Massive memory utiliazation

2004-02-14 Thread James Kelty


We have currently tuned MySQL for a high rate of traffic. But, now we are
seeing issues with memory usage. It reaches about 2GB and the server becomed
wildly unstable. Below is our my.cnf file. Can anyone point out any glarring
errors? We are running this on a Dell 2650 with Red Had Advanced Server v2.1
with Kernel 2.4.9-e.25smp and Hyper threading.


Thanks a lot!




port= 3306


# The MySQL server


datadir = /var/lib/mysql

port= 3306


set-variable= max_connections=800

set-variable= key_buffer=1500M

set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M

set-variable= table_cache=16384

set-variable= sort_buffer=256k

set-variable= record_buffer=256k

set-variable= record_rnd_buffer=256k

set-variable= thread_cache=64

set-variable= thread_concurrency=32

set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M

set-variable= interactive_timeout=300

set-variable= open_files_limit=6

set-variable= wait_timeout=300

set-variable= long_query_time=5

set-variable= tmp_table_size=16M


server-id   = 0


# Adding bin log for PIT recovery



#set-variable   = bdb_cache_size=768M

#set-variable   = bdb_max_lock=10









set-variable= max_allowed_packet=16M






set-variable= key_buffer=512M

set-variable= sort_buffer=512M

set-variable= read_buffer=2M

set-variable= write_buffer=2M



set-variable= key_buffer=512M

set-variable= sort_buffer=512M

set-variable= read_buffer=2M

set-variable= write_buffer=2M




Re: Newbie Question

2004-02-14 Thread Egor Egorov
Rhino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm new to MySQL but I have extensive experience with DB2 so I'm getting 
 quite confused about how MySQL is supposed to work.
 I am using MySQL 4.0.11 on a Linux server running RedHat 9.2. I am 
 trying to create a pair of InnoDB tables that are related to one another 
 via a foreign key. I created the tables successfully but when I try to 
 insert a row into the child table that violates the foreign key,  MySQL 
 loads the bad row, even though the foreign key doesn't exist!


 I got a very big clue when I ran this command:
 show table status from Sample;
 It showed that my two tables were type MyISAM, *not* InnoDB.
 If my 
 tables really are MyISAM, then I'm not surprised that the foreign key 
 constraint doesn't work since MyISAM doesn't support foreign keys, at 
 least as I understand the manual.
 However, this doesn't answer the big question: *Why* aren't my tables 
 InnoDB since I explicitly defined them that way??
 Can any MySQL veterans clear up this mystery for me?

If you try to create table type that is disabled or not compiled-in, MySQL creates 
MyISAM table type.
Execute statement

If you see 'DISABLED' in the output, it means that you run MySQL server with 
skip-innodb option.
If you see 'NO' in the output, it means that MySQL server was configured without 
InnoDB support.

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Re: Default UTF-8 Encoding

2004-02-14 Thread Egor Egorov
David Perron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a way to change the default mysql encoding to be something else,
 say UTF-16LE at the session level?

MySQL doesn't support UTF-16LE.

If you want to set up connection character set you can:
- execute SET CHARACTER SET from the client
- run mysql client with --default-character-set option (or put this option to 
the my.cnf file)

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This email is sponsored by
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Egor Egorov
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB /

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Slow sql on one dataset, fast on to use explain and optimize

2004-02-14 Thread Are Pedersen
This SQL takes 2 minutes to run on one database, and seconds on another.
The tables has the same indexes, but different number of rows in them.
Slow database:
persontbl2   = 25000 rows
memberstbl   = 196000 rows
groupchildrentbl   = 9000 rows
structuretreetbl   = 58000 rows
structureacl   = 8800 rows
Fast database:
persontbl2   = 43000 rows
memberstbl   = 128000 rows
groupchildrentbl   = 5200 rows
structuretreetbl   = 28900 rows
structureacl   = 4900 rows
The explain for the slow database is:

