[MMouse]: Voting Again

2000-08-30 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 08/30/2000 1:18:48 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 uhm, i think it makes sense...but perhaps not.  i don't think you read what
 i even say - i think you just take whatever sounds bad from it and try to
 make me out to be an ass.  i never said that this was an ABSOLUTE opinion
 of mine - i said it was a perspective of a few that i take...but why read
 into that when you can just make me sound like an idiot? 

I won't discredit anyone's opinion, but I've voted in plenty of elections, 
and it makes me sad to think that people EVER practice "lesser evil" 
politics.  The true practice of democracy means that you should only vote for 
someone you truly believe in (and, after hearing his opinions on Elian and 
missile defense, I could tell you I'd never vote for Gore, no matter how much 
I hate Bush - it's Nader all the way).  In fact, a better practice of 
democracy means de-emphasizing these phony elections we have, and getting 
involved in things like demonstrations, circulating petitions, direct action, 
etc.  But in any event, voting for someone who is "less bad" is just a damned 

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: B-A-R-D-O

2000-08-16 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 08/16/2000 1:25:20 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 You can order yr copy of the new 10" direct from Three
 Lobed Records right here:
I ordered my copy a month ago, and nothing's hit the mailbox yet.  Should I 
worry and throw a tantrum and kick my legs on the floor by now, or did you 
just get it in the last couple days?

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n1112

2000-08-11 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 08/11/2000 8:24:32 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 SHIT. Now I have to try and find the 7" material. I agree, the EP versions
 are much better than the MA versions. Are the 7" versions better?
Am I right in assuming there's no 7" anything anywhere?  The Japanese EP is 
CD only, on a K Records/Rebel Beat Factory joint imprint, and the US EP is on 
12" vinyl.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n1079

2000-07-29 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 07/29/2000 4:41:53 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 but how much of a difference can a small number of voters make? 
 what's the percentage of voters our age turnout at the polls, yet even make 
 a difference in the outcome?  

That's like saying, if only four people turn up for a demonstration, does it 
make a difference?  It certainly does if some or all of them commit civil 
disobedience.  The important thing to keep an eye on is your definition of 
"make a difference."  In response to very large and well-entrenched power 
structures, sometimes the best thing you can accomplish in your life is being 
Coyote the Trickster, the fly in the ointment, the turd in the punchbowl, the 
person who tipped over the card table where everyone was playing a rigged 
game of Monopoly, so that no one could play Monopoly any more.  
   Our newspaper in Colorado Springs, a very conservative paper, had an 
excellent editorial criticizing the city council in Philadelphia for trying 
to pass laws preventing demonstrators at the Republican convention.  The 
editorial said, hey, some people get very annoyed with demonstrators, and 
lots of times people couldn't saunter down the street to get their latte at 
Starbuck's when they wanted to, but democracy is messy.  Democracy makes 
things run late and makes things fuck up.  The only political system where 
trains run on time is fascism.  So it's OK to think that the highest goal you 
will reach in your life is being a monkey-wrench in the plans of others.  
Perhaps that sounds overly-nihilist, but nihilism can be both called-for and 
ethical at times

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Nader

2000-07-27 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 07/27/2000 11:52:45 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 how so?  if you aren't in favor of any of the candidates should you vote 
 someone just for the sake of feeling obligated to vote???  now thats sad...
 -- Tour de Force, Defacto, Ayuchuco! --

Bravo!  Never, never, NEVER vote lesser of two evils.  Vote ONLY for someone 
you truly believe in.  Gore has enraged me so much with his opinion on Elian 
and his out-hawk opinion vs. Bush on nukes and NMD weapons, when people tell 
me my vote for Nader might help get Bush elected, I answer, "Like I fucking 

