Re: Dilemma: between OpenBSD and NetBSD

2012-08-12 Thread Paul Pruett
 But in the past couple of years, I see hangers on trying to show off 
by bullying new comers, and that's really distasteful

Possibly what you are experiencing in part is bikeshedding

I was guilty myself when I popped off an answer mentioning the FAQ,
and guessing it would generate a lot of trivial responses...

On a question like the one that started this thread,
most any OpenBSD user knew enough to quickly point to the FAQ
answer...  And for a bully, well it was an easy one to pounce on.

mod_frontpage fopen fail for fpEXEC log after upgrade.

2011-01-11 Thread Paul Pruett

I have a legacy server,  that supports some older frontpage website,
yes I know..  but the customer wants it and the i886 still has
mod_frontpage in ports. so

I upgraded from i386 openbsd 4.6 to openbsd 4.8
and everything seemed to make it.  it was brought to my attetion that
while frontpage does log activity like couunter to fpEXEC log,
when a form is used, it does not log and as a cgi has a premature end.

Anyone else out there still using mod_frontpage
and on an openbsd 4.8,
and if so does it still process forms?

website log excerpt:

failed to open fpEXEC log file
fopen: Permission denied
[Tue Jan 11 13:45:14 2011] [error] [client *.*.*.* ] Premature end
of script headers: /usr/local/sbin/fpexec

mod_frontpage fopen problem on fpEXEC log after upgrade.

2011-01-11 Thread Paul Pruett

I have a legacy server,  that supports some older frontpage website,
yes I know..  but the customer wants it and the i886 still has 
mod_frontpage in ports.

I upgraded from i386 openbsd 4.6 to openbsd 4.8
and everything seemed to make it.I got a call about frontpage
it seems that while I see log activity to fpEXEC log,  /var/log/fpexec_log
when a form is used, it does not log and as a cgi does the premature end.

Anyone else out there still using mod_frontpage
and on an openbsd 4.8,
and if so does it still process forms?

website log...

failed to open fpEXEC log file
fopen: Permission denied
[Tue Jan 11 13:45:14 2011] [error] [client] Premature end 
of script headers: /usr/local/sbin/fpexec

Re: mod_frontpage fopen fail for fpEXEC log after upgrade.

2011-01-11 Thread Paul Pruett

fixed... problem was  that kernel no longer supports bsdi
Thank you for the observation by the other poster!

On 1/11/2011 9:04 AM, Paul Pruett wrote:

I upgraded from i386 openbsd 4.6 to openbsd 4.8
and everything seemed to make it.  it was brought to my attention that
while frontpage does log activity like counter to fpEXEC log,
when a form is used, it does not log and as a cgi has a premature end.

Yes the issue was that the kernel for 4.8 did not support bsdos emulation
so the line kern.emul.bsdos=1 in /etc/sysctl.conf was not doing anything.

I don't know if a custom kernel will support emulating bsdos,
but the ports for emulating freebsd and linux appear to be adequately 

solution, set /etc/sysctl.conf

(either reboot or use sysctl to set that)

cd /usr/ports/emulators/freebsd_lib
make install

and then change binaries in /usr/local/frontpage to use freebsd flavor
instead... similar to pkg message, using freebsd instead of bsdi

cd /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0
dd if=/dev/arandom of=apache-fp/suidkey bs=129 count=1
find . -type f -perm -4000 -exec chmod u-s {} \;


I would suggest a modification to the port
mod_frontpage package message,
to say bsdi is no no longer supported by the kernel by default.
and to pick a flavor of frontpage and emulation that may work...

This port is used by so few, and most know it well, so I would
not suggest modifying port to have a dependency to require emulation
for linux or freebsd... to much trouble, but at least have a warning
in the package message that bsdos or the bsdi flavor is no longer
supported by the default kernel.   a clue would help others.

existing openbsd 4.8 package message:

# cat /usr/ports/www/mod_frontpage/pkg/MESSAGE

To finish the install, you need to enable the module using the following


If you already have Apache running on your machine, you should not use
apachectl restart - instead, you should fully stop and then restart
the server.

This package only includes the mod_frontpage module for Apache.  It is
still necessary to download and install the server extensions from
Microsoft.  They can be retrieved and installed using the following

  # ftp
  # tar -C /usr/local -xzpvf fp50.bsdi.tar.Z
  # cd /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0
  # dd if=/dev/arandom of=apache-fp/suidkey bs=129 count=1
  # sh
  # find . -type f -perm -4000 -exec chmod u-s {} \;

anyone tried the freebsd version of teamspeak3 with the freebsd emulation?

2010-08-12 Thread Paul Pruett
Was wondering if anyone else has recently tried the teamspeak3 server 
using the freesbsd (x86) beta server

for download on an openbsd with freebsd kernel emulation?


mknod Invalid argument after upgrade.

2008-05-07 Thread Paul Pruett

Apologies, but so far suggestions have not worked.

What things should I check to fix mknod, short of format hard drive?

Situation, after possibly messing up using a wrong MAKDEV during upgrade 
to OBSD 4.3 (amd64) from beta,  I fixed by making sure /dev was empty of all, then 
booting from stable 4.3 media and doing upgrade, which replaced and 
therefore repaired /dev

HOWEVER, now mknod fails for making devices except when used as mkfifo 
(-p). So I don't dare do MAKEDEV again since it runs 'rm' first 
then tries to do mknod, leaving no drivers and no way short of booting 
cdrom to fix.

This failure of mknod is true under /dev and other directories, and I am 
running it as root.  And / is mounted without nodev as expected.

# head -1 /etc/fstab
/dev/wd0a / ffs rw 1 1


# cd /dev
# whereis mknod
# /sbin/mknod foo c 1 1
mknod: foo: Invalid argument
# uname -a
OpenBSD  4.3 GENERIC.MP#1582 amd64

Fails also with GENERIC bsd.

tia, your help appreciated, I will document finding and post for others


Re: mknod fails after wrong arch MAKEDEV

2008-05-05 Thread Paul Pruett

How does it fail?
Try for example (manually):

mkfifo foo
mknod foo c 1 1

# cd /
# mknod foo c 1 1
ksh: mknod: foo: Invalid argument

FAILS with invalid argument.

What *can* be an issue is that mknod inside a chroot is not allowed, as
well as mknod as non-root (except for pipes, i.e. mknod path p, which
is the same as mkfifo path).

but I don't think I have /  as a chroot,
and I am doing it as root, not su

I fear I some how messed up the userland or some kind of auditing
when I accidently a month ago used the MAKEDEV for a i386, then had to 
boot off cdrom to redo /dev

Re: mknod fails after wrong arch MAKEDEV

2008-05-04 Thread Paul Pruett

Isn't /tmp mounted with option nodev, by chance?

Would not explain it failing in /dev

but a good thought.

uhmm on this computer, /tmp is on the root partition, did not make a 
separate mount in fstab for it, ...  yes,

probably should have made a /tmp partition so as to be able to add
options like nodev and nosuid against /tmp,  but that is another story

I looked at my /etc/fstab and  / is not mounted  with nodev

So that is not it.  I think upgrade from cdrom would fix the /dev
folder... and replace /sbin/mknod, and replace the kernel and important

Then I ran the port mergemaster just in case I missed something in /etc...

but the problem persists, so my question, does the operating system use
some kind of protection (other than nodev in /etc/fstab) that might 
prevent mknod from creating devices?  it can create fifos

Re: obsd 3.4 port of mysql may have error9 issue again...

2008-03-19 Thread Paul Pruett

OpenBSD 4.3, you mean.

If I run mysqlcheck -A  against a lot of databases...
about the last database it comes back errors...

Error: File './*_drupal/vocabulary_node_types.MYD' not found
(Errcode: 9)
Error: Got error9 from storage engine
error: Corrupt

No such issues there with OpenBSD 4.3.

yes, 4.3
apologies on that typo.

mysqlcheck is suppose to really exercise mysql, so
I thought I'd best post in case someone else saw it,
because the open file limit had been an issue in the past with version 
3.* (possibly how my brain flipped the numbers...)

The test computer has a new hard drive and hardware, amd64 with
I will also try a reboot with generic instead of
and see if it happens.

Hopefully it is something
in my.cnf that I setup and not the version of mysql.

obsd 3.4 port of mysql may have error9 issue again...

2008-03-17 Thread Paul Pruett

just a heads up, for mysql
on new openbsd 3.4 just did the make build for src with OPENBSD_3_4 Tag 
and mysql port from anoncvs today because I was 
starting to see the infamous errorcode 9 with the beta port of mysql

If I run mysqlcheck -A  against a lot of databases...
about the last database it comes back errors...

Error: File './*_drupal/vocabulary_node_types.MYD' not found 
(Errcode: 9)

Error: Got error9 from storage engine
error: Corrupt

If I run mysqlcheck only against the database(s) shown with errors
then it is okay.  If I keep doing it I lock up mysql and have to kill

So I checked ports and saw mysql-server-5.0.51a and replaced 5.0.51
but unfortunately,
still seeing it after updating package to

yes I am starting mysql with a file limit

It could be just a configuration issue on my side,
but I recommend others look into looking at mysql port
on 3.4 to see if they get the tmp 9 error when doing database
optimizations and tests...

per some suggesions on
here is how I am starting mysql in my /etc/rc.mysql

su -c _mysql root -c '/usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --open-files-limit=2048 
--log-slow-queries '  /dev/null  echo -n ' mysql'

and I setup the mysql in login.conf and changed /etc/sysctl.conf


2007-11-06 Thread Paul Pruett

I wanted to let you know that any emails from
ARE likely exploited computers, for several weeks we have
been avalanced by returns to those addresses significantly more
than any others...

