Re:[Mpls] Re: Nicollet Island Part Three

2005-08-09 Thread Fredric Markus
There's an element of location envy that's been in the Nicollet Island
residential mix for longer than even De LaSalle can assert. Col. King had
his mansion where De LaSalle now stands and cared for his prize livestock
where we now enjoy the Farmstead Rose Garden, perhaps arriving via King's
Highway aka Dupont Ave. S. William Eastman had his mansion where the De
LaSalle football field is now located. He also built Eastman Flats (torn
down for DeLaSalle's building and parking lot that faces Hennepin Ave.) and
the Grove St. Flats that are still extant, renovated, on the National
Register of Historic Places, and home to folks who paid handsomely at market
rates for their respective parts of this condominium. 

People of more modest means settled on the North Tip of the Island,
beginning with a farmhouse of sorts built in 1863, as I recall. Still there,
renovated, part of the residential cooperative ensemble. There are pictures
from the Civil War years that show Nicollet St. as a raw cut in the earth
and the South Tip with a field under cultivation where the Park Board has
put in a surface parking lot for the adjacent private enterprises. 

During the heyday of milling expansion, Franklin Steele attempted a flour
mill whose millrace tunnel construction led to a collapse of the limestone
riverbed and a thirty-year effort by the Army Corp of Engineers to stabilize
St. Anthony Falls. Also during this time after the Civil War, a limestone
suspension bridge was built from the Island to Bridge Square on the downtown
side of the river, the lumbering years brought Boom Island its name, and the
gandy dancers who built our railroads recreated themselves in a red light
district that kept the original farmhouse company on the back of the Island.

The other houses on the North Tip, still there, renovated, etc., now
recognized as a unique ensemble of 19th-century residential architectural
styles, were built in the 1880s or thereabouts and housed middle- and
working-class families whose children attended school where Carlson Store
Equipment Manufacturing Company operated and where there is now some of that
precious open space on the North Tip that helps gives the Island its
credence as a regional park. I used to find clay marbles in the ground when
I had one of the community garden plots in the vicinity during the 1970s. 

The Island is something of an antiquarian's paradise because the North Tip
community survived World War I and the flu pandemic, the Great Depression -
bootlegging days on the island, I'm told - a fresh influx of families as
everywhere in the 1950s, and some folks on the fringe of society in the
1960s. A fascinating place to this day and still there to be experienced by
the general public because of herculean efforts in the 1970s and 1980s to
keep this gentle ambiance a part of Minneapolis' and St. Anthony's
historical legacy.

Fred Markus, Ward 6, Phillips West  


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Re: [Mpls] Nicollet Island Part Four

2005-08-09 Thread Fredric Markus
Robert Lilligren wrote to Mpls Issues a while back describing how he likes
to stop by Nicollet Island as a place of spiritual substance. Well he might,
given his Native American heritage. I don't think it's accidental,
parenthetically, that religious folks of a contemplative bent built an
edifice that looks out over Lake Calhoun or that first the Unitarians and
later the French immigrants established Our Lady of Lourdes church to look
out over St. Anthony Falls. We are a busy people, we Americans, and we have
few enough opportunities to grasp the majesty of the Mississippi as it
passes through our settlements on a natural scale far surpassing mere human

From Boom Island to the James J. Hill limestone railroad bridge, with
Nicollet Island squarely in media res (in the middle of the place,
literally), we have achieved remarkable recognition of the centrality of
this physical geography. Not to be taken lightly because here lies the
heartbeat of our city. Minneapolis would not have come to be were it not for
this riverine environment. I submit that Minneapolis has turned its
collective attention to the Mississippi in many major ways over the past
forty years. I am intensely pleased that we have been able to keep the
essential qualities of the riverfront available to all and this is a great
statement of egalitarian reality.

The early movers and shakers accepted the value of heterogeneous settlement
on the Island while sketching out far grander visions for parks and lakes
and a greenbelt surrounding the city. No one paid much heed as multi-story
walkups proliferated along the downtown side of the river, spilling over
onto Hennepin Ave. and the East Bank; and here today, gone tomorrow, the
Gateway Project in the 1960s and subsequent radical transformations of the
Island settlement area swept away buildings and people alike, leaving
something of a tabula rasa, a blank slate, on which we have been crafting
our awareness of our past and our preparations for our future. No small task
and something compelling enough to warrant slow, reflective, thoughtful

Fred Markus, Ward 6, Phillips West

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Re: [Mpls] Stewart/Mpls

2005-08-09 Thread Gary Hoover
Mayoral Candidate Don Johnson gives creative proposals on his website:

The Observer reports on Johnson's campaign:

The Don Johnson mayoral campaign continues to churn out material. The latest 
salvo promises that a Johnson administration would reduce taxes, pollution 
and greenhouse gasses and build renewable energy with state and federal 
funds that would not only produce thousands of kilowatts of free, clean 
electricity and not only produce thousands of jobs, but most importantly 
stop the flow of billions of dollars out of our city and state by reducing 
our overuse of fossil and nuclear fuels.

(   )

I think Johnson is right on target.  If we look at Minneapolis as an 
energyscape, we see that we ignore ways of producing clean energy here while 
growing more dependant on environmentally dirty and economically oppressive 
energy sources.  If we do the right thing in terms of environment, we will 
also create jobs and more business in a future-oriented industry.

Energy independence begins at home.

Don Johnson -- check out his website -- offers some real ideas about how we 
might face the future with creativity to create a vital city in a rapidly 
changing world.

-- pedaling for peace and ecojustice from Lynnhurst --

Gary Hoover 

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[Mpls] (no subject)

2005-08-09 Thread Gina Palandri
I still ask; which was never answered, all that was explained is a spin  
the bottle of what endorsement a republican should get, in the 9th ward??
what has Dave Shegstad done for anyone in 9th ward?? And I can count,  
theres not hundreds of signs

Gina Palandri
9th ward

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Re: [Mpls] DeLaSalle Alumni

2005-08-09 Thread athmpsn77
I'm going to stop posting on this...after I respond to your comment :)
Neither side is going to change their position, and I've just become too 
frustrated with those opposed to building the field changing their tactics and 
arguments daily from: (1) its bad for the island and the park should remain an 
open space (a good argument, one I disagree with but hey, I hear ya) to (2) any 
park commissioner that votes for this plan is voting for patronage, special 
interests and cronyism...i.e. they are corrupt (personal attacks with no 
support or basis save that a few of the Commissioners have or have had personal 
ties to DLS); to (3) separation of church and state (it was argued a 
lng time ago and now resurfaces with no explanation as to how this 
would constitute an endorsement or establishment.)
As far as the separation of church and state, its absolutely ridiculous.  No 
one could argue that the reciprocal use agreement constitutes an endorsement of 
the Catholic faith by the Park Board...its preposterous.  The mere fact that a 
religious institution is involved in a land-use agreement with a local 
government entity in NO way brings it in violation of the Constitution!
A few weeks back someone said that if the Park Board was really looking out for 
Nicollet Island they'd have found a way to get rid of DLS supporter 
retorted with an argument that such a move would prohibit the free practice of 
The separation of church and state is thrown around too loosely with little or 
no idea of what it actually means and its careless to do so in this case as's easy to throw out as it will likely frighten and confuse a few 
folks but you know and I know that its irrelevant to this discussion.
As I noted, I think there are many many reasons to be for this plan to build a 
playing field.  But I understand as well that there are ideologies and reasons 
which would take a different view.  I've heard many rational arguments for not 
building the field, I simply disagree...  I can understand wanting to keep an 
open space in the City...I get that.  I personally went to school at DLS and 
think of that open space as an unattractive railroad right-of-way, nothing 
special...but I dont quarrel with those who see value in it.
However, patronage, special interests and cronyism and violations of 
church/state, the argument can do without.  It has devolved from the 
merits...(I think I remember Rep. Kahn discussing census statistics and whether 
the parkboard could actually use a stadium) its personal attacks against 
Commissioners and inferring or outright claiming that anyone who votes for the 
plan is corrupt.
Kind regards, 
Anthony Thompson
DLS '96
Political sense of conflict of mission as it relates to the MPRB's interest: 
Though we be deep in the heart of Denial, MN, the park board still proposes to 
give away a chunk of land to a religious institution in a country that makes a 
lotta noise about the righteousness of the separation of church and state. I 
doubt there could be a clearer instance of offending that principle around at 
the moment. 
Ecological conflict of interest: From the position of the MPRB, the ecobest 
they can do is to say a pox on both the islanders and the school. This is park 
land, this is a very delicate piece of land, this is a part of MN history for 
eons (probably since the glaciers), and both the residents and the school can 
keep their grubby mitts off it! It already has more pressure than it should 
have to endure. Head races and tail races that no longer operate, miles of 
defunct tunnel, a lock and dam, a hydropower plant, a restaurant, a school, a 
hulking replacement bridge, a small bridge, a railroad bridge, and a foot 
bridge, and whatever else. It's a little island with a tough history and an 
already tough job to do. 
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Re: [Mpls] Re: Nicollet Island Part Three

2005-08-09 Thread wmmarks

Fredric Markus wrote:

During the heyday of milling expansion, Franklin Steele attempted a flour
mill whose millrace tunnel construction led to a collapse of the limestone
riverbed and a thirty-year effort by the Army Corp of Engineers to stabilize
St. Anthony Falls. 

