Re: sending with perl instead of MTA?

2002-08-12 Thread Matej Cepl

- Original Message -
From: Cameron Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 1:13 AM
Subject: Re: sending with perl instead of MTA?

 On 13:59 11 Aug 2002, Matej Cepl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I had thought I'd explained that. If you're going to have a mail system
 on your home machine that talks to the outside world, you NEED a valid,
 deliverable domain for it. And that CANNOT be your ISP's domain, because
 there's plenty of accounts on your home machine whose name will collide
 with names in the ISP domain, or just be plain undeliverable.  Egro,
 you need a domain, and a listening sendmail.

I am not with you. Do you know about the genericstable file? Sendmail is
able to translate local addresses (= account names) into different email
addresses. For example, my genericstable says


It means that every email from account matej is sent as from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and every email from account ceplova is sent as from

What's the problem?

 As I remarked, my ISP (optus@home) blocks SMTP delivery and therefore I
 can't run a mail service on my home machine without extra finagling. And
 nor can other Optus customers.

Of course, you should deliver all email through smrat_host of your ISP (line
define(`SMART_HOST', `mysmtp') in

Again, what's the problem?

 So in short, many people are not in a position to setup up a valid
 mail system at home, ...

I strongly believe this statement to be incorrect.

 Since my script does less (and more; I dispatch news with it too) and
 sendmail has a long history of vunerabilities and is overfeatured for
 my needs, I would call that logic a little shakey.

Of course, the same can be achieved with SMTP servers (I have used postfix
for a while, but you can use exim, qmail, etc. if you wish).

Have a nice day

Matej Cepl

Re: sending with perl instead of MTA?

2002-08-12 Thread Brad Knowles

At 9:27 AM +1000 2002/08/12, Cameron Simpson wrote:

  The problem is that the
  home machine will either stamp unqualified addresses (cameron) with
  a bogus domain (eg localhost.localdomain on unmodified redhat boxes)
  or with the ISP's domain (if you've so configured it), which is a LIE,
  because most accounts on your machine either don't exist in the ISP or
  collide with other users.

See my previous messages.  This is not a problem, if you have 
configured the box correctly and, more importantly, you have 
configured mutt correctly.

  the crucial point most people seem to miss here, aside from the whole
  lack-of-domain thing, is that if you're going to use you local machines
  mail system, _all_ email clients must be able to use it (without special
  config hacks like my_hdr), and all local accounts must be able to use it.

Again, that's not necessarily true.  Even if it is true, with 
proper configuration, you can support this.

  That's the whole point! A single user single client setup might as well
  speak directly to a legitimate SMTP service from one's ISP.

That would be the preferred method, yes.  However, it is not the 
only option.


They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
 -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

GCS/IT d+(-) s:+(++): a C++(+++)$ UMBSHI$ P+++ L+ !E W+++(--) N+ !w---
O- M++ V PS++(+++) PE- Y+(++) PGP+++ t+(+++) 5++(+++) X++(+++) R+(+++)
tv+(+++) b+() DI+() D+(++) G+() e++ h--- r---(+++)* z(+++)

Re: sending with perl instead of MTA?

2002-08-12 Thread Brad Knowles

At 9:22 AM +1000 2002/08/12, Cameron Simpson wrote:

  No. The outgoing headers include enough reply information for misdelivery
  to cause bounces to go into the ether, or to my ISP (_postmaster_ or
  suchlike at my ISP, not _me_) that this is the wrong approach.

Not if you set your envelope sender correctly.  You have complete 
control over this value, and if set properly, you can guarantee that 
all bounces go back to this address.  That is, unless the MTA at the 
other end is seriously screwed-up, but then you can also control the 
other headers that might potentially be used for those bounces, to 
also ensure that they will go to the correct place.

 It is
  necessary that the first _mail_system_ that handle things be a valid
  standalone domain for this reason.

Again, this is a fallacy.  Unless you have been running Internet 
mail systems for many years and you really understand all the issues 
involved, you should not be arguing points like this with people who 
have been doing this sort of thing for a decade or more.

 So either one needs one's own domain
  and a full setup on the home box, or one needs to deliver directly to
  the ISP's SMTP service.

That would be the preferred method, yes.  However, there are 
alternatives that do not involve the creation of entirely new pieces 
of code being written by people who don't really know what they're 


They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
 -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

GCS/IT d+(-) s:+(++): a C++(+++)$ UMBSHI$ P+++ L+ !E W+++(--) N+ !w---
O- M++ V PS++(+++) PE- Y+(++) PGP+++ t+(+++) 5++(+++) X++(+++) R+(+++)
tv+(+++) b+() DI+() D+(++) G+() e++ h--- r---(+++)* z(+++)

Re: sending with perl instead of MTA?

2002-08-12 Thread Brad Knowles

At 9:13 AM +1000 2002/08/12, Cameron Simpson wrote:

  I had thought I'd explained that. If you're going to have a mail system
  on your home machine that talks to the outside world, you NEED a valid,
  deliverable domain for it.

Not true.  If they have an external mail relay that is configured 
to accept anything they transmit (hopefully secured via SMTPAUTH or 
TLSSMTP), then this isn't a problem.  You just need to make sure that 
the envelope sender is set to a valid deliverable domain, but that's 
a problem you can easily solve with mutt.

 And that CANNOT be your ISP's domain,
  because there's plenty of accounts on your home machine whose name
  will collide with names in the ISP domain, or just be plain

Just make sure that the envelope sender address is set correctly, 
and you don't have a problem.

  Egro, you need a domain, and a listening sendmail.

Not true.  Provably so.

  As I remarked, my ISP (optus@home) blocks SMTP delivery and therefore
  I can't run a mail service on my home machine without extra finagling.
  And nor can other Optus customers.

It's easy enough to set up port forwarding, including port 
forwarding to a different port.

  So in short, many people are not in a position to setup up a valid
  mail system at home, and further don't need one - they only need
  to be able to do SMTP dispatch.

Actually, this statement is true.  Just use the SMTP servers from 
your network provider.

  Actually, I now have a correctly configured sendmail at home, having
  made external delivery arrangements for my domain. And I still use my
  special wheel, because sendmail doesn't do what I want, not will ANY
  email only tool.

In what way will sendmail not do what you want?

  Since my script does less (and more; I dispatch news with it too) and
  sendmail has a long history of vunerabilities and is overfeatured for
  my needs, I would call that logic a little shakey.

When was the last security advisory for sendmail?  That is, 
sendmail the program, not some library that all applications use, or 
some other mail-related problem that can be potentially resolved with 

The most recent CERT Advisory for sendmail that I can find is 
dated January 28, 1997 at

Now, when I left AOL as their Sr. Internet Mail Systems 
Administrator, they were doing an average of about a mail message a 
day per user (five million at the time).  I understand that they're 
over 30 million users today.  If you assume linear growth (which 
should underestimate the traffic), you would get about five million 
users additional per year.

That would be 1.825 billion e-mail messages in 1997 alone, and a 
total of about 38 billion e-mail messages over that five year period 
of time.  And that's just for AOL.  Total Internet traffic 
transmitted via sendmail is almost certainly many orders of magnitude 
larger than this.

How many trillions of e-mail messages has your custom script 
delivered over the past five years?

Long ago, Eric got tired of being the security whipping boy of 
the Internet.  This is why the list of DONTBLAMESENDMAIL 
configuration options is so incredibly long -- there are so many 
things that you should not be doing (for security purposes), but 
because people care more about making things work than making them 
secure, they need to turn on one or more of these options.

In the past, Eric let these things slide, but no more.  Hence, 
the options so that people can turn security off again, and make 
things work.

  Sorry, but if I were installing from scratch I'd use postfix, not
  sendmail.  As it is, I've arranged my own domain and set the (fairly
  easy for a techie) setting in the RedHat file and am now
  happy. But I still don't use it for mutt dispatch, and never will.

Yes, theoretically, postfix is more secure than sendmail, because 
of the mutually distrustful/absolutely least possible priviledge 
mode of operation.  In practice, I don't think it is all that much 
less secure, in part because there are so many fewer places around 
the world that are running it, and because the code has not yet lived 
long enough to be able to claim to truly stand the test of time.

Keep in mind that I've been involved with the development of 
postfix since 1998, back when it was still called VMailer.  I'm very 
proud of this involvement, and there are a lot of things for which 
postfix is quite good for.

But if you want to objectively compare the security history of 
postfix to that of sendmail, you have to keep in mind that sendmail 
hasn't had a CERT Alert issued since a year before postfix existed.

Moreover, there are some features of sendmail that postfix can't 
really touch.  While it is intended to be a drop-in replacement for 

Re: sending with perl instead of MTA?

2002-08-11 Thread Matej Cepl

- Original Message -
From: Cameron Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2002 5:34 AM
Subject: Re: sending with perl instead of MTA?

 Therefore it's often sensible to use your ISP's SMTP server.  And thus a
 script of some kind instead of sendmail, since you're only doing dispatch,
 not routing.

Yes, it is (actually, it is only sensible way how to make sending of mails
working on dial-up machine without bind etc.), but why not to configure your
very own sendmail properly?

 If I were only doing SMTP, I'd be doing that (well, really using my own
 smtpsend script which does that same job). But I'm doing a bit more.
 So I have my own script.

You do not have to have your own script (have you ever heard about
reinventing the wheel?). I understand that you have problems with
configuring underdocumented sendmail (who doesn't have them?), but still I
believe that it is better to use it than your own Perl script (twenty years
of development makes sendmail probably at least slightly more robust than
your own creation). So, take a look at, where is very well
documented exactly yours configuration of sendmail and take a look at the

What about that?

Description: Binary data

Re: sending with perl instead of MTA?

2002-08-11 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Matej Cepl [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020811 13:59]:
 You do not have to have your own script (have you ever heard about
 reinventing the wheel?). I understand that you have problems with
 configuring underdocumented sendmail (who doesn't have them?)

I don't wanna start any MTA wars, but I tend to agree that sendmail is a
little overkill for the problem. You could take a look at nullmailer
for example, - the advantage of usin
nullmailer or sendmail is that mail gets queued should there be a problem
with the ISP's smtp server.

Johan Almqvist

Re: sending with perl instead of MTA?

2002-08-11 Thread David T-G

David --

BTW, you shouldn't follow up to the @gbnet address even if the prior
message was [mis]directed there...

...and then David Rock said...
% On Sun, Aug 11, 2002 at 01:34:55PM +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
%  Or with no legitimate domain name to use for outgoing return information;
%  have an opressive ISP (eg optus@home, my cable provider) you _can't_
%  run an publicly visible SMTP server because optus filter that port.
% Wouldn't you just use my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] to cover most of 
% this problem?

How do you get such a mail out to the outside world so that someone can
see that address and reply to it?

% -- 
% David Rock


David T-G  * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: sending with perl instead of MTA?

2002-08-11 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 13:59 11 Aug 2002, Matej Cepl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  Therefore it's often sensible to use your ISP's SMTP server.  And thus a
|  script of some kind instead of sendmail, since you're only doing dispatch,
|  not routing.
| Yes, it is (actually, it is only sensible way how to make sending of mails
| working on dial-up machine without bind etc.), but why not to configure your
| very own sendmail properly?

I had thought I'd explained that. If you're going to have a mail system
on your home machine that talks to the outside world, you NEED a valid,
deliverable domain for it. And that CANNOT be your ISP's domain, because
there's plenty of accounts on your home machine whose name will collide
with names in the ISP domain, or just be plain undeliverable.  Egro,
you need a domain, and a listening sendmail.

As I remarked, my ISP (optus@home) blocks SMTP delivery and therefore I
can't run a mail service on my home machine without extra finagling. And
nor can other Optus customers.

So in short, many people are not in a position to setup up a valid
mail system at home, and further don't need one - they only need to be
able to do SMTP dispatch.

|  If I were only doing SMTP, I'd be doing that (well, really using my own
|  smtpsend script which does that same job). But I'm doing a bit more.
|  So I have my own script.
| You do not have to have your own script (have you ever heard about
| reinventing the wheel?).

When other wheels are not the right shape, one must roll one's own or
be a slave to someone else's unsuitable setup. I have LOTS of wheels
with special fittings.

| I understand that you have problems with
| configuring underdocumented sendmail (who doesn't have them?),

Actually, I now have a correctly configured sendmail at home, having
made external delivery arrangements for my domain. And I still use my
special wheel, because sendmail doesn't do what I want, not will ANY
email only tool.

| but still I
| believe that it is better to use it than your own Perl script (twenty years
| of development makes sendmail probably at least slightly more robust than
| your own creation).

Since my script does less (and more; I dispatch news with it too) and
sendmail has a long history of vunerabilities and is overfeatured for
my needs, I would call that logic a little shakey.

| So, take a look at
|, where is very well
| documented exactly yours configuration of sendmail and take a look at the
| attached
| What about that?

Sorry, but if I were installing from scratch I'd use postfix, not
sendmail.  As it is, I've arranged my own domain and set the (fairly
easy for a techie) setting in the RedHat file and am now
happy. But I still don't use it for mutt dispatch, and never will.

Cameron Simpson, DoD#743[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, [congress is] petty and venal and selfish.  That's why they're called
_representatives_.  - Will Durst

Re: sending with perl instead of MTA?

2002-08-11 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 00:02 11 Aug 2002, David Rock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| On Sun, Aug 11, 2002 at 01:34:55PM +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
|  Or with no legitimate domain name to use for outgoing return information;
|  to run a mail service you really do need a valid reply domain, at
|  least for the addresses (From:) that you permit to escape into the
|  outside world. On a dialup or cable connection you don't have this
|  unless you make yourself a domain, eg via etc. And if you
|  have an opressive ISP (eg optus@home, my cable provider) you _can't_
|  run an publicly visible SMTP server because optus filter that port.
| Wouldn't you just use my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] to cover most of 
| this problem?

No. The outgoing headers include enough reply information for misdelivery
to cause bounces to go into the ether, or to my ISP (_postmaster_ or
suchlike at my ISP, not _me_) that this is the wrong approach. It is
necessary that the first _mail_system_ that handle things be a valid
standalone domain for this reason. So either one needs one's own domain
and a full setup on the home box, or one needs to deliver directly to
the ISP's SMTP service.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using encryption on the Internet is the equivalent of arranging an armored
car to deliver credit-card information from someone living in a cardboard box
to someone living on a park bench.  - Gene Spafford

Re: sending with perl instead of MTA?

2002-08-11 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 08:20 11 Aug 2002, David T-G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| ...and then David Rock said...
| % On Sun, Aug 11, 2002 at 01:34:55PM +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
| %  Or with no legitimate domain name to use for outgoing return information;
| %  have an opressive ISP (eg optus@home, my cable provider) you _can't_
| %  run an publicly visible SMTP server because optus filter that port.
| % Wouldn't you just use my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] to cover most of 
| % this problem?
| How do you get such a mail out to the outside world so that someone can
| see that address and reply to it?

Oh that side is easy - your home system knows how to send, directly
(Optus block inbound SMTP, not outbound SMTP). The problem is that the
home machine will either stamp unqualified addresses (cameron) with
a bogus domain (eg localhost.localdomain on unmodified redhat boxes)
or with the ISP's domain (if you've so configured it), which is a LIE,
because most accounts on your machine either don't exist in the ISP or
collide with other users.

the crucial point most people seem to miss here, aside from the whole
lack-of-domain thing, is that if you're going to use you local machines
mail system, _all_ email clients must be able to use it (without special
config hacks like my_hdr), and all local accounts must be able to use it.
That's the whole point! A single user single client setup might as well
speak directly to a legitimate SMTP service from one's ISP.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tiggers don't like honey.   - A.A.Milne, The House at Pooh Corner

Re: sending with perl instead of MTA?

2002-08-10 Thread Sven Guckes

* Cameron Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-08-10 22:48]:
 | and why are you using a perl script
 | for sending when you have mutt?

 Because, as y'all keep saying, mutt doesn't send email
 or talk to SMTP servers. It hands messages to sendmail.

correct.  but why not use an MTA?

 I also use a perl script for this, and point mutt at it as
 the sendmail tool. It's especially handy on disconnected
 home machines which have net connections
 but not net-aware local mail systems; ..

eh?  disconnected machines with net connections?

 .  you can then just replace the sendmail
 with something that delivers, for example,
 to the host named by your $SMTPSERVER variable.

shades of ssmtp?


Re: sending with perl instead of MTA?

2002-08-10 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 00:53 11 Aug 2002, Sven Guckes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| * Cameron Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-08-10 22:48]:
|  | and why are you using a perl script
|  | for sending when you have mutt?
|  Because, as y'all keep saying, mutt doesn't send email
|  or talk to SMTP servers. It hands messages to sendmail.
| correct.  but why not use an MTA?

The script is the MTA. And because some MTAs are a PITA to configure
for many people. And because it may well be infeasible to run a real
mail system on one's home box (see below).

|  I also use a perl script for this, and point mutt at it as
|  the sendmail tool. It's especially handy on disconnected
|  home machines which have net connections
|  but not net-aware local mail systems; ..
| eh?  disconnected machines with net connections?

I mean with default unconfigured sendmail or whatever.

Or with no legitimate domain name to use for outgoing return information;
to run a mail service you really do need a valid reply domain, at
least for the addresses (From:) that you permit to escape into the
outside world. On a dialup or cable connection you don't have this
unless you make yourself a domain, eg via etc. And if you
have an opressive ISP (eg optus@home, my cable provider) you _can't_
run an publicly visible SMTP server because optus filter that port.

Therefore it's often sensible to use your ISP's SMTP server.  And thus a
script of some kind instead of sendmail, since you're only doing dispatch,
not routing.

|  .  you can then just replace the sendmail
|  with something that delivers, for example,
|  to the host named by your $SMTPSERVER variable.
| shades of ssmtp?

If I were only doing SMTP, I'd be doing that (well, really using my own
smtpsend script which does that same job). But I'm doing a bit more.
So I have my own script.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I sympathize with the makers of _The Net_. We're sad bastards really and
they're trying their best to make us seem interesting.
- [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Griffiths)

Re: sending with perl instead of MTA?

2002-08-10 Thread David Rock

On Sun, Aug 11, 2002 at 01:34:55PM +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
 Or with no legitimate domain name to use for outgoing return information;
 to run a mail service you really do need a valid reply domain, at
 least for the addresses (From:) that you permit to escape into the
 outside world. On a dialup or cable connection you don't have this
 unless you make yourself a domain, eg via etc. And if you
 have an opressive ISP (eg optus@home, my cable provider) you _can't_
 run an publicly visible SMTP server because optus filter that port.

Wouldn't you just use my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] to cover most of 
this problem?

David Rock