Re: [mkgmap-dev] --make-cycleways labels invisible

2011-02-16 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Op 16-02-11 15:46, Felix Hartmann schreef:
 highway=*  oneway=yes  cycleway=opposite {set oneway=-1; set
 access=no; set bicycle=yes} [0x?? road_speed=? road_class=? continue]

What about the other oneway options? I.e. oneway could be 1, yes, -1 
(and no, but that probably doesn't matter) as valid and/or legacy 
options? I suppose for oneway=-1 one would need another {set oneway=1} 
rule? (I'm not quite a rule specialist, as you may notice from my 
ignorant questions).

I personally would hate to see the --make-cycleways option go; it's a 
nice shortcut (hack if you like) for a pretty large style change.

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] crash. Too many tiles?

2011-01-29 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi list,

This should have been a bit of an experimental map, with as much tiles
as possible, by having splitter do --max-nodes=15

In the end, however, I don't get a map at all:

java -enableassertions -Xmx1700m -jar ../mkgmap/dist/mkgmap.jar
--make-opposite-cycleways --mapname=3168 --latin1
--remove-short-arcs=2.8 --reduce-point-density=5.4 --lower-case --route
--preserve-element-order --max-jobs --location-autofill=1
--link-pois-to-ways --description=Nederland --style=1430
--family-name=Openstreetmap 29 jan 11 --series-name=OSM-Valentijn
--gmapsupp --tdbfile --net -c template.args
Exception in thread main java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
at java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocate(

This is in the Netherlands, so nodes all over the place, and in fact,
I'm getting lots and lots of Area (51.8994140625,6.6357421875) to
(52.0751953125,6.8994140625) contains 209.578 nodes but can't be split
further messages. The resulting cut has 265 tiles.

A few weeks ago, I remember having made such a map - but that could just
be because there were a bit fewer nodes somewhere and the number of
tiles was below 256 - could just be, I don't know.

(The reason for this many tiles was the idea that a Nüvi might get
better bike performance on long distances if the number of data to
unpack (i.e. individual tiles) would be smaller - because of the smaller
tiles. Might be just a stupid idea, I don't know, I was going to check
but we might never know now... ;)

So I'm just passing this on, for the sake of it, don't look too long at
it because it's probably not worth it; but if there's an easy fix, it is
welcome ;-)

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Commit: r1709: Recognise operators such as = and = that have two characters.

2010-10-05 Thread Valentijn Sessink
svn commit schreef:
 Recognise operators such as = and = that have two characters.
 The != operator happened to work or else this would have been spotted sooner.
 Tests written for = and =.

As far as I can see, r1709 chokes on the following:
   smoothness ~ '.*(bad|horrible|impassable)' |
   sac_scale ~ '.*(mountain|alpine)_hiking' |

The error is: Error in style: Error: (lines:NN): Unrecognised operation
. where NN is the line number.

While r1708 seems to understand these without a problem.

Best regards,


mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Routing does not work since December.

2010-08-09 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi Paul,

Op 09-08-10 09:32, Paul Ortyl schreef:
  I wanted to report that routing through Europe is broken.  I have
  noticed it in December 2009, but did not report it then because I
  thought that my nüvi got broken.

I realise that much has been said about routing not working. But there 
is something I'd like to add.

Since r1431 (2009-12-10) bike routing has, IMHO and for my situation, 
degraded. When I'm building biking maps for the Amsterdam region, I'm 
using a style file from r1430.

Please note that this is for the Netherlands (which has many, many roads 
and and abundance of bicycle paths on OSM) and for bike routing, which 
has it's peculiarities on it's own. So I'm not blaming anyone or 
anything, it's just what I'm noticing for my own maps. Also, please note 
that your problem does not sound like the problem I'm describing, as the 
bike routing not working can be tracked back to the style file changes 
in r1431 - and it seems a bit different from your problem.

But apart from the tips and hints that others gave you, you might also 
want to check if revision 1430 (or it's style files) help you route 
better. And just in case your svn knowledge is as bad as mine:

$ cd resources/styles/default/
$ svn up -r 1430
(Then, if you like, you can copy .../styles/default/ to 
.../styles/something/, then run
$ svn up
to get the styles up to date again, compile mkgmap and run it with 
--style=something to get the r1430 style in your map).

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] family-id Co.

2010-05-07 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Christian H. Bruhn schreef:
 I haven't really understand what are the following mkgmap-options are
 [ cut family-stuff options, VS]
 I only knew that the map should have the same family-id (or was it the
 product-id?) as in the TYP-file.
 But what about the others? Which are really necessary? And where will
 these informations be displayed?

java -jar mkgmap.jar --help=options tells you a bit about it:

This is an integer that identifies a family of products.

If you build several maps, this option describes the
family name of all of your maps. Garmin will display this
in the map selection screen.
Example: --family-name=OpenStreetmap mkgmap XL 2019
TODO: at least the - character seems to have a strange
effect on the family name; latin-alphabet and digits seem
safe, but other characters should be checked.

This is an integer that identifies a product within a family.
It is often just 1.

This name will be displayed in MapSource in the map selection
drop-down. The default is OSM map.

The country-names etc. seem to have an effect on the country a map is
in, i.e. if you set country-name=Molvania, all your places will be in
Molvania. However, I could be wrong here.

For myself, I use
--mapname=3100${mapid}  (I increment this, as my Nuvi crashes if I put a
different map on it with the same mapID as the previous one, could be
some sort of caching mechanism)

--description=$land (this is just a textual description in the Nüvi)
--family-name=Openstreetmap `date +'%d %b %y'` (this is the map family
name, also displayed)
--series-name=OSM-Valentijn (I don't think this is displayed anywhere)

I don't use any other options on your list.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] reduce-point-density vs. remove-short-arcs

2010-04-29 Thread Valentijn Sessink

I was wondering what is the difference between --remove-short-arcs and
--reduce-point-density. Their description differs (short-arcs says it
removes things that cause routing problems, while point-density seems
some sort of general simplification), but I'd think that using
--reduce-point-density would mean that there's no short-arcs left
afterwards, or are there? I.e. is there any cross effect between the two?

(I now have -remove-short-arcs=5.5, but that's probably purely for
historical reasons).

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] garmin directives in different blocks?

2010-04-18 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Op 16-04-10 09:34, Felix Hartmann schreef:
 highway=motorway  {add bicycle = no; add foot = no} [0x16 road_class=4
 road_speed=1 resolution 14 continue]
 highway=motorway  {add access = no; add bicycle = yes; add foot = yes}
 [0x16 road_class=4 road_speed=1 resolution 14]
 Well you have continue vs continue_with_actions, I don't see where your

Thanks. I now understand how it works. (Before, I didn't).

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] Java crash - any idea?

2010-04-18 Thread Valentijn Sessink

Hi list,

Mkgmap seems to crash on my brand new Ubuntu 10.04 installation with 
OpenJDK and I can't make anything of it (not being a Java wizard, that 
is). What does the attachment say? (I just hope it doesn't say Switch 
to Oracle Java for €1,837,838 per seat ;)

Best regards,

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x010df786, pid=2517, tid=1161292656
# JRE version: 6.0_18-b18
# Java VM: OpenJDK Server VM (14.0-b16 mixed mode linux-x86 )
# Derivative: IcedTea6 1.8
# Distribution: Ubuntu lucid (development branch), package 6b18-1.8-0ubuntu1
# Problematic frame:
# V  []
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please include
# instructions how to reproduce the bug and visit:

---  T H R E A D  ---

Current thread (0x09dff800):  GCTaskThread [stack: 0x452fe000,0x4537f000] 

siginfo:si_signo=SIGSEGV: si_errno=0, si_code=1 (SEGV_MAPERR), 

EAX=0xccd94790, EBX=0x0125cff4, ECX=0x09e5c768, EDX=0x4537e070
ESP=0x4537de30, EBP=0x4537de48, ESI=0x4d415b64, EDI=0x01276638
EIP=0x010df786, CR2=0xccd94790, EFLAGS=0x00210206

Top of Stack: (sp=0x4537de30)
0x4537de30:   45639578 45639450 4537de68 0125cff4
0x4537de40:   4d415b60 4537df6c 4537ded8 00e985ae
0x4537de50:   4537e070 4d415b64 4537e070 4537e070
0x4537de60:   4537df40 b785bf80 4537ded8 00e9956d
0x4537de70:   0398c608 4537df84 01858fc8 456a5430
0x4537de80:   01a4 09dff800 0001 09dffdc0
0x4537de90:    456a5430 45370025 0005
0x4537dea0:    0001 b785bf78  

Instructions: (pc=0x010df786)
0x010df776:   73 08 8d 65 f4 5b 5e 5f 5d c3 8b 55 08 8b 4a 0c
0x010df786:   8b 10 83 e2 03 83 fa 03 74 50 52 31 d2 8a 51 78 

Stack: [0x452fe000,0x4537f000],  sp=0x4537de30,  free space=511k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
V  []
V  []
V  []
V  []
V  []
V  []
V  []
C  []

---  P R O C E S S  ---

Java Threads: ( = current thread )
  0x44f18400 JavaThread Low Memory Detector daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2527, 
  0x44f16000 JavaThread CompilerThread1 daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2526, 
  0x44f14800 JavaThread CompilerThread0 daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2525, 
  0x44f13000 JavaThread Signal Dispatcher daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2524, 
  0x44f00800 JavaThread Finalizer daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2523, 
  0x09e80800 JavaThread Reference Handler daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2522, 
  0x09df7400 JavaThread main [_thread_blocked, id=2518, 

Other Threads:
  0x09e7d800 VMThread [stack: 0x450b8000,0x45139000] [id=2521]
  0x44f1a000 WatcherThread [stack: 0x44c9c000,0x44d1d000] [id=2528]

=0x09dff800 (exited) GCTaskThread [stack: 0x452fe000,0x4537f000] [id=2520]

VM state:at safepoint (normal execution)

VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread:  ([mutex/lock_event])
[0x09df51e0] Threads_lock - owner thread: 0x09e7d800
[0x09df55f0] Heap_lock - owner thread: 0x09df7400

