Interesting fishing attempt that fails with Mozilla mail

2005-09-23 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
I just received an obvious fishing message that was directing me to
It looked really interesting, fishing using an https site rings a bell, 
but this was the real ebay login site (I had a doubt at first, was that 
the comeback of some i18n trick ?), so I really wondered what happened.

Until I saw the source of the message :

HREF="";>name="mlhcsf">href="";>SRC="" border="0" 
usemap="#mlhcsf">my name is 
Solar Eclipse Freeware in 1981 how much 

Mozilla mail goes to the URL in the A tag, but there must be some other 
software that goes to the url in the area tag, and maybe while 
displaying the A url. Or is that a trick to get through anti-fishing 
software ?

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Multitab vs. unique session id

2005-08-16 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

RML wrote:
Yes, IE gives me 2 session id's. That what I expected to get on a multi-tab 
browser too.

Are you *sure* of that ?

If you click twice on the blue e, you'll get two instances of the 
application, and then two different session id.

But if you get a new windows of the same instance with CTRL-N, 
connecting from that windows should get you the same ID.

Just tested that and that worries me even more... Got the same session-id 
too. Which means that an administrator uses the same session id as a regular 
user does. Doesn't sound too good.

If you start FF as a different user on XP, you'll get separate instance 
and separate ids. If you talk about identifying differently on your 
site, you will not be ablt to do that with cookie based identification.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Some of the help on offer...

2005-06-11 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Gervase Markham wrote:
I don't care if the petnames toolbar was proposed by your grandmother, 
the man in the moon or Bruce Schneier. It will be evaluated in exactly 
the same way.

What's more I see no connexion with the page Ian referenced (Application 
and not only user level rights definition) and petname.

Application level rights definition is certainly the way of the future, 
They certainly are not the only one to have figured that out, but there 
are still some very serious problems to solve to make it work in the 
real life.

In fact outbound firewalls implements a tiny subset of it, and already 
show where the problem lies. It's about impossible that the product 
determines only by itself what rights any application should get. If you 
leave it like that, you break useful applications. If you implement a 
priviledge escalation mechanism, the clueless user will not be able to 
make the difference between a legitimate escalation request and a bad 
one. That tech won't work as long as you don't find a proper solution to 
this problem, and that's anything but an easy one.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Revoking the Root

2005-05-26 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Peter Gutmann wrote:

[...]  Among other things,
it says that CA root certs aren't subject to any verification (apart from
signature and validity, obviously).

No, the standard doesn't include signature and validity period checking 
for the trust anchor.

I realize everybody does the validity period checking, and probably most 
everybody does the signature checking for self-signed certificates used 
as trust anchors.

But formally the Basic Path Validation algorithm doesn't include those.

Still, you know that it's allowed to use the information inside the 
trust anchor certificate as additional input to restrict the path 
validation or initialize the constraints it uses.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Revoking the Root

2005-05-24 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Ian G wrote:

So if one wanted to "follow the standard" one could
create two keys, Alice and Bob, and have Alice
sign Bob's PK.  Bob then becomes the root and is
used to sign all lower level public keys.  Alice is
the trust anchor.

Then, store Alice and Bob together, and if they ever
get compromised, have Alice sign Bob's revocation.

Yes, if you apply the standard, there is no need to check the trust 
anchor for being a valid CA.

Which helps to trust the old Verisign X509 V1 root CA that have no 
element at all inside that says they can be trusted as CA, no basic 
constraint, no key usage.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Revoking the Root

2005-05-24 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Julien Pierre wrote:
I'm saying the standard defines no way to revoke a lost CA root, because 
it doesn't make sense. When a root is compromised, there is no PKI 
standard that can fix this.

To be precise, the standard says that path validation begins with a 
trust anchor, and that the trust anchor is outside of the path 
validation algorithm.

In fact the trust anchor does not have to be a certificate, only a 
public key and a DN are required. So you can use anything you choose as 
your trust anchor, for example a non-self signed certificate.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Improving Authentication on the Internet

2005-05-20 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Gervase Markham wrote:
Er, given that we have no OCSP and no-one's checking CRLs, I think 
losing a root cert which is embedded in 99% of browsers out there would 
be an _extremely_ big deal.
But OCSP/CRL can not help in case of *root* cert compromission.
There's nothing above it to sign the validity information.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Allow/Disallow Java applets per site

2005-05-14 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Fabrizio Marana wrote:
1.0.4 is the proof  I needed to escalate this again.
So again:  per site java plug-ins/applets control would make FireFox more
There is *no* connexion between the very serious problems that were 
fixed in 1.0.4 and java/applet.
Honestly I was tempted to stop my answer your message there.

But let's try to be constructive.
What you seem to want would be best be solved, with a more generic 
thinking, by a method to filter content to remove/inactivate unwanted 
elements per site.

This is very near to what Adblock does. Per site CSS, or grease scripts 
is another way.

But still there's no way to know where the attackers will shoot before 
they do, so you don't know *what* to filter in advance. And when they've 
done it, the correct solution is to fix the vulnerabilities, not to do 
filtering around it.

Don't try to create security by using filters, because people will do 
errors when setting them up, so they will end up insecure.
It works well for pop-up or advertissement, because it's very obvious 
when you fail, and you can correct from them, but not for actual 
security risks.

What you're saying here is that java/applets are so dangerous we should 
remove them. They are not so dangerous, they were the source of only 
recent vulnerability. And also the same argument could be construed 
about any functionnality, they always bring some level of security 
risks. The good solution is not to remove, but to make safe. Or suppress 
fully if there's no way to make it safe. But you'd better show why 
exactly it can't be safe, and not rely on generic FUD.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Extensions as a security risk [Re: More Phishing scams, still no SSL being used...]

