UNIX timestamp with microseconds

2005-11-16 Thread Ryan Escarez
is possible to get UNIX timestamp with microseconds

when i try the following it just give 10 digits

mysqlSELECT unix_timestamp('20051114095641'+ INTERVAL 0 HOUR) as ts;

output :

1131933401 --- 10 digits

any tips?


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Complex select across multiple tables

2005-11-16 Thread Scott Haneda
Some of these tables are rather large, I would put the schema in there, but
I think it just adds to the mess.

`users` field id is auto inc pk
`orders` field id is auto inc pk
`products` field id is auto inc pk

`order_items` field order_id is the key for hooking up order_items to
orders, also, in `order_items` I store order_id which comes from the users
table.  I also have product_id which is how the product is related to an
order item.

Some of the products can be marked as instock or out of stock, with
products.ship_status = 1 or 0

What I need, is a select, that grabs all order records, joined on the
order_items for that order, where the products.ship_status is = 1.  If ANY
of the products do not have a ship_status of 1, it should not be include in
the results.

I also need to further limit this based on a date field in the orders table,
which can be a date in the future, or NULL, it is called delayed_ship_date.
So the limit is WHERE delayed_ship_date is within 13 days of NOW() OR where
delayed_ship_date is null.

Finally, only where the order status is either 'pre-order' or 'delayed'

To better explain, we have orders in a system, each order can have many
order items.  However, each of the order items may or may not be in stock.
I only want to see orders that can be fulfilled.  I further want to only see
orders where the delayed_ship_date is within 13 days of today, or where it
is NULL, in which case, it means the user wants the stuff as soon as

I know it is a little strange, we are dealing with perishables, so random
shipping dates do not always apply.  I seem to be able to get this to sort
of work, but I end up getting back thousands of records where I want just
one for the order, not one for each and ever order item.

Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602
http://www.newgeo.com Novato, CA U.S.A.

MySQL General Mailing List
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2005-11-16 Thread Ryan Escarez
is it possible to get the the given (unix)timestamp in milliseconds
since the epoch?


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Re: timestamp

2005-11-16 Thread Petr Chardin
Hi Ryan,

On Wed, 2005-11-16 at 19:16 +0800, Ryan Escarez wrote:
 is it possible to get the the given (unix)timestamp in milliseconds
 since the epoch?

No, it is not possible.  However this is on the roadmap.
This is also reported as Bug #8523:


Petr Chardin, Software Developer
MySQL AB, www.mysql.com

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from bad into worse

2005-11-16 Thread schlubediwup

Hi listers,

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ rpm -qa |grep -i mysql

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ uname -a
Linux myhost 2.6.5-7.108-default #1 Wed Aug 25 13:34:40 UTC 2004 i686 
i686 i386 GNU/Linux


on 12.feb.2005 i reported a problem with the privilege system of mysql. 
The workaround i had found at that time was the command

flush privileges;


this morning, with the newest version of mysql before version 5, i again 
did changes in the privilege domain of mysql,  using commands of the type


for which, according to the doc, no terminating

flush privileges;

should be necessary.


But, alas, clients complained that they got the following error when 
trying to connect to their database:

MySQL Error Number: 1130: Host 'myhost.mydomain.com' is not allowed to 
connect to this MySQL server

which, from the shell client, looks like:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ mysql -h myhost -u myuser -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1130 (0): #HY000Host 'myhost.mydomain.com' is not allowed to 
connect to this MySQL server


i then did the

flush privileges;

and everything again workes fine.


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Re: How to use sysmbol link to link to a database

2005-11-16 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Have a look here:


I am new to Mysql, and we are using Mysql as the backend database in out

data server, and I wonder if how I create a symbol link under the Mysql


directory to link to a database under another directory so that we can


disk space.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Chris Guo wrote:

For technical support contracts, goto https://order.mysql.com/?ref=ensita
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET http://www.ensita.net/
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
   ___/   www.mysql.com

MySQL General Mailing List
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Upgrade from MySQL 3.23.x to MySQL 4.1.x [InnoDB question]

2005-11-16 Thread Cedric Gavage

Hi all,

A little question...

Can I upgrade directly a server with MySQL 3.23.x version which has some
MyISAM databases (no problem with it) and some InnoDB databases towards
MySQL 4.1.x? Or have I to do a dump and restore instead of re-use databases?


 Cedric Gavage - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - OpenPGP: 0xED325C64

MySQL General Mailing List
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Can't connect to MySQL v5.0.15 on 'Windows XP

2005-11-16 Thread cnelson
I've just installed MySQL v5.0.15 on my 'Windows XP system and most ways
I want to connect to it fail. I don't see what I'm doing wrong. I've
searched the manual, the web, and the forums without seeing anything
that clearly addressed my problem. Help, please!

If I navigate through Programs / MySQL / MySQL Server v5.0 / MySQL
Command Line Client, I'm prompted for a password and when I enter the
password, I am connected and can work fine.

If I try to run mysqlshow, I see:

  C:\Documents and Settings\Chrismysqlshow sql
  mysqlshow: Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

If I run the command interpreter (cmd) and type mysql -uroot -pmypwd,
it works now but I swear it didn't 10 minutes ago. Arg.

My real problem is that I've used MySQLKeeper with MySQL v4 and have
backups created with it that I want to restore into MySQL v5.0 and when
I try to connect with MySQLKeeper, I get:

  Result: Connection error

Now, it may be that MySQL Keeper is trying to connect via ODBC and
that's why it's failing but I didn't think that's how it connected, it's
an MySQL-specific tool, why would it use ODBC? And shouldn't mysqlshow
work out of the box? How could I have installed MySQL to screw up

Thanks for any pointers.


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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MySQL Innodb Crash on 2 concurrent select

2005-11-16 Thread Ady Wicaksono

I have MySQL with about 12 billion rows
when i try to create 2 process, each select count(*) on the same 
table after a long time about 30 minutes

it crashed :(

ANy information?

Log file :

051116 20:27:22InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 2366216768 in file 
srv0srv.c line 1873

InnoDB: We intentionally generate a memory trap.
InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug report to http://bugs.mysql.com.
InnoDB: If you get repeated assertion failures or crashes, even
InnoDB: immediately after the mysqld startup, there may be
InnoDB: corruption in the InnoDB tablespace. Please refer to
InnoDB: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Forcing_recovery.html
InnoDB: about forcing recovery.
mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help 
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely 

and this may fail.

It is possible that mysqld could use up to
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections 
= 1782208 K

bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
Cannot determine thread, fp=0x8d0992ec, backtrace may not be correct.
Stack range sanity check OK, backtrace follows:
New value of fp=(nil) failed sanity check, terminating stack trace!
Please read http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Using_stack_trace.html and 
follow instructions on how to resolve the stack trac

e. Resolved
stack trace is much more helpful in diagnosing the problem, so please do
resolve it
The manual page at http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Crashing.html contains
information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.

