MySQL Insert error..

2005-04-18 Thread preeth k
I am doing programming in C and uses MySQL database. I have got a problem with 
inserting values stored in variables to the database. When compiling the code 
that I have written the following error message shows up:

connect2.c: In function `main':
connect2.c:19: invalid operands to binary +

The code that I have written is given below. Please give a solution.
Thanks in advance,


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
MYSQL my_connection;
int res;
char srcip[13]=;
char destip[13]=;
int srcport=20;
int destport=30;
printf(Connection Success\n);
res=mysql_query(my_connection,INSERT INTO 
if (!res)
printf(Inserted %lu rows\n,(unsigned 
fprintf(stderr,Insert error %d: 
fprintf(stderr,Connection Failed\n);
if (mysql_errno(my_connection))
{ fprintf(stderr,Connection error %d: 


Visual C++ 6.0 and MySQL

2005-04-18 Thread Vicente Valero
I have to create with Microsoft Visual C++ a program connected to a
database. I am thinking about MySQL, but I have never did it. I have tried
to located information about API for C++ on, but I have not
success. Can anybody tell me where I can find a good tutorial and examples?
Thank you,
Vicente Valero

Visual C++ 6.0 and MySQL

2005-04-18 Thread Vicente
I have to create with Microsoft Visual C++ a program connected to a
database. I am thinking about MySQL, but I have never did it. I have tried
to located information about API for C++ on , but I have not success. Can anybody tell me where
I can find a good tutorial and examples?
Thank you,
Vicente Valero

Re: Visual C++ 6.0 and MySQL

2005-04-18 Thread Philippe Poelvoorde
Vicente Valero wrote:
I have to create with Microsoft Visual C++ a program connected to a
database. I am thinking about MySQL, but I have never did it. I have tried
to located information about API for C++ on, but I have not
success. Can anybody tell me where I can find a good tutorial and examples?
Thank you,
Vicente Valero

the C api is here :
the c++ here :
Philippe Poelvoorde
COS Trading Ltd.
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Re: Visual C++ 6.0 and MySQL

2005-04-18 Thread ManojW
Please note though  - If you are using VC 6 (as the subjec tline says) then
please read the FAQ of msql++ since it says that the library works with 7.1

- Original Message - 
From: Philippe Poelvoorde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: Visual C++ 6.0 and MySQL

 Vicente Valero wrote:
  I have to create with Microsoft Visual C++ a program connected to a
  database. I am thinking about MySQL, but I have never did it. I have
  to located information about API for C++ on, but I have
  success. Can anybody tell me where I can find a good tutorial and
  Thank you,
  Vicente Valero

 the C api is here :
 the c++ here :

 Philippe Poelvoorde
 COS Trading Ltd.

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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use mysql and segmentation fault

2005-04-18 Thread Xu Hao
Hi everyone!

I downloaded and installed the mysql 4.1 rpms on my RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 
box and found a strange problem.

If I invoke the client program by mysql -u root -p'mypassword' and then type 
use mysql, then segmentation fault happens, but if I invoke the client 
program by mysql -u root -p'mypassword' -A, then everything is ok. See below 
for details.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u root -p**
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 8 to server version: 4.1.11-standard

Reading history-file /root/.mysql_history
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql use mysql
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

segmentation fault

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u root -pphoenix -A
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 9 to server version: 4.1.11-standard

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql use mysql
Database changed

Any help?


Hao Xu

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MySQL Query-Cache Reset

2005-04-18 Thread Dto. Sistemas de Unitel
I’m the administrador of a MySQL Server, it have lot’s of queries, and now
it’s getting high load of processor, I try to increase the size of MySQL
Query Cache, but if I put more than 128 Mb the cache it’s reseting all the
time and the performance is worst. The server have 1,2 Mb of RAM and I can
assign 256 or more MB to Query Cache for reduce processor load.
My actual my.cnf config is:
max_connections = 400
key_buffer = 64M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 32M
join_buffer_size = 1M
read_buffer_size = 4M
sort_buffer_size = 4M
table_cache = 1024
thread_cache_size = 128
wait_timeout = 1800 
connect_timeout = 10
max_allowed_packet = 16M
max_connect_errors = 10
query_cache_limit = 1M
query_cache_size = 128M
query_cache_type = 1

And my show status info:
mysql show status;
| Variable_name| Value  |
| Aborted_clients  | 8378   |
| Aborted_connects | 307|
| Binlog_cache_disk_use| 0  |
| Binlog_cache_use | 0  |
| Bytes_received   | 114459945  |
| Bytes_sent   | 1355402553 |
| Com_admin_commands   | 49554  |
| Com_alter_db | 0  |
| Com_alter_table  | 0  |
| Com_analyze  | 0  |
| Com_backup_table | 0  |
| Com_begin| 0  |
| Com_change_db| 178087 |
| Com_change_master| 0  |
| Com_check| 0  |
| Com_checksum | 0  |
| Com_commit   | 0  |
| Com_create_db| 0  |
| Com_create_function  | 0  |
| Com_create_index | 0  |
| Com_create_table | 0  |
| Com_dealloc_sql  | 0  |
| Com_delete   | 49499  |
| Com_delete_multi | 0  |
| Com_do   | 0  |
| Com_drop_db  | 0  |
| Com_drop_function| 0  |
| Com_drop_index   | 0  |
| Com_drop_table   | 0  |
| Com_drop_user| 0  |
| Com_execute_sql  | 0  |
| Com_flush| 0  |
| Com_grant| 0  |
| Com_ha_close | 0  |
| Com_ha_open  | 0  |
| Com_ha_read  | 0  |
| Com_help | 0  |
| Com_insert   | 49288  |
| Com_insert_select| 0  |
| Com_kill | 0  |
| Com_load | 3  |
| Com_load_master_data | 0  |
| Com_load_master_table| 0  |
| Com_lock_tables  | 96 |
| Com_optimize | 0  |
| Com_preload_keys | 0  |
| Com_prepare_sql  | 0  |
| Com_purge| 0  |
| Com_purge_before_date| 0  |
| Com_rename_table | 0  |
| Com_repair   | 0  |
| Com_replace  | 61263  |
| Com_replace_select   | 0  |
| Com_reset| 0  |
| Com_restore_table| 0  |
| Com_revoke   | 0  |
| Com_revoke_all   | 0  |
| Com_rollback | 0  |
| Com_savepoint| 0  |
| Com_select   | 250306 |
| Com_set_option   | 2560   |
| Com_show_binlog_events   | 0  |
| Com_show_binlogs | 0  |
| Com_show_charsets| 0  |
| Com_show_collations  | 0  |
| Com_show_column_types| 0  |
| Com_show_create_db   | 102|
| Com_show_create_table| 2550   |
| Com_show_databases   | 10 |
| Com_show_errors  | 0  |
| Com_show_fields  | 3006   |
| Com_show_grants  | 0  |
| Com_show_innodb_status   | 0  |
| Com_show_keys| 0  |
| Com_show_logs| 0  |
| Com_show_master_status   | 0  |
| Com_show_new_master  | 0  |
| Com_show_open_tables | 0  |
| Com_show_privileges  | 0  |
| Com_show_processlist | 0  |
| Com_show_slave_hosts | 0  |
| Com_show_slave_status| 0  |
| Com_show_status  | 10 |
| Com_show_storage_engines | 0  |
| Com_show_tables  | 2664   |
| Com_show_variables   | 0  |
| Com_show_warnings| 0  |
| Com_slave_start  | 0  |
| Com_slave_stop   | 0  |
| Com_truncate | 0  |
| Com_unlock_tables| 102|
| Com_update   | 71170  |
| Com_update_multi | 0  |
| Connections  | 480457 |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables  | 49082  |
| Created_tmp_files   

MySQL 5.0.4-beta has been released

2005-04-18 Thread Joerg Bruehe

A new version of MySQL Community Edition 5.0.4-beta Open Source database
management system has been released.  This version now includes support for
Stored Procedures, Triggers, Views and many other features.  It is now
available in source and binary form for a number of platforms from our
download pages at and mirror sites.

Note that not all mirror sites may be up-to-date at this point. If you
cannot find this version on a particular mirror, please try again later or
choose another download site.

This is the second Beta release in the 5.0 series. All attention will now be
focused on fixing bugs and stabilizing 5.0 for later production release.

NOTE: This Beta release, as any other pre-production release, should not be
installed on ``production'' level systems or systems with critical data. It
is good practice to back up your data before installing any new version of
software.  Although MySQL has done its best to ensure a high level of
quality, protect your data by making a backup as you would for any software
beta release.