2005-05-11 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:
I want an option in Firefox that unconditionally disables all
installations of any extensions.
It exist. As well at the switch option to not use any installed extension.
If I need an extension for basic
browsing, there's something wrong with the browser.
You don't.
But there clearly is a market for an extended version of Firefox, with a 
number of preloaded extension, that are garanteed to have received the 
same level of attention as the core components of the browser.
It's an excellent thing the basic Firefox is so slim, it's a less good 
thing that it becomes less stable, secure, etc., as soon as you need to 
extend it beyond that.

Altenate solution : An established list of "tier 1" essential extensions 
that you can trust fully for that level of attention.

That's a point I'd like to develop, with no time up to now.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Extensions as a security risk [Re: More Phishing scams, still no SSL being used...]

2005-05-11 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Peter Gutmann wrote:
[...].  The problem with ActiveX
controls isn't (apart from one or two proof-of-concept ones) someone creating
a malicious signed control (or FF plugin, or whatever).
Really ? Why is there a product dedicated to avoiding them, then ?
[...] The problem is the
bad guys exploiting holes in controls created by others.
That's a really interesting point. Still a little search shows me more 
poc discussion about how to use it for denial of service than actual 
exploits than anything else :
This is not to say it's not a very, very serious problem, just that I 
haven't found yet the proof it does today more damages in real life than 
the first point.

This is more a security issue, so I'm redirecting the discussion to the 
security group, this is the group where the discussion of "Won't badly 
written extension represent a major security threat for firefox ?" will 
be adequate.

To exploit that you must first get the personn to have the specific bad 
extension installed, at least it can not be done silently on Firefox.

I pointed out a few messages earlier it's a bad thing that there is no 
description nor name of the extension in the signature, this is just one 
reason more this is needed. For now, you just see when installing an 
extension the filename and the name of the server you download it from, 
they have *no* proved connexion with the real content of the extension.

The base of this problem with ActiveX is that very often their purpose 
is to install extensions to the browser that can be scripted from 
unsigned content.

Very few Firefox extensions install code that is similarly world-executable.
One possible reason ActiveX often fall to that, it's because they are 
fully written in C, so it's very tempting to have the low-level 
functionnality in the ActiveX and seperately the script on the page.

Firefox extensions include javascript code more easily than platform 
specific code, so most only consists of javascript (which also lowers 
the risk of buffer overflow problems and the like).

The second reason for this failure is that you can not have signed 
scripts for IE.
To implement a remote application that must do powerful things in 
Firefox, the correct solution is not to install an extension that then 
allows the remote application to do all that from unsigned script, but 
to use remote signed script instead.

After an extension is installed, you need an extra effort before it's 
functionnalities are available to unsigned code. The jsLib extension for 
example enables a lot of dangerous things but only to other extensions.

Of course, it's still easy for the average developper to fail and open 
dangerous vulnerabilities in his extension, but I believe quite a few of 
the work currently done for Firefox 1.1 is to close some avenues for 
errors here.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Improving Authentication on the Internet

2005-05-10 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Gervase Markham wrote:
As an example (and I don't know of anyone who is actually suggesting 
this), what if we made all CAs who issued non-zero accountability certs 
post a $1,000,000 bond against losses from phishing attacks performed 
using their certs? Would you consider that a lockout measure?
Did you hear about insurance fraud ? I think if you do something like 
that it will become a very big problem for those CA :-)

I think commercial CA would hate such a thing even more than cacert, so 
I don't see it at a lockout.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Allow/Disallow Java applets per site

2005-05-09 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
There's a common comment that it's a good thing that FF only has one 
security zone, which removes the risk of priveledge escalation attacks. 
I couldn't help thinking today that Firefox in fact indeed has two 
security zone, and that the recent problems are privilege escalation 
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Allow/Disallow Java applets per site

2005-05-08 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Daniel Veditz wrote:
Absolutely not true, there is a version of the ByteVerify Java attack 
that affects Sun's JRE 1.4.2_05 and older -- and Firefox users can be 
infected. If you have this older JRE then it's most definitely NOT 
Dan, what do you refer to exactly ?
I've seen some discussions like what you say in the "2005-02-14 - 
Summary of staff", but nowhere else.

Secunia refers to Trojan.ByteVerify only as the trojan that exploits the 
 MS03-011 vulnerability of the Microsoft JVM, no reference .

SUN too describes this as a Microsoft only vulnerability :
"   1. Trojan.ByteVerify [...]
However, in this instance, storing these applets in the cache directory 
can not cause any harm to your computer because they are designed to 
exploit a vulnerability in the Microsoft VM, not the Sun JVM. "

I've been checking the list of corrections in that release, but still 
don't see what you could refer to :

There might be variants of trojan incorporating the ByteVerify attack, 
that also incorporate something else to attack the SUN JVM, but I stand 
by my word that the ByteVerify attack does not affects the SUN JVM.

Are you referring to the Sandbox Security Bypass Vulnerability ??? :
Firefox has many site-specific settings already (images, popups, 
xpinstall whitelisting, cookie blocking), I wouldn't say this is against 
anyone's philosophy. There are a lot of people wanting to control 
plugins/applets per site, there are probably some extensions that can do 
it already (there's the flash-specific "FlashBlock", for example).
I referred not to per-site settings, but to per site security level.
There's a common comment that it's a good thing that FF only has one 
security zone, which removes the risk of priveledge escalation attacks. 
When arguing with FF developpers that *properly* used signing for 
extensions would be better as a better security measure than xpinstall 
whitelisting, I was replied that xpinstall whitelisting is not intended 
to be a security measure strictly talking.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Allow/Disallow Java applets per site

2005-05-05 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Fabrizio Marana wrote:
It's just that in the last week I've been infected twice with the
Java/ByteVerify Trojan/virus... 
No, you have not been infected. You accessed a page that contained this 
IE only trojan, the trojan got stored in the disk cache, so your 
anti-virus complains, but this is harmless, because this trojan can't 
affect Firefox.

