Qcache - how it works?

2005-07-07 Thread Remigiusz Sokołowski

let's say that we have the following settings:
Variable_name: query_cache_limit Value: 64kB
Variable_name: query_cache_size Value: 4MB

and status:

| Qcache_queries_in_cache| 1679   |
| Qcache_inserts| 2242534|
| Qcache_hits  | 1058592|
| Qcache_lowmem_prunes | 135641 |
| Qcache_not_cached| 2558808|
| Qcache_free_memory   | 1717208|
| Qcache_free_blocks   | 485|
| Qcache_total_blocks  | 3885   |

I wonder why Qcache_lowmem_prunes grows, even though Qcache_free_memory 
is almost 2MB.

I thought that queries are thrown from cache only in situation, when:
1. there were some changes in data of that query
2. there is no memory for new query

and Qcache_free_memory should be close to 0 to achieve the state when 
queries are thrown away.

Anybody has an explaination for such behaviour?

Thanks in advance

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Locks on Heap tables

2005-07-07 Thread Hannes Rohde
Hello everyone,

We are using MySQL as the database backend on quite a big portal
page with about 50.000 users and 3 mio. PIs per day. MySQL is as well the
backend for the (php) session management. We are using a heap for that case
as well as for instance phpbb does. 
Lately we are experiencing long lasting table locks due to deletes or
updates on the session table. I know that heap tables only support table
wide locking, but shouldn't those locks be gone quite fast? I have already
checked the obvious reasons for this kind of behaviour like swapping but I
couldn't find anything. Even googling didn't bring anything useful up.
Hopefully someone got some ideas to solve this problem :-)

Thank you in advance
Hannes Rohde

incoWEB.de - agentur für neue medien
Stapenhorststr. 10
D-45329 Essen


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telnet localhost 3306 Connection refused

2005-07-07 Thread Daevid Vincent
What is causing me to have this problem in mysql  Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.24,
for pc-linux-gnu (i686). I am running shorewall, but that shouldn't affect
localhost should it? My firewall, web, and mySQL server are the same

# telnet localhost 3306
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

I've tried to comment, uncomment and change to * this 'bind-address' line in
# keep secure by default!
#bind-address= *
port= 3306

Of course, I can't connect from any of the other IP addresses that my mySQL
server is assigned either:

# telnet 3306
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

# telnet 3306
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

# ifconfig
eth1  Link encap:Ethernet 
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Mask:
wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

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Re: telnet localhost 3306 Connection refused

2005-07-07 Thread Louie Miranda
ps ax|grep sql

if mysql is running. and if you telnet to that port (3306) and still you 
can't connect.

check if you have blocked your port on your firewall.

usually, firewall for linux are iptables and ipchains

flush them first and try.


On 7/7/05, Daevid Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is causing me to have this problem in mysql Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.24
 for pc-linux-gnu (i686). I am running shorewall, but that shouldn't 
 localhost should it? My firewall, web, and mySQL server are the same
 # telnet localhost 3306
 telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
 I've tried to comment, uncomment and change to * this 'bind-address' line 
 # keep secure by default!
 #bind-address =
 #bind-address = *
 port = 3306
 Of course, I can't connect from any of the other IP addresses that my 
 server is assigned either:
 # telnet 3306
 telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
 # telnet 3306
 telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
 # ifconfig
 eth1 Link encap:Ethernet
 inet addr: 
 lo Link encap:Local Loopback
 inet addr: Mask:
 wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet
 inet addr: 
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
 To unsubscribe: http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Louie Miranda
http://www.axishift.com -- under development

Re: telnet localhost 3306 Connection refused

2005-07-07 Thread Philippe Poelvoorde

Daevid Vincent wrote:

What is causing me to have this problem in mysql  Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.24,
for pc-linux-gnu (i686). I am running shorewall, but that shouldn't affect
localhost should it? My firewall, web, and mySQL server are the same

Shorewall can affect localhost as well
Try adding :

ACCEPT  fw  fw  udp 3306
ACCEPT  fw  fw  tcp 3306

in your /etc/shorewall/rules (where fw is the zone represented by your 
machine, it depends on your settings).

You should also add the settings for http ( port 80 ).

And eventually change the logging mode for dropped paquets, that should 
give you a clue.

Philippe Poelvoorde
COS Trading Ltd.

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: telnet localhost 3306 Connection refused

2005-07-07 Thread Ady Wicaksono


/sbin/iptables -L -n

make sure there's no rule that block connection to/from port 3306 (TCP)

Daevid Vincent wrote:

What is causing me to have this problem in mysql  Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.24,
for pc-linux-gnu (i686). I am running shorewall, but that shouldn't affect
localhost should it? My firewall, web, and mySQL server are the same

# telnet localhost 3306
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

I've tried to comment, uncomment and change to * this 'bind-address' line in
# keep secure by default!
#bind-address= *
port= 3306

Of course, I can't connect from any of the other IP addresses that my mySQL
server is assigned either:

# telnet 3306
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

# telnet 3306
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

# ifconfig
eth1  Link encap:Ethernet 
 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
loLink encap:Local Loopback  
 inet addr:  Mask:
wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet
 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:


Ady Wicaksono
HP: +628562208680

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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change collation on all existing databases, tables and columns

2005-07-07 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hello there,

I run MySQL 4.1.12 and have some databases with the default collation of
latin1_swedish_ci. I have edited the my.cnf file to read

default-collation = latin1_german1_ci

Now I would like to change the collation on all existing databases,
tables and columns to have the latin1_german1_ci collation, as the
my.cnf entry only works for new entries. Is there an easy command or
tool to achieve that? I don't want to send the appropriate command
mentioning every single database, table and column, but rather look for
a FOR loop or a wildcard.


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Re: Misconfigured master - server id was not set

2005-07-07 Thread Jan Schneider

Gleb Paharenko wrote:


Setting master to could produce a problem. 

MASTER_HOST and MASTER_PORT  are the hostname (or IP address) of the

master host and its TCP/IP port. Note that if MASTER_HOST is equal to

localhost, then, like in other parts of MySQL, the port may be ignored

(if Unix socket files can be used, for example).

I got hit by that already when I tried to use localhost for the master 
host, and the slave tried to connect to itself. This was fixed by using, and the authentication as the replication user that I 
created on the master works fine since then.

Jan Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have slave-master-setup that is special in two ways:

1) The slave connects through an stunnel

2) The slave replicates only one db

As soon as I start the slave process, the server connects but fails with 

the following log messages:

Jul  6 14:58:11 ijssel1 mysqld[11755]: 050706 14:58:11 Slave SQL thread 

initialized, starting replication in log 'mysql-bin.001' at position 

227973, relay log './ijssel1-relay-bin.001' position: 4

Jul  6 14:58:11 ijssel1 mysqld[11755]: 050706 14:58:11 Slave I/O thread: 

connected to master '[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3307',  replication started 

in log 'mysql-bin.001' at position 227973

Jul  6 14:58:11 ijssel1 mysqld[11755]: 050706 14:58:11 Error reading 

packet from server: Misconfigured master - server id was not set 


Jul  6 14:58:11 ijssel1 mysqld[11755]: 050706 14:58:11 Got fatal error 

1236: 'Misconfigured master - server id was not set' from master when 

reading data from binary log

Jul  6 14:58:11 ijssel1 mysqld[11755]: 050706 14:58:11 Slave I/O thread 

exiting, read up to log 'mysql-bin.001', position 227973

Jul  6 14:58:18 ijssel1 mysqld[11755]: 050706 14:58:18 Error reading 

relay log event: slave SQL thread was killed

On the master side I see the stunnel connecting.

To rule out corrupted binary logs, I did a RESET MASTER on the master. I 

verified with SHOW VARIABLES and SHOW BINLOG EVENTS that the master 

has server-id 1, the slave 2, and the server-id 1 is correctly used in 

the binlogs.

Any ideas?


MySQL General Mailing List
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hierarchical relations / innodb

2005-07-07 Thread mel list_php


I want to buil a hierarchical database, with different kind of relations.
I have differents elements which are linked between them by different kinds 
of relations.

element 1 IS A element 72
element 22 IS PART OF element 36

I want to have a table elements,for several reasons: I want to keep each 
element unique and indexed, if the definition of element 72 has to been 
modified is relation to element 1 wouldn't be modified as I'm working with 
indexes only to express the relationship and if element 72 has an other 
relation with something else it is updated at once.