In my situation, I beleive I can not use spamd greytrapping because
legitimate email servers are sending DAEMON messages to us.

As I understand it, spamd greytrapping uses
the TO address, not the FROM

So unfortunately, others could not use these addresses for trapping 
either? If spamd could trap on the FROM address, I would

recommend to all to add the three above addresses to your traps...


Also I posted the addresses on to prove legit admin to


2007-11-06 Thread Paul Pruett

From: Peter N. M. Hansteen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oh, so they found your domain, then.  It may be a bit overwhelming
right now, but not to worry, spamd is your friend.
.the bounces to go away, give it a week before you put any given
address into the greytrap.

No this is not new and yes I have domains from all the way
back to NSF days, what was 
curious is that it is no longer dictionary
spamming, it is just backscatter from only 3 emails on the domain used 
over and over and its taking about 6-24KB on three each secondary MX 
servers to REJECT legit servers, after spamd w/ grey on.   Yea, I can live 
with it, but it is not a one week thing, its been several weeks and the

pattern was different.  Almost all the servers are legitimate
and yes they should not DAEMON reply to the fake FROM,
but they are... IN a real world I can not blacklist earthlink, att, aol,
yahoo and so on.  So as I understand spamd, I have to either 
for filtering by the FROM, I have to DISCARD or REJECT at the sendmail 
level, not firewall to spamd grey :(

I have other mail servers that are not an MX for
and I can use sendmail rules and maybe relaydb or some after
the firewall method to capture the IP of the mail relay...,
but Id rather have spamd capture the IP trapping with ghe FROM,
spamd is more efficient.

So this thread could be more a discussion on features of spamd and grey.

Do others think it would be feasible and a good feature if spamd could 
trap by the From in addition to trapping by the To ???


spamd-setup and CBL list chokes on 5million+ address files

2007-10-13 Thread Paul Pruett

FYI - limits on spamd-setup when importing blacklists

Playing around with 4.2,
and although spamd in grey mode no longer uses spamd table,
it still choked with a 'malloc' error when I used the CBL list
as a file in /etc/mail/spamd.conf

Since the CBL list is over 5 million lines, I used split
to break it into 1 million line files, getting six files...

Then in /etc/mail/spamd.conf I had it loaded as six different
blacklists  and after about 10 minutes it succeeded,
and /var/log/daemon shows a heck of a lot of blacklist attempts,
so it does have a lot of IPs that are hitting us... although
I suspect the CBL list has a lot of legitimate email servers
that were responding to a forged FROM that was a spam trap address

retrieval notes for CBL:
/usr/local/bin/rsync rsync:// \
sed -e '/^[0-9]/!d' /tmp/cbl-list.txt.rsync  /tmp/cbl-list.txt
wc -l /tmp/cbl-list.txt

Re: Google employment opportunity

2007-10-13 Thread Paul Pruett

OMG a Google employee was dumb enough to spam an entire mailing list
to get to one person. WOW, I thought they hired really smart people.

I was thinking it might be a troll too, but I checked the headers...

About a year ago I got an employemnt opp email,
and was flattered...

I did call the recruiter and we talked, 
but the possible jobs would require relocation,

no telecomute jobs...:(

So they are 'googling' for unix sysadmins and will even consider
bsd ;)

As afore mentioned, with their growth they can no longer
hire by word of mouth or referral, so yep, they are going
to become like any other larger corp or govt. job
 ..  cubicles and alll

  sad really.'

spamd for http?

2007-05-20 Thread Paul Pruett

spamd version for http?

Instead of just grepping the logs
and adding to the pf tables, and blocking,
love to redirect to a fake webserver and waste
their time also

Guess I could redirect their http(s) requests to spamd,
confuse the hell out their http client.. :)

Getting tired of seeing the trolling in the weblogs
like below:
- - - [20/May/2007:07:46:02 +] CONNECT HTTP/1.1 403 210 - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 
6.0; Windows NT 5.0) - - [20/May/2007:08:18:39 +] \x04\x01 403 - - - - - [20/May/2007:03:25:16 +] CONNECT 
HTTP/1.0 403 198 - -

Re: anyone using on OpenBSD?

2007-04-24 Thread Paul Pruett

Is anyone using ZoneMinder,
on OpenBSD?

fyi, It appears the answer is no, so here lies a trail
blazing opportunity :(

I received a few emails offline from others with interest,
and an associate is going to lend some cameras to test with,
so I may pursue this for awhile and join the zoneminder

I found some activity for zonemainder freebsd:
and the beginnings of an unofficial freebsd port:

an interesting note in the unofficial freebsd port was


What this patch does is to hard-wire native size to 4 (32-bits).
On FreeBSD, Perl is configured with -Duse64bitint by default and the
method that is used by to determine architectural bit
width incorrectly considers an i386 machine as 64-bit capable.  I'm
not a perl expert -- in fact, I hate perl -- and I really have no
idea how to properly determine pointer size in Perl, so this patch
exists.  Obviously, if you are running FreeBSD-AMD64 (or Alpha or
something, although I have no idea if this software would work on
that architecture), you will want to get rid of this patch file.
Just delete it _before_ you make.

Re: anyone using on OpenBSD?

2007-04-23 Thread Paul Pruett

Is anyone using ZoneMinder,
on OpenBSD?

the zoneminder shop links to some compatible video capture cards like
a 16 port video capture card for $169 using the
Connexant BT878a chipset

The man page on the bktr driver suggests that it may
can support this chipset but I did not see bluecherry,
but I think they resale the card from Provideo in Taiwan:

Appears to be a low prices for a 16port capture card,
has anyone tried the ProVideo series with OpenBSD?

Re: adding video cameras for cms on openbsd.

2007-04-03 Thread Paul Pruett

followup to my inquiry:

An approach to security surveilliance
is to use projects already maturing for recording
television shows, DVR, digital video recorders,
and implement a web interface.

This port looks interesting:

is a collection of free software that can record, convert
and stream digital audio and video.

And for a cms website to use it,
 a module for drupal that may be workable:
The Media Mover module is a module which allows admins
to setup a media move process which gathers files,
processes them and stores them. Media Mover does
little on its own- it calls a set of modules which
implement the media_mover hook and plugs them
together in to media mover scripts.

Trying the above will have to wait for someother
pending jobs, but if it is very promising on
an OpenBSD platform, I'll report.

Further digression for the misc openbsd list may
be off subject.  I will research this more with
FFmpeg and Drupal lists/forums.

thanks for the reply Joachim, it helped to
see some of the posting by Feustel.

adding video cameras for cms on openbsd.

2007-03-31 Thread Paul Pruett

Any suggestions for opensource video survelliance applications
on OpenBSD?

I setup an openbsd server to support a condominium association,
and it has been successful using cyrus-imap and drupal.
Now I was asked if we could add video cameras and security
using the openbsd server.  The short answer is yes, the correct
answer is maybe :) and what approach depends on coverage
and budget

I realize a practical discussion is way beyond the scope of
this list with questions like, do the cameras do the video
capture or have the CTV signal come back to server to capture,
and how much done by hardware how much done by software,
motion detection could switch from time lapse to full or
from quadrant view to active camera?...,
and so on,

that said...
  Is anyone using some opensource project or the like
on openbsd to coordinate the storage of video and retrieval
through a web interface and if so how mature or suggestions?
(and maybe embed in drupal or other cms if can)

As afore I will do a summary report back to the list
for others if I find enough snippets to suggest approaching
building survielliance using openbsd and maybe apache/mysql/php
or the like.  Else a proprietary hardware solution may
be considered, since I said emphatically no MSd0ze solution
for something supporting 6 - 30 cameras with access to
retrieve and view stored video upto several weeks or more.


Re: use OpenBSD to blacklist phone calls?

2007-03-23 Thread Paul Pruett
the package mgetty+sendfax can be used to intercept
phone calls by callerID using fax answer
after modification to port mgetty+sendfax

--- notes ---

I had ordered a generic modem for asterisk usage,
but was warned that it may need Zaptel support
by a subscriber, so that was a wasted $6 + $9 shipping,
so I went back to the scrounge pile and
found in an old external USR modem that
supported callerID, AT#CID=1

After a modem relearning curve I got mgetty+sendfax running
Some tips:

# grep cua /etc/ttys
cua00   /usr/local/sbin/mgettyvt100   on  insecure

#to pickup changes to /etc/ttys
kill -1 1

#And you make config changes and want to make
#sure mgetty picks them up you can kill the mgetty PID
#and /sbin/init will restart it.

HOWever... mgetty from the port package
would ignore the configuration file

I discovered the port package needs to also uncomment
a line in the default policy.h file the line to
use dialin.config.  If you look at the used policy.h
files you will see
/* #define CNDFILE dialin.config */

I found the existing patch that already touches the file,

And I edited out the comment on that line
and remade the patch, diff -u and saved result
over patch-polich_h_dist  (also attached to this email)

Then I removed the package, and port working directory
and make package.  IT WORKS now.

