Re: mysql and cgi

2001-11-04 Thread paco anubis

I finally got the following few lines of code to work:


(INSERT INTO bandbook (user, ect, ect, ...)
 VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?), undef, $userdb,
'ect', 'ect', )
  || die fucked up inserting data: $DBI::errstr;
 print $rows row(s) added to bandbook\n;

I must admit that I don't understand the purpose of
the ?'s but after many hours of debugging, I'm not

--- Jason Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Saturday 03 November 2001 04:26, paco anubis
  I started learning Perl 4 weeks ago and mysql 3
  ago so I know that I am in over my head, but here
  nothing. I am trying to build a Perl CGI
  (using DBI) to pass form contents from a web page
  directly into a MySql database.
   I don't know how to pass the Perl variable from
  form into the database. I tried to assign the
  using the following code (where $feilds{user} is
  Perl variable to pass):
  (INSERT INTO bandbook (user, ect, ect...)
   VALUES ($userdb, 'ect', 'ect',
|| die fucked up inserting data: $DBI::errstr;
  print $rows row succesfully added to bandbook\n;
  As you may have guessed the table, bandbook is
  empty because the script always dies. Can anyone
  me in a better direction. Due to my unfamiliarity
  either language, I am definately not ruling out a
  syntax error.
 It's good practice to assign your SQL query to a
 variable which you can 
 then print out for debugging purposes. It also
 allows you to copy and 
 paste that query into mysql directly and see what
 results it yields.
 I think your problem is that you haven't quoted the
 VALUES that you're 
 inserting. Try:
 $QRY = INSERT INTO bandbook (user, ect1, ect2...)
 VALUES ('$userdb', '$ect1', '$ect2', ...);
 print($QRY); ## For debugging
 $rows=$dbh-do($QRY) || die Error;
 Jason Wong
 Gremlins Associates

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RE: Where REGEX documentation?

2001-11-04 Thread Carsten H. Pedersen

 Under Description of MySQL regular expression syntax, the manual says:
 This is a simplistic reference that skips the details. To get more exact
 information, see Henry Spencer's regex(7) manual page that is included
 in the source distribution.
 Since the source is 11 MB and I have no other need for it, I wonder if
 there's another source for this documentation.

/ Carsten
Carsten H. Pedersen
keeper and maintainer of the MySQL FAQ

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gui normalisation

2001-11-04 Thread paulsbooker

Can anyone recommend any gui tools that would help during the normalisation

kind regards

Thanks to paul DuBois for his excellent book MySQL

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mysql_install_db error

2001-11-04 Thread security

After doing scripts/mysql_install_db I get errors
/usr/bin/mysqdl_safe: line 278:  2759 Illegal instruction   
$NOHUP_NICENESS $ledir/$MYSQLD $defaults --basedir=$MY_BASEDIR_VERSION 
--datadir=$DATADIR $USEROPTION --pid-file=$pid_file --skip-locking 
$err_log 21
011104 16:13:34 mysqld ended

step-by-step instalation using INSTALL-BINARY
hostname ?

Submitter-Id:  submitter ID
 UNIX.LV ISP lo-level TRD support
MySQL support: [none | licence | email support | extended email support ]
Priority:  medium
Category:  mysql
Class: sw-bug
Release:   mysql-4.0.0-alpha (Official MySQL RPM)

System: Linux groove 2.4.12-grsec-1.8.4 #14 Wed Oct 24 18:09:44 EEST 2001 i586 unknown
Architecture: i586

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc
GCC: Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-slackware-linux/2.95.3/specs
gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (release)
Compilation info: CC='gcc'  CFLAGS='-O6 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mpentium'  CXX='gcc'  
CXXFLAGS='-O6 -fno-omit-frame-pointer  -felide-constructors 
-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -mpentium'  LDFLAGS=''
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   13 Oct 16 03:30 /lib/ -
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  4783716 May 26 04:03 /lib/
-rw-r--r--1 root root 24721042 May 26 04:00 /usr/lib/libc.a
-rw-r--r--1 root root  178 May 26 04:00 /usr/lib/
Configure command: ./configure  --disable-shared --with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static 
--with-client-ldflags=-all-static --without-berkeley-db --with-innodb 
--enable-assembler --with-mysqld-user=mysql 
--with-unix-socket-path=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --prefix=/ 
--with-extra-charsets=complex --exec-prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/sbin 
--sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --localstatedir=/var/lib/mysql 
--infodir=/usr/info --includedir=/usr/include --mandir=/usr/man --with-embedded-server 
'--with-comment=Official MySQL RPM'

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How to modify safe_mysqld to email when mysql server missing?

2001-11-04 Thread Graham Nichols


How can I modify safe_mysqld to make it email me if the mysql server
fails/shuts down for some reason please?

regards,  Graham Nichols.

