ANNOUCE: Loggerithim 6.4.1

2003-09-02 Thread Cory 'G' Watson
Loggerithim is a package for monitoring, visualizing, and managing your 
systems using remote agents and a web interface.

Changes in this version:
	- Remove some unnecessary code from Lists object.
	- Bring Commander up-to-date with Agent interface
	- Fix issues with agent's ftp_putfile task
	- Add support for 'qfe' cards in Solaris
	- Add experimental solaris_devices plugin for CPU info and disk error 
	- misc cleanups

For more information visit:

Cory 'G' Watson

Reporting bugs:
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ANNOUNCE: Loggerithim 6.4.0

2003-08-22 Thread Cory 'G' Watson
Loggerithim is a package for monitoring, visualizing, and managing your 
systems using remote agents and a web interface.

Changes in this version:
 - Autoconf & make installer
 - New agent (Solaris and Linux) utilizing SSL for communication
 - Group based permissions
 - Improvements to graphing code (filled graphs, multiple Y-axes, 
multiple keys)
 - Graph annotations
 - 'Advanced' menu for custom graphs
 - Performance improvements (both backend and rendering)

It has been quite a while since the last release, as the new agent and 
metric receiving code required quite a bit of development.  There are 
likely some rough edges, but they will be quickly smoothed.

For more information, visit:

Cory 'G' Watson

Reporting bugs:
Mail list info:

Re: Odd Reload Behavior

2003-08-17 Thread Cory 'G' Watson

> On Sat, 2003-08-16 at 01:46, Cory 'G' Watson wrote:
> Well, first of all, you're just asking for trouble if you turn on
> PerlFreshRestart.  Don't do it.

I forget why I added it.  My (poor) memory seems to recall something from
the Eagle book causing me to add it.  I'd never seen the 'evil' document
before this weekend.  My Eagle book is at the office, and I don't recall
reading about it in the new Horse book.

> Do you hava anything like a PerlModule App in your httpd.conf?  You
> haven't actually shown us your real conf, startup, or code, so I'm just
> guessing here.

No, I only had a 'use App;' in my startup.

> Are you no longer having problems now that you turned off
> PerlFreshRestart?

The problem has since gone away.  I accidentally only replied to Ged
Haywood when I got the thing working.

When I added a caller() to the top of my module, I saw the initial use(), and then a later eval() that I couldn't track.  When I
turned OFF PerlFreshRestart, the order was reversed (eval() before's use()) and my problem, of course, went away.

I assumed from the beginning that this was something of my own doing, I
just wanted to know why my ignorance was causing to happen.  It seems that
PerlFreshRestart causes some difference in the loading of my modules.

Cory 'G' Watson

Reporting bugs:
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Re: Odd Reload Behavior

2003-08-16 Thread Cory 'G' Watson
On Friday, August 15, 2003, at 06:23  PM, Ged Haywood wrote:
Ignore syntax errors and lack of declarations, as I just threw that
together from memory
The guesswork would be a lot easier if it didn't involve so much 
guesswork. :)
I think the root question of my email was lost in my poor explanation.

Basically, I have a module (which I called App) that has something like:

%somehash = ();

This declaration is outside of any subroutines.  VirtualHosts then call 
App->load("name", "libdir") to fille $somehash{$name} with a hashref of 
page objects.  All logging led me to believe that this variable was 
being properly populated, but when that variable was accessed (via 
getApp($name)), %somehash was undef.

Silly mistakes aside, I was basically trying to create a 'global' 
variable that was populated by a method call _after_ it was 
require()ed.  The problem comes from the module being loaded _twice_.  
The second time, %somehash = () sets things back to undef, but 
loadApp() is not called again.

My motive for questioning the list was to find out if Apache's 'will 
this survive a SIGHUP' pass caused this behavior, or if it was 
something else I was missing.

I re-attacked this problem by adding a caller() check in App, and it 
proved to me that App was indeed being loaded twice.  Once by my (use App ();), and _again_ by an eval.  caller() couldn't 
point me to the spot of code that was doing this, other than telling me 
it was a 'require App;'.  I started flipping switches and localized it 
to PerlFreshRestart being on.  When I turn it off, the eval() happens 
_before_ my use() and subsequence call to App->load().

So this long-winded explanation is for the archives, and also to get an 
idea as to why this happens.  Thanks! :)

Cory 'G' Watson

Cory 'G' Watson

Reporting bugs:
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Re: Odd Reload Behavior

2003-08-15 Thread Cory 'G' Watson
On Friday, August 15, 2003, at 12:43  PM, Ged Haywood wrote:
I'm not entirely convinced of the explanation, but have you tried
testing the value of $Apache::Server::ReStarting in the code that
fills the hash?  It's in the Guide.
I'm not convinced of it either. :)

This code _would_ run twice, so I can protect it using the variable you 
specified.  I didn't know it existed.  List messages seem to say that 
this shouldn't be used?