Now, Fred, yer brain cells aren't firing today. It was Eastman's tunnel 
that collapsed the falls.


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[Mpls] Nicollet Island priveleged residents

2005-08-09 Thread Barry Clegg
J. Free wrote:
I've heard this point raised by a few different posters here, and I wonder
what I'm missing.  I have several friends who reside on the Island, and it
never occurred to me that they were in any way, any more privileged,
than anyone else who exercises a modicum of social responsibility.  Many
of them are more than a wee bit concerned about how this issue is playing
itself out, and how the proposed use of land there will interfere with the
safe, eco-friendly community they have worked hard to try and maintain. 
Can someone please explain to me why this reference keeps coming up in
this discussion?

Barry says:  
Are we folks who live on Nicollet Island lucky to live there?  You bet - it's 
But John Derus and some others who are pushing for the DeLaSalle athletic 
complex, instead of engaging in a rational discussion about what is really a 
Park and land use issue, have bashed the neighbors instead, calling us a gated 
community, implying that we don't pay taxes (we do - a lot, on land we don't 
own) and that we got something for nothing.
I signed my land lease in 1991 - paying $500 to lease the land for about 92 
years.  Sounds like a sweet deal, doesn't it?  At the time, the Park Board 
estimated the value of the lot at $20,000 - probably about right.  In 1991, the 
East Bank didn't have all the swish condos it has now, it had a couple of 
residential towers, depressed retail and mostly abandoned, polluted industrial 
properties.  The Island itself was a recovering slum, having recently been 
completely condemned by the Park Board, the houses were either falling down or 
in the process of being restored - so $20,000 was about right.
In order to qualify for the deal, I had to restore my house at my own expense - 
up to Historical Preservation Commission standards.  It cost about $200,000 - 
my contractor estimated that it would have cost $30 - 40K less to build the 
house new rather than restore it (again - sounds cheap in today's housing 
market, but at the time it was a big stretch).  I have a copy of a letter 
written in the 70's from Charlie Nelson of the Historical Society, saying my 
house was too battered to be saved, couldn't be economically restored and 
should be torn down.  Fortunately, it wasn't.
I was the second person selected to restore my house, the first backed out 
after getiing estimates from contractors.  Phyllis Kahn was also the second 
person selected to restore her house - the first backed out for the same 
reason.  In the second lottery for her house, Phyllis and Don Kahn were the 
ONLY applicant.  Friends told us all we were nuts.
So, what seems in hindsight like a great deal was a very iffy deal at the time 
- we had to pay more than market value to fix up houses that nobody wanted on 
land we didn't own.  Sure the houses are worth a lot more now, but he lease 
provides that if we sell, we have to split the profits with the Park Board and 
the MCDA.
The 20 structures on the Island north of the tracks are actually 44 housing 
units - many are dulexes or 4-plexes.  22 of the units are affordable 
cooperative housing units.  There are also 2 condo building south of the tracks 
(Grove Street Flats and West Island).  We are just a regular neighborhood in 
what is now a very neat place.  
So while we are indeed lucky to live there, bashing Island residents as 
freeloaders is the shabby tactic of those who can't justify a bad proposal on 
its questionable merits and are trying to divert attention from a serious 
discussion of the real issues.
Barry Clegg
Nicollet Island

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[Mpls] Shegstad sought endorsement of all 4 major parties?

2005-08-09 Thread Linda Higgins
Dan McGrath stated: Dave Shegstad is, as mentioned, endorsed by the 5th CD
Republicans. He
sought the endorsement of all 4 major political parties in Minneapolis,
which includes the Republicans, the DFL, the Greens, and the Independence

This is a curious statement. Does Mr. Shegstad (whom I have never met) have
no core values that would align him with one party or the other? Why would
he seek endorsement of parties other than the one he aligns with? Or, if he
is an independent, why is he seeking the endorsement from ANY party? I can
think of no one else who, when denied endorsement from the Dems would go to
the Repubs for endorsement, or vice versa. I know when Natalie Johnson Lee
did not get endorsed by the Dems in 2001, she went to the Green Party for
endorsement, but they at least have similar stands on many topics. But going
to all four parties? How can you shop yourself to those who adhere to the
Republican platform, then go off and shop yourself to the Dems? That's not
being honest with someone - yourself, to start with.

Let's see: Today when I talk to the Rs, I'm prolife; but tomorrow when I
talk to the Ds, I'm prochoice? Today I'm for the war, but tomorrow I'm
against it? Today I'm for tax cuts, but tomorrow I'm a tax and spender?

Yikes. How is any voter supposed to know what this man believes in and how
he might act if elected?

Linda Higgins
Old Highland, fifth ward

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Re: [Mpls] DeLaSalle Alumni

2005-08-09 Thread David Greene

Pat Bohn wrote:

As a Northsider, I might add that the school board members didn't vote to
close schools that any of their children attend or the schools in the
neighborhoods where most of them live.


what school board members shouldn't do is somehow make those schools and
neighborhoods more important or deserving then any others.

Why not?  Why on earth would someone with the power to keep his or her
child's school open not vote that way?

Elected officials have their own self-interests and will operate on
them.  It is unrealistic to expect otherwise.  Our challenge is to
show them how their self-interest aligns with ours so that we can
work together.  This doesn't happen on every issue but it happens
more often than we think.  If I don't want my child's school closed,
I must convince the school board that it is in their self-interest
to keep it open.  Appealing to goodwill or some abstract sense of
right is not effective.

Of course, another option is to run for office as well and vote in
our own self-interest.

Self-interest isn't selfish.  A shrewd politician and a committed
citizen will always look for ways that his or her self-interest
aligns with others on either side of the aisle.

I believe one of the fundamental reasons that our political system
has broken down into partisan deadlock is that we don't really
understand this anymore.

David Greene
The Wedge
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[Mpls] Shegstad Endorsements

2005-08-09 Thread Aaron Klemz
While I did not participate in the Green Party
endorsement process (hopefully someone who did will
back me up), I disagree with the characterization that
Dave Bicking beat Shegstad to the application as
though the GP will endorse anyone. In fact, I can't
imagine the 5CDGP endorsing someone who's main
political issue seems to be a smoking ban repeal (that
would directly contravene a platform plank) and who
had sought and received the endorsement of the R

aaron klemz

Aaron Klemz, Minneapolis, Minnesota

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Re: [Mpls] DeLaSalle Alumni

2005-08-09 Thread mike skoglund
On Tue, August 9, 2005 9:58 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 I'm going to stop posting on this...after I respond to your comment :)
 Neither side is going to change their position, and I've just become too
 frustrated with those opposed to building the field changing their tactics
 and arguments daily from: (1) its bad for the island and the park should
 remain an open space (a good argument, one I disagree with but hey, I hear
 ya) to (2) any park commissioner that votes for this plan is voting for
 patronage, special interests and cronyism...i.e. they are corrupt
 (personal attacks with no support or basis save that a few of the
 Commissioners have or have had personal ties to DLS); to (3) separation of
 church and state (it was argued a lng time ago and now resurfaces
 with no explanation as to how this would constitute an endorsement or

People can reach a common conclusion for multiple reasons.  2 + 2 = 4, 3 +
1 = 4, and so on.  Now, I haven't followed the debate very closely, but
the more I read about this, the more I find myself agreeing with positions
1 and 2, above.

First, I just can't wrap my head around why the Park Board would be
interested in helping a high school to build an astroturfed stadium on
such a unique area of Minneapolis.  (I am more than willing to be educated
on the proposal.  It doesn't make sense to me, but I have an open mind.) 
I can understand the need for recreational facilities in general, but I
don't see any need for a stadium of that sort at that location -- unless
it's to benefit one particular group of constituents.

