Re: Concurrent access to request body by multiple modules

2020-12-01 Thread Nick Kew

> On 1 Dec 2020, at 14:29, Tim Wetzel  wrote:
> Is there any possibility of having the module use, for example, a bucket 
> brigade or anything I am not aware of that is already in use by WebDAV and 
> thus operate on the request body of a file from a PUT request in 
> parallel/concurrently to WebDAV?

How does mod_request relate to your needs?

If you can't use it (e.g. because you have to deal with arbitrary-sized 
your choices would then be to adapt it (e.g. provide for it to use a file 
to cache requests) or to go a level down and write your own input filter module.

That is, if I've understood you aright?

Nick Kew

Re: mod_proxy_spawn: Review request

2020-11-29 Thread Nick Kew

> On 29 Nov 2020, at 14:48, Florian Wagner  wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I was wondering if someone with a better understanding of httpd and
> mod_proxy could review my module idea and prototype implementation and
> warn me of any unforeseen pitfalls looming ahead before I commit to
> implementing this fully.

The main thing that springs to mind is security when you spawn a process.
CGI and fastcgi are battle-hardened by decades of operational use.

> Wanting to switch to mod_proxy_http for deploying backend applications
> (and opening the way for WebSockets through mod_proxy_wstunnel) I'm
> missing the process management provided by mod_fastcgi [1].

fastcgi is an unusual model, with a very specific purpose.  It's more usual
for backends to be self-managing.

> While fully understanding that one can be of the opinion that process
> management is best kept out of httpd, I personally like the convenience
> and more importantly clarity offered by having the complete command,
> arguments and environment required to run the backend application in
> the httpd configuration. Authentication, URL rewriting and whatelse
> will already be setup there, anyway.

If it's in the config then at least it's [probably] coming from a trusted 
but then why run per-request?

> So I took a shot at seeing if I could implement a module to do just
> that. My current idea/prototype:
> 1. Register a hook to run before mod_proxy.c:proxy_handler and have a
>look at the request filename and handler to see if they start with

Big red flag for security there.  Hope you're paying very careful attention
to your input: there's nothing to that effect in what you attached.

Also I'd consider hooking it earlier in the request cycle, or into mod_proxy
instead.  How does mod_proxy_fcgi fit your vision?

Nick Kew

Re: Which programming language should be used for newly developed modules?

2020-08-20 Thread Nick Kew
On Thu, 20 Aug 2020 21:59:50 +0200
Simon Studer  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Recently, I was wondering which programming language should be used
> for new Apache httpd modules.

Whatever suits the module's developer and task.

The C API has a stability promise: if you use it, your
module will continue to work with (at least) future 2.4.x
releases.  That give you C or any language with C linkage.
If you deviate from the API, you're on your own.

Alternatives that (broadly speaking) wrap the C API are also
possible: see for example mod_perl and mod_lua.

Nick Kew

Re: How to read data in a request handler and then return DECLINED without consuming the data in the bucket brigade?

2018-06-04 Thread Nick Kew
On Mon, 4 Jun 2018 10:23:59 -0700
Paul Callahan  wrote:

> Thank you for your replies.
> I did try with input filters.  The reason I'm trying to do this in a
> handler is because I want to return 403 to the browser if the request
> body has something unsavory in it.   With reverse proxied requests,
> it appears the input filter fires too late and if I try to send a
> bucket with 403 in it, it is ignored and a 400 goes back to the
> browser.   In the debugger, I see the fixup call back being hit
> before my input filter.   If I could get the input filter to trip
> sooner without consuming the request, I could go with that.  If I
> call ap_get_brigade() in an earlier handler to trip the input filter,
> it appears the request body is consumed.

OK, that's actually quite a complex task, especially if
you need to deal with larger requests.

It is, however, as task that's been done in open source
code you can look at, or perhaps use instead of reinventing
their wheel.  Either Ironbee or mod_security will scan a
request body for you.

> btw, Nick I bought your book - it was a great help :)

Thanks :)

Nick Kew

Re: How to read data in a request handler and then return DECLINED without consuming the data in the bucket brigade?

2018-06-04 Thread Nick Kew

> On 4 Jun 2018, at 08:55, Sorin Manolache  wrote:
> On 2018-06-04 08:27, Paul Callahan wrote:
>> In apache modules, my understanding is if a handler declines a request, the
>> request is passed on to the next suitable handler.   I'm finding though if
>> I read the bucket_brigade/request body, and then decline the request, the
>> subsequent handler doesn't get any data.  It is like the act of reading the
>> bucket brigade consumes it.
>> I would like to have a request handler read the data, do some task (in this
>> case just count bytes), and decline the request without consuming the data
>> for the next handler.

Why is that a handler?  An input filter could count the data and pass them
straight down the chain, avoiding any such problem.  At a glance, your code
would need very little modification to work as a filter.

Exhortation: work with the server architecture, not against it!

> Hello,
> As far as I know, there is no simple way to do that.

This is true, in the sense that data get consumed.  To do otherwise would be
monstrously inefficient, and turn a big request body straight into a DoS.

This is why we have mod_request.  It provides an input filter you can use
explicitly to buffer data which then remain available to the next module to 
read them.
Use with caution: for example, if you fail to limit request size, you could find
yourself trying to buffer gigabytes of request data.

>> } while (!end && (status == APR_SUCCESS));
>> if (status == APR_SUCCESS) {
>> return DECLINED;
>> } else {
>> }
>> }

Minor tip there: you're turning EAGAIN into a fatal error.

Nick Kew

Re: Discard a brigade from filter

2017-10-19 Thread Nick Kew
On Thu, 19 Oct 2017 16:30:27 +0200 (Emmanuel Dreyfus) wrote:

> Hello
> Is there a way to completely discard a brigade in an input filter, and
> not pass it through filter chain?

This doesn't quite make sense.  An input filter pulls data into
the brigade supplied by its caller, so you are in control all the time.

> Removing all buckets cause an empty brigade to be sent to next filter
> and that causes trouble.

You mean, returned to the caller?  That shouldn't matter (indeed
it should be an expected behaviour in a non-blocking filter).
If it is a problem (perhaps due to a bug outside your control),
issue a blocking call to your own upstream and don't return
anything until you have data (or EOS).
Or if I were working around a bug in closed source, I might
try inserting a placeholder such as an empty data bucket.

Nick Kew

Re: HTTP_FORBIDDEN and sub-requests

2017-04-14 Thread Nick Kew
On Fri, 2017-04-14 at 12:55 +0300, Donatas Abraitis wrote:
> Hi folks!
> I have a such code snippet:
> char *proxy_ts = (char *) apr_table_get(r->headers_in, conf->deny_header);
> if (!proxy_ts)
> apr_table_unset(r->headers_in, conf->deny_header);
> This unsets the arbitrary header properly in application (phpinfo()), but
> if the site is non-single page (with many images, css, js, etc.) it always
> returns 403. It looks like there is some kind of sub-requests for those
> resources.
> How do you solve such cases with requests?

Well, I should start by figuring out where and why that's happening.
On the server side, gdb works as fallback tool for that if you have
no better ideas.

If, once you've figured out, you're happy that it's not a symptom
of some deeper bug, you just leave a "been here" breadcrumb.

Nick Kew

Re: mod_ssl custom vhost module

2017-03-30 Thread Nick Kew
On Thu, 2017-03-30 at 15:20 +, Michael Sløgedal wrote:

> I looked a little on the mod_ssl source code, and it seems it does a lot of 
> preprocessing on config stage, and relies on a combination of VirtualHost and 
> ServerName / Alias directives.
> I suppose this means that mod_ssl wouldn't work with grabbing certificates 
> based on a path stored in sql on-the-fly.

I'm not familiar with the murky recesses of mod_ssl.  But if I've
understood you aright, I think a good startingpoint would be to
see if you can hook something in to connection processing, that'll
in turn run something ahead of mod_ssl getting in to a connection.

Not sure if that actually leads anywhere useful.  Just a thought,
if you haven't already tried it.  Your main problem is that you
have a hack that shoehorns vhosts in where they don't belong.

Nick Kew

Re: Can byterange filter request only needed ranges from my module instead of discarding?

2017-02-26 Thread Nick Kew
On Sun, 2017-02-26 at 21:00 +0300, Basin Ilya wrote:
> Instead of writing data in my handler can I create there a custom bucket, let 
> the byterange filter split it properly and let the core filter call my custom 
> read function?

I think so in principle.  Your bucket type would have to
satisfy byterange_filter, meaning it has to know its own length.

In practice, it may not work as you expect.  If there's any
content filter between your handler and the byterange module,
then that will read your bucket and defeat your purpose.

