Re: mysql admin clients

2004-11-02 Thread Gleb Paharenko


leegold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 newbie question about mysql admin clients. What are some good ones? And

 importantly can they access and allow me to edit the db record fields

 themselves? eg. I see a mis-spelled word in a field - I could go in

 there and edit the field.



 lee G


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Re: Disincluding columns when using load data

2004-11-02 Thread Gleb Paharenko

You may use lines starting by '\t' to ignore first column (if your outfile has default 

For example:

select * from t4;


| a| b| c| d|


|1 |2 |3 |4 |

|2 |6 |7 |4 |

|3 |   10 |   11 |   20 |


select * from t4 into outfile 't4.txt';

cat t4.txt

1   2   3   4

2   6   7   4

3   10  11  20

load data infile 't4.txt' into table t3 lines starting by '\t';

select * from t3;


| b| c| d|


|2 |3 |4 |

|6 |7 |4 |

|   10 |   11 |   20 |


Dan Stark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've checked through the archives a documentation but cannot find an

 answer to my problem. I'm attempting to load data from a text file

 that has a column that is not present in my database table.



 B C D



 A B C D


 I've been trying to find a way to ignore the first column of the text

 file by specifiing columns like:

 (Null,B,C,D) or ('',B,C,D) but mysql doesn't understand these

 commands. Is there a way to ignore columns with load data?




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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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Re: mysql admin clients

2004-11-02 Thread Martijn Tonies

 newbie question about mysql admin clients. What are some good ones? And
 importantly can they access and allow me to edit the db record fields
 themselves? eg. I see a mis-spelled word in a field - I could go in
 there and edit the field.

Have a look at Database Workbench:

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL  MS SQL
Upscene Productions

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Re: Disincluding columns when using load data

2004-11-02 Thread Dusan Pavlica
Hi Dan,
you can create temporary table 'tmpTable' with columns A, B, C, D,
load data into 'tmpTable ' and then use 
INSERT INTO requiredTable (B,C,D) 
SELECT tmpTable.B, tmpTable.C, tmpTable.D FROM tmpTable

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 9:52 PM
Subject: Disincluding columns when using load data

I've checked through the archives a documentation but cannot find an
answer to my problem. I'm attempting to load data from a text file
that has a column that is not present in my database table.
I've been trying to find a way to ignore the first column of the text
file by specifiing columns like:
(Null,B,C,D) or ('',B,C,D) but mysql doesn't understand these
commands. Is there a way to ignore columns with load data?
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Re: Updating rows from a query

2004-11-02 Thread Harald Fuchs
Stephen Rasku [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am using the C API with MySQL 4.0.17 on QNX 6.2.1b.
 I want to update the rows that are returned as I get them.  Is this
 possible.  Here's a simplified version of what I am trying to do:

 query = select seqNo, priority from packet where timestamp  now() -
 interval 15 second order by priority desc, timestamp;
 mysql_query(mysql, query);
 result = mysql_use_result(mysql);

 while (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))
 seqNo = atoi(row[0]);
 priority = atoi(row[1]);

 sprintf(updateStr, update packet set timestamp = now() where
 seqNo = %d, seqNo);
 mysql_query(mysql, updateStr);

I guess this is an oversimplification.  Often you can use a single SQL set
operation instead of a loop.  Your example would probably be the same as

  UPDATE packet
  SET timestamp = now()
  WHERE timestamp  now() - INTERVAL 15 SECOND

Maybe you should explain what you're trying to achieve, not what you
think how to do it.

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Re: mysql admin clients

2004-11-02 Thread Andy Davidson
On 1 Nov 2004, at 22:57, leegold wrote:
newbie question about mysql admin clients. What are some good ones? And
importantly can they access and allow me to edit the db record fields
themselves? eg. I see a mis-spelled word in a field - I could go in
there and edit the field.
I use one called YourSQL on the Macintosh, and I think it's absolutely 
superb.  I use it specifically for the purpose you describe, fixing 
minor blips in the error, where it would not be sensible to write a 
whole admin interface.

In a previous job I used to use one for Windows called MySQL-Front, 
this was very good.  I think Kmysql on Linux has a very similar 

There you go, take your pick depending on the OS you use !
Regards, Andy Davidson
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Re: How do I export a set of data nightly

2004-11-02 Thread Matthew Scales
$ mysql -u mysqlusername -e 'insert your sql here'

On Mon, 1 Nov 2004, Scott Haneda wrote:

 My query works:
 (version 4)

 SELECT, r.user_id,
u.first_name, u.middle_name, u.last_name,, u.department, u.address, u.address2,, u.state,,,, u.fax,,
DATE_FORMAT(u.updated, '%m/%d/%Y'), DATE_FORMAT(u.added, '%m/%d/%Y'),
r.serial, r.product, DATE_FORMAT(r.added, '%m/%d/%Y')
 FROM user as u
 INNER JOIN registered_serials as r
 WHERE = r.user_id LIMIT 10

 However, I need to run this once a day on schedule via cron, but I am not
 sure how to feed this statement into mysql from bash, can someone point me
 to the correct way?

 Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Fax: 313.557.5052

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How to read TINYBLOB fields from the database

2004-11-02 Thread Danny Terweij

Just hooked up to this list as last resort
Searched internet for some weeks now but still not found any

If you search about BLOB, you always get results of storing gifs, jpg's and
so on.

I have (RO)access to an database and some tables have fields with TINYBLOB
types. They are not pictures or other binary kind of files stored in those
fields. They are just numbers and words. If i do a select * from table  i do
only see some garbage as result.
Also i tried the select substring(field,0,255) from table  but no result at
I use the mysql commands in a TCL environment (with an tcl mysql library).

So you feel my question... How to read human readable values from those
fields so i can process them furter with tcl ?

Thank for any reply.

Danny Terweij

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Out of my depth.

2004-11-02 Thread John Smith
Hi All,

I have built a search application in php/libcurl and I store its results in MySQL.

The problem is that I am not used to dealing with the sizes of tables my search 
application produces, roughly around 400,000 rows in a table the last time I got ran 
it correctly.

Right to my problem.

I fork 20 versions of my spider at a time, these forks all have a connection to the 
database and do selects, inserts and updates on the same table at once. When its going 
at full steam I can be inserts 1000s of rows a minute.

I am using MyISAM as I need its fulltext search cabablities. I remove the fulltext 
index before I start any changes to the table.

I am finding that my php script is not being able to select from the database at 
random points, I have tracked this down to a 127 erros, the table it corrupt.

Before I start my spiders (before it forks) I run myisamck -r on my .MYI file but it 
corrupts during the scripts execution time and this means it is no longer able to 
select from the DB (Curcial to know if its needing updated or inserted as a new record)

Any hints, any more information needed from me etc would be great.