Your message was a bit cavalier about what's a hash and what's a
hashref, are you sure you aren't just missing a dereference somewhere?
Have you got 'use strict' and warnings on.
It's a difficult concept to relay without pasting a bunch of code.


package App;

my %pageobjs;

sub loadApp {
my $self = shift();
my $name = shift();
my $libdir = shift();
	my %pages;
	opendir(LIBDIR, $libdir);
	while(there are files to check) {
   # blah, if the file is a .pm, require and instantiate it into 
   $pages{$pageObjectName} = $page;
	$pageobjs{$name} = \%pages;

sub getPages {
my $self = shift();
 my $name = shift();
return $pageobjs{$name};

use App;

Sooo, using the above code, the VHost uses:

PerlVar app blah

 App->loadApp("blah", "/usr/local/blah/lib");

And, inside the Handler:

my $app = $r->dir_config("app");
my $hashRefOfPageObjs = App->getPages($app);
And $hashRefOfPageObjs is always undef;

Ignore syntax errors and lack of declarations, as I just threw that 
together from memory into the ol' MUA here.  Does that make more sense? 
 I believe I had this working at one point, but something has caused it 
go south.  The double load I see (which you explained with your 
Restarting tip) was suspect only because if I put code into App which 
Data::Dumper's the hash, there is something in it, but it disappears 
between the first load and the first request.  It looks like  
sections are executed twice, but this shouldn't cause the variable to 
go undefined.

Cory 'G' Watson

Reporting bugs:
Mail list info:

Odd Reload Behavior

2003-08-15 Thread Cory 'G' Watson
I've recently written some code that behaves in a way I don't 
understand.  It's basically a Handler that works for more than one 
VirtualHost.  For each VirtualHost that uses the Handler, a call is 
made to App->loadPages().  It crawls an accompanying lib directory and 
loads the pages into a hashref, which is then stored in a global hash 
inside App.

Later, during requests, the Handler calls App->getPages("key"), where 
key is a unique name for each virtual host.  This _should_ return a 
hashref full of page objects, but it returns undef.

Since the App module is pre-loaded (in, and loadPages() 
fills the hash, shouldn't the Handler's calls to getPages(key) work?  I 
know it can, because I had it working a couple weeks ago, but something 
has broken it.

It looks as though this works during the first 'load' that Apache does, 
which I'm assuming is the phase that checks for errors.  The second 
phase seems to cause my global hash to get undef'ed, even though the 
loadPages() method works properly.

I can divulge more code if necessary, but perhaps someone can clue me 
into why this happens.

Cory 'G' Watson

Reporting bugs:
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Re: Optimising cache performance

2003-03-07 Thread Cory 'G' Watson
On Friday, March 7, 2003, at 02:20  PM, Perrin Harkins wrote:

Cory 'G' Watson wrote:
I'm not sure if my way would fit in with your objects Clinton, but I 
have some code in the commit() method of all my objects which, when 
it is called, removes any cached copies of the object.  That's how I 
stay up to date.
Why wouldn't it simply update the version in the cache when you 
commit?  Also, do you have a way of synchronizing changes across 
multiple machines?
I suppose it could, but I use it as a poor man's cache cleaning.  I 
suppose it would boost performance to do what you suggest.  I'll just 
implement a cache cleaner elsewhere.

I only run on one machine, so I don't do any synchronization.  I hope 
to have that problem some day ;)

Cory 'G' Watson

Re: Optimising cache performance

2003-03-07 Thread Cory 'G' Watson
On Friday, March 7, 2003, at 12:45  PM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
You seem to be taking a lot of care to ensure that everything always 
has the latest version of the data.  If you can handle slightly 
out-of-date data, I would suggest that you simply keep objects in the 
local cache with a time-to-live (which Cache::Mmap or Cache::FileCache 
can do for you) and just look at the local version until it expires.  
You would end up building the objects once per server, but that isn't 
so bad.
I'm not sure if my way would fit in with your objects Clinton, but I 
have some code in the commit() method of all my objects which, when it 
is called, removes any cached copies of the object.  That's how I stay 
up to date.

Cory 'G' Watson

ANNOUNCE: Loggerithim 6.3.1

2003-02-27 Thread Cory 'G' Watson
Hello again,

Loggerithim 6.3.1 is now available, ChangeLog follows:

- 6.3.1
* Installer fixes
* Unit tests
* Fixes from the removal of old db columns
* Disable debugging in the agent by default
About Loggerithim:
Loggerithim is a monitoring package that allows you to monitor your 
systems, proactively spot problems, perform post-mortems, throw alerts 
when bad (or good) things happen, and automate routine tasks.