Please refer to our bug database at for more details
about the individual open and resolved bugs in this version.

Changes in release 5.0.4-beta:

   Functionality added or changed:
 * SHOW CREATE TABLE for an INFORMATION_SCHEMA table no longer prints a
   MAX_ROWS value because the value has no meaning. (Bug #8941)
 * Invalid DEFAULT values for CREATE TABLE now generate errors.
   (Bug #5902)
 * Added  --show-table-type  option to mysqlshow, to display a column
   indicating the table type, as in SHOW FULL TABLES. (Bug #5036)
 * The way the time zone information is stored into the binary log was
   changed, so that it's now possible to have a replication master and
   slave running with different global time zones. A drawback is that
   replication from 5.0.4 masters to pre-5.0.4 slaves is impossible.
 * Added --with-big-tables compilation option to configure. (Previously
   it was necessary to pass -DBIG_TABLES to the compiler manually in
   order to enable large table support.) See section 2.8.2 Typical
   configure Options for details.
 * New configuration directives !include and !includedir implemented for
   including option files and searching directories for option files.
   See section 4.3.2 Using Option Files for usage.

   Bugs fixed:
 * Fixed a Commands out of sync error when two prepared statements for
   single-row result sets were open simultaneously. (Bug #8880)
 * Fixed a server crash after a call to mysql_stmt_close() for
   single-row result set. (Bug #9159)
 * Fixed server crashes for CREATE TABLE ... SELECT or INSERT INTO ...
   SELECT when selecting from multiple-table view.
   (Bug #8703, Bug #9398)
 * TRADITIONAL SQL mode should prevent inserts where a column with no
   default value is omitted or set to a value of DEFAULT. Fixed cases
   where this restriction was not enforced. (Bug #5986)
 * Fixed a server crash when creating a PRIMARY KEY for a table, if the
   table contained a BIT column. (Bug #9571)
 * Warning message from GROUP_CONCAT() did not always indicate correct
   number of lines. (Bug #8681)
 * The  commit  count cache for NDB was not properly invalidated when
   deleting a record using a cursor. (Bug #8585)
 * Fixed option-parsing code for the embedded server to understand K, M,
   and G suffixes for the net_buffer_length and max_allowed_packet
   options. (Bug #9472)
 * Selecting a BIT column failed if the binary client/server protocol
   was used. (Bug #9608)
 * Fixed a permissions problem whereby information in INFORMATION_SCHEMA
   could be exposed to a user with insufficient privileges. (Bug #7214)
 * Now one gets an error if one tries to insert an invalid value via a
   stored procedure in STRICT mode. (Bug #5907)
 * Link with libsupc++ on Fedora Core 3 to get language support
   functions. (Bug #6554)
   columns of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS table must be NULL for
   numeric columns, but were not. (Bug #9344)
 * DROP TABLE did not drop triggers that were defined for the table.
   DROP DATABASE did not drop triggers in the database.
   (Bug #5859, Bug #6559)
   DROP privileges, not CREATE VIEW and DELETE. (DELETE is a row-level
   privilege, not a table-level privilege.) (Bug #9260)
 * Some  user  variables  were  not  being  handled with ``implicit''
   coercibility. (Bug #9425)
 * Setting the max_error_count system variable to 0 resulted in a
   setting of 1. (Bug #9072)
 * Fixed a collation coercibility problem that caused a union between
   binary and non-binary columns to fail. (Bug #6519)

Two servers, one InnoDB area?

2005-04-18 Thread Duncan Hill
I'm currently evaluating ways to increase our online storage capacity for our 
DB engine.  The current winner is a massive external SAN/disk array.  
However, I'm wondering how MySQL will handle failover when it comes to InnoDB 

The current plan, based on the disk array, is to have each of the DB engine 
servers attached to the same disk array.  Server 1 is 'hot' and has the disk 
array mounted, and thus creates all of the InnoDB table spaces etc.  Should 
it fail for whatever reason, Server 2 takes over as hot (based on linux-ha), 
mounts the array, fires up MySQL and keeps on going.  I am aware of MySQL 
cluster, but currently do not have the hardware budget to accomodate the 
requirements of Cluster.

Will the InnoDB engine on Server 2 have any issues with Server 1 creating the 
table space?

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Re: InnoDB Performance

2005-04-18 Thread Eko Budiharto

The MyIsam storage engine is a non transactional engine and InnoDb is a
transactional engine. That is the main difference. So I think the MyIsam 
engine should be faster.

what is transactional mean?

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Re: auto-increment by a specific number

2005-04-18 Thread gerald_clark
StinkyPup wrote:
How do I auto-increment by a specific number. For example by 100:

You dont.
100  blah blah blah
200  blah blah foo
doesn't do what I want to do.

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Re: Include repeats in query

2005-04-18 Thread SGreen
Martin Gallagher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/16/2005 
08:49:35 AM:

 I have the following query:
 SELECT person FROM people WHERE ORDER BY RAND() * (1 / score) LIMIT 1
 This returns a person randomly, but the chance of the person being 
 is increased with a higher `score`.
 What I want to do is make a single query that will return 10 results in 
 Currently I'm doing:
 for (i = 1; i = 10; i++) do: SELECT person FROM people WHERE ORDER BY
 RAND() * (1 / score) LIMIT 1
 Which returns a results like:
 This is exactly the result I desire, but programmatically it's not the 
 efficient way. I'm guessing using 1 query and using the result set is 
 faster, 1 query... 1 result, instead of 10.
 I have tried:
 (SELECT person FROM people WHERE ORDER BY RAND() * (1 / score) LIMIT 1)
 UNION (X) UNION (X) ... [repeat ten times]
 This however returns this kind of result:
 The UNION query seems to remove the repeats, and because this is a
 mathematical system this will throw it out.
 This of course is not what I want :-(. Is there an option that allows
 - Martin

You are correct in saying that a UNION query eliminates repeats. However a 
UNION ALL does not. Just add the ALL keyword where appropriate and you 
should get the results you wanted.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

PS - I think this weighted random choice routine would perform better if 
you randomly picked a name from a 3 member array in your source code. You 
can still use the score to adjust the probability of picking and you won't 
have to do 10 queries to get a 10 name list. You only do a single query 
and re-use the results. Just my $.02 - SG

Re: InnoDB Performance

2005-04-18 Thread Reto Breitenmoser
see this link
Eko Budiharto wrote:
The MyIsam storage engine is a non transactional engine and InnoDb is a
transactional engine. That is the main difference. So I think the MyIsam 
engine should be faster.

what is transactional mean?

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Regarding the loading of data usning load data infile

2005-04-18 Thread lakshmi.narasimharao

   I had 99,990 records to be loaded into a table which is having
unique constraints and foreign-key constraints as below

CREATE TABLE `teldir` (
  `NAME` varchar(21) default '',
  `PHONE_NO` varchar(26) default '',
  `PRIME_VALUE` char(1) default '',
  `COMMENT_TEXT1` varchar(30) default '',
  `COMMENT_TEXT2` varchar(30) default '',
  `DEPARTMENT_ID` int(4) default NULL,
  `LOCATION_ID` int(4) default NULL,
  `COMPONENT_ID` int(3) default NULL,
  `NAME_AND_PHONE_NO` varchar(48) NOT NULL default '',
  `HI_CASE_IND` int(11) default NULL,
  `LOW_CASE_IND` int(11) default NULL,
  `PRIVACY` char(1) default '',
  `COLLECTED` char(1) default '',
  `HOMENODE_ID` int(3) NOT NULL default '0',
  `CLUSTERID` int(3) NOT NULL default '0',
  `PLID_CABINET` int(3) default NULL,
  `PLID_SHELF` int(3) default NULL,
  `PLID_SLOT` int(3) default NULL,
  `PLID_CIRCUIT` int(3) default NULL,
  `DEVICE_TYPE` int(2) default NULL,
  `IDS_ID` varchar(255) default '',
  `ISIDSMANAGED` char(1) default '',
  `MACADDRESS` varchar(12) default '',
  `CESID` varchar(10) default '',
  `hvgPIN` varchar(8) default '',
  `tdUID` varchar(38) default '',
REFERENCES `component` (`ID`),
`component` (`ID`)

Used load data infile 'teldir.lst' into table teldir. But teldir.lst
contains data of 99,990 records (whose fields are separated by tab and
rows are separated by newline). To load these many records into teldir
table whose structure as above taking around 100 minutes. I.e taking too
much of time.

