[MMouse]: Extra Ticket-October 5, Los Angeles--WHO WANTS?

2000-08-22 Thread John Arroyo

hey list,

i was wondering if you already bought your modest
mouse ticket for any of the LOS ANGELES, CA shows
(October 5/6) @ the John Anson Ford?  i have an extra
ticket for modest mouse October 5---im wondering if
anyone needs it. ill sell it for about $15--no service
charge or anything.  if you think its a good deal, i
can mail it to you and then you can send a check or
something.  i can only go to the October 6 show.  We
could work an even exchange if someone has an extra
October 6 ticket and needs and Octoebr 5 ticket? 
Please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if anyone needs
this ticket or knows someone who does.  Thanks!

John Arroyo

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Yahoo! Mail – Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: [MMouse]: and she said "what about the scene?"- Rally around the watercooler

2000-08-14 Thread john sertich

Isnt this basically what all popular television has become these
daysshows with no substance but are developed to make for interesting
conversation at the watercooler the next morning between colleagues at
work.peoples lifes have become so goddamn dull and boring and
homogenized that we need a freakin' television show to make ourselves feel
important. I am also lost at work in the morning when people asked if i
watched "Survivor" last night and im like no.some people look at me as
if I have a horn growing out of my forehead etc etc.its sad that your
inclusion into society has to be based on liking what everyone else likes or
what the fascist media programmers make you participate in or say u have to
do or buy to be considered a part of society today.fuck all that!

People are definitely becoming stupider and stupider! Oh and the other day
after discussing this damn show.someone brought up the idea about how
important do u think it is to be an individual.And the same people who
looked down on me for not watching a particular tv show, for going to a dank
smelly club to hear some band no one has ever heard of on a friday night
instead of going to the trendy new young meat market bar for yuppies and
making myself seen and for not wanting to go with them to the big outdoor
Dave Matthews concert with them where it is gonna be so cool to be drunk
with 50,000 other idiots say that indeed they are individuals in todays
society were asked if they follow the masses. Every single persons response
was a wholehearted NO, they said that they were individuals because they
like whatever they like as being popular and they dont follow the crowd, oh
OK..So what constitutes being an individual in today's

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: and she said "what about the scene?"

> OK the thing about the real world.
> I really dig this show because it is entertaining.  I don't necessarily
> its reality or something to be treated with seriousness, it's a tv show.
> serves it purpose well.  If these people want to do this, then that's
> for them, and I don't mind watching it.  It is very silly to release a
> soundtrack to the show and books and  have the cast make cameos on other
> shows and stuff, but hell, they become celebrites now.
> A funny thing is I remember on an older real world...with that puck
> guy...everyone was all in a fight because puck was saying that shows like
> 90210 are silly and shouldnt be watched and the other cast members were
> saying it was just fun to watch and get together with friends and talk
> it.  That seems to be what the real world has become.
> And i can absolutley see where someone could hate this show with a
> .bagel.

Re: [MMouse]: More "Real World" conjecture...

2000-08-14 Thread john sertich

I have an observation about this whole Promise ring fiasco...ive never
really watched the Real World or this one inparticular but I have one thing
to mention.How can u be sure that the members of the show picked these
songs? Couldnt it be true also that people behind the scenes in their
marketing department picked these songs to appeal to the so-called
"twentysomething college-age demographic"they figure that by including
what they probably perceive as college music would appeal to those who watch
the show and would hence buy the CD. I know its MTV and if they really
wanted to sell records they would have at least included 98 degrees, blink
182, and some fairly new rap/rock combopapa roach perhaps
But I am sure these people behind the scenes picked these songs, why else
would "Deep South" be included in an episode taking place in New
Orleansguess it kinda makes sense..how much do u wanna bet that if
the said show was taking place up in New England they would have included
"Pink Chimneys" just to seem clever or whatever..just an idea to ponder!


The show is probably scripted and anything these people say have probably
had to go through for someones approval so they assign them bands and give
them dialogue to say to make it appear as if these people picked these songs
so kids can be like, wow so and so picked this song becuase he/she likes it
and they are hot so it must be kewl to like them also..

-"like Im supposed to be interested in what she is saying becuase she is
like wearing a backpack"

- Original Message -
From: you can really get it on! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: More "Real World" conjecture...

> straight off the page originally referred to, yall..
> "Indie-pop found its way to the Big Easy, thanks to Melissa. She chose
> Promise Ring's "Deep South" and the Get Up Kids' "Red Letter Day." She
> that the Kids' song is egocentric, adding that, "I'm always me-focused. I
> firmly believe in me-ology." Thank you, Me-lissa."
> god damn, thats some link
> j
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

[MMouse]: Get NADER in the Debates

2000-07-27 Thread john sertich

For those of you who are really interested in 
getting Ralph Nader elected or even on the ballot in your state, should start by 
signing the petition to get him included in the debates. Heres a link to sign 
the petition:
It only takes a couple of 

[MMouse]: How Can You be Exhausted, Youve never worked a day in your life

2000-07-20 Thread john sertich

"uh, why do you wear that tape on your nose?"

"hey are you in the army, naw i just have short hair"

"he looks like a little banana"

definitely gotta be bottle rocket.i purchased this movie about six
months after it came out on video for $6 and i remembered it was in the
theater a short time before..it's kewl to know that such a bargain would
turn out to be my favorite movie of all time.most people who I tell this
to just look at my with a blank face."never heard of it".Well I had
a part-time job a while back at blockbuster mainly for the perks (5 free
rentals per week plus I was able to view the newest releases weeks before
they were released to the public) and recommended this to just about every
customer along with 'fight club', 'eyes wide shut', 'rushmore', 'wilde',
'reach the rock', 'high art', being john malkovich', 'pi', etc. And not one
single person who I asked how they liked it gave me a positive
response.some just asked me if there was anything wrong with me and how
could I enjoy a movie that required you to think too much, too
unconventional and filled with too much social commentary which most of the
general public did not want to or wasnt able to understand or accept.


btw, did anyone see the Dismemberment Plan tonight in DC at Ft. Reno Park
for free.excellent show with many celebrity sightings..ian mackaye,
guy picolleto, kim colleta, j. robbins and bill bardot all DC scenesters but
celebs anyway if u wanna call them that...