As always, please report any problems to the appropriate mailing list 
(see the website).  Upgrading users can consult Appendix C of the 

Cory 'G' Watson

Re: Table/row locking with Apache::Session::Mysql /Apache::Session::Flex

2003-02-25 Thread Cory 'G' Watson
On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at 11:55  AM, md wrote:

We're using Apache::Session::MySQL (Apache::Session
1.54) and occassionaly see long lock times.
I had a similar problem a few months ago with 
Apache::Session::Postgres.  I occasionally had Apache processes hang, 
and a quick ps aux shows a stalled query on the sessions table.  I 
ended up dropping it for Apache::Session::File.
I'm looking at Apache::Session::Flex and setting
"Lock=>'Null'"...however, I get the impression from an
old email (see below) that Flex is for debugging only.
I've not seen the problems since I switched to Apache::Session::File, 
but I would much prefer using the Postgres module, as it complicates my 
user's installation.

Could the MySQL and Pg implementations have the same problem?

Cory 'G' Watson

ANNOUNCE: Loggerithim 6.3.0

2003-02-24 Thread Cory 'G' Watson
Hello again,

Loggerithim 6.3.0 is now available, ChangeLog follows:

- 6.3.0
	* Use page that returns an image/png, rather than writing one to the   
	* Added filesystem code to the OS X agent, bringing it near completion.
	* Use the IP of a host, then fallback to supplied hostname when metrics
	  are received.
	* Implement debugging, via configuration file.  Displays lots of 
verbose 	  output in the page footer if enabled.
	* Remove 'types' column from users table in preparation for a future 	 
 permissions implementation.
	* Cleaned up some debugging stuff.

About Loggerithim:
Loggerithim is a monitoring package that allows you to monitor your 
systems, proactively spot problems, perform post-mortems, throw alerts 
when bad (or good) things happen, and automate routine tasks.

As always, please report any problems to the appropriate mailing list 
(see the website).  Upgrading users can consult Appendix C of the 

Cory 'G' Watson

Re: Help installing mod_perl 1.27 and apache 1.3.27. newbie question.

2003-02-20 Thread Cory 'G' Watson

On Thursday, February 20, 2003, at 08:13  AM, Charlie Smith wrote:

I get errors on installing mod_perl/Apache 1.3.27, under the root 
account when running perl Makefile.PL.
I'm running perl 5.8 on solaris. gcc 2.95.
# perl Makefile.PL
Configure mod_perl with ../apache_1.3.27/src ? [y]
Shall I build httpd in ../apache_1.3.27/src for you? [y]
sh: make: not found

It can't find the 'make' program.  You either need to install make, or, 
if it is isntalled, make sure it's in your $PATH.

Cory 'G' Watson

ANNOUNCE: Loggerithim 6.2.2

2003-02-17 Thread Cory 'G' Watson

Loggerithim 6.2.2 is available, ChangeLog follows:

- 6.2.2
	Fix a typo in the creation of the attributes table
	Add support for 'ce' interfaces in Solaris

About Loggerithim:
	Loggerithim is a monitoring package that allows you to monitor your 
systems, proactively spot problems, perform post-mortems, throw alerts 
when bad (or good) things happen, and automate routine tasks.

As always, please report any problems to the appropriate mailing list 
(see the website).  Upgrading users can consult Appendix C of the 

Cory 'G' Watson

ANNOUNCE: Loggerithim 6.2.1

2003-02-14 Thread Cory 'G' Watson
Hello again,

Loggerithim 6.2.1 is now available, abbreviated ChangeLog follows (I 
deleted the original by accident!):

- 6.2.1
	Don't draw data in filled mode when there is none to draw
	Take the 'thresholds' field out of the smeeplets table and objects
	Added LastSampled Smeeplet
	Rewritten threshold handling, fixes numerous bugs
	Set CPU attribute to use filled graph and max value of 100
	XHTML 1.1 Compliance
	Significantly improved installer

About Loggerithim:
	Loggerithim is a monitoring package that allows you to monitor your 
systems, proactively spot problems, perform post-mortems, throw alerts 
when bad (or good) things happen, and automate routine tasks.

As always, please report any problems to the appropriate mailing list 
(see the website).  Upgrading users can consult Appendix C of the 

Cory 'G' Watson

ANNOUNCE: Loggerithim 6.2.0

2003-02-06 Thread Cory 'G' Watson

Loggerithim is monitoring package for Linux and Solaris (with early 
support for OS X and Windows).  It allows you to collect metrics from 
your hosts and analyze them with graphs and whatnot.  You can also set 
thresholds for proactively spotting problems.  Modules can be written 
to supplement the stock data collection.