Why not write a mock-up of your proposed design?  Say, a
bucket that serves data from a static file by seek/read,
just to see how it behaves in different configurations
and whether you can make the architecture work for you?

Nick Kew

Re: Can byterange filter request only needed ranges from my module instead of discarding?

2017-02-26 Thread Nick Kew
On Sun, 2017-02-26 at 15:02 +0300, Basin Ilya wrote:

> However, it's inefficient to serve huge virtual files this way when only a 
> small part of such file requested. How to solve this?

Unless your module can handle the byterange itself, you might
want to consider cacheing the generated file for the benefit
of future byterange requests.

Nick Kew

Re: Change the content-length header for other filters

2016-12-21 Thread Nick Kew
On Wed, 2016-12-21 at 22:10 +0100, André Rothe wrote:

> But after my filter completes the request processing, I'll get:
> Sending error response: The request contained fewer content data than
> specified by the content-length header

Sorin's reply is part of the story, and may or may not be useful
in your case.

The basic issue you have to consider is that the headers arrive before
the body, and a handler that cares about Content-Length is likely
to have read it before your filter has reset it.

The alternative - read and buffer the entire body before starting
to process it - becomes hopelessly inefficient for large requests.

There's some discussion of the issue in the mod_proxy docs,
as mod_proxy has an option to support HTTP/1.0 backends that
need an explicit Content-Length.

Nick Kew

Re: Tracking sent responses

2015-11-06 Thread Nick Kew
On Fri, 6 Nov 2015 09:12:40 -0500
Julien FROMENT  wrote:

> Here is the pseudo code:
>   -- Client send a request
>   -- Apache processes the request and send it to the backend server
>   ...
>   -- The backend server returns the response
>   -- Apache sends the response to the client
>   -- Apache calls Async API with the number of bytes sent

Hmm, that sounds like something I wrote (not, alas, open source)
for a client many years ago.  But if you're only looking for
bytes sent, it's probably easier than that.  Before investing in
new development, consider:
 - Could you hook your notification into regular piped logging?
 - Would regular logging through an API like syslog or spread
   serve (there are third-party modules for those).
 - Would a security-oriented tool like Ironbee be complete overkill?

Nick Kew

Re: Signal-safe way to start a worker thread in each child process?

2015-06-02 Thread Nick Kew
On Tue, 02 Jun 2015 14:15:18 -0500
Jacob Champion  wrote:

> We could just call apr_setup_signal_thread() ourselves -- and doing that
> does fix the problem -- but that means that modules which are
> initialized after us will get the global protection too, which doesn't
> feel clean. So, a few questions:

I don't know a clean answer: it's not a problem I've ever tackled.
But if you don't find a better solution, you can improve a little
on your existing one by running your child_init after other modules
have done theirs with APR_HOOK_LAST.

Nick Kew

Re: output filter needs to redirect to 503 error status

2014-10-16 Thread Nick Kew
On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 09:36:19 -0400
"Eric Johanson"  wrote:

> My output filter hooked function is defined as follows:
>apr_status_t mts_out_filter(ap_filter_t *f,apr_bucket_brigade *bb)
> I need this function to "do something" that causes the whole request to be
> redirected such that the client sees a 503 error status with no
> body/content.
> Things that I've tried so far:
> * Returning HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE from the output filter function after
> calling "ap_pass_brigade(f->next,bb)"

HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE isn't an apr_status_t!

> * Setting f->r->status to HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE after calling
> "ap_pass_brigade(f->next,bb)"

after ap_pass_brigade, you've already returned a status down the
line to the client.  It's too late to change it!

> * calling "ap_send_error_response(f->r,HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE)"

That would have to go through the filter chain.

Filters are supposed to be about your data.  They can in limited
circumstances change metadata (e.g. set a 503), but you'd need
at least to set r->status before the first call to f->next.

Nick Kew

Re: binding an external C library with I/O methods

2014-06-30 Thread Nick Kew
On Mon, 30 Jun 2014 11:56:50 +0200
Pierre Lindenbaum  wrote:

> (cross posted on SO:
> I'd like to use an external library that is able to write files using a 
> custom format. The API for this library looks like:
>  MyFormatPtr format= myformat_openfd(int filedescriptor,const char* 
> mode);
>  MyFormatPtr format= myformat_open(const char* filename,const char* 
> mode);
>  (...)
>  void myformat_close(MyFormatPtr format);

You probably want to look elsewhere in your API.  An apache request isn't
a file, and has no file descriptor.

If your library is designed to be usable in non-file applications,
it'll offer some mechanism for plugging in your own I/O functions.

If not, you could perhaps try some ugly hack: create some bucket of
file-compatible type for it to write to.

Nick Kew

Re: Apache module development on Mac OS X

2014-06-17 Thread Nick Kew
On Tue, 17 Jun 2014 17:27:15 +0530
Sindhi Sindhi  wrote:

> Any help will be highly appreciated.

You're trying to build the module as a program.
You need to build it as a shared object (think DLL,
since you seem to be from a Windows background).

Apache provides a tool to do that, with all the
right paths and linkage.  Check apxs in the docs.

Nick Kew

Re: tcp/ip sockets in apache module

2014-05-23 Thread Nick Kew
On Fri, 2014-05-23 at 10:27 -0700, Jeremy Thompson wrote:
> I'm trying to write a module for apache.  I've successfully compile in a
> test module that doesn't do a whole lot yet.  I would like to be able to use
> tcp/ip sockets in the module to talk to another server.

This may or may not make sense in your application,
but have you considered using the proxy framework?
That might involve a mod_proxy_yourprotocol to handle
the tcp requirements.  Your main module would then
create a proxy subrequest when it needs a connection.

See mod_include for an example, where

Re: Writing a monitoring thread in apache filter moudle

2014-04-20 Thread Nick Kew

On 20 Apr 2014, at 09:05, Hassan Monfared wrote:

> Dear members,
> I have global static array in my module

What do you mean by a global static array?

In normal operation, apache runs multi-process.
So what looks like global static is actually per-process.
Think that through and it'll probably tell you what's wrong.

> I wrote a monitoring thread with boost::thread which runs in background and
> updates the list every 5 seconds.

You'd probably be better off with apr threads: two separate
threading models will add complexity and detract from
portability and maintainability.

Either run the update per-process or use shared memory.
In the latter case, use apache's (and apr's) mechanisms
for shared memory and timed monitoring to avoid introducing
new complexity.

Nick Kew

Re: Apache module avoiding re-initialization of connection pool in every worker process

2014-01-02 Thread Nick Kew

On 31 Dec 2013, at 15:37, Eric Covener wrote:

> You can keep doing it once per process and share across threads.  If
> you don't manage them very smartly today, maybe apr_reslist would help
> in the multithreaded case.

To expand a little on that, take a look at mod_dbd, which uses apr_reslist
to maintain a pool of database connections shared across threads.
Your task looks quite similar to that!

Nick Kew

Re: apr_hash_t and global scope

2013-12-12 Thread Nick Kew

On 12 Dec 2013, at 02:41, Ingo Walz wrote:

> So socache with shared memory (shmcb) is the way you would suggest?

How important is the sharing in your case?  If it's just about performance,
you may be better-off accepting that each process will repeat the work
of populating the hash, if that's a smaller overhead than IPC.

If sharing is necessary, then socache will indeed serve, though you can
leave the choice of socache engine to your config.

I was also a little uneasy about your original description: the use of a
forever-pool becomes a memory leak if it is populated with per-request data.
Modules that do such things usually create their own pool (as a child of
the process pool) which they can then maintain privately.

Nick Kew

Re: How to distinguish between start and stop in a development

2013-09-05 Thread Nick Kew
On Thu, 2013-09-05 at 09:20 +, wrote:
> Hi,
> I am developing a module which must do some clean-up work, when httpd is 
> stopped.

Register a cleanup on the process pool.

If you need that explained, see

Nick Kew

Re: Apache httpd sends "400 Bad Request" to client due to IPvFuture (RFC 3986) format IP address Hostname Host Header

2013-08-02 Thread Nick Kew

On 2 Aug 2013, at 20:02, Rizzo, Christopher wrote:

> The Apache HTTP server is rejecting the request (with "400 Bad Request") due 
> to this Hostname value in the header before a registered IPP Apache module 
> even sees it.

A quick check confirms what you say.

> Is it possible to write a hook or filter that would prevent Apache from 
> rejecting this request and allowing this Hostname Host Header value to pass 
> thru, or does the Apache base source code need to change for this?

