Re: geometry with MySQL-5.0

2006-06-19 Thread Gaspar Bakos
Hello Gilles,

 I am discovering the Spatial Extensions features of MySQL-5.0
 Is there a way to use a spherical geometry ? (instead of Euclidean)
 like for navigation, or on sky coordinates,...

As far as MySQL-5.0, I have not found any such feature.
I believe it is available in the recent PostGres, but have not tried it.

In any case, so far we have quite disappointing experience with
MySQL-5.0 and geometry indexing.

First, the point() geometry sub-type (which is basically two doubles
glued together) is not fixed length, thus the table in which you have a
geometry column will be 'dynamic', and indexing and searching for other
columns becomes very slow. You can get around this by separate table
with geometry info, and join on tables.

Second, for big astronomical catalogues (10 million or more records),
we found that simple ascii/binary implementation on the disk in a well
arranged structure leads to much faster results.

For reference:
given a catalogue of 38million records.
geometry info is in a separate table, and it is indexed.
join is done on a primary key
we select data in a 10x10deg area
on dual opteron 2.0GHZ computer this is 5 to 20 seconds.

With an ascii catalogue manipulator this is at most 5sec, but
usually 1-2 seconds.

Third: indexing on geometry is very slow.
With *_buffer = 1Gb size (sort buffer = 256Mb) 100 millions record
indexing will take up to a week or more.

And finally, you can expect weird messages from mysqladmin.
E.g. mysqladmin --sort-index on the geometry table works for some
tables, and returns with unknown error for others (usu. when the num of
records is more than 10 million ?) See a previous posting of mine.


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Re: sort-index on geometry always fails

2006-06-19 Thread Gaspar Bakos
Hi, John,

RE:  Seems like myisamcheck --sort-index does not work with spatial
 or you have a disk error.

I tried it on another computer, and -- unfortunately -- the same effect.
Also tried it on the same computer, and different partition of the
RAID-5 array.

I kind of believe there is some exception here.


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Re: geometry with MySQL-5.0

2006-06-19 Thread Gaspar Bakos

 And finally, you can expect weird messages from mysqladmin.
 E.g. mysqladmin --sort-index on the geometry table works for some

I meant to say myisamchk, and not mysqladmin.


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sort-index on geometry always fails

2006-06-15 Thread Gaspar Bakos

I have a table that stores geometry information in one column in
point type. After freshly uploading the table,

myisamcheck --sort-index reports an error:

- Sorting index for MyISAM-table 'TEST_I14_GEOM'
myisamchk: Unknown error 126
myisamchk: error: Can't read key block from filepos: 71995659058108416
MyISAM-table 'TEST_I14_GEOM' is not fixed because of errors

OK, so I go ahead, and fix it:
myisamchk --analyze

Checking MyISAM file: TEST_I14_GEOM
Data records: 37852738   Deleted blocks:   0
myisamchk: warning: Table is marked as crashed
- check file-size
- check record delete-chain
- check key delete-chain
- check index reference
- check data record references index: 1
- check data record references index: 2
- check record links
MyISAM-table 'TEST_I14_GEOM' is usable but should be fixed

myisamchk --verbose --recover

- recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'TEST_I14_GEOM'
Data records: 37852738

The recovery exists with 0, and is seemingly successful.

Then I go back to
myisamcheck --sort-index, and I get the same error;

myisamchk: Unknown error 126
myisamchk: error: Can't read key block from filepos: 71995659058108416
MyISAM-table 'TEST_I14_GEOM' is not fixed because of errors

Seems like myisamcheck --sort-index does not work with spatial

All this is under FC3 on x86_64 AMD opteron, MySQL 5.0.22.

Any ideas?


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Re: fixed or dynamic row sizes with point

2006-06-13 Thread Gaspar Bakos

 we have a table with many (~0.5 billion) records and a geometry field
 which was defined as a simple point. The `show table status` shows that
 the row format is dynamic, however, a simple point in the GIS
 representation has a fixed format (see: WKB: 21 bytes: 1 for MSB/LSB, 4
 for type and 2x8 for the two doubles). We experienced that in this case,
 when we include this point field all `select`ions and indexing (alter
 table ... add [spatial] index ...) are much slower rather than if we
 exclude this point object.

I made a couple of new tests related to this.