SELECT DISTINCT, pers.firstname
FROM PersonTbl2 pers, GroupChildrenTbl gg1,
 StructureTreeTbl outree, MembersTbl memb1,
 GroupChildrenTbl gg2, MembersTbl memb2, StructureACL sacl
memb2.personid = 440287252 AND
memb2.groupid = gg2.gchildid AND
gg2.groupid = sacl.groupid AND
sacl.group_access = 100 AND
sacl.structid = outree.orgid AND
outree.orgchild = gg1.groupid AND
gg1.gchildid = memb1.groupid AND
memb1.personid = AND
pers.user_type = 3
GROUP BY, pers.firstname
ORDER BY pers.firstname;
 table   typepossible_keys  key  key_len ref  
rows   Extra
memb2   ref PRIMARY,groupid,persgrp 4   const   9  
 Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
gg2 	ref 	PRIMARY,gchildid,groupid 	gchildid 	4 	memb2.groupid 	1 	 
sacl 	ref 	PRIMARY,groupid,structid, 	groupid 	4 	gg2.groupid 	1 	Using where
outree 	ref 	PRIMARY,orgid, 	orgid 	4 	sacl.structid 	7 	 
gg1 	ref 	PRIMARY,gchildid,groupid 	groupid 	4 	outree.orgchild 1 	 
memb1 	ref 	PRIMARY,groupid, 	groupid 	4 	gg1.gchildid 	6 	 
pers 	eq_ref 	PRIMARY,usertypeIX 	PRIMARY 	4 	memb1.personid   1 	Using where

The explain for the fast database is exactly the same, but the rows 
number is now: 3,1,1,6,1,3,1 instead.

Why do these queries run so differently?
We have over 100 databases that run this query fast, all with different 
rowcounts in the tables. But in one database it runs slow...

Are Pedersen
Development Team Leader
Server Operations manager

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Q: Load Infile (Fixed Length)???

2004-02-14 Thread Tbird67ForSale

I've been using 'load data infile...' to build a data warehouse and it seems 
to be extremely efficient.  However, I receive very large, fixed delimited 
file and (so far) have to parse them with a little Perl code.  It's not a 
terrible situation, but a step I'd like to eliminate if I could use 'load data 
infile...' from a known fixed file format.  

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance.

Re: best-practices backups

2004-02-14 Thread Tbird67ForSale
In a message dated 2/11/2004 4:44:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

I do just this at the moment - I have a cron job that runs MySQL dump, gzips
the output, and will then ftp the important files to a machine that get's
backed-up to a tape drive.  I also time the dump, and it currently takes
just over 3 minutes which is quite acceptable for what I'm doing.  I'm
thinking about piping the output of mysqldump straight through gzip and then
ftp'd away to ease the disk access too, but that maybe later.

I would still like a best-practices guide though, so that if everything does
go wrong I'm sure that I've got everything I need to reconstruct the system
as swiftly as possible.  I've done some dry runs, but still feel that this
isn't the same as learning from that gleaned by others that may have
actually been faced with disaster in the past!




This is a great topic of interest to me, as I am rolling out MySQL throughout 
our enterprise and naturally, the MS SysAdmin are not comfortable doing 
backups on a Linux box--so I move the dumps to their backup server.

Have you tried to do all of that in one step using SSH?  For example, I often 
transfer big datafiles using the following command:

tar cf -   BigUncompressedDataFile  |  ssh  -C  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  tar xf 

This effectively compresses the data on the fly, without creating a temporary 
tar file; pipes it to the remote host over SSH ( I use -C for SSH compression 
in case any more could be squeezed out) and then uncompresses the file on the 
remote host.  

Seems to me that your process makes perfect sense, I am just lazy and would 
want it one in one command in my cron job.  However, that's just what I use to 
transfer files to a place I want to work on them, in an uncompressed format on 
the remote host...obviously not what you'd do for backups.  I'll mess with 
trying this with secure copy (SCP) to replace the SSH portion above.

