Re: azalia audio works, then stutters until reboot

2015-11-25 Thread luke350

[I see I sent with too-long lines by mistake; sorry; resending with
that corrected.]

On 11/23/15 05:11, Alexandre Ratchov wrote:

On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 10:31:34AM -0700, wrote:

Could the root umask of 0077 be a problem?  my /tmp/aucat directory
has different permissions than yours.

The problem is in sndiod; it's supposed create a world readable
directory regardless the user umask.

I just commited the fix; you could either start it with the 022
umask now or rebuild sndiod with sndiod.c rev 1.14 or newer.

Let me know if things work better.

Thanks. Now sndiod -ddd log output is more like what you were looking
for.  Would it be good for sndiod to complain more verbosely when that
problem occurs (ie, in a way that's easier to diagnose such an issue
in the future)?

I set that umask for all
users to avoid forgetfully
bleeding information between accounts.

Another option is to create the home directories with mode 0700 and
leave the default umask.  This doesn't protect files outside their
home dir, but I'm not sure this would be a problem.

Would the 0077 umask simply be a better default for the OS?  I haven't
checked historical discussions behind that yet, but on the surface it
seems better to me. Some issues would have to be addressed in packages.
Or is that a question I should ask in a separate thread?

Now, having changed that permission, and restarted sndiod to get the
log output, I duplicated your earlier diagnostic tips with aucat,
then played part of a .mid file with timidity, no problems to there,
all showing in the log, then started a video in smplayer (now under
a different account, via ssh -X), jumping forward/backward with L/R
arrow keys, and then adjusting the volume using the xfce applet,
which finally duplicated the stuttering sound problem.

/tmp#la aucat/
total 24
srw-rw-rw-   1 root  wheel 0 Nov 23 08:26 aucat0
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 Nov 23 08:26 .
drwxrwxrwt  30 root  wheel  7168 Nov 23 08:46 ..

Does the log show anything useful about what might cause the
stuttering or what I could do for more info?  I posted the new
log at:

Thanks again.

Luke A. Call
Things I'd like to say to more people:

Re: azalia audio works, then stutters until reboot

2015-11-23 Thread Alexandre Ratchov
On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 10:31:34AM -0700, wrote:
> $ls -ltrd /tmp/aucat
> drwx--  2 root  wheel   512B Nov 20 09:39 /tmp/aucat/
> $ls -ltr /tmp/aucat
> ls: aucat: Permission denied
> [and timidity playing a .mid file was working]
> [then i killed sndiod with ^C.]
> Could the root umask of 0077 be a problem?  my /tmp/aucat directory
> has different permissions than yours.

The problem is in sndiod; it's supposed create a world readable
directory regardless the user umask.

I just commited the fix; you could either start it with the 022
umask now or rebuild sndiod with sndiod.c rev 1.14 or newer.

Let me know if things work better.

> I set that umask for all
> users to avoid forgetfully
> bleeding information between accounts.

Another option is to create the home directories with mode 0700 and
leave the default umask.  This doesn't protect files outside their
home dir, but I'm not sure this would be a problem.

Re: azalia audio works, then stutters until reboot

2015-11-23 Thread luke350

On 11/23/15 05:11, Alexandre Ratchov wrote:

On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 10:31:34AM -0700, wrote:

Could the root umask of 0077 be a problem?  my /tmp/aucat directory
has different permissions than yours.

The problem is in sndiod; it's supposed create a world readable
directory regardless the user umask.

I just commited the fix; you could either start it with the 022
umask now or rebuild sndiod with sndiod.c rev 1.14 or newer.

Let me know if things work better.

Thanks. Now sndiod -ddd log output is more like what you were looking 
for.  Would it be good for sndiod to complain more verbosely when that

problem occurs (ie, in a way that's easier to diagnose such an issue
in the future)?

I set that umask for all
users to avoid forgetfully
bleeding information between accounts.

Another option is to create the home directories with mode 0700 and
leave the default umask.  This doesn't protect files outside their
home dir, but I'm not sure this would be a problem.

Would the 0077 umask simply be a better default for the OS?  I haven't 
checked historical discussions behind that yet, but on the surface it 
seems better to me. Some issues would have to be addressed in packages.

Or is that a question I should ask in a separate thread?

