2002-03-26 Thread yatsu

Morten Nilsen wrote:

 Bamm Gabriana wrote:
 I believe Lancer deserves some punishment for subscribing
 this newsgroup to all these mailing lists!
 Can't anyone do something about this troll?
 Lancer has shown gross examples of abuse, and I suggest somebody find
 every ISP he uses/can use and send an abuse report to them.

, silly question: how do you know lancer did it?

Re: How big is Mozilla now?

2002-03-24 Thread yatsu

Bundy wrote:

 Opera is a superior web browser to Mozilla. (just compare the
 back/forward speed vs Mozilla)and unlike MOzilla, it is an end user

heh, you're funny.

Re: How big is Mozilla now?

2002-03-24 Thread yatsu

Pascal Chevrel wrote:

 Bundy a dit :
 and on and on and on and on
 Could you be more specific and list some major features Opera enjoys and
 Mozilla not ?

superior toolbar customization ;)

Re: planeador

2002-03-23 Thread yatsu

Lancer wrote:
 visit with 1024x768 ; in Full Screen Mode.

/me thinks lancer should spend some of his time and skill making a mozilla 
skin :)

Re: It's official AOL+Gecko

2002-03-17 Thread yatsu

Jiri Znamenacek wrote:

Correct. But don't expect me creating publicly available publishing
 site with such functionality. For about year there are rumours Gecko2
 will replace current one once Mozilla 1.0 is shipped so I simply don't
 border with these things. 

I've been following Mozilla for a long, long time now and have never heard 
anything about a gecko2. Searching for it in bugzilla yields no results. 

I don't think we'll see a gecko2 for a long time.

 Forms controls piss off far much people than
 this one case so I can live with it. Maybe it will work some day. (BTW -
 what is more important for me 1.0 will ship with uncomplete
 implementation of XBL and we all will have to live with it until 2.0...)

XBL form controls are a Mozilla 1.0 requirement.

PS: Maybe I can try to create one HTML file simulating such
 functionality. Hmm... I'll take a look at it.

Claiming that there is a problem and providing no evidence of it makes a 
hard bug to solve by the developers :) So please do.

Mozilla 1.0: Ready for the corporate desktop?

2002-03-06 Thread yatsu

Just wondering what people on this forum think about Mozilla's usability in 
a business environment.

I have no doubts that the browser, even in it's current form can be 
deployed. My concern however is the Mail application.

Has anyone deployed Mozilla on a large scale? What shortcomings did yoor 
users encounter most often? Do you think Mozilla 1.0 will have these fixed?

Re: Hyperlink to Kazaa/Morpheus/Gnutella?

2002-02-23 Thread yatsu

DeMoN LaG wrote:

 Tony Shepps [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED], on 23 Feb 2002:
 There oughta be - and maybe there is, I don't know about this sort
 of thing - a hyperlink to search a p2p network.  And then, there
 oughta be a partial p2p client, perhaps one that would only search
 and leech files and not share them, that could be invoked by such a
 Whaddya think?
 If there is a Vote of some type deciding if anyone wants to implement
 this, I vote *NO*.  If I want to find something on a P2P network, I open
 my P2P client and look for it.  Web browsers browse the web, not
 filesharing networks

OTOH, with more advanced P2P networks in the future it would be possible to 
define a filetype containing metadata and a hash which would open a P2P 
client (aka 'Start' - 'Search' - 'Search files' in Windows 2005) which'll 
find all files with the valid metadata and'll verify the hash on the found 
files eventually resulting in single result that can be downloaded from 
several locations (simultaniously :))


Re: Hyperlink to Kazaa/Morpheus/Gnutella?

2002-02-23 Thread yatsu

Sören Kuklau wrote:

 DeMoN LaG wrote:
 Tony Shepps [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED], on 23 Feb 2002:
There oughta be - and maybe there is, I don't know about this sort
of thing - a hyperlink to search a p2p network.  And then, there
oughta be a partial p2p client, perhaps one that would only search
and leech files and not share them, that could be invoked by such a

Whaddya think?

 If there is a Vote of some type deciding if anyone wants to implement
 this, I vote *NO*.  If I want to find something on a P2P network, I open
 my P2P client and look for it.  Web browsers browse the web, not
 filesharing networks
 What about ProtoZilla? (See projects)
 And umm... Mozilla is not only a browser, but a whole suite. And you can
 do ftp:// as well in the browser, which is _not_ part of the web (WWW).
 news:// also works. So why not gnutella://, edonkey:// and so on?