I'll send an email to port maintainer about it.
If someone see how this becomes a security issue
to enable, please inform.


So in conclusion
I implemented this on OPENBSD 4.0, and
if you want to use the callerID feature mgetty+sendfax...
You will have to recompile after modifying policy.h

I added none for UNKNOWN callerids
and some recent pesty callerIDs
and the  !all at end of the dialin.config file
and its so sweet to have the fax answer the telemarketers.

It looks like mgetty.config has hooks and could use
external resources to phonenumbers to block,
so some of the jokes about using something like
spamd-setup may be feasible :)
but for now I can edit
and mgetty reads the text file changes w/o hangup
signal or restarting the process.


ps., be sure to verigy your modem has support for callerID,
--- policy.h-dist.orig  Wed Feb 22 13:56:31 2006

+++ policy.h-dist   Fri Mar 23 15:10:41 2007

@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@

  * Normally, this is /bin/login, just a few systems put login

  * elsewhere (e.g. Free/NetBSD in /usr/bin/login).


-#define DEFAULT_LOGIN_PROGRAM /bin/login

+#define DEFAULT_LOGIN_PROGRAM /usr/bin/login


 /* FidoNet mailer support


@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@

  * ZyXELs use S40.2=1.

  * If the path doesn't start with /, it's relative to CONFDIR.


-/* #define CNDFILE dialin.config */

+#define CNDFILE dialin.config



 /* If you want to use /etc/gettydefs to set tty flags, define this

@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@

 /* group id that the device is chown()ed to. If not defined, the

  * primary group of DEVICE_OWNER is used.


-#define DEVICE_GROUP   modem

+#define DEVICE_GROUP   dialer


 /* access mode for the line while getty has it - it should be accessible

  * by uucp / uucp, but not by others (imagine someone dialing into your

@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@

 # ifdef linux

 #  define LOCK /var/lock/LCK..%s

 # endif

-# if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)

+# if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)

 #  define LOCK /var/spool/lock/LCK..%s

 # endif 


@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@



 #ifndef MAILER

-# define MAILER/usr/lib/sendmail

+# define MAILER/usr/sbin/sendmail



Re: use OpenBSD to blacklist phone calls?

2007-03-21 Thread Paul Pruett

mgetty might have something useful - see


Hmm, maybe it can be as simple as setting up
fax support for just the black list.

From what I read on your link, it suggests the configuration

can be set to only accept for specified numbers.

That way the listed phone numbers for telemarkers
could get a fax response which can be really
annoying.  The next step may be to send any
fax responses to /dev/null

I just ordered a Wildcard X100P card for $5.95
through googlebase and started the build for

Maybe late next week I can try this
approach and report back.

use OpenBSD to blacklist phone calls?

2007-03-20 Thread Paul Pruett

OpenBSD spamd works great for blacklisting IPs,
and maybe it could be use for our blacklisting
telephone calls using callerID?

Even though we are on the 'do not call' registry
we still get 4-10 calls a day at home, and
at work its just phone spam spam spam

Thinking about adding a modem that recognizes callerID
to my home openbsd firewall/server to have it also
monitor the phones and intercept telemarketing
calls between ring 1 and 2 and if a match then
give a false fax signal,
message or just hangup signal.

Has anyone else setup an openbsd server to hangup
phone calls by callerid?

I looked through /usr/ports/comms
and /usr/ports/telephony I think this could be
done with the port package asterisk, but it does 
look complex and I wondered if another package

was more appropriate than a VOIP package?

I did google some notes for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
but I did not read that it is
the same as the port ASTERISK.


Re: Wireless PCI card recommendation needed

2007-03-09 Thread Paul Pruett
If you can't find a card with the transmit power you want, you may be able to 
get the range you're looking for from antenna gain and type.

Here is some info if you go the antenna route to improve gain.

Note a directional antenna is the best, but then you have
to be pointing in the direction...  Omnidirectional
antennas have less gain because the signal is 360,
not focused.

For customers needing an off the shelf solution
I have ordered 14db and 16db antennas from these two companies
and with the proper reverse polarity connector to connect
to d-link cards and linksys routers:

 hyperlinktech in boca raton florida:
 Pacific Wireless in Utah:

For less than $50 you may can get an antenna and get by
with a watt for quite a distance, but you may also need
to buy a 'pigtail' (cable with different connectors)
to connect.

For directional I've had a good gain with the 16db
'VAGI' antenna from Pacific Wireless,
and a side benefit is that the
average person thinks its a radio antenna and does
not realize it is a wifi antenna.
BTW, its suppose to have a polarity that changes
by rotating 90 degrees, but I could tell no
significant difference in signal strength ...

In one situation I still had good gain after
buying a 50 foot low noise cable with a reverse
polarity sma connector to hook to a d-link
ap900+ and a type N connector to the soupcan
the customer already had.  But if you get
a long cable you may want to go
for the low noise like a LMR 200,
or thicker LMR400 ...  The
down side of the thick cables is that it takes
more cable to make a corner (gain drop)
and the tension could snap a small connector.

In the past I ordered some 'pigtails'

good luck !

yelp...bit screwed, cyrus-imap not starting after switch to 64bit

2007-03-05 Thread Paul Pruett

Okay,  sorry to pester list,
but I jumped and fell short on an active mail machine, about 6 hours ago.
I knew doing this on a cyrus-imapd server was insane
I Upgraded from i386 openbsd 4.0  to amd64 openbsd 4.0

So if someone experienced with cyrus-imapd on amd64
can send me some suggestions, can be off list,
I would appreciate because I've getting stumped
and tired and have users waiting.

I have a real fear the dbd and cyrus database stuff may have squirreled
going form i386 to amd64 - please tell me I am wrong...

I promise to do a write up of the fubar for others
who may need to google
in the future...

I had deleted all the ports prior, and added same ones
back as amd64 after.

THE database for openldap was toast, since I knew
how to get that up faster, I used my
backup ldiff to reload it... I have a fear that
the berkeley dbd is different for amd64 than i386.
with that experience..
I got sendmail to work with saslauthd and openldap
to authenticate, and  other parts...
So now the authentication with ldap should be working,
I can test it with 

but cyrus-imapd is not working yet.
And the log is not even getting to authentication,
so that is not the issue I think...

from /var/log/imapd.log

Mar  5 08:22:48 mail master[13640]: process started
Mar  5 08:22:48 mail master[1831]: about to exec 
Mar  5 08:22:48 mail master[13640]: process 1831 exited, signaled to death 
by 11

Mar  5 08:22:48 mail master[13640]: ready for work
Mar  5 08:22:48 mail master[6753]: about to exec 
Mar  5 08:23:21 mail master[19218]: about to exec 
Mar  5 08:24:13 mail master[15189]: about to exec 

I see the bad message signaled to death by 11

And if I telnet to pop3 or imapd they just don't refuse,
just never finish answering,

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'

and it just will timeout...

Perhaps I need to repair mailboxes?
geez I am getting fuzzy here... may need to take
a break even though the server is down.

Crazy   I am going through all the configuration
files I can think of, I have an rsync of the i386
setup so I can look at files from yesterday and did remember to put 
back the /usr/local/lib/sasl2/Cyrus.conf

I fear I am seeing trees, not the forest..


Re: yelp...bit screwed, cyrus-imap not starting after switch to 64bit

2007-03-05 Thread Paul Pruett

If you actually ran the upgrade from the install
media to do this I have no idea what sort of cruft you've
left messed up. Most of us on the list are probably
shaking our heads

My advice? get another box, start from scratch
on i386 and see what you can salvage. My suspicion is
it's pretty messed. Hope you've got some sort of
backup on tape or elsewhere.


YEP fools go where

I had booted cdrom and used UPGRADE, and then
redid ports and ran mergemaster afterards

Actually other than the cyrus-imapd and openldap it seems
to be running. php5/mysql was okay, so far

Best I can tell everywhere I had a berkely db in use,
I may be having problems., but I likely would have
had problems on migrating the data to a new install,
just less pressure and more time to figure.

Yes thank god I have backups and an rsync of the important

Fortunately my backup script included a command to
create a plain text file for cyrus mboxlist and
I am able something like young frankenstein...
don't try this kiddies

something like
mv /var/imap /var/imap-fubar
mkdir /var/imap
sudo -u _cyrus /usr/local/share/examples/cyrus-imapd/tools/mkimap
sudo -u _cyrus /usr/local/libexec/cyrus-imapd/ctl_mboxlist -u  \
sudo -u _cyrus /usr/local/libexec/cyrus-imapd/reconstruct 

I am close,  for squirrelmail we have to resubscribe to imap
folders... and its working!

its sort of working, pop3 is retrieving and so is imap...

NOW  LMAO its not working!!!
the sendmail can't deliver to to the cyrus,
my oh my  mailq is showing a lot waiting

CLOSE!  maybe someting silly

I think that even with a fresh install,
I would have had a bitch with the imap migration,
but more time to figure it out

I'll document for other fools...

note - upgrading from i386 to amd64 sameversion.