- Rewritten Chart code allows for fancier graphs, the first result is 
filled graphs.
- Profile support, for grouping host attributes into logical groups.  
This makes it easier to monitor things that aren't UNIX boxes.
- XHTML 1.1 valid (for the most part)
- Interface tweaks to make things easier to understand

This is my second announcement to the modperl list.  I got a nibble of 
feedback, but nothing big.  I welcome opinions or criticism, as I don't 
know of very many installs outside the walls of my work.


Cory 'G' Watson

ANNOUNCE: Loggerithim 6.1.4

2003-01-21 Thread Cory 'G' Watson

Loggerithim is monitoring package for Linux and Solaris (with early 
support for OS X and Win32).  It allows you to collect metrics from 
your hosts and analyze them with graphs and whatnot.  You can also set 
thresholds for proactively spotting problems.  Modules can be written 
to supplement the stock data collection.

Loggerithim is mod_perl (obviously) and PostgreSQL.  Agents written in 
C collect data and send it to the box that runs Loggerithim.

This is the first time I've announced Loggerithim somewhere other than 
Freshmeat.  I'd greatly appreciate feedback from the mod_perl crowd.  
I'm impressed with the work of others on the list and I welcome your 
opinions.  Expect rough edges and broken pieces as very few people have 
run it outside of my office.  Mailing lists are available for anyone 
interested, see the website.


Cory 'G' Watson

Re: [OT] Perl vs. PHP..... but where is mod_perl?

2002-10-18 Thread Cory 'G' Watson
Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

What confuses me is how anyone with a *programming* background admires
PHP over Perl, or can say that Perl "doesn't scale" or PHP is better
for "large web sites".  Obviously, they're comparing Perl-CGI with
PHP, not mod_perl/$templating_system with PHP, which would be a much
fairer comparison.

I absolutely agree.  I learned PHP _before_ I learned mod_perl and 
_after_ I learned Perl/CGI.  I actually didn't even know mod_perl 
existed when I learned PHP.  I have a feeling many people are in the 
same boat.

Anyone who has a sufficient itch will learn that mod_perl is a fantastic 
back scratcher.  I am generally able to show people the huge difference 
by explaining the implementation of authentication and authorization in 
an application.  Where in PHP I had to include an seperate .php file 
which verified my sessions, in mod_perl I simple whip up an 
AccessHandler or Authorization handler that quietly protects my app's 

But for folks who are just throwing a page up, and have PHP services 
available with an ISP/host, I can understand it's use.

Cory 'G' Watson

Re: [OT] Perl vs. PHP..... but where is mod_perl?

2002-10-18 Thread Cory 'G' Watson
Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

Dzuy> What do you expect from (PHP) amateurs?  Apparently Perl is too
Dzuy> complicated for them to comprehend,
Dzuy> never mind mod_perl.

And according to my thread at use.perl
<>, the article just got pulled! 

The article says PHP is syntactically similar to C++.  What PHP are they 
using?  I picked up PHP in no time because it was nearly indentical to 
Perl.  Sure, it's similar to C and C++, but, uhmm, $variable?  Also 
mentions Perl has had OO bolted on.  How do they view PHP's OO?  I'm not 
bashing PHP, quite the contrary.  But damn, that's just an ignorant 
article.  I do wonder what sparked them pulling it out.

Cory 'G' Watson

Re: IPC::MM and mod_perl

2002-07-26 Thread Cory &#x27;G&#x27; Watson

I'm not sure about IPC::MM, but IPC::ShareLite (the one I use) lets you 
specify permissions and whatnot when you create the shared memory segment.  
Perhaps that module will work better for you.  IPC::Shareable is also a good 

On Thursday 25 July 2002 07:38 pm, Marc Kelly wrote:
> This may be more of an Apache question, but I saw a thread in the mod_perl
> archives on caching methods that is relevant.
> I'd like to use IPC::MM to store data in shared memory across child
> processes, but I've run into permissions problems. I'm assuming this is
> because I'm creating the cache in which is run by root, and
> trying to store data in a child process that is run as user apache. If I
> create the cache in a child process, I can write to it, but lose the
> ability to use it in other child processes.
> The IPC::MM perldoc mentions file permissions, but I think that's for a
> file-based cache, which doesn't apply here. I could be wrong on that and
> just setting the permissions incorrectly. I haven't found a lot of
> documentation about using this library, so maybe this isn't the proper way
> for it to be used.
> I'm on Linux (RH 7.3/2.4.18-3) and apache 1.3.22.
> Thanks,
> mk

Cory 'G' Watson
Hack, lest ye rust.