Now, having changed that permission, and restarted sndiod to get the
log output, I duplicated your earlier diagnostic tips with aucat,
then played part of a .mid file with timidity, no problems to there, all 
showing in the log, then started a video in smplayer (now under a 
different account, via ssh -X), jumping forward/backward with L/R arrow

keys, and then adjusting the volume using the xfce applet, which
finally duplicated the stuttering sound problem.

/tmp#la aucat/
total 24
srw-rw-rw-   1 root  wheel 0 Nov 23 08:26 aucat0
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 Nov 23 08:26 .
drwxrwxrwt  30 root  wheel  7168 Nov 23 08:46 ..

Does the log show anything useful about what might cause the
stuttering or what I could do for more info?  I posted the new log at:

Thanks again,

Re: azalia audio works, then stutters until reboot

2015-11-20 Thread luke350

On 11/20/15 02:12, Alexandre Ratchov wrote:

On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 12:48:08PM -0700, luke call wrote:

$cat sndiod-log
snd0 pst=cfg.default: rec=0:1 play=0:1 vol=23170 dup
listen(/tmp/aucat/aucat0|ini): created

this is very strange, sndiod would have logged all the audio
traffic.  Could you check that this is the right file or that
programs are not bypassing sndiod for any reason ?

It's the right file, or at least it was created at that time,
evidently as a direct result of the -ddd switch.  I'm not aware
of what else could have created it.

Could sndiod have got into a state where it quits logging
(maybe somehow related to the audio looping w/ the same beep
for a long time)? Or, needs a poke to flush a log buffer
to disk?  or more -d's?

Is the error message from timidity (midi-playing client)
 io_open() failed
 Couldn't open sndio mode (`s')

How would I determine if
something bypasses sndiod?  E.g., would some other
client program give more helpful info, at least about what
it's trying to do and how it's trying it, like aucat or
something?  Should I be running something akin to
linux's strace to really dig at some angle? (I'm
not remembering the openbsd equivalent.)

the surprising part is the length of the sndiod-log file.
You could try to start sndiod in one window:

doas pkill sndiod
doas sndiod -ddd

then play silence with aucat in another window:

aucat -i /dev/zero

you should see a lot of messages output by sndiod:

snd0 pst=cfg.default: rec=0:1 play=0:1 vol=23170 dup
listen(/tmp/aucat/aucat0|ini): created
ignored huge clock delta
sock(sock|ini): created
sock,rmsg,widl: AUTH message
sock,rmsg,widl: HELLO message
sock,rmsg,widl: hello from , mode = 1, ver 7
sock,rmsg,widl: using snd0 pst=cfg.default, mode = 1
aucat0: overwritten slot 0
snd0 pst=cfg: device requested
sio(rsnd/0|ini): created
snd0 pst=ini: 48000Hz, s16le, play 0:1, rec 0:1, 8 blocks of 960 frames

they indicate whan aucat is doing with the sound device.  If I run
timidity, I get similar messages.  I'll look at what timidity does;
meanwhile could you try to make programs not bypass sndiod?

This could be caused by, an AUDIODEVICE environment variable, or
deleted /tmp/aucat/ directory (or bad permissions) or multiple
sndiod processes running

on my machine:

$ pgrep -x sndiod

$ /bin/ls -al /tmp/aucat/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Nov 20 10:08 .
drwxrwxrwt  8 root  wheel  512 Nov 20 10:03 ..
srw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0 Nov 20 10:08 aucat0

and I've no AUDIODEVICE environment variable.  Could there some
timidity configuration files or environment variables that force
tell it to bypass sndiod.

Here's what I get. This output shows the switching between the two users 
(root and a regular user) who are running the commands:

#pkill sndiod
#sndiod -ddd 2>&1 | tee /tmp/sndiod.log
snd0 pst=cfg.default: rec=0:1 play=0:1 vol=23170 dup
listen(/tmp/aucat/aucat0|ini): created
[and that's all until i killed it after doing the next audio cmds as 
other user]

$aucat -i /dev/zero
[wait several seconds]

$ls -ltrd /tmp/aucat
drwx--  2 root  wheel   512B Nov 20 09:39 /tmp/aucat/
$ls -ltr /tmp/aucat
ls: aucat: Permission denied
[and timidity playing a .mid file was working]
[then i killed sndiod with ^C.]