If no one is working on it, where should I go to enrol and pick it up?  (Or
alternatively, submit it to a more senior developer, lowly worm that I am)
Flush your cache if the warnings annoys you. The philosophy of Firefox 
is not to do per-site protection, but not to be sensible to such things 
at all.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: uri.schemeIs as blocker

2005-04-15 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Michael Krax wrote:
It seems this function gets used to implement blocker conditions in the 
code, to prevent that a malicious uri (e.g. javascript) gets used in a piece 
of code with chrome priviliges:

if (uri.schemeIs("javascript"))
The problem that i see is, that if ever an extension adds support for other 
schemes (a vbscript or jscript extension isn't that theoretical) the blocker 
condition is useless and a bunch of security errors appear since 
vbscript/jscript can basicly do the same as javascript.
I'm not much more competent about that either, but maybe a bug entry to 
request more defensive programming would be useful ?

I did a check and it seems all the code assumes the list of protocol is 
closed. Even if it were not possible to add one with an extension, it is 
possible one more gets added later. Reading that code, I wondered if 
things like 'wyciwyg:' (what you cache is what you get) have been taken 
into account everywhere.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Two downbeat articles on browser security

2005-04-14 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:
The article is essentially correct.  From what I've seen, Firefox is
only slightly more secure than MSIE, and much of that is due to the fact
that it does not support ActiveX components.  I've always taken for
granted that the browser would not be truly secure, as that would
require a rigor in coding and a preoccupation with security that clearly
doesn't exist with Firefox.
No, the article's argument is a strawman.
It's asking for a perfect browser with no vulnerabilities, and finding 
that Firefox is not that browser, so it concludes it's no better than 
Internet Explorer.

But nobody ever pretended there would be no vulnerabilities in Firefox. 
 The real thing that upsat everybody about IE is that it went monthes 
with a list of more than two dozen publicly known, upatched vulnerabilties.

And that is not the case with Firefox. I know only one vulnerability 
that had to go public before it was fixed (*), but then in a few days, 
and many were fixed within a few days of being reported.
If you want to stay at the tip of the most secure release with a stable 
browser, you can use the nighlies of 1.0.x. Then the public release in 
which it was made sure the fix did not cause regressions are released 
fairly often (**).

It don't believe Firefox has done so bad in the last monthes, except the 
javascript problem that was really serious, but still could be fixed 
rapidly. It has been under a level of scrutiny that it never encountered 
before and that revealed a number of problem comparable to the number 
found for IE in the same period, despite IE has been under that level of 
scrutiny for years and has had no significant functional evolution. It 
probably will be fun to see how many things they will get wrong if they 
implement tab in IE 7. It's not unlikely for Firefox that after that 
initial period in addition to be fixed rapidly the rate of new security 
issues will be lower.

But the most interesting part of the article is the solution the author 
suggests. Use a HTTP/Virus filter (or more use the HTTP filter I'm 
selling). That's the fun part. How can he know what will have bad effect 
on Firefox before the security issues are found ? Oh, he can't, so he 
can implement the filtering only after they are revealed. And if so, 
there is no interest in using his solution WRT using the latest version 
of Firefox that also fixes thoses problems very short after they are 
revealed. Even if he manages to be faster, FF is fast enough that it's 
not significant. And it's much cleaner to fix the problem in the 
browser, whereas content filter is an added layer that can break and can 
easily have a lot of unwanted effets.
Some security issues can not be solved by his filter (like the one in 
(**) below), so I need the latest version of FF anyway, therefore where 
is the interest of the solution he's selling ? Not even talking about 
the fact I prefer the free update to the paying solution.

(*) OK, it's known there are other vulnerabilities hidden since very 
long inside bugzilla. But I think the reason for that is that those 
vulnerabilities are either quite minor, or something that would require 
a very clever solution to fix without breaking the web as we know it today.

(**) This said the fix that went in official releases for the problem 
when saving .lnk files, Security Advisory 2005-21, that broke browsing 
the disk using shortcuts in the save dialog, was quite poor in terms of 
the security benefit/loss of functionnality ratio, but Doug T is working 
on a better trade off.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Two downbeat articles on browser security

2005-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Ian G wrote:
Mozilla: The Honeymoon is over
Well, this time it's the analysis by the expert who's selling 
antivirus/http filters.

Unfortunately, many will fail to his incredibly specious assessments 
about the recent vulnerabilities in Mozilla without realizing how little 
objectivity he can have in the case.

"Some of the common Mozilla exploits ScanSafe is stopping" : How long 
should I laugh ? Can they even tell they were faster at beginning 
filtering them than was at implementing the fix ?
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Remote Controlling A C++ XPCOM Component In A Signed JavaScript Page In a HttpS WebSite

2005-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Vincent THOREL wrote:
I have written a XPCOM C++ Components.
[...] It work in signed JAR and 
requested privilege("UniversalXPConnect") is accepted from remote host 
because it is signed.

But the problem is, I want to use this component into a HTTPS page.
And when I run this page, i got in Javascript console:
Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 
> [...]
Did someone have any idear of what happen?
This code extremly little used. You probably have found a bug in which 
the permissions are not correctly transmitted for htpps pages.

Why it work in http?
Why my https Site work too?
And Why "Remote Controlling A C++ XPCOM Component In A Signed JavaScript 
Page In a HttpS WebSite don't work"?
What do you mean by the https site works too ? Do you mean the fact it 
works as long as you don't try to run signed javascript from it ?

There's an old bug that looks very similar, but the reporter never gave 
enough information for reproduction, so it was closed :

Can you test what happens with a simpler script that uses 
UniversalXPConnect, but not your XPCOM component, like the one in this 
message :

If it fails, then it would be good to attache it to 90310, and reopen 
the bug.

I'm redirecting the discussion to netscape.public.mozilla.crypto
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Low security SSL sites

2005-04-07 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Ram A M wrote:
Anyone know
of a non-small site that operates SSL2 using a server that can't do
That would probably mean it's using a web sever that has major security 
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Secunia Advisory - Firefox and Mozilla Suite JavaScript Engine Vulnerability

2005-04-05 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Allen Farley wrote:
Here's the Javascript advisories for Firefox 0.x and 1.x:
There is a test on the for this on the link pages.
bug 288688 :
Fixed in trunk, and will be included in the FF 1.0.3/Mz 1.7.7 releases.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Low security SSL sites

2005-04-04 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Doug Wright wrote:
Gerv suggested I post this here for discussion - copied from bug 288693
When visiting 'secure' sites that use outdated encryption, 
Firefox/Thunderbird should give a big ugly warning about the dangers 
of submitting information to this site.

My personal preference would be a dialog with a delayed OK button 
(like XPInstall) to force people to read it.
I'm surprised nobody has said until now that there's already such a 
warning dialog for 40 bit crypto (at least in the suite, maybe FF 
removed it).
I don't believe 512 RSA keys trigger it, though.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: about bug 286107 : Remember visited SSL details and warn when changes, like SSH

2005-03-15 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
No time to comment, but just note that I had set the follow-up to in my newsgroup message. Apparently the mail gateway can't 
handle that.

I think it would be better to continue discussing it in .security and 
not .crypto.

I unfortunately probably will have to leave the discussion, as I'm from 
tomorrow in holiday for two weeks with little/none internet access.

Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
I have some comments about this request, but I'm not sure inside the 
bug is the best place. Anyway the bug is about implementing some 
things that have been discussed here recently.

This one?

I'm not convinced by the "let's add another warning" side of this bug.
Especially when I see the reporter suggesting to put it inside a 
pop-up dialog.

Dialog have proven until now they don't work, so why would this one by 
any different ?

I reckon the best way to do it is the red bar display
that HJ or Gervase has indicated.  It sits just below
the chrome and it isn't invasive.

It works well for SSH, because you decide what machine you connect 
too, and you keep connecting to the same set of machines, so when that 
dialog pops up, it rings a bell. Also the population of SSH users is 
*not* *exactly* the general population.

Now the problem about SSL is that in most cases, you don't choose 
where you do an ssl connection, when you want to buy something, it's 
the sellers who chooses the secure site, same for entering password, 

For phishing, the user is being phished from a site
that she has a relationship to.  It is her bank account,
or her eBay account.  In this case, she does precisely
choose where she wants to go!  So it's very apropos.
OTOH, there is a modus operandi of phishing where the
user is encouraged to go to a totally new site.  I'd
be happy if just the major cases - own bank account -
were addressed as a first step as I think that's where
the majority of the losses are.

So in that case, when the seller tells you "go to that site for the 
transaction", what use will be the warning ? Users will get used to 
seeing regularly that annoying warning, and to click through it or 
ignore it.

Sure, that's why I like the red bar effect.  Users
don't need to do any work to ignore it.  But it's
right there.

Sometimes they will click on a link expecting that link to lead to a 
site they trust because they know it well, and there it's important to 
have the message, but how does the browser know *when* that happens ?
Because if it outputs this warning too often, people will stop 
reacting to it.
And will the average user react appropriately  ? : "Why the hell is 
Firefox telling me it's the first time I go to, they really 
have a bug !"

Average users are getting more and more aware of
identity theft and phishing.  All you need to say
I suspect is that "this is an anti-phishing check,
please make really sure this is what you wanted!"
Mozilla-security mailing list

about bug 286107 : Remember visited SSL details and warn when changes, like SSH

2005-03-14 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
I have some comments about this request, but I'm not sure inside the bug 
is the best place. Anyway the bug is about implementing some things that 
have been discussed here recently.

I'm not convinced by the "let's add another warning" side of this bug.
Especially when I see the reporter suggesting to put it inside a pop-up 

Dialog have proven until now they don't work, so why would this one by 
any different ?

It works well for SSH, because you decide what machine you connect too, 
and you keep connecting to the same set of machines, so when that dialog 
pops up, it rings a bell. Also the population of SSH users is *not* 
*exactly* the general population.

Now the problem about SSL is that in most cases, you don't choose where 
you do an ssl connection, when you want to buy something, it's the 
sellers who chooses the secure site, same for entering password, etc...

So in that case, when the seller tells you "go to that site for the 
transaction", what use will be the warning ? Users will get used to 
seeing regularly that annoying warning, and to click through it or 
ignore it.

Sometimes they will click on a link expecting that link to lead to a 
site they trust because they know it well, and there it's important to 
have the message, but how does the browser know *when* that happens ?
Because if it outputs this warning too often, people will stop reacting 
to it.
And will the average user react appropriately  ? : "Why the hell is 
Firefox telling me it's the first time I go to, they really 
have a bug !"
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Strawman proposal for SSL UI changes

2005-03-11 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Frank Hecker wrote:
That pretty much completes my night-time excursion into the wonderful 
world of Firefox security UI discussions. Feel free to flame away.
A few days ago, I reached pretty similar ideas as a conclusion of the 
recent debatting, reinforced by remembering how valid the old SSL 
usability rant of Matthew Thomas was 
(, but had no time to describe it 
in a coherent and convincing way like you just did.

Just a few things :
- There's too many cases. Only experts are actually interested in why 
the site is not secure, just tell the general public that it's not, and 
you have to open the details windows to learn why.
So below I will discuss several ways of restricting the options to a 

- I see two parts in this plan. One is introducting the 
"high-assurance"/"low-assurance" distinction, the older is removing all 
warning dialogs nobody reads least understand, and reflecting the 
insurance in the GUI.

There's quite a lot that can be debatted about the 
"high-assurance"/"low-assurance" distinction.
It might be good to implement first the second, and allow more time to 
think about what we want for the first.

- "high-assurance" is something new, I'd see a new icon.
I think the solution is an icon representing a vault, and not a lock for 
"high-assurance". I think it's a symbol everyone understand the meaning 
of without explanation, and it means you don't need to tell some CA you 
removed them the 'lock' list, just that they don't meet the criterium 
for the new 'vault' list. We just need a good vault icon that doesn't 
look like something else for anybody.
That way, we can keep the  lock for the normal SSL case, and not change 
it's meaning with today.

- If we take apart the "high-assurance"/"low-assurance" distinction, I'd 
go even further than you.
I think the binary option is tempting.
It's secure, fully, or it's nothing, and the GUI doesn't show anything.

In any case, we need to limit the case as much as possible, so 
alternatively what I'd see is : nothing/a discreet check mark/lock.

The discreet check mark would be something usually people would not 
notice, it should fail "look for the lock" 
(, but it would keep people 
happy who would find it unfair that any error in the checking means 
there is nothing  in the GUI showing the communication is any different 
from ordinary http. Cliking the "check mark" would show the detail windows.

This said, I'd see a closed eye icon, rather than a check mark for this.
- About the non-matching cert name, many people misconfigure servers, 
it's not definitively showing an attack attempt. That's why, and also in 
order to limit the number of possible case, I'd just remove the warning 
(warning are bad, the blocked popups warning is less bad but is still 
bad), and display the normal GUI as if there's no encryption in that case.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Error Code: -8075

2005-03-10 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Nelson Bolyard wrote:
I'll bet the error message you get contains more than just that number.
Does it contain much more than : "couldn't establish a secure connection 
to xxx error code -8075" ? (at least this message use the correct format 
for the error, it's better than 'error e00b' when it should be -8181 
as in the dialog for crl errors)

I'm a bit surprised about the extensions, but hotmail send to a https 
URL when you send the password for your account. Maybe those extensions 
are signed extensions and mozilla verifies the signature.

Why not refer him directly to this ? :
for explanation of -8075.

This error code suggests that you configured your profile to do OCSP 
checking but the URL for the OCSP server was invalid.  Does that explain 

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Status bar reliability

2005-03-03 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Gervase Markham wrote:
Ka-Ping Yee wrote:
Yup.  Here it is now, done up with a spoofing example:
I've reported this as bug 284551.
Thanks :-)
There's no point in security restricting the bug if the exploit is 
public. Even if you get Yee to close his page, I think it's too late.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-28 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Ian G wrote:
OK, that's good to know that there is no number
involved.  That just leaves us with determining
what information *is* in this cert, and how it is
that it needs to be presented to the user, and
what the legal and contractual ramifications of
all this information is.
We should refer directly to the documentation about that :
(also for more generic qualified 
certificate information)

The fact that it might be easy to parse doesn't
make it easy to present.  How do you envisage
presenting this information?
What are the contractual ramifications for the
parties?  What happens if it goes wrong?
(And, I don't think the answer to the above is
"nothing" as if it was, there would be no need
for a law and no need for a critical bit.) 
In the case of the hungarian CA, I'm not sure "nothing" is such a bad 
answer. To be more precise, the qualified CA cert is just one step 
toward producing a qualified signature, which would be present only if 
all components were qualified. So as long as Mozilla is not qualified, 
it's not a qualified signature, and the use of a qualified CA changes 
very little.

What would seem to me adequate to present this information would be a 
text saying "this certificates claims to be a qualified certicate" in 
the certificat details. Nothing more.
(OK, my wording is wrong, as the certificate is not a living being and 
can't claim anything)

Actually, for the monetary limit, I'd just add another text at the same 
place : "this certificate can be used as a qualified certificate for 
transactions restricted to a maximum value of _Amount_ _CurrencyCode_".

You're not giving an acurate representation of things.

Let me repeat what I said:  "It certainly opens
a can of worms."  That statement is as I see it,
and I'd dearly love to be corrected on that.
My "not acurate" was refering the following kind of statements you did :
">> What happens if   IangInsidiousIssues  sells
>> certs with the crit in it saying $100,000 but
>> inside the crit text, there is a caveat saying
>> that the limit only applies if spent in my
>> shop buying my goods?"
"what is inside the
extension packets is open, *by definition*,
and they may or may not be marked with a
critical bit."
About the can of worms, the one opened by those extensions does not 
really makes the situation worse for X509 certificates.
We've had the "Non Repudiation" usage bit for a long time, and nobody 
agrees on what it means exactly to assert it.
If you concerns were fully justified, the current Mozilla could already 
be considered liable by not showing in a very visible way that this flag 
is asserted.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: New EU requirement to display monetary limits for SSL pages

2005-02-25 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Ian G wrote:
So the task for the Euro cert in question [...]
What planet are these guys on? What are we supposed to do, run it 
through a web translation engine?
It certainly opens a can of worms.  I asked
around for any experience of these things,
but got no answers on the cryptography
Ian, I have not much time now, but the hungarian cert in question is 
*not* using the monetary limit extension, only the extension to say it 
is a qualified certificate, which consists just of an OID and is 
therefore easy to parse.