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n1063

2000-07-20 Thread John

Zach - You kick ass.  I couldn't have mentioned a better set of movies...however, I am 
going to try to
add four to your list...

the spanish prisoner.  drama.  written by david mamet.  starring steve martin in his 
most unfunny role
ever - perhaps his most brilliant work.  the acting is great, and the plot and 
characters are even
better!  you know how when you watch a bad horror movie you always feel this urge to 
yell at the
characters on screen?  like "no, don't go in there, you'll die!"  well, you'll want to 
do that during
this movie, but in a really good way!  just an incredible movie, and one of the best 
plots ever.  i'm
usually not a plot person.  i'm definately more for bottle rocket than i am rushmore, 
but this movie has
one of the best plots ever.  fecking incredible.

homicide.  drama/mystery.  written by david mamet.  notice a theme here? starring 
william h. macy and
joe mantegna.  mantenga turns in a gem of a performance in this film about jews and 
anti-semitism in new
york city. mantenga is a jewish cop torn between his heritage and his badge.  again, a 
brilliant plot,
but who would expect anything less from david mamet!  not me.  however brilliant the 
plot, it takes a
back seat to the development of joe mantegna's character.  david mamet rules.

lulu on the bridge.  drama.  written/directed by acclaimed american author, paul 
auster.  a quasi theme
continues - literary film!  starring harvey keitel, mira sorvino(swoon!), willem 
dafoe, and gina
gershon.  mira and harvey are the best parts of this movie, esp. mira who is brilliant 
and as always,
beautiful.  the movie is more like one of paul auster's novels than it is like his 
other two movies
(smoke and blue in the face) which were mildly disappointing.  so if you like paul 
auster's novels,
you'll LOVE this movie.  this is often available at blockbuster...but it's hard to 

the music of chance.  drama/mystery.  based on the novel by paul auster.  the novel is 
probably my
second favorite book ever (trailing only saul bellow's henderson the rain king) and 
the movie doesn't
disappoint.  starring james spader and mandy patinkin, the movie truly captures the 
self exploration of
the books protagonist.  i suggest you watch this movie if you want to be truly moved 
by the inner
struggles of a real person.

that's all from me.  i'll go crawl back into a corner with my david foster wallace 
stories and rachel
albums wishing for fall to come sooner.


john.bot v3.201

[MMouse]: my faves

2000-07-06 Thread John

here are some of my faves

r.e.m. - radiohead - pedro the lion - built to spill - rachels - modest mouse -
pavement - hieroglyphics - del tha funky homosapien - blackalicious - common -
masters of the hemisphere - bright eyes - dEUS - antarctica - moya - dialated
peoples - jurassic5 - karate - sdre - kincaid - beulah - neil young - ida - most
anything on kindercore - promise ring - get up kids - herbie hancock - john
coltrane - brother jack mcduff - grant lee buffalo - sonic youth - spiritualized -
matthew sweet - yo la tengo - morphine - elliott smith - and sooo many more...


john boyer
central michigan university
graduate teaching assistant
assistant debate coach

[MMouse]: MM Chicago show/Q and not U

2000-05-30 Thread John Elliott Boese

i'm resubscribing to the list after having unsubscribed approx. a year and
half ago; although i've been perusing the archives posted on the web for
a little while now trying to garner info about the new release, in order
to post to the list you (logically) must be a member.  so here i am again.

did anybody manage to record the chicago show at the metro a while back?
i'd die a happy man if i could ever get ahold of a copy--i thought the
show was one of the best i've seen of them.  i can hardly remember the
setlist, as i went there to accomplish two goals: 1)enjoy another terrific
MM show, and 2)get shitfaced.  mission successful on both accounts,
although the two aren't necessarily mututally exclusive.  i was the one 
drunkenly pleading for "edit the sad parts" as an encore for anybody on
the balcony level who could hear me...so, if anybody SOMEHOW managed to
record it and could post it on the web (i know this is a tall order)
you'll be my hero.

other than that, i remember reading in the archives about Q and not U--can
anybody tell me what they sound like now?  i only ask because the
guitarist and bassist went to my high school (i'm originally from the
baltimore area), and am greatly amused to see discussion of their band on
this list.

many thanks,

[MMouse]: Info on Me

2000-04-10 Thread John Carswell

I couldn't resist any longer...

1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?

John Carswell/Annapolis, MD/20

2.What is your favorite mouse song?

Overall, Edit the Sad Parts

3.What are five records you couldn't live without?

Out of my whole life...
Rodan - Rusty
U2 - The Joshua Tree
Sunny Day Real Estate - LP2
Radiohead - The Bends
Palace - Mountain EP

4. Putting records on the internet for free download:
bad or good?

Well, it's copyright infringement without the artists' permission, so I'd 
have to say no, except in cases where it is not otherwise available.

5.  Ebay, bad or good?


6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest, is he
voting for himself or what?

I dunno.  I don't care.

7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?


8.  First live show?

Pale Blue Star, Hedge at the Insomniacathon 1994 at Louisville (KY) Gardens.

9.  Worst live show?

I've seen a million horrible, high school punk band nothing little shows.  
It's hard to pick from those.

10.  Favorite sound?

My girlfriend's voice

11.  Least favorite sound?

Loud, obnoxious, drunk people

12.  Girls posting their pictures and email addresses
on the internet bad/good?

It's up to them if they want to take that risk, probably not a good idea 
though with all the psychos out there.

13.  What book should every person in america read?

The Bible

14.  Signing to a major bad/good?

Usually bad for bands that have a history as indie bands.  I guess good if 
you can hack it.

15.  Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to

I dunno, ask Gutter.

16.  Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic

It's cool with me when people have something semi-intelligent to say...I 
really hate posts like "Right on, man!"

17.  Favorite beer?


18.  Favorite color?

Commie Red

19.  What are you going to name your first born child?


20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells
tons about a

The Jerk
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Raising Arizona
The Princess Bride

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [MMouse]: Chicago

2000-03-24 Thread John Carswell

The new Radiohead is supposed to be completed (the recording part) nlt the 
end of this month and should be out by late summer/early fall.


>Subject: [MMouse]: Chicago
>Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 17:31:44 EST
>In answer to Taylor's question a few days back
>I would also be interested in meeting up with some of the 
>members at the show in Chicago...especially if they have no
>one to go with( I know a few of you said you were going 
>oh yeah...does anyone know when the new radiohead album comes out?
>they are touring europe soon...hopefully they will come

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

[MMouse]: MM, Vancouver, BC - 2/24

2000-02-25 Thread John Tosch

Headed over the border and for the show last night.
To me the band has hit a new level. Maybe it was the booze - but my friend
who was sober liked it just as much. Don't have a set list but highlights
included the return of Beta Carotine (sp?), and a real long encore, and a
solid mix of the standards, old stuff (broke), and some new ones
throughout. See 'em now...


John Tosch

[MMouse]: remove from list

2000-02-19 Thread john holton

Can the list admin please remove [EMAIL PROTECTED]
from the list?  That was my old account and I think it
just got deleted (therefore, I can't do it myself).

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n692

2000-02-18 Thread john holton

 With that out of the way lets talk about the most
holy listening
that was graced on humanity last year...the bands name
is My Morning 
JacketI was wonderin' what all you thought out
there in list 
land.also: anyone heard the new Home?

northern peace

yes yes.  i live in louisville ky and i've been
listening to jim (my morning jacket singer/songwriter)
play for about 5 years now.  this album is by far the
best thing he's ever done.  this album is by far
better than anything most people have ever done. 
everyone should own this.  go get it.


Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

[MMouse]: groundhog day

2000-02-17 Thread john edgar

This theological thread is so trite and cyclic.  Have you 
all (those of you participating, that is) not had this same 
discussion hundreds of times in your adult life to the same banal 
end?  Is this the Jewl newsletter?  Is freshmonic a word?


2000-02-15 Thread john edgar

Just got the latest SP singles-club 
installment.    Fields of Gaffney who are these guys?  
They're actually great, both songs.  Oh, and SP is selling 
the remaining MM "never ending math eq" 7" from the club.  Two 
per club member for five bucks each. That should put a glut in 
the e-black market.  

[MMouse]: MM cd-r

2000-01-16 Thread John Holton

if you've sent me money for a cd-r but haven't received it yet, drop me an
email please.  i need to double check my list of who to send one to.


[MMouse]: Fw: Advice For Robots Update

2000-01-12 Thread John Boyer

The Advice For Robots Webpage has been updated!
New submission to the poetry/stuff section...
Best of 1999 list is posted...
and instructions on how to hear Advice For Robots/Live in 
Boston, 1999 live mp3 radio steam!!!
check it out!!!http://welcome.to/afrreviews, sounds, 
features and more!
john boyer bot

Re: [MMouse]: sorry to do this to you, <---SCREW YOU!!!

2000-01-11 Thread john holton

Don't listen to this spammers fucking lies!!!  It is
not free and the
has been cracking down on liars like this that claim
you can get free
service.  Network World says this:

i would like to now make my sincere apology for
sending that to the list and making some people very
mad.  i assure you my intentions were pure.  i can no
longer afford to pay for an ISP (not even my current
crappy $10/month one), so i'm looking for an
alternative.  i also didn't think these "free"
services were so evil either.  they show you
advertisements while you're online.  just like
watching tv.  anyway, once again, i am very sorry and
nothing like this will ever happen again.

your friend,

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

RE: [MMouse]: magnolia

2000-01-10 Thread John Holton

> >>ps- "cider house rules" sucks.  it's like a bad movie of the week.
> just curious, but why did you hate cider house rules? i liked it alot.

i just thought it was a very predictable and a very corny coming of age
movie.  so predictable and corny that the emotional parts of the movie
weren't very emotional for me.  if  you wanna see a good coming of age
movie, see "outside providence".  actually i think it's right between the
theatre and video stages so you'll have to wait.  it was very funny.


RE: [MMouse]: will nature make a man out of me yet?

2000-01-10 Thread John Holton

> looking forward to magnolia...but the whole 3 hour thing sorta scares
> me.
> robert
> > 

don't worry bud, magnolia is the shortest 3 hour movie i've ever seen.

RE: [MMouse]: more movie talk/various comments

2000-01-09 Thread John Holton

> exodus thing?  anyone familiar with the bible?
> peace.  bp.

"Exodus 8:2" is seen a few times in the movie.  from the bible in front of

"If you refuse to let them go, I will plague your whole country with frogs."


ps- "cider house rules" sucks.  it's like a bad movie of the week.

[MMouse]: MM cd-r

2000-01-05 Thread John Holton

i sent a bunch of cd-r's out the day before yesterday.  there's no insert or
anything, so if anyone needs the tracklisting again just email me.


RE: [MMouse]: rushmore

2000-01-01 Thread John Holton

> woohoo hey list.  tonight i watched one of the most awesome movies
> ever..."rushmore."  there won't be like a point to this email in
> particular, except to watch "rushmore" because fuck it was awesome.
> does anyone have more insight on this?  ;)  i know i most not be alone in
> liking/loving this movie..so..insight!
> kaluha and creme = possibly the most disgusting alcoholic drink ever
> invented.
> - amy

oh yeah.  rushmore is probably the best movie of the decade. um, last
decade.  the criterion edition dvd comes out jan 18.  i can't wait.
outtakes, commentaries, etc.


[MMouse]: MM, Dec 22, Seattle

1999-12-19 Thread John Tosch

Haven't seen this one yet.


Modest Mouse
Mike Johnson
Sick Bees
Dina Martina

Dec 22, Re-Bar, Seattle


John Tosch

[MMouse]: Best of 1999

1999-12-02 Thread John Boyer

56. Justin Clayton - Limb
55. Guided By Voices - Do The Collapse54. The 
Dismemberment Plan - Emergency & I53. The Get Up Kids - Red Letter Day 
EP52. Belle and Sebastian - Tigermilk(REISSUE)    This 
record was too damn good to leave off...but since I've had it since1996, I 
didn't put it very high...51. Joan of Arc - Live in Chicago, 199950. 
Vermont - Living Together49. Hefner - The Fidelity Wars48. Tobin Sprout 
- Let's Welcome The Circus People47. Apples in Stereo - Her Wallpaper 
Reverie46. Sunday's Best - Where You Are Now45. Kincaid - Kincaid Plays 
Super Hawaii44. The Delusions - I Hope it Dies on a Sunny Day43. The 
Shyness Clinic - Sea of Redlights42. Sunny Day Real Estate - 
Live    Because it's live and there's no new material, this 
is lower than itshould be.41. Fountains of Wayne - Utopia Parkway40. 
Paris_Texas - So You Think It's Hot Here39. American Football - s/t38. 
Yars Revenge - dejected37. Spain - She Haunts My Dreams36. Superchunk - 
Come Pick Me Up35. Quasi - Field Studies34. Red Stars Theory - Life In A 
Bubble Can Be Beautiful33. Beulah - When Your Heartstrings Break32. 
Lullabye For The Working Class - Song31. Archer Prewitt - White 
30. Ben Lee - Breathing Tornados29. Promise Ring - Very 
Emergency28.5. Euphone -The Calendar of Unlucky Days28. Go Robot, Go! - 
Convertible27. Jimmy Eat World - Clarity.
26. Sloan - Between The Bridges25. 
Gomez - Liquid Skin24. Red House Painters - Retrospective23. Elf Power - 
A Dream In Sound22. Blackalicious - A2G EP21. The Folk Implosion - One 
Part Lullabye20. Looper - Up A Tree
19. The American Analog Set - A Golden Band18. Pavement - 
Terror Twilight17. Very Secretary - Standing In The Shade16. Antarctica 
- 81:0315. Luna - The Days of our Nights14. Rachels - 
Selenography13. dEUS - The Ideal Crash12. Matthew Sweet - In 
Reverse11. Pedro the Lion - The Only Reason I Feel Secure Is That I am 
Validated ByMy Peers EP10. The Roots - Things Fall Apart9. Damien 
Jurado - Rehearsals For Departure8. Beck - Midnite Vultures7. Flaming 
Lips - The Soft Bullettin6. Handsome Boy Modeling School - ...So How's Your 
Girl?5. Wilco - Summer Teeth4. Beth Orton - Central Reservation3. 
Counting Crows - This Desert Life2. Ben Folds Five - The Unauthorized 
Biography of Reinhold Messner1. Built to Spill - Keep It Like A 
Seth...why do you always like such good bands...come home to 
Oh, and before people flame me for having so many good albums 
so low on my list...pretty much everything outside of the top 20 is honorable 
mention and shares a spot at 21.  My opinions on those change faster than 
Ohio weather.  For instance, I just got the Dismemberment Plan album in the 
last month, but I haven't really been able to listen to it much...maybe when I 
give it some serious time it will crack the top 20...same goes for Kincaid and 
The Shyness Clinic.  Oh well.
Lonely in Ohio with no indie rock friends at a prickfilled 
liberal arts college...
Check out my homepage @http://welcome.to/afrreviews, sounds, 
features and more!