#ls -ltr /tmp/aucat
total 0
srw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel  0 Nov 20 09:39 aucat0
#ls -ltrd /tmp/aucat
drwx--  2 root  wheel  512 Nov 20 09:39 /tmp/aucat
#ps aux|grep -i sndiod
root 22835  0.0  0.0   304   704 p1  R+ 9:47AM0:00.00 grep 
-i sndiod

#sndiod -ddd 2>&1 | tee /tmp/sndiod.log
snd0 pst=cfg.default: rec=0:1 play=0:1 vol=23170 dup
listen(/tmp/aucat/aucat0|ini): created

[1]+  Stopped sndiod -ddd 2>&1 | tee /tmp/sndiod.log
[1]+ sndiod -ddd 2>&1 | tee /tmp/sndiod.log &
#ps aux|grep -i sndiod
_sndio   30197  0.0  0.0   416  1368 p1  S< 9:52AM0:00.00 sndiod 

#ktrace -aid -p 30197
#echo $?
#l *out
-rw---  1 root  wheel  63.1K Nov 20 09:53 ktrace.out

$aucat -i /dev/zero
[wait several seconds.]
$timidity *mid
Playing aislean.mid
MIDI file: aislean.mid
Format: 1  Tracks: 3  Divisions: 240
^CTerminated sig=0x02
[the above cmd did play music]

#ktrace -C
#l *out
-rw---  1 root  wheel  63.1K Nov 20 09:53 ktrace.out
#l /tmp/*log
-rw---  1 root  wheel92B Nov 20 09:53 /tmp/sndiod.log
#cat /tmp/*log
snd0 pst=cfg.default: rec=0:1 play=0:1 vol=23170 dup
listen(/tmp/aucat/aucat0|ini): created

Could the root umask of 0077 be a problem?  my /tmp/aucat directory
has different permissions than yours.  I set that umask for all
users to avoid forgetfully
bleeding information between accounts.  (I've found that the umask
cannot have that restrictive setting for reliably running pkg_add, so
I have a script that sets it back to the default for that purpose when 
needed, though it seems like it would be better for packages to

reliably set the permissions they need and not depend on the root

Re: azalia audio works, then stutters until reboot

2015-11-08 Thread luke350

$cat sndiod-log
snd0 pst=cfg.default: rec=0:1 play=0:1 vol=23170 dup
listen(/tmp/aucat/aucat0|ini): created

this is very strange, sndiod would have logged all the audio
traffic.  Could you check that this is the right file or that
programs are not bypassing sndiod for any reason ?

It's the right file, or at least it was created at that time,
evidently as a direct result of the -ddd switch.  I'm not aware
of what else could have created it.

Could sndiod have got into a state where it quits logging
(maybe somehow related to the audio looping w/ the same beep
for a long time)? Or, needs a poke to flush a log buffer
to disk?  or more -d's?

Is the error message from timidity (midi-playing client)
io_open() failed
Couldn't open sndio mode (`s')

How would I determine if
something bypasses sndiod?  E.g., would some other
client program give more helpful info, at least about what
it's trying to do and how it's trying it, like aucat or
something?  Should I be running something akin to
linux's strace to really dig at some angle? (I'm
not remembering the openbsd equivalent.)

It is highly possible that I'm doing something stupid,
and just not seeing it or something else obvious, yet.

Thanks much for the help.


Re: azalia audio works, then stutters until reboot

2015-11-07 Thread luke350

[sorry for the dupe; correcting the 'from' address.]

On 11/07/15 04:20, Alexandre Ratchov wrote:

On Fri, Nov 06, 2015 at 05:00:13PM -0700, wrote:

On 09/11/15 11:55, wrote:
[...details are found in original thread at:
Is there other info I can provide, or something I should try?

you could try to kill sndiod and run as root:

sndiod -ddd 2>/tmp/sndiod-log
(audioctl ; sleep 1 ; audioctl) >/tmp/audioctl-log

and send me both files.  Or at least last few megs if the file is

Since the problem was already occurring I can provide that now. I
killed/restareted sndiod as described, attempted to run "timidity
*.mid", but instead of the error output I described earlier it just
produced repeated chimes (ie, the audible symptoms of the problem).

Then doing this as  root:
  (audioctl ; sleep 1 ; audioctl) >/tmp/audioctl-log
...yields the 2nd of the 2 logs pasted below.  (But I wonder
if I did things in a way
that makes them informative enough, or if the problem needs
to be absent when I start the "sndiod..." command, and begin
while that is in debug mode, or anything.)