Just thinking out loud.  A Backup/Restore Best Practices Guide would be very 
valuable to everyone I should think.  Happy to help develop/host one if anyone 
wants to pitch in ideas.


Re: best-practices backups

2004-02-14 Thread Tbird67ForSale
In a message dated 2/11/2004 2:26:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
I read this over and over.. I am curious why replication is such high 
finance?? I run it here. The Production system is a high finance machine and the 
replicated box is a old clunker basically.. It doesn't take much for the stuff to 
be replicated over.. The high dollar has queries, this and that. The 
replicated machine is just simply keeping up with the changes.. That's it.

You could do that with just about any decent machine.. I would think.. sure, 
there is going to be the few that load and change data constantly.. But I 
still think that would be ok.. (have to test it). 

Do you guys agree?
Hmmm...not in all cases.  While I'll agree that this would be a 
cost-effective method for many MySQL installations, I use MySQL for in a data 
environment which typically has few, but extremely large bulk updates.  We are 
in the multi-TB range, so this would not work for us.

Re: Binary Logs and Transactions (with InnoDB and MyISAM)

2004-02-14 Thread Chris Nolan
Basically, only error-free statements are the slave, thus 
ensuring that constraints are satisfied.



David Griffiths wrote:

Thanks for the reply.

So InnoDB (and even MyISAM) use transactions (expected with InnoDB) and
slaves track their position in the binary log files as they are reading them
in so as not to violate any constraints?
- Original Message -
From: Chris Nolan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: David Griffiths [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: Binary Logs and Transactions (with InnoDB and MyISAM)

Hi David,

David Griffiths wrote:

From reading the docs, a binary log is an efficient representation of all

data-modifying SQL that is run on the master database. I was unable to
figure out what happens if a slave is interrupted while in the middle of
processing a binary log.
When a binary log is applied to a slave database, what happens if the
machine or database dies half way through the log?


Basically, the slave will try to catch up when it restarts.


For example, with InnoDB, say the following statements are run and stored


the binary log:

1) INSERT INTO table_a (column_a, column_b, ...) VALUES (...);

3) UPDATE table_a SET column_b = 'some_value' WHERE column_c =
The slave-machine (also using InnoDB tables) start processing the binary
log. Statement 1 and 2 are processed, but it dies before Statement 3


table_a...) is executed.


If I recall correctly, the binary log uses transactions as it's basic
units. I'm not even sure if the slave will see statement 3 before
statement 4, but I know it definitely will not act on it in any way.

If you restart the slave, would it start the binary log back at the
beginning, or is the offset inside the file stored in the database so


the slave database starts at Statement 3? Or would the whole log be
re-processed (potentially causing problems with inserting rows with




The slave won't try to reperform actions that are already processed. You
can relax regarding unique attributes.

How does this work with MyISAM?


In essentially the same way. As each statement is basically bound with
BEGIN and COMMIT statements, each statement is processed by the slave
after it successfully completes on the master.





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Re: Slow sql on one dataset, fast on to use explain and optimize

2004-02-14 Thread mos
At 04:21 AM 2/14/2004, you wrote:
This SQL takes 2 minutes to run on one database, and seconds on another.
The tables has the same indexes, but different number of rows in them.
It could be you have deleted a lot of rows from the table and therefore it 
is fragmented. You may want to try optimizing the table using OPTIMIZE 
tablename. See

Also your keys may not be evenly distributed. Take a look at Analyze 


Slow database:
persontbl2   = 25000 rows
memberstbl   = 196000 rows
groupchildrentbl   = 9000 rows
structuretreetbl   = 58000 rows
structureacl   = 8800 rows
Fast database:
persontbl2   = 43000 rows
memberstbl   = 128000 rows
groupchildrentbl   = 5200 rows
structuretreetbl   = 28900 rows
structureacl   = 4900 rows
The explain for the slow database is:

SELECT DISTINCT, pers.firstname
FROM PersonTbl2 pers, GroupChildrenTbl gg1,
 StructureTreeTbl outree, MembersTbl memb1,
 GroupChildrenTbl gg2, MembersTbl memb2, StructureACL sacl
memb2.personid = 440287252 AND
memb2.groupid = gg2.gchildid AND
gg2.groupid = sacl.groupid AND
sacl.group_access = 100 AND
sacl.structid = outree.orgid AND
outree.orgchild = gg1.groupid AND
gg1.gchildid = memb1.groupid AND
memb1.personid = AND
pers.user_type = 3
GROUP BY, pers.firstname
ORDER BY pers.firstname;
 table  typepossible_keys   key key_len ref 
   rows  Extra
memb2   ref PRIMARY,groupid,persgrp 4   const 
9   Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
gg2 ref PRIMARY,gchildid,groupidgchildid4 
memb2.groupid   1   saclref PRIMARY,groupid,structid, 
groupid 4   gg2.groupid 1   Using where
outree  ref PRIMARY,orgid,  orgid   4 
sacl.structid   7
gg1 ref PRIMARY,gchildid,groupidgroupid 4 
1   memb1   ref PRIMARY,groupid,groupid 4 
perseq_ref  PRIMARY,usertypeIX  PRIMARY 4 
memb1.personid   1  Using where

The explain for the fast database is exactly the same, but the rows number 
is now: 3,1,1,6,1,3,1 instead.

Why do these queries run so differently?
We have over 100 databases that run this query fast, all with different 
rowcounts in the tables. But in one database it runs slow...

Are Pedersen
Development Team Leader
Server Operations manager

MySQL General Mailing List
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To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Slow sql on one dataset, fast on to use explain and optimize

2004-02-14 Thread Are Pedersen
I am running OPTIMIZE table and ANALYZE table each night on all tables and databases.

Shouldn't the explain statement tell me what's going says 9,1,1,7,1,6,1 on rows, and 
multiplied up its not much. 378 rows to examine should run fast.

mos wrote:

At 04:21 AM 2/14/2004, you wrote:

This SQL takes 2 minutes to run on one database, and seconds on another.
The tables has the same indexes, but different number of rows in them.

It could be you have deleted a lot of rows from the table and therefore 
it is fragmented. You may want to try optimizing the table using 
OPTIMIZE tablename. See

Also your keys may not be evenly distributed. Take a look at Analyze 


Slow database:
persontbl2   = 25000 rows
memberstbl   = 196000 rows
groupchildrentbl   = 9000 rows
structuretreetbl   = 58000 rows
structureacl   = 8800 rows
Fast database:
persontbl2   = 43000 rows
memberstbl   = 128000 rows
groupchildrentbl   = 5200 rows
structuretreetbl   = 28900 rows
structureacl   = 4900 rows
The explain for the slow database is:

SELECT DISTINCT, pers.firstname
FROM PersonTbl2 pers, GroupChildrenTbl gg1,
 StructureTreeTbl outree, MembersTbl memb1,
 GroupChildrenTbl gg2, MembersTbl memb2, StructureACL sacl
memb2.personid = 440287252 AND
memb2.groupid = gg2.gchildid AND
gg2.groupid = sacl.groupid AND
sacl.group_access = 100 AND
sacl.structid = outree.orgid AND
outree.orgchild = gg1.groupid AND
gg1.gchildid = memb1.groupid AND
memb1.personid = AND
pers.user_type = 3
GROUP BY, pers.firstname
ORDER BY pers.firstname;
 table  typepossible_keys   key key_len ref
rows  Extra
memb2   ref PRIMARY,groupid,persgrp 4   const 
9   Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
gg2 ref PRIMARY,gchildid,groupidgchildid4 
memb2.groupid   1   saclref PRIMARY,groupid,structid, 
groupid 4   gg2.groupid 1   Using where
outree  ref PRIMARY,orgid,  orgid   4 sacl.structid   7
gg1 ref PRIMARY,gchildid,groupidgroupid 4 
outree.orgchild 1   memb1   ref PRIMARY,groupid,
groupid 4 gg1.gchildid6
perseq_ref  PRIMARY,usertypeIX  PRIMARY 4 
memb1.personid   1  Using where