My table struture is:

CREATE TABLE thetable (
  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  sid int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
  pid varchar(14) NOT NULL default '0',
  tid varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  cid varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  location text NOT NULL,
  number int(14) NOT NULL default '0',
  image text NOT NULL,
  description text NOT NULL,
  link text NOT NULL,
  uo tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  sd tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  added int(14) NOT NULL default '0',
  new tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
  old tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
  KEY sid (sid),
  KEY old (old),
  KEY new (new),
  KEY sd (sd),
  KEY uo (uo),
  KEY pid (pid),
  KEY tid (tid),
  KEY cid (cid)


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Re: Utf8 collations

2004-11-02 Thread Gleb Paharenko


Brown, Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 All of the unicode collations listed in the reference manual except the =

 binary collations are not sensitive to diacritical marks.  That is, if I =

 do the following:


 create table t ( filename varchar(260) ) type=3DInnoDB CHARACTER SET =

 utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci;


 -- insert an e-acute

 insert into t values ( x'c3a9' );=20


 mysql select * from t where filename =3D 'e';


 | f|


 | =E9|



 The problem is that e really isn't the same as e-acute for the file =

 system.  Ideally, what I want is a collation that is case insensitive, =

 but is sensitive to diacritical symbols, but a case sensitive collation =

 would be okay if it were sensitive to diacritical symbols?  Is there =

 none available for utf8 as the manual indicates?  If not, how difficult =

 would it be to develop one?


 I am using 4.1.3 on Mac OS X.


 Brooks R. Brown

 Software Engineer

 Extensis, Inc.



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size of indexes with prefixes

2004-11-02 Thread Tom Cunningham
Hi - I've been trying different prefixes on my index  I'm getting
funny results: in short:

an index on a column-prefix is bigger than an index on the whole column 

using show table status I get total index size as:
12147712 - without index 
13239296 - with full index
13455360 - with index on first 5 chars
13157376 - with index on first 3 chars

 - i.e., the prefix-index is *bigger* than the full index - does this
make sense?

The column is a varchar(255).
About 2/3 of the entries are empty-string,  the other 1/3 have avg
length 8-chars, std 3.5.

Would making the empty-strings null make any difference to the size of
the index?

Thanks in advance everybody. (Using 4.0.20)

P.S. - there's not a simple way of getting size of individual index
sizes is there? Is it a direct function of the cardinality when you do
show indexes on [table]


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InnoDB problem, yet performance increased!?

2004-11-02 Thread James Green
Recently we performed an 'alter table' on a dev box to change from 
myisam to innodb, and it resulted in considerable speed improvement. in 
the lab setting.

Unfortunately when we repeated on the live server, whilst we got a 200% 
performance boost (estimate) again, we failed to notice that innodb is 
in DISABLED state, and yet alter table returned ok.

Looking at the tables on the disk, the only innodb references we can 
find were last modified a few days ago, whereas the myisam versions have 
the current date.

We therefore conclude that the alter table command failed siliently 
(really bad bug that), however we cannot explain the performance boost.

Clearly before shutting anything down or fixing things, we would like to 
know if these tables are safely still myisam. We would also like to know 
where the performance boost has come from - one of the alter tables 
commands took roughly 45 minutes to finish - it did something, we just 
don't know what!

Any help duly appreciated.
James Green
Systems Administrator, StealthNET Ltd,
Tel: 0870 800 1777 Intl: +44 1493 660066 Fax: 0870 135 1069
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Where is 4.1.7 max 32 bit binary for Solaris?

2004-11-02 Thread Rick Robinson
Is there any plan to release a 32-bit binary 4.1.7  MySQL max for Solaris 9 and
Solaris 8?  I see all the other binaries for Solaris for everything - any reason
to exclude the 32 bit?

mySQL Batch Scripting

2004-11-02 Thread codenheimer
I am trying to utilize MySQL's batch execution functionality by using build scripts to 
create tables in my database (ref: ) 

Is it possible to execute additional source files from within a source file from the 
MySQL command line?


mysql \. c:\file1.sql   ## execute the first sql batch file

 create table employees{...};
 \. c:\file2.sql;   ## execute the second sql batch file

 create table customers{...};

I 've tried this and get an error: failed to open  file 'c:\file2.sql;', error 2

[ANN]: DBACentral for MySQL v.1.2.1 has been released

2004-11-02 Thread edward.smirnov
Hello All,

The new version of DBACentral for MySQL has been released. Since now
you can use a special DBACentral Run-Time Edition, work with views (in
MySQL 5.0.1), stored procedures and functions (in MySQL 5.0.0), print
the relationships diagram and use a bunch of new features.

Download page:

Full list of current changes:
[+] The DBACentral run-time edition is released and added into the
DBACentral downloads. It is a special environment for the end-user
to work with the profiles (queries, data forms) you design.
Currently the DBACentral for MySQL single developer license
already includes five run-time licenses.
[+] Added support of stored procedures and functions in MySQL 5.0. Now
DBACentral allows you to design and execute stored procedures and
functions in easy-to-use graphical mode.
[+] Added support of data views in MySQL 5.0.1. Now you can use all
features of the latest MySQL versions in DBACentral.
[+] The ability to print the relationships diagram is added.
[+] The Import External Profile feature is added. Now you can import
queries, forms, and relationships from other profile files.
[+] The Auto Query and Auto Form features are greatly improved and the
new Object Automation dialog is added. New Auto View and Auto
Procedure features are also implemented.
[+] Added new form component: now you can put buttons on the form and
program their actions in run-time.
[+] Form Designer: added the 'Undo/Redo' feature for all modifications
you make to the form.
[+] Form Designer: added the ability to convert a component into
another type without re-creating the component.
[+] Form Designer: new possibilities in designing the lookup
components added.
[-] Fixed bug with deleting fields in the table designer.
[-] Fixed bug with the CSV and TXT import.
[-] A lot of bugs with MS Access and ADO data import is fixed.
[-] A bug with displaying the TIMESTAMP values in data grids is fixed.
[-] Several bugs with relationship drawing is fixed.

Best regards,
Edward Smirnov
microOLAP Technologies LTD

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Re: InnoDB problem, yet performance increased!?

2004-11-02 Thread Harald Fuchs
James Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Unfortunately when we repeated on the live server, whilst we got a
 200% performance boost (estimate) again, we failed to notice that
 innodb is in DISABLED state, and yet alter table returned ok.

It's one of the ugliest misfeatures of MySQL that it doesn't always
complain loudly, but instead tries to silently do what it thinks is

 We therefore conclude that the alter table command failed siliently
 (really bad bug that), however we cannot explain the performance

Probably the ALTER TABLE got silently changed to OPTIMIZE TABLE.