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n1076

2000-07-27 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 07/27/2000 5:01:42 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 you do what you want, but i don't want an insane person in office just so
 that people could have rebelled against gore.
 - amy
George Dubya ain't insane, he's just dumb as a fucking fencepost.  And many 
of his advisors, notably Condoleezza Rice, are more intelligent than anyone 
working for Gore.  The Repubs to watch out for are the Neanderthals in 
Congress like DeLay and Helms and Lott.  But I fear a Gore administration 
almost as much as I fear a Bush administration - he'd give us 
ballistic-missile weapons even faster than Bush, for example - and thus I 
will vote for Nader because I find both of the major-party players so 
utterly, utterly despicable.  But a larger point to remember, Amy, is that 
elections in the US are demonstration elections, bread-and-circus affairs to 
make people believe they have democracy.  Real democracy is practiced in 
petition drives and street protests and city council meetings and stuff like 
that.  The rest is rich-folks' window dressing.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Beatles on the Pavement

2000-07-19 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 07/18/2000 7:38:51 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 i'm so serious... horribly, bone-chillingly serious. read very carefully:
 That is what's known as an opinion, and you can't argue with an opinion;
 there's no point.
You're totally right, no one can be sick for expressing their opinion.  I 
could add as a big Pavement fan, however, that the breadth of style in what 
Malkmus/Spiral/Ibold write for hooks is much more limited than the breadth of 
hooks that the Beatles (and many other bands, for that matter) wrote. I think 
if you ran some kind of official statistical analysis of their music, you 
could state that as an objective fact.  But that doesn't mean that someone 
can't think Pavement is the epitome of pop music for the style they use.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Bright Eyes

2000-07-17 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 07/17/2000 4:55:46 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 i don't like them.  i don't understand.  am i
 missing something?  how do people who have an obvious appreciation of great
 music (esp. modest mouse) love bright eyes so?  somebody, please explain
 the bright eyes phenomenon because i ain't getting it and i think i kinda
 want to or it wouldn't bug me so much that i don't.  just out of curiosity,
 how old are you bright eyes fans?  don't take this the wrong way, but i'm
 wondering if they appeal to a younger audience and if perhaps they're more
 about adolescent suffering.  sadly, i'm more of an adult sufferer.  

I kinda like some Bright Eyes stuff, but am not zoned about it.  A bunch of 
friends from the GbV listserv went to that Austin show you spoke of, 
primarily to see Grandaddy and worship at said feet.  The consensus of most 
of those in the Grandaddy gang was "Bright Eyes was goat-bleating tedium."  
Now remember, folks, I didn't say that, the Grandaddy fans did

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n1043

2000-07-13 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 07/13/2000 12:11:47 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 I would have to be counted among the ones whom don't like and/or appreciate
 Ween.  I saw them in Seattle for the first time a few weeks ago (on the
 guest list).  They were like seeing a bad movie or bad art.  We gave it a
 chance and then left. 

Another vote in that direction.  I find their studio albums 
on-again/off-again interesting, but I saw them in Vegas (no, not at a casino, 
at a seedy downtown club) about three years ago, and walked out after the 
show, fundamentally not getting it.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n1012

2000-06-27 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 06/27/2000 12:55:24 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 i too had to devote an entire semester to that one book and i am overjoyed
 that i had such an opportunity. if all you can say is that ulysses is
 'pretentious bullshit' you obviously didnt understand too much...

I'll agree with this observation.  "Finnegan's Wake" pushes the prospects of 
the English language further than anyone else before or since.  As snobbish 
as it sounds, I just tell people that don't like James Joyce or Thomas 
Pynchon that they just don't get it.  This is complex, puzzle-box stuff, but 
it's hardly pretentious.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n1014

2000-06-27 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 06/27/2000 5:15:18 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 Was reading Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk
 Hey, that book was groovy...
 I would suggest anything by Gore Vidal...him and Vonnegut, 

I'm sure most on the list have read David Foster Wallace (Infinite Jest, 
Broom of the System, etc.), but you'll also want to check out ANYTHING by 
Richard Powers - Three Farmers On Their Way to a Dance, Goldbug Variations, 
Prisoner's Dilemma, Operation Wandering Soul, Galatea 2.2, Gain, Plowing the 
Dark, it's all wonderful stuff..