 PSYoungGen  total 154432K, used 128880K [0xabb2, 0xb75f, 
  eden space 117952K, 100% used [0xabb2,0xb2e5,0xb2e5)
  from space 36480K, 29% used [0xb2e5,0xb38fc030,0xb51f)
  to   space 35008K, 13% used [0xb53c,0xb5846080,0xb75f)
 PSOldGentotal 407680K, used 176324K [0x4d40, 0x6622, 
  object space 407680K, 43% used [0x4d40,0x580312a0,0x6622)
 PSPermGen   total 16384K, used 8274K [0x4540, 0x4640, 0x4d40)
  object space 16384K, 50% used [0x4540,0x45c14b98,0x4640)

Dynamic libraries:
0011-00263000 r-xp  08:01 14401813   
00263000-00264000 ---p 00153000 08:01 14401813   
00264000-00266000 r--p 00153000 08:01 14401813   
00266000-00267000 rw-p 00155000 08:01 14401813   
00267000-0026a000 rw-p  00:00 0 
0026a000-0028e000 r-xp  08:01 14401819   
0028e000-0028f000 r--p 00023000 08:01 14401819   
0028f000-0029 rw-p 00024000 08:01 14401819   
0029-00297000 r-xp  08:01 14401831   
00297000-00298000 r--p 6000 08:01 14401831   
00298000-00299000 rw-p 7000 08:01 14401831   
00299000-002b rwxp  00:00 0 
002b-00359000 rwxp  00:00 0 

[mkgmap-dev] question about styles and routing

2010-04-11 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hello list,

I'm trying to get better bicycle routing in my Garmin map; however, I 
don't know much about styles and the Garmin mapping, so I thought it 
might be wise to ask questions first (and shoot later):

What I thought I'd do is make a sort of double routing for bicycles: 
when a road is on national biking paths (at least in the Netherlands, 
this means a tag network=ncn) or regional bike paths (network=rcn), I 
might want an extra road with higher routing preference, only for bikes. 
This would mean a sort of double road; but I'm hoping it will only 
affect bicycle routing:

highway=unclassified  network!=ncn  network!=rcn [0x06 road_class=1 
road_speed=2 resolution 21]
highway=unclassified [0x06 road_class=1 road_speed=2 resolution 21 continue]
highway=unclassified  network=ncn {set access=no; set bicycle=yes } 
[0x06 road_class=3 road_speed=1 resolution 18 continue]
highway=unclassified  network=rcn {set access=no; set bicycle=yes } 
[0x06 road_class=2 road_speed=1 resolution 19]

(This should probably be done for other types of highway as well, but I 
did not think the chances of a bike path going through a highway=primary 
too high ;)

Also, in the same way, get different bicycle paths:

highway=cycleway  network=ncn {add access = no; add bicycle = yes; add 
foot = yes} [0x16 road_class=3 road_speed=1 resolution 18]
highway=cycleway  network=rcn {add access = no; add bicycle = yes; add 
foot = yes} [0x16 road_class=2 road_speed=1 resolution 19]
highway=cycleway {add access = no; add bicycle = yes; add foot = yes} 
[0x16 road_class=2 road_speed=1 resolution 23]

Would this, theoretically, work? (And if not, why not?)

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] regression in r1431

2010-04-08 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi list,

I found a grave routing difference between mkgmap r1430 and r1431, when 
I set routing to bicycle, shortest route. r1430 (and older) sends me 
right to my target; r1432 (and newer) meanders around like there's no 
other things to do than pedaling around in the countryside. Really: a 
mere 15 kilometer trip will increase to 57 kilometers!

I'd guess this is mainly because of:
-highway=unclassified [0x06 road_class=1 road_speed=2 resolution 21]
+highway=unclassified [0x06 road_class=0 road_speed=3 resolution 21]

... but other factors in r1431 may add to this. As far as I can see from 
the mailing list, r1431 patch *improves* routing over large distances 
(see mailing list, messages with subject Patch for better Autorouting, 
2009-12-01 and further).

Now what to do? (Maybe it's time to have a separate bicycle routing 
style in mkgmap?)

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Recommended version?

2010-03-02 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi Steve, hi list,

Steve Ratcliffe schreef:
 But how do we coordinate across all the languages? We now have
 English, French, German, Dutch and Japanese translations of the main
 page on the wiki.  The version number could probably be made a template 
 so that it can be updated in one place, but if we want to offer a list 
 of changes then this will have to be translated.

Even the English wiki page does not seem to reflect the mkgmap-usage.
(if, is what we're talking
about; but I'm not sure, as
works for me)

Also, for a couple of options, there's no information about the sensible
default and/or the problems that one may run into. A couple of examples
could be of use here.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v1] grok unpavedness

2009-12-09 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Mark Burton schreef:
 Is everyone happy with that? If so, I will make the change and commit

Shouldn't the default style then have a mkgmap:ferry so the default
works as the regular Garmin map?

 Has anyone confirmed that the ferry part works yet?

Works as expected. Thanks!

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Commit: r1423: Tests did not compile due to change in StyledConvter, changed back.

2009-12-09 Thread Valentijn Sessink

r1423 and further do not work for me; r1422 does. r1423 and later say:

java -enableassertions -Xmx1700m -jar ../bin/mkgmap.jar
--make-opposite-cycleways --mapname=3182 --latin1
--remove-short-arcs=5.5 --lower-case --route --preserve-element-order
--max-jobs --link-pois-to-ways --location-autofill-1 --link-pois-to-ways
--description=Nederland --family-name=Openstreetmap\ 09\ dec\ 09
--series-name=OSM-Valentijn --gmapsupp --tdbfile --net -c template.args

Best regards,


svn commit schreef:
 Version 1423 was commited by steve on 2009-12-08 23:37:29 + (Tue, 08 Dec 
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v1] grok unpavedness

2009-12-09 Thread Valentijn Sessink

I'm not sure I understand the mkgmap:tag stuff after all.

The mkgmap:ferry is an internal mkgmap tag, isn't it? I.e. it's a sort
of intermediate tag, meaning the OSM input map should *never* have the
mkgmap:whatever tags present?

As far as I read Steve Hosgood's remarks, it looks like anyone could be
tempted into adding mkgmap:ferry tags to OSM, but that sounds at least a
bit odd to me. Or don't I understand Steve's remarks here?

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v1] grok unpavedness

2009-12-09 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Steve Hosgood schreef:
 Look - I'll just wear a paper bag over my head for the rest of the day,
 OK?  :-)

I don't think tagging yourself like that does any good ;)


mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v2] grok unpavedness + ferry nature

2009-12-08 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Mark Burton wrote:
 v3 - turns out they handle ferry routes in a similar fashion as to
 unpaved roads so I've added support for avoiding them (when route=ferry
 tag is present) - untested here due to paucity of ferries in
 Cheshire but I have verified that the unpaved stuff still works.

Aha, aha. That's just something I did not get to work and I didn't know
why - and still don't, but you do and I'll insert your patch shortly and
give it a try. Report will follow.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] routing oddity

2009-12-03 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi list,

A routing oddity on Mapsource and my Garmin Nuvi:

When I'm driving on the A1 highway, it always sends me down the
motorway_link, then up on the motorway_llink again. Could this be
because the bridge over the Weteringweg makes the A1 consist of 3 parts,
while driving over the motorway_llink has only 2 (or maybe they're
connected in mkgmap, so it's only 1 part?)

I'm just guessing wildly here; the routing oddity is always there
though, so you might want to take a brief look.

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Compiling Mkgmap failes

2009-12-02 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Lambertus schreef:
 I'm having problems compiling Mkgmap, maybe someone here is able to help 

What does
sudo update-alternatives --config java

tell you?

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Compiling Mkgmap failes

2009-12-02 Thread Valentijn Sessink

 * 0/usr/bin/gij-4.4   1044  auto mode
   1/usr/bin/gij-4.4   1044  manual mode
 Which one should I choose? Number 2 I suspect?

Yep. Numbers 0 and 1 are the Gnu Java runtime. You probably have the Gnu
java compiler as well.

You did not completely remove all java before installing sun's java.
Please remove gij-4.4 and related: probably gcj-4.4-jdk, gcj,
gcj-4.4-jre and/or other gcj-related stuff. And you might as well check
update-alternatives --config javac (which should be the Sun version as

Best regards,


mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] weird: file missing when # of files 10?

2009-11-27 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Mark Burton schreef:
 Yes, that's good enough. I was wondering if you were using something
 exotic. But no.

Good to hear from someone who agrees Ubuntu is not exotic :)

 Actually, I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 and I get:
 java version 1.6.0_16

After adding hardy-proposed to my sources.list:
java -version
java version 1.6.0_17

And... it fixes the problem. I ran a full build and it seems to be OK.

Now I'm still stumped though - I think now Sun (Oracle?) is the only one
who can fix that? ;)

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,


p.s. If you really, really want to know what happened, then just
downgrade your Java version - something like sudo apt-get install
sun-java6-{jre,bin,jdk}=6-06-0ubuntu1 should do.
mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] weird: file missing when # of files 10?

2009-11-26 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi list,

I wrote about this before: my first map in the mapset, 63240001.img, is

I tracked this down to revision r1363 (which is a merge from the mapset
branch) and today even further tracked it down to revision 1323 within
the (deleted) mapset branch.

However, I can't find any clues in r1323 as to what causes this.

Further experiments showed even weirder results: as I compile my maps
from a template.args file, it showed that having 63240001-63240009 in
there would give me the correct map; having a 10th file in there made
the first one missing.

(Currently, while compiling the Netherlands, my template.args file has
14 entries. Any number above 9 makes the first one disappear).

And indeed, when I duplicated the first file like so:

input-file: 63240001.osm.gz

mapname: 63240001
input-file: 63240001.osm.gz

mapname: 63240002 [...]

... the map would be correct (with the void  probably missing,
and 63240001 included).

Now I'm stumped. Would anyone know what's going on here? I thought of a
race condition and removed the --max-jobs option, but that makes no

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Overview Map still broken

2009-11-22 Thread Valentijn Sessink

I just had an issue where one of the submaps goes missing. Could my
problem be the same as yours? Could you check rendering the same map
with mkgmap r1362 and see if this restores your overview map? And if
r1363 makes it go wrong?

