Re: How NOT to log SHOW INNODB STATUS in the query log.

2006-01-27 Thread Imran Chaudhry
 My query.log is full of 'show innodb status' queries.
 How do I get this ascii log file not to log these. OR some help with a
 grep script to copy the file without these lines.

I noticed the same in the logs of a 4.1 test server. I put it down to
MySQL Administrator which was monitoring the server at the time. I
believe MYSQL Admin issues these SHOW STATUS commands periodically to
refresh it's status info screen.

Out of curiosity were/are you using MySQL Administrator or something
like a monitoring app with your MySQL servers?


MySQL Database Management  Design Services

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Linux Threads MySQL

2006-01-27 Thread Ady Wicaksono

I got this error,

You seem to be running 32-bit Linux and have 308 concurrent connections.
If you have not changed STACK_SIZE in LinuxThreads and built the binary
yourself, LinuxThreads is quite likely to steal a part of the global 
heap for

the thread stack. Please read

What is the meaning?

I use i386.rpm from with 4 Gbytes RAM (dedicated for MySQL)

= cut here ==
060125 15:17:01 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld-max: ready for connections.
Version: '5.0.15-max'  socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'  port: 3306  
MySQL Community Edition - Experimental (GPL)

mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help 
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely 

and this may fail.

It is possible that mysqld could use up to
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections 
= 1782208 K

bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

You seem to be running 32-bit Linux and have 308 concurrent connections.
If you have not changed STACK_SIZE in LinuxThreads and built the binary
yourself, LinuxThreads is quite likely to steal a part of the global 
heap for

the thread stack. Please read

Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
Cannot determine thread, fp=0x8e79defc, backtrace may not be correct.
Stack range sanity check OK, backtrace follows:
New value of fp=(nil) failed sanity check, terminating stack trace!
Please read and 
follow instructions on how to resolve the stack trac

e. Resolved
stack trace is much more helpful in diagnosing the problem, so please do
resolve it
Trying to get some variables.
Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort...
thd-query at 0xae81ea78  is invalid pointer
The manual page at contains
information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.
pure virtual method called
pure virtual method called
Fatal signal 6 while backtracing
pure virtual method called

Number of processes running now: 0
060126 19:03:02  mysqld restarted
060126 19:03:02  InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally!
InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.
InnoDB: Reading tablespace information from the .ibd files...
InnoDB: Restoring possible half-written data pages from the doublewrite
InnoDB: buffer...
060126 19:03:03  InnoDB: Starting log scan based on checkpoint at
InnoDB: log sequence number 49 2685434817.
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2690677248
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2695920128
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2701163008
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2706405888
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2711648768
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2716891648
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2722134528
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2727377408
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2732620288
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2737863168
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2743106048
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2748348928
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2753591808
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2758834688
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2764077568
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2769320448
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 49 2774563328

= cut here ==

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SSL Overhead

2006-01-27 Thread Khalid Hanif

Hi Guys,

What sort of overheads am I expecting to get when running MySQL  
5.0.18 in SSL mode? I need to decide whether to run MySQL in SSL  
mode, or use CIPE (on RHEL 3).



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ANN: Advanced Data Generator 1.6.0 released

2006-01-27 Thread Martijn Tonies
Dear ladies and gentlemen,

Upscene Productions is happy to announce a new version of
the database developer tool:
Advanced Data Generator (version 1.6.0)

A fast test-data generator tool that comes with a library
of real-life data, can generate data to your database,
SQL script or CSV files, many filling options, presets and 
much more.

This new release consists of four versions:

- Pro: ADO and ODBC connectivity
- InterBase Edition
- Firebird Edition
- MySQL Edition

More info and a 30-day trial version on

Pricing information available on

Recent changes include MySQL 5 Stored Procedure support
(MySQL Edition), Microsoft SQL 2005 support (Pro), large
font systems enhancements and several bugfixes.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions - Database Tools for Developers

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Error inserting text containing a ? character

2006-01-27 Thread David P. Donahue
This morning I began noticing some errors coming from my MySQL database 
that appear to be the result of a user inserting text which contains a 
question mark anywhere in it.  The error is:

Parameter '?' must be defined ...

Is there a way to tell MySQL to just treat the ? as another character 
in the string, rather than as a parameter?  Maybe have my application 
replace all occurrances of ? with something else that will represent a 
? to the database before issuing the query?