Also the monetary extension is *not* as you say arbitrary text, it's a 
perfectly defined format, and even if there might text for the monetary 
unit, it is restricted to the value defined in an ANSI norm for the 
representation of currencies.

You're not giving an acurate representation of things.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-25 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Gervase Markham wrote:
- The text used to explain the feature isn't at all clear to average 
users. What is an "encrypted security key"? What does it mean if it's 
missing? The message bar doesn't say.
+1 I thought it would be *really* obscure for the average user.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Domain spoofing (and a personal greeting)

2005-02-23 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Ka-Ping Yee wrote:
I came to this list after hearing about the widely publicized IDN
spoofing attack on Firefox. [...]
So, what happened?
Yee, what you see as a list is primarily a newsgroup 
'' on which it's easy to get all the old 
messages, and it would be very useful that you read all those related to 
this problem.

I'm sure you can bring useful new ideas, but your questions find many 
answers in those messages.

Read also the messages about it on the "fake URLs 'r us.." thread on the 
netscape.public.mozilla.crypto group :

See also what Gervase Markham concluded from all that :
"A Plan For Scams"
"New Short-Term Patch For IDN-based Spoofing"
The links Gervase refers too from that message are also useful.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: security alert from Pandasoftware

2005-02-11 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Chagi wrote:
Madrid, February 10 2005 - According to Mikx, three security problems have
been detected in version 1.0. of the Firefox browser.
I think it's a good thing that more people begin to checks for bugs in 
Firefox, and the project needs more people like Mikx to find anything 
that has to be fixed.

There's only one point I would criticize in Mikx's method, it's the fact 
he discloses the problems so fast after a fix has been found.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: security alert from Pandasoftware

2005-02-11 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Chagi wrote:
They can be exploited
by remote users to carry out diverse actions on systems, such as uploading
malicious software
The first case should be "exploited by remote users to push the user to 
put malicious software on his computer while thinking it is not 
executable content".

All three bug are fixed in the Firefox nightlies that you can download 
from here (just wait until tomorrow to be insured to get the fix for the 
third one that was only very recently checked in):

Those nightlies only include safe and important bug and security fixes 
that are intended to be included in a future 1.0.1 version of Firefox.

They are a lot less likely to have a problem that bleeding edge 
nightlies, but they are not reviewed, and there's alway a possibility 
that a bug fix that should have been perfectly safe has unexpected side 

The first of the problems lies in the fact that when the browser copies an
image -via drag and drop-, on validating it against the HTTP "Content-Type"
header, it uses a file extension from the URL. This could be exploited to
situate a valid image, with an arbitrary file extension, and include script
code on the desktop, tricking the user to drag and drop.
Bad description.
The problem is that drag and drop of valid images to the desktop is 
allowed, but that the original extension is keeped, even if it's not a 
dangerous extension.
If you can arrange so that the image both is displayable and has an 
executable content, there's the catch.

The second problem consists of the non-validation of headers, when a
"javascript:" URL is dragged to another tab. This vulnerability could be
used to execute HTML code and arbitrary script in the user's browser session
in the context of any other site.
Wait a minute !
Doesn't the fix for this in
forbid to drop bookmarkslets to the personnal bar ?

It looks so, and it's a pain in the ass.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: TrustBar is too late, is for sale

2005-02-11 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Julien Pierre wrote:
Ian G wrote:
LOL... domain for sale :)
I couldn't resist taking screenshots of how this hack looks in Mozilla 
under Solaris. That's certainly distinctive !
Add Microsoft to the *guilty* list.
The reused the same glyph for cyrillic caracters as for latin one.
The *same* glyph. I cut&past them to word and enlarge to size 72 points 
to try to see a visual difference, and there is none.

The whole story would be significantly less annoying if they had not 
done that.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Optional SSL Client Authentication

2004-12-17 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Nebergall, Christopher a écrit :
   If Optional Client Authentication is specified should /does Mozilla 
prompt the user for th eir PIN to access the i r certificates?
Yes, it will prompt. And if the user clicks cancel, it will just connect 
without authentification which you should be able to detect and redirect 
to the password prompt page.

But didn't it take no more than a few minutes to test ?
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: 2005 - The Year of the Snail

2004-12-13 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Duane a écrit :
[...] I've been shoving people onto ubuntu [...]
It's the second time in a short interval I read a recommendation of 
Ubuntu as a "No worries, everything just works" linux distribution.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: SHA1 within a firebird extension

2004-10-06 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Ian Grigg wrote:
Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
He does not compute the SHA1/MD5, he returns the cert.sha1Fingerprint, 
cert.md5Fingerprint value from a nsIX509Cert object he gets back from 
nsISSLStatus status.
Darn.  One supposes that this is authoritive,
in that NSS will also
If you don't trust NSS to be able to compute a SHA1 correctly, you 
shouldn't use it to do SSL ... Mostly the point is that low level crypto 
is not available to js (most of the components involved are not 
scriptable), except through the installation of a specific extension 
(like Secclab that I believe is not compatible with recents Mozilla)

[...] the next wave of browser
malware may be in Firefox extensions that act
in ways nefarious and evil.
Hence, I pondered, the interest in code signing
as an application for the PKI (in addition to
email and browsing).  [...].
There is a closed as rejected bug about requiring XPI to be signed in 
the browser.
(of course, Mozilla bug are not the right place to advocate for another 

Or, (still musing here) if the Mozilla Foundation
were to be the root signer.  Or something similar
like the FSF.
That's what I defended in the last comment of that bug.
The rational for rejecting the bug was that if signed ActiveX failed for 
IE, signed XPI would fail for Firefox/Mozilla.