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n1000

2000-06-23 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 06/23/2000 12:25:15 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 ...i have no problem with poeple not liking my
 bands, or people liking shitty groups, (even though i usually don't hesitate
 to tell them i don't like a particular band), my only problem is somebody
 hell bent on the crap they listen to and telling me i'm wrong for thinking a
 band is crappy when they haven;'t even heard the bands i like... 

What I tell people is, "You know why I'm an elitist pig?  Because so many 
people actually LIKE 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire?'  Because that's proof 
positive that 90 percent of the human beans walking around on the planet are 
largely dysfunctional jackasses.  This may not mean all mainstream music 
sucks by nature, but it certainly means that there is no relationship between 
popularity and quality."

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Night on the Sun Modest Mouse EP

2000-06-03 Thread LWirbel

Hey, has anyone gotten their mailed copies of the Up Records "Night on the 
Sun" vinyl EP yet?  Mine came today, cover art is wunnerful, as is the EP 

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n900

2000-05-22 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated Mon, 22 May 2000 10:58:35 PM Eastern 
They opened for the
Dismemberment Plan ( I didn't care for them though).

WHOA ???

please xplain
how can you not like the d-plan ??

math hue

Agreed.  With all due respect, I find it hard to see how sane people could not be 
insanely crazed about the D-Plan.  At times, I think I like em better than Modest 

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n850

2000-05-07 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 05/07/2000 4:33:57 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 i will agree. i saw the apples in stereo live and was bored to the core.  

Since I live in Colorado, I see Apples pretty regularly, and they're a real 
on/off band -- either they're superb, or they're a snoozer.  When they opened 
for Modest Mouse a couple years ago, they sucked royally, but when they open 
for High Lllamas, they were great.  I really think Apples' new album is good, 

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: PB: Tone Deaf

2000-04-11 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 04/11/2000 8:42:53 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 With that being said, US Maple is without a doubt the worst live act in
 recent memory!
 My condolences to US Maple and there legions of tone deaf fans.

I find it highly strange or possibly cosmic that Postal Blowfish and the 
Modest Mouse list are simultaneously engaged in debates on whether US Maple 
are geniuses or horrible (I vote for both.)

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n780

2000-04-10 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 04/10/2000 1:46:23 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 " i think i am the oldest human
on this friggin list! 26..."
 nope. 29. wear's my depends?

Nope, 42 all you yung-uns.  The only reason I didn't fill out a survey to 
that effect is because I HATE filling out surveys.

Dying of old age in the mountains,

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: The tenuous Denver show

2000-04-06 Thread LWirbel

All indications are that the Denver May 3 split BtS/MM show at the Bluebird 
ain't happening, unless negotiations are just REALLY dragging out.  Damn!  
Anyone got anything solid?

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n731

2000-03-10 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 3/10/2000 10:25:53 AM Mountain Standard Time, 

 one last thing. . .anyone else on this list like steely dan?  i mean, 
 like them, not in a hah-hah they're funny my parents used to listen to them 
 way.  i'm happy that a) they've put out a new album (though i've not yet 
 heard it) 

Heard the album, saw them perform on Letterman and a PBS special.  It's 
interesting merely for being the Dan, with the oddball lyrics you can't quite 
figure out, etc., but it sounds too lite-jazz-smooth, none of the rough edges 
or Skunk Baxter-style guitar of early albums (hell, it's 20 years since 
"Gaucho", they're old farts).  And, as a reviewer pointed out already, some 
of the new lyrics are just, well, creepy, in a 
your-weird-uncle-wants-to-screw-you kind of way.

Also, in re the comments about selling out to commercials (the latest insult 
was seeing Henry Rollins do Nortel Networks magazine ads), there's a 
counter-argument that can be made that merely by being born on this planet 
you become corrupt to the ways of the Spectacle to a certain extent, but I 
guess I figure that if you're blatantly selling song rights to anyone from 
Ford to Nortel, you're pretty much whoring around with a sign on the door.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: MM/BtS Denver Show?

