RE: [mp2] segfault when connect to database

2003-08-03 Thread Marc M. Adkins
 httpd2 2.0.47, mod_perl 1.99_09
 httpd does segfault when I try to connect to the database (mysql or
 interbase). It faults somewhere in It works well if I
 remove libnss_db* from the system.

I noticed a while back that when I use PostgreSQL/W2K/2.0.46/mp1.99_10 I get
a segfault _when Apache shuts down_.  I don't have it compiled such that I
can do a backtrace.


RE: clones and parents

2003-07-18 Thread Marc M. Adkins
  So is PerlOptions +Parent working?  Whenever I enable it I get
 a segfault on
  W2K / Ap2.0.46 / mp1.99.10dev.

 have you submitted a bug report?

I never know whether to submit a bug report or not.  Often these things turn
out to be known issues or I find out it was my own bug at some later time...


RE: clones and parents

2003-07-18 Thread Marc M. Adkins
  I never know whether to submit a bug report or not.  Often
 these things turn
  out to be known issues or I find out it was my own bug at some
 later time...

 If you get a segfault, chances are that something is broken, since the sw
 should gracefully handle cases when someone does something wrong
 and not segfault.

OK.  Give me a day or so to double-check by coming up with a minimal test
case.  Which will aid in the debugging effort (one hopes).


RE: clones and parents (bug report)

2003-07-18 Thread Marc M. Adkins

-8-- Start Bug Report 8--
1. Problem Description:

#   Problem:  When I add PerlOptions +Parent I get a segfault.
#   Breaks with:
#   Windows 2000 SP2
#   Apache  2.0.46
#   ActiveState Perl 5.8.0 (build 804)
#   mod_perl 1.99.10dev(installed using,
#   re-installed TODAY to be safe)
#   Pops up Apache.exe - Application Error box:
#   The instruction at 0x280830ed
#   referenced memory at 0x.
#   The memory could not be written.
#   After killing the box the command line says:
#   C:\Apache2\bin apache
#   Starting Apache...
#   and must be killed via ctrl-C.  The error log is empty.
#   In at least one case the Apache.exe process refused to stop
#   and COULD NOT BE SHUT DOWN VIA TASK MANAGER, requiring reboot.
#   This seems to happen when ctrl-c is not invoked immediately
#   after cancelling the message box.

2. Used Components and their Configuration:

*** mod_perl version 1.9910

*** using C:/Perl/site/lib/Apache/
*** Makefile.PL options:
  MP_AP_PREFIX= \Apache2
  MP_LIBNAME  = mod_perl
  MP_USE_DSO  = 1

*** \Apache2/bin/Apache.exe -V
Server version: Apache/2.0.46
Server built:   May 27 2003 23:15:42
Server's Module Magic Number: 20020903:3
Architecture:   32-bit
Server compiled with
 -D APACHE_MPM_DIR=server/mpm/winnt
 -D HTTPD_ROOT=/apache
 -D SUEXEC_BIN=/apache/bin/suexec
 -D DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD=logs/apache_runtime_status
 -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG=logs/error.log
 -D AP_TYPES_CONFIG_FILE=conf/mime.types
 -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE=conf/httpd.conf

*** C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 0) configuration:
osname=MSWin32, osvers=4.0, archname=MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=undef
usethreads=undef use5005threads=undef useithreads=define
useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
cc='cl', ccflags
optimize='-MD -DNDEBUG -O1',
ccversion='', gccversion='', gccosandvers=''
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=1234
d_longlong=undef, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=10
ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='__int64',
alignbytes=8, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='link', ldflags
'-nologo -nodefaultlib -release  -libpath:C:\Perl\lib\CORE  -machine:x86'
libpth=C:\Program Files\Microsoft.Net\Odbc.Net\ C:\Perl\lib\CORE
libs=  oldnames.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib
comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib  netapi32.lib
uuid.lib wsock32.lib mpr.lib winmm.lib  version.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib
perllibs=  oldnames.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib
comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib  netapi32.lib
uuid.lib wsock32.lib mpr.lib winmm.lib  version.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib
libc=msvcrt.lib, so=dll, useshrplib=yes, libperl=perl58.lib
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_win32.xs, dlext=dll, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
cccdlflags=' ',
ddlflags='-dll -nologo -nodefaultlib -release  -libpath:C:\Perl\lib\CORE  

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Locally applied patches:
ActivePerl Build 804
  Built under MSWin32
  Compiled at Dec  1 2002 23:15:13

3. This is the core dump trace: (if you get a core dump):

#   I don't have anything built with debug but even so the stack shows:
#   PERL58.DLL
#   PERL58.DLL
#   when I pop into the debugger from the alert panel.

