Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-04-03 Thread Dan Wilga

Based on others' comments, I found the solution to the problem. I 
just added a db_close(), and the problem is really, truly gone. For 
good measure, I put a db_sync() in as well.

Why db_close isn't necessary with 3.x, but is with 4.0 is the weird 
part. Maybe this suggests a bug in 4.0? Or is it just bad style to 
have left it out in the first place? I was under the impression that 
the untie/undef should have accomplished this implicitly within

Here is the modified test script:



use strict;

# Change me to something appropriate for your system
my $dir='/home/httpd/some/directory';

system( rm $dir/__db* $dir/TESTdb );

foreach( 1..5 ) {
my $env = open_env($dir);
my %hash;
my $db = open_db( TESTdb, \%hash, $env );
$db-db_sync(); ### NEW
$db-db_close();### NEW
untie %hash;
undef $db;
undef $env;
print HTTP/1.1 200\nContent-type: text/plain\n\n;
print `db_stat -c -h $dir`;
print \n;

sub open_env {
my $env = new BerkeleyDB::Env(
-Home= $_[0],
die Could not create env: $! .$BerkeleyDB::Error. \n if !$env;
return $env;

sub open_db {
my( $file, $Rhash, $env ) = @_;
my $db_key = tie( %{$Rhash}, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree',
-Env=$env );
die Can't open $file: $! .$BerkeleyDB::Error.\n if !$db_key;
return $db_key;

Web Technology Specialist
Mount Holyoke CollegeTel: 413-538-3027
South Hadley, MA  01075Seduced by the chocolate side of the Force

Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-25 Thread Jim Smith

On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 02:01:49PM -0500, Michael Alan Dorman wrote:
 Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  This sort of begs the question: why not use DB 3.x?  Is there some new
  feature you need in DB 4?
 Anecdotaly, I believe the OpenLDAP and Cyrus projects have both found
 DB4 to be more reliable under load than DB3.

To add to the anecdotes...

We have been using the predecessor of Sendmail, Inc's SAMS product
(ultimately derived from Cyrus, I believe) and have seen some
problems with locking and sleepycat db's resulting in hanging IMAP
servers or database corruption.  I would not blame mod_perl first --
it's not responsible for the database.

I'm not certain that the problem is in the IMAP server either -- but
the environment consists of the IMAP server, POP server, tcl scripts,
and web interface all trying to access a sleepycat database.

Sendmail, Inc. has mentioned (I believe privately) that they feel the
problems have been resolved in the newer versions of the sleepycat
db.  I'm not trying to put words in their mouth, so I could be
mistaken, but this is afaik.

Before blaming mod_perl, I would run the server with the -X option to
make sure the script is only being called once within the mod_perl
environment (just being paranoid).  Multiple (almost) simultaneous
invocations might be causing some of the locking problems.  They
wouldn't show up then when being run from the command line.

my $0.02


Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-22 Thread Dan Wilga

Aaron Ross wrote:
 my $db_key = tie( %{$Rhash}, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree',
 -Env=$env );
 die Can't open $file: $! .$BerkeleyDB::Error.\n if !$db_key;
 return $db_key;

I was wondering if using tie() instead of just the OO interface was
causing a problem.  Maybe rewriting the code to just use new() would
help?  Of course that means losing the hash interface.

Of course, that would avoid the problem, because I wouldn't be using 
DB's built-in locking anymore :-) Using tie() means losing the 
environment, which is needed for DB's internal locking.

In a production environment with thousands of hits per hour coming in 
on multiple threads, I really don't trust flock() to do the job.

Web Technology Specialist
Mount Holyoke CollegeTel: 413-538-3027
South Hadley, MA  01075   Who left the cake out in the rain?

Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-21 Thread Michael Alan Dorman

Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 This sort of begs the question: why not use DB 3.x?  Is there some new
 feature you need in DB 4?

Anecdotaly, I believe the OpenLDAP and Cyrus projects have both found
DB4 to be more reliable under load than DB3.


Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-21 Thread Perrin Harkins

Dan Wilga wrote:
 If I either use DB 3.x or even run this from the commandline (bypassing 
 mod_perl) under DB 4 the problem goes away: only one locker is allocated 
 per loop, and therefore the total number used does not increase 

This sort of begs the question: why not use DB 3.x?  Is there some new 
feature you need in DB 4?

It's been a little while since I messed with this stuff, but I don't 
think you need to tear down the Env each time.  I think you can just 
create it the first time and reuse it after that.  Maybe that will help.

(Ah, Mount Holyoke.  As a Five College alumn, I remember it well.)