Best regards,


Felix Hartmann schreef:
 I am not sure if you are aware, that the overview map still is not
 correct (this causes on my compile of Asia large parts of the map to be
 invisible in Mapsource).[...]
Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Map missing from r1363++ (Re: Commit: r1363: Merge the mapset branch back to trunk.)

2009-11-22 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Clinton Gladstone schreef:
 Hm... I can't reproduce this: my map of Germany appears to generate all tiles 
 correctly. Perhaps there is something else going on.

Logging did not show anything peculiar. Or showed lots and lots of data
and I didn't know what to look for :)

What I do:
bzcat $landfile  unpacked.osm
java -enableassertions -Xmx$memory -jar ../splitter/dist/splitter.jar
--description=$land --max-nodes=60 unpacked.osm
mapid=`sed 's/^0*//' mapid`
mapid=`printf '%d' $mapid`
mapid=$(( $mapid + 1 ))
mapid=`printf '%04d' $mapid`
echo $mapid  mapid
echo Rendering map number $mapid... 
set -x
java -enableassertions -Xmx$memory -jar ../mkgmap/dist/mkgmap.jar
--make-opposite-cycleways  --mapname=3100${mapid} --latin1
--remove-short-arcs=5.5 --lower-case --route --preserve-element-order
--max-jobs --location-autofill-1 --link-pois-to-ways
--description=$land --family-name=Openstreetmap `date +'%d %b %y'`
--series-name=OSM-Valentijn --gmapsupp --tdbfile --net -c template.args

This gives me a map where the left lower corner of the Netherlands is
missing (Rotterdam and around it). This is 63240001 and yes, it could be
a coincidence that it's the first map in the template. It's size:

63240001: 2383872,153600 to 2424832,202752
#   : 51.152344,3.295898 to 52.031250,4.350586

The map itself renders all right, i.e. there's a 63240001.img afterwards
that shows all the info I want.

Best regards,

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v2] - fix routing problems caused by way's bbox being too large

2009-11-03 Thread Valentijn Sessink

(Right after I compiled a map with your v1 patch, a 2nd version shows
up...) If the map does not complain in any way (i.e. no assertions),
does that mean I don't hit the bbox problem?

(Your patch v2 is now included in my mkgmap, so I'll test it for a bit
next days).


Mark Burton schreef:
 v2 - added some assertions to catch out of bound line start coordinates
 - Increased size of line bbox - reduced size of polygon bbox.
mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] tweezing-arcs: success

2009-10-19 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Mark, list,

Today I had the chance of biking with an arc tweezed map on a route
that went wrong, previously. The tweezing really makes routing much,
much, much better. There is of course the occasional
why-do-you-send-me-this-silly-way routing decision, but generally,
bicycle routing has suddenly improved to a useful state; some of the
routing decisions are probably even the result of lacking
cycleway=opposite tags. Really good.

Occasionally, there was an odd direction, but that, too, was probably
the result of mapping oddities.

So, thanks again for the wonderful job mkgmap.jar does :)

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Anyone tried the arc tweezing patches?

2009-10-14 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Mark Burton schreef:
 I have received zero feedback on the recent arc tweezing patch.

Ehrm, eh, yes. Whatever destination I have in mind lately, I always seem
to end up in the baby room. There's no computer there, you know.

Anyway, tested your patch and it shows a huge improvement on a couple of
weird routes I've come across so far. Like this one:

... where the Nuvi sent me all around on a 30km journey, it now has
quite a decent route, roughly comparable to the one.

The improvement seems especially visible with the shortest route
setting; shortest time seems less affected (but I could be wrong here).
(And I'm testing bicycle routing here, which cannot work correctly by
design as has been pointed out on the list before).

I did not find any broken routes (failure as you call it). As your
patch is now in my mkgmap, I will test some more and I shall report any

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Commit: r1246: Impelent mdr 4 and 9 as best as we know.

2009-09-30 Thread Valentijn Sessink
svn commit schreef:
 no matter what category you select you always get a couple of pubs and a bus
 stop included in the results.

Good. That's Don't drink and drive implemented in software, right?

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v1] - Reduce number of Table A entries required

2009-09-22 Thread Valentijn Sessink

Du Plessis, Bennie schreef:
 Making Southern Africa in one tile I can route maximum approx 1400km.(870m)
I can approve slightly by increasing --remove_short_arcs=50, but that   
distorts the map :(

... because you essentially remove every detail that's less than 50
meters :-(

 Making SA in 2 tiles routing capability reduces to approx. 700km (435m)
 roughly half?
 I would dearly love to try this patch,

I just applied the patch. I'll send you a compiled mkgmap.jar per
separate e-mail (as sending 500K over the mailing list feels a bit rude).

 (although I feel like the only non-tech around and in that case its
 propably too much trouble;(

Actually, if you have the machinery in place, applying the patch is
quite easy. However, if you don't have the machinery, setting it all up
(Subversion, Java environment, patch, ant, ...) on a Windows machine is
probably not for the faint of heart.

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v1] - Reduce number of Table A entries required

2009-09-22 Thread Valentijn Sessink

As far as I can see, it works well. I haven't tested it very thoroughly,
but I don't find immediate oddities.

There's still the various routing oddities. Mapsource sometimes doesn't
find a route; my Nuvi sometimes finds weird routes (and sometimes does
it right).

Anyway, your patch makes the image file a bit smaller and does not seem
to change routing (not better, not worse).

Best regards,


Mark Burton schreef:
 Reduce number of Table A entries.
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v1] - Route centre tweaks

2009-09-22 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Mark Burton schreef:
 Today's offering includes the table A tweak but it also increases one
 of the limits that determine when a route centre needs to be
 So please test this patch (it replaces the previous patch) and let me
 know if their are any issues.

No issues found with just simple tests.

By the way, Mark, please try the following route and be surprised:
Mapsource sends me through Oostzaan but has a sensible route. It's a bit
longer than what Yournavigation makes of it, but it's understandable,
given the turning penalties Garmin seems to have. But the Nuvi does
really really strange things: it routes me through
then Purmerend

... and only then to Amsterdam. Is this reproducable in your brand new Nuvi?

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Commit: r1198: Merge in the sea polygon patch from the multipolygon branch.

2009-09-17 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hello list,

svn commit schreef:
 Version 1198 was commited by steve on 2009-09-17 10:27:24 +0100 (Thu, 17 Sep 

Hmm. While it is generally known that much of the Netherlands is sub sea
level, the map that's currently resulting from mkgmap --generate-sea
feels like a Greenpeace-ad (rising sea levels! Save the environment!)

My 63240007 tile is completely flooded. Some other tiles are too, but
63240007 is in the middle of the map, which makes a Geofabrik cutoff
fault less likely. Here's the setup:

63240001: 2383872,153600 to 2424832,202752
63240002: 2392064,202752 to 2424832,235520
63240003: 2363392,235520 to 2396160,292864
63240004: 2396160,235520 to 2424832,260096
63240005: 2396160,260096 to 2424832,321536
63240006: 2424832,178176 to 2437120,223232
63240007: 2424832,223232 to 2437120,256000
63240008: 2437120,206848 to 2445312,256000
63240009: 2445312,198656 to 2494464,256000
63240010: 2424832,256000 to 2453504,329728
63240011: 2453504,256000 to 2494464,288768
63240012: 2453504,288768 to 2502656,337920

(Generated from java -enableassertions -Xmx$memory -jar
../splitter/dist/splitter.jar --max-nodes=60 --description=$land

java -enableassertions -Xmx$memory -jar ../mkgmap/dist/mkgmap.jar
--make-opposite-cycleways  --mapname=3100${mapid} --latin1
--remove-short-arcs=5.5 --lower-case --route --preserve-element-order
--max-jobs --link-pois-to-ways --location-autofill-1 --generate-sea
--description=$land --family-name=Openstreetmap `date +'%d %b %y'`
--series-name=OSM-Valentijn --gmapsupp --tdbfile --net -c template.args

Any ideas?

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] access times?

2009-09-13 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hello list,

There's a street in the center of my town where access is forbidden on
thursday and saturday. Now there seems no good way to enter such
information in Openstreetmap (but that's a wholly different discussion).
The reason I'm writing here is: do Garmin maps have a way to encode
time-dependent access schemes? And, if yes, does mkgmap? (And if yes
still, is there a way to use this information - as OSM is lacking it

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Auto-Merge

2009-09-08 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Mark Burton schreef:
 The fact that other routing services choose to do that does not make me
 any more enthusiastic about the idea.

IMHO, if people want specific changes to their OSM data before rendering
a map, it's pretty easy to do so. Merging different nodes on basis of
some rule (the rule in this case being coordinates are the same) could
be one of these pre-processors. I agree that this should not be mkgmap's

Another nice preprocessor I just made is (remove extra line feeds):
sed 's/k=name
museum\|pad\|school\|college\|zicht\|groeve\|park\| Museum\|
v=Name Of Collegue\1/' unpacked.osm  specialmap.osm

This made a nice birthday map of the Netherlands; we had a good laugh
over it. (Bonus is the fact that card and map are the same word in
Dutch, so birthday card is the same as birthday map :)

Replacing these words with their English (or other language) equivalent
is left as an excercise to the reader.

Also: if you can't find your way home afterwards, you'll have a great

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New splitter version, big memory savings

2009-09-03 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Chris, thanks for al the good work. Just a small and unrelated remark.
The script that builds my map first unpacks the osm.bz2 file, then runs
splitter. Still, Splitter complains about no --cache being used, while
as far as I understand, there's no real advantage using --cache if
you're using uncompressed files, or is there?

Best regards,


Chris Miller schreef:
 I've just checked in a new version of the splitter (r84) that requires far 
 less memory and also performs slightly better during the first stage of the 
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Which Nuvi?

2009-09-02 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Mark Burton schreef:
 As I want the Nuvi primarily for navigation, I don't really mind if
 logging isn't possible or, if possible, not good quality. The
 fact that it works well with our maps is enough.

