Re: Alter table command don't work

2006-06-18 Thread David Logan

Graham Reeds wrote:

Quentin Bennett wrote:

From MySQL 4.1.2 on, if you want to change the table default 
character set and all character columns (CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT) to a 
new character set, use a statement like this: ALTER TABLE tbl_name 

That is the syntax I used.  What about prior to 4.1.2?

Perhaps it was not available? See

You may have to dump the data and then reload into a new table with the 
correct charset. You may be able to copy it using an INSERT  SELECT 
(not sure though, haven't had to do it)



David Logan
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Re: MySQL commercial licence

2006-05-12 Thread David Logan

Adam Lipscombe wrote:


We have a commercial product that uses mysql 4.0.24. We bought  a commercial
licence for this version.
We want to upgrade to 5.0.21. 

I spoke with the MySQL saleswoman this morning and she says they don't do
upgrades and want another entire licence fee for v5.x.

Does anyone else have experience of this? Upgrading commercial licences?
What's the story?

Thanks - Adam


Hi Adam,

That is a very interesting development. Is your license under the MySQL 
Network? I am considering using this for a number of new servers and 
would have to rethink my strategy if this is the case.

I notice their Network FAQ has

Q: Does MySQL Network include MySQL 5.0?
A: Yes, MySQL Network includes all updates and upgrades including MySQL 5.0

It is also very interesting that the Network product automatically 
includes a GPL covered product rather than a commercial one by default. 
How many people actually check on that before purchase? Are they aware 
they have purchased a GPL product and are now obligated under that 
license to GPL their distributed products?



David Logan
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Re: Unidata to Mysql

2006-05-08 Thread David Logan
Hi Brett,

Which version of Unidata? I doubt very much if the migration toolkit would
assist with this.

You will probably have to re-normalise the data due to the multi-value
aspects of the Unidata/Universe database. This would probably require the
addition of several more tables to cope (dependent on the original design
of the database).


> Has anyone converted from Unidata db to Mysql?   How easy/difficult
> is it to do?  Does the Mysql Migration toolkit help with that process?
> an old consulting company setup a website with Unidata and perl... we
> want to convert to mysql...
> Thanks!
> --
> /Brett C. Harvey;
> /Creative-Pages.Net, President;
> /Facility Management Systems, CTO (;
> /Lasso Partner Association Member ID #LPA135259
> (;
> --
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Re: Should we petition GoDaddy?

2006-04-16 Thread David Logan

James Eaton wrote:

- Original Message - From: "Nicolas Verhaeghe" 

To: "'MySQL General'" 
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 11:20 PM
Subject: Should we petition GoDaddy?

I am slowly considering leaving GoDaddy, who has a very good 
bandwidth and

ok tech support (I have seen better but much much worse) and acceptable
prices, but unfortunately does not support MySQL 5 and PHP 5 either.

I wonder if I could give these people a chance but one thing I'd like 
to do
is see if we could petition these guys and simply threaten to close 
out our

accounts if they do not get on with the music.

The current version of MySQL is 3.23. I have no time upgrading my 
server to a RedHat machine with custom PHP and MySQL, I don't have 
the time

to do that.

Who think we could make them make the right move and pretty quickly?

Save your energy and just move your web site to another host.

Don't be too impressed by extravagent bandwidth claims.  In a shared 
hosting environment, where servers are often grossly overloaded, 
you'll either have very little chance of reaching those bandwidth 
numbers, or if you do, you'll be asked to upgrade or close your 
account because of the high processing load needed to push that much 

Who is GoDaddy and should I care? Is this an international issue?