This fairly clearly wants a patch to the core code.  Its comment suggest it's
not trying to be strict, but just to filter out characters that couldn't 
feature in
a Host: header (at the time the code was written) and save having to think
about security of filesystem-sensitive characters.

> and the Apache code that is logging this error appears to be fix_hostname() 
> in ./server/vhost.c

Yep, that's the one.  Looks like the protocol you're using is NOTIMPL.

I'd suggest filing a new bug in bugzilla, referencing the protocol you
want to support and what characters/patterns should be allowed but
are currently blocked.  Best chance of getting it dealt with quickly may
be if you also supply a patch, but make sure to address the security
concerns hinted at in the comments if you do that.

You'd also want to move any further discussion to the dev list.

Nick Kew

Re: Can a module control the socket transport protocol?

2013-06-18 Thread Nick Kew

On 18 Jun 2013, at 22:18, Jon Leighton wrote:

> I've been looking into the possibility of writing a module to support using 
> SCTP as an alternative to TCP. After spending some time reading "The Apache 
> Modules Book" and looking through the code, I have the impression that the 
> module architecture doesn't support controlling the types of sockets that are 
> opened. I'm hoping someone can either confirm or correct my impression. 
> Thanks very much.

It's not covered by the book, and I'd need to tackle pretty much
the same learning curve as you to hack it.

Your startingpoint would probably be APR's network_io module.
If you're thinking HTTP-over-SCTP (if indeed that makes any sense)
then that may be most of what you need to do.  If not, or if you want
to do everything as a module, you could start by looking at protocol
modules like mod_ftp or mod_smtp.

Nick Kew

Re: Authentication/Authorization module vs. Basic Authentication

2013-06-17 Thread Nick Kew

On 17 Jun 2013, at 10:24, Christoph Gröver wrote:

> Hello list,
> I thought I'd let you know, what I found out so far.
> Perhaps someone will have an idea what is going on.
> In the access checking phase started by this line
> ap_hook_access_checker(SumpfAuthChecker, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_FIRST);
> I return with a "return(HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY)".
> I have set up the new location to go to by setting
> the apropriate headers with
> apr_table_set( r->headers_out, "Location", newlocation );

You'd want the err_headers_out to set that for an error return.

> Instead of sending back to the client a 302 or a 301 the next thing
> that happens the apache sends back a 401.

Have you traced and/or stepped through execution of your own code?

Could it be that your errordocument itself authenticates the client?

> I tried to find out with "LogLevel debug".
> But this actually leads to nearly no extra lines in the log files.

My usual tool in that situation is gdb.

Nick Kew

Re: C++ Apache module fails to load

2013-05-11 Thread Nick Kew

On 11 May 2013, at 07:35, Sindhi Sindhi wrote:
> Could you please advice?

Did you check the answer in the FAQ?

Nick Kew

Re: Apache Buckets and Brigade

2013-05-01 Thread Nick Kew

On 1 May 2013, at 14:41, Sorin Manolache wrote:

> In my experience the buckets that I've seen have about 8 kilobytes. So you 
> will not consume too much memory if you "flatten" the bucket brigade into one 
> buffer and then perform the replacement in the buffer. (see 
> apr_brigade_flatten). However, you have to provide for the case in which 
> oldString is split between two brigades.

Don't rely on that.  The size of buckets and brigades depends entirely
on what comes before your filter.  8k chunks are common from some
sources (e.g. mod_proxy), but even there another filter could change
all that - e.g. mod_deflate if the data arrive compressed.

Bottom line: don't make assumptions, as there are no guarantees.

You can of course look at existing filters that do similar things
to yours.  Or even read about it in my book :-)

Nick Kew

Re: module using C++ library

2013-03-06 Thread Nick Kew
On Wed, 6 Mar 2013 21:19:49 +0100
Somostetoi Kilato  wrote:

> The error is:
> /home/xyz/indian/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load modules/ into
> server: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> directory

Most likely you have unresolved symbols in
(could be standard/platform C++ libs such as libstdc++ / libg++).
Use your system tools (likely ldd and nm) to find the
dependencies, an load them before your lib.

Nick Kew

Re: Stuck on DBD DSO Lock

2013-02-06 Thread Nick Kew

On 5 Feb 2013, at 18:03, Reyad Attiyat wrote:

> The apr_dbd_get_driver call blocks in the child process  I should also note
> this doesn't block when I'm running apache in debug (-X) and that I'm using
> apache 2.4 with the event mpm.


> #4  0x7f59a03578fc in apu_dso_mutex_lock () at misc/apu_dso.c:46
> #5  0x7f59a034e036 in apr_dbd_get_driver (pool=pool@entry=0x21c2138,
>name=0x7f599b1ea21c "mysql", driver=0x230ee40) at dbd/apr_dbd.c:167

Looks like something else has that mutex when your function runs.

The mutex was changed in r659293, which shares the same mutex
between dbd and ldap, and makes it available to other modules.
Do you have ldap loaded, or anything else using apu_dso_mutex_lock
that you're aware of?

I don't like the logic of it.  A mutex should only be required if the driver
is not yet loaded.   Perhaps file a bug against APR?

> #6  0x7f599b1e4e8b in connect_database (db_pool=0x21c2138,
>error_messages=0x7f599a7c7000, dbd_config=dbd_config@entry=0x2273940)
>at database/dbd.c:35

Would it not make sense for your module to use mod_dbd to manage
a database connection pool?

Nick Kew

Re: how to do something in a mod when apache is shutting down?

2013-02-04 Thread Nick Kew

On 5 Feb 2013, at 02:29, chary wrote:

> I'm writing a mod for apache, and I need some help.
> how to do something in a mod when apache is shutting down? 
> What kind of hooks could be used?

Register your function as a cleanup on the process pool.

Nick Kew

Re: "Close" HTTP connection callback/hook

2012-10-16 Thread Nick Kew
On Tue, 16 Oct 2012 13:50:12 +
Evgeny Shvidky  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am implementing a new module on C.
> I need to perform some functionality when a user closes a HTTP connection 
> before he received any response for his request.
> How can I know when a HTTP user request state has been changed/closed?
> Is there any callback/hook for this functionality I can register?

Is this just a cleanup, or some action you take only on error?
And is it per-request or per-connection?
If a cleanup, just register it on the request pool (or the
connection pool, as appropriate).

You can check the return status from the output filter chain.
If there's an error, check for closed connection.  You can
do that in a handler or an output filter.

Nick Kew

Re: best way to return the content of a file

2012-08-18 Thread Nick Kew

On 18 Aug 2012, at 13:17, nik600 wrote:

> Thanks for pointing me to the right direction.
> I've already tried to change order of execution i'v also tried to use
> result is the same.

That has nothing to do with it!

Several people have tried to help you, but you need to learn a bit before
you're capable of being helped.  If you aren't going to learn the basics of
the request processing cycle (which can also be found in the docs at, where they were recently updated), stick to something
simple like CGI or PHP.

Nick Kew

Re: best way to return the content of a file

2012-08-18 Thread Nick Kew

On 18 Aug 2012, at 09:51, nik600 wrote:

> Is better:
> - to read the file and then send is using ap_rprintf


> - to use apr_bucket_*


> - to simply redirect the request changing the r->uri and then return DECLINED.


> The strange thing is that i get a 404 error and in error.log i get:

That's because you set r-->uri too late, after it's already been mapped to the

Others have already told you to hook in earlier in the request processing cycle.
I guess it's time to point you at
and the new programmer docs at

Nick Kew

Re: AP_INIT_TAKEn macros / gcc 4.6.3?

2012-07-24 Thread Nick Kew
On Tue, 24 Jul 2012 21:17:51 +
"Cantor, Scott"  wrote:

> Actually, I had this wrapped already. What broke is that this particular
> build is turning on AP_HAVE_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER, which is based on:
> #if (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__cplusplus))\
>  || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)
> #endif
> The second half of that ifdef is activating even for g++, which is
> definitely not supposed to happen. Not sure why yet.

Did you fix it?

My recollection of the problem is from several years ago (I think it
first hit me updating from 2.0 to 2.2), and I have no actual recollection
of what fixed it.  My reply to you was based on a quick look at the
code in question, which uses the extern "C" { ... } and works!

Nick Kew

Re: AP_INIT_TAKEn macros / gcc 4.6.3?

2012-07-24 Thread Nick Kew

On 24 Jul 2012, at 18:23, Cantor, Scott wrote:

> I'm still investigating, just wondering if anybody has seen this.

Yes.  It's not new: C++ doesn't like those macros.

Simple fix is to enclose them in extern "C" { ... }.
Alternatively, expand them by hand as per C rules.