2007-03-05 Thread Paul Pruett

Re: yelp...bit screwed, cyrus-imap not starting after switch to 64bit

i am surprised that you didn't reinstall. seems easy enough provided you 
backup your mail directories, or, better yet, you move them to a different 
machine and then mount them via NFS until you're ready to migrate them back 
to the local machine, assuming that's where you want them.

best of luck,

thanks for pointers Steve and other
I think I made it.  WHOOT!,  sleep tonite!

As promised, a RECAP for other fools
googling about upgrading
existing computers from i386 to amd64

For OpenBSD 4.0 stable
the OpenBSD upgrade from cdrom from
i386 to amd64 was a success.

The script knew to take care of the bootblock,
and everything came up.

Using the port mergemaster I did not see anything
critical in /etc that was different from amd64 and i386.
A few files needed updating, but I think
that may be just that those etc files like disktab may
have changed between BASE and STABLE.

Of course all the i386 ports needed to be changed
to amd64 ports, and to be safer I deleted ports
before upgrade, then installed usint saved pkg_info
list I made before deleting.

The SNAFU was the data for some port packages,
but that would likely be a problem migrating
to a new install if you just copied the files

The mysql server did not give issues, nor PHP5.

I did not need a port like mod_frontpage that
only emulates on 32bit, so that was good.
Gotta check to make sure your ports
are availabe on amd64 also.


The openldap server would not with same
database after changing.  Fortunately my
backupscript does a ldiff, so I had reinstall
use ldapad to import from the plain text backup
file. (note I had to delete misc commands in the
ldif before it would import...)

The cyrus-imap server sould not run with
same database.   The logs hinted that
the issue was when cyrus tried to
recover the data, ctl_cyrusdb -r
Having never had a serious cyrus-imapd
failure, I panicked, and recreated
doing the following inelegantly...
# kill cyrus master if working
mv /var/imap /var/imap-fubar
mkdir /var/imap
sudo -u _cyrus /usr/local/share/examples/cyrus-imapd/tools/mkimap
sudo -u _cyrus /usr/local/libexec/cyrus-imapd/ctl_mboxlist -u  mboxlist.txt
sudo -u _cyrus /usr/local/libexec/cyrus-imapd/reconstruct
#pray and restart cyrus master

I am sure their maybe a better way to
recontruct or avoid recontructing but the above
worked for me, EXCEPT the imap folders
for squirrelmail had to be resubscribed.


I suspect that anywhere ad berkely datafile was created
under i386 it may have problems being used under amd64
unless exported on i386 and imported on amd64?

And I am extremely grateful to past admins in postings that
advised adding these things to backups:

/usr/local/sbin/slapcat -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf \
 | /usr/bin/gzip  /var/openldap-data/backup.ldif.gz

su - _cyrus -c /usr/local/libexec/cyrus-imapd/ctl_mboxlist -d \

And I close by sincerely hoping that the hangup/freezing
some see with 4.0 i386 on K8ahtlons is gone for good,
because using a current i386 on an older stable,
was not stabe :)

rock on.

Re: same version upgrade i386 to amd64 gotchas?

2007-03-03 Thread Paul Pruett

The fix was just to remove PAE support from the i386 kernel (until the
bug is found).  So, try copying the latest snapshot kernel to /bsd and
reboot.  Just grab it from the snapshots/i386 directory on the ftp 


I copied a current i386 kernel from this week , and
it rebooted okay on the athlon64 platform.
Now I wait a week and see if it freezes/hangs

Umm, it frooze/hung up again at 5:08 am. about
23 hours after rebooting with the current 4.1 kernel
on the i386 4.0 userland

I was remote so I did not see the monitor for any
panics, but reset using the apc power switch.

I looked through the logs and the only thing
I saw queer was that it created a file
/var/log/mail  with zero content just as it hung up.

Weird, I used the kernel from current on stable i386 userland
on a K8 cpu, which is something that I would normally not do,
but since it was an simple test, we tried.
Staying with i386 on a athlon64 K8 cpu
has caused hangups/freezes about every day or two

of note here is the log snips indicating when
logging stopped

--- from daemon
Mar  3 05:05:38 mail dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:18:39:f0:c8:be via rl0
Mar  3 05:05:38 mail dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 
00:18:39:f0:c8:be via rl0

Mar  3 08:08:56 mail named[14969]: starting BIND 9.3.2-P1
Mar  3 08:08:56 mail named[14969]: loading configuration from 

And here is a weird file that showed up in the
/var/log/   at the apparent time of the hang:

-rw-r--r--   1 root wheel0 Mar  3 05:06 mail

Yes it may be with enough effort we could find the culprit,
and it may be an port or something else, but with less
effort I could roll back to stable or upgrade to current
amd64 instead of trying to make i386 not hang.
... My personal experience is that going forward
I would strongly recommend to readers to use OpenBSD amd64
(not i386) on the AMD K8 platforms (athlon64).

Re: same version upgrade i386 to amd64 gotchas?

2007-03-02 Thread Paul Pruett

The fix was just to remove PAE support from the i386 kernel (until the
bug is found).  So, try copying the latest snapshot kernel to /bsd and
reboot.  Just grab it from the snapshots/i386 directory on the ftp server.

Agreed, I did not see a easy one line change to kernel compile
to remove PAE for openbsd 4.0 stable. So I did as suggested.

I copied a current i386 kernel from this week , and
it rebooted okay on the athlon64 platform.
To test I did a make for /usr/ports/sytutils/cdrtools
and it did not complain, so thats a small warm fuzzy.
Now I wait a week and see if it freezes/hangs

If the 4.1 kernel solves your problem (it probably will) then you
should wait for a 4.1 cd and do a proper upgrade when you have
the time and have gone over the documentation.  Better yet,
after you've decided how you want to handle the upgrade,
try doing it on another machine first, unless this 
one is experimental.

I been testing the i386 snapshots on 32bit athlons, and
some of the portpackages I desire are not making yet,
but it's a lot closer.

Agreed, I unboxed my emergency spare power supply to put 
together a experiment computer with AMD K8 cpu to test with,

and DOH, it had a 20pin not 24pin as marked.
... :(  so yep, more power supplies are on order,
and next time I'll open and verify the spares to before shelving.

Thanks for the clarifications,
now I know to google pae openbsd
I see the notes in
Implemented separate pmap for PAE i386 machines, allows for support for 
machines with more than 4G RAM. Not enabled by default.
Revert PAE pmap for now, stops freezes commonly seen on amd64 machines 
running in i386 mode.

same version upgrade i386 to amd64 gotchas?

2007-02-27 Thread Paul Pruett
After consideration and due to weird
problems afore discussed, I will likely be
upgrading an openbsd 4.0 i386 server to
an openbsd 4.0 amd64.

Yes in retrospect I should have used the
amd64 build not the i386 build on an athlon64
cpu...  But I now have a 'production '
cyrus-imapd/sendmail server that even after
make builds, changing motherboard, cpu,  memory still has a
random lockup w/ no kernel fault displayed
about once a week, ... and for that and
I would prefer to have amd64 go forward,
it is time to bite the bullet.

I have upgraded version on i386 and on amd64,
but never same version, different archtecture.

I would think that the 'etc' files would be
the same, but with cvs updated src, I do
plan on running mergemaster
again after the upgrade by cdrom.

A gotcha I'd expect would be the ports.
I also plan prior to upgrade to uninstall all
the port packages, then reinstall using
amd64 packages after.


ps. I attached the dmesg for the headache
server, note it is running a sempron right now,
and the sempron like the athlon still hangs
OpenBSD 4.0-stable (OPCA) #1: Sun Feb 11 18:00:48 EST 2007

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/OPCA

cpu0: AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 2800+ (AuthenticAMD 686-class, 128KB L2 
cache) 1.61 GHz


real mem  = 468987904 (457996K)

avail mem = 419725312 (409888K)

using 4256 buffers containing 23552000 bytes (23000K) of memory

mainbus0 (root)

bios0 at mainbus0: AT/286+(00) BIOS, date 10/31/06, BIOS32 rev. 0 @ 0xf0010, 
SMBIOS rev. 2.3 @ 0xf0740 (50 entries)

bios0: ASUSTeK Computer INC. M2V-MX

apm0 at bios0: Power Management spec V1.2

apm0: AC on, battery charge unknown

apm0: flags 30102 dobusy 0 doidle 1

pcibios0 at bios0: rev 3.0 @ 0xf/0x1

pcibios0: PCI IRQ Routing Table rev 1.0 @ 0xf73a0/272 (15 entries)

pcibios0: no compatible PCI ICU found: ICU vendor 0x1106 product 0x3337

pcibios0: Warning, unable to fix up PCI interrupt routing

pcibios0: PCI bus #5 is the last bus

bios0: ROM list: 0xc/0x9200 0xc9800/0x2800!