David Logan
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Re: mysqldump

2006-04-15 Thread David Logan

Anago Chima wrote:

Please, I want to know if there is a way I can back up
all the databases in my MySQL server to a text file
just with a single mysqldump query. I run MySQL Server
Version 4.1.14 on Windows XP pro

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From the manual,

use -A or --all-databases as an option


David Logan
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Re: Tuning a Server with >10,000 databases

2006-03-31 Thread David Logan

mos wrote:

At 09:27 PM 3/31/2006, you wrote:

I have been offering free database hosting for over 4 years and I've 
been doing it on a shoestring.My last MySQL server was a generic 
1GHz system with 256MB RAM running Redhat 9.   The performance was 
surprisingly good because the query loads were not typically high.   
One persistent problem was the initial connection times.   On that 
old system if I had less than approx 10,000 separate databases then 
the connection times were "fast", and on the order of 1 second or 
so.   If I had more than 10,000 databases this dramatically changed 
the connection times to well over 15 seconds or more.

I always attributed this connection lag to a problem with the 
filesystem and the large number of directories.  The old server had 
RH9 and ext3 with no htree support which I was told could help with 
this problem.

I recently bought a new 2.4 GHz system with 1GB of RAM and installed 
Fedora 4 with ext3 and htree support.  All new hardware, faster 
drives, more RAM and updated software.  I thought I was golden!
Well, I have 14,000 databases on this new system and it is as slow as 
the old 1GHz system.
The tuning articles I've read, and the sample my-*.cnf files that 
ship with the tarball appear to apply to the more typical 
installation of a single huge database rather than thousands of 
individual dbs.   Can anyone offer any suggestions?


Gary Huntress

Just a guess, but could the problem be the 14,000 directories 
you have to store the 14,000 databases? The problem could be the OS 
directory structure. Putting the data into fewer databases will likely 
solve the problem or perhaps move half of the directories to another 


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Hi Gary,

I think that Mike may have hit the nail on the head. I've a few unix 
directories with multiple thousand files and they do become a bit of a 
problem to manage speedwise. Perhaps, as Mike has suggested, place half 
of them on another drive.

The other option could be to run multiple instances of MySQL, each 
having a different port number (this could be based on username or 
something similar) eg. A-D port 3306, E-H 3307, etc. and reducing the 
number of dbs per instance (server) that way.



David Logan
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Re: Very large from

2006-03-14 Thread David Logan
Not wanting to be rude but this question would probably be answered 
better in a php group. I realise there are many users of php that 
subscribe to this list, but this is a mysql list not php.

If you go to you will find a large number 
of resources (including lists at, 
not to mention examples of code, irc channels etc.


fbsd_user wrote:

Have to develop form with over 100 input fields plus 40 different
drop downs. Seeking advice on technique to use. Thinking about
single form where user has to use the power bar to move deeper into
the form. This has benefit that every thing is written to the
database at one time, but the draw back is the user frustration in
entering so much data at one time. Alternate thoughts are breaking
it down into 2 or 3 separate pages with each page being written to
the data base. First page does a insert to create the row, then
following pages do updates to complete populating the row with data.

Has anyone done anything like this or have seen this done before.
What advice can you offer.
Where to look for examples.




David Logan
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Re: error 1016 : cant open ibd file even though it exists

2006-02-25 Thread David Logan
d files
around? Did you recreate the ibdata1 file?

Best regards,

Oracle Corp./Innobase Oy
InnoDB - transactions, row level locking, and foreign keys for MySQL
InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for InnoDB which also backs up
MyISAM tables

List:   mysql
Subject:error 1016 : cant open ibd file even though it exists
From:   "Rithish Saralaya" 
Date:   2006-02-22 11:27:44
tallysolutions ! com
[Download message RAW]


I get the following error when I try to query a table in a particular
database (test). The error is generated for all tables within that
However, 'mysql' database works fine.

ERROR 1016 (HY000): Can't open file: 'TBL_FORUM_MSG_BODY.ibd' (errno: 1)

However, I have noticed that both the .frm and the .ibd file exists for
table TBL_FORUM_MSG_BODY. Then why the error? I looked into the error log
and it is as follows

060222 15:14:09  InnoDB error:
Cannot find table test/TBL_FORUM_MSG_BODY from the internal data
of InnoDB though the .frm file for the table exists. Maybe you
have deleted and recreated InnoDB data files but have forgotten
to delete the corresponding .frm files of InnoDB tables, or you
have moved .frm files to another database?
Look from section 15.1 of
how you can resolve the problem.
060222 15:14:09 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Can't open file:
'TBL_FORUM_MSG_BODY.ibd' (errno: 1)

I tried restarting MySQL service in the hope that INNoDB will recognise
files properly, but to no avail. Is there a way to find and correct what
gone wrong? Someone please say 'yes'...

