[mp3encoder] Peter Gubanov

2007-09-04 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
I regret to inform you that Peter Gubanov, Elecard co-founder, was 
killed in an avalanche on 2nd March, 2007.

(I am only becoming aware of this now)

Peter provided us with the DirectShow filter implementation for Lame.

Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] lame removing samples with --resample?

2006-06-17 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Thomas Orgis a écrit :
 While hacking around with mpg123 to get rid of encoder/decoder delay and 
 padding I stumbled over lame apparently removing samples when using 
 --resample. I assume that this indeed should work (or is it experimental?).
 I documented my (days of) work at
 I'd be thankful if someone could comment on that.

Well, this could possibly be a bug of the resampling.

Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Questions about LAME frames found in a users MP3

2006-05-13 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Edouard Poor a écrit :
there is not enough audio data to fill the frame. This is stored into
ancillary data, and is ignored by decoders.

 But the frame's audio data *starts* with LAME3.93UUU, and there  
 are another 77 frames of the same thing following. That seems =20
 completely unlike just padding the last frame out to it's full length  
 if the audio data is less than a frame size.

It's likely that there is NO audio data on those frames. If you encode 
silent parts, Lame would not find anything to encode and would fill the 
space with padding.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Question about Subband filtering

2006-04-17 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
YUE LI a écrit :
 As I know, both psychoacoustic model and quantization use scalefactor bands, 
 not equally divided subbands.
 So why Polyphase subband filtering is performed in the beginning of encoding?

It's just to keep a decoding step identical between layer II and layer 
III. From an engineernig point, it simply makes no sense. When this was 
decided, it made sense considering a financial/strategic point of view.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] bug in id3v2 ??

2005-12-09 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Takehiro Tominaga a écrit :

 I just fixed it on trunk (The experimental branch is not affected because
 the tagging code is changed at all to support UTF8).
 Should I back port to 3.97 branches ?

Yes, please

Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Cannot Compile on MS VC++ 2005 Beta 2

2005-09-16 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

Robert Hegemann a écrit :

Hi Travis!

What are you compiling exactly? lame.exe? lame.acm?
How do you compile lame? via Makefile or Projectfile?

It is likely that you are compiling the ACM or DirectShow interfaces. 
Both are requiring windows.h

However, lame.exe or libmp3lame are not requiring it.

Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Cannot Compile on MS VC++ 2005 Beta 2

2005-09-16 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

Takehiro Tominaga a écrit :
It is likely that you are compiling the ACM or DirectShow interfaces. 
Both are requiring windows.h

However, lame.exe or libmp3lame are not requiring it.

I think it is requred to compile lame.exe.
There're following code in libmp3lame/machine.h

You are right. I had a look at configMS.h, but not at machine.h

Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Warning: corrupt or unsupported WAVE format

2005-08-15 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

rec02.wav:  RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, IMA ADPCM, mono 8000 Hz

The converted mp3 file that is created has a hiss. :-(

Any ideas what I can do to get lame to recognize this audio file
format so that it can convert the wave file to mp3?

Your wave file is not plain raw pcm, but coded using adpcm. The standard 
Lame build does not support this as input.

Use libsndfile enabled lame.
As Takehiro said, Lame can be build with libsndfile handling the input. 
In this case it would work.
Another solution would be to open you file in an audio editor and save 
it as uncompressed pcm wav file. (it might even work with the basic 
sound recorder shipped with windows)


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Multithread patch inclusion ?

2005-04-30 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
David Balazic a écrit :
Is/will the multithread patch at
be integrated into lame ?
Gives 20-100% speedup on 2-way systems. (hyperthread,dual-core,SMP etc.
It produces bit identical output to classic LAME (according to author,
I compared his version with a newer lame version and they differ)
In its current state, this patch will not be included into Lame.
In order to work properly, this version needs to have the bit reservoir 
disabled (it is thus only bit identical to Lame if you add --nores to 
Lame options). Disabling bit reservoir will cause serious quality reduction.

It is an interesting work, but practically encoding the mp3 stream in 2 
half parts by 2 instances of Lame in parallel and then joining them 
would provide the same speed benefits as this version, but with a way 
higher quality.

Those who want to use 2-way (or more) systems can also encode several 
tracks in parallel with several instances of Lame. You will have some 
nice speed boost, with zero quality reduction.

Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Re: how to create -true- raw mp3 with lame

2005-04-23 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

...the string lame 3.97 is human readable only within the last bytes of 
the file. There is a kindof trailer consisting of AAA... with the 
mentioned string in it. The Fraunhofer files don't show this...
This string is stored into ancillary data, and the frame is perfectly 
compliant (btw the Lame header is also a compliant frame). A decoder 
having problems with ancillary data is likely to have problems on many 
mp3 files.

No, when I encode the files with the Fraunhofer coder (same format) the files 
are accepted.
Suggestion: try without -m s. Some decoders are not able to deal with 
some encoding modes (still compliant) we are using in separated stereo.

Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] encoding several tracks as one mp3 file?

2005-03-31 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Dave Yost a écrit :
Can this be done with lame?
There are CDs with continuous music broken into tracks, and when you 
encode them as separate mp3 files and try to play them back, you get 
annoying gaps, apparently because of some quantization issues with mp3.
Lame stores those values into the header of the file. If you use a 
player able to read those info, the decoding will be gapless.

Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] speed (was: Converting .m4a (Apple Lossless) files to LAME .mp3)

2005-02-19 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
J-FOX a écrit :
Hi, I'm using LAME v.3.96.1 to convert .m4a files in iTunes using the 
following settings:  --preset cbr 320 -q 0 -ms

My results are unacceptably sluggish performance even with a dual 
processor Mac running at 2.0GHz.  Is there any way to tweak LAME to 
perform better on this platform without sacrificing quality?
It is slow because you specified -q0. According to the help -q0 will 
theorically use the highest quality possible, whatever the speed. It is 
thus perfectly normal that the encoding is slow.

Just use --preset cbr 320 and your encoding will be way faster.
Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] mp3 downsampling

2004-12-29 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
LAME4 experimentaly supports the preserve TAGS when transcoding/encoding
but it is experimental feature.
In the meantime, you could use a program that is copying tags between 
two files.

I know that such a program exists, but I do not remember its name.
Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] -0.44 dB RMS

2004-12-24 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Why does Lame's CBR and ABR modes reduce the amplutude of the sound data
by 0.44 dB (RMS) while VBR tries to preserve it and succeeds. Can I
turn it off? Thanks.

use --scale 1.0 option with ABR/CBR encoding.
Regarding why, this is to prevent occasionnal clipping on the decoder 

Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Adjusting equaliser

2004-11-14 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Ytsen de Boer a écrit :
 For a while I've been googling around to find out how I could adjust 
the equaliser while laming from .wav to .mp3. I want more bass in 
certain tracks.