Then I think about having a table relations, something like, id_child, 
id_parent, kind of relation.

that would give for example
1,72,IS A
22,36, PART OF

Until here I think this is the right way to proceed, because it's the more 
flexible approach and will allow all the possible interactions.

For the final depending application, we want to output a graphical tree of 
the relations/elements.
I think this is possible with that design with performances ok as we won't 
have huge degrees of depth and we won't have a huge number of elements.

Now the problem:
One user want to delete element 72 for example.
2 options: it's impossible because element 72 as a child or we decide to 
warn the user and delete the childs at the same time.
We haven't made the final decision yet, but the mechanism is still the 
same:deleting an element should check for existing children in the table 

I'm used to work with myIsam, I could easily do somthing like select * from 
relations where id_parent=72, but I would like to know if it is possible 
to implement that with innoDB?
I also would like to delete the element (or store it somewhere else) if it 
is orphaned, eg if element 1 was only the child of 72 and 72 is deleted the 
record in the relations table as to be deleted but the record in the 
elements table should be flaged or moved in an orphan table.
In addition, if a user is working on element 72 we want to lock all the 

Sorry for the long explanation, I hope it is clear enough
2 questions:
- do you see any problem with the design I've choosen?efficiency in building 
the tree for example,problem to establish relations?
- do you think it is possible to use innodb in an efficient way for that 
(constraints and cascaded delete and locks) and do you have any good pointer 
on how to do it?or is it better to keep myIsam and manually do the checks?

Thank you very much for taking time to read this, hope you will have any 


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Re: change collation on all existing databases, tables and columns

2005-07-07 Thread Gleb Paharenko

If you don't want to write a script (I think it shouldn't be difficult anyway) 

for this purposes, you could use mysqldump with

--skip-create-options or --compatible=no_table_options,no_field_options.

Using this you could get the dump of you database and table definitions

without information about collation. Then just import the dump and all

tables will have the same collation. However, you can loose some

important table properties.

Florian Effenberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello there,


 I run MySQL 4.1.12 and have some databases with the default collation of

 latin1_swedish_ci. I have edited the my.cnf file to read


 default-collation = latin1_german1_ci


 Now I would like to change the collation on all existing databases,

 tables and columns to have the latin1_german1_ci collation, as the

 my.cnf entry only works for new entries. Is there an easy command or

 tool to achieve that? I don't want to send the appropriate command

 mentioning every single database, table and column, but rather look for

 a FOR loop or a wildcard.





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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
   ___/   www.mysql.com

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Re: Locks on Heap tables

2005-07-07 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Are you sure that your server doesn't swap? Providing output

of 'SHOW STATUS', 'SHOW VARIABLES' and your table definition

could give more information for suggestions. Also, if you have

a hash index on a MEMORY table that has a high degree of key 

duplication (many index entries containing the same value), 

updates to the table that affect key values and all deletes are 

significantly slower. The degree of slowdown is proportional to the

degree of duplication (or, inversely proportional to the index cardinality).

You can use a BTREE index to avoid this problem.

Hannes Rohde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello everyone,


We are using MySQL as the database backend on quite a big portal

 page with about 50.000 users and 3 mio. PIs per day. MySQL is as well =


 backend for the (php) session management. We are using a heap for that =


 as well as for instance phpbb does.=20

 Lately we are experiencing long lasting table locks due to deletes or

 updates on the session table. I know that heap tables only support table

 wide locking, but shouldn't those locks be gone quite fast? I have =


 checked the obvious reasons for this kind of behaviour like swapping but =


 couldn't find anything. Even googling didn't bring anything useful up.

 Hopefully someone got some ideas to solve this problem :-)


 Thank you in advance

 Hannes Rohde




 incoWEB.de - agentur f=FCr neue medien

 Stapenhorststr. 10

 D-45329 Essen





 Phone  Fax 0700-0-4626932



 Diese E-Mail enth=E4lt vertrauliche Informationen, die nur f=FCr den =


 Empf=E4nger bestimmt sind! Jede Kenntnisnahme, Verteilung oder

 Vervielf=E4ltigung durch andere Personen ist nicht zul=E4ssig. Sollten =

 Sie diese

 E-Mail irrt=FCmlich erhalten haben, melden Sie uns dies bitte =



 This email, its content and any files transmitted with it are intended

 solely for the addressee(s). Access, distribution or copying by any =


 party is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, then =


 notify us immediately by returning it to the originator.=20




For technical support contracts, goto https://order.mysql.com/?ref=ensita
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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
   ___/   www.mysql.com

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Re: telnet localhost 3306 Connection refused

2005-07-07 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Are you sure that mysql is running? Is it possible that you have

skip_networking in your configuration file? See:


Daevid Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What is causing me to have this problem in mysql  Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.24,

 for pc-linux-gnu (i686). I am running shorewall, but that shouldn't affect

 localhost should it? My firewall, web, and mySQL server are the same



 # telnet localhost 3306


 telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused


 I've tried to comment, uncomment and change to * this 'bind-address' line in


 # keep secure by default!


 #bind-address= *

 port= 3306


 Of course, I can't connect from any of the other IP addresses that my mySQL

 server is assigned either:


 # telnet 3306


 telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused


 # telnet 3306


 telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused



 # ifconfig

 eth1  Link encap:Ethernet 

  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

 loLink encap:Local Loopback  

  inet addr:  Mask:

 wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet

  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:



For technical support contracts, goto https://order.mysql.com/?ref=ensita
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET http://www.ensita.net/
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
   ___/   www.mysql.com

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Re: Qcache - how it works?

2005-07-07 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I think you have a big fragmentation of your query cache.  Fragmentation

can force the query cache to prune (delete) queries from the cache due

to lack of memory. See:


Remigiusz Soko$owski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 let's say that we have the following settings:

 Variable_name: query_cache_limit Value: 64kB

 Variable_name: query_cache_size Value: 4MB


 and status:


 | Qcache_queries_in_cache| 1679   |

 | Qcache_inserts| 2242534|

 | Qcache_hits  | 1058592|

 | Qcache_lowmem_prunes | 135641 |

 | Qcache_not_cached| 2558808|

 | Qcache_free_memory   | 1717208|

 | Qcache_free_blocks   | 485|

 | Qcache_total_blocks  | 3885   |


 I wonder why Qcache_lowmem_prunes grows, even though Qcache_free_memory 

 is almost 2MB.

 I thought that queries are thrown from cache only in situation, when:

 1. there were some changes in data of that query

 2. there is no memory for new query


 and Qcache_free_memory should be close to 0 to achieve the state when 

 queries are thrown away.

 Anybody has an explaination for such behaviour?


 Thanks in advance




For technical support contracts, goto https://order.mysql.com/?ref=ensita
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET http://www.ensita.net/
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
   ___/   www.mysql.com

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Re: noob : advice on design?

2005-07-07 Thread Gleb Paharenko

In archives at:


you could find a lot of questions about database design and

good answers with explanations.

Monty Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Group,


 I have just completed the Sams MySQL in 24 hours and feel like I now have a

 reasonable understanding of creatinf queries, etc.


 However, the one area that seemed sadly lacking was that of database design.

 I recently purchased a book named Database design for mere mortals, which

 seems to be very slow going, and is going to take me forever to get through

 the 550 pages.


 I'm not looking for a quick fix, but there has to be some middle ground.  Is

 there anywhere I can go to get a reasonable working knowledge of database

 design just so I can get started with the task I have been given.  In the

 meantime I can make my way through this book.


 So, where do I go to learn about the initial design, seeing as it is so




For technical support contracts, goto https://order.mysql.com/?ref=ensita
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET http://www.ensita.net/
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
   ___/   www.mysql.com

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Prepared grant statement?

2005-07-07 Thread Adolfo Bello
Hi list:

I don't know if this the right forum to ask the following questions:

Will MySQL production version 5.0 support grant in prepared statements?

The yet part is encouraging in ERROR 1295 (HY000) at line 17: This
command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet

Will prepared statements in stored procedures be supported? (I read that
it is disabled right now)



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AW: Locks on Heap tables

2005-07-07 Thread Hannes Rohde
Hello yet again,

Thanks for the quick answer, Gleb! I am quite sure that the system
doesn't swap. I'll give the BTREE index a shot and I will let you know what
effect it had.