For reference, I'm using the MySQLConnector .NET for connecting my 
application to a MySQL 4.x database.

David P. Donahue

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Re: help with character sets and collation

2006-01-27 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I do not see the CHARACTER SET of your table (usually SHOW CREATE
includes it, may be you have NO_TABLE_OPTIONS in @@sql_mode), so I
assume it is the same as database character set - ascii. Check if the
problem disappears after changing the character set of your fields to utf8.

Chris wrote:
 Sorry, I am unable to work the command line. I have used this script 
 $sql = show variables like '%char%';
 $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(Couldn't Select  .mysql_error());
 $count = mysql_num_rows($result);
 //echo $count;
 while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) foreach($row as $key=$value) echo 
 echo BR;
 $sql = show variables like '%collation%';
 $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(Couldn't Select  .mysql_error());
 while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) foreach($row as $key=$value) echo 
 hope this provides the appropriate info.
 Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

Please, execute the following statements in mysql command line and php,
and provide its output to the list:
 show variables like '%char%';
 1=C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\share\charsets\
 show variables like '%collation%';
Include the CREATE statement for your table as well.
 CREATE TABLE my_table (location_id varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',name 
 varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY  (location_id)) TYPE=MyISAM

Chris wrote:

I think I have a problem with mysql related character sets and collation.
With language English (en-utf-8), MySQL charset UTF-8 Unicode and a MySQL
connection collation: ascii_general_ci. I can execute a sql statement in
phpmyadmin, like INSERT INTO mytable (id, name) VALUES ('5','Unterwinkel

But if I try to execute the insert using a php script I get the error 
record too long. Using the same insert but without the ? character, the 
statement works. INSERT INTO mytable (id, name) VALUES ('5','Unterwinkel

How would I configure mysql so characters like  ? can be inserted without


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Re: question about recovery with binlog

2006-01-27 Thread Gleb Paharenko

At least it replaces the contents of my test file. If you're able
to provide the test case where replace utility doesn't work please
provide it to the list with the contents of the file.

wangxu wrote:
 I execute follow statement.
 shellreplace @@session.sql_mode=0 @@session.sql_mode=1 -- 1.01
 But string @@session.sql_mode=0 doesn't replace to @@session.sql_mode=1.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 7:56 PM
 Subject:Re: question about recovery with binlog

There a lot of different ways to perform this operation. See:
  man sed
  man awk

wangxu wrote:

How to replace it?

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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: mysql 5.0.18: Bind on unix socket: Permission denied

2006-01-27 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Please, next time always CC your messages to the list as well. I'm
not a lampp expert and can only point you to:

This advice proved very helpful. This is where its at now:
I noticed that the .err file belonged to user 'nobody'. *Somehwere* in
the lampp scripts (or is compiled?) it forces this user. If I change
into /opt/lampp/sbin and do ./mysqld -umysql it comes up! BUT... I
don't know what cnf it reads and/or what else lampp needs to feed it
upon startup. I text searched the entire lampp subdir, but I cant
figure out where I can tell lamp to use user mysql. (Two obvious
places, don't work.)
If anyone knows, please advise.

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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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Re: Unable to connect tomcat with mysql pl help

2006-01-27 Thread Gleb Paharenko


sankar subramanian wrote:
 Hi All,
 Iam using tomcat 5x and mysql5.x the proble is when i try to connect 
 mysql and tomcat using j/connector 3.x tomcat throws error as access denied 
 to [EMAIL PROTECTED] host using password 'YES'.
   Please help me to overcome this problem.

   Thanks in advance 
 Do you Yahoo!?
  With a free 1 GB, there's more in store with Yahoo! Mail.

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Re: SSL Overhead

2006-01-27 Thread Gleb Paharenko

When running our benchmark tests using secure connections (all data
encrypted with internal SSL support) performance was 55% slower than
with unencrypted connections. See:

Khalid Hanif wrote:
 Hi Guys,
 What sort of overheads am I expecting to get when running MySQL  5.0.18
 in SSL mode? I need to decide whether to run MySQL in SSL  mode, or use
 CIPE (on RHEL 3).

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A propos de l'upgrade MySQL et de l'interclassement...