- Perrin

Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-21 Thread Dan Wilga

At 1:32 PM -0500 3/21/02, Perrin Harkins wrote:
Dan Wilga wrote:
If I either use DB 3.x or even run this from the commandline 
(bypassing mod_perl) under DB 4 the problem goes away: only one 
locker is allocated per loop, and therefore the total number used 
does not increase unexpectedly.

This sort of begs the question: why not use DB 3.x?  Is there some 
new feature you need in DB 4?

I'm having problems with minor DB corruption in the last release of 
3.x (3.3.11), so I wanted to try 4.

It's been a little while since I messed with this stuff, but I don't 
think you need to tear down the Env each time.  I think you can just 
create it the first time and reuse it after that.  Maybe that will 

I tried that, believe me :-). I only did it this way in the test 
script to show that the problem occurs despite that bit of extra 
caution. (Even the undefs are probably not needed, but are there 
for clarity.)

What surprises me is that all I have to do to introduce the problem 
is run it under mod_perl. It acts normally when run from the 

(Ah, Mount Holyoke.  As a Five College alumn, I remember it well.)


Web Technology Specialist
Mount Holyoke CollegeTel: 413-538-3027
South Hadley, MA  01075Seduced by the chocolate side of the Force

Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-21 Thread Perrin Harkins

Dan Wilga wrote:
 What surprises me is that all I have to do to introduce the problem is 
 run it under mod_perl. It acts normally when run from the commandline.

Well, let's see, what would be different...

Is it possible that the problem is concurrency from multiple mod_perl 
processes?  What happens when you run it with httpd -X ?

Could there be a permissions issue involved?

Are you sure you're only invoking the script once under mod_perl?  If 
you raise the number of repetitions, does the command-line version 
exhibit the problem?

I don't see any scoping issues in your script, but are you running it 
under Apache::Registry?  Maybe the nested subroutines that creates are 
causing problems.

- Perrin

Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-21 Thread Aaron Ross

 I'm testing with the Perl script below, with the filename ending 
 .mperl (which, in my configuration, causes it to run as a mod_perl 
 registry script).

 I would re-write it as a handler and see if Apache::Registry is partly
to blame.

 hth, aaron

Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-21 Thread Dan Wilga

At 1:55 PM -0500 3/21/02, Perrin Harkins wrote:
Dan Wilga wrote:
What surprises me is that all I have to do to introduce the problem 
is run it under mod_perl. It acts normally when run from the 

Well, let's see, what would be different...

Is it possible that the problem is concurrency from multiple 
mod_perl processes?  What happens when you run it with httpd -X ?

The same (bad) results.

Could there be a permissions issue involved?

Nope, all the files get deleted and re-created in the script (and 
they do get created correctly). Permissions also wouldn't explain why 
the same thing works in 3.x.

Are you sure you're only invoking the script once under mod_perl?

Yes, I'm doing it by a direct URL.

  If you raise the number of repetitions, does the command-line 
version exhibit the problem?

No, the commandline version never does. When run under mod_perl, the 
Current number of lockers reported by db_stat is always equal to 
the number of iterations, no matter how many are used.

I don't see any scoping issues in your script, but are you running 
it under Apache::Registry?  Maybe the nested subroutines that 
creates are causing problems.

Ack. Ptooey. I just renamed the file to end in .cgi and the problem 
persists. I even removed mod_perl from my configuration files, and it 
still fails. I thought I had tested the before, but I guess not.

This can only mean mod_perl isn't at fault. Sorry for the false 
alarm. I'll have to go back to Sleepycat with this new information.

Web Technology Specialist
Mount Holyoke CollegeTel: 413-538-3027
South Hadley, MA  01075   Who left the cake out in the rain?

Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-21 Thread Dan Wilga

At 2:03 PM -0500 3/21/02, Aaron Ross wrote:

  I'm testing with the Perl script below, with the filename ending
  .mperl (which, in my configuration, causes it to run as a mod_perl
  registry script).

  I would re-write it as a handler and see if Apache::Registry is partly
to blame.

Sorry, I figured out that the problem persists even when mod_perl is 
completely disabled, so the problem must lie in either Apache or 
Berkeley DB. (As a diagnostic, I think I'll try disabling 
mod_auth_db.* and mod_ssl, since they both use DB.)

Thanks for the quick responses, folks!

Web Technology Specialist
Mount Holyoke CollegeTel: 413-538-3027
South Hadley, MA  01075 I have a bold and cunning plan - Baldric

Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-21 Thread Dan Wilga

OK, I'm an idiot who can't read. I was reading the wrong part of 
db_stat's output when I thought that running it with the .cgi ending 
also caused the problem. Turns out it doesn't.

