Determining when a cached item is out of date

2003-01-16 Thread Christopher L. Everett
I'm moving into the XML space and one of the things I see is that XML
processing is very expensive, so AxKit, PageKit, et al make extensive
use of caching.  I'm keeping all of my data in a MySQL DB with about
40 tables.  I'm pretty clear about how to turn that MySQL data into
XML and turn the XML into HTML, WML, or what have you.  But I haven't
been able to wrap my skull around knowing when the data in Mysql is
fresher than what is in the cache without doing a major portion of the
work needed to generate that web page to begin with.

Do AxKit and PageKit pay such close attention to caching because XML
processing is so deadly slow that one doesn't have a hope of reasonable
response times on a fast but lightly loaded server otherwise?  Or is
it because even a fast server would quickly be on its knees under
anything more than a light load?

With a MVC type architecture, would it make sense to have the Model
objects maintain the XML related to the content I want to serve as
static files so that a simple stat of the appropriate XML file tells
me if my cached HTML document is out of date?

One more thing.  Perrin Harkins' eToys case study casually mentions a
a means of removing files from the mod_proxy cache directory so that
mod_proxy had to go back to the application servers to get an up to
date copy.  I haven't seen anything in the mod_proxy docs that says
this is possible.  Does something like that exist outside of eToys?

I don't know, maybe my Prussian Perfection gene has taken over again
and wants a bigger win than I need to get ...

Christopher L. Everett
Chief Technology Officer
The Medical Banner Exchange
Physicians Employment on the Internet

Re: Determining when a cached item is out of date

2003-01-16 Thread Christopher L. Everett
Perrin Harkins wrote:

Christopher L. Everett wrote:

But I haven't
been able to wrap my skull around knowing when the data in Mysql is
fresher than what is in the cache without doing a major portion of the
work needed to generate that web page to begin with.

There are three ways to handle cache synchronization:

1) Time to Live (TTL).  This approach just keeps the data cached for a 
certain amount of time and ignores possible updates.  This is the most 
popular because it is easy to implement and gives good performance. 
Cache::Cache and friends work this way.

I'm cursed by my installed base.  Our users go into our site to make
sure their changes are up correctly.  I don't think a 15 second TTL
would do us any good :)

2) Polling.  This involves checking the freshness of the data before 
serving it from cache.  This is only feasible if you have a way to check 
freshness that is faster than re-generating the data.  This is difficult 
in most situations.

3) Invalidation.  This approach involves removing cache entried whenever 
you update something that would make them out of date.  This is only 
feasible if you have total control over the update mechanism and can 
calculate all the dependencies quickly.

I see where one could combine polling and invalidation, for instance
by having empty files representing a page that get touched when the
data for them go out of date.

But again, there is the issue of mapping changed data onto dependent
pages.  I guess one way to do that is to track which database rows
appear in which pages in the database.  Since typically I do several
database operations to generate a page, adding one more delete or
insert operation whanever a new page is generated won't kill me.
Could get nasty in a big hurry if I'm not careful though.  Perhaps
a cache manager object/class that handles cache mappings  invalidation
would be handy.  Or maybe do that as part the PageKit base Model class.

One more thing.  Perrin Harkins' eToys case study casually mentions a
a means of removing files from the mod_proxy cache directory so that
mod_proxy had to go back to the application servers to get an up to
date copy.  I haven't seen anything in the mod_proxy docs that says
this is possible.  Does something like that exist outside of eToys?

Not in mod_proxy.  We added it ourselves.  I don't have the code for 
that anymore, but it's not hard to do if you have a competent C hacker 
handy.  Maybe mod_accel has this feature.

Well, I like to think I'm language independent, heh.  But reinventing
the wheel isn't cheap.  I'll root around some more.

Christopher L. Everett
Chief Technology Officer
The Medical Banner Exchange
Physicians Employment on the Internet

Re: OSCON ideas - more talk ideas

2003-01-14 Thread Christopher L. Everett
If its not too late to weigh in with ideas:

1) A large chunk how to on doing advanced types of XML processing with perl,
   I'm really interested in the idea that I can serve my content to PDA's
   (which is the up-and-coming killer platform for my market) and in AppML
   (Application Markup Language) for which I can find only dribs and draps
   of information (a description of a toy application, an X Schema, and not
   much more).

2) Tutorial on persistent objects stored in MySQL, with a view to encoding
   business rules.
3) Implementing a toy web application using Apache::PageKit

Christopher L. Everett
Chief Technology Officer
The Medical Banner Exchange
Physicians Employment on the Internet

mod_proxy problems

2002-05-02 Thread Christopher L. Everett

I was updating my front end to 1.3.24 (I know, should have checked for 
problems in the newsgroups/mailing lists).  While I was at it I updated 

Now, the apache child processes on my front end server are segfaulting 
whenever a URL defined by ProxyPass/ReverseProxyPass statements gets 

Assuming that whatever I messed up with mod_proxy won't get fixed for a 
long while (this is way over my head), and because I have no real way of 
stepping back to my previous config, what would be another way of 
bringing my mod_perl server back into the game with a front end server?