[MMouse]: UW show?

1999-11-20 Thread John Tosch

How was the friday seattle show at UW?
I'm on digest - sorry if it's already been covered...


John Tosch

[MMouse]: Eureka Farm (no MM, sorry)

1999-11-15 Thread John Tosch

Hey all,
 Thought I'd pass this along while we wait for some Mouse shows/releases.
I've seen Eureka Farm around Seattle a few times and they're amazingly
tight. Hard to describe, but really good. I think there's more info about

Eureka Farm
November 19th, 1999, Emo's, Austin, TX.
November 20th, 1999, Club Clearview, Dallas, TX.
November 22th, 1999, Green Room, Phoenix, AZ. 
November 23th, 1999, Club Mesa, Costa Mesa, CA.
November 24th, 1999, Viper Room, Los Angeles, CA.
November 25th, 1999, Cocodrie, San Francisco, CA. 
November 26th, 1999, La Luna, Portland, OR. 
November 27th, 1999, The OK Hotel, Seattle, WA. 
Check 'em out...


John Tosch

[MMouse]: the STATE

1999-11-01 Thread John Boyer

I must chime in...

I have all of the State episodes on tape, and the tape that Mtv put out with
3 new sketches on it.  They are far and away my FAVORITE sketch comedy
troupe of all time.

Please don't shower me with requests for copies of my tapes, for they won't
be filled, unless you have something worthwhile to trade me...it's hard for
me to get copies of my VHS tapes anyway, but if an interesting trade
presents itself I'll hook you up.

Oh well.

The State rules...so does this Cursive album I'm listening to now...and the
new Matthew Sweet record, and the new Luna recordall s good.


[MMouse]: Release Date...

1999-09-21 Thread John Boyer

There is no uniform release date that is required by law...it has just
become an industry standard.  When they put this standard in effect, it
actually increased sales by like 5-10 percent, so the record industry stuck
with it.  There are several distibutors who release records on Wednesday and
Thursday as well as Tuesday.  You can release a record any day you
want...most people choose Tuesday.



1999-09-15 Thread john edgar


[MMouse]: ohio

1999-07-30 Thread John Boyer

I'm from Ohio!  I live in Columbus and my parents live in Cleveland

AOL IM: stickpiano
ICQ #: 28876178

You guys are all welcome to message me...I'd love to talk about getting
together at a show.  For those of you thinking of heading to Columbus, the
local indie scene is exploding right now...there are some really, really
great bands lead by  Betaroric and Special Aviation Project among many
others.  Monday is Joan of Arc and American Analog Set!  Rock!

John in Columbus

Check out my homepage @
reviews, sounds, features and more!

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n433

1999-07-29 Thread John Boyer

Some of my favorite record label web pages are Deep Elm and Polyvinyl.  


Check out my homepage @
reviews, sounds, features and more!

[MMouse]: Better off Dead?!?!?!?!

1999-07-27 Thread John Boyer

While I hope yr just being a sarcastic idiot, I 
can't help but be enraged by yr comments...
>For Squirrels are better off dead. They represent all of 
the things that are >wrong about commercial rock radio.  The best 
career move that they could have >done was to die in that bus crash 
because it got the record played. Just wish >Matchbox 20 would follow the 
same path while colliding with the Third Eye >BLind bus...One can always 
I have several responses.A.  If you don't like modern rock radio, don't listen.  I know 
I don't listen, thus bands like MB20 and TEB do not bother me to the obvious 
extent that they bother you.
B.  For Squirrels were played for all of a month, unless 
you live in Florida where they were played for maybe 3 months.  

C.  That month came before the tragic death of John 
Vigliatura et al.
D.  They were coming back from CMJ, after supporting 
college rock and appearing on several college rock panels.
E.  The album never cracked the Billboard 
F.  Even if it had cracked Billboard and been a smash, it 
would have been great because they make good music and are nice people.  
When Modest Mouse cracks the Billboard 200 in the fall, I hope you don't say 
that they should die in a crash too because they will be commercial radio soon 
too, and you are going to have to deal with it.
I am probably taking this  post way too seriously, but no 
one is better off dead, despite how you may feel about them.
Check out my homepage @http://welcome.to/adviceforrobotsreviews, 
sounds, features and more!

[MMouse]: For Squirrels

1999-07-26 Thread John Boyer

The lead singer was killed back in 95, along 
with I believe the bass player and their tour manager.  They were just 
leaving NYC after CMJ in Septemper, 1995 for their home state of Florida.  
The crash was either in Jersey or Virginia, I can't remember.
The chorus to Mighty K.C. is as follows...
And by the grace of god go wild,
into the great unknown
things are gonna change
in our favor
And if we , if we fall 
over the great unknown
things are gonna change 
in our favor
"Under Smithville" is my favorite song on this 
album...which is generally really easy to find at used cd stores for really 
cheap.  I know i got my copy for like 3 bucks.  It's pretty good, 
grungey but that's what you're going to get from 1995 Rock music.  Oh, and 
by the way...it's on Epic.
Oh, and since others have 
shown interest, Red House Painters are releasing a 2 disc retrospective...a 13 
song greatest hits disc, and then a 14 song disc of outtakes, rarities, 
alternate versions and two unreleased songs.  No specific release date has 
been announced, but it is done and ready, and will be released on the record 
company's whim...i'd say any time now.
Check out my homepage @http://welcome.to/adviceforrobotsreviews, 
sounds, features and more!

[MMouse]: Lovelorn Songs...

1999-07-25 Thread John Boyer

Well...I must jump in on this thread.

Whoever gave out props to "Think(let tomorrow bee)" by SeBADoh is dead on as
far as sad, lovelorn songs go.  There are a few others that need
mentions...maybe someone will go out and check them out.

The first is "Have You Forgotten" by Red House Painters(although you could
pick several of Kozelek's songs).

Secondly, Wilco's "The Lonely 1" from the double LP Being There.

Thirdly, as cliche as it may sound, rock supergroup R.E.M. has a song called
"Everybody Hurts" which I'm sure all of you kids have heard...and as I'm
sure none of you want to admit, is a very good sad, lovelorn song.

