Re: help regarding mysql

2003-08-02 Thread Nils Valentin
2003 8 2  15:11:
 Hi frnd.

 I am also using mysql and facing problems regarding access to
 db using odbc from visual basic.

 i have made a table under mysql default db and

 used ms ado to connect to the db.

 what will be the server name in such a case(that will be used to
 connect to the db) using ado.

 well when i go to the gui i see that on my system's name 
 ipaddress  i have 2 databases registered.

 mysql and


 i have made a table under mysql.

 and used ado to get to the db using server name = system

 ado_pre.Open DRIVER={MySQL ODBC for 3.51

 it says root dosent have permissions to open using


 Please help in this regard.

 what should be the server name or what must be the method to
 access the db.

 Thanking you.


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Valentin Nils
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Query Cache slow downs?

2003-08-02 Thread Dylan Neild
Hi everyone,

I've been looking everywhere for an answer to this, so please excuse me 
if it should have been obvious.

I have a very big MySQL server, under load, serving in the 1500 QPS 
range. Under times of high concurrenncy (many threads connected issuing 
queries), I start to see a lot of the threads with NULL as their 
state (rather then Sending data, sorting, etc). These threads seem to 
be blocked for some reason, as they eventually do get executed.

Am I running into a locking issue?

MySQL seems like it -should- scale to 12 CPU's... so I must be missing 

Up until this point, it's just grown and grown along with us (using 
InnoDB table system), so I'm hoping to continue. :)

Thanks in advance,


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Dropping primary key/unique key

2003-08-02 Thread Nils Valentin
Hi Mysql fans ;-);

I have a problem understanding why MySQL is deleting a unique key instead of  
a primary key.

from Documentation: DROP PRIMARY KEY drops the primary index. If no such index 
exists, it drops the first UNIQUE index in the table. 

When I do it then I get this:

mysql desc uksample4;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id| int(11)  |  | UNI | 0   |   |
| name  | char(30) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| tel   | char(20) |  | PRI | |   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql alter table uksample4 drop primary key ;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.24 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql desc uksample4;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id| int(11)  |  | | 0   |   |
| name  | char(30) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| tel   | char(20) |  | PRI | |   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

It deletes the unique key (id) instead of he primary key (tel).

Did I do something wrong ?

MySQL 4.0.14

Best regards

Valentin Nils
Internet Technology

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ERROR: Lost Connection

2003-08-02 Thread richardb
Hi List,
Does anyone knows why this error message is displaying when I ran a cshell 
script which is using mysql and mysqlimport client commands? I encountered 
this after I upgrade from 4.0 gamma to 4.0.13.

Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query, when using table: 


Richard Bornay 
ST Assembly Test Services
Test Product Engineering
Test Data Management Group

Re: ERROR: Lost Connection ### RESOLVED

2003-08-02 Thread richardb
Hi Lists,
Just like to share what I found out in resolving my own problem.
Actually, my script is using the mysqlimport client in loading a file to 
mysql and did not noticed that I used the option '-r'(replace) when I 
first created the script.  When I upgrade to 4.0.13, I created an index to 
 the SUMMARY table to prevent record duplication.

I just removed the -r option then no more error displayed and my script 
runs smoothly..

Hope this will be a useful tip.

Richard Bornay 
ST Assembly Test Services
Test Product Engineering
Test Data Management Group

BORNAY Richard/Engr/STATS/ST [EMAIL PROTECTED] Domain02/08/2003 03:39 PM

cc: (bcc: BORNAY Richard/Engr/STATS/ST Group)
Subject: ERROR: Lost Connection

Hi List,
Does anyone knows why this error message is displaying when I ran a cshell 

script which is using mysql and mysqlimport client commands? I encountered 

this after I upgrade from 4.0 gamma to 4.0.13.

Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query, when using table: 


Richard Bornay 
ST Assembly Test Services
Test Product Engineering
Test Data Management Group

Re: Changing error message

2003-08-02 Thread Heikki Tuuri

mysqld thinks some character pairs like \b and \s are special characters.
You should replace




mysqld will internally convert those slashes to backslashes on Windows.

Best regards,

Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Transactions, foreign keys, and a hot backup tool for MySQL
Order MySQL technical support from

- Original Message - 
Newsgroups: mailing.database.mysql
Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 4:12 AM
Subject: Changing error message

 now when using the
 C:\mysql\bin\mysqld --standalone

 the error message changes to:
 Can't find messagefile 'c:mysql hare\english\errmsg.sys'

 NO that is not typed incorrectly! mysql is has no idea where is wants to
 find that file.

 I have downloaded the file twice now, with same result

 below is a copy of C:\windows\my.ini

 # This will be passed to all mysql clients

 # The MySQL server

 set-variable = key_buffer=256M
 set-variable = max_allowed_packet=1M
 set-variable = table_cache=256
 set-variable = sort_buffer=1M
 set-variable = record_buffer=1M
 set-variable = myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
 set-variable = thread_cache=8
 # Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
 # set-variable = thread_concurrency=8
 server-id = 1

 set-variable = max_allowed_packet=16M


 set-variable = key_buffer=128M
 set-variable = sort_buffer=128M
 set-variable = read_buffer=2M
 set-variable = write_buffer=2M

 set-variable = key_buffer=128M
 set-variable = sort_buffer=128M
 set-variable = read_buffer=2M
 set-variable = write_buffer=2M


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RE: calender table - time column?

