M 0.9.8 Net installer fails -- Linux

2002-02-04 Thread Minko Markov


The Net installer fails soon after it starts downloading the *xpi
files.   It downloads approx. 750KB and the installation process
dies with core dump (Linux). A message flashes for a moment,
saying something like Missing files or so.

The Full installer worked OK.


bug or feature? (Moz. on Linux/X)

2002-01-24 Thread Minko Markov


I just noticed something, both 0.9.7 and the latest
nightly. Clicking the middle mouse button *not*
on a hyperlink, but simply somewhere in a page, causes
na attempt to open an url with the current X clipboard
selection. Say, the last X selection you did was in
an xterm (kterm in my case), you selected the 
network.pdf string. Afterwards, in Mozilla, you
try to middle-button-click a hyperlink, in order to
open it in a new window, but you miss the the hyperlink
and middle-button-click somewhere next to it. Then
you get a message  www.network.pdf could not be
found. Please check the name and try again  :))  That's
how I discovered it.

Seems like a feature, but can be confusing for someone
that is not aware of it. If the clipboard content is big
-- e.g. the above paragraph -- mozilla would still try to
open an url with this name, and then the error message is
very confusing. It basically quotes the whole text, followed
by the Please check the name and try again thing,
which the user will most likely miss.  Worse, if the
selection is accidentally a valid url, or can be
expanded to one with .com at the end, one goes to
a some seemingly random page and has no clue how
he/she got there.

Just some thoughts.

Minko Markov

Re: bug or feature? (Moz. on Linux/X)

2002-01-24 Thread Minko Markov

Travis Crump [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It is a 'feature'.  If you are like me and hate this 'feature', it can
 be disabled with user_pref(middlemouse.contentLoadURL, false); in



Re: 0.9.7: fast, but seems buggy

2001-12-25 Thread Minko Markov

Jonas Jørgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Minko Markov wrote:
  How can one check whether this security manager is

Version 2.2 
Algorithms supportedPersonal Security Manager not 
loaded or object not supported!
Algorithms Info Personal Security Manager not 
loaded or object not supported! 
More info about Personal Security Manager   at Netscape
at Mozilla

What does that mean, no ssl connections? I doubt it, since
http://gemal.dk/browserspy/security.html  says Encryption
Strength -- Strong. Hmmm..


Re: 0.9.7: fast, but seems buggy

2001-12-23 Thread Minko Markov

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David W. Fenton) writes:

 Mozilla 0.9.3 had worked fine, because, apparently, I'd installed
 the security manager. When I re-installed and included the security
 manager, it then worked. 

It is not so apparent to me that this is the reason.
Maybe, maybe not, but the lack of error message like
you must have the security manager installed before
proceeding suggests the reason is something else,
most likely a bug.  I quoted an https URL that works
with 0.9.7 == most likely, 0.9.7 can work with
encrypted connection.

How can one check whether this security manager is
installed? I mean, it is pointless arguing about
that here, if one can check that in a second.


0.9.7: fast, but seems buggy

2001-12-22 Thread Minko Markov


Just upgraded to 0.9.7 from 0.9.5. My impression
is that 0.9.7 is faster (Linux). Several points
about it:

After the install, it was not with the
modern skin, but the classical. I have
always used the modern, and the previous
upgrades correctly detected that. Corrected
the skin with the preferences later.

The Preferences dialog box has an 
annoying bug. When I start opening
the fields (like Navigator, Advanced),
no scrollbar shows, even when the
height of the items is more than the
height of the area of the window. To
get a scrollbar, I have to close one
of the open fields.

The first time I started the browser,
started typing an URL, but nothing was
actually input in the URL input field.
After resizing the window or something
like that, it was possible to type URLs.

Try www.britishairways.com, it offers
login with ID and password. With 0.9.5,
it worked fine. 0.9.7 seems unable to
log me in: after typing the ID and the
pass, I can't proceed. Neither Return
nor clicking the small arrow button
work. Seems like a Javascript issue?
It is possible to test that with empty
pass and ID, 0.9.5 proceeds in that case
(to a message wrong password)

There is another bug with www.specialized.com
which I just reported. Right now bugzilla.mozilla.org
seems down :( , otherwise I would have reported
the british airways one as well.