Number of processes running now: 0
051116 20:27:23  mysqld restarted
InnoDB: ##
InnoDB: The log sequence number in ibdata files is higher
InnoDB: than the log sequence number in the ib_logfiles! Are you sure
InnoDB: you are using the right ib_logfiles to start up the database?
InnoDB: Log sequence number in ib_logfiles is 33 1628260918, log
InnoDB: sequence numbers stamped to ibdata file headers are between
InnoDB: 0 0 and 192 460914688.
InnoDB: ##
051116 20:27:24  InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally!
InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.
InnoDB: Reading tablespace information from the .ibd files...
InnoDB: Restoring possible half-written data pages from the doublewrite
InnoDB: buffer...
051116 20:27:24  InnoDB: Starting log scan based on checkpoint at
InnoDB: log sequence number 33 1628260918.
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 33 1628260918
051116 20:27:24  InnoDB: Flushing modified pages from the buffer pool...
051116 20:27:24  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 33 1628260918
/usr/sbin/mysqld-max: ready for connections.
Version: '4.1.9-Max'  socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'  port: 3306  
Official MySQL RPM

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Re: Database IDs

2005-11-16 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Really, in my opinion, it contradicts with the manual. Please, send me

the bug id in case you'll report the bug.

Björn Persson wrote:

 Gleb Paharenko:


Could you provide a repeatable test case for you problem?



 I don't know how repeatable this is. As I said I have one computer where it=


 seems to work sometimes, as if there's a race condition. Right now it seems=


 repeatable on the computer I'm using at the moment:



 mysql select version();


 | version() |


 | 4.1.14|


 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


 mysql create table parent (

 -   ID int unsigned not null auto_increment,

 -   value varchar(50),

 -   primary key (ID)

 - );

 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)


 mysql create table child (

 -   ID int unsigned not null auto_increment,

 -   parent_ID int unsigned not null,

 -   value varchar(50),

 -   primary key (ID)

 - );

 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


 mysql insert into parent (value) values ('a');

 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)


 mysql insert into child (parent_ID, value) values

 - (last_insert_ID(), 'b1'), (last_insert_ID(), 'b2'),

 - (last_insert_ID(), 'b3');

 Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)

 Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0


 mysql insert into parent (value) values ('c');

 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)


 mysql insert into child (parent_ID, value) values

 - (last_insert_ID(), 'd1'), (last_insert_ID(), 'd2'),

 - (last_insert_ID(), 'd3');

 Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)

 Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0


 mysql select * from child;


 | ID | parent_ID | value |


 |  1 | 1 | b1|

 |  2 | 1 | b2|

 |  3 | 2 | b3|

 |  4 | 2 | d1|

 |  5 | 4 | d2|

 |  6 | 5 | d3|


 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)



 Note how child rows 1 and 4 have the IDs of their respective parent row in =


 parent_ID field, but child rows 3, 5 and 6 have the ID of the preceding chi=


 row instead. (For row 2 we can't tell the difference.)


 Here's the SQL code for easy copying:



 use test;


 create table parent (

   ID int unsigned not null auto_increment,

   value varchar(50),

   primary key (ID)



 create table child (

   ID int unsigned not null auto_increment,

   parent_ID int unsigned not null,

   value varchar(50),

   primary key (ID)



 insert into parent (value) values ('a');


 insert into child (parent_ID, value) values=20

 (last_insert_ID(), 'b1'), (last_insert_ID(), 'b2'),

 (last_insert_ID(), 'b3');


 insert into parent (value) values ('c');


 insert into child (parent_ID, value) values=20

 (last_insert_ID(), 'd1'), (last_insert_ID(), 'd2'),

 (last_insert_ID(), 'd3');


 select * from child;



 Bj=F6rn Persson


For technical support contracts, goto https://order.mysql.com/?ref=ensita
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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
   ___/   www.mysql.com

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Re: How to reload my.cnf?

2005-11-16 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Why are you afraid of shutting down the server for a while?

Is it so critical? If yes, send more detailed description of your

situation. Replication shouldn't break. From:


It is safe to shut down a master server and restart it later.

Tedy Aulia wrote:

 Hi Gleb,


 Thanks for your reply.


 I am using MySQL 3.23.33.


 The ones that I will need to add in my.cnf are the syncronisation

 parameters as follow:









 Database XYZ was in synch for the past 12 months, I have found database

 is not in synch anymore as the parameters I mentioned above are missing

 in my.cnf. I want to put back those parameters but I can't afford to

 restart the server as MySQL server is also used by other database which

 is currently in synch and runs happily.











 You can change some variables without restarting the server. See:



 Tedy Aulia wrote:


 Hi All,

 I will need to change my.cnf in master machine, but I can't afford to

 restart MySQL server as the server has been used for heavy traffic


 Can anyone tell me how to do it?


 *Tedy Aulia*



For technical support contracts, goto https://order.mysql.com/?ref=ensita
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET http://www.ensita.net/
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
   ___/   www.mysql.com

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Re: UNIX timestamp with microseconds

2005-11-16 Thread Gleb Paharenko

According to the manual Unix timestamp (seconds since '1970-01-01

00:00:00', so, in my opinion UNIX_TIMESTAMP is not designed for

obtaining microseconds. Have a look here, if you haven't done this



Ryan Escarez wrote:

 is possible to get UNIX timestamp with microseconds


 when i try the following it just give 10 digits


 mysqlSELECT unix_timestamp('20051114095641'+ INTERVAL 0 HOUR) as ts;


 output :


 1131933401 --- 10 digits


 any tips?




For technical support contracts, goto https://order.mysql.com/?ref=ensita
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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
   ___/   www.mysql.com

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Upgrade from MySQL 3.23.x to MySQL 4.1.x [InnoDB question]

2005-11-16 Thread Gleb Paharenko

MySQL AB recommends a gradual upgrade. See:



Cedric Gavage wrote:

 Hi all,


 A little question...


 Can I upgrade directly a server with MySQL 3.23.x version which has some

 MyISAM databases (no problem with it) and some InnoDB databases towards

 MySQL 4.1.x? Or have I to do a dump and restore instead of re-use





For technical support contracts, goto https://order.mysql.com/?ref=ensita
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET http://www.ensita.net/
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
   ___/   www.mysql.com

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Re: Complex select across multiple tables

2005-11-16 Thread SGreen
Scott Haneda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/16/2005 05:44:05 AM:

 Some of these tables are rather large, I would put the schema in there, 
 I think it just adds to the mess.
 `users` field id is auto inc pk
 `orders` field id is auto inc pk
 `products` field id is auto inc pk
 `order_items` field order_id is the key for hooking up order_items to
 orders, also, in `order_items` I store order_id which comes from the 
 table.  I also have product_id which is how the product is related to an
 order item.
 Some of the products can be marked as instock or out of stock, with
 products.ship_status = 1 or 0
 What I need, is a select, that grabs all order records, joined on the
 order_items for that order, where the products.ship_status is = 1.  If 
 of the products do not have a ship_status of 1, it should not be include 
 the results.
 I also need to further limit this based on a date field in the orders 
 which can be a date in the future, or NULL, it is called 
 So the limit is WHERE delayed_ship_date is within 13 days of NOW() OR 
 delayed_ship_date is null.
 Finally, only where the order status is either 'pre-order' or 'delayed'
 To better explain, we have orders in a system, each order can have many
 order items.  However, each of the order items may or may not be in 
 I only want to see orders that can be fulfilled.  I further want to only 
 orders where the delayed_ship_date is within 13 days of today, or where 
 is NULL, in which case, it means the user wants the stuff as soon as
 I know it is a little strange, we are dealing with perishables, so 
 shipping dates do not always apply.  I seem to be able to get this to 
 of work, but I end up getting back thousands of records where I want 
 one for the order, not one for each and ever order item.
 Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602
 http://www.newgeo.com Novato, CA U.S.A.

## First, let's identify which products have a ship_status=1

FROM products p
WHERE ship_status=1;

## Now let's make a list of all orders that meet your date criteria and 
shipping status

FROM orders
WHERE delayed_ship_date  = NOW() + INTERVAL 13 DAY
AND status IN ('pre-order','delayed')
FROM orders
WHERE delayed_ship_date is NULL
AND status IN ('pre-order','delayed')

## Let's combine those tables with order_items to single out only those 
orders that 
## not only meet your order status and date criteria but also have 
## whose ship_status=1.

FROM tmpOrders ord
INNER JOIN order_items oi
on oi.order_id = ord.id
INNER JOIN tmpProducts tp
on tp.id = oi.product_id;

## now you have a list of all of the backorders that should be shipped 
ASAP or within 13 days
## You can use that list to get all of the information for each order back 
from the 
## `orders` table

FROM orders o
inner join tmpBackorders b
on b.id = o.id
order by o.delayed_ship_date;

## Last thing: the database is not your mommy. Clean up before you leave 
the session

DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmpBackorders, tmpOrders, tmpProducts;

Make sense?  I split it up this way for speed. To do this all in one 
complex statement _IS_ possible (I know I can write a single statement to 
return the same results) but you didn't sound like you had an hour to wait 
on that query to finish. The extra time it would have taken to process the 
single-statement version  has to do with how many JOINs were going to be 
used and how much of your existing data you would wind up throwing out 
anyway. By pre-limiting ourselves to selected subsets of your data, we 
drastically minimize the number of comparisons necessary to compute 
tmpBackorders thus reducing how long it takes to give you the desired 
information from the orders table. 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: MySQL Innodb Crash on 2 concurrent select

2005-11-16 Thread Ady Wicaksono

Dear All

It happens after these condition

InnoDB: ## Diagnostic info printed to the standard error stream
InnoDB: Warning: a long semaphore wait:
--Thread 1103972416 has waited at ../include/btr0btr.ic line 28 for 
369.00 seconds the semaphore:

S-lock on RW-latch at 0x88cdd6b8 created in file buf0buf.c line 469
a writer (thread id 1105434432) has reserved it in mode  exclusive
number of readers 0, waiters flag 1
Last time read locked in file buf0flu.c line 562
Last time write locked in file buf0buf.c line 1674
InnoDB: ## Starts InnoDB Monitor for 30 secs to print diagnostic info:
InnoDB: Pending preads 0, pwrites 0

Ady Wicaksono wrote:

I have MySQL with about 12 billion rows
when i try to create 2 process, each select count(*) on the same 
table after a long time about 30 minutes

it crashed :(

ANy information?

Log file :

051116 20:27:22InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 2366216768 in file 
srv0srv.c line 1873

InnoDB: We intentionally generate a memory trap.
InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug report to http://bugs.mysql.com.
InnoDB: If you get repeated assertion failures or crashes, even
InnoDB: immediately after the mysqld startup, there may be
InnoDB: corruption in the InnoDB tablespace. Please refer to
InnoDB: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Forcing_recovery.html
InnoDB: about forcing recovery.
mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly 
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning 
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help 
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is 
definitely wrong

and this may fail.

It is possible that mysqld could use up to
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + 
sort_buffer_size)*max_connections = 1782208 K

bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
Cannot determine thread, fp=0x8d0992ec, backtrace may not be correct.
Stack range sanity check OK, backtrace follows:
New value of fp=(nil) failed sanity check, terminating stack trace!
Please read http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Using_stack_trace.html 
and follow instructions on how to resolve the stack trac

e. Resolved
stack trace is much more helpful in diagnosing the problem, so please do
resolve it
The manual page at http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Crashing.html contains
information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.

Number of processes running now: 0
051116 20:27:23  mysqld restarted
InnoDB: ##
InnoDB: The log sequence number in ibdata files is higher
InnoDB: than the log sequence number in the ib_logfiles! Are you sure
InnoDB: you are using the right ib_logfiles to start up the database?
InnoDB: Log sequence number in ib_logfiles is 33 1628260918, log
InnoDB: sequence numbers stamped to ibdata file headers are between
InnoDB: 0 0 and 192 460914688.
InnoDB: ##
051116 20:27:24  InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally!
InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.
InnoDB: Reading tablespace information from the .ibd files...
InnoDB: Restoring possible half-written data pages from the doublewrite
InnoDB: buffer...
051116 20:27:24  InnoDB: Starting log scan based on checkpoint at
InnoDB: log sequence number 33 1628260918.
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 33 1628260918
051116 20:27:24  InnoDB: Flushing modified pages from the buffer pool...
051116 20:27:24  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 33 1628260918
/usr/sbin/mysqld-max: ready for connections.
Version: '4.1.9-Max'  socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'  port: 3306  
Official MySQL RPM

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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RE: Remove all non-alpha characters?

2005-11-16 Thread Fan, Wellington

Thanks; using REPLACE(), as I understand it, would require me to list ALL
non-alpha characters, and assuming just ASCII characters, approx (127 - 52)
nested calls to REPLACE()...



 -Original Message-
 From: Gleb Paharenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 You should think about using REPLACE function. See:

 Fan, Wellington wrote:
  Hello List-people ,
  I am looking to remove all non-alphanumeric characters from 
 a column:

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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mysqld doesn't starts with Fatal Error

2005-11-16 Thread Jörg Nowak

Hello list,

I compiled I special mysql-5-1-2 with the following configuration:

./configure --with-ndbcluster 
--prefix=/mycomputer/mysql-5.1.2-binary --with-partition 
--with-row-based-replication --without-innodb --without-berkeley-db 
--enable-thread-safe-client --enable-shared

Afterwards I configured a cluster and it works fine.

But starting mysqld:

 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld --user=root --log-bin=udo-bin


051116 16:27:54 [Note] Starting Cluster Binlog
051116 16:27:54 [ERROR] Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: 
Table 'mysql.host' doesn't exist

Any suggestions, ideas how to solve that ?


Jörg Nowak

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Recall: What does MIN_ROWS table option do?

2005-11-16 Thread David Lombardi
David Lombardi would like to recall the message, What does MIN_ROWS table 
option do?.

Re: Grant confusion

2005-11-16 Thread Tripp Bishop

Thanks for the detailed response.

First off, it's a network connection, but I forgot to
show the -h in my example. Sorry for the lack of
clarity there.

The error message that I'm getting is:

ERROR 1045: Access denied for user
'myuser'@'host.mydomain.com' (using password: YES)

So then, I go and check the grants using SHOW GRANT

There is no such grant defined for user 'myuser' on
host '%.mydomain.com'

OK, so there are no grants so that's why access is
denied. Then I try to re-enter the grant:

grant all on my_db.* to 'myuser'@'%.mydomain.com'
identified by 'foobar';

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

same password, user, and domain as before (just in
case they're not the same in the examples I've given).

If I run SHOW GRANTS again I get the same error as
above?!? What am I doing wrong? I issuing these
commands as root.

Thanks again,


--- Michael Stassen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Tripp Bishop wrote:
  Simple question:
  I'd like to create a user that has all privileges
  just one database on the server.
  When I try the following:
  grant all privileges on my_db.* to
  identified by 'foobar';
  the statement runs fine.
 You can verify it worked with
SHOW GRANTS FOR 'myuser'@'%.mydomain.com';
 If you need to follow up, show us that output.
  If I think try to connect to the server through
  mysql client like this:
  mysql -u myuser -pfoobar my_db
 No -h, so this is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  That's fine,
 but could be important.
 Mysql users are [EMAIL PROTECTED], with hoost being primary.
  When you try to connect, 
 mysql searches the user table for the *best* match
 of [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Best match 
 means most specific, with host taking precedence
 over user.  When trying to 
 connect as [EMAIL PROTECTED], then, here are some
 possible users which would match:
 (A blank username, '', is the anonymous user.)  I've
 arranged those in 
 descending order of specificity, so the first one
 which exists will be the one 
 used.  One possibility, then, is that you have
 another [EMAIL PROTECTED] definition 
 which is taking precedence over the one you defined.
  I get access denied...
 What is the exact error message?
  So then if I do this:
  grant all privileges on *.* to
  identified by 'foobar';
  I can connect no problem. What am I doing wrong? I
  definitely don't want this user to have privileges
  other databases but I also want the user to be
 Adding privileges to other dbs shouldn't fix the
 problem.  Another possibility, 
 then, is a typo in the first definition.  Now that
 you can get in, try
 to verify your actual, rather than intended,
 See the manual for all the details 

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Problem of VB with MySQL

2005-11-16 Thread vishal
i am sending the files.

all details are in the source code
what you have to do is to create a database name test2 and have to set the
password of the server.

the code will automatically create a table name test2 with two double fields
and it will reture the error while adding the record through recordset and
after adding a text field it will work and another error is that it doesn't
updates the record which filters with where condition.

please take a stress to see the code and pls solve me the problem as early
as possible.

From Vishal Panchamia

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Re: Problem of VB with MySQL

2005-11-16 Thread JamesDR

vishal wrote:

i am sending the files.

all details are in the source code
what you have to do is to create a database name test2 and have to set the
password of the server.

the code will automatically create a table name test2 with two double fields
and it will reture the error while adding the record through recordset and
after adding a text field it will work and another error is that it doesn't
updates the record which filters with where condition.

please take a stress to see the code and pls solve me the problem as early
as possible.

From Vishal Panchamia

The code didn't come through. If you could, post it on a website.
How are you connecting? What does your connecting string look like? If 
you are using a DSN, what are parameters? I moved away from a pure ADO 
way of doing things to directly passing the SQL statements using the 
ADODB.Connection.Execute parameter (you will need to sanitize the inputs 
from users, as not to cause SQL injection attacks.)


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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RE: Database IDs

2005-11-16 Thread Björn Persson
Logan, David (SST - Adelaide):
 It looks like the LAST_INSERT_ID() is returning the id of the last
 auto_increment INSERT, this seems to be in line with the documentation.


 The ID that was generated is maintained in the server on a per-connection
 basis. This means that the value which the function returns to a given
 client is the first AUTO_INCREMENT value generated for most recent
 statement affecting an AUTO_INCREMENT column by that client.


It all depends on what [the] most recent statement means – or the last 
INSERT or UPDATE query in the part Gleb quoted. When I do this:

insert into child (parent_ID, value) values (last_insert_ID(), 'b1'), 
(last_insert_ID(), 'b2'), (last_insert_ID(), 'b3');

is that one statement, or three? I think all of it, from insert to the 
semicolon, is a single statement. Do you mean that (last_insert_ID(), 'b2') 
is a statement on its own?

Björn Persson

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Database IDs

2005-11-16 Thread Logan, David (SST - Adelaide)
Morning Bjorn,

I would have throught the insert would translate as three separate inserts to 
the internals of MySQL. As this is really a convenient shorthand to allow us to 
bunch up a lot of inserts.


David Logan
Database Administrator
HP Managed Services
148 Frome Street,
Adelaide 5000

+61 8 8408 4273 - Work
+61 417 268 665 - Mobile
+61 8 8408 4259 - Fax

-Original Message-
From: Björn Persson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 17 November 2005 4:42 AM
To: mysql@lists.mysql.com
Subject: RE: Database IDs

Logan, David (SST - Adelaide):
 It looks like the LAST_INSERT_ID() is returning the id of the last
 auto_increment INSERT, this seems to be in line with the documentation.


 The ID that was generated is maintained in the server on a per-connection
 basis. This means that the value which the function returns to a given
 client is the first AUTO_INCREMENT value generated for most recent
 statement affecting an AUTO_INCREMENT column by that client.


It all depends on what [the] most recent statement means - or the last 
INSERT or UPDATE query in the part Gleb quoted. When I do this:

insert into child (parent_ID, value) values (last_insert_ID(), 'b1'), 
(last_insert_ID(), 'b2'), (last_insert_ID(), 'b3');

is that one statement, or three? I think all of it, from insert to the 
semicolon, is a single statement. Do you mean that (last_insert_ID(), 'b2') 
is a statement on its own?