2006-01-27 Thread Patrick Gelin

J'utilise une technologie CMS, installée depuis l'année dernière sur une 
base MySQL 4.0.16-nt. Le CMS à crée lui meme lus tables et y fait référence 
en utilisant l'encodage UTF-8.

Depuis, nous avons migré à la version MySQL 4.1.16-nt et l'encodage par 
défaut choisi a été latin_swedish_ci.

Evidemment mon CMS affiche les caractères n'importe comment, il me faut donc 
corriger cela.

1. Est ce que mes chaines de caractères initialement UTF-8 sont maintenant 
véritablement des chaines de caratères latin_swedish_ci ou alors est ce que 
le paramètre latin_swedish_ci n'est qu'un attribut et que le contenu est 
résté le mûmu, c'est à dire UTF-8? Difficile à évaluer depuis l'interface 
graphique de phpmyadmin laquelle à son propre interclassement.

2. Comment modifier rapidement l'ensemble des tables et des champs 
latin_swedish_ci vers UTF-8? Pour info, phpmyadmin n'offre qu'une interface 
rudimentaire pour changer, table après table et de façon très laborieuse, 
l'interclassement sinon l'application du changement à la base n'a d'effet 
que sur inodb... Par ailleurs, j'ai fait un test export/import en changeant 
le default_char_set mais cela n'impact pas les paramètres des champs 

3. Mon CMS spécifie UTF-8 mais à quel UTF-8 est ce que cela correspond 
vraiment? utf8_unicode_ci, utf8_general_ci, utf8_bin ???

Merci pour votre aide. 

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Re: Error inserting text containing a ? character

2006-01-27 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Check that you're using the fresh enough versions of Connector/NET and
MySQL. See:

David P. Donahue wrote:
 This morning I began noticing some errors coming from my MySQL database
 that appear to be the result of a user inserting text which contains a
 question mark anywhere in it.  The error is:
 Parameter '?' must be defined ...
 Is there a way to tell MySQL to just treat the ? as another character
 in the string, rather than as a parameter?  Maybe have my application
 replace all occurrances of ? with something else that will represent a
 ? to the database before issuing the query?
 For reference, I'm using the MySQLConnector .NET for connecting my
 application to a MySQL 4.x database.
 David P. Donahue

For technical support contracts, goto
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Performance of MEMORY/HEAP-tables compared to mysql-cluster?

2006-01-27 Thread Jan Kirchhoff


Did anybody ever benchmark heap-tables against a cluster?
I have a table with 900.000 rows (40 fields, CHARs, INTs and DOUBLEs, 
Avg_row_length=294) that gets around 600 updates/sec (grouped in about 12 
extended inserts a minute inserting/updating 3000 rows each).
This is currently a HEAP-table (and get replicated onto a slave, too). I 
experience locking-problems on both the master and the slave, queries that 
usually respond within 0.0x seconds suddenly hang and take 10 seconds or 
sometimes even longer.
I wonder if a cluster setup would give me any speedup in this issue? I will be 
doing some benchmarking myself next week, but It would be very helpful if 
anybody could share experiences with me so I don't have to start from 
scratch... It is difficult and very time-consuming to set up a test-suite 
comparable to our production systems... Any tips will help! Thanks!


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ERROR 1025 when doing ALTER TABLE to change a myisam-table to a CLUSTER table?

2006-01-27 Thread Jan Kirchhoff


I am just doing my first testing on a mysql-cluster system. Curently, I habe 1 
management node running and 2 Data-Nodes that also run a mysqld each.
The servers are Dual-Opterons with 6GB of RAM each.

I did a dump of a database of one of our production systems (about 1.5GB 
mysqldump-file) and piped that into the first of the new servers.
I then startet doing alter table abc type=ndb-queries and everything looked 
fine at the beginning. After having moved 70-80% of the tables into the NDB-Engine (they 
all show up correctly on the other mysql-server and everything seems to work) I suddenly 
got the following error:

ERROR 1025 (HY000): Error on rename of './master/#sql-e80_1' to 
'./master/status_system_hist' (errno: 708)

I could not find any information on how to fix this and what the reason could be. 
When I manually create a new table with the same definition in the NDB-Engine and then do a insert into .. select from... I have no trouble. I should not be hitting the memory-limit yet, ndbd only uses 56% of the RAM so far. 

I attached some SQL-Output, part of the config.ini and the top-output.