 I thought I should use the next options (from the `lame --help' command):
  --ns-bass x adjust masking for sfbs  0 -  6 (long)  0 -  5 (short)
--ns-alto x adjust masking for sfbs  7 - 13 (long)  6 - 10 (short)
--ns-treble x   adjust masking for sfbs 14 - 21 (long) 11 - 12 (short)
--ns-sfb21 xchange ns-treble by x dB for sfb21
--shortthreshold x,y  short block switching threshold, x for L/R/M 
channel, y for S channel

I am sorry, but Lame does not support equalization settings. Those 
settings are only related to psychoacoustic maskings.

Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] ATH Type and Noise Shape

2004-06-05 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
My question is: Is the ATH Type 3 curve and the noise shape Type 2 better
when using with -q0 and -V0 then the current one?
You would better keep the default settings
Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Re: LAME...

2004-05-16 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Giancarlo Vercellesi wrote:
A simple question about MP3 license.
If someone use LAME (a free MP3 encoder) to stream MP3 over Internet (or to
storage on disk)
for commercial market (also suppose to take more than $100,000), he/she must
pay a royalty to Fraunhofer-Thomson?
Yes. The encoder used is not relevant in this case, as the fees are 
regarding mp3 technology, and not about a specific mp3 implementation.

Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Re: LAME...

2004-05-09 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Monty wrote:

If you use the encoder, you must have purchased a patent license
period.  Of course, MPEG isn;t going to concern itself with
individuals.  If you do it in the name of NPR, you really really need
to have a real license :-)
Sorry Monty, but if someone is using an encoder for the sole purpose of 
creating some streams, he/she doesn't have to acquire a license.
The DISTRIBUTOR of the encoder should obtain the license, but not the 

Otherwise every MusicMatch user should acquire a license...


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] custom command line (was: Looking for programmer)

2004-05-09 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Thats how i got this:
lame -q0 -X6 -ms -d --lowpass 20.05 --cwlimit 11.025 -Z --scale 0.98 
--scale-r 1.1 --scale-l 1.1 --ns-sfb21 2 --nspsytune -v -V0 --vbr-rh 
--abr 172
I hope your are not serious. In case you are, here are a few points:

*As already explained, --scale-l, --scale-r and --scale are redundant 
and can be combined into a single --scale

*--vbr-rh is the default vbr mode, so this switch does nothing in your 
command line

*--cwlimit has no effect when using --nspsytune

*--nspsytune is the default mode, so this switch does nothing in your 
command line

*-v before -V0 does nothing, as -v is already activated by -V0

Considering that your custom command line is including several 
useless/redundant switches, I think that you are experiencing a simple 
placebo effect.

You should try using double blind tests to test your command line 
against the simple (but efficient) --abr 172


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

[mp3encoder] Re: [Lame-dev] LAME Psychoacoustic model.

2004-04-14 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Vijayasaradhi D. wrote:
I know that LAME used its own Psychoacoustic model. I am trying to 
understand different psychoacoustic models..like in 11172-3 Psycho1 , 
Psycho 2..etc.

Where do I can get document describing LAME Psychoacoustic model.
The psychoacoustic models are not very documented, but you can check the 
*lame website (gpsycho related pages)
*source code comments


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Latest build still has errors (decoding)

2004-03-30 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Kristian Hermansen wrote:

You were correct.  The decode was the problem and here is the output:

I uploaded the problematic portion of the mp3 file on 

On decoding this file Lame is crashing (access violation)


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] 24-bit wav vbr issues

2004-03-27 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Lars Rosenberg wrote:
I don't think Lame can handle 24 bit wave files. You probablyhave to convert
the 24 file wave file to a 16 wave file first. You might have to start use
Fraunhofers MP3 Encoder in stead. If I where you I should check out if the
Fraunhofer mp3 encoder can convert to 24 bit mpeg stream. I'll try to check
that in my source that I got from Fraunhofer.
Lame supports 24bits wav files fine, and is able to encode in vbr.

(to be sure that there was no bug I just tryed, it works perfectly)


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Question

2004-03-09 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Christopher Gorrie wrote:

I have dynamically linked the LAME Dll
to my program and was wondering whether
there is any way to write tags (ID3V1
or ID3V2) to the MP3's.

Is it just not part of the library yet?
Well, it is part of libmp3lame, but not exposed by the dll.
You will probably have to wait for lame v4 to have it in the dll. In the 
meantime, there is the possibility to use the static libmp3lame.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Re: Some Amd64 timings

2004-02-28 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
As gcc should be able to utilize MMX, SSE, SSE2 and 3dnow
with inline assembly now, it would be nice if someone would
try to use it instead of using a 3rd party assembler.
In short, they should be easier to use well than raw assembly,
whether inlined or external.
Isn't intrinsics specific to the compiler, with gcc intrinsics not 
usable with VC or ICL, and VC intrinsics not usable with gcc?


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] [ Ask for LAME Mp3 encoder authorization]

2004-02-17 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
karen_wang wrote:

We have read the article about ??Can I use LAME in my commercial program??? We 
would like to ask you for helping us to get/obtain the legal authorization or can you 
tell us how to obtain the legal authorization?
Is there anythig in particular that we have to look out for if we use your MP3 
We (Lame developers) are providing you a technology implementation of 
mp3 encoder. According to the license we are using (LGPL) we grant you 
the right to use our code provided that
a) you mention in your program that you are using our encoder
b) if you modify our source code, you have to make those modifications 
freely available

But the mp3 technology is covered by patents that we do not own. 
According to your country, you might be required to obtain a license 
permission on the technology (see mp3licensing.com).
By using Lame, you are saving cost on technology implementation, but we 
can not do anything regarding potential patent fees.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

[mp3encoder] Re: [Lame-dev] Re: Amd64

2004-02-09 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Fred Nevez wrote:
Men i do not understand , why do not do like everyone , buy yourself a 
computer ??
We already have computers.

i'm without job , and only try to help , i really do not see any point 
why i would buy a computer only for a codec 
We do not see any point either about why should we buy new computers 
just to please someone.

I know tons of people who would dev and compil me EVERYTHING they find 
if i gave them a 64 bits cpu+mobo
You are asking for development, not just compilation. It is not that 
easy (otherwise you would have done it yourself, don't you?)

i was thinking you all doing that for fun and i notice it's more to have 
stuff and to complain a bit too have them..
We are working on Lame for fun, and are not complaining. You are the 
only one to complain here.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] mpglib

2004-02-08 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Frances Buck wrote:

I try to port my app frin windows to os x.
So I think I need to build libmp3lame.a and mpglib.a.
The fist one will be created if I start (./configure, make, ... ) but I 
I miss mpglib.a.
./configure --help will give you the list of options. There is one to 
enable mpglib


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

[mp3encoder] Re: [Lame-dev] Re: Amd64

2004-02-08 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

I let Gabriel or someone else comment on that as I definitively can't
help on the ACM part. Maybe he can provide you with some kind of a
debugging version of the ACM to find the cause of the problem.

i'll continue to use the old radium codec :/
i was thinking the lame dev team would be proud to be one of the 1st to do 
64 bits codecs
but seem not

Well, I think that it would be nearly impossible to correct the ACM for 
64bits systems without access to such a computer.

There are mainly 2 ways to have the ACM version working: correct it 
yourself, or ask someone to correct it.