 Clearly before shutting anything down or fixing things, we would like
 to know if these tables are safely still myisam.


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Re: InnoDB problem, yet performance increased!?

2004-11-02 Thread Michael Stassen
You can determine table type with
  SHOW CREATE TABLE table_name
  SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'table_name';
From the manual, If 
a storage engine is specified that is not available, MySQL uses MyISAM 
instead.  That applies to ALTER as well as to CREATE.  Starting with 4.1.1, 
you get a warning when that happens.  In earlier versions, it's silent.

Also from the manual, 
ALTER TABLE works by making a temporary copy of the original table. The 
alteration is performed on the copy, then the original table is deleted and 
the new one is renamed.  Your performance increase is probably due to 
better organized data and rebuilt indexes resulting from the copy operation.

James Green wrote:
Recently we performed an 'alter table' on a dev box to change from 
myisam to innodb, and it resulted in considerable speed improvement. in 
the lab setting.

Unfortunately when we repeated on the live server, whilst we got a 200% 
performance boost (estimate) again, we failed to notice that innodb is 
in DISABLED state, and yet alter table returned ok.

Looking at the tables on the disk, the only innodb references we can 
find were last modified a few days ago, whereas the myisam versions have 
the current date.

We therefore conclude that the alter table command failed siliently 
(really bad bug that), however we cannot explain the performance boost.

Clearly before shutting anything down or fixing things, we would like to 
know if these tables are safely still myisam. We would also like to know 
where the performance boost has come from - one of the alter tables 
commands took roughly 45 minutes to finish - it did something, we just 
don't know what!

Any help duly appreciated.
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RE: mysqldump

2004-11-02 Thread Steve Poirier

 -Original Message-
 From: Josh Howe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: November 1, 2004 12:31 PM
 Subject: mysqldump
 Can anybody help me with a linux newbie question. I want to 
 use mysqldump to backup all of the tables in a database that 
 start with z_.
 Can I do this in linux with a single line? Thanks.


TABLES=`echo show tables | mysql -pyourpassword -hlocalhost your_db`;

for table in $TABLES


# set your condition below
if [ $table =  ];then
echo $table
mysqldump your_db $table /path/to/dump/$table

Steve Poirier

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Re: max allowed packet error

2004-11-02 Thread Philippe Poelvoorde

I have copied the mysql-medium.cnf to /etc/my.cnf and have noticed that
the max-allowed-packet is 1M. no matter what I set it to 8M, 10M, 16M
I still get the error.
did you try this in your my.cnf in the [mysqld] section ?
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=8M
Philippe Poelvoorde
COS Trading Ltd.
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Re: Updating rows from a query

2004-11-02 Thread Stephen Rasku
On 02 Nov 2004 11:11:46 +0100, Harald Fuchs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 I guess this is an oversimplification.  Often you can use a single SQL set
 operation instead of a loop.  Your example would probably be the same as
   UPDATE packet
   SET timestamp = now()
   WHERE timestamp  now() - INTERVAL 15 SECOND
 Maybe you should explain what you're trying to achieve, not what you
 think how to do it.

Sure.  I am using MySQL to store packets for transmission.  I want to
send the oldest, highest priority packets first.  Once I send it, I
don't want to resend it for at least 15 seconds so I have time to wait
for an acknowlegement.  Based on external events, I may exit the loop
before processing all the rows.  In this case, I only want to update
the timestamp on rows that I processed.  Any rows that I haven't
processed yet should keep the old timestamp.


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RE: max allowed packet error

2004-11-02 Thread Anil Doppalapudi
follow these steps

1) first shutdown the database

   mysqladmin shutdown

2) Start the mysqldeamon

  bin/safe_mysqld --max_allowd_packet=16M  --user=mysql 

3) to check what max allowd_packet it is using

   mysqladmin variables

  in the out-put check the value of variable max_allowed_packet


-Original Message-
From: Philippe Poelvoorde [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 8:13 PM
To: Ferino Mardo; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: max allowed packet error


 I have copied the mysql-medium.cnf to /etc/my.cnf and have noticed that
 the max-allowed-packet is 1M. no matter what I set it to 8M, 10M, 16M
 I still get the error.

did you try this in your my.cnf in the [mysqld] section ?
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=8M

Philippe Poelvoorde
COS Trading Ltd.

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RE: mysqldump

2004-11-02 Thread Josh Howe

Thanks Spenser, but I'd already tried something similar. What I get when
I try this is:

mysqldump: Can't get CREATE TABLE for table `z_*` (Table 'sinu_com.z_*'
doesn't exist)

-Original Message-
From: Spenser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 6:30 PM
To: Josh Howe
Subject: Re: mysqldump

Take a look at this article:

There's a section on mysqldump if you prefer using it.  You would do
something like the following to backup only certain tables based on
their names starting with z_.

mysqldump -u root -p -x -e db1 z_*  /tmp/backup/db1_table1.sql

On Mon, 2004-11-01 at 11:30, Josh Howe wrote:
 Can anybody help me with a linux newbie question. I want to use
 mysqldump to backup all of the tables in a database that start with
 Can I do this in linux with a single line? Thanks.

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Re: Updating rows from a query

2004-11-02 Thread Harald Fuchs
Stephen Rasku [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I guess this is an oversimplification.  Often you can use a single SQL set
 operation instead of a loop.  Your example would probably be the same as
 UPDATE packet
 SET timestamp = now()
 WHERE timestamp  now() - INTERVAL 15 SECOND
 Maybe you should explain what you're trying to achieve, not what you
 think how to do it.

 Sure.  I am using MySQL to store packets for transmission.  I want to
 send the oldest, highest priority packets first.  Once I send it, I
 don't want to resend it for at least 15 seconds so I have time to wait
 for an acknowlegement.  Based on external events, I may exit the loop
 before processing all the rows.  In this case, I only want to update
 the timestamp on rows that I processed.  Any rows that I haven't
 processed yet should keep the old timestamp.

I see.  Me thinks it's fundamentally unclean to iterate through a
result set and changing rows while doing so.  You could remember the
pkeys of the rows processed and then do a single

  UPDATE ... WHERE pkey IN (...)

after the loop, but maybe this might not be necessary at all: how
about SELECTing only a single row (with LIMIT), processing that row,
UPDATEing it, and all that within some loop?  You're doing more
SELECTs that way, but with the proper indexes this might not be a

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Replication basics

2004-11-02 Thread ian douglas
Hi everyone,
I've been browsing the online archives for a while and haven't found as 
much data as I'd like to feel really comfortable about replication. I've 
been a pretty busy developer in terms of using MySQL, but never so much 
in the way of administration. Also, I've only ever had to deal with a 
single machine until about a month ago when I was asked to extend our 
database to multiple machines for security and redundancy.