I tried to describe a list of measure to take to avoid that, mostly both 
have only one trusted signer and require the presence of an up to date 
CRL to allow extensions to install.

I'm convinced this would work better than the current site white list 
My opinion is that white-list forces to take a bad compromise between :
- allowing a small number of list, which will result in major bandwidth 
problems for those sites, and difficulties if the number of extension 
creators gets large to make their extension available from those few sites.
- augmenting the number of sites, and taking a large risk that one of 
them gets somehow subverted to download a bad extension.

I even think there's an intermediate threshold where you get hit by the 
inconveniences of both side at the same time.

I xpost this message to
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: how to switch between certificates

2004-09-21 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Arnaud wrote:
Once you picked a given client cert to be used for a site, you cannot 
change it, or rather, Mozilla does not ask you to choose which cert to use.
This is a pure Mozilla crypto component, PSM, question, so redirecting 
to the right group.

Is it a bug?
Yes, it can be seen as such, the problem has already been raised on this 

Is there a preference to force Mozilla to ask EVERY TIME for which cert 
to use?
There is none.
If not, is there a way to programmatically (via JavaScript) to make 
Mozilla forget about the previous choice (the choice must be stored 
somewhere) ?
The choice seems to be stored through the fact Mozilla reuses the same 
SSL connexion to connect to the server.

The crypto engine Mozilla uses, NSS, makes it possible to change the 
client cert used, but the PSM does not use that possibility, and it 
doesn't seem possible to change that from javascript ...

PS: In fact, even if the server forces renegociation of the session, 
Mozilla will reuse the same certificate without asking.
Earlier version (around 1.0) did not do that and would reask the user 

This has been corrected later, but I don't know if it is now memorizing 
the client certificate at the NSS or PSM level. Finding and reading the 
patch that fixed that would certainly bring of lot of useful information 
about how it would be possible to forget the initial cert choice.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: GDI+ JPEG vuln. Win32 Moz affected?

2004-09-18 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Rui Covelo wrote:
I think the question here is, does Mozilla and Mozilla based
applications use this library for processing jpeg files or does it use
it's own code?
It uses libjpeg, which itself had some failures revealed, which leaded to release a corrected version a little time ago ...
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: More info on "You cannot connect to x.y.z because SSL is disabled"

2004-08-26 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
$Bill wrote:
This are the messages I get when tryin to go to a secure site :
"You cannot connect to x.y.z because SSL is disabled"
"Could not initialize the browser's security component.  The most likely cause
is problems with files in your browser's profile directory. [...]"
There is over 100MB of free space on the profile directory drive.
It's really nice of them not to tell you which file might be the
culprit here.
I probably should have tried them one at a time, but maybe the next guy
can figure it out.
Inside your profile there is a file secmod.db.
It points to an element inside the GRE part of mozilla, that is stored 
inside the "common File". That might be the culprit if none of the file 
inside the profile directory seems to be impacted.

Open the secmod.db binary file, and serahc for the string "Builtin Roots 
Module", the path is just after that.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: fewer virus, etc. attacks with Mozilla ?

2004-06-16 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Michael Lefevre wrote:
On 2004-06-11, Jean-Marc Desperrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As 1.4.1 is it's most recent version publicly available 
Actually it's not - 1.4.2 was released a few weeks ago, and binaries are
available. didn't make a big announcement because it's not
a build that they're aiming at end-users.
And forgot to add it to 
which is the list I consulted before saying it didn't exist.

Could be added to too.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: fewer virus, etc. attacks with Mozilla ?

2004-06-11 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Rui Pedro Figueira Covelo wrote:
But was mozilla built thinking on security more than "user friendlyness"?
It seems to me that a big problem with microsoft products is the way they
valor more user friendly interface, features and eye candy forgeting about
security. How about mozilla? Is security a primary goal?
I think the big problem with Microsoft products is giving users what 
they want intead of what they need. The products have been too fast 
providing a feature providing a feature or solving a problem in a way 
that would never inconvenience users, even if on the long term the 
problems in doing that begin to surface.

Mozilla has it's own default, but has always been willing to stand on 
technically sound solutions, even if that meant a little inconvenience 
to users.

One good example of that is that Mozilla never tries to guess to real 
content of data sent with a wrong header on the net.
This does annoy some users who will not be able to get correctly 
displayed something that 'works' with IE, but the IE mecanism has also 
been on several occasion abused to get it to execute code (viruses) in 
something that should have been innocent content.

This said Ben Bucksch has had a rant here some time ago on Mozilla 
security that is far from unmotivated.
You should therefore remember that Mozilla is not completely devoid of 
security bugs, and that it is necessary to use at least the latests 
available stable build to avoid them. Older version are not necessarily 

BTW I notice that whilst 1.4 is still the most recent long-lived version 
of Mozilla until 1.7 goes out, it is not listed as a product on Isn't that a bit strange ?

As 1.4.1 is it's most recent version publicly available and dates back 
to October 10, 2003, it probably isn't recommendable security-wise to 
use it.
I see some security fix are still checked in the 1.4 branch, that seems 
mostly maintained for the OS/2 port (most recent is bug 243699), but 
there is no end-user binary available with them.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Mozilla targeted malware in the wild

2004-04-08 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Daniel Veditz wrote:
Ben and I, in person. Actually the argument's pretty much over, there's not
much point in doing the work if the default (which 99% don't change) is to
work the same way as today.
I don't know about FireFox GUI, but please, please, if you do it as 
white list, *don't* add another "manager".