It wouldn't be wise to put links into a website using such protocols to 
search for a file because the author of the webpage has very little control 
over which results are displayed.

Having this implemented in the browser however would be quite like the 
highlight  search option. Which'd make more sense.


Re: Hyperlink to Kazaa/Morpheus/Gnutella?

2002-02-23 Thread yatsu

DeMoN LaG wrote:

 yatsu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
 a58vc9$1cr4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:a58vc9$1cr4$[EMAIL PROTECTED], on 23 Feb 2002:
 OTOH, with more advanced P2P networks in the future it would be
 possible to define a filetype containing metadata and a hash which
 would open a P2P client (aka 'Start' - 'Search' - 'Search files'
 in Windows 2005) which'll find all files with the valid metadata
 and'll verify the hash on the found files eventually resulting in
 single result that can be downloaded from several locations
 (simultaniously :))
 I wouldn't mind if someone could decide *on their site* that they wanted
 you to search a P2P network.  

Hence the hash, inorder to assure the found content is that the author 
wanted it to be.

 Maybe like a link to:
 or something, and that would open your predefined P2P client and search
 it's images section for Girl_and_dog.jpg, but having Mozilla itself
 search P2P networks is asking for trouble.  What happens when the RIAA
 wants to shut down Mozilla for helping copyright infringements?  That's
 no good.

Not what i was suggesting in this post, but..

By providing a search mechanism which utilizes an _external_ P2P client?


Re: Mozilla Development Roadmap updated - Mozilla is not ready fo 1.0

2002-02-18 Thread yatsu

Jonas Jørgensen wrote:

 The two worst bugs currently in Mozilla, IMHO, is 55583 (view-source
 should show original page source) and 46845 (Form elements don't reset
 upon reloading page). They both cause very annoying dataloss, and they
 are both futured... :-(
 After them, standards compliance bugs (layout/DOM) should be the number
 one priority, IMHO.

I believe in order to have a good Mozilla 1.0 release performance work 
should be of very low priority and more focus should be placed on bugs that 
hinder proper usage of Mozilla.

'proper usage' optimally being: 

1) no dataloss bugs
2) no crashes
3) UI polish
4) no unexpected behavior regarding interraction with mozilla

This, with documentation, frozen API's and the promised standards 
compliance is what the ideal, possible 1.0 release. All performance bugs 
should be re-evaluated and targetted to Mozilla 1.0+ to give developers 
more time to fix bugs that can not be permitted in 1.0

Re: 0.9.8 under Linux = unusable

2002-02-12 Thread yatsu

Patrick Gallagher wrote:

 Kryptolus wrote:
 Peter Stein wrote:

 Just installed 0.9.8 via RPM. Unfortunately it has a serious
 bug that IMHO renders it unusable: None of the pop up windows
 that require text will actually allow text entry. No cursor
 appears in the text field and if the pop up has an action
 button then that button is greyed out. FWIW, this bug was also
 present in Netscape 6.x, but it was not in Netscape 4.x ( 73 = x =
 79 ). There's nothing exotic about my system and
 I run plenty of X apps without any problems. I'm astounded that a
 milestone release contains such a fundamental bug.

 I think it's the RPM. Is this an rpm from or third party?
 Go to and download a regular mozilla installer for 0.9.8
 or better yet compile it =)

 I tried compiling the source, and I got a fully functional browser out
 of the deal (actually best running browser I've ever tried) - but it
 didn't actually install anywhere I could find...  so after I closed the
 instance that opened automatically, I couldn't find the darned thing
 again... I'm a serious newbie to Linux (small miracle that I even
 managed to get the source to compile, I think...)  - so where did the
 install go?

open konsole/gnometerminal and type:

whereis mozilla


Re: Navigator - Mozilla

2002-01-29 Thread yatsu

Georg Bremer wrote:

 When Mozilla 1.0 is released will Netscape take the code into the
 Navigator etc.? Is Netscape fixing the bugs that appear in Mozilla in
 their 'own' browser too? Or get Netscape the fixes from Mozilla? Or in
 which way are Mozilla and Netscape are working together?
 Im asking because Netscape is beyond Mozillas development state. Maybe
 Netscape just dont want to annoy ppl with weekly releases, Im not sure.
 At the moment there are just two stupid reasons why Im using N6.2 and
 not mozillas newest release: I like the Fog City theme (which didnt
 work with Mozilla) and the Netscape Logo, just because its an old rival
 of MS.