This report was generated by -e on Fri Jul 18 23:48:59 2003 GMT.

-8-- End Bug Report --8--

# C:\Apache2\conf\parental.conf
#   Minimal configuration for breaking PerlOptions +parent.
#   Use Include directive in generic httpd.conf
#   There is no here, nor much of anything else.
#   I first discovered this issue in a fully populated environment
#   with all of that good stuff.  I removed all of the other goop
#   and it still blows up here.  When I had going I

clones and parents

2003-07-17 Thread Marc M. Adkins
Let's say I want to create a site with five virtual hosts.  I want all of
them to share the basic MP2 stuff, Apache-related modules and so forth.
Then, for Virtual Host 1 (VH1 for short ;) I want to specify a set of
modules unique to VH1.  For VH2-VH4 I want to specify another set of
modules, but the same set for all of those virtual hosts.

So I feel like I want to have two interpreter pools.  I want a parent at the
top-most level (outside of all of the virtual hosts) that loads the basic
stuff.  Then I want a parent and a pool for VH1.  Then I want a parent and a
pool for VH2-VH4 to share.

I'm not clear on how to do this or even if it is possible.  I understand how
the Clone and Parent options work, but they depend on the structure of the
Apache configuration file.  I don't offhand know of a way to group four
virtual hosts into a block so that they can inherit the same parent/pool.

If I were trying to solve this (assuming that it isn't already possible
somehow) I might come up with the concept of named interpreter parent/pools.
Something like:

PerlInterpPool VH1
  PerlRequire VH1/

PerlInterpPool VHX
  PerlRequire VHX/

VirtualHost VH1

VirtualHost VH2


VirtualHost VH5

But that's just off the top of my head and probably wrong for any number of

Any thoughts?  Or better yet, a way to do this with MP2 already?


RE: clones and parents

2003-07-17 Thread Marc M. Adkins
No wonder this seemed familiar.  I wrote pretty much the same memo six weeks
ago.  D'oh!  I've been spending too much time at the keyboard...

So is PerlOptions +Parent working?  Whenever I enable it I get a segfault on
W2K / Ap2.0.46 / mp1.99.10dev.


 -Original Message-
 From: Marc M. Adkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 1:17 PM
 Subject: clones and parents

 Let's say I want to create a site with five virtual hosts.  I want all of
 them to share the basic MP2 stuff, Apache-related modules and so forth.
 Then, for Virtual Host 1 (VH1 for short ;) I want to specify a set of
 modules unique to VH1.  For VH2-VH4 I want to specify another set of
 modules, but the same set for all of those virtual hosts.

 So I feel like I want to have two interpreter pools.  I want a
 parent at the
 top-most level (outside of all of the virtual hosts) that loads the basic
 stuff.  Then I want a parent and a pool for VH1.  Then I want a
 parent and a
 pool for VH2-VH4 to share.

 I'm not clear on how to do this or even if it is possible.  I
 understand how
 the Clone and Parent options work, but they depend on the structure of the
 Apache configuration file.  I don't offhand know of a way to group four
 virtual hosts into a block so that they can inherit the same parent/pool.

 If I were trying to solve this (assuming that it isn't already possible
 somehow) I might come up with the concept of named interpreter
 Something like:

   PerlInterpPool VH1
 PerlRequire VH1/

   PerlInterpPool VHX
 PerlRequire VHX/

   VirtualHost VH1

   VirtualHost VH2


   VirtualHost VH5

 But that's just off the top of my head and probably wrong for any
 number of

 Any thoughts?  Or better yet, a way to do this with MP2 already?


RE: Virtual Host Logging Perl Script (mod_macro note)

2003-07-16 Thread Marc M. Adkins
  Right now it seems a bit silly having a separate ErrorLog line in each
  of the apache virtual host stubs, but as far as I am aware there isn't
  an easier way is there?

