RE: [MMouse]: drugs drugs drugs

1999-12-13 Thread jsl04

> I just don't know what to say in response to that..I guess..get some
> about all that comes to mind.  

>Your a product of society that has found it immensely profitable to demonize
>drugs, take a step back every once in a while.

Well said.

RE: [MMouse]: drugs drugs drugs

1999-12-13 Thread Mark Robbins


I just don't know what to say in response to that..I guess..get some about all that comes to mind.  I don't want to be like the
poster boy for drug use, because drugs certainly aren't all smiles and
rainbows, but the part they've played in society(not just music and the
creative process) is immesureable.  The first cultivated plant was Cannibis,
for the simple reason that it made those long, boring days of hunting almost
bearable.  It also slowed down the nervous system, and allowed someone to
remain incredibly still for long periods of time, which I'm told, is
extremely important to hunting game which though they can't see you, can
hear you move from quite a distance.  Other than being the spring board for
cultivation and civilized society, the part they've played in spirtuality,
and in helping us to understand very complex abstract ideas, is also quite
profound.  Forgetting all that crap with which you may or may not agree,
drugs can be fun.  Whats the difference in paying ten bucks to see a movie,
which last two hours, and is just as much a replacement of our dreary
reality for another as compared to buying a dime bag..and having the effects
last significantly longer?  Your a product of society that has found it
immensely profitable to demonize drugs, take a step back every once in a


[MMouse]: drugs drugs drugs

1999-12-12 Thread Andrew Hager

i agree that its dumb to use illegal substances (not like prozac or anything like that 
but the hard stuff) to control your emotions, because there are plenty of
people out there (but there seem to be less and less as time goes on) who can live 
life as they are supposed to-not fucked up and numbed from reality. and the whole
artist using drugs debate is a good one...but i think that all those artist you people 
have listed who abused drugs..dont you think they would  be just as creative
and talented (if not moreso) if they were clear minded? like they had the talent to do 
what they did anyway..all the drugs did was make it last shorter cause they
kill themselves. i wanna know if any of you people on this list are like me and dont 
feel the need to do any drugs..including alcohol drugs and cigarettes.dont
get me started on cigarettesthose make even less sense than any of the other drugs 
you could do. and they are NOT punk rock no matter what anyone says.

[MMouse]: drugs

1999-12-11 Thread horatio gomez alonzo

I dont think i really have to say much about this
topic.  Honorable?  I think any true drug addict would
give up just about anything to not be hooked.  I also
think its a load of crap to think that drugs
contribute greatly to art in any way.  Thats like
saying getting drunk is inspiring or something.  Its
the other way around i think with creative people. 
Instead of substances contributing to their
creativity, its their creativity that contributes to
their substance use.  People who are open to many
different things are more willing to try different
things.  My personal opinion of drugs is that theyre
dirty and "surprise", a waste of time.  Actually as it
happens, i'll be a pharmacist in about a  year and a
half.  So i guess in that sense, drugs arent a waste
of my time.  But anyway, dont bother with drugs.  I
watched two people whom i liked a lot just fuck the
shit out of their lives on herion.  They started off
like everyone else.  You get drunk in highschool,
smoke a lot of pot, trip a bunch, then you start using
coke, and the next thing is always herion.  Why?  So
you can lay around so high you cant move for like 4-5
hours?  I couldnt even look at my friends anymore, i
was so disgusted by what theyd become.  Stay away from
that crap. Regular LSD use has a high correlation with
depression 5-10 years afterwards, and theres proof
that MDMA destroys brain cells in your cerberal
cortex.  Stick with weed and hash.  I dont even
consider those to be drugs...not in the negative
recreational sense.  

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[MMouse]: drugs and the indie rocker

1999-02-23 Thread Reptile

On 15/02/99 at 11:00 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey, folks.

I know the subject is old, but I didn't have the time to answer e-mail
last week (Carnival here in Rio is HELL).

Anyway, about the drugs x music relationship... well, I can't say much for
myself, since I don't do any drugs, and the maximum I'll do is drink
alcoholic stuff. And the music still sounded pretty much the same to me
when I was nearly-drunk. =)


reptile - p. giglio - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - icq #: 3319721
the vanilla rockets -
   i can hear the heart beating as one.

[MMouse]: Drugs

1999-02-19 Thread Loomr21

I haven't done any drug, besides alcohol in 5 years.  I used to do a lot of
drugs, shrooms, acid, speed, pot.etc.but I had a very bad experience
about 5 years ago, and quit everything, but the occasional drink.  I have
tried to smoke pot, and for some reason it has an adverse affect on me.
Instead of feeling mellow and good, it makes me feel jumpy and a bit paranoid.
Although,  I really wouldn't mind doing an hallucinogenic again. :) 


Re: [MMouse]: drugs again

1999-02-18 Thread Musicman

if you enjoy life do not watch naked lunch by william s burroughs 
when drunk. sobering up in 15 minutes is bad. It hurts.