While i'm sure the majority of the people watching this list is more 
qualified to answer this, I'll try to save some of their time.

Netscape and Mozilla use the same codebase. When Netscape feels it's 
time for a new release they make a copy of the codebase (a branch off the 
trunk) and continue developement on that branch until it's considered 
release ready. They release a new Netscape build and eventually discard the 
branch (often taking along bugfixes and applying them back to the branch) 
and continue developement on the trunk. 

Most of the time Netscape programmers and 'Mozilla' (actually, read that as 
'all the other developers from EOne (sp?), Redhat, Beonix (sp again? heh).. 
etc) programmers work on mozilla side by side, each with their own 
priorities set by the company they work for, or just bugs they want to see 

In the end everyone is working towards the same goal: making Mozilla a good 
browser/app suite/platform.


PS. I used Netscape for exactly the same reason; the icon, wow! heh

Re: Navigator - Mozilla

2002-01-29 Thread yatsu

yatsu wrote:

 Georg Bremer wrote:
 When Mozilla 1.0 is released will Netscape take the code into the
 Navigator etc.? Is Netscape fixing the bugs that appear in Mozilla in
 their 'own' browser too? Or get Netscape the fixes from Mozilla? Or in
 which way are Mozilla and Netscape are working together?
 Im asking because Netscape is beyond Mozillas development state. Maybe
 Netscape just dont want to annoy ppl with weekly releases, Im not sure.
 Netscape and Mozilla use the same codebase. When Netscape feels it's
 time for a new release they make a copy of the codebase (a branch off the
 trunk) and continue developement on that branch until it's considered
 release ready. They release a new Netscape build and eventually discard
 the branch (often taking along bugfixes and applying them back to the
 branch) and continue developement on the trunk.
make that: (often taking along bugfixes and applying them back to the trunk)

Mozilla logo

2001-12-07 Thread yatsu

On Fri, 07 Dec 2001 09:34:52 +0100, Adam Sjøgren wrote:

 On Fri, 07 Dec 2001 02:32:03 -0500, Chocobo greens wrote:
 that is very easy for you to say, for some of us, the red star, like
 mozilla's is still a symbol of death and destruction
 Sure, sure, you're entitled to that opinion. But what do you propose
 Using enormous amounts of energy on ranting about what is, is far less
 constructive, for you, than to use energy on proposing viable
 Come up with a set of graphics, that is *so much better* that everybody
 can't help to be convinced that it's a good idea to use them instead,
 Show us how much better you can make it, or how much better your ideas

Sadly, no (sucessful) action has ever been undertaken to get some of the
suggested icons in mozilla.

Lack of alternatives isn't the problem.

- yatsu

Re: WTF! mozilla,

2001-12-07 Thread yatsu

On Fri, 07 Dec 2001 17:40:16 +0100, Jason Bassford wrote:

 Why on earth did the developers choose such a blatantly political (and
 many cases offensive) symbol? is their intention to offend or insult?
I can't comment on their motives.  Whatever their intent was
 originally, they MUST know by know that the imagery DOES offend and
 insult many people.  But nothing has been changed.  This has been
 brought up in these discussion groups many times.  Still, there has been
 no satisfactory resolution.

I'm not sure what happend to the old icons, but no doubt there's a bug
filed on this. All you need is two developers willing to review and one
of them to check it in. This could take about, 10 minutes?

There's likely to be some other reason why no mozilla developers seem
willing to change the icons. Otherwise it'd have been done years ago.

BTW, why not use's favicon? Seems like a rather obvious
solution *if* the lack of a good icon is the problem.

- yatsu

Re: fully customizable toolbars

2001-12-02 Thread yatsu

On Sun, 02 Dec 2001 03:13:25 +0100, Luke wrote:

 bug 15144 Ability to add/remove toolbar buttons (customize toolbars)
   3) Why has there been decided not to show the urlbar seperately from
 the navbar like N4.x?
 bug 49543 Separate Toolbar from Address Bar [urlbar]
   6) Any plans on copying the fontsizing feature to the navbar? 7)
   Will fontsizing eventually be stored on a page to page basis?

 etc.  These have bugs too.  Please spend your own time searching
 bugzilla, not others'.

Fair enough. I suppose moz. developers must get sick of all these
requests that can be avoided without too much trouble. Although
bugzilla's still a rather user unfriendly tool. It'd be nice to see a
rather simple bug query page with just the summary, description, keyword
and url queries.
   2) How about a clear urlbar icon on the toolbar?