Nick Kew

Re: Broken request_rec structures passed to hook methods in Apache 2.0

2012-07-05 Thread Nick Kew

On 5 Jul 2012, at 04:42, Tim Whittington wrote:

Use apxs from your installed httpd to build your module.
That way you'll get the right compile options and header files.

And for  sake, upgrade!  2.0 belongs in the museum!
Then you can deal with the possibility that your module is using a
subrequest or internal redirect in a way that doesn't work with 2.0.

Nick Kew

Re: Best (safest) way to edit char string (from envvars)?

2012-06-20 Thread Nick Kew

On 20 Jun 2012, at 15:35,   wrote:

> The client cert char string returned has the extra beginning line (-BEGIN 
> CERTIFICATE-) and ending line (-END CERTIFICATE-), but I need to 
> remove both of those lines for a call that I need to make.

That's not quite the same as needing a mutable string.

Can your call be modified to accept a non-null-terminated
pointer together with a length?  You would of course determine
those by parsing rather than copying the original.

Nick Kew

Re: output filter ordering question: mod_deflate vs mod_headers vs mod_pagespeed

2012-05-16 Thread Nick Kew

On 17 May 2012, at 04:24, Joshua Marantz wrote:

> Or is that insane &/or dangerous?

AP_FTYPE_ values are something of a blunt instrument, not ideal
for cases where you care about ordering.  Running mod_headers
as a filter is a bit of a hack.  What you're proposing is kind-of building
a hack onto a hack.  I'm sure you can make it work (at least in
controlled circumstances where you're not competing against
other similar fudges) but IMHO you're right to be worried.

Having once upon a time written mod_filter to deal with more
complex configuration than the original design envisaged,
I wonder if your issue might be a hint that we should
revisit the API for programmatic configuration, and make
your proposal less hackish?

Nick Kew

Re: about setting r->headers_out

2012-05-10 Thread Nick Kew
On Thu, 10 May 2012 12:36:54 +0200
Daniel Gruno  wrote:

> On 10-05-2012 12:25, Julio Carlos Barrera Juez wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I have the same problem than you, Rui Hu. I have an output filter that
> > changes the body of the response, but then "content-type" header is
> > changed to "text/plain", and I want to maintain the original
> > "text/html".

Erm, that doesn't sound like an original anything.  More like
the core inserting a default type when none was set.

> Have you tried using ap_set_content_type(r, "text/html") instead?
> I noticed that in its description, it says:

That should be the usual solution.

> "This function must be called to set r->content_type in order for the
> AddOutputFilterByType directive to work correctly.", so it may be
> related to your problem.

Whoops!  That's no longer true since AddOutputFilterByType moved
to mod_filter.  Where do the docs still say that?

Nick Kew

Re: How can I hook exactly just before the default file handler?

2012-04-27 Thread Nick Kew
On Thu, 26 Apr 2012 14:06:22 -0600
Fred Clift  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I see that you can specify in the 2nd and 3rd options of the ap_hook_*
> calls modules that should be before and after your module.  The
> documentation states that this controls the sort-order of which modules
> execute when.

I suspect you're making your problem a whole lot more complex than
it need be.

> Ideally I'd like to make sure I have a hook after any filename/path
> translation is done so I can add a header with reasonable confidence that
> nothing will twiddle it before it gets to the default file handler.

A fixups hook would be the usual solution to that kind of requirement.

> also like to make sure that no interpreters handled my file.

That's up to the server admin, not up to any module.  If a server
admin sets an interpreter (such as PHP) as handler, that's their

If your module wants to take control of a request then it can
set its own handler (or unset the handler to get the default).
But then it needs to document that it breaks normal configuration!

Nick Kew

Re: How can I hook exactly just before the default file handler?

2012-04-26 Thread Nick Kew
On Thu, 26 Apr 2012 14:06:22 -0600
Fred Clift  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I see that you can specify in the 2nd and 3rd options of the ap_hook_*
> calls modules that should be before and after your module.  The
> documentation states that this controls the sort-order of which modules
> execute when.

I suspect you're making your problem a whole lot more complex than
it need be.

> Ideally I'd like to make sure I have a hook after any filename/path
> translation is done so I can add a header with reasonable confidence that
> nothing will twiddle it before it gets to the default file handler.

A fixups hook would be the usual solution to that kind of requirement.

> also like to make sure that no interpreters handled my file.

That's up to the server admin, not up to any module.  If a server
admin sets an interpreter (such as PHP) as handler, that's their

If your module wants to take control of a request then it can
set its own handler (or unset the handler to get the default).
But then it needs to document that it breaks normal configuration!

Nick Kew

Re: STL/Boost containers in Apache module

2012-04-23 Thread Nick Kew
On Mon, 23 Apr 2012 13:25:41 +0100
Rajalakshmi Iyer  wrote:

> Hello,
> Is it possible and safe to use STL containers within Apache modules?

If you have code that uses them, go right ahead.

If you're writing new code, you may find also APR offers alternatives
to many STL constructs, and serves to make your life very easy in the
context of a module!

Nick Kew

Re: How to register additional operators or functions for use in expressions?

2012-03-26 Thread Nick Kew
On Tue, 27 Mar 2012 00:42:43 +0200
Waldemar Klein  wrote:

> Hi all,
> looking at, i found things like
> "Modules may register additional unary operators." or
> "Modules may register additional functions."
> but not the slightest hint how to actually do this, also googling for
> some time didn't get me anything useful either.

You register your own functions for relevant parts of expression parsing.

To get started, I suggest you read the extensive comments in the header
file include/ap_expr.h.

Nick Kew

Re: Using apr_hash_t within shared memory

2012-03-21 Thread Nick Kew
On Wed, 21 Mar 2012 11:31:30 +
Rajalakshmi Iyer  wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to be able to store a hash map (apr_hash_t) in the Apache shared
> memory (created using apr_shm_create). This map will be created once and
> will be shared by all child processes.

You can't.  Well, not unless you hack deep in APR to allocate from shm.

But you can achieve a shared hash using mod_socache.

Nick Kew

Re: Calling another URL from output filter

2012-03-05 Thread Nick Kew
On Sun, 4 Mar 2012 10:19:53 -0800 (PST)
Swaminathan Bhaskar  wrote:

> Hello,
> How can I call another url from an output filter 

The easy way is to use a subrequest.  "Include Virtual"
from mod_includes is an example.

Nick Kew

Re: one problem when calling ap_get_module_config

2012-02-29 Thread Nick Kew

On 29 Feb 2012, at 10:47, Rui Hu wrote:

> I use r->request_config to store module data as a substitute for global
> vars. One type_checker_hook function uses ap_get_module_config at its
> beginning. But what I got is NULL. Strangely, post_read_request_hook
> function works fine, whose codes is basically the same.

Any subrequests or internal redirects involved?  Look carefully at the
request object itself.

Or tyops?

Nick Kew

Re: how to best implement my own connection pool

2012-02-18 Thread Nick Kew

On 18 Feb 2012, at 01:53, Sam Carleton wrote:

> Basically what I am looking for is the same basic connection pooling that
> is implemented in the mod_dbd.  Is there an easy way to do this, or will I
> simple need to get into the internals of the mod_dbd to figure out what it
> is doing and do it myself.

Skimming through your post, it's not clear what you want that mod_dbd
doesn't provide.  Why not focus on that question?  Once you've identified
the gap, one approach might be to enhance mod_dbd, and if anything
of general interest emerges, maybe propose it for inclusion upstream?

The other answer is, the easy way is to use apr_reslist, which is what
mod_dbd does.

Nick Kew

Re: NoRobot module

2012-02-15 Thread Nick Kew

On 15 Feb 2012, at 08:07, Mike Baroukh wrote:

> Disclaimer :
> I'm absolutly not a C ou System developer.
> I'm a Java developer.
> And this is my first module.
> So maybe it could be made better ...

If you're asking for criticism, here goes:

1.  It looks fine as far as it goes.
2.  But would be much more generalisable if it were configurable on/off.
This would remove the issue of running order which you tackled with
3.  "Be conservative in what you send".  The last line of your
    robots.txt is unterminated!

Nick Kew

Re: A few questions on Input Filters

2012-01-13 Thread Nick Kew
On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 11:17:30 +
Martin Townsend  wrote:

> Hi,
> [chop]

One point that Joe omitted to mention is that since input
filtering is a PULL API, it's entirely up to your filter
how much data to pull before returning to its upstream.
If your filter can't deal with partial data, it can block for
as long as necessary to read more.  With just a couple of Kb 
to handle it's not exactly going to be a performance hit!