Christopher L. Everett

Weird IE cookie behaviour

2001-08-06 Thread Christopher L. Everett


I've gotten Apache::AuthCookie to run against Netscape 
and Mozilla browsers.  However, when I try to get it 
to work with IE with prompting enabled for accepting 
cookies, I never get prompted to accept a cookie, so 
it appears that the browser is refusing to acknowlegde 
that the cookie was received.

I've looked high and low for resources on this.  So far
I've rewritten my AuthCookie subclass to use CGI::Cookie,
and added a ton more debug statements, with no effect or
light on the problem.

I _must_ get this working with IE.  Does anyone have a 
clue stick for me?


SSL Certificate Distingushed Name size in bytes

2001-07-18 Thread Christopher L. Everett


This is slightly off topic, but I can't find a firm specification 
anywhere on the Internet that says how big a X.500 Distinguished 
Name could be.

I've set up MySQL to have fields cert_subject_dn and cert_issuer_dn 
as char(255) not null.  But I'm wondering if these things could get 

Does anyone have anything useful to tell me?


SSL and thin/fat server setups.

2001-07-01 Thread Christopher L. Everett

Hello all,

I've been running apache+mod_perl servers with apache+mod_ssl
front-ends, and been quite happy with this type of setup for 
quite some time.

Now I need to use SSL certificates for authenticating users 
of an online database.  It seems like there's no way to get 
the SSL information that the front-end sees to the back-end
server because the SSL protocol underlies the HTTP protocol
(outside of writing a custom apache module, and passing back 
the cert info in headers) and there's no such thing as an SSL 
proxy module that I've been able to find.

Right now, I'm considering setting up a very lightweight 
apache+mod_perl+ssl+mod_proxy frontend with just a single 
perl auth/authz handler installed, and have that decrypt, 
authenticate, authorize, and proxy all SSL requests back 
to the fat server.  Then I revert the apache+mod_ssl front
end to a vanilla apache server and have it handle all 
plain HTTP requests.

Before I do this, I'd just like to know if anyone has any
other ideas on how to do this.


SSL and thin/fat server setups.

2001-07-01 Thread Christopher L. Everett

Hello all,

I've been running apache+mod_perl servers with apache+mod_ssl
front-ends, and been quite happy with this type of setup for 
quite some time.

Now I need to use SSL certificates for authenticating users 
of an online database.  It seems like there's no way to get 
the SSL information that the front-end sees to the back-end
server because the SSL protocol underlies the HTTP protocol
(outside of writing a custom apache module, and passing back 
the cert info in headers) and there's no such thing as an SSL 
proxy module that I've been able to find.

Right now, I'm considering setting up a very lightweight 
apache+mod_perl+ssl+mod_proxy frontend with just a single 
perl auth/authz handler installed, and have that decrypt, 
authenticate, authorize, and proxy all SSL requests back 
to the fat server.  Then I revert the apache+mod_ssl front
end to a vanilla apache server and have it handle all 
plain HTTP requests.

Before I do this, I'd just like to know if anyone has any
other ideas on how to do this.


Apache::Session problems, film at 11:00 ...

2001-04-29 Thread Christopher L. Everett


I'm getting very odd behavior out of Apache::Session, with 
serious problems using both the MySQL and File variants.

Yes, I know I've come here with this problem before.  Sigh.
I even fixed it, although it was one of those things where I 
didn't quite know why it started working.  Anyway, it stopped
working about a week ago, and, as usual, I have no clue.  Hence
this plea for help:

With Apache::Session::File, this code creates a new session id
with every request.  The lock file for each session remains in
the lock directory.  I ran a 'chmod -R 777 dirname' on both
the session store and lock directories.

With Apache::Session::MySQL, this code behaves more normally:
it reuses the session id, the way [I believe] it should, except
$session{state} never seems to make it into the database.  I
say that because I look at the contents of the sessions table 
between transactions, and it looks like this:

mysql select * from sessions;
| id   |
a_session |
| 4def39f4e8144aede90532951232c040
| |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I did make sure that the right privileges existed for the 
database user accessing the sessions table.

I tried uninstalling Apache::Session ('rm -rf 
and reinstalled it using CPAN, on the theory that I may have 
diddled it while checking out its code.  But that didn't help.