If I drop the unique and foreign key constraints it is taking around 25
minutes, which is also large time.

Please advise me for a better solution so that the loading of data
should be faster. According to the load data standards for innodb it
should load 2000 records for second. Please explain me the proper
solution for this.


-Original Message-
From: Heikki Tuuri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: innodb, log_bin and ib_logfiles


- Original Message -
From: Duhaime Johanne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 10:12 PM
Subject: innodb, log_bin and ib_logfiles

 Content-Type: text/plain;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

 I have looked  around in the documentation but  I do  not have a clear
 idea of log_bin vs ib_lofile for innodb.
 Regarding only INNODB tables, am I right if I say that:=20
 log_bin are the commit transactions

yes. The binlog is used to roll-forward from a backup.

 and it is what is use in an
 automatic recovery or are to be apply in a manual recovery from a dump
 (In Oracle they are the Redo.logs)  .=20
 ib_logfiles are storing the uncommit and commit transactiond and
 the rollback of transactions

No. ib_logfiles are a page-level 'physiological' redo log. Used in crash


 (In Oracle they are the Rollback segments)?

Rollback segments in InnoDB are called 'undo logs'. They are in the
files. They are used in rollback, and in 'consistent read' SELECT.

 They are not use in the automatic recovery of innodb nor in a manual
 recovery from a dump.
 I would appreciate very much if someone can clarify this for me.
 Johanne Duhaime

Best regards,

Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Foreign keys, transactions, and row level locking for MySQL
InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for InnoDB which also backs up

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The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to 
this message are intended
for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain confidential or 
privileged information. If
you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender at Wipro or [EMAIL 
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and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

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Re: MySQL not starting at boot-Fedora Core 3

2005-04-18 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Are you able to start MySQL server by this command?

  service mysqld start

I think you should put the correct values for the basedir, datadir,

PATH variables at the beginning of the /etc/init.d/mysql file.

Mark Sargent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,


 attempting another mysql install, on a 3rd machine. Extracted the tar.gz 

 file to /usr/local/mysql. Followed the install docs here,


 and successfully ran the MySql grant tables script,


 6. If you haven't installed MySQL before, you must create the MySQL 

 grant tables:


  shell scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql



 I then followed here,


 to a T, and copied mysql.server to /etc/init.d, and just for good 

 measure, gave it permission to execute,


 chmod +x /etc/init.d/mysql


 I then rebooted, to see how things would go at boot, and saw a failed 

 message for mysqld_safe,


 Apr 16 21:20:01 localhost lsb_log_message: Can't execute 

 ./bin/mysqld_safe failed


 Can anyone explain why it wouldn't start..? Anything I should be looking 

 for..? I can start the server with ./mysqld_safe from within the bin dir 

 and I can connect as root or mysql. Cheers.


 /etc/init.dmysql permissions


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] init.d]# ls -lh mysql

 -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 6.2K Apr 16 21:11 mysql


 Mark Sargent.



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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: Visual C++ 6.0 and MySQL

2005-04-18 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Have you been at:

I have to create with Microsoft Visual C++ a program connected to a

database. I am thinking about MySQL, but I have never did it. I have


to located information about API for C++ on , but I have not success. Can anybody tell me


I can find a good tutorial and examples?


 Thank you,Vicente [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: order important in grant commands?

2005-04-18 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I've reported a bug. See:

Mark M. Ito [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Gleb et al.,


 I've tried something else. Fearing that the problem is due to some 

 interaction with an already rather complicated set of privilege tables, 

 I tried to reproduce the problem starting from a very simple mysql 

 database. I was indeed able to reproduce the problem, but the order of 

 good and bad grants is reversed! That is to say, in my original 

 post, the good scenario was to grant the restricted select privilege to 

 the entire world, and then grant all privileges to the local domain. In 

 this new context, this order is the bad one. See the transcript below.


 One difference is that the privileges listed when all is granted are 

 enumerated in the show grant report with the simple mysql database 

 rather than being reported as ALL PRIVILEGES. This could be because, 

 in previous posts, the mysql database used on the 4.1.11-standard server 

 that I have been using for these tests was dumped from a server running 

 4.0.13-standard. (Or not. Dunno.)


  - Mark


 Here is the transcript:


  ==begin quote==


 claspc2:marki:1026 mysql -uroot mysql

 Reading table information for completion of table and column names

 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A


 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

 Your MySQL connection id is 152 to server version: 4.1.11-standard


 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


 mysql revoke all on testdb.* from testuser@%;

 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


 mysql revoke all on testdb.* from;

 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


 mysql grant select on testdb.* to testuser@%;

 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


 mysql grant all on testdb.* to;

 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


 mysql quit


 claspc2:marki:1027 mysql -utestuser testdb

 Reading table information for completion of table and column names

 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A


 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

 Your MySQL connection id is 153 to server version: 4.1.11-standard


 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


 mysql show grants for current_user();


 | Grants for 








 ALTER ON `testdb`.* TO 'testuser'@'' |


 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


 mysql insert into testdb.testtable set a=7;

 ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'testuser'@'' to 

 database 'testdb'

 claspc2:marki:1028 mysql -uroot mysql

 Reading table information for completion of table and column names

 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A


 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

 Your MySQL connection id is 154 to server version: 4.1.11-standard


 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


 mysql revoke all on testdb.* from testuser@%;

 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


 mysql revoke all on testdb.* from;

 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


 mysql grant all on testdb.* to;

 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


 mysql grant select on testdb.* to testuser@%;

 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


 mysql quit


 claspc2:marki:1029 mysql -utestuser testdb

 Reading table information for completion of table and column names

 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A


 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

 Your MySQL connection id is 155 to server version: 4.1.11-standard


 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


 mysql show grants for current_user();


 | Grants for 






Re: use mysql and segmentation fault

2005-04-18 Thread Gleb Paharenko

If you are able to reproduce this problem on another box with a similar

configuration, I suggest you to report a bug. BTW mysql client has some

problems already reported, see:


 Hi everyone!


 I downloaded and installed the mysql 4.1 rpms on my RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 
 box and found a strange problem.


 If I invoke the client program by mysql -u root -p'mypassword' and then 
 type use mysql, then segmentation fault happens, but if I invoke the client 
 program by mysql -u root -p'mypassword' -A, then everything is ok. See 
 below for details.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u root -p**

 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

 Your MySQL connection id is 8 to server version: 4.1.11-standard


 Reading history-file /root/.mysql_history

 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


 mysql use mysql

 Reading table information for completion of table and column names

 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A


 segmentation fault


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u root -pphoenix -A

 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

 Your MySQL connection id is 9 to server version: 4.1.11-standard


 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


 mysql use mysql

 Database changed




 Any help?




 Hao Xu





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Re: Blocking connections

2005-04-18 Thread Gleb Paharenko

We don't have 4.1.11 binaries for NetBSD, so this MySQL version wasn't 

tested enough on this platform. I suggest you to switch to the debugging 

version and find some clues in the trace files. See:


 I'm having an issue with MySQL 4.1.11 on Netbsd 2.0.2.  I had MySQL  

 running 4.0x running under NetBSD 1.6.2, and when I upgraded to the new  

 NetBSD, I went ahead and upgraded mysql as well.  For some reason,  

 mysql will only allow one connection at a time and blocks all other  

 connections.  New connections don't get a Too Many Connections error,  

 which means that setting max_connections in my.cnf doesn't help.  The  

 new connections just hang forever until the first connection closes.   

 Running show processlist via the command list gives:


 mysql show processlist;


For technical support contracts, goto
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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Query How To

2005-04-18 Thread Reynier Perez Mira
Hi list

I need to make a Quero that select all fields in wich the date are inferior in 
10 days to actual date. Something like this:

Actual date: 18-04-2005

Select all fields in which are bigger than: 08-04-2005.

How can I do this?




Reynier Pérez Mira

3ero. Ing. Informática

Entre más inteligente me siento, más me doy cuenta de lo ignorante que soy. 


Re: Group By - Is there a way to set which rows values are used for the fields not in the Group By clause?