Here's a the free Output from one of the systems:

total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:   20688042018276  50528  0  41644 902912
-/+ buffers/cache:1073720 995084
Swap:  2096472  606522035820

'Show status' outputs the following:
| Variable_name  | Value  |
| Aborted_clients| 5071   |
| Aborted_connects   | 48869  |
| Binlog_cache_disk_use  | 0  |
| Binlog_cache_use   | 339|
| Bytes_received | 1378529900 |
| Bytes_sent | 632139443  |
| Com_admin_commands | 7  |
| Com_alter_db   | 0  |
| Com_alter_table| 1  |
| Com_analyze| 0  |
| Com_backup_table   | 0  |
| Com_begin  | 339|
| Com_change_db  | 849180 |
| Com_change_master  | 0  |
| Com_check  | 0  |
| Com_checksum   | 0  |
| Com_commit | 339|
| Com_create_db  | 0  |
| Com_create_function| 0  |
| Com_create_index   | 0  |
| Com_create_table   | 1  |
| Com_dealloc_sql| 0  |
| Com_delete | 792523 |
| Com_delete_multi   | 0  |
| Com_do | 0  |
| Com_drop_db| 0  |
| Com_drop_function  | 0  |
| Com_drop_index | 0  |
| Com_drop_table | 0  |
| Com_drop_user  | 0  |
| Com_execute_sql| 0  |
| Com_flush  | 1  |
| Com_grant  | 0  |
| Com_ha_close   | 0  |
| Com_ha_open| 0  |
| Com_ha_read| 0  |
| Com_help   | 0  |
| Com_insert | 2285560|
| Com_insert_select  | 291|
| Com_kill   | 0  |
| Com_load   | 0  |
| Com_load_master_data   | 0  |
| Com_load_master_table  | 0  |
| Com_lock_tables| 3  |
| Com_optimize   | 0  |
| Com_preload_keys   | 0  |
| Com_prepare_sql| 0  |
| Com_purge  | 1  |
| Com_purge_before_date  | 0  |
| Com_rename_table   | 0  |
| Com_repair | 0  |
| Com_replace| 0  |
| Com_replace_select | 0  |
| Com_reset  | 0  |
| Com_restore_table  | 0  |
| Com_revoke | 0  |
| Com_revoke_all | 0  |
| Com_rollback   | 0  |
| Com_savepoint  | 0  |
| Com_select | 4527361|
| Com_set_option | 729|
| Com_show_binlog_events | 0  |
| Com_show_binlogs   | 83 |
| Com_show_charsets  | 159|
| Com_show_collations| 159|
| Com_show_column_types  | 0  |
| Com_show_create_db | 6  |
| Com_show_create_table  | 200|
| Com_show_databases | 71 |
| Com_show_errors| 0  |
| Com_show_fields| 768|
| Com_show_grants| 20 |
| Com_show_innodb_status | 0  |
| Com_show_keys  | 19 |
| Com_show_logs  | 0  |
| Com_show_master_status | 0  |
| Com_show_new_master| 0  |
| Com_show_open_tables   | 0  |
| Com_show_privileges| 0  |
| Com_show_processlist   | 76 |
| Com_show_slave_hosts   | 3  |
| Com_show_slave_status  | 0  |
| Com_show_status| 1  |
| Com_show_storage_engines   | 0  |
| Com_show_tables| 356|
| Com_show_variables | 270|
| Com_show_warnings  | 0  |
| Com_slave_start| 0  |
| Com_slave_stop | 0  |
| Com_truncate   | 64 |
| Com_unlock_tables 

Re: Network drive

2005-07-07 Thread Ruben Carvalho
I would like to thank you all for the help and the

I think I'll stick to the option of having the
database behind the firewall. The problem is I don't
control that part of the company, as you can imagine
so I'll have to ask the network administrators for

Just want to resume what was said here:

- Even if it was possible, RDBMS over a network is not

- if you're working behind a firewall, you'd better
open a port for your db server

- adding SSL can help making it more secure

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ruben Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
 07/06/2005 12:54:24 
  Well, thank you very much for your explanation.
  My problem is I would like to have the data files
  being saved in a machine behind a proxy but the
  running in a machine outside the proxy (the
  don't have access to the machine behind the
  Any ideas? Thank you
  --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Ruben Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote on
   07/06/2005 11:06:10 
I think I haven't understood your question. I
that in case of a network failure you can have
same behavior as a power shutdown.

About the networked drives? Anyone?

--- Martijn Tonies [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Ruben,
  I would like to make a short, quick and
  Is it possible to have the following line:
  in a my.ini config file?
  I'm using windows XP, mysql 4.1.12, X: is
  network drive to a Linux folder using
  permissions are set and tested.
  I have seen this posted many times but
  replies. I want to use a folder in a
  save my InnoDB data. Is this possible?
 I don't know this particular answer for
   but I
 do have 1 question:
 If the database engine doesn't have control
 and/or drive, what should it do in the case
 of a
 Let alone the latency of a networked file...
 With regards,
 Martijn Tonies
 Database Workbench - tool for InterBase,
 MySQL, Oracle  MS SQL
 Upscene Productions
 Database development questions? Check the

Rúben Carvalho
   RDBMS over a network: NOT recommended. Not only
   you not enforce 
   OS-level locking on your files (maybe you can, I
   guess it may depend on 
   your device and inteface protocols) but the MOST
   COMMON bottleneck to 
   database performance is disk I/O. If you went
   networked storage, you 
   are not only going to suffer through disk lag
   time + rotational 
   positioning before the operation can start) but
   are incurring network 
   overhead on top of it IN BOTH DIRECTIONS.
   Unless your network device is flash-only (all
   memory, no disks), you just 
   cut your throughput by at least 75%. And even if
   your device is flash-only 
   you will reduce your data throughput by 25-50%
   performance numbers 
   are rough estimates pulled out of my a** but
   on the number of extra 
   network hops necessary to get at and read your
   I don't care how fast your network is, networked
   storage can't be as fast 
   as local disks. Again, it is highly discouraged
   use networked storage 
   for anything but the most trivial database uses
   (small file sizes, low 
   traffic, etc). For any application that requires
   even modest performance, 
   spend your money on a fast RAID configuration.
   will be much happier in 
   the long run.
   Shawn Green
   Database Administrator
   Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
  Rúben Carvalho
 There are different kinds of secure setups. As a
 first idea, your database 
 server and your web server DO NOT need to be on the
 same machine. There 
 are MANY ways to setup a secure web system. How many
 of each type of 
 networking component are at your disposal (proxy
 servers, firewalls, web 
 servers, network interface cards, routers, etc.)? 
 Different types of 
 security are available with different
 hardware/software configurations.
 Basically, it all boils down to keeping the users
 only where you want the 
 users to be (outside of your network) and allowing
 only certain servers 
 (or even just particular processes on those servers)
 to access your 
 internal resources. 
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Rúben Carvalho

How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday 
snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos http://uk.photos.yahoo.com

MySQL General Mailing 

Re: Datediff

2005-07-07 Thread SGreen
Scott Haneda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/06/2005 08:16:41 PM:

 I am using 4.0.18-standard
 So I do not have `DATEDIFF`, but I need to ability to do so, anyone know
 some other simple trick to get days between two dates?
 Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602
 http://www.newgeo.com Novato, CA U.S.A.
Use UNIX_TIMESTAMP() to convert your dates into integers (seconds) and 

Here's how I would compute the # of days between 2005-01-01 06:00:00 and 
2005-02-01 18:00:00 (it should be 31 days 12 hours or 31.5)

localhost.(none)select (UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2005-02-01 
18:00:00')-UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2005-01-01 06:00:00'))/(60*60*24);
| (UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2005-02-01 18:00:00')-UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2005-01-01 
06:00:00'))/(60*60*24) |
|   31.50 |

See how that works? (Difference in seconds)/(seconds in a day) = 
difference in days

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Connections and open files weirdness?

2005-07-07 Thread Martijn van den Burg

I'm running out of resources even though I think I shouldn't.