Just one small remark (at the moment you have probably ordered your Nuvi
already): if you're going to use it on a (motor)bike, you might want to
check the availability of a mounting kit for it.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Which Nuvi?

2009-09-01 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Thilo Hannemann schreef:
 So I think at least the Nüvi 2xx series is useless for mapping.

My Nuvi 205T has an option to show/hide the tracklog. I bought it quite
recently, but it has an older map (2008). I'll ask a collegue, who just
got a 205, if he has the tracklog option as well.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] address search problem due to required State value

2009-08-30 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi Steve,

At Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 11:29:16PM +0100, Steve Hosgood wrote:
 We could really use a wiki page on stuff like this.
 I do have an apparently-OK copy of  'mapsource' but it won't start 
 because I don't have an installed map.

Yeah, that's a bit weird: I have one MapSource that does have the
base map, the other doesn't. While both were installed through the trick
with the training software...

I guess it has something to do with the version for older OS'es and/or the
regular version. (I'm running the former, because I'm running it under
emulation software: Wine).

Anyway, here's how to install a map:
1. Download mapsettoolkit from
2. start it. Now do the following:
3. Press Install
4. Choose your TDB file
5. For IMG file, choose the same name as your TDB file

(if you have mkgmap.jar defaults, both would be 6324).

Now IIRC you press install and then you're done: your generated map is now
in the list. You can exit mapsettoolkit and start mapsource.

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] --make-all-cycleways oddity

2009-08-29 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Marko Mäkelä schreef:
 On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 07:29:08AM +0200, Valentijn Sessink wrote:
 Can you please explain how that link is relevant to the Garmin SDK?

It probably isn't. I know them for making a cycle map for the
Netherlands. But they could be using anything to build their map.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v5] - min arc length fixes

2009-08-28 Thread Valentijn Sessink

I'm afraid I lost track when you wrote Blast, just discovered that
clipping all ways before doing short arc removal breaks polygons that
straddle tile boundaries - afterwards, the discussion wandered off to

If I understand you correctly, your v4 patch is in svn now, so if I run
into strange routing, I should report and/or check if v5 performs any

(In fact, I mainly run into perfectly working routing, my Garmin even
told me a *better* route for a track I'm riding every day for 1,5 years
now :)

Best regards,

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] --make-all-cycleways oddity

2009-08-28 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi list, hi Mark,

First, a remark. Since the oneway=yes/cycleway=opposite roads have
(cycleway) attached to their names, a GPS unit will randomly show
either the regular name, or the (cycleway) name. Which isn't too bad for
testing, I'd suggest you leave it this way until we're set and done with
it, because now you can see *why* a certain road is accessible or
inaccessible (i.e. it tells you where you're driving). Namely, here's
one occasion where it came in handy:

Yesterday I drove by car to one of those cycleway=opposite ways and to
my surprise, my Garmin told me to turn right to Hembrugstraat
(cycleway). I'm absolutely sure that the unit was set to car and not
bike. So is there a bug in the opposite-way-code? (Or is this the
strange idea of a Garmin that you can route the wrong way for some
meters??) I had another Garmin unit with me with a regular Garmin map,
that showed the right route; also, the route is nothing special, just
about this:

Any ideas? (I'll recheck the routing later on, to see if this will also
happen with positions further away in one-way-streets).

Best regards,

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] --make-all-cycleways oddity

2009-08-28 Thread Valentijn Sessink

Mark Burton schreef:
 Any ideas? (I'll recheck the routing later on, to see if this will also
 happen with positions further away in one-way-streets).
 I think that (at least with mapsource) the routing restrictions are
 considered advisory at times rather than absolute prohibitions. If
 you start a route close to a road that has a synthesised cycleway I can
 quite believe that the gps would grab the cycleway instead of the
 road. If it routes down the cycleway from another way and a road is
 also available at the same point, that's not good.

In this case, it does: see the route above (the correct one); my Nuvi
sends me right to the corner Spaarndammerdijk/Hembrugstraat and wants me
to turn right to Hembrugstraat (cycleway).

I know that accessibility is only advisory when there's no other way,
but in this case, there's a clear route to the destination, but with the
cycleway option turned on, it sends me in the wrong direction.

I'll check what it does without the cycleways first.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] --make-all-cycleways oddity

2009-08-28 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi Mark,

Without the all-cycleways option, it behaves normally. There must be
some sort of Garmin rule in action here. I'll check if there's a better
way (haha) to build the cycleway.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] make-cycleways

2009-08-28 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Valentijn Sessink schreef:
 there's no real need to build an extra way here - or is there?

Ahem. It's optional, I see.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] make-cycleways

2009-08-28 Thread Valentijn Sessink

Mark Burton schreef:
 However, if there's no access restriction for cyclists, there's no real
 need to build an extra way here - or is there?
 You have a point. Of course, an access restriction could be added later
 by the style rules but that's pretty unlikely?

I'm not sure altogether.

The thing is, I myself wouldn't tag a road with the combination
bicycle=no/cycleway=lane, as this feels wrong. (You can't have a bike
lane on a road that allows no bikes, as the lane is part of the very
road). But that doesn't mean it's not possible. I simply don't know.

So actually, for me, the opposite cycleways are enough and I simply
should use that option.

I'm not sure what the other option could do. If others find it useful -
leave it as is.

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] --make-all-cycleways oddity

2009-08-28 Thread Valentijn Sessink

I've tried a couple of different methods to build opposite-cycleways,
namely forbid all motoring traffic, make a real cycleway, but all of
them make the Garmin turn to the last part of the oneway Hembrugstraat.
So I conclude it's a Garmin issue. I'm sure we could come up with all
sorts of nasty tricks to work around it, but I'd suggest we leave it
this way.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] --make-all-cycleways oddity

2009-08-28 Thread Valentijn Sessink

I think the following could be what happens. The GPS unit tries to route
you to $dest, which is on a non accessible road. As non accessible has
no access, it makes no sense trying other directions.

If there's a crossing, that's a reason to try other directions so the
oneway street will come up.

I was thinking: are the oneway street and the fake route interconnected
automatically? I know they share the nodes, is that the same as being
able to skip between them?

I.e. is it:

| |
+--++-++ a street
+--++-++ a street (cycleway)
| |

... or

| |
+--..-+. a street
+--..-+. a street (cycleway)
| |


Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] board ferry mystery not a mystery after all

2009-08-26 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hello list,

The current ferry routes don't tell me to board the ferry (I've written
about that before).

However, if I use ferry type 0x1b instead of 0x1a, my Garmin Nüvi shows
a nice boat icon on the track, it tells me to board ferry. The other
behaviour so far seems identical to type 0x1a.

So I would kindly recommend the attached one-bit (it's even the least
significant one) patch, changing the ferry route type from 0x1a to 0x1b.

Best regards,

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
Index: resources/styles/default/lines
--- resources/styles/default/lines	(revision 1147)
+++ resources/styles/default/lines	(working copy)
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 railway=tram [0x14 resolution 18]
 railway=platform {add access = no; add foot = yes} [0x16 road_class=0 road_speed=0 resolution 23]
-route=ferry [0x1a road_class=0 road_speed=0 resolution 18]
+route=ferry [0x1b road_class=0 road_speed=0 resolution 18]
 waterway=canal [0x1f resolution 21]
 waterway=drain [0x1f resolution 22]
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] options: description

2009-08-25 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi all,

Marko Mäkelä schreef:
 on on should be or on

Fixed (see attachment)

 +Please note: if you use splitter.jar to build a template.args file
 +and use -c template.args, then that file may contain a
 I think that this is a general remark that would better be documented with
 the -c option, something like this:

I think your explanation to the -c is very useful, too.

 Please feel free to improve the wording.  I wouldn't mention splitter.jar
 in the help text, because the config file may be edited by hand.

I agree. However, the --description not working gave me headaches,
that's why I mentioned it at the --description description.

Revised (and combined) patch attached. Better?

Index: resources/help/en/options
--- resources/help/en/options	(revision 1144)
+++ resources/help/en/options	(working copy)
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@
 	line can be used, however you omit the leading '--'.  The short
 	option names with a single '-' cannot be used, simply use the
 	long name instead.
+	Note: mkgmap will process options from left to right.  Options given
+	in the command line after -c filename will override any options
+	given in the file.  Likewise, command line options specified before
+	-c filename will be overridden by the option file.
 -n name
@@ -36,7 +40,10 @@
 	Sets the descriptive text for the map. This may be displayed in
-	QLandkarte, MapSource on on a GPS etc. 
+	QLandkarte, MapSource or on a GPS etc, where it is normally shown
+	below the family name. Example: --description=Germany, Denmark
+	Please note: if you use -c template.args, then that file may
+	contain a description that will override this option.
 	Sets the map's country name. The default is COUNTRY.
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] options: description

2009-08-25 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Steve Ratcliffe schreef:
 Perhaps it belongs in the splitter doc then?  Or the splitter
 could leave out (or comment out) the description lines
 by default, unless the --description option is given.

I agree. Although then still a remark about the -c filename
description could be useful. (As you see, I dropped the referral to
splitter already).

mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] options: description

2009-08-24 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Steve, list,

This may be a better description of --description, it sort of warns for
the description that splitter puts in the args file.

Best regards,

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
Index: resources/help/en/options
--- resources/help/en/options	(revision 1144)
+++ resources/help/en/options	(working copy)
@@ -36,7 +36,12 @@
 	Sets the descriptive text for the map. This may be displayed in
-	QLandkarte, MapSource on on a GPS etc. 
+	QLandkarte, MapSource on on a GPS etc, where it is normally shown
+	below the family name. Example: --description=Germany, Denmark
+	Please note: if you use splitter.jar to build a template.args file
+	and use -c template.args, then that file may contain a
+	description that will override this option. Use --description in
+	splitter.jar to change the description in the template.args file.
 	Sets the map's country name. The default is COUNTRY.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] bug or feature?

2009-08-21 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi list,

I guess I found out that
does not work when using a -c template-file. Is this a bug or a
feature, i.e. does the source need to be patched or should I patch the
documentation? (I'm willing to do the latter, but not if a fix in the
source is really easy).