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Re: performance of joins

2001-11-04 Thread florian

well. for now it can only be one contact and one address per 
customer. the thing
is though, that also other people can have addresses and contacts. so 
for example
there will be a user table or something like that. and a user will also have
address and contact information.

would you still recommend then to make a extra contact and adress table or
should the address and contact columns be just added in each of the tables
which needs them (like in that case cusstomers and users)

im especially interested in what performs better in mysql.. for 
example is it an
performance advantage to have extra tables for addresses and contacts, since
not all of the queries will ask for the normal information, the 
address information
and the contact information at the same time?

thanks alot in advance!


Well, you usualy split your data in tables for a reason, because some data in
mulitple numbers are associated to one, or multiple data.

In your case, if you have one address and contact per customers, then make it
one table.
If you have an unknown numer of contacts and numbers per customer, then make
multiple tables.

The joins will be on the primary keys (they should be at least). so it should
be fast, even with 2 million records.


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Re: Where UPDATE documentation?

2001-11-04 Thread Carl Troein

Uriel Wittenberg writes:

 Carl, I appreciate your response, but I did check both the table of
 contents and the index. I did not do a string search on update, if
 that's what you had in mind.

I admit that the search function is as good as one might wish. And
I agree that finding things in the manual is not easy. There are
some things that are hard to find even if you know that they're
there, but I have no idea what to do about it.

 Multi-table updates and deletes are such fundamental features of SQL
 that it doesn't occur to new users like me that it could be unsupported.

Indeed. It'll be a big day for MySQL when 4.1 is released (and stable).
For now the only(?) workaround is to use locks, and that's horribly
ugly, inefficient, and much work to do.

 Maybe we're all foolish and lazy, but maybe also it'd be smarter if the
 relevant doc section mentioned the lack of support.

At least they could point out that the syntax given for a statement
or function is exhaustive, and possibly the manual could be better
at pointing out in what version different things were added (although
this is mainly useful for 3.x versus 4.x, since upgrading to the
latest stable version is something you're supposed to do anyway).

//C - has 60 mails to read now for some reason.

 Carl Troein - Círdan / Istari-PixelMagic - UIN 16353280
 Amiga user since '89, and damned proud of it too.

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strange table corruption in 4.0

2001-11-04 Thread moka

I am trying version 4 with myIsam tables. (I am almost 
ready to move to some
 other hopefully safer type ). The problem is I get 

I have a large database(21000 tables, but
 the whole /var/lib/mysql/mydatabase directory is  less 
than 800MB) database. I know  this is strange, but 
there is a lot of work to be done per table and it is a 
waste to have to search  every time
I filled these tables in using some mysqldumps.
Then I have a script to process them. It all goes well, 
until it gets
 a corrupted table. Corruption is,   error 127
 myisamchk -r claims to recover only 1/4 of the 
records. Even so, when I try to look
 at them ,the table remains corrupted(127)

 I go to /var/lib/mysql/mydatabase and erase this table
(the .frm,
.MYI and .MYD files. ) then I recreate the table
(justthe definition)
 from file 1330.sql
No complaints. Then I connect to the database and get 
It says 23, which was the count I believe before the 
 EVEN THOUGH 1330.sql has NO data, just the table 
 Then I try to SELECT a field and it says error 127.  
 Could this be related to my large # of tables? Are 
there any settings say in my.cnf to change?


myuser@quality5:~/BACKUPN  mysql -u myuser -p CDR  
Enter password:
myuser@quality5:~/BACKUPN  mysql -u myuser -pxx CDR
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or 
Your MySQL connection id is 479 to server version: 
Type 'help;' or '\\h' for help. Type '\\c' to clear the 
mysql SELECT COUNT(*) FROM  TABLE_1330_1;
| COUNT(*) |
|   23 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
mysql SELECT file FROM  TABLE_1330_1;
ERROR 1030: Got error 127 from table handler

Here is my my.cnf
(system is: 1 PIII x1000MHz
AHA29160N SCSI controller-does this matter?

/var/log/messages has nothing relevant

# Example mysql config file for very large systems.
# This is for large system with memory of 1G-2G where 
the system runs mainly
# MySQL.
# You can copy this file to
# /etc/mf.cnf to set global options,
# mysql-data-dir/my.cnf to set server-specific options 
(in this
# installation this directory is /var/lib/mysql) or
# ~/.my.cnf to set user-specific options.
# One can in this file use all long options that the 
program supports.
# If you want to know which options a program support, 
run the program
# with --help option.

# The following options will be passed to all MySQL 
#password   = your_password
port= 3306
socket  = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

# Here follows entries for some specific programs

# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket  = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=384M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= table_cache=512
set-variable= sort_buffer=2M
set-variable= record_buffer=2M
set-variable= thread_cache=8
set-variable= thread_concurrency=2  # Try number of 
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
server-id   = 1

# Uncomment the following if you are using BDB tables
#set-variable   = bdb_cache_size=384M
#set-variable   = bdb_max_lock=10

# Point the following paths to different dedicated disks
#tmpdir = /tmp/ 
#log-update = /path-to-dedicated-directory/hostname

set-variable= max_allowed_packet=256M

#safe-updates   # Remove the comment character if you 
are not familiar with SQL

set-variable= key_buffer=256M
set-variable= sort_buffer=256M
set-variable= read_buffer=2M
set-variable= write_buffer=2M

set-variable= key_buffer=256M
set-variable= sort_buffer=256M
set-variable= read_buffer=2M
set-variable= write_buffer=2M


Any ideas or any  suggestions??