As it stands right now, I have 3 machines running MySQL, set up as hosts 
db1, db2 and db3.

db1 is a master
db2 and db3 are set as slaves, and replicate data just fine with the 
premise that we'd like to add numerous slave machines at any time.

Problems I'm having:
1. If a new database is created on db1, this is not replicated on db2 
and db3. Should my permissions be GRANT FILE on *.* ... or is there a 
better way to automate duplicating this database on the slaves?

2. If a database exists on all three machines already and I create a 
table on db1, this is also not replicated on db2 or db3.

3. I haven't checked yet whether ALTER TABLE ... commands have worked 
across the replication.

4. Darn RedHat and their logrotate utility: db1 was having MySQL restart 
once a week, which created db1.001, db1.002, db1.003, etc., every time 
it restarted, yet db2 and db3 also running logrotate and having MySQL 
restart because of it, were not updating their files to 
point at the .002 or .003 or .004 files whenever db1 was 
restarted. This also happens if db1 reboots.

5. In the event of power failure, or system failure, if db1 is offline, 
how can I set the systems so either db2 or db3 becomes a master? And if 
db1 comes back online later, could I set it as a slave to whichever 
other machine became a master? Can this be automated, or will it always 
require manual intervention?

6a. I rewrote my Perl applications to connect to db1 and return a handle 
I call $dbh_w for any SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries, and to 
connect to any of db1/db2/db3 for any SELECT queries as $dbh_r. However, 
we want to use some third-party software that contains a few MB of PHP 
code, and only connects to the database one time - I'm not sure how much 
time to allocate (to tell my CTO/CEO) to rewrite the entire application 
the same way I did my Perl applications. Any advice?
6b. My Perl scripts are 90% reading data back from the database, the PHP 
scripts are more like 80% writing to the database so being able to 
load-balance the writing to the database farm is ideal. In my current 
scenario, the PHP application can only write to db1, which will 
ultimately cap out the machine. Surely there's a better way than making 
two connections ($dbh_w/$dbh_r) to the database for each copy of my Perl 
or PHP processes running?

7. Finally, would 'fake replication' work if the MySQL database files 
were on a RAID system and mounted via NFS to multiple machines to 
actually run the MySQL engine? The tables we use have a lot of 
auto_increment fields, and I'd be worried about data being corrupted or 

Ian Douglas
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RE: mysqldump

2004-11-02 Thread Steve Poirier
Did you try this one? I simplified it for you. You just need to put this in
a file and chmod +x the file. Then you can execute it from a crontab or with
the shell.

~~~ Copy/paste after this ~~~


# Modify following variables

# script will dump the tables that contain the following in the name

# database name

# database host

# directory to dump tables (put ending /)

TABLES=`echo show tables | mysql -h$database_host $database | grep

for table in $TABLES

echo $table
mysqldump $database $table $dump_path$table

# end script

~~ end copy/paste ~~

You may need to twea the TABLES= command if you're using a password.  Same
for mysqldump if you want to put more options such as --opt

Steve Poirier

 -Original Message-
 From: Josh Howe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: November 2, 2004 11:47 AM
 Subject: RE: mysqldump
 Thanks Spenser, but I'd already tried something similar. What 
 I get when I try this is:
 mysqldump: Can't get CREATE TABLE for table `z_*` (Table 
 doesn't exist)
 -Original Message-
 From: Spenser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 6:30 PM
 To: Josh Howe
 Subject: Re: mysqldump
 Take a look at this article:
 There's a section on mysqldump if you prefer using it.  You 
 would do something like the following to backup only certain 
 tables based on their names starting with z_.
 mysqldump -u root -p -x -e db1 z_*  /tmp/backup/db1_table1.sql
 On Mon, 2004-11-01 at 11:30, Josh Howe wrote:
  Can anybody help me with a linux newbie question. I want to use 
  mysqldump to backup all of the tables in a database that start with
  Can I do this in linux with a single line? Thanks.
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Re: Updating rows from a query

2004-11-02 Thread Stephen Rasku
On 02 Nov 2004 18:27:52 +0100, Harald Fuchs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Maybe you should explain what you're trying to achieve, not what you
  think how to do it.
  Sure.  I am using MySQL to store packets for transmission.  I want to
  send the oldest, highest priority packets first.  Once I send it, I
  don't want to resend it for at least 15 seconds so I have time to wait
  for an acknowlegement.  Based on external events, I may exit the loop
  before processing all the rows.  In this case, I only want to update
  the timestamp on rows that I processed.  Any rows that I haven't
  processed yet should keep the old timestamp.
 I see.  Me thinks it's fundamentally unclean to iterate through a
 result set and changing rows while doing so.  You could remember the
 pkeys of the rows processed and then do a single
   UPDATE ... WHERE pkey IN (...)
 after the loop, but maybe this might not be necessary at all: how
 about SELECTing only a single row (with LIMIT), processing that row,
 UPDATEing it, and all that within some loop?  You're doing more
 SELECTs that way, but with the proper indexes this might not be a

I was originally using limit 1 to do this processing.  However, I
could get all the records in the same amount of time as it took to get
one.  So, for example, I can process thousands of records in four
seconds or just one.

I did resolve my problem, however.  I  created a temporary database
connection to do the updates.


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Master-Slave bin-logs problem

2004-11-02 Thread Mikel -
Hi list, I have 2 MySQL servers ver. 3.23.58, one is the master and the 
other one the slave, the slave was working until I modified the following 
lines in the master my.cnf file:

log-bin = /mnt/binlogs/masterBinLogs/sauron-bin
the directory and files have the following attributes:
drwxr-xr-x2 mysqlmysql  masterBinLogs
-rw-rw1 mysqlmysql   sauron-bin.387
Now when I restart the slave I have the following error:
Slave: reconnected to master '[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',replication resumed in log 
'sauron-bin.387' at position 712121279
Error reading packet from server: Could not find first log 

Did I miss something in the my.cnf file of each server?,
When I give the SHOW MASTER LOGS  command displayed this info:
| Log_name |
| sauron-bin.387 |
| sauron-bin.388 |
| sauron-bin.389 |
Thanks in advanced for your help, an I hope you can help me guys.
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RE: mysqldump

2004-11-02 Thread Josh Howe

Thanks, I haven't tried this yet. Iwant to generate one big file, not
one file per table. I guess I can replace the code in the for loop to
just build the mysqldump command. Thanks for the help! 

-Original Message-
From: Steve Poirier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 1:44 PM
To: 'Josh Howe'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: mysqldump

Did you try this one? I simplified it for you. You just need to put this
a file and chmod +x the file. Then you can execute it from a crontab or
the shell.