Björn Persson

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

MySQL Administrator crash on Mac OS X

2005-11-16 Thread Yves Goergen
I just downloaded MySQL Administrator 1.1.0 for Mac OS X. When I run it,
I can see the connection dialogue, when I click to connect, it crashes.
MySQL Query Browser, also latest version, just installed, too, works
perfectly with the same (and only) connection. Crash report from OS X is

Yves Goergen LonelyPixel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Does the movement of the trees make the wind blow?
http://newsboard.unclassified.de - Unclassified NewsBoard Forum
Date/Time:  2005-11-16 21:38:10.722 +0100
OS Version: 10.4.3 (Build 8F46)
Report Version: 3

Command: MySQL Administrator
Path:/Applications/MySQL Administrator.app/Contents/MacOS/MySQL 
Parent:  WindowServer [67]

Version: ??? (1.1.0)

Thread: 0

Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:  KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libSystem.B.dylib   0x90003008 strlen + 8
1   libSystem.B.dylib   0x9001fac0 sscanf + 88
2   com.mysql.MySQLToolsCommon  0x100354e0 myx_get_mysql_version + 96
3   com.mysql.MySQLToolsCommon  0x100355b4 myx_get_mysql_major_version + 24
4   com.mysql.MySQLToolsCommon  0x10001e50 -[MConnectionPanel(Private) 
connectionFinished:] + 216
5   com.apple.Foundation0x928e8f00 __NSFireMainThreadPerform + 276
6   com.apple.CoreFoundation0x9078df20 __CFRunLoopPerformPerform + 104
7   com.apple.CoreFoundation0x9075da5c __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 384
8   com.apple.CoreFoundation0x9075cf8c __CFRunLoopRun + 452
9   com.apple.CoreFoundation0x9075ca0c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 268
10  com.apple.HIToolbox 0x931831e0 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 264
11  com.apple.HIToolbox 0x931827ec ReceiveNextEventCommon + 244
12  com.apple.HIToolbox 0x931826e0 
BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 96
13  com.apple.AppKit0x93680904 _DPSNextEvent + 384
14  com.apple.AppKit0x936805c8 -[NSApplication 
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 116
15  com.apple.AppKit0x937213d8 -[NSButtonCell performClick:] + 668
16  com.apple.AppKit0x93720b38 -[NSButton performKeyEquivalent:] + 
17  com.apple.AppKit0x9372093c -[NSView performKeyEquivalent:] + 140
18  com.apple.AppKit0x9372089c -[NSWindow performKeyEquivalent:] + 
19  com.apple.AppKit0x9375f4b0 -[NSTextField textDidEndEditing:] + 
20  com.apple.Foundation0x928db018 _nsnote_callback + 180
21  com.apple.CoreFoundation0x907844b8 __CFXNotificationPost + 368
22  com.apple.CoreFoundation0x9077c594 _CFXNotificationPostNotification + 
23  com.apple.Foundation0x928c5420 -[NSNotificationCenter 
postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 92
24  com.apple.AppKit0x937b0cb4 -[NSTextView(NSPrivate) 
_giveUpFirstResponder:] + 512
25  com.apple.AppKit0x937b0aa0 -[NSTextView(NSKeyBindingCommands) 
insertNewline:] + 512
26  com.apple.AppKit0x937b0500 -[NSTextView doCommandBySelector:] + 
27  com.apple.AppKit0x93763b60 
interpretEventAsCommand:forClient:] + 1700
28  com.apple.AppKit0x93763440 
interpretKeyEvents:forClient:] + 200
29  com.apple.AppKit0x9376163c -[NSView interpretKeyEvents:] + 64
30  com.apple.AppKit0x93761490 -[NSTextView keyDown:] + 756
31  com.apple.AppKit0x936dcd70 -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 6424
32  com.apple.AppKit0x936856f4 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 4172
33  com.apple.AppKit0x9367cb30 -[NSApplication run] + 508
34  com.apple.AppKit0x9376d618 NSApplicationMain + 452
35  com.mysql.Administrator 0x5a24 _start + 392 (crt.c:267)
36  com.mysql.Administrator 0x5898 start + 48

Thread 1:
0   libSystem.B.dylib   0x90049748 syscall_thread_switch + 8
1   com.apple.Foundation0x928f3ad0 +[NSThread sleepUntilDate:] + 152
2   com.apple.AppKit0x9371d7e4 -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 
3   com.apple.Foundation0x928db6d4 forkThreadForFunction + 108
4   libSystem.B.dylib   0x9002b200 _pthread_body + 96

Thread 2:
0   libSystem.B.dylib   0x9002b8a8 semaphore_wait_signal_trap + 8
1   libSystem.B.dylib   0x9003001c pthread_cond_wait + 488
2   com.apple.Foundation0x928debe8 -[NSConditionLock lock] + 52
3   com.apple.Foundation0x928e8d44 
performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:modes:] + 716
4   com.apple.Foundation0x928e8a58 
performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:] + 120
5   com.mysql.MySQLToolsCommon  0x10002040 -[MConnectionPanel(Private) 
connectThread:] + 144
6   com.apple.Foundation0x928db6d4 forkThreadForFunction + 108
7   libSystem.B.dylib   0x9002b200 _pthread_body + 96

Thread 0 crashed 

Re: Can't connect to MySQL v5.0.15 on 'Windows XP

2005-11-16 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 If I try to run mysqlshow, I see:

   C:\Documents and Settings\Chrismysqlshow sql

   mysqlshow: Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using

password: NO)

ODBC is default username that is used on Windows. Create a new user

account and use it to connect to the MySQL server:


If mysql command line client works, it is rather MySQL Keeper program.

Check if you have specified the correct connection parameters for it.


 I've just installed MySQL v5.0.15 on my 'Windows XP system and most ways

 I want to connect to it fail. I don't see what I'm doing wrong. I've

 searched the manual, the web, and the forums without seeing anything

 that clearly addressed my problem. Help, please!


 If I navigate through Programs / MySQL / MySQL Server v5.0 / MySQL

 Command Line Client, I'm prompted for a password and when I enter the

 password, I am connected and can work fine.


 If I try to run mysqlshow, I see:


   C:\Documents and Settings\Chrismysqlshow sql

   mysqlshow: Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using password: NO)


 If I run the command interpreter (cmd) and type mysql -uroot -pmypwd,

 it works now but I swear it didn't 10 minutes ago. Arg.


 My real problem is that I've used MySQLKeeper with MySQL v4 and have

 backups created with it that I want to restore into MySQL v5.0 and when

 I try to connect with MySQLKeeper, I get:



   Result: Connection error


 Now, it may be that MySQL Keeper is trying to connect via ODBC and

 that's why it's failing but I didn't think that's how it connected, it's

 an MySQL-specific tool, why would it use ODBC? And shouldn't mysqlshow

 work out of the box? How could I have installed MySQL to screw up



 Thanks for any pointers.




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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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MySQL General Mailing List
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MySQL server has gone away

2005-11-16 Thread Kraer, Joseph
First let me say that I'm a newbie and that I've seen a few instances of
this error in the list, but I haven't seen my case.