You need to try this out before it's usefullness becomes
apparent. It's simply a small button which clears the urlbar, making it easier to type 
in an url because you don't
have to remove the existing one. This is particularly a problem on *nix
platforms because selecting text (the url you wish to remove from the
urlbar) *copies* it. This way you lose the url you wanted to copy into
the urlbar.

Galeon and Konqueror have this feature. It's a small thing, but it's
becomes highly appreciated when available.

- yatsu

Re: fully customizable toolbars

2001-12-02 Thread yatsu

On Sun, 02 Dec 2001 10:57:45 +0100, R.K.Aa. wrote:

 You need to try this out before it's usefullness becomes apparent. It's
 simply a small button which clears the urlbar, making it easier to type
 in an url because you don't have to remove the existing one. This is
 particularly a problem on *nix platforms because selecting text (the
 url you wish to remove from the urlbar) *copies* it. This way you lose
 the url you wanted to copy into the urlbar.
 Galeon and Konqueror have this feature. It's a small thing, but it's
 becomes highly appreciated when available.
 - yatsu
 see bug 24651


- yatsu

Re: no !!!!!!

2001-12-01 Thread yatsu

On Sat, 01 Dec 2001 20:53:10 +0100, Juan Perez wrote:

 Juan Perez wrote:
 hey, what the hell have you done to my beloved netscape/mozilla little
 hand pointer, i want it back !!  :(

Could you be more specific to what has changed and which build you're using?

 besides, if youre gonna leave this, maybe yous hould also replace the
 lizard with some blueish rotating m or something, got the point ?
 hmm, on a second thought, could you please give us the option to us the
 advanced users to choose our pointer, ive been thinking, ie users will
 find it friendly to have a similar ui when switching, maybe you should
 make an IE skin in the installer?? perhaps when installing ask something
 please select the profile that best describes how mozilla will be used
 or that best describes you
 1.- migrating from IE (all the friendly stuff) 

 2.- public computer
 (disable auto fill for web forms and passwords, expire history / cache
 immediatley, etc..) 

 3.- personal and only personal (completely
 opposed to public computer) 

 4.- mozilla classic/default 

 5.- i dont
 remember, but there was another one i thought of before

4. Netscape 4.x
5. Mozilla/Netscape 6.x

 of course all of this goes imho..
 please comment about it ! :)

I think it's a nice idea. Something for the installer or the profile
managers new profile wizard.

Not much chance of this being picked up till 1.0 though :)

- yatsu

full customizable toolbars

2001-12-01 Thread yatsu

Originally posted to the ui newsgroup but i suppose this isn't all about
mozilla's looks.

i'm sure there's a bug on this, and never being very sucessful with
bugzilla i thought i might ask if anyone knew which bug(s) cover this?

Also just a few comments on mozilla's gui.

1) Why doesn't the Go button have an icon?
2) How about a clear urlbar icon on the toolbar?
3) Why has there been decided not to show the urlbar seperately from the
navbar like N4.x?
4) It'd be nice to have a simple option to turnoff menubar grippies like
IE's lock toolbars.
5) When using the block images feature shouldn't mozilla show the
server's url in the context menu?
6) Any plans on copying the fontsizing feature to the navbar?
7) Will fontsizing eventually be stored on a page to page basis?

- yatsu

Re: question: why do people continue to use ns4.x instead of ns6/mozilla?

2001-11-12 Thread Yatsu

Gervase Markham wrote:

 Isn't one of the 'goals' of mozilla to as fast (why not faster ??) as
 navigator 4.7x ??
 Given the vastly-higher level of functionality, it's unlikely that
 Mozilla will ever do much faster than 4.x. Although our page load times
 seem to have it beat.

...except on low end machines :)

Permission denied to get property Window.scriptglobals

2001-10-28 Thread Yatsu

Can someone tell me what this means, or rather what (generally) triggers 

I recall getting this error when trying to use javascript to fillin a form 
in a different frame, on a different site. This shouldn't be possible, 
should it?

Asking too many questions again :)

- William

Re: Collapsible Tree Menu: IE only?

2001-10-22 Thread Yatsu

Jason Johnston wrote:

 Well, that was *almost* right ;-) ... replace that while loop with this:
while (tgt  tgt.nodeName.toLowerCase()!=ul 
 tgt.className!=foldheader) {
  tgt = tgt.parentNode;
  // this loop bubbles up through the content model to find either
  // a ul or a li class=foldheader.
if (!tgt) return; // quit if neither of the above items.