Regarding the flush buckets, conceptually I'd expect they
might feature if you were handling streaming data, or
maybe multipart uploads, or some extension to the HTTP
protocol.  Maybe there's some such application- or ptotocol-
oriented filter in your chain?

Nick Kew

Re: Reading content of requests entering Apache

2012-01-09 Thread Nick Kew
On Mon, 9 Jan 2012 10:33:53 -0500
"Pranesh Vadhirajan"  wrote:

> Hello All,
>  I would like to know how to be able to read the content of the request
> that Apache receives.

What you describe is called an Input Filter.  There are examples in
the the standard apache distro: for example, mod_deflate and mod_sed
offer input filters.  mod_security and mod_ironbee are third-party

I could also recommend the book: see

Nick Kew

Re: module development suggestion request

2011-11-28 Thread Nick Kew

On 28 Nov 2011, at 07:58, Reza Shadmani wrote:

> Give me a clue where to start... I kindly please to receive your hints and 
> experience in this matter.

What you describe is a protocol module.  There are a few examples available:
mod_ftpd is probably the most mature at implementing non-http.

Nick Kew

Re: basic example shared memory code

2011-11-22 Thread Nick Kew
On Tue, 22 Nov 2011 09:41:02 -0500
"Pranesh Vadhirajan"  wrote:

> Nick, can you suggest some of these higher-level abstractions, please?  I 
> have been trying to make a module of mine work with a POSIX shared memory 
> implementation, but I'm going nowhere with that.  Are you referring to the 
> apache shared memory implementation (apr_shm_...) or something else?  Either 
> way, if you could suggest what I should look into, it would be greatly 
> appreciated.

apr_shm is the old way of doing it.

Today I'd recommend looking at mod_slotmem, and the socache modules.
I used the latter for mod_authn_socache, which is a simple example.

Nick Kew

Re: basic example shared memory code

2011-11-22 Thread Nick Kew

On 22 Nov 2011, at 09:26, Oğuzhan TOPGÜL wrote:

> Hi guys, I'm trying to learn shared memory and mutex concepts and i need an
> example shared memory apache module code that was written in c.

If you're planning to write a module, bear in mind that apache now provides
easy-to-use higher-level abstractions for shared memory.  Older modules
had to work much harder to do the same thing, so looking at them may not
be your best approach.

Nick Kew

Fw: flush or pass filter brigade to avoid memory exhaustion

2011-11-15 Thread Nick Kew
Ray, looks like this got lost in the ether.  I only 
realised it when I got your contact from my online Form!
I presume you're reading where you posted!

Begin forwarded message:

On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 13:00:07 -0600
Ray Morris  wrote:

> I would appreciate some help with splitting and passing a brigade in 
> an output filter, to avoid using memory proportional to the size of 
> the response and allow data to begin to be output prior to the 
> completion of the filter.  Studying the docs, the book, 
> and other modules, I haven't been able to get this working. Trying 
> to merge the code from the docs with a sample module, the connection 
> is closed after 751,143 bytes.

Not quite sure what your question is.  You seem to have
figured out what you're doing!

> APR_BUCKET_REMOVE(b);// <-- new code
> APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_HEAD(ctxt->tmpbb, b); // <-- new code

If you add a flush bucket HERE it becomes less likely the
next filter in the chain will buffer it.

> rv = ap_pass_brigade(f->next, ctxt->tmpbb);  // <-- new code
> apr_brigade_cleanup(ctxt->tmpbb);// <-- new code
> apr_sleep(1);        // <-- new code

Could that be triggering a timeout?

Nick Kew

Re: mod_proxy retry

2011-11-01 Thread Nick Kew
On Tue, 1 Nov 2011 13:09:57 -0400
Jodi Bosa  wrote:

> I couldn't spot anything useful in mod_proxy config, and figured should be
> simple enough in an output filter - but how to trigger the resubmit of the
> request?

If the response is HTML, mod_includes will parse it.  It'll also submit
another request via #include virtual.

Nick Kew

Re: log request before and after filters

2011-10-15 Thread Nick Kew

On 16 Oct 2011, at 00:14, Jodi Bosa wrote:

> Is there a module that can record requests+responses before and after other
> filters have been invoked?

You mean like mod_diagnostics?

Nick Kew

Re: running a module as a different uid

2011-10-04 Thread Nick Kew
On Tue, 4 Oct 2011 23:43:44 +0100 (BST)
Doug Bridgens  wrote:

> my question is, are there any suggestions as to something like switch uid 
> on a module basis ?  this module is only enabled for a specific 

You can't in general.  The uid is an attribute of the process,
not of some part of it.  There are various workarounds,
with setuid CGI (and variants on that) the most common.

But take a look at mod_privileges, which would enable you
to do what you want on Solaris.  You might be able to
hook into selinux to do something similar.

Nick Kew

Re: Question on sub requests and output filter context.

2011-09-19 Thread Nick Kew
On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 11:52:38 +0100
Martin Townsend  wrote:

> Should this new filter also 
> inherit the output filters context?  Am I doing something wrong with my 
> use of mod_include?  I've tried moving my filter so it's after 
> mod_include but still the same problem.

This looks reminiscent of

a bug that lurked a long time before being fixed!

I suggest you read that - particularly comment 30 and later,
and see if it sheds any light on your problem.

Nick Kew

Re: mod_authnz_mysql

2011-09-17 Thread Nick Kew

On 17 Sep 2011, at 20:45, Christopher Dyck wrote:

> Hi,
> I tried to convert mod_auth_mysql to mod_authnz_mysql.
> Don't expect too much, it's my first contact with Apache modules.

Just to check ...

Are you aware of the DBD framework?  In 2.2 (and up) the standard
way to use MySQL-based authnz is with mod_auth[nz]_dbd and the
MySQL backend.

Also, I don't see a license in your module.  You are aware that
MySQL is GPL licensed.  You should at least check their terms
before distributing your module under any license other than GPL.

Sorry if you already knew all that: there's always room for more
ways to do a job.  But it wasn't clear from your post!

Nick Kew

Re: Question about malloc / realloc in module

2011-09-14 Thread Nick Kew
On Wed, 14 Sep 2011 14:01:19 +0200
Christoph Gröver  wrote:

> So would this result in a memory leak? (if this happens often!)

Potentially yes, unless you can do an exhaustive analysis of all
possible processing paths.

The fix for that is to register a free as a pool cleanup
immediately after the malloc/realloc.  See mod_proxy_html
for an example.

Nick Kew

Re: Question about Setting Request Headers and Mod-Headers

2011-09-11 Thread Nick Kew

On 11 Sep 2011, at 06:36, Suneet Shah wrote:

> Hello,
> I am new to creating apache modules.  I need to create a module very similar
> to mod_headers where I need to add headers to a request. However, instead of
> getting the headers from a config file I need to get it the details from my
> database.

Are you sure you need a new module?  mod_rewrite can set headers for you,
and RewriteMap can get them from a database.

If you are writing a new module, you could look at how that works.
Also, be sure to check out mod_dbd for how to access SQL databases
more generally.

Nick Kew

Re: RewriteRule question

2011-08-25 Thread Nick Kew

On 25 Aug 2011, at 11:04, Denys wrote:

> Do you mean, Nick, that I have submitted the question to the wrong branch?

branch?  What's a branch?  This is a mailing list for module developers!

Sorry, my reply was OTT.  I just get a bit cross at some of the stuff that gets
misdirected from

Nick Kew

Re: RewriteRule question

2011-08-25 Thread Nick Kew
On 25 Aug 2011, at 11:04, Denys wrote:

> Do you mean, Nick, that I have submitted the question to the wrong branch?

branch?  What's a branch?  This is a mailing list for module developers!

Sorry, my reply was OTT.  I just get a bit cross at some of the stuff that gets
misdirected from

Nick Kew

Re: RewriteRule question

2011-08-25 Thread Nick Kew
On 25 Aug 2011, at 10:15, Denys wrote:

> Any kind of help is greatly appreciated.

Start by reading TFM.

If you still can't understand, try a user support forum.

> View this message in context: 

Oh, right, a website that appropriates our list and misleads (some) users.

> Sent from the Apache HTTP Server - Module Writers mailing list archive at 

But that looks clear enough to me.  Is the website so two-faced as to be 
unclear about that,
or do you struggle with English?

Nick Kew

Re: My first Apache module!

2011-08-24 Thread Nick Kew

On 24 Aug 2011, at 22:59, Chris London wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> I don't like to bother mailing lists with beginner questions so I spent
> a few hours on Google looking for info and tutorials.