Best regards,

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] mistake in options?

2009-08-20 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi Carlos,

Carlos Dávila schreef:
 --family-name=Open Street Map

That's what I use, except for the --series-name.

 I copy generated gmapsupp.img directly to the nuvi's SD. In the map
 selection menu I get:
 [ ]Open Street Map (from --family-name)
 [1] OpenStreetMap-Iberia (from description)

Carlos: do you use -c template.args or are you rendering the map
directly? (I.e. could it be that, when you use template.args, the
description is read from the template file?)

Best regards,

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Does anyone have a genuine garmin routable map tile that is unlocked?

2009-08-16 Thread Valentijn Sessink

Mark Burton schreef:
 Not a basemap, but a real routable tile.

I don't have one, but I could buy something, *if* that gives you an
unlocked, routable tile. And I'm not sure about the unlocked property
- if I buy, for example, a bicycle map of the Netherlands, on SDcard
(something I've been thinking about anyway, to compare the differences
with the OSM map), would that give me an unlocked map? Or a locked one?

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] splitter: small patch and wishlist

2009-08-14 Thread Valentijn Sessink

Chris Miller schreef:
 VS My own code has a private boolean deleted that is added to
 VS SplitParser, and in endElement() it says if (!deleted)
 That's not too horrible,

The idea might not be, trust me: the code was :)

In fact, when I woke up this morning, I realised that probably the state
machine in startElement could just be bypassed - and that's what you did

 I've committed a fix for this.


(*) I hope Rupert Sheldrake doesn't find out
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Inter-tile routing failures - not all our fault?

2009-08-14 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Mark Burton schreef:
 There is a particular failure of inter-tile routing that we have seen
 quite often which is that it fails to find a route when the source and
 destination are in the same tile and the only (sensible) route is via
 another tile. (If a sub-optimal route that only uses the source tile is
 available that will get used.)

Maybe we should investigate one such problem really thoroughly? I've
also been thinking that a map with all of these problems would be a good
idea, but I don't know if that would be feasible.

Pro: have all problems in one, easily compilable, easily editable map;
this map being small and exchangeable (by e-mail or svn).
Con: the need to maintain this map; in fact, many of the corner cases
will only be transferrable to this testmap once you know what to
transfer, which is probably 90% of the investigation. What do you think?

 Well, I naturally assumed that this was caused by mkgmap doing
 something wrong but I'm not so sure now because I have been looking at
 the free nz mapset that is generated using cgpsmapper and that exhibits
 exactly the same behaviour as our maps do in this respect.

They're built on the same reverse engineered information, aren't they?

 So, either the bug is in mapsource (and all Garmin GPS units?) or mkgmap
 and cgpsmapper are both getting it wrong in the same way.

As said before (in the first A, B, C routing problem), my Garmin Nuvi
will take routes that Mapsource won't. Also, the first problem had to do
with three tiles, MapSource unwilling to route from tile A to tile C
through tile B on a specific road. So we're not sure if it's Mapsource,
mkgmap  cpsmapper, or some subtle interaction between all three.

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v2] - min arc length fixes

2009-08-13 Thread Valentijn Sessink

Sorry for the misunderstanding. Without looking, I assumed the SEVERE
error had been introduced by your patch, while it was probably somewhere
between r1127 and r1131 (not sure, did not look again). Without your
patch, the same errors show up.

However, experimenting a bit with the Fransiscusdreef I sent, I think I
have a small, simple, reproducable (in MapSource that is, so no
guarantees) routing problem where A to C goes wrong, while A to B, B to
C and A to B via C go right. I thought you might be interested, the
MapSource file is attached.

This goes wrong both with and without your patch (but both of them were
compiled *without* any remove-short-arcs options, so I guess there is a
chance that the unpatched version *with* remove-short-arcs behaves
totally different from the new version without any remove-short-arcs (as
r-s-arcs is default now), right?

Best regards,


Mark Burton schreef:
 The patch should actually reduce the number of short arcs. The
 remaining arcs that it is now complaining about were there already, the
 new patch hasn't created them, it's just now detecting them!
Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579

Fransicusdreef version 2.gdb
Description: Binary data
mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] mistake in options

2009-08-13 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi list, hello Steve,

I made a mistake in my options file, thinking the overview-mapname made
it to the Garmin screen (which is a bit stupid, now I think about it).

Anyway, here's the revised options patch.

--- options	2009-08-12 11:09:48.0 +0200
+++	2009-08-13 14:00:30.0 +0200
@@ -140,11 +140,7 @@
 	If --tdbfile is enabled, this gives the name of the overview
-	.img and .tdb files. The default map name is OSM_map.
-	On Garmin maps, this option describes the area of your
-	map, for example Germany_and_Belgium.
-	TODO: underscores seem to render as spaces, not sure if this
-	is mandatory.
+	.img and .tdb files. The default map name is OSM_map
 --overview-mapnumber=8 digit number
 	If --tdbfile is enabled, this gives the internal 8 digit
mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] mistake in options?

2009-08-13 Thread Valentijn Sessink
I found two strange things:

- if you don't set --overview-mapname, the tdbfile will have the name of
the overview-mapnumber, 6324.tdb, (instead of OSM_map). The source
reads OSM_map, so I can't find where it goes wrong.

- the --description option seems not to work, there must be something
wrong with the getDescription method, as changing it to BLAH in the
source code will work, but using a nice --description=Nederland shows a
map with the description of OSM Map. I also couldn't find out what
went wrong here. I did notice that most of the options have a
args.get(option-name,default), while description seems to have its
own args.getDescription(). I wouldn't know where the description of OSM
Map comes from, though.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] mistake in options?

2009-08-13 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Felix Hartmann schreef:
 it's --family-name that you want to use.

See above example. Family name is the generic map family name.
description should show up at the place where it says OSM Map, but
it did not - so far. A hard coded description did, however.

The source code just says:
overallDescription = args.getDescription();
in src/uk/me/parabola/mkgmap/combiners/

... and I don't know why that doesn't work for me. Setting
overallDescription = Something Else; // hard coded
does work.

 series, family and description
 -- that's all three. 

So you're saying that description only works if you set family name? I
can't see this in the source code, but I could be mistaken.

 Do you transfer directly the gmapsupp

Yep. I'm a Linux user and MapSource will run happily under Wine, but I
don't think the USB connection will work out (did try once, did not
succeed, and I'm not too interested anyway).

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v1] Better rounding in mkgmap

2009-08-12 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi Elrond, hello list,

... I did *not* yet test the patch, but, while biking around with a
Garmin this morning, I realised that getting the rounding correct is an
improvement, because your position is more precise. This could help in
cases where a subtle rounding error will just put you on another road.

You won't notice the difference as an end user, because there's many
places where the choice of two parallel roads is difficult and any GPS
unit will make some mistakes. My guess is that you could only see the
difference when you would try to gather data on how many times you are
on the right track and how many times you're 0.5 off...

So if you ask me, better rounding is better and we should use anything
that rounds better :)


Clinton Gladstone schreef: wrote:
 incorrect is probably too hard (except for the very
 special case, where I needed the better rounding).
 suboptimal would be a better term.
 I tested your patch, and could see differences in the map. However, I
 could not really determine which would be more 'optimal'.
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] ... and a success report

2009-08-12 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Steve Ratcliffe schreef:
 So was that with --remove-short-arcs=5.4 (or 5) in the end then?  And 
 have you done previous maps of the same area that didn't work without 
 that option?

No, this is a completely unrelated success report (hence the new
message), and I did not try any other maps. It just seems to work,
magically. That's how we want it, isn't it?

(And it was done with ...rt-arcs=4)
(And it was not thoroughly tested anyway).

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v2] - min arc length fixes

2009-08-12 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi Mark,

Mark Burton schreef:
 v2 of this patch not only enables remove-short-arcs by default when
 routing is in use (as previously discussed on ML) but it also fixes some
 problems in the way splitting code.
 I would be grateful if people could test this patch because it could
 possibly cure some routing failures.

Fast check with the 29-07-09 14:32 a routing problem problem, with
r1127 the problem is still there. Updated to revision 1131, used your
patch which (unfortunately) doesn't solve the problem *and* now there's
loads (well, 28 entries) of

SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road Kasteeltuin (OSM id 7003822) contains a bad
arc of length 2,94m
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road E 30 (OSM id 7004900) contains a bad arc of
length 2,94m
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):

A couple of these are on the edge of a map, but this one for example
does not:
Road Franciscusdreef (OSM id 7066146) contains a bad arc of length 2,39m

I did not check other routes. Please remember that the strange a,b,c
routing problem showed up in Mapsource but did not in my Garmin. I
didn't check my Garmin Nuvi here. Oh, and I don't know (so I can't test)
any other routing problems now but I wouldn't call that a problem :-) :-)

List follows below.

Best regards,


Here is the list, abbreviated so it fits in a mail:

Kasteeltuin (OSM id 7003822) bad arc of length 2,94m
E 30 (OSM id 7004900) bad arc of length 2,94m
Einsteindreef (OSM id 7059335) bad arc of length 2,80m
Franciscusdreef (OSM id 7066146) bad arc of length 2,39m
Franciscusdreef (OSM id 7066570) bad arc of length 2,39m
Schonauwenseweg (OSM id 7096292) bad arc of length 1,47m
Kanaaldijk Zuid (OSM id 7096366) bad arc of length 1,47m
Schalkwijkseweg (OSM id 7096378) bad arc of length 2,80m
null (OSM id 23086095) bad arc of length 2,80m
null (OSM id 23086101) bad arc of length 3,78m
N203 Provincialeweg (OSM id 6605992) bad arc of length 4,78m
Staalhavenweg (OSM id 6632824) bad arc of length 2,39m
Zwarte Pad (OSM id 7495148) bad arc of length 3,78m
null (OSM id 30611242) bad arc of length 2,39m
Vlotgrasweg (OSM id 6544034) bad arc of length 2,80m
Lisdoddeweg (OSM id 6544035) bad arc of length 3,76m
null (OSM id 6589537) bad arc of length 1,46m
Prinsenweg (OSM id 6958461) bad arc of length 1,46m
Hogeweg (OSM id 6965686) bad arc of length 1,46m
Drieseweg (OSM id 6967746) bad arc of length 2,92m
null (OSM id 7059063) bad arc of length 2,80m
Neckardreef (OSM id 7059064) bad arc of length 3,78m
Einsteindreef (OSM id 7059335) bad arc of length 2,80m
Colombiadreef (OSM id 7059453) bad arc of length 3,78m
Japuradreef (OSM id 7059454) bad arc of length 3,78m
Valkenkamp (OSM id 7070206) bad arc of length 2,80m
Valkenkamp (OSM id 7070266) bad arc of length 1,47m
null (OSM id 29894188) bad arc of length 4,78m

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v2] - min arc length fixes

2009-08-12 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi Mark,

At Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 09:19:36PM +0100, Mark Burton wrote:
 I can see where the problem is occuring. Wherever you have a node that
 is within the minimum arc length from a tile boundary you will get an
 error message.