Here's the (relevant) code, with short, annotated, log extract 

## Physemp::Search
package Physemp::Search;

use strict;

use Apache;
use Apache::Request;
use Apache::Constants qw( :common );
use CGI::Cookie;
use Apache::Session::MySQL;
use DBI;
use Data::Dumper;

my (%states, %_CACHE);

sub handler ($$) {
  my ($class, $q) = @_;
  my $self = $class-new(my $r = Apache::Request-new($q));
  my $html = '';
  my $coderef =
|| \unimplemented;
  $html = $self-$coderef($r);
  print $html;
  return OK;

sub get_session {
  my ($self, $r) = @_;

  my %session;

  my $cookie_str = $r-header_in('Cookie');
  my %cookies = $cookie_str eq '' ? ( ) :
  if (exists $cookies{SessionID}) {
(my $session_id = $cookies{SessionID}-value) =~ s/([0-9a-f]+)/$1/;
eval {
  tie %session, $self-{tieclass}, $session_id, $self-{tieattrs};
if ($@) { 
  $r-log_error(get_session: No session data found.);
  $self-{state}  = { };
  $self-{session_id} = '';
} else {
  $r-log_error(get_session: Session data found.);
  $r-log_error(get_session: \$session{state} is \n, Dumper
  $session{state} = { account = {} } unless exists $session{state};
  $self-{session_id} = $session{_session_id};
  $self-{state}  = $session{state};
undef %session;
  } else {
$r-log_error(get_session: No Session ID cookie.);
$self-{state}  = { };
$self-{session_id} = '';
  $r-log_error(get_session: Session ID is '$self-{session_id}'.);
  $r-log_error(get_session: State is \n, Dumper $self-{state});

sub put_or_del_session {
  my ($self, $r) = @_;

  my (%session, $cookie);

  if ($self-command eq 'make' or $self-page eq 'action') {
eval {
  tie %session, 
  ($self-{session_id} eq '' ? undef : $self-{session_id}), 
if ($@) { 
  $r-log_error(put_or_del_session: $@);
  eval { tie %session, $self-{tieclass}, undef, $self-{tieattrs};
  if ($@) {
$r-log_error(put_or_del_session: $@);
return; # WTH, we can't do any good here
if ($self-command eq 'logout') {
  $r-log_error(put_or_del_session: deleting session.);
  $cookie = CGI::Cookie-new( -name= 'SessionID', 
  -path= $self-{uri}, 
  -domain  = '',
  -expires = '-10m',
  -value   = '' );
} else {
  $r-log_error(put_or_del_session: updating session.);
  $session{state} = $self-{state};
  $r-log_error(put_or_del_session: Session ID is
  $r-log_error(put_or_del_session: State is \n, Dumper
  $cookie = CGI::Cookie-new( -name= 'SessionID', 

Re: Optimizing memory use of modperl servlets

2001-04-07 Thread Christopher L. Everett

Why not store all that static information using Cache::File?

  --Christopher Everett

mirroring data across a server cluster

2001-04-01 Thread Christopher L. Everett

This is important when clustering for redundancy purposes, 

I'm trying to address 2 issues:

A. Avoiding a single point of failure associated with a 
   having a central repository for the data, such as a NFS
   share or a single database server.
B. Avoiding the overhead from using heavyweight tools like
   database replication.

So I've been thinking about how to pull that off, and I think 
I've figured out how, as long as I don't need every machine to 
have exactly the same version of the data structure at all times.

What it comes down to is implementing 2 classes: one implements 
a daemon running on each server in the cluster, responsible for
handling requests to update the data across the network and one 
a class usable inside mod_perl to handle local updates and inform 
other servers of updates.

I believe I wouldn't be the only person finding something like 
this terrifically useful.  Furthermore, I see that Cache::Cache 
could be the underlying basis for those classes.  Most of the 
deep network programming is already there in Net::Daemon.

What say y'all to something like Cache::Clustered::Server and
Cache::Clustered::Client::* ?

  --Christopher Everett

Re: Apache::Session problems

2001-03-29 Thread Christopher L. Everett

Cees Hek wrote:
 On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, Christopher L. Everett,,, wrote:
  Apache::Session::MySQL won't save session state.
  Apache::Session::File returns the following error:
  Insecure dependency in open while running with -T switch at
  line 40.
 Well, line 40 of Apache/Session/Lock/ contains the following bit of
 || die $!;D
 So perl is telling you that one of the variables being used in the open
 command is Tainted (you are running perl in Taint mode with the -T
 switch turned on).  I'm guessing it is probably
 $session-{data}-{_session_id}, which is really just the $session_id
 variable that you pulled out of a Cookie in your code below (and
 cookies are automatically tainted since it comes from the user).  You will
 have to untaint the $session_id variable before you pass it to
 Apache::Session, and this error message should go away.  See the perl
 manpages on how to untaint variables...