cpu0 at mainbus0

pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 1 (no bios)

pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 vendor VIA, unknown product 0x0336 rev 0x00

pchb1 at pci0 dev 0 function 1 vendor VIA, unknown product 0x1336 rev 0x00

pchb2 at pci0 dev 0 function 2 vendor VIA, unknown product 0x2336 rev 0x00

pchb3 at pci0 dev 0 function 3 vendor VIA, unknown product 0x3336 rev 0x00

pchb4 at pci0 dev 0 function 4 vendor VIA, unknown product 0x4336 rev 0x00

vendor VIA, unknown product 0x5336 (class system subclass interrupt, rev 
0x00) at pci0 dev 0 function 5 not configured

pchb5 at pci0 dev 0 function 6 vendor VIA, unknown product 0x6290 rev 0x00

pchb6 at pci0 dev 0 function 7 vendor VIA, unknown product 0x7336 rev 0x00

ppb0 at pci0 dev 1 function 0 VIA K8HTB AGP rev 0x00

pci1 at ppb0 bus 1

vga1 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 vendor VIA, unknown product 0x3230 rev 0x11: 
aperture at 0xd000, size 0x1000

wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)

wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)

ppb1 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 VIA K8T890 PCI-PCI rev 0x00

pci2 at ppb1 bus 2

ppb2 at pci0 dev 3 function 0 VIA K8T890 PCI-PCI rev 0x00

pci3 at ppb2 bus 3

pciide0 at pci3 dev 0 function 0 JMicron JMB363 IDE/SATA rev 0x02: DMA 
(unsupported), channel 0 wired to native-PCI, channel 1 wired to native-PCI

pciide0: using irq 11 for native-PCI interrupt

pciide0: channel 0 ignored (not responding; disabled or no drives?)

pciide0: channel 1 ignored (not responding; disabled or no drives?)

pciide1 at pci0 dev 15 function 0 VIA VT8237A SATA rev 0x80: DMA

pciide1: using irq 5 for native-PCI interrupt

wd0 at pciide1 channel 0 drive 0: ST3320620AS

wd0: 16-sector PIO, LBA48, 305245MB, 625142448 sectors

wd0(pciide1:0:0): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 5

wd1 at pciide1 channel 1 drive 0: ST3320620AS

wd1: 16-sector PIO, LBA48, 305245MB, 625142448 sectors

wd1(pciide1:1:0): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 5

pciide2 at pci0 dev 15 function 1 VIA VT82C571 IDE rev 0x07: DMA, channel 0 
configured to compatibility, channel 1 configured to compatibility

atapiscsi0 at pciide2 channel 0 drive 0

scsibus0 at atapiscsi0: 2 targets

cd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0: SONY, CD-RW CRX320E, NYK5 SCSI0 5/cdrom 

cd0(pciide2:0:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2

pciide2: channel 1 disabled (no drives)

uhci0 at pci0 dev 16 function 0 VIA VT83C572 USB rev 0xa0: irq 10

usb0 at uhci0: USB revision 1.0

uhub0 at usb0

uhub0: VIA UHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1

uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered

uhci1 at pci0 dev 16 function 1 VIA VT83C572 USB rev 0xa0: irq 5

usb1 at uhci1: USB revision 1.0

uhub1 at usb1

uhub1: VIA UHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1

uhub1: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered

uhci2 at pci0 dev 16 function 2 VIA VT83C572 USB rev 0xa0: irq 3

usb2 at uhci2: 

Re: same version upgrade i386 to amd64 gotchas?

2007-02-27 Thread Paul Pruett

I have received several assurances that
-current may have resolved some weirds
for i386 on amd64 processors...

With hesitation I could try jumping to current
instead of stable amd64.

I have used -current on productin before,
but only after verifying the ports could
make w/o fubars

Either amd64 stable or i386 current
I'll still should remake the ports to match,
especially openldap and cyrus-imapd and
verify.  :(

cyrus squatter haning computer?

2007-02-22 Thread Paul Pruett

Has anyone else had a problem with cyrus-imap squatter
causing the enire computer to hang?

OpenbBSD 4.0

I had /etc/cyrus.conf to do squatter at 06:00
and maybe after about five to seven days the computer
would hang, either with the display frozen or no display,
requiring a power reset to fix.

This time I caught a process in a top display
that may have been the reason, squatter.


HERE is the top that was on my ssh session when
connection was lost:

load averages 1.54, 1.57, 1.66
52 processes:  1 running, 50 idle, 1 on processor
CPU States: 39.6% user 0.0% nice 15.3% system, 0.3% interrupt, 44.9% idle
Memory: Real: 236M/322M act/tot Free 112M Swap: 6440K/3072M used/tot

831 _cyrus600 9052K 8200K run  -0:26 31.69% squatter
30372 named  20   14M   14M sleepselect   6:23  0.34% named
32246 _clamav20   26M   27M sleeppoll18:43  0.00% clamd
1865 _mysql 20  301M   53M sleeppoll 3:20  0.00% mysqld
7718 _spamd 20   11M 6548K idle select   3:01  0.00% spamd

Here is the imapd.log just before squatter hangs entire
computer, I changed username and domainname to protect users in example:

Feb 22 06:00:00 mail master[831]: about to exec 

Feb 22 06:00:00 mail squatter[831]: indexing mailboxes
Feb 22 06:00:00 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:00 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:00 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:00 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:00 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:00 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:00 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox user.x1.Sent 
Feb 22 06:00:00 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:00 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:00 mail squatter[831]: indexing mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:04 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:04 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:04 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:04 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:04 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:04 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:04 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:04 mail squatter[831]: indexing mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:06 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 06:00:06 mail squatter[831]: skipping mailbox 
Feb 22 


# pkg_info | grep cyrus
cyrus-imapd-2.2.13p0 Cyrus IMAP server
cyrus-imapd-perl-2.2.13 perl utils for the Cyrus IMAP server
cyrus-sasl-2.1.21p2-ldap RFC  SASL (Simple Authentication and Security 

# grep squatter /etc/cyrus.conf
  squattercmd=squatter -s at=0600

Re: pf rules

2007-02-12 Thread Paul Pruett
block in quick on $ext_if proto tcp from {!$me, !$mynet} to $ext_if  port 

read also

another way to deal with negative in your pf.conf
is to use tables... maybe try a table with safeip combinations
like, but do test and read and try variations, this may be wrong also :)

table safeip {, !}
block in log quick on $ext_if proto {tcp,udp} from !safeip to any port 

Re: OT: Domain Name Freedom

2007-02-03 Thread Paul Pruett

Please pardon the off topic post but last month some people on this list
were wondering about Friendly Registrars after what happened to
Fyodor (of nmap fame) with is domain being shut down by

godaddy and registerfly have really cheap vale resaler possiblilites,
and now you know why... I'd not trust them with anything that
can not be replace, for instance I might by a one year ssl cert, but
worse case that can be replaced, unlike a domain name in dispute

Opensrs/Tucows has been around a long time, but their wholesale
cost, $10.25, is more than retail by registerly/godaddys and all those
others with questionable terms..

They have been very reputable in how they register and expire domains.
(maybe because they are in canada...)

But it appears to be worth spending the extra two bucks per year per 
domain even though with hundereds of domains it can add up, but

several screwed customer can cost lots more.

I know someone who used which was not cheap, got
their name sold to someone else before the expire date, and
the domain speculator quoted a price just less than legal action
to buy it back. so for even the more expensive registers some
of the terms seem to be used to scam!

Has anyone heard of excessive evil from opensrs?
if not, and if you have a biz and maintain say,
fifty or more domains, it may
be worth doing all the forms and the $100 deposit to use them 
wholesale...  else I am sure like me, there are many consultants

who use openbsd who are also value added resalers for opensrs.

Re: spamd - SPEWS status

2007-02-02 Thread Paul Pruett
It seems like their soft started analyzing  the return codes, and so they are 
resending their mail after a short while. So I think blacklisting is still in 


Since greylisting has become more defacto, I have seen more 
successfull 411 like spam squeezing through legitimate email 
servers with free web emails and expecially the old excitenework,

 and then the scoring is low on spamassassin on our side
 even with SARES, because they craft the words better  :(

So you still need to block by content, but that's getting harder also.

Since the need block by content scanning, the changes of errors
are higher, thus the need to craft the 5.5.0 error message with
someting like, call or fill out form on this website to get whitelisted...

A while back I had posted a question about grey listing, and if it
got answered I missed it

Basically for spamd we can edit the /etc/spamd.conf so that black
listings get a specific message when rejected, good...

But what about greytrapping?
When an email gets rejected due to greytrapping, what error message
can be returned?  how do you put that in /etc/spamd.conf

Somehow occassionally a legit server sends an email to a poison
address, maybe a spammer can use known poison emails and fake them
as from, then they spam legit servers, they in return send email
to the poison address and get greytrapped?   ARGH

atactl smartstatus to email other than cron user

2007-01-23 Thread Paul Pruett

Using cron and atactl to email smartstatus errors
to an email address other than cron user:

I was playing with the suggesion in the man
page for atactl and smart status. After using rc.local
to make sure smart is enabled, something like
 echo -n 'wd0: '
 /sbin/atactl wd0 smartenable
 /sbin/atactl wd0 smartstatus

Now to put someting in crontab to hourly check for errors,
per suggestion of man page for atactl I could use:
0 * * * * /sbin/atactl /dev/wd0c smartstatus /dev/null

And the error will email to root, or if the variable
Then all error messages from cron will go there :(

I can see where I might want some tasks to email
standard error messages to other than the cron user or MAILTO,
like sending an email to a pager or other alert email box.
Thus the question, how to edit cron task to send normal output to null
but email error messages...  Handling outputs if I rember
and a quick google found a page that seems to confirm,
suggests 1 should be standard and 2 should be errors
so we should be able to do something like

0 * * * * /sbin/atactl /dev/wd0c smartstatus 1/dev/null 2mail -s wd0 

Other than using up your pager allotment, does anyone see
a problem doing it this way, please correct.