P.S. If I change to InnoDB or something will these 
error 127
 messages disappear?

Thanks, S.Alexiou

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grant permission

2001-11-04 Thread Kaming

Hi all,

Do anyone have this experience before?? I have granted the permission
for a machine to access mysql databases several times and then flush
privileges. I use perl DBI module to connect to databases through Web.
But I found that after a day or even several hours later. I found that
the apache log said that the DBI cannot connect to the mysql. It is
strange cause I can connect to the mysql from the mysql client of that
machine So I set another machine with the same configuration of
hardware, system and program setting and I found that this problem
didn't occur If anyone know about that. Can you please advise me
please. Many thanks.


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Installation of grant tables failed

2001-11-04 Thread Stéphane

I've tried to install MySQL-2.23.37 on LinuxPPC dr4 (not a recent
distribution, I know that...), from the source code (mysql-3.23.37.tar.gz).
unzip of the file was successfull, configuration and compilation seem to
have worked fine, but the installation of the grant tables failed, and
returned the following message:

[root@localhost mysql-3.23.37]# sh .scripts/mysql_install_db --log
Preparing db table
Preparing host table
Preparing user table
Preparing func table
Preparing tables_priv table
Preparing columns_priv table
mysqld got signal 11;
The manual section 'Debugging a MySQL server' tells you how to use a
stack trace and/or the core file to produce a readable backtrace that may
help in finding out why mysqld died.
Installation of grant tables failed!

Examine the logs in /usr/local/mysql/var for more information.
You can also try to start the mysqld daemon with:
/usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld --skip-grant 
You can use the command line tool
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql to connect to the mysql
database and look at the grant tables:

shell /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root mysql
mysql show tables

Try 'mysqld --help' if you have problems with paths.Using --log
gives you a log in /usr/local/mysql/var that may be helpful.

The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at ... etc...

The log file was not much more explicit :

/usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld, Version: 3.23.37-log, started with:
Tcp port: 3306  Unix socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
Time Id CommandArgument

At least, I would like to know what does 'mysqld got signal 11;' means,
or refers to !!
Thanks for help

sources of MySQL in /root
[root@localhost root]# gunzip -c mysql-3.23.37.tar.gz | tar xf -
[root@localhost root]# cd mysql-3.23.37
[root@localhost mysql-3.23.37]# /sbin/groupadd mysql
[root@localhost mysql-3.23.37]# /sbin/useradd -g mysql mysql
[root@localhost mysql-3.23.37]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --with-low-memory

[root@localhost mysql-3.23.37]# make ; make install

[root@localhost mysql-3.23.37]# sh .scripts/mysql_install_db --log

here, I get message saying that mysqld got signal 11, and that
installation of grant tables failed


Submitter-Id:  KLEGOU stéphane
Organization:Personnal user
MySQL support: none
Synopsis:  'mysqld got signal 11;' when I've tried to install the grant
tables with the command-line 'sh .scripts/mysql_install_db --log', and
installation of grant tables failed.
Severity:  non-critical
Priority:  medium
Category:  mysql
Class: support
Release:   mysql-3.23.37 (Source distribution)

PowerMacintosh 5500/275
MacOS 8.1
System: Linux localhost.localdomain 2.2.1 #101 Fri Feb 5 16:17:12 EST
1999 ppc unknown
Architecture: ppc

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc
GCC: Reading specs from 
gcc version egcs-2.90.25 980302 (egcs-1.0.2 prerelease)
Compilation info: CC='gcc'  CFLAGS=''  CXX='c++'  CXXFLAGS=''  LDFLAGS=''
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   12 Nov  1 00:46 /lib/ -
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root   909419 Jun 16  1998 /lib/
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  1672250 Jun 16  1998 /usr/lib/libc.a
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  332 Jun 16  1998 /usr/lib/
Configure command: ./configure  --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --with-low-memory
Perl: This is perl, version 5.004_01

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Setting a DEFAULT value

2001-11-04 Thread Chris Williams

I'm trying to create at table that inserts a default value into a field if
nothing is supplied. If in interpret the documentation correctly this should
be accomplished by something like this:

VARCHAR(50),  Address1 VARCHAR(50), Address2 VARCHAR(50), City VARCHAR(50),
State VARCHAR(50), Zip VARCHAR(10), Phone VARCHAR(20), Email VARCHAR(50),

Where the Icon field will get set to 1 if no value is supplied upon insert.

When I insert a row such as:
INSERT INTO LocationTEMP VALUES (100,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,'')

zero (0) gets inserted in the Icon field.