Can anybody help me with this? 




mysql show table status;
| Name| Engine | Version | Row_format | Rows| 
Avg_row_length | Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free | 
Auto_increment | Create_time | Update_time | Check_time 
 | Collation | Checksum | Create_options | Comment   |
| status_system_hist  | MyISAM |  10 | Dynamic|  270413 |   
  91 |24721832 | 281474976710655 |  4409344 | 0 |   
NULL | 2006-01-27 15:03:48 | 2006-01-27 15:04:12 | NULL| 
latin1_swedish_ci | NULL ||   |

mysql alter table status_system_hist type=ndb;
ERROR 1025 (HY000): Error on rename of './master/#sql-e80_1' to 
'./master/status_system_hist' (errno: 708)
mysql show create table status_system_hist;
| Table  | Create Table  

Re: Performance of MEMORY/HEAP-tables compared to mysql-cluster?

2006-01-27 Thread Kishore Jalleda
a cluster would not necessarily give you speed but would give you
scalability, basically it increases your concurrency at which you can
service clients, also in your case the lockups are occuring because of
the obvious reason that the threads are competing for the system
resources, so a cluster may be a good option, but you can also use
replication and have multiple slaves and distribute the load, if you
have the resources to do that ..

Kishore Jalleda

On 1/27/06, Jan Kirchhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Did anybody ever benchmark heap-tables against a cluster?
 I have a table with 900.000 rows (40 fields, CHARs, INTs and DOUBLEs, 
 Avg_row_length=294) that gets around 600 updates/sec (grouped in about 12 
 extended inserts a minute inserting/updating 3000 rows each).
 This is currently a HEAP-table (and get replicated onto a slave, too). I 
 experience locking-problems on both the master and the slave, queries that 
 usually respond within 0.0x seconds suddenly hang and take 10 seconds or 
 sometimes even longer.
 I wonder if a cluster setup would give me any speedup in this issue? I will 
 be doing some benchmarking myself next week, but It would be very helpful if 
 anybody could share experiences with me so I don't have to start from 
 scratch... It is difficult and very time-consuming to set up a test-suite 
 comparable to our production systems... Any tips will help! Thanks!


 MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Performance of MEMORY/HEAP-tables compared to mysql-cluster?

2006-01-27 Thread sheeri kritzer
Why are you using a heap table?

My company has tables with much more information than that, that get
updated much more frequently.  We use InnoDB tables, with very large
buffer sizes and have tweaked which queries use the cache and which
don't, on a system with lots of RAM (10Gb).  Basically we've set it up
so everything is in memory anyway.

Perhaps a similar setup would help for you?


Sheeri Kritzer

On 1/27/06, Jan Kirchhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Did anybody ever benchmark heap-tables against a cluster?
 I have a table with 900.000 rows (40 fields, CHARs, INTs and DOUBLEs, 
 Avg_row_length=294) that gets around 600 updates/sec (grouped in about 12 
 extended inserts a minute inserting/updating 3000 rows each).
 This is currently a HEAP-table (and get replicated onto a slave, too). I 
 experience locking-problems on both the master and the slave, queries that 
 usually respond within 0.0x seconds suddenly hang and take 10 seconds or 
 sometimes even longer.
 I wonder if a cluster setup would give me any speedup in this issue? I will 
 be doing some benchmarking myself next week, but It would be very helpful if 
 anybody could share experiences with me so I don't have to start from 
 scratch... It is difficult and very time-consuming to set up a test-suite 
 comparable to our production systems... Any tips will help! Thanks!


 MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Performance of MEMORY/HEAP-tables compared to mysql-cluster?

2006-01-27 Thread Jan Kirchhoff

sheeri kritzer schrieb:

Why are you using a heap table?
We started out with a myisam-table years ago when the table was much 
smaller und less frequently updated. We tried innodb about 2 or 3 years 
ago and couldn't get a satisfying result. We then changed it to HEAP and 
everything was fine.
Now we are getting locking-Problems as the number of updates and selects 
constantly increases and need to upgrade our server-hardware anyway. I 
like the scalability of clusters for load-balancing and HA and we have 
had problems with our mysql-replications on the heavy load servers 
(total  2000 updates/Sec average) every 2-3 months that we couldn't 
reproduce. Other replications with less throughput run stable for years 
(same kernel, same mysqld). I'd get rid of all my replication problems 
when I put the most frequently updatet tables into a cluster...

