Re: readdir()

2001-04-25 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Andrew Ho wrote:

 LSPerl 5.6.0 breaks the readdir() function when running under mod_perl.
 LSThis is with the most recent versions of Apache and mod_perl, as well
 LSas with older versions.  I see the same problem reported in the
 LSmailing list going back to December 2000, but no hint of a
 LSresolution.  Is there any fix?
 Are there references to the problem reports? readdir() works fine for me
 with Apache 1.3.19, mod_perl 1.25, and Perl 5.6.0 on Solaris 2.7 (x86).

AFAIK, it's broken only under Linux and then only when using
glibc2.2.  It works fine under glibc2.1.

- Paul

Re: Strange Problem with opendir / readdir

2001-03-30 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Fri, 30 Mar 2001, Cornelius Kuschnereit wrote:

 I have strange problems while using opendir / readdir
 under MasonHQ. I'm not shure, but it seems to be a perl / modperl / Apache
 and not a Mason Bug.
 I have no problem to run the same directly from the shell.
 Is there a known bug?

As far as I can tell, it's a mod_perl, glibc2.2 compatibility

- Paul

Re: Authentication handlers

2001-03-03 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Sat, 3 Mar 2001, Pierre Phaneuf wrote:

 "Paul J. Lucas" wrote:
   Is there any means of removing the username and password from the browsers
 No, I think he's talking about the "basic" authentication information,
 that browsers keep in memory until they are stopped.

Oh, silly me.  Since this is a mod_perl mailing list, I thought
it was actually mod_perl question.

Basic authentication is basic authentication; mod_perl has
nothing to do with it.

- Paul

Re: Authentication handlers

2001-03-02 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Sat, 3 Mar 2001, Kiran Kumar.M wrote:

 Is there any means of removing the username and password from the browsers


- Paul

[OT] Re: Search Engine Theory

2001-02-27 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Jamie Krasnoo wrote:

 Can anyone point me to any documents on search engine theory and programming
 search engines with perl?

Possibly.  Try a search-engine-related mailing list or

- Paul

Re: parsing an apache-like conf-file

2001-01-31 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Matt Sergeant wrote:

 Looks like a job for XML::Simple.

Except we've had no end of trouble with it dumping core in a
mod_perl environment.

My XML::Tree is far faster, much smaller, and doesn't dump core:

- Paul

Re: parsing an apache-like conf-file

2001-01-31 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Matt Sergeant wrote:

  My XML::Tree is far faster, much smaller, and doesn't dump core:
 But its not as simple to use as XML::Simple, which is perfect for these
 sorts of things :-)

What could be simpler than:

$xml = XML::Tree-new( 'foo.xml' );
$ref = $xml-as_array();


- Paul

Re: parsing an apache-like conf-file

2001-01-31 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Matt Sergeant wrote:

I wrote:
  What could be simpler than:
  $xml = XML::Tree-new( 'foo.xml' );
  $ref = $xml-as_array();
 Its what's in $ref thats complex (or more complex than XML::Simple), see
 the man page for XML::Simple.

Yes, but I think XML::Simple got the data structures generally
wrong and has too many options.  A user of XML::Simple looking
at his own code a few weeks later, or, worse, somebody else's,
always has to (re)figure out what options were given to it at
data-structure creation time and what that really means in
terms of the data structure you get back.  This means you're
always having to look at the man page.

You may think XML::Simple results in simpler data structures;
however, the mental energy expended to refigure stuff out makes
XML::Simple more complex in the long term.  Aside from being
slow, this is another complaint about it.

In contrast, the data structure you get back from XML::Tree is
always the same.  As Antoine de Saint-Exupery remarked:

A designer knows he has arrived at perfection
not when there is no longer anything to add,
but when there is no longer anything to take

- Paul

Re: parsing an apache-like conf-file

2001-01-31 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Matt Sergeant wrote:

 I've never heard anyone complain about it being slow. I'm not saying
 XML::Tree isn't faster, just that I've never heard that complaint about
 XML::Simple, simply because people don't use it for parsing large files, just
 small config files.

Or perhaps they don't need to handle hundreds of thousands of
hits a day, i.e., on the scale of eBay.

 I guess maybe your measures are different to, erm, the rest of the internet's

The benchmark I used is right on my web page.

 As for being more complex to use, I would say XML::Simple's popularity speaks
 for itself (especially when compared with say XML::DOM or Grove or even

Or, until now, there wasn't something better.

- Paul

Passing data among handlers

2001-01-30 Thread Paul J. Lucas

Perhaps I've missed it, but is there a better way than the
"notes" mechanism to pass data among handlers?

The "notes" mechanism not only requires the notes to be
scalars, but, apparantly, said scalars must also be simple
strings, i.e., no binary data crammed into a scalar.

Better ideas?  Odds of enhancing the "notes" mechanism?

- Paul


2001-01-23 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, Matt Sergeant wrote:

 But if performance is absolutely key in XML parsing/processing, then you
 really need to be looking towards Orchard, which we're co-developing with
 Ken MacLeod (author of the PerlSAX bindings and XML::Grove). Current tests
 reveal that its about 10 times faster at parsing than any Perl tree based
 parser ...

FYI, I recently released my of XML::Tree.  My benchmark tests
against XML::Parser show mine to be 12 times faster.  I wrote it
as sort of a challenge (internal to my company).  The code is
based on my similar HTML::Tree.

A current caveat of mine is that it's not a compliant parser.
It doesn't currently handle Unicode, CDATA sections, ELEMENT
declarations, and probably some other stuff.  But, if you're
processing straight-forward XML files, like config files, it
certainly works, and fast.

- Paul


2001-01-23 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, Matt Sergeant wrote:

 Aside from categorically *not* being an XML parser (if it doesn't parse
 XML 1.0 files then its not officially an XML parser)

Whatever.  It's still 12 times faster at parsing files that
look very much like XML in a majority of real-world cases.
(There: happy?)  Also, as I stated, is is just version 1.0.

 it doesn't compile on my stock Mandrake 7.0 laptop:
 make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/XML_Tree-1.0/mod/XML/Tree'
 g++ -c -I../../.. -Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/local/include
 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -pipe -s
 -mpentium -mcpu=pentium -march=pentium -ffast-math
 -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -DXS_VERSION=\"1.0\" -fpic
 -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE -Ubool Tree.c
 Tree.xs: In function `void XS_XML_Node_att(CV *)': 
 Tree.xs:196: taking dynamic typeid of object with -fno-rtti
 Tree.xs:196: confused by earlier errors, bailing out

Your installation is outdated or broken or both: it should not
be adding -fno-rtti.  It's certainly not in the distributed

It requires an ANSI C++ compiler (supporting RTTI).  If it
doesn't compile ANSI C++ then it's not officially an ANSI C++

- Paul


2001-01-23 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, Matt Sergeant wrote:

 Its perl adding the -fno-rtti, FWIW, not your Makefiles.

Then there's something odd about your Perl installation.  Perl
shouldn't be giving the option.  How does Perl "know" whether
RTTI is needed or not?

- Paul

Re: New to mod perl help

2001-01-23 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, John Michael wrote:

 I know that the modperl script has to go in the httpd/perl folder so that
 apache will recognize it.

You can put the script anywhere you please.  You only have to
make sure the directory is "use lib"'d.

 If I move the scripts into the httpd/perl folder, if I just require them from
 the virtual cgi-bins, will they work and how do I pass variables to these
 scripts.  These are just regular cgi scripts.

You pass them the same way you always have.

 I just wanted to gain the effects of the embedded interpreter and start
 experimenting with the script.

You actually have to configure Apache::Registry to handle the
scripts in said directories, of course.

- Paul

Re: PerlChildInitHandler not being called

2001-01-12 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, Doug MacEachern wrote:

 On Tue, 2 Jan 2001, Paul J. Lucas wrote:
  I looked in the archives for this problem and, while mentioned,
  not definitive solution was apparantly found.  I did notice the
  handler get called once, but only once: total server shutowns
  and restarts don't make it get called.
  I'm using Apache 1.3.12, mod_perl 1.24_01, Perl 5.6 under Linux.

[ snip ]

 looks like it works fine.

Actually, I played with it some more and it turns out that that
a PerlChildInitHandler directive doesn't work inside a
VirtualHost block.

- Paul

PerlChildInitHandler not being called

2001-01-02 Thread Paul J. Lucas

I looked in the archives for this problem and, while mentioned,
not definitive solution was apparantly found.  I did notice the
handler get called once, but only once: total server shutowns
and restarts don't make it get called.

I'm using Apache 1.3.12, mod_perl 1.24_01, Perl 5.6 under Linux.

- Paul

Re: searchable site

2001-01-01 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Mon, 1 Jan 2001, Bill Moseley wrote: uses SWISH-E, if I remember correctly.

Although getting off-topic, SWISH++ is significantly faster:

 The CPAN modules will let you move seamlessly from the forked model of 2.0
 to the library version of swish-e when 2.1 comes out.  This means you can
 run swish under mod_perl without forking.

SWISH++ can run as a multi-threaded daemon that listens on
either a Unix-domain or TCP socket, hence also without forking.

- Paul

Re: searchable site

2001-01-01 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Mon, 1 Jan 2001, Bill Moseley wrote:

 BTW: seems broken.

The documentation link (different from above) is now fixed:

Thanks.  (Apple, in their infinite wisdom, decided not to
implement directory listings in their web server.)

- Paul

Re: Trouble building HTML_Tree

2000-12-12 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Tue, 12 Dec 2000, Ian Mahuron wrote:

 Can't load '../blib/arch/auto/HTML/Tree/' for module HTML::Tree:
 ../blib/arch/auto/HTML/Tree/ Undefined symbol "__builtin_delete" at
 /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503/ line 169.
 Any idea?  I'm sure someone has run into this before.

1. Did it build correctly?

I don't have access to a FreeBSD box to test.

- Paul

PerlChildInitHandler not being called

2000-12-11 Thread Paul J. Lucas

I looked int he archives for this problem and, while mentioned,
not definitive solution was apparantly found.  I did notice the
handler get called once, but only once: total server shutowns
and restarts don't make it get called.

I'm using Apache 1.3.12, mod_perl 1.24_01, Perl 5.6 under Linux.

- Paul

RE: Clarification of PERL_STASH_POST_DATA

2000-11-08 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, Geoffrey Young wrote:

 ... Apache::RequestNotes may be able to help - it basically does
 cookie/get/post/upload parsing during request init and then stashes
 references to the data in pnotes.  The result is a consistent interface to
 the data across all handlers (which is the exact reason this module came

This is /exactly/ right.  The only caveat is that its API is
different from Apache::Request.  It Would Be Nice(TM) if the
module subclassed itself off of Apache::Request so that the
Apache::Request API would Do The Right Thing(TM).

 it requires Doug's libapreq and probably a few code changes, but it may be
 somewhat helpful...

Such functionality should imply be absorbed into


- Paul

Clarification of PERL_STASH_POST_DATA

2000-11-07 Thread Paul J. Lucas

OK, so the documentation for PERL_STASH_POST_DATA reads:

There is an experimental option for Makefile.PL
called PERL_STASH_POST_DATA. If you turn it on,
you can get at it again with $r-subprocess_env("POST_DATA").
This is not on by default because it adds

So I rebuilt Apache and mod_perl with PERL_STASH_POST_DATA=1
on the perl Makefile.PL line; however:

1. What *is* $r-subprocess_env("POST_DATA") ?  Just the entire
   posted data squished up into a single scalar?  What about
   file uploads?

2. The $r-subprocess_env("POST_DATA") doesn't even seem to
   work.  I "warn" it to the log file and I get nothing there.

The general problem is preserving POSTed data, including file
uploads, for all handlers.

- Paul

$r-param() goes poof (Was: POST results in HTTP/1.0 (null))

2000-11-06 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Fri, 3 Nov 2000, I wrote:

   So from within a function, I'm doing
   my $r = Apache::Request-new( Apache-request() );
   warn "request=", $r-as_string(), "\n";
   and, when I to a POST request, I get:
 Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
 Content-Length: 6978
 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=curl3cwvW7Ge8lVBtEGuDRCENOMeIVO
 Pragma: no-cache
 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
 HTTP/1.0 (null)

I made a much smaller test case that works fine.  I've since
discovered that the difference between the case that doesn't
work and the case that does is the one that doesn't also
includes and authentication handler in its Location section.

From within my authentication handler, I also access query
string parameters.  When I do this, the downstream content
handler finds that $r-param() is empty.  If I have my
authentication handler not touch $r-param(), then the
downstream content handler properly gets the parameters.

Why does accessing $r-param() from within an authentication
(or, generally, and upstream handler) blow them away for
downstream handlers?

- Paul

Re: POST results in HTTP/1.0 (null) ??

2000-11-04 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Sat, 4 Nov 2000, G.W. Haywood wrote:

 On Fri, 3 Nov 2000, Paul J. Lucas wrote:
  Why is the content merely "HTTP/1.0 (null)"?  What happened to
  the other 6900 bytes or so?
 Maybe you need to generate them...

I did: if you read my original post, I wrote:

Orig   If I write a mini server in Perl that just dumps the contents
Orig   of the HTTP post, the posted data is correct.

I'm doing a POST with curl: the data curl generates is fine as
is in evidence by the above mini server.

 do you think you could give us a bit more to go on?

I'd be happy to: what else would you like to know?

- Paul

POST results in HTTP/1.0 (null) ??

2000-11-03 Thread Paul J. Lucas

So from within a function, I'm doing

my $r = Apache::Request-new( Apache-request() );
warn "request=", $r-as_string(), "\n";

and, when I to a POST request, I get:

Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
Content-Length: 6978
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=curl3cwvW7Ge8lVBtEGuDRCENOMeIVO
Pragma: no-cache
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0

HTTP/1.0 (null)

Why is the content merely "HTTP/1.0 (null)"?  What happened to
the other 6900 bytes or so?

If I write a mimi server in Perl that jsut dumps the contents
of the HTTP post, the posted data is correct.

- Paul

Re: return from nested functions

2000-11-01 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, G.W. Haywood wrote:

 Or you could call a function which does the business and then calls
 mod_perl's exit() function, page 464 Eagle Book.

I tried exit: the status code isn't preserved to downstream
stacked handlers.

- Paul

Re: return from nested functions

2000-11-01 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Dave Rolsky wrote:

 On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Paul J. Lucas wrote:
  If I'm a few levels deep into function calls, I'd liek to be
  able to do something like "return SERVER_ERROR" and have the
  entire call stack unwind and the current request stopped.
  Is there any way to do that?
 Not that this has anything to do with mod_perl really but ...

Actually it does because the status code should be preserved to
downstream stacked handlers (and, my testing, it apparantly

sub some_nested_function {
$r-status( SERVER_ERROR );
Apache-exit( 0 );

# in handler
sub handler {
# $r-status() is NOT SERVER_ERROR here

- Paul

Re: return from nested functions

2000-11-01 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:

 On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Paul J. Lucas wrote:
  If I'm a few levels deep into function calls, I'd liek to be
  able to do something like "return SERVER_ERROR" and have the
  entire call stack unwind and the current request stopped.
  Is there any way to do that?
 Definitely use exceptions.

It's rather cumbersome.  Ideally, I want to be able to do:

sub foo {
if ( $serious_problem )
stop_now_dammit( SERVER_ERROR );

anywhere in the code like:

sub bar {

and I do *NOT* have to "catch" anything after the point of
call, i.e., every call of foo() is similar to an "assertion" in
C, i.e., if you get to the line of code after it, it worked; if
it didn't work, you never get to the line after it.

I suppose I want to do something like Apache-exit() but
preserve the response code so the normal Apache error handling
mechanism kicks in and handles the error.

- Paul

Re: return from nested functions

2000-11-01 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Paul J. Lucas wrote:

   Ideally, I want to be able to do:
   sub foo {
   if ( $serious_problem )
   stop_now_dammit( SERVER_ERROR );
   anywhere in the code like:
   sub bar {
   and I do *NOT* have to "catch" anything after the point of
   call, i.e., every call of foo() is similar to an "assertion" in
   C, i.e., if you get to the line of code after it, it worked; if
   it didn't work, you never get to the line after it.

I figured out that I can do this by having stop_now_dammit()
use $r-notes() to set a note of the status code, call
Apache-exit(), and have the downstream handler check the note.
If it's anything but OK, simply return that value and the
normal Apache error handline mechanism kicks in.  :)

- Paul

Re: status_line() empty

2000-11-01 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Paul J. Lucas wrote:

   OK, so, from within a custom ErrorDocument handler, $r-status()
   is the status code as I expect; however, $r-status_line() is
   blank.  Any ideas why?

It turns out that status_line() isn't populated until after
send_http_header() is called.

- Paul

Re: HTML Template Comparison Sheet ETA

2000-09-04 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Nelson Correa de Toledo Ferraz wrote:

 I still think that this:
? foreach $name (@names) { ?
  Name: ?=$name? P
  Job: ?=$job{$name}? P
? } ?
 Is cleaner (well, as much as perl can be :-)) than this:

And I still think that:

  DIV CLASS="employee_info"
Name: SPAN CLASS="text::name"John Q. Public/SPANBR
Job: SPAN CLASS="text::job"mod_perl guru/SPAN

is cleaner still: *pure* HTML (no fake elements) that any web
tool will understand and dummy-content so the page designer can
see the end-product before any code is written.

Another benefit in not mixing any code in the template is that
the web page designer can wake up tomorrow and change the
template to:

TR CLASS="employee_info"
  TD CLASS="text::name"John Q. Public/TD
  TD CLASS="text::job"mod_perl guru/TD

and not a single line of the associated Perl code has to
change.  So when either the web page designers or the marketers
(*shudder*) decide that the web page needs some snazzing up,
they can snazz them up all they want and they don't have to bug
the programmers to change anything.

See for details.

(I've got the day off today so I'm gonna try to figure out how
to get this thing submitted to CPAN.)

 And the first one has two major advantages: 1) requires less code in the
 Perl modules

But that's where the code belongs.

 and 2) allows designers to know how Perl looks like.

Web designers don't care what the Perl looks like.

 I agree that one shouldn't put lots of code inside of a template, but
 variables and loops are better expressed in Perl than in a "little crippled

I agree: Perl should be used to its full ability, but none of it
should be in the template.

- Paul

Re: HTML Template Comparison Sheet ETA

2000-09-04 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Perrin Harkins wrote:

 "Paul J. Lucas" wrote:
  And I still think that:
DIV CLASS="employee_info"
  Name: SPAN CLASS="text::name"John Q. Public/SPANBR
  Job: SPAN CLASS="text::job"mod_perl guru/SPAN
  is cleaner still: *pure* HTML (no fake elements) that any web
  tool will understand and dummy-content so the page designer can
  see the end-product before any code is written.
 Having placeholder data in there is an interesting benefit.

I currently use the .chtml extension to tell Apache to do my
magic (via Files *.chtml).  But I often do a:

ln file.chtml file.html

and then I can point my browser at the plain .html version when
I want to see what the mock-up page looks like without executing
any code.  In production, I remove the links.

 What about conditionals and loops though?

I just got another e-mail about this so I could clarify.  There
is no loop that you can see in my example, and this is by design
since HTML doesn't loop.

All of this is explained in the documentaion, but, briefly: the
looping is done under the control of the associated .pm file:
for every HTML file, there is an associated .pm file and that's
where all the code is.

The function bound to the class employee_info tells the HTML
Tree engine that it wants to loop (or not loop) by its return

An example of a conditional:

DIV CLASS="if::do_this"

where do_this has to have been already evaluated and the result
stuffed into $this-{ do_this }.  But, the "if::" is just a
built-in class (to my module) as a short-cut; you're free to
use your own classes.

The underlying HTML parser is smart enough to "know" what
elements terminate other elements (both explicitly and
implicitly) so it "knows" where the end of the conditional or
loop is.

 Wouldn't they break the "preview" ability?

No: for loops, you just get one iteration; for conditionals, you
get the result as if the condition were true.

- Paul

Re: HTML Template Comparison Sheet ETA

2000-09-04 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Billy Donahue wrote:

 Great, as long as there's no loops or anything but straight up text
 replacement...  I don't like this approach at all!

What I showed *was* a loop; read my other follow-up.

 What if you need to actually USE the `class' attribute of your HTML element?

You can use it just fine: read the HTML spec.  The CLASS
attribute is allowed to have multiple values separated by

- Paul

Re: HTML Template Comparison Sheet ETA

2000-09-04 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Perrin Harkins wrote:

 I can still think of situtations in applications I've worked on where there
 were mutually excusive chunks of HTML that would have looked funny with this
 approach, but it gets you about 95% of the way towards a previewing system
 for free.  Cool.

Yes, in the case of mutually-exclusive sections of HTML, you
would get shown both for a preview.  (There is also a built-in
"unless::" class.)  In my experience, it's doesn't crop up THAT

I'm also not claiming the technique is perfect or right for
every possible situation.  Some hairy HTML pages can take some
head-scratching to figure out how to get the page generated
using the technique, but the majority of cases are fairly

- Paul

Re: HTML Template Comparison Sheet ETA

2000-09-04 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Eric L. Brine wrote:

 Great idea, but just one note; ':' is not legal in CSS class names. In
 fact, underscores are not even allowed in CSS class names!

So?  They aren't CSS class names.  The are in fact legal
class names according to the HTML spec.

- Paul

Re: HTML Template Comparison Sheet ETA

2000-09-04 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Eric L. Brine wrote:

 ELB Great idea, but just one note; ':' is not legal in CSS class names.
 ELB In fact, underscores are not even allowed in CSS class names!
 PL So?  They aren't CSS class names.
 In the preview mode, they are treated as such, so in effect they are.

Then I think the web browser you're using is broken.  The CLASS
attribute is (and never was) reserved for the exclusive use of
styles.  Anything not recognized should be ignored.

 In addition, if those are not stripped out by your module (and as far as
 I can tell with a quick look, they are not),

They probably *could* be.

 the resulting HTML does not conform to both strict HTML and CSS.

It's 100% conformant to HTML: please go read the specification.
As to CSS, I can't comment with authority since I'm not that
familiar with the specification; but, as I said above, I would
hope that anything not recognized is ignored.

 PL The are in fact legal class names according to the HTML spec.
 The HTML spec doesn't define what is a legal class name. It's simply
 defined as "CDATA" (i.e. a HTML escaped string).

Then anything that is legal CDATA is a legal class name, by
definition.  I really don't know how to make that any clearer.

- Paul

RE: Templating System (preview Embperl 2.0)

2000-07-28 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Gerald Richter wrote:

 As far as I understand you you use mmap to read in the source file, is this


 If this is true, then it will not make much difference, because reading in
 the source is only a very small piece of all the time that it takes to
 generate the output from a dynamic page.

I suggest you do some benchmarks.  I have, albeit many months
ago.  If I recall correctly, I took Yahoo's home page and ran
it through my HTML Tree and that of Gisle Aas: HTML was about
7-8 times faster.

 My point was, that the C implementation of parsering and DOM tree
 storage/caching, is much faster (uses much less memory) then doing the same
 in Perl.

...and faster still with mmap(2).

- Paul

[OT]: mmap (Was: Templating System (preview Embperl 2.0))

2000-07-28 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Kenneth Lee wrote:

 it would be good for the user to choose between mmap or normal i/o at 
 compile time. i'll try HTML::Tree anyway in the meantime.

It's not that simple.  Using mmap(2) greatly affects how one
writes code: it's not a drop-in replacement for standard I/O.
An mmap'd file *becomes* memory in the time it takes the OS to
handle a page-fault.  You then further get speed by accessing
the file *as* memory via ordinary pointers rather than function
calls and I/O buffers.  Inside the HTML Tree code is a generic
C++ STL-style container class wrapped around mmap...quite nice
if I do say so myself.

By definition, file I/O off disk can't be faster than mmap(2).

- Paul

Re: template kit.....

2000-07-28 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Denton River wrote:

 Its been a long time since i have done a jobb without using sessions. I would
 really like to have this feature included in the kit im using and i think
 alot of developers are with me on this one.

What I don't understand is *why*.  Why can't you use to
independent pieces of software: one for templates and the other
for sessions that work perfectly well together (or seperately)?

I personally prefer smaller, more easily udnerstandable pieces
to large, complex, feature-bloated software.

- Paul

Re: [OT]: mmap (Was: Templating System (preview Embperl 2.0))

2000-07-28 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Malcolm Beattie wrote:

 Assuming the kernel only keeps track of the last fault position in the file,
 it won't recognise that it's being read linearly (twice :-) and may well not
 do the async read ahead and drop behind in page cache that it would do
 otherwise. Once again, you'll lose performance with mmap.

And reading in the file twice into two separate I/O buffers
is better?

- Paul

Re: Templating system

2000-07-27 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Darko Krizic wrote:

 I want to write a new application using mod_perl but this time I want to
 completely divide the code from the HTML. Therefore I am seeking for a
 powerfull and fast templating system.

It does precisely what you're asking.

- Paul

RE: Templating system

2000-07-27 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Darko Krizic wrote:

 The only problem I see here is the performance. Enhydra compiles the java and
 the HTML pages and creates methods and a DOM model. Doing this on the fly
 (for mod_perl) would be a big drawback in performance. Maybe there should be
 some kind of precompiling.

My HTML Tree method (previously gave the URL) is several times
faster than conventional DOM parsers.  Among other things, it
uses mmap(2) to read files and, by definition, you can't get
faster I/O.

- Paul

Re: Templating System

2000-07-27 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now, your TD cells are going to get the red (assuming you aren't using
 Netscape's broken CSS). But how could you force one cell to get the yellow?
 The normal way to do it would be TD ID="oneTD" but you have already used up
 your ID tag.

...which is why the CLASS attribute is a better choice: it
specifically allows multiple classes, e.g.:

CLASS="one two three"

- Paul

Re: Templating system

2000-07-27 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:

 On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Paul J. Lucas wrote:
 Hey, that's really nice.

Thanks.  :)  Admitedly, the web site could use more example
other than what's in the manual pages, but where, oh where, to
find the time...

 And once the template HTML files are parsed, I can just leave the $root_node
 in memory for future requests, right?

Yes, I suppose so...  I never thought hard about doing that.
The reason is that you have to be careful about doing it since
the Perl/mod_perl API *intends* for you to manipulate/change
the structure/content, hence what you're left with after a page
generation is not the same HTML tree you started with.

The HTML DOM parsing is really fast since that part of the
software is written natively in C++ with memory-mapped I/O.
(It's the same parsing engine used in SWISH++, FWIW.)

HTML Tree does, however, cache the associated Perl (.pm) code
for a page just like Apache::Registry does (based on timestamp).

 And since the parser isn't validating, I can extend HTML with tags like

Not really, actually.  The reason is that the HTML parser
doesn't know anything about non-standard HTML elements so it
can't know if an element (not "tag") you make up has a required
or optional end tag to get the parsing ("balancing") right.  If
this were XML, it would be a different story.

Currently, "made up" elements are ignored entirely, i.e., *not*
added to the resultant HTML DOM tree and do not affect
"balancing" during parsing.

- Paul

Re: Templating system

2000-07-27 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:

 Aside from the GPL, it does looks nice.

What's wrong with the GPL?  It's open-source and free of cost.
What more do you want?

- Paul

[OT]: GPL (Was: Templating system)

2000-07-27 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:

 I wrote:
  What's wrong with the GPL?  It's open-source and free of cost.
  What more do you want?
 The ability to build commercial applications.

The GPL allows you to use and incorporate GPL'd software into
commercial applications.  However, if you *modify* the GPL'd
software, you *must* make said modifications freely available
under the GPL also.  If you don't modify it, there is no issue.

Also, just because a piece of code is GPL'd does *not* preclude
the author from granting *separate* commercial licenses.  As
the author for HTML Tree, I can grant as many any additional
licenses under any terms I please.

For example, if you wanted to use HTML Tree *and* make
*proprietary* modifications, I'd be happy to charge you a
licensing fee.  However, again, merely *using* GPL'd software
*as-is* requires so such additional license.

Please re-read the GPL.  FYI: I've also had correspondence with
the FSF on such issues and the above is correct.

- Paul

Re: Templating System

2000-07-27 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Jacob Davies wrote:


If I understand what this does, my HTML Tree can do this by

INPUT TYPE=text NAME="first_name" VALUE="" CLASS="value::first_name"

where the VALUE would be filled in from the value stored in:

$this-{ first_name }

where $this is a reference to an object created by the
associated .pm file and first_name was (presumeably) read in
from a database via DBI.