The open_files_limit=256, max_connections=246, and table_cache=64 and
I'm trying to actively create 'Too many open file errors' with this
configuration, to be able to quantify the effect of raising the
filesystem's ulimit, and the variables mentioned above.

The first problem is this: I can only make 236 connections and not 246

Further, with the 236 connections opened: as soon as I do the first
table join (just two tables), I get the 'Too many open files' error.
But... Open_files is only 5 and Open_tables is 1.

So even though it appears that my resources aren't spent, I still have
an unuseable system. Why?

MySQL 4.1.10, Solaris 8, 1 GB RAM, key_buffer_size=264MB. Tables are
flushed before I start making the connections.

Thanks for your time.


The information contained in this communication and any attachments is 
confidential and may be privileged, and is for the sole use of the intended 
recipient(s). Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is 
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender 
immediately by replying to this message and destroy all copies of this message 
and any attachments. ASML is neither liable for the proper and complete 
transmission of the information contained in this communication, nor for any 
delay in its receipt.

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Re: hierarchical relations / innodb

2005-07-07 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I think such kind of logic could be implemented on database layer,

because the main task for you is to keep data integrity, and this was

one of the reason of database creation. However, without triggers your

task becomes difficult. Unfortunately they're available only in MySQL

5.xx, which is not production ready yet.

mel list_php [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 I want to buil a hierarchical database, with different kind of relations.

 I have differents elements which are linked between them by different kinds 

 of relations.



 element 1 IS A element 72

 element 22 IS PART OF element 36



 I want to have a table elements,for several reasons: I want to keep each 

 element unique and indexed, if the definition of element 72 has to been 

 modified is relation to element 1 wouldn't be modified as I'm working with 

 indexes only to express the relationship and if element 72 has an other 

 relation with something else it is updated at once.


 Then I think about having a table relations, something like, id_child, 

 id_parent, kind of relation.


 that would give for example

 1,72,IS A

 22,36, PART OF



 Until here I think this is the right way to proceed, because it's the more 

 flexible approach and will allow all the possible interactions.


 For the final depending application, we want to output a graphical tree of 

 the relations/elements.

 I think this is possible with that design with performances ok as we won't 

 have huge degrees of depth and we won't have a huge number of elements.


 Now the problem:

 One user want to delete element 72 for example.

 2 options: it's impossible because element 72 as a child or we decide to 

 warn the user and delete the childs at the same time.

 We haven't made the final decision yet, but the mechanism is still the 

 same:deleting an element should check for existing children in the table 



 I'm used to work with myIsam, I could easily do somthing like select * from 

 relations where id_parent=72, but I would like to know if it is possible 

 to implement that with innoDB?

 I also would like to delete the element (or store it somewhere else) if it 

 is orphaned, eg if element 1 was only the child of 72 and 72 is deleted the 

 record in the relations table as to be deleted but the record in the 

 elements table should be flaged or moved in an orphan table.

 In addition, if a user is working on element 72 we want to lock all the 



 Sorry for the long explanation, I hope it is clear enough

 2 questions:

 - do you see any problem with the design I've choosen?efficiency in building 

 the tree for example,problem to establish relations?

 - do you think it is possible to use innodb in an efficient way for that 

 (constraints and cascaded delete and locks) and do you have any good pointer 

 on how to do it?or is it better to keep myIsam and manually do the checks?


 Thank you very much for taking time to read this, hope you will have any 





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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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   ___/   www.mysql.com

MySQL General Mailing List
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Another generalization hierarchy problem

2005-07-07 Thread abrea
Dear list:
I am preparing an entity relationship diagram and encountered the 
following problem:
The entity individual has the attributes firstname, lastname.
The entity company has the attributes name, companytype.
Now I wish to include the subtype customer with the attributes 
taxid, billingaddress. However, a customer may be either an 
individual or a company, and I understand that a subtype can only 
have one supertype.
(I cannot put customer as the supertype because there are many 
individuals and companies that are not customers.)

How can I implement the subentity customer in my ERD?
Can I do it at all?
Thank you

Alberto Brea

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Another generalization hierarchy problem

2005-07-07 Thread SGreen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/07/2005 11:22:52 AM:

 Dear list:
 I am preparing an entity relationship diagram and encountered the 
 following problem:
 The entity individual has the attributes firstname, lastname.
 The entity company has the attributes name, companytype.
 Now I wish to include the subtype customer with the attributes 
 taxid, billingaddress. However, a customer may be either an 
 individual or a company, and I understand that a subtype can only 
 have one supertype.
 (I cannot put customer as the supertype because there are many 
 individuals and companies that are not customers.)
 How can I implement the subentity customer in my ERD?
 Can I do it at all?
 Thank you
 Alberto Brea

What would be wrong with using the same information for company as you 
have for individual (a company of one). Technically (even though they 
are the same physical being) they are two different logical entities in 
relationship to your system. If you define a customer as a business 
entity, company, with which you have some relationship then people need 
to impersonate companies in order to form that relationship. Individuals 
are distinguished by the fact that they are members of a company and you 
do not have direct business with them but rather with their parent entity, 
the company by way of the customer object. For the case of direct 
consumer purchases, the company and individual records would be 

Another option is to have customer become the supertype and you derive 
two subtypes company and individual. The qualification would be at the 
customer level of whether they are a current, future (contact), or past 
customer...  It's a change of perspective and focuses on the business 
relationship and the entities that share that relationship rather than the 
entities and what relationship you have with them.

Last idea: Expand your idea of company and individual so that they fit 
on the same table entity (or whatever works in your naming model. Then 
you could use an attribute on the table to distinguish between public and 
corporate customers.  I like this idea least as it muddles two distinct 
entities into one.

So my suggestions summed up:
a) Make individuals also their own companies
b) Modify your entity diagram so that both companies and individuals 
become subtypes of customer
c) Change your design so that companies and individuals are subtypes 
of a common entity. Create your customer relationships to that common 

I am sure there will be dozens of other suggestions coming in from others 
on the list...(hint hint!)

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

IGNORE: test only

2005-07-07 Thread Haisam K. Ido

IGNORE: test only since I did not get my last posting.

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: innodb crashes during heavy usage with exceeded memory error

2005-07-07 Thread Kasthuri Ilankamban


Maybe it's time to re-think your application architecture? A 200-meg
BLOB is quite large for a highly-concurrent system, considering that
MySQL will have to read/save it in its entirety _and_ allocate network
buffers for it, so essentially you're allocating _400_ megs or so  


Thanks a lot for all who responded. Yes, I'm fighting that battle  
with developers right now. Until I can convince developers to  
redesign their application, I'm working on ways to keep mysql from  
not crashing. I think our option is to move to 64 bit machine or  
store session data on local disk instead of in the database.

Thanks again.


(not to mention that many of your web sessions are sending 200 megs of
data around your network between your appserver(s) and your database,
which is a performance issue as well)


- --
Mark Matthews
MySQL AB, Software Development Manager - Connectivity
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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A problem with privileges

2005-07-07 Thread Kaplenko Vitalij

Hi everyone,

My environment:
- Linux 2.6.7-1.7asp #1 Thu Jul 15 17:36:07 YEKST 2004 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
- server version: 4.0.13

I wrote a script-SQL like this:

#Begin of script-SQL


mysql -h -u info blg TTT2

   CREATE TABLE $TMP_TABLE SELECT cur_date,cur_time,traffic FROM 


   SELECT cur_date,cur_time,count(*)
   WHERE user_name = '$USER_NAME'
   AND cur_date = '$DATA_BEGIN'
   AND cur_date  '$DATA_END'
   AND cur_time = '$TIME_BEGIN'
   AND cur_time = '$TIME_END'
   GROUP BY cur_date,cur_time;

   SELECT (count(*)*($PRICE)/60)


#End of script-SQL

When I grant privileges for user 'info' like this:
| Grants for 

'info'@'' |
'info'@'' |


The script-SQL, printed above, execute Ok.

When I grant privileges for user 'info' like this:
| Grants for 

'info'@''   |
'info'@'' |

When I tried to execute the script-SQL, I get error:
ERROR 1142 (0) at line 2: drop command denied to user: 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' for table 'acc_tmp'

Help me, pls.