That brings up the second issue, which is that the Park Board appears to
have a majority that favors backroom deals and application of park
resources to favored friends and constituents.  I think you saw that in
the peculiar selection of Jon Gurban.  I think you saw that in the
outrageous attempt to limit free speech on park property.  I even think
you see that in Marie Hauser's campaign lit, which (if I remember
correctly) boasts of planting more trees in the Eighth Ward than any other
ward.  So the fact that the proponents of this plan have ties to DLS and
are vague on the details is bound to raise much more skepticism than if
another government body had taken up the issue.

I think that the combination of (1) a peculiar proposal; and (2) a park
board majority with severe credibility problems adds up to a lot of the
suspicion of this deal.

Mike Skoglund // Bancroft // Non-DLS Grad.

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Re: [Mpls] 9th Ward Signs

2005-08-09 Thread Russ Peterson
Corporations may have the right of free speech, but they do not get to vote and 
should not have undue influence on the rights of those who do.

For those interested, Minnesota Statues further clarifies the signage issue 

Subd. 11.  *  Messages on premises.*  It is not a 
violation of this section for a corporation selling products or 
services to the public to post on its public premises messages 
that promote participation in precinct caucuses, voter 
registration, or elections if the messages are not controlled by 
or operated for the advantage of a candidate, political party, 
or committee. 

When you read this in conjunction with 211B.15 Subdivisions, 1 and 2 it 
essentially means
that corporations can display general get out the vote signs such as Please 
Vote, but cannot
support any particular issue, party or candidate.  This is a widespread problem 
just in Minneapolis, but throughout our state. Our chief elections official, 
of State Kiffmeyer, has done nothing to stop this abuse of power.  

Russ Peterson
St. Michael 

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Re: [Mpls] 9th Ward Signs

2005-08-09 Thread Barbara Lickness
I have stated once before and will state again, not
all commercial sites in a neighborhood are owned or
operated by corporations. I will ask again Does
this law apply to sole proprietorships? Could someone
on this list with a law degree determine what
businesses fall within Subdivision 211B.15? If it
doesn't then it is perfectly  legal for a bar, corner
store, liquor store, non-chain restaurant or other
business to hang a political sign for their candidate
of choice.  

This isn't the first election where this issue has
been raised. 

Barb Lickness

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change 
the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -- Margaret Mead
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Re: [Mpls] 9th Ward Signs

2005-08-09 Thread wmmarks

Barbara Lickness wrote:

I have stated once before and will state again, not
all commercial sites in a neighborhood are owned or
operated by corporations. ]

Who cares? It would cost a blue fortune to police the stupid signs, the 
city has one guy assigned to signs, signs don't vote, and until they 
become more amusing by gigabytes, I think the darn things are nigh on to 
worthless. Plus, there's never any place to put them when the silly 
season is over. They languish, they catch dust, the cat knocks them 
down, and finally one pokes you in a soft spot and out they go to the 
landfill or the burner.

Now for something completely different. This is a plea to listers who 
garden. Where is the best place to buy good, not too spendy lesser 
bulbs--snowdrops, muscari, winter aconite, hooped petticoats, some 
narcissi--all the tiny, early bulbs? I'm looking for a city-yard-sized 
bulk buy on these little puppies.

BONUS (Yayzeau, I've been googling and it's screwed up the little gray 
cells): google, she says, recommending grey cell damage to others, and check out the Lenten Rose. Quelle treat 
for the eyes. Outrageously expensive, but that's what dreams are made 
of, ain't they?

Please contact me off list about the bulbs.

WizardMarks, Central

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Re: [Mpls] 9th Ward Signs

2005-08-09 Thread Andy Driscoll
Barbara is absolutely correct. Most retail businesses are sole
proprietorships or partnerships, neither of which fall under the corporate
rubric for purposes of campaign finance regulation. Retailers who allow
campaign signs in their windows are more likely single owners who have an ax
to grind and would otherwise be considered rather dumb for taking sides in a
political contest. Talk about turning off 30% to 50% of your customer base.

In St. Paul, back in the ancient days - 1993 - Landmark Brewery posted
campaigns signs for Dave Thune all around its very corporate digs along West
7th Street. For all the complaining we did about this apparently illegal
contribution, not a dent was made.  After all, Thune was an incumbent ward
heeler. The signs stayed, the powers silent.

Then again, most corporations don't care if their caught red-handed.

Andy Driscoll
Saint Paul
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‹ Plato

 Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing
is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity.
‹ Lord Acton

 From: Barbara Lickness [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have stated once before and will state again, not all commercial sites in
 a neighborhood are owned or operated by corporations. I will ask again
 Does this law apply to sole proprietorships? Could someone on this list
 with a law degree determine what businesses fall within Subdivision 211B.15?
 If it doesn't then it is perfectly  legal for a bar, corner store, liquor
 store, non-chain restaurant or other business to hang a political sign for
 their candidate of choice.
 This isn't the first election where this issue has been raised.
 Barb Lickness Whittier

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Re: [Mpls] 9th Ward Signs

2005-08-09 Thread Andy Driscoll
Ouch. I meant, don't care if THEY'RE caught red-handed. This from an
English user.

Andy Driscoll
Saint Paul

 From: Andy Driscoll [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Barbara is absolutely correct. Most retail businesses are sole
 proprietorships or partnerships, neither of which fall under the corporate
 rubric for purposes of campaign finance regulation. Retailers who allow
 campaign signs in their windows are more likely single owners who have an ax
 to grind and would otherwise be considered rather dumb for taking sides in a
 political contest. Talk about turning off 30% to 50% of your customer base.
 In St. Paul, back in the ancient days - 1993 - Landmark Brewery posted
 campaigns signs for Dave Thune all around its very corporate digs along West
 7th Street. For all the complaining we did about this apparently illegal
 contribution, not a dent was made.  After all, Thune was an incumbent ward
 heeler. The signs stayed, the powers silent.
 Then again, most corporations don't care if their caught red-handed.
 Andy Driscoll
 Saint Paul

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Re: [Mpls] 9th Ward Signs

2005-08-09 Thread mphilip451
I have a feeling that even if people challenged yard signs in 
businesses that they could go to court and win. It seems to me that it 
would end up being a violation of free speech... even if it is a 
corporation. I'm no expert... I just have a feeling that's how it would 
end up.

Matthew Philip
The Wedge
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[Mpls] A Savage Strib article

2005-08-09 Thread mphilip451
I was very disappointed in the article below. There was no mention of 
the boos that Harry garnered from the 10th Ward Caucus. Nor was there 
mention of how few votes he received at either event. This article 
clearly wasn't written by someone that was neither at the City 
Convention nor at the Ward Caucus. I respect that the Mr. Savages are 
putting in a lot of hard work, but this article made them seem like 
viable candidates and... well... that's quite unlikely. It seems an 
article focused on important issues in these races, or at least viable 
candidates, could have better served the public.

From Today's Star Tribune:

A noble twist to the Savage political campaign

Rochelle Olson

Star Tribune

Published August 9, 2005

The Savages want to be turned loose in Minneapolis City Hall.

 Harry Savage, whose chants of Run with the Harry Savage got the DFL 
city convention rocking last spring, is running for the Ward 10 City 
Council seat. His father, Gerald Savage, is running for mayor -- at his 
son's behest.

 He talked me into it. He really put the pressure on, Gerald Savage 

 Harry Savage said, My dad's always been boisterous about things going 

The Savages are both talkers with a lot of energy and strong opinions.

 Father and son say Hennepin County's proposal for a Twins stadium 
spurred their political activism. Both oppose the plan to finance a 
ballpark largely through a countywide sales-tax increase and have 
testified publicly against it.

Gerald Savage calls stadium subsidies immoral.

 We're sure shaking up the neighborhood, said Harry Savage, who 
recently graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in 

 Harry Savage works part time selling clothes at Marshall Field's and 
lives with his dad and mom, Gail, in the family's attentively restored 
house in the heart of Uptown.

 Harry Savage, who ultimately would like to work in public relations, 
said he was fond of the image of a father-son team seeking public 
office. But the two aren't political clones.

Harry is a 23-year-old DFLer. Gerald is a 57-year-old independent.

 Harry wants to allow smoking in bars because he said small business 
owners are hurting under the new ban. Gerald disagrees. I don't like 
going into a restaurant where they've got smoke, he said.

 The son is concerned about buildings that are too tall. His father is 
all for tall buildings, saying developers need them to profit as they 
renovate aging housing stock.