Your mail now sounds much less SEVERE than the error message :-)

 The question is: Is the routing actually broken at those locations?

Will check. Tomorrow.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v2] - min arc length fixes

2009-08-12 Thread Valentijn Sessink

Again, a quick check, but I can't seem to route on the Fransiscusdreef:
F'dreef to Vechtdijk sends me on a 1.2km odyssee :)

Here's the data:
63240003: 0x24d000,0x34000 to 0x251000,0x3b000
63240008: 0x251000,0x25000 to 0x255000,0x39000
63240009: 0x251000,0x39000 to 0x255000,0x4

java -Xmx1600m -enableassertions -jar
~/garmintest/splitter/dist/splitter.jar --split-file=areas.list

I used:

java -enableassertions -Xmx1800m -jar
~/garmintest/mkgmap/dist/mkgmap.jar --country-name=Nederland
--country-abbr=NL --latin1 --lower-case --preserve-element-order
--location-autofill=1 --gmapsupp --route --net --tdbfile -c template.args

See attached gdb-file. For now, I'll stop testing, but if you want me to
test anything else, please tell me so.

Best regards,


Mark Burton schreef:
 So, I would like to know if those ways it is griping about are routable
 or not. If possible, please test a few to see if you can route over
Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579

Description: Binary data
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Rounding bug in splitter?

2009-08-11 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Chris Miller schreef:
 but my impression is that the conclusion was that the splitter should be 
 rounding areas off to boundaries in multiples of 4096 rather than 2048?

As far as I've seen - thanks to Steve Ratcliffe's findings - divisible
by 2048 is enough, if you make sure that the difference is a multiple of
4096. (i.e. if your bounds are 0x123800 and 0x456800, that is OK; but
0x123800 and 0x456000 is not OK).

Anyway, dividing by 4096 is a good method of achieving this.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Rounding bug in splitter?

2009-08-10 Thread Valentijn Sessink

 to behave? My understanding is that it is taking the area passed in and 
 the edges *outwards* to the nearest multiple of 0x0800.

Not _completely_ unrelated, I'm not sure if you know about this:

As far as I know, this has not been implemented in Splitter due to it's
recent discovery. But maybe I'm mistaken.

Best regards,

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] Garmin Nuvi asks province

2009-07-30 Thread Valentijn Sessink

A bit of a strange thing: my Garmin mkgmap maps ask the provincie
(Province? State? County? Whatever you guys call it over there ;) when I
want to route to an address.

I normally build my map with country=Netherlands and country-abbr=NL,
I also tried no country and abbrev, but it keeps asking for a
Provincie. Whatever I enter, Garmin can't find it and this makes
routing to an address pretty much infeasible. On the regular map, it
just asks me if I'm in the Netherlands and then I can enter street and
city names.

java -enableassertions -Xmx1800m -jar
~/garmintest/mkgmap/dist/mkgmap.jar --country-name= --country-abbr=
--family-name=Openstreetmap Netherlands `date -I` --latin1
--remove-short-arcs --lower-case --preserve-element-order
--location-autofill=1 --gmapsupp --route --net --tdbfile -c template.args

What am I doing wrong? I guess this is just a wrong option somewhere?


mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] vanishing map

2009-07-29 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hey you incredible wizzard :)

Seems you fixed it :)

I cannot find any places where things go wrong now. Found a routing
problem while looking though, but that was not induced by your patch (I
 reversed your patch it and it's still there). I'll send a report
shortly. (Have your netherlands.osm ready for some splitting ;)

So the patch works! Wonderful!


Steve Ratcliffe schreef:
 Could everyone who is interested in this please try the attached patch.
 It seems to work on the example I was looking at, but of course problems
 may just have moved elsewhere so please check thing are OK
 more widely.  It would be good to know if it makes a difference to
 inter tile routing as well.
--   Open Office - Linux Office Solutions
Valentijn Sessink  +31(0)20-4214059
mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] a routing problem

2009-07-29 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hello list,

The following inter tile routing gives nice and unexpected results.

63240001: 0x241000,0x25000 to 0x24d000,0x3b000
63240002: 0x24d000,0x25000 to 0x251000,0x34000
63240003: 0x24d000,0x34000 to 0x251000,0x3b000
63240004: 0x241000,0x3b000 to 0x24b000,0x42000
63240005: 0x241000,0x42000 to 0x24b000,0x53000
63240006: 0x24b000,0x3b000 to 0x251000,0x41000
63240007: 0x24b000,0x41000 to 0x251000,0x53000
63240008: 0x251000,0x25000 to 0x255000,0x39000
63240009: 0x251000,0x39000 to 0x255000,0x4
63240010: 0x255000,0x25000 to 0x263000,0x4
63240011: 0x251000,0x4 to 0x259000,0x49000
63240012: 0x251000,0x49000 to 0x259000,0x53000
63240013: 0x259000,0x4 to 0x263000,0x48000
63240014: 0x259000,0x48000 to 0x263000,0x53000

(You don't need all areas, but I don't know a trivial way to know which
map part is which split).

Then run:
java -Xmx1600m -enableassertions -jar ../splitter/dist/splitter.jar
--split-file=areas.list netherlands.osm

java -enableassertions -Xmx1800m -jar
~/garmintest/mkgmap/dist/mkgmap.jar --country-name=Nederland
--country-abbr=NL --latin1 --remove-short-arcs --lower-case
--preserve-element-order --location-autofill=1 --gmapsupp --route --net
--tdbfile -c template.args

Then load the attached tdb-file in MapSource.exe. You'll notice three
waypoints, A, B and C, all three on a different tile, A and B being
adjacent and B and C also. Mapsource will route from A to B, from B to C
and from A to B via C, but it will not route from A to C.

I don't have my Garmin Nüvi at hand, so I can't test it there - if you
want me to, I'll be able to do that in the evening if you want me to.

Best regards,


routing problem.gdb
Description: Binary data
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a routing problem

2009-07-29 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Valentijn Sessink schreef:
 The following inter tile routing gives nice and unexpected results.

You only need:

 63240003: 0x24d000,0x34000 to 0x251000,0x3b000
 63240008: 0x251000,0x25000 to 0x255000,0x39000
 63240009: 0x251000,0x39000 to 0x255000,0x4

Just found out: the trivial way to know which map part is which split is
using the Map button in the tool bar. It has an icon that vaguely
resembles a Cubism sort of Pac Man (what if... Picasso would have been a
game developer?)

Also: trying to route back (just put points D, E and F on the opposite
lane of the A2 highway) shows the same problems: routing from D to E and
E to F is OK, but D to F fails.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a routing problem

2009-07-29 Thread Valentijn Sessink

For me, routing to the Plutoniumweg doesn't work at all - but my
Mapsource is older than yours, I could not read your Plutoniumweg.gdb
(MapSource complains about the file being newer).

Utrecht, we have a problem ;)

I was thinking about trying to synchronize the vertical split line (i.e.
have both maps split at 0x39000, just to make sure that's not the problem.

Oh, btw: the reason I found this strange route is that a much longer
inter-tile route, from my home in Zaandam to my parents in Houten, made
a weird deviation half way (went off the A2 for no reason, somewhere
above point A); also, a route to my wife's family in Culemborg could not
be calculated at all.

Just to be sure, I'll check my Nüvi this evening.

Best regards,


Mark Burton schreef:
 What's really fascinating about your example is that mapsource will
 happily route from A to a point within the tile containing B passing
 right past point C. For example, route from A to the end of Plutoniumweg
 (damn it, why can't we have funky road names like that instead of
 the canonical Acacia Avenue!), but if you move the destination a little
 to the S so that it is in the lower tile, it fails to route - see
 attached gdb. It's almost as if having traversed B tile it then is
 happy to locate a destination in it but, for some reason, it's unhappy
 with a destination in C tile.
--   Open Office - Linux Office Solutions
Valentijn Sessink  +31(0)20-4214059
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a routing problem

2009-07-29 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi Mark,

Mark Burton schreef:
 I am using the latest version (as downloaded by the check for
 software updates option on the help menu).

I can't run a later version, I use the version for older operating
systems, as that is what runs nicely under Linux under Wine. I could not
get the Splendid New version to work. Oh well, it says that De
MapSource versie update is voor downloaden beschikbaar. But
I'd really rather not try it, actually. I'll put the map in my Nüvi instead.

 I was thinking about trying to synchronize the vertical split line (i.e.
 have both maps split at 0x39000, just to make sure that's not the problem.
 Could be worth trying to see if it changes anything.

Makes no difference (please note that 0003 is out of bounds but that
doesn't matter as it is not used).
63240003: 0x24d000,0x34000 to 0x251000,0x39000
63240006: 0x24d000,0x39000 to 0x251000,0x41000
63240008: 0x251000,0x25000 to 0x255000,0x39000
63240009: 0x251000,0x39000 to 0x255000,0x4

Same routing for A, B and C.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] a routing problem

2009-07-29 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi Mark,

I'm not sure if this is good or bad news, but the Nuvi works!

 Just to be sure, I'll check my Nüvi this evening.
 Please do, it would be useful to know if a real GPS has the same
 problem (my guess is that it will).