Aargh! struck by the blindingly obvious again. I have got to stop 
posting in the early morning ...  I also figured out the next day 
why Apache::Session::MySQL didn't work right, when I investigated
the nature of tied variables a little more closely.  undef'ing the
variable at the end of get_session and re-tying %session at the
beginning of put_or_del_session, plus shuffling some code around 
in get_seesion pretty well solved that problem.  Seemed to me you
can't do something like:

  tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', undef, \%attrs;
  $self-{session} = %session;

ant then later on do

  %session = $self-{session}


Apache::Session problems

2001-03-26 Thread Christopher L. Everett,,,

Apache::Session::MySQL won't save session state.
Apache::Session::File returns the following error:

Insecure dependency in open while running with -T switch at
line 40.

here's the code in question:

sub put_or_del_session {
  my ($self, $r, %session) = @_;

  if ($self-command eq 'logout') {
   my $cookie = Apache::Cookie-new( $r,
   -name= 'SessionID',
   -path= $self-{uri},
   -domain  = $self-{config}-{TicketServerName},
   -expires = '-10m',
   -value   = '' );
  } elsif (($self-page eq 'frame'  $self-command eq 'make') or 
$self-page eq 'action') {
   $session{state} = $self-{state};
   $session{timestamp} = time;  
  $r-log_error("put_or_del_session: session_id is $self-{session_id}");
  $r-log_error("put_or_del_session: state is " . Dumper $session{state});
  undef %session;

sub get_session {
  my ($self, $r) = @_;

  my %session;

  my $cookie_str = $r-header_in('Cookie');
  my %cookies = $cookie_str eq '' ? ( ) : 
  if (exists $cookies{SessionID}) {
   my $session_id = $cookies{SessionID}-value; 
#tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $session_id,
#  DataSource = $self-{config}-{Session_DB},
#  UserName   = $self-{config}-{Search_DB_User},
#  Password   = $self-{config}-{Search_DB_Password},
#  LockDataSource = $self-{config}-{Session_DB},
#  LockUserName   = $self-{config}-{Search_DB_User},
#  LockPassword   = $self-{config}-{Search_DB_Password},
   tie %session, 'Apache::Session::File', $session_id,
 Directory = '/tmp/apache/session',
 LockDirectory = '/tmp/apache/session/lock'
  } else {
#tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', undef,
#  DataSource = $self-{config}-{Session_DB},
#  UserName   = $self-{config}-{Search_DB_User},
#  Password   = $self-{config}-{Search_DB_Password},
#  LockDataSource = $self-{config}-{Session_DB},
#  LockUserName   = $self-{config}-{Search_DB_User},
#  LockPassword   = $self-{config}-{Search_DB_Password},
   tie %session, 'Apache::Session::File', undef,
 Directory = '/tmp/apache/session',
 LockDirectory = '/tmp/apache/session/lock'
   $session{state} = {
   account = {},
   command = '',
   step= '',
   order   = {}
   my $cookie = Apache::Cookie-new( $r,
 -name= 'SessionID',
 -path= $self-{uri},
 -domain  = '',
 -value   = $session{_session_id} );
  $self-{state} = $session{state};
  $self-{session_id} = $session{_session_id};
  $r-log_error("get_session: session_id is $self-{session_id}");
  $r-log_error('get_session: $session{state} is ' . Dumper 
  $r-log_error('get_session: $self-{state} is ' . Dumper $self-{state});
  return %session;

Re: mod_perl segfault

2001-02-17 Thread Christopher L. Everett

Doug MacEachern wrote:


 ... it would probably be worth your while to try 5.6.1-trial1.

Where does one download that?  I have those in my logs, one more
bug to kill.  Someday, I'll go 24 hours without adding to my error 
logs, but that day won't happen too soon ...

  --Christopher Everett

Re: Help: Can't use string (Exchange::Account::My) as a HASH ref while strict refs in use trying to use instance variables in my handler

2001-02-06 Thread Christopher L. Everett

 Anyway, what you should do is create a constructor:
 sub new {
   my $class = shift;
   my $self {@_};
   bless $self, $class;
   return $self;

You mean like this code segment that I included in my original post
just below the handler code :)

sub init {
  my $invocant = shift;
  my $class = ref ($invocant) || $invocant;
  my $self = {};
  bless ($self, $class);

  $self-{config}= $self-init_config;
  $self-{dispatch}  = $self-init_dispatch_table;
  $self-{templates} = $self-init_templates;
  $self-{_child_started_up} = 0;
  return $self;

 ... straight out of "Programming Perl" ...