If a server is not raid, and using cheaper ide/sata drives,
this might be a useful way to be urgently notifed of
a hard drive that may fail.

- cheers

Re: docs for OpenLDAP and cyrus-imapd on OpenBSD?

2006-10-30 Thread Paul Pruett

I have it working a similar setup. All you need once the openldap side
is runnning (and there are lots of docs about OpenLDAP for users
authentication out there):

Thanks,  got openldap with bdb up using various example conf files...
Getting the openldap side supporting a table or index or proper schema? 
that can be referenced by sendmail and cyrus and putting

the username,realm,password into it is my stuck point now, and that
is beyond the misc/openbsd list. I subscribed to the cyrus info and sasl
email lists and if need be the openldap lists...  I'll summarize my notes
on a webpage when successful and post back to misc list the url.

I think another part of the puzzle maybe that I need to copy 
sendmail schema and have that in slapd.conf

 cp /usr/src/gnu/usr.sbin/sendmail/cf/sendmail.schema /etc/openldap/schema/

 # grep sendmail /etc/openldap/slapd.conf
 include /etc/openldap/schema/sendmail.schema


You will need a sendmail compiled with SASL and ldap support, just add
this to /etc/mk.conf:

That was very helpful and something misc OpenBSD related, I knew about 
exporting WANT_SMTPAUTH prior to compiling sendmail, but I did realize

that a value needed to be set for WANT_LDAP.

docs for OpenLDAP and cyrus-imapd on OpenBSD?

2006-10-29 Thread Paul Pruett

Looking for docs for OpenLDAP and cyrus-imapd on OpenBSD

I am trying to implement cyrus-imap on OpenBSD sendmail for virtual 
hosting with support for  pop3, imap (localhost), and smtp-auth.

I've googled so much information with that just did not quite fit
that it is daunting for those of us who are unfamiliar with ldap.

I have made some progress like I had actually hacked cyrus-imap to
use the mysql for authentication, got cyradm to work by modifying
/etc/hosts and so on..., was making that progress till I found that 
saslauthd will not support SQL, so I could not 
go that way for smtp-auth with sendmail.

After that endeavor I decided that I will need bite the bullet and 
become proficient with open-ldap because both sendmail and cyrus-imap 
appear to have mature support for LDAP, unlike mysql.

(and yes I've read a thousand times that LDAP is more appropriate than SQL 
for non relational lookups...,  I have also been told that I should give 
up sendmail and use postfix, but I have a lot of investment in labor on 
our sendmail milter setups...)

THAT said, if someone has good documentation links, helpful suggestions, 
or would not mind filling in the gaps offline - I would appreciate it.

Re: docs for OpenLDAP and cyrus-imapd on OpenBSD?

2006-10-29 Thread Paul Pruett

If all you want about LDAP is to authenticate your users from LDAP,
then Cyrus IMAPd will just do it from sasl interface.
Be sure you have installed cyrus-sasl package with ldap flavor

I think I need a little more than that, I am not even sure how best
to insert the username realm and password and into which index..
and to that I am on a crash learn of ldap, so that is part of the
picture I'll need to understand asap :(

I figured the flavor thing out when I went down the mysql flavor method,
Also we may need to use the -r option for pkg_add -r
to get the flavor package loaded... Here is how to make flavors and 
-server for those who may google this on the lists:

cd /usr/ports/mail/cyrus-imap
make package

cd /usr/ports/security/cyrus-sasl2
env FLAVOR=ldap make package

cd /usr/ports/databases/openldap/
env SUBPACKAGE=ldap FLAVOR=bdb make package

An example /etc/saslauthd.conf will look like this

ldap_servers: ldap://
ldap_search_base: dc=your,dc=base,dc=dn
ldap_filter: ((uid=%u)(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))
ldap_auth_method: userPassword

As you can guess, %u gets replaced with username.
userPassword auth method means authentication will occur with binding.

And related lines for /etc/imapd.conf

sasl_mech_list: plain

Good luck...

I appreciate the above examples and will digest it asap.

I saw several options for imapd.conf that dealt with ldap
without the sasl_ prefix, and that may have mislead also.

A note to other readers, any option in /etc/imapd.conf that
is prefixed with sasl_ may overided the SASL configuration file,
see the man page for imapd.conf and sasl_option

BTW, I know I got off track when I tried settings from an example
slapd.conf from a Linux Gazzette page:

smtp-vilter may not put IP into pf table if cannot resolve hostname

2006-10-16 Thread Paul Pruett

Anyone else using smtp-vilter.conf with the react on statment, like
 react on spam add to table vilterspam for 1 day

And if so do you notice error messages when the hostname can not be 
resolved like:

Oct 17 03:41:23 mail smtp-vilter[25288]: pftable_modify: can not resolve 
hostname []

It seems that if the spammer does not have reverse dns lookup for the 
domain name then smtp-vilter does not add the IP to the pf table?

Re: can mixed case username receive email

2006-05-17 Thread Paul Pruett

good answer

On Tue, 16 May 2006, Claus Assmann wrote:

Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 13:08:43 -0700
From: Claus Assmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: can mixed case username receive email

On Tue, May 16, 2006, Paul Pruett wrote:

Is there a way to deliver
email to usernames with mixed case?

See the FAQ for sendmail

 + 4.17 How do I handle user names with upper-case characters?

can mixed case username receive email

2006-05-16 Thread Paul Pruett

Is there a way to deliver
email to usernames with mixed case?

looking at OpenBSD 3.8 w/ sendmail

Per the man page for adduser
it is recommended to use only lowercase,
but it will take mixed case for a login
and be case sensitive.

So for example
adduser EWhite

but if after I try
mail EWhite

I get an error message.

but  if I rmuser and
adduser ewhite

I can
mail ewhite

Perhaps it is a setting issue, but
it seems that while mixed
usernames are supported upto
31 characters, the local
mail transport is unable
to deliver to a username
with mixed case.

Having always used lowercase
names, I was blissfully unaware
of that gotcha, until a user
asked me specifically for a mixed
case username.


Re: sftp and scp and chroot

2006-03-21 Thread Paul Pruett

there is better alternative w/o need to breaking ssh down:

An alternative to jailkit is chrsh

it also does not require changing any code in ssh,
it is a chroot jail wrapper, invoked by setting user's shell
to the wrapper.

(warning - warning - if you include any setuid application
like ping in the jail, the user can obtain root priviledges)

(think carefully before trying to chroot an ssh/sftp/scp login)

Ben Goren did an unofficial port that seems to not have been updated
recently so it may not make with recent versions of OpenBSD without
modification, we posted notes on misc about thatthis year. Ben's site:

(i'd say google the notes, but for some reason I checked and google
was not finding recent misc postings very well for chrsh,
so I searched the MARC misc archives ...)

recent postings to misc about chrsh

Re: Recommendations for an OpenBSD-based Backup Solution

2006-03-21 Thread Paul Pruett

If you didn't already, try running rsync as a *server* on the Windows
side (if you want SSH, forward the ports). There's a cygwin bug that
bites rsync in some circumstances (when network buffers fill, iirc).

rather than setting a standalone rsyn server listening to a port,
you can try a minamilist approach

have rsync installed w/ cygwin on windows,
use ssh to run rsync on openbsd box, I know it works with openbsd 3.8 port 
of rsync.

In your bat file on windoze you can use the -e option of rsync to call 
ssh, and the -i option of ssh to select the identity key

NOTE the key has to be owned by the cygwin user and not group or other,
for ssh security reasons, that is the typical gotcha.

(its not uncommon on windows for the login name
to actually be something different like default
in the passwd file on windows cygwin)

then you can use zip, dump or tar or other to backup the mirror or rather 
rsync file system.  maybe doing a full backup weekly or monthly and

using find to backup file changed daily...

some notes here also:

success - equifax signed cert for starttls and under us16.00

2006-03-15 Thread Paul Pruett

Musings on getting a CA
signed cert for STARTTLS
and other gotchas

If you ask the companies who market
SSL certs about sendmail, they will
say that they don't support certs
for mail, but for websites only.

But maybe the help/support desks are wrong?

I found a vendor that only charged $15.99
for a starterssl signed by geotrust/equifax
and tried it with sendmail

I post the following to misc-at-openbsd
in the hope that others may benefit
and/or correct.

no flames please, if you see a glaring mistake,
let me know offlist and I'll post an amendment
or retraction if appropriate.


Starting the notes off tangeant...
If we want to use something other than our self signed
cert for sendmail, we will have to have a file like
web browsers that has a bundle of okay CA certs.

Getting a file with recent information of
somewhat trusted entity has of CA certificate signers
to use applications...