> umm i agree that its easier to totally focus on some form of entertainment
> when stoned. everytime i watch a movie stoned its way better than sober.
> only one problem.. i also fall asleep everytime. therefore i no longer
> watch movies stoned. of course, i  no longer get stoned so i dont have many
> opportunities. 
> however... when tripping, the meaning and message of devo becomes totally
> clear and brilliant, and i understand why evildead2 is a classic allegory. 
> ummm i also agree with maddy that good stuff (stuff meaning music, etc, not
> *stuff*) gives you a natural high.. you can train yrself to just focus on
> the music or whatever and not have to do other things and learn to get to
> that level without drugs.. yeah it sounds cheesy but at least it doesnt
> fuck up yr head... drugs are essentially just a crutch for people who cant
> be happy, or thoroughly enjoy music, or whatever it is that they like drugs
> for, without em. if that made sense
> sheepie
> ** **
> ** he used to do surgery for girls in the eighties but GRAVITY always wins
> and it wears him out. **
Plagarism is necessary. Progress implies it. - Guy Debord, 
plagarising Issadore DuCasse. 

[MMouse]: drugs again

1999-02-16 Thread rocketsheep

umm i agree that its easier to totally focus on some form of entertainment
when stoned. everytime i watch a movie stoned its way better than sober.
only one problem.. i also fall asleep everytime. therefore i no longer
watch movies stoned. of course, i  no longer get stoned so i dont have many
however... when tripping, the meaning and message of devo becomes totally
clear and brilliant, and i understand why evildead2 is a classic allegory. 
ummm i also agree with maddy that good stuff (stuff meaning music, etc, not
*stuff*) gives you a natural high.. you can train yrself to just focus on
the music or whatever and not have to do other things and learn to get to
that level without drugs.. yeah it sounds cheesy but at least it doesnt
fuck up yr head... drugs are essentially just a crutch for people who cant
be happy, or thoroughly enjoy music, or whatever it is that they like drugs
for, without em. if that made sense

** **

** he used to do surgery for girls in the eighties but GRAVITY always wins
and it wears him out. **

Re: [MMouse]: drugs and the indie rocker

1999-02-15 Thread the_real madflowr

this may sound extremely cheesy or cliched [don't feel 
like finding the accent mark] but i get a natural high 
just by listening to a great album or song. i've never
been high/drunk in my life and i don't think i ever will.

but i have been moved to different levels of consciousness 
just by listening to say...radiohead's the bends. it takes
me away. i know the boys [rh] occasionally smoke up but 
whatever, their music is brilliant and they're my favourite
band. and hayden smokes pot. and belle & sebastian get
drunk. oh and duh modest mouse gets drunk. ;) i just
don't feel compelled to join in and get drunk or high.

i don't really consider myself an indie rocker 'cos i'm
into more uk indie than american indie rock but then again
i really don't consider myself anything. i don't really 
know any other kids from washington d.c. who don't drink/
smoke/do drugs who listen to indie rock. just a note. 

okay that was it. phew! my first post. 


hey bradley
hey sheepy peepy
hey ruxx

madflowr likes to trade...

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Re: [MMouse]: drugs and the indie rocker

1999-02-15 Thread Robin Hood

i used to be pretty against drugs until the last year ,yearand a half
or so when i started to be m ore open minded about the subject.then
in the summer i started smokin up occasionally and i couldn't agree
more w/this myself.. i find some of the best music you can listen to
when yr in this state of mind is music you can be pretty sure was made
while the artists were on drugs.. the beatles rubber soul and revolver
albums sound more brilliant than ever.. so many tiny arrangements
and things that become so important that i would have overlooked
before. when listenin to goodbye sunshine layin down w/my eyes shut
it was probably the fist time i felt really really high, like something
had tight but secure hold of my head or mind and kept bringing me
higher and higher and higher up into the air,a fucking great feeling.
ofcourse i wouldn't want to be like this all the time and that's
why i only do this stuff once in awhile.
pot can clue you into details of anything i find that you wouldn't
maybe normally notice not just for music but if you watch something
like i don't know wrestlmania 3 and it relates to politics in such
a huge way, it also gave me ideas to one day write a book on the
wwf government conspiracey theory. hehe.. actually the WWF really
scares the shit out of me now for reals. it'spretty damn fucked
up if you payclose attention to it and its history. 

i think the mousewill be next record to listen to next time i'm
on drugs .. i hope from this post people aen't going to judge me
because of this shit, if anyone would i guess that'stoo bad. like
isaid before i rarely do any ofthis but when i do it's a nice
experience i find, and i'm not that paranoid a person normally so
it doesn't turn me into a loon.