Many thanks


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Another generalization hierarchy problem

2005-07-07 Thread abrea
Dear Shawn,
Thanks for your reply.
I find that individuals and companies each have attributes that 
are completely irrelevant to the other. E.g. individuals have sex 
and language (so e-mail can be sent to them as Dear Sir or Dear 
Madam in both English and Spanish). The only time they have 
information in common is when they are customers, where they have a 
tax id, billing address, sales, etc.

By company I mean any juridical entity (I didn't use the 
word entity in order not to confuse it with ERD entities). So 
a company can have many individuals and an individual can also 
have multiple companies (e.g. the firm he works for, a club, a 
professional association).

An individual can be of the subtype personal_relation 
or customer but for some persons both types overlap (e.g. a 
personal friend with whom I also do business).

I think that I cannot put 'customer' as the supertype because 
many 'individuals' and 'companies' are not customers (I wish they 
were :-)) so they wouldn't share the 'customer' attributes.

ATTEMPT: I thought of having an individual_customer and 
an company_customer as subtypes of individual and company, 
But in your experience, wouldn't it be a mess to have half of the 
customers in one entity and half in the other?

Best regards,
Alberto Brea

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Another generalization hierarchy problem

2005-07-07 Thread abrea
Dear Shawn,
Thanks for your reply.
I find that individuals and companies each have attributes that 
are completely irrelevant to the other. E.g. individuals have sex 
and language (so e-mail can be sent to them as Dear Sir or Dear 
Madam in both English and Spanish). The only time they have 
information in common is when they are customers, where they have a 
tax id, billing address, sales, etc.

By company I mean any juridical entity (I didn't use the 
word entity in order not to confuse it with ERD entities). So 
a company can have many individuals and an individual can also 
have multiple companies (e.g. the firm he works for, a club, a 
professional association).

An individual can be of the subtype personal_relation 
or customer but for some persons both types overlap (e.g. a 
personal friend with whom I also do business).

I think that I cannot put 'customer' as the supertype because 
many 'individuals' and 'companies' are not customers (I wish they 
were :-)) so they wouldn't share the 'customer' attributes.

ATTEMPT: I thought of having an individual_customer and 
an company_customer as subtypes of individual and company, 
But in your experience, wouldn't it be a mess to have half of the 
customers in one entity and half in the other?

Best regards,
Alberto Brea

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]


2005-07-07 Thread Daniel Gaddis

Can you help set me straight? 

I recently upgraded from coldfusion 5 to coldfusion mx 7. In the process
I also switched from odbc to jdbc connections to mysql

From looking at the query log, I'm now getting...


...once per connection

followed by...

- followed by one or more... 
^  followed by...
^   SET autocommit=1
- this pattern repeats until the final Quit for the connection.

I can include actual entries from the query log if you would like to see

MyISAM tables? I am not using transactions and InnoDB or BDB tables.
Since I am not using transactions is this statement irrelevant (and

I'm also a little surprised by the SET autocommit=1.  The manual says...

The other non-transactional storage engines in MySQL Server (such as
MyISAM) follow a different paradigm for data integrity called ``atomic
operations.'' In transactional terms, MyISAM tables effectively always
operate in AUTOCOMMIT=1 mode. Atomic operations often offer comparable
integrity with higher performance. 


By default, MySQL runs with autocommit mode enabled. This means that as
soon as you execute a statement that updates (modifies) a table, MySQL
stores the update on disk. 


Note that if you are not using transaction-safe tables, any changes are
stored at once, regardless of the status of autocommit mode.

So it would seem that the SET autocommit=1 commands being seen in the
query log are not needed. I checked and autocommit is enabled (not that
it would seem to matter since I'm using MyISAM tables)...

| @@autocommit |
|1 |

Am I right that neither 

SET autocommit=1

are appropriate/needed for MyISAM tables?

If that is true, then I guess my next step is to try and find out why
coldfusion mx 7 is issuing them to MySQL when using MyISAM tables.


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Connections and open files weirdness?

2005-07-07 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Your value 256 for open_files_limit is too low. Set it at least to

several thousands. See:


Martijn van den Burg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 I'm running out of resources even though I think I shouldn't.


 The open_files_limit=3D256, max_connections=3D246, and table_cache=3D64 a=


 I'm trying to actively create 'Too many open file errors' with this

 configuration, to be able to quantify the effect of raising the

 filesystem's ulimit, and the variables mentioned above.


 The first problem is this: I can only make 236 connections and not 246



 Further, with the 236 connections opened: as soon as I do the first

 table join (just two tables), I get the 'Too many open files' error.

 But... Open_files is only 5 and Open_tables is 1.


 So even though it appears that my resources aren't spent, I still have

 an unuseable system. Why?


 MySQL 4.1.10, Solaris 8, 1 GB RAM, key_buffer_size=3D264MB. Tables are

 flushed before I start making the connections.



 Thanks for your time.







 -- =0D

 The information contained in this communication and any attachments is co=

 nfidential and may be privileged, and is for the sole use of the intended=

 recipient(s). Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution i=

 s prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the se=

 nder immediately by replying to this message and destroy all copies of th=

 is message and any attachments. ASML is neither liable for the proper and=

 complete transmission of the information contained in this communication=

 , nor for any delay in its receipt.


For technical support contracts, goto https://order.mysql.com/?ref=ensita
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET http://www.ensita.net/
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
   ___/   www.mysql.com

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]


2005-07-07 Thread Mark Matthews
Hash: SHA1

Daniel Gaddis wrote:
 Can you help set me straight? 
 I recently upgraded from coldfusion 5 to coldfusion mx 7. In the process
 I also switched from odbc to jdbc connections to mysql
 From looking at the query log, I'm now getting...
 ...once per connection
 followed by...
 - followed by one or more... 
 ^  followed by...
 ^ SET autocommit=1
 - this pattern repeats until the final Quit for the connection.
 I can include actual entries from the query log if you would like to see
 MyISAM tables? I am not using transactions and InnoDB or BDB tables.
 Since I am not using transactions is this statement irrelevant (and
 I'm also a little surprised by the SET autocommit=1.  The manual says...
 The other non-transactional storage engines in MySQL Server (such as
 MyISAM) follow a different paradigm for data integrity called ``atomic
 operations.'' In transactional terms, MyISAM tables effectively always
 operate in AUTOCOMMIT=1 mode. Atomic operations often offer comparable
 integrity with higher performance. 
 By default, MySQL runs with autocommit mode enabled. This means that as
 soon as you execute a statement that updates (modifies) a table, MySQL
 stores the update on disk. 
 Note that if you are not using transaction-safe tables, any changes are
 stored at once, regardless of the status of autocommit mode.
 So it would seem that the SET autocommit=1 commands being seen in the
 query log are not needed. I checked and autocommit is enabled (not that
 it would seem to matter since I'm using MyISAM tables)...
 | @@autocommit |
 |1 |
 Am I right that neither 
   SET autocommit=1
 are appropriate/needed for MyISAM tables?
 If that is true, then I guess my next step is to try and find out why
 coldfusion mx 7 is issuing them to MySQL when using MyISAM tables.


All of those items are _required_ by the JDBC specification. Some of
them are being set by the JDBC driver when you create a new connection
(i.e. SET autocommit=1), others by your connection pool (most likely,
spec requires connections newly created or being taken from a pool to be
in a certain state).

Also, notice that unless your application is under _extreme_ load, none
of these SET queries will are likely to have an impact on the
performance of your application.

There's not an easy way to _not_ do them, as software built on top of
JDBC expects those values to be set correctly.

If you're using a newer version of our JDBC driver (3.1.x), you can
always add useLocalSessionState=true to avoid having to do _some_ of
these queries to the database. You'll also want to have your connection
pool hold on to connections for some short amount of time so there's a
potential for re-use, instead of creating a new connection every time.

The show variables query is used by the JDBC driver to configure
various internal things based on what version of MySQL the driver is
connected to, and how you've chosen to configure the server. It can't be
avoided. Once again, if you're using version 3.1.x of the driver, you
can put cacheServerConfiguration=true in your JDBC URL, and the values
from this query will be cached, however if you reconfigure your database
server, you'll need to restart your appserver to pick up the new values.


- --
Mark Matthews
MySQL AB, Software Development Manager - Connectivity
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Stored function problems (Was: UDF failure)

2005-07-07 Thread Nic Stevens

Still having difficulty with stored functions. I downloaded and installed 
MySQL 5.0.7 and
I *still* cannot get stored functions to work. 