 Then rewrite the above snippet of your code to:
 sub handler ($$) {
   my ($class, $q) = @_;
   my $r = Apache::Request-new($q);
   my $self = $class-new(request=$r);


Wait a second.  I have a, and inside that I have the lines:

use Exchange::Account::My;
my $account_interface = Exchange::Account::My-init;

Won't that do what I need it to do?  When the root process forks off
children, won't a complete copy of $account_interface go with it, with
everything all set and ready to go?

   $self-child_init unless $self-{_child_started_up};
   # The rest of the code...
 Then you should be good to go (instance variables and all!).  Hope that

Except for calling the contructor with every call of the handler, 
I think I've done everything right.  Isn't the part of idea behind 
mod_perl handlers that one _doesn't_ have to call the contructor 
_every_ time the handler gets called?  Otherwise invites massive 

Obviously, what I'm doing doesn't work.  But could someone show me 
how to call the constructor just once in in a childs lifetime?  


Repost with typos corrected--Instance variable inheritance: is it just me or am I doing something dumb?]

2001-01-29 Thread Christopher L. Everett

Sorry about that.  It was 3 AM after 12 hours beating my brains out.
I guess I didn't have any left.

Check these modules:

package simian;
use fields qw (name);

use strict; #very important!
use Apache;
use Apache::Request;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

sub new {
  my $type = shift;
  my simian $self = fields::new(ref $type || $type);
  $self-{name} = 'Jane';
  return $self; 

sub name {
  my $self = shift;

  $self-{name} = shift if @_;
  return $self-{name}; # error here, I mean

sub handler ($$) {
  my ($self, $q);

  my $r = Apache::Request-new($q);

  # send headers here

  print $self-name;
  return OK;

package macaque;
use base "simian";

sub new {
  my macaque $self = fields::new("macaque");
  return $self;

return 1;

then put this line in your or a Perl section:

my $tree_climber = macaque-new;

Then set up the mod perl server to use this class for a handler,

Location /macaque
  # all the other stuff
  PerlHandler macaque

and try to access it on the web browser.  You will get an error like 
the following:

Can't use string ("Exchange::MyAccount3") as a HASH ref while "strict
refs" in use at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/MyApp/ line

This happens using "use fields" and "use base" or using @ISA
What the heck am I doing wrong?


Instance variable inheritance: is it just me or am I doing something dumb?

2001-01-28 Thread Christopher L. Everett

Check these modules:

package simian;
use fields qw (name);

use strict; #very important!
use Apache;
use Apache::Request;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

sub new {
  my $type = shift;
  my class1 $self = fields::new(ref $type || $type);
  $self-{name} = 'Jane';
  return $self-{name}; # error here

sub name {
  my $self = shift;

  $self-{name} = shift if @_;
  return $self-{name};

sub handler ($$) {
  my ($self, $q);

  my $r = Apache::Request-new($q);

  # send headers here

  print $self-name;
  return OK;

package macaque;
use base "simian";

sub new {
  my macaque $self = fields::new("macaque");
  return $self;

return 1;

then put this line in your or a Perl section:

my $tree_climber = macaque-new;

Then set up the mod perl server to use this class for a handler,
and try to access it on the web browser:

You will get an error like the following:

Can't use string ("Exchange::MyAccount3") as a HASH ref while "strict
refs" in use at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/MyApp/ line

What the heck am I doing wrong?


dir_config at startup: I know what doesn't work, so what does?

2001-01-21 Thread Christopher L. Everett


I want to specify things like MySQL login info, names of tables
user login information.  I'd like to do it by putting it all into a
variable at server startup, using my

my $Account_Interface = $Exchange::MyAccount-init;

Then inside Exchange::MyAccount::init, 
we have code like this:

$config{DBI_DSN} = Apache-server-dir_config('DBI_DSN');

and then of course we have the corresponding 

PerlSetVar DBI_DSN "DBI:mysql:exchange_db"

What I'm running into is that dir_config always returns undef, no matter

 - PerlSetVars inside or outside the Location tag
 - dir_config called at server startup or child startup

I've used dir_config before, but only at the PerlHandler level.

So what I'd like to know is: is there any way of picking up
info from the httpd-perl.conf at server startup?  Picking all this stuff 
up with the first request isn't always the most desirable way of doing
especially if processing the directives takes any appreciable amount of 
time.  Putting config info into other files just spreads out what should 
be in a single place.


Christopher Everett


2000-12-04 Thread Christopher L. Everett


I really hate to bother you yet again, but I'm still 
unable to make Apache::AuthTicket work for me.  I realize 
you're all busy, and you're dealing with deadlines just 
as I am, but I thought I'd take one last shot at asking 
for help.

I tried another tack, using Apache::TicketAccess from
the eagle book.  I was able to make that work, after
I figured out how to proxy cookies in and out through
the lightweight front end Apache.  Unfortunately, 
Apache::TicketAccess does not suit my purposes. However, 
I was able to prove to my satisfaction that my server 
handles cookies just fine.