$cat sndiod-log
snd0 pst=cfg.default: rec=0:1 play=0:1 vol=23170 dup
listen(/tmp/aucat/aucat0|ini): created

$cat audioctl-log

Luke A. Call
Things I'd like to say to more people:

Re: azalia audio works, then stutters until reboot

2015-11-07 Thread Alexandre Ratchov
On Fri, Nov 06, 2015 at 05:00:13PM -0700, wrote:
> On 09/11/15 11:55, wrote:
> >Short version: In OpenBSD 5.7 (with all the latest security
> >patches), after some video playing, it
> >starts to stutter, and doesn't recover until I reboot. Is there
> >a way to "reset all the audio" back so it works, short of rebooting?
> >I haven't found that in anything I've read so far, including from
> >faq 13 and manpages for audioctl and mixerctl etc.
> >
> >The details:
> [...are found in original thread at:
> ]
> I upgraded to 5.8 as advised in the earlier thread, and the
> problem is definitely much reduced, but still happens occasionally.

The 5.8 audio driver was rewritten from scratch so the behavior may
be slightly different

> It seems to be mostly after I use the xfce volume control slider
> (ie the audio mixer panel plugin).  It usually doesn't have any
> problem if I move around in the video, change the volume via the
> slider inside the video area in the browser, or if I use the computer
> for something else, but did fail just now when I tried to watch a 2nd
> video via a link.
> I confirmed that, as described before IIRC, when the problem
> occurs with symptoms in chrome, and I try to use timidity to
> play a .mid file, I get this output from timidity:
> io_open() failed
> Couldn't open sndio mode (`s')
> Is there other info I can provide, or something I should try?

you could try to kill sndiod and run as root:

sndiod -ddd 2>/tmp/sndiod-log

Possibly use tmux to avoid closing the window by mistake.  Then, do
your usual stuff and whenever you see the failure, run:

(audioctl ; sleep 1 ; audioctl) >/tmp/audioctl-log

and send me both files.  Or at least last few megs if the file is

This may reveal what's the state of the audio subsystem during the


-- Alexandre

Re: azalia audio works, then stutters until reboot

2015-11-07 Thread Alexandre Ratchov
On Sat, Nov 07, 2015 at 06:27:17AM -0700, wrote:
> [sorry for the dupe; correcting the 'from' address.]
> On 11/07/15 04:20, Alexandre Ratchov wrote:
> >On Fri, Nov 06, 2015 at 05:00:13PM -0700, wrote:
> >>On 09/11/15 11:55, wrote:
> >>[...details are found in original thread at:
> >>
> >>]
> >>Is there other info I can provide, or something I should try?
> >>
> >you could try to kill sndiod and run as root:
> >
> >sndiod -ddd 2>/tmp/sndiod-log
> >...
> >(audioctl ; sleep 1 ; audioctl) >/tmp/audioctl-log
> >
> >and send me both files.  Or at least last few megs if the file is
> >huge.
> Since the problem was already occurring I can provide that now. I
> killed/restareted sndiod as described, attempted to run "timidity
> *.mid", but instead of the error output I described earlier it just
> produced repeated chimes (ie, the audible symptoms of the problem).
> Then doing this as  root:
>   (audioctl ; sleep 1 ; audioctl) >/tmp/audioctl-log
> ...yields the 2nd of the 2 logs pasted below.  (But I wonder
> if I did things in a way
> that makes them informative enough, or if the problem needs
> to be absent when I start the "sndiod..." command, and begin
> while that is in debug mode, or anything.)

sorry, forgot to mention it; please restart sndiod first; this way
all the operations that lead to the bug are logged.  Then, right
after the failure, run the audioctl commands.


Re: azalia audio works, then stutters until reboot

2015-11-07 Thread luke350

On 11/07/15 12:21, Alexandre Ratchov wrote:

sorry, forgot to mention it; please restart sndiod first; this way
all the operations that lead to the bug are logged.  Then, right
after the failure, run the audioctl commands.

I rebooted, restarted sndiod -ddd..., sound working with
timidity, volume changes caused no problem, started a video in
chrome, sound working, stopped it, changed volume (cycled that
a few times until) sound not
working in chrome (nor timidity: "...Couldn't open sndio..." as
before), ran the audioctl line, and the below logs resulted.