It also works out of the box, routing perfectly, when I route from home
to my parents (MapSource didn't do that correctly) and to my wife's
family (where MapSource did not route at all). So this seems a MapSource
issue with the map, not a generic mapping issue.

I could check/doublecheck the MapSource settings (i.e. check if there's
any caching, remove and reload the TDB file again etc etc). Will do
that, but as my Nuvi works, it's not high on the list.

And now for something completely different: I think the mailing list
noticed some time ago that bike routing is a wholly different thing on
the Garmin, right? I'm still getting weird results when I let the Nuvi
route by bicycle - simple routes will have the weirdest deviations,
letting you drive 35 kilometers where the regular Garmin map has a 14
kilometer route. Now this regular map has no knowledge of bicycle paths,
so sometimes the routing is wrong because of that.

Anyway, I'm pretty confident now that the routing by car is pretty much
as expected. I will keep using my Garmin for reference testing, however,
and tell my experiences here on the mailing list.

Back to the original topic: if you want me to do anything on the weird
route, please tell me so.

Thanks for your great work again!

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] The .GMP subfile.

2009-07-27 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi Steve,

I'm trying to find out why certain parts of the map blank and I did not
get far. However, I'm noticing that the blanking issue seems not to
depend on certain ways or nodes, nor does it depend on the size of the
tiles. It seems a generic issue of a sub-map.

Here your GMP file could come in. Maybe there's som subtle sort of
caching going on, where the maps should only have a certain size of
should only contain ... ? Having a container that can divide an area
seems just the right way to do it, then.

Best regards,


Steve Hosgood schreef:
 I just added info on the .GMP subfile that I discovered whilst 
 dismantling an official Garmin .IMG file.
 It seems to be a container for the .TRE, .RGN, .LBL, .NET and .NOD files 
 that handle a subtile of the area covered by the .IMG file itself.
 Not sure why they bother to do this... surely the individual files could 
 just be just be present individually?
mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] vanishing map

2009-07-27 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hello list,

After a long search, here's the (lacking of) results.

Eventually, I found a single node on the map that would stop the map
from blanking. However, when I made the map just be a tiny bit larger,
it would vanish again - with or without the node.

So the blanking is probably the result of a subtle interaction between
(sub)map element count and tile position. Or something like it. Or
something completely different.

Best regards,


mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] trying to pin down missing tooltips

2009-07-25 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hello List,

I'm still trying to pin down the missing tooltips/blanking map issue.
Here's what I managed to find so far. But now I'm sort of stuck.

I have a map that has the problem. Decreasing or increasing the map
boundaries would lose the problem. So instead I tried to find out if
there is certain data on the map that will trigger the problem, by going
through it with Splitter, then after running Splitter I would restore
the map size to the original boundaries. This will give you a partially
empty map, that will or will not have problems at the lower boundary.

At this moment, there's a single digit that will trigger the error:

Having (hexadecimal) 251000,25000 252280,33dbc (with map size
artificially restored to 251000,25000,255000,39000) will show all right
at the bottom;  251000,25000 252280,33dbd (map size restored as well)
will blank when you zoom into the bottom part.

These maps differ by about 55 nodes and 15 ways, which is still a bit
too much to go over by hand.

Does anyone have an idea about the next step? Would you like to get the
resulting osm map? (It's 1.1M large, I shal put it up for download
somewhere if someone is interested).

Attached is the script I ran, it's crude and silly and the texts are in
a strange language for most of you, but you get the idea of what I did.
The 0x251000 - 0x252280 latitude is derived from a previous run of the
script where I would change latitude instead of longitude.

If it is silly or plain stupid what I'm doing, please say so. I'm not
entirely sure anymore that this random grepping of data does any good
(while the only thing I was trying is to get the map to show at
boundaries on high zooming levels).

Also, as a side note, (and to complicate things) I'm seeing a ghost road
pop up at about 3.6663 lon 52.119140625 lat. It's a straight line that
runs down the boundary of the map, i.e. the road is larger than the map
boundary! As it is not 180 degrees down but a bit tilted, it is *not* a
longitude line. The line disappears when you zoom out, or go up or down
in the map. It shows up in maps that work (i.e. do not blank); when the
map blanks, I cannot find the line anywhere (i.e. probably the line
itself blanks out and when zoom level is lower so that the map is not
blanked, it's also too low to show this ghost road).

Any ideas appreciated.

Best regards,

Description: Bourne shell script
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] routing and cycleway=track

2009-07-24 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Mark Burton schreef:
   if(currentWay.getTag(bicycle) == null)
 currentWay.addTag(bicycle, no);
 so that if the original way doesn't already have the bicycle routing
 defined, it will be disallowed.

In the Netherlands that would be right, too: the bicycle-paths are
mandatory. My feeling is that the above code would generally be a good idea.

Best regards,

mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] splitter: small patch and wishlist

2009-07-21 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hello list,

A small wish list for splitter:

- honour action='deleted' in the input file. Rather trivial to write,
but I don't send a patch because you would be horrified by my code.
- make it possible to use hex data in areas.list (trivial patch, see below).

Best regards,

---	(revision 37)
+++	(working copy)
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@
 		ListSubArea list = new ArrayListSubArea();
 		Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(([0-9]{8}): +
- ([\\p{Digit}-]+),([\\p{Digit}-]+) +
- to ([\\p{Digit}-]+),([\\p{Digit}-]+));
+ ([\\p{XDigit}x-]+),([\\p{XDigit}x-]+) +
+ to ([\\p{XDigit}x-]+),([\\p{XDigit}x-]+));
 		try {
 			r = new FileReader(filename);
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v3] - fix clipping when node falls on tile boundary

2009-07-19 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Mark Burton schreef:
 OK, so it's proving to be a little harder to fix than I thought but I
 have high hopes for this version.
 BTW - Valentijn, this version could help routing through the tunnel.

Yes! Yes!

Also, V1 and V2 had a couple of these ... contains 0 arc, and this
version does not show any of these (checking patch if the code is still
there... it is).

Thanks! And thanks to Maning, who gave a better analysis than I did!

Best regards,

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] problems at map intersections?

2009-07-18 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Mark Burton schreef:
 OK - I have looked at your example and can confirm there is a problem
 in that mapsource doesn't display the region near the tile boundary,
 it has a gap of 200m or so. Don't know whether this is just mapsource being
 it's usual crap self, or the problem also exists on the gps.
 It will route through the tunnel (as the attached picture shows) but

Yes, I noticed that - but could not reproduce it yesterday. Please
notice however, that the route you found has both starting points at the
lower map. That may or may not have anything to do with it. Your picture
also shows that the upper map vanishes (which you confirmed already).

 Now, this may be because mapsource thinks that using the tunnel and
 then looping back to the S again is not a good route so it decides
 you're better off going to the E. If that's the case, I don't think
 there is anything we can do about it.

If you could recheck with a map without the split, you'll see that
routing through the tunnel is no problem at all. Just download some
surroundings of the tunnel and build a map to try it.

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] problems at map intersections?

2009-07-18 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Steve Ratcliffe schreef:
 So you will probably also find that in the area that disapears, if
 you hover over a road you do not also get the usual pop-up that
 tells you the name of the road.

Yes, but actually I blamed Wine instead of you ;-)

(I feel I actually can safely blame whoever I want, being in an
unroutable part of the world - if you come to get me by bike, that is ;-)

But now you mention the pop-up, did you notice that the pop-ups work
just above (so within) the (shifted, see previous post) bounds of a
map and when you hover outside the (grey lined) bounds, they immediately
don't work? And that they do start to work again some 250 meters below
the actual split and *that* is again the precise point where the map
will not vanish anymore? So for the lower part of the split: the part of
the map that will always show, is also the part of the map that has
these pop-ups again.

Since you know what you're talking about: is there a discussion,
explanation or otherwise for the reason that you did not let the maps
overlap? An overlap of 300 meters sounds like a good idea for the
routing - but as said before, I'm saying this from a position of
blessful ignorance.

Best regards,

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] problems at map intersections?

2009-07-18 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi all,

I tried to line up Splitter with the map boundaries; instead of having
(hexadecimal showing)
63240008: 251000,25800 254800,38800, I had to use
63240008: XX,X 254c00,X). Now the tool tips would not show
up in the +-250 meters around the boundary.

Then I used:
63240008: 251000,25800 254c80,38800
63240010: 254b80,25800 262800,4

... now the tool tips show *and* the map does not disappear anymore
around the boundary. But - as Mark predicted - now inter tile routing
does not work anymore.

Just another idea: could be possible to line up the boundary nodes, then
add some surroundings to have an extra overlap, right? Like so (ascii
art alert) (maps below should be joined horizontally, not vertically)

map 1--+--
   1   11
1 1B  1  1
  11   B1
--+map 2---
2 2
   B  2  22

(It you can't, for any reason, please feel free to ignore my mail - as
we say here: a fool can ask more questions than 100 wise man could answer)

Best regards,

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] problems at map intersections?

2009-07-18 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Steve Ratcliffe schreef:
 0010: 52.470703,3.339844 53.701172,5.668945
 0008: 52.163086,3.339844 52.470703,5.009766
 So top matches bottom, but not the same as the bounds.
 This could explain mapsource, but as it is not used
 on the device can't explain the problem in the GPS.

In fact, I think it's two related, but different, problems:

1) the overview map is out of sync with the actual bounds. Please see my
e-mail about a splitting area that will have these synchronised (*);
it's a sort of rounding issue, as far as I understand.
2) the fact that, around a map split, some things do not work as they
work on the rest of the map. An overlapping map helps here - and you
wizards will probably know if it's possible to have a map overlap and
still have the routing nodes in place.
 So the conclusion is that the definition areas in the overview map
 are wrong.  This would explain problems in mapsource, but not on the

Yes, that's what I think, too.

Best regards,


(*) Use splitter with:
63240008: 2428928,153600 to 2444288,231424
63240010: 2444288,153600 to 2500608,262144
Please note that 2444288 is the only number I changed, the other corners
aren't lined up, but since we only use 2 maps here, 2444288 is the only
number that is at a map intersection.