It appears DEFAULT doesn't work.

Chris Williams

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Re: Setting a DEFAULT value

2001-11-04 Thread Steve Meyers

On Sun, 2001-11-04 at 13:52, Chris Williams wrote:
 I'm trying to create at table that inserts a default value into a field if
 nothing is supplied. If in interpret the documentation correctly this should
 be accomplished by something like this:
 VARCHAR(50),  Address1 VARCHAR(50), Address2 VARCHAR(50), City VARCHAR(50),
 State VARCHAR(50), Zip VARCHAR(10), Phone VARCHAR(20), Email VARCHAR(50),
 Where the Icon field will get set to 1 if no value is supplied upon insert.
 When I insert a row such as:
 INSERT INTO LocationTEMP VALUES (100,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,'')
 zero (0) gets inserted in the Icon field.
 It appears DEFAULT doesn't work.

No, you're telling it to insert a value -- namely, '', which becomes a
0.  Try NULL instead, or better, try a query that doesn't set that value
at all, like:

INSERT INTO Location (LocationID, Name, Address1, Address2, City, State,
Zip, Phone, Email, URL) VALUES (100, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

Steve Meyers

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Re: Using UNION and UNION ALL on a database running 4.0

2001-11-04 Thread Deryck Henson

Oh!  Ok.  Thanx!  Although I didn't really want to do all of that, I guess
it's the only way.  Unless someone has something better.

- Deryck Henson
- Original Message -
From: Fournier Jocelyn [Presence-PC] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Deryck Henson [EMAIL PROTECTED]; MySQL
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: Using UNION and UNION ALL on a database running 4.0


 Try :

 cut UNION SELECT * FROM tbl15 WHERE title LIKE 'something' ORDER BY
 date_created DESC


 Jocelyn Fournier

 - Original Message -
 From: Deryck Henson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2001 2:26 AM
 Subject: Using UNION and UNION ALL on a database running 4.0

  Hi all,
  I have looked throught the manual and found that I could use a UNION
  to join a bunch of tables into 1 query.  How the heck can I do this with
  tables, order the records by date_created desc and have there be WHERE
  LIKE 'something'.  I have those other parts (order, etc) just need the
  syntax.  here is my current non-working query:
  SELECT * FROM tbl1 UNION ALL WHERE title LIKE 'something' ORDER BY
  date_created DESC
  Basicly, I want every single record in the database.  Thanx ppl!  And by
  way, the MySQL Manual is NO HELP AT ALL.  too confusing and doesn't even
  explain it fully.
  - Deryck Henson
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Refresh table after deleting a row

2001-11-04 Thread duraid

i have a table with and ID column that auto_increment with that 
following content

| ID | JokeText | JokeDate   | AuthorName |
|  1 |   what's up? | 2001-11-04 | duraid |
| 2 |   duraid | 2001-11-04 | mama   |
|  3 |   why| 2001-11-04 ||

problem is say i delete ID=2 row i end up with
| ID | JokeText | JokeDate   | AuthorName |
|  1 |   what's up? | 2001-11-04 | duraid |
|  3 |   why| 2001-11-04 ||

and when add a new row , ID will be 4. how can i reorganize the table 
after deleting a row so that the ID wil remain intatct.

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join dilemma

2001-11-04 Thread Ian M. Evans

I have a SQL statement that I use to grab movie profiles. When I constructed
the input form, I decided I didn't want to use blank entries for tables that
didn't have a entry for that particular film e.g. a poster wasn't available
for sale.

This SQL statement in PHP works fine when EVERY table has an entry for a
$sql=SELECT allposters.allpostersurl, allposters.imageurl,
officialsites.url,, profiles.photoalt, profiles.profile,
soundtracks.title AS cdtitle, soundtracks.asin, soundtracks.coverart,
titles.titlesid, titles.releaseyear, titles.title  FROM allposters,
officialsites, profiles, soundtracks, titles WHERE
allposters.titlesid=titles.titlesid AND
officialsites.titlesid=titles.titlesid AND profiles.titlesid=titles.titlesid
AND soundtracks.titlesid=titles.titlesid AND

Of course, if one table is missing an entry for that film it turns up empty.
I understand that MySQL (our host is using 3.22.32) doesn't support full
outer joins which is what I think might be needed in this situation.

Are my choices:
a) code a separate SQL call for each table
b) use a blank entry for the title if no other info exists

or is there a third way to make that statement work? For those of you who
use PHP, is there any pressing performance reason to use or not to use
choice 'a'?