Is there anything more informative I should do? would sndiod
necessarily have flushed its logs after several minutes?  I
double-checked that there were 3 "d"'s in the sndiod command.

Also, do I understand correctly that the only way to return to a
working state (currently known) is to reboot?  (Cue Fats Domino,
"ain't that a shame..."  :)  but i understand and am grateful it
works at all, and for the help.)


$cat sndiod-log
snd0 pst=cfg.default: rec=0:1 play=0:1 vol=23170 dup
listen(/tmp/aucat/aucat0|ini): created

$cat audioctl-log





Re: azalia audio works, then stutters until reboot

2015-11-06 Thread luke350

On 09/11/15 11:55, wrote:

Short version: In OpenBSD 5.7 (with all the latest security
patches), after some video playing, it
starts to stutter, and doesn't recover until I reboot. Is there
a way to "reset all the audio" back so it works, short of rebooting?
I haven't found that in anything I've read so far, including from
faq 13 and manpages for audioctl and mixerctl etc.

The details:

[...are found in original thread at:

I upgraded to 5.8 as advised in the earlier thread, and the
problem is definitely much reduced, but still happens occasionally.
It seems to be mostly after I use the xfce volume control slider
(ie the audio mixer panel plugin).  It usually doesn't have any
problem if I move around in the video, change the volume via the
slider inside the video area in the browser, or if I use the computer
for something else, but did fail just now when I tried to watch a 2nd
video via a link.

I confirmed that, as described before IIRC, when the problem
occurs with symptoms in chrome, and I try to use timidity to
play a .mid file, I get this output from timidity:
io_open() failed
Couldn't open sndio mode (`s')

Is there other info I can provide, or something I should try?


Luke A. Call
Things I'd like to say to more people:

Re: azalia audio works, then stutters until reboot

2015-09-12 Thread luke350

On 09/12/15 05:25, Alexandre Ratchov wrote:

Audio didn't properly recover after missed interrupts (which
happens on MP systems). The new audio driver (in 5.8 and -current)
is supposed to recover, at least with your hardware.


I'd suggest trying -current; there's a new audio driver and many
audio-related fixes. Furthermore we're not interested in debugging
the old code that we already deleted :)

Thanks, good to know.  I think I'm better suited for "-stable"
than for "-current", currently.   So I might wait for 5.8's release
then upgrade, or I'd have to figure out if it's a supported
configuration to be on -current now then switch back to -stable
just when 5.8 is released.

But is there an easy way to force my audio in 5.7 to stay on a
single core or such, if that would help in the meantime? Or
any good way to "reset" it at any time, short of rebooting?

I'm guessing not on both questions, just confirming...

Thanks again,

Re: azalia audio works, then stutters until reboot

2015-09-12 Thread Fred

On 09/12/15 17:56, wrote:

Thanks, good to know.  I think I'm better suited for "-stable"
than for "-current", currently.   So I might wait for 5.8's release
then upgrade, or I'd have to figure out if it's a supported
configuration to be on -current now then switch back to -stable
just when 5.8 is released.

-current is probably heading towards 5.9 at the moment.

Switching back from current to stable isn't a supported option, so you 
are probably better off waiting for 5.8 release on the 18 Oct 2015 - but 
if you pre-order from you might get it 
before the 18 Oct!



Re: azalia audio works, then stutters until reboot

2015-09-12 Thread Alexandre Ratchov
On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 11:55:29AM -0600, wrote:
> Short version: In OpenBSD 5.7 (with all the latest security
> patches), after some video playing, it
> starts to stutter, and doesn't recover until I reboot. Is there
> a way to "reset all the audio" back so it works, short of rebooting?
> I haven't found that in anything I've read so far, including from
> faq 13 and manpages for audioctl and mixerctl etc.

Audio didn't properly recover after missed interrupts (which
happens on MP systems). The new audio driver (in 5.8 and -current)
is supposed to recover, at least with your hardware.
> The only other things other than from the above-linked
> thread that I've thought of to try are:
> - upgrading to CURRENT to see if it's any different
> - debugging (I'd have to learn a lot, best with some guidance)
> - discuss & learn more here...

I'd suggest trying -current; there's a new audio driver and many
audio-related fixes. Furthermore we're not interested in debugging
the old code that we already deleted :)