However, when I adopted those same techniques for
Apache::AuthTicket, all that happens when I submit my 
login credentials was that Apache::AuthTicket sent my 
browser a blank cookie.

Frankly, I'm lost and I need all the help I can get.  
I've laced both and with 
my own $r-log_error calls, not to mention turned on 
all the debugging already built into AuthCookie and 
AuthTicket.  Everything seems to behave just as I would 
expect it to.

I'm using Apache 1.3.14, mod_perl 1.24_01

I'm willing to send conf files, error_logs or anything
else necessary.

Christopher Everett

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Re: sending receiving cookies through the light front end

2000-11-29 Thread Christopher L. Everett

Vivek Khera wrote:
  "CLE" == Christopher L Everett [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 CLE 2) If 1 above is "yes", since the cookie was intended for a server, won't the Apache drop the
 CLEcookie in the bit-bucket?
 The client (IE, Netscape) won't send a cookie for to the host; also, it probably won't let you to set such a
 cookie unless you are a * host.

This is the way I have it now:

1) set up IP aliases for the loopback adapter like so:

  ifconfig lo:0 netmask
  ifconfig lo:1 netmask
  ifconfig lo:2 netmask

2) added entries to the hosts file like this

3) modified the virtual hosts in the httpd-lite.conf to look like this

ProxyPass/nit/ httpd://  
ProxyPassReverse /nit/ httpd:// 
# and whatever else I need

4) modified the httpd-perl.conf to have virtual hosts like this

ProxyPass/nit/ httpd://  
ProxyPassReverse /nit/ httpd://  
# and whatever else I need

Now, mod_perl and the front end are both in the same domain, so the 
cookie should go through, right?  But it doesn't.


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Re: sending receiving cookies through the light front end

2000-11-29 Thread Christopher L. Everett

"Christopher L. Everett" wrote:
 This is the way I have it now:
 1) set up IP aliases for the loopback adapter like so:
   ifconfig lo:0 netmask
   ifconfig lo:1 netmask
   ifconfig lo:2 netmask
 2) added entries to the hosts file like this
 3) modified the virtual hosts in the httpd-lite.conf to look like this
 ProxyPass/nit/ httpd://
 ProxyPassReverse /nit/ httpd://
 # and whatever else I need
 4) modified the httpd-perl.conf to have virtual hosts like this
 ProxyPass/nit/ httpd://
 ProxyPassReverse /nit/ httpd://
 # and whatever else I need
 Now, mod_perl and the front end are both in the same domain, so the
 cookie should go through, right?  But it doesn't.

Ahhh, but it does work.  Changed Apache::Cookie-fetch($r) to 
Apache::Cookie-parse and all was well.  What a relief, five days
of agony vindicated (kind of).

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Still need help w/ Apache::AuthTicket

2000-11-26 Thread Christopher L. Everett


I'm still trying to get Apache::AuthTicket working. As of right 
now, what's happening is that the cookie with the ticket doesn't 
get sent.  This is true for MSIE/Win98, Netscape/Linux, and 
Lynx running directly on the server itself, bypassing the front

What would keep the cookie from being sent?


Christopher L. Everett

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Need help with Apache::AuthTicket

2000-11-25 Thread Christopher L. Everett

In the docs for Apache::AuthTicket it says you need to specify

PerlSetVar FooTicketLoginHandler /foologin
PerlSetVar FooLoginScript/foologinform

and then you need to add

Location /foologin
  AuthType Apache::AuthTicket
  AuthName Foo
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::AuthTicket-login

Location /foologinform
  AuthType Apache::AuthTicket
  AuthName Foo
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::AuthTicket-login_screen

Since I am using a front-end proxy, I have this in the 

ProxyPass/secure/ httpd://localhost:8080/secure/
ProxyPassReverse /secure/ httpd://localhost:8080/secure/

and I do this in the httpd-perl.conf:

PerlSetVar PhysempTicketLoginHandler /secure/login
PerlSetVar PhysempLoginScript/secure/loginform

and then I added

Location /secure/login
  AuthType Apache::AuthTicket
  AuthName Physemp
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::AuthTicket-login

Location /secure/loginform
  AuthType Apache::AuthTicket
  AuthName Physemp
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::AuthTicket-login_screen

so that /secure/login gets proxied back with everything else.
My problem is that when I access the /secure, I get the login
screen OK, but when I login, I keep getting hte login screen and 
403 Access Forbidden errors in the httpd-perl log, but even with 
$Apache::AuthTicket::DEBUG = 1 and including 

PerlSetVar AuthCookieDebug 3 

in the conf file, I have no clue why the login fails over and 
over.  Does anyone have a clue for me?