Ian Evans
Digital Hit Entertainment

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RE: join dilemma

2001-11-04 Thread Carsten H. Pedersen

 I have a SQL statement that I use to grab movie profiles. When I 
 the input form, I decided I didn't want to use blank entries for 
 tables that
 didn't have a entry for that particular film e.g. a poster wasn't 
 for sale.
 This SQL statement in PHP works fine when EVERY table has an entry for a
 $sql=SELECT allposters.allpostersurl, allposters.imageurl,
 officialsites.url,, profiles.photoalt, profiles.profile,
 soundtracks.title AS cdtitle, soundtracks.asin, soundtracks.coverart,
 titles.titlesid, titles.releaseyear, titles.title  FROM allposters,
 officialsites, profiles, soundtracks, titles WHERE
 allposters.titlesid=titles.titlesid AND
 officialsites.titlesid=titles.titlesid AND 
 AND soundtracks.titlesid=titles.titlesid AND
 Of course, if one table is missing an entry for that film it 
 turns up empty.
 I understand that MySQL (our host is using 3.22.32) doesn't support full
 outer joins which is what I think might be needed in this situation.
 Are my choices:
 a) code a separate SQL call for each table
 b) use a blank entry for the title if no other info exists
 or is there a third way to make that statement work? For those of you who
 use PHP, is there any pressing performance reason to use or not to use
 choice 'a'?

I think Bob Hall has the answer to your questions.
Here's a link to his excellent guide on MySQL SQL:

/ Carsten
Carsten H. Pedersen
keeper and maintainer of the MySQL FAQ

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Delphi MySQL w/InoDB

2001-11-04 Thread Mike B

Is anyone using ZEOS and Delphi with MySQL w/InoDB? I am wondering how 
the transaction stuff runs or if it even works with this combination.

Many Thanks


MySQL database sql

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Repair with keycache state while ALTERing TABLE

2001-11-04 Thread Quentin Bennett


When doing an Alter Table, what does state

Repair with keycache

Mean, and should it take 27 hours (so far) on a 26,000,000 record table.

And another issue: When searching the archives, I'll get something like

4. Re: Repair with keycache[4] 

As a result. Does the [4] indicate that there should be 4 messages in the
thread, 'cos I can only see 2.


Quentin Bennett
Transport Systems Division
Infinity Solutions 
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RE: join dilemma

2001-11-04 Thread Ian M. Evans

Thanks for your pointer. This SQL statement ended up working:
Thanks for your pointer! This ended up working for me:

SELECT * FROM profiles
LEFT JOIN allposters ON (profiles.titlesid = allposters.titlesid)
LEFT JOIN officialsites ON (profiles.titlesid = officialsites.titlesid)
LEFT JOIN titles ON (profiles.titlesid = titles.titlesid)
LEFT JOIN soundtracks ON (profiles.titlesid = soundtracks.titlesid) WHERE

Ian Evans
Digital Hit Entertainment

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RE: Setting a DEFAULT value

2001-11-04 Thread Chris Book

I suggest a few things.  First, set it to NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, and then set
the value explicitly to null, which will cause it to use the default value.
The problem with inserting '' is that its casting to an integer and mysql
decides that '' should be 0.  Or try using : insert into table (column1,
column2, etc) value (value1, value2, etc) but don't include icon in your
list of columns and that will default it to 1.


-Original Message-
From: Chris Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2001 3:52 PM
Subject: Setting a DEFAULT value

I'm trying to create at table that inserts a default value into a field if
nothing is supplied. If in interpret the documentation correctly this should
be accomplished by something like this:

VARCHAR(50),  Address1 VARCHAR(50), Address2 VARCHAR(50), City VARCHAR(50),
State VARCHAR(50), Zip VARCHAR(10), Phone VARCHAR(20), Email VARCHAR(50),

Where the Icon field will get set to 1 if no value is supplied upon insert.

When I insert a row such as:
INSERT INTO LocationTEMP VALUES (100,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,'')

zero (0) gets inserted in the Icon field.

It appears DEFAULT doesn't work.

Chris Williams

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A small patch for mysqlhotcopy

2001-11-04 Thread Matthew Clegg

Hi there,

I have been attempting to use mysqlhotcopy to make a backup
copy of all of the databases on a server.  It wasn't completely 
self-evident from the Mysql manual how best to do this, so I 
tried the following:

mysqlhotcopy -u blah -p blah --regexp=.* --flushlog /blah/blah/blah/destdir

This resulted in the following error messages:

Use of uninitialized value in transliteration (tr///) at 
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlhotcopy line 230.
Use of uninitialized value in regexp compilation at /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlhotcopy 
line 231.
Filtering tables with '(?-xism:)'
Use of uninitialized value in transliteration (tr///) at 
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlhotcopy line 230.
[similar stuff repeated many times ...]
No tables to hot-copy at /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlhotcopy line 322.

