RE: cluster or replication

2005-09-13 Thread Alan Williamson
 I've 10 server in differents locations, I want to make a broadcast, I 
 would like to have always datas synchronized between this network, each 
 database have the same tables and same structure. Each insert or update 
 in database will be executed for each server within this broadcast, 
 what's the best choice ?

At the moment, replication is your best option.  Replication works very
nicely over wide-area-networks, where the bandwidth between each node
could be dramatically different.

The only constraint you'll have here is that there can only be one MASTER
that has to accept all the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE (or anything that will
make the data change).  All other nodes would be considered SLAVEs and

Hope this helps.


 Alan Williamson, Technology Evangelist
 SpikeSource Inc.
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RE: Major Difference in response times when using Load Infile utility

2005-09-13 Thread Alan Williamson
 Test 1
 Amount of data - 5.5 million rows. Time Taken - 6+hrs Approximately.
 Amount of data - 0.45 million rows. Time Taken - 2 mins approximately.

Is this an InnoDB database by any chance?  If it is, and it is a clean
import, then disable the FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS.  


This is a small tip i picked up on the MySQL documentation that someone
had left in the comments and has been to date one of those tips that has
literally saved DAYS of my life.


ps Remember to put them back on again after you finish the import


 Alan Williamson, Technology Evangelist
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RE: LVM-snapshot + mysqldump -- is this a reasonable backup strategy?

2005-09-12 Thread Alan Williamson
 This recipe is intended to minimize the impact on ongoing database
 operations by inhibiting writes only during a relatively speedy
 operation (creating a snapshot). The long dump operation can ...

This seems to be a rather long winded way of doing this.  Why not 
replicate the database and therefore not have to bring it down ever.

I wrote a blog entry about this very thing, and had some interesting 
comments back on

Hope this helps,


 Alan Williamson, Technology Evangelist
 SpikeSource Inc.
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2005-09-09 Thread Alan Williamson
 If you use textarea field of a form, it produces null characters (\n) in 
 end of every string. I recommed to replace them with br tags before 
 writing into the database. It'll help to avoid output problems. Use 
 preg_replace(); for it.

Be careful here Vladimir, the (\n) are not 'null' characters; but newline
characters.  And i would highly recommend *not* replacing them with br
tags as you write them into the database.  This is asking for trouble on
so many levels.

The database will cope with carriage returns and newlines just like any
other character, so will have no problems.

HTML is just string; treat it as such and don't give it anymore credit
than that and you'll be fine.

 Alan Williamson, Technology Evangelist
 SpikeSource Inc.
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RE: backup and restore a database in a query ?

2005-09-02 Thread 'Alan Williamson'
 Could we do a database dump/backup  in a query like below ?
 mysqldump.exe --default-character-set=gb2312 --opt --host -u 
 root -p -C mydbmydbfile
 or restore a database in a query like below ?
 mysql.exe -h -u root -p -C mydbmydbfile
 Then we can do backup and restore in GUI mode without call 
 mysqldump.exe,mysql.exe in character mode .

Ah okay now i see what you are trying to do.   The [mysqldump] is a utility 
that sits outside of the main mysql engine.  You cannot invoke this from within 
the mysql shell from the best of my knowledge.

As for pulling in backups from the mysql shell, then yes that is possible using 
a number of techniques:

% mysql SOURCE [path to your file]
% mysql LOAD DATA [path to your file]

Links to more information:

hope this helps,


 Alan Williamson, Technology Evangelist
 SpikeSource Inc.   
   t: 650 249 4279

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RE: show master/slave status privileges ?

2005-09-02 Thread Alan Williamson
 I have made a user with the following command:
 GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'test'@' IDENTIFIED BY 'h4x0r'

Silly question Morten, and I am sure you have probably done it, but
you are definitely running:


 Alan Williamson, Technology Evangelist
 SpikeSource Inc.
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RE: Performance of DB with many tables

2005-09-02 Thread Alan Williamson
 But what about INNODB?  And are there
 table engine-independent implementation details which might cause
 performance problems for a database with many tables?