The explain for the fast database is exactly the same, but the rows 
number is now: 3,1,1,6,1,3,1 instead.

Why do these queries run so differently?
We have over 100 databases that run this query fast, all with 
different rowcounts in the tables. But in one database it runs slow...

Are Pedersen
Development Team Leader
Server Operations manager

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Are Pedersen
Development Team Leader
Server Operations manager
Tel: +47 24 14 99 61
Kongensgate 24
N-0153 OSLO, Norway
Tel.: +47 24 14 99 99
Fax.: +47 24 14 99 98
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mysql ended

2004-02-14 Thread Russell Jolly
  Downloaded, installed, and tried to run mysql server 4.0.18 on 
  Red Hat ES 3x and recieved the following error:

Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
040214 12:08:16  mysqld ended

  I can't get the mysql server to run. Any suggestions on what could be

Download mysql-standard-4.0.18-pc-linux-i686.tar.gz from

Follow the commands from the MySQL Technical Reference Manual
(pg. 94) as follows:

  shell groupadd mysql
  shell useradd -g mysql mysql
  shell cd /usr/local
  shell gunzip  /root/mysql-standard-4.0.18-pc-linux-i686.tar.gz |
tar xvf -
  shell ln -s /usr/local/mysql-standard-4.0.18-pc-linux-i686 mysql
  shell cd mysql
  shell scripts/mysql_install_db
  shell chown -R root  .
  shell chown -R mysql data
  shell chgrp -R mysql .
  shell bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql 

It is at this point that the following message appears:

Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
040214 12:08:16  mysqld ended

Submitter-Id:  submitter ID
 organization of PR author (multiple lines)
MySQL support: [none | licence | email support | extended email support
Synopsis:  synopsis of the problem (one line)
Severity:  [ non-critical | serious | critical ] (one line)
Priority:  [ low | medium | high ] (one line)
Category:  mysql
Class: [ sw-bug | doc-bug | change-request | support ] (one line)
Release:   mysql-3.23.58 (Source distribution)

machine, os, target, libraries (multiple lines)
System: Linux localhost.localdomain 2.4.21-4.EL #1 Fri Oct 3 18:13:58
EDT 2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
Architecture: i686

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake /usr/bin/gcc
GCC: Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2.3/specs
Configured with: ../configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man
--infodir=/usr/share/info --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix
--disable-checking --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-20)
Compilation info: CC='i386-redhat-linux-gcc'  CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe
-march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE'  CXX='i386-redhat-linux-g++'  CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g
-pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions'  LDFLAGS=''
lrwxr-xr-x1 root root   13 Feb 14 11:23 /lib/
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  1564956 Oct  2 20:51
-rw-r--r--1 root root  2461044 Oct  2 18:43 /usr/lib/libc.a
-rw-r--r--1 root root  204 Oct  2 18:21 /usr/lib/
Configure command: ./configure '--host=i386-redhat-linux'
'--build=i386-redhat-linux' '--target=i386-redhat-linux-gnu'
'--program-prefix=' '--prefix=/usr' '--exec-prefix=/usr'
'--bindir=/usr/bin' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin' '--sysconfdir=/etc'
'--datadir=/usr/share' '--includedir=/usr/include' '--libdir=/usr/lib'
'--libexecdir=/usr/libexec' '--localstatedir=/var'
'--sharedstatedir=/usr/com' '--mandir=/usr/share/man'
'--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--without-readline' '--without-debug'
'--enable-shared' '--with-extra-charsets=complex' '--with-bench'
'--with-mysqld-user=mysql' '--with-extra-charsets=all' '--with-innodb'
'--enable-local-infile' '--enable-large-files=yes'
'--enable-largefile=yes' '--with-berkeley-db-includes=/usr/include'
'--with-berkeley-db-libs=/usr/lib' '--enable-thread-safe-client'
'CFLAGS=-O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -D_GNU_SOURCE
-march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions'
'build_alias=i386-redhat-linux' 'host_alias=i386-redhat-linux'