~~~ Copy/paste after this ~~~


# Modify following variables

# script will dump the tables that contain the following in the name

# database name

# database host

# directory to dump tables (put ending /)

TABLES=`echo show tables | mysql -h$database_host $database | grep

for table in $TABLES

echo $table
mysqldump $database $table $dump_path$table

# end script

~~ end copy/paste ~~

You may need to twea the TABLES= command if you're using a password.
for mysqldump if you want to put more options such as --opt

Steve Poirier

 -Original Message-
 From: Josh Howe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: November 2, 2004 11:47 AM
 Subject: RE: mysqldump
 Thanks Spenser, but I'd already tried something similar. What 
 I get when I try this is:
 mysqldump: Can't get CREATE TABLE for table `z_*` (Table 
 doesn't exist)
 -Original Message-
 From: Spenser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 6:30 PM
 To: Josh Howe
 Subject: Re: mysqldump
 Take a look at this article:
 There's a section on mysqldump if you prefer using it.  You 
 would do something like the following to backup only certain 
 tables based on their names starting with z_.
 mysqldump -u root -p -x -e db1 z_*  /tmp/backup/db1_table1.sql
 On Mon, 2004-11-01 at 11:30, Josh Howe wrote:
  Can anybody help me with a linux newbie question. I want to use 
  mysqldump to backup all of the tables in a database that start with
  Can I do this in linux with a single line? Thanks.
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RE: Replication basics

2004-11-02 Thread Dathan Vance Pattishall


Dathan Vance Pattishall

 -Original Message-
 From: ian douglas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 9:30 AM
 Subject: Replication basics
 Hi everyone,
 I've been browsing the online archives for a while and haven't found as
 much data as I'd like to feel really comfortable about replication. I've
 been a pretty busy developer in terms of using MySQL, but never so much
 in the way of administration. Also, I've only ever had to deal with a
 single machine until about a month ago when I was asked to extend our
 database to multiple machines for security and redundancy.
 As it stands right now, I have 3 machines running MySQL, set up as hosts
 db1, db2 and db3.
 db1 is a master
 db2 and db3 are set as slaves, and replicate data just fine with the
 premise that we'd like to add numerous slave machines at any time.
 Problems I'm having:
 1. If a new database is created on db1, this is not replicated on db2
 and db3. Should my permissions be GRANT FILE on *.* ... or is there a
 better way to automate duplicating this database on the slaves?

Yes put in you're my.cnf on the master binlog-ignore-db=mysql,test this
means the master will replicate any event to any database other then mysql,

 2. If a database exists on all three machines already and I create a
 table on db1, this is also not replicated on db2 or db3.

Why not? Are you explicitly replicating a set of tables from your slaves via

 3. I haven't checked yet whether ALTER TABLE ... commands have worked
 across the replication.

Yes they do.

 4. Darn RedHat and their logrotate utility: db1 was having MySQL restart
 once a week, which created db1.001, db1.002, db1.003, etc., every time
 it restarted, yet db2 and db3 also running logrotate and having MySQL
 restart because of it, were not updating their files to
 point at the .002 or .003 or .004 files whenever db1 was
 restarted. This also happens if db1 reboots.

Stop the logrotate script.

 5. In the event of power failure, or system failure, if db1 is offline,
 how can I set the systems so either db2 or db3 becomes a master? And if
 db1 comes back online later, could I set it as a slave to whichever
 other machine became a master? Can this be automated, or will it always
 require manual intervention?

Use NDB or write your own load / failover software.

 6a. I rewrote my Perl applications to connect to db1 and return a handle
 I call $dbh_w for any SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries, and to
 connect to any of db1/db2/db3 for any SELECT queries as $dbh_r. However,
 we want to use some third-party software that contains a few MB of PHP
 code, and only connects to the database one time - I'm not sure how much
 time to allocate (to tell my CTO/CEO) to rewrite the entire application
 the same way I did my Perl applications. Any advice?
 6b. My Perl scripts are 90% reading data back from the database, the PHP
 scripts are more like 80% writing to the database so being able to
 load-balance the writing to the database farm is ideal. In my current
 scenario, the PHP application can only write to db1, which will
 ultimately cap out the machine. Surely there's a better way than making
 two connections ($dbh_w/$dbh_r) to the database for each copy of my Perl
 or PHP processes running?

Look at DBI::Multiplex

 7. Finally, would 'fake replication' work if the MySQL database files
 were on a RAID system and mounted via NFS to multiple machines to
 actually run the MySQL engine? The tables we use have a lot of
 auto_increment fields, and I'd be worried about data being corrupted or

No, not reliable. Locks would be ignored via NFS and mysql will detect that
the index file changed on server b marking the record or index file as

 Ian Douglas
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Re: Replication basics

2004-11-02 Thread ian douglas
1. If a new database is created on db1, this is not replicated on db2
and db3. ... is there a better way to automate duplicating this 
database on the slaves?
Yes put in your my.cnf on the master binlog-ignore-db=mysql,test this
means the master will replicate any event to any database other then mysql,
So, by your statement:
... and leaving it blank, will tell MySQL to replicate EVERY database? 
That's the behavior that I want. I will not be ignoring any databases on 
the master - all data on the master (databases, tables, data) must exist 
on every system, at least for the time being. Later on, we may replicate 
only certain tables onto certain slaves depending on our user load and 
which databases are more frequently used. However, for the foreseeable 
future, all data must exist on all machines.

2. If a database exists on all three machines already and I create a
table on db1, this is also not replicated on db2 or db3.
Why not?
That's my question too. I haven't seen anything on how to allow this 
behavior yet. I've seen some text about LOAD TABLE tablename FROM 
MASTER but I need a way to automate this so there is less manual 
intervention required.

Are you explicitly replicating a set of tables from your slaves via
I need to replicate everything, and I'm not setting any options like 
this in the slave's my.cnf. Each slave must be a complete mirror copy of 
the master.

3. I haven't checked yet whether ALTER TABLE ... commands have worked
across the replication.
Yes they do.
To finish my statement: ... in my implementation - that is, I haven't 
tested my implementation to know if an ALTER TABLE ... query works or not.

4. Darn RedHat and their logrotate utility: ... created db1.001, 
db1.002, db1.003, etc., ... This also happens if db1 reboots.
Stop the logrotate script.
Which I did last week when I realized this was why my slaves hadn't 
sync'd up in a week... But this past weekend a few transformers blew in 
the neighborhood around our office and a power surge shut off db1 
(master) - when it came back online, it created a db1.002 file and 
updated its own db1.index file, yet the two slave machines did not 
update their records. How can I automate the slaves to 
detect this change, and use the db1.002 file? (db2 and db3 were not shut 
off, they kept running just fine)

5. In the event of power failure, or system failure, if db1 is offline,
how can I set the systems so either db2 or db3 becomes a master?
write your own load / failover software.
Thanks for the pointer. Was hoping there was some sort of round-robin 

6. [paraphrase] Rewriting Perl and PHP code
Look at DBI::Multiplex
... anyone know of a PHP implementation of this? It would sure save me 
some time.

