Re: PS or DVI version of the manual

2000-02-08 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Tue, 08 Feb 2000, Adam Sherman wrote:

> I tried sgml2latex on the manual and it died...

I cannot reproduce your problems here with

sgml2latex --output=ps manual

Where sgml2latex comes from sgml-tools 1.0.9.

What problems did you run into?




Re: NFS lockd problem

2000-02-13 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Martin Bertilsson Haagen wrote:

>   lockd: failed to monitor
>   fcntl: No locks available (errno 37)

> I have used this NFS configuration for quite a while without any
> problems at all, so my conclutions is that it is mutt thats causing
> it.

> Is there any way to fix this?

You didn't tell us what operation system and what NFS server you are
using on the server.  In the header I read "Linux 2.2.12", so this
seems to be your client machine.

Wild guess: You are using an NFS server which doesn't support
locking (like the Linux userspace nfsd).  In this case you have to
tell your client machine (Linux 2.2.10, which has NFS locking switched
on by default), to mount the NFS filesystem with locking disabled.
For this you have to add the option "nolock" to the entry in your
fstab.  Then mutt won't complain about locks not being available.

*ATTENTION*   You should upgrade your client kernel to at least
*ATTENTION*   2.2.13, because the NFS caching in 2.2.x (x<=12) is
*ATTENTION*   broken when you are using "nolock", which leads to mail
*ATTENTION*   loss, if client and server are writing to the same file!

To get rid of all these problems, you can alternatively install a nfs
server with locking support on the server like the Linux knfsd.




Re: mutt & glimpse to search huge e-mail archives

2000-02-26 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Thomas Roessler wrote:

> I seem to recall that someone on this list wrote about some clever
> scripts to automate the use of glimpse and mutt to search huge
> e-mail archives.  Any pointers?

For mbox folders you could try something like this:

find ~/Mail -maxdepth 1 -type f | glimpseindex -z -F -H ~/mail-glimpse

and incremental indexing with:

find ~/Mail -maxdepth 1 -type f | glimpseindex -z -F -f -H ~/mail-glimpse

And don't forget to create a file ~/mail-glimpse/.glimpse_filters:

- schnipp -
*.gzgzip -dc
*.Z gzip -dc
*.bz2   bzip2 -dc
- schnipp -

Then you can try to search something with the following script:

-- schnipp 
#! /bin/sh

umask 077

mkdir $tmpdir || exit 1
trap "rm -rf $tmpdir; exit" 0 1 2 3 15

glimpse -z -H ~/mail-glimpse -y -B -i -h -d '^From ' "$@" \
| formail -s cat \
> $tmpdir/result

mutt -R -f$tmpdir/result
-- schnipp 

But be careful with this!  It is quite untested...  But maybe it's an
interesting starting point.




Re: print_command (a2ps)

2000-03-02 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Wed, 01 Mar 2000, -kevin- wrote:

> I like using a2ps to do my printing, but I would like to have it
> use the date/author/subject for some of the footers and headers.

> Has someone already done this?

Sure. Simply use 
   a2ps -gEmail

> If so, can you show me your 'print_command' setting?

I wrote a little wrapper around a2ps, which tries out, whether the
mail fits on one page using "a2ps -1" or "a2ps -2".

So my print_command is set to a2psmail.




#! /bin/sh
#  $Id: a2psmail,v 1.1 1999/08/26 17:03:10 roland Exp roland $
#  Print a mail using a2ps.  If the mail fits on one page, we use "a2ps -1"
#  otherwise we print two pages on one sheet ("a2ps -2").
#   Copyright (C) 1999  Roland Rosenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
#   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
#   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

umask 077


mkdir $tmpdir || exit 1
trap "rm -rf $tmpdir; exit" 0 1 2 3 15

cat "$@" > $tmpdir/mail

env -u LANG a2ps -1 -gEmail -Pvoid $tmpdir/mail 2> $tmpdir/a2ps.out

if (cat $tmpdir/a2ps.out | grep -q 'on 1 sheet')
# Mail fits on one page:
a2ps -1 -gEmail $DEBUG $tmpdir/mail
# Mail doesn't fit on one page:
a2ps -2 -gEmail $DEBUG $tmpdir/mail

Re: Extra space in Subject

2000-03-05 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Sun, 05 Mar 2000, Rejo Zenger wrote:

>   Subject: Re: Foobarbaz
>   Subject: Re:  Foobarbaz
>   Subject: Re:   Foobarbaz
> everytime i reply. Any idea where this comes from, and what i should
> do to avoid this behaviour?

Looks like you have a bad reply_regexp setting.  If this only matches
"Re:", it will only remove "Re:" and not "Re: " and after removing
"Re:" and adding "Re: " after this, you will note the mentioned
effect.  The default reply_regexp ("^(re|aw):[ \t]*") should not show
this behavior.




Re: Flag N with compressed folders

2000-03-23 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Gero Reichard wrote:

> ~/.procmailrc:
> :0
> * ^TO_:.*mutt-users. 
> |gzip -c $s >> ~/Mail/mutt-users.gz

I suggest to use compressed folders only for archive folders and not
for incoming mail.  Otherwise you risk to lose mail.  In your above
example you don't do any locking, you it's possible that multiple
procmail instances write to the file at the same time.  And don't
forget, that it is possible that you read your mail while new mail
arrives.  This isn't supported by the compressed folders patch... 




Re: Flag N with compressed folders

2000-03-24 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, Gero Reichard wrote:

> > > :0
> > > * ^TO_:.*mutt-users. 
> > > |gzip -c $s >> ~/Mail/mutt-users.gz

> Until now I never had problems with loosing mail. So I didnt need
> any "lock". BTW: Should I lock? What? Why? (As long as I'm the only
> person on my computer..)

Above you have a command to append to mutt-users.gz.  IMHO you should
lock this folder before writing to it, because otherwise a second
process (either mutt or a second procmail instance) could write to
this file at the same time, which may cause trouble.

> Anyway..Is this right now a problem I can fix somehow?  

I would try this procmail rule:

* ^Sender: owner-mutt-users@mutt\.org
|gzip -c $s >> ~/Mail/mutt-users.gz

If I understand procmailrc(5), the extra ':' should use the name after
'>>', append $LOCKEXT and use this as the lockfile.




Re: trouble compiling mutt-1.1.10i with gzip folder patch

2000-04-13 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Jason Helfman wrote:

> i am receiving this error after I patch the tree with the downloaded
> patch for version mutt-1.1.10 
> First and foremost, would this patch apply to the version for
> mutt-1.1.10i?


> keymap.h:112: keymap_defs.h: No such file or directory

Simply do a 
 make keymap_defs.h

And don't ask me, why this doesn't work automatically (there's a
dependency "keymap.h: keymap_defs.h" in, but it seems,
that a dependency on keymap.h is missing (don't ask me why, on my
system the dependencies are automatically created in .deps directory
and there are dependencies on keymap.h in these files, so I never
noticed the above problem).




 PGP signature

Re: support for compressed folders in 1.2?

2000-05-20 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Sat, 20 May 2000, Zhendong wrote:

> Then what about the supporting for compressed mail folders in procmail
> when using mutt? I use procmail to deliver mails to different mail 
> folders. After I've changed the mutt folders to gz format, procmail 
> still delivers mails as uncompressed format, they can not work well 
> together.

It's possible to append mails to gzipped folders by something like

| gzip >> folder

in your .procmailrc.

BUT DON'T DO THIS, if you do not want to loose mail!
IIRC, there is no mechanism to merge changes in the compressed folder
into the temporary uncompressed folder, so if you have a compressed
folder open for reading, while a new mail arrives and is appended to
this compressed folder, it will never been shown, but simply
overwritten, when leaving the compressed folder with mutt.

I suggest to use compressed folders only for archive folders but not
for incoming folders.




Re: Gzip Mailboxes

2000-06-04 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Sun, 04 Jun 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> A call for personal help setting up Gzip compression on mailboxes.
> Utterly confused by the lack of documentation on it

What kind of documentation are you missing on ?




Re: PDF viewing question

2000-06-08 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Thu, 08 Jun 2000, Randall Hopper wrote:

> I want to autoview PDFs, but also be able to kick off acroread.
> Autoview works, but I can't figure out how to kick off acroread in mutt.

>application/pdf; pdf2txt %s; needsterminal; copiousoutput
>application/pdf; acroread %s
> The first should be used for autoview.  And the second should be
> used for view-attach, right?  However view-attach also uses pdf2txt
> Anyone see what I'm doing wrong?  I thought this worked at some point.

Try reversing the order of these two lines.  The mailcap is searched
top down and the first match is used.  If you change the order of
these two lines, view-attach will find acroread first while auto-view
ignores acroread and uses pdf2txt because it only uses copiousoutput

BTW: does it make sense to combine "needsterminal" and "copiousoutput"
in one mailcap entry?  As far as I understand they are quite contrary,
because "needsterminal" needs a terminal with user input while
"copiousoutput" pipes the output to some kind of pipe.

So I would change the above entries to something like this:

application/pdf; acroread %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
application/pdf; pdf2txt %s; copiousoutput




Re: upgrading using diffs

2000-06-23 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Byrial Jensen wrote:

> I have applied all patches from 1.2 -> 1.3 -> 1.3.1 -> 1.3.2 ->
> 1.3.3 -> 1.3.4 without any problems with the program code. There
> have however been some minor problems with the Changelog and some
> .po files.

These are because of a bug in Thomas' build-release script:
It first builds the mutt-.tar.gz file, after this it commits
some changes (among others this changes some $Id$ tags in Changelog
and some .po files, if those were changed) and as a last step it
creates a diff against the CVS tree.

The problem here is, that the $Id$ tags of the Changelog and the .po
in the .tar.gz file are often (if the files changed in the above
mentioned post-release commit) one CVS version minor than the one of
the related patch, so the patch doesn't match the tar.gz file.

The best way to work around these problems is to create the diff by
temporarily decompress the two tar.gz files (previous and current
version) and create a diff using "diff -urN" instead of using "cvs
rdiff" on the one hand and "make dist" on the other (Note, that "make
dist" creates a which is different from the one in the CVS
tree, and which is only available in the mutt-.tar.gz file!)




Re: PGP program "pkspxycwrap" not found

2000-06-28 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Hardy Merrill wrote:

> I found some hits on "pkspxy" referring to Debian pkspxy:

pkspxy doesn't have to do with Debian except the fact that there is
already a Debian package (see and

> I'm on a Redhat 6.1 Linux system with Mutt 1.2i - and I *didn't*
> find the same package on Redhat's site.

So don't blame us but blame RedHat ;-)

> Where can I find that package, and where can I find some
> documentation on what it does and how to use it?

Either look at the above mentioned pages or have a look at the
author's page:
The original source code is available from both sites.




Re: gzip patch with maildir

2000-07-09 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Sat, 08 Jul 2000, Jason Helfman wrote:

> Is their a reason to really use the gzip patch with Maildir style
> mailboxes?

The current version of the compressed folders patch does not support
Maildir yet, but only single file folder formats like mbox and mmdf.

From a pragmatic point of view, it may be a good idea to extend this
mechanism to support folder formats which consist of multiple file by
using something like tar, but I personally don't see where this should
be good for, because the advantage of formats like Maildir is, that
the single messages are independent of each other, so no locking is
necessary.  If you combine this with tar, this advantage will go away,
so why not directly use gzipped mbox for archive folders?

> I think there is but, I'd like to know some other opinions of this.

I agree with you.




Re: Little Brother Database support....

2000-08-23 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Wed, 23 Aug 2000, Jason Helfman wrote:

> Ok after further investigation I found now that I do infact have a .lbdb
> in my home directory with these listings...
> m_inmail.list  m_inmail.list.dsl-64-34-6-73.9705
> m_inmail.list.dsl-64-34-6-73.9703  m_inmail.list.lock
> however they are all empty, i assume the lock would be, but not the
> others

Sounds very strange.  What version of lbdb are you using (most recent
version is 0.20, have a look at

In version 0.20 after receiving new mail (lbdb-fetchaddr) there is
only a m_inmail.list (the database) and a m_inmail.list.dirty (an
empty file, which shows that there may be duplicates in the database).

When you run lbdbq with the m_inmail module activated, this means that
m_inmail.list is deduped in a temporary file named
m_inmail.list.$$.tmp (where $$ is the current Process ID).  When
deduping is done, the temporary file is renamed to m_inmail.list and
m_inmail.list.dirty is removed.

I don't see where these m_inmail.list.dsl-64-34-6-73.9703 come from...

BTW: m_inmail.list.lock should be there only while lbdb-fetchaddr or
the m_inmail module of lbdbq are running and removed when their job is




Re: Little Big Brother Database Support con't

2000-08-23 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

Jason Helfman schrieb am Mittwoch, den 23. August 2000:

> I installed the new version. I will have to see what happens...
> When is the local directory of .lbdb/ created?

If you didn't create this directory yourself, it will be created in

if [ ! -f $db ]; then
  dbdir=`dirname $db`
  if [ ! -d $dbdir ]; then
mkdir -p $dbdir
if [ ! -d $dbdir ]; then
  echo "Can't create $dbdir" >&2
  exit 1

> When I installed the new version i did a make clean of x.19 and
> installed x.20

But ~/.lbdb isn't removed or cleaned when you upgrade lbdb, so you
will keep some remainders of older versions in this directory.  But I
hope, that all versions are backward compatible, which means, that
they continue to use the data of the old versions.



 PGP signature

Re: LBDB-extras

2000-08-24 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, Nils Vogels wrote:

> I was wondering .. would it in some way be possible to have mutt
> search for mailaddresses from the lbdbq program, instead of "just"
> from the mutt_aliases file ?

It's not necessary.

> Thing is, once lbdb is setup properly, I would like to run a query
> on every name I specify on the (To|CC|BCC) list, instead of only
> when I hit the key I bound to the "query" command ...

Try to enter your query string to the Cc: (or whatever you want) field
and press Ctrl-T, this will cause a database lookup.  If you are using
(X)Emacs or jed as your editor you also can use the jed and emacs
modes for lbdb to enter additional addresses in the header of your
edited mail.




Re: little big brother db

2000-08-25 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

Jason Helfman schrieb am Donnerstag, den 24. August 2000:

> My local file was unchecked, but the global file works fine.

What "local file" and "global file" are you talking about?  There are
multiple files handled by lbdb...

> And when I entered and configure to use m_palm after loading and
> installing the perl files, then performing a query... I received
> this information back:
> Waiting for response.../usr/local/bin/lbdbq: unexpected EOF while
> looking for `"'

Are you talking about lbdb 0.20?  There I introduced a little bug,
because I named the helper application palm_lsaddr but called it with
the old name m_palm_lsaddr in m_palm.  This problem was fixed in
0.20.1.  The following minimal patch also fixes this:

--- 12:05:13 1.2
+++ 02:14:26 1.3
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@
 m_palm_query ()
-$libdir/m_palm_lsaddr ${PALM_ADDRESS_DATABASE:-$HOME/.jpilot/AddressDB.pdb} | 
grep -i "$@"
+$libdir/palm_lsaddr ${PALM_ADDRESS_DATABASE:-$HOME/.jpilot/AddressDB.pdb} \
+| grep -i "$@"




Re: little big brother db

2000-08-25 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Jason Helfman wrote:

> | > My local file was unchecked, but the global file works fine.

> | What "local file" and "global file" are you talking about?  There are
> | multiple files handled by lbdb...

> local file as in my home directory

How is it named?  lbdbq uses the following files:


I don't see, why lbdbq should ignore them.  Maybe the lines in this
files are commented out or in some syntax which isn't /bin/sh

> Well the upgrade did work. One thing I did notice is that the
> default global configuration is missing a closing quote mark on the
> PALM ADDRESSBOOK configuration variable.

Thanks, added it now.




Re: lbdb & m_muttalias -- my questions now :-)

2000-08-25 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, David T-G wrote:

> For some reason, though, I don't see any of my aliases.  When I
> comment out the (final)
>   | grep -v '^alias[  ][  ]*[^,][^,]*[][  ]*[^,]*$'
> line in m_muttalias, I get
>   alias me-hushmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (DavidTG @ hushmail)
>   alias me-bulbs-bigfoot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (DavidTG bulbs @ bigfoot)
>   alias me-bigfoot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (David @ BigFoot)
>   ...

As you can see, this is a simple grep output but sed didn't convert it
to the mutt query format, that's why the above (second) grep wipes
these lines out.

m_muttalias only understands the following formats of aliases:

alias foo User Name 
alias foo foo@bar (User Name)

and converts them both to 

foo@bar User Name   alias foo

Other alias syntax (like your combination of <...> and (...)) isn't
supported yet, because they don't make much sense to me and I don't
see a canonical way to realize this (if you have patches against
m_muttalias to work around the problem, let me know).

> but the grep -v seems to throw away these results.

Yes, that's intended, because the syntax of these lines isn't

> SO...  As far as I can read the grep regexp, grep is going to
> filter out anything like
>   beginning of line
>   string "alias"
>   one or more space-or-tab
>   one or more not-a-comma
>   one or more space-or-tab
>   zero or more not-a-comma
>   end of line
> which, I must admit, looks like it would fit my list of aliases.

The trick here is the combination of grep, grep, sed, sed, grep -v:

- I first grep selects all lines, which match the search string.
- The second grep tries to detect alias lines
- The first sed converts lines with <...> syntax to mutt query format
- The second sed converts lines with (...) syntax to mutt query format
- The grep -v wipes out all lines, which are still in the alias
  format.  This is necessary, because we need the lines in mutt query
  format and if this conversion isn't possible, wiping out all lines,
  which couldn't be converted, is the only chance.

If you provide a sed expression which converts aliases in your unusual
format (without changing other aliases!), I could add it above.

> My question is "why is m_muttalias doing this?" so that I can figure
> out if I just want to junk that last grep

This isn't a good idea, because converting these lines to mutt query
format before is necessary.

> or rewrite it to fit my alias format

Adding a line for your alias format would do the job.




 PGP signature

Re: lbdb & m_gpg

2000-08-25 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, David T-G wrote:

>   pub  1024D/AFEFC23B 2000-06-29 jimh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   pub  1024D/401A068F 1998-09-03 PHXMGNT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I did my same trick of commenting out the greps and seds, and this
> time the "problem" showed up at only the second line.

> In fact, it seems on second look that m_gpg *does* give me all of my
> entries.  Further digging reveals that both key addresses end up in
> $collection after lbdbq calls m_gpg_query and that they get stripped
> by munge and munge-keeporder.

That's the point.

> I'm not exactly sure what's going on in munge-keeporder, but munge
> appears to be building an array (named "line") indexed by email
> address -- only.

Yes.  This is a feature :-)
My understanding of a mail address is that it is unique to a user
(with a user name).  So deduping means to reduce multiple lines with
the same mail address but different user names to one line.  Otherwise
you usually have multiple lines like this:

foo@bar User Name
foo@bar "User Name"
foo@bar User M. Name
foo@bar "User M. Name"
foo@bar user name
foo@bar User M . Name
foo@bar "User M . Name"

Or something like this, which doesn't make much sense.  For this the
munge algorithm reduces all lines for one mail address to one line
(with a randomly chosen real name).

> Have I stumbled on a limitation of lbdbq and munge, or has my habit
> of keeping keys to decrypt old messages messed me up unlike anyone
> else?

Don't forget that lbdb isn't used for decrypting mail but only for
collecting mail addresses and attached user names.  It is intended to
find hopefully all matching addresses/user names and to offer not too
many duplicates, which would make it useless.

But I added a line to the TODO list to think about changing this




Re: lbdb & m_muttalias -- my questions now :-)

2000-08-27 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, David T-G wrote:

> % m_muttalias only understands the following formats of aliases:
> % 
> % alias foo User Name 
> % alias foo foo@bar (User Name)

> Aha!  Well, that would do it, then :-)

> % and converts them both to 
> % 
> % foo@bar User Name   alias foo
> % 
> % Other alias syntax (like your combination of <...> and (...)) isn't
> % supported yet, because they don't make much sense to me and I don't

> I could probably go about redoing all of my aliases, but I still
> like the elm aliases lookup format.

Okay, then please try the attached diff against m_muttalias, which
should support your converted elm aliases, but it is not fully tested
(I don't know whether there are other side effects).

> Still, though, nobody does comments (anything after a comma in the
> alias definition, as in
>   alias foo = Foo, lots of commentary for me (even here) = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> for example) like elm supported...

AFAIK Mutt doesn't support comments in the aliases.  So you should
think about writing a m_elm (or m_elmalias) module like m_pine to
directly use the elm aliases with lbdb instead of converting them to
the less powerful mutt alias format.  This m_elm module may write
the alias to the 3rd column of the mutt query format.




RCS file: /var/cvs/lbdb/,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3
---   2000/06/23 10:20:13 1.3
+++   2000/08/26 15:02:32
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
grep -i "$@" $file \
| grep '^alias[ ][  ]*[^,][^,]*[][  ]*[^,]*$' \
-   | sed -e 's/^alias[ ][  ]*\([^  ][^ ]*\)[   ][  
]*\([^<>()]*\)<\([^<>()]*\)>[^()<>]*$/\3\2  alias \1/' \
+   | sed -e 's/^alias[ ][  ]*\([^  ][^ ]*\)[   ][  
+]*<\([^ >][^>]*\)>[ ][  ]*(\([^<>()]*\))[^()<>]*$/\2\3
+  alias \1/' \
+ -e 's/^alias[ ][  ]*\([^  ][^ ]*\)[   ][  
+]*\([^<>()]*\)<\([^<>()]*\)>[^<>]*$/\3  \2  alias \1/' \
  -e 's/^alias[ ][  ]*\([^  ][^ ]*\)[   ][  
]*\([^<>()]*\)(\([^<>()]*\))[^()<>]*$/\2\3  alias \1/' \
| grep -v '^alias[  ][  ]*[^,][^,]*[][  ]*[^,]*$'

 PGP signature

Re: lbdb & m_muttalias -- my questions now :-)

2000-08-28 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, David T-G wrote:

> It seems to work quite well so far; I get output like
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]DavidTG @ hushmail  alias me-hushmail
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   DavidTG bulbs @ bigfoot alias me-bulbs-bigfoot
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] David @ BigFoot alias me-bigfoot

> and only wonder if the "alias" should really be there.

Yes, that's a feature :-)
The third field in the mutt query format is some kind of "comment",
which should add some additional information about this address.
The alias is the only additional information available here, so it is
used as the comment here.  So you know, where this address comes from,
which may be interesting if you use multiple modules.




 PGP signature

Re: lbdb-fetchaddr and secondary DB

2000-08-29 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, David T-G wrote:

> Can I tell lbdb-fetchaddr to write to a secondary database
> (m_inmail.list file), and then tell lbdbq to read from that?

At the moment $HOME/.lbdb/m_inmail.list is hardcoded in lbdb-fetchaddr
and m_inmail, but they are shell scripts, so you are able to change




 PGP signature

Re: lbdb with ldap query ?

2000-08-29 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Daniel Kollar wrote:

> does a module ldap_query exists for the little brother database?

Not yet.  I thought about writing such a module, but the problem is,
that the fields in ldap databases are sometimes quite different
between different ldap databases.  So it is not enough to only give
the ldap server name to the module but you also have to configure what
fields should be combined in which way in the mutt query format (if
possible this should be implemented in a way that allows to query
multiple servers with different fields and merge the results).

So I would be happy to receive a m_ldap module by some of you, but
don't forget to make it configurable as mentioned above.




Re: Addressbook For Mutt

2000-10-03 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

Hi Pyuesh!

On Tue, 03 Oct 2000, Pyuesh Daya wrote:

> Does anybody out there know of an address book that I can use with
> Mutt.  I already am using the Perl script that interface with an
> Ldap server.  I am looking for an address book that I can using
> locally on My PC !!

I don't exactly know, what you expect an address book to do for you,
but did you have a look at lbdb ( or
abook (




Re: Addressbook For Mutt

2000-10-03 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Tue, 03 Oct 2000, Adahma wrote:

> I've not seen abook before, but it's very nice.  Is there a way to
> integrate it closely with mutt, such as if I hit  when
> addressing a mail, it would send me there and allow me to select and
> pull addresses back into mutt.

Have a look at the query feature of mutt (chapter "4.5. External
Address Queries" in the mutt manual).  You should try something like
 set query_command="abook --mutt-query '%s'"

Then you can use Ctrl-q (like TAB) to expand a query string to the
addressbook entry.

Alternatively you can use abook as a backend of lbdb (see lbdb
documentation for more information about this).

> And if I hit 'a' to add an alias, it would add to abook, rather than
> my mutt alias file.

Don't know, whether this is possible (never used abook myself), but it
shouldn't be hard to write a little script which appends the address
to ~/.abook.addressbook.  Maybe this could be based on mail2muttalias




Re: new operator for (~t | ~c)

2000-10-04 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Wed, 04 Oct 2000, the/eXtreme wrote:

> I have a lot of save-hooks that look like this one:
> save-hook '(~t ^mutt-users | ~c ^mutt-users)' =mutt
> and I wondered if anyone else thought a new operator
> like `~tc' might be convenient, e.g.:
> save-hook '~tc ^mutt-users' =mutt

set default_hook="~t %s | ~c %s"
save-hook ^mutt-users =mutt

For more info have a look at section "6.3.28. default_hook" in the




Re: Addressbook For Mutt

2000-10-05 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Thu, 05 Oct 2000, Pyuesh Daya wrote:

> Is it possible to run two external programs to run with mutt.  I am
> already running the "Shift Q" to query an external perl script which
> queries an Ldap ServerIs this possible...

If you are only talking about Shift-Q (not Ctrl-T), it should be easy
to define some macros, which change query_command and run query after
this.  Something like:

macro index \eq ":set query_command=\"abook --mutt-query '%s'\"\n"
macro index Q   ":set query_command=\"ldap_query '%s'\"\n"

(not tested!!!)

So ESC q queries abook, while Shift-Q queries ldap.

I personally suggest to use lbdb for situations like this, because
lbdb is able to collect data from different sources by simply
including special modules.  The only problem with this is, that nobody
wrote a LDAP module yet...




[Announce] lbdb 0.21

2000-10-07 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

I just released a new version of the little brother's database with
the following changes:

  * Don't fail in m_palm, if no database is available.
  * Update lbdb.el to version 1.3 (thanks Dave).
  * m_muttalias: Add support for "alias foo  (Foo Bar)" style
  * Correct typo in m_muttalias, which stopped to work when your HOME is
your MUTT_DIRECTORY (Closes: #71975).
  * Correct README (we have more than two modules now :-)
  * Create sysconfdir, if it doesn't already exist.
  * lbdbq: write information about number of matching entries into status
line and exit with return value 1, if no matching entries were found.
  * Correct exit value of lbdbq (trap command).

As usual, you find the program at




 PGP signature

[Announce] lbdb 0.21.1

2000-10-09 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

I just released a new bugfix version of the little brother's database
with the following changes:

  * Update lbdb.el to version 1.4 to avoid problems with status line of
  * Correct behavior of variable SORT_OUTPUT (did the inverse of what it
should do).
  * Correct output of number of matching entries (count after munging
instead before).
  * SORT_OUTPUT now can be "name" or "address" to sort output by mail
 real names or addresses (still the default).

As usual, you'll find the program at




 PGP signature

Re: [ANNOUNCE] new version of mutt_ldap_query script

2000-10-10 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, Brian Salter-Duke wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 01:39:51PM +0200, Marc de Courville wrote:

> > please find attached to this email the new version of
> > mutt_ldap_query perl script that performs ldap queries for mutt.
> > The distribution now includes a module for interfacing with little
> > brother database (m_ldap).

> Why not submit the m_ldap module to Roland for inclusion in the lbdb
> tarball?

He did submit it to me some hours before the above announcement.  The
problem is, that I personally would like it to be much more
configurable than the current version (at the moment you usually have
to edit the mutt_ldap_query script before you can use it for a special
ldap server).  But we are working on this point, so there will be a
lbdb with m_ldap in the future.

> m_ldap_query()
> {
>   $LDAP_QUERY_SCRIPT -l -p "$@"
> }
> then add something like:-
> LDAP_QUERY_SCRIPT=$HOME/dev/mutt_query/
> to your lbdbrc file.

I'd prefer to change mutt_ldap_query in a way, that allows to install
it once for all users and make it configurable at runtime for
different ldap servers.




[Announce] lbdb 0.22

2000-10-17 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

I just released a new version of the little brother's database with
the following changes:

  * Add new module m_addr_email to request data from addressbook program
( by Torsten Jerzembeck
  * Some optimizations on m_addr_email to handle city name correct and to
junk entries without email address.
  * Update lbdb.el to version 1.8:
- Fixes the problem with spaces in query strings (Closes: #74818).
- New commands lbdb-region and lbdb-maybe-region to query lbdb for the
  content of the current region.
- Autoload lbdb-region and lbdb-maybe-region from startup file.
  * Use sort without -u option, because duplicates are already removed by
munge before.
  * Do not overwrite m_inmail.list on munging, if file system is full.

As usual, you'll find the program at




 PGP signature

[Announce] lbdb 0.23

2001-01-24 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

I just released a new version of the little brother's database with
the following changes:

  * Add a second grep to m_pgp5 and m_gpg to remove UIDs, which don't
match the search string, but are only generated, because a different
UID of this key matches.
  * Add new module m_gnomecard based on an idea by Rick Frankel 
  * Always use /bin/sh as the shell on Debian systems, because Debian
guarantees, that /bin/sh is a posix shell (Closes: #75475).
  * Move /usr/share/doc/lbdb/override.Lintian to
  * Add $(install_prefix) to and change debian/rules to use
it.  Thanks to Rob Payne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for providing the
idea and a patch.
  * Update, patch provided by Rob Payne
  * Remove dh_suidregister from debian/rules.
  * Update Debian package description.
  * Upgrade lbdb.el to version 1.9 (Thanks Dave!).

As usual, you'll find the program at




 PGP signature

[Announce] lbdb 0.24

2001-02-10 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

I just released a new version of the little brother's database with
the following changes:

  * Add new module m_bbdb to access a (X)Emacs big brother database (bbdb)
from lbdb using (x)emacs as the backend.  Thanks to Utz-Uwe Haus
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for providing this.
  * s/MODULE_PATH/MODULES_PATH/ in documentation to match the behavior of
the program (Closes: #83933).
  * m_gpg: stop using --with-colons, because this outputs utf8 instead of
your local charset, which causes problems with non 7bit characters
(Closes: #83936).
  * Add a new variable KEEP_DUPES, which allows to see duplicate mail
addresses (with different real names or comment fields) (Closes: #83908).

As usual, you'll find the program at




 PGP signature

Re: attach_split/attach_sep?

1999-02-24 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

Thomas Roessler schrieb am Mittwoch, den 24. Februar 1999:

> How seriously are the attach_{split,sep} options used?

I switched $attach_split off because of the following behavior: When I
go to the attachment menu and save one attachment, $attach_sep is
appended to this single attachment. This follows the documentation but 
IMHO doesn't make sense when working with only one file. So I switched 
$attach_split off and had no problems with it.



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Re: 0.95.3: How to use õ÷³ThÍLTÔÛ¯¶¹ÓÞý=¨ßÚݾ·dUVÈFuUVÊuuDHËd

1999-03-03 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Wed, 03 Mar 1999, Dirk Foersterling wrote:

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ibm850

> I have problems with the following characters (and probably more that I
> didn't try):
>  õ÷³ThÍLÔÛ¯¶¹ÓÞý=¨ßÚݾ·dUVÈFuUVÊuuDHËd

> (Two lines if you can't display them:)
>  """z"""^`'^`'
>  aousAOUaeiouaeiouaeiouAEIOUAEIOUAEIOU

You may not have understood the differences between different
charsets? The characters you mean above come from iso-8859-1 (Latin1)
but then you write in the header of your mail that you use ibm850. The 
old mutt 0.79 simply displayed every character as is and so you were
able to read this. Newer versions come with much better charset code
which finds the ibm850 in the header and knows that my xterm uses
iso-8859-1 and so it converts the ibm850 chars to iso-8859-1. This
leeds to the rubbish, I quoted above.

> Instead of these characters, the mutt pager only displays question
> marks.

Then you may have a problem with your locale settings. Try setting
the envionment variable LC_CTYPE (or LC_ALL, LANG) to some value
supporting iso-8859-1 (e.g. "de_DE").



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Re: 0.95.3: How to use õ÷³ThÍLTÔÛ¯¶¹ÓÞý=¨ßÚݾ·dUVÈFuUVÊuuDHËd

1999-03-03 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Wed, 03 Mar 1999, Dirk Foersterling wrote:

> > Then you may have a problem with your locale settings. Try setting
> > the envionment variable LC_CTYPE (or LC_ALL, LANG) to some value
> > supporting iso-8859-1 (e.g. "de_DE").

> I tried this now, but this doesn't help anything.

What exactly did you try? Please try to run the program locale and
have at the LC_CTYPE line. This line should point to a iso-8859-1
aware setting, I prefer de_DE.

This presumes that you have proper locale files installed in
/usr/[share|lib]/locale (depending on your libc version).

If all this all doesn't work you may run ./configure with the option
--enable-locales-fix, this will tell mutt that iso-8859-1 is always
printable. Please note that this isn't a solution for your problem but
only a workaround for your broken locales. If you want so solve the
problem, correct the locale files (every good distribution should
offer the locale files in combination with the libc).



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Re: 0.95.3: How to use õ÷³ThÍLTÔÛ¯¶¹ÓÞý=¨ßÚݾ·dUVÈFuUVÊuuDHËd

1999-03-04 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Thu, 04 Mar 1999, Dirk Foersterling wrote:

> LC_CTYPE="de"

> bash> /usr/sbin/locale -a
> cz
> da
> de
> es
> fi
> fr
> it
> nl
> no
> pl
> pt
> sv

This isn't very much...
Is there a LC_CTYPE in your "de" directory (/usr/share/locale/de)?
In my Debian Linux system I don't find LC_CTYPE in
/usr/share/locale/de but only in /usr/share/locale/de_DE.
This results in LC_CTYPE=de not displaying 8bit chars but
LC_CTYPE=de_DE does.



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Re: MIME types: how [to] set

1999-03-30 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, David Thorburn-Gundlach wrote:

> Here on my Linux machine, I'm proud to not have any of that MS junk
> hanging around. Occasionally, though, I must send someone a Word
> document (for example) and it would be nice if it appeared as a MIME
> type of application/msword instead of application/octet-stream when
> it got there. How does mutt decide what the MIME type will be,

Mutt looks into /etc/mime.types (or was it /usr/local/etc/mime.types?)
and ~/.mime.types for the extension of the file. For ".doc" it finds
(on my system):
application/msword  doc dot

> and how can I influence that,

Simply add a line into your ~/.mime.types.

> and how can I perhaps just override the type and set it myself?

Press Ctrl-T (or whatever you configured your keybindings) and edit
the Content-Type field by hand.



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Re: Features

1999-03-31 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, Christian R Molls wrote:

> Are there plans to incorporate the
> - compressed folders patch
> - lbdb
> into mutt? I guess quite a number of people will miss those two
> enhancements, and that is, at least IMO, a shame.

lbdb will never be incorporated into Mutt, because it is a separate
package which can be used by Mutt using a clear interface. So it
shouldn't be a problem to combine Mutt and lbdb. For new versions of
lbdb see (you'll also find system 
independent sources there).

The compressed folders patch is a bigger problem. The patch works but
it isn't checked against all possible problems. Additionally it is not 
programmed very clean. So Thomas seems to be waiting for someone
cleaning up the sources before incorporating into the mainstream
sources. I didn't hear that someone except me is using this patch, so
I fear that nobody needs it and wants it. But maybe this only means
that there are no problems with this patch? In the latter case the
patch should be incorporated now. This shouldn't be a big problem,
because it can be completely disabled by a configure option (it is
switched off by default). You'll hopefully find actual versions of
this patch at



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Re: aliases

1999-03-31 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Wed, 31 Mar 1999, Renaud Colinet wrote:

> the 'a' key makes it possible to create an alias based on the From
> header. Is there any way for mutt to take addresses from a group
> message (i.e. including the To and Cc fields, and if possible
> removing my own address) to create a list alias, rather than picking
> all addresses manually?

Have a look at the script by Moritz Moeller-Herrmann
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> which can be found at



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Re: Installing LBDB problem

1999-04-04 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

Could not process message with given Content-Type: 
multipart/signed; boundary=mYCpIKhGyMATD0i+; micalg=pgp-md5;protocol="application/pgp-signature"

Re: Installing LBDB problem

1999-04-05 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

Could not process message with given Content-Type: 
multipart/signed; boundary=7ZAtKRhVyVSsbBD2; micalg=pgp-md5;protocol="application/pgp-signature"

Re: Installing LBDB problem

1999-04-05 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Mon, 05 Apr 1999, Rejo wrote:

> I think these are a little bit RTFM, but maybe you can help me
> anyway. When i'm in a field where i can enter an address i hit ^T
> for a query. I enter 'lbdbq rejo'.
> This results in a To line with:

As far as I remember Mutt 0.95 used the white space character as an
address separator (this is fixed in newer versions). So the above
tries to send the mail to "lbdbq" and "rejo".

But your primary problem seems to be, that you don't have to enter
"lbdbq" at the query field. Simply add

set query_command="lbdbq %s"

to your muttrc and then enter only the query string ("rejo") on the
Query prompt. But why do I write all this again, you can simply read
this in the "External Address Queries" section (4.5 or near this) of
the Mutt manual.



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Re: urlview and quoted-printable

1999-04-05 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Mon, 05 Apr 1999, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

> and urlview thought that the URL were
>   ""
> instead of
>   ""

> Is there a way to send decoded attachments to urlview (without
> modifying variables)?

I use the following:

macro   index   \Cb ":set pipe_decode\n|urlview\n:unset pipe_decode\n" \
"call urlview to extract URLs out of a message"
macro   pager   \Cb ":set pipe_decode\n|urlview\n:unset pipe_decode\n" \
"call urlview to extract URLs out of a message"

This changes the variable pipe_decode but when it was unset before it
will be unset after running urlview. I want pipe_decode to be unset
normally, so this is acceptable for me.

> Or could urlview decode the message?

IMHO this means too much overhead for a program like urlview. But
maybe you want to have a look at mimedecode(1) which simply decodes
MIME to 8bit, so it could be used as a pre-filter for urlview.
mimedecode should be available at or 
as a Debian package (source and binary, including a manpage).



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Re: urlview and quoted-printable

1999-04-05 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Tue, 06 Apr 1999, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

> > This changes the variable pipe_decode but when it was unset before
> > it will be unset after running urlview. I want pipe_decode to be
> > unset normally, so this is acceptable for me.

> I don't like this, because if one day, I set pipe_decode, things may
> fail to work, and I won't remember why.

I had no problems with this in the previous months. The only problem
is, that I have to remember, that pipe_decode will magically be unset
by running urlview. If I decide sometimes in the future to have
pipe_decode always set, I will change my macros in accordingly. I can
live with this.

> I think so too. The best would be something in Mutt, like local variables
> (something to save the environment) or options to pipe, e.g.
>   |{pipe_decode} and |{nopipe_decode}
> so that the pipe always behaves as if pipe_decode were set or unset.

Features like this may blow up the mutt code...

> > maybe you want to have a look at mimedecode(1) which simply decodes
> > MIME to 8bit, so it could be used as a pre-filter for urlview.
> > mimedecode should be available at or 
> > as a Debian package (source and binary, including a manpage).

> Before d/l'ing it, does it convert QP to 8bit in attachments too?
> I ask this, because I use emil (with procmail) to convert QP to 8bit,
> but when there is QP in attachments, it isn't converted.

The manpage tells the following:


   [-h|-d ] < encoded_msg > decoded_msg

   This manual page documents briefly the mimedecode command.
   This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux dis­
   tribution because the original program  does  not  have  a
   manual page.

   mimedecode  performs the decoding of transfer encoded text
   type mime messages.  The message in its entirety  is  read
   from  stdin.   The  decoded  message is written to stdout;
   hence, this program behaves  as  a  filter  which  may  be
   placed wherever convenient.

   It  is  assumed  that the message has reached its point of
   final delivery and at that point 8-bit text types  can  be
   handled  natively.  Hence, the need for transfer-encodings
   is not present any more.

   Only some cases are handled:

   Encoded header fields are decoded from QP or B encoding.

   The charset is assumed to be iso-8859-1

   Part or subparts of content-type text only are decoded

   All other content-types are passed transparently

   This program accepts the follwing options:

   -h Switch on header logging

  Enable debugging output at level: .



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Re: How to deal with attached S/MIME?

1999-04-08 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Thu, 08 Apr 1999, rfi from Rich Roth wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 12:34:47PM +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:

> > Not yet. I'm playing with the thought to write a cryptlib-based
> > command line tool to handle S/MIME messages, and to integrate it
> > with mutt.

> My understanding is that you'd have to start from scratch - the tool
> kit is US/Gov developed and blocked from export.

Thomas doesn't need to do so, because someone else did:

- schnipp --
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann)
Subject: cryptlib 2.1 final beta released
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 05:05:10 (NZST)

I've just uploaded what should in theory be the final beta of cryptlib 2.1,
you can get the source code (Unix/Windows/DOS/whatever) + precompiled Win16
and Win32 DLL's as
and the 230-page manual as

cryptlib provides the ability to create and read S/MIME messages (with real
encryption, not the usual RC2/40), a reasonably complete PKIX and X.509v3
certificate handling implementation (YMMV), and various other useful features
like key databases, a certificate trust manager, automated checking of certs
against CRL contents, LDAP directory access, and other odds and ends - grab a
copy of the manual for more information.  The main design goal was ease of
use, for example here's what it takes to create a signed S/MIME message:

  /* Create an envelope for the message and push in the signing key */
  cryptCreateEnvelopeEx( &cryptEnvelope, CRYPT_FORMAT_SMIME, CRYPT_USE_DEFAULT
  cryptAddEnvComponentNumeric( cryptEnvelope, CRYPT_ENVELOPE_SIGNATURE,
   signatureKey );

  /* Push in the message data and pop out the signed result */
  cryptPushData( cryptEnvelope, message, messageSize, &bytesIn );
  cryptPushData( cryptEnvelope, NULL, 0, NULL );
  cryptPopData( cryptEnvelope, buffer, bufferSize, &bytesOut );

  /* Clean up */
  cryptDestroyEnvelope( cryptEnvelope );

The manual contains examples of how you'd integrate this into a mailer like
Eudora to provide full-strength S/MIME encryption.
- schnipp --

AFAIK that's the base Thomas wants to operate on.

> Personally I don't get how S/MIME can be considered an international
> standard without a internationally available reference
> implementation - is there one you are aware of ??

Fact is, that many Windows mail readers support S/MIME and not PGP
(especially not RFC 2015). If you want to use S/MIME in an Unix
environment you have to install Netscape Communicator and use
Messanger, which may corrupt your mail folders and something like
this. So it's really a great idea to implement some kind of S/MIME
support to Mutt.

> Does 'cryptlib' handle this and what is a URL for it ?

See the above quoted mail.



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Re: "pine-style take" command?

1999-04-10 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Sat, 10 Apr 1999, Giwrgo* Betouly* wrote:

> Hi, is there a quick way to pick out email addresses out of the
> message currently read and add them to the alias file? I know the
> 'create alias' command (bound to 'a') but it only gets the author of
> the message. I am looking for something that produces a list of
> email addresses appearing in the headers and the body from which I
> would be able to generate aliases.

Have a look at at



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Re: tag color

1999-05-13 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Thu, 13 May 1999, I.D. Chan wrote:

> How could set the color of the tagged messages ?
> I could find out the way to do that. 

color index  magentadefault  ~T # Tagged



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Re: Mutt Web Pages Updated

1999-05-13 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

Could not process message with given Content-Type: 
multipart/signed; boundary=H1spWtNR+x+ondvy; micalg=pgp-md5;protocol="application/pgp-signature"

Re: uudencoded stuff

1999-05-17 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Mon, 17 May 1999, Eric Smith wrote:

> How do I decode and view automatically? What rule would I use in the
> /etc/mailcap cause the file does not have a specific ending.

If you want automatic view, then you have to convert uuencode to MIME
by using emil ( and procmail with 
the following rules:

# Try to convert UUENCODE to MIME
* Content-Type: text
:0 fBw
* ^begin [0-7][0-7[0-7]
* ^end
| formail -i Mime-Version | emil -G mime8_user
* !Content-Type:
:0 fBw
* ^begin [0-7][0-7][0-7]
* ^end
| emil -G mime8_user

If you want to decode already received mails, you may want to simply
pipe the mail into uudeview
( with the following macro:

macro   index   \eu "|uudeview -\n" "uudecode mail(s)"
macro   pager   \eu "|uudeview -\n" "uudecode mail"
macro   attach  \eu "|uudeview -\n" "uudecode attachment"

Now ESC u uudecodes the mail(s).

> Also where may I download urlview?



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Re: compressed folders + IMAP ?

1999-05-30 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Sun, 30 May 1999, Adam Lazur wrote:

> I've become addicted to compressed folders (bzip2'd folders even),
> and would like to migrate my mail over to IMAP as well, but from
> what I've seen it's not possible to do compressed folders over IMAP.
> Has anybody gotten this to work? Is it even possible to do within
> the IMAP protocol?

You ask this question in the wrong mailing list, because this is not a 
problem of the mail reader but the imap server. The imap server has to 
parse the mailfolder and offers the mailreader a list of mails, so the 
mailreader can order every single article.

If you want to access a compressed folder via imap, the imap server
needs to supply compressed folders support, so it can uncompress the
folder and interact with the mailreader as with normal folders.

I don't know whether there are imap servers supporting compressed
folders. If this is the case you may have to make sure, that the
compressed folders support in mutt is switched off, otherwise this
could result in problems (didn't check this).



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Re: Forwarding attachments

1999-06-02 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Tue, 01 Jun 1999, Stephen Maher wrote:

> The only way I've found to 'forward' an email with MIME attachments
> remaining as attachments in the forwarded message is to 'bounce' the
> email, which is undesirable.

> No combination of mime_forward_decode, forward_decode, and
> mime_forward seem to do what I want.

I don't see where your problem is, but the following should work:

set forward_attachment  # When forwarding attachments only send as attachements
unset mime_forward_decode   # decode messages when forwarding with MIME
set mime_forward=yes# use MIME when forwarding mails.

The other "*forward*" variables are only used, if you have
mime_forward unset.

If you still have problems, I may missed some variables (have a look
at for my complete muttrc, which allows
to forward attachments correct) or tell me exactly, what's going



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Re: Forwarding attachments

1999-06-02 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Wed, 02 Jun 1999, Stephen Maher wrote:

> Ah .. I need to upgrade mutt. 
> My .95 doesn't have the forward_attachment variable.

Ooops, you're right, this variable was introduces between 0.96 and
0.96.1 (both versions for developers only).

But I'm quite sure, that forwarding with attachments worked with 0.95,



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Re: How to filter these messages?

1999-06-12 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Fri, 11 Jun 1999, Steve Crane wrote:

> I have asked this here before but never really got a satisfactory
> answer so I'm asking again and sending an example this time.

Simply have a look at the Sender line:

All messages on the mutt-users list have this one.
You have a different but much harder problem, because one of the mail
routing systems, which bring the mail to you, seems to strip headers
(e.g. the Sender header) and change others (e.g. the Date header).

You should talk with your provider about this...

Here's the complete header of your example mail:

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: from aiur (uucp@localhost)
by (8.9.3/8.9.3/Debian/GNU) with BSMTP id VAA31984
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri, 11 Jun 1999 21:21:52 +0200
Received: from aiur (aiur)
by aiur (bsmtp 2.3pl8bMS);
Fri Jun 11 21:16:08 1999
using /var/spool/bsmtp/out/q19100.01.929128568
Received: from ( [])
by (Postfix) with SMTP id 416B712862
for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fri, 11 Jun 1999 21:16:02 +0200 (MET DST)
Received: (qmail 8146 invoked by uid 610); 11 Jun 1999 19:15:35 -
Received: (qmail 8041 invoked from network); 11 Jun 1999 19:15:13 -
Received: from ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  by with SMTP; 11 Jun 1999 19:15:13 -
Received: (qmail 31792 invoked by uid 2003); 11 Jun 1999 19:15:10 -
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 15:15:10 -0400
From: David Thorburn-Gundlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mutt Users' List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Zenaan Harkness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: mutt deleting inbox and other folders
References: <02dd01beb433$a0ada960$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary=DocE+STaALJfprDB; micalg=pgp-sha1;
X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.4i
In-Reply-To: <02dd01beb433$a0ada960$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; from Zenaan 
Harkness on Sat, Jun 12, 1999 at 03:55:43AM +1000
X-Wedding-Date: 94/01/15-19:30
X-Wedding-Time: 47346 hours of wedded bliss :-)
X-Madison-Date: 96/12/13-12:00
X-Madison-Time: 21842 hours of fatherhood :-)
Precedence: bulk
Status: RO
Content-Length: 2162
Lines: 57



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Re: HTML Mail -> no temp file

1999-07-07 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Tue, 06 Jul 1999, Hal Burgiss wrote:

> Trying to view html mail and I get a NS message to the effect of:
>  No Such File: /tmp/mutt
> Correct there is no such file -- anywhere. I have tmpdir set to /tmp in
> .muttrc. I don't see that mutt is creating any temp files in this
> situation? 
> I've changed mailcap to '-remote openFile(%s)', since openURL()
> seemed to always want a http:// URL. This works fine as long as it
> points to a valid file.

The problem with "netscape -remote openFile" is, that this command
terminates before the file is read in completely. IMHO this is a bug
in netscape.

Mutt works correctly here: Mutt creates the temp file, then it starts
the command (netscape), then it waits for the started command to
terminate and after this Mutt removes the temp file.

When netscape terminates before reading the file completely in, this
means, that Mutt has removed the file before is read and you got the
above message.

Work around for this problem:

Add a sleep 10 after the netscape call in your mailcap like this:

text/html; (netscape -remote 'openFile(%s)' || netscape %s)\; sleep 10; \
   test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

This is ugly, but normally these 10 seconds should be enough for
netscape to read the file.

Alternatively you can tell Mutt to always wait for a key press before
removing the file by adding an exit 1 like this:

text/html; (netscape -remote 'openFile(%s)' || netscape %s)\; exit 1; \
   test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

This tells Mutt to ask for a key press (because netscape seems to be
terminated with an error) before removing the file.

Another alternative is to "set wait_key" in your muttrc. This should
activate waiting for a key press after every external command. But in
most situations this is annoying, so I prefer to "unset wait_key" and
to add an "exit 1", when I want Mutt to wait for a key press in some
special case.



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Re: HTML Mail -> no temp file

1999-07-07 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Wed, 07 Jul 1999, Brian Salter-Duke wrote:

> > text/html; (netscape -remote 'openFile(%s)' || netscape %s)\; sleep 10; \
> >test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

> Could you explain what is really going here? Why the two calls to
> netscape sparated by ||?

This first tries to start netscape -remote, which exits with a value
!=0 if no netscape is actually running. In this case the "or" (||)
part is executed and a new netscape is started.

> Why the \ after the ) to protect the ;?

Because an unquoted ";" is the mailcap separator. But what I want to
do here is to execute two commands (netscape and sleep) one after the
other, so the "\;" is a ";" for the shell executing the mailcap

> Are the alternatives whether netscape is already running or not?




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Re: lbdb

1999-08-22 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Sun, 22 Aug 1999, Brian Salter-Duke wrote:

> > On 990110, at 23:55:54, Roland Rosenfeld wrote:
> > > I took over maintenance of [the lbdb] utility and you will find it at
> > > now (Source and Debian
> > > binary). Actual version is 0.12.

This URL was completely wrong (it's my local machine, which is only
accessible some minutes a day).  The official URL for lbdb is

> What is the latest version? I have 0.17.1

At the moment we are at 0.18.1

> > Has anyone built lbdb for HP-UX?  I've been trying to build
> > version 0.16, and have encountered a number of configuration
> > problems (no getopt.h, shell keywords, awk path, ...)

I removed many bash and GNU specials in the newer versions, so the
actual version should build on HP-UX without problems.  If it doesn't
please let me know the problems.



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Re: tcsh command completion for mutt (was: zsh ...)

1999-08-30 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, Mikko Hänninen wrote:

> At the moment I'm using
> complete mutt   c@-f=@F:$HOME/Mail/@ c/-f/F/ c/-i/F/
> Which lets me complete files from ~/Mail with
>   mutt -f=
> but is otherwise very simple.  Has anyone hacked together something
> better?

To say the truth, I only use completion with -f and -F, so the above
would be enough for me.  But the following (which I use) should be a
little bit more complete:
complete mutt   c@-f=@F:$HOME/Mail/@ c/-f/f/ \
c/-a/f/ c/-f/f/ c/-F/f/ c/-H/f/ c/-i/f/ \
c/-m/"(mbox maildir mmdf mh MMDF MH Maildir)"/



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Re: GnuPG and Mutt

1999-09-01 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Wed, 01 Sep 1999, J Horacio MG wrote:

> BTW, could anyone tell me what the following setting means?
>  set pgp_show_unusable

  6.3.101.  pgp_show_unusable

  Type: boolean
  Default: yes

  If set, mutt will display non-usable keys on the PGP key selection
  menu.  This includes keys which have been revoked, have expired, or
  have been marked as ``disabled'' by the user.

This variable exists only in the development version (0.96.*) and was
introduced with 0.96i.

> Also, the following
>  set pgp_entry_format="%n %t%f %l 0x%k %a %c %u"
> has never worked for me, and I had to comment it.

  6.3.95.  pgp_entry_format

  Type: string
  Default: "%4n %t%f %4l/0x%k %-4a %2c %u"

  This variable allows you to customize the PGP key selection menu to
  your personal taste. This string is similar to ``index_format'', but
  has its own set of printf()-like sequences:

   %n  number
   %k  key id
   %u  user id
   %a  algorithm
   %l  key length
   %f  flags
   %c  capabilities
   %t  trust/validity of the key-uid association
   %[]  date of the key where  is an strftime(3)

This variable also only exists in the development version and was
introduced in 0.96.1i or 0.96.2i.

Simply ignore those variables if your mutt doesn't support them. They
may be introduced in the stable version 1.2 or something like this.



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Re: take e-mail addresses from a mail

1999-09-03 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Fri, 03 Sep 1999, Raju K V wrote:

> >From a mail how do I take and display all the email addresses in
> it(from, to , cc and body of text) so that I can add them to my
> alias file? What I want is similar to pine's take(T) option?

Have a look at from

> Also, can you suggest a simple keybinding to make mail spool
> /var/mail/rajukv as the current folder?

If /var/mail/rajukv is your $spoolfile, simply change to folder "!"
using "c!"



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Re: header in pager

1999-09-03 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Fri, 03 Sep 1999, Axel Tillequin wrote:

> My pager (builtin) displays the full header of each message. Is it
> possible to
> display only the "date from subject to cc" part of it ?

ignore *
unignore date from subject to cc



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Re: pgp6/gnupg toggle & newbe Q

1999-09-07 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Tue, 07 Sep 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hoping to toggle between my versions of pgp6.5.1 and gnupg so I have
> grabbed Roland Rosenfeld's pgp6.rc, gpg.rc, and keybind files.

That was the wrong way, because these files are only for the
development version of Mutt (0.96.*), not for the stable version

Please have a look at muttrc-1.0pre2i and keybind-1.0pre2i on and you will see how to handle PGP 6.5.1 
with Mutt 1.0pre2 (simply edit the pgp_v6_* variables according to
your needs and set pgp_*_version to pgp6.

> A second question: I was unable to get mutt to ask me for my gpg
> passphrase to unencrypt a pgp6.5.1 messages (sent using my gpg
> pubkey) from a windows outlook express user. Anything here that
> might cause gnupg to ignore this - was able to use gpg after copying
> to text file.

You didn't quote _all_ headers but it seems that the Content-Type is
_not_ set to application/pgp?  Mutt needs this to find out that a
message uses PGP.  To add the missing header you can use procmail with 
the following rule:

* !^Content-Type: message/
* !^Content-Type: multipart/
* !^Content-Type: application/pgp
:0 fBw
| formail \
-i "Content-Type: application/pgp; format=text; x-action=encrypt"

:0 fBw
| formail \
-i "Content-Type: application/pgp; format=text; x-action=sign"



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Re: german letters in iso-8859-1 Code

1999-09-16 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, J Horacio MG wrote:

> LC_ALL=es_ES

> while I see most special characters fine (Spanish, German,
> Scandinavian, ...), I sometimes see `?'s in some mails ...

So what charset do these mails use?  It sound to me that these mails
use a wrong charset (DOS, Mac or something like this).

> is recompilation with the `--enable-locales-fix' option the only
> solution to it?

--enable-locales-fix is never a solution, it is only a workarround.
What this switch does is hard coding ISO-8859-1 into your mutt,
instead of using the locale settings.  Your LC_CTYPE is set to es_ES
(LC_ALL overrides the setting of LC_CTYPE), so if you have a working
/usr/share/locale/es_ES/LC_CTYPE installed, everything works as

You should use --enable-locales-fix only if your system locale files
are completely broken, but then you may have a bigger problem than the 
question marks in Mutt, because there are many programs using locale
to find out what characters are printable and things like this.



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Re: How can I ?

1999-09-28 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> 2) Can mutt determine the content type of the file being attached ?
>Normally one presses ^T and types it thereafter.

Mutt tries to determine the MIME type by checking the file extension
against ~/.mime.types or /etc/mime.types.

> 3) Can one save the messages matching a pattern into another folder ? 
>[I can tag or delete messages matching a pattern but cannot save them 
> based on a pattern. Currently I use mailx for the purpose.] ?

Tag the messages matching a pattern using "T".
Enter ";s" to save the tagged messages.  The tag-prefix ";" can also
be used with other commands to execute the command with all tagged

> 4) Can one save mutt history ? 

AFAIK: no.

> 5) Can one convert a .PST file to unix-like(text) format ?

Never heard of .PST.

> 6) Can i change directories in other-than-browser menus like pager
>or index ?

I don't understand the question.  What directory do you want to



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[Compressed-Folders] file descriptor leaking fixed

1999-09-29 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

There were four file descriptor leaks in the old versions of the
compressed folders patch.  The attached patch fixes this problem.

The patch can be applied after most versions of the compressed folders 
patch it should work with 0.95.*, 0.96.* and 1.0pre*.



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---  Fri Sep 24 09:42:23 1999
+++ compress.c  Wed Sep 29 10:06:53 1999
@@ -213,6 +213,7 @@
   rc = mutt_system (cmd);
   mx_unlock_file (ctx->realpath, fileno (fp), 1);
+  fclose (fp);
   if (rc)
@@ -332,6 +333,7 @@
   mx_unlock_file (ctx->realpath, fileno (fp), 1);
+  fclose (fp);
   safe_free ((void **)&cmd);
@@ -403,10 +405,12 @@
 safe_free ((void **)&cmd);
 mx_unlock_file (ctx->realpath, fileno (fp), 1);
+fclose (fp);
 return (-1);
   mx_unlock_file (ctx->realpath, fileno (fp), 1);
+  fclose (fp);
   remove_file (ctx);
   restore_path (ctx);
   safe_free ((void **)&cmd);

 PGP signature

Re: bind r to reply with include=yes and R to reply with include=no

1999-09-30 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Shao Zhang wrote:

>   Is there a way to bind the following two keys to behave like
>   this?
>   bind r reply include = yes
>   bind R reply include = no

Try the following:

macro index r ":set include=yes\n" "Reply with include"
macro index R ":set include=no\n"  "Reply without include"
macro pager r ":set include=yes\n" "Reply with include"
macro pager R ":set include=no\n"  "Reply without include"

(not tested).



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Re: Cut and paste annoyance...

1999-09-30 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Michael H. Warfield wrote:

>   Hmmm  Just noticed a "cut and paste" annoyance that I had
> never encounted with elm or with any other pager like more or less.
> If I'm viewing a message and copy part of the message using the
> mouse cut and paste in X-Windows, I find that when I paste it into
> something else, all of the lines are padded with spaces out to the
> width of the original window that Mutt was running in.  I would
> guess that the Mutt pager is padding out the lines rather than
> clearing and terminating.

As far as I can see this problem depends on the curses library and
your use of colors. I just tried the following combinations:

slang without any color settings -> no problems
slang with color settings (background set to black) -> your problem
ncurses with or without color settings -> everything is okay

The center of the problem seems to be that slang fills all lines to
colorize the complete line.  And these fill characters are then

I suggest using ncurses instead of slang and you will have no problems.



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Re: folder-hook . set index_format="%4C %Z ..." gives "%Z: unknown variable"

1999-10-02 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Sat, 02 Oct 1999, Keith Harbaugh wrote:

> folder-hook . set index_format="%4C %Z %[%m-%d] %-20.20L (%?M?#%03M&%4l?) %s"
> folder-hook a-folder-spanning-years   \
>   set index_format="%4C %Z %[%Y-%m-%d] %-20.20L (%?M?#%03M&%4l?) %s"

> But when I then run mutt, and enter any folder, mutt beeps and says
>%Z: unknown variable

You forgot to quote the command which is executed by the folder-hook.

folder-hook . 'set index_format="%4C %Z %[%m-%d] %-20.20L (%?M?#%03M&%4l?) %s"'
folder-hook a-folder-spanning-years \
'set index_format="%4C %Z %[%Y-%m-%d] %-20.20L (%?M?#%03M&%4l?) %s"'



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Re: [OT] GUI PGP/MIME mailers?

1999-10-14 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, Jeremy Blosser wrote:

> Sorry for the off topic question... can any of you recommend any GUI
> MUAs that support PGP/MIME instead of just old-style?  I've got some
> people I'm moving from Windows to Linux, and this is one of the
> overriding needs for a MUA for them.

I asked a similar question some weeks ago on a German newsgroup about
mail readers and got a list of MUAs which support RFC 2015.  Here's
the result:

Mail readers with RFC 2015 (PGP/MIME) support

 * [2]Mutt
 * exmh
 * premail (not really a reader, but a plugin for netscape or any
   client where you can change how sendmail is invoked)
 * [3]XCmail
 * mew (an emacs mail reader)
 * Voodo on Amiga
 * Gnus 5.6.45 with TM and Mailcrypt
 * Qualcomm Eudora (full and light version for Windows and Mac) since
   version 3.02 with PGP 5.5.3i and 6.0.2i Plugin
 * XFMail 1.3
 * MS Exchange with PGP 5 (?)
 * MS Outlook with PGP 5 (?)
 * MS Outlook Express with the Plugins which come with PGP.
 * Claris Em@iler with PGP 5 (?)
 * The internal mail reader of [4]Mixmaster 2.9
Without RFC 2015 support (yet)

 * Pterodactyl Gnus (but code is partly written)



You will have to find out yourself which of these MUAs use a GUI...

Any additions and corrections are welcome.

The above list is available under



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GPG (DSA): 1024D/BD8B050D   3A63 2410 4B40 422D   1D2C 3BBF CF77 BD8B 050D

 PGP signature

Re: fcntl: No locks available (errno = 37)

1999-11-17 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Dan Lipofsky wrote:

> I am using mutt-1.0pre3us on Red Hat 6.1 Linux.  When ever I try to
> save a message to a file on a network file system I get
> fcntl: No locks available (errno = 37)
> If the file does not exist it successfully creates it but leaves it
> length zero.  If I try to save to a file on the local file system it
> works fine.  Can anyone help me out here?

I don't know which Kernels comes with RedHat 6.1, but I presume it's

If your NFS server supports locking (Linux userspace nfsd doesn't, the
knfsd does, if it is compiled with the correct options), everything
should be okay, but you shouldn't miss to start lockd and statd on
both machines.

If your NFS server doesn't support locking, you have to add the option
"nolock" to the mount options for this filesystem on the client
machine (otherwise Linux 2.2.* on the client will complain).
In addition to this you should upgrade to at least kernel 2.2.13,
because otherwise you will loose mail (there is a feature in 2.2.*
kernels which flushes the cache of a file when it is locked, but in
kernel <=2.2.12 this feature did only work if the server supports
locking.  Since 2.2.13 this also works for servers which do not
support locking).




Re: fcntl: No locks available (errno = 37)

1999-11-17 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Dirk Pirschel wrote:

> > As a result, I pretty much always build mutt with --disable-fcntl
> > --enable-flock on linux.

> What is the difference between "fcntl" and "flock" ?

The man page of flock(2) on my Linux system says:

   flock(2) does not  lock  files  over  NFS.   Use  fcntl(2)
   instead:  that  does  work  over NFS, given a sufficiently
   recent version of Linux and a server which supports  lock­

So flock(2) may not be the best idea if you want to access your mail
via NFS...





1999-11-23 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, David Ellement wrote:

> > I have never got a PGP 5 sig to work with GPG. But then maybe it
> > has something to do with the fact that they keys are no self
> > signed.

> It is possible to import keys without self signatures using the gpg
> option --allow-non-selfsigned-uid.

Are you sure, that this is a good idea?  It is brain dead to create
keys or user ids without a self signature, because it is possible to
add a new user id to a key without having the secret key.  As far as I
know, gnupg doesn't differentiate between the user ids when
calculating the trust (or did this change?), so a faked user id can
look trusted, which IMHO is a security hole.

This security hole is avoided, when you forbid non self signed user
ids (which is the default in gnupg), so I wouldn't change this
behavior by the above mentioned option.




Re: which is preferred slang/ncurses?

1999-11-28 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Sat, 27 Nov 1999, Timothy Ball wrote:

> I've noticed a small difference (potentially major) difference
> between the slang and ncurses interface. In ncurses if I use the bg
> color of "default" mutt will use transperent backgrounds in
> gnome-terminal (or Eterm) but if I use slang 1) default goes to
> "black" and 2) Colors look wierd.

If you want SLang to work correct with "default" color, you need to
set the environment variable COLORFGBG first:

  If your terminal supports it, the special keyword default can be used
  as a transparent color.  The value brightdefault is also valid.  If
  Mutt is linked against the S-Lang library, you also need to set the
  COLORFGBG environment variable to the default colors of your terminal
  for this to work; for example (for Bourne-like shells):

  set COLORFGBG="green;black"
  export COLORFGBG

> So I thought I'd ask which interface is preferred? ncurses or slang?

I personally prefer ncures, because I don't have to set COLORFGBG
depending on the colors of my terminals and because copy&paste with
the mouse works better with ncurses (with S-Lang in some terminals the
copy includes the spaces at the end of the line). The disadvantage of
ncurses is, that it sends more bytes to the terminal than S-Lang which
may make it slower on slow lines.




Re: Handling old style PGP messages (non-MIME)

1999-12-31 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, Thomas Roessler wrote:

> On 1999-12-31 00:27:44 -0800, Michael Elkins wrote:
> > If someone wanted to do this, what I would suggest is making an
> > user controlled option to search text/plain messages for the
> > magic string "-BEGIN PGP".

> > I suggest the variable
> > set i_really_want_to_slow_down_reading_my_mailboxes

I don't think, that we should use a global option for this.  What
about the following idea: 

Add some function (bound on a hot key), which parses the actual
message for "-BEGIN PGP" and changes the internal PGP flags of
this message in the same way as Content-Type: application/pgp does now
automatically.  This information can be stored until the user changes
the actual mailbox.  After the change of the flags, the message should
be redisplayed, because it may look different after changing the PGP

This approach has the following advantages:
- it doesn't slow down normal Mutt use
- it works for multipart mails (nearly impossible with procmail)
- it doesn't change the message (IMHO a major disadvantage of the
  procmail approach)
- it works with IMAP where the user doesn't have a chance to use
  procmail on the server

The only disadvantage of this idea is, that the user has to press the
hot key for every PGP message, which isn't flagged correct by MIME,
but this can be taken as a feature, because it shows how useful MIME
is :-)

> No, thanks.  _This_ can really be done at delivery time by procmail.

Do you really want Mutt to be a geek only mail reader?  Open your
eyes, there are normal users out there, which don't want or aren't
allowed/able to use procmail and which communicate with Windows users,
which send out PGP without MIME headers but instead of this with
vcards (multipart/mixed).  If you want Mutt to become widely used, you
should make it _accept_ every PGP style (if checking of signatures
fails to often, users will notice, that they should change their
creation of signatures).




 PGP signature

Re: Handling old style PGP messages (non-MIME)

1999-12-31 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, Shannon Lee wrote:

> J> > Open your eyes, there are normal users out there, which don't
> J> > want or aren't allowed/able to use procmail and which
> J> > communicate with Windows

> nobody here can help those organizations or individuals who have
> chosen to limit themselves to "easy" software;

So you think, that every company and organization should install shell
accounts with access to a ~/.procmail for every user in the network on
their IMAP server?  You know the security risks of procmail with a
"problematic" ~/.procmailrc?

Or do you mean, that we should remove the IMAP support from mutt,
because IMAP is evil?

> all we can do is make sure that when they step into the light
> there's a sane alternative ;)

Please stop the holy war!  I don't want to discussion the pros and
cons of Unix vs. Windows or good software vs. bad software.  

All I want is to think about the PGP reception of Mutt.  Fact is, that
there is mail software (including many Unix mail readers), that
doesn't support RFC 2015 or the application/pgp thing (don't know,
whether there is a RFC or whether it is a de facto standard created by
elm).  I want to be able to read these messages using Mutt.  I think,
that there should be much discussion until here.

Now the question is, how we want to make these messages readable by
Mutt.  At the moment Mutt doesn't have support for those messages.
The work around for this (it's not a solution, but only a work
around!) is to use procmail with the rules given in PGP-Notes.txt.
This works most of the time but has many disadvantages:
- Every Mutt user needs procmail to be installed on the mail server
- Every Mutt user needs a shell account on the mail server to create a
- Every Mutt user has to understand how procmail works
- procmail has to manipulate the mail.  I personally think, that a MTA
  or MDA should not change any mail except from adding a Received
- The procmail rules from PGP-Notes.txt strip (or rename) the original
  Content-Type header, which may include information (for example the
  charset).  Don't tell me, that this is a feature, it's a bug.
- The procmail rules from PGP-Notes.txt only work for text/plain
  messages, if there is some PGP-signature or PGP encryption in a
  multipart mail.  I didn't see a working procmail rule for those
  message.  Instead of this I have to edit the mail by hand to change
  the Content-Type of the MIME part which includes PGP.  This is not
  the behavior which I like in a mail reader.

Maybe you will accept at least some of these disadvantages.  And don't
forget the old rule: "Be liberal in what you accept and restrictive in
what you create."

That's why I still propose to add a mutt function (bound on a special
key), that scans the actual message for PGP and temporarily change the
PGP flags for this message accordingly until the user changes the
folder.  Please note, that I don't want every mail to be scanned for
PGP every time.  I also don't want the non-MIME PGP mails to be
automatically detected.  If you or Jeremy don't like this feature,
simply unbind the key and you will never notice, that this feature is

> J> > users, which send out PGP without MIME headers but instead of
> J> > this with vcards (multipart/mixed).  If you want Mutt to become
> J> > widely used,

> i don't believe that microsoft (or anybody) should be allowed to set
> *yet another* de-facto standard

I don't talk about MS software.  I'm talking about software like pine,
which simply create PGP messages as in the good old days, when nobody
used MIME and a message body (or parts of it) could simply be piped
through pgp -feast or similar.  This is no new de-facto standard but
only the old way to use PGP.

And don't forget that the "Content-Type: application/pgp" (created by
elm and the procmail rules from PGP-Notes.txt) is not much better than
the old style PGP without MIME header.  It implies the same problems
with characters other than 7bit ASCII etc.  So why does Mutt support
application/pgp and not the same without MIME headers?  You cannot
argue with de-facto standards etc. here.  The only good solution is
RFC 2015, but we cannot change the world to only use RFC 2015 from now
on.  And backward compatibility (only for reading, not for creation!)
means, that we need some technique in Mutt to decrypt PGP without
correct MIME headers.  This is not the job of some filter but it's the
job of the mail reader to do this.




Re: Handling old style PGP messages (non-MIME)

2000-01-02 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

Matthias Teege schrieb am Sonntag, den 02. Januar 2000:

> what about '| pgp | less' (or '| gpg | less').

This has many disadvantages:
- It shows only the signed/encrypted PGP part, not the rest of the
- You cannot reply to such an encrypted message.
- "less" doesn't support colors like the internal pager does ;-)




Re: mac-binhex40 encoding

2000-01-06 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Wed, 05 Jan 2000, Andrew J. Schorr wrote:

> Can anyone tell me how to handle a MIME attachment that was encoded
> using BinHex 4.0?

I personally use the program emil (see with the following rule in
my ~/.procmailrc:

* ^Content-Type: multipart/mixed
:0 fBw
* ^Content-Type: application/mac-binhex
| emil -G mime8_user

This converts mac-binhex to "normal" MIME.

At the moment, I'm not sure, whether this works for version 4.0 of
binhex, just try it out...




Re: sort mailbox list by date

2000-01-25 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

Olaf Hering schrieb am Dienstag, den 25. Januar 2000:

> how can I sort the list of available mailboxes ( c - ? or TAB ) by date,
> recent first?

set sort_browser=reverse-date
in your muttrc.




Re: Printing Problem in Mutt 0.91.1

2000-01-25 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, Anup N. Patel wrote:

> I'm using Mutt Version 0.91.1 and am having trouble printing. I
> tried setting the "set print_command = "lpr -Plp1", but mutt gives
> me the following error: "print_command: unknown variable" What is
> the correct configuration variable.

Try "print_cmd", this was the former name of this variable and we
changed it somewhere in 0.92.*.
If this doesn't help, simply have a look at the documentation, which
will be in sync with your historic binary.




[Announce] lbdb 0.25

2001-07-23 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

I just released a new version of the little brother's database with
the following changes:

  * Suggest mutt-ja as an alternative to mutt, because mutt-ja currently
does not provide mutt (Closes: #85923).
  * Add m_ldap and mutt_ldap_query provided by Marc de Courville,
  * Fix problem in mutt_ldap_query, which ignored the content of the
config file before.
  * Remove <> from email address in mutt_ldap_query output.
  * lbdb-munge didn't honor SORT_OUTPUT when called from m_inmail, so
export this variable in m_inmail (Closes: #92767).
  * Module m_nispasswd added by Utz-Uwe Haus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
  * Added variable MAIL_DOMAIN_NAME to override other settings of mail
  * Change Build-Dependency to debhelper >=2.0.103, which is needed for
dh_installlogrotate (Closes: #94471).
  * Replace dh_testversion by versioned build-depends.
  * Upgrade to Standards-Version 3.5.2 (no changes).
  * Depend on mawk | awk to give apt a default.




 PGP signature

[Announce] lbdb 0.25.1

2001-07-24 Thread Roland Rosenfeld

Okay, okay, I accept, that pod2man from perl 5.0 uses other parameters
than the one from 5.6 :-(

lbdb (0.25.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Add ">" to pod2man call in Makefile, because older versions of perl
come with a pod2man which dies otherwise.

 -- Roland Rosenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Tue, 24 Jul 2001 17:47:16 +0200




 PGP signature