> Here's the source code:

Hey, I thought for a moment you were doing something with DSSSL.
You got me all excited!

You're at risk of leaking memory and file descriptors anytime something
sends processing into an error path while they're allocated/open.
The solution is to use pools.  See

Less crucially, the APR abstraction of file IO is preferred over FILE*.

Minor point: it's good practice to make your symbols static unless they're
an exported API.  Why is T_fread spilled over to global namespace?

Once you're a bit more confident, you might want to re-write the
parser as a filter, so it can process your data format not just from
a static file but also from a dynamic or proxied source.

Nick Kew

Re: I need some idea about one unusual module with threaded communication :

2011-08-22 Thread Nick Kew
On Mon, 22 Aug 2011 07:21:25 -0600
Joe Lewis  wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 8:57 AM, milad rezai  wrote:
> > How can I communicate between different thread (one thread per client)?
> >
> > Problem : I need to develop a module with persistent connections, I have
> > two
> > kind of clients : one of them persistently sends data on connection and
> > another must use and get from first kind of connections and place on his
> > socket for feeding his client?
> >

I didn't reply to that because the problem description confuses me.
How many connections, and where do they come from?  Doesn't sound
like standard HTTP!

> Consider using shared memory - or shm.

Makes sense ... probably!

>Using a search engine and "apache
> module shared memory example" gives a previous thread on this list :
> In it, Nick gives a pointer to look at the util_ldap source.

That's old!

These days we have two shared memory frameworks: slotmem and socache.
I'd look there first, rather than duplicate older code.

Nick Kew

Re: Can't access module config from handler function

2011-08-14 Thread Nick Kew

On 14 Aug 2011, at 03:51, Simone Caruso wrote:

>> because the config it sees hasn't been merged for the 
> The config is a server based confing not a per-dir one.

Then maybe your configuration is attached to the wrong virtualhost.
Look carefully at what gets passed in the post_config hook: you can
access every vhost with care, or set up something server-wide.

Nick Kew

Re: Can't access module config from handler function

2011-08-13 Thread Nick Kew

On 13 Aug 2011, at 17:06, Simone Caruso wrote:

> Hi all,
> im writing a module that stores data in a shared memory to set php conf values
> and other in 'traslate_name' hook.. it works fine.
> I decided to output the shm content within an http request using an handler
> (like mod_status).
> In configuration i have this:
> sethandler "module_test_output"

Using it in a  would suggest it's per_dir config.
> I setup the shm in post_config hook:
> ap_hook_post_config(post_config_hook, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_REALLY_FIRST);

... but per_dir config for your location doesn't exist at post_config time!

> Within the translate_name hook the module access conf->cache correctly and
> shm+rmm works well.

because the config it sees hasn't been merged for the 

I suspect you're using the wrong configuration hierarchy for the job at hand.
If not, then the fix might be as simple as a merge_config function.

There's a very brief (and ancient) piece at
In the book there's a whole chapter, which is both substantially expanded and
updated from that.

Nick Kew

Re: mod_proxy_fdpass + httpd-2.2.19

2011-08-03 Thread Nick Kew

On 3 Aug 2011, at 10:26, Henrik Strand wrote:

> Hmm, but this is how the code looks like when I get the error that I
> posted. 

In that case, you've compiled it against the wrong headers.
The best solution is usually to use apxs from the installed version
to compile new modules.

That error message is your module failing a test that it was compiled
against the correct API version and is therefore compatible with
the server that's loading it.

Nick Kew

Re: mod_proxy_fdpass + httpd-2.2.19

2011-08-03 Thread Nick Kew

On 3 Aug 2011, at 09:27, Henrik Strand wrote:

> module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA proxy_fdpass = {
>NULL,   /* create per-directory config structure
> */
>NULL,   /* merge per-directory config structures
> */
>NULL,   /* create per-server config structure */
>NULL,   /* merge per-server config structures */
>NULL,   /* command apr_table_t */
>register_hooks  /* register hooks */
> };

That should be fine, compiled against the right (2.2.x) headers.

Nick Kew

Re: mod_proxy_fdpass + httpd-2.2.19

2011-08-03 Thread Nick Kew

On 3 Aug 2011, at 08:10, Henrik Strand wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to back-port Apache Module mod_proxy_fdpass to httpd-2.2.19,
> and building from source, but are getting the following error message
> when starting apachectl:
> httpd: Module "(null)" is not compatible with this version of Apache
> (found 0, need 20051115). Please contact the vendor for the correct
> version.

Guessing in the dark 

You declare the module with
module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA proxy_fdpass_module;

But you don't instantiate it.  The macro commonly used in trunk
doesn't exist in 2.2.

Nick Kew

Re: Sharing information between threads and processes.

2011-07-21 Thread Nick Kew

On 21 Jul 2011, at 11:34, Zaid Amireh wrote:

> expanding on it to accommodate variable length data like queues and hashes 
> seems pretty complicated unless I missed something obvious.

Indirection in shared memory is inherently complex!

How near do the socache modules come to meeting your needs?

Nick Kew

Available for work, contract or permanent

Re: ap_hook_create_request vs ap_hook_insert_filter

2011-07-03 Thread Nick Kew

On 4 Jul 2011, at 01:24, Jodi Bosa wrote:

> Hi,
> In Apache 2.2 - what is the purpose of ap_hook_insert_filter?   It seems to
> get invoked after things like post_read, quick_handler, and others which is
> too late to "filter" any input.
> On the other hand, ap_hook_create_request does get invoked early enough.

The insert_filter hook is indeed too late to insert 'outer' input filters that 
affect the protocol.  But it's plenty early enough for other filters.

The request_rec represents the HTTP(s) protocols.   If you're using HTTPD's 
own protocol support then your filters won't mess with it, so they don't need
to be inserted early.  If you do want to mess with the protocol at a low level
then yes, you'll want a create_request hook.

The reason for the hook coming late in the cycle is that filter configuration
may depend on the outcome of earlier phases (and in general WILL depend
on at least the configuration walk).

Nick Kew

Available for work, contract or permanent

Re: input filters called again after Handler returns

2011-06-30 Thread Nick Kew

On 30 Jun 2011, at 08:11, Sorin Manolache wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 02:56, Jodi Bosa  wrote:
>> I'm encountering a strange interaction between modules (including my own).
>> When I track it down, it appears that input filters are called after the
>> handler is finished which results in 2 bodies in the response.
>> In other words, this is what appears to be happening:
>>Input filters called with AP_MODE_GETLINE (for each HTTP request
>> header)
>>Handler called and returns 302
>>input filters called with AP_MODE_READBYTES and 8192
>> I've placed logging in ap_internal_*_redirect() and removed all related
>> modules to see if one was a problem - yet the same issue happens.
>> Thanks for any help.
> At the end of the request processing chain, apache places a function
> that clears the request body.
> (ap_finalize_request_protocol->ap_discard_request_body).
> Your inut filter should place an EOS bucket in the brigade or return
> something else than APR_SUCCESS in this second invocation.

Have you encountered the actual problem described?  I haven't.
I can see that failing to deal with EOS might cause such an issue,
but I don't see that a filter should want or need self-awareness of
a 'second invocation': rather that would be an issue for whatever
is issuing the internal redirect.

I'm guessing this problematic filter is one that doesn't pass its
(modified) input through to its output?  In which case, it should
take responsibility for reading its input through to EOS and for
returning EOS to its caller.  If you fix that and still have the
problem, please describe in detail!

Nick Kew

Available for work, contract or permanent

Re: per-worker-thread counter question

2011-06-28 Thread Nick Kew

On 28 Jun 2011, at 03:57, Neil McKee wrote:

> Hi,
> Here's an easy question for someone who knows their way around...

Yeah, right :P 

> I want to maintain a new global counter,  but for performance reasons I am 
> reluctant to use a mutex or atomic_increment to update it.  I would rather 
> maintain a separate counter for every worker-thread,  and only accumulate the 
> global counter when required.  (If the per-worker-thread counter is 32-bit 
> then I shouldn't even need a mutex when accumulating the total across all the 
> current threads).

Have you tried apr_atomic and found an unacceptable performance impact,
or are you just assuming it?  I haven't tried it, but my gut feeling wouldn't
expect the overhead to be out of proportion.

> Obviously I shouldn't just declare something as "__thread apr_int32_t 
> mycounter;" and mince it together as a linux-only hack.  I'd like to find the 
> portable apr-library way to do it.   So I think I need to find the following:
> * - a hook that is called whenever a worker thread is started
> * - a hook that is called whenever a worker thread is about to die
> * - a hook to find_or_create a 32-bit integer that is private to the current 
> worker-thread
> * - a fn to iterate (safely) over all the current worker threads

Absent something in the API, you're stuck.  Just to make it work across
standard MPMs will require care, and is unlikely to be future-proof.