I found that the following patch solves the problem:

diff -c mysqlhotcopy.orig mysqlhotcopy 
*** mysqlhotcopy.orig   Sun Nov  4 18:03:49 2001
--- mysqlhotcopySun Nov  4 17:53:35 2001
*** 227,232 
--- 227,233 
  ## generate regex for tables/files
  my $t_regex = $rdb-{t_regex};## assign temporary regex
+ $t_regex = .* if !defined $rdb-{t_regex}; ## MTC 2001.11.04
  my $negated = $t_regex =~ tr/~//d;## remove and count negation operator:
we don't allow ~ in table names
  $t_regex = qr/$t_regex/;  ## make regex string from user regex

This occurred using MySQL 3.23.37 with Linux 2.4.0.  I hope
this is of use to someone.  If this is not the preferred method
for making a copy of a database, I would be grateful for


Matthew Clegg   |  OKbridge -- The #1 Online Bridge Club

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MySQL Inquiry

2001-11-04 Thread Myles L. Kadusale

   Can anyone help me? I want to use MySQL locally. 
  My PC has no networkcard and no modem.
   I want to access my database located in my PC what should I 
  do? I am using Visual Basic and ODBC.
   What should I set so that I would not need to input the 
  network address and etc.
   Thanks in Advance!!


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Re: A small patch for mysqlhotcopy

2001-11-04 Thread Jeremy Zawodny

On Sun, Nov 04, 2001 at 08:07:36PM -0800, Matthew Clegg wrote:
 Hi there,
 I have been attempting to use mysqlhotcopy to make a backup copy of
 all of the databases on a server.  It wasn't completely self-evident
 from the Mysql manual how best to do this, so I tried the following:


 I found that the following patch solves the problem:


 This occurred using MySQL 3.23.37 with Linux 2.4.0.  I hope
 this is of use to someone.

I patched mysqlhotcopy a few months to fix a few bugs, and the one you
found looks really familiar.  It may be fixed already in the later
versions.  I don't recall the exact version that contained my fix,

Can you try a version  3.23.40 and see if the mysqlhotcopy in it
works for you?  Or mail me privately and I'll send you a recent one.

Come to think of it, if you find my name in the script, then it's the
patched version.  If not, you probably hit the same bug that I

Jeremy D. Zawodny, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
Desk: (408) 349-7878   Fax: (408) 349-5454   Cell: (408) 685-5936

MySQL 3.23.41-max: up 59 days, processed 1,315,681,864 queries (253/sec. avg)

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XML export

2001-11-04 Thread Philip Hernandez

Is there any support for XML export from MySQL databases?

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[NEWBIE] How to install MySql++1.7.9?

2001-11-04 Thread Pure Krome

Hello All.

I'm blond. I'm a linux newbie. I've searched the mailinglist/newsgroup
*end disclaimer*

I'm trying / wanting to install mysql++ on my MANDRAKE 8.1 LINUX

That means i'm running GCC/G++ VERSION 3.0.1

Could someone please be kind to explain IN DUMB SPEAK for a newbie
like me, EXACTLY what i should do to install mysql++ ?

Should i install it as ROOT? or just the normal account i normally use
[user == pure]?

I have mysql running already...
mysql 1950  0.0  1.4 27064 4576 ?SNov01   0:00
/usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/ --datadir=/var/lib/mysq...

so, could someone please explain what to do exactly please.


1.log in as user 'pure' into shell
2. download file into pure root home directory [from where?]
3. download patch
4. rpm -vhi downloaded file
5. run patch
6. do this
7. do that
8. headbutt monitor
9. goto 6.

etc.. etc..

i do appologise if this sounds very lame, but i'm fed up with trying
to figure this stuff out by myself and i'm running out of time.

Thank you dearly in-advance to any support i receive.

Regards - Pure Krome, Melbourne, Austrlia
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[NEWBIE] How to install MySql++1.7.9?

2001-11-04 Thread Pure Krome

My deepest appologies folks.

I posted this to the wrong mailing list.

Sorry for the spam. *bows low*

I will now post this to the correct mailing list [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Terribly sorry.


[Filter bypass keywords: database,sql,query,table  ;)  ]

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Re: MySQL to MS' Access '97

2001-11-04 Thread sreedhar

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Re: Refresh table after deleting a row

2001-11-04 Thread Paul DuBois

At 4:26 PM -0500 11/4/01, duraid wrote:
i have a table with and ID column that auto_increment with that 
following content

| ID | JokeText | JokeDate   | AuthorName |
|  1 |   what's up? | 2001-11-04 | duraid |
| 2 |   duraid | 2001-11-04 | mama   |
|  3 |   why| 2001-11-04 ||

problem is say i delete ID=2 row i end up with
| ID | JokeText | JokeDate   | AuthorName |
|  1 |   what's up? | 2001-11-04 | duraid |
|  3 |   why| 2001-11-04 ||

and when add a new row , ID will be 4. how can i reorganize the 
table after deleting a row so that the ID wil remain intatct.

Why bother?  MySQL doesn't care if the IDs are sequential.

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Re: XML export

2001-11-04 Thread Paul DuBois

At 10:16 PM -0800 11/4/01, Philip Hernandez wrote:
Is there any support for XML export from MySQL databases?

No, but you can do this relatively easily from within a program,
e.g., using the XML::Generator::DBI Perl module.