2005-04-18 Thread Vivian Wang
create table temp select * from viewvisitor order by lastviewtime desc;
select app, itemid, ownerid, visitorid, vusername,lastviewtime, sum(viewcount) 
AS totalcount, itemname from temp  where ownerid = 2 GROUP BY concat( app, 
itemid ) ORDER BY totalcount;
if you only care about max(lastviewtime), you can do this,
select app, itemid, ownerid, visitorid, vusername, max(lastviewtime), 
sum(viewcount) AS totalcount, itemname from viewvisitor where ownerid = 
2 GROUP BY concat( app, itemid ) ORDER BY totalcount;

Rich Carr wrote:
Is there a way to set which rows values are used by the GROUP BY clause for the 
fields that are not in the GROUP BY clause?
In this following select statement the group by and order work but the value of the lastviewtime field is not the value of the most recent datetime row.  Is there any way to modify the select statement so that the returned lastviewtime field will have the most recent datetime?  

select app, itemid, ownerid, visitorid, vusername, lastviewtime, sum(viewcount) 
AS totalcount, itemname from viewvisitor  where ownerid = 2 GROUP BY concat( 
app, itemid ) ORDER BY totalcount
create table viewvisitor  
 app   char(15),
 ownerid   INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   
 ousername varchar(25),
 visitorid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   
 vusername varchar(25),
 vfullname varchar(70),
 lastviewtime  DATETIME NOT NULL,
 viewcount INT, 
 itemname  VARCHAR(40),   

 PRIMARY KEY master(app, visitorid, itemid),
 INDEX (ownerid),
 INDEX (lastviewtime), 
 INDEX (viewcount)

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re: Error 1130 when on local machine, but can connect remotely

2005-04-18 Thread James Black
Hash: SHA1

My mysql server is running on, for this example.

There is a cname so that is mapped to, so
that we can failover to a different server by changing the cname.

When I type:
mysql -h -pPassword -u username mydatabase

I get:
ERROR 1130 (0): #HY00Host 'alias' is not allowed to connect to this
MySQL server

But, when I am on my development machine, and I use the exact same
command, it works.

Why would it fail when I am on the computer that the server is actually
running on?

Thanx for any suggestions.

We are using Solaris 9, and mysql 4.1.xx

- --
Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery. Fulton Sheen
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Access denied for user: 'apache@localhost' (Using password: NO)

2005-04-18 Thread Jorge Cambra Aused
 I have a web application running with Apache with PHP 4.1.2 (revision 
7.2.6) and MySQL 3.23.58.

 The access from the PHP code to the MySQL server using the IP of the 
machine with MySQL, an username and a password, and it works fine.

 But sometimes we get the MySQL error:
Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)
 All the connections to the database fails for this reason, and we are sure 
that we are passing correctly the username, password and IP address. If we 
restart MySQL, then the problems disappears, and it works fine, but we don't 
know why it happens.

 The username that we are using to access MySQL is not 'apache', apache, as 
you can guess, is the name of the user that is running Apache.

 Thanx in advance,
 Jorge Cambra
Descarga gratis la Barra de Herramientas de MSN

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Re: Query How To

2005-04-18 Thread SGreen
Reynier Perez Mira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/18/2005 
10:44:39 AM:

 Hi list
 I need to make a Quero that select all fields in wich the date are 
 inferior in 10 days to actual date. Something like this:
 Actual date: 18-04-2005
 Select all fields in which are bigger than: 08-04-2005.
 How can I do this?
 Reynier Pérez Mira
 3ero. Ing. Informática
 Entre más inteligente me siento, más me doy cuenta de lo ignorante que 

First: remember that MySQL uses dates in ISO format (-MM-DD 
HH:NN:SS.mmm). The date 18-04-2005 is written as '2005-04-18' for MySQL.

Second: Assuming you are on v3.23 or newer

FROM ...
WHERE yourdatefield = CURDATE() - INTERVAL 10 day;

will find all of the records from today to 10 days ago. (

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: Blocking connections

2005-04-18 Thread timwoj
It's looking more like an OS issue than a mysql issue.  We downgraded back
to 4.0.24 and are having the same problems.  I'm going to cross-post this
over to the netbsd lists, and see if someone over there has some ideas.
Thanks for the help.


On Mon, 18 Apr 2005, Gleb Paharenko wrote:


 We don't have 4.1.11 binaries for NetBSD, so this MySQL version wasn't
 tested enough on this platform. I suggest you to switch to the debugging
 version and find some clues in the trace files. See:

  I'm having an issue with MySQL 4.1.11 on Netbsd 2.0.2.  I had MySQL
  running 4.0x running under NetBSD 1.6.2, and when I upgraded to the new
  NetBSD, I went ahead and upgraded mysql as well.  For some reason,
  mysql will only allow one connection at a time and blocks all other
  connections.  New connections don't get a Too Many Connections error,
  which means that setting max_connections in my.cnf doesn't help.  The
  new connections just hang forever until the first connection closes.
  Running show processlist via the command list gives:
  mysql show processlist;

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   /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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2005-04-18 Thread Rob Brooks
I have the following in the mysqld section of my.cnf:



set-variable = wait_timeout=360



everything else in the conf file seems to take but my wait_timeout variable
stays at the default of 28800


my version is


4.0.20 for apple-darwin6.8



Any thoughts?

Re: MySQL 5.0.4-beta has been released

2005-04-18 Thread Josh Trutwin
On Mon, 18 Apr 2005 13:28:24 +0200
Joerg Bruehe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A new version of MySQL Community Edition 5.0.4-beta Open Source
 database management system has been released.  This version now
 includes support for Stored Procedures, Triggers, Views and many
 other features.  It is now available in source and binary form for a
 number of platforms from our download pages at and mirror sites.
 Note that not all mirror sites may be up-to-date at this point. If
 you cannot find this version on a particular mirror, please try
 again later or choose another download site.


The mirrors seem to have links to the source tarball, but I've
downloaded 5 different files and each time I get:

# tar zxvf mysql-5.0.4-beta.tar.gz 

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

Something amiss or am I losing it?



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Mysqladmin bug

2005-04-18 Thread Marvin Wright

Our database has been running for some time and it had some threads on it
that I needed to kill.

I did a mysqladmin process list and got the following

| 2521285658 | web  |   | | Sleep   |
747 ||
| 2521498154 | web  |   | | Sleep   |
335 ||
| 2521570862 | web  |   | | Sleep   |
190 ||

I tried to kill 2521570862 and got an error
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mwright]$ mysqladmin kill 2521570862
mysqladmin: kill failed on 2147483647; error: 'Unknown thread id:

I think the thread id number is too large for mysqladmin to deal with,
2147483647 is the max size of an int.

Marvin Wright
Flights Developer

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Re: MySQL 5.0.4-beta has been released

2005-04-18 Thread Joerg Bruehe

Am Mo, den 18.04.2005 schrieb Josh Trutwin um 17:46:
 On Mon, 18 Apr 2005 13:28:24 +0200
 Joerg Bruehe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Note that not all mirror sites may be up-to-date at this point. If
  you cannot find this version on a particular mirror, please try
  again later or choose another download site.
 The mirrors seem to have links to the source tarball, but I've
 downloaded 5 different files and each time I get:
 # tar zxvf mysql-5.0.4-beta.tar.gz 
 gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
 tar: Child returned status 1
 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
 Something amiss or am I losing it?

Hard to tell - for me, it works on our machine:

~/stage/Downloads/MySQL-5.0 tar ztvf mysql-5.0.4-beta.tar.gz | head
drwxrwxrwx 503/100   0 2005-04-16 21:10:24 mysql-5.0.4-beta/
drwxrwxrwx 503/100   0 2005-04-16 21:10:06 mysql-5.0.4-beta/bdb/
-rw-r--r-- 503/1001998 2005-04-16 21:01:45 

and it works on my private PC with a package downloaded from Sunsite Europe:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ tar tzvf /opt/Downloads/mysql-5.0.4-beta.tar.gz | head
drwxrwxrwx 503/100   0 2005-04-16 21:10:24 mysql-5.0.4-beta/
drwxrwxrwx 503/100   0 2005-04-16 21:10:06 mysql-5.0.4-beta/bdb/
-rw-r--r-- 503/1001998 2005-04-16 21:01:45 

Are you sure it did not get damaged during transfer, or by your browser?
All I can recommend is to try another mirror.

Joerg Bruehe

Joerg Bruehe, Senior Production Engineer

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mysql import or write my own Perl parser

2005-04-18 Thread newbie c
I am about to create a database and there are a number of files that I need
to load into the database.  They are tab delimited files.  One of the files 
contains about 4 or 5 columns.  I am only interested in the second and the 
third column right now but I will load the whole table.  The values in the 
second column can occur more than once in the file.
As well the values in the third column can occur more than once in the file.
Another file that I want to load as a table into the databse only contains two
column and one column will be unique while the second column will have
duplicate values in the file.
My question is when should I use mysqlimport, or load data and when should I 
write my own Perl parser to help load the table?
What criteria would be needed to decide to read a file into a hash?
Also, if I decide to use mysqlimport is there anything I should watch out for?