So I have not absolved mod_perl after all. It's definitely an 
interaction between it and DB 4.

This is one of those times I really wish I could go back and edit my 
posts :-). Anyone reading this thread will now be seriously confused.

So I'll try Aaron's suggestion of writing it as a handler. Any other 
suggestions are welcome.

Web Technology Specialist
Mount Holyoke CollegeTel: 413-538-3027
South Hadley, MA  01075 I have a bold and cunning plan - Baldric

Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-21 Thread Dan Wilga

At 2:03 PM -0500 3/21/02, Aaron Ross wrote:

  I'm testing with the Perl script below, with the filename ending
  .mperl (which, in my configuration, causes it to run as a mod_perl
  registry script).

  I would re-write it as a handler and see if Apache::Registry is partly
to blame.

I tried doing it as a handler, using the configuration below (and the 
appropriate changes in the source) and the problem persists. So it 
doesn't seem to be Registry's fault.

Location /dan
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler DanTest

 source code 


package DanTest;

use strict;

my $dir='/home/httpd/some/path';

sub handler {
system( rm $dir/__db* $dir/TESTdb );

foreach( 1..5 ) {
my $env = open_env($dir);
my %hash;
my $db = open_db( TESTdb, \%hash, $env );
untie %hash;
undef $db;
undef $env;
print HTTP/1.1 200\nContent-type: text/plain\n\n;
print `db_stat -c -h $dir`;
print \n;

sub open_env {
my $env = new BerkeleyDB::Env(
-Home= $_[0],
die Could not create env: $! .$BerkeleyDB::Error. \n if !$env;
return $env;

sub open_db {
my( $file, $Rhash, $env ) = @_;
my $db_key = tie( %{$Rhash}, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree',
-Env=$env );
die Can't open $file: $! .$BerkeleyDB::Error.\n if !$db_key;
return $db_key;


Web Technology Specialist
Mount Holyoke CollegeTel: 413-538-3027
South Hadley, MA  01075Seduced by the chocolate side of the Force

Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-21 Thread Aaron Ross

   I'm testing with the Perl script below, with the filename ending
   .mperl (which, in my configuration, causes it to run as a mod_perl
   registry script).
   I would re-write it as a handler and see if Apache::Registry is partly
 to blame.
 I tried doing it as a handler, using the configuration below (and the 
 appropriate changes in the source) and the problem persists. So it 
 doesn't seem to be Registry's fault.

 Bummer.  I wish I had a machine to test this code on, but i won't until the
 end of next week. it's ugly, but you could use Devel::Peek to look at why
 garbage collection isn't working, maybe there is a circular reference in

 Ugh.  Please keep me informed.

 -- Aaron

Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-21 Thread Ed Grimm

Does shutting down apache free up your locks?

(As an aside, I'm not sure I'll ever get over undef being proper closing
of a database connection; it seems so synonomous to free([23]).  I
expect something like $db-db_close() or something.)


On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Dan Wilga wrote:

 At 2:03 PM -0500 3/21/02, Aaron Ross wrote:

  I'm testing with the Perl script below, with the filename ending
  .mperl (which, in my configuration, causes it to run as a mod_perl
  registry script).

  I would re-write it as a handler and see if Apache::Registry is partly
to blame.
 I tried doing it as a handler, using the configuration below (and the 
 appropriate changes in the source) and the problem persists. So it 
 doesn't seem to be Registry's fault.
 Location /dan
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler DanTest
  source code 
 package DanTest;
 use strict;
 my $dir='/home/httpd/some/path';
 sub handler {
   system( rm $dir/__db* $dir/TESTdb );
   foreach( 1..5 ) {
   my $env = open_env($dir);
   my %hash;
   my $db = open_db( TESTdb, \%hash, $env );
   untie %hash;
   undef $db;
   undef $env;
   print HTTP/1.1 200\nContent-type: text/plain\n\n;
   print `db_stat -c -h $dir`;
   print \n;
 sub open_env {
   my $env = new BerkeleyDB::Env(
   -Home= $_[0],
   die Could not create env: $! .$BerkeleyDB::Error. \n if !$env;
   return $env;
 sub open_db {
   my( $file, $Rhash, $env ) = @_;
   my $db_key = tie( %{$Rhash}, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree',
   -Env=$env );
   die Can't open $file: $! .$BerkeleyDB::Error.\n if !$db_key;
   return $db_key;
 Web Technology Specialist
 Mount Holyoke CollegeTel: 413-538-3027
 South Hadley, MA  01075Seduced by the chocolate side of the Force