7. Finally, would 'fake replication' work if the MySQL database files
were on a RAID system and mounted via NFS 
No, not reliable.
Noted, thank you for saving me some grief.
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Building new db linux box, Hardware questions

2004-11-02 Thread Randy Paries

I am building a new linux box , just to be an mysql server
I have a couple of questions.

1) would it be better to go brandnew with a single processor or like a quad
p4 that's a year or two old.

2) I am going to running raid 5, so I assume that I should run scsi drives?

3) my database is not really huge, any tricks on how to determine how much
ram I need?

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Re: How can I store Images in the MySQL Database

2004-11-02 Thread Aftab Jahan Subedar
Have you tried my MySQL C API Site ?
I have posted some C API examples here.
Aftab Jahan Subear
Subedar Technologies
Subedar Baag
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Mulley, Nikhil wrote:
Hi Lists ,
   My Query is How Can I store Images in the MySQL Database , and how to Index them , 
can anybosy help me on this please
   I am starting out a Online Photo Gallery and want to share them , and I want to 
make the search available, Does anybody has already done on this ?
   Please help me in this.

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Re: Building new db linux box, Hardware questions

2004-11-02 Thread Gary Richardson
 1) would it be better to go brandnew with a single processor or like a quad
 p4 that's a year or two old.

Depends on how your application runs. BTW, I don't think they made
quad p4's. You can't run p4 chips in SMP -- they must be Xeon's.
 2) I am going to running raid 5, so I assume that I should run scsi drives?

I'd recommend getting one of the 3ware 9500 raid controllers and
getting SATA drives. You'll save yourself a bundle of money. Although,
don't get the WD Raptor drives -- they have a very high failure rate.
You can also then run in RAID 10, which, in most cases, is faster than

 3) my database is not really huge, any tricks on how to determine how much
 ram I need?

There is a formula somewhere. It's something like shared buffers +
(thread buffers * client count) + OS Disk Cache. You'd have to look up
what those buffers are to get the exact count.


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Can't connect

2004-11-02 Thread K. Mike Bradley
I am trying to connect from my windows box at home using mysql.exe to a
MySQL server at work on a Gentoo box.
My command line is:
mysql -h -u root -p
(of course the is replaced with my server's FQDM)
The output is:
ERROR 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061)
The default port is 3306 right?
It doesn't say access denied so I assume the socket is not even open.
How can I find out if MySQL is on the port 3306?
What Linux command shows all active ports TCP or UDP?

Re: Can't connect

2004-11-02 Thread ian douglas
It doesn't say access denied so I assume the socket is not even open.
Never assume :o)
From your windows box, you could try:
telnet 3306
... if it connects, it connected to *something*
How can I find out if MySQL is on the port 3306?
What Linux command shows all active ports TCP or UDP?
On the linux box:
nmap localhost
From your windows box, you could get a port scanner tool from (I use one called SuperScanner)

Possible things I'd personally look for:
1. does your linux box have a firewall script running?
iptables -V -l
1b. if so, does disabling the firewall script allow access?
1c. if so, it could be that your linux firewall isn't letting you in
2. is the linux box on a private LAN IP (192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x etc) 
and behind a NAT box (internet connection sharing router, or other 
gateway system)?
2b. if so, is port forwarding enabled to allow port 3306 to be forwarded 
to your mysql box?

3. is mysql *running*?
(okay, this should have been question #1...)
3b. if so, can you connect to mysql locally on the linux box?
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Re: Can't connect

2004-11-02 Thread Jennifer Goodie
-- Original message --
From: none none [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Perhaps you did'nt grant access to for your home workstation IP
 address to have permission to log into the mysql server? Check out the
 grant command:

If that was the case the error would be permission denied, not error 2003.  Error 2003 
usually comes up when the server cannot be reached because of firewall type issues.

 Previous Message:
 I am trying to connect from my windows box at home using mysql.exe to
 a MySQL server at work on a Gentoo box.
 My command line is:
 mysql -h -u root -p
 (of course the is replaced with my server's FQDM)
 The output is:
 ERROR 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061)

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Fastest Results

2004-11-02 Thread Rob Best
I have a database that contains a cable of 'customers'. 'Customers' 
does not change on a regular basis but is queried frequently so I have 
setup a 'customers_cache' table, which is exactly the same as 
'customers', except 'customers_cache' is a memory based table. Before 
doing a query on 'customers_cache' I always do a:  SELECT COUNT (*) 
from customers_cache

If I get a result  0, then I assume the customers_cache table is 
valid. If it is not, I copy all of the data from 'customers' into 
'customers_cache' and then start over.

I've had this help quite a bit, but of course I'm doing the query...
SELECT COUNT (*) from customers_cache
a lot. Of course the query is fast but since I do it SO much, I was 
wondering if anyone had a suggestion of a FASTER method of checking to 
see if a table has any records in it.

mysql version 4.0.22 (soon to move to 4.1.x)
MacOS X Server 10.3.5
accessing via php 4.x  apache 1.3.x
District Technology Coordinator
 for N.E.R.I.C. at Potsdam Central School
 Phone: (315) 265-2000 x266
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INSERT DELAYED errors - failing in actual insert

2004-11-02 Thread Chad Attermann

I am using INSERT DELAYED ... to insert log records into a MyISAM table.  Recently 
these inserts have stopped showing up in the table, and extended-status shows them 
coming in by increasing 'Delayed_writes', however 'Delayed_errors' is increasing by 
the same amount.  Obviously there are errors with these inserts, but I have not been 
able to find any way to determine what these errors are.  There is no trace of any 
problem in host.err.  I have tried duplicating the inserts without 'DELAYED' and 
they work fine.  Can anyone explain how to determine why these inserts are failing, 
ideally without having to bring down the server?



RE: Upgrading MySQL erased all data

2004-11-02 Thread Steven Roussey
Thanks. I passed this on and he found what was lost. I guess since the data
directory was owned by mysql, he could not find the databases when doing a
MacOS file search. I impressed upon him to use a separate datadir as we do
with our servers, thus bypassing this whole thing.

Thanks again!


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Using an array(-ish) in SQL queries

2004-11-02 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
X-posted to MySQL and PHP DB
Hi gang
Task at hand: deleting or selecting (same difference) several numbers of 
records using only 1 query.