Worked like a charm :)

While there are a few questions i have about the script, i've already got 
more than i asked for, thank you.

Now if only using 'style=margin-left: 10px;' in a ul tag would be 
inherited by it's nested tags.. ah well :)

Re: Collapsible Tree Menu: IE only?

2001-10-21 Thread Yatsu

DeMoN LaG wrote:

 William Leese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
 9qt5sp$2fuo$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9qt5sp$2fuo$[EMAIL PROTECTED], on 20 Oct 2001:
 A while ago i was looking for a simple, fast collapsible and
 expandable tree menu for quick navigation. Having looked at a large
 amount of scripts to do this my decision fell on the one below.
 But, it turned out that it was IE only (and uses the same ID
 for multiple objects).
 Is there anyway of adapting the script to work with Mozilla and IE?
 var head=display:''
 img1 = new Image()
 img1.src = fold.gif
 img2 = new Image()
 img2.src = open.gif
 function change()
 document.all is IE only

I don't quite understand this condition. if all page elements there are no 
page elements? is there a mozilla equivalent?

and no, i'm obviously not a webdeveloper :)

 if (
 var srcIndex = event.srcElement.sourceIndex
 var nested = document.all[srcIndex + 1]
 You want document.getElementByID(foo) here, (foo obviously being the
 element's ID)


var srcIndex = event.srcElement.sourceIndex;
var nested = getElementByID[srcIndex + 1];

is event.srcElement supported by Moz?

Re: Collapsible Tree Menu: IE only?

2001-10-21 Thread Yatsu

Yatsu wrote:

 DeMoN LaG wrote:
 William Leese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
 9qt5sp$2fuo$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9qt5sp$2fuo$[EMAIL PROTECTED], on 20 Oct 2001:
 A while ago i was looking for a simple, fast collapsible and
 expandable tree menu for quick navigation. Having looked at a large
 amount of scripts to do this my decision fell on the one below.
 But, it turned out that it was IE only (and uses the same ID
 for multiple objects).
 Is there anyway of adapting the script to work with Mozilla and IE?
 var head=display:''
 img1 = new Image()
 img1.src = fold.gif
 img2 = new Image()
 img2.src = open.gif
 function change()
 document.all is IE only
 I don't quite understand this condition. if all page elements there are no
 page elements? is there a mozilla equivalent?
 and no, i'm obviously not a webdeveloper :)
 if (
 var srcIndex = event.srcElement.sourceIndex
 var nested = document.all[srcIndex + 1]
 You want document.getElementByID(foo) here, (foo obviously being the
 element's ID)

I'm afraid the javascript console complains at this line. 
document.getElementByID is not a function.

 var srcIndex = event.srcElement.sourceIndex;
 var nested = getElementByID[srcIndex + 1];

 is event.srcElement supported by Moz?

Re: Collapsible Tree Menu: IE only?

2001-10-21 Thread Yatsu

Christian Mattar wrote:

 Yatsu wrote:
 I'm afraid the javascript console complains at this line.
 document.getElementByID is not a function.
 It's 'getElementById', not 'getElementByID'.

ah, cheers :) 

Hum, still didn't work though. Having spend a little more time looking into 
the script i've (finally) come to the understanding that all it does is

- check is the calling object has a certain ID
- store a reference to the next object
- change the css attribute display to either none or  . doing so 
shows or hides the items nested in the object.

the only thing faulty about this is that it uses the ID property (or is it 
attribute? :) which is meant to be unique. Is it possible to identify 
objects by class?


if(getElementByClass? == folder) 
if( == none)
{ ==  ;
{ == none;

hey, atleast i'm trying ;) 

Re: Collapsible Tree Menu: IE only?

2001-10-21 Thread Yatsu

Gervase Markham wrote:

 Is there anyway of adapting the script to work with Mozilla and IE?
 Yes, but as far as I can see, the way it's written is so IE-specific
 that it basically means rewriting it.
 The first thing you need to know is that only IE supports accessing
 elements using the syntax. The W3C way is to use
 document.GetElementById('foo'), which IE also supports. However, this
 requires the element to actually have an ID - this script is accessing
 them by their number in the document.all array. I don't know if Mozilla
 maintains a similar array.

the array is pretty much essential i think. because you have to find the 
next object on the page (or the next ul tag). does GetElementByTag hold 
all tags in an array?