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Re: MySQL 5.0.4-beta has been released

2005-04-18 Thread Josh Trutwin
On Mon, 18 Apr 2005 18:04:46 +0200
Joerg Bruehe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Are you sure it did not get damaged during transfer, or by your
 browser? All I can recommend is to try another mirror.

I'm using elinks text browser, which has worked great for this in the
past.  I tried about 4 different mirrors.  I'll keep at it and see if
I get a better download.



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Re: wait_timeout

2005-04-18 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Set the interactive_timeout variable to this value. I recommend

you to upgrade to the latest release (4.1.11 now).

I have the following in the mysqld section of my.cnf:

  set-variable = wait_timeout=360

everything else in the conf file seems to take but my wait_timeout


stays at the default of 28800

 my version is

  4.0.20 for apple-darwin6.8

   Any thoughts?

Rob Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For technical support contracts, goto
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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: re: Error 1130 when on local machine, but can connect remotely

2005-04-18 Thread Gleb Paharenko

You should grant access for user 'your_user'@'alias'. See:

James Black [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Hash: SHA1


 My mysql server is running on, for this example.


 There is a cname so that is mapped to, so

 that we can failover to a different server by changing the cname.


 When I type:

 mysql -h -pPassword -u username mydatabase


 I get:

 ERROR 1130 (0): #HY00Host 'alias' is not allowed to connect to this

 MySQL server


 But, when I am on my development machine, and I use the exact same

 command, it works.


 Why would it fail when I am on the computer that the server is actually

 running on?


 Thanx for any suggestions.


 We are using Solaris 9, and mysql 4.1.xx


 - --

 Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery. Fulton Sheen



 Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (MingW32)

 Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -







For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: MySQL Query-Cache Reset

2005-04-18 Thread Gleb Paharenko

In my opinion, your status variables are not so bad-looking. About a 

half of your queries are taken from the cache and the 

ratio is less than 1%. Check that the system doesn't start swapping

with high value of Query Cache size. If you run lots of queries with

'group by' clause, increasing the tmp_table_size variable could help.

The high load of processor is suspicious for me. What hardware do you

have? Tell the OS and MySQL version as well.

Dto. Sistemas de Unitel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I=92m the administrador of a MySQL Server, it have lot=92s of queries, =

 and now

 it=92s getting high load of processor, I try to increase the size of =


 Query Cache, but if I put more than 128 Mb the cache it=92s reseting all =


 time=A0and the performance is worst. The server have 1,2 Mb of RAM and I =


 assign 256 or more MB to Query Cache for reduce processor load.

 My actual my.cnf config is:





 max_connections =3D 400

 key_buffer =3D 64M

 myisam_sort_buffer_size =3D 32M

 join_buffer_size =3D 1M

 read_buffer_size =3D 4M

 sort_buffer_size =3D 4M

 table_cache =3D 1024

 thread_cache_size =3D 128

 wait_timeout =3D 1800=20

 connect_timeout =3D 10

 max_allowed_packet =3D 16M

 max_connect_errors =3D 10

 query_cache_limit =3D 1M

 query_cache_size =3D 128M

 query_cache_type =3D 1


 And my show status info:

 mysql show status;


 | Variable_name| Value  |


 | Aborted_clients  | 8378   |

 | Aborted_connects | 307|

 | Binlog_cache_disk_use| 0  |

 | Binlog_cache_use | 0  |

 | Bytes_received   | 114459945  |

 | Bytes_sent   | 1355402553 |

 | Com_admin_commands   | 49554  |

 | Com_alter_db | 0  |

 | Com_alter_table  | 0  |

 | Com_analyze  | 0  |

 | Com_backup_table | 0  |

 | Com_begin| 0  |

 | Com_change_db| 178087 |

 | Com_change_master| 0  |

 | Com_check| 0  |

 | Com_checksum | 0  |

 | Com_commit   | 0  |

 | Com_create_db| 0  |

 | Com_create_function  | 0  |

 | Com_create_index | 0  |

 | Com_create_table | 0  |

 | Com_dealloc_sql  | 0  |

 | Com_delete   | 49499  |

 | Com_delete_multi | 0  |

 | Com_do   | 0  |

 | Com_drop_db  | 0  |

 | Com_drop_function| 0  |

 | Com_drop_index   | 0  |

 | Com_drop_table   | 0  |

 | Com_drop_user| 0  |

 | Com_execute_sql  | 0  |

 | Com_flush| 0  |

 | Com_grant| 0  |

 | Com_ha_close | 0  |

 | Com_ha_open  | 0  |

 | Com_ha_read  | 0  |

 | Com_help | 0  |

 | Com_insert   | 49288  |

 | Com_insert_select| 0  |

 | Com_kill | 0  |

 | Com_load | 3  |

 | Com_load_master_data | 0  |

 | Com_load_master_table| 0  |

 | Com_lock_tables  | 96 |

 | Com_optimize | 0  |

 | Com_preload_keys | 0  |

 | Com_prepare_sql  | 0  |

 | Com_purge| 0  |

 | Com_purge_before_date| 0  |

 | Com_rename_table | 0  |

 | Com_repair   | 0  |

 | Com_replace  | 61263  |

 | Com_replace_select   | 0  |

 | Com_reset| 0  |

 | Com_restore_table| 0  |

 | Com_revoke   | 0  |

 | Com_revoke_all   | 0  |

 | Com_rollback | 0  |

 | Com_savepoint| 0  |

 | Com_select   | 250306 |

 | Com_set_option   | 2560   |

 | Com_show_binlog_events   | 0  |

 | Com_show_binlogs | 0  |

 | Com_show_charsets| 0  |

 | Com_show_collations  | 0  |

 | Com_show_column_types| 0  |

 | Com_show_create_db   | 102|

 | Com_show_create_table| 2550   |

 | Com_show_databases   | 10 |

 | Com_show_errors  | 0  |

 | Com_show_fields  | 3006   |

 | Com_show_grants  | 0  |

 | Com_show_innodb_status   | 0  |

 | Com_show_keys| 0  |

 | Com_show_logs| 0  |

 | Com_show_master_status   | 0   

Re: Access denied for user: 'apache@localhost' (Using password: NO)

2005-04-18 Thread Gleb Paharenko

It is strange that refusing message says you're not using passwords.

Does the problem disappear after the FLUSH HOSTS statement, instead of

restarting MySQL server?

Jorge Cambra Aused [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I have a web application running with Apache with PHP 4.1.2 (revision 

 7.2.6) and MySQL 3.23.58.


  The access from the PHP code to the MySQL server using the IP of the 

 machine with MySQL, an username and a password, and it works fine.


  But sometimes we get the MySQL error:


 Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)


  All the connections to the database fails for this reason, and we are sure 

 that we are passing correctly the username, password and IP address. If we 

 restart MySQL, then the problems disappears, and it works fine, but we don't 

 know why it happens.


  The username that we are using to access MySQL is not 'apache', apache, as 

 you can guess, is the name of the user that is running Apache.


  Thanx in advance,

  Jorge Cambra



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   __  ___ ___   __
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/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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RE: Include repeats in query

2005-04-18 Thread Martin Gallagher
Shawn, that's perfect, EXACTLY what I was looking for!

Gotta take more notice of the reference manual from now on tho.