I'm sure there is a better way, and somewhere to get newer,
but the file in the src appears to be from March CET 2000

head /usr/src/usr.sbin/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt | grep Last 

##  Last Modified: Thu Mar  2 09:32:46 CET 2000


Going way off course to get a newer bundle maybe...

I googled several versions of
scripts that promised to convert a Mozilla file
certdata.txt to a ca-bundle that may be useable.

So let us find certdata.txt in a recent mozilla project
The below renders a file claiming a revision date of 2005/04/18

-o firefox-

 bunzip2 firefox-

 tar -tvf firefox- | grep certdata.txt

 tar -xvf firefox- 

We got it
now for a tool to convert...


now to do the covert

  /usr/bin/perl  ca-bundle.crt

Note the ca-bundle.crt includes information in such a way
we may can just use it as CAcert.pem for starttls.
Can try copy or link   ca-bundle.crt to  CAcert.pem

If you are fooling around with STARTTLS for sendmail,
you really really would benefit by reading the man pages

man starttls

   on towards pems for sendmail

It is very possible the the following has mistakes
or may not work or is wrong... could be done much
more elegantly or has a security issue,
so use with caution

So we may now have a file we can use for CAcert.pem
for STARTTLS to use that has most of the well
known CA providers.  But if we
self sign our certificates that
will not help unless we concatenate our cert to that

Okay so how can you on the cheap setup a
certificate signed bya Certificate Authority recognized
by most applications?Geotrust is well known and
cheaper than Thawte or Verisign...  Froogle a vendor
for Geotrust... found

more on that latter...

The following may work for us

BUT, before trying the following and spending $$, you may want to review 
the instructions on man startssl and see if you can get sendmail working with 
a self-signed certificate.

man startssl


NOte that the man page for starttls can skip some steps, using one command
to both tenerate a certificate and the private key.  Because
it is self signed we did not need a 'CSR'

 openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey dsa:dsa1024.pem \
 -out /etc/mail/certs/mycert.pem -keyout  \

IF you did this more verbose...
 You may make your key then make a csr then sign the csr

Something like this

 openssl genrsa -rand /dev/urandom \
 -out /etc/mail/certs/mykey.pem 1024
 chmod 400 /etc/mail/certs/mykey.pem

Now you need a certificate request, CSR, to have geotrust or some CA use
as input to sign and send you back a crt that hopefully will work
after taking your money.

 openssl req -new -inform PEM -key \
/etc/mail/certs/mykey.pem -outform PEM \
-out /etc/mail/certs/mycsr.pem
 chmod 400 /etc/mail/certs/mycsr.pem

YOu could self sign it, but then the above CAcert.pem that we extracted 
would not have you in it.

 openssl x509 -days 3650 -signkey /etc/mail/certs/mykey.pem \
-in /etc/mail/certs/mycsr.pem -req \
-out /etc/mail/certs/mycert.pem
 chmod 444 /etc/mail/certs/mycert.pem


BUT we may want to pay $$ (not $$$) to have a cert that Eudora/Microsoft
and other email applications would not complain about.

About the cheapest way I found to get a certificate for a website signed 
by geotrust/equifax is to go through the vendor

You'll have to create and account and give the a minimum deposit of $25.00
Then you can by the cheapest 

Re: success - equifax signed cert for starttls and under us16.00

2006-03-15 Thread Paul Pruett

if I remember correctly, the last time I tried Postfix on OpenBSD, I can
use self-generated SSL cert. Hope it's helpful to you.

self-signed certs can work with mail smtp servers postfix or sendmail,
   man starttls

But when you used self-signed certificates, other servers or clients
may at a minimum give warnings to users.  also it is plausible that
using a certificate signed by a recognized CA may help when sending
to larger corporations or maybe not

If you setup SMTP-AUTH, and have clients require TLS, the clients
will likely get a warning message till they accept and store it. 
Thats okay for a a handfull, but for the non literate or commerce 
customers it will be an education pain and then most admins

will donate $16 rather than have to explain to clients about accepting
certificates not signed by trusted CA.

thats my $0.02 on justifying $16


Re: chrsh unofficial w/ current 3.9 - nope

2006-02-07 Thread Paul Pruett

Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 07:34:06 -0500
From: Jeff Quast [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i havn't looked at the code--but i've seen this before, try adding
#include errno.h

For unofficial chrsh port with current (3.9)
got the following with current grabbed this weekend,
complaining about extra tokens at end of directives and a while loop

chrsh.c:335: error: `errno' undeclared (first use in this function)
chrsh.c:335: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
chrsh.c:335: error: for each function it appears in.)
Stop in /usr/ports/test/chrsh/w-chrsh-1.0b2/chrsh (line 4 of Makefile).

Hell of a deal!
Good reply jeff.

That did it!

Ben, if you revesion your unoffical port
for chrsh, you need to add for patching,
 #include errno.h

chrsh unofficial w/ current 3.9 - nope

2006-02-06 Thread Paul Pruett
Just a heads up for the few that use Ben Goren's Trumpetpower port for 

It may not work as is with OpenBSD 3.9, without tweaking.

but the official ports for current is compiling nicely even kde so far!

got the following with current grabbed this weekend,
complaining about extra tokens at end of directives and a while loop
using test on error return value...

if anyone has a quick suggestion, I'll try it, else I will set it aside.

# make
===  Checking files for chrsh-1.0b2

chrsh.c doesn't seem to exist on this system.
26266   00:00

No size recorded for /usr/ports/distfiles/chrsh.c
No checksum file.

===  Extracting for chrsh-1.0b2
mkdir -p /usr/ports/chrsh/w-chrsh-1.0b2/chrsh
cp /usr/ports/test/distfiles/chrsh.c 

cp files/Makefile /usr/ports/test/chrsh/w-chrsh-1.0b2/chrsh/
===  Patching for chrsh-1.0b2
===  Configuring for chrsh-1.0b2
===  Building for chrsh-1.0b2
cc -o chrsh chrsh.c
chrsh.c:99:25: warning: extra tokens at end of #undef directive
chrsh.c:186:8: warning: extra tokens at end of #endif directive
chrsh.c: In function `main':
chrsh.c:335: error: `errno' undeclared (first use in this function)
chrsh.c:335: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
chrsh.c:335: error: for each function it appears in.)
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/test/chrsh/w-chrsh-1.0b2/chrsh (line 4 of Makefile).
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/test/chrsh (line 1924 of 

NOTES for chrsh.c

Line 99:
#undef  LOG_USEFILE /var/log/chrsh.log

Line 186:
#endif DEBUG

Line 335:
while (close(i) != 0  errno == EINTR);

Re: smtp-vilter + spam filtering question

2006-02-01 Thread Paul Pruett
the version on the stable port is old,

it is upto smtp-vilter-1.2.5

I was using monit to restart the port milter-spamd
when it would die about one or two times a week,
I downloaded 1.2.4 and did the make install
- went non standard and set it to use same user as
clamav and to not use sockets...
and monit has never had to restart smtp-vitler

Changes: PF (packet filter) integration was improved. Reactions on spam, 
viruses, and unwanted content can now be specified with a timeout: react on virus 
add to table blacklist for 24 hours.

Using smtp-vilter to harvest IP addresses to redirect bad servers to 
spamd. It is working, the maillog shows comments were it deletes IP 
addresses from the pf table after 24 hours.  The pf table for my modest

mail server seems to be around 1800 - 2400 Ip addresses.

What I did also to take advantage of spamd-setup
was to have cron a simple bourne shell script to save
the vilter pf table to file, and have spamd.conf point to the file
and use spamd-setup to put the vilter table into the spamd table
so spamd would give a custom error message. - just in case
a legitimate server gets on the spamassassin/smtp-vilter
generated blacklist for the pf firewall.

Openbsd 3.9 will likely include the newer version of smtp-vilter
and that will give all another method of feeding spamd at 8025 :)

ps -  easy to confuse the spamassassn spamd with Theo's spamd :(
 man -s8 spamd
 man spamd

Login shell chroot implementation - unofficial chrsh openbsd port issues

2005-12-27 Thread Paul Pruett

This is in response to an email awhile back:

Friday, July 19, 2002, 9:01:11 AM, you wrote:

I have used many softwares like chrsh (Aaron Grifford)
on a port from Ben Goren but didn't get it to work.
I've done *everything* Aaron and Ben told
me to do, but chrsh insisted to report me
an error like:

User='' (2000) Group='' (2000): Unable to obtain root permission in \
order to perform chroot() function.
After several tryes, I finally quit it and decided to implement

The reason you could not get Ben Goren's port of chrsh to work is that the 
port does not do everything for you, in particular two things that will 
prevent it from working on OpenBSD 3.8:

It does not install setgid and setuid, and the settings in the compiled
chrsh.c check for it to install /bin/chrsh but the package installs

And to be honest if we can't figure out that pare, we are likely
to also put something in the jail that would allow a security break out...

NOTE -  DON't even try to use chroot to limit users accounts unless you 
understand it can be trivial to overcome:

It is perhaps very dangerous to chroot ssh except in special 
situations, but the truth is a lot of servers try to do this, - 
especially  in linux and freebsd implementations.   Many seem to patch the 
openssh direct - not to happy about that, others use a shell. some 
approach examples:

- details and notes 
-- read no further unless need to know -

the reason of this post is that google did not easily find answers about 
chrsh and openbsd beyond the helpful start by Ben Goren:

His port almost works, but does not install the binary so that it can 
chroot, and the binary fails check because it is defined with wrong path.