 But Gerald Savage's real passion appears to be trains and transit. 
Instead of spending on ballparks, he would invest money in a transit 
system that included subways.

 He points to New York's and Chicago's systems as models of city 
building. A train system would spur private investment and revitalize 
the city, Gerald Savage said.

 At the DFL city convention in May, Harry Savage unsuccessfully sought 
the party's endorsement for mayor. He railed single-mindedly against 
stadium subsidies even when he was asked to respond to questions on 
other topics. Addressing the crowd, he energized DFLers packed into the 
Augsburg College gym with his chant, Run with the Harry Savage.

Beyond ballpark

 Besides opposing the ballpark, Harry Savage's other positions include 
lowering taxes; cracking down on crime Giuliani-style, referring to 
the former New York mayor, and banning the conversion of rental 
properties to condominiums.

 Harry Savage is among a crowded field of candidates hoping to succeed 
Council Member Dan Niziolek, who isn't seeking reelection. Savage said 
he is starting his third round of door-knocking the entire ward, a 
critical campaign tactic.

Tight race

 The 10th Ward contest has a number of candidates capable of emerging 
from the Sept. 13 primary. The top two vote recipients will advance to 
a November runoff. The other contenders are Allan Bernard, Tom Moore, 
Gay Noble, Scott Persons and Ralph Remington.

 The Savage son thinks he has a legitimate chance to advance, but is 
also philosophical. Referencing former President Abraham Lincoln's 
political losses, he said: You have to lose a few before you win.

 The senior Savage is also realistic about his own chances. I'm not 
actively campaigning. I'm campaigning for him, Gerald Savage said, 
gesturing toward his son while sitting at the family's dining room 
table. I probably have no chance at all. He's got a shot.

 The Savages say with some campaign bravado that despite their lack of 
experience, they offer an alternative.

Read what the other guys say. It's fluff, Gerald Savage said.

Harry Savage added, They haven't said anything.

Rochelle Olson is at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Matthew Philip
 The Wedge
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[Mpls] SHEGSTAD...glbt issues?

2005-08-09 Thread Gina Palandri
And lets call Shegstad and see how he feels on GLBT issueswould he  
feel one way one way another I hear the word flip  

9th Ward and very happy with my current councilperson.

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[Mpls] Re: Shegstad sought endorsement of all 4 major parties?

2005-08-09 Thread Tim Bonham

Dan McGrath stated: Dave Shegstad is, as mentioned, endorsed by the 5th CD
Republicans. He sought the endorsement of all 4 major political 
parties in Minneapolis,
which includes the Republicans, the DFL, the Greens, and the 
Independence Party.

I have to wonder just what he did to 'seek endorsement' of the DFL party.

The Minutes of the DFL 9th Ward Convention (online at don't mention him as 
running for the endorsement.  In fact, they specifically say that the 
chair called for nominations 4 times before closing nominations, with 
only Gary Schiff nominated.  Seems like if you are seeking the DFL 
endorsement, the minimum you would do is place your name in 
nomination for the endorsement.  At the very least, that gets you a 
half-hour to make a speech  answer questions to a group of highly 
active political activists.

And Mr. Shegstad did not have any literature distributed at the 9th 
Ward Precinct Caucuses, like a whole lot of candidates for various 
offices did.  Nor did he get the list of delegates to the Convention 
to mail anything to them asking for their endorsement.

So I can't see that he did anything at all to 'seek the endorsement' 
of the DFL party.

Can he explain to us how he 'sought endorsement'?

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson

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[Mpls] viable Savage, Ward 10

2005-08-09 Thread Thomas A. Moore

but this article made them seem like
viable candidates.

How is any Ward Ten candidate more viable than Mr. Savage?  Harry 
has been doing a lot of door knocking and leaflet-dropping in the 
Ward.  His leaflets/flyers come out against the ballpark and against 
the condo-ization of the Ward, two sentiments that find favor with 
many and probably the majority of the Ward (but not myself).

No other candidate, in my opinion, is a relatively strong 
candidate.  Most of us lack City Hall experience, and those with 
experience lack, in my opinion, charisma and vision (or at least the 
ability to communicate it).

You can find past primary stats on the city's web page.  It looks to 
me that, with six candidates running to win this seat, it will take 
about a thousand votes to get through the primary - maybe even less 
(and that's if a whopping 25% of already-registered voters bother 
to vote.).  I've talked to a couple of dozen Savage supporters 
myself, just in my precinct and one precinct adjacent to it - they 
like his flyers, and they think his Giuliani-style crackdown idea 
is a real riot, to put it one way.

Sure, Harry was booed at the DFL convention, but how many voters does 
an all-day, city convention truly influence, especially when there is 
no endorsement?

Thank God for the community papers (and radio), who have been 
covering us all pretty even-handedly.  And the Strib is profiling 
EVERY municipal candidate, no matter how viable, both online 
(appearing soon) and in their pre-election supplement.  That's a plus 
for democracy, I believe.

We (well, many of us) complain when candidates are shut-out of 
coverage and debates per viability at the national/federal level 
(believe me, having backed Nader back in '96, and Kucinich in '04), 
so why not err on the side of inclusion at the municipal level?

- Tom Moore
Wedge Neighborhood
Ward Ten Candidate, City Council

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Re: [Mpls] 9th Ward Signs

2005-08-09 Thread athmpsn77
The law says that corporations or LLCs cant put up a sign to advocate on behalf 
of a candidate.  My read of the statute leads me to believe that sole 
proprietors can still put up signs.
But the law also OKs taking city money, putting out a Ward 9 (or City) 
Newsletter with your picture on the cover?
I think I read somewhere that Rybak was paying some percent of the printing 
costs...did Schiff ever do the same?
Anthony Thompson
(Soon to be former Ward 9 resident)
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[Mpls] Re: Mpls Digest, Vol 20, Issue 19 Re: Nicollet Island

2005-08-09 Thread Phyllis Kahn
Let me add a few comments on the separation of Church and State  issue.
This is from a conversation that Patrick Scully (An Island resident and
the force behind Patrick's Cabaret) had with Brother Michael Collins
(principal of DeLaSalle). Remember this is supposed to be a public
space, under the ultimate control of a public entity as MN state bonding
$$ were used to purchase the park land involved. Patrick asked what
would happen if a group wanted to use this space for an Abortion Rights
or a GLBT event. Brother Michael said that permission would have to come
from the Archdiocese. It is true he was just answering off the top of
his head, but it doesn't sound like appropriate park board policy to

Phyllis Kahn State Rep 59B
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[Mpls] Neighbors Working With Neighbors

2005-08-09 Thread terry
Join us to help create a stronger community in working together to keep our
neighborhoods safe, and peaceful.  We also would like you to thank Pastor
Curtis, and members of his congregation, who put themselves out there all
summer on Saturdays with  barbeques. It is a safer corner when they are out.  
Water will be provided, but there will be charge for food.

Date:  August 13th
Time:  4:00-5:00 p.m.
Place:  Corner of 38th and Chicago Ave S
(Parking Lot)

Zak Metoyer, Dennis Tifft, Terry Yzaguirre
8th Ward Candidates

Terry Yzaguirre
8th Ward Candidate
Powderhorn Park

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RE: [Mpls] A Savage Strib article

2005-08-09 Thread G. R. Anderson
Re: The post below: I can assure you that Rochelle Olson was at the city 
convention, because I was with her (and other newsies) until the bitter, 
protracted end. I can't speak to the ward convention, but the implication here 
is that Rochelle doesn't understand city politics or attend city events. 
This is pure hogwash. As a nominal competitor, I'm constantly struggling to 
attend as many events as Rochelle, and usually impressed by her determined 
reporting. In fact, it's doubtful you could find another reporter in town more 
attentive to city politics (though some may be on equal footing). Finally, my 
perspective here is strictly professional, not at all personal.
My take is that it's a human interest piece that uses city politics as an entry 
point. That said, it's clear where both candidates stand on several issues. 
It may not be the story you want to see about Ward 10, but rest assured, it was 
written by an informed reporter. 
G.R. Anderson Jr.
News Editor
City Pages

Sent: Tue 8/9/2005 1:42 PM
Subject: [Mpls] A Savage Strib article

I was very disappointed in the article below. There was no mention of
the boos that Harry garnered from the 10th Ward Caucus. Nor was there
mention of how few votes he received at either event. This article
clearly wasn't written by someone that was neither at the City
Convention nor at the Ward Caucus. I respect that the Mr. Savages are
putting in a lot of hard work, but this article made them seem like
viable candidates and... well... that's quite unlikely. It seems an
article focused on important issues in these races, or at least viable
candidates, could have better served the public.