My company has tables with much more information than that, that get
updated much more frequently.  We use InnoDB tables, with very large
buffer sizes and have tweaked which queries use the cache and which
don't, on a system with lots of RAM (10Gb).  Basically we've set it up
so everything is in memory anyway.

Perhaps a similar setup would help for you?
that sounds interesting since we couldn't get good performance using 
innodb in our case - but thats a few years ago. things may have changed? 
I'll definitely give it a try next week, too.
Could you give me more information on your system? hardware, size of the 
table, average number of updates/sec?

thanks for your suggestions

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RE: Performance of MEMORY/HEAP-tables compared to mysql-cluster?

2006-01-27 Thread Jimmy Guerrero

Another consideration besides the performance aspects, are the
characteristics between MEMORY and the NDB storage engines. (You'll be
gaining or losing functionality depending on how you look at it.)


MEMORY - in memory, table locks, hash  B-tree indexes, no disk i/o or
NDB - in memory, supports transactions, persistence, row-level locks, hash 
T-tree indexes

Also, moving to cluster means more machines, and as stated by Kishore,
Cluster really buys you scalability, not necessarilly performance right off
the bat (unless you plan on using the NDB API to access data.)

As, Sherri suggests another storage engine might be a better play here.

Jimmy Guerrero, Senior Product Manager
MySQL Inc,
Houston, TX

-Original Message-
From: sheeri kritzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 11:11 AM
To: Jan Kirchhoff
Subject: Re: Performance of MEMORY/HEAP-tables compared to mysql-cluster?

Why are you using a heap table?

My company has tables with much more information than that, that get updated
much more frequently.  We use InnoDB tables, with very large buffer sizes
and have tweaked which queries use the cache and which don't, on a system
with lots of RAM (10Gb).  Basically we've set it up so everything is in
memory anyway.

Perhaps a similar setup would help for you?


Sheeri Kritzer

On 1/27/06, Jan Kirchhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Did anybody ever benchmark heap-tables against a cluster?
 I have a table with 900.000 rows (40 fields, CHARs, INTs and DOUBLEs, 
 Avg_row_length=294) that gets around 600 updates/sec (grouped in about 
 12 extended inserts a minute inserting/updating 3000 rows each). This 
 is currently a HEAP-table (and get replicated onto a slave, too). I 
 experience locking-problems on both the master and the slave, queries 
 that usually respond within 0.0x seconds suddenly hang and take 10 
 seconds or sometimes even longer. I wonder if a cluster setup would 
 give me any speedup in this issue? I will be doing some benchmarking 
 myself next week, but It would be very helpful if anybody could share 
 experiences with me so I don't have to start from scratch... It is 
 difficult and very time-consuming to set up a test-suite comparable to 
 our production systems... Any tips will help! Thanks!


 MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: mysql 5.0.18: Bind on unix socket: Permission denied

2006-01-27 Thread Nathan Gross
[Sorry] I didn't realize that hitting Reply (using Gmail) sent a
private message. Usually on lists the message ends up on the list.
Will need to observe the header in the future.

On 1/27/06, Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please, next time always CC your messages to the list as well. I'm
 not a lampp expert and can only point you to:

 This advice proved very helpful. This is where its at now:
 I noticed that the .err file belonged to user 'nobody'. *Somehwere* in
 the lampp scripts (or is compiled?) it forces this user. If I change
 into /opt/lampp/sbin and do ./mysqld -umysql it comes up! BUT... I
 don't know what cnf it reads and/or what else lampp needs to feed it
 upon startup. I text searched the entire lampp subdir, but I cant
 figure out where I can tell lamp to use user mysql. (Two obvious
 places, don't work.)
 If anyone knows, please advise.

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Re: How NOT to log SHOW INNODB STATUS in the query log.

2006-01-27 Thread Nathan Gross
On 1/27/06, Imran Chaudhry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My query.log is full of 'show innodb status' queries.
  How do I get this ascii log file not to log these. OR some help with a
  grep script to copy the file without these lines.

 I noticed the same in the logs of a 4.1 test server. I put it down to
 MySQL Administrator which was monitoring the server at the time. I
 believe MYSQL Admin issues these SHOW STATUS commands periodically to
 refresh it's status info screen.

