
falls happen at the same time, day and place, or could
Galim(b) actually be a find, and was found when
Galim(a) fell? Thanks!

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Re: [meteorite-list] RE: My Introduction

2003-03-31 Thread Dave Schultz
  Welcome Ryan. Good luck hunting and enjoy this
fascinating and educational hobby 

 Greetings Everybody,
 As a new list member, I just wanted to introduce
 myself to everybody;
 My name is Ryan,and I live in Franklin, WI
 (Milwaukee Co.) Some of you 
 dealers may already know who I am from previous
 purchases. I have been 
 collecting for a few years now, but have recently
 taken up the art of 
 meteorite hunting. I went down to Park Forest on
 Friday,and needless to say 
 the weather and hunting were terrible and I came
 back with nothing. I plan to 
 make return trips to Park Forest , the first being
 either tomorrow or 
 Wednesday. I'll let everyone know if I find
 anything. By the way, does 
 anybody know the approximate radius of the
 strewnfield? The last I heard was 
 approx. 8km. Any info would be well appreciated. 
 Thanks everyone!  I am glad 
 to be a new member of the Meteorite Central mailing
 list, and I am looking 
 foward to meeting all of you.

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Re: [meteorite-list] Park Forest meteorite debacle

2003-03-28 Thread Dave Schultz
  Steve Witt robbed the finder? Ask some of the
finders how the police ripped them off! And also
that idiot from Chicago! (NOT STEVE) What a maroon!  

 Hello everyone, a little news from the strewnfield.
 The news is not good. The people here all think that
 they are millionaires, they all want $10 to $20 gram
 now. The police chief tols Steve Witt to leave or be
 arrested as they think he robbed a meteorite finder
 by paying several dollars per gram! The news has
 stated that they are worth $500 per ounce ~$15 gram.
 The Museum in Chicago has not helped, stating that
 dealers are here to rip the locals off and that they
 should donate all the pieces to the
 I have been in 6 homes today that were
 penetrated by meteorites, serious damage to many of
 them. There are many pieces but as I said, people
 now want $100,000 for some stones and they are NOT
 I wish anyone who plans to come out good luck, I
 will hunt tomorrow and try to secure a stone or two,
 then go home and let people get to reality. 
 I do have 4 pieces totaling about one kilo, 3 pieces
 that hit a house and damaged the siding. The other
 piece is a half individual that impacted the median
 in a road, and has the nose imbedded with yellow
 street paint. I do not know if there will be any out
 for sale any time soon, the price is so high we are
 just walking away from many people. 
 A few got a few cheap specimens, but very few. If
 any will come for sale from me, it will likely be
 quite expensive. I do not know what the next few
 days hold, more pieces should be found though so
 maybe we will have more luck. 
 I will email  more info later. 
 Mike Farmer

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[meteorite-list] Mike Farmer`s cell phone number

2003-03-27 Thread Dave Schultz
  Greetings listees. Just got off the phone with Mike
and he wanted me to post his cell phone number for
anyone who is in the area and wants to get ahold of
him. He would do it himself, but is trying to navigate
through the southern suburbs of Chicago. Good luck!!!
Nothing like Tucson! His number is 1-520-360-0818. 

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Re: [meteorite-list] What's Your Favourite Ordinary Chondrite?

2003-03-11 Thread Dave Schultz
  Greetings everyone. First I`m depressed that I
missed the get together in Chicago Sunday evening! :(
I had to work late.
  Second. Here is a list of my favorite ordinary
chondrites in my collection. Sorry, but I just had to
list 6. 

  1) Vyatka H4/5 550 gram full slice.
  2) Naiman L6 58.25 gram full slice.
  3) Kunashak L6 66.06 gram partslice.
  4) NWA 061 LL4 8.00 gram partslice.
  5) Bensour LL6 79.61 gram oriented indivivdual.
  6) My new and really cool...
 Thuathe H4 163.56 gram individual.
   Have a great day!   Dave