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Re: XML export

2001-11-04 Thread Jeremy Zawodny

On Sun, Nov 04, 2001 at 10:49:55PM -0600, Paul DuBois wrote:
 At 10:16 PM -0800 11/4/01, Philip Hernandez wrote:
 Is there any support for XML export from MySQL databases?
 No, but you can do this relatively easily from within a program,
 e.g., using the XML::Generator::DBI Perl module.

The mysql command-line tool (in recent versions) has a `-X'
command-line option which tells it to spit out the results as XML.

Jeremy D. Zawodny, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
Desk: (408) 349-7878   Fax: (408) 349-5454   Cell: (408) 685-5936

MySQL 3.23.41-max: up 60 days, processed 1,315,887,700 queries (253/sec. avg)

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Re: Addendum: DBI Handle Has No Magic

2001-11-04 Thread Jeremy Zawodny

On Sat, Nov 03, 2001 at 07:40:02PM +, Alex Kirk wrote:

 I forgot to mention one very important thing: this error cropped up
 after I edited
 /usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/i386-openbsd/ to use DBI
 version 1.20 instead of 1.15 (apparently, this file was not updated
 after I uninstalled 1.15 and installed 1.20, because I got errors
 complaining about the wrong version when I first tried this).
 Is there any way I can just delete everything associated with DBI
 and start fresh? I really need to get Perl to interface with MySQL.

Fetch the latest DBI from CPAN.  Then do:

  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install UNINST=1

That should wipe out the older stuff along the way.

Jeremy D. Zawodny, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
Desk: (408) 349-7878   Fax: (408) 349-5454   Cell: (408) 685-5936

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Re: Problem mysql installation

2001-11-04 Thread Denis Rudakov

On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 04:06:39PM -0300, Webmaster wrote:
 Hi all;
 i have problem with mysql -3.23.42 installation on my freebsd 4.3-RELEASE,
 when I execute a make
 i get an error make: no target to make.
 Thanks and have a great day!
I guess you haven't run the configure script.
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Re: Spawned process, locked table.

2001-11-04 Thread Jeremy Zawodny

On Sun, Nov 04, 2001 at 09:06:02PM -0400, Corey Kaye wrote:

 This is my Perl script.  I though that adding $query-finish would
 unlock the table but it didn't.  It looks like the only way around
 this is to connect/disconnect from the DB between each update.  All
 that connecting/disconnecting i think would be expensive in itself.
 THERE MUST BE A BETTER WAY !  Thoughts, comments please!

Hm.  The table should only be locked while the update is running (a
very short time).  Are you sure that the table is locked while the
script is sleeping?

 for ($x=0;$x=$#dbAnswer;$x++) {
 # sleep(5);
   $sql2 = update answers set answersuper = \\, backuprating = $dbAnswer[$x], 
backupna = $dbAnswerNA[$x] where userid = $input{\userid\} and questionid = 
   $query2 = $database-prepare($sql2);

Also, if you read up on DBI, you'll see that you can factor the

  $query2 = $database-prepare($sql2);

out of the loop and gain a bit of efficiency.

Jeremy D. Zawodny, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
Desk: (408) 349-7878   Fax: (408) 349-5454   Cell: (408) 685-5936

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Re: performance of joins

2001-11-04 Thread Jeremy Zawodny

On Sun, Nov 04, 2001 at 01:06:27AM +0100, florian wrote:
 im storing pretty big amounts of customer data in a mysql databases.
 its about 2 million rows. what im wondering about now is, how does
 mysql perform joins on such amounts of data?
 i was planning to split the info in at least 3 tables: a general
 customer table, a address table, and a contact table. since also
 other needs than just customers, for storing addresses and contacts.
 would it perform better though to store all that in one single table
 or is is it okay to split it up in 3 and join them later then,
 depening on what information is needed?

How many rows do you plan on pulling at once?  I have experience with
it handling joins against a 150 million row table quite efficiently.
And I know others have gone higher than that.

Jeremy D. Zawodny, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
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Re: scaling/tuning problem

2001-11-04 Thread Jeremy Zawodny

On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 03:37:53PM -0800, another oracle dba wrote:
 I have a query which completes in about 9 sec when executed alone,
 but the time grows dramatically when I execute several similar
 queries at the same time. If I execute 3 queries the time grows to
 27-40sec, for 5 queries - toabout 1min, for 20 queries ran
 simultaniously the time jumps to 2-4 min per query.


 How do I go about increaseing performance. The tables included in
 the queries have indices on the fields in the where clause, but they
 are not composite indices. Would it help to combine these multiple
 indices to one or two composite indices?

Can you show us the table structures, query, and the output of EXPLAIN
SELECT on the query?

 Does mysql have something like oracle's explain plan to see how
 exactly is the query executed?  Anything else?


Jeremy D. Zawodny, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
Desk: (408) 349-7878   Fax: (408) 349-5454   Cell: (408) 685-5936

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Re: Need help with a query ...

2001-11-04 Thread Anvar Hussain K.M.

Hi John Kelly,

This is not a perfect solution but may be useful to you. But still with two 
 From Mysql prompt issue these two queries.