To give further examples, if the table contains a point-type column
(MMpoint) at the end, selection based on another column (e.g. MMI) is
about 2 to 3x slower (with or without indexing on MMI).

Splitting of geometry information from the table to a separate table,
and using join, greatly increases speed, especially if done on
10million or more records.

All in all, it is a great pity that the geometry.point type can not be
chosen as fixed width.


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Re: my-huge.cnf quite outdated (fwd)

2006-06-12 Thread Gaspar Bakos
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 11:39:11 -0400 (EDT)
From: Gaspar Bakos
Subject: Re: my-huge.cnf quite outdated

Hello, Barry,

 Guess we would answer to everyone on the list who wishes to optimize his

I don't guess, and don't even expect that you answer to everyone.

 Oh, i have add super X RAMs with latencies of blah blah. Please i
 think my cnf is outdated can somone help me? Or: Oh, i have added a
 HD with 2times more rounds per/m can you update my cnf PLZ?

These are not what I asked, they are pretty negative exaggarations.

 And yes. You can tweak the shit out of the mysql.cnf files.
 You have to test yourself on your system.

This is what I am doing, and in the meantime, looking for experience,
and also sharing mine.

 And btw. the cnf files wrk with even bigger tables than you have.
 Not optimal but okay.

How big?

 Every special server needs special handling. there is no the one and
 only you have to do it this way way

OK, so why is there a my-{small,large,huge}.cnf ?
They are guidelines for typical systems and applications.
But they are quite outdated, as typical systems changed.

All in all: I was looking for _typical_ configs for 4GB+ machines and
100Gb+ tables.


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Re: my-huge.cnf quite outdated (fwd)

2006-06-12 Thread Gaspar Bakos
Hi, Daniel,

 I've had a big time looking for configs over the net and manuals,
 ended search with this:

Thanks for the links, I will check them again.
I read most of those that are available on the web.

 their way easily... They are not for typical systems, they are
 specially SAFE and minimally optimized configs so your server won't
 crash, but still use some of the resources of the machine. Keep in

I see.

To re-iterate the question, I think the missing info is

1. the useful domain of system parameters. For example,

read_buffer  64M does not help at all because of other limitations.
(the default is 8K if I recall correctly). 

2. the relation between the parameters, as they have a complicated
relation. It is usually quite meaningless to increase/decrease a sinle
parameter without changing others.

So later on I will probably ask or share experience on the reasonable
range on specific parameters.

 because I don't think anyone would give you a config set that may
 crash/overload/put in risk your server. Simply grab a set of features
 and play in a test database. There are some stress tests for mysql
 over the web...

Good idea to google for stress tests.


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Re: my-huge.cnf quite outdated

2006-06-11 Thread Gaspar Bakos
Hi, Keith,

 This seems to be the way things are with mysql nowdays.
 Is it not time for the developers to take a serious look
 into culling all the outdated and multiple ways of
 accomplishing the same thing from mysql and the

This is a somewhat different subject.
But you are right about it.

On the other hand, I have been using MySQL since 2001, and I enjoy
looking at the old syntax, and seeing how it changed helps me
understanding what the new syntax means.

Back to my-huge.cnf, I am sure there are many people reading the list
who run MySQL on big-big servers, and they must have figured out how to
optimize it. I am curious about their advice.

  Any opinions of the following : ?


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example when indexing hurts simple select?

2006-06-11 Thread Gaspar Bakos

There is a table (TEST) with ~100 million records, 70 columns (mostly
integers, some doubles, and a few short fixed char()), and has a ~100Gb

The table has a single (not unique) index on one integer column: MMi.

If I invoke a simple select based on MMi, then the selection is VERY slow:

nohup time mysql CAT -u catadmin -p$MPWD -e create table test2
select * from TEST where MMi  9000;

( this selects only ~0.5 % of the table, by the way, so test2 is a
small table, and the time is not spent with writing it on disk)

  Time used: 47 minutes:
0.00user 0.00system 47:17.37elapsed 0%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
0maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (0major+416minor)pagefaults 0swaps

If I do the same but ignore the index, the select time drops to 1/5th !!!

nohup time mysql CAT -u catadmin -p$MPWD -e create table test3 \
select * from TEST ignore index (MMi) where \
MMi  9000;

  Time used: 11 minutes:
0.00user 0.00system 11:08.23elapsed 0%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
0maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (0major+415minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Without the index, MySQL does a simple thing; it reads in sequentially
the 100Gb database, and while reading, it parses the lines, and
determines if the MMi is  9000. This is done with about 16Mb/s speed.