An approach is that you could use his port then edit the chrsh.c inside 
the port make area,

edit ./chrsh/w-chrsh-1.0b2/chrsh/chrsh.c 

#define CHRSHPATH   /bin/chrsh
#define CHRSHPATH   /usr/local/bin/chrsh

rm ./chrsh/w-chrsh-1.0b2/chrsh/chrsh.c

cd ./chrsh/w-chrsh-1.0b2/chrsh/
cp chrsh /usr/local/bin/chrsh

--- however, the package did not install setuid nor setgid 
---  which probably is good because it forces you ---
--- to think or at least google --

ls -al /usr/local/bin/chrsh
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  18340 Dec  /usr/local/bin/chrsh

chmod u+s,g+s /usr/local/bin/chrsh

ls -al /usr/local/bin/chrsh
-r-sr-sr-x  1 root  wheel  18340 Dec  /usr/local/bin/chrsh

--- and then you have to do all the steps for making the jail
--- and the special path for the shell -- which is documented
--- and sometimes scripted elsewhere
like it says on Aaron D. Gifford's website:
That's all the documentation ya get, folks!  :)

Re: Login shell chroot implementation - unofficial chrsh openbsd port issues

2005-12-27 Thread Paul Pruett

- details and notes 
-- read no further unless need to know -

rm ./chrsh/w-chrsh-1.0b2/chrsh/chrsh.c

oops thats my very bad, should be

 rm ./chrsh/w-chrsh-1.0b2/chrsh/chrsh

pfctl cannot allocate memory for using spamd w/ Table for CBL

2005-12-01 Thread Paul Pruett


since upgrading to openbsd 3.8
I noted my spamd was not blocking, looked closer and with me
using the CBL table (huge) trying
spamd-setup gave this response:
  pfctl Cannot allocate memory

The spamd is loading okay so long as I don't use a whopper
table like the CBL,

I have a gig of memory on the server in question, and it was the
generic i386 kernel

True on 3.6 and 3.7 I used a kernel compiled with options,
so it could be just the generic kernel...

I'm going to compile a custom kernel on platform and see if it fares 
better.   any suggestions on kernel options for large pf Tables?

typically i have added these options to the generic.


fyi - openbsd 3.8 squirrelmail php bug and imap-uw

2005-12-01 Thread Paul Pruett

I ran into something w/ squirrelmail on openBSD 3.8
with uw imap needing plain text login and with a php
bug causing timeouts

short answer - use flavor plaintext with imap-uw instead
of trying edit of /etc/  - and use imap serverside
sort option on squirrelmail  - or manually update/patch php4 - ughh

NOTES - longwinded for those who may care,
and for google, else read no further


from the front of

SquirrelMail and PHP 4.4.1 issues
Nov 07, 2005 by Tomas Kuliavas
PHP developers released PHP 4.4.1 version on 2005-10-31.
Security fixes introduced bug, which affects three SquirrelMail
functions. If your SquirrelMail install does not use server
side sorting, PHP bug can create infinite loop in message display.
If you are using PHP 4.4.1, you should update it to 4.4.x-dev or apply 

(or as a quick fix set squirrel mail to serverside sort)


According to
there are two different packaging flavors. [default package] and
[package with plaintext support]. Use plaintext package or
enable plain text login in /etc/

I used the default make install, so I'm sure I got
the package w/o plain text.
I had /etc/ edited accordingly from previous usage..

# cat /etc/
set disable-plaintext nil

But it did not work...

So rather than using the port package without flavor and trying
to override with /etc/,
I made package with flavor and that worked. ..

# pkg_delete imap-uw-2004g
imap-uw-2004g: complete
Clean shared items: complete

# cd /usr/ports/mail/imap-uw
# env FLAVOR=plaintext make install

And that fixed it. --- then I had to do some changes to php.ini
and change some squirrel mail settings because the version of php w/ 3.8
has issues with imap or the version of imap has issues with php... 

anywho changing things like squirrelmail to have imap sort help..

(be sure to exercise it with some attachements before you think its good 
to go...)

a source of info-

a reminder to us slothful admins,  imap need only be for
localhost for squirrelmail... can configure pf.conf so only localhost uses 

Re: ssh brute force attacks

2005-11-14 Thread Paul Pruett

I'm the same way - I do not look forward to spending an afternoon
upgrading a box, and then manually hacking through the config files
checking for changes. After 30 minutes of this mind-numbing minutae, I
usually start making mistakes which leads to more time consumed.
Anyway - most upgrades are not so bad, but I've found if I get more than
2 releases behind a fresh install is usually the best medicine.

openbsd is secure by default so getting behind on it is not 
so bad... if you are using default install, what is really dangreous is 
anything we do to our boxes after the default install

PORTS for example..   have you looked at the right block on
occassionally, they list recent vulnerablities from the website

For example, if you used the port for the antivirus, clamav, and have not 
upgraded to stable recently or to 3.8, read this quote:
During analysis ClamAV Antivirus Library is vulnerable to buffer 
overflows allowing attackers complete control of the system

Similar goes for ports of other things like mysql:
a temporary file vulnerability in the mysqlaccess script of MySQL that 
could allow an unprivileged user to let root overwrite arbitrary files via 
a symlink attack

Yes, if you used the default install, and its in the last year or so it's 
secure, but in a real world many admins make holes, and use ports and 
don't check or upgrade the ports adequately.   So the concept of
migrating data every 6 months or at least every year to a fresh install is 
a very good...   That way even if a rootkit left a cronjob, it likely is 
gone with install not upgrade on new file systems

ok, yes this thread is diverging.

Re: Text editor

2005-08-07 Thread Paul Pruett

Ed, man!  !man ed

On Sun, 7 Aug 2005, Richard P. Koett wrote:

Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2005 09:01:40 -0700
From: Richard P. Koett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Text editor

You guys are all sissies.

Real men use cat(1).

any luck with CBL for spamd pf Table ?

2005-08-07 Thread Paul Pruett

Tried to use CBL for spamd.conf, it was a bust.
may have been sysadmin err0r/misunderstanding..:).

Anyone else successfully using CBL for /usr/libexec/spamd-setup ?

It appears that the CBL black list has about 1,744,279 entries
The CBL list is a big part of the Spamhaus XBL list, and gets
a lot that others may miss. And using dns instead of pf to reject is not

But how many addresses can be put into pf Table without overload?
(depends on arch and resources... but in short.. rule of thumb..
how many lines should be stay under when putting Tables for spamd?)

with over million IPs in CBL, trying
   /usr/libexec/spamd-setup -d
just sets there cooking and doesn't finish

retrieval notes:
/usr/local/bin/rsync rsync:// \
sed -e '/^[0-9]/!d' /tmp/cbl-list.txt.rsync  /tmp/cbl-list.txt
wc -l /tmp/cbl-list.txt
mv list to appropriate folder, edit /etc/spamd.conf, run spamd-setup and 
it just does not do well...
so many lines...  or some of the lines have something that 
hangs spamd-setup???

ssh from cellpone to openbsd

2005-06-25 Thread Paul Pruett


I was able to ssh2 vith vt320term using username/password to openbsd using 
sprintpcs cellphone (not the fancy palm like ones but the newer lesser 
vision phones that play media and midp java apps)

application on cellphone:

MidpSSH is an SSH and Telnet client for MIDP 1.0 / 2.0 devices
such as Java(tm)-capable cellphones.

You can send this URL
in a text message,, and the phone can go to it
give wap menu and after selection can download and know its an 

BTW, full ssh2 build, 108KB seems to be working on the new sprintpcs 
phones, like the SANYO MM-5600

will take some playing with to figure best way to macro key inputs.

not sure how audited the software is, but java source is suppose to be 

and not sure if can use keys, it does have a import session from url 
feature that I have not explored.

but it is interesting.

Re: phpbb

2005-06-18 Thread Paul Pruett

sauce for the goose...

On Fri, 17 Jun 2005, Clint M. Sand wrote:

Anyone care to share a procmail line to destroy any message with how do
I chroot and mysql and php?


By default, procmail scans only the headers of the email message.
This means that if you want your recipe to scan the body of the message,
you'll need to use the B flag

If a recipe has multiple condition lines, all of the conditions must be
true for the recipe to match. If any one of the conditions is not true,
procmail skips the remaining conditions and moves to the next recipe.

:0 B:
* how do I
* chroot
* mysql and php

or block it inside another recipie perhaps

:0 B:
* how do I
* chroot
* mysql and php

goldflipper as a ringer for cellphone

2005-06-12 Thread Paul Pruett

Okay WAY 2 cool

I finally killed the old cell phone I was using for years and years,
and got a sprintpcs replacement with multimedia (after signing another 2 

Anywho Had to try making a ringer, what better mp3 than an OpenBSD lyric!

I trimmed 29 seconds from the Gold Flipper and sent it to my phone,
quite commonly someone asks the source :) so I tell them it's open source 
- har

anyways - 4 anyone else using or wanting to try custom ringers, I slapped
links up on this webpage with m4a, qcp and the trimmed mp3 I used: