RE: Speed of downloading problem.

2002-02-05 Thread Purcell, Scott

Thanks Perrin,
Here is the part of the httpd.conf that I believe you wanted to see.

# Apache on Win32 always creates one child process to handle requests.  If
# dies, another child process is created automatically.  Within the child
# process multiple threads handle incoming requests.  The next two
# directives control the behaviour of the threads and processes.

# MaxRequestsPerChild: the number of requests each child process is
# allowed to process before the child dies.  The child will exit so
# as to avoid problems after prolonged use when Apache (and maybe the
# libraries it uses) leak memory or other resources.  On most systems, this
# isn't really needed, but a few (such as Solaris) do have notable leaks
# in the libraries.  For Win32, set this value to zero (unlimited)
# unless advised otherwise.
# NOTE: This value does not include keepalive requests after the initial
#   request per connection. For example, if a child process handles
#   an initial request and 10 subsequent keptalive requests, it
#   would only count as 1 request towards this limit.
MaxRequestsPerChild 0

# Number of concurrent threads (i.e., requests) the server will allow.
# Set this value according to the responsiveness of the server (more
# requests active at once means they're all handled more slowly) and
# the amount of system resources you'll allow the server to consume.

#ThreadsPerChild 1 
# broke the IO socket

#Should be on 50 like below
ThreadsPerChild 50

-Original Message-
From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 10:10 AM
To: Purcell, Scott; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Speed of downloading problem. 

 I have Apache/mod_perl installed on a NT box, and I am allowing customers
 do downloads of High-Resolution assets. My problem is the speed of
 is about 1/3 slower than the same box running IIS.

Can you post your httpd.conf?  Or at least the parts of it about threads and

It is possible that Apache is just not that fast on NT.  NT support is
experimental in the 1.3 series.

 One thought here was to go to 2.0

You can't run mod_perl 1.x on Apache 2.0.

Another thing you could try is having multiple servers.  One could handle
static requests and proxy the dynamic ones to mod_perl.  I don't know if IIS
knows how to do this or not, but there's probably something available for NT
that does it.

- Perrin

Speed of downloading problem.

2002-02-04 Thread Purcell, Scott


I have Apache/mod_perl installed on a NT box, and I am allowing customers to
do downloads of High-Resolution assets. My problem is the speed of downloads
is about 1/3 slower than the same box running IIS. IT dept, has confirmed
that the network is not the issue, and we have ran tests for the past week.
The conclusion we have drawn is for some reason, when we point to a static
HTML file on the docroot of the Apache running mod-perl server that it takes
2/3 times longer to download a file than on IIS.

The test is taking a 50mb file and placing it in the doc root of the IIS and
Apache/htdocs. Then just having a href link pointing to it. We have ruled
out the firewall and any networking.

Does anyone have any clues what to try? One thought here was to go to 2.0,
but we don't know if that will screw up the mod-perl that is built for the
Apache 1.3.20 and Ron Savages mod_perl binary.

Any info would certainly be appreciated.

Scott Purcell

Multiple Sites

2001-12-03 Thread Purcell, Scott

I have the need to create 10 web sites off my Apache web server. I do not
want to use 10 IP addresses. So I am doing to cheeze and do a 
URL/directory/index.html foreach site.

Then I would give each customer a URL of URL/directory and I would like the
index.html or the default.html to come up. But it does not. 
I edited my conf file to this
IfModule mod_dir.c
#DirectoryIndex index.html
DirectoryIndex default.htm


But but it does not work. But if I put in URL/directory and a forward slash/
eg. http://URL/directory/ then it shows the default.htm page. But I know my
customers, and they will not put in the directory forward slash. How do I
get around this issue?


Scott Purcell

RE: [OT] What hourly rate to charge for programming?

2001-10-10 Thread Purcell, Scott

What kind of thread is this?
I ask a question about modperl on NT and I get riddled from the list for
using NT. Then we have a thread that goes for two days about hourly charges?

What's up with this ..This should be for questions about modperl.

Give it a rest, I'm tired of throwing that thread away. 

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 8:41 AM
To: brian moseley; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [OT] What hourly rate to charge for programming?

Yes, they probably have tons of experience too, which I don't have, and I'm
not in Melbourne. I used to work in Melbourne and never saw any jobs for
$80 - $100 per hour, apart from doctors. I'll go have another look.

I need to work from home too which is a major barrier to employment.

- Original Message -
From: brian moseley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: [OT] What hourly rate to charge for programming?

 On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

  At 05:14 PM 10/10/2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'd like to know where I can get paid more than AU$10/hour (US$4.90 to
  per hour) for my mod_perl programming...
  You guys in America get $100US per hour?! My god, I'm in the wrong
  America is richer than Australia.

 gnudev, i don't know in what part of the country you're
 working, but i know several people in melbourne who are
 routinely getting paid au$80-100/hr for php,
 javascript/dhtml and ui design work. i haven't seen any perl
 work around, but then i haven't been looking either.

Virtual Host?

2001-09-10 Thread Purcell, Scott

I have Apache w/modperl running on my NT box.  The box has Samba on it, and
I can see my Unix volumes from my SGI box.

There is a volume there /DISK7 and I would like to be able to use that as a
kind of Virtual host through the Apache Web server. /DISK7 has a bunch of
.mov files that instead of copying to the htdocs directory, I would like to
be able to href link to them and have them displayed.

So my question is, where in the config (or how do I) configure the
httpd.conf to allow me to use /DISK7 as part of the doc root?


Scott Purcell

nph- in url on NT gives error

2001-08-20 Thread Purcell, Scott


I was trying to do an exercise from TPJ Issue#5 (vol2.,no2) Rating Web Page
Tastefulness with a Perl Agent, and it uses nph- in the URL. (Steins

Anyway, I am running Apache 1.3.20 and just began coding a few lines. I
noticed errors in the log file:
couldn't spawn child process: /apache/cgi-bin/nph-rater.cgi

So I began trying to iron out what is wrong, and I noticed that if I take
the same code and rename it to test.cgi it is happy. So apparently it is
telling me that I cannot do non-parsed headers on Apache running NT?

The code (couldn't be any simpler) errors when named 'nph-rater.cgi', but
runs with no issues if I rename that same bit of code to 'test.cgi'.

#! D:\\Perl\\bin;

use CGI; # load CGI routines
$q = new CGI;# create new CGI object
print $q-header,# create the HTTP header
$q-start_html('hello world'), # start the HTML
$q-h1('hello world'), # level 1 header
$q-end_html;  # end the HTML

Scott Purcell

Socket Nightmare On NT.

2001-08-15 Thread Purcell, Scott

I am running mod_perl 1.2 on NT. I have been working with it for over 4
months, and am beginning to understand it. But for the past 4 months, I have
complained about a socket problem using IO socket. The only answer I got was
to turn the max child from 50 to 1. When I do that the IO::Socket module
works. But the site runs in a serial mode. Why use mod_perl then? It is
slower than running on a Macintosh. Anyway, I have to talk sockets for my
product to work. 

The code below works under cgi-bin all day long. But as I said it blows up
(works once) under mod_perl.

Is there anything I can do to get the sockets to work under mod_perl? Or
should I go back to cgi-bin applications? I am at the end of my rope and
could use some sound information. Anyone out there lend a hand?


Scott Purcell

### simple socket code ###
#! perl

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/;

my $q = new CGI;
print $q-header();
print $q-start_html(HELLO);

use IO::Socket;

$socket = IO::Socket::INET-new(PeerAddr = '',
PeerPort = '9000',
Proto= 'tcp') or
die(No connect iosocket. $@\n);

my $username = 'VBO';
my $password = 'VBO';

open (ISCRYPT, d:/Apache/mod_perl/vb/iscrypt \$password\ |)
or die(Cannot encrypt password for verification.);
my @password = ISCRYPT;
my $ePassword = $password[0];
close ISCRYPT;

$message = 999\tUSERLOGIN\t$username\t$ePassword\n;
my $msgsize = length($message);
print $socket \%BEGIN\t$msgsize\n$message\n;
print Message to $productName :\npre$message/pre\n\n;


sub GetMessage {
my $fh = shift;
my $err = 0;
my $header;
my $response;

while ($err  50) {
if (read($fh, $cc, 1, 0) == 1) {
$header .= $cc;
print $headerbr\n;
if ($header =~ /^\%BEGIN\s+(\d+)\r?\n/) {
# we've acquired one line's worth of response
my $rspsize = $1; # how much response to read
if (read($fh, $response, $rspsize, 0)) {
if ($response =~ /RESPONSE\s*OK/) {
print $response is responsebr\n;
return (1, $response);
} else {
return (-1, $response);
} else {
return 0;
} elsif ($header =~ /\%CONTINUE\s*\r?\n/ || $header =~
/\%END\s*\r?\n/) {
undef $header;
} elsif ($header =~ /\n$/) {
squawk(unknown mediabank response: $header);
return -1;
} else {
# keep going haven't hit a newline yet
} else {
return 0;

close ($socket);
undef ($socket);

RE: Apache::Reload???

2001-08-01 Thread Purcell, Scott

Does that work under Unix only? I am on NT and it does not appear to work.
Can someone clarify.


-Original Message-
From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 9:38 PM
To: Bryan Coon
Cc: Matt Sergeant; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: Re: Apache::Reload???

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Bryan Coon wrote:

 I must have missed something in setting up Apache::Reload.  What I want is
 simple that when I make a change in my scripts I dont have to restart the
 Apache server...
 I put
 PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
 in my httpd.conf, and added 'use Apache::Reload' to the modules that I
 to be reloaded on change.  But I get the following warning message in my
 apache logs:
 Apache::Reload: Can't locate for every module I have added
 Apache::Reload to.

 How do I do this so it works?  The docs on Reload are a bit sparse...

Your problem probably comes from the fact that @INC is reset to its
original value after its get temporary modified in your scripts. Of course
when Apache::Reload tries to find the file to test for its mod time, it
cannot find it.

The solution is to extend @INC at the server startup to include
directories you load the files from which aren't in @INC.

For example, if you have a script which loads from

  use lib qw(/home/stas/myproject);
  require MyTest;

Apache::Reload won't find this file, unless you alter @INC in
  use lib qw(/home/stas/myproject);

and restart the server

I'll add these notes to the guide. Matt probably wants to add these to the
Apache::Reload docs as well :)

Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide

RE: Newbie question

2001-07-12 Thread Purcell, Scott

Go to Ron Savages site. He has a binary build of Apache + mod_perl and also
the latest perl.
go to the navigation and press on Perl, and look under Perl Modules and look
three bullet items down ... It is there. Follow along.

I have used it twice and it gets you operational in about an hour.

Yell if you have any questions, as I have done this twice on NT.


-Original Message-
From: Randy Kobes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 10:20 AM
To: Jason
Subject: Re: Newbie question

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Jason wrote:

 Sorry if this is in an FAQ somehere (googled for it, but no luck).

 Does anyone know of a *good* guide to compiling/configuring/installing
 Apache + mod_perl on a Windows NT system?

INSTALL.win32 in the mod_perl sources describes how to build
and install mod_perl - this is geared towards using VC++.

As for configuring, if you have Apache set up already, the
configuration and use is very similar to Unix - see
and, especially the guide, for lots
more info on that. There's a sample Win32 httpd.conf at
that contains a number of common directives used for mod_perl
related things.

 The impression I get from scouting newsgrops is that most people resort to
 using a prebuild binary - so I figure it must be tricky?

No, not really - the build process differs from Unix, but after that,
and taking into account the differences in general with Perl/Apache
on Win32, it's relatively straightforward to use.

best regards,
randy kobes

RE: re rand bug?

2001-07-09 Thread Purcell, Scott

Sorry to be confused, but I believe I did not create a global variable. In
the code below that I showed, I used a my to localize the $tmp variable
inside the for loop.?

Anyway, I changed the simple code and added the use strict and use vars
qw($rand), but now I get no random activity at all. Each time a user hits
it, they of course receive the same 4 numbers. Not very random 

I am sure I am screwing this up somehow, was anyone able to get this to
work, or able to get 4 random numbers each time they run the snippet of


-Original Message-
From: Gunther Birznieks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 6:22 PM
To: Purcell, Scott; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: Re: rand bug?

Your problem is likely that the use of a global my is creating a closure 
(see mod_perl guide). Replace it with use vars qw($rand); and don't declare 
your globals using my.

At 01:07 PM 7/6/2001 -0500, Purcell, Scott wrote:

rand bug with mod_perl?
my $rand = int(rand(1000)) always produces '2' under mod_perl.
I have noticed that if I ask for the line above, it always puts $rand at a
'2'? So I did some test below, looping through and the first time through
with mod_perl, the number is always 2?

Under investigation when I run the following code under cgi-bin, it works
good like it should.
960 is tmp
240 is tmp
193 is tmp
197 is tmp

When I run that same code under mod_perl, it looks like this:
2 is tmp
564 is tmp
194 is tmp
809 is tmp

So basically if I just need one random number I have to do some excess

Does anyone know why this is?
If anyone wants just drop the following line under cgi-bin and mod_perl and
you'll see the results.

Please let me know,

#! perl
use CGI qw/:standard/;
my $q = CGI-new;
print $q-header();
print $q-start_html(hello);
foreach (my $i=1; $i5; $i++) {
 my $tmp = int(rand(1000)+1);
 print $tmp is tmpbr\n;

Scott Purcell

Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
eXtropia - The Open Web Technology Company

Tutorials Need To Learn More

2001-07-06 Thread Purcell, Scott

I am working with mod_perl and apache on NT (No ripping please ... it is a
political issue here at my work.).
Anyway, I have been trying to learn more about taking advantage of handlers,
etc. I purchased the book Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C, but it
is NOT NT friendly. Most of the examples DO NOT work on my NT mod_perl.

Anyway, I figure there has to be more resources than just that book. Does
anyone know of any? I am looking for examples and techniques to get me

Scott Purcell

rand bug?

2001-07-06 Thread Purcell, Scott


rand bug with mod_perl? 
my $rand = int(rand(1000)) always produces '2' under mod_perl.
I have noticed that if I ask for the line above, it always puts $rand at a
'2'? So I did some test below, looping through and the first time through
with mod_perl, the number is always 2?

Under investigation when I run the following code under cgi-bin, it works
good like it should.
960 is tmp
240 is tmp
193 is tmp
197 is tmp

When I run that same code under mod_perl, it looks like this:
2 is tmp
564 is tmp
194 is tmp
809 is tmp

So basically if I just need one random number I have to do some excess work?

Does anyone know why this is? 
If anyone wants just drop the following line under cgi-bin and mod_perl and
you'll see the results.

Please let me know,

#! perl
use CGI qw/:standard/;
my $q = CGI-new;
print $q-header();
print $q-start_html(hello);
foreach (my $i=1; $i5; $i++) {
my $tmp = int(rand(1000)+1);
print $tmp is tmpbr\n;

Scott Purcell

Apache V2 and Mod_Perl Question

2001-07-05 Thread Purcell, Scott

NT question.
I believe that Apache 2 is out for NT, and was wondering if apache 2 works
with mod_perl? I am running Apache  1.3.20 and mod_perl 1.25_01-dev. Can or
should we start converting to Apache 2?

Just curous about some time frames for this.


Scott Purcell File Q

2001-06-27 Thread Purcell, Scott

Mod_perl version: 1.25_01-dev
Perl version: 5.6.1
Apache Version:  1.3.20

I am in the apache book and I am doing some hacking. In my file,
I put 'use CG qw(:standard); along with some other modules.
Anyway, then I typed that little dittie below, and commented out the $use
CGI (since I thought it would be loaded in the file).

It does not work. Are the items in the file only used with


### code below just for reference #

#! /usr/local/bin/perl

#use CGI qw(:standard);
use strict;

my $name = param('name') || 'Anonymous';

print header(),
h1(Hello $name),
To change your name, enter it into the text field below and press,
em(change name.)
Name: ,textfield(-name='name',-value='Anonymous'),
submit(-value='Change Name'),

Scott Purcell

StatINC Reload on NT

2001-06-27 Thread Purcell, Scott

I have begun development on a new project and I am using Apache on NT with
mod_perl. I have created a lot of modules and I am using them in my code.
The problem is that as I continue to develop, some modules keep changing,
and I am getting tired of restarting the server. I have read the mod_perl
Coding guidelines three times now. Under the coding guidelines it has the
example of using Apache::StatINC. I followed it the instructions exactly,
but yet, it does NOT work. After that I tried Apache::Reload both ways with
no success.

Has anyone out there got either of these working on NT? I do not want to use
work-arounds on this large project. I really need to have the ability to
reload these modules on each hit to the server while developing the core
code set.

I even have the apache book, but I can't find any mention of this there

Please advise.
Scott Purcell

Reload Modules on NT Apache

2001-06-26 Thread Purcell, Scott

I am using mod-perl, and I am in the development stages of coding. Each time
I make a code change to a module, I must restart apache. I know there must
be docs for this, but I cannot find them from the apache web site. Could
someone assist me in finding those? Or if someone knows of a simple way to
accomplish this task, please advise. 

Scott Purcell

mod_perl install

2001-06-26 Thread Purcell, Scott

I am trying a new install of mod_perl on my NT box here which is running
apache. The last install I used Ron Savages NT binary distribution. And it
was easy to install and worked. But I feel that I need to install mod_perl
from scratch (I have to begin supporting it here at my shop). I downloaded
the cpan package, gziped and extracted tar.  The install directions for NT
look a little gray. Maybe there is a step by step guide somewhere? If anyone
knows I would appreciate.


Scott Purcell

Curious About Require

2001-06-20 Thread Purcell, Scott

I have a question about require when using mod-perl. I produced four simple
.pl files.,

From the you can link to either one two or Pretty simple.

The problem begins when I put a require in,, and
If in each of those files I put in for instance:
require D:/Apache/mod_perl/;

When I click on the main, and lets say I go to it works fine.
If I then proceed to click on (it says not found), even
though there is a require.

Restart Apache,
Then click from main to it works fine.
If then I go to error (it says not found).

So my question is why this bazaar behavior. If I change the to a
module and use it in each of the pages it is fine. I just find this behavior
rather funny. If anyone has any insight please update me.

Scott Purcell

ModPerl package Q

2001-06-20 Thread Purcell, Scott

Well, this is the last time I am going to bring this up. I am on Apache NT,
and I have the following .pm file that I believe I localized everything in
order to create a socket. The code below does work.  But it never makes a
new socket. As you can see I print out the IO::Socket::GLOB and it shows the
same 'reference' 10xff036c each time through. I realize this is because I am
not closing and undef the $sock. (see the commented close and undef towards
the end). But this works. Except if I shut down the machine I am calling the
socket on. Then it dies and never comes back unless I reboot apache. Not a
good work position to get a web site into.

But here is the catch. If I do close the socket and either undef or even
leave that commented out, I only get one send to the socket, and one reply,
but it never sends another reply to the server and never gets another
response back? But yes, it creates a new socket ref each time?

This confuses me so. If I close the socket, then it shows that I am creating
a new socket, but it never sends or gets a new response. But the rest of the
behavior is proper.

I was just hoping someone could look below, see if they see anything
obviously wrong and reply, or else I am left to believe that this is
possibly a threading issue with the sockets on NT?

I am going to switch to ActiveStates plex, but still would like to continue
striving towards getting the apache running with this code. So there is no
rush on this, it just makes no sense, and I hate to leave open-ended issues.

Thanks for your time,

package q2;

use IO::Socket;
my $sock;

sub tryQuery {
unless ($sock) {
print No sock making itbr\n;
$sock = IO::Socket::INET-new(Proto = 'tcp', PeerAddr =
'', PeerPort = '8000') or die (@!);
my ($querystring,$fieldlist,$dbpathlist,$type) = @_;
print $querystring is QSbr\n;
print $fieldlist   is FLbr\n;
print $dbpathlist  is DBbr\n;
print $typeis TPbr\n;

my $message  =


sub ask {
my $message = shift;
print $message is our messagebr\n;
my $msgid = int(rand(1000));
$message = $msgid . \t . $message;
my $msgsize = length($message);
print here is our line  . $sock . \%BEGIN\t$msgsize\n$message SHOIULD
print $sock \%BEGIN\t$msgsize\n$message;
my $result = $sock;
print $result is first result from Qbr\n;
my $response;
$result =~ s/\D//g;
print $result is should now be digitsbr\n;
print $sock is our sockbr\n;
read($sock, $response, $result);
print $response is our responsebr\n;
#   undef $sock;


Scott Purcell

Socket On NT Resolved

2001-06-20 Thread Purcell, Scott

Well after two weeks of posting that socket issue up on this site, one
member came forward with the following info:

Set in httpd.conf ThreadsPerChild 1

This problem should go away.  Its a bug I ran into for the first time
a few years back, and seems to have to do with any network sockets
that you might open.  

for my original post on this, showing our similar plights!

This fixed the problem, so maybe the next guy that runs into this won't have
to go through the same issues as I had.

Scott Purcell

Web Site Question

2001-06-19 Thread Purcell, Scott


First: I am running apache/mod-perl on a NT box as a web server. Sorry it is
not unix, it is the only tool I can have.

Kind of a forward question, but I am curious about something. My large web
site talks to a back-end product that uses an API and I use the IO::Socket
to talk to it. It is a pure socket application. It takes the place of a
database back-end. 

So my question is, should I create a global socket handle, and then use it
all the time, or is it best to just call for the handle each time I need
request some data?

The reason I ask is as follows: I have the code below which works, but I
cannot seem to ask two socket calls back to back? I don't know why. Maybe it
is a learning curve I have to perfect.

Anyway, I figured I would ask people who would know for their input. So if
anyone has any opinions, could you fill me in?

Thanks for your time,
Scott Purcell

 code that works, called from another file with a ask routine.
use strict;
use vars qw($socket);

$socket = IO::Socket::INET-new(Proto = 'tcp',PeerAddr =
'',PeerPort = '8000') or die (Socket issue @!);

sub ask {
### perl apache notes for my sanity during testing
  my $counter = 0;
  for (1..5) {
  sub increment_counter{
print Counter is equal to $counter !\r\n;
    end counter eg for sanity
use IO::Socket;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
my $q = CGI-new;
print $q-header;
print $q-start_html;

my $querystring = \' \'\$USER_NAME;
my $fieldlist   = USER_NAME\nPASSWORD\n;
my $db = /DISK2/VBank/bin/sysdbase/dbuser.dbf;

my $message  =

my $msgid = int(rand(1000));
$message = $msgid . \t . $message;
my $msgsize = length($message);
print $message IS OUR MESSAGEBR\n;
print $socket \%BEGIN\t$msgsize\n$message;

my $err = 0;
my $header;
my $response;
my $cc;

while ($err  50) {
if (read($socket, $cc, 1, 0) == 1) {
$header .= $cc;
print $header is headerbr\n;
if ($header =~ /^\%BEGIN\s+(\d+)\r?\n/) {
my $rspsize = $1;
read($socket, $response, $rspsize, 0);
print $response is responsebr\n;
} else {
print NO databr\n;



2001-06-19 Thread Purcell, Scott

This replace my earlier WebSiteQuestion post, in which maybe the question
was too broad.

Would there be any issues if I had a perl module called that creates a
global socket handle, and then use that handle throughout a bunch of
different web pages? Or is there any concerns I should be aware of when
doing this kind of persistant socket handle?


Scott Purcell

Cached Code Disappeared?

2001-06-19 Thread Purcell, Scott

Still seeking assistance form anyone who is experienced with sockets and
mod-perl /apache on NT.

Anyway, as my previous email showed, I built a site which used a global
filehandle to a socket. It worked great for about two hours, and then all of
a sudden stopped. After rebooting the apache server, all worked well again. 

I am thinking that the cached code probably went away since no one hit it
for a while? Does apache give back cached scripts after a certain time of
not being used?

And if that is the case, can I tell the server via the config that I want
to keep a certain script or perl module alive in cache for a set time?


Scott Purcell

single process

2001-06-18 Thread Purcell, Scott

In the CGi to mod_perl porting coding guidelines, under the headline
sometimes it works, Sometimes it doesn't
It says to run the server (during testing) in a single process mode (httpd

I tried putting httpd 1 into the conf file, and it got mad at me.

How does one set the process (spawning of children) to 1


Scott Purcell

Forking Child 2

2001-06-18 Thread Purcell, Scott

I wrote a little bit ago about trying to not fork my Apache server. I want
to run only a single child. Anyway, I got three terrific responses, but have
no clue what they mean.

I am on Apache NT4.0 and  am learning. Anyway, some of the responses I got
for setting a single process were:
/path/to/apache/dir/httpd -X

I have been through my install trying to execute a httpd at the command
line, but I am making no connection.

Could someone please explain a litle more in detail what I should do on a NT
system and what the httpd is (exe?);


Scott Purcell

Mod-Perl Installed next Q

2001-06-15 Thread Purcell, Scott

Thank you all and Ron for the link to to get my
Apache/Perl/ModPerl installed.
I was successful about 10 minutes ago and my machine looks happy.

Well, now that the package is running, how do I use the persistant memory,
do the .pl files need to be named something different. Or how does this
mechanism work by putting them in the cgi-bin? Do I just call a module in my
code?  I want to just play with the server but need to use the mod-perl
(persistant behavior). I have some clean code that I would like to move into
a bin dir and check. 

What does one have to do to make this occur. Any links, or examples would be

Thanks again,

Help Apache::Registry Setup

2001-06-15 Thread Purcell, Scott

Hello I am trying to learn how to configure and set up the Apache::Registry
to cache a script And I am in the documentaton but still getting lost. I am
And looking at the Exposting Apache::Registry Secrets
I entered the text and I am running it out of my cgi-bin. And it
works, but it IS NOT persistant, or cached. I have been going through the
guide, but do not see how to make the  PERSISTANT and to tie the
script to the Apache::Registry?

Did I miss something here?


IOSocket Problem

2001-06-15 Thread Purcell, Scott

I could really use some help here. I have had the following outstanding
problem for two weeks. I have read the mod_perl coding guidelines and the
code below actually comes from page 7 the counter example.

Background: My web site requires a login with a name and password, then I
create a login string and I have to open up a socket into a application that
lives on a Unix box, (so I use IO::Socket). I followed the coding guidelines
on page 7, but still have an issue. The first time they log in, the socket
is created and all is good. If I login the next time, it is as if the socket
is not being recreated, or something funny. It doesn't work after the first

Now I know some of this is caused by the persistant mod-perl. But I have
used all my variables, and I have called the subroutines with a require like
the example, but it still doesn't work.

I am showing all code below. Could someone PLEASE glance at that and tell me
if you see anything silly. I tried this with ActiveStates .plex and it does
the same thing.

I usually don't try wolf, but I have been hacking on this for two weeks with
no success. 

### code I call from the browser 
#! perl -w

use CGI;
use strict;
use vars qw($q);
$q = CGI-new;
print $q-header;
print $q-start_html();


my $password = $q-param('password');
my $username = $q-param('username');
print $password is password and $username is usernamebr\n;

open(ISCRYPT, D:/Apache/cgi-bin/plex/iscrypt \$password\ |) or
die(Problems encrypting pw: $!);
my @password = ISCRYPT;
my $epwd = $password[0];
my $msg = USERLOGIN\t$username\t$epwd\n;
print $msg is msgbr\n;
require D:/Apache/mod_perl/plex/socket.cgi;
my ($status, $response) = ask($msg);
print qq{$status and $response is status and responsebr};

 the code for the require ##
my $handle;

sub ask

my ($message) = @_;
my ($status,$response) = GetResponse();
return ($status, $response);
undef $status;
undef $response;

sub makeSocket
use IO::Socket;
$counter = 0;
$handle = IO::Socket::INET-new(Proto = 'tcp',
PeerAddr = '',
PeerPort = '8000',
Type = SOCK_STREAM) or die $@;
print $counter is counterbr\n;
print qq{preConnected:};
return 1;

sub GetResponse {
my $count = 0;
my $err = 0;
my $response;
my $cc;
my $header;
while ($err  50) {
if (read($handle, $cc, 1, 0) == 1) {
$header .= $cc;
if ($header =~ /^\%BEGIN\s+(\d+)\r?\n/) {
# we've acquired one line's worth of response
my $rspsize = $1; # how much response to read
if (read($handle, $response, $rspsize, 0)) {
if ($response =~ /RESPONSE\s*OK/) {
return (1, $response);
} else {
return (-1, $response);
} else {
return 0;
} elsif ($header =~ /\%CONTINUE\s*\r?\n/ || $header =~
/\%END\s*\r?\n/) {
undef $header;
} elsif ($header =~ /\n$/) {
die(unknown socket mediabank response: $header);
return -1;
} else {
# keep going haven't hit a newline yet
} else {
return 0;

sub SendMessage
my ($message) = @_;
unless ($message) {
die(No message in \'SendMessage\');
my $msgid = int(rand(1000));
$message = $msgid . \t . $message;
my $msgsize = length($message);
print $message and $msgsize is message and msgsizebr\n;
print $handle \%BEGIN\t$msgsize\n$message;

Scott Purcell

Questions Simple

2001-06-14 Thread Purcell, Scott

I am on IIS and fighting ActiveStates .plex. It appears so buggy and flaky
that I am losing development time.

I want to try some code that is flaky on the IIS/perl .plex on the Apache

I know I can download the apache web server in binary form and install it
pretty quickly. After that what would I have to do to get mod-perl running?
Is this a quick thing, or a long deal. Then I just want to take my clean
code and see how it works on that platform.

Is mod-perl just a perl module that I require in my scripts? Or is there a
lot of server configuration?

Please be honest and let me know,
Scott Purcell

How To Turn On .pl files on Apache?

2001-06-14 Thread Purcell, Scott

Rookie here.

Well I installed the Apache Web Server on my local NT box here and it runs.
I have gone through the FAQ's but cannot find out how to turn on .pl files
that are in the cgi-bin directory much less making other cgi-bin

Could some kind sole please assist me with getting this started.
PS I run activeState perl and it is on my C drive of the local machine where
the Apache server lives.


Scott Purcell

Single Process Mode IIS

2001-06-11 Thread Purcell, Scott

I joined the modperl line because I am trying to work with persistent web
data. My problem is that I am forced into using PerlEx, which is basically
activestates mod-perl. If this offends anyone on this list, please let me
know. My hands are tired. I am a perl developer needing assistance.

Anyway, I am going over the 'mod_perl_guide CGI to mod_perl Porting and
Coding Guidelines.' It is very helpful for anyone dealing with these issues.
But anyway, I want to run my IIS server on a single process so I can follow
the documentation. Does anyone out there know how to do that?


Scott Purcell

Questions Concerning Large Web-Site

2001-06-11 Thread Purcell, Scott

I have a large asset-management system that is web-based. In the past I have
always used cgi and perl. I need to rewrite it so that it works with
mod-perl or PerlEx
Anyway, I used to tie my site together with a main, and a ton of requires
(which required pages of subroutines). I would use a hidden variable to do
the navigation. So each time the user hit something, I directed them back to
the main and used a hidden variable to go spawn a different subroutine. So
it was basically a nested application. The site got large (a lot of perl
code, over 20,000 lines), and it got slow because each user ended up
recompiling the code for each submit.

Lately as I am thinking about rebuilding the site, but not using a nested
config, but just offering each page to be its own perl file. So when the
user submits for a search, I just point them at the file. Sounds
simple enough, but I work alone, and do not know how the world builds large
sites. I was hoping to hear some simple input from people who have
architected good, sound sites, and was hoping for some good feedback, or
some old sample code that I can study and find out how the other half live.

I hope this is not asking too much, Any input would be most helpful.


Scott Purcell

Check Persistance

2001-06-11 Thread Purcell, Scott

Newbie modperl guy has question about the code he created today. This is the
beginning of a web site, and when the user logs in, I want to create a
socket that will remain persistent in memory until the WebServer is started
again. I do NOT want to keep opening up sockets each time this file is read.
I believe I have it, but since this is my first chunk I wrote for
persistance, I was hoping someone could give it a look.

Scott Purcell

use vars qw ($q $handle);
use CGI;
use strict;
use IO::Socket;
use VBMain::Config qw(%c);

$q = CGI-new;
print $q-header();

unless ($handle = makeSocket != 0) {
die(Cannot figure it out);

sub makeSocket
$handle = IO::Socket::INET-new(Proto = 'tcp',
PeerAddr = $c{host},
PeerPort = $c{port}) or return 0;
print qq{preConnected: $c{host}:$c{port}/pre};

return $handle