>>>It's extremely difficult to find anybody writing objectively about 
>the effects of marijuana beyond the typical 'Half-baked' stereotypes. 
> But I do smoke my share and i'm not an idiot, even when I'm stoned.  
>As most folks probably already know, pot greatly enhances both the 
>desire for entertainment, for one-way stimuli, and the capacity to 
>enjoy them.  Do I get more out of listening to music when I'm stoned? 
>Absolutely.  First of all, it usually requires having smoked some
>before I'll fully commit myself to just LISTENING.  Like to an entire
>album loud on the headphones with zero distractions (save the
>cigarettes I'm chain-smoking).  No books, no phone, no e-mail...  And
>I honestly get more out of the experience when I'm stoned - you can
>attribute this to good old 'pot thinking.'  This is a pattern of
>intense intellectual activity in which one's own thoughts become
>hugely self-important, which, as anybody knows who's ever witnessed
>someone in the throes of 'pot revelations,' usually sound better in
>your head than out loud.  I become hyper-concious of aspects of music
>beyond the melody and the words; tones become extremely important, as
>do the production, beats, guitar effects.  I also find that it
>solidifies my opinions on music - something that I really like sober
>can become positively orgasmic when I'm stoned.  Conversely, music
>that I'm kind of wishy-washy on becomes absolutely detestable and
>inexcusable. What I love about pot is that it cultivates a mind-set
>where music becomes so goddamn important; if you don't need to be
>stoned to feel this way, then more power to you -- I just find that it
>7 great indie-rock stoner albums:
>Unrest - Imperial f.f.r.r.
>Built to Spill - Perfect from Now on
>Sebadoh - Smash Your head...
>sea and cake - sea and cake
>cornelius - fantasma
>trans am - anything
>mm - long drive for someone...
>any thoughts?  is this all just pathetic justification?<<
>Matt B

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Re: [MMouse]: drugs and the indie rocker

1999-02-15 Thread john

I've been standing at the sideline of this whole thing, cause I'm dutch. Envy
me, but pot is legal here. Sorry, but it's true. Well, I guess most of you
knew this. Anyway, being dutch doesn't automatically make me a dopehead. I'm
not, though I smoke my share of pot every once in let's say a six months
The thing is: I could smoke a huge bag of marihuana and notice hardly
anything, when I'm around other people, whereas just a tiny bit of stuff in a
cigarette can make me go bezerk when I'm alone. Preferably in bed.

When you're all alone the stuff works best and there's no destraction. I
rediscovered a lot of albums through listening to them stoned. And the
effects stays when I listen to them later sober! There's a sea of sounds you
don't notice whithout drugs. And reading this mailinglist, others seem to
have that experience too. I first noticed this effect while listening to
Sonic Youth's Experimental Jet Set Trash and no star. The guitars battle
eachother in a headphone each throughout the record. I had a similar
experience with Surfer Rosa/Come on Pilgrim of the Pixies. There's so much
more inside this record than you could ever discover sober! I think the
special thing about listening to music stoned is that you can much better
understand the things the artist means or feels. It seems that way anyhow...

On another level; talking 'bout orgasmic feelings: a real (physical) orgasm
feels a 1000 times more intense while stoned, but I guess this is a bit off

So what's there left to say. I think you as cool as any other when you are
against pot and stuff and stuff, but denying its effects is plain bull.


Nero Wolfe wrote:

> It's extremely difficult to find anybody writing objectively about
> the effects of marijuana beyond the typical 'Half-baked' stereotypes.  But
> I do smoke my share and i'm not an idiot, even when I'm stoned.  As most
> folks probably already know, pot greatly enhances both the desire for
> entertainment, for one-way stimuli, and the capacity to enjoy them.  Do I
> get more out of listening to music when I'm stoned?  Absolutely.  First of
> all, it usually requires having smoked some before I'll fully commit
> myself to just LISTENING.  Like to an entire album loud on the headphones
> with zero distractions (save the cigarettes I'm chain-smoking).  No
> books, no phone, no e-mail...  And I honestly get more out of the
> experience when I'm stoned - you can attribute this to good old 'pot
> thinking.'  This is a pattern of intense intellectual activity in which
> one's own thoughts become hugely self-important, which, as anybody knows
> who's ever witnessed someone in the throes of 'pot revelations,' usually
> sound better in your head than out loud.  I become hyper-concious of
> aspects of music beyond the melody and the words; tones become extremely
> important, as do the production, beats, guitar effects.  I also find that
> it solidifies my opinions on music - something that I really like sober
> can become positively orgasmic when I'm stoned.  Conversely, music that
> I'm kind of wishy-washy on becomes absolutely detestable and inexcusable.
> What I love about pot is that it cultivates a mind-set where music becomes
> so goddamn important; if you don't need to be stoned to feel this way,
> then more power to you -- I just find that it helps.
> 7 great indie-rock stoner albums:
> Unrest - Imperial f.f.r.r.
> Built to Spill - Perfect from Now on
> Sebadoh - Smash Your head...
> sea and cake - sea and cake
> cornelius - fantasma
> trans am - anything
> mm - long drive for someone...
> any thoughts?  is this all just pathetic justification?
> on an unrelated note - big ups to maria sciarrino.