- Martin

-Original Message-
Sent: 18 April 2005 14:22
To: Martin Gallagher
Subject: Re: Include repeats in query

Martin Gallagher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/16/2005 
08:49:35 AM:

 I have the following query:
 SELECT person FROM people WHERE ORDER BY RAND() * (1 / score) LIMIT 1
 This returns a person randomly, but the chance of the person being 
 is increased with a higher `score`.
 What I want to do is make a single query that will return 10 results in 
 Currently I'm doing:
 for (i = 1; i = 10; i++) do: SELECT person FROM people WHERE ORDER BY
 RAND() * (1 / score) LIMIT 1
 Which returns a results like:
 This is exactly the result I desire, but programmatically it's not the 
 efficient way. I'm guessing using 1 query and using the result set is 
 faster, 1 query... 1 result, instead of 10.
 I have tried:
 (SELECT person FROM people WHERE ORDER BY RAND() * (1 / score) LIMIT 1)
 UNION (X) UNION (X) ... [repeat ten times]
 This however returns this kind of result:
 The UNION query seems to remove the repeats, and because this is a
 mathematical system this will throw it out.
 This of course is not what I want :-(. Is there an option that allows
 - Martin

You are correct in saying that a UNION query eliminates repeats. However a 
UNION ALL does not. Just add the ALL keyword where appropriate and you 
should get the results you wanted.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

PS - I think this weighted random choice routine would perform better if 
you randomly picked a name from a 3 member array in your source code. You 
can still use the score to adjust the probability of picking and you won't 
have to do 10 queries to get a 10 name list. You only do a single query 
and re-use the results. Just my $.02 - SG

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2005-04-18 Thread John Thorpe
I'm not sure if there is a built-in, but what I usually do
for similar things is to use general purpose table to force
E.g. create a table called ITERATE with one column, x, and
populate with values 0,1,2,3,4,... -- in your case up to 10
-- and index the column.
Then it's easy - I only show the date field here:
select DATE_ADD(B.Booking_Start_Date,interval it.x day)
from Bookings B,iterate it
B.User_ID = '610'
and it.x = 1 and it.x = 10
group by
DATE_ADD(B.Booking_Start_Date,interval it.x day)
-Original Message-
 From: shaun thornburgh

 I have a table called Bookings which holds start times and end times for
 appointments, these are held in Booking_Start_Date and 
Booking_End_Date. I
 have a page on my site that runs a query to produce a grid to show
 availiability per day for the next ten days for each user of the system.
 Users work 8.5 hours a day and the query shows how many hours 
available the
 user has on that day:

 SELECT 8.5 - (SUM(((DATE_FORMAT(B.Booking_End_Date, '%k') * 60 ) +
 DATE_FORMAT(B.Booking_End_Date, '%i')) -
 ((DATE_FORMAT(B.Booking_Start_Date, '%k') * 60 ) +
 DATE_FORMAT(B.Booking_Start_Date, '%i'))) / 60) AS Available_Hours
 FROM Bookings B WHERE B.User_ID = '610'
 AND NOT ( '2005-04-08'  DATE_FORMAT(Booking_Start_Date, %Y-%m-%d)
 OR '2005-04-08'  DATE_FORMAT(Booking_End_Date, %Y-%m-%d) )

 The problem here is I have to do this query to produce a result for each
 cell(date) and then for each user so 100 users = 1000 queries to load 

 Is there a way to produce the result so that I only need one query 
per user
 so it groups the result by day for the next ten days?

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MySQL/InnoDB-5.0.4 is released

2005-04-18 Thread Heikki Tuuri
Greetings to all from the MySQL Users Conference 2005 in Santa Clara! The 
conference has just kicked off with tutorials, and will last till Thursday. 
Close to 1000 people are expected to attend the conference.

MySQL-5.0 is probably the most important new MySQL release in several years. 
On the MySQL side, a vast number of new features, like stored procedures and 
views have been implemented in 5.0. On the InnoDB side, we changed the table 
format to a more space-saving one, and implemented the 2-phase commit XA 

MySQL-5.0.4 is a bugfix release. Since MySQL-5.0.3 introduced a large number 
of new features, we cannot yet recommend the MySQL 5.0 series for production 
use. This is a beta release for testing and developing your applications 
that take advantage of MySQL's new powerful features.

InnoDB is the MySQL table type that supports foreign key constraints, 
transactions, two-phase commit in XA, row-level locking, non-locking 
consistent read (MVCC), all four SQL-1992 isolation levels of transactions, 
multiple tablespaces, asynchronous unbuffered disk I/O on Windows, and a 
non-free hot online backup tool.

You can download MySQL-5.0.4 from
Bugs fixed:
* ENUM and SET columns were treated incorrectly as character strings. This 
bug did not manifest itself with latin1 collations if there were less than 
about 100 elements in an enum, but it caused malfunction with UTF-8. Old 
tables will continue to work. In new tables, ENUM and SET will be internally 
stored as unsigned integers.  (Bug #9526)

* Avoid test suite failures caused by a locking conflict between two server 
instances at server shutdown/startup.  This conflict on advisory locks 
appears to be the result of a bug in the operating system; these locks 
should be released when the files are closed, but somehow that does not 
always happen immediately in Linux.  (Bug #9381)

* True VARCHAR in 5.0.3: InnoDB stored the 'position' of a row wrong in a 
column prefix primary key index; this could cause MySQL to complain 'ERROR 
1032: Can't find record' in an update of the primary key, and also some 
ORDER BY or DISTINCT queries.  (Bug #9314)

Upgrading from 4.1:
* Starting from 5.0.3, a VARCHAR in MySQL is a 'true' VARCHAR. It remembers 
the number of spaces that there were at the end of the string. Previously, 
MySQL at storage trimmed end spaces from a VARCHAR. Tables created with  
5.0.3 will remain to have the old VARCHAR semantics, while new tables will 
have the new semantics.

* The sorting order for end-space in TEXT columns for InnoDB and MyISAM 
tables has changed. Starting from 5.0.3, InnoDB compares TEXT columns as 
space-padded at the end. If you have a non-unique index on a TEXT column, 
you should run CHECK TABLE on it, and run OPTIMIZE TABLE if the check 
reports errors. If you have a UNIQUE INDEX on a TEXT column, you should 
rebuild the table with OPTIMIZE TABLE.

* The sorting order of BINARY and VARBINARY may still change in some 5.0.x 

* There is a bug in the InnoDB sorting order of ENUMs if the collation of 
the ENUM is not latin1 or if there are more than about 100 different values 
for the ENUM. This bug is also present in 4.0 and 4.1.

* InnoDB Hot Backup 2.0.1 or earlier does not work with MySQL-5.0.3 or 
later. A new version 2.1 will.

Best regards,
Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
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Help restoring

2005-04-18 Thread Patrick Campbell
I have backed a bugzilla database using:

mysqldump -u root -p bugs  bugzilla.20050418 and am trying to import it on
a new mysql server using

mysql -u root -p bugs  bugzilla.20050418

I'm getting
ERROR at line 84:

Line 84 is all garbled text...

Working with 3.23.58 ... Any thoughts?

Patrick Campbell
Website Administrator
Tel. 602.896.4729

RE: Client Side Query cache

2005-04-18 Thread gunmuse
Linux does some sort of page caching automatically and its the reason for
there never being any Free memory in a Linux system.  So if you read your
db via XML and php and develop a page from that using a CSS style sheet
Linux will cache it as a Page.(Took us forever to catch that one, something
to do with CSS and no one really knows the answer that we have seen)

As for a query cache edit your My.cnf and
query_cache_type 1   2 = Cache only if script says to(my suggested setting,
make your coders code for caching instead of catch all settings)

This does cause some grief if the data changed you can see a cached result
instead.(Even though your not supposed to).

Also if your running in PPC feeds you can't cache those as you will hit
their timeouts and get no redirect results.

Our PPC XML Feed ( only allows the link to be
valid for 3 minutes before your visitor will be redirected to our front
door.  This is not a traffic grab.  Just 94% of cached results are typically
fraud clicks so we don't allow the caching of results.  We are more cautious
than most (they use 5 minutes) only because we have a very high paying feed
and it attracts the low life's of the internet world.

Donny Lairson
29 GunMuse Lane
P.O. box 166
Lakewood NM 88254
469 228 2183

-Original Message-
From: Mister Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 4:49 AM
Subject: Client Side Query cache


I was wondering if there is any query cache code/lib somewhere to
cache certains queries ?
I'm always doing the same queries, (and the result never change, so I
could spare the round-trip to the server), but caching each tine the
data for it is a bit of work.
Thanks, for your suggestions

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Re: After upgrade to 5.03beta, mysqld won't start [SOLVED]

2005-04-18 Thread John Swartzentruber
On 4/12/2005 9:31 PM John Swartzentruber wrote:
On 4/12/2005 8:43 PM Petr Chardin wrote:
Hi Jonh,

As I said, I couldn't find any error logs that seemed to relate (i.e, 
had information newer than the upgrade and start failures). I looked 
into the /etc/init.d/mysql script and tried running mysqlmanager 
directly. It would not run because of errors. From another message in 
this newsgroup, I saw that someone else was having similar problems 
and that removing the items from the [mysql] section of my.conf took 
care of them. That's what I did, and then the server started. From 
what I can tell, this appears to be a bug because the [mysql] section 
should have no affect on the server process and should not prevent 
mysqlmanager from running.