Lastly, there is a song which I can guarantee many of you have never heard
called "Left Behind" by For Squirrels.  The song is a lonely piano dirge
ballad by the band made famous by the song "Mighty K.C."(Kurt) and the
tragic death of their lead singer in a car accident.  The song is on their
first album which is long out of print, entitled "Baypath Rd."  If you can
track down a copy of this album, I strongly recommend it.  At sometime I may
find a way to encode it into an mp3...though my copy is pretty crappy and

Alright...that's it for me...and there are so many more heartbroken songs
out there...

John in Ohio.

Check out my homepage @
reviews, sounds, features and more!

EMO band in Central Ohio ISO a guitarist, cellist and drummer
Band is called morgan.  Currently consists of drum machine, bass, keys and
Contact (614) 823-3317, AOL IM: Stickpiano, ICQ #: 28876178

[MMouse]: what is indie...the industry definition.

1999-07-17 Thread John Boyer

Just to give everyone a clear idea here...I personally stand on the side of
it's the music that matters...not the distribution.  The Flaming Lips are
probably the most innovative band in the world this side of Sonic Youth and
neither band is "indie", though we probably all agree they are genius.
Either way, there are lots of great bands on major labels and I own lots of
them(eels/Dreamworks, Morphine/Dreamworks, Built to Spill/WB, Beck/DGC,
Wilco/Reprise, and Radiohead/Capitol).  The way I see it, if I like it, i'll
listen to it.  Anyway, on to the industry definition.

I work in radio, and so despite my belief that genre titles should only be
used as loose guidelines, i am forced to pigeonhole every cd that makes it
into my office.  Any label that is distributed by one of the major labels is
not indie.  The 4 major distros as far as I can tell right now are Polygram,
Universal, Capitol and Warner Bros.  See, I screwed up already...Polygram is
now owned by Universal...Sony is the other.  There you go, 4 major distros
that have connections and family lines drawn all over the place...it's so
confusing.  This is why not all Matador releases were indie...ie. Liz
Phair - Whitechocolatespaceegg - NOT INDIE.  This CD was distro'd by
Captiol, NOT Matador.  Anyway...I'd have to do a little bit of digging, but
I believe despite it's connections to Sub-Pop, Up has remained indie, by not
using Sub-Pop's distro.  If they have will someone please inform me.  As far
as I know, Up has no connection to Sire.  The label Minty Fresh is indie,
despite the fact that it is owned by Geffen because they don't use
Universal's distro.  Also be on the lookout for a 5th major distro called
SKG(Spielberg Katzenberg Geffen) that owns Dreamworks records.  Several
other purchases and labels are on the way in the next 5 years from SKG,
along with some big signings.

Okay, if you waded through that, congrats.  If you didn't, that's fine.
Please realize that the 1st paragraph is my opinion, and the second
paragraph is the industry's stand.  Okay...ciao.


Check out my homepage @
reviews, sounds, features and more!

[MMouse]: tour mp3's

1999-07-14 Thread John Boyer

If some one on icq could get a hold of me, I'd love to hear the mp3's!

ICQ #: 28876178
AOL IM: Stickpiano



Check out my homepage @
reviews, sounds, features and more!

[MMouse]: profile thingy

1999-07-13 Thread John Boyer

NAME: John
SEX: Male HOME: Columbus/Cleveland(School/Home)EYE 
COLOR: Depends on the lighting(Blue/Hazel)HAIR COLOR: Brown
YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOWS? Upright Citizen's Brigade, Sifl and Olly, the 
State, the Critic, The Simpsons, Win Ben Stein's Money, The Batman and Superman 
Adventures, Alf, Fraggle Rock, The Muppet Show.  Damn I watch too much 
FAVORITE MAGAZINE?  CMJ(Industry Weekly), The Hockey News, No 
WORLD: Being caught picking your ass.BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD: Cuddling 
with someone special.
read a great book, play my bass, listen to music, go to concerts.
FAVORITE SOUNDTRACK: tie.  I shot Andy Warhol, Suburbia, Nightmare 
IN THE MORNING?  Where the hell is the snooze button.DO YOU GET 
EXCITING?  Somewhat exciting...don't really care either way.PEN OR 
Depends.  Phone in my room...3 because I generally have to run there from 
the living room of my apartment.  Phone in the living 
room...2.FUTURE SON'S NAME?  Haven't chosen one yet.FUTURE 
DAUGHTER'S NAME: Kaitlyn Claudia FAVORITE FOOD: Hmmm...Waffles with 
I suppose.CROUTONS OR BACON BITS: Bacon Bits all the way.
DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE?  I love driving.  I hate traffic 
though.  People are soo stupid.  I hate people.
Homer Simpson, Abraham Lincoln.WHAT IS YOUR ZODIAC SIGN? 
Taurus.WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE POET?  Thom Yorke, Dylan Thomas, Susan 
random cleaning product.  On my neck.
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN LOVE?  Yes.  Hopefully again sometime 
Joan of Arc poster.  my bookshelf and my cd racks(600+).
MOVIE(S)?  subUrbia, Barton Fink, Slacker, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking 
Barrels, American History X, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
LEFTY OR RIGHTY?  Proud to be Left-handed.WHAT'S UNDER 
YOUR BED?  Drawers full of clothes.WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE 
NUMBER?  87.WHAT IS YOUR DREAM CAR?  Hunter Green BMW 850 
Hemisphere - s/t, Genius + Love = Yo La Tengo, CaP'n Jazz - 
ANALPHABETAPOLOTHOLOGY, Jimmy Eat World - Clarity, Pedro The Lion - The Only 
Reason I Feel Secure.
balls.  I would want to.ARE YOU FRIENDS WITH ANY OF YOUR 
NOW?  Don't fucking be like everyone else, but don't try to be different 
either, just do what "you" want to do.  Expand your 
Check out my homepage @http://welcome.to/adviceforrobotsreviews, 
sounds, features and more!

[MMouse]: re: favorite lines

1999-07-09 Thread John Boyer

I've always been partial to...
"Close your eyes and you'll see nothing at 
all, or maybe it's just everything at once."
Thanks for whoever it was who put mad props up 
for "Talking Shit about A Pretty Sunset."  I hadn't heard that 
song in ages, and played it right away, only to be reminded of it's 
Any of you guys from Europe listen to dEUS that 
have a CD burner?  I'm looking to get a copy of their new album, but I 
don't want to pay the exorbitant import prices, I think I can arrange a 
trade...I have some live BTS or I could make a mix tape or something.  Or I 
could copy some albums you've been looking for in Europe but can't find...I 
dont' have a burner, it'd be on tapes. 
Oh well, thanks for any help.
Check out my homepage @http://welcome.to/adviceforrobotsreviews, 
sounds, features and more!