> It's the last one that seems particularly elusive.  I could't find an ap_ or 
> apr_ library call that seemed to do anything like that.

So your module would need to maintain its own register to iterate over.
Hats off if you can hack that with less overhead than apr_atomic or ...

> If this has all been done before,   please can you point me to the relevant 
> module sources?  I think it would save me a lot of time.   Alternatively,  if 
> you think I should just relax and use an atomic increment instead,  then let 
> me know.

What springs to mind (as being supported in the API) is the scoreboard.
mod_slotmem (new in trunk) may be worth a look.

Nick Kew

Available for work, contract or permanent

Re: Kill a request nicely

2011-06-14 Thread Nick Kew
On Tue, 14 Jun 2011 16:31:22 -0500
Jason Funk  wrote:

> I am writing an output filter module that will under some circumstances want
> to send back an HTTP Error Code and kill the request without sending back
> the content.

You can't set an HTTP response code when one has already been sent
down the wire to the client.  It's in the nature of an output
filter that the work is done in a callback, which (in general)
only happens after the response has started, and too late to
set a response code or headers.  Thus the filter callback API
isn't designed to set a status like a processing hook can
when it determines the outcome of a request.

The only way you can affect a response status is to return an 
error to your caller before passing anything down the chain.

Nick Kew

Available for work, contract or permanent.

Re: how to parse html content in handler

2011-03-25 Thread Nick Kew
On Thu, 24 Mar 2011 22:58:07 +0800 (CST)
"Whut  Jia"  wrote:

> Hi,
> Thank you!
> But I want to parse a jsp page in my handler.How can I do it??
> Please help me! In my handler, I do a request ( 
> libcurl,and then parse returned response ,and draw some infomation.Please ask 
> how to parse this jsp response???  

Last time I looked, JSP 2 insisted on XML well-formedness,
and would work well under an XML parser.  You could dispense
with parsing altogether and just implement event handlers
under an existing parser such as mod_xmlns or mod_xml2.

JSP 1 was an SSI-like language.  It would be a little more
work, but mod_includes would be a good startingpoint.

Nick Kew

Available for work, contract or permanent.

Re: ordering output filters

2011-03-14 Thread Nick Kew

On 14 Mar 2011, at 15:54, Joshua Marantz wrote:

>  if (mod_includes was enabled in this config) {
>re-insert mod_pagespeed at the end of the AP_FTYPE_RESOURCE chain
>pass the buckets to mod_includes
>  }

Not good.  Modules are there to serve the server admin, not to enslave him.
In general they shouldn't touch each other (except through public APIs)
nor second-guess a server admin.

In practical terms, what about a third-party module that parses comments?
If includes get special treatment but others don't, you're making things 
confusing for your users.

A traditional but only slightly less ugly hack would be to declare your filter
AP_FTYPE_RESOURCE+1.  That also leaves an admin the possibility of
overriding it.

> Or can we, at init time, call server APIs to tweak the filter order?  Is
> there any filter that seeks to do that somehow?

You could take a look at how mod_proxy_html inserts mod_xml2enc
if available.

> A third idea is to exploit the fact that INCLUDES adds itself to the output
> chain via
>   ap_hook_fixups(include_fixup, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_LAST);
> where include_fixup() does ap_add_output_filter("INCLUDES", NULL, r,
> r->connection);

Why not an insert_filter hook?

That would be the right place to go, but then be sure to document exactly
how it works and what other modules will be auto-configured.

Nick Kew

Available for work, contract or permanent

Re: apxs "DEFS"

2011-03-14 Thread Nick Kew

On 13 Mar 2011, at 23:44, MK wrote:

> I hope it is okay to be asking questions about apxs here.

You're welcome to post here, but if you suspect a bug or would like to
suggest an enhancement then dev@httpd would be the right place.

> However, it can't be done with apxs :(

It hadn't crossed my mind to try that with apxs (adjust by hand where
necessary).  But in principle, Good Idea!  Patches welcome!

Sorry, no new suggestions beyond wrowe's reply or "do it by hand".

Nick Kew

Available for work, contract or permanent

Re: Converting a 16-bit string to 8-bit?

2011-03-03 Thread Nick Kew

On 3 Mar 2011, at 16:52, Ben Noordhuis wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 17:12, Sam Carleton  wrote:
>> I am looking at using a 3rd party library that only operates on 16-bit
>> strings.  Is there a built in functions to convert the strings back to
>> 8-bit?  I am currenly on Windows and Windows has built in functions I could
>> use, I would prefer to use Apache functions if they exist.
> Sam, you want either apr_xlate.h or apr-iconv / native iconv.

apr_xlate would be the appropriate abstraction for cross-platform support,
if it meets your needs.  If not, you'd need an external library.

You might not need to do anything at all:

(1) You could send data out in 16-bit encoding if you send it with
an appropriate charset parameter in the Content-type header.
(2) If (1) is not an option, an existing module like mod_charset
might be suitable to do the conversion for you.

Nick Kew

Available for work, contract or permanent

Re: Filter to modify request headers

2011-01-25 Thread Nick Kew

On 25 Jan 2011, at 22:22, Jodi Bosa wrote:

> Hi,
> What would be a good early hook to modify request headers that is _AFTER_
> mod_ssl is finished decrypting request?
> When I do a ap_add_input_filter() from a ap_hook_insert_filter() seems to
> trigger really late (e.g. after quick_handler, post_read, etc...).


Use a header_parser hook to manipulate your request headers.
Or if you need to catch them early, a post_read_request.

Nick Kew

Available for work, contract or permanent

Re: How to add referer header in external redirect?

2011-01-16 Thread Nick Kew

On 16 Jan 2011, at 12:59, Eric Covener wrote:

>> I need some help with a redirecting/referrer issue. If I do a 303 redirect 
>> in my module (by this way below:
>> apr_table_setn(r->headers_out,"Location","http://idp/login.html";);
> err_headers_out to be preserved when an errordoc is sent for  non-2xx 
> response.

Won't make any difference to someone trying to set a request header in a 

Nick Kew

Available for work, contract or permanent

Re: module configuration kill

2011-01-12 Thread Nick Kew
On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 11:24:36 -0800 (PST)
Peter Janovsky  wrote:

> is it possible to hook into an event fired when the workers are shutdown,

Any cleanup registered on the child pool will run when the child quits,
if that's any use to you.

Nick Kew

Available for work, contract or permanent.

Re: Hook end of connection

2011-01-12 Thread Nick Kew
On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 14:49:53 -0500
Victor Ronin  wrote:

> Hi,
> I need to write a module, which does something at the  beginning and at 
> the end of each connection.

Register a cleanup on the connection pool.

Nick Kew

Available for work, contract or permanent.

Re: module configuration kill

2011-01-10 Thread Nick Kew
On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 14:16:43 -0800 (PST)
Peter Janovsky  wrote:

> how do i go about preserving variable state specific to the individual worker?

On a restart, the old pools are cleaned up before reinitialisation starts.
So in your cleanups, you can reset any variables that need reinitialising
from a virgin state.

Nick Kew

Available for work, contract or permanent.

Re: Help trying to figure out why an output_filter is not called.

2011-01-05 Thread Nick Kew
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 08:45:57 -0500
Joshua Marantz  wrote:

> What might be going wrong in his server to cause this to fail?  Could some
> other filter be somehow finding our filter and killing it?  Or sending the
> bytes directly to the network before our filter has a chance to run?

Yes.  Any of the above.  Someone may be breaking modularity.
PHP has a track record of that, and from your recent posts here
I'd guess it's not the only suspect.

Can you reproduce the problem?  If so, run it under a debugger or trace
and look for when your filter is inserted and whether it's removed.
Does mod_diagnostics tell you anything if you run it at the same level
as yours?

Nick Kew

Re: Shared memory ?

2010-11-15 Thread Nick Kew
On Mon, 15 Nov 2010 17:12:01 +0100
Rémy Sanchez  wrote:

> [chop]

Since you're at an experimental stage, there's no reason
not to work with trunk/2.3 versions.  So use the mod_socache
framework, which is provided for precisely this kind of thing!

Nick Kew

Re: How to init an mmaped file?

2010-10-26 Thread Nick Kew

On 26 Oct 2010, at 03:52, Mike Meyer wrote:

> Anyone got some hints on how I ought to set this up? Maybe there's a
> writeup somewhere I missed on config processing  Possibly there's some
> facility that I ought to be looking at to replace the mmaped file?