I used the example for hello from section 19.2.1 of the online documentation 
for MySQL and the example code doesnt work for me either. 

Below are the versions from, respectively, the MySQL cli, the MySQL server 
and my Linux and following that is a transcript from the mysql cli trying to 
create the hello function. 

mysql Ver 14.11 Distrib 5.0.7-beta, for pc-linux-gnu (i686) using readline 
mysqld Ver 5.0.7-beta-standard for pc-linux-gnu on i686 (MySQL Community 
Edition - Standard (GPL)
Linux colinux 2.6.10-co-0.6.2 #5 Sat Feb 5 10:19:16 IST 2005 i686 i686 i386 

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 30 to server version: 5.0.7-beta-standard

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql DELIMITER //
- RETURN CONCAT('Hello, ',s,'!');
- //
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual 
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use 
near 'RETURN CONCAT('Hello, ',s,'!');
DELIMITER' at line 2


Re: Another generalization hierarchy problem

2005-07-07 Thread SGreen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/07/2005 01:57:33 PM:

 Dear Shawn,
 Thanks for your reply.
 I find that individuals and companies each have attributes that 
 are completely irrelevant to the other. E.g. individuals have sex 
 and language (so e-mail can be sent to them as Dear Sir or Dear 
 Madam in both English and Spanish). The only time they have 
 information in common is when they are customers, where they have a 
 tax id, billing address, sales, etc.
 By company I mean any juridical entity (I didn't use the 
 word entity in order not to confuse it with ERD entities). So 
 a company can have many individuals and an individual can also 
 have multiple companies (e.g. the firm he works for, a club, a 
 professional association).
 An individual can be of the subtype personal_relation 
 or customer but for some persons both types overlap (e.g. a 
 personal friend with whom I also do business).
 I think that I cannot put 'customer' as the supertype because 
 many 'individuals' and 'companies' are not customers (I wish they 
 were :-)) so they wouldn't share the 'customer' attributes.
 ATTEMPT: I thought of having an individual_customer and 
 an company_customer as subtypes of individual and company, 
 But in your experience, wouldn't it be a mess to have half of the 
 customers in one entity and half in the other?
 Best regards,
 Alberto Brea

Not really... You have your actual customer information in two places 
(individual and company) already. Creating two kinds of customer 
relationships actually makes some sense. Sure you have two customer tables 
but you can make them seem like one if you can create a view (v 5.0+) or 
use a merge table (MyISAM tables only) or use a UNION query (v4.0+)

Having them split into two tables will simplify certain queries (show me 
all corporate customers). You could also add additional customer relation 
information to the company_customer table so that you can keep more 
details about them than you do individual_customers (most businesses 
want to turn big customers into bigger customers. This extra information 
could assist with that)

Just so that we are on the same page...I think this is roughly where you 
are headed. All properties are merely ideas and not suggestions:

Customer - the purchaser of at least one Order of goods or 
Company - an organization composed of one or more Individuals
Individual - a person that may or may not be part of an Company
Customer_Company - the details of the business relationship 
between you and a Company that is also a Customer
Customer_Individual - the details of the business relationship 
between you and an Individual that is also a Customer
Order - The sale of one or more goods or services to a customer

--Property lists--
Customer: ID, date of first order, date of last order, # of orders placed, 
total value ordered
Company: ID, name, billing address, shipping address
Individual: ID, name(s), billing address, shipping address
Customer_Company (details about the relationship of a company AS a 
customer): ID, Customer_id, Company_id, Contact Histories (list), 
Customer_Individual (details about the relationship of an individual AS a 
customer): ID, Customer_id, Individual_id, Contact Histories(list), 

The Contact Histories (I couldn't think of a better term right off the top 
of my head) would be the records of correspondence (sales letters, 
billing, faxes, ...) and phone calls between you and your customers. I 
guess they should probably attach to the Company and Individual objects 
that way you can record pre-sales and post-departure contact information, 
too. However, I think you can see that I treat the relationship *itself* 
as an object that has a life of it's own.

So far, I really like your design.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: Stored function problems (Was: UDF failure)

2005-07-07 Thread Paul DuBois

At 11:41 -0700 7/7/05, Nic Stevens wrote:


Still having difficulty with stored functions. I downloaded and installed
MySQL 5.0.7 and
I *still* cannot get stored functions to work.

I used the example for hello from section 19.2.1 of the online documentation
for MySQL and the example code doesnt work for me either.

Below are the versions from, respectively, the MySQL cli, the MySQL server
and my Linux and following that is a transcript from the mysql cli trying to
create the hello function.

mysql Ver 14.11 Distrib 5.0.7-beta, for pc-linux-gnu (i686) using readline
mysqld Ver 5.0.7-beta-standard for pc-linux-gnu on i686 (MySQL Community
Edition - Standard (GPL)
Linux colinux 2.6.10-co-0.6.2 #5 Sat Feb 5 10:19:16 IST 2005 i686 i686 i386

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 30 to server version: 5.0.7-beta-standard

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql DELIMITER //
- RETURN CONCAT('Hello, ',s,'!');
- //

The example in the manual has the delimiter ; line following the //
line, not preceding it.

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near 'RETURN CONCAT('Hello, ',s,'!');
DELIMITER' at line 2


Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL AB, www.mysql.com

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Another generalization hierarchy problem

2005-07-07 Thread Peter Brawley


Persons and companies are distinctive entities, yes. Treating either as 
if it were a subspecies of the other leads one into absurdities. Either 
may be a customer, but neither need be. You haven't described the 
problem context. Conceivably one or the other could also be a 
contractor, a subcontractor, a supplier. Here's a common solution, one 
we've often used to a client's satisfaction.

Let a 'party' be any entity with which your firm does any sort of 
transaction--customers who buy something from you, contractors who do 
something for you, suppliers who sell you something, c. Thus you likely 
need a transaction_types table eg 'customer', 'contractor', 'supplier', 
'regulator' c).

So far, you recognise two party types, persons and companies, but others 
are easy to think of (government departments. NGOs c). A party has a 
row in a parties table: partyID (int auto_increment), a name (char(50) 
eg 'Buffo Blair', 'ABC Cleaners', 'Inland Revenue'), and a partytype 
attribute (char(10) eg 'person', 'company', 'govt dept'c) which refers 
to a partytypes lookup table (partytype char(10) PK).

Parties have addresses, possibly several of them, so an address table is 
the container for all address info including address type (eg 
'business', 'home', 'vacation', 'temporary place of incarceration' c). 
Every address row has a partyID value which points at a row in parties 
to indicate whose address it is.

Persons have their special attributes ('language', 'credit card number', 
c), so you have a persons table for all that including a partyID column 
pointing at a row in the parties table.

Likewise companies have their own special attributes, so you have a 
companies table for all that, again including a column for partyID and 
of course a column for personal contact (pointing at a persons row of 

Then a customer is merely a party that buys something, so the customers 
table has columns for customer-specific info plus a column which points 
at a parties row, where it finds the customer's name, type, c. When it 
comes time to write the app or web customer form, you hide the details 
of how to display and edit customer party info in a Customer View. 
Likewise for Address Views, Invoices and so on




Dear Shawn,
Thanks for your reply.
I find that individuals and companies each have attributes that 
are completely irrelevant to the other. E.g. individuals have sex 
and language (so e-mail can be sent to them as Dear Sir or Dear 
Madam in both English and Spanish). The only time they have 
information in common is when they are customers, where they have a 
tax id, billing address, sales, etc.

By company I mean any juridical entity (I didn't use the 
word entity in order not to confuse it with ERD entities). So 
a company can have many individuals and an individual can also 
have multiple companies (e.g. the firm he works for, a club, a 
professional association).

An individual can be of the subtype personal_relation 
or customer but for some persons both types overlap (e.g. a 
personal friend with whom I also do business).

I think that I cannot put 'customer' as the supertype because 
many 'individuals' and 'companies' are not customers (I wish they 
were :-)) so they wouldn't share the 'customer' attributes.

ATTEMPT: I thought of having an individual_customer and 
an company_customer as subtypes of individual and company, 
But in your experience, wouldn't it be a mess to have half of the 
customers in one entity and half in the other?