 You could look at mod_macro.

mod_macro ( works great for me.  I found
that I had to make a few changes to get it to build for Apache 2.0.46.  To

 module macro_module;
 module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA   macro_module;
 char * name, * where, * recursion;
 char * name, * recursion;
 char * where = ???;
 AP_DECLARE_DATA module macro_module = {
 module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA macro_module = {

The preload of 'where' may be redundant, I don't remember.  I believe that
the use of AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA was change that I had to make or nothing
would build.  YMMV


RE: Does DBD::Pg work w/mp2?

2003-06-22 Thread Marc M. Adkins
 Is anyone using PostgreSQL via DBD::Pg in a threaded environment?
 It appears as though the DBD::Pg driver hasn't been made thread-safe yet.
 However it's possible that I'm misusing it somehow, doing something in my that I shouldn't, whatever.  So I'm asking if anyone else is
 using DBD::Pg successfully w/mp2 at the current time???

From the DBD::Pg mailing list:


The version in CVS should work with threading, but the version on CPAN 
does not yet. You can download a cvs copy:

or just add these three lines to and recompile:

diff -c -r1.37
***   10 Jun 2003 19:14:53 - 
---   22 Jun 2003 21:22:31 -
*** 38,43 
--- 38,47 
  $errstr = ; # holds error string for DBI::errstr
  $drh = undef; # holds driver handle once initialized
+   sub CLONE {
+   $drh = undef ;
+   }
  sub driver{
return $drh if $drh;
my($class, $attr) = @_;


I've tried it and it seems to work just fine.


Does DBD::Pg work w/mp2?

2003-06-20 Thread Marc M. Adkins
Is anyone using PostgreSQL via DBD::Pg in a threaded environment?

I'm getting:

[Fri Jun 20 11:47:57 2003] [error] [client]
  DBD::Pg::dr default_user failed: handle 1
  is owned by thread 126e2e4
  not current thread 11df014
  (handles can't be shared between threads and
   your driver may need a CLONE method added)

with DBD::Pg 1.22 (W2K, Apache 2.0.46, Perl 5.8, mod_perl 1.99.10-dev).

It appears as though the DBD::Pg driver hasn't been made thread-safe yet.
However it's possible that I'm misusing it somehow, doing something in my that I shouldn't, whatever.  So I'm asking if anyone else is
using DBD::Pg successfully w/mp2 at the current time???

In the meantime the DBD::PgPP driver works OK, but of course it probably
won't perform as well.


RE: PerlOptions Clone/Parent in mp2

2003-06-13 Thread Marc M. Adkins
 With something like a Proxy http://foo/*/Proxy block, mod_proxy does
 the right thing ( and the simple ) of using the power of
 ap_walk_config() to handler the parsing of the contents of the block.


 Reason Perl blocks can't do that is becasue we can't let httpd try and
 parse perl code and make any sense of it. If you look closely, a Perl
 block simply slurps all its contents and feeds it to perl for

Ah...I's the MP_CMD_SRV_RAW_ARGS_ON_READ which translates into
AP_INIT_RAW_ARGS with the all-important EXEC_ON_READ flag that allows you to
waylay the configuration file on the way in.  Otherwise the directives are
partially processed and constructed into a tree, which you don't want.
Turns out mod_macro does the same thing.  Doesn't apply to my code, thank


RE: PerlOptions Clone/Parent in mp2

2003-06-11 Thread Marc M. Adkins
  The code to implement blocks (e.g. TIPool.../TIPool) in
 config files is
  pretty gnarly, too.  I know it's already there for Perl, it's
 one of the
  places I looked when I was considering doing one of my own and
 wanted to see
  an example.  The Apache framework is pretty strong for putting in new
  directives, but not so much for adding new blocks.

 Actually you can't quite do that in a 3rd party module. Currently
 the pools
 are internal to mod_perl. Making this customizable will require
 adding hooks
 to the internal tipool mechanism. When I wrote the above
 pseudo-config I was
 suggesting an internal support for these.

I was actually not figuring to do it myself. ;)

I was commenting on the code required to implement things like Perl or
TIPool.  I've since queried the httpd-dev list and the 'official' example
is in the source for mod_proxy (with a caveat that a three-pass config file
parser may necessitate further changes at some point).  It appears to be a
lot simpler than the parsing that mod_perl is doing.  I was
there a specific reason mod_perl implements Perl the way it does or is it
just code inertia?