I am on MySQL 4.1.11 with InnoDB as the storage engine and with per-table


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David Logan
South Australia

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Re: Surviving MySQL crash

2006-02-09 Thread David Logan

Foo Ji-Haw wrote:

Heikki Tuuri wrote:


if the OS crashes do not corrupt files, then InnoDB tables would 
survive an OS crash without a problem. 

Thanks for the reply Heikki. Let me rephrase my problem: the data 
remains intact, but I suspect the indexes are corrupted. Basically I 
have to run myisamcheck and mysqlcheck to get my tables operational 
again. No data loss though.

Logan (thanks Logan) suggested a periodic flush call. I am wondering 
if auto flushing is available?


You could set that up as a small cron job (Are you using unix/Linux?) 
like so

15 * * * * /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -pxx -e 'FLUSH TABLES'

This would run a FLUSH TABLES once every hour at 15 minutes past. If you 
are using Windows, sorry I'm not sure how to do it there.



David Logan
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Re: Connection problem after long idle periods

2006-02-01 Thread David Logan

Michael Lai wrote:

I am currently using MySQL 5.0.15 with mysql-connector-java-3.1.11.  I 
can access the database from my JSPs with no problem except for one 
small issue.  After a long delay (usually overnight), when someone 
first tries to access the database, I would get the following error:

Communications link failure due to underlying exception: ** BEGIN 
STACKTRACE: Broken pipe at Method) at at at 
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.send( at 
com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.send( at 
com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand( at 
com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect( at 
com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.execSQL( at 
com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.execSQL( at 
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service( 
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at 
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service( 
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at 
Last packet sent to the server was 0 ms ago.

But afterwards, on the second and subsequent attempts, the database 
runs fine.  It is only the first try after a long idle period that I 
get this error message.  I am not sure how to fix this.  I am guessing 
that the database connection is down after a long idle period and have 
to recreate a connection first after the first try.

Hi Michael,

Try looking at more
specifically the connect-timeout variable. You should use SHOW VARIABLES
LIKE "%connect%"; and check the value.

It maybe this and you can stretch it out further if you need to.



David Logan
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Re: setting the data directory.

2006-01-31 Thread David Logan

Adam Alkins wrote:


There's a mysqld startup option --datadir=/path/to/data which you can
use to alter your data directory. Simply adjust your startup scripts
to suite.


On 1/31/06, Scott Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi All,

I am trying to find out how to change the location of the data files. I have
not yet found a generic entry for the my.conf file to set a data and log

Can I move the exiting data directory form the mySQL tree and put a soft
link to a new location on another partition?


Scott Johnson
Tel.: (514) 917-4922
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Adam Alkins


Hi Scott and Adam,

You don't even have to modify the startup scripts, just add


to the my.cnf file and it will point to there.



David Logan
South Australia

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Re: mysqldump: Got errno 32 on write ?

2006-01-05 Thread David Logan

Anthony Ettinger wrote:

Turns out I forgot the gzip > filename, only had | gzip filename.

But the real problem here is I'm getting packet loss and loosing my
connection, which is probably why I get that error 32.

On 1/5/06, Anthony Ettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am, I'm running a remote command mysqldump | gzip > some file.

On 1/5/06, Logan, David (SST - Adelaide) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Are you running mysqldump through into a pipe eg: into tar or similar? I
mention this because :

test1=>perror 32
System error:  32 = Broken pipe



** _/ **  David Logan
***   _/ ***  ITO Delivery Specialist - Database
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   _/ **  Adelaide SA 5001

-Original Message-
Anthony Ettinger
Sent: Friday, 6 January 2006 2:17 PM
Subject: mysqldump: Got errno 32 on write ?