Best regards,
Alberto Brea


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Re: Stored function problems (Was: UDF failure)

2005-07-07 Thread Peter Brawley


At the end of the func, your sproc delimiter // needs to come before
restoration of the semi-colon as delimiter, thus:

RETURN CONCAT('Hello, ',s,'!');



Nic Stevens wrote:


Still having difficulty with stored functions. I downloaded and installed 
MySQL 5.0.7 and
I *still* cannot get stored functions to work. 

I used the example for hello from section 19.2.1 of the online documentation 
for MySQL and the example code doesnt work for me either. 

Below are the versions from, respectively, the MySQL cli, the MySQL server 
and my Linux and following that is a transcript from the mysql cli trying to 
create the hello function. 

mysql Ver 14.11 Distrib 5.0.7-beta, for pc-linux-gnu (i686) using readline 
mysqld Ver 5.0.7-beta-standard for pc-linux-gnu on i686 (MySQL Community 
Edition - Standard (GPL)
Linux colinux 2.6.10-co-0.6.2 #5 Sat Feb 5 10:19:16 IST 2005 i686 i686 i386 

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 30 to server version: 5.0.7-beta-standard

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql DELIMITER //
- RETURN CONCAT('Hello, ',s,'!');
- //
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual 
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use 
near 'RETURN CONCAT('Hello, ',s,'!');
DELIMITER' at line 2


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Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.10/43 - Release Date: 7/6/2005

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.10/43 - Release Date: 7/6/2005

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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2005-07-07 Thread Gana

select count(*) from store group by orederId.

For the above sql, I am not getting the count of unique order ids..


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RE: Count(*)

2005-07-07 Thread Jay Blanchard
select count(*) from store group by orederId.

For the above sql, I am not getting the count of unique order ids..

select orderID, count(*) from store group by orderID

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RE: Count(*)

2005-07-07 Thread Gordon Bruce
select count(distinct ordr_ID) from store 

-Original Message-
From: Gana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 3:01 PM
To: mysql@lists.mysql.com
Subject: Count(*)

select count(*) from store group by orederId.

For the above sql, I am not getting the count of unique order ids..


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MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Another generalization hierarchy problem

2005-07-07 Thread abrea
Thanks to all for you help and time.
After reading to replies, I think that perhaps a clean way of dealing 
with individual and company customers in a single table could be to 
leave them out of the parties tree altogether and relate them to 
the parties table without a generalization hierarchy, but one-to-
one from a customers table. For instance:

PARTIES Attr: id, type

Subtypes of Parties (complete and disjoint):
INDIVIDUALS Attr: id, firstname, lastname, sex, language
JURENTITIES Attr: id, name, type

Subtypes of Individuals (complete and overlapping):
PERSONAL Attr: id, birthday 
BUSINESS Attr: id, title, specialization

CUSTOMERS Attr: partyid (references parties), taxid, billingaddress

Subtypes of customers (complete and overlapping):
SUBSCRIBERS Attr: partyid (references parties), startdate, enddate
SERVICE1USERS Attr: partyid (references parties), xxx
SERVICE2USERS Attr: partyid (references parties), xxx

PHONES Attr: id, number, areacode (relates M-M with parties)
ADDRESSES Attr: id, street,etc (relates M-M with parties)
EMAILS Attr: id, email (relates M-M with parties)
URLS Attr: id, url (relates M-M with parties)
The three would need an associative table separating them from the 
parties table, with a composite key

Am I going wrong somewhere?


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Re: Another generalization hierarchy problem

2005-07-07 Thread abrea
Thanks to all for you help and time.
After reading to replies, I think that perhaps a clean way of dealing 
with individual and company customers in a single table could be to 
leave them out of the parties tree altogether and relate them to 
the parties table without a generalization hierarchy, but one-to-
one from a customers table. For instance:

PARTIES Attr: id, type

Subtypes of Parties (complete and disjoint):
INDIVIDUALS Attr: id, firstname, lastname, sex, language
JURENTITIES Attr: id, name, type

Subtypes of Individuals (complete and overlapping):
PERSONAL Attr: id, birthday 
BUSINESS Attr: id, title, specialization

CUSTOMERS Attr: partyid (references parties), taxid, billingaddress

Subtypes of customers (complete and overlapping):
SUBSCRIBERS Attr: partyid (references parties), startdate, enddate
SERVICE1USERS Attr: partyid (references parties), xxx
SERVICE2USERS Attr: partyid (references parties), xxx

PHONES Attr: id, number, areacode (relates M-M with parties)
ADDRESSES Attr: id, street,etc (relates M-M with parties)
EMAILS Attr: id, email (relates M-M with parties)
URLS Attr: id, url (relates M-M with parties)
The three would need an associative table separating them from the 
parties table, with a composite key

Am I going wrong somewhere?


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Re: telnet localhost 3306 Connection refused

2005-07-07 Thread l'[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Have you checked that the user failing to connect has the right privileges?
Check the user table of mysql database to see if that user has a select 
privilege in that table.


At 01:01 AM 7/7/2005, Daevid Vincent wrote:

What is causing me to have this problem in mysql  Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.24,
for pc-linux-gnu (i686). I am running shorewall, but that shouldn't affect
localhost should it? My firewall, web, and mySQL server are the same

# telnet localhost 3306
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

I've tried to comment, uncomment and change to * this 'bind-address' line in
# keep secure by default!
#bind-address= *
port= 3306

Of course, I can't connect from any of the other IP addresses that my mySQL
server is assigned either:

# telnet 3306
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

# telnet 3306
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

# ifconfig
eth1  Link encap:Ethernet
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

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For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Re: A problem with privileges

2005-07-07 Thread Gleb Paharenko

User with similar privileges successfully drops table on my MySQL 5.0.7:

mysql drop table acc_tmp;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql show grants for current_user;


| Grants for [EMAIL PROTECTED]



| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'info'@'localhost'


| GRANT SELECT ON `blg`.* TO 'info'@'localhost'



'info'@'localhost' |


3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql select database();


| database() |


| blg|


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Your 4.0.13 version is very old and could contain bugs. Check if problem

exists on the latest release (4.1.12 or if you unable to use 4.1 - on


Kaplenko Vitalij [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi everyone,


 My environment:

 - Linux 2.6.7-1.7asp #1 Thu Jul 15 17:36:07 YEKST 2004 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

 - server version: 4.0.13


 I wrote a script-SQL like this:


 #Begin of script-SQL












 mysql -h -u info blg TTT2



CREATE TABLE $TMP_TABLE SELECT cur_date,cur_time,traffic FROM 





SELECT cur_date,cur_time,count(*)


WHERE user_name = '$USER_NAME'

AND cur_date = '$DATA_BEGIN'

AND cur_date  '$DATA_END'

AND cur_time = '$TIME_BEGIN'

AND cur_time = '$TIME_END'

GROUP BY cur_date,cur_time;


SELECT (count(*)*($PRICE)/60)






 #End of script-SQL


 When I grant privileges for user 'info' like this:


 | Grants for 





 'info'@'' |


 'info'@'' |



 The script-SQL, printed above, execute Ok.


 When I grant privileges for user 'info' like this:


 | Grants for 






 | GRANT SELECT ON `blg`.* TO 

 'info'@''   |


 'info'@'' |


 When I tried to execute the script-SQL, I get error:

 ERROR 1142 (0) at line 2: drop command denied to user: 

 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' for table 'acc_tmp'


 Help me, pls.


 Many thanks




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database structure question...

2005-07-07 Thread bruce

i'm considering an app where i'm going to parse a lot of colleges (~1000)
faculty information. would it be better to have all the faculty information
in one large table or would it be better/faster to essentially place each
college in it's own separate table, and reference each table by a
college_ID, that's unique and assigned to each college, and maintained in a


i'm leaning towards the side that keeps each college information separate,
although this means that i essentially have to deal with 1000s of


MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: database structure question...

2005-07-07 Thread Daniel Kasak
bruce wrote:


i'm considering an app where i'm going to parse a lot of colleges (~1000)
faculty information. would it be better to have all the faculty information
in one large table or would it be better/faster to essentially place each
college in it's own separate table, and reference each table by a
college_ID, that's unique and assigned to each college, and maintained in a


i'm leaning towards the side that keeps each college information separate,
although this means that i essentially have to deal with 1000s of



You're *far* better off putting everything in one table and using a
field in the table, for example CollegeID, to identify which column
you're dealing with.