2000-03-04 Thread LWirbel

Mousers, need some help here!  Heard on good authority that there will be one 
of those joint Modest Mouse/Built to Spill shows in Denver May 3 or 
thereabouts, but none of the usual NIPP/TwistShout/ticketweb/Ticket Bastard 
sources seem to know anything about this?  Anyone got solid info?

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n698

2000-02-21 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 2/21/2000 3:59:33 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

 In essence, what you (Russ) are doing is assuming a position of
 intellectual property owenership over something which you are freely
 distributing, and which you are freely distributing in a way that breaks
 the current intellectual property laws. 

Difference: If you distribute material for free, you can make an argument 
(often not accepted by the courts) for "fair use."  Once someone, like eBay 
auctioneers, make a personal profit off it (ooh, that rhymes), fair-use 
arguments go out the window.  Now, if someone was making offers to 
redistribute Russ's files for free to someone who wouldn't ordinarily get it, 
or offer to burn for cost of CD plus postage, that once again could fall 
under fair use.  But you can't just use the libertarian argument that 
"whatever some idiot will pay for is OK to sell."  So Russ's gripe does 
indeed hold water.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n676

2000-02-11 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 2/11/2000 2:31:19 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

 But back to the 
 point---it's not as if Modest Mouse is a victim to this major label.  Don't 
 forget they choose to sign with Epic.  Epic did not "screw the general 
 public", Modest Mouse did.  

Bill, your point is well-taken.  What's that TMBG says, "Can't shake the 
devil's hand and say you're only foolin"?  Yeah, Epic will give them wider 
exposure, but they had to go in with eyes wide open, knowing what the majors 
would inevitably do.  And I don't begrudge them for it, it just is what it is.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Building Nothing

2000-01-13 Thread LWirbel

Hey, my copy of Modest Mouse's "Building Nothing" came from Up today 
(amazingly fast service, Up!).  Even if the choice of tunes was sub-optimal, 
Up gets points for great cover art, with the translucent tissue paper with 
architectural diagrams and all.  But what's this "Copyright 1999" shit?  
We're halfway into January, and folks are still scared to date their CDs for 
the new century?

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n632

1999-12-29 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 12/29/1999 12:45:40 AM Mountain Standard Time, 

 Does anyone have the track list for the night on the
 sun japanese ep? Also if anyone has an MD player and
 is interested in a copy of the ep let me know. Thanks.
Night on the Sun, Dark Center of the Universe, Wild Pack of Family Dogs, 
You're the Good Things (All Right to Die), Your Life, Untitled.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n627

1999-12-23 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 12/23/1999 2:01:34 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

 I was pointed 
 in the direction of Godspeed You Black Emporer, and I was foiled again.  
 Never have I heard a more pointless effort at music in my days.  The only 
 thing worth listening to is the samples of people they have talking, and 
 since they are samples I can't exactly give them credit. 

What can I say?  They may not be my favorite band, but GYBE are so rich in 
musical talents, I have a hard time trusting the opinion of someone who 
doesn't think so.  Someone I would agree partially on, though, is Mogwai, who 
are interesting at times, but have a stultifying sameness album to album.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n606

1999-12-09 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 12/8/1999 4:45:48 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

 ok, this is the first time i've actually written to this thing...i just 
 to back up dustin about beck.  personally, i think beck is awesome.  almost 
 every song AND video he does is amazing... i don't know what the hell you 
 guys are talking about... HE RULES!
I'll have to weigh in with Barb here.  I'm someone who loves extreme noise 
and skronk, and has always hated disco, yet I find myself listening to 
"Midnight Vultures" all the time for the pure silliness of it all.  Sorry 
Russ, you're just plain crazy

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n569

1999-11-23 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 11/23/1999 4:11:50 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

 I recommend starting out with "Vineland" or "The Crying of Lot 
 49", although my favorite is "V.".
If you're ambitious and want to be frightened to death, read "V," and then 
"Gravity's Rainbow".  V is kind of a prelude to Rainbow, and Rainbow is just 
the most perfect piece of literature in the English language.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n547

1999-11-10 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 11/9/1999 10:55:35 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

 so, I was so excited about going out with this girl Melissa on Wed.   like 
 tomarrow, but she has not called me back, so essentially I was stood up, I 
 was so excited, Goddamn I was so excited.  I hate people.  I fucking hate 
 college.  I just want to move to NYC and be a photographer, soon so soon.
 This plane is definatly crashing
 And my heart is slowly drying up
Hell, getting dumped every now and then is good for character development.  
Relax.  Have another beer.