 Out of curiosity were/are you using MySQL Administrator or something
 like a monitoring app with your MySQL servers?
Yep! It's a test environment, and  MySQL-Administrator is often open
for long periods in the background.

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Re: Performance of MEMORY/HEAP-tables compared to mysql-cluster?

2006-01-27 Thread sheeri kritzer
No problem:

Firstly, how are you measuring your updates on a single table?  I took
a few binary logs, grepped out for things that changed the table,
counting the lines (using wc) and then dividing by the # of seconds
the binary logs covered.  The average for one table was 108 updates
per second.

I'm very intrigued as to how you came up with 2-300 updates per second
for one table. . . did you do it that way?  If not, how did you do it?
 (We are a VERY heavily trafficked site, having 18,000 people online
and active, and that accounts for the 108 updates per second.  So if
you have more traffic than that. .  .wow!)


tmpdir  = /tmp/
datadir = /var/lib/mysql
socket  = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
port= 3306
key_buffer  = 320M
max_allowed_packet  = 16M
table_cache = 1024
thread_cache= 80
ft_min_word_len = 3

# Log queries taking longer than long_query_time seconds
long_query_time = 4
log-slow-queries = /var/lib/mysql/slow-queries.log
log-error = /var/lib/mysql/mysqld.err

# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
thread_concurrency = 12

interactive_timeout = 28800
wait_timeout = 30

max_connections = 2200
max_connect_errors  = 128

# Replication Master Server (default)
# binary logging is required for replication
server-id   = 15
binlog-do-db= manhunt
binlog-do-db= phpAdsNew
binlog-do-db= mobile
max_binlog_size = 2G

# InnoDB tables
innodb_data_home_dir = /var/lib/mysql/
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:3G;ibdata2:3G;
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /var/lib/mysql/
innodb_log_files_in_group = 2
innodb_log_arch_dir = /var/lib/mysql/
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 5G
innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 40M
innodb_log_file_size = 160M
innodb_log_buffer_size = 80M
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50
innodb_thread_concurrency = 8
innodb_file_io_threads = 4

# Query Cache Settings
query_cache_size = 32M
query_cache_type = 2
table info for the table in question:
  Name: Sessions
 Engine: InnoDB
Version: 9
 Row_format: Dynamic
   Rows: 10600
 Avg_row_length: 792
Data_length: 8404992
Max_data_length: NULL
   Index_length: 24297472
  Data_free: 0
 Auto_increment: NULL
Create_time: 2005-12-01 15:04:52
Update_time: NULL
 Check_time: NULL
  Collation: latin1_swedish_ci
   Checksum: NULL
Comment: InnoDB free: 317440 kB

We're running MySQL Version 4.1.12 on Fedora Core 3 x86_64.
The hardware is a Dell 2850 with 4 Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.40GHz
processors, 1024 KB cache size.  Total RAM:  8199448 kB (8G)

We're quite beefy because of the amount of queries per second (3000)
and updates.  We are not aware of locking issues.  Our customers are
quite vocal (there are 8 folks in IT, and over 20 in Customer
service!) so when things are slow we know about it.


Sheeri Kritzer

On 1/27/06, Jan Kirchhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 that sounds interesting since we couldn't get good performance using
 innodb in our case - but thats a few years ago. things may have changed?
 I'll definitely give it a try next week, too.
 Could you give me more information on your system? hardware, size of the
 table, average number of updates/sec?

 thanks for your suggestions

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Re: Performance of MEMORY/HEAP-tables compared to mysql-cluster?

2006-01-27 Thread Jan Kirchhoff

sheeri kritzer schrieb:

No problem:

Firstly, how are you measuring your updates on a single table?  I took
a few binary logs, grepped out for things that changed the table,
counting the lines (using wc) and then dividing by the # of seconds
the binary logs covered.  The average for one table was 108 updates
per second.
I'm very intrigued as to how you came up with 2-300 updates per second

for one table. . . did you do it that way?  If not, how did you do it?
 (We are a VERY heavily trafficked site, having 18,000 people online
and active, and that accounts for the 108 updates per second.  So if
you have more traffic than that. .  .wow!)
Thanks for your hardware/database information. I will look at that close 
tomorrow since I want to go home for today - it's already  9 pm over 
here... I need beer ;)

We are not running a webservice here (actually we do, too, but thats on 
other systems). This is part of our database with data of major stock 
exchanges worldwide that we deliver realtime data for.
Currently that are around 900,000 quotes, during trading hours they 
change all the time... We have much more updates than selects on the 
main database.
Our Application that receives the datastream writes blocks (INSERT ... 
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE...) with all records that changed since the last 
write. It gives me debug output like [timestamp] Wrote 19427 rows in 6 
queries every 30 seconds - and that are numbers that I can rely on.