 G'day List,
 Today I got to thinking how most of the 'Prestige'
 in meteorites generally goes to the Achondrites,
 Pallasites etc. The good lookers! ;-) So I thought I
 would throw this out to everyone and ask what your
 favourite Ordinary Chondrite is because there are
 some really amazing meteorites which this
 classification. It doesn't matter what your reason
 is. It may be that it's just a really attractive
 piece or possibly the story behind how it was found
 or fell. If everyone gets into the spirit of it,
 I'll tally up all the answers in a week or so and
 let everyone know the Top Picks! We may find some
 surprising results! You can give up to 5 favourites
 and I'll start with these picks:
 1) Knyachinya (L/LL5) - Birthday meteorite with
 great fresh crust and a really nice colourful
 brecciated matrix.
 2) Parnallee (LL3.6) - Put simply: Rare, Old and
 Awesome matrix. 
 3) NWA 965 (LL4) - Tiny TKW with a matrix choc full
 of multi-coloured crisp chondrules.
 4) Richfield (LL3.7) - If you haven't seen a larger
 piece or a good photo of one; time to change that!
 5) Bensour (LL6) - As fresh  dramatic as it gets.
 Whitish matrix with jet black fusion crust! Too
 Looking forward to hearing some responses,
 Jeff Kuyken
 I.M.C.A. #3085
 (P.S. It's not as easy as you think!)

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Re: [meteorite-list] looking for dhofar 020

2003-03-10 Thread Dave Schultz
  Can`t help you with the Dhofar Steve, but I would
like to know how the get together was? I ended up
having to work, :( so I couldn`t make it! Bummer!

 Hi list. I am looking for a nice size piece of
 dhofar 020.I only want to
 spend about $50.Who can help me?

 Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
 I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728
 Illinois Meteorites
 Website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com
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[meteorite-list] Trenton, Wisconsin

2003-03-05 Thread Dave Schultz
  Greetings list members. Speaking of Trenton,
 Wisconsin. I purchased a cool 110.5 gram partslice
 of the Trenton Meteorite from Mike Farmer a few
 back that has the original old Wards label. Just
 wanted to share a few pictures of it with everyone,
 as long as they turn out. I know that I really enjoy
 seeing meteorites from other list members, so I hope
 that you will enjoy these! Even though I don`t
 necessarily collect Irons, I`m sure that this one
 will be in my personal collection for a long time!
  Thanks, Dave.
 The links:

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Re: [meteorite-list] WHO IS ALL COMING

2003-03-05 Thread Dave Schultz
  I will try, but I think I have to work on Sunday. :(
What times are you looking at and, are you meeting at
the Field Museum? I guess my e-mails to Steve Witt
never made it to him. 

 hi list. I guess this is a final call. So far we
 have 4 others coming to
 party with rob elliott on sunday night. Just
 wondering if anyone else from
 the region will be stopping by to have a goog ol'
 time?There will be alot
 of drinking meteorite trading and selling, and who
 knows what else. Let me
 know if you are coming.
 steve arnold, chicago
 Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
 I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728
 Illinois Meteorites
 Website url http://www.illinoismeteorites.com
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[meteorite-list] Bogou and Guibga???

2003-02-28 Thread Dave Schultz
  Greetings listees. Sorry for the spam, but I`m
looking for pieces of Bogou, Og IAB, and Guibga, L5,
both from Burkina Faso, if any are available. I`m
trying to set up a small display with all of the
meteorites from Burkina Faso with pictures from that
region. Also a decent size Nadiabondi individual,
although I think that there are only smallish
specimens around, which is alright though. Please
e-mail me off list. Thanks!

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[meteorite-list] Off subject... List member crossing the threshold!

2003-01-03 Thread Dave Schultz
  I`ve heard from a very reliable source that List
Member and IMCA Member Norbert Classen will be
crossing the threshold on Saturday, January 4th.!
Let`s all send a congratulations to him and his new
bride, but please no rice throwing!!! Congratulations
and good luck to the new Mr. and Mrs. Norbert
 Dave Schultz

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[meteorite-list] HELP! My Ghubara is bleeding!

2002-12-31 Thread Dave Schultz
  Greetings and Happy New Year list members. I have a
beautiful 125 gram slice of Ghubara, and just recently
noticed that it is starting to bleed rust a little.
Need a little help in stopping this problem before it
destroys it. Also, would coating it with polyeurathene
help any after I get it cleaned up or because it may
be rusting from the inside, that wouldn`t help much???
Thanks in advance.Dave Schultz  

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Re: [meteorite-list] Tucson Countdown + Reminder

2002-12-21 Thread Dave Schultz
  Woo-Hoo!!! I have all of my reservations made and
can`t wait to see everyone again and meeting new list
members. I will be staying Feb. 6th. through the 11th.
this time, so that I can enjoy more time in Tucson! By
the way, are there any preliminary Auction catalogs on
the net yet? Have a safe and happy holidays everyone!
Dave Schultz (IMCA 2725)

 Dear Listees:
 In a little over six weeks, many of us will be
 arriving in sunny 
 Tucson, Arizona, so I hope you all have your hotels
 and flights 
 The weekend of February 7 - 9, 2003 will be
 action-packed with 
 parties, auctions, and other events. If there are
 any more List 
 members who would like to join us at the Fourth
 Annual Notkin/Arnold 
 Meteor Mayhem Birthday Bash you should RSVP to me
 soon. I'll be 
 mailing out invitations in early January. If you
 have received an 
 invitation in the past, you will again this time, so
 no need to reply.
 Looking forward to seeing many of you Out West,
 and best wishes to 
 List members the world over for a happy -- and
 hopefully war-free -- 
 Geoff Notkin
 p.s.  I am particularly looking forward to seeing
 Steve Arnold 
 (Arkansas) and Steve Arnold (Chicago) meet in person
 for the first 
 time. Will this cause a matter/anti-matter
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Re: [meteorite-list] (no subject)

2002-11-17 Thread Dave Schultz
  I have one listed on eBay, look for indy1996. ;)

 There were some of you who had possible small
 collections forsale, that I was looking for. Could
 you please get back to me please.
 Steve r. Arnold, Chicago, il, 60107
 The midwest meteorite collector!
 I.M.C.A. member #6728
 Website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com
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Re: [meteorite-list] Tucson 2003 Events

2002-11-12 Thread Dave Schultz
  I`d still like to go try my hand at meteorite
hunting one day! And I don`t mean at the Show! ;)

 The question about the Tucson Gem  Mineral Show got
 me thinking...
 You'll note that the word meteorite isn't a part
 of the show name at all.
 I'm told that they really are a small part of the
 over all events going on
 at this time.
 As a matter of fact, this year will be my first at
 the Tucson show.  I'll
 also be working my butt off as I now have a job with
 one of the big mineral
 importers here in Tucson.  I must confess that as I
 learn more about
 everything that will be happening, I start to feel
 quite overwhelmed!
 To help the poor, lost newbies like myself find the
 interesting (meteorite)
 events, is there a calendar or guide for the show
 specific to our
 sub-group?  When and where are the parties, the big
 dealers, auctions,
 museum displays, etc.?
 If such a thing does not exist... well, does anyone
 feel industrious?

 Bob MartinoCan you really
 name a star?
 I look up to the heavens
  but night has clouded over
  no spark of constellation
  no Vela no Orion.  -Enya
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Re: [meteorite-list] look to the skys

2002-11-08 Thread Dave Schultz
  I enjoy them also, but my girlfriend just calls them
my stupid ole rocks! Blasphemer! HeHe.

  Meteorites is my passion, too!  M
  on 11/8/02 4:55 AM, STEVE ARNOLD at
  meteorites is my passion
 Hi, Michael.   I are passionate about them, too.  
 They is a lot of fun!

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Re: [meteorite-list] odd e-mail

2002-11-07 Thread Dave Schultz
  You looked? You are a braver person than me! ;)

 For an opportunity to view or purchase the rarest
 meteorite ever please 
 I looked, I am not convinced. 
 Anne Black
 IMCA #2356

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[meteorite-list] Metal Detector. sort of an add.

2002-11-02 Thread Dave Schultz
  Greetings. I guess that you can call this sort of a
want add, but I am kind of looking for a decent, used,
and reasonably priced metal detector that I can
purchase. I`ve been looking on eBay, but can`t
remember what type or brand to look for. Any
suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Dave.  

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Re: [meteorite-list] meteorwrong

2002-10-23 Thread Dave Schultz
  Yup. Nice flow lines!!! :)   

--- Tom / james Knudson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV/DIV
DIV/DIVDid any one get an E-mail from a david
walker and his new 10lb meteorite?BRBRBR
DIVThanks, Tom/DIV
DIVThe proudest member of the I.M.C.A. #6168/DIV
DIV/DIV/divbr clear=allhrProtect your PC -
a href=http://g.msn.com/8HMKEN/2024;Click here/a
for McAfee.com VirusScan Online /html

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[meteorite-list] Repairing broken meteorites

2002-10-20 Thread Dave Schultz
  Had a little accident with one of my meteorites
[broke in half] and was wondering if there was any way
of trying to repair it. The break seems to be clean
and is there any type of; I hate to say this: glue
that could be used very carefully to bring the halves
back together? Thanks, Dave.   

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[meteorite-list] AD: eBay Auctions

2002-10-16 Thread Dave Schultz

   Greetings. I have a few eBay auctions ending
tomorrow night ;Thursday; if anyone is interested,
under eBay ID indy1996. Some unclassified NWA`s, a
cool and reasonable 5 piece NWA collection, and also
nice Plainview, Howe and Long Island pieces. 
  Thanks, Dave.  

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[meteorite-list] Tucson hunting?

2002-10-15 Thread Dave Schultz

   I would really like to get together with some
people during the Tucson Show to spend a little time
hunting for meteorites one day. Friday the 7th. would
be great by me, that way we could do a little hunting
and be primed for drinking margareta`s at the Birthday
Bash, which I think is held on Friday night! Not
knowing the Tucson area very well, I`m sure that there
should be some prime spots one can search. This might
also possibly be the start of another annual affair
during the Show. Just a thought.   Dave

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Re: [meteorite-list] nice collection Idea!

2002-10-13 Thread Dave Schultz

I have a nice 5 piece collection of NWA meteorites
for sale on eBay for a very reasonable price!!! ;) 

--- Tom / james Knudson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV
DIVI was brain storming on ways to build my
collection fast and cheap and came up with this idea.
A contest,nbsp;Every one pic out your nicest
meteorite and send it to me( at your own expense). I
will add it to my collection! I will then judge who
sent me the nicest meteorite and that person will win.
The winner will receive the worst meteorite that some
one sent in! Let's get everyone on the
listnbsp;involved in this contest. : ) Note:
meteorites will not be returned. E-mail me off list
for shipping address. Contest # 2 will be; every one
send me as much money as you can( minimum $100)the one
who sends the most wins. The prize a small
unclassified NWA meteorite! : ) BRBRThanks,
DIVThe proudest member of the I.M.C.A. #6168/DIV
DIVP.S. this is not for real, just a
clear=allhrChat with friends online, try MSN
Messenger: a

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Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Entrapment

2002-09-03 Thread Dave Schultz

  Well, I was there last Tuesday and must have missed
them, but then again, I was enjoying the History of
Chocolate display! m

 In a message dated 9/2/2002 1:48:55 PM Mountain
 Daylight Time, 
  Well, the situation rapidly deteriorated and then
 one thing led to 
 Which one of you two is still on display in the
 Museum? :-)
 Anne Black
 IMCA #2356

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Re: [meteorite-list] domain problem

2002-07-16 Thread Dave Schultz

Serguei, both work for me!  Dave
- Original Message -
From: Serguei Vassiliev [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 5:26 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] domain problem

 Hello All,

 For some reason my web site is not loading right now from the base
address -
 www.sv-meteorites.com but it is on here: www.sv-meteorites.info

 Best regards,
 Serguei Vassiliev

 Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Happy Birthday New Concord!

2002-05-01 Thread Dave Schultz

I seem to remember a few years ago about an insurance company commercial on
TV where this guy was driving down a street and sees this big fireball
streaking towards him. He`s really freaking out and by the time the fireball
hits his windshield, it might weigh maybe a gram or two, and all that
happens is a little crack in his windshield! You would have thought that
this character would have stopped to pick it up for his insurance claim, but
N! It was a cool commercial though. :)  Dave
- Original Message -
From: Michael Blood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Martin Horejsi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 6:41 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Happy Birthday New Concord!

 Hi Mike  Martin,
 New Concord certainly did not escape my awareness for meteoritic
 hammers (that nailed something). It is one of about 20 I offer in
 my Hammer Set, and one of the largest - a several gram specimen
 in each set. New Concord is nice, fresh, beautiful stuff, well
 as well.unlike the ol' Nakhla Dog (bait, bait), which I also include
 in the set, though in a Bessey Speck sample, of course, to keep the
 sets affordable. While I don't sell individual specimens apart from the
 set, I WILL TRADE to get a hammer I don't yet have, or have only tiny
 bits of.
 Some of these guyes have really interesting pedagrees, such as
 Barwell, which struck not only cars and buildings, but one stone
 flew in a window, bounced off the floor and landed in a cup of tea!
 Of course, there are more common examples, such as Allende
 (roofs, houses  patios), Holbrook (Train Station), Juancheng (through
 a roof into a pot on the stove!), etc. So, we don't only have dead
 cows, horses, cars and mailboxes, but a slew of other items, as well
 as a badly bruised housewife.
 For a TERRIFIC list of hammers throughout history, see the extensive
 list maintained by  Walter Branch at:
 In my sets, so far, at least, the hardest to get was the Sylagauga
 is exceptionally well documented as hitting a woman. I have HEARD
 of one reputed to go through a car windshield and strike the driver in
 the hand, but I have NEVER seen the material offered also, I want
  have only Bessey Specks of the extremely rare HH, Burnwell (Sept.4,
 1990 Pike Co. KY TKW 1.504kg - Single stone fell through a porch), Canon
 City, Co.  Bovedy, Ireland. Of course, my gratest interest lay in
 of which I have none.and there are many listed at the site
 referenced above.
 Anyone who has any fall that hit something, which I do not have yet
 or of which I have only tiny amounts, I would be very interested
 in purchasing and/or trading. I have only about 20 different falls in my
 sets so far.
 I consider hammers to be, by far, the most interesting of all falls.
 I know some collectors collect ONLY falls  not finds - these are the
 kings and queens of falls for my money. My favorites are Peekskill,
 because I have a video tape of the magnificent fall, Valera, because of
 its lethality and beauty, Claxton, just appeals to the 12 year old
 I once was, Sylacauga - because it actually hit a PERSON and, New
 Concord, again, for the beauty, freshness and lethality. These guys
 really tell
 impressive tales!
 Best wishes, Michael

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Re: [meteorite-list] Pallasite availability

2002-04-08 Thread Dave Schultz

I would love to have a piece of South Bend for my Indiana collection!
- Original Message -
From: Rhett Bourland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: David Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED]; meteorite list
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 11:28 AM
Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Pallasite availability

 I know at one time or another I've seen at least 21 different ones for
 Some are obviously much harder to get than others but I know I've seen the
 following at least once over the past few years.  There have probably been
 more over the last few decades but I've not been collecting that long.

 Eagle Station
 Glorieta Mountain
 Mount Vernon
 Somervell County
 South Bend
 Theil Mountains

 Some of those are rather common to say the least (Imilac, Brahin) while
 others are a bit harder to find.  Of the ones you've not seen very often
 I've only seen for sale once or twice and they usually go pretty quickly.
 Rhett Bourland

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David
 Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 10:51 AM
 To: meteorite list
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Pallasite availability

 Does anyone know how many of the pallasites are available to collectors?
 recently was able to add the 19th different pallasite to my collection
 to Russ K.

 David H.

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Re: [meteorite-list] Try this one!

2002-04-04 Thread Dave Schultz

I still like Kittakittaooloo, a H4, from 
South Australia! :) That shouldn`t be too hard to pronounce. Dave 

  - Original Message - 
  To: Ing. 
  Christian ANGER ; Meteorite-List@Meteoritecentral. 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 9:53 
  Subject: [meteorite-list] Try this 
  That is nothing, try Muonionaluista, an iron from 
  Sweden, pronounces
  moo ni oona loosta
  Mike Famrer
- Original Message - 
Christian ANGER 
To: Meteorite-List@Meteoritecentral. 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 10:00 
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite 

Ever heard of Zaklodzie 

"Sa gwod 



Ing. Christian 

2405 Bad 



Re: [meteorite-list] Kudos to Farmer

2002-04-04 Thread Dave Schultz

I also want to give Mike a BIG thank you! I`ve just received my 79g.
oriented piece from him today. Very Coool! Thanks Mike!!! :)  Dave
- Original Message -
From: Rob and Colleen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: meteorite-list [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Michael Farmer
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 1:40 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Kudos to Farmer

 Hello all-
 I too got a prize in the mail today and these really are amazing stones.
 Rich powdery fusion crusts, all kinds of flight detail, little cocoa
 covered bon-bons dropped from the heavens. Truly beyond my expectations
 and hands down the best price ever paid for brand spankin' new,
 witnessed, two countries in one blow meteorites. Thank you Michael. I
 haven't been able to take my eyes off them. Even the wife raised an
 eyebrow before returning to the baby's dinner!
 P.S. The baby showed great interest, there is hope.
 Bon soir,

 Rob Wesel
 We are the music makers...and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
 Willy Wonka, 1971

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[meteorite-list] Off topic Atomic Clock!

2002-03-29 Thread Dave Schultz

Greetings Listees. Hope this link works for a cool Atomic Clock!

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Sand Dunes and Meteorites

2002-03-29 Thread Dave Schultz

I wonder if anyone has thought to search the sand dunes on the southern
shores of Lake Michigan, since the Great Lakes were formed by giant glaciers
many moons ago! Do you think that any meteorites could have been deposited
on these dunes from the melting ice? I also wonder if anyone around this
area would be interested in combing the area one of these days if they think
that it might be worth while? Have a great Easter everyone, if you celebrate
it! Dave
- Original Message -
From: Robert Verish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Meteorite-list Meteoritecentral [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 1:35 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Sand Dunes and Meteorites

 A number of people (most of them are on this List)
 have discussed with me their interest in utilizing hot
 air balloons and ultra-lights, in their efforts at
 meteorite recovery, over broad areas of sand dunes
 here in Southern California.  Although I'm not very
 optimistic about their prospects in sand dune fields,
 I wouldn't want to discourage their efforts.  After
 all, the area between sand dunes can be considered a
 blow-out area.  And besides, Michael Cottingham
 found his Kermit stones in a Texas dune field.

 The locality that most of these individuals have
 selected as being the most promising/pristine, is the
 Algodones Dunes in Imperial County.  But just today,
 the LA Times ran an article announcing that this very
 Dune Field will be under consideration for opening up
 49,000 acres to the general public (meaning, to
 off-road vehicular traffic).
 More details here:

 U.S. Seeks to Reopen Area to Off-Roaders -
 Desert Plan would overturn Clinton decision that
 curbed use of sand dunes.


 This post serves as a heads-up to those individuals
 that were interested in surveying this pristine area
 from the air, that their time may be running out!
 On the other hand, they may have the opportunity to
 canvass the area by dune buggy, but they better plan
 on getting there early.  Some weekends have as many as
 200,000 ORVs flying over the crests of these dunes
 from every direction in the general use (OHV) area.
 But plans are to only allow entry to 500 vehicles per
 weekend (in the former wilderness area).

 Here's wishing you all good luck, but I'll be sticking
 to the firmer, flatter terrain.
 :-) Bob V.

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[meteorite-list] Photographic Lighting

2002-03-24 Thread Dave Schultz

Greetings Listees. I need some recommendations for a low cost, photographic
light, that will bring out the true colors of meteorites while photographing
them. Thanks, Dave.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (Rob's no subject)

2002-03-22 Thread Dave Schultz

Beer fridge? Rob just stores them in the back seat at room [car]
temperature! Oops, forgot, there are no back seats! :) I love the arrest me
red Turbo Esprit, one of my all time favorite cars! Guess I`ll just have to
slum in my black Pantera. :( Dave
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (Rob's no subject)

 In a message dated 22/03/02 20:45:26 GMT Standard Time,

  Can we see a photo? Does it come equipped with a beer fridge? Is it
  with guinness? 

 You bet! :-)
 For those interested it's at http://fernlea.tripod.com/aboutme.html

 Fernlea Meteorites,
 The Wynd,
 Off Dickson Lane,
 Milton of Balgonie,
 Fife. KY7 6PY
 United Kingdom
 Tel: +44-(0)1592-751563
 Fax: +44-(0)1592-751991

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Re: [meteorite-list] Carbonaceous Chondrite Statistics

2002-02-18 Thread Dave Schultz

Greetings Listees and Bernd! Being that my meteorite collection has started
to focus on basically collecting as many different Carbonaceous Chondrites
as possible, this is really interesting to me. It shows me that I have a
long way to go before I can reach my goal! :) At present I have roughly 30
different C/C`s in my collection, after adding 3 that I purchased and won at
Darryl`s Auction last Sunday in Tucson! I got a beautiful 79.41g. piece of
Kainsaz, a nice 3g. piece of Ningqiang at the auction, and a cool looking
9.5g. half slice of NWA 723 CV3.5 from Bruno and Carine! I`m still seaching
for a reference type book on C/C`s though, but with no luck. :(  Any and all
help will be greatly appreciated!Dave
- Original Message -
From: Bernd Pauli HD [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: meteorite-list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 3:21 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Carbonaceous Chondrite Statistics

 Hi All!