Anyone feeling that 0.9.7 is buggy? I will keep
both 0.9.5 and 0.9.7 trees for the moment.


Is the flash plug-in part of mozilla?

2001-11-01 Thread Minko Markov

Hi all,

Mozilla 2001110112 (latest build), Linux, with flash
plug-in Shockwave Flash 5.0 r47.

The flash animation is mostly all right.
However, this site:
freezes the browser. In order to freeze the
browser, load the page and click on any
item, say the circles in the middle. Even
before clicking anything there, the CPU
utilization as shown by top is  90%,
but the navigation still works. After
clicking anything, navigation is
impossible and only kill -9 helps,
although the animation seems alive
and the music goes on.

I am tempted to do a bug report, but
I am not sure whether it is appropriate.
Is the plug-in part of mozilla? Probably
not, I got it from the home page of
flash (whatever it was, I forgot).
However, the flash capabilities are
important, more and more sites use
flash animation. I have given up
completely on Java, there too many
sites on which Java + Javascript
hang mozilla. I hope the the flash
problems are easier and solvable...

Any advise on flash in mozilla?

Minko Markov

Re: Problems with Mozilla 0.9.2

2001-07-04 Thread Minko Markov

Alejandro Alvarez Melcon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am having a lot of problems with Mozilla 0.9.2;
 a bit surprised though, since 0.9.1 worked just fine.
 Apparently the plugins do not work even if they are
 copied into the plugins directory (for instance flash player
 does not work in 0.9.2). 


AFAIK, the plugin for Netscape 4* and Mozilla * is the same.
That's what I have in mozilla's plugin directory:

ShockwaveFlash.class - /usr/local/pack/netscape/plugins/ShockwaveFlash.class
libflashplayer.so - /usr/local/pack/netscape/plugins/libflashplayer.so

Two symlinks to the plugin files of Netscape, that's all.
Works OK for mozilla. Are you sure you have the lates
version of the plugin? The version here is

  Flash Player 5
  Netscape Plug-in for Linux
  15 February 2001

The file sizes are

  2363 Feb 15 19:39 ShockwaveFlash.class 
  947992 Feb 15 19:39 libflashplayer.so 

Good luck,

mozilla 0.9.2 chokes on this file

2001-07-04 Thread Minko Markov


In a certain LUG I came across an indication
of a possible bug in Mozilla 0.9.2  Someone
was complaining his mozilla died when opening
this trivial html file:

  META HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type CONTENT=text/html; charset=x-user-defined
  TITLEtesting mozilla-092/TITLE
  A HREF=http://www.ldffdfdfdfdfa.net/;http://www.dfdbrttrt.net//A 
  Mozilla-0.9.2 is dying - blah.!?

My mozilla does not crash on it, but takes about 15-20sec
to load it! Netscape 4.77 loads it in an instant, as one
might expect. The guy claimed that mozilla 0.9.1 has no
problems opening it either.

Before we report a bug, can someone more experienced in
html comment on that? I found that the problem is caused
by the META-field. When either one of HTTP-EQUIV=...  or  
CONTENT=... is removed, the file opens OK. Also, when
charset is, say, iso-8859-1

Thanks a lot,
Minko Markov

Re: Mozilla and RealPlayer 8

2001-06-24 Thread Minko Markov

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (HeadTechnican @ Mathco.com) writes:

 I have a question. I run slackware 7.1 and i have
 the following problem.
 Has anyone gotten RealPlayer 8
 to work with the latest Mozilla release?

yes :)

 I have Mozilla installed under /usr/local/Mozilla
 and RealPlayer 8 installed under /usr/local/Realplayer8.
 I have entered the mimetypes correctly as specified
 for Netscape 6 and copied the plugins to /use/local/Mozilla/plugins.
 What happens is when i click on a link it only brings up
 a Save To Disk Window even if I don't have the save to disk
 box checked.