[MMouse]: re: malmo

1999-07-09 Thread John Boyer

Malmo is in Sweden.
I was a geography bee wunderkind at one 
Oh well.
Hey can any point me in the direction of the 
Modest Mouse page with the MP3's of the Japan Tour Only EP?  
Hi Seth!  Missed you at the Pedro the Lion 
show last Tuesday!  Where the hell were you!

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n395

1999-07-02 Thread John Elliott Boese

> it is well done, and the point comes across -- and a bonus point for
> anyone who can name the ts eliot poem -- mike

> If memory serves, it's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" or something
> similar, but I had a question too--has anyone read thea satirical rewrite

thank you.  

this list is getting too high school.  i think i'll unsubscribe, and then
go subscribe to the braid list because they're just SO cute.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n392

1999-06-29 Thread John Elliott Boese

the make-up is the shit.  "i want some" is about the best damn CD released
in a loong while.  many many songs, all very good.  i only wish MM
would do something so gracious.  i don't know about closure, especially
since several of their 7"'s were on other labels (this is even more true
if all-city and suicide squeeze actually release the rumored shit).
either way, a singles comp would be fucking awesome.  makes sense
financially; dipshits like me that bought most of the make-up's 7" records
bought the new CD.  i'd also buy a MM comp CD, and i own most of MM's &"

drunkly yours.

> > universally as well?  Well, for the sake of rumor, I was told that the
> boys
> > were considering the release of a singles comp not unlike The Make-Up's "I
> > Want Some."  Possible release early next year, maybe even a way to achieve
> > closure with Up?  It's all heresay, so let's keep it quiet... Hmmm...

Re: [MMouse]: i think im gonna vomit.

1999-06-10 Thread john patrick

I love subject lines. They make it clear whether or not I'm going to
have to read the message or not. Try it. and stop nagging darnit.

Re: [MMouse]: new pavement

1999-06-10 Thread john patrick

well, i love it, 'cause i still don't get most of the songs. that's
after four spins so far. for the moment I dig songs 1, 3, 11 a whole
fucking lot already. I plugged in the earset last night, and as it does
with almost any record it gave so much more pleasure. (...uhm, yeah.)
anyway, at least listen to track 3 on yr headset. amazing sounds in
it, though not too much in yr face. I think the production is very
subtle. I like it. cheers,
john patrick

[MMouse]: Whoaaa!!! New Pavement??!

1999-05-24 Thread john patrick

Hold on there,

Did you say the new Pavement album is out already? I only know of their
single (something with carrots)



Re: [MMouse]: more guilty pleasure. and bts.

1999-05-24 Thread john patrick

Well, "girl you'll be a woman soon" is fine song. I like the Pulp
version song by those two weirdos of what's their name? My grandmother
has tapes of Diamond, pretty cool granny, right?


Re: [MMouse]: more guilty pleasure. and bts.

1999-05-19 Thread john patrick

okay, a little addition.

You could say I'm guilty, but I don't feel that way at all, I'm just not

here goes:

Pulp, Daft Punk, Air, Underworld, Neil Young, Leonard Cohen. It's on the
edge for some of you, I know. Hope to have at least some eyebrows frown.

john p

[Fwd: [MMouse]: Re: Pixies and SY]

1999-05-17 Thread john patrick

SY are my kings and queen. followed closely by Unwound. There are times
Unwound are more my thing, but generally, SY has more je ne sais quoi
tugged under the supervisual sounds. it's deeper than anything I know.

Pixies rule definitely as well, luckily Frank Black still tours, I like
his first three solo cd's the latter two are too normal, middle of the
road. Breeders are said to be recording at this very moment. They have a
new song on the Mod Squad Soundtrack (the movie is the worst I've ever
seen though).

MM are one of my recent discoveries, although I didn't play their CD off
late. sorry to the diehard fans.


[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n334

1999-05-06 Thread John Elliott Boese

first off, it's really nice to see this list come back from the dead.  i
thought for sure after that nasty serious of emails, and the resulting
silence on the list, nobody would be left to write.  but here y'all are
again, striking up relevant and interesting conversations.

also, as has been said, mentioning the internet needn't be a sin 100% of
the time.  true, it's one of those topics that's SO easy to fuck up in a
song; MM, however, hit the nail on the head.

and to whomever said he/she doesn't listen to the new BTS all the way
through at home: what!!!???!!??!!  as with all of BTS/halo benders shit,
the last laugh is the best half.  anybody that doesn't dig on broken
chairs (the last track) and the subtle keyboarding of sam coomes (what a
great guest to have) lacks a soul.  i'd still agree that tnwwl is their
best, followed closely by pfno, but kilas ain't BAD.  much like LCW isn't
as good as this is a long drive..., but still rocks.  relative perfection,
once achieved, is difficult to keep up.

Re: [MMouse]: mean people

1999-04-29 Thread john patrick

I think it's okay for mike to have an opinion. I think it's alright that
you have an opinion too. It's a lovely planet, isn't it? Let's see who
we can get angry as well... Uhm, okay here goes: Courtney Love is a
bitch!, uhm, Eddie Vedder is a dweep who thinx he's special, people
wearing doc martens are more intelligent than sneaker wearers, clinton
is a fine man, people who jump and pogo at a concert are better fans.

okay, hit me, for I have an opinion!


Re: [MMouse]: mean people

1999-04-28 Thread john patrick

piss off dude, this ain't no whining list. find a shrink or join tha
Oprah group! I'm not sorry to post this thing to the list and you
privately and i'm def. not going to appologize for hurting your little
ego! Mailing lists are to express yr feelings, if you can't handle other
people's feelings and forthcoming comments, then UNSUBSCRIBE. sorry for
polluting the list w/ angry feelings. the devil made me do it!

cheerio, and oh yeah: enjoy good music, don't nag about it.
john patrick

Re: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n308

1999-04-01 Thread john patrick


later they admitted it was issaac hayes... the media suck!

Kyle Souza wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED],.Internet writes:
> >Please don't flame me for this, but I haven't even heard the rumor. I'm
> >new
> >here, also, so what is this rumor. Rumors are bad.
> Somebody reported to a local paper saying something about issac eating
> 12 crackers in under a minute.i know that it's a lie!!!  My 3rd
> grade science teacher's mother said, "le impossible`!!!"