My first version simply looped through all the ticked off IDs and ran a 
single query for each delete routine. I've still not suceeded in getting 
the delete queries to work on multiple tables at once, despite the column 
names being the same. But besides this:

My current version generates, for multi-select cases, queries like this:
DELETE FROM the_table WHERE `ID`='1' OR ID`='2' OR `ID`='3' OR `ID`='4' OR 
`ID`='5' OR `ID`='6'

or similar with the SELECT statement.
On some occasions this can result in a very large amount of OR statements, 
like for 50 IDs totally.

I've been reading through the MySQL manual and the comments in the select 
and delete parts, but cannot seem to find any mentioning of an easier way 
to do this. Or it's been deluting me cuz English is my second language, so 
the MySQL manual doesn't always make much sense to me.

I'm looking for something like passing on an array (as comma-seperated-list 
maybe), and then just do statements like:

DELETE FROM the_table WHERE `ID` ISIN(1,2,3,4,5,6)
Did I totally miss that part of the manual, or is it just not possible with 

Now, for my script it doesn't really matter much which approach to use, but 
was more thinking performance wise it ought to be faster and less taxing 
for the server to parse an SQL statement that's closer to table structure, 
rather than the OR statements that has to be transformed first.

Sorry if I'm just a blind mouse that can't seem to find things in the MySQL 
manual. It's not really my best friend...

Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
If your life was a dream, would you wake up from a nightmare, dripping of 
sweat, hoping it was over? Or would you wake up happy and pleased, ready to 
take on the day with a smile?
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inserting and displaying unicode characters

2004-11-02 Thread Eben
I'm running mysql 4.1.7 on linux. I recently made the upgrade from 4.0.1 
to 4.1.7 to get the additional character sets support. I have data 
getting inserted that has various unicode characters embedded such as 
the Registered Trademark symbol, and various foreign language characters.

my tables are innodb and I set them to use utf-8, macroman and macce 
character sets, and the unicode characters still display in the browser 
as the incorrect symbols, such as:  . If I set the browser to 
unicode character encoding, then most of the characters display as black 
diamonds with question marks in them.

I am pretty new to this unicode situation and any suggestions/advice 
would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Using an array(-ish) in SQL queries

2004-11-02 Thread Jennifer Goodie
 -- Original message --
From: -{ Rene Brehmer }- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Task at hand: deleting or selecting (same difference) several numbers of 
 records using only 1 query.
 My first version simply looped through all the ticked off IDs and ran a 
 single query for each delete routine. I've still not suceeded in getting 
 the delete queries to work on multiple tables at once, despite the column 
 names being the same. But besides this:

Multi-table deletes are new to mySQL 4.0, so if you are running a 3.x release they 
won't work. 

 My current version generates, for multi-select cases, queries like this:
 DELETE FROM the_table WHERE `ID`='1' OR ID`='2' OR `ID`='3' OR `ID`='4' OR 
 `ID`='5' OR `ID`='6'
 or similar with the SELECT statement.
[snip lots of stuff]
 DELETE FROM the_table WHERE `ID` ISIN(1,2,3,4,5,6)

use IN

If you know all the values in the array are escaped and safe you can just use 
implode() to make the list for IN

$string = implode(',',$array);
$sql = SELECT FROM $table WHERE col_name IN('$string');
Notice I added single quotes around the string, that is because they will be missing 
since implode only sticks the string between array elements.

However, you'd need a join that makes sense for a multi-table delete.  I don't know if 
it will work with a union, I have never tried, maybe somone else will chime in.

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ampersands in the database fields

2004-11-02 Thread leegold
The subject title is a sedgeway into my question that may slightly of
topic but I've asked many sources and don't have an answer yet so I ask
it here.

I have a text fields of html marked up content which I render via php.
Looking at the rendered html page in a text editor I see that ampersands
all appear as   amp;   When I select the field via sql I also see amp;

I have a pretty standard seach, Fulltext and substring (ie. %keyword%)
searches. There's an acronym in my content:   NASDand when I try
searching for this it really mucks up. The Fulltext no matter what I try
does not get a hit. The substring search will work properly if I put the
following in the search form:NAamp;SDthat works.  But trying
the substring search with   NASD   produces weird results...kinda works
but strangely and affects the rendering of the search results page.

So what's the cause of all this? Should I upfront load my db text fields
differently, or, search them differently - what is the  fix  via mysql
or php for the ampersand problem?

Lee G.
Washington DC

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Re: ampersands in the database fields

2004-11-02 Thread leegold

On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 21:57:36 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 From my understanding of how text indexing is done,  and other
 don't get indexed. What happens is the actual word content is broken
 and indexed on a word by word basis on your NA  SD it would be broken up
 into two terms and NA and SD would be indexed. 

That explains why Fulltext will not find it, it won't find 3 or loss
char words by default.

 I don't know if. What tool
 are you querying with that brings up the amp; is it PhpMyAdmin? 

No I'm using SELECT from the command line.  amp;  is what's actually
in the DB field. Should I UNencode amp; to give  justbefore
before I insert?:P


 a web interface may cause problems try to go into the plain command line mysql
 client and see what comes up on a query
 Christopher J. Noyes
 - Original Message -
 From: leegold [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 9:14 PM
 Subject: ampersands in the database fields
  The subject title is a sedgeway into my question that may slightly of
  topic but I've asked many sources and don't have an answer yet so I ask
  it here.
  I have a text fields of html marked up content which I render via php.
  Looking at the rendered html page in a text editor I see that ampersands
  all appear as   amp;   When I select the field via sql I also see amp;
  I have a pretty standard seach, Fulltext and substring (ie. %keyword%)
  searches. There's an acronym in my content:   NASDand when I try
  searching for this it really mucks up. The Fulltext no matter what I try
  does not get a hit. The substring search will work properly if I put the
  following in the search form:NAamp;SDthat works.  But trying
  the substring search with   NASD   produces weird results...kinda works
  but strangely and affects the rendering of the search results page.
  So what's the cause of all this? Should I upfront load my db text fields
  differently, or, search them differently - what is the  fix  via mysql
  or php for the ampersand problem?
  Lee G.
  Washington DC
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ANNOUNCE: MySQL Query Browser 1.1.0 and Administrator 1.0.14 released

2004-11-02 Thread Alfredo Kengi Kojima

MySQL Query Browser 1.1.0 Gamma and MySQL Administrator 1.0.14 have just
been released for Windows and Linux.