The about:plugins URL tells you which plugins are available
to your mozilla at the moment. Most likely, you don't have
RealPlayer available in mozilla.

I had a similar problem. My RealPlayer is an rpm. The
plugin for netscape/Mozilla is rpnp.so, and there is another
file, raclass.zip, I dunno its function. In order netscape/
mozilla to see the plug-in, these files have to be in some
plugins directory, where netscape/mozilla looks for plug-ins at

Well, the RealPlayer rpm installs both rpnp.so and raclass.zip in
two directories, /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/  and
/usr/local/netscape/plugins/.  My netscape and mozilla are
elsewhere, so they could not see the plug-ins.

I simply made symlinks to the plugins. In your case, that
will be (assuming rpnp.so and raclass.zip are in

cd /usr/local/Mozilla/package/plugins (or wherever
the plugins directory is)
ln -s /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/rpnp.sp rpnp.so
ln -s /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/raclass.zip raclass.zip

and restart mozilla. With about:plugins you should see
the real plugin activated.

If you have RealPlayer as an rpm, to see whether indeed 
rpnp.so and raclass.zip are in /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/, do 
rpm -ql RealPlayer | grep plugins
find / -name rpnp.so -print 2 /dev/null

Good luck,

Re: bug in M 0.7, or bad page design?

2001-01-29 Thread Minko Markov

Micah Harwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  http://www.dir.bg/   and   http://www-us.capital.bg/
  The cyrillic letters are over-large in M 0.7,
  and the spacing is wrong. Netscape 4.7* shows
  them correctly.
 By "over-large", do you mean the letters are really big, or only
 slightly larger? 

OK, you can say "slightly" larger, not 24pt or anything, :)
but they still look wrong. The huge spaces between them are
much more annoying, however. For example, at http://www-us.capital.bg ,
at the very top line, there is an English word, "Advertising",
which looks good. Compared to the cyrillic text around,
I would say the difference is 3 or 4 pts in height. Plus,
the space between two cyrillic letters is huge, it is enough
to fit another letter in. The strange thing is that one or
two screens down (on a 1024x768 screen, Mozilla maximized),
the cyrillic text (hyperlinks to articles) looks OK.
That's how everything on the page should look like.

 I don't know why this is, but I ran into this same issue when
 designing my site. Netscape 4.x displays text smaller I guess. Note
 that IE also renders the text in the larger size.

It is true that Netscape displays some pages in a barely readable way.
But in this case there is something wrong, either the page design or
Mozilla. I mean, the "bad" characters even overlap a little the borders
of the regions around. Can't believe that it is so under IE.
And the spacing between the letters...

 When I first looked at the page, it appeared normal.

Then we are seeing different things.

BTW, I just tried the option "Always use my font settings...",
and now the page looks correct! But this is not a good solution,
the page should look good with dynamic fonts as well.

Minko Markov

bug in M 0.7, or bad page design?

2001-01-24 Thread Minko Markov


The pages I have in mind are in Bulgarian,
but I think that it will be clear what I
mean even if you don't know the language.

http://www.dir.bg/   and   http://www-us.capital.bg/
The cyrillic letters are over-large in M 0.7,
and the spacing is wrong. Netscape 4.7* shows
them correctly.

I am really hesitant to call it a bug and to
report it. Maybe, the pages break some standards?
Since my knowlegde of WWW standards is minimal,
I ask someone more knowledgable for an opinion:
is it a fault of Mozilla, or the Web designers?

I asked here the same question about M 0.6
(that was before 0.7).  Someone told me that
the nightly builds - as opposed to 0.6 - 
don't have the problem. I did not report a
bug, therefore. Now I really wonder, if some
builds between 0.6 and 0.7 were OK, how come
the problem resurrects?

Thanks a lot for any suggestion. That issue
aside, M 0.7 is great. Thanks!

Minko Markov
Victoria, BC, Canada