I can not personally correct it, as I do not have any x86-64 computer. 
If you want to speed up the process, you could donate a 64bits computer 
(or its financial equivalent) to one of the Lame developers.

As already explained, we are not getting paid for working on Lame, and 
so can not afford to buy a new computer just to port Lame on it.

In the meantime, I think that the command-line version should work just 
fine on your new system.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Re Problem with Long Time Encoding - Lame 3.95

2004-01-31 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Sir Gorgoroth wrote:

We have very big problem with new lame version 3.95.
When I encode wav. files to mp3 files it's takes very
much time.

One song at about 5 min. encoding 30-40 minutes at the

In old lame version 3.93 this operation takes only 1-3
It seems that you forget to mention details of your problem, like wich 
settings you are using.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] ATH Masking

2004-01-31 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
DigitAl56K wrote:

I'm currently encoding a bunch of my CD's using the following switches 
to LAME 3.95.1:
-p -k -q 0 -V 4 -m s
With 3.95.1 I would suggest you to just use -V3. The resulting bitrate 
should be similar to your current command-line and the quality will 
probably be better.

It sounds as if LAME is cutting the hiss in and out in the quiet 
sections of the track leading to very noticeable artifacting. Presumably 
this has to do with the ATH level. Maybe some investigation of this 
issue might lead to a more accurate ATH model that was more adaptive and 
thus produced better quality.
Perhaps your track has an unusually low volume? Have a look at the 
ReplayGain value displayed at the end of encoding. It gives the 
adjustement needed for the track to reach a perceived loudness of 92dB.

If it is displaying a big adjustment value, like +15dB or something 
similar, then maybe you should use add --scale to your encoding.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] LAME: Problem encoding some files...

2004-01-23 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Kristian Hermansen wrote:

I had some trouble encoding a few files.  LAME crashed on me a few times and
First, we need a few information:

*version of Lame
*compiler used (eventually)
*parameters used
*does Lame crash on every files or just some specific files
*does Lame always crash on some files, or does it sometimes manage to 
encode them


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Effect of perceptual entropy on quality

2004-01-22 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Manjunath D N wrote:

	Bit rate :	   128 kbps

When I increase the default Perceptual entropy from 700 all the way upto
3000 I see no improvement in quality. I thought that the Bit allocation
module would allocate more bits to each frame if I increase the PE(
If your are using a 128kbps fixed bitrate, how would increasing the 
default PE increase the number of allocated bits. The allocated bits are 
constrained by the bitrate when using cbr.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Lame MP3 Encoder - 3.94version

2004-01-12 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Narayanan wrote:

I would be highly obliged if any of you can provide me a good 
documentation/information on the latest LAME MP3 encoder code flow.I have
downloaded the version 3.94 and started analyzing the same.
Also if anyone can guide me through the initial phase, it would be good.
I uploaded some diagrams to http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org/lame

I made them about 1 year ago, so them might not be up-to date.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Noise treatment in LAME

2004-01-09 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 I am reading the source code of LAME. I wonder how LAME deals with noise such 
 as white noise and band-pass noise. Does the tonality estimation in  LAME work 
 on tone only?

The goal of the tonality estimation is to give a tonality value. So a
white noise or a band pass noise will have a very low tonality value
(idealy 0).


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] [VickyWeng@Grandex.com.tw: About Licence Issue]

2004-01-06 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Vicky Weng wrote:

We have a question about licence issue need your esteem company's help.
We will use your LAME 3.93 into our product, and then attch this utility to
our customers.
So we wonder if there will be any licence issue happened.
Please give us a clear instruction.  
As Lame is lgpl, what you have to do is to clearly state that you are 
using Lame in your product. If you modify Lame for your product, you 
need to make your modification source code available for the public.

Independently of our license, according to your country you might need a 
patent license in order to use any mp3 technology.
We are saving you the cost of technology implementation, but are not 
able to provide you a license agreement on the general mp3 technology, 
are we do not own the patents.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Effect of blocktype mismatch on song quality

2003-12-20 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Manjunath D N wrote:

I am trying to develop an MP3 encoder on a 24 bit fixed point
DSP.Due to fixed point degradations, there is a mismatch in the
blocktypes that my assembly code psychoacoustic model gives wrt the lame
floating point code.For example if for a granule the floating code gives
blocktype as 1(START type), my assembly code may declare blocktype as
3(STOP type)
I am wondering how can fixed point mismatch 1 with 3. This is more than 
a precision error.

	My question to the lame developers is what exactly is the effect
of this mismatch on the final mp3 bitstream? 
This part will not be decodable because according to the standard a stop 
block can not follow a stop/long block. In the same way, next block will 
not be decodable neither because a short block can not follow a stop block.

Some not so robusts decoders might even totally stop decoding from this 


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] possible lame LGPL violation

2003-12-08 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Nils Faerber wrote:

Umm... I might be wrong (and if, please excuse) but isn't LGPL exactly
for the purpose of being able to link against LGPL'ed works and not
violating the LGPL license, be it statically or dynamically?
Exactly, but you also have to explicitely mention which lgpl libraries 
your are using.

Nonetheless I think that Lame itself is in violation of the GPL and LGPL
since GPL and LGPL explicetly forbid patented technologies under the
terms of the LGPL or GPL. And since there is no doubt in the fact that
the MP3 technology is patented I even think that applying the GPL or
LGPL to Lame is not possible at all - at least in a unaltered version.
We had an argumentation regarding this point with Stallman and the only 
conclusion that was drawn was that he did not care about it.

Perhaps we should add an addendum to our license, but until now it seems 
to fit quite well.
The same patent point would also apply to Mpglib, Mad, the Linux kernel,...



Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] possible lame LGPL violation

2003-12-08 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Gabriel Bouvigne wrote:

I am writing them a mail asking for clarification about this.

Issue solved, next version will include a mention regarding Lame in the 
about box.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] May I distribute or redistribute the lame_enc.dll in my setup file?

2003-12-04 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 May I distribute or redistribute the lame_enc.dll in my setup file? 
 I have read the notification in oddsock's project page. 
 Because of LGPL, or patent system of each country? 

This is because of patents covering the mp3 coding scheme.

 But the winamp redistribute the lamedll.dll in it's shout source dsp plugin setup 

Nullsoft has a licence agreement covering the mp3 patents:



Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Encode or decode single frame

2003-11-26 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Branimir Amidzic wrote:

Is it possible to decode one single frame of MP3 data (all of main data 
previous frame(s) concatenated) to 1152 samples of PCM, and then encode 
it to
just one MP3 frame with LAME?
Well, it is quite problematic because mp3 is using mdct, and this is an 
overlapping transform.

I'm developing an application that would reencode only those frames that 
have coupled blocks in L  R channel (problem with HW players), but I have
noticed that LAME has some ENC/DEC delays, and that worries me.
It will not be a single frame. In current Lame, this would be at least 3 
granules. Short blocks need transition blocks before and after, so you 
have (minimal case) the following succession of sizes: long - start - 
short - stop - long.
You need to change the whole start-short-stop sequence.