This is the first gamma release of Query Browser, a graphical query shell
and SQL script editor. Feature highlights:

- perform queries and edit resultsets;
- export resultsets to CSV, HTML and XML;
- syntax highlighting SQL script editor;
- query bookmarks and history, allowing easy retrieval of often used
- compare query results side-by-side;
- create master-detail queries. Select a row in one resultset and update
  a second query, using values from the selectd row;
- much more

This release contains an extensive list of improvements, most notably
the support for MySQL 5 features, such as Stored Procedures, Functions
and Views:

- support for stored procedures which return multiple resultsets
- support for creating and editing Stored Procedures, Functions and Views
- many UI improvements

MySQL Administrator is a GUI management console for MySQL,
with support for tasks such as managing users,
configuring MySQL, editing table definitions etc.

More details in:

This version fixes some bugs and contains some improvements.

Both tools are freely available under the GPL and can be downloaded in
binary or source forms, for Windows and Linux, from:


Note that not all mirror sites may be up-to-date at this point. If you
cannot find this version on a particular mirror, please try again later or
choose another download site.

Alfredo Kojima, GUI Developer
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Are you MySQL certified?

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Re: ampersands in the database fields

2004-11-02 Thread -{ Rene Brehmer }-
Simple: don't convert it to HTML before inserting it. I used to do that as 
well, but it causes problems when using searches for several reasons, 
mostly because you have to convert the search query to HTML, which takes 
time, and then send the more complex data structure to the server, which 
also takes more time (albeit extremely little difference).

Converting the entries upon retrieval rather than insert is a little bit 
slower, but it pays off in the searches being more reliable.

At 03:14 03-11-2004, leegold wrote:
The subject title is a sedgeway into my question that may slightly of
topic but I've asked many sources and don't have an answer yet so I ask
it here.
I have a text fields of html marked up content which I render via php.
Looking at the rendered html page in a text editor I see that ampersands
all appear as   amp;   When I select the field via sql I also see amp;
I have a pretty standard seach, Fulltext and substring (ie. %keyword%)
searches. There's an acronym in my content:   NASDand when I try
searching for this it really mucks up. The Fulltext no matter what I try
does not get a hit. The substring search will work properly if I put the
following in the search form:NAamp;SDthat works.  But trying
the substring search with   NASD   produces weird results...kinda works
but strangely and affects the rendering of the search results page.
So what's the cause of all this? Should I upfront load my db text fields
differently, or, search them differently - what is the  fix  via mysql
or php for the ampersand problem?
Lee G.
Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
If your life was a dream, would you wake up from a nightmare, dripping of 
sweat, hoping it was over? Or would you wake up happy and pleased, ready to 
take on the day with a smile?
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nebiew migrate access tables to mysql

2004-11-02 Thread spiv007
I just dumped my access tables into mysql via mysql dump script.

But now when i del my ables in access then do an import it does not
save the primary key info nor the tables relationships.  Is there
something I need to do to save this info before i remove the old
tables and insert the links.  Because everything things works fine
until i del the tables.

Thanks for any ideals...

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RE: [PHP-DB] Using an array(-ish) in SQL queries

2004-11-02 Thread Bastien Koert
DELETE FROM the_table WHERE `ID` IN(1,2,3,4,5,6) will work just fine. The 
trick is to be sure that
those records indeed are to be deleted. I prefer to mark the record as 
deleted for a time before permanent deletion. That way its recoverable 
should something really bad happen.


From: -{ Rene Brehmer }- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [PHP-DB] Using an array(-ish) in SQL queries
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2004 01:29:20 +0100
X-posted to MySQL and PHP DB
Hi gang
Task at hand: deleting or selecting (same difference) several numbers of 
records using only 1 query.

My first version simply looped through all the ticked off IDs and ran a 
single query for each delete routine. I've still not suceeded in getting 
the delete queries to work on multiple tables at once, despite the column 
names being the same. But besides this:

My current version generates, for multi-select cases, queries like this:
DELETE FROM the_table WHERE `ID`='1' OR ID`='2' OR `ID`='3' OR `ID`='4' OR 
`ID`='5' OR `ID`='6'

or similar with the SELECT statement.
On some occasions this can result in a very large amount of OR statements, 
like for 50 IDs totally.

I've been reading through the MySQL manual and the comments in the select 
and delete parts, but cannot seem to find any mentioning of an easier way 
to do this. Or it's been deluting me cuz English is my second language, so 
the MySQL manual doesn't always make much sense to me.

I'm looking for something like passing on an array (as comma-seperated-list 
maybe), and then just do statements like:

DELETE FROM the_table WHERE `ID` ISIN(1,2,3,4,5,6)
Did I totally miss that part of the manual, or is it just not possible with 

Now, for my script it doesn't really matter much which approach to use, but 
was more thinking performance wise it ought to be faster and less taxing 
for the server to parse an SQL statement that's closer to table structure, 
rather than the OR statements that has to be transformed first.

Sorry if I'm just a blind mouse that can't seem to find things in the MySQL 
manual. It's not really my best friend...

Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny
If your life was a dream, would you wake up from a nightmare, dripping of 
sweat, hoping it was over? Or would you wake up happy and pleased, ready to 
take on the day with a smile?
References, tools, and other useful stuff...
Check out the new Metalbunny forums at
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Works with MySQL Logo

2004-11-02 Thread Karam Chand

I searched but couldnt find the official
Works With MySQL logo. Can somebody point me to the
right direction.

If they can send it to me as an attachment, will be


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MySQL++ header files

2004-11-02 Thread Spenser
I'm trying to use the C++ API (a.k.a. MySQL++).  The on-line manual and
some of the books that I have say to include the file sqlplus.hh for
connecting to MySQL.  However, when I downloaded the latest version of
MySQL++ (1.7.19-1 for RedHat 9) from, it didn't seem to
include sqlplus.hh in the directory /usr/include/mysql++ or in any other
directory that I can find.  Has sqlplus.hh been replaced?  Do I use the
other header files in /usr/include/mysql++ instead?  What's the deal?  

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INTERSECT in mysql

2004-11-02 Thread Chaitra Yale

i have a problem mysql doesnt seem to support the intersect can
somebody help how i can write the followoing code in mysql

select csymbol from tblavgPrice where avg  1 and avg  10 
select csymbol from tblAssets where assets  100 and assets  500


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Re: Works with MySQL Logo

2004-11-02 Thread Aman Raheja
Aman Raheja
Karam Chand wrote:
I searched but couldnt find the official
Works With MySQL logo. Can somebody point me to the
right direction.
If they can send it to me as an attachment, will be

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Re: Works with MySQL Logo

2004-11-02 Thread Karam Chand
I had checked google before posting. As you can see
none of the images are original and the clarity is not
good. They dont look good in my app. 

Can I get an original one from MySQL AB?


--- Aman Raheja [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Aman Raheja
 Karam Chand wrote:
 I searched but couldnt find the official
 Works With MySQL logo. Can somebody point me to
 right direction.
 If they can send it to me as an attachment, will be

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