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4 GIG Limitation

2006-01-27 Thread Adnan


I recently was told that MYSQL has a 4 GIG size limitation.  I am not sure 
if this is for a table size or for the actual size of the database itself. 
Is there such a limatation for MYSQL 11.18 running on RedhatAS 



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RE: 4 GIG Limitation

2006-01-27 Thread Sweet, Charles E
Adnan mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I recently was told that MYSQL has a 4 GIG size limitation.  I am not
 sure if this is for a table size or for the actual size of the
 database itself. Is there such a limatation for MYSQL 11.18 running
 on RedhatAS 3?

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RE: 4 GIG Limitation

2006-01-27 Thread Jimmy Guerrero

Check out

Also, not sure if it's a typo but MySQL 11.8 is a ways off. Did you mean 4.1
or 5.0?

Jimmy Guerrero, Senior Product Manager
MySQL Inc,
Houston, TX USA
Phone: (713) 636-9239

-Original Message-
From: Adnan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 3:39 PM
Subject: 4 GIG Limitation


I recently was told that MYSQL has a 4 GIG size limitation.  I am not sure 
if this is for a table size or for the actual size of the database itself. 
Is there such a limatation for MYSQL 11.18 running on RedhatAS 



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2006-01-27 Thread Peter Brawley


Could anyone give me some insight as to which of the following
is "better" (and why) - or if there is another query that would be
faster than either?

It's late on Friday so I could be missing something, but wouldn't the
following be simpler?

SELECT offer_id
FROM paytable AS pt
LEFT JOIN publisher_advertiser_blocks as pab USING (login_id)
WHERE pab.login_id IS NULL;


general, I try to stay away from very large IN(..) lists because I have
seen them regularly degrade performance, but in this case the
alternative that I have found doesn't seem to perform any faster. Could
anyone give me some insight as to which of the following queries is
"better" (and why) - or if there is another query that would be faster
than either?
I am using MySQL 4.1.14. There are three tables,
CREATE TABLE `offers` (
`offer_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`advertiser_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`offer_id`),
KEY `advertiser_id` (`advertiser_id`)
CREATE TABLE `paytable` (
`offer_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`login_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`offer_id`,`login_id`)
CREATE TABLE `publisher_advertiser_blocks` (
`login_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`advertiser_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`login_id`,`advertiser_id`)
The goal of these queries is to select all offer_id's from `paytable`
for a known login_id where that login_id is not "blocked" from that
offer_id. While testing I simply selected count(*) to keep my result
set from crowding the screen.
The two queries have about the same execution time but very different
EXPLAIN results... without further ado, here they are:
select count(*) from paytable
where login_id=#
and offer_id NOT IN
select distinct offer_id
from offers
left join publisher_advertiser_blocks pab
using (advertiser_id)
where pab.login_id=#
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys |
key | key_len | ref | rows |
Extra |
| 1 | PRIMARY | paytable | index | NULL |
PRIMARY | 5 | NULL | 1773152 |
Using where; Using index |
| 2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | offers | eq_ref | PRIMARY,advertiser_id |
PRIMARY | 4 | func | 1 |
Using where; Using temporary
| 2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | pab | eq_ref | PRIMARY |
PRIMARY | 8 | const,affiliate.offers.advertiser_id | 1 |
Using where; Using index |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
select count(*)
from paytable
left join
select distinct offer_id
from offers
left join publisher_advertiser_blocks pab
using (advertiser_id)
where pab.login_id=#
) as a using (offer_id)
where login_id=# and a.offer_id IS NULL; 
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key
| key_len | ref | rows |
Extra |
| 1 | PRIMARY | paytable | index | NULL | PRIMARY
| 5 | NULL | 1773152 | Using where; Using
index |
| 1 | PRIMARY | derived2 | ALL | NULL |
NULL | NULL | NULL | 309 | Using
where; Not exists |
| 2 | DERIVED | pab | ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY
| 4 | | 2 | Using where; Using
index; Using temporary |
| 2 | DERIVED | offers | ref | advertiser_id | advertiser_id
| 2 | affiliate.pab.advertiser_id | 8 | Using
where |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Thanks in advance,