This thread got me wondering how many file-handles are open for INNODB tables
since it is only one large file on the file system.  A quick look at our 
production server that is running approximately 50 tables within an INNODB
instance, I see the number of open file handles is significantly less than
50.  Which is what i would have expected.

Looking at the other table formats, I do see a file handle open for every
single table (more than one file handle since there is multiple files that
describe a table under MyISAM).

BTW on Linux systems you can check this using:

  % lsof

 Alan Williamson, Technology Evangelist
 SpikeSource Inc.
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Re: MySQL on Linux

2004-04-06 Thread Alan Williamson

dan wrote:

the most popular would have been Red Hat, which doesn't have this limit
you speak of, even plain vanilla install (no twiddling needed).
Not to spoil a perfectly good pontification ... but i have to say that 
we have a Redhat8 distribution running on a Dell PowerEdge Server and 
when Apache gets to the 2GB size on its access file, it does indeed 
stop.  This is not old hardware (12months old).

So don't be spouting any sweeping statements.  If your distribution 
doesn't have that limitation, then fantastic, good for you.  But for 
others it is indeed a real limitation.

The original question was indeed a geniue one, and while the poster 
accidently typed in the wrong size, i wouldn't be so quick to jump all 
over him.

So the question still remains.  What would happen in MySQL when that 
file isn't allowed to grow any further?

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Re: MySQL on Linux

2004-04-06 Thread Alan Williamson
Thank you, a much reasoned and sensible reply.

This is information people can use, as oppose to the posts that 'say 
well its okay for me, you must be stupid' types.


Dan Nelson wrote:

In the last episode (Apr 06), Alan Williamson said:

the most popular would have been Red Hat, which doesn't have this
limit you speak of, even plain vanilla install (no twiddling
Not to spoil a perfectly good pontification ... but i have to say
that we have a Redhat8 distribution running on a Dell PowerEdge
Server and when Apache gets to the 2GB size on its access file, it
does indeed stop.  This is not old hardware (12months old).

That is because although Linux binaries can access files over 2gb, they
do not do so by default.  Apache was probably not compiled with the
required defines (-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64), so
that's why it stops at 2gb even though both the kernel and filesystem
most likely do support larger files.

So the question still remains.  What would happen in MySQL when that 
file isn't allowed to grow any further?

Mysql's configure script checks for systems that require special flags
to access large files, so no mysql binaries should have this problem on
modern Linux systems (i.e. any 2.4 kernel)

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CURDATE() bug?

2004-03-31 Thread Alan Williamson
Could anyone tell me if this is a bug or not.

RESULT: 20040331
Thats good.  However consider this:

RESULT: 20040332
Not so good.  Infact with this version any WHERE clauses you would put 
this in, fails to bring back the right result.

Does CURDATE() support numeric addition like this?  Or is the +0 
purely a casting-hack to get the right format.  Its not meant as pure 




Alan Williamson, City Planner
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Re: CURDATE() bug?

2004-03-31 Thread Alan Williamson
Does CURDATE() support numeric addition like this?  Or is the +0
purely a casting-hack to get the right format.  Its not meant as pure

Yes, hav a look at
for explaination
further for addition, use date_add(curdate(), interval 1 day) or watever
i know how to add dates, that wasn't the point of the post!  but thank 
you nonetheless!  ;)

I was merely looking for clarification.  If +0 is purely a casting 
hack then it should be highlighted as such so people don't assume.  By 
using +0 does suggest its a numerical addition and therefore why stop 
at 0.  Why not 1 etc etc etc.

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Re: CURDATE() bug?

2004-03-31 Thread Alan Williamson

and what was the reason for this rudeness?  Can't you explain yourself 
without descending into this sort of language?