"mysqldump: Got errno 32 on write" -- any ideas? I think it may
  be mysqldump is not run as user, because dump dir is

Anthony Ettinger


Anthony Ettinger


Anthony Ettinger


Hi Anthony,

Are you running the mysqldump from one host and gzipping on another? 
This could be the result of a network issue. Another thing to check is 
the size of your mysqldump, some versions of gzip (certainly the older 
ones) have size limitations. You may be busting these.



David Logan
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Re: Can i get a mysql technology standard

2006-01-04 Thread David Logan
wangxu wrote:

>Can i get a technology standard?
>It include database capability,table capability,row number limit in table,blob 
>object capability etc...

A good read of the manual at would give you almost
all of the information that you require. Especially the page which gives the
various capabilities of the database in general.

If you look under the datatype definitions, you will find the maximum
size of each datatype and any limitations they may have.

Each engine is fairly well described in the section along with
any special features and/or limitations.



David Logan
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Re: rentering a sql script

2005-12-31 Thread David Logan

Jon Miller wrote:

I have a sql script that needs to be re entered using the following command mysql 
< create.sql but the database already exists.  IS there a way to overwrite or 
update the database using the script, or do I have to delete the existing database?

I have a sql script that needs to be re entered using the following command 
mysql < create.sql but the database already exists.  IS there a way to 
overwrite or update the database using the script, or do I have to delete the 
existing database?




Hi Jon,

You will have to drop the database first if you wish to start from 
scratch. If you wish to update the records, the syntax at would be 
useful, especially the IF NOT EXISTS bit. This will allow you to bypass 
the CREATE DATABASE requirement. You may also use a similar syntax for 
the CREATE TABLE statement.



David Logan
South Australia

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Re: Error 1013

2005-12-17 Thread David Logan

Karl Krelove wrote:

David Logan wrote:

Karl Krelove wrote:

I'm trying to import a large amount of data from an Access database 
containing information about 9,000+ students in a school system. 
I've created a table 'student_list' to hold the data and issued the 
following command:

LOAD DATA INFILE 'home/karl/Student_List.csv' into table 

In response I get: ERROR 13 (HY000): Can't get stat of 
'/var/lib/mysql/home/karl/Student_List.csv' (Errcode: 2)

I've looked up the error on the MySQL website and found the error 
listed as Error 1013 in the listing of server errors for MySQL 4.1, 
but I can't find an explanation.

1st question - the obvious one - does anyone know what is triggering 
the error?

2nd question - why does MySQL only list the errors? I could already 
read what it said in the CLI client. Is there a place on the web 
site that actually explains what specific errors mean?

Thanks in advance for any input.

Karl Krelove


Hi Karl,

Do you have your home directories under the mysql path? When you are 
doing a LOAD DATA INFILE the following rules (from the manual) apply 
to the pathname

I suspect, based on these rules, it will be looking for the file 
relative to  /var/lib/mysql as it states in the error message. 
Further info is available at


My first reaction as I read your response was "But I had just run a 
LOAD INFILE command on another table from the same database - same 
directory, same command, nothing different except the filename and the 
table name - with no path problem." Then I looked a little closer at 
the LOAD INFILE I pasted into this message. What a difference a single 
slash can make! When I re-ran the command in MySQL using the same path 
but with a slash at the _beginning_ - '/home/karl/Student_List.csv' - 
it worked and the data was imported in about a hundredth of a second! 
Thanks for pointing me toward a path problem. Does "Can't get stat" 
translate to "File not found?" And as for my other general question, 
is there a resource online (or even in a bound manual) that actually 
explains MySQL error messages? There is that huge listing on the MySQL 
website that _lists_ a gazillion errors and their numeric codes, but 
no links to explanations.

Thanks again.


Hi Karl,

There are many many error codes unfortunately. I don't know of any 
specific resource, however in the manual there are a couple of the 
appendices that can be very useful, appendix A especially. I find that I 
just have to read the manual for the command that I have issues with 

"Can't get stat" indeed means as you thought. A stat is a unix system 
function that returns details on the file, eg: ownership, group, size, 
date last modified etc. It is telling you it can't find it to retrieve 
the info required.