 A HREF="/somehandler?email=#EMAIL URLESC"

This can be done by doing:

A HREF="/somehandler?email=REPLACE" CLASS="repl_email"

and in the .pm:

$node-atts-{ href } =~ s/REPLACE/$real_address/;

or just by changing the entire value:

A HREF="/somehandler?email=bogus" CLASS="href::handler"

where "handler" is taken from:

$this-{ handler }

 SELECT NAME="country"
 OPTION VALUE="uk" #COUNTRY SELECTEDIF="uk"  The Mother Country
 OPTION VALUE="us" #COUNTRY SELECTEDIF="us"  Some Other Country

This is specifically supported by doing (example take from
Apache::HTML::ClassParser man page):

  OPTION CLASS="select::flavor_id" VALUE="0"Chocolate
  OPTION CLASS="select::flavor_id" VALUE="1"Strawberry
  OPTION CLASS="select::flavor_id" VALUE="2"Vanilla

 I've seen features one  two in some packages, in HTML::Template maybe, but I
 haven't seen the third one anywhere at all.  Maybe I'm missing where someone
 has already done it.

Yes, in HTML Tree.

- Paul

Re: Templating System

2000-07-27 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Autarch wrote:

 option value="uk" % 'selected' if $country eq 'uk' %
 Seems pretty close to what you want, I think.

Except it puts Perl code in the HTML file and uses invalid

- Paul

RE: Templating system

2000-07-27 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Douglas Wilson wrote:
 Is there a reason this is not on CPAN?

The reasons (not necessarily good ones) are:

1. I haven't had the time to figure out their submission

2. It's not (in my mind) in the "CPAN style" for the C++ part
   of the build, i.e., you can't just say:

perl Makefile.PL

   (You can say that for the Perl parts, however.)  The C++ part
   doesn't require Perl at all.

3. Although in practice it will most likely be used with Perl
   or mod_perl, it's a stand-alone C++ library/API.

- Paul

RE: Templating System (preview Embperl 2.0)

2000-07-27 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Gerald Richter wrote:

 To keep it fast Embperl is written in C.

Unless you use mmap(2), you can't compete with the speed of
HTML Tree.  The only downside of mmap(2) is that HTML Tree must
be first in an Apache::Filter filter chain.

- Paul

Re: [is it time for something other than html?] RE: Templating system

2000-07-27 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Jauder Ho wrote:

 If there was somehow a way to cache say the template, leaving only the same
 dynamic portion uncached, it would certainly help things along quite a bit.

An improvement to the technique used by HTML Tree is to
"collapse" the non-dynamic portions of an HTML file into a
single text node.  Given:

This is ordinary content.
It is Bnot/B dynamic.
This line, SPAN CLASS="sub_word"however/SPAN, is.

You would ordinarily get:

Element Node: H1
Text Node: Heading
Text Node:
This is ordinary content.
It is
Element Node: B
Text node: dynamic.  This line,
Element Node: SPAN
Text Node: however
Text Node: , is.

But, since the bulk of that is static, the portains that do
*not* contain elements having CLASS attributes could be
"collapsed" so that you get:

Text Node:
This is ordinary content.
It is Bnot/B dynamic.  This line,
Element Node: SPAN
Text Node: however
Text Node: , is.

i.e., the non-synamic HTML elements can be treated just like
plain text and passed through untouched.  You could also devise
a more complicated data structure that would cache such nodes

- Paul

RE: [is it time for something other than html?] RE: Templating s

2000-07-27 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 H2[+ $forum-title +]/H2

The problem with this is that it looks really ugly in
Dreamweaver (for example).  The HTML designer can't design a
mock-up page with dummy content using that technique that can
then be passed off to the coder.

With HTML Tree you can say:

H2 CLASS="text::forum_title"Recreational basketweaving/H2

i.e., put dummy content so the web page designer can see what a
real page will look like and tweak things like spacing, etc.

That HTML then can be used *as-is*, dummy content and all, with
HTML Tree since the dummy content is replaced dynamically.

- Paul

Re: Templating System

2000-07-27 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:

 Did you know that ASP also has a really great event model, like
 Session_OnStart, Session_OnEnd, etc, I still don't see this in the other
 templating modules.

IMHO, dynamic content page generation should have nothing to do
with session management.

- Paul

Re: storing db handles

2000-07-10 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, Brendan W. McAdams wrote:

 I found some info on Apache::DBI in the Mod_Perl developers guide that may
 help.  Basically though I globalised $dbh and then made my connection code
 $dbh ||= DBI-connect("dbi:mysql:$database","$db_user","$db_pass");

Unless I'm misreading the Apache::DBI manual page, this is
completely unnecessary.  Apache::DBI makes persistent
connections transparent so you can call connect() and
disconnect() as normal.  You don't need to do one-time
initializations, global variables, or anything.

- Paul

send_http_header and subrequests

2000-06-14 Thread Paul J. Lucas

The second example on p. 128 of the Eagle book sets the content
type and send the HTTP headers itself before running a

However, on p. 468, the documentation for the run() method says
in part:

When you invoke the subrequest's response handler in
this way, it will do everything a response handler is
supposed to, includinf sendinf the HTTP headers and the
document body. ...  If you arevoking the subrequest
urn() method from within your own content handler, you
must not sen the HTTP headers and document body
yourself ...

These seem to contradict each other.  From testing, however, it
seems as though the example on p. 128 is correct and the
documentation on p. 468 isn't.  Is this true?

The above aside, I'm having a problem when using subrequests
when the subrequest also involves a (different) content handler.