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MySQL big problem

2004-02-14 Thread chatiman
Since today I can only access to 2 databases (instead of 10) :
mysql -u root 
 show databases shows me only 2 db
theres 10 in /var/lib/mysql

I suspect that the grant tables are damaged .
How can I repair them ?

Note that I cannot do 
mysql -u mysql mysql
which returns access denied to '@localhost'

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Update is deleting data

2004-02-14 Thread Roddie Grant
This is on my development machine using Lasso 6.0.4, MacOS 10.2, MySQL

Using Lasso:
On one database I can add and update records.
On another I can add, but updating sets all the specified fields to NULL in
the target record (the key and non-referenced fields stay OK), even though
they are set to NOT NULL.

Updating works fine using Terminal, CocoaMySQL, and PHP.

So, firstly, does anyone know what might be going on? I've checked every
setting I can find in Lasso and MySQL without finding any differences
between the two databases, but should I be looking for something in

Secondly, in order to find out what MySQL is receiving from Lasso someone
(on the LassoTalk list) suggested using an update log.

Using Terminal, I stopped MySQL with mysqladmin shutdown, and then restarted
it with ./bin/mysqld_safe --log-update=roddie

I get a message about a daemon being started, but then Terminal hangs (10
mins) and if I use Ctrl Z is says Suspended. Eventually I can quit
Terminal and MySQL seems to be running unaffected. I can open the
roddie.001 log file in Pico but it is empty.

What should I be doing to get the update log working?

Any advice will be much appreciated.

Roddie Grant

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Re: MySQL big problem

2004-02-14 Thread chatiman
I have resolved the problem by:
- removing the /var/lib/mysql/mysql folder
- reinstalling the mysql-server package

Anyway I have no idea of where this can come from. This seems like an
obscure bug

Is there a way to reinstall a new 'mysql' database without reinstalling the
software ?

- Original Message -
From: chatiman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2004 8:46 PM
Subject: MySQL big problem

 Since today I can only access to 2 databases (instead of 10) :
 mysql -u root
  show databases shows me only 2 db
 theres 10 in /var/lib/mysql

 I suspect that the grant tables are damaged .
 How can I repair them ?

 Note that I cannot do
 mysql -u mysql mysql
 which returns access denied to '@localhost'

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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2004-02-14 Thread Tan Shao Yi

I just upgraded from 4.0.17 to 4.0.18 on a Linux box and realised the
behaviour of REPLACE INTO appears to have changed.

I have two tables: table2 references table1 with ON DELETE CASCADE and ON
UPDATE CASCADE on a primary key.

Previously in 4.0.17 when I issued a REPLACE INTO on table1, only the
row in table1 gets replaced. No rows in table2 get deleted.

Now, in 4.0.18, when I issue a REPLACE INTO on table1, the row in table1
gets replaced, but this replacement gets cascaded into table2 and all
rows in table2 with the primary key get deleted.

Has anyone encountered something similar? I have only one box available so
I am not able to re-test my observations again (I have reverted to

Thanking in advance.

Tan Shao Yi

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Fw: mysql and borland

2004-02-14 Thread Luiz Rafael Culik Guimaraes

- Original Message - 
From: Luiz Rafael Culik Guimaraes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2004 4:35 PM
Subject: mysql and borland

 Dear Friends
 i uas using mysql 4.0.16 with out any problem
 now i updated my server to 4.0.18 
 regenerated my import lib  and relinked my app
 now i get an GPF on this
 MYSQL * m;
 any help
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Re: MySQL big problem

2004-02-14 Thread PeterWR

The install of MySQL is mainly only a unpack.

If You make a new folder - ex. C:\mysql02 - and install in this, You have
the \data available and can copy to Your first installation, or change You
my.ini to use second installation.

Best regards
Peter WR

- Original Message - 
From: chatiman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2004 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: MySQL big problem

 I have resolved the problem by:
 - removing the /var/lib/mysql/mysql folder
 - reinstalling the mysql-server package

 Anyway I have no idea of where this can come from. This seems like an
 obscure bug

 Is there a way to reinstall a new 'mysql' database without reinstalling
 software ?

 - Original Message -
 From: chatiman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2004 8:46 PM
 Subject: MySQL big problem

  Since today I can only access to 2 databases (instead of 10) :
  mysql -u root
   show databases shows me only 2 db
  theres 10 in /var/lib/mysql
  I suspect that the grant tables are damaged .
  How can I repair them ?
  Note that I cannot do
  mysql -u mysql mysql
  which returns access denied to '@localhost'
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Re: mysql and borland

2004-02-14 Thread Luiz Rafael Culik Guimaraes
Hi all

Please ignore this message

was an old version od libmysql.dll on my windows\system32 folder


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mysqld corruption

2004-02-14 Thread Juan E Suris
I just installed 4.0.16 linux (x86, libc6) rpms on a fresh RH7.3 installation. I am 
experiencing a problem that when I reboot the machine (shutdown -r now), the mysqld 
binary gets corrupted and mysql will not start.

Before reboot:
$md5sum /usr/sbin/mysqld
9e80e423401d959a7c1ecdb87ba49988  /usr/sbin/mysqld

after reboot:
$ md5sum /usr/sbin/mysqld
81089d38ef2753c831e929c53f7a4b58  /usr/sbin/mysqld

do I have a bad hard drive or I am missing something here?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Juan E.

Re: Slow sql on one dataset, fast on to use explain and optimize

2004-02-14 Thread mos
At 11:34 AM 2/14/2004, Are Pedersen wrote:
I am running OPTIMIZE table and ANALYZE table each night on all tables and 

Shouldn't the explain statement tell me what's going says 
9,1,1,7,1,6,1 on rows, and multiplied up its not much. 378 rows to examine 
should run fast.
Your SQL statement is using Select Distinct and Group By, which is 
redundant. You can remove the DISTINCT and get the same results.
You may want to run MyISAMChk on the table to make sure there is nothing 
wrong with it.

I would simplify the statement to see how many rows it is 
returning in the join in case it is doing an outer product on one of the 
tables, which is easy enough to do if you forget one of the links in the 
Where clause. So try something like:

SELECT count(*)
FROM PersonTbl2 pers, GroupChildrenTbl gg1,
 StructureTreeTbl outree, MembersTbl memb1,
 GroupChildrenTbl gg2, MembersTbl memb2, StructureACL sacl
memb2.personid = 440287252 AND
memb2.groupid = gg2.gchildid AND
gg2.groupid = sacl.groupid AND
sacl.group_access = 100 AND
sacl.structid = outree.orgid AND
outree.orgchild = gg1.groupid AND
gg1.gchildid = memb1.groupid AND
memb1.personid = AND
pers.user_type = 3
If too many rows are returned, play with the joins until you find 
the culprit.


mos wrote:

At 04:21 AM 2/14/2004, you wrote:

This SQL takes 2 minutes to run on one database, and seconds on another.
The tables has the same indexes, but different number of rows in them.
It could be you have deleted a lot of rows from the table and therefore 
it is fragmented. You may want to try optimizing the table using 
OPTIMIZE tablename. See
Also your keys may not be evenly distributed. Take a look at Analyze 