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Re: [MMouse]: drugs and the indie rocker

1999-02-15 Thread Matthew Bianconi

YEAH DUDE!!!  Thats what I've been trying to say about pot for abouta 
 year now.  Finally someone who seems to be in the exact same 
mind-set as me.

>>It's extremely difficult to find anybody writing objectively about 
the effects of marijuana beyond the typical 'Half-baked' stereotypes. 
 But I do smoke my share and i'm not an idiot, even when I'm stoned.  
As most folks probably already know, pot greatly enhances both the 
desire for entertainment, for one-way stimuli, and the capacity to 
enjoy them.  Do I get more out of listening to music when I'm stoned? 
Absolutely.  First of all, it usually requires having smoked some
before I'll fully commit myself to just LISTENING.  Like to an entire
album loud on the headphones with zero distractions (save the
cigarettes I'm chain-smoking).  No books, no phone, no e-mail...  And
I honestly get more out of the experience when I'm stoned - you can
attribute this to good old 'pot thinking.'  This is a pattern of
intense intellectual activity in which one's own thoughts become
hugely self-important, which, as anybody knows who's ever witnessed
someone in the throes of 'pot revelations,' usually sound better in
your head than out loud.  I become hyper-concious of aspects of music
beyond the melody and the words; tones become extremely important, as
do the production, beats, guitar effects.  I also find that it
solidifies my opinions on music - something that I really like sober
can become positively orgasmic when I'm stoned.  Conversely, music
that I'm kind of wishy-washy on becomes absolutely detestable and
inexcusable. What I love about pot is that it cultivates a mind-set
where music becomes so goddamn important; if you don't need to be
stoned to feel this way, then more power to you -- I just find that it

7 great indie-rock stoner albums:
Unrest - Imperial f.f.r.r.
Built to Spill - Perfect from Now on
Sebadoh - Smash Your head...
sea and cake - sea and cake
cornelius - fantasma
trans am - anything
mm - long drive for someone...

any thoughts?  is this all just pathetic justification?<<
Matt B

[MMouse]: drugs and the indie rocker

1999-02-15 Thread Nero Wolfe

It's extremely difficult to find anybody writing objectively about
the effects of marijuana beyond the typical 'Half-baked' stereotypes.  But
I do smoke my share and i'm not an idiot, even when I'm stoned.  As most
folks probably already know, pot greatly enhances both the desire for 
entertainment, for one-way stimuli, and the capacity to enjoy them.  Do I
get more out of listening to music when I'm stoned?  Absolutely.  First of
all, it usually requires having smoked some before I'll fully commit
myself to just LISTENING.  Like to an entire album loud on the headphones
with zero distractions (save the cigarettes I'm chain-smoking).  No
books, no phone, no e-mail...  And I honestly get more out of the
experience when I'm stoned - you can attribute this to good old 'pot
thinking.'  This is a pattern of intense intellectual activity in which
one's own thoughts become hugely self-important, which, as anybody knows
who's ever witnessed someone in the throes of 'pot revelations,' usually
sound better in your head than out loud.  I become hyper-concious of
aspects of music beyond the melody and the words; tones become extremely
important, as do the production, beats, guitar effects.  I also find that
it solidifies my opinions on music - something that I really like sober
can become positively orgasmic when I'm stoned.  Conversely, music that
I'm kind of wishy-washy on becomes absolutely detestable and inexcusable.
What I love about pot is that it cultivates a mind-set where music becomes
so goddamn important; if you don't need to be stoned to feel this way,
then more power to you -- I just find that it helps.

7 great indie-rock stoner albums:
Unrest - Imperial f.f.r.r.
Built to Spill - Perfect from Now on
Sebadoh - Smash Your head...
sea and cake - sea and cake
cornelius - fantasma
trans am - anything
mm - long drive for someone...

any thoughts?  is this all just pathetic justification?

on an unrelated note - big ups to maria sciarrino.