Pleased to see it all worked ok.



David Logan
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Re: Error 1013

2005-12-17 Thread David Logan

Karl Krelove wrote:

I'm trying to import a large amount of data from an Access database containing 
information about 9,000+ students in a school system. I've created a table 
'student_list' to hold the data and issued the following command:

LOAD DATA INFILE 'home/karl/Student_List.csv' into table student_list FIELDS 

In response I get: ERROR 13 (HY000): Can't get stat of 
'/var/lib/mysql/home/karl/Student_List.csv' (Errcode: 2)

I've looked up the error on the MySQL website and found the error listed as 
Error 1013 in the listing of server errors for MySQL 4.1, but I can't find an 

1st question - the obvious one - does anyone know what is triggering the 

2nd question - why does MySQL only list the errors? I could already read what 
it said in the CLI client. Is there a place on the web site that actually 
explains what specific errors mean?

Thanks in advance for any input.

Karl Krelove


Hi Karl,

Do you have your home directories under the mysql path? When you are 
doing a LOAD DATA INFILE the following rules (from the manual) apply to 
the pathname

When locating files on the server host, the server uses the following 


 If an absolute pathname is given, the server uses the pathname as is.


 If a relative pathname with one or more leading components is
 given, the server searches for the file relative to the server's
 data directory.


 If a filename with no leading components is given, the server
 looks for the file in the database directory of the default database.

Note that these rules mean that a file named as |./myfile.txt| is read 
from the server's data directory, whereas the same file named as 
|myfile.txt| is read from the database directory of the default 
database. For example, the following |LOAD DATA| statement reads the 
file |data.txt| from the database directory for |db1| because |db1| is 
the current database, even though the statement explicitly loads the 
file into a table in the |db2| database:

mysql> *|USE db1;|*
mysql> *|LOAD DATA INFILE 'data.txt' INTO TABLE db2.my_table;|*

Note that Windows pathnames are specified using forward slashes rather 
than backslashes. If you do use backslashes, you must double them.

For security reasons, when reading text files located on the server, the 
files must either reside in the database directory or be readable by 
all. Also, to use |LOAD DATA INFILE| on server files, you must have the 
|FILE| privilege.

I suspect, based on these rules, it will be looking for the file 
relative to  /var/lib/mysql as it states in the error message. Further 
info is available at



David Logan
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Re: user to start/stop mysql without db access?

2005-12-02 Thread David Logan

mel list_php wrote:


This may be a strange question, but I was wondering if it is possible 
to have a user starting/stopping the mysql server who wouldn't have 
access to the data.
To explain: I want to set up a server as user "Groupinstaller" for 
example. This is a virtual user to allow other people of my group to 
start/stop the server by becoming "Groupinstaller".
But I don't want this user to be able to see the different databases 
of the different people, nor touch the data directory. For example, I 
have a database called db1 and my coworker has a db called db2.
I am root of mysql, so I have access to all the databases, but he is 
just a user with access to his db and not to mine. If no other 
solution, I could eventually do with a read access, but I really don't 
want to allow write.
I was thinking at replacing the typical "mysql" user by the 
"Groupinstaller" one, but this user owns the data directory...

Does anybody know if it is possible, and how?

The new MSN Search Toolbar now includes Desktop search!


If you are using a *nix operating system, then consider using sometbing 
like sudo or ssu to allow the other user access to the startup/shutdown 
script only. sudo can be found at not sure 
where ssu comes from though.