Slow database:
persontbl2   = 25000 rows
memberstbl   = 196000 rows
groupchildrentbl   = 9000 rows
structuretreetbl   = 58000 rows
structureacl   = 8800 rows
Fast database:
persontbl2   = 43000 rows
memberstbl   = 128000 rows
groupchildrentbl   = 5200 rows
structuretreetbl   = 28900 rows
structureacl   = 4900 rows
The explain for the slow database is:

SELECT DISTINCT, pers.firstname
FROM PersonTbl2 pers, GroupChildrenTbl gg1,
 StructureTreeTbl outree, MembersTbl memb1,
 GroupChildrenTbl gg2, MembersTbl memb2, StructureACL sacl
memb2.personid = 440287252 AND
memb2.groupid = gg2.gchildid AND
gg2.groupid = sacl.groupid AND
sacl.group_access = 100 AND
sacl.structid = outree.orgid AND
outree.orgchild = gg1.groupid AND
gg1.gchildid = memb1.groupid AND
memb1.personid = AND
pers.user_type = 3
GROUP BY, pers.firstname
ORDER BY pers.firstname;
 table  typepossible_keys   key key_len ref
rows  Extra
memb2   ref PRIMARY,groupid,persgrp 4   const 
9   Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
gg2 ref PRIMARY,gchildid,groupidgchildid4 
memb2.groupid   1   saclref PRIMARY,groupid,structid, 
groupid 4   gg2.groupid 1   Using where
outree  ref PRIMARY,orgid,  orgid   4 sacl.structid   7
gg1 ref PRIMARY,gchildid,groupidgroupid 4 
outree.orgchild 1   memb1   ref PRIMARY,groupid,
groupid 4 gg1.gchildid6
perseq_ref  PRIMARY,usertypeIX  PRIMARY 4 
memb1.personid   1  Using where

The explain for the fast database is exactly the same, but the rows 
number is now: 3,1,1,6,1,3,1 instead.

Why do these queries run so differently?
We have over 100 databases that run this query fast, all with different 
rowcounts in the tables. But in one database it runs slow...

Are Pedersen
Development Team Leader
Server Operations manager

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Are Pedersen
Development Team Leader
Server Operations manager
Tel: +47 24 14 99 61
Kongensgate 24
N-0153 OSLO, Norway
Tel.: +47 24 14 99 99
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Re: mysqld corruption

2004-02-14 Thread Chris Nolan

I'd check for hard disc problems (turn on SMART monitoring and look
through your kernel logs), RAM problems (look at memtest) and rootkits.



On Sun, 2004-02-15 at 15:45, Juan E Suris wrote:
 I just installed 4.0.16 linux (x86, libc6) rpms on a fresh RH7.3 installation. I am 
 experiencing a problem that when I reboot the machine (shutdown -r now), the mysqld 
 binary gets corrupted and mysql will not start.
 Before reboot:
 $md5sum /usr/sbin/mysqld
 9e80e423401d959a7c1ecdb87ba49988  /usr/sbin/mysqld
 after reboot:
 $ md5sum /usr/sbin/mysqld
 81089d38ef2753c831e929c53f7a4b58  /usr/sbin/mysqld
 do I have a bad hard drive or I am missing something here?
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.
 Juan E.

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Multiple concurrent transactions per connection

2004-02-14 Thread Chris Nolan
Hi all,

I'm currently designing an open-source messaging server that will use
MySQL as the data store (in embedded form).

High performance is one of the goals of this project, so I have been
examining possible I/O models and seem to have settled on a model where
each thread services many requests using non-blocking I/O and keeping
track of how much of the request has been satisfied.

Given this model, each thread is obviously going to want to have
multiple transactions outstanding. Is this something that might be added
to MySQL in future or am I totally overestimating the expense of using
one thread per connection?



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