I'm running WAMP5, v. 1.4.4.  I'm trying to restore an Eventum v. 1.4
backup done with mysqldump in a LAMP machine.  The restoration process
invariably stops at line 517.  I've split the 4.19GB backup file into
16MB portions for easy view and looked at the first file portion in
WordPad.  There's nothing esoteric in the neighborhood of line 517.
I've tried to do this restoration through the following command line:
shell mysql -uusername -ppassword eventum  sourcefile.sql.  The
process also bombs out if I try to use MySQL Administrator.

Any suggestions?

Joseph Tito Kraer
Business Systems Analyst
Taylor, Bean  Whitaker Mortgage Corp
1417 N Magnolia Avenue
Ocala, FL 34470
Ph. 352-671-0678
Fax 352-671-0778
Int. x11678

For change requests, enhancements, or design changes, please email
Business Systems at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For all support issues, please contact Application Support at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 352-671-0262 (internal ext.

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Database IDs

2005-11-16 Thread Logan, David (SST - Adelaide)
Hi Again Bjorn,

Further to my thoughts below, I had a look at the source (5.0.13 - 
sql/sql_insert.cc) and the last_insert_id is set for each iteration of the 
INSERT loop. There would be three inserts for the three values that you 
proposed INSERTing and the last_insert_id seems to be set each time giving you 
the result that you saw. By my reading, each time you do an INSERT on an 
auto_increment field, you will set the last_insert_id to that value.


Morning Bjorn,

I would have throught the insert would translate as three separate inserts to 
the internals of MySQL. As this is really a convenient shorthand to allow us to 
bunch up a lot of inserts.


David Logan
Database Administrator
HP Managed Services
148 Frome Street,
Adelaide 5000

+61 8 8408 4273 - Work
+61 417 268 665 - Mobile
+61 8 8408 4259 - Fax

-Original Message-
From: Björn Persson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 17 November 2005 4:42 AM
To: mysql@lists.mysql.com
Subject: RE: Database IDs

Logan, David (SST - Adelaide):
 It looks like the LAST_INSERT_ID() is returning the id of the last
 auto_increment INSERT, this seems to be in line with the documentation.


 The ID that was generated is maintained in the server on a per-connection
 basis. This means that the value which the function returns to a given
 client is the first AUTO_INCREMENT value generated for most recent
 statement affecting an AUTO_INCREMENT column by that client.


It all depends on what [the] most recent statement means - or the last 
INSERT or UPDATE query in the part Gleb quoted. When I do this:

insert into child (parent_ID, value) values (last_insert_ID(), 'b1'), 
(last_insert_ID(), 'b2'), (last_insert_ID(), 'b3');

is that one statement, or three? I think all of it, from insert to the 
semicolon, is a single statement. Do you mean that (last_insert_ID(), 'b2') 
is a statement on its own?

Björn Persson

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: MySQL server has gone away

2005-11-16 Thread SGreen
Kraer, Joseph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/16/2005 04:17:17 PM:

 First let me say that I'm a newbie and that I've seen a few instances of
 this error in the list, but I haven't seen my case.
 I'm running WAMP5, v. 1.4.4.  I'm trying to restore an Eventum v. 1.4
 backup done with mysqldump in a LAMP machine.  The restoration process
 invariably stops at line 517.  I've split the 4.19GB backup file into
 16MB portions for easy view and looked at the first file portion in
 WordPad.  There's nothing esoteric in the neighborhood of line 517.
 I've tried to do this restoration through the following command line:
 shell mysql -uusername -ppassword eventum  sourcefile.sql.  The
 process also bombs out if I try to use MySQL Administrator.
 Any suggestions?
 Joseph Tito Kraer
 Business Systems Analyst
 Taylor, Bean  Whitaker Mortgage Corp
 1417 N Magnolia Avenue
 Ocala, FL 34470
 Ph. 352-671-0678
 Fax 352-671-0778
 Int. x11678
 For change requests, enhancements, or design changes, please email
 Business Systems at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For all support issues, please contact Application Support at
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 352-671-0262 (internal ext.

I saw that error frequently until I discovered what the max_allowed_packet 
setting was for. It sounds as though you have an extended insert command 
at that location of your file and that the length of the command exceeds 
the max_allowed_packet setting.


Reset it to meet or exceed the largest INSERT command in your dump files.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

How to search the manual

2005-11-16 Thread sheeri kritzer
Hi folks,

You might be amazed getting answers that link right to the MySQL
documentation.  The documentation is fabulous, but of course we cannot
memorize it!  One tip I picked up in a MySQL course (which was worth
the $$ of the course itself), which is IMMENSELY useful, is the

If you go to http://www.mysql.com/FOO, where FOO is any word or
phrase, you will either get directed to a page dealing with it, or
mysql.com will search through the manual for it.

Try it yourself -- http://www.mysql.com/select goes to the
documentation page for select; similarly, http://www.mysql.com/set
option works -- spaces, dashes, underscores, etc are all just

http://www.mysql.com/replication goes to the chapter on replication.

Go to http://www.mysql.com/archive engine and you get the search
results of mysql.com.

It is very handy, and eliminates all of my how do I do this? kinds
of questions.


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

A few questions about triggers in MySQL 5

2005-11-16 Thread Jenny Chen

Does the current latest MySQL 5.0 support:
1. column based triggers
2. trigger restriction
3. multiple triggers of same type of the table
4. triggers reference another table

And any information on in which release they will be supported?


Backward-compatible authentication in v5.0?

2005-11-16 Thread cnelson
I'm trying to upgrade MySQL from v4.x to v5.0 under an existing
Tcl-based application that uses MySQLTcl and I'm getting:

   mysqlconnect/db server: Client does not support authentication
protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

Is there something I can do to MySQL v5 server to make it compatible with
older clients?


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Backward-compatible authentication in v5.0?

2005-11-16 Thread ISC Edwin Cruz
Hi! It is a common error, have a look here:

I have had the same error.

| ISC Edwin Cruz García  |
| IT Manager |
| Transportes Medel Rogero SA de CV  |
| Desk:  01 (449) 910 30 90 x3054|
| Movil: 01 (449) 111 29 03  |
| email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |

-Mensaje original-
Enviado el: Miércoles, 16 de Noviembre de 2005 07:40 p.m.
Para: mysql@lists.mysql.com
Asunto: Backward-compatible authentication in v5.0?

I'm trying to upgrade MySQL from v4.x to v5.0 under an existing Tcl-based
application that uses MySQLTcl and I'm getting:

   mysqlconnect/db server: Client does not support authentication protocol
requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

Is there something I can do to MySQL v5 server to make it compatible with
older clients?


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RE: Backward-compatible authentication in v5.0?