Thanks ...


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Re: mod_perl on specific scripts

2000-11-01 Thread Christopher L. Everett

David Hodgkinson wrote:
 Paonia Ezrine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I have a number of scripts in places other then /perl that I want to use
  mod_perl for.  However, I can't turn it on for all scripts in a specific
  directory or even a certain extension.  Is there any way to do this or am
  I going to need to do a redirect of some sort (anyone have one)?
 I trust you've set up a thin apache at the front? Then it's easy to
 pass only the scripts you want back to the mod_perl server.
 Did I just condemn you to learning mod_rewrite? Ooops :-)

Assuming your script is written as a mod_perl handler, and assuming
the aforesaid thin Apache in front, try mod_proxy on the front end
and Location on the back end.  What I do in my httpd-static.conf 
(cribbed wholesale from the Guide, names changed to protect the 


  ProxyRequests on
  ProxyPass/cgi-bin/  http://localhost:8080/bar/baz/
  ProxyPassReverse /cgi-bin/  http://localhost:8080/bar/baz/
  RewriteRule ^proxy:.* - [F]   # keep others from using your proxy
  ProxyReceiveBufferSize 65536  # buffer more data thru the proxy
# put whatever else you need in here too, like SSL configs, root dirs,
# and whatnot

and in the httpd-perl.conf:

Location /boo/baz/noot.cgi
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Knights::who::say::Nit
# likely more stuff goes in here too, see the Guide for details

If your scripts are of type Apache::Registry, instead do 

Alias /bar/baz/ /your/special/path/to/your/scripts/
Location /bar/baz/
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler +Apache::Registry
  Options ExecCGI
  PerlSendHeader On

Would something like

Alias /bar/baz/foo.cgi /your/special/path/to/foo.cgi

work?  Because then this will work:

Location /bar/baz/foo.cgi
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler +Apache::Registry
  Options ExecCGI
  PerlSendHeader On

and we can mix PerlHandlers and Apache::Registry scripts in
the same (virtual) direactory.  That would be a win.

At least this handles the directory problem.  The file extension 
problem really does require mod_rewrite, I believe.

The beauty of this is that what the client sees really has nothing
to do with where the scripts are on your server.  On my box, I used
mod_proxy to virtualize the /cgi-bin/ directory.  When a request 
comes in for, the request gets 
passed back, the proper PerlHandler gets called, and life goes on.

I admit that I've deliberately avoided learning mod_rewrite; I took 
one look at it and said "I'm doing something else!".  So I set up 
all my sites to avoid using it.  God help me if I ever really _have_ 
to use it, though :)

Christopher L. Everett

Re: how to really bang on a script?

2000-11-01 Thread Christopher L. Everett

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Matthew Byng-Maddick wrote:
  On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:
   exactly the same thing (changing server logs into a benchmark tool) at
   ApacheCon, only I can't for the life of me remember who it was.
  Theo, during the mod_backhand talk, or at lunch just before, I can't
 It was during the talk.  The tool is called Daquiri, and he said it was
 available in the mod_backhand CVS tree.
 I have also found httperf and http_load pretty useful for this stuff,
 although they don't support logfile playback.

Hey, I went by, and found no mention of 
anything called Daquiri, nor any description of how to access the 
mod_backhand CVS tree, not even an email address to ask for information.

I downloaded the mod_backhand source, and I found nothing there either.

Does anyone have a clue about where to start getting my hands on this 
neat and nifty tool?


Re: how to really bang on a script?

2000-10-30 Thread Christopher L. Everett

Adi wrote:
 "Christopher L. Everett" wrote:
  Adi wrote:
   martin langhoff wrote:
i'd bet my head a few months ago someone announced an apache::bench
module, that would take a log and run it as a benchmarking secuence of
HTTP requests. just get to the list archives and start searching with
benchmarks and logs. CPAN is your friend, also.
   It was HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench.  It is a Perl API to ab.  It doesn't take a
   log per se, it simply sends sequences of HTTP requests and benchmarks the
   results.  I'm sure you could very easily write a script to parse a log and then
   make a benchmarking run out of it.
  Yes, I considered ab and I did find HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench, while
  done and copiously documented, isn't quite what I need:
  1) I want to spoof the IP addresses of the browsers (I just realized
  that since I'm using mod_proxy_add_forward anyway, I can make the
  requester script like a proxy; the rest is cookbook).  I can't find
  provision for that in the interface for HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench.
 Yeah, that would require adding arbitrary HTTP headers to each benchmark
 request... that's currently on our to-do list (I think).
  2) Record the query parameters as well as the response's MD5 checksum
 directly in a database table on the fly.
 This is all possible with ApacheBench.  It wouldn't be stored in real-time (i.e.
 as the request is sent) but you set up the benchmarking runs, so you know all
 the query parameters (which are all either in the URI or the postdata for each
 request), and ApacheBench returns all the response data, which you can then pass
 thru an MD5 hash and store in the database.
  3) The interface is more suited to setting up, then executing a batch
  run programmatically, rather than replaying a log.
 Right.. it was designed to be generally useful.  To replay a log you simply need
 to set up a batch that exactly duplicates your log.