 Matthew Philip
  The Wedge

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[Mpls] A Savage Strib article

2005-08-09 Thread Nathan Hunstad
Anybody who wishes to see how viable Harry Savage's campaign is, or
any other 10th Ward candidate's campaign, should go to the Uptown area
DFL meetup at Gigi's Cafe (36th Street and Bryant) at 7 P.M.  Many, if
not most, of the 10th Ward candidates will probably be there to speak
with residents.  Harry Savage is a regular attendee.

Nathan Hunstad
Minneapolis, MN
PGP DH/DSS public key --
Do you Gonzo?!
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[Mpls] Pawlenty Scolds Minneapolis on DWI Memo

2005-08-09 Thread WLDJ36
Governor Pawlenty is none to happy with a city memo that suggests lenient  
treatment of DWI offenders. The story with the Pawlenty sound bite was on  
WCCO-TV this evening. Here is a quote from a story on the CCO web site at 
In an internal memo obtained by WCCO-TV, a top city attorney said drivers  
who blow a .10 or less should be given a careless driving or other appropriate 

That  recommendation applies if it is the offender's first DWI, there was not 
an  accident and the driver cooperates with sobriety tests, the memo said.
Bill Dooley

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Re: [Mpls] Pawlenty Scolds Minneapolis on DWI Memo - What a hypocrit

2005-08-09 Thread Barbara Lickness
I am outraged that Governor Pawlenty has never seen fit to using the media to 
complain far and loud about how the Hennepin County Judges routinely abdicate 
from the minimum required sentencing guidelines established by the State of 
Minnesota when they are dealing with violent criminals and inner-city drug 
dealers. He has stood by silently while this travesty has been allowed to 
continue for years. So has the legislature, including the entire Minneapolis 
Last night I attended the Community Issues meeting of my neighborhood. A 
fabulous and hard working police Lt. attended the meeting to give a 
presentation on crime in Whittier. I am not giving her name because I don't 
want any flack to fall back on her for her honest assessment. She gave a long 
dissertation of what the Community Response Team is responsible for in any 
given day. The list went way beyond my sense of reason but hey that's 
At the conclusion of her presentation she asked the audience for their help. 
She asked that we plead with the Hennepin County Judges to stop letting the 
criminals back out on the street on a routine basis and to put pressure on them 
to send some of these criminals to prison. She said that it is the same 5-10% 
of the criminals that are committing most of the crimes. She said her officers 
are arresting them over and over and over again. She gave pointed examples of 
violent crimes that occur ed which may have been prevented if that criminal had 
been incarcerated in the first place. She said if her officers were not 
continually bogged down in arresting the same people all the time the entire 
police force could do with way less officers. Ya know, the people like Terry 
McMasters and others that have multiple arrests on their record and are allowed 
to continue terrorizing communities like mine. You would think our mayor and 
city council members would want to jump on that fact. If th
 e city
 could save money in the police budget by documenting how much we are paying to 
arrest the same people over and over and over again maybe seeing some dollar 
signs might hit home with some of these judges. I am not talking about 
misdemeanor crimes here. I am talking felonies. 
We saw how quickly people started to pay attention when the crystal meth became 
a problem in suburban and rural communities. The legislators were ready to 
change the law to ensure the crystal meth criminals went to jail at the expense 
of the crack heads. Because we all know crack is largely an inner-city crime 
and who cares about the inner-city? They were even getting help in their quest 
from a legislator in North Minneapolis. 
I get a little sick of the double standard. What's not o.k. in Stillwater is 
just fine in Whittier or Phillips or Jordan or Hawthorne.  
Barb Lickness

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change 
the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -- Margaret Mead
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[Mpls] Church State?

2005-08-09 Thread nikkicarlson001
I really feel icky responding to this. Like I've been dragged in the mud. But 
this is really sad.
I think this is a red herring, and perhaps even a bit of a canard.
I was there. Patrick Scully only asked about an abortion rights rally. He never 
mentioned any sort of GLBT event or concerns.
Brother Michael in turn asked him how often there are pro-choice rallys on 
athletic fields.
Nikki Carlson, Linden Hills
Pro-choice, DeLaSalle parent, and GLBT parent
Phyllis Kahn wrote:   Let me add a few comments on the separation of Church 
and State issue. This is from a conversation that Patrick Scully (An Island 
resident and the force behind Patrick's Cabaret) had with Brother Michael 
Collins (principal of DeLaSalle). Remember this is supposed to be a public 
space, under the ultimate control of a public entity as MN state bonding $$ 
were used to purchase the park land involved. Patrick asked what would happen 
if a group wanted to use this space for an Abortion Rights or a GLBT event. 
Brother Michael said that permission would have to come from the Archdiocese. 
It is true he was just answering off the top of his head, but it doesn't sound 
like appropriate park board policy to me.
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Re: [Mpls] Pawlenty Scolds Minneapolis on DWI Memo - What a hypocrit

2005-08-09 Thread Michellehill64
Atta girl Barb..

Remember this without crime we would be able to downsize the police 
department and the number of judges hearing criminal cases. I'll bet there are 
no drug 
dealers or gang-related shooting outside our judges front doors. I was told by 
a female sergeant that the criminals are back on the street before the ink on 
a police report is dry.

The issue is not just the judges it is the city and county attorneys too. 
Here you have attorneys who offer plea agreements in drug cases and take 
disorderly conducts to trial, wasting our dollars. Let's not forget that 
Clemons/Flowers trial that the city shelled out over $70,000.00(According to 
Spokesman-Recorder) only to have a jury say not guilty and that the case should 
never gone to trial. 

How about the drug dealer guy who said the police used a plunger on him, 
which I never believed. Where is he? The city got so sidetracked by his lie 
they seem to have forgotten he is a drug dealer who has wrecked havoc on the 

If you are going to get mad, you have to include every one who has power to 
make change in drug and gang cases. The judge, in most cases, accept the plea 
agreements from the city and county attorney. 

I spoke with a Judge years ago, when most of you will recall the HOTSPOTS and 
CODEFOR, which preceded STOP, was implemented. The only group not at the 
table were judges. 

Meth, Crack, Cocaine, Heroin.I don't care what the drug is and where it 
is being served there should be mandatory sentencing in those cases. But that 
will not ever happen. What happened to the two Minneapolis City Attorneys 
busted in the drug raid? Their evidence was thrown out by a judge the last I 
Things that make you go Hmm. 

Michelle Hill
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Re: [Mpls] viable Savage, Ward 10

2005-08-09 Thread Dorie Rae Gallagher
Harry, also had people stand up for him after his first speech. If he was in 
12..I would
vote for him since I favor someone who can speak their mind, have a bit of 

and takes a stand on secrets there! I believe he would
be a hard worker;  he is as bright as any in office today and seems to have
the passion.

Anyone who has tossed their hat into the ring and paid the money should be 

as a viable them or not. Go Harry!
dorie gallagher/nokomis

Sure, Harry was booed at the DFL convention, but how many voters does an 
all-day, city convention truly influence, especially when there is no 

- Tom Moore
Wedge Neighborhood
Ward Ten Candidate, City Council

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[Mpls] DeLasalle and process issues

2005-08-09 Thread Peter Vevang
In my mind this whole controversy over DeLaSalle boils down to process 
and management.  If we look back on what has happened so far, we can see 
that it was not only poorly planned and executed, but was manhandled by 
the Park Board.  At the core of the Park Boards problems is the lack of 
controls and process that would have avoided this kind of situation.

1) Planning
We are not following any kind of master planning strategy.  As a result 
our Park Board does not have a long term vision and bounces from project 
to project without looking at the impact on future park development, 
city development goals and future financial requirements.  We are not 
implement policy in a systematic, comprehensive or thorough way leading 
toward defined goals.  Planning provides clear criteria for land use and 
explicit justifications for decisions.  A planned process eliminates 
many arbitrary or capricious decisions and provides a context that can 
demonstrate the effectiveness, fairness or appropriateness of land use 

2) Financial controls
We do not have a firm grasp on what money is coming in and where it is 
going.  The Park Board has been unable or unwilling to publish a 
comprehensive budget that thoroughly accounts for spending on particular 
parks or by district needs.  We simply do not have the data necessary to 
properly analyze or critique spending decisions.  Park Board spending 
priorities are difficult to determine.  We do not know if fiscal 
controls are truly in poor shape or if resources are simply being mis 
allocated, the information provided for public scrutiny is not detailed 
enough to know.  Some money has simply 'disappeared'.