RE: getting *any* variables out of the server environment

2003-06-09 Thread Marc M. Adkins
IF you're using your httpd.conf are you setting up the handlers
with modperl or perl-script?  The former doesn't provide any environment

I don't believe this applies to mp1.


 -Original Message-
 From: Ryan Muldoon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 11:30 AM
 Subject: getting *any* variables out of the server environment

 I'm not able to get *any* variables out from the apache server
 environment.  As you might be able to imagine, this is extremely
 frustrating, and inhibits my ability to do anything of use with
 mod_perl. My basic technique has been:
   my $uri = $r-uri;
   return unless $r-is_main();
   my $subr = $r-lookup_uri($uri);
   my $apachecertcomp = $subr-subprocess_env($certcomponent);
 But this doesn't work.  I also tried
   my $var = $r-subprocess_env(VARIABLE_NAME);
 And this does not work either.  I really need to be able to use
 environment variables that mod_ssl sets in my authentication handler.
 Any ideas?  Thanks!


RE: PerlOptions Clone/Parent in mp2

2003-06-09 Thread Marc M. Adkins
 However I think it is possible to make the architecture more
 flexible to allow
 pools sharing across specific vhosts, or even location containers (if the
 scope is set to be only for the handler). e.g. something like:

 #base server

 TIPool A
 # parameters
 TIPool B
 # parameters

 VirtualHost ...
 PerlUseTiPool A
 VirtualHost ...
 PerlUseTiPool A

 VirtualHost ...
 PerlUseTiPool B
 VirtualHost ...
 PerlUseTiPool B

Yeah, that would do it.  I don't know how many people will need this,
probably not so many.  And there might be a sufficient work-around in those
rare (?) cases involving multiple Apache instantiations and a proxy server
to tie it all together.  Something like the high-volume configurations I've
seen documented, only with one mod_perl-enhanced server for each TIPool.

The code to implement blocks (e.g. TIPool.../TIPool) in config files is
pretty gnarly, too.  I know it's already there for Perl, it's one of the
places I looked when I was considering doing one of my own and wanted to see
an example.  The Apache framework is pretty strong for putting in new
directives, but not so much for adding new blocks.


PerlOptions Clone/Parent in mp2

2003-06-08 Thread Marc M. Adkins
wrt Apache 2.0, mod_perl 2.0...

I'm not using Clone or Parent at the current time, but I was re-reading the
documentation on them for an unrelated reason and started thinking about how
they would work.

Suppose I want to set up five virtual hosts with modules A - E.  Then I want
to set up six virtual hosts with modules F - M.  The first five virtual
hosts can all share a pool of interpreters and the second six virtual hosts
can share a different pool of interpreters.

How might I declare two parent interpreters globally, one with modules A - E
and the other with modules F - M such that I could share a pool of
interpreters derived from the first parent with five virtual hosts and a
pool of interpreters derived the second parent with a different six virtual

This is all theoretical, I don't actually need this right now, and probably
won't ever.  Just trying to imagine how these options would be used.


RE: DirectoryIndex doesn't see SetHandler path

2003-06-06 Thread Marc M. Adkins
 I hope that this is the issue. Marc has failed to say that he is using
 mp2/apache2, so I won't be surprised if this is yet another
 problem introduced
 by apache-2.0 (incompatible mod_dir behavior wrt apache-1.3). see
 my recent
 bug reports to the httpd-dev list.

Yah, yah, sorry, Apache 2.0.46 on W2K, ActiveState build 804 (Perl 5.8),
mod_perl/1.99_10-dev.  Postcards from the bleeding edge.

Wish I'd given more attention to your postings on httpd-dev.  I was thinking
this might be a bug and it might not...I'm not always sure what is
_supposed_ to happen.


Apache modules and mod_perl threads in same process?

2003-06-06 Thread Marc M. Adkins
For Apache 2.0.46 / mod_perl 1.99.10-dev:

If I have an Apache module configured in httpd.conf, will the module code be
executing in the same process as the mod_perl code?  If there are multiple
Apache processes (on W2K I always see 2) will the module code exist in all


DirectoryIndex doesn't see SetHandler path

2003-06-05 Thread Marc M. Adkins
This is going to seem odd...obscure...dumb...