 After I had written that carbonaceous chondrites were relatively rare in
 our collections when compared to ordinary chondrites, someone asked
 for numbers off-list. So I'd like to share the result with all of us:

 Carbonaceous chondrites presently in my databases:

 (Tentative) pairing not considered!

 190 worldwide without Antarctica (45 falls/144 finds + 1 Bench Crater)
 329 US Antarctica
 123 Japanese Antarctica (there are probably several more meanwhile!)

 = 642 Carbonaceous chondrites

 All meteorites:

 05938 Meteorites worldwide without Antarctica
 08514 Japanese Antarctica
 10532 US Antarctica

 = 24984 meteorites= 100 %
 =   642 Carbonaceous  = 2.5 %

 Best regards,


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[meteorite-list] My Tucson Experience

2002-02-16 Thread Dave Schultz

Greetings Listees! Just wanted to say that my experience this year in Tucson
was very enjoyable again. I was able to attend Mr. Bloods Auction on Friday
evening, the Big Birthday Bash Saturday evening and also Darryl Pitts
Auction Sunday morning! The first 2 events I was basically chatting with
people that I haven`t seen in a year, but Sunday morning I had my eyes on a
few things. Being that I mainly collect Carbonaceous Chondrites, I was
looking at the Cold Bokkeveld CM2 and also the Efremovka CV3, but was
subsequently out bid on both of these, but was successful on the 3g. piece
of Ningqiang CK-ANOM and also a great 79.41g. piece of Kainsaz CO3.2! Last
year people were trying to find some shade from the hot sun, but this year
there was a chill in the air and the sun was more than welcomed! The only
other meteorite that I purchased this year was a cool 9.55g. partslice of
NWA 723 a CV3.5 from Bruno and Carine of  La Memoire de la Terre and also
much needed membrane boxes. The rest of the time was spent just browsing
around, socializing and enjoying the sun before returning to the cold of
Northern Indiana. Hope to see everyone again next year and also those who
could not make it this year. As Rob Elliott always says, Cheers!  Dave
Schultz  p.s. I also want to thank Mike Farmer for getting me started
(addicted) to collecting these cosmic wonders!