SELECT  @maxcat := max(Category) FROM table
WHERE category = 'Sports:Football:Players' OR
category = 'Sports:Football' OR category = 'Sports';

Select * from table where category = @maxcat;

Note that abc is greater than ab
This will not be affected by the depth of category.

At 06:15 PM 02/11/2001 -0800, you wrote:
Hi, I have a MySQL table with a column that contains some of a web site
directory's category names in the format:


I am trying to build a query that that locates all records that match the
above category name OR if none exist its parent Sports:Football OR if none
exist its parent Sports. The top level category, in this case Sports,
will always have at least one matching record.

I know I can do this with multiple queries by checking the previous query's
result, but I am trying to build a query that does it all in one lookup to
avoid lots of lookups in deep categories. Something along the logical lines
of ...

SELECT * FROM table WHERE category = 'Sports:Football:Players' OR IF NONE
category = 'Sports:Football' OR IF NONE category = 'Sports'

... of course the above query does not work but if anyone knows of how to
accomplish something similar in one query I would much appreciate it.


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Re: Design,Performance and Speed of MySQL

2001-11-04 Thread Jeremy Zawodny

On Sat, Nov 03, 2001 at 12:07:03AM +, Manjeet Singh wrote:
 Hi Group,
 I am new to mysql, and would like you all to give some time in
 resolving my trouble. I am stuck up with a problem of designing
 stores database for a big company.The company is located in
 different places and wants web-based insertion, retrival and
 maintaining of data and records in the database.


 I am worried of the performance and speed of quering the database
 and getting displayed on the browser, as they have around 25 million
 records in the database.

25 million records isn't a lot, given modern hardware.

 I need to know:
 1) What is the maximum storage capacity of MySQL,

It's really, really big.  I don't remember the exact number anymore,
but there has been at least once instance of a database with over 2
billion rows in it.

 2) How will be the performance for this type of huge
 database, where web-based frontend is used and what can be
 done so has to increase the performance.

Make sure you give MySQL sufficient memory.  Make sure you data is
properly indexed.

 3) How to speed-up the querying time, as the queryed
 results are manipluated through scripts and displayed on
 web browser.

Same as above.

 4) How can it be tuned for a better performance.

Again, same as above.

Have a read thru this:

to start with.  And watch for part #2 in the December issue. :-)

 As, i am still in the planning stage with the details of my client
 as above, i have to decide on with wich database i should proceed.
 I would also want to know will MySQL is capable of
 withstanding the load:


 1) As so many users from different locations will be
 querying and getting results on web.

How many users at once?

 2) Even they are users who will be adding data to the

Jeremy D. Zawodny, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
Desk: (408) 349-7878   Fax: (408) 349-5454   Cell: (408) 685-5936

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Re: Replication Server is missing rows

2001-11-04 Thread Jeremy Zawodny

On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 03:07:42PM +0600, Ershad Shafi Chowdhury wrote:

 Hi! Has anyone experienced a replication server to miss updates? Our
 master is running Mysql 3.23.33 on RH 6.1 Kernel 2.2.12-20 and the
 slave is running 3.23.24 on Solaris 2.5.1 Normally Inserts and
 updates occur on the master and SELECT queries occur on the slave.
 Recently the mirroring stopped (HDD became full), so as always, I
 shutdown the slave, ran myisamchk on the slave's DB, then restarted
 the slave.  Replication resumed as normal, but later when I checked,
 I found several inserts onthe master missing from the slave.

When the disk filled up, you may have lost data.  Have you tried
re-syncing the master and slave?  After doing that, you shouldn't see
any missed rows on the slave.

Jeremy D. Zawodny, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
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Windows MySQL client

2001-11-04 Thread Matthew Fincham


I am trying to get a mysql client working in windows, and have a few
questions I would like to ask. My environment is this: I am using the
Borland command-line tools, version 5.5, and am currently running Windows
98, but would obviously like the client to work on all(!!) flavours of

As far as I understand, I need the mysql client library to link into my
executable, and I need a set of header files so that the  object files can
be compiled. So far I have downloaded the 3.32.36 Borland mysqlclient.lib.
Unfortunately, this did not include any of the header files. Do you know
where I can find these? To replace the header files, I used the one that
come in the 3.23.39 windows zip (!!) and everything seemed to compile fine.
When it came to the link stage, however, there were a couple of unresolved
references, that all seemed to be concerned with threads. Is there another
library that I need to link in?

So I guess I have two questions:
* Where can I find the 3.23.36 header files, or alternatively (and
preferably) is there a 3.23.39 Borland client library available?
* How do I deal with the unresolved references to threading functions?

Thank you in advance for any answers to these questions.
Matthew Fincham

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how to mysql database cluster! help!

2001-11-04 Thread Magic

Hi friends,

I am a system administrator.
I am from China:)
We want to build a big system with Mysql for authortication,But we don't know how to 
establish cluster for Mysql,
Could you help me please and tell me what we must to do!

Waiting for your answer and thanks very much!


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