My suggestion would be the following:
*Decode the whole bitstream to pcm
*correct the offsets if needed in the pcm stream
*encode it again in full stereo
*do your cooking/mixing between the original mp3 and the new frames that 
you can grab from the new mp3.



Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] mp3 dll to encode in real-time

2003-11-25 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Thierry Klein wrote:

[tk] A C dll is not good for a Windows developer since (to my knowledge) it
won't link to a Visual Basic development, for instance. A C++ dll is needed
on Windows.
I am sorry, but a Visual Basic program can easily link with a C dll. In 
fact it is easier to link with a C dll than with a C++ dll because C is 
not ABI-dependant like C++, and so you have no problem when using 
different compilers.

For VB programmers, a quick Google search returned this:


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] windows dll to encode in real time from line in or microphone

2003-11-24 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
John Dann wrote:

In fact it's so surprising that there doesn't seem to be a COM-enabled
LAME, given that this would enable many more less-expert developers to use
the encoder easily, that I start to wonder what the reason might be? Is it
concern about the MP3 licensing issue, which perhaps might assume greater
proportions if a COM-enabled LAME were released with its potential for much
greater usage than the current version. Are there some technical issues
that I'm ignorant of? Or are the primary LAME developers perhaps a little
reluctant to make things too easy for developers in the Windows world,
especially the less expert ones?
The main issue of Lame developpers is lack of time. You are welcome to 
write and submit a COM interface if you find it usefull.

It is not in Lame yet because:
*COM is win32 specific, and the developper needs to be using win32 to 
write it, which is not the case of all Lame developpers.
*we (at least I) are not so sure that using COM is easier than to link 
with a C dll for a beginner.



Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Masking in LAME

2003-11-20 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 However, as I am new to the masking stuff, I don't understand how the the 
 masking thresholds are computed as they are presented in equations.
 Could anyone explain how the thresholds are computed? Are there any references 
 available for masking of LAME?

Lame is using a tonality estimation. Tonality can be estimated by using
peak detection method (Gpsycho) or predictability (NSpsytune).
The tonality estimation controls the ammount of masking.



Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] LAME encoded mp3 plays chirpy on LG DVD-6054 player

2003-09-17 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Thomas Gallenkamp a écrit :

I am experiencing problems playing back LAME encoded MP3s on my new LG
DVD-6054 DVD/MP3 player. The same MP3s played perfectly on all other MP3
players (mp3blaster, mpg123, mplayer, Scott 838 DVD player, JVC KD-S891R
car stereo) I tested so far. There are distortions on loud treble sounds 
(especially guitar chords). Sounds like some integer overflow. I used 
LAME 3.91 and 3.93.1 with 128, 160 and 320 kbit/s, with and without the
--strictly-enforce-ISO options. Problem remains the same. On the other
hand bladeenc-0.94.2 encoded MP3s will play OK on the LG DVD-6054. (I am
pretty sure that the unit is OK hardwarewise. I suspect some subtle
firmware problem).

Any ideas or same experiences ?
Encode in joint stereo instead of plain stereo. This is likely to remove 
the problem, as it seems that several hardware decoders are not 
perfectly able to handle a specific (but fully mp3 compliant) plain 
stereo configuration used by Lame.



Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Lame Dev

2003-09-12 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
LiFe a écrit :
Hi Guys,
Out of interest how come lame development has stopped since 2002?
Development is not stopped, but slow.
That is because of the lack of human ressources, and the lack of time of 
available ressources.
Some of the work is also done behind the scene. As an example, 
Takehiro is doing a lot of work on the experimental branch.



Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Scratch noise at beginning of the MP3 file

2003-08-14 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
PGFrank - Tecnocanal a écrit :
I'm very sorry, but I don't understand what you mean.

I have a program made by somebody else (I don't have the source code). I use
that program to convert MYSOUND.WAV to MYSOUND.MP3 and the conversion is
I code my own program USING EXACTLY THE SAME LAME DLL and the MP3 file has
the scratch at the beginning. I don't know what am I doing wrong.
Perhaps you considered the wav header to be sound data.
Perhaps you forget to write vbr header/info tag

Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Confusion at which LAME version one should use

2003-07-04 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
-q0 definitely sounds worse to me than -q2 in recent versions. If it
was better it would likely already be used by --alt-preset standard.
I believe Takehiro can confirm it is 'broken' in 3.90 onwards.
Interesting, wierd, and unsettling... I must check into this ASAP. If it is
indeed broken, I would think it obvious for the LAME crew to either fix it
or circumvent it. Thanks for the heads up.
This was fixed in 3.93.1, as mentionned in the history.html



Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Annoyance: version.c doesn't support displayingthe full version number?

2003-07-01 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Paul Roberts a écrit :
If there was no change to the code, how come there are 3 fixes in the 

preset medium added to the dll interface
fix for abr/cbr presets
fix -q0 switch
A decision on whether to report the true version sounds like a no-
brainer to me. Of course it should! And the alpha/betas status too.
Well, you are right, there were some fixes in 3.93.1.

We had to use 3.93.1 because there was already some 3.94 alphas floating 
around, and so we were unable to use 3.94 as a version.
As the fixed 3.93 was quickly released, we decided to just use 3.93.1.

As Alexander explained, we do not plan to use sub-versions. We had to in 
this case, but we would really like to avoid this.
Anyway, your patch is there, and if in the future we encounter a case 
where sub-versions are needed, we will consider it, although our intent 
is to avoid such situations.



Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] [PATCH] to LAME to convert RIFF LIST tags to ID3tags

2003-06-30 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Charlie Lenahan a crit :
For those that have ripped all their CD's to wav w/ LIST tags, like those used by the Audiotron.
This patch will set the ID3 tags when converting a wav = mp3
Thank you for your submission. This should be included soon into Lame.



Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Lame genre bug (annoyance).

2003-06-30 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Adam Luter a écrit :
The problem is that lame is very stubborn about setting the genre.  If
you specify an invalid genre, lame never falls back on a default (such
as other). 

Below is the minimum changes necessary to make lame work more
Thank you for your report. This will be included soon.



Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Lame genre bug (annoyance).

2003-06-30 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Alexander Leidinger a écrit :

The problem is that lame is very stubborn about setting the genre.  If
you specify an invalid genre, lame never falls back on a default (such
as other). 
I consider this a feature... if I make a mistake by specifying an not
existing genre I want to know about it.
Gabriel, do you insist to fix the genre or should I try to get some
time to fix year and track number?

I do not insist on using a default value in case of misspelling. I 
thought that at least for genre it could be a good idea, because it is 
easy to do a misspelling.

If you want to change a little the tagging functions to properly display 
and return an error, I am ok with it.



Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [mp3encoder] Re: LAME and CRC

2003-06-03 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Alexander Leidinger wrote:

I've been trying, but don't really understand enough to rip out 
the right pieces of LAME for this task:
Take an MP3 file with CRC turned on, but incorrect 
checksum information and either disable CRC or recompute 
the checksums correctly, and make the changes without 
deencoding and reencoding the file.

Any hints on how to do this? Is this a feature of LAME 
already that I can't find?

The first point is that this could be an error in the stream. In this 
case, updating the crc might be a bad idea.

There is one case where this would need to be done: old Blade files. In 
earlier versions, Blade was computing a wrong crc (like the iso code), 
and so if you decided to add crc protection, this one was wrong.
I remember that when this issue was corrected in Blade, there was also a 
program posted on the Blade homepage to do this specific correction on 
already encoded files.



Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] LAME on PocketPC

2003-03-24 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Michael Niemeck wrote:
Recently got my Compaq IPAQ PocketPC, which - supposedly - sport a 400 MHz
Processor. Since LAME is said to faster than real time on a PII 266 at
highest quality mode I decided to give it a try.

To my horror, encoding a 2 second chunk of raw PCM data takes up 40 seconds,
and even at lowest quality needs at least 4 seconds.
Well, the most important problem is that you probably do not have any 
floating point unit on your processor. Emulating floating point 
instructions is very time consuming.
To speed up lame, you might want to use -f and -m m in order to use 
fast mode and mono.

I think that some people on this list tryed to port lame code to fixed 
point. Perhaps they might give you some indications.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list


2003-03-24 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
Jon Skeet wrote:
Has anyone tried to convert LAME to .NET at all? I was wondering whether it might not be an interesting project, 

partly for performance comparison purposes
I'm sorry but you will not gain any performance enhancements by 
converting Lame to CLR byte code.
If you just mean compiling it under visual studio .net (aka visual c++ 
7), you will just speed things up by about 5% compared to visual c++6.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Fixed pOint Psychoacoustic model

2003-03-12 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
 The dynamic range is so high that sometimes even the double precision(48
 bits) arent enough..

You could store mantissa in one integer and exponent into another one. This
will probably be more than enough regarding dynamic range. The drawback is
that in this case you are creating your own datatype.

You might also want to reduce the allowed dynamic range. Anyway, you will
probably have to reduce quality in some way in order to reduce processor


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Need help for layer-1

2003-02-26 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

  MPEG2 Layer 1 do differ from 
  MPEG1 only in its multichannel feature; audio encoding for a channels are same 
  for MPEG1 and MPEG2.
  ISO recommends to use psycho 
  model 1 for both layer 1  2. 
  Regarding Layer 3, this 
  uses entirely different audio representation. You may have to read little more 
  on this :). 
Perhaps :-)

My only experience with Layer I was this wonderfull (at that 
time) portable DCC recorder.
While we are on this topic, may I ask you why are you 
interested in Layer I.
I am wondering about the use of this, as it seems to me that 
Layer II should not need much more computations.


Gabriel Bouvignewww.mp3-tech.orgpersonal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Need help for layer-1

2003-02-25 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

  I got the Layer-2 code from 
You probably 
means that you downloaded dist10.tzg, as Lame doesn't include layer II 

  But the problem with the ISO code is that, It doesnot 
  work for MPEG2-Layer1.
You've got a 
good point here. I am assuming that you are interested in the low sampling 
frequencies part of mpeg2 and not the multichannel one, as dist10 already 
includes the multichannel part for Layer II.

You might want to check TooLame, as Layer II 


Gabriel Bouvignewww.mp3-tech.orgpersonal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Xmms player for RedHat 8.0

2003-02-24 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
 I've discovered that Fraunhoffer was able to force
 ReadHat software to remove the mp3 decoder from the xmms
 player. So they distribute a player with suport to Vorbis
 only and the source dosen't contain the mp3 decoder.
 I was able to move the same plugin from a Mandrake
 and make it work on a RedHat.

FhG did not forced RedHat to remove anything. It is only the decision of
Moreover, as you pointed out, RH is not selling the RH distribution (that
could include mp3 decoding), but only selling support.
So under the current mp3 licensing terms, they would not be asked to pay for


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] LAME feature request

2003-01-22 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
 This is easy enough under *nix to implement using return codes.

 Using the lame binary compiled for dos, there is no option to cause LAME
 delete the output file if an error is encountered. Speciffically, the
 i am getting that I would like this for is Error reading input file

Under dos you can can test the value of ERRORLEVEL in a batch file. I am not
sure, but I think that this might work.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Proper way to encode only 1 ch

2003-01-17 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
 I'd like to encode left and right channel into two
 seperate mono MP3s.  Currently I use scale-l and
 scale-r to achieve the effect.  Am I doing it
 properly?  Is there anyway to disregard a channel
 completely in LAME?

Just a guess (not sure):
lame --scale-l 0 -m m (for  discarding left)
lame --scale-r 0 -m m (for discarding right)


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Activating the LAME MP3 Codec

2003-01-17 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
  I recently installed a program, but whenever I run it, I get the message
'Video Not Available; Cannot Find Vids: DVDX Decoder.'  I was told that
downloading this LAME MP3 Codec could easily solve the problem, but I after
downloading, I read in a README file that downloading Windows 98 DDK will
activate the codec.  I downloaded Win 98 DDK, but I can't find anything to
help me activate the codec.  It looks like a lot of Java-style programming
gibberish.  Can anyone give me a step by step walkthrough on how to activate
the codec?

I am sorry but I have the feeling that the error message you get has nothing
to do with Lame. Lame is an audio codec, and your message is complaining
about a video codec missing.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] lame -? / DOS

2003-01-14 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
 Could this possibly be fixed so that under DOS it goes to
 standard out.  It is the only way to currently see the
 up-to-date set of flags and in DOS there is no way to see
 it.  Standard error can't be piped or redirected so it just
 scrolls off the screen.

Doesn't this work?

lame -?  lameopts.txt 21

It should redirect stderr (output 2) to stdout (output 1) and redirect
stdout to lameopts.txt.

It works under cmd (NT5 shell), but I do not know about command.com under
DOS (is it really DOS or command.com from win95/98?)

Please report status.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list


2003-01-08 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
  All Files Bigger Than Original Wave: Time  Size !!!
  OGG  MPC haven't this bug !!!

 This is not a bug, but a feature of the transform method used. Working on
 blocks of specific length, mp3 once decoded has some padding at the
 beginning and at the end. (same thing for Vorbis, and probably mpc)

I don't know about MPC, but it is *not* true for Vorbis.  Vorbis files
do not have this padding.

In my full original mail, I mentionned the fact that there is this gap with
Vorbis due to the transform method, but that in the ogg container there is
information about how to remove this gap.
What it means is the technology itself features this gap. All you can do is
to store the gap size along with the stream so the decoder can remove it.
Lame stores the delay, so a decoder could use this info to totally remove
the gaps.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Does lame support layer-1 and layer-2

2003-01-04 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
 Does lame support layer-1 and layer-2.

 Also I found that the calling part of layer-1 and layer-2 are there but
the respective source files are not there.
 ie In the file pcm.c we have the following,
 Where can I get the respective source files.

No, Lame does not support layer I or II. This is probably old code from
someone who though that perhaps Lame could handle that using external
libraries, like for vorbis. This code should probably be cleaned up.

Btw for layer II you could try TooLame.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] time complexity of MP3 encoder

2002-12-16 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
 hai there, does anyone know what is the time complexity of MP3 encoder
 algorithm such as Lame or the Fhg? i mean what is the big O number? is it
 O(n), O(n2) or else? could someone tell me how to measure this up? thanx

Encoder complexity is roughly linear related to the number of input samples.
Some parts of your track might require more time than others to encode, but
it will decrease after.

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Lame Encoder!

2002-12-10 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
 I have found that lame encoder (lame.exe) can't encode wav file that have
 spaces in its' filename/folder. For examples:

 C:\My Music\Wav 01.wav (both have spaces in folder  filename)
 C:\My Music\Wav01.wav (have space in folder name)
 C:\MyMusic\Wav 01.wav (have space in filename)

It is the common behaviour of win32 console applications. You have either to
use the short name, or to put the filename between double quotes.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] non-portable code in lame.h - compiling on cygwin [PATCH]

2002-12-06 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

- Original Message -
From: Sycotic Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 11:07 PM
Subject: [MP3 ENCODER] non-portable code in lame.h - compiling on cygwin

 I have been trying to include lame as an encoder for the mplayer/mencoder
software, and when trying to include lame/lame.h it gives MULTIPLE parse
errors, and an error about too many }'s.  After a quick glance, I think I
may have found the problem: incorrect #if defines.  Attached is my patch
that should be more portable than what is currently being used.  It Works
For Me(tm).  Patch is for v3.93.

Replacing WIN32 by __WIN32__ is likely to break other compilers..

mp3encoder mailing list

[MP3 ENCODER] Windows Media Player problem

2002-12-02 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
It seems that some users encountered compatibility problems when using mp3
files created with windows media player. (not related to time indication)

Unfortunately, this problem does not occur with every version of wmp, so it
could be hard to solve.
If you encountered such problem, please report your wmp version and your
operating system version.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] suggestions for -b 96 defaults

2002-11-17 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
 I've been running a SHOUTcast broadcast at 96 kbps for the past year. I
 using an old version of the SHOUTcast DSP for Winamp because I want to use
 Radium FhG codec; newer versions only support the LAME DLL, and that DLL's
 default settings at 96 kbps apparently produce disturbingly bad artifacts
 the upper midrange.

I'd suggest you to use the 96 kbps preset (--preset 96) with Lame 3.93.
About Shoutcast I think that we should ask to have different option in the
Shoutcast dsp plugin.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] --alt-preset ultimate description

2002-11-16 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
 Could someone please refer me to explanations of --alt-preset 
 switches? I have searched for a long while and all I could find was 
 broken links or flames for asking ;/

There will be in the 3.93 docs.

 Another thing: is it possible to pass --alt-preset's to libmp3lame? I 
 mean e.g. for MEncoding?

It will be included in the 3.93 libmp3lame.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Quality problem reencoding

2002-11-14 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne
   I have a number of files created with lame 3.92 using the --r3mix
   preset.  They all sound great.  The problem is when I reencode them
   for streaming.  It doesn't matter if I reencode on the fly or reencode
   first.  The effect reminds me of a phase shifter commonly used on a
   guitar.  You can actually hear it here with winamp, xmms or whatever
   you like here:  http://caroline.pop4.net:8004   The stream is 56k @
   44.1KHz - which should sound good.

I listened to the file, and what I hear is typical of very high mp3
compression. This might be coming from the fact that you are forcing output
to 44.1kHz. At 56kbps there are not enough bits available to preserve full
bandwith. You have to accept some compromise, that is trading some bandwidth
against artefacts.
I would suggest you to try lame --alt-preset cbr 56. Listen to the result,
it is very likely to be way better...


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] 3.92 bug on win98SE

2002-09-26 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 I tried yet another version of Lame 3.92 (the one on Gabriel's site
 Lamewin32.exe and it worked with MMX on my VIA) So what was wrong with the
 two other versions:

So this is a compiler issue.

 PS the one that worked was linked here:

 I know it may look like a dumb question to you, but why is it said on the
 page above to copy manually LAME_ENC.DLL in C:\Windows\System if it works
 without it? Is it just for the GOLDWAVE program to function?

Yes, this is just for Goldwave, although copying the dll into the Goldwave
directory would probably also work.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] 3.92 bug on win98SE

2002-09-20 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

   I can't run LAME 3.92 on my system. I tried two versions, and they act
   same with EAC or RazorLame. LAME 3.91 works fine.
 Are you using a Via/Cyrix/Ibm processor?
 Yes, VIA:

 Is that the problem?

Yes, there is a problem with Via processors. Some code that is working fine
on Intel/Amd is not working on such processors.

You can add --noasm mmx to your command line. This will disable MMX
optimizations and allow you to run Lame.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] GSM speech audio test

2002-09-01 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 I'm using described setting, is there anyone who could produce better
 result for GSM speech, please?

Lame --alt-preset 16 -m m

Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list


2002-07-30 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 There's some fixed point reference code which could probably be compiled
 the TI device. It's called shine... it doesn't have any psycho-acoustic

Yes, there is Shine code available for fixed point. It could be a good
start, but please do not consider it as reference code. It is more an
example code with some potential bugs...


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Performance of Lame on Pentium III 500

2002-07-19 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 On Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 09:48:53AM -0700, RSRamesh wrote:
  Hi all,
  Is there a performance measurement of Lame on PIII
  I am looking if Lame on PIII 500 can achieve 3x to 5x
  encoding speeds or not.

You probably won't achieve such speed with --alt-preset standard. However it
is very likely with abr/cbr

With --alt-preset standard, I'm reaching about 1x on my Duron 750. But on my
laptop PIII 1GHz, I'm nearly encoding at an average 2.5x with the same
settings. For --alt-preset standard, you might want to try --alt-preset
fast standard


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Fwd: LAME on a DSP?

2002-07-18 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 Hello, I represent a group of poor students looking for an audio
 compression algorithm that will work for real time (or perhaps close to)
 encoding of an audio stream on a texas instruments 54xx series DSP (5416
 being used for development). Are you aware of LAME being used for any such

I am not aware of such a port already done.
You might want to try with Shine. There has already been a porting project
of Shine to dsp by a group of students, so perhaps you might contact them.
As there is also a fixed point port of Shine, it might helps you.

On the other hand, Shine's quality is much lower than Lame.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Problem with Lame 3.92 dll and Sony ZS-X3CP Boombox

2002-07-17 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 It is on purpose that the INFO tag is also written on cbr files. This is
 a bug.

 Could you explain the purpose?  It's not immediately apparent to those of
us not well versed in the inner workings of the MP3 encoding process.

This tag stores some information about encoding parameters, encoder
It allows you to know some parameters used for encoding, and could allow a
totally gapless playback with proper use by the decoding software

The problem is that this tag as to be written after encoding, so when
encoding is finished the programmer has to call a specific function.
Unfortunately it seems that the dll internal doc was not updated, and so so
programmers didn't called this finishing function.

In order to understand a few of the advantages, you could try using Encspot
on a such a file. Then select Lame tag on the right click menu...


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Lame Info tag and gapless playback (was: Problem with Lame 3.92...)

2002-07-17 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 Could you point us to some specification on how to write/adapt a
 decoder to do this?  I'm guessing that somewhere in the Lame info
 tag there's a field indicating how many samples/frames/granules to
 omit from the start and end of the file - is that correct?


mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Problem with Lame 3.92 dll and Sony ZS-X3CP Boombox

2002-07-16 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 Hi Steve,
 The problem was that the initial VBR tag (all zero's) was inserted into
 MP3 file for CBR files, so when the beWriteVbrTag function was not called
 the end of the encoding process you end up with an empty frame at the
 beginning of the MP3 file.

It is on purpose that the INFO tag is also written on cbr files. This is not
a bug.

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Fake frames

2002-07-02 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 I'm currently writing a simple tool to convert MP3 (and later MP2 and
 MP1) to correct WAV files (with the exact bitrate, even for VBR files)
 that could be muxed with video accurately...

I was thinking that it was already the case with the acm codec. Could you
explain limitations of your acm codec please?

 But now I have a problem with the last frame that contains LAME at the
 same position (seems like). Is there any documentation on this frame ? I
 guess it doesn't contain audio. Is the LAME data always at the same
 position ?

There is audio in this frame. The LAME string should only be some padding
when in the last frame there is remaining space after audio encoding.
Moreover you could check the info tag which indicates encoder delay and
padding for the file in number of samples.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Re: 417 byte header offset, why? (Chris Holt)

2002-06-13 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 I looked at what little documentation we have, and I think
 this is actually our fault - not the application.

I have a question: why not calling lame_mp3_tags_fid in the flush_buffer
function. As the flush buffer function is always called, perhaps it would
prevent people from not calling mp3_tags_fid.

Also a suggestion: perhaps we sould write a valid xing/info tag with an
empty seek table at the beginning instead of just 0 padding? This way if
mp3_tags_fid is not called the entire information won't be present, be the
tag will still be valid.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] 417 byte header offset, why?

2002-06-10 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 Inspecting the files with a Hex editor and File Info function in Winamp, I
 discovered that if Lame generates no ID3 tag, or a v1.1 tag only, it
 the first 417 bytes of the file with zeros.

This is the space reserved to write the info/vbr tag. This tag should be
written after encoding is finished. The problem might be that the front-end
that you are using to encode doesn't properly call the needed function to
complete this tag after encoding.

 So I set about looking for a switch to perhaps discontinue this feature
 (assuming it is a feature) but had no luck.

 Only when it sees a bunch of zeros at the
 start of the file does it get rude and display Not MP3.
Might be an indication that your player is broken. Compliant mp3 players
should skip unrecognized data.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Generated files in CVS (was: compiling lame 3.92 with gcc 3.1)

2002-06-02 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 I don't have problems with removing the generated files from CVS (I know
 how to use auto*). But as long as there's no majority of the people with
 write access to the LAME CVS repository which wants to have them removed
 they will stay there.

As a cygwin user, for wich packages are often outdated, I'd like the
generated files
to stay in the cvs repository.



Gabriel Bouvigne - France

MP3' Tech: www.mp3-tech.org
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] MPEG frame lengths and time slices

2002-05-27 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 I'm not sure, but I believe MPEG1 L1 and L2 only has frames
 of 1024 samples.



Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Fwd: Clicks pops with Lame at MP3 devices

2002-03-13 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 |  | (Roadstar PCD-3245MPT) I get a lot of clicks  pops scattered

 | * --nores

 I think that this option would be out. With this option pops are out, but
 quality is much lower.

Does this answer means that with --nores there are no more clicks? (btw I
wasn't suggesting options for encoding, but only to help testing)

 But the following option is the right choice:

 | * --strictly-enforce-iso
I'm sorry bu I don't really understand. Does this option effectively remove
the clicks?

 And if pops occurs, then try

 | * -B 256

 or lower value. Dont miss specify -b value and -F option!!!

The curent problem is very unlikely to be a problem with small frames, so -b
or -F won't help testing.


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] LAME 3.91 adds a blank frame

2002-03-06 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 MP3 files encoded with LAME 3.91 don't start with a real MPEG frame, but
 with a block of zeros the exact length of a frame (for CBR). This is not a
 problem for a decoder since it will ignore that frame, but I belive is a
 bug anyway. Besides, for calculating the duration of the file, this adds
 aprox 26ms at 44100Hz. This didn't happen with version 3.88 Beta.

It's not a bug at all, and is made on purpose. The first frame includes some
usefull info about encoding parameters.
The best way to deal with it would be if the decoder was ignoring this one.
As an example, if you decode with Lame --decode, Lame will ignore this


Gabriel Bouvigne
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] [OT] ISO Layer 1/II Absolute Threshold tables - Puzzled..

2002-02-10 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

  These tables (ISO Psychoacoustic Model) are built by taking values from
  optimized encoders used in MPEG listening tests.

Perhaps the one in AAC demo code is optimized, but if the one of Layer II is
the same as the Layer III demo code, then it's quite bad.

In Lame it was first replaced by the so-called Painter  Spanias formula,
wich is a great improvement.
Later it was replaced by another formula wich was improving for 15 kHz, but
produced quite similar results for lower freqs.

Have a look at utils.c, the ath curves are there.


Gabriel Bouvigne
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] [ot]patent issues and open source

2002-02-04 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 Where did you get the information that source code is fully

The source code itself doesn't do anything. It's just a written description
of something. The description of a patent is publicaly available, as it's
the principle of patents. So another description is as legal as the patent

But I might be wrong as I'm not a lawyer.

Either Christina Bonner (current licensing coordinator for AAC ) or her
predecessor (who also send me a nice letter in the past) never contradicted
me on this point.


Gabriel Bouvigne
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] [ot]patent issues and open source

2002-02-03 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 However, I do not provide binaries and I state in the readme
 Please note that parts of this software can be under patent
 right restrictions and thus cannot be used freely in some
 countries., but I got a letter about patent infringements
 which demands to stop all distribution of software.

You can definitively publish source code only.
I received the same kind of letter from Dolby about AAC source code,
explaining that they could even sue me.
I responded back that source code is fully legal, and that I'll never remove
the source code. It was several months ago, and I didn't heard back from


Gabriel Bouvigne
mp3encoder mailing list

[MP3 ENCODER] Re: MS Stereo

2002-01-29 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

E. Zwicker: psychoacoustics, facts and models.

Let me elaborate just a little on this tonality estimation.

First of all, why do we need tonality estimation? We need it because a
non-tonal sound generates more masking than a tonal one, and thus we need
this estimation to compute the ammount of masking.

Gpsycho: based on the ISO model2 demonstration. It uses predictability. If
amplitude and position of a sound can be accurately preticted from the 2
previous granules data, then the sound is considered tonal. It is a good
idea, but the problem is that it can't detect the tonality of the sound
before the 3rd granule where the sound is present. So the 2 first granules
are wrongs.
It's a little like the ISO short block estimation, were iso model needed
data from previous granule, and then was switching 1 granule too late.
Perhaps this could be fixed by doing tonality estimation of further 2
granules, and when a sound is detected as tonal, mark it as also tonal in
the 2 previous granules. (as obviously it's already tonal since 2 granules)
The second problem is that in the case of a tonal with rapid change in
frequency, like a sine sweep, we miss it everytime.

Nspsytune: based on the same kind of ideas as the ISO model1 demonstration.
(in the case of nspstytune I'm not really sure, I hope that Naoki will
correct me if I'm wrong)
 It uses peak detection. If a freq amplitude is higher by a threshold than
its neighbours, then it's considered as tonal. There is no delay like in
gpsycho, but if several tones are close enough, it will miss them (could it
be the case with Fatboy?).

So the 2 methods are differents, and right now none of them works perfectly.
Perhaps a corrected (like suggested) method one, or a combination of the 2
methods would be accurate enough...

Btw I'd suggest you to have a look at references on the Lame website, I
added references to papers about this tonality estimation.


Gabriel Bouvigne

- Original Message -
From: reinhard
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: [MP3 ENCODER] MS Stereo

One of the biggest differences between l3psycho_anal_ns and
l3psyco_anal is exactly what you are asking about - how the estimate
the tonality index.  One is a tweaked and cleaned up version of the
MPEG1/2 recommendation:  the predictiictability of the energy in each
band over several granules.  I believe it comes from thesis work
of one of the creators of MP3.  The other is based on how peaked the
spectrum is, and uses data just from a single granule.  Naoki wrote
it based on data in Zweicker's book.
   Zweicker's book??  would you tell me the name of the
or more information about the l3psycho_anal_ns

Keep in mind that all the models are very crude estimates,
and the output should be considered as a rough guide to the noise
shaping algorthims rather than absolute truth.

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] MS Stereo

2002-01-29 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

E. Zwicker: psychoacoustics, facts and models.

Let me elaborate just a little on this tonality estimation.

First of all, why do we need tonality estimation? We need it because a
non-tonal sound generates more masking than a tonal one, and thus we need
this estimation to compute the ammount of masking.

Gpsycho: based on the ISO model2 demonstration. It uses predictability. If
amplitude and position of a sound can be accurately preticted from the 2
previous granules data, then the sound is considered tonal. It is a good
idea, but the problem is that it can't detect the tonality of the sound
before the 3rd granule where the sound is present. So the 2 first granules
are wrongs.
It's a little like the ISO short block estimation, were iso model needed
data from previous granule, and then was switching 1 granule too late.
Perhaps this could be fixed by doing tonality estimation of further 2
granules, and when a sound is detected as tonal, mark it as also tonal in
the 2 previous granules. (as obviously it's already tonal since 2 granules)
The second problem is that in the case of a tonal with rapid change in
frequency, like a sine sweep, we miss it everytime.

Nspsytune: based on the same kind of ideas as the ISO model1 demonstration.
(in the case of nspstytune I'm not really sure, I hope that Naoki will
correct me if I'm wrong)
 It uses peak detection. If a freq amplitude is higher by a threshold than
its neighbours, then it's considered as tonal. There is no delay like in
gpsycho, but if several tones are close enough, it will miss them (could it
be the case with Fatboy?).

So the 2 methods are differents, and right now none of them works perfectly.
Perhaps a corrected (like suggested) method one, or a combination of the 2
methods would be accurate enough...

Btw I'd suggest you to have a look at references on the Lame website, I
added references to papers about this tonality estimation.


Gabriel Bouvigne

- Original Message -
From: reinhard
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: [MP3 ENCODER] MS Stereo

One of the biggest differences between l3psycho_anal_ns and
l3psyco_anal is exactly what you are asking about - how the estimate
the tonality index.  One is a tweaked and cleaned up version of the
MPEG1/2 recommendation:  the predictiictability of the energy in each
band over several granules.  I believe it comes from thesis work
of one of the creators of MP3.  The other is based on how peaked the
spectrum is, and uses data just from a single granule.  Naoki wrote
it based on data in Zweicker's book.
   Zweicker's book??  would you tell me the name of the
or more information about the l3psycho_anal_ns

Keep in mind that all the models are very crude estimates,
and the output should be considered as a rough guide to the noise
shaping algorthims rather than absolute truth.

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] 2k+2 (was: no subject)

2002-01-03 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

Happy new year to everyone.


Gabriel Bouvigne - France
mobile phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MP3' Tech: www.mp3-tech.org
personal page: http://gabriel.mp3-tech.org

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] DLL bug (bis)

2001-12-21 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 Here are the debugging info I have when I encode to 44kHz/96 kbps and I
get a
 32kHz/96 kbps file/stream :
 1161 3866.37668017 [288] Disable Resorvoir  =1
Is this one on purpose? Seems strange to disable bit reservoir

mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Lame recognition

2001-12-20 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 They don't give reasons why they use LAME. But I'm really curious to know.
 I'm not sure if it's really legal to use LAME for commercial selling of
 encoded files (because of the patents on MP3).

They're probably using Lame because it's saving money compared to FhG.
For sure it's legal to use Lame commercially if they payed the licence fees.
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] MP3 bitstream

2001-12-05 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 1. The ISO 11172-3 standard says that the number of samples in layer 3
 should be 1152. When I encode a single channel file lame sets the
 as 576. Is this an error or does the standard specify the size for dual
 channel audio?

It seems that you are encoding MPEG-2 frames. Those frames have only 1
granule, so they are only 576 samples. The sample rate of MPEG-2 is half the
MPEG-1 sample rate.


Gabriel Bouvigne
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Timeshifting after decoding

2001-12-05 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 Is there a way to predict this timeshift?  Does anyone know if it's a
variable based on encoding or constant?

It's because of the encoder delay. Now  (3.90) Lame writes a kind of header
into the first frame, and one of the fields of this header is the encoder
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Timeshifting after decoding

2001-12-05 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 Given that could a well written decoder strip it off and give time and
 length coherency between source and result?

Yes, it's perfectly possible. However this tag is quite a new thing, and I
think that right now there is no encoder that uses (yet) this info.
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] The Pause That Documents

2001-10-10 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne

 I sincerely hope that before 3.90 is promoted to beta there be a pause
 to update and consolodate user documentation
 It is very frustrating to try and find out what Lame can do and how to
 do it to just find cryptic flags that if described at all are usually
 done so in jargon meaningful only to people working on it.

Totally agree on this. There will be an updated html doc (unless I don't
have the time, I hope to do it this week).
Look at the current html doc. Yes, there is a plethora of switches, but only
those described in the basic switches are really needed for the average
Joe (including me usually).
As an example, I only use lame -mj -V1 for my encodings, nothing else.
I use only the other switches for experimentation.
Do you think that the basic switches section is too complex?


Gabriel Bouvigne
mp3encoder mailing list

Re: [MP3 ENCODER] Berkeley multimedia workload

2001-10-10 Thread Gabriel Bouvigne


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