3) Projects, Contracts and Contract Negotiations.
Projects and development schemes are negotiated in isolation, without 
the knowledge or consent of some Park Board commissioners.  Projects are 
put forward without a proper vetting process.  Projects sometimes seem 
to be started by ronin management, organized behind closed doors and 
implement under the radar.  From the outside this all has a smarmy 
appearance.  To make matters worse projects have been negotiated and 
deals were sealed that the Park Board is not fully authorized to make, 
or without proper indemnification leading to a wide variety of avoidable 
legal and financial liabilities.  Civil Service hiring rules have been 
ignored or not fully followed and employment contracts have been signed 
without proper oversight.  Park resources of the highest value are being 
taken out of the public domain and are being contracted and leased out 
for returns that are below market value.  Contracts have been signed 
with private sector vendors that allocate Park Resources to 'bring in 
money', but the life cycle cost for administering the contract sometimes 
exceeds payments, requiring taxpayers to indirectly subsidize private 
vendor operations.  Park finances are routinely exposed to high risk 
financial and legal situations, without commensurate benefits for the 
public in general.  This is a distraction and financial drain on core 
park services.  A couple of questions quickly show the practical nature 
of this problem with regards to the DeLaSalle negotiations, the answers 
seem unclear to me:

   A) Who is in charge of negotiations, who is the decision maker for
   the Park Board? 
   B) Does the decision maker have ultimate responsibility for vetting
   and directing that process and do they have full oversight authority? 
   C) If they do not have full oversight authority and access to all

   contract documents and negotiation proceedings are they the actual
   decision maker? 
   D) Is the real decision maker elected? 
   E) Is the decision maker following Park Board rules, and if not, why
   F) What responsibility does the decision maker have to voters if any? 
   G) Does the decision maker have a personal interest in this, is he
   obligated to be fair? 

4) Core Park Services
All services have suffered and are not being delivered efficiently.  
Dutch elm removals, Park Maintenance (swamp of the isles, decaying 
playground equipment etc.), youth activities and other core services are 
falling below what has been delivered in the past and are being 
delivered in a way that is not making full and efficient use of taxpayer 
dollars.  Wasteful and redundant management is being added while park 
maintenance staff is being cut, placing an undue burden on existing 
staff and leading to deferred or incomplete maintenance of some areas.  
Park operations have become top heavy with too much innefficient 
management and too few workers and staff.  Some Park Board mission 
priorities are shifting from providing general park services towards 
being an entertainment provider and facilities management group and 
skills like grounds keeping, horticulture and urban forestry are not 
being given proper respect.  Park resources are being fragmented, 
degraded, dispersed and allowed to decay.

Re: [Mpls] DeLaSalle Alumni

2005-08-09 Thread md
Jim Bernstein said:
There are a number of alternatives available for De La Salle 
if it wishes to have its own stadium

What ARE the alternatives?

We've discussed astroturf and two closed roads and a stadium
or having DeLaSalle continue what they've done in the past...
or busing the kids to Boom Island, Fort Snelling, etc.

Someone out there has thought of one or more
solutions that would work for everyone.

Share the knowledge.   What solutions?   

Madeline Douglass

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Re: [Mpls] Pawlenty Scolds Minneapolis on DWI Memo - What a hypocrit

2005-08-09 Thread Constance Nompelis
The problems I hear being discussed strike me as
*Minneapolis* problems... that is not to say that the
Governor shouldn't be involved, but let me ask this:
how many have actually contacted the Governor about
their concerns in the neighborhood or in the city?

Any takers?

Minnesota is a pretty big state.  If you don't tell
the Governor what's going on in your neck of the woods
you can't very well expect the man to come running
over to your block party or calling you up if your
neighbor runs a crack house.

(I do know that Don Samuels has contacted him
regarding violence in Jordan, and was pleased to see
that he got some results.  Good for Don; good for Tim)

But I have a sneaking suspicion that those who are
quickest to blame our city problems on the Guv are
those who would be least likely to give him a real and
earnest telephone call...

Just trying to be fair in West Phillips, 
(and NOT an employee or volunteer of Governor

Connie Nompelis
West Phillips  Powderhorn

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Atta girl Barb..
 Remember this without crime we would be able to
 downsize the police 
 department and the number of judges hearing criminal
 cases. I'll bet there are no drug 
 dealers or gang-related shooting outside our judges
 front doors. I was told by 
 a female sergeant that the criminals are back on the
 street before the ink on 
 a police report is dry.
 The issue is not just the judges it is the city and
 county attorneys too. 
 Here you have attorneys who offer plea agreements in
 drug cases and take 
 disorderly conducts to trial, wasting our dollars.
 Let's not forget that 
 Clemons/Flowers trial that the city shelled out over
 $70,000.00(According to the 
 Spokesman-Recorder) only to have a jury say not
 guilty and that the case should have 
 never gone to trial. 
 How about the drug dealer guy who said the police
 used a plunger on him, 
 which I never believed. Where is he? The city got so
 sidetracked by his lie that 
 they seem to have forgotten he is a drug dealer who
 has wrecked havoc on the 
 If you are going to get mad, you have to include
 every one who has power to 
 make change in drug and gang cases. The judge, in
 most cases, accept the plea 
 agreements from the city and county attorney. 
 I spoke with a Judge years ago, when most of you
 will recall the HOTSPOTS and 
 CODEFOR, which preceded STOP, was implemented. The
 only group not at the 
 table were judges. 
 Meth, Crack, Cocaine, Heroin.I don't care what
 the drug is and where it 
 is being served there should be mandatory sentencing
 in those cases. But that 
 will not ever happen. What happened to the two
 Minneapolis City Attorneys 
 busted in the drug raid? Their evidence was thrown
 out by a judge the last I heard. 
 Things that make you go Hmm. 
 Michelle Hill
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[Mpls] 8th ward candidate fora?

2005-08-09 Thread Steve Brandt
Perhaps it's just that it's summer, or maybe I've passed too many times on 
reading posts.  But I'm in the dark about upcoming pre-primary candidate fora 
for our crowded 8th ward ballot.  I had a chance to listen to the candidates 
last spring in the SW Journal/SS Pride forum, but came away without a clear 
favorite, and would like to see how the candidates have developed since then.  
Does anybody know the times and places?

Steve Brandt
The Tail on the 8th Ward Dog

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Re: [Mpls] Pawlenty Scolds Minneapolis on DWI Memo - What a hypocrit

2005-08-09 Thread Michellehill64
I agree with Connie Nompelis that people should express issues with the 
governor, but in the case of crime in Minneapolis the Governor only needs to 
up a newspaper or watch the news to know that there is a crime, drug and gang 
problem in Minneapolis.

It is his responsibility to know what is going on in Minnesota, and 
Minneapolis is a part of Minnesota. My issue is not with the governor, but with 
who govern within Minneapolis. But he too bears responsibility for the safety 
of all in Minnesota, not just those driving drunk.

I will take your advise and call the governor to ask if he knows there is a 
crime, gang and drug problem in Minneapolis and the residents are fed 

Michelle Hill
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Re: [Mpls] Nicollet Island - Closing Another Street?

2005-08-09 Thread stack
I phoned MPRB today, and was informed by Judd 
Rietkerk, Director Of Planning, that East Island 
Ave. would not be closed by the proposed DeLasalle 

Originally, I was confused as to exactly which 
portions of which streets would be closed. So, I 
emailed Commissioner Mason, and she forwarded my 
question to MPRB staff. Don Siggelkow, MPRB General 
Manager, replied with a note that indicated the 
closing of a segment of East Island Ave. Questioning 
this reply, I emailed again. And received a second 
reply from Mr Sigglekow, again indicating the closing 
of a segment of E. Island Ave. 

Then after receiving several messages from credible 
sources doubting this statement, I emailed Mr. 
Siggelkow a third time - and have not yet received a 
reply to this third email. And actually, since 
talking to Mr. Rietkerk on the phone today, I now 
feel comfortable that I have the answer to the street 
closing question. However, I must say that I am 
rather dismaying at being given bad information, and 
needlessly causing unease in a number of folks.

Dave Stack

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[Mpls] DeLaSalle Alumni

2005-08-09 Thread Barry Clegg
Madeline Douglass said:
Jim Bernstein said:

There are a number of alternatives available for De La Salle 
if it wishes to have its own stadium

What ARE the alternatives?