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] problems at map intersections?

2009-07-17 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hello list, I'm having a great time corresponding to myself here :)
but these are my observations so far.

Running Splitter, then Mkgmap.jar, then MapSetToolKit.exe, then
Mapsource, the resulting submaps are shifted from their bounding box:
they are about 2.4 kilometers left, up, from the map itself. (So you
have a bounding box that does not bound the map).

The resulting submaps have no overlap now, which results in strange
behaviour around the edges of the map:
1) It looks like sometimes Mapsource doesn't know how to get to the
other map - a sort of short-arc between maps; it will refuse to take
certain ways and will stubbornly route you around something, even if
it's a trivial, 50 meters route on the map.
2) Also, sometimes Mapsource (and my Garmin Nuvi) seem to choose the
wrong submap to display data from - resulting in a blank screen instead
of mapping information. This is best seen at high zooming levels.

Now I tried to get around this. If I use splitter to output a header of

instead of the regular bounds.getMinLat(), I'm getting better results -
the maps now overlap. I decreased the bounds size in addToOverviewMap in
mkgmap. But is probably not be the correct way, as the bounding box
still seems a bit off - I'm guessing that now the map itself grows,
which will only work as long as the result will round down to a value
within the map itself? If I'm unlucky, the new bounding box will - again
- be larger than the map?

If I knew Java, I would try to get Splitter to output something like
Utils.toDegrees(bounds.getMinLat() + (extra / 2)), but as I don't know
enough about scope of variables, I will leave that to more knowledgeable
people. And maybe it's a stupid idea after all.

I'll stop hacking around in unknown code now and have a beer, but my
feeling is that
1) something should be done about the bounds in the overview map
2) I'm guessing that Garmin wants some overlap in submaps, so it can
choose from what file to display the data from.

Maybe 1 and 2 are the same problem (i.e. if the bounds are right, the
choice of map will be right as well).

I realise that I should have tried to hack an area.list with overlap,
then use --split-file=areas.list, which is easier than randomly hacking
around the source.

Anyway. Maybe someone with knowledge of Mkgmap could say something about

Best regards,

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] problems at map intersections?

2009-07-17 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi Mark,

Mark Burton schreef:
 I believe (because the ML is not showered with emails complaining about
 it failing) that inter-tile routing is generally working OK.

It really does work great. In fact, it took me quite a while to come to
the conclusion that the map edge seemed to be involved and that there
might be a routing problem after all. At first I thought it was the
tagging of tunnel, the fact that I tried to send a bike through a
tunnel, the fact that I chose a bicycle for routing at all (Garmin
doesn't do a really good job there - or maybe they like biking so much
that they send you for 30 kilometer trips when 11 could do). But a few
days ago I noticed that the map dissapeared at the same spot where the
routing went wrong when I biked around with my Garmin Nuvi.

Oh, and yes: I really think there aren't enough people riding around on
their bicycles at OSM/splitter map edges, while looking at their Garmin
Nuvis loaded with Openstreetmap-data in Driving Direction Up (i.e.
non-3D), Highest Detail, Highest zoom mode. I really should start a
support group ;-)

 Please provide an example of it failing so we can study it.

wget ''
bzcat netherlands.osm.bz2  netherlands.osm
wget ''
tar -zxf mkgmap-latest.tar.gz
wget ''
java -Xmx$memory -jar ./splitter.jar --max-nodes=$maxn netherlands.osm
java -enableassertions -Xmx$memory -jar mkgmap*/mkgmap.jar \
  --country-name=Nederland --country-abbr=NL --latin1 \
  --remove-short-arcs --lower-case --route --preserve-element-order \
  --location-autofill-1 --gmapsupp --net 63240008.osm.gz 63240010.osm.gz

Then load the resulting map in MapSource; to be sure, select
Edit-Preferences-Routing, Bicycle, shortest distance. (Set detail to
Highest if you want to see the biking path).

Then route from N52.42701 E4.82707 to N52.42625 E4.82736, they are on
the same biking path, some 80 metres apart. You'll see the route deviate
3 kilometers.

Also, if you try to zoom on one of the points above, you'll see a blank
map. (This is Mapsource 6.11.5 running under Wine, but as said before:
my Garmin Nuvi does the same - only on highest zooming level though, and
only around the edges on the OSM map - it does not do that on the Garmin
native map - I did check that).

I hope you can reproduce my findings - that would be a help.

Thanks so far, best regards,

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

[mkgmap-dev] problems at map intersections?

2009-07-15 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hello list,

When trying to use a built map, I'm getting a bit odd results around the
edges of tiles - at least, I think it's the edges. It's not exactly on
the boundaries, but about 2.5 kilometers below the grey lines that show
up in Mapsource (I assume these are the tiles). But strangely, the
Splitter arealist has other numbers than Mapsource tells me.

You can see tiny interconnections where the roads meet on the tiles; on
the highest zoom levels, parts of the map start to dissapear.

For example:
wget ''
bzcat netherlands.osm.bz2  netherlands.osm

Then use Splitter:
java -Xmx1700m -jar ./splitter.jar --max-nodes=50 --overlap=8000

It produced the following list of areas (you may want to test with this
list instead of the automated --max-nodes)
63240001: 2363392,153600 to 2412544,239616
63240002: 2412544,153600 to 2428928,212992
63240003: 2412544,212992 to 2428928,239616
63240004: 2363392,239616 to 2402304,268288
63240005: 2363392,268288 to 2402304,337920
63240006: 2402304,239616 to 2428928,266240
63240007: 2402304,266240 to 2428928,337920
63240008: 2428928,153600 to 2443264,231424
63240009: 2428928,231424 to 2443264,262144
63240010: 2443264,153600 to 2500608,262144
63240011: 2428928,262144 to 2459648,296960
63240012: 2428928,296960 to 2459648,337920
63240013: 2459648,262144 to 2500608,294912
63240014: 2459648,294912 to 2500608,337920

(Splitter says, for example, that it splits 2428928,153600 to
2443264,231424, which would be 52.119141,3.295898 to 52.426758,4.965820,
but Mapsource shows a grey line around 52.07145)

Anyway: when you load the resulting map into Mapsource and go to
52.07149/5.02083 (or 52.07149/anywhere ), you'll notice small
interconnection traces on the more important roads (N230 and A2 in this
example), but from zoom level 50 meters and higher, parts of the map
will disappear. And if you experiment a bit, you'll notice that the map
will vanish at even lower zoom levels. For example - see attached lower
part of Mapsource.

java -enableassertions -Xmx1700m -jar mkgmap-r1087/mkgmap.jar
--country-name=Nederland --country-abbr=NL --latin1 --remove-short-arcs
--lower-case --preserve-element-order --location-autofill-1 --tdbfile -c

(I removed the routing information that I usually include, just to make
sure it's not a routing issue) (And as you can see, I learned from my
mistakes and used -enableassertions for map making).

The 52.07149 is an example, the same thing happens around 52.25606
(another 2.5 kilometers below a tile).

You can see the problem best at locations that are busy with roads and
stuff; also, having a main road (a thick one) nearby helps. I was
wondering if it has anything to do with areas that are cut of at the
edge, but that's pure guessing.

My Gærmïn Nüvï also has problems with these sites, refusing to route
and/or not showing the map at the lowest zoom levels.

If I can do anything to test, please say so.

Best regards,

inline: mapsource.jpg___
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Fwd: OpenStreetMap e-mail - mkgmap bug report

2009-07-09 Thread Valentijn Sessink
Hi Mark,

(Let me introduce myself: hi, I'm the original problem submitter :)

Mark Burton schreef:
 Well, that's a bit odd. If you download this area into
 JOSM, it looks similar(ish) but by no means exactly the same.

Yep, that's what I did last night: open just the area around the problem
site and it shows like it should in my Garmin. And what's more: running
splitter like in my script, then just building a map of the isolated map
number 1 produces the same results, while JOSM shows the correct map.

The A27 highway in this area also disconnects. I did not picture this
fact, but  on my garmin, there's a gap in the bridge.

But now, after more checking, we have a winner! Using the same OSM file,
with --routing enabled will produce a map with gaps; having --routing
disabled will show a map with correctly connected ways.

So the right map is produced with:
java -Xmx$memory -jar mkgmap*/mkgmap.jar --country-name=Nederland
--country-abbr=NL --latin1 --lower-case --preserve-element-order
--location-autofill-1 --gmapsupp --net 1001.osm.gz

And the wrong map is produced by:
java -Xmx$memory -jar mkgmap*/mkgmap.jar --country-name=Nederland
--country-abbr=NL --latin1 --lower-case --route --preserve-element-order
--location-autofill-1 --gmapsupp --net 1001.osm.gz

Gentlemen, start your engines! (You won't know where to route, but do we
care? ;)

If you're interested in the OSM file I'm using, I could mail it to you,
but you could also easily build it yourself:
wget ''
bunzip2 netherlands.osm.bz2
java -Xmx$memory -jar $SPLITTERPATH/splitter.jar --max-nodes=100 \
   mapid=1000 netherlands.osm

Then use 1001.osm.gz to build your map.

Best regards,

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579

Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Fwd: OpenStreetMap e-mail - mkgmap bug report

2009-07-09 Thread Valentijn Sessink


Valentijn Sessink schreef:
 running splitter like in my script, then just building a map of the
 isolated map number 1 produces the same results

... produces a wrong map is what I meant to say.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] Fwd: OpenStreetMap e-mail - mkgmap bug report

2009-07-09 Thread Valentijn Sessink

Mark Burton schreef:
 I grabbed the source as you suggested but could not successfully
 create a map when the splitter had max-nodes = 100. One of the
 tiles failed in mkgmap (exception - NET1 offset too big, I think).

Shame on me. Yes, the offset too large was just what I encountered 5
minutes ago and I was going to write a new mail... Sorry for the
confusion, this seems to be the very problem.

I promise to never again turn assertions off.

 Can you load your broken map into mapsource and see if it is also
 broken there?

I did that, and broken on Garmin means broken in Mapsource, so your
checking was good.

Thanks for your help and sorry for the confusion.

mkgmap-dev mailing list