With the index, it performs a large number of random seeks. The data
(.MYD) is probably not organized on the disk according to sorted MMi.


1. Is there a way to decrease random seeks? E.g. mysqld config
parameters, increase some buffer/cache sizes?

2. Optimize table: is there a way to rearrange data so that random
seeks are minimized?

3. If we have to live with large number of random seeks does anyone
know how the underlying FS can be optimized?


(   All this TEST DB is kept on FC3 Redhat + MySQL 5.0.22, XFS
filesystem on a 1.5Tb RAID-5 array of 4 SATA disks (served by a
3ware RAID controller).  The computer is running on two opteron
2.0GHZ CPUs and 4Gb RAM.

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Re: example when indexing hurts simple select?

2006-06-11 Thread Gaspar Bakos
Hi, Philip,

 What is the EXPLAIN output of each?

OK, first I naively typed:
explain create table test2 select * from TEST where MMi  9000;
but of course, this does not work.

The simple select that uses MMi_m as index (and takes up to an hour):

mysql explain select * from TEST where MMi_m  9000;
| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key   | key_len | ref  | 
rows   | Extra   |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | TEST  | range | MMi_m | MMi_m | 3   | NULL | 
406649 | Using where |

The select with ignoreing the index (takes only 11 minutes)
mysql explain select * from TEST ignore key (MMi_m) where MMi_m  9000;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | 
rows  | Extra   |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | TEST  | ALL  | NULL  | NULL | NULL| NULL | 
470992970 | Using where |

 Have you tried
 analyze table x;
 optimize table x;

Not yet.

As regards optimize table, I thought it would not make too much sense,

OPTIMIZE TABLE should be used if you have deleted a large part of a
table or if you have made many changes to a table with variable-length
rows (tables that have VARCHAR, VARBINARY, BLOB, or TEXT columns).

But I have just uploaded this table from ASCII, and made no changes.
Nevertheless, I will give a try, maybe there is some feature of
OPTIMIZE TABLE I don't know of.

What did you think of?

 Is it MyISAM or Innodb ?


I'll keep you posted. I am very curious about how this can be resolved.


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dropping primary key - 99%CPU

2006-06-10 Thread Gaspar Bakos

Could someone explain why dropping a primary key of a table (of
~1million rec) may take up to minutes of time and 99%CPU?

Naively, I would have thought that this involves only updating the
index file.

However, all the .MYD, MYI and .frm files are duplicated (#sql-*), and
then something happens for quite a bit of time.

Is this related to the fact that I have more indexes in the table, and
those are retained?

I guess MySQL is doing something intelligent, but I did not find a
source that explains the procedure ... what exactly happens.


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Re: dropping primary key - 99%CPU

2006-06-10 Thread Gaspar Bakos
Hi, Dan,

 Currently mysql handles all ALTER TABLE commands by rebuilding the
 entire table and all indexes.

OK, so an add index is mapped to alter table, and the alter table
rebuilds everything.

This means if I have a table with multiple indexes, it does not make
too much sense to create the indexes  separately?

For example:
alter table add index name1 (name1);
alter table add index name2 (name2);
alter table add index name3 (name3);

Instead, something like:

alter table add index name1 (name1), add index name2 (name2), \
add index name3 (name3);

should work better.

I am dealing with a table of ~100Gb size that will be purely readonly,
and i am trying to optimize the reads by creating indexes on the
columns that are most popular in the where statements.


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my-huge.cnf quite outdated

2006-06-10 Thread Gaspar Bakos

Isn't the my-huge.cnf in the MySQL 5.0.22 distribution quite outdated?
It says for systems with 512Mb RAM or more. Nowdays this is pretty
basic setup, and 'huge' is probably something in excess of 4Gb RAM.

I wonder if anyone has a recommendation for truly huge systems. For
example a dual CPU AMD opteron system with 4Gb (or 8Gb) RAM that is
fully devoted to serving the mysql daemon.