2005-11-16 Thread cnelson
 Hi! It is a common error, have a look here:
 I have had the same error.

Tbanks.  I found that -- eventually -- in the manual.  It took several
searches to find it but it seems to work now, not only for my Tcl
application but for MySQL Keeper, too!

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: timestamp

2005-11-16 Thread Ehrwin Mina


Try to use this date functions.

   * DATE_ADD(date,INTERVAL expr type) , DATE_SUB(date,INTERVAL expr type) 
These functions perform date arithmetic. date is a DATETIME or DATE value 
specifying the starting date. expr is an expression specifying the interval 
value to be added or subtracted from the starting date. expr is a string; 
it may start with a '-' for negative intervals. type is a keyword 
indicating how the expression should be interpreted.

   The INTERVAL keyword and the type specifier are not case sensitive.
   The following table shows how the type and expr arguments are related: 
SECOND_MICROSECOND, and MICROSECOND are allowed as of MySQL 4.1.1. The 
values QUARTER and WEEK are allowed as of MySQL 5.0.0.

   MySQL allows any punctuation delimiter in the expr format. Those shown 
in the table are the suggested delimiters. If the date argument is a DATE 
value and your calculations involve only YEAR, MONTH, and DAY parts (that 
is, no time parts), the result is a DATE value. Otherwise, the result is a 
   As of MySQL 3.23, INTERVAL expr type is allowed on either side of the + 
operator if the expression on the other side is a date or datetime value. 
For the - operator, INTERVAL expr type is allowed only on the right side, 
because it makes no sense to subtract a date or datetime value from an 
interval. (See examples below.)

   mysql SELECT '1997-12-31 23:59:59' + INTERVAL 1 SECOND;

- '1998-01-01 00:00:00'

   mysql SELECT INTERVAL 1 DAY + '1997-12-31';

- '1998-01-01'

   mysql SELECT '1998-01-01' - INTERVAL 1 SECOND;

- '1997-12-31 23:59:59'

   mysql SELECT DATE_ADD('1997-12-31 23:59:59',


- '1998-01-01 00:00:00'

   mysql SELECT DATE_ADD('1997-12-31 23:59:59',


- '1998-01-01 23:59:59'

   mysql SELECT DATE_ADD('1997-12-31 23:59:59',


- '1998-01-01 00:01:00'

   mysql SELECT DATE_SUB('1998-01-01 00:00:00',


- '1997-12-30 22:58:59'

   mysql SELECT DATE_ADD('1998-01-01 00:00:00',


- '1997-12-30 14:00:00'

   mysql SELECT DATE_SUB('1998-01-02', INTERVAL 31 DAY);

- '1997-12-02'

   mysql SELECT DATE_ADD('1992-12-31 23:59:59.02',


- '1993-01-01 00:00:01.01'

   If you specify an interval value that is too short (does not include 
all the interval parts that would be expected from the type keyword), MySQL 
assumes that you have left out the leftmost parts of the interval value. 
For example, if you specify a type of DAY_SECOND, the value of expr is 
expected to have days, hours, minutes, and seconds parts. If you specify a 
value like '1:10', MySQL assumes that the days and hours parts are missing 
and the value represents minutes and seconds. In other words, '1:10' 
DAY_SECOND is interpreted in such a way that it is equivalent to '1:10' 
MINUTE_SECOND. This is analogous to the way that MySQL interprets TIME 
values as representing elapsed time rather than as time of day.
   If you add to or subtract from a date value something that contains a 
time part, the result is automatically converted to a datetime value:

   mysql SELECT DATE_ADD('1999-01-01', INTERVAL 1 DAY);

- '1999-01-02'

   mysql SELECT DATE_ADD('1999-01-01', INTERVAL 1 HOUR);

- '1999-01-01 01:00:00'

   If you use really malformed dates, the result is NULL. If you add 
MONTH, YEAR_MONTH, or YEAR and the resulting date has a day that is larger 
than the maximum day for the new month, the day is adjusted to the maximum 
days in the new month:

   mysql SELECT DATE_ADD('1998-01-30', INTERVAL 1 MONTH);

- '1998-02-28'

Thank you,

At 07:47 PM 11/16/2005, Petr Chardin wrote:


Ehrwin C. Mina

9/F Tower 2
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Makati City 1200 Philippines

Cell   (63 918) 930 4383

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This message and any attachment are confidential and may be privileged 

Aborting slipped keys

2005-11-16 Thread Scott Haneda
Sometimes I paste in something in mysql CLI and it just does this:
WHERE   products.ship_status != 1

I tried all the \c commands and nothing will get me out of it, I can ^c and
it will get me out, but then I have to login again, which is a pain, how can
I tell mysql to drop me back to a clean prompt?
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602
http://www.newgeo.com Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Aborting slipped keys

2005-11-16 Thread Jim Winstead
On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 06:33:40PM -0800, Scott Haneda wrote:
 Sometimes I paste in something in mysql CLI and it just does this:
 WHERE   products.ship_status != 1
 I tried all the \c commands and nothing will get me out of it, I can ^c and
 it will get me out, but then I have to login again, which is a pain, how can
 I tell mysql to drop me back to a clean prompt?

Just close the open quote before you use \c

mysql select 

Jim Winstead
MySQL Inc.

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Re: Aborting slipped keys

2005-11-16 Thread Kyle
On 11/16/05, Scott Haneda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sometimes I paste in something in mysql CLI and it just does this:
 WHERE   products.ship_status != 1

 I tried all the \c commands and nothing will get me out of it, I can ^c and
 it will get me out, but then I have to login again, which is a pain, how can
 I tell mysql to drop me back to a clean prompt?

The  prompt is telling you it needs a double quote closed.  Try \c
at the prompt to close the quotes and cancel the SQL.

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Re: Aborting slipped keys

2005-11-16 Thread Paul DuBois

At 18:33 -0800 11/16/05, Scott Haneda wrote:

Sometimes I paste in something in mysql CLI and it just does this:
WHERE   products.ship_status != 1

I tried all the \c commands and nothing will get me out of it, I can ^c and
it will get me out, but then I have to login again, which is a pain, how can
I tell mysql to drop me back to a clean prompt?

The prompt  tells you that you're in the middle of entering
a double-quoted string. Enter the closing double quote and then \c.

Similar logic applies to the ', `, and /* prompts.

See end of this page:


Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL AB, www.mysql.com

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Mysql docs

2005-11-16 Thread Scott Haneda
Hello, with the release of 5, I seem to have all dead links to my old docs
for mysql 4.  The way they keep changing the urls is a little maddedning :-)

Can someone step me through this, how, on the mysql site, do I find out
about subselects, and more specifically, what version of mysql they were
added to, and what versions do not support them?

Google this: 
subselect site:dev.mysql.com
And I get mostly non English stuff, limiting to english and I get a whopping
37 pages, none of which seem to help me much.