First, in a VirtualHost block, I have:

AddType text/html   .chtml
Files *.chtml
  PerlHandler   +Apache::HTML::ClassParser

that sets up the aforementioned "different" content handler
that uses .chtml files to generate dynamic content pages.  The
ClassParser content handler, as expected, calls send_http_header()
when it's ready to generate output.  It does, in part:

sub handler {
# ...
return DECLINED if $r-content_type ne 'text/html';
# ...
# ... generate content ...
return OK;

Using this content handler by itself works just fine; however,
when I try to use it in conjunction with another content
handler, things don't work right.

Briefly, I have a Location block like:

Location /get
  PerlHandler   +My::Get

that is a content handler that will, among other things, do
on-the-fly conversions (similarly to the ImageMagick example in
the Eagle book).  The My::Get handler does, in part:

my $sub_r = $r-lookup_file( $full_path );
my $status = $sub_r-status();
unless ( $status == DOCUMENT_FOLLOWS ) {
$r-log_error( "Can't look up $full_path" );
return $status;
$r-send_http_header( $sub_r-content_type() );
return OK if $r-header_only();
return $sub_r-run();

When I use My::Get by itself, it works fine: it will correctly
serve documents of any type.  However, I'd like My::Get to
simply be able to serve dynamic content pages if that's what
it's asked to do to provide a uniform URL scheme.

If $full_path refers to some .chtml file, things don't work
right: I get two sets of response headers (200 OK) but the
message that Apache prints is the canned "Document moved" error
(with A HREF=""here/A, i.e., an empty URL).  Things I

1. In My::Get(), not calling send_http_header().  This results in
   ordinary documents not being served correctly, e.g., the
   content type is wrong.

2. In My::Get(), if $full_path ends up being a .chtml file, do:

$r-filename( $full_path );
return DECLINED;

   This results in the correct headers; however, the raw HTML is
   served, i.e., the ClassParser handler is never called on the

I looked in the Eagle book about calling send_http_header()
from within subrequests by reading the documentation for
is_initial_req() and is_main(), but neither says anything about

How can I get Apache to do what I want, i.e., have My::Get serve
a file that is handled by another content handler?

- Paul

Re: lookup_uri and access checks

2000-02-03 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, G.W. Haywood wrote:

 On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Paul J. Lucas wrote:
  I have code that contains the line:
  $r-lookup_uri( $r-param( 'pm_uri' ) )-filename;
  However, if I have an access restriction that forbids access to
  files ending in a .pm extension and the URI maps to such a
  filename, then I get a "client denied by server confiruation"
  message in the error log.
 Are you checking the status of the subrequest?  (Eagle book, p453).

No.  Intentionally.  As I wrote, I don't care what Apache says
about the accessibility of the file.  I *will* read it.  All I
want to do is suppress the "client denied by server request"
messages in the log.

- Paul

lookup_uri and access checks

2000-02-02 Thread Paul J. Lucas

I have code that contains the line:

$r-lookup_uri( $r-param( 'pm_uri' ) )-filename;

The parameter pm_uri is a hidden form field that contains a URI
for a file.  I use lookup_uri() to translate that (eventually)
into an absolute filename.

However, if I have an access restriction that forbids access to
files ending in a .pm extension and the URI maps to such a
filename, then I get a "client denied by server confiruation"
message in the error log.  (Not surprising.)  However, I'm
still able to read the file myself from within the handler
routine.  (This is the desired behavior and it's also not
surprising.  I want to forbid *direct* access to .pm files by a
client so user's can't see the contents, but still have them
accessible to my handler.)

What I'd like, though, is to resolve a URI to a filename *only*
and not have Apache do access checks so I don't get a spurious
"client denied" error.  Is there any way to do this?

- Paul


2000-02-01 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Mark Jaaneston wrote:

 Still, I don't know if it is appropriate for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be a 
 forum for recruiting -- what's the consensus on this guys?

Although new to the list, my experience with recruiters is that
they aren't worth the space they occupy.

E-mail lists are cheap: anybody can easily create a
modperl-jobs mailing list.  Those who want to read such things
can subscribe to it; those who don't won't have to wade through
such crap.

- Paul


2000-02-01 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Baiju Thakkar wrote:

 How about putting Chapter 3,4, and 5 online. I own one copy and its usually
 at work. Sometime when I am at home I wish I had another copy.

That's an easily solvable problem: buy another copy.  Unless
you're severly underpaid as a programmer, you can afford it.

- Paul

RE: Novel technique for dynamic web page generation

2000-01-31 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:

 What about designers wanting to use CSS?

Classes not in the class map are ignored, so CSS still works.

- Paul


2000-01-30 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Sun, 30 Jan 2000, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

 Another question is why at all? Why not store the material as
 part of the main mod_perl site? Or off of the apache site?
 I guess I am just not sure why the site which seems to be centered around the
 book is its own site anyway?

Despite the fact that it's an amazing book, I have to agree
with his comments.  IMHO,, if it exists, should
be about the module (and not the book) just like
is about the module.

The book info should either be a sub-page under
or under the apache site (or even perhaps

- Paul

P.S.: Ralf Engelschall designs nice web pages, IMHO; perhaps
you can get him to help you with

Re: Novel technique for dynamic web page generation

2000-01-30 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On 30 Jan 2000, Gisle Aas wrote:

 $ perl
 Benchmark: timing 1000 iterations of Parser, Parser3...
 Parser: 30 wallclock secs (29.31 usr +  0.20 sys = 29.51 CPU)
Parser3:  2 wallclock secs ( 1.39 usr +  0.17 sys =  1.56 CPU)
 ...but this is kind of a useless benchmark, as it does not do anything.

It parses the file into a tree which is precisely what I'm

- Paul

RE: Novel technique for dynamic web page generation

2000-01-30 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Sun, 30 Jan 2000, Ron Pero wrote:

 How do you handle "sticky widgets"?

I've never heard that term before.