The config I have (see below) has been tuned to be optimal for creating
indexes on a large (100Gb+) single database table. It works fine
(although not satisfactory), but I worry that some parameters may have
an optimal value or range, and it does not make sense to increase them
like crazy.

Any opinions of the following : ?


# Cheers,
# Gaspar

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.TMD files

2006-06-09 Thread Gaspar Bakos

Can someone point me to the docs that explain what the .TMD files are?
We are using MySQL 5.0.22 under RH FC3.

We have a massive table of the size ~100Gb. It already has a couple of
indexes. We are adding a new index on the first 8 character of a column:

alter table CAT add index(des(8))

This operation has been running now for a day, and it is painstakingly
slow. As opposed to the previous indexing, it is slowly filling up a
.TMD table.

My guess is that this .TMD may be the des(8) extracted from the table.

Let me know if you have a clue.


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building index table, duplicate .MYD

2006-06-07 Thread Gaspar Bakos

I wonder if anyone could explain the rational behind the following:

We have a MyISam table with ~100Gb size.
We start creating an index.
The procedure starts making temporary files:

-rw-rw  1 mysql mysql11430 Jun  7 10:27 #sql-79d6_cc.frm
-rw-rw  1 mysql mysql 1024 Jun  7 10:27 #sql-79d6_cc.MYI
-rw-rw  1 mysql mysql  80824238080 Jun  7 11:35 #sql-79d6_cc.MYD
(this is while the indexing is still running)

I understand the first two, but i was surprised that the entire 100Gb
.MYD gets duplicated during the indexing. At the end, I believe the
#sql-79d6_cc.MYD table replaces the original.

Is indexing also performing an optimize table at the same time?
Naively i would have tought that when we index, only an extra index
file is created, and the original table data is not touched.


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Re: procedure analyse() returns bad type?

2006-06-06 Thread Gaspar Bakos
Hi, Jeremy,


 Looks like a bug.  The code in question is:
if (num_info.dval  -FLT_MAX  num_info.dval  FLT_MAX)
  sprintf(buff, FLOAT(%d,%d), num_info.integers,
  sprintf(buff, DOUBLE(%d,%d), num_info.integers,

OK, thanks for the info. Seems like procedure analyse() has some other
bugs, for example despite controlling the number of possible enum
fields to e.g. 16, it returns an enum with 256 elements.


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procedure analyse() returns bad type?

2006-06-03 Thread Gaspar Bakos

The following command returns recommended type FLOAT(3,6) for a
double(10,6) column:

mysql CAT -t -u catadmin -p -e \
select * from temp procedure analyse(16,8192)  temp.log

Optimal_fieldtype = FLOAT(3,6) NOT NULL.

The trouble is that FLOAT(3,6) does not make sense, with FLOAT(M,D),
M  D+2 should hold.

Is procedure analyse(16,8192) old? Or I am doing sth wrong?

I have MySQL 5.0.22 under FC3 Linux on AMD64bit.


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char(17) vs. char(18)

2006-06-01 Thread Gaspar Bakos

Do you think there is any difference in the speed of select()
statements done on a big table depending on whether one of the columns
of this table is defined as char(17) or char(18)? That is, will the
select speed depend on the parity of the number of chars?

More generally, are char(2^n) width columns better to use?


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auto_increm, forced step back

2005-02-15 Thread Gaspar Bakos

My understanding is that with mysql = 3.23 versions the last value of
an auto_increm column is stored, thus even if records are deleted, when
a new one is inserted (as NULL), values will not be re-used.
This is a fine attribute, but is there any way to override it?
That is, to bump back the counter by force?

E.g. I have

and then delete 3 and 4:

and when inserting a new record by saying
insert into test NULL
, I would like it to become 3.

Maybe I need a new table creation, and copy of current table in that, etc.?


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RE: move column position

2004-12-30 Thread Gaspar Bakos

  I believe this is what you are looking for:
 ALTER TABLE Images MODIFY Imcreatedat datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00
 00:00:00' AFTER Imccdtemp;

Thanks, Tom for the clue.

Yes, this is what I tried, but it did not work. Seems like modify does
not accept the AFTER part.
I tried it again, and the same failure:
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax

Maybe this is due to mysql-3.23.52 (i.e. not mysql-4)?