David Logan
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Re: Help! Problem moving MySQL data dir to a larger file system

2005-11-07 Thread David Logan

Hi Daniel,

Check your permissions. Your mysqld process is probably trying to create
the log file but can't and is telling you via the error code 13 message

$ perror 13
System error:  13 = Permission denied


Daniel C. Mahoney wrote:

I'm running MySQL (--ersion says "mysql  Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.10a, for 
pc-linux-gnu (i686)) on a RedHat Enterprise ES Release 4 system. The 
datadir was in it's own filesystem, mounted at /mysql, but it's now 
filled up (it's a 15 GB partition and it has 1.5 MB free).
I shut down MySQL (did a "kill `cat /mysql/` and waited for 
the daemon to exit), created a new directory (/z/mysql, in a 
filesystem with about 30 GB free), and verified that the files copied ok.
I now try to restart mysql with "/usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe 
--datadir=/z/mysql --pid-file=/z/mysql/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &". 
When I do a "ps ax" afterwards I don't see mysqld running. The host 
name is www2, so I looked in /z/mysql/www2.err and saw:

051107 00:32:49  mysqld started
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld: File './www2-bin.46' not found 
(Errcode: 13)
051107  0:32:49 [ERROR] Could not use www2-bin for logging (error 13). 
Turning logging off for the whole duration of the MySQL server 
process. To turn it on again: fix the cause, shutdown the MySQL server 
and restart it.

051107  0:32:49 [ERROR] Aborting
051107  0:32:49 [Note] /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Shutdown complete
051107 00:32:49  mysqld ended
This confuses the crap out of me! I looked again in the /mysql 
directory, and there is no file named www2-bin.46 prewent. There 
is a www2-bin.45, and that same file is present in /z mysql and is 
the same size.
So why is mysql looking for that non-existent file? And what do I have 
to do to make this work again? This is kind of a critical problem for us.

Dan Mahoney
"How you behave towards cats here below determines your status in 

Robert Heinlein
"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of
life - music and cats" - Albert Schweitzer


David Logan
South Australia

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Re: Failure to install on Solaris.

2005-09-20 Thread David Logan
gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/scratch/hgs/mysql-4.1.13'
gmake: *** [all] Error 2
neelix hgs 57 %> ls /usr/lib/*pthread*
/usr/lib/ /usr/lib/llib-lpthread
/usr/lib/ /usr/lib/llib-lpthread.ln
neelix hgs 58 %>

Any suggestions as to how I get around this and get the whole thing
installed in /usr/local/mysql-4.1.13 ?

Thank you,

Hi Hugh,

Do you have the pthread library path in the -L path somewhere? It 
doesn't seem to be able to find it. You might like to use crle to put 
the paths in in a more permanent fashion



David Logan
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RE: Where did my disk space go?

2005-08-04 Thread David Logan
Hi Siegfried,

In the mysql data directory,

-rw-rw1 mysqlmysql  358975 Mar 10 14:28 aaudbasa01.log
-rw-rw1 mysqlmysql   25088 Feb 15 08:08
-rw-rw1 mysqlmysql 5242880 Jun 22 11:20 ib_logfile0
-rw-rw1 mysqlmysql 5242880 Feb 15 08:08 ib_logfile1

The above files maybe in slightly different places, it depends on whether
you are using the InnoDB engine or the MyISAM one. The InnoDB logging
files are the ib_logfiles. You could also check the my.cnf for any form of
logging being switched on, in particular binary logging.

You could check for this as well. This will be in your my.cnf file as

# Replication Master Server (default)
# binary logging is required for replication

If so, you could be filling up your disk quite easily


> Thank you David and Sebastion,
> I am not doing this in a transaction (at least, I did not do anything
> special to start a transaction) and I have no need for a transaction.
> How do I check the log files you two suggest?
> Thanks,
> Siegfried
> -Original Message-
> From: Logan, David (SST - Adelaide) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 8:10 PM
> To: Siegfried Heintze;
> Subject: RE: Where did my disk space go?
> Hi Siegfried,
> I would check your transaction logs. Are you doing this as one giant
> transaction? The system may be filling up the logs just in case you need
> to rollback.
> Regards
> David Logan
> Database Administrator
> HP Managed Services
> 148 Frome Street,
> Adelaide 5000
> Australia
> +61 8 8408 4273 - Work
> +61 417 268 665 - Mobile
> +61 8 8408 4259 - Fax
> -Original Message-
> From: Siegfried Heintze [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, 4 August 2005 10:00 AM
> To:
> Subject: Where did my disk space go?
> I've been using Perl 8.4+ (ActiveState) on WinXP. My program runs for
> many
> (> 20) hours issuing SQL UPDATE and DELETE commands. The update commands
> should not be increasing the storage requirements, I'm just updating
> integer
> values.
> I've noticed several times now that I run out of disk space. I started
> with
> a gigabyte free. Last time, I aborted the program, compressed my disk,
> retrieved much lost disk space and started again.
> Now I tried that again: no luck. I rebooted and recompressed again. I'm
> still out of disk space.
> It seems that MySQL just keeps using more and more disk space.
> How can I retrieve my lost disks pace?
> Thanks,
> Siegfried
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David Logan
South Australia