Loring Wirbel
whose true love once ran off with a punk drummer
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n540

1999-11-03 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 11/3/1999 8:25:50 AM Mountain Standard Time, 

 But on another note- nobody ever responded to my post
 about Guided by Voices.  Is there a Gbv fan in the
 And also, does anyone know anything about Fuck? (the
 band, not the colorful verb/noun)
Hey, you're talkin to a founding member of the Postal Blowfish listserv, and 
a loyal GbV fan since 1994!  Fuck is kinda folk--rocky, pleasant stuff, 
interesting lyrics at times.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Two Blue Cadet Copies

1999-10-31 Thread LWirbel

Hey, folks, I posted a few months' back about having two extra copies 
(sealed) of the K Records 7" single, "Blue Cadet 3".  It's not out of print, 
but kind of hard to find in some places.  Anyway, price plus postage would be 
about $6 or $7.  The two folks who originally wanted them don't want them any 
more.  The first two to e-mail me can have them.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n531

1999-10-28 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 10/27/1999 10:39:47 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 My god.  I don't blame you for your apathy; I myself do little to nothing. 
 But to deride someone for not being apathetic is ridiculous, Mein Furher.
Amen to that.  Financial powers that pull the strings behind the curtains 
would like nothing better than for people to deride the non-apathetic as 
uncool.  In fact, that's the way the media cover politics, as celebrity games 
of money and power.  They deliberately do not cover citizen grass roots 
actions, leading a lot of people to look at those who wear political T-shirts 
or carry around petitions or join street protests as though they just farted 
in public.  Congratulations on buying into their game of making apathy the 
epitome of hip.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n523

1999-10-24 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 10/23/99 12:01:55 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 Is there a list moderator?
 Everyone's just talking shite here.
Boy, this person would NOT have the tolerance for the Guided by Voices list, 
where one of every 300 posts might possibly be about GbV, if you're 
lucky.  Personally, I like off-topic garbage...

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n490

1999-09-28 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 9/28/99 6:47:36 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 And I wasn't
 about to go to Bill's and get screwed out of probably twenty dollars.. The
 bastard doesn't even price his stuff, you have to go ask him, and he decides
 how much to charge you. And it always varies.  

Bill is evil -- E_V_I_L!  I almost wish the IRS would bust him.  But then 
Dallas wouldn't have ANY good places to buy records at.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n482

1999-09-20 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 9/19/99 11:19:32 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 in case you forgot, I too am from colorado.  If you look closely at the 
 you will see that little #1 by colorado.
 thank you,
Oops!  D'OH!  (Loud sound of head-smacking).

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: 69 Love Songs

1999-09-18 Thread LWirbel

Oops, Nirra, I forgot to respond, I'm from Colorado, and apparently am the 
only such person on the list.
Now, for the more important issue:  Anyone on the list been through all 3 CDs 
of Magnetic Fields' "69 Love Songs"?  This just shoved out Guided by Voices 
and Mogwai and a few others from my list of the best releases of 99.  Amazing 
album, particularly considering that Stephen and company can do 69 songs in 
three hours with virtually no filler.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n470

1999-09-10 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 9/10/99 12:32:02 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 from 9-23-98 apparently from RCKNDY? did anyone see this show? its a
 soundboard recording
This boot is fucking excellent.  "The Big Apple is a hell of a town, and this 
is our last song."