We've discussed astroturf and two closed roads and a stadium
or having DeLaSalle continue what they've done in the past...
or busing the kids to Boom Island, Fort Snelling, etc.

Someone out there has thought of one or more
solutions that would work for everyone.

Share the knowledge.   What solutions?   

Madeline Douglass

Barry says:
The alternatives that have been suggested include the following:
1.  Play at an existing city school field.  This would mean some sort of
agreement with the School Board, but they have lots of fields and it
would be hard for them to turn down if DeLaSalle dangled even a little
of the 2 plus million dollars they want to spend here.  I asked Brother
Michael at the Nicollet Island East Bank Board Meeting if they'd thought
of using the Minneapolis North field - about 5 minutes away by bus.  He
said the neighborhood was too bad.  Ouch!  I lived a block away from
that field for 14 years - my dogs loved running the track.
2.  Play at an existing City Park field. According to the Park Board
website, there are more than 10 within a few minutes by bus.  They are
not as improved as DeLaSalle wants - but again $2 millski goes a long
way to fix up a field.
3.  Parade Stadium has been suggested to DeLaSalle - even by Park Board
4.  Webster Open School is on the list of schools to be closed.  It's
about 6 blocks from DeLaSalle and it has a field.  It's an obvious
5.  Other?  The neighborhood and adjacent neighborhoods have offered to
work with the school to find other alternatives.  DeLaSalle hasn't been
interested.  The above are the specific options that have been
When asked at the last neighborhood-wide meeting whether any
alternatives had been considered, a DeLaSalle representative reponded
that they would look at other alternatives if and when they didn't get
their field on Nicollet Island.
I am not a DeLaSalle basher.  I am glad to have the school as a neighbor
and consider myself a supporter.  I AM disappointed that the school has
not engaged either the Park Board or the community in a serious
discussion about alternatives.  All of the above proposals are factual
and documented.
Barry Clegg
Nicollet Island
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[Mpls] RE: Mayoral Candidate Don Johnson....

2005-08-09 Thread Gary Hoover
Mayoral candidate Don Johnson had a table and was handing out flyers at 
Lynnhurst Park at the Neighborhood Festival the other night, along with other 
candidates for Mayor and City Council.

I guess Don Johnson is spending about a thousand bucks on his campaign.  How 
much are other Mayoral Candidates spending, and on what?

Mr. Johnson has some good visionary ideas available at:  

The Observer did a blurb on his campaign here:

I'm curious to know what list members think of Mr. Johnson's rather visionary 
candidacy as compared to others.

Does he raise important issues?  Could Minneapolis be heading down the wrong 
path in terms of ecological and economic development?  Could Minneapolitans 
choose truly ecological economic development even if we wanted to do so?  Do 
most Minneapolitans care enough to make sustainable development an issue?

-- pedaling for peace and ecojustice from Lynnhurst --
Gary Hoover
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[Mpls] Don Johnson

2005-08-09 Thread David A. Greene

Gary Hoover wrote:

The Observer reports on Johnson's campaign:

The Don Johnson mayoral campaign continues to churn out material. The 
latest salvo promises that a Johnson administration would reduce taxes, 
pollution and greenhouse gasses and build renewable energy with state 
and federal funds that would not only produce thousands of kilowatts of 
free, clean electricity and not only produce thousands of jobs, but most 
importantly stop the flow of billions of dollars out of our city and 
state by reducing our overuse of fossil and nuclear fuels.

(   )

I think Johnson is right on target.  I

You do?

The Observer's report is dangerously incomplete.

I'm concerned that you are so quick to endorse a candidate who is
anti-immigrant, pro-sprawl and stuck in the frame that taxes are

Johnson puts forward untruths (most of the University stadium is
privately funded), makes misleading statements (internet over
the electrical grid is hardly proven technology) and lacks the
vision to understand how well-planned urban development can
positively impact our region.

His rant about elms is simply bizarre.

Johnson has a lot of ideas.  Whether they are good should be
seriously questioned.

David Greene
The Wedge
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[Mpls] (no subject)

2005-08-09 Thread Gina Palandri

Dan quipped
Setting aside the fact that Dave Shegstad has never held public office,
asking neighbors, What has Dave Shegstad done for you? would reveal some
pretty interesting stories. He's pretty tight-lipped about such things, but
I've heard some stories from his brother, such as the elderly neighbor who
needed a new roof, but didn't have the resources to have one put on her
house. Dave got in his truck, picked up the materials with his own money,
and put the roof on with his own sweat. Shegstad is well known around the
neighborhood as good samaritan. He's volunteered to serve on advisory
boards, worked as a volunteer precinct leader, mentored first-time small
business owners, and helped to keep us safe with service in the National
Guard, and Minneapolis Police Reserves.

Sounds just like my next door neighbor-only I do not think she should run  
for city council...and we all do charity work.  I gave all my election  
judge earnings to planned parenthood on ford parkway...and I mentor small  
business owners all the time.  And I have kept the neighbor safe reporting  
the bad houses...I am sure we can come up with what has been done in  
Ward 9starting with some pretty fine coffee and a great building to  
look at on the corner.

Gina Palandri
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[Mpls] Council to Consider Protecting Neighborhood Funds

2005-08-09 Thread Craig Cox

Council to Consider Protecting Neighborhood Funds
City Council president Paul Ostrow on Tuesday waded into the 
turbulent waters of Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) 
politics to clarify what he said is the city's murky handling of 
neighborhood organization revenues.

Go to:
Craig Cox
The Minneapolis Observer

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[Mpls] [Bloomington] July/August issue of the Watchdog News available online

2005-08-09 Thread Watchdog
Hi Everyone,

I finally have the latest copy of the Watchdog on the web site. At the
moment it's a 12MB PDF file, but we hope to be able to reduce the file size
for any of you that have not joined the high-bandwidth bandwagon. Please
contact me if you cannot deal with this big version.

The new web site should be ready soon with any luck and editorial approval.
The new site will feature issues that have been converted to HTML for easier
online viewing. Any comments about the paper can be directed to me, and I
can see they are passed on, or just passed up. With the advent of the new
site will come email address access to the editor, staff, advertising, etc.

We are looking for comments and suggestions for the site if you have any.
Some ideas that have been tossed around are Forums, Blogs, Classifieds,
Email alerts, RSS feeds, Reader newsletters, Letters to the Editor, Public
Comment, Ask the Webmaster, local business profiles, and a few mumbled from
the back of the room that were not fully articulated.

At the next meeting I am going to suggest that we consider hosting a
discussion list, not unlike this one. We are not looking to compete, but
rather fill a need that I have observed here. Our discussion list would
encourage flaming, insulting, belittling, berating, browbeating,
intimidation, name-calling, scorn, scoffing, dismissiveness, and general
lack of regard for the feelings of others, respect of their viewpoints (no
matter how logical or verifiable), and no semblance of professionalism. And
we will allow extensive email signatures and you will finally be able to
include all of the previous messages and replies every time you post. Think
how much that will speed up the posting process...!

My suggestion for this format is to provide what some are looking for, but
also because I will not have to provide the hours of (mostly) thankless work
that moderators of well-run lists like this one must put in to keep it
maintained. No, the only work I will have to do is delete the occasional ad
for body part enhancements or Nigerian princes looking for safe passage to
the US. On second thought, I doubt anyone would notice...

Thank you,
Chris Nielsen, webmaster
The Watchdog News

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Re: [Mpls] RE: Mayoral Candidate Don Johnson....

2005-08-09 Thread Matty Lang
From the Don Johnson for mayor website:  
Building ever more hi-rise housing is going to bring more congestion, crowding 
and pollution and encourage more immigration into our city.
 But, of course, foot and bicycle are better ways to move about the city. We 
should be encouraging or rewarding people who don't use internal combustion 
Matty Lang
Gary Hoover [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mayoral candidate Don Johnson had a table and was handing out flyers at 
Lynnhurst Park at the Neighborhood Festival the other night, along with other 
candidates for Mayor and City Council.

I guess Don Johnson is spending about a thousand bucks on his campaign. How 
much are other Mayoral Candidates spending, and on what?

Mr. Johnson has some good visionary ideas available at: 

The Observer did a blurb on his campaign here: 

I'm curious to know what list members think of Mr. Johnson's rather visionary 
candidacy as compared to others.

Does he raise important issues? Could Minneapolis be heading down the wrong 
path in terms of ecological and economic development? Could Minneapolitans 
choose truly ecological economic development even if we wanted to do so? Do 
most Minneapolitans care enough to make sustainable development an issue?