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Re: Installer for 4.0.13

2005-05-25 Thread David Logan

Mayuresh Kshirsagar wrote:

Hi Peter,

Its the requirement for the project to use 4.0.13. I visites the page you
mentioned. but the only build available there which i can see is 4.0.24. Am
I missing something?

- Original Message - 
From: "Peter Normann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "'Mayuresh Kshirsagar'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'MYSQL
Mailing list'" 
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 12:22 PM
Subject: RE: Installer for 4.0.13


Mayuresh Kshirsagar <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Where can I find the installer for MYSQL DB 4.0.13 for solaris/linux.
I couldn't find it on the site. Could you guide me please.

Is there any reason why you don't want the latest build of version 4.0?

If not, you can find them here:

Peter Normann



Hi Mayuresh,

You can find the older versions here



David Logan
South Australia

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Re: Need help in locating configuration file

2005-05-17 Thread David Logan

If you have questions, try
first as you will often find the answer there. BTW this manual is for the
latest version that you are using.

> Hi,
> Iam using Mysql5.04
> What does it mean,
> "To install the mysqli extension for PHP, use the
> --with-mysqli=mysql_config_path/mysql_config
> configuration option where mysql_config_path
> represents the location of the mysql_config
> program that comes with MySQL versions greater
> than 4.1."
> in this,is mysql_config file is same as my.ini and
> the path to it in windows 2000 NT (on my system is
> )c:\Program Files\mysql\mysql server 5.0 ;" is it
> correct, then after editing the php.ini file why
> doesnot it is working.
> Any help is welcome.
> Thanks
> Sreedhar
> __
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David Logan
South Australia

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Re: mysql client update

2005-05-17 Thread David Logan
Philip Denno wrote:
I'm no database expert, so I may be wrong but I do not think this
functionality exists. Usually this type of notification is handled at
the application level. That is build an application layer on top of the
database which handles all reads and writes to the database. This layer
would also keep track of all connected clients and would notify when a
record is modified/inserted/created.
-Original Message-
From: Eric White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: May 17, 2005 10:44 AM
Subject: mysql client update

Where should I look to find information about
having clients notified when a table/record is
I have a situation where multiple clients will each
have an open database connection, and I would
like for them to be notified when the database is
modified by a member of the group.
Something like a trigger that informs all clients
that a new record has been added for example.
Thanks in advance.

Triggers were added at 5.0.2 They have some limitations but are 
documented in the manual at


David Logan
South Australia
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Re: backup a database

2005-05-10 Thread David Logan
Rafael Diaz Valdes wrote:
I 'm using mysqldump to backup my database, I wrote in my the following string: 

$MYSQL/bin/mysqldump --opt databasename -user=root --password=rootpassword > 
I include in my cron weekly (/etc/cron.weekly) but when it is 
executed  appear databasename.sql empty, else if I run in a shell 
konsole it is executed ok,
do you know why can not execute the string in the cron ?? 

my mysql version is : 4.0.17 

regards rafael

Hi Rafael,
Check the value of the variable $MYSQL. It is probably not being set by 
cron and should be set in your shell script. Cron starts with only a 
couple of variables set and you have to start everything else.

Are you getting any output from the cron daemon? It should be in the 
logs somewhere or else emailed to root.

David Logan
South Australia
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Re: Can't read database

2005-04-17 Thread David Logan
I'm working on a database crash recovery. Wanting to repair the tables (check
table zf_forums), in 'mysql' mode as root user I get the following respons:
mysql> use zforum
Can't read dir of './zforum/' (Errcode: 13)
Database changed
mysql> use zforum
Database changed
mysql> check table zf_forums;
| Table| Op| Msg_type | Msg_text 
| zforum.zf_forums | check | error| Can't find file:
'./zforum/zf_forums.frm' (errno: 13) |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> \q

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql# perror 13
Error code  13:  Permission denied
I've made root also part of the mysql group (this group has all rwx
permissions) --- to no avail.
Does anyone know why as root I can't access the tables?

Good Morning,
The OS user 'root' is different to the MySQL user root. They share only 
the name in common.

Judging by your first error message, have you checked the permissions of 
the 'zforum' directory in the mysql data directory? It seems unable to 
change to the correct database. Check the ownership of the directory, 
IMHO I think it should be owned/group mysql. If the permissions are 
correct, then you need to check the .frm file hasn't disappeared for the 

If it has then you need to follow the instructions at, I think you may have 
reached stage 4.

David Logan
South Australia
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Re: RES: phpmyadmin can't connect via browser

2005-03-14 Thread David Logan
Mark Sargent wrote:
Robert Restad wrote:

snip snip

Hope I've given enuff info this time. Cheers, again. (Oh, btw, I'm not a
php programmer etc, I'm just doing this so I can say to a future
employer, yes, I can install/setup/config php/mysql etc if you need it).
Mark Sargent.

Hi All,
ok, am I better off installing an earlier version, since they make it 
so damn hard just to get a simple thing working in php5..? Absolutely 
rediculous, this. Cheers.

Mark Sargent.
Perhaps the mysql, php and phpmyadmin documentation may help. I had 
phpmyadmin up and running in about 10 minutes.
The docs are most comprehensive and go over everything you have noted above.
David Logan
South Australia
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Re: Tables,

2005-03-07 Thread David Logan
Carlos Bergueira wrote:
I need to know some things:
- Where can i get (url of document) the MySql database fields ? (For example, i
need to list all tables of a database (database: mydb) and for each table
properties like comments, size, record number, etc ?). I use PHP to write
- I need to do the same with all fields of each table. (The output i need is
explain above)
Fields:  field(0), field(1), field(2), etc..
Records: 1,MyClient_1,56888554, etc...
Thanks in advance.
Carlos Bergueira

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Hi Carlos,
If you go to and search for mysql you will find a 
number of different functions that will get you the info you need. Also 
try (The english version, 
there are several possibly in languages which you may prefer)

If you need further functionality you can look at 
and look for the DB libraries. They have many functions to return column 
names etc. along with examples.

If you want practical examples, look at phpMyadmin 
( as this does almost exactly what you are 
trying to do, this is an open source product and you get many, many 
examples of your request.

David Logan
South Australia
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Re: Url

2005-02-18 Thread David Logan
John McCaskey wrote:
On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 08:08 -0800, Jason Martin wrote:

On Fri, Feb 18, 2005 at 10:06:38AM +0100, Anton Kornexl wrote:

There should be tools on this website, but i see only a message from 
Infektion Group.
What happened ?

Looks like the website got hacked.

I guess they should have written a book on high security mysql instead?
John A. McCaskey

I just tried and it works fine. You 
can also try

David Logan
South Australia
when in trouble, or in doubt
run in circles, scream and shout

Re: MySQL database and user creation from script file

2005-01-04 Thread David Logan

I have to create user and database using script file.

My requirements are given below.

1. Login as root

2. Execute the script file for database and user creation.

3. Exit

My script file should have

mysql -u root
create database mnms;
user creation command

The script file will be called in Win batch file and the same batch file
will be executed.


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Perhaps reading the manual might be part of your exercise. Try

David Logan
South Australia
when in trouble, or in doubt
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