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites and Kids

2002-02-02 Thread Dave Schultz

Great story Walter! I really enjoyed it! Dave 

  - Original Message - 
  Walter Branch 
  Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 7:02 
  Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorites and 
  Hello Everyone,
  I recently had the chance to talk about meteorites to six classes of third 
  grade students, something which I enjoy very much. If you have not done this 
  and you get the opportunity, I would encourage you to do so. It is really a 
  lot of fun. Let me share a few of my observations.
  Kids love the big heavy irons, bring at least one but make sure it is a 
  solid piece. They can pass it around but if it is a rust flaky Nantan, for 
  example, they will manage to peel off some lose rust spots and it is kind of 
  embarrassing to the presenter. Also do not let them handle a Sikhote-Alin 
  shrapnel piece. Some shrapnel have VERY sharp edges which can easily cut small 
  hands, which would also be embarrassing to the presenter.
  I like to bring a large piece of quartz crystal with me to make a nice 
  contrast between a nice fusion crusted stone and terrestrial rocks and 
  minerals. Some kids, though, will be as interested if not more 
  interested in the quartz.
  The children were very much aware of the monetary value of meteorites. A 
  girl asked how much I would offer her if she found a meteorite from the moon 
  and I jokingly responded, "well, at least $10.00." The kids got the joke 
  because they knew it would be worth much more than that. A few kids focused 
  almost exclusively on the monetary value of meteorites ("how is that one 
  worth, etc.").
  I bring along several books with nice pictures of meteorites to augment the 
  presentation and my homemade "Magnet on a Stick" (actually, a big dowel rod). 
  My wife teaches third grade language arts and in her class, a girl had brought 
  in her rock collection for me to examine to determine if any were meteorites. 
  For now, lets call her the "Rock Girl."
  I talked about the properties of meteorites and I demonstrated they are 
  attracted to a magnet and earth rocks are not. There are some terrestrial 
  exceptions but I figured why complicate matters by pointing out the rare 
  exceptions. Rock girl brings a metallic looking rock towards me, I hold the 
  magnet on a stick out to her, she places it on the magnet and low and behold, 
  Silence fell over the room and the little girl had a grin that stretched 
  from ear to ear. Simultaneously, my eyes open, my mouth drops and I hurriedly 
  bring the object closer for inspection. After years of working with 
  meteorites, I immediately knew what it was...
  Hematite :-(
  Okay, now I back peddle a little and explain that there ARE some earth 
  rocks that kinda look like meteorites and will stick to a magnet and HEMATITE 
  is one (you can see an example of this great meteorwrong on my website). South 
  Georgia is not known for large quantities of hematite but I failed to ask her 
  immediately where she obtained her sample. My mistake.
  A little while latter I show the kids three large perfectly formed 
  tektites: a dumbbell, a disk, and a teardrop. I explain the differences 
  between meteorites and tektites, I let the kids hold them, and all of a sudden 
  the Rock Girl says, "I have one of those." She pulls a black glassy object 
  from a box on her desk and hands it to me. I look at the top surface and 
  recognize it immediately...
  It's a tektite!
  Now, you have to understand my excitement at this point. The Georgia 
  Tektite strewn field is about four or five counties west of the school. As far 
  as I know, no Georgia tektite has ever been found in Bryan County, which is 
  where the little girl lives. I looked over at my wife and after seeing 
  literally dozens of kg of tektites even she recognized it as a probable 
  tektite. I began thinking that the Georgia strewn field has just now been 
  greatly extended when I turned it over and my heart sank.
  The other side was very smooth and concave, as if it were once part of the 
  interior of a larger object and was part of a gas bubble.
  It was a Chinese tektite. Exactly like my presentation pieces and exactly 
  like the dozens of kg I have sold in the past. I then asked the girl how she 
  obtained her rock collection and she showed me her collection box with nice 
  glossy printed cards. The tektite (and hematite) were part of a set that her 
  father had purchased. Unfortunately, there were no meteorites in the set but 
  she did have the beginnings of a very nice rock collection.
  This reminded me that about four years ago, one boy brought me a glassy 
  object that looked like it might be a tektite. I sent it to Bill Glass but the 
  microprobe analysis showed that it was not. 
  I showed a large slice of Allende and I casually asked if anyone could tell 
  me waht the large white spots were. After only a few hints, a teacher 

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites and Kids

2002-02-02 Thread Dave Schultz

Very enjoyable also Frank! Luckily you didn`t get bit while demonstrating to
the 3rd. grade students! :) Oh, and by the way, you will NEVER grow up!
- Original Message -
From: Frank Cressy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Walter Branch [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites and Kids

 Hi Walter and all,

 Last year I also presented to a class of third graders and thought I'd
 a great way to get the class's attention (as if that is needed). Getting
 ready for the presentation, I laid the meteorites out on a metal side
 which the teacher provided. Knowing that part of my talk was on how to
 identify meteorites from terrestrial rocks, I obviously bought along a
 earth magnet. A flash of genius struck ;-)
 Holding tightly, I carefully put my rare earth magnet on the metal table.
 (You probably know where I'm going). During the talk I asked young Billy
 to come up and help me demonstrate that meteorites were magnetic. It was
 birthday and being a larger third grade boy made it all the better. I held
 small Canyon Diablo iron and asked him to pick up the magnet and show the
 class how it stuck to the meteorite. Young Billy reached for the magnet
 and..obviously wasn't able to move it, try as he might. Both he and
 class got a good laugh and the class paid even more attention than they
 might have.
 The third graders were a  great age group to share our love of meteorites
 with. Their minds were sponges, soaking up every bit of knowledge there
 they were interested in and liked learning, and they were studying the
 system. A perfect audience.
 A few days later, I received a package containing letters from every one
 the students. I still have them, and hopefully they also still have their
 small, weathered piece of the solar system (a great way to get rid of
 small broken weathered NWA pieces).


 P.S. I probably wouldn't use this trick on older students. They might
 actually get the magnet off the table than then pinch their finger between
 the magnet and table or meteorite. Coincidently, just the other day I was
 playing around with a couple of rare earth magnets and the result was a
 blood blister to show for it. Guess one of these days I'll grow up :-)

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