I've been using code like this to set up handlers:

  Location /some/path/index
SetHandler  perl-script
PerlResponseHandler Some::Handler

Now I'm using this code to set up handlers for individual pages.  The
directive above is in a sense telling Apache there is a directory
/some/path/index which contains files which should be processed via
Some::Handler but in fact there is no such directory.  There is just a
handler.  So in my mind I'm defining a single page with a handler.

All this works OK, weird though it may be, until I want a directory index.
Say I want to go to url:


The DirectoryIndex directive doesn't allow me to say that 'index' is a
directory, only 'index.html'.  That is to say, the following:

  DirectoryIndex  index index.html

doesn't cause Apache to automatically find /some/path/index, even if I have
defined one using AddHandler.  I'm assuming this is because there is no such
file, the handler is attached to the /some/path/index directory, there isn't
anything for Apache to find.

For the moment I'm faking things out using the miracle of mod_rewrite:

  RedirectMatch ^/some/path/index\.html /some/path/index

which makes it all work like I want.  NOW Apache finds the handler for some
reason.  So I'm not complaining, and I don't need a fix, but I wonder if I'm
missing something.

* AddHandler attaches a handler to a set of files with a given suffix.
* SetHandler attaches a handler to a location (a directory, right?)
  and all of the files therein.
* There isn't (?) a directive that attaches a handler to a single leaf
  in the directory tree which may in fact be non-existent in such a
  manner that the DirectoryIndex directive will find the leaf.

Have I missed something?  Am I abusing the tool?


RE: Large Data Set In Mod_Perl

2003-05-30 Thread Marc M. Adkins
  perhaps something such as copying the whole 800,000 rows to
  memory (as a hash?) on apache startup?

 That would be the fastest by far, but it will use a boatload of RAM.
 It's pretty easy to try, so test it and see if you can spare the RAM it

Always one of my favorite solutions to this sort of problem (dumb and fast)
but in mod_perl won't this eat RAM x number of mod_perl threads???  In this
case one of the advantages of the DBMS is that it is one copy of the data
that everyone shares.


RE: Can't use sendmail more than once

2003-05-30 Thread Marc M. Adkins
 I have migrated my site from IIS and Active State to Apache 1.3
 and mod_perl
 on a Windows machine. I use the site to send emails to registered users
 using Mail::sendmail through our SMTP server (another machine).

 With Apache I can only send emails once after I start the Apache server,
 thereafter it tells me it can't connect to the SMTP server. Restarting the
 Apache server leads to again being able to only send emails once.

I've been having similar problems using Mail::Sendmail 0.79 w/Apache 2.0.45
and mod_perl 1.99.10_dev on Windows.  It works for a while (generally more
than once) and then it can't connect.  I haven't tracked it down yet.


FW: Large Data Set In Mod_Perl

2003-05-30 Thread Marc M. Adkins
 On Thu, 2003-05-29 at 11:59, Marc M. Adkins wrote:
perhaps something such as copying the whole 800,000 rows to
memory (as a hash?) on apache startup?
   That would be the fastest by far, but it will use a boatload of RAM.
   It's pretty easy to try, so test it and see if you can spare
 the RAM it
  Always one of my favorite solutions to this sort of problem
 (dumb and fast)
  but in mod_perl won't this eat RAM x number of mod_perl threads???

 No.  If you load the data during startup (before the fork) it will be
 shared unless you modify it.

That's news to me (not being facetious).  I was under the impression that
cloning Perl 5.8 ithreads cloned everything, that there was no sharing of
read-only data.


RE: Large Data Set In Mod_Perl

2003-05-30 Thread Marc M. Adkins
 On Thu, 2003-05-29 at 12:59, Marc M. Adkins wrote:
  That's news to me (not being facetious).  I was under the
 impression that
  cloning Perl 5.8 ithreads cloned everything, that there was no
 sharing of
  read-only data.

 We're not talking about ithreads here, just processes.  The data is
 shared by copy-on-write.  It's an OS-level feature.  See the mod_perl
 docs for more info.

My original comment was regarding threads, not processes.  I run on Windows
and see only two Apache processes, yet I have a number of Perl interpreters
running in their own ithreads.  My understanding of Perl ithreads is that
while the syntax tree is reused, data stored in the parent ithread is

In addition, since I'm on Windows, I'm not convinced that the type of
OS-level code sharing you're talking about is in fact done.  Windows doesn't