-- pedaling for peace and ecojustice from Lynnhurst --
Gary Hoover
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[Mpls] mprb meeting minutes

2005-08-09 Thread Jason C Stone

Earlier today, someone mustered up the energy to create  post meeting minutes 
for the 8/3
meeting- which is a step in the right direction.  Absent from the official 
record are
commissioners' votes (except when roll is called).

Jason Stone
Diamond Lake
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Re: [Mpls] (no subject)

2005-08-09 Thread Dorie Rae Gallagher

Dan happens to be a very nice person and has had a business in this
area for years. He has brought stability to an area that has had it's
ups and downs. He has brought a service to those of us who have
needed fencing. He has maintained a business that is run on honest
hard work. He has been very involved within the community.

He is not in my district but once again...don't discount people who
have the guts to toss their hats into the ring because they feel that there
are problems and they would like to help solve them. Is that not what
elections are for? Better than spewing on the net.

dorie gallagher/nokomis

Gina quipped:

I doubt it will be a very spirited race...but Dan, you can dream if you
But lets ask the neighbors, what has Shegstad done for us??

Setting aside the fact that Dave Shegstad has never held public office,
asking neighbors, What has Dave Shegstad done for you? would reveal some
pretty interesting stories
Dan McGrath

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[Mpls] In Ballot Box: Hodges Confident in Race Against Park Board Prez

2005-08-09 Thread Craig Cox
In Ballot Box: Hodges Confident in Race Against Park Board Prez; also 
Colvin Roy and the stormwater controversy

Go to: and click on Ballot Box
Craig Cox
The Minneapolis Observer

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[Mpls] R-E-S-P-E-C-T

2005-08-09 Thread Robert Lilligren
Dorie Rae Gallagher writes:
Anyone who has tossed their hat into the ring and paid the money should be
respected as a viable candidate...

I would like to edit Ms. Gallagher's fine statement to read, Anyone who has
tossed their hat into the ring and paid the money should be respected

For me, all candidates in our municipal elections are worthy of respect
regardless of their viability. These are our friends and neighbors who have
stepped forward and taken risks. They've put themselves out there because
they feel they have something to offer.

I've been distressed lately by the lack of respect shown by some candidates
and their supporters to their opponents; especially in races with lots of
challengers. I urge voters to pay attention to how a candidate and their
campaign treat the competition. This, I believe, is a pretty good indicator
of how s/he will behave in office.

It is impossible to agree with your elected representatives 100 percent of
the time. When you disagree with, or challenge him/her do you want your
council member to become disrespectful, argumentative and belittling? Or
would you prefer him/her to participate in, or lead, a respectful and robust

A public debate which invites and respects the broadest viewpoints will
result in an outcome where the highest number of people will see their
interests represented.

It's up to us, the people, to keep it respectful and keep it real. The
broader public's role is to demand respectful discourse. The candidate and
his/her supporters' role is to provide it.

Robert Lilligren
Council Member Ward 8
Candidate Ward 6
Phillips West

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Re: [Mpls] R-E-S-P-E-C-T

2005-08-09 Thread Laura and lloyd

On Tuesday, August 9, 2005, at 11:04  PM, Robert Lilligren wrote:

For me, all candidates in our municipal elections are worthy of respect
regardless of their viability. These are our friends and neighbors who 
stepped forward and taken risks. They've put themselves out there 

they feel they have something to offer.

I've been distressed lately by the lack of respect shown by some 
and their supporters to their opponents; especially in races with lots 
challengers. I urge voters to pay attention to how a candidate and 
campaign treat the competition. This, I believe, is a pretty good 

of how s/he will behave in office.

THANK YOU CM Lilligren for this timely and important message.

And THANKS to Arthur Himmelman for his message:

On Friday, August 5, 2005, at 09:22  AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I realize that this may be an unrealistic request, but I am wondering 
anyone would like to try to do more of what Jon Stewart asked of CNN's 
crowd: Would you analyze, discuss, and debate the substantive issues 
of the
politics that you are discussing rather than simply attacking the 

strategies and personal qualities of those that you oppose?

There's not much I can add to these clear messages.

Best wishes,


Laura Waterman Wittstock
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
DFL and Labor endorsed
Minneapolis, MN
Wittstock for Library Committee
913 19th Avenue SE, Mpls, 55414

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Re: [Mpls] SHEGSTAD...glbt issues?

2005-08-09 Thread Dan McGrath
Gina Writes:
 And lets call Shegstad and see how he feels on GLBT issueswould he
 feel one way one way another I hear the word flip

If you really want to know, why don't you do as you suggest, and call him?
If anyone has any questions about Dave, just call and ask him. his number is
on his campaign website at There's also an email
form. It will be answered. When he says, I'll listen to you, he means it.

I can't fathom where this flip-flop accusation comes from. Shegstad hasn't
ever held elected office. He's not a politician (which makes him very
appealing as a candidate to me). He's never even been in a position to
flip-flop. I do know his character, though, and he's a person who says
what he means, and does what he says.

If you are suggesting that his seeking multi-party endorsements is evidence
of a wishy-washy flip-flopping nature, you have misread Dave's intentions
entirely. People who hold elected office have an obligation to represent all
of their constituents, to hear their concerns, and act on them. It isn't
about partisan politics. A constituent from the Green Party has as much
right to representation as a DFLer in the ward. Many politicians don't see
it that way, and are more loyal to their party than to the actual people
they are supposed to represent. That's why Shegstad sought multiple
endorsements. He doesn't care about party politics. He cares about his
neighborhood, and his neighbors. That's where his loyalties lay.

Dan McGrath

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[Mpls] Linda Higgins: Tear Down This (your) Wall/ Diversity Good/Practice It/Shegadelic

2005-08-09 Thread PennBroKeith
Keith says:

Dave Shegstad, whom I do not know, appears open and forthright enough about 
his political outlook to take it to the street and shop it around to 
audiences of divergent outlook. He is, apparently, not shy about sharing his 
with those who might possibly disagree with one, or another issue that he 
would present to an audience. As reported by Linda H. , he is out there in DFL 
machine turf presenting his ideas. Perhaps some one, or another, or many, of 
those ideas didn't fit in with Linda H's sense of choreography; her dance with 
Machine. But perhaps some others who identify as DFL, less entrenched and 
more mindful of the need for compromise and settlement to accomplish anything 
the public good, were willing, or even pleased to listen to someone from the 
other side of the sandbags. 

Do Shop It Around, Mr. Shegstad!! Perhaps you will bring some understanding 
to a Machine. Some understanding of the need to cross political boundaries to 
enlist some open minds; and garner some support and endorsement for your ideas 
and beliefs. Endorsement from people, even within the DFL Party, who haven't 
sublimated their actual exercise of multiculturalism for political orthodoxy; 
and are willing to listen to other views. You will reach open minded people, in 
any Party, who have not placed political identity and political orthodoxy 
ahead of listening to those with other outlooks. Those, such as yourself, and 
Natalie Johnson Lee, are pillars of the democratic process who respectfully 
ask for an audience and support from diverse groups 

Please do not let the Machine shame you away from your quest for diversity.   

Keith Reitman  NearNorth

Linda Higgins said:

Dan McGrath stated: Dave Shegstad is, as mentioned, endorsed by the 5th CD
Republicans. He
sought the endorsement of all 4 major political parties in Minneapolis,
which includes the Republicans, the DFL, the Greens, and the Independence

This is a curious statement. Does Mr. Shegstad (whom I have never met) have
no core values that would align him with one party or the other? Why would
he seek endorsement of parties other than the one he aligns with? Or, if he
is an independent, why is he seeking the endorsement from ANY party? I can
think of no one else who, when denied endorsement from the Dems would go to
the Repubs for endorsement, or vice versa. I know when Natalie Johnson Lee
did not get endorsed by the Dems in 2001, she went to the Green Party for
endorsement, but they at least have similar stands on many topics. But going
to all four parties? How can you shop yourself to those who adhere to the
Republican platform, then go off and shop yourself to the Dems? That's not
being honest with someone - yourself, to start with.

Let's see: Today when I talk to the Rs, I'm prolife; but tomorrow when I
talk to the Ds, I'm prochoice? Today I'm for the war, but tomorrow I'm
against it? Today I'm for tax cuts, but tomorrow I'm a tax and spender?

Yikes. How is any voter supposed to know what this man believes in and how
he might act if elected?

Linda Higgins
Old Highland, fifth ward

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