Docs guidance appreciated :-)
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602
http://www.newgeo.com Novato, CA U.S.A.

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LIMIT in subquery or GROUP_CONCAT

2005-11-16 Thread Peter Brodersen

(mysql server 5.0.15 running under linux)

I suppose this is a classic task. I just hope MySQL 5.0 is able to give
the right result.

I would like to select top three from different parts in the same table,
e.g. for the following data set:


.. I would like the output to be:


That is, the top 3 from each id. The id could be a key in another table
instead (just containing 1,2,3,4 as rows). The numbers of different ids
might vary thus a static set of UNIONs is no answer.

I tried using a subquery using LIMIT inside, but I just got the
following result:
ERROR 1235 (42000): This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'LIMIT  
IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery'
It seems like this was a possibility in very early versions of MySQL 4.1.

I tried with GROUP_CONCAT() as well, but even though there is an ORDER
option, there is no LIMIT option here (feature request? :-) )

Maybe using a variable to keep track of internal count...

- Peter Brodersen

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Mysql docs

2005-11-16 Thread Jasper Bryant-Greene

Scott Haneda wrote:
Google this: 
subselect site:dev.mysql.com

And I get mostly non English stuff, limiting to english and I get a whopping
37 pages, none of which seem to help me much.

Try googling for subquery, considering that's what they're called...


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Usage of quick keyword

2005-11-16 Thread Mathieu Bruneau

Hello everybody,

	I use a table for caching, the table is quite simple there is id 
field which is a md5 on some attributes of an object, a timestamp field 
and a text field for storing the data.

| id char(32) | timestamp | data (text) |

We clean the table every 2 mins for data older that 10 minutes. The 
usage of the QUICK keyword on the delete statement seems very 
appropriate to me since the index on the id doesn't need to be merged 
since the md5 will probably be reuse sometimes in a near future.

My concerns is about the second index on the timestamp field that we use 
to be able to delete quickly the rows that are older than 10 minutes. 
What would be the impact of the quick keywords on that index ? Should we 
schedule an optimize / analyze on the table every day / week ? Since the 
data in that field is always incrementing will it becomes fragmented 
very fast if the index is not merge ?

(For information the table has around 400 megs of data + index ) and 
every 2 mins we delete 800-900 rows in average.

aka ROunofF


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mysqld crash with archive engine 2gb

2005-11-16 Thread Marc Rossi
I am trying to populate a table using the archive
engine that I estimate will take up ~ 8gb of disk
space when finished.  Right now I am crashing the
server as soon as my file gets to the 2gb mark.  OS is
linux and there are other files on the same filesystem
that are 30gb+ so I know the fs has support.

Any ideas?  I tried to do the ALTER TABLE x
AVG_ROW_LENGTH=x MAX_ROWS=y using inputs that would
exceed 2GB, same results.


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Re: Mysql docs

2005-11-16 Thread Rhino
Actually, many people use the term subselect where you prefer subquery;
I've heard subselect quite a bit in 20+ years of working with relational
databases. Not the MySQL people perhaps but it is a reasonable term to use
in a search


- Original Message - 
From: Jasper Bryant-Greene [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Scott Haneda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: MySql mysql@lists.mysql.com
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: Mysql docs

 Scott Haneda wrote:
  Google this:
  subselect site:dev.mysql.com
  And I get mostly non English stuff, limiting to english and I get a
  37 pages, none of which seem to help me much.

 Try googling for subquery, considering that's what they're called...


 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
 To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.1.362 / Virus Database: 267.13.3/173 - Release Date: 16/11/2005

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Joins - where clause, booking system

2005-11-16 Thread gavin
I'm running mysql 4.0.12

I have a bookings database in which I'm having problems pulling out the
available accomodation.

Tables are:
Accomodation - accomid (primary key), town, address, contactnumber etc
student_accom - studentaccomid (primary key), accomid, studentid

My query is as follows so far, this is pulling out all the accomodation that is
booked between specified dates - not what I'm after -

SELECT distinct accomodation.accom_id FROM accomodation LEFT JOIN student_accom
ON accomodation.accom_id = student_accom.accom_id where
((student_accom.start_date Between '2005-10-01' And '2005-11-30') OR
(student_accom.leave_date Between '2005-10-01' And '2005-10-30'))

Appreciate any assistance.


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Re: How to reload my.cnf?

2005-11-16 Thread Tedy Aulia
Hi Gleb,

I understand that the replication shouldn't break, but restarting master
means losing the updates made to the master database, which we can't
afford to do that.



Why are you afraid of shutting down the server for a while?
Is it so critical? If yes, send more detailed description of your
situation. Replication shouldn't break. From:

It is safe to shut down a master server and restart it later.

Tedy Aulia wrote:

Hi Gleb,

Thanks for your reply.

I am using MySQL 3.23.33.

The ones that I will need to add in my.cnf are the syncronisation
parameters as follow:


Database XYZ was in synch for the past 12 months, I have found database
is not in synch anymore as the parameters I mentioned above are missing
in my.cnf. I want to put back those parameters but I can't afford to
restart the server as MySQL server is also used by other database which
is currently in synch and runs happily.



You can change some variables without restarting the server. See:

Tedy Aulia wrote:

Hi All,

I will need to change my.cnf in master machine, but I can't afford to
restart MySQL server as the server has been used for heavy traffic
Can anyone tell me how to do it?


*Tedy Aulia*


Asteriks in password field

2005-11-16 Thread W Roothman
Dear All,
When I register a new user in my (php4.1  MySQL 4) application, using:

$insertSQL = INSERT INTO tblusers (uname, usurname, uusername, upassword) 
VALUES ('$name', '$surname', '$username', password('$password'));

an asteriks (*) is posted with the encrypted password to the password field 
of the table in the DB. The password field then displays it as 
*667F407DE7C6AD0 and not as 667F407DE7C6AD0. This only happens when using 
Apache server on my local machine but not when using ISS.

This causes validation to fail when using:

$sql = SELECT uusername FROM tblusers WHERE uusername = '$_POST[username] 
AND upassword = password('$password')';

but validates if I remove 'AND upassword = password('$password')'.

Thank you for your time. 

Re: How to reload my.cnf?

2005-11-16 Thread Leo
Are you trying to restart the master server, or 'reseting' the master?
my master server always shutdown daily, and the slave happily catch up
the next day, it's been goin for some 6 months with heavy traffic

it's a different story if you want to reset the master, you should
capture the master and send it again to the slave (i've done this
several times too, and it's painfully slow)

changing the binlog-do-db afaik would not trouble the replication,
unless it's a new database that hasnt been replicated earlier


Tedy Aulia wrote:

Hi Gleb,

I understand that the replication shouldn't break, but restarting master
means losing the updates made to the master database, which we can't
afford to do that.



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