There really should a sigle "rights" manager in Mozilla instead of the 
current accumulation of various managers.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Mozilla targeted malware in the wild

2004-04-06 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Daniel Veditz wrote:
(I'm serious, by the way: we're most likely turning off XPInstall by default
for most sites for Firefox 1.0)
It does make more sense to sign XP package.
Site-level restriction is a problem for load repartition (isn't mozdev 
strongly overloaded ?), and make the consequence of a site hacking more 

There's no justification for seeing it as more difficult than site level 
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Importing certificate

2004-01-30 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Robert Irving wrote:
I am trying to import a ".cer" security certificate, but I keep getting
asked for a password and then getting the error message:
So far as I know, there is no password for this, [...]
I'll fully agree with that :-)

Any help?
First the correct group for certificate related discussion is 
netscape.public.mozilla.crypto, so I'll redirect the discussion there.

Second, the interface you use is there to import your *own* certificat 
together with it's private key, the two being assembled inside a file in 
PKCS#12 format. That's why it requires a password to decipher the 
private key.

The file you have is someone else's public certificate in X509 format, 
and no private key of course.

So in certificate manager, you need to click on the "Other People's" 
tab, and do import from there. You'll see that the interface then tells 
you are opening "Certificate Files", and only the ".cer" files will be 

If the certificate you're trying to import is a CA certificate, you must 
do the import from the "Authorities" tab.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Firebird/Thunderbird and PKCS#11

2003-08-28 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Gervase Markham wrote:
Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
I'm surprised this problem has no solution.
Well most database solutions seems to be available only under the GPL, 
but a special agreement could probably be negotiated.
But unless the "special agreement" was a relicensing under the 
MPL/GPL/NPL (or a BSD-like license) then it wouldn't satisfy our 
licensing requirements. "You have special permission to use it in 
Mozilla only" does not make the software Free.
Maybe I'm stupid, but if BSD would be OK, so why not work with PostgreSQL ?

Re: Firebird/Thunderbird and PKCS#11

2003-08-25 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Julien Pierre wrote:
[NSS DB access not multi-process safe]
Solving this problem involves using a new database format. The NSS team 
researched the issue of licensing other database code that didn't suffer 
from the single-process limitation, but none was found that would 
satisfy all licensing requirements - NPL/GPL/MPL. The only satisfactory 
databases we found were commercial. Unfortunately we didn't have the 
resources to write a brand new database, hence the situation we have today.
I'm surprised this problem has no solution.
Well most database solutions seems to be available only under the GPL, 
but a special agreement could probably be negotiated.

[...] Nobody seems to have given any thought to this major 
problem, which basically means you can't share your cert and key 
databases between Firebird and Thunderbird if they are running at the 
same time.
But the best solution would probably be a separate process that will 
handle all the crypto/NSS requests for the running aplications.
It seems clear this is the most workable solution.
If needed, it could be done with a proxy without changing anything in 
the current interface.

Was not the PSM intended to work that way initially ?

Re: How to configure OCSP?

2002-07-04 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

> I need to test with a recent build, but while I have been since a long 
> time been able to successfully validate web site with OCSP, despite 
> often hitting bug 141256 (the lines Kai quoted when opening 141256 
> were my analyse of this problem), I have never been able to validate 
> mail certificates with OCSP inside the Certificate Manager.
> And the very same OCSP responder worked very well for web sites. 

Good job on the recent nightlies, I could make OCSP work with them for 
mail messages.
Tested on Windows 2000 with 2002070310

There is still two problems :
- The key for the received mail is shown broken, but when I ask for 
details it says me wrongly that I do not trust tha CA used.
   Only if I choose the view the certificat do I get the correct 
information that the certificate is revoqued.
- In the certificate manager, the Certificate Viewer shows me the status 
of certificate correctly, but my log show me that each opening of this 
windows results in 3 OCSP requests for a valid certificate, and 4 for a 
revoquated certificate.
This is a lot too much, in deployment, the OCSP responder will be 
overloaded very fast because of that.
Only the Certificate Viewer has this problem, when opening the mail, 
only one request is made.

I think that for mail, the OCSP request result can be keeped in cache 
locally, because if at the time the message was received, OCSP responder 
told it it was valid, any future  revocation of the key does not impair 
the validity of the mail that was received before that.
With the current setting of checking everytime the message is opened, 
OCSP for mail means a lot of load for the OCSP responder.

This said it's an excellent release.
I had 4 opened problems, that I had not yet taken time to report (the 
main reason being I could not give you the necessary data to reproduce, 
I needed to find a way to reproduce with non confidential data - freely 
accessible web site), and I can no more reproduce with the latest 1.1a 

They were :
- SSL access on a specific site that requires user authentification
- Verifying some signed mail from Outlook
- Decifering some encrypted mail from Outlook
- This OCSP with email problem

Re: CN component & SubjectAltName Extension of the

2002-07-04 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

dhiva wrote:

> I have a Cert with CN as host name and multiple host name listed  on 
> SubjectAltName extension, but i am getting "Domain name mismatch warning"


I'm sorry, but I've never heard of this way of using SubjectAltName for 
server certificates being normalized anywhere.
Can you supply information, if this is the case ?

Re: How to configure OCSP?

2002-07-04 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Julien Pierre wrote:

> No. There was a code-freeze for mozilla 1.1a, and the checkin of this 
> fix also had to be delayed until after the 1.1alpha was built. So you 
> need a recent nightly build to get this fix (last night would have it 
> for sure). If this still does not fix your problem, please add to the 
> bug. If your server is on the internet, it would be very useful to 
> provide a test URL. 

Julien, this might be a separate bug.

I need to test with a recent build, but while I have been since a long 
time been able to successfully validate web site with OCSP, despite 
often hitting bug 141256 (the lines Kai quoted when opening 141256 were 
my analyse of this problem), I have never been able to validate mail 
certificates with OCSP inside the Certificate Manager.
And the very same OCSP responder worked very well for web sites.