One possible suggestion.  post_config and child_init get passed
the first server_rec.  The server_rec in any later hook is the
virtual host.  Could your problem be setting data in one server
then trying to retrieve it from another?

Nick Kew

Re: Strange EOS bucket in filter

2010-10-23 Thread Nick Kew

On 23 Oct 2010, at 11:06, wrote:

> Hello list,
> I'm currently developing an output filter that , dpending on some
> condition either parses all data to convert it (and hence don't pass any
> of the incomming buckets down the pipe) or decides to leave the data as
> it is and just pushes all incomming buckets down. Now, strangely, for
> the second case every second request my filter only gets an EOS bucket
> (as the first bucket te filter sees) for all resources that the filter
> doesn't need to touch. This only seems to happen for requests with
> keep-alive true. That somehow sounds like someting I've encoutered
> before but I can't recall when or where :-/ Any ideas what's going on?

Are you clearing all the input once you've consumed it?

Nick Kew

Re: Memory Pool

2010-10-11 Thread Nick Kew
On Mon, 11 Oct 2010 15:14:02 +0100
Martin Townsend  wrote:

>   Hi,
> I have created a pool from the child pool for storing warning messages 
> that can live across requests, the final request will insert the 
> warnings into the response.  How do I ensure that this pool is cleared 
> at the end of the final request?

That doesn't really make sense.  What is "the final request"?

If it's requests in a connection, use the connection pool.
Otherwise, you're looking at a time-based solution such
as garbage collection.

Nick Kew

Re: httpd filters to record the client network time

2010-10-02 Thread Nick Kew
On Sat, 2 Oct 2010 08:11:33 -0700 (PDT)
alin vasile  wrote:

> I would like to write an httpd module with output filters to record when a 
> client sends the first byte of an HTTP request and when send the last.

Your problem is that you're trying to use filters at a level in the
chain where there is no request, only a connection.  If you want to
measure requests, you'll have to work inside the HTTP protocol filter.
(That is, inside as in between the protocol filter and the handler).

Otherwise for a big overhead you could record it as a datestamped
bytestream, and then reconstruct HTTP requests from the bytestream.
That could be done outside apache.

Nick Kew

Re: Filters before mod_include

2010-10-02 Thread Nick Kew
On Sat, 2 Oct 2010 07:44:47 -0700 (PDT)
Travis Bassetti  wrote:

> Is it possible to register an output filter that processes the request before 
> mod_include?   I'm trying to build a filter which inserts extra markup around 
> each "#include virtual" SSI directive.   I can only seem to register an 
> output 
> filter after mod_include as mod_include declares APR_HOOK_REALLY_FIRST in its 
> configuration. 

The order of output filters is ordinarily a matter of configuration, subject
to the broad category (AP_FTYPE_***) types.  See the user docs.  The APR_HOOK_*
stuff has nothing to do with the filter.

If you want to program ordering into your module, you can have it insert its own
and other filters in your chosen order.  See mod_proxy_html for an example: it
may insert mod_xml2enc before and/or after itself according to the configuration
options.  But note that it still relies on configuration: if you really want to
force it, you would also have to undo any other filter configuration.

Nick Kew

Bounces from this list

2010-09-24 Thread Nick Kew
Who manages this list these days?  Can someone remove this
bouncing address?  This is the third bounce I've had,
and I expect everyone posting here is getting them.

Nick Kew

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Re: modules architecture issue

2010-09-15 Thread Nick Kew
On Wed, 15 Sep 2010 14:57:25 -0300
Fabio Kaminski  wrote:

I'm not certain I understand the question, but here goes ...

> and at least for data, i thought use something like  [input filter ->
> handler -> output filter]
> where the input filter receives a formated string and parse into a internal
> object struct.. the handler get it
> and using a rest mechanism (put,delete,get,post) in the handler..

An input filter doesn't strictly speaking asynchronously with your handler,
but conceptually you should think of it as asynchronous.  If that fits
your application well, go right ahead.  Otherwise it's probably going to
be easier to do all that within your handler.  The exception to that is
if you have functionality that becomes re-usable across multiple
applications if you put it in a filter.

> the handler then call a db api, for the data operation.. and if is something
> like get.. the output filter decode our internal object struct into
> the formated string..

That sounds like it should be just fine running asynchronously.  But using
a filter may still call for more groundwork.  Ideally you should create a
new bucket type for your internal objects to pass them down the chain.

> i saw the smart filter, but couldnt fire it.. since i didnt see a example
> module using it..

Smart filtering is a matter for configuration.  If your application
requires the filters, it should probably manage its own configuration.
If the filters are optional then by all means leave it to the sysop
and recommend using mod_filter in your documentation.

Nick Kew

Re: Apache mods - possible to send request on?

2010-09-14 Thread Nick Kew

On 14 Sep 2010, at 18:33, Paul Donaldson wrote:

> Hello,
> I am completely new to Apache and Apache Modules, and so I'd be grateful if 
> someone could tell me whether it might be possible to write a module that 
> takes 
> elements of the request and makes a request to another web server at an 
> arbitrary URL?

Yes of course you can!

You can run a subrequest that'll use mod_proxy.  Or you can use your choice
of HTTP client code.

Nick Kew

Re: Peek at request from within Connection input filter

2010-09-14 Thread Nick Kew

On 14 Sep 2010, at 04:08, Jodi Bosa wrote:

> Is there a way that I can "peek" at the request from within a Connection
> filter?  In other words, I need to examine the actual HTTP request in order
> to affect something in another Connection filter.  A constraint is that I
> cannot modify this other Connection filter.

No.  There isn't a request object in a connection filter.  A connection
may be handling multiple requests which can't be deterministically
mapped.  Or there may be no Request at all if the protocol is not HTTP.

If you can ensure there is a meaningful Connection-Request
correspondence in your app, use the connection's configuration
record to pass information to/from the request(s).

Nick Kew

Re: responsehandler in C

2010-08-19 Thread Nick Kew

On 18 Aug 2010, at 16:05, Peter Janovsky wrote:

> my question - is it possible to write a responsehandler within C?  i'm 
> assuming 
> it is but i am only finding responsehandler examples in Perl.

Of course!  If you're using Perl then you're also using the response handler 
a C module (such as mod_cgi or mod_perl) to run your script.

Chapter 5 of my book takes you through writing a response handler, from
Hello World through to all you need to switch a CGI script to a module.

Nick Kew

Re: Modify the body of a post request Multipar/form-data?

2010-06-10 Thread Nick Kew

On 10 Jun 2010, at 07:34, Eddy wrote:

> How modify (decrypt data) the body content before all module ?

That's what filters do.

See mod_ssl for secure encryption.  Or in your case since it's only the 
body content, see for example mod_deflate for a comparable task.

Nick Kew

Re: Can an Apache module inject configuration in runtime?

2010-06-01 Thread Nick Kew

On 1 Jun 2010, at 10:39, Andrew Godziuk wrote:

> I'm wondering if it's possible for an Apache module to change global
> config structures.

Basically, no, not without a restart.  Though there are some aspects of
configuration you can change on the fly.

> What I want to achieve is injecting new vhosts without Apache restart.
> Of course I'm aware that the changes would fully take effect after all
> workers have recycled, but for me - it's still better than a restart.

There are some similar modules around.  Someone already said
mod_vhost_alias, but I'd also point you at mod_vhost_dbd as an
example that may be nearer to what you want if your needs are
sufficiently complex to demand a new module.

Nick Kew

Re: simple mapping module example?

2010-04-29 Thread Nick Kew

On 29 Apr 2010, at 04:56, Mark Harrison wrote:

> I would like to do a simple mapper:
>   - given some inputs, calculate a file path
>   - let apache serve out that file for me
> Is there a simple example of how to do this?  mod_rewrite
> is pretty heavy-duty, and I'd like to get a simpler
> model to follow.

Maybe mod_rewrite will do all you need anyway!

The simplest example to look at in the apache code would be
mod_alias.  Otherwise, the end of Chapter 6 of the modules
book[1] leads you through developing a mapper module.


Nick Kew

Re: Issuing a client side HTTP request from a module

2010-04-22 Thread Nick Kew

On 22 Apr 2010, at 15:14, Some Guy wrote:

> I don't really need keepalive.  Just a really basic http request.  However,
> this would be in a non request handler thread, so I'll have no initial
> request_rec to create a subrequest from.  It would also be in the parent
> process via a monitor hook.

In that case, you're probably the exception to the general advice to
use mod_proxy.  Simplest would probably be DIY with your choice
of HTTP client library.

Nick Kew

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