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Japan EP Question and Blue Cadet 3 7

1999-09-09 Thread LWirbel

Two issues:  Russ or anyone else, any info out there about when the songs for 
the Japan EP were recorded, where, with what producer or engineer?
Second, the record store in Colorado Springs got two copies of the Blue Cadet 
3 7" on K Records in this week, I'll be back over there Friday, and they MAY 
still be there (or may not).  I'm not sure how rare this is, because it seems 
to still be in print and around every now and then.  But if anyone wants one, 
they're selling them for $3.98, and I'd probably tack on an extra buck or two 
for postage and handling.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n456

1999-08-20 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 8/20/99 1:25:11 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 anyway, anyone who has heard them, can you please tell me what they are
 like? are they totally awesome? better than lcw? worse?
Well, I don't like to compare to other albums, but there's some essential 
songs here, the long, long "Night on the Sun," the sardonic "Wild Packs of 
Family Dogs" you know, essential Modest Mouse.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n445

1999-08-09 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 8/9/99 1:10:59 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 this really isn't mm related but i saw guided by voices friday in chicago
 and it was just so much fun that i had to tell someone. 

Uh-oh, Katie, there's lots of GbV Postal Blowfish members on this MM list, so 
don't EVEN get us started talking about the world's greatest hyper-prolific 
drunken fools.  Their concert in Boulder last Monday night was great.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n444

1999-08-08 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 8/8/99 10:36:11 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 shit, of course i had to miss that.  if any ultra-cool mouse fans taped it,
 and wouldn't mind sending me a copy, i'd totally appreciate it.  i'm too
 lazy to watch all the reruns hoping they'll show it again...

Leno, Conan, et al actually have had many bands on before they ever signed 
with a major label.  Leno in particular seems to like Matador, and had 
Pavement on between the Slanted and Crooked Rain albums.  So it's certainly 
not out of the realm of possibility.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n424

1999-07-22 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 7/22/99 11:07:20 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 So, I know I'm not the only one who was unfortunate. I was unable to grab 
 Japanese e.p. off the net last time...and wasn't cool enough to get it from 
 K...so, I was wondering if anyone was willing to buck the system and put 
 those songs back up on the ol' internet again?  Screw Epic, right?  Screw 
 man, right?  Right? Please?  OR you can send them to me in an e-mail...or...
This raises a larger question -- if K Records got screwed in this deal, 
particularly if Epic was putting a squeeze on, should we consider it an 
ethical thing to do to very loudly and publicly start a CDR burning tree to 
make as many boot copies as possible of this thing?  I ask this as a 
theoretical ethics question, though I could burn a couple here and there (but 
don't want to be inundated with 50 million requests).

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n417

1999-07-16 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 7/16/99 6:27:59 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 just got off the phone with colin.  he said yes, they ran out, sadly 
 they got to my order.  and that there'd be more in in 2 weeks or so.  The 
 problem is, because they have so many requests for it, they cant keep the 
 orders that werent filled, and when they do get in stock, new orders are 
 accepted.  I dont know about this.  they should just send them to people in 
 the order they get them in my opinion.  any one agree with me on that and 
 want to send mass emails to k?

I sent Colin a brief and polite e-mail telling him it was very unprofessional 
and highly unusual in on-line recording co. deals to have someone re-order a 
CC order.  Don't think we need to be pissants, but goddamnit, this is very 

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n373

1999-06-10 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 6/10/99 8:42:00 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

 it's very obvious that that 
 nigel guy who produced ok computer was involved...that's probably why it 
 sounds so weird. it's kinda spacey and clean, which i think is due to him, 
 and that style seems to work better for radiohead than for pavement. i guess 
 they have to try different things to avoid an artistic stagnation, though. 
 what does everyone else think? my love to you all-kirstin. 

I'll disagree here - I really, really like this album.  And be sure to get 
the "Spit on a Stranger" EP, too, because the extra four non-album tracks are 
really good.  (But boy, am I pissed that I couldn't find the CD-ROM anywhere. 
Feel like yelling at Matador about the freebie distribution.)

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.