I do read the manual, and it is this reason i posted to the list. 
Clarity is a wonderful thing, and sadly the manual isn't clear on this 

I stand by my original statement.  If you believe it not to be a bug 
then so be it; we agree to disagree.

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MyISAM vs. INNODB for a single blob table

2004-03-18 Thread Alan Williamson
A quick question for the hardcore MySQL experts out there.

I have a simple table;

ID varchar (PK)
DATA longblob
This table is a simple persistence cache for one of our servers. It 
regularly INSERTs and SELECTs into this table data of approximately 2KB 
- 200KB, although the majority of inserts are around the 2KB mark.

No fancy queries are ever performed, merely a single SELECT on a given 
key and no range queries are ever done.

So with that in mind, I just noticed the table was created as a MyISAM. 
  In your experience how does this compare to a table using INNODB? 
Should it have been created as a INNODB for better performance?

Any thoughts, insights, would be listened to intensely! :)


Alan Williamson, City Planner
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Re: MyISAM vs. INNODB for a single blob table

2004-03-18 Thread Alan Williamson
Thanks for that Chris, interesting thoughts.

For clarification, there is *NO* UPDATEs running on this table. Not a 
single one! :)  Many more SELECTs than INSERTs

Chris Nolan wrote:
Alan Williamson wrote:

A quick question for the hardcore MySQL experts out there.

I have a simple table;

ID varchar (PK)
DATA longblob
This table is a simple persistence cache for one of our servers. It 
regularly INSERTs and SELECTs into this table data of approximately 
2KB - 200KB, although the majority of inserts are around the 2KB mark.

No fancy queries are ever performed, merely a single SELECT on a given 
key and no range queries are ever done.

So with that in mind, I just noticed the table was created as a 
MyISAM.   In your experience how does this compare to a table using 
INNODB? Should it have been created as a INNODB for better performance?

Any thoughts, insights, would be listened to intensely! :)


How often are DELETE and UPDATE statements executed on this table?

MyISAM is damned quick when it comes to workloads that always result in 
INSERTs ending up at the end of the tablespace. As MyISAM can allow 
SELECTs to execute while INSERTs are in progress at the end of the table 
(i.e When no DELETEs have been issued) thanks to it's versioning you'll 
find that thousands of queries a second is quite doable on modest hardware.

That said, InnoDB's speed defies belief. Given that it's multiversioned, 
transactional and able to lock at the row level the fact that it's even 
in the same leauge as MyISAM performance-wise for these sorts of loads 
is impressive. When you have UPDATEs flying around, InnoDB may edge 
MyISAM out for heavy workloads. Many places have moved to InnoDB due to 
concurrency issues of that type.

In summary, test test test!

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just the list please!

2004-03-16 Thread Alan Williamson
Can people please just email the list and not the person *AND* the list!!!

i get duplicate emails and its very annoying to what is a great list so 
far.  kinda puts me off from answering peoples questions!

thanks! :)

- Original Message - 
From: Alan Williamson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: Blocking INSERT/UPDATE on SLAVE (replication)

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Re: Using OR

2004-03-12 Thread Alan Williamson
Keith wrote:

is there any alternative to using OR for selecting between values? 

ie: pla.type='1' OR pla.type='2' OR pla.type='3' OR pla.type='4'
Keith for stuff like this i try and arrange things in numerical blocks 
so i am doing selects like pla.type = 1 AND play.type = 4, probably 
not needing both constraints depending on how you arrange your query.

I also had a table that had two columns that needed an OR on.  I moved 
it to another table, and used a join on those two tables and boy did 
that make a difference.  Removing the OR makes a huge performance gain.

hope this helps, i'll let the real SQL experts jump in here and give 
their response.

Alan Williamson, City Planner
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Re: JDBC timeout after 4.0.8 - 4.0.18 upgrade?

2004-03-11 Thread Alan Williamson
With respect to this problem, I am not running on Windows, but Redhat, 
and seeing this problem often.

Which part of:

should i be looking at?



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