 I put perl variables in the VALUE attribute of input boxes. These show up for
 the designer. Are you able to get around that?  input type="text"
 name="CustomerFName" VALUE="[%$customer_info{'CustomerFName'}%]"

Yes.  You simply put in dummy content:

INPUT TYPE=text NAME="CustomerFName" CLASS="value::customer_name"
 VALUE="Joe Blow"

where "customer_name" is a key into the page's object hash, i.e.:

$this-{ customer_name }

that was presumeably read via DBI.  (You can name the key
anything you like, of course.)

The dummy content is substituted out for actual content.
Again, one of the plusses for this technique is that the
designer sees what a REAL page will look like.

- Paul

Re: Novel technique for dynamic web page generation

2000-01-29 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On 28 Jan 2000, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

 Have you looked at the new XS version of HTML::Parser?

Not previously, but I just did.

 It's a speedy little beasty.  I dare say probably faster than even
 expat-based XML::Parser because it doesn't do quite as much.

But still an order of magnitude slower than mine.  For a test,
I downloaded Yahoo!'s home page for a test HTML file and wrote
the following code:

- test code -
#! /usr/local/bin/perl

use Benchmark;
use HTML::Parser;
use HTML::Tree;

@t = timethese( 1000, {
   'Parser' = '$p = HTML::Parser-new(); $p-parse_file( "/tmp/test.html" );',
   'Tree'   = '$html = HTML::Tree-new( "/tmp/test.html" );',
} );

The results are:

- results -
Benchmark: timing 1000 iterations of Parser, Tree...
Parser: 37 secs (36.22 usr  0.15 sys = 36.37 cpu)
  Tree:  7 secs ( 7.40 usr  0.22 sys =  7.62 cpu)

One really can't compete against mmap(2), pointer arithmetic,
and dereferencing.

- Paul

Novel technique for dynamic web page generation

2000-01-28 Thread Paul J. Lucas

I've implemented what I believe to be a novel technique for
dymanic web page generation.  Although explained in much more
detail here:

essentially it parses an HTML file into a DOM-like tree where a
"visitor" function is called for every node in the tree.  The
parser in written in C++ using mmap(2) for speed, but there is
a Perl XS layer and Apache mod_perl module.  Using the Apache
module, you can bind HTML CLASS attributes to functions via a
class map that is simpy a Perl hash.

The novel thing about this is that pure, standard HTML files
are used.  This allows one to create a mock-up of the page
complete with dummy data to see how it will look and then take
that same page, without modification, and have it used to
generate dynamic content.  The code behind the page is in a
separate .pm file (that is cached similarly to the way
Apache::Registry does it).

- Paul

Re: Novel technique for dynamic web page generation

2000-01-28 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Perrin Harkins wrote:

 Looks almost exactly like XMLC from

I hadn't heard of that, but, from a quick look, enhydra is
XML/Java not HTML/Perl.  It also seems like a much more
"involved" solution.

 It's an interesting idea to use straight HTML, since it enables you to take
 HTML generated by authoring tools and use it immediately,

That's the exact point, yes.  :-)

Another small benefit is it allows the web page author to see a
mock-up page without having to have any code behind it.  Hence,
a web site can be designed in mock-up first.

 but it seems like it does tie your program closely to the structure of the

It does somewhat, but much less so than existing techniques:

1. Conventional CGI (a print-statement-laden Perl script): this
   tightly intertwines code and markup.

2. Embedded Perl (e.g., ePerl): variables are placed at
   specific points in the markup.

3. Non-standard tags: placed at specific points in the markup.
   (Another downside: DreamWeaver doesn't understand them.)

So, to me, all those techniques tightly tie the document
structure to the code.

However, with this technique, you can move CLASS names around
freely and NOT have to touch a single line of code.

For example, if at first I have:

OL CLASS="query_db"
LI CLASS="fetch_next"
SPAN CLASS="text::name"John Smith/SPAN

that queries a database and lists people and their e-mail
addresses, I can then change the HTML to use a table instead:

TABLE CLASS="query_db"
TR CLASS="fetch_next"
TD CLASS="text::name"John Smith/TD

and not have to touch a single line of the underlying Perl

In theory, if the people who design the web pages using
DreamWeaver and the Perl programmers agree on conventions for
CLASS names in advance, the pages generated by the web
designers should "just work."

The "win" is being able to separate the "getting the data" part
in the Perl code and its "presentation" part in the HTML.

 Am I correct in thinking that if you want to put a piece of text pulled from
 a database into a page you have to know exactly where it should end up in the
 HTML parse tree?

Yes; but you control where that is by editing the HTML file.
And you can reedit it and move it around again and again; and
you never have to touch the underlying Perl code.  See above.

- Paul

Re: Novel technique for dynamic web page generation

2000-01-28 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Jason Bodnar wrote:

The resultant file, no longer pure HTML, is something that can not be
read back into DreamWeaver should the page need a tweak.

 Hmmm ... I thought one of the big pluses of Dreamweaver is that it guaranteed
 roundtrip HTML. I'm guessing it doesn't?

I suppose it depends on what one does to the HTML.  Even if it
does now, it still doesn't allow mock-up content to be easily

- Paul

Re: Novel technique for dynamic web page generation

2000-01-28 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Perrin Harkins wrote:

I wrote:
  3. Non-standard tags: placed at specific points in the markup.
 (Another downside: DreamWeaver doesn't understand them.)

 Now that I've seen your example, it seems to me that you are doing almost
 exactly the same as #3.  The only difference is that you're using HTML
 extensions ("CLASS=foo") that are legal in authoring tools.

Not quite.  If you use a package like Meta-HTML, the non-
standard tags are used to do ALL the work including (for
example) database queries and iterations.  Hence, the "logic"
is very much embedded within a given point in the HTML file as

My technique completely separates the logic from the dynamic
content substitution.

 This is different from XMLC, which requires the program using it to specify
 which node to replace the contents of.

Right: my technique is not tied to a specific node; it's tied to
ANY node that has the right CLASS names.

 I think your approach is better.

Thanks!  :-)

- Paul