2003-08-02 Thread Andrew
guess this was too much information for you all!  Or too complicated :)  Well
this is what we came up with, I would like to know your opinions if you have
any?  I can see two flaws in the design for the Time/Date so I really would be
interested in any of your views :)

CREATE TABLE booking (
  id varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
  month char(3) NOT NULL default '',
  date varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
  day char(3) NOT NULL default '',
  year varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
  one varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  two varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  three varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  four varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  five varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  six varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  seven varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  eight varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  nine varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  ten varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  eleven varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  twelve varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  thirteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  fourteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  fithteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  sixteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  seventeen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  eighteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  nineteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  twenty varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  twentone varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  twentytwo varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  twentythree varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  twentyfour varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  places char(2) NOT NULL default '24'

# Table structure for table `flights`

CREATE TABLE flights (
  day char(3) NOT NULL default '',
  flightone varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
  flighttwo varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
  flightthree varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
  flightfour varchar(5) NOT NULL default ''

# Table structure for table `guests`

  surname varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  firstname varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  email varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  phone varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  date varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
  places char(2) NOT NULL default '',
  flight varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
  ref varchar(50) NOT NULL default ''

INSERT INTO flights VALUES ('Mon', '06:00', '12:00', '15:30', '18:00');
INSERT INTO flights VALUES ('Tue', '01:00', '02:00', '11:00', '23:00');
INSERT INTO flights VALUES ('Wed', '00:00', '14:00', '', '');
INSERT INTO flights VALUES ('Thu', '08:23', '09:16', '17:21', '22:09');
INSERT INTO flights VALUES ('Fri', '03:55', '', '', '');
INSERT INTO flights VALUES ('Sat', '07:22', '13:45', '', '');
INSERT INTO flights VALUES ('Sun', '05:33', '09:40', '23:12', '');

$query = select id,day from booking where month='$month' and date='$day' and
$result = @mysql_db_query ($database, $query);
if ($result){
$dbid = mysql_result ($result, 0, id);
echo $dbid;
echo 'br';
for ($i = $dbid; $i  $dbid+5; $i++){

$query2 = select places from booking where id = '$i';
$result2 = @mysql_db_query ($database, $query2);
$dbplaces = mysql_result ($result2, 0, places);

if ($place = $dbplaces){
if ($i==$dbid+4){
$dbday = mysql_result ($result, 0, day);
header(Location: booking.php?advice=sorry);


-Original Message-
From: Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 01 August 2003 17:26
To: Keith C. Ivey; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: calender table - time column?

Thanks Keith here it is :)

The booking system will take the format of a form. Customer or travel agent can
select a date of travel. They will also input how many places are needed.

The system will then check that the selected dates are available. At this point
there are two possible responses.


Places are not available: System will bring user back to 1st page and ask them
to choose another date.


Places are available.

System will look at the date of the holiday and check to see if that day is a
Mon, Tue, Wed, etc. Depending on the result a list of possible flights
and costs
will be displayed (pulled from the data base)

User will choose their flight.

At this point the system will move the user to a payment area. Where
all details
are filled out and will be sent for payment and also e-mail sent to Admin with
booking details. The booking system will also now be updated so that
no one else
can book those dates (up to 24 persons rotating).

To deal with the travel agent commission a reference input field for the travel
agent to fill in on the e-mail/payment form. With a description similar to;

If you have a reference code for this 

Re: mysql_info not very informative?

2003-08-02 Thread Adam Fortuno
Woah! 10.3! Some is using the developer preview of Panther!

Actually, MySQL doesn't normally give overrun cut-off information (best 
I know).  Use MySQL 4.0.x on 10.2.6, and MySQL has always performed 
that way.

On Friday, August 1, 2003, at 05:37 PM, Ray Kiddy wrote:

I am trying to insert data using the C API.

OS: Mac OS X 10.3 (7A179)
MySQL: MySQL 4.1.0-alpha
table type: tried both MyISAM and InnoDB
I have a table:

mysql describe testtable;
| Field  | Type| Collation | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| _PK| int(11) | binary|  | PRI | 0   |   |
| first  | char(3) | latin1_swedish_ci | YES  | | NULL|   |
| second | char(3) | latin1_swedish_ci | YES  | | NULL|   |
| third  | char(3) | latin1_swedish_ci | YES  | | NULL|   |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Note that the first, second, and third columns have 3 characters of 

When I do:

printf(insert: %s\n, insert);
int result = mysql_query(one, insert);
printf(info: %s\n, mysql_info(one));
I get:

insert: INSERT INTO testtable (_PK,first,second,third) VALUES 
info: (null)
insert: INSERT INTO testtable (_PK,first,second,third) VALUES 
info: (null)
insert: INSERT INTO testtable (_PK,first,second,third) VALUES 
info: (null)

Note that the value in the first insert, 'AAAXXX', is too long to fit. 
As is 'HHHXXX' in the third insert. And indeed, I see:

mysql select * from testtable;
| _PK | first | second | third |
|   1 | AAA   | BBB| CCC   |
|   2 | DDD   | EEE| FFF   |
|   3 | GGG   | HHH| III   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
So, why is mysql_info not giving me any information about the data 
loss that is going on here? Is that not information that might be of 

Is there some other call I have to make that will prepare for the 
mysql_info call? The doc does not seem to indicate this, but one never 

thanx - ray

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2003-08-02 Thread Andy Jackman
The documentation has several examples. Here's a function we use. Are
you having a particular difficulty?


int xConnect()
#define MYSQL_HOST   // or host name
#define MYSQL_DBfoodb // database name
#define MYSQL_USERIDmyuser// DB user name
#define MYSQL_PASSWORD  mypass// password

aDb = mysql_init(NULL);

if (!mysql_real_connect(aDb,MYSQL_HOST,MYSQL_USERID,
die(701 Unable to connect\r\n);

return -1;

dave wrote:
 anyone have a good sample script of connecting mysql from C API? thanks
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Re: ERROR while compiling:

2003-08-02 Thread Andy Jackman
I had this problem and adding the library 'z' (whatever that is) helped.
Try putting -lz at the end of your compile line.

Prem Soman wrote:
 i am using Linux 6.2(Zoot) and MySql 2.23.36and found the following error while 
 compiling the C program using mysql APIcc -o test prog1.c -L /usr/lib/mysql -I 
 /usr/include/mysql -lmysqlclientThe following Error occured 
 :/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(my_compress.o): In function 
 `my_uncompress':my_compress.o(.text+0x97): undefined reference to 
 `uncompress'/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(my_compress.o): In function 
 `my_compress_alloc':my_compress.o(.text+0x12b): undefined reference to 
 `compress'collect2: ld returned 1 exit statusplease help me in understanding the 
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2003-08-02 Thread Bartosz Aninowski
System rh9
Mysql 4
Php 4.2.3
I compiled apache with mpm=worker and have lot of problem with mysql too
many connections
If I install apache in traditional way there is no problem
So what's the problem?
From  By using threads to
serve requests, it is able to serve a large number of requests with less
system resources than a process-based server.
I wanted to achieve better performance but the effects was totally diffrent.
Do you have any experience with taht problem.
Maybe I did something wrong?

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permission issue because of dynamic IP

2003-08-02 Thread Andreas

I've got 2 sites.
1) server : mysqld 4.0.14 standard from on linux
2) client : windows 2000 whith mysqlcc 0.9.2 beta and myodbc 3.51.6
Both have dynamic IPs.

The server listens on e.g.  with ssh port open.
In reality it's IP is something like
The client is e.g.  with putty as ssh-client.
In reality it's IP is again something like
Client does ssh into server and ssh-forwards server's mysql to
That works.

If I try to connect with MySQLcc from  client -- server.
MySQL denies access for: !
That's the server's real IP not the origine of the request, client.
Client gets access when I either put '' into 
the privileges or '%'.
The address is dynamic so it had to be updated on every ip-up event.
And '%' is no good either since it would weaken mysql's security.

1) Why gets such a remote request transcribed to a request of the 
server's external address ?

2) How can I have mysql check for ?

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Adv. Mysql query

2003-08-02 Thread Mattias Larsson
Hi there.
I have a little problem with a sql-query I'm trying to get together.
Well I got it to work halfways.
I have a table with items, which are composed of 1-6 other items, which
is saved in the same table.
You might call it a recursive query, I need to get the names of the
components that makes up the item I search for.
It looks about like this: (3 CompX removed for readability)
ID   Name   Comp1   Comp2   Comp3
1Item10   0   0
2Item20   0   0
3Item30   0   0
4Item40   0   0
5Item51   3   4

Item5 is a composition of item 1,3 and 4. It would be no problem if I only
wanted to get the ID of the
Included components but I want the names.

I tried using:
SELECT i.Name, c1.Name, c2.Name, c3.Name
 FROM Items AS i, Items AS c1, Items AS c2, Items AS c3
 WHERE i.ID=5 AND i.Comp1=c1.ID AND i.Comp2=c2.ID AND i.Comp3=c3.ID;

This gives me the right result, but if an Item only consists of 2 components
then I don't get anything
Which is understandable. And I can only imagine what kinds of resources it
will take if the Items table
Gets really large.

Is there a better way to do this? I want to keep the number of queries to a
minimum. I have read some on
Union, joins and subqueries but I can't think of a way to make it work.

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Re: Changing error message

2003-08-02 Thread S Johnson
Thanks so much! That did the trick - mysqld is up and humming.

Heikki Tuuri wrote:


mysqld thinks some character pairs like \b and \s are special characters.
You should replace

mysqld will internally convert those slashes to backslashes on Windows.

Best regards,

Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Transactions, foreign keys, and a hot backup tool for MySQL
Order MySQL technical support from

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Re: calender table - time column?

2003-08-02 Thread Roger Baklund
* Andrew
 guess this was too much information for you all!  Or too
 complicated :)

...or maybe too vague? ;)

 Well this is what we came up with, I would like to know your
 opinions if you have any?

ok, but be warned, I would have done this _totally_ different... :)

 I can see two flaws in the design for the Time/Date so I
 really would be interested in any of your views :)

 CREATE TABLE booking (
   id varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
   month char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   date varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
   day char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   year varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
   one varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   two varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   three varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   four varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   five varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   six varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   seven varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   eight varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   nine varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   ten varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   eleven varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   twelve varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   thirteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   fourteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   fithteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   sixteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   seventeen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   eighteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   nineteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   twenty varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   twentone varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   twentytwo varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   twentythree varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   twentyfour varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   places char(2) NOT NULL default '24'

You seem to use string column types for everything? You should use the
'correct' column types whenever possible, it will make the database faster
and lighter.


Also, you should define indexes. In this early stage of your project all
needed index are not yet known, but you should at least define primary keys.


month, date, day and year can/should be stored in a single column.

The above table should imo have been split into three tables:

CREATE TABLE booking (
  booking DATETIME);

  name VARCHAR(50));

This person table is probably the same thing as your 'guests' table below.
If so, add the needed columns from that table to the 'person' table, and
drop the 'guests' table (or the other way around, if you prefer).

CREATE TABLE booking_person (
  booking_time TIMESTAMP,
  PRIMARY KEY (b_id,p_id),
  UNIQUE KEY (p_id,b_id));

The 'booking_time' column is just a suggestion, because it is maintained
'for free': the TIMESTAMP column type is 'magic' and is automatically set to
the current time when the record is created or changed. It could be usefull
to know _when_ a booking has been made, right? Read about the TIMESTAMP
datatype here:


To find how many persons are booked on a flight:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS booking_count
  FROM booking_person
  NATURAL JOIN booking
  WHERE = '2003-08-10 15:30'

NATURAL JOIN can be used in this example because there is only the 'b_id'
column name that is common between the two tables. Read about NATURAL JOIN
and other joins here:


 # Table structure for table `flights`

 CREATE TABLE flights (
   day char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   flightone varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
   flighttwo varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
   flightthree varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
   flightfour varchar(5) NOT NULL default ''

This design will break when there are five or more flights any one day.
Also, there is no way to define exceptions: what if the next monday is a
national holliday, and some of the flights won't be flying?

I guess your design reflects the normal situation: most mondays there are
four flights, at 06:00, 12:00, 15:30 and 18:00. You would not want to put a
record in the flights table for _every_ monday, but it would be nice to be
able to define exceptions, wouldn't it? Furthermore, weekdays seems to be a
relevant attribute in this system, usually it is only an output attribute,
created by the server during query execution, using
DATE_FORMAT(date_column,'%a') or similar. Read about DATE_FORMAT() and a
heap of other date  time related functions here:


Consider this design:

CREATE TABLE flights (

Allowing remote login

2003-08-02 Thread Mary Grace
I have been using MySQL for awhile, and for the first time someone from 
outside our portable /16 needs access to some tables.  We have given them 
the server IP address, the dB name, the port 3306, the root username, and 
the password, but they still can't get access.  Of course, no firewalls or 
other things in the way.

Is it true that MySQL defaults to local access only, and to enable remote 
access you must do something unusual with grants?  If so, how would I do 
this?  (warning, we use the win version, but this question is not a 
windows-only thing so it is topical for this list:-)

Thanks in advance for reading a post like this with such a dumb question!

Mary Grace

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RE: calender table - time column?

2003-08-02 Thread Andrew
Hi Roger this was very useful indeed thank you.

I would really like to know any other views on this design and implications for
the future development of such a system in terms of flexibility


-Original Message-
From: Roger Baklund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 02 August 2003 16:49
Subject: Re: calender table - time column?

* Andrew
 guess this was too much information for you all!  Or too
 complicated :)

...or maybe too vague? ;)

 Well this is what we came up with, I would like to know your
 opinions if you have any?

ok, but be warned, I would have done this _totally_ different... :)

 I can see two flaws in the design for the Time/Date so I
 really would be interested in any of your views :)

 CREATE TABLE booking (
   id varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
   month char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   date varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
   day char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   year varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
   one varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   two varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   three varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   four varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   five varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   six varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   seven varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   eight varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   nine varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   ten varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   eleven varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   twelve varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   thirteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   fourteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   fithteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   sixteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   seventeen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   eighteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   nineteen varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   twenty varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   twentone varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   twentytwo varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   twentythree varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   twentyfour varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   places char(2) NOT NULL default '24'

You seem to use string column types for everything? You should use the
'correct' column types whenever possible, it will make the database faster
and lighter.


Also, you should define indexes. In this early stage of your project all
needed index are not yet known, but you should at least define primary keys.


month, date, day and year can/should be stored in a single column.

The above table should imo have been split into three tables:

CREATE TABLE booking (
  booking DATETIME);

  name VARCHAR(50));

This person table is probably the same thing as your 'guests' table below.
If so, add the needed columns from that table to the 'person' table, and
drop the 'guests' table (or the other way around, if you prefer).

CREATE TABLE booking_person (
  booking_time TIMESTAMP,
  PRIMARY KEY (b_id,p_id),
  UNIQUE KEY (p_id,b_id));

The 'booking_time' column is just a suggestion, because it is maintained
'for free': the TIMESTAMP column type is 'magic' and is automatically set to
the current time when the record is created or changed. It could be usefull
to know _when_ a booking has been made, right? Read about the TIMESTAMP
datatype here:


To find how many persons are booked on a flight:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS booking_count
  FROM booking_person
  NATURAL JOIN booking
  WHERE = '2003-08-10 15:30'

NATURAL JOIN can be used in this example because there is only the 'b_id'
column name that is common between the two tables. Read about NATURAL JOIN
and other joins here:


 # Table structure for table `flights`

 CREATE TABLE flights (
   day char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   flightone varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
   flighttwo varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
   flightthree varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
   flightfour varchar(5) NOT NULL default ''

This design will break when there are five or more flights any one day.
Also, there is no way to define exceptions: what if the next monday is a
national holliday, and some of the flights won't be flying?

I guess your design reflects the normal situation: most mondays there are
four flights, at 06:00, 12:00, 15:30 and 18:00. You would not want to put a
record in the flights table for _every_ monday, but it would be nice to be
able to define exceptions, wouldn't it? Furthermore, weekdays seems to be a
relevant attribute in this system, 

Re: Allowing remote login

2003-08-02 Thread Dylan Neild
Hi There,

Though it's in the manual, you may want to do something like this:


Of course, you'll want to replace:

- ALL with access privelages that are much safer (assuming you don't 
completely trust the remote user).
- database with the database that you are actually giving remote access 
- user with the username you want to assign
- domain with the IP address the remote user will be connecting from 
(or their host and domain name)
- password with the password they'll be using.

I'd point you at this link for more info:
Take care,


On Saturday, August 2, 2003, at 11:55 AM, Mary Grace wrote:

I have been using MySQL for awhile, and for the first time someone 
from outside our portable /16 needs access to some tables.  We have 
given them the server IP address, the dB name, the port 3306, the root 
username, and the password, but they still can't get access.  Of 
course, no firewalls or other things in the way.

Is it true that MySQL defaults to local access only, and to enable 
remote access you must do something unusual with grants?  If so, how 
would I do this?  (warning, we use the win version, but this question 
is not a windows-only thing so it is topical for this list:-)

Thanks in advance for reading a post like this with such a dumb 

Mary Grace

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Re: Allowing remote login

2003-08-02 Thread Adam Fortuno

I guess, depending on your perspective, that is the case. MySQL 
identifies users by their user name and their originating host. For 
example: [EMAIL PROTECTED] is different than [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Its 
likely you have 2-entries in your mysql.user table for root: localhost 
and [workstation].[domain] (where workstation is the workstation's name 
and domain is the name of the domain that its in - it might be suffixed 
with .com or .net).

As a side note, you should never share your root account. At best, give 
them all privileges for the database(s) they need.

Try something like this:

UPDATE mysql.user SET password=PASSWORD('temp') WHERE user = 

Then see if they can access that.

On Saturday, August 2, 2003, at 11:55 AM, Mary Grace wrote:

I have been using MySQL for awhile, and for the first time someone 
from outside our portable /16 needs access to some tables.  We have 
given them the server IP address, the dB name, the port 3306, the root 
username, and the password, but they still can't get access.  Of 
course, no firewalls or other things in the way.

Is it true that MySQL defaults to local access only, and to enable 
remote access you must do something unusual with grants?  If so, how 
would I do this?  (warning, we use the win version, but this question 
is not a windows-only thing so it is topical for this list:-)

Thanks in advance for reading a post like this with such a dumb 

Mary Grace

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Re: standardized naming system ?

2003-08-02 Thread Andreas
Jim Smith wrote:

Wasn't my question.
well ... it was mine but I'll share it with you   ;)

Why do you need to label a table as a table?
That was my thought, too.

There is some merit in using
type prefixes in VB because of its loose typing, but it makes no sense in a
database context where the types of objects are quite distinct.
If everything that has collums stored in is a table like in MySQL now, 
it really doesn't make sense.

On the other hand there are DBMS which have such things as stored 
queries or views that akt as tables but aren't. There it makes sense to 
discriminate those objects.

I'd really liked to have views by the way ...

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NON web based client server applications

2003-08-02 Thread KB
hi all,
 i am a new-bie,
should i even think of using mySQL in the following scenario ?
i have a situation in mind where two or three ( sometimes concurrently ) people will 
be making invoices, on three computers in different locations on lan.
what front end tools should i think of using for dataentry clients ?
how can i print invoices from the database, on a specific printer only, when somebody 
( with a username and pswd ) gives a command from anywhere on the Lan / intranet.
** Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT **

** WARNING! Attached file noname.htm contains:


   It has been deleted.
* End of message ***

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max_connections doesn't change

2003-08-02 Thread Jan Josefowicz
I'm trying to change the value of max_connections variable but mysqld 
doesn't accept that.
I use mysql 3.23.54 and my config file /etc/my.cnf looks like:

set-variable max_connections=200
After a newstart of mysqld the value of max_connections is unchanged and 
   equals 100.

PLS help

Jan Josefowicz
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Re: Need help in querying two tables

2003-08-02 Thread Aftab Jahan Subedar
SELECT  [field list] FROM archivetable,currenttable WHERE 

notes: can use join,left,right,select inside select aka subselect check 
the manual for detail

Aftab Jahan Subedar
Software Engineer
Subedar Technologies
Subedar Baag
Bibir Bagicha #1
81/1-A North Jatrbari
Dhaka 1204
Fred van Engen wrote:

On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 11:55:36PM +0800, Jaime Teng wrote:

Now, I have two of these tables (archivetable,currenttable).

My problem is how do I perform a single query such that I get
results from these two tables:
mysql select * from archivetable,currenttable;
| sessionid  | username   | logon   | logoff  |
| 03 | dangco77   | 1996-09-25 20:51:59 | 1996-09-25 21:07:00 |
| 06 | mccarthy   | 1996-09-26 06:15:35 | 1996-09-26 06:20:00 |
| 07 | sigmaph| 1996-09-26 06:25:48 | 1996-09-26 06:28:00 |
| 09 | sigmaph| 1996-09-26 08:31:53 | 1996-09-26 08:51:00 |
| 1000265891 | okame  | 2003-08-01 13:38:24 | 2003-08-01 13:43:42 |
| 1000265893 | kbs| 2003-08-01 13:38:30 | 2003-08-01 13:38:48 |
| 1000265897 | bdo-albaro | 2003-08-01 13:38:54 | 2003-08-01 14:07:06 |
of course that last query isnt correct but thats the result I want.

You can use a UNION to do this, but you need MySQL 4.x. It won't work in
3.23.x or before. Look in the manual for details.

any suggestion? I read about using JOIN but I have no idea how to\
make it work for my need.

Joins are used for combining records from multiple tables, which is not
what you seem to want to do.


Aftab Jahan Subedar
Software Engineer
Subedar Technologies
Subedar Baag
Bibir Bagicha #1
81/1-A North Jatrbari
Dhaka 1204

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Re: Using query file from console

2003-08-02 Thread Aftab Jahan Subedar
try the shortest.

mysql  yoursource.sql
Aftab Jahan Subedar
Software Engineer
Subedar Technologies
Subedar Baag
Bibir Bagicha #1
81/1-A North Jatrbari
Dhaka 1204
Fred van Engen wrote:

On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 04:55:09PM +0200, Lorenzo Rossi wrote:

I need to run a query written in a file from inside mysql console, not 
shell prompt.
Anyone can help me?

mysql help

MySQL commands:
Note that all text commands must be first on line and end with ';'
help(\h)Display this help.
?   (\?)Synonym for `help'.
clear   (\c)Clear command.
connect (\r)Reconnect to the server. Optional arguments are db and host.
edit(\e)Edit command with $EDITOR.
ego (\G)Send command to mysql server, display result vertically.
exit(\q)Exit mysql. Same as quit.
go  (\g)Send command to mysql server.
nopager (\n)Disable pager, print to stdout.
notee   (\t)Don't write into outfile.
pager   (\P)Set PAGER [to_pager]. Print the query results via PAGER.
print   (\p)Print current command.
quit(\q)Quit mysql.
rehash  (\#)Rebuild completion hash.
source  (\.)Execute a SQL script file. Takes a file name as an argument.
status  (\s)Get status information from the server.
tee (\T)Set outfile [to_outfile]. Append everything into given outfile.
use (\u)Use another database. Takes database name as argument.
Connection id: 171359  (Can be used with mysqladmin kill)


So it looks like you could try the 'source' command. Copying the query
through your clipboard is another option.


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Date to Days Query

2003-08-02 Thread Mike Blezien

I need to update one of our mysql tables, which has about 60,000 entires and 
correct the amount of days remain on each data record. An example of one of the 
data entires is:
memiddaysregdate  expdate
625290 |  5   | 2003-07-15  | 2003-08-16

now the days should be 14 and not 5 days. I have been trying to update the table 
with a single SQL query but haven't come up with a way to do this.. I'm sure 
it's something simple but I can't seem to come up with it. What is the best way 
to accomplish this in a single query to update the entire table so all the 
days are accurate according to the expdate, and change the days so they 
are correct ??

Thunder Rain Internet Publishing
Providing Internet Solutions that work!
Web Hosting
Tel:  1(985)902-8484
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Update from 3.23 to 4.0

2003-08-02 Thread - Peter Padberg

I updated my MySQL from 3.23 upto 4.0 and now began the problems!

All Users in my mysql-db are with this privileges:
INSERT INTO `user` (`Host`, `User`, `password`, `Select_priv`,
`Insert_priv`, `Update_priv`, `Delete_priv`, `Create_priv`, `Drop_priv`,
`Reload_priv`, `Shutdown_priv`, `Process_priv`, `File_priv`,
`Grant_priv`, `References_priv`, `Index_priv`, `Alter_priv`,
`Show_db_priv`, `Super_priv`, `Create_tmp_table_priv`,
`Lock_tables_priv`, `Execute_priv`, `Repl_slave_priv`,
`Repl_client_priv`, `ssl_type`, `ssl_cipher`, `x509_issuer`,
`x509_subject`, `max_questions`, `max_updates`, `max_connections`)
('localhost', 'SOME_USER', 'SOME_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 
'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'Y', 'N', 'N', 'N', '', '', '', 
'', 0, 0, 0),

And Show_db_priv is definitiv to N.

But when I login as a user I see ALL other databases.

I only want that the users do not see the other databases.
Must I edit something else, I read the online-help,
but it seems that I made everything right. :(

Did I made something wrong or is it a bug?

Viele Gruesse,

Peter Padberg   Pyrmonter Str. 42
Webagentur  31789 Hameln
Geschaeftsfuehrung  Germany
Telefon: +49-5151 60 99 70-0[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telefax: +49-5151 60 99 70-1

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Re: Date to Days Query

2003-08-02 Thread Andy Jackman
Is the field days meant to be the number of days until expdate?
(This is implied by the number 14 you gave). If so, you shouldn't be
storing the days value in the database at all (the reason being it
causes exactly the problem you seem to have). 

Instead you should store only expdate and then calculate the number of
days to expiry in a query like this:
select (to_days(expdate) - to_days(curdate()) as days_to_expire from
xxx...; If you get a negative answer then the record has already past
it's expiry date.

If I've misunderstood then sorry, please try again.

Mike Blezien wrote:
 I need to update one of our mysql tables, which has about 60,000 entires and
 correct the amount of days remain on each data record. An example of one of the
 data entires is:
 memiddaysregdate  expdate
 625290 |  5   | 2003-07-15  | 2003-08-16
 now the days should be 14 and not 5 days. I have been trying to update the table
 with a single SQL query but haven't come up with a way to do this.. I'm sure
 it's something simple but I can't seem to come up with it. What is the best way
 to accomplish this in a single query to update the entire table so all the
 days are accurate according to the expdate, and change the days so they
 are correct ??
 Thunder Rain Internet Publishing
 Providing Internet Solutions that work!
 Web Hosting
 Tel:  1(985)902-8484
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Re: Adv. Mysql query

2003-08-02 Thread Andy Jackman
It may not be such a good idea to store the 6 items in 1 record. An
alternative structure is one table with Item ID and Name and another
with Item Id and Component Id, both of which point back to item id in
the first table. This avoids having to know how many components there
are and allows you to add a seventh component without changing the data
structure. See Jim Smith's excellent answer to a previous, similar
question (I've added it below).

If you want to fix what you've got then an OUTER join will help (see
docs) but sure as eggs is eggs someone will add a seventh component and
then you will have to fix every table and query and program, so if
you're still in design phase - then IMHO it's time to rethink the

Best regards,

jim smith
This is a classic problem known as a Bill of Materials explosion and
unfortunately relational databases don't handle it very well.

Storage is easy(ish).

Fundamentally you have a recursive many to many relationship between
components, resolved as

Component:  Component_Link
 id  ---|---assembly_id

That is 2 foreign keys back to the same master table, if the diagram

In OO terms, both item and kit are subclasses of component. There are
ways to implement that
in a relation database, but the simplest is to store them as a single
with a type field.

Retrieval is harder.

To get the contents of an assembly (kit),
select *
from component as assembly, component as subcomponent, component_link
and component_link.assembly_id=assembly_id
and componentLink.subcomponent_id

BUT, this only goes down to one level which may be enough for most
but for stock monitoring (e.g. I've sold 10 of kit ZZA102, what effect
that have
on my item stocks), you need to do it recursively.

With mysql ( and most other DBMS) the only alternative is to do the
recursion in a program -
  get all first level children
foreach get next level
foreach get next level

Oracle has an excellent CONNECT BY extension to standard sql which does
brilliantly, and I believe mysql AB are
planning to imlpement it sometime.
/jim smith

Mattias Larsson wrote:
 Hi there.
 I have a little problem with a sql-query I'm trying to get together.
 Well I got it to work halfways.
 I have a table with items, which are composed of 1-6 other items, which
 is saved in the same table.
 You might call it a recursive query, I need to get the names of the
 components that makes up the item I search for.
 It looks about like this: (3 CompX removed for readability)
 ID   Name   Comp1   Comp2   Comp3
 1Item10   0   0
 2Item20   0   0
 3Item30   0   0
 4Item40   0   0
 5Item51   3   4
 Item5 is a composition of item 1,3 and 4. It would be no problem if I only
 wanted to get the ID of the
 Included components but I want the names.
 I tried using:
 SELECT i.Name, c1.Name, c2.Name, c3.Name
  FROM Items AS i, Items AS c1, Items AS c2, Items AS c3
  WHERE i.ID=5 AND i.Comp1=c1.ID AND i.Comp2=c2.ID AND i.Comp3=c3.ID;
 This gives me the right result, but if an Item only consists of 2 components
 then I don't get anything
 Which is understandable. And I can only imagine what kinds of resources it
 will take if the Items table
 Gets really large.
 Is there a better way to do this? I want to keep the number of queries to a
 minimum. I have read some on
 Union, joins and subqueries but I can't think of a way to make it work.
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Re: Update from 3.23 to 4.0

2003-08-02 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Aug 03), - Peter Padberg said:
 I updated my MySQL from 3.23 upto 4.0 and now began the problems!
 All Users in my mysql-db are with this privileges:
 INSERT INTO `user` (`Host`, `User`, `password`, `Select_priv`,
 `Insert_priv`, `Update_priv`, `Delete_priv`, `Create_priv`, `Drop_priv`,
 `Reload_priv`, `Shutdown_priv`, `Process_priv`, `File_priv`,
 `Grant_priv`, `References_priv`, `Index_priv`, `Alter_priv`,
 `Show_db_priv`, `Super_priv`, `Create_tmp_table_priv`,
 `Lock_tables_priv`, `Execute_priv`, `Repl_slave_priv`,
 `Repl_client_priv`, `ssl_type`, `ssl_cipher`, `x509_issuer`,
 `x509_subject`, `max_questions`, `max_updates`, `max_connections`)
 ('localhost', 'SOME_USER', 'SOME_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 
 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'Y', 'N', 'N', 'N', '', '', 
 '', '', 0, 0, 0),
 And Show_db_priv is definitiv to N.
 But when I login as a user I see ALL other databases.
 I only want that the users do not see the other databases. Must I
 edit something else, I read the online-help, but it seems that I made
 everything right. :(
 Did I made something wrong or is it a bug?

From :

`SHOW DATABASES'   `SHOW DATABASES' shows all databases.

You have that set (the Show_db_priv field).  Revoke that privilege from
your users if you only want them to see databases they have access to.

Dan Nelson

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Re: NON web based client server applications

2003-08-02 Thread Andy Jackman
1) There's an interesting virus alert attached to your message.
2)  what front end tools should i think of using for dataentry clients
IMHO, the answer is 'the web'. Is there a good reason why you don't want
to do that? I realise that JSP is an obvious choice and perhaps like me
you think it sucks, but it's the best of a bad lot. PHP and perl are
other options. You won't need more hardware than your mysql server if
you run something like apache tomcat for just 4 users. 

The web/intranet brings all the advantages of not having to install and
update software (except on the server). For smaller project we actually
use visual basic 6 with a JSP 'gateway' that passes messages back and
forth between web clients and the VB program. So we get all the
advantages of VB (well known, easy to use, great debugger, easy to
print!) but the down sides are: We need a windows OS to run the VB (but
it need not be a 'server'), VB can be slower than raw JSP and you need
to keep an eye on the VB program cos if it crashes the whole shooting
match goes down.

I'd be interested in the other answers.

Java: A sledgehammer to crack a nut? No, more like a sledgehammer to
paddle a canoe.

KB wrote:
 hi all,
  i am a new-bie,
 should i even think of using mySQL in the following scenario ?
 i have a situation in mind where two or three ( sometimes concurrently ) people will 
 be making invoices, on three computers in different locations on lan.
 what front end tools should i think of using for dataentry clients ?
 how can i print invoices from the database, on a specific printer only, when 
 somebody ( with a username and pswd ) gives a command from anywhere on the Lan / 
   Name: InterScan_SafeStamp.txt
InterScan_SafeStamp.txtType: Plain Text (text/plain)
   Encoding: 7bit
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Re: NON web based client server applications

2003-08-02 Thread Kevin J Citron
Well, unless you like a bucket of spaghetti with your code.
Avoid an MS solution like VB at all costs. If you want a non web-based 
I would use Java RMI on Linux. The MOST flexible and the MOST robust 
And, stay way from the Win platforms for your server box. As the 
previous poster stated.
When an MS solution goes down. It takes everyone with it. Also, MS 
solutions costs mucho deniro. The FREE Java solutions are too numerous 
to list If you do decide to use
a Java solution. There are a myriad of web sites with lots of code 
samples and examples
to get you going.


Kevin J Citron
Sr. Object Imagineer
Optimized Objects, Inc.
EL Paso, Texas 79930
(915) 565-5777

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Nested SELECT statements problem

2003-08-02 Thread Pascal Délisle

I try to figure out how to use a nested SELECT statement after the 
IN predicate.  For example, when I try this code, it doesn't return 
anything although it should:

SELECT book.IDLivre, aut.Prenom, aut.Nom FROM livre book, livreEcritPar 
ecr, auteur aut WHERE ecr.IDLivre = book.IDLivre AND aut.IDAuteur = 
ecr.IDAuteur AND book.IDLivre IN (SELECT book.IDLivre FROM livre book, 
livreEcritPar ecr, auteur aut WHERE aut.Prenom like '%$firstName%' AND 
aut.Nom like '%$name%' AND ecr.IDAuteur = aut.IDAuteur AND book.IDLivre 
= ecr.IDLivre);

So, my question is the following:  How should I change syntax in order 
to make this bunch of code work?  I mean, under Oracle SQL, this syntax 
would be legal and work perfectly, so I'm confused how to solve my 

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Nested SELECT statements problem

2003-08-02 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Aug 02), Pascal Dlisle said:
 I try to figure out how to use a nested SELECT statement after the
 IN predicate.  For example, when I try this code, it doesn't return
 anything although it should:
 SELECT book.IDLivre, aut.Prenom, aut.Nom FROM livre book,
 livreEcritPar ecr, auteur aut WHERE ecr.IDLivre = book.IDLivre AND
 aut.IDAuteur = ecr.IDAuteur AND book.IDLivre IN (SELECT book.IDLivre
 FROM livre book, livreEcritPar ecr, auteur aut WHERE aut.Prenom like
 '%$firstName%' AND aut.Nom like '%$name%' AND ecr.IDAuteur =
 aut.IDAuteur AND book.IDLivre
 = ecr.IDLivre);
 So, my question is the following:  How should I change syntax in
 order to make this bunch of code work?  I mean, under Oracle SQL,
 this syntax would be legal and work perfectly, so I'm confused how to
 solve my problem.

I doubt think it would work under Oracle either, since you quoted your
subselect.  Unless book.IDLivre is a varchar field with one of the
records containing the string SELECT book.IDLivre ... = ecr.IDLivre,
of course.

Also make sure you're using MySQL 4.1.0, since that's the first version
that supports subselects.  If you're running something older, take a
look at which
shows you how to rewrite most (not all) subqueries as joins.

Dan Nelson

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Re: Nested SELECT statements problem

2003-08-02 Thread Eternal Designs, Inc

Dan Nelson wrote:

In the last episode (Aug 02), Pascal Dlisle said:

I try to figure out how to use a nested SELECT statement after the
IN predicate.  For example, when I try this code, it doesn't return
anything although it should:
SELECT book.IDLivre, aut.Prenom, aut.Nom FROM livre book,
livreEcritPar ecr, auteur aut WHERE ecr.IDLivre = book.IDLivre AND
aut.IDAuteur = ecr.IDAuteur AND book.IDLivre IN (SELECT book.IDLivre
FROM livre book, livreEcritPar ecr, auteur aut WHERE aut.Prenom like
'%$firstName%' AND aut.Nom like '%$name%' AND ecr.IDAuteur =
aut.IDAuteur AND book.IDLivre
= ecr.IDLivre);
So, my question is the following:  How should I change syntax in
order to make this bunch of code work?  I mean, under Oracle SQL,
this syntax would be legal and work perfectly, so I'm confused how to
solve my problem.

I doubt think it would work under Oracle either, since you quoted your
subselect.  Unless book.IDLivre is a varchar field with one of the
records containing the string SELECT book.IDLivre ... = ecr.IDLivre,
of course.
Also make sure you're using MySQL 4.1.0, since that's the first version
that supports subselects.  If you're running something older, take a
look at which
shows you how to rewrite most (not all) subqueries as joins.

How about if you try this:

SELECT book.IDLivre, aut.Prenom, aut.Nom FROM auteur aut INNER JOIN (livreEcritPar ecr INNER JOIN livre book ON ecr.IDLivre = book.IDLivre) ON  aut.IDAuteur = ecr.IDAuteur WHERE book.IDLivre IN (SELECT book.IDLivre FROM livre book, livreEcritPar ecr, auteur aut WHERE aut.Prenom like '%$firstName%' AND aut.Nom like '%$name%' AND ecr.IDAuteur = aut.IDAuteur AND book.IDLivre = ecr.IDLivre);


Peter K. Aganyo
Eternal Designs Inc.,
+1(617)344-8023 (fax  voicemail)

RE: Nested SELECT statements problem

2003-08-02 Thread Lin Yu
One problem is that you have quoted your sub-query, which makes it to return a
constant string.

Another problem I saw in your code is that you used the same aliases for tables
in the query and in the sub-query.  In such case, the SQL parser would take all
of them to refer to the same table, probably the ones in the query. My
suggestion would be to use different aliases in the query and sub-query for the
same table. That way, in each of your where-clause, the SQL parser will know
exactly which table reference you want.

Also, be sure that your data is good so that your sub-query indeed returns some
records to be matched; or otherwise the query will not return anything.

Hope this helps.

-Original Message-
From: Pascal Délisle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 11:46 PM
Subject: Nested SELECT statements problem


I try to figure out how to use a nested SELECT statement after the
IN predicate.  For example, when I try this code, it doesn't return
anything although it should:

SELECT book.IDLivre, aut.Prenom, aut.Nom FROM livre book, livreEcritPar
ecr, auteur aut WHERE ecr.IDLivre = book.IDLivre AND aut.IDAuteur ecr.IDAuteur AND 
book.IDLivre IN (SELECT book.IDLivre FROM livre book,
livreEcritPar ecr, auteur aut WHERE aut.Prenom like '%$firstName%' AND
aut.Nom like '%$name%' AND ecr.IDAuteur = aut.IDAuteur AND book.IDLivre
= ecr.IDLivre);

So, my question is the following:  How should I change syntax in order
to make this bunch of code work?  I mean, under Oracle SQL, this syntax
would be legal and work perfectly, so I'm confused how to solve my

Thanks in advance!

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2003-08-02 Thread FT
Hi everyone
I am quiet new to DB and MySql
I must have made a big mistake by changing the root @ localhost password via
phpMyAdmin and now it is impossible to connect from neither the mysql prompt
nor phpMyAdmin...

Does anyone know how to recover this problem...I did try to reinstall MySql
after uninstalling it and rebooted the server but no luck so far...

Thanks for the hand


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Re: Root

2003-08-02 Thread Eternal Designs, Inc

FT wrote:

Hi everyone
I am quiet new to DB and MySql
I must have made a big mistake by changing the root @ localhost password via
phpMyAdmin and now it is impossible to connect from neither the mysql prompt
nor phpMyAdmin...
Does anyone know how to recover this problem...I did try to reinstall MySql
after uninstalling it and rebooted the server but no luck so far...
Thanks for the hand



Try re-installing (even w/o uninstalling) using the --force option.
Peter K. Aganyo
Eternal Designs Inc.,
+1(617)344-8023 (fax  voicemail)

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