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989
website: http://www.nusconsulting.com.au

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: database structure question...

2005-07-07 Thread bruce
even though this might mean i get a table with 5 million records??? as
opposed to say a 1000 different tables, each with 50,000 records?


-Original Message-
From: Daniel Kasak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 5:34 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; mysql@lists.mysql.com
Subject: Re: database structure question...

bruce wrote:


i'm considering an app where i'm going to parse a lot of colleges (~1000)
faculty information. would it be better to have all the faculty information
in one large table or would it be better/faster to essentially place each
college in it's own separate table, and reference each table by a
college_ID, that's unique and assigned to each college, and maintained in a


i'm leaning towards the side that keeps each college information separate,
although this means that i essentially have to deal with 1000s of


You're *far* better off putting everything in one table and using a
field in the table, for example CollegeID, to identify which column
you're dealing with.

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989
website: http://www.nusconsulting.com.au

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: database structure question...

2005-07-07 Thread Devananda
I would strongly recommend creating one table, with a column that stores 
the college_ID for each faculty member, and a separate table to 
correlate college name and college_id. For example...

Create table faculty (
last_name varchar(50),
first_name varchar(50),
college_id int,
primary key (last_name, first_name),
key c_id (college_id)

Create table colleges (
college_name varchar(50),
college_id int,
primary key (college_id)

This sort of structure will allow you to easily and quickly retrieve all 
faculty for a given college (select last_name, first_name from faculty 
where college_id=$id). Also, if a faculty member were to be 
transferred to another college w/in your system, it is easy to update 
(update faculty set college_id=$new_college where last_name=Smith 
and first_name=John). Or, to find what college a given faculty member 
is at, (select college_id from faculty where last_name=Smith and 
first_name=John). Finding a faculty member from ~1,000 tables would be 
very, very painful, not to mention slow.

Another reason not to store each college in its own table is that on 
many file systems, there is a limit to the number of files allowed 
within one directory, regardless of how small the files are. I believe 
that on most linux's, it is in the tens of thousands. Not likely to be 
reached, but if your application grew to encompass tens of thousands of 
colleges, you would eventually run out of room. (See 
http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=122241 for an explanation.)

~ Devananda

bruce wrote:


i'm considering an app where i'm going to parse a lot of colleges (~1000)
faculty information. would it be better to have all the faculty information
in one large table or would it be better/faster to essentially place each
college in it's own separate table, and reference each table by a
college_ID, that's unique and assigned to each college, and maintained in a


i'm leaning towards the side that keeps each college information separate,
although this means that i essentially have to deal with 1000s of


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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RE: database structure question...

2005-07-07 Thread bruce
as of now.. i've heard that there might be a file limit.. but given that i'm
using linux, i doubt it.. and if there is a limiit.. i'm sure it's a kernel
option that i can tweek...

in my app, i'm not worried about profs transferring between schools... that
data's going to be ptreety static, and separate between schools.. but i
haven't heard anyone talk to the issue of timing, with regards to doing

although, i can imagine the kind of query that might stretch across multiple
tables (10) might get to be painful... on the other hand, if i have all the
information in a single table and need to make a change to the table, i'd
have to move around/modify/deal with a serious number of records, whereas,
if the college data is in separate tables, it would make changes alot

or, i could do a hybrid solution if performing actual queries makes sense..
i could have a 'temp' master collegeTBL that contains all the information,
and this table is comprised of the smaller separate collegeTBLS, and i could
simply make any changes to the smaller tbls, and rebuild the master table
from time to time...



-Original Message-
From: Devananda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 6:07 PM
Cc: mysql@lists.mysql.com
Subject: Re: database structure question...

I would strongly recommend creating one table, with a column that stores
the college_ID for each faculty member, and a separate table to
correlate college name and college_id. For example...

Create table faculty (
last_name varchar(50),
first_name varchar(50),
college_id int,
primary key (last_name, first_name),
key c_id (college_id)

Create table colleges (
college_name varchar(50),
college_id int,
primary key (college_id)

This sort of structure will allow you to easily and quickly retrieve all
faculty for a given college (select last_name, first_name from faculty
where college_id=$id). Also, if a faculty member were to be
transferred to another college w/in your system, it is easy to update
(update faculty set college_id=$new_college where last_name=Smith
and first_name=John). Or, to find what college a given faculty member
is at, (select college_id from faculty where last_name=Smith and
first_name=John). Finding a faculty member from ~1,000 tables would be
very, very painful, not to mention slow.

Another reason not to store each college in its own table is that on
many file systems, there is a limit to the number of files allowed
within one directory, regardless of how small the files are. I believe
that on most linux's, it is in the tens of thousands. Not likely to be
reached, but if your application grew to encompass tens of thousands of
colleges, you would eventually run out of room. (See
http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=122241 for an explanation.)

~ Devananda

bruce wrote:


 i'm considering an app where i'm going to parse a lot of colleges (~1000)
 faculty information. would it be better to have all the faculty
 in one large table or would it be better/faster to essentially place each
 college in it's own separate table, and reference each table by a
 college_ID, that's unique and assigned to each college, and maintained in


 i'm leaning towards the side that keeps each college information separate,
 although this means that i essentially have to deal with 1000s of



MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Re: database structure question...

2005-07-07 Thread Daniel Kasak
bruce wrote:

even though this might mean i get a table with 5 million records??? as
opposed to say a 1000 different tables, each with 50,000 records?


That's right.
Databases are made for this sort of thing.
If you have a separate table for each location, constructing queries to
pull data from a number of them at once will be an absolute nightmare,
not to mention what will happen if you have to modify the table structure.
For example, what do you do if you want to see all records that were
entered yesterday? You run 1000 separate queries! You can bet that this
will be slower than if everything was in 1 table.
Seriously, put everything in 1 table.

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989
website: http://www.nusconsulting.com.au

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Re: database structure question...

2005-07-07 Thread Mir Islam
You have not said what type of information you will be storing in this
database. Is it going to be just faculty information? Even if it is
just faculty information, you do realize that each school treats
departments a bit dfferently. The faculyt maybe under different
school, may specialize in certain field(s). What about all those data?
Or are you going strictly for First, Last, College type simple

On 7/7/05, Daniel Kasak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 bruce wrote:
 even though this might mean i get a table with 5 million records??? as
 opposed to say a 1000 different tables, each with 50,000 records?
 That's right.
 Databases are made for this sort of thing.
 If you have a separate table for each location, constructing queries to
 pull data from a number of them at once will be an absolute nightmare,
 not to mention what will happen if you have to modify the table structure.
 For example, what do you do if you want to see all records that were
 entered yesterday? You run 1000 separate queries! You can bet that this
 will be slower than if everything was in 1 table.
 Seriously, put everything in 1 table.
 Daniel Kasak
 IT Developer
 NUS Consulting Group
 Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
 North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
 T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989
 website: http://www.nusconsulting.com.au
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Issue with AS and sub queries

2005-07-07 Thread Dan Rossi
Hi there somehow my AS field alias of a sub query is adding a dot at 
the start therefore I cant use it in my application.

(SELECT SUM(feed_usage.bandwidth) AS bandwidth FROM feed_usage WHERE 
customerID IN (57) AND 
DATE_FORMAT(feed_usage.stats_date,'%m%Y')=DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%m%Y') ) 
AS total_bandwidth ,

comes up as .total_bandwidth in my resultset any ideas ?

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RE: Prepared grant statement?

2005-07-07 Thread Sujay Koduri
Yes even I have problems working with stored procs without prepared
statements support.
It would be great if someone from MySQL team can tell if they have plans to
include prepared statements in stored procs in the production release of

-Original Message-
From: Adolfo Bello [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 4:28 PM
To: Mysql Lists
Subject: Prepared grant statement?

Hi list:

I don't know if this the right forum to ask the following questions:

Will MySQL production version 5.0 support grant in prepared statements?

The yet part is encouraging in ERROR 1295 (HY000) at line 17: This
command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet

Will prepared statements in stored procedures be supported? (I read that it
is disabled right now)



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