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create ... select fails

2004-12-29 Thread Gaspar Bakos

I am trying to making a copy of a table called Sections into a new
table (just to be created) called CamCfgSec. This CamCfgSec has
different column names (but represent the same data, and in the same
column order).

I tried to achieve this with the
create table ... select
syntax, but I failed. Maybe you have an enlightening idea.

Here are my trials:

drop table if exists CamCfgSec;
CREATE TABLE CamCfgSec select * from Sections;

Works, but _column names_ are copied verbatim from Sections table, and
they are not what I want,

I try to create the CamCfgSec with the favoured column names, and then
insert the data:

drop table if exists CamCfgSec;
  CMCSECid int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  CMCSECname char(30) NOT NULL default '',
) TYPE=MyISAM select * from Sections;

 ERROR 1062 at line 2: Duplicate entry '0' for key 1
3. Given the caveats mentioned in the DuBois book p. 150:

  CMCSECid int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  CMCSECname char(30) NOT NULL default '',
) TYPE=MyISAM select SectionID as CMCSECid, SectionName as CMCSECname from 

 ERROR 1060 at line 2: Duplicate column name 'CMCSECid'

4. Of course, this works:

drop table if exists CamCfgSec;
  CMCSECid int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  CMCSECname char(30) NOT NULL default '',
insert into CamCfgSec select * from Sections;

I am sure that I am screwing up something with the syntax.
Any idea would be most welcome.


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move column position

2004-12-29 Thread Gaspar Bakos

Is there a solution for moving a column in a table from a position to

I tried various alter table configurations.

The only solution i found was (trying to move IMcreatedat):

# Add temporary column:
Alter table Images add column
temp datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00' after IMccdtemp;
# Copy values from IMcreatedat
update Images set temp = IMcreatedat;
# Delete original column
alter table Images drop column IMcreatedat;
# Rename temporary col:
alter table Images change column temp
IMcreatedat datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00';

Any shorter solution?

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unique key - primary key

2004-12-28 Thread Gaspar Bakos

I have two tables, seemigly very similar setup; the primary key is the
combination of two columns. With mysqldump, however, the table
definition of the two tables looks different.

Mysqldump on table 1 says
UNIQUE KEY HONstid (HONstid,HONname)
whereas on table 2 it says
PRIMARY KEY  (IMstid,IMfnum)

What is the difference? Is there any?

mysql desc table1;
| HONstid | int(3)|  | PRI | 1|   |
| HONname | char(20)  |  | PRI | standard |   |

mysql desc table2;
| IMstid  | int(3)   |  | PRI | 0   |   |
| IMfnum  | int(6)   |  | PRI | 0   |   |

A general question: is there a difference between a primary key and a
unique key, or they are synonims?


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Re: unique key - primary key

2004-12-28 Thread Gaspar Bakos

 And columns in primary keys must be NOT NULL.  Columns in unique
 keys can be NULL (if they are NOT NULL, then the unique key is
 functionally the same as a primary key).

OK, thanks guys for the explanation.

Then the result of mysqldump table definition part:

UNIQUE KEY HONstid (HONstid,HONname)

means that I have two unique keys:
and also the
(HONstid,HONname) combination?

This does not make too much sense; if I can have only one HONstid in my
table, then of course i can have only one kind of (HONstid,HONname)
combination. In the actual table, I have multiple occurences of values
(HONstid,HONname)in the HONstid column, i.e. it does not seem like
HONstid in itself was a unique key. Only the (HONstid,HONname)
combination is unique.


p.s.: Paul, I very much enjoy your MySQL book.

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create set column with possible values 1 to 64

2004-12-27 Thread Gaspar Bakos

Is there any elegant way of saying the following statement in a shorter

create table dummy (
 col1 set(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,..64)

That is, I would use all the 64 possible values that are offered by the
SET column structure, and I am lazy to write out all of them.


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insert into table select ...

2004-05-18 Thread Gaspar Bakos

I am trying to duplicate a row of a table in the following way:

insert into Observer select * from Observer where OBid = 4;
ERROR 1066: Not unique table/alias: 'Observer'

It is a unique table; I mean there can't be another table named in the
same way.

Any pointer would be welcome. Probably trivial, but got stuck.


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How to include count(*) in selection criteria

2003-12-17 Thread Gaspar Bakos
Dear all,

I am trying the following mysql statement (probably it will be obvious
that I am a newcomer):