[MMouse]: test

1999-03-27 Thread John A Holton


Re: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n299

1999-03-20 Thread john patrick

I've felt the same of various acts. But there is a sunny side to the whole
thing... A song can truly grow during a tour, it developes in many cases.
For example, concerts of Sonic Youth, Unwound and Blonde Redhead have
brought different interepretations of their studio material. Stuff that
wasn't thought out overnight. I hope the same goes for the mouse. I never
saw them live, so I can't judge.

john p

Connor K. wrote:

> does anyone else think that it's kind of cheap for the mouse to play a
> slight variation of the same setlist every god damned night? correct me
> if i'm wrong, but every setlist i see consists of "cowboy dan," "tailer
> trash," "doin' the cockroach," "tundra desert," "dramamine" and then a
> few interchangable numbers. you would think a band with such a girth of
> material would vary their live show a bit. y'know?
> -connor
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [MMouse]: nyu show

1999-03-11 Thread john


I've been to five Blonde Redhead shows and every show was better than the one
before. even if they're bored, they still loose themselves in their music and
they really care shit for the audience while the song's not over. They're
nice (the brothers), Kazu (the female singer) is more or less a bitch to talk
to. kinda ignorant/arrogant about what you have to say. Well, maybe it WAS
boring stuff I said. Hell, why can't she be polite then? Anyway, BR kicks the
asses of many bands, they're in it for the music as to for the attitude. From
your words I feel this was the case w/ the mice performance. Does success
bring you down?

btw, don't be bothered by these xtremely cool kiddos at concerts, if they
bore you, just stick your finger in one of their eyes (there's often two to
choose from) that will give them some respect. shows them the difference
between attitude and wanna-be-behaviour. P.S. take away the glasses first
with foureyed kids!

john p

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[MMouse]: ANY NYC ADVICE? (please?)

1999-03-09 Thread john

You know NYC?

a little minute of your time please.


Hey everybody at the other side of the big blue. Well from where I sit
that is...

My girlfriend and me are going to be in NYC from March 23 (evening) to
March 30 (morning). It's our second visit, so we don't have the statue
of L. and the Empire s.b. on our programme. Actually, the only thing on
our schedule is Elliot Smith at Irving Pl. and hanging out in Greenwich
village. I would be very pleased to get some info on the where, how and
what of cool places.

Do you know any special record stores we should visit, cool clothing
shops, galleries, clubs, bars, restaurants. We would like to see a cool
show. Elliot S. is quite okay, but actually a bit too mellow for our
taste. You know if there's cool bands in the Knitting Factory, the
cooler, CBGB's? I've seen some names, but they don't ring a bell. What
other clubs besides CBGB's etc. are worth checking out?

ANY tips are welcome. If any of you plan to come to Holland, lemme know.

Thanx in advance!

John P.

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1999-02-25 Thread john

check this link and have a laugh!


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Re: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n283

1999-02-25 Thread john

It would be a bit inappropriate to say "Fuck You Nicole!" in this whole
context. It's however complete bull whining on this subject without any
information. If you really want to go on with it, pick some more
interesting subjects. Like: Did Courtney have Kurt shot? Is Pearl Jam
playbacking all their songs? Is Elvis living down my street, converted into
some fatass gipsy woman? Are Modest mouse the cousins of the Presidents of
the USA? Does eating printer toner causes cancer?

Hope to get some answers to the above...

love, xoxoxoxoxo, etc.
john p

baby spine [marginal] wrote:

> >in all honesty, i believe in what the people on the above message
> >board are saying -- don't believe everything you read on the
> >internet.  this rape charge may be true, and if it is i can honestly
> >say that issac is a pig and that the stuff i've heard about him >being
> evil is true; but if this happened and the girl brought it to >the
> police why hasn't anyone important jumped on it yet?  seriously, >spin
> magazine and rolling stone and sonicnet and all of those other >fun
> magazines seem to be drooling over the mouse, so don't you think
> >you'd hear something about the whole horrible situation from them?
> um, no. not necessarily.  you're kind of saying, "i bet he DIDN'T rape
> someone cos i didn't read it in spin"--that's just as illogical as
> saying "i bet he DID rape someone cos i read it online", you know what
> i'm saying?  not to attack you, i just wanted to point that out...and
> there are many many things that the media chooses not to report, and for
> many reasons.  just one example i know of, tom sizemore (the actor) beat
> his wife and was arrested for it last year (per the l.a. sheriff's
> department), yet every time since then that i've read a "movieline" or
> "premiere" interview or profile of him, that was never mentioned.  hm.
> xoxo nicole
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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x-mozilla-html: TRUE

[MMouse]: Mouse in Vancouver

1999-02-23 Thread John Tosch

I hit the Saturday Vancouver show at the Starfish room. Good show, actually
one of the best MM shows I've seen in awhile. From what I heard, both shows
sold out. I didn't tape it and didn't check to see if anyone patched into
the board. Isaac started the show by saying "if you want your ass blown
out, then stay in the room." A few songs later he asked if "anyone's ass
was blown out yet?" Standard set list with the new songs "stars are
projectors", "third planet" and "this town is 500 miles underground". Also
a nice Broke, which I hadn't heard in awhile. No Dance Party/Beta Caratene.
Jeremy had a keyboard or drum pads (I couldn't see it) which he noodled on,
to make some cool sounds. I liked it.

That's it, now I have to get ready for Sleater-Kinney and Hovercraft in
Bellingham on Thursday and then two days of Fugazi in Portland and Olympia
over the weekend.

Ted or Eric - are either of you taking your equipment to any of the NW
Fugazi shows? Please email privately if so...


John Tosch

Re: [MMouse]: indie rock

1999-02-19 Thread john

Brandon Seaton wrote:

> howdy,
>i am fairly new to the list, and i have a problem.  the whole 'indie
> rock' concept is super fuzzy to me.  does it only relate to the band being
> on an independent label?  i've heard people call Perfect from Now On an
> indie rock album, but its on Warner Bros.  If an indie rock band signs to
> a major label, does it cease to be an indie rock band?  am i missing the
> point entirely?

Brandon Seaton wrote:

> howdy,
>i am fairly new to the list, and i have a problem.  the whole 'indie
> rock' concept is super fuzzy to me.  does it only relate to the band being
> on an independent label?  i've heard people call Perfect from Now On an
> indie rock album, but its on Warner Bros.  If an indie rock band signs to
> a major label, does it cease to be an indie rock band?  am i missing the
> point entirely?

Yep... You are who you are. And that's it. labeling is pathetic. Labeling is
for marketeers, I guess if you wanna label, you're not indie. hehe.

Hope you're still confused.