Yes, it is a bug in mysqlmanager and it is fixed in the source
repository. Please upgrade to 5.0.4 when it is released.
I just wanted to confirm that 5.0.4 does fix the problem as promised.
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Running mysql on a headless Windows CE Device

2005-04-18 Thread LiquidIce

I am trying to figure out how I can install mysql on my headless WinCE
5.0 web server device. I've already gotten PHP up and running, my next
step is to install mysql, and run phpMyAdmin to allow people to
navigate and modify their tables.

I've been searching everwhere for mysql binaries for CE, but have
found nothing. I saw the 'Embeded mysql' webpages, and filled out the
contact form. The lady that called told me it was $65 per license. I'm
not sure if we were talking about the same thing. I'm pretty sure
mysql is free, because I can download the source code. Why would I pay
$65 per unit to add a mysql database to my product. Even Windows CE
only costs a few bucks per license.

I'd hate to use Microsoft's SQL server, but I feel like i've hit a
dead end with mysql.

If anyone can offer some advice on how to get mysql running on windows
ce, or can point me to some programmers who would be willing to port
the source code for me, please contact me.


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Re: Help restoring

2005-04-18 Thread Eric Bergen
Can one of these columns have binary data in it? If so that could
explain what the garbled text is. Although it should still
export/import correctly. My guess is that somewhere beteween  file
and  file file became corrupted. Try dumping it again. If possible
check that table to make sure it's ok.


On 4/18/05, Patrick Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have backed a bugzilla database using:
 mysqldump -u root -p bugs  bugzilla.20050418 and am trying to import it on
 a new mysql server using
 mysql -u root -p bugs  bugzilla.20050418
 I'm getting
 ERROR at line 84:
 Line 84 is all garbled text...
 Working with 3.23.58 ... Any thoughts?
 Patrick Campbell
 Website Administrator
 Tel. 602.896.4729

Eric Bergen

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Re: Mysqladmin bug

2005-04-18 Thread Eric Bergen
Try enclosing 2521570862 in single quotes on the command line. It's
just a guess but it might be bash overflowing that number and not


On 4/18/05, Marvin Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Our database has been running for some time and it had some threads on it
 that I needed to kill.
 I did a mysqladmin process list and got the following
 | 2521285658 | web  |   | | Sleep   |
 747 ||
 | 2521498154 | web  |   | | Sleep   |
 335 ||
 | 2521570862 | web  |   | | Sleep   |
 190 ||
 I tried to kill 2521570862 and got an error
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mwright]$ mysqladmin kill 2521570862
 mysqladmin: kill failed on 2147483647; error: 'Unknown thread id:
 I think the thread id number is too large for mysqladmin to deal with,
 2147483647 is the max size of an int.
 Marvin Wright
 Flights Developer
 This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
 intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
 are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
 the system manager.
 This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by
 MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.

Eric Bergen

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Re: mysql import or write my own Perl parser

2005-04-18 Thread Eric Bergen
awk is probably the best tool I can think of for cutting columns out
of a text file. Something like
awk -F \\t '{ print $2 , $3 }' my_file
could be used to pick the second and third column out of a file prior
to importing it.


On 4/18/05, newbie c [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am about to create a database and there are a number of files that I need
 to load into the database.  They are tab delimited files.  One of the files 
 contains about 4 or 5 columns.  I am only interested in the second and the 
 third column right now but I will load the whole table.  The values in the 
 second column can occur more than once in the file.
 As well the values in the third column can occur more than once in the file.
 Another file that I want to load as a table into the databse only contains two
 column and one column will be unique while the second column will have
 duplicate values in the file.
 My question is when should I use mysqlimport, or load data and when should I 
 write my own Perl parser to help load the table?
 What criteria would be needed to decide to read a file into a hash?
 Also, if I decide to use mysqlimport is there anything I should watch out for?
 Post your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals

Eric Bergen

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Re: InnoDB Performance

2005-04-18 Thread David Lloyd

Eko and all,

 The MyIsam storage engine is a non transactional engine and InnoDb is
 a transactional engine. That is the main difference. So I think the
 MyIsam  engine should be faster.

However, some file systems that have journals are faster than non
journalling file system. It's not always that clear cut. I've just
switched a number of big customer databases to InnoDB and noone's
noticed any difference - if anything it's going faster.


( mysql, sql )

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Re: optimal number of connections?

2005-04-18 Thread Eric Bergen
The number of connections touches several areas. Fortunately there is
very little overhead in creating MySQL connections. Connection pooling
hits a few snags in MySQL in the area of session and user variables.
Anything set inside a session will stick when the next thread picks up
a connection. These bugs are very sneaky to find as they hardly ever
crop up during testing. As far as speed goes it really depends on the
operating system. MySQL keeps one thread per connection + a few other
threads. Linux people like to say that 1.5 threads per cpu is optimal.
This is due to Linux (now old) model of N:N threading, one thread in
kernel space equals a thread in user space which is also know as light
weight processes. NGPT (I think) is slowly coming into play to help
eliminate that problem. Since databases by nature are easy on the CPU
we really don't have to worry about this much.

Since MySQL connections are so light weight and there are risks in
connection pooling I recommend not using it. One thing you do need to
watch for is making sure the thread cache is big enough so that when
your database starts accepting lots of connections you aren't
thrashing the CPU creating/destroying threads. This can be checked
with show status like 'threads_created';

The short answer is: keep max connections high enough for load, watch
the thread cache, don't use connection pooling unless you really know
your application.


On 4/15/05, Jeff Drew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Our Java application has several threads that use JDBC to write to several 
 tables.  Currently, we use one JDBC connection.  Would performance improve if 
 we used a connection per table? Is a single connection bad for some reason?
 Since connection pooling is a hot topic, I'm wondering if we're missing out 

Eric Bergen

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Re: Warning (reformulated)

2005-04-18 Thread Eric Bergen
Warnings are usually caused by type mismatches in what you try to put
in a column vs what it will actually hold. For example putting a
'asdf' in a char(3) will produce a warning because 'asdf' was
truncated to 'asd' Check your column types vs the data you tried to


On 4/15/05, Andy Pieters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all
 Realizing maybe my first post wasn't clear enough...
 How can I determine the cause for a warning.
 The MySql version is 3.23.58
 The query I used was:
 UPDATE `shop_products` SET
 `name`='TestProd' ,
 `shopid`='20-302' ,
 `sdesc`='This is a test product' ,
 `ldesc`='Long description for the test product\r\n\r\nIt supports formatting 
 but not objectss\r\n\r\n' ,
 `unit`='piece' ,
 `units`='pieces' ,
 `stock`='10' ,
 `unitprice`='20.0' ,
 `tax`='0' ,
 `min_units`='1' ,
 `max_units`='' ,
 `delivery_inc_unitprice`='0.0' ,
 `delivery_tax`='0' ,
 `delivery_time`='' ,
 `visible`='1' ,
 WHERE `id`='1' LIMIT 1;
 Thank you all
 With kind regards
 Registered Linux User Number 379093
 Version: 3.12
 GAT/O/CM d- s:+ a- C UL P+ L+++ E--- W+++ N++ o+ K w--- O+++ M- V
 PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP+++ t+ 5-- X R !tv b DI+++ D++ G e-- h+ r--- y+
 Check out these few php utilities that I released
  under the GPL2 and that are meant for use with a
  php cli binary:

Eric Bergen

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Re: 4==4something: equal vs identical

2005-04-18 Thread Eric Bergen
The opposite of Paul's cast is:
select '4ae'f + 0;
That will show you what MySQL ends up with after casting a string to an integer.


On 4/16/05, Paul DuBois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 22:18 +0200 4/16/05, Andy Pieters wrote:
 Hi everone
 I ran into some situation where MySql selects a row by using the following
 SELECT `id` FROM `shop_products` WHERE `id`=4aef LIMIT 1;
 | id |
 |  4 |
 Granted the field IS of type int but 4 is not identical to 4aef (it may be
 equal to the eyes of MySql)
 Isn't there an MySql equivalent of === (test for same+same type) or should I
 just ignore this.
 For a comparison of integer with string, the string is converted to number
 and a numeric comparison is done.  '4aef' converts to 4.
 I suppose you could convert the integer to string instead:
 WHERE CONCAT(`id`) = 4aef
 Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
 Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Eric Bergen

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Re: zip code search within x miles

2005-04-18 Thread Richard Lynch
You can buy up-to-the-minute zips, or snag TIGER (or gazateer?) data
that's a bit old for free.

It's a 1-1 mapping of zip to long/lat.

The tricky bit is this.

There's about 65,000 zips, even in the out-dated list for free.

Let's say you've got, oh, 2000 records to search through.