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Re: help with character sets and collation

2006-01-27 Thread Chris
I'm sorry but I do not know what you mean by NO_TABLE_OPTIONS in 

The database has a Collation = ascii_general_ci. The only other option is 

With respect to the table, it also has Collation of the same, 
ascii_general_ci. There are many Collation types which the table may be 
change to, including several of the utf8 verity (utf8.bin,,) but no utf8 without an extension. I tried setting the 
table to, but still encounter the INSERT error as before.


Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 I do not see the CHARACTER SET of your table (usually SHOW CREATE
 includes it, may be you have NO_TABLE_OPTIONS in @@sql_mode), so I
 assume it is the same as database character set - ascii. Check if the
 problem disappears after changing the character set of your fields to 

 Chris wrote:
 Sorry, I am unable to work the command line. I have used this script

 $sql = show variables like '%char%';
 $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(Couldn't Select  .mysql_error());
 $count = mysql_num_rows($result);
 //echo $count;
 while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) foreach($row as $key=$value) 
 echo BR;
 $sql = show variables like '%collation%';
 $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(Couldn't Select  .mysql_error());
 while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) foreach($row as $key=$value) 

 hope this provides the appropriate info.

 Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


Please, execute the following statements in mysql command line and php,
and provide its output to the list:

 show variables like '%char%';

 1=C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\share\charsets\

 show variables like '%collation%';


Include the CREATE statement for your table as well.

 CREATE TABLE my_table (location_id varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',name
 varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY  (location_id)) TYPE=MyISAM

Chris wrote:

I think I have a problem with mysql related character sets and 
With language English (en-utf-8), MySQL charset UTF-8 Unicode and a 
connection collation: ascii_general_ci. I can execute a sql statement in
phpmyadmin, like INSERT INTO mytable (id, name) VALUES 

But if I try to execute the insert using a php script I get the error
record too long. Using the same insert but without the ? character, the
statement works. INSERT INTO mytable (id, name) VALUES ('5','Unterwinkel

How would I configure mysql so characters like  ? can be inserted 


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i have one doubt

2006-01-27 Thread Veerabhadrarao Narra

i have to write one query

ameerpet 200 2004
ameerpet 300 2005
ameerpet 500 2006

From these values i want to retreive as like this

ameerpet 200  2004
ameerpet 100  2005
ameerpet 200  2006
Means difference of the Units values by year can u give me this query.

veerabhadrarao narra,

veerabhadrarao narra,
Database Administrator,

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I NEED QUERY on Difference between values (Any Group Functions are there)

2006-01-27 Thread Veerabhadrarao Narra
i have to write one query

ameerpet 200 2004
ameerpet 300 2005
ameerpet 500 2006

From these values i want to retreive as like this

ameerpet 200  2004
ameerpet 100  2005
ameerpet 200  2006
Means difference of the Units values by year can u give me this query.

veerabhadrarao narra,

veerabhadrarao narra,
Database Administrator,

veerabhadrarao narra,
Database Administrator,

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How to start mysql with --old-password

2006-01-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear Friends,
I need to start mysql with --old-passwords but i did not know how to do so.
Actually i had mysql installed with someone else. I did not know how have
he installed that.
He have placed an entry in /etc/rc.d/rc.local as
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe  to start mysql when server starts.
Also i have no file as my.cnf .
I have 3 ques:
1)Is it correct ot add that entry into this file
2)Also how to start mysqld with --old-passwords etc.
3)How to add a configuration file.

Pl. do help me with the asnwers.
I shall be very grateful.
Abhishek jain

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

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回复: Re: 回复: Re: MySQL 4.1 and PHP 4.4

2006-01-27 Thread 立 周

--- Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]写道:

 You can change the character_set_xxx variables using
 queries. I usually put 'SET NAMES' at the beginning
 of my

Must i add mysql_query(SET NAMES 'utf8') before
every occurance of real mysql_query()?
I have added mysql_query(SET NAMES 'utf8') in one
php script which is included by all other php scripts
but this doesn't solve my problem.

My site is . it is still not
human readable. 



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