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x-mozilla-html: TRUE

Re: [MMouse]:

1999-02-16 Thread john


john edgar wrote:
 Can we
end the banter about substance-use yet?  It seems to be somewhat cyclic.
flimsy opinions being splinted with other peoples e-anecdote statements.
Or perhaps "pious-mouse" would be a better name for the list and we can
all do without subjective reasoning all together in our experience. 
Do I hear organ music?
Do I see tears? hehe  

begin:  vcard
fn:     john nijkamp
n:  nijkamp;john
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email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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note:   mikser grafisch ontwerp/mikser graphic design
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Re: [MMouse]: Early results

1999-02-16 Thread john


> -one thing that really bugs me tho, is that there are certain people (usually
> people i dont care to associate with anyways) that cant be friends with people
> who dont use drugs.  like those "lets go smoke up" or "high all day" kind of
> people.  and they look down on you cos yer not down with being fucked up all
> the time.

that's whining bullshit! It's the other way around too, but anyway who cares man!
You get down 'cause others say you're not cool? Than this one's for you: "YOU'RE
NOT COOL." (no offense)

> i also wondering if ecstacy is big anywhere else?  im from long island(new
> york), and id say 75% of people my age have tried it or take it regularly.

i guess in holland about 25% of youngsters under 20...


begin:  vcard
fn: john nijkamp
n:  nijkamp;john
adr;dom:;;PB 815;Deventer;-;7415 ax;
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:   0570 504127
tel;fax:0570 504137
note:   mikser grafisch ontwerp/mikser graphic design
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1999-02-16 Thread john edgar

Can we end the banter about substance-use 
yet?  It seems to be somewhat cyclic. flimsy opinions being splinted 
with other peoples e-anecdote statements. Or perhaps "pious-mouse" 
would be a better name for the list and we can all do without subjective 
reasoning all together in our experience.  Do I hear organ 

Re: [MMouse]: drugs and the indie rocker

1999-02-15 Thread john

I've been standing at the sideline of this whole thing, cause I'm dutch. Envy
me, but pot is legal here. Sorry, but it's true. Well, I guess most of you
knew this. Anyway, being dutch doesn't automatically make me a dopehead. I'm
not, though I smoke my share of pot every once in let's say a six months
The thing is: I could smoke a huge bag of marihuana and notice hardly
anything, when I'm around other people, whereas just a tiny bit of stuff in a
cigarette can make me go bezerk when I'm alone. Preferably in bed.

When you're all alone the stuff works best and there's no destraction. I
rediscovered a lot of albums through listening to them stoned. And the
effects stays when I listen to them later sober! There's a sea of sounds you
don't notice whithout drugs. And reading this mailinglist, others seem to
have that experience too. I first noticed this effect while listening to
Sonic Youth's Experimental Jet Set Trash and no star. The guitars battle
eachother in a headphone each throughout the record. I had a similar
experience with Surfer Rosa/Come on Pilgrim of the Pixies. There's so much
more inside this record than you could ever discover sober! I think the
special thing about listening to music stoned is that you can much better
understand the things the artist means or feels. It seems that way anyhow...

On another level; talking 'bout orgasmic feelings: a real (physical) orgasm
feels a 1000 times more intense while stoned, but I guess this is a bit off

So what's there left to say. I think you as cool as any other when you are
against pot and stuff and stuff, but denying its effects is plain bull.


Nero Wolfe wrote:

> It's extremely difficult to find anybody writing objectively about
> the effects of marijuana beyond the typical 'Half-baked' stereotypes.  But
> I do smoke my share and i'm not an idiot, even when I'm stoned.  As most
> folks probably already know, pot greatly enhances both the desire for
> entertainment, for one-way stimuli, and the capacity to enjoy them.  Do I
> get more out of listening to music when I'm stoned?  Absolutely.  First of
> all, it usually requires having smoked some before I'll fully commit
> myself to just LISTENING.  Like to an entire album loud on the headphones
> with zero distractions (save the cigarettes I'm chain-smoking).  No
> books, no phone, no e-mail...  And I honestly get more out of the
> experience when I'm stoned - you can attribute this to good old 'pot
> thinking.'  This is a pattern of intense intellectual activity in which
> one's own thoughts become hugely self-important, which, as anybody knows
> who's ever witnessed someone in the throes of 'pot revelations,' usually
> sound better in your head than out loud.  I become hyper-concious of
> aspects of music beyond the melody and the words; tones become extremely
> important, as do the production, beats, guitar effects.  I also find that
> it solidifies my opinions on music - something that I really like sober
> can become positively orgasmic when I'm stoned.  Conversely, music that
> I'm kind of wishy-washy on becomes absolutely detestable and inexcusable.
> What I love about pot is that it cultivates a mind-set where music becomes
> so goddamn important; if you don't need to be stoned to feel this way,
> then more power to you -- I just find that it helps.
> 7 great indie-rock stoner albums:
> Unrest - Imperial f.f.r.r.
> Built to Spill - Perfect from Now on
> Sebadoh - Smash Your head...
> sea and cake - sea and cake
> cornelius - fantasma
> trans am - anything
> mm - long drive for someone...
> any thoughts?  is this all just pathetic justification?
> on an unrelated note - big ups to maria sciarrino.

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email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:   0570 504127
tel;fax:0570 504137
note:   mikser grafisch ontwerp/mikser graphic design
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1999-02-12 Thread john edgar

I picked up a record yesterday by Death Cab for 
Cutie called "something about airplanes," which is borderline-great on 
ownership day two and continues to grow on me.  Have any of you fellow 
northwesterners on the list caught their live show?  Just 

[MMouse]: sex, yeah yeah yeah

1999-02-11 Thread john


Sorry for being a nerd that actually answers yr statement seriously, but
what. I w/ my girlfriend now for 4 1/2 years. she used to like lenny
jon bon jovurg, guns n roses, plain and simple shite. anyway, i
tried to
develop her taste. made an action plan for it that was more or less like
start off by playing smashing pumpkins for her. she liked it
immediately, played
the plasticprotection stuff off of siamese dream and started to listen
to other
cd's when i wasn't home. she immediately digged nirvana, sonic youth,
that sort of stuff. i was astonished, thinking she was faking she liked
it or
so, but no it was real ! yeah!  Her favorites at the moment are:
Redhead, Unwound, Sonic Youth and Pixies. She doesn't really like MM,
but I'll
sneak that into her taste-brain-cells by constantly playing it.
Actually, did
you know what she said about MM the first time I played it to her?
"mwah, sounds
like the presidents of the USA". Pardon ME!

Anyway you don't have to be polar opposites (hehe) to attract. We have
music tastes and like most of the same art, fashion, vacations, meals,
sneakers, tv shows, comedians, movies, sexpositions, drugs, people,
work, etc.
Don't pitty me for a boring life. it's not.


hope yall find a nice partner. haha, love the subject of this whole


> In a message dated 2/9/99 8:40:37 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <<
> cause we're horny... it's the indie rock way you cannot deny it...
> >>
> i don't know about that. lets talk about this: i know so many indie
rock boys
> without sex drives...or at least, they act that way. That's why i
never date
> anyone who listens to the same kind of music i do. They're all either
gay or
> are too isolated and concerned with image to talk to girls. Now why is
> Karina

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fn: john nijkamp
n:  nijkamp;john
adr;dom:;;PB 815;Deventer;-;7415 ax;
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:   0570 504127
tel;fax:0570 504137
note:   mikser grafisch ontwerp/mikser graphic design
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1999-02-10 Thread john edgar

Does anyone know if MM is playing at SXSW this 
March?  I saw Track Star listed, as well as Murder City Devils, and was 
thinking perhaps MM just hasn't confirmed for this year yet.  

[MMouse]: Hot Opportunity for 99 !

1999-02-08 Thread John

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