You're gonna end up doing a JOIN with:
2,000 X 65,000 == 130,000,000 tuples (records/results).

130 MILLION tuples is *way* too many for your basic $20/month site.

So what you do is break the rules.

That's right, it's rule-breaking time.

First, add a longitude and latitude column to your 2000 record table,
default to NULL.

Next, add a trigger (in MySQL 4.1+ I think) so that any time you change
the country or zip, the latitude/longitude gets looked up in the zips
table, and filled in.

If you can't do triggers (in MySQL pre-4.1) you'll have to arrange your
Busicness Logic such that any time you UPDATE country or zip in your 2000
records table, you reset longitude/latitude to NULL.

Next, write a cron job to snag, say, 10 records from your table WHERE
latitude is NULL in random order.

Lookup the country and zip in your zips table, and get your $latitude and
$longitude for that country/zip then do:

update EXAMPLE set latitude = $latitude, longitude = $longitude where
country = '$country' and zip = '$zip'

Errr, I kinda slipped into PHP there, but you probably know what I mean. 
$x is a variable holding the values you looked up.

Run that cron job a whole lot at first, by hand, to get mostly all the
2000 records fixed up with the right long/lat.

The point of this is that *NOW* you only have to search through 2000
records for your distance function, which sure beats a join with 130
million records, eh?

Also, if you just want the NEAREST matches, forget all that complicated
crap about Great Circle distance and expensive trigonometric calculations.

You can just get the zip they want to search by, lookup $longitude and
$latitude for that zip, and then use:

select {application_data_here), abs(latitude - $latitude) + abs(longitude
- $longitude) as closest from ... order by closest

If MySQL won't let you use 'closest' in the where clause, just move the
calculations there.

I've done this before for clients who didn't want to muck with all this. 
It's a few hours' work.  Call it $200.

PS I'm working on a GLOBAL POSTAL system which will data-gather OSS
long/lat and country/zip for the entire world, rather than the current
mess of having only the US for free, and maybe Canada and Australia, but
not much else is free, and often not even available.

I guess I'd better post here when I launch that.  No time-line available yet.

On Fri, April 15, 2005 3:37 pm, Scott Haneda said:
 How are sites doing the search by zip and coming up with results within x
 miles?  Is there some OSS zip code download that has been created for
 Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: zip code search within x miles

2005-04-18 Thread paris lundis
I'll share my creative workaround for geographic searches within x miles.
This is a theory I developed years ago and have used in live production
systems for the last five years. This method to be described is used
to produce approximately 100-200k sets of live nearby data per day online.
My approach is necessary for ColdFusion application server display of
relative nearby geographic data on my very busy website:
I use MySQL for the database storage with some MS SQL.

First, there are several different formulas readily available as math by 
which to
re-engineer for your particular use. The formulas should be able to be 
ported to any
platform/language given the math functions needed are available.

My concept  is simple and I believe  users are willing to accept some 
small margin of
error. This meaning, a place say a mile or two over further in one 

Zipcodes are notoriously odd in their adoption in areas. They follow a 
North to South and East to West incrementation.
Certain inferences can simply be made about a high zipcode or a low one 
belonging to either coast.

Nearby zipcodes are minimally useful, other than to say here are other 
zipcodes (say for instance of a real estate
application). The wild goose chase.

By all means, you need to reduce the amount of math that goes into 
preparing a query and say a page in your

What I do, to avoid pre-compilation - that is making all the possible or 
common possible results already plotted
and thereby pre-planned - is work on establishing the minimums and 
maximums at four values - these are a min and max for both lat and lon:

I establish these as the max and mins based on converting the distance 
(fraction of mile to many miles) to degrees and doing the math to 
calculate each of the four points.

With these four points I can make a very simple and fast comparison 
where latitude = maxlat and latitude = minlat and longitude = maxlon 
and longitude = minlon

This approach works on a square and gives you an error margin which is 
the difference of placing the distance exhibited as a circle within the 
same space exhibited as a square.
The error or overlap areas are minimal and for terms of consumer based 
services will suffice. These areas are triangles with the inward side 
being an arc.

I use this approach to relate okay sized sets of data to one another on 
the fly (500k restaurants, 6000 beer establishments, 13k bed and 
breakfasts, 50k hotels, etc.)

All the math is and can be done on the fly this way on commodity 
hardware (800Mhz server) on the application server level.  Bringing this 
to a pure
SQL level would increase the speed further.

A correlation for nearby hotels with this approach will run in a 
multi-use environment on average in about four seconds. With further 
optimization this can be
reduce to around 1 second..

This approach is a compromise to more exact math offered elsewhere on 
the internet.

Applying this same thing to apply to the 80k estimated US zipcodes 
currently would be pie and would run faster just due to the reduced dataset.

Zipcode databases are readily available with quarterly subscription 
updates available today. I believe the US Postal Service even sells a 
dataset now.

Richard Lynch wrote:
You can buy up-to-the-minute zips, or snag TIGER (or gazateer?) data
that's a bit old for free.
It's a 1-1 mapping of zip to long/lat.
The tricky bit is this.
There's about 65,000 zips, even in the out-dated list for free.
Let's say you've got, oh, 2000 records to search through.
You're gonna end up doing a JOIN with:
2,000 X 65,000 == 130,000,000 tuples (records/results).
130 MILLION tuples is *way* too many for your basic $20/month site.
So what you do is break the rules.
That's right, it's rule-breaking time.
First, add a longitude and latitude column to your 2000 record table,
default to NULL.
Next, add a trigger (in MySQL 4.1+ I think) so that any time you change
the country or zip, the latitude/longitude gets looked up in the zips
table, and filled in.
If you can't do triggers (in MySQL pre-4.1) you'll have to arrange your
Busicness Logic such that any time you UPDATE country or zip in your 2000
records table, you reset longitude/latitude to NULL.
Next, write a cron job to snag, say, 10 records from your table WHERE
latitude is NULL in random order.
Lookup the country and zip in your zips table, and get your $latitude and
$longitude for that country/zip then do:
update EXAMPLE set latitude = $latitude, longitude = $longitude where
country = '$country' and zip = '$zip'
Errr, I kinda slipped into PHP there, but you probably know what I mean. 
$x is a variable holding the values you looked up.

Run that cron job a whole lot at first, by hand, to get mostly all the
2000 records fixed up with the right long/lat.
The point of this is that *NOW* you only have to search through 

Re: zip code search within x miles

2005-04-18 Thread Hank
 Let's say you've got, oh, 2000 records to search through.
 You're gonna end up doing a JOIN with:
 2,000 X 65,000 == 130,000,000 tuples (records/results).
 130 MILLION tuples is *way* too many for your basic $20/month site.

I'd say take some easy shortcuts first... like limit the join to the
zip code table by the target state (which of course is indexed), then
add the one, two or at most three neighboring states, if you're near a
border.  Or just limit the join to all the neighboring states in one
shot). One, two, or three short running queries all in SQL is a
whole-lot better than adding un-normalized and redundant fields to the
source data table and populating it in a cron job and triggers.  Talk
about taking the long way around.

And if anyone is looking for a datafile with worldwide cities (about
2.7 million records) and their lat/longs (not zips, though), here's a
place to download it for free:

For $50, you can get the addition of population of each city.


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Re: zip code search within x miles

2005-04-18 Thread Hank
 Applying this same thing to apply to the 80k estimated US zipcodes

Just for the record, there are about 43,000 distinct US zip codes...
and 56,000 zip codes if you double count the zips with multiple city
names (when zip codes cross city limits).


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RE: zip code search within x miles

2005-04-18 Thread Scott Johnson
Hi all,

I have done this type of setup before. There is a company that puts out a
zipcode file with the Latitude and longitude in it. You can then calculate
what's in the distance you are looking for.


 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Dunlop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 6:51 PM
 To: Scott Haneda; MySql
 Subject: Re: zip code search within x miles

 I haven't looked into this recently, but as long as 15  years ago
 there were
 zip - mile libraries available; I assume similar libraries still exist.
 The ones I worked with all used only the first 3 digits.  Full five digit
 and nine digit zips get to pretty specific geographic locations,
 a level of
 accuracy not needed when telling people what resource exist within x
 miles.   You might try google something like: (zipcode OR zip)  distance
 software library

 - Original Message -
 From: Scott Haneda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: MySql
 Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 3:37 PM
 Subject: zip code search within x miles

  How are sites doing the search by zip and coming up with
 results within x
  miles?  Is there some OSS zip code download that has been created for
  Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.
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