As I understand ApacheBench, to set up a really large (1M) run with say
or 300 URI's with ApacheBench distributed randomly across 400K unique IP 
addresses, you just about would end up doing 1 run per access log entry, 
which turns it into a really massive data structure, at which point a
starts looking like a better place to put all that.

Or, I could try forking off ApacheBench objects one by one, putting runs
into the next object to fork while the most recently forked object beats 
on the server.  Kind of a roundabout way of trading off complexity


  to me in that the last line in the execute method, "return $self-ab;" is
  the only mention of the class method "ab" in the entire file.  Obviously I
 That's because "ab" is the XS function that sends the HTTP requests and builds
 up a hash with all the response data and times.  All the looping is done in C
 for speed.  Take a look at ApacheBench.xs. (especially if you feel like adding
 the arbitrary HTTP request header functionality, hint hint :)

What would be nice from the self-documenting code point of view for a
newby like me would be a clue _in_the_code_itself_ that ApacheBench.xs 
was the place to look for the definition of ab.  That's how I would 
expect a programming language to behave :), but that's something more 
for the Perl 6 list.

  have _much, much_ more to learn ... :)
 No, actually you pointed out some good feature additions that we should think
 about making to ApacheBench.  Thanks.

You're welcome.



Christopher L. Everett

Re: how to really bang on a script?

2000-10-29 Thread Christopher L. Everett

Adi wrote:
 martin langhoff wrote:
  i'd bet my head a few months ago someone announced an apache::bench
  module, that would take a log and run it as a benchmarking secuence of
  HTTP requests. just get to the list archives and start searching with
  benchmarks and logs. CPAN is your friend, also.
 It was HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench.  It is a Perl API to ab.  It doesn't take a
 log per se, it simply sends sequences of HTTP requests and benchmarks the
 results.  I'm sure you could very easily write a script to parse a log and then
 make a benchmarking run out of it.

Yes, I considered ab and I did find HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench, while
done and copiously documented, isn't quite what I need:

1) I want to spoof the IP addresses of the browsers (I just realized
   since I'm using mod_proxy_add_forward anyway, I can make the
   script behave as a proxy; the rest is cookbook).  I can't find
   for that in the interface for HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench.
2) Record the query parameters as well as the response's MD5 checksum 
   directly in a database table on the fly.
3) The interface is more suited to setting up, then executing a batch
   programmatically, rather than replaying a log.

Having examined the source, I don't see how I can make it
what I want by subclassing it.  Also the code is a little bit mystifying
me in that the last line in the execute method, "return $self-ab;" is
only mention of the class method "ab" in the entire file.  Obviously I
_much, much_ more to learn ... :)


Christopher L. Everett

Re: how to really bang on a script?

2000-10-27 Thread Christopher L. Everett

"G.W. Haywood" wrote:
 Hi there,
 On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, Christopher L. Everett wrote:
 snipped helpful advice

  I need to prove to myself and my marketing guy that my script has
  certain statistical properties, not the least of which is the
  question of whether my activity logs match what actually happened.
 You've been spending too much time with your marketing guy.  "Certain
 statistical properties" is gobbledygook.  What properties?  Activity
 logs don't match statistically.  Either they match or they don't.  If
 they don't then either the logging is turned off or it isn't working.

OK, I confess: I've written (probably yet another) mod_perl banner 
exchange.  I need to know that when we serve 100K banners to 40K 
different IP addresses a day, and we are selling 30K banners/day, 
the 500 sites that hosted our banner ads are getting the 50K banners 
that we promised them, and the 30K banners that we sold, we really did
serve.  Also, I want to know that the banners my logs say the script 
sent are really the ones people saw on their browsers.  That's what I 
meant by "certain statistical properties".  

So, I apologize for not describing my problem clearly in the first 
place.  And again, my questions are:  How would I go about proving to 
myself that my script does what I designed it to do?  Has anyone else 
dealt with a similar problem, and how did they go about doing it?  If 
I solve it for myself, would anyone else find the solution useful, and 
how would I make it more useful to them?

Usually, I would test by running through the script a few times with 
some variations, but we are so freaked out by our experience with the
2 other banner exchange scripts we tried, we find a lot of value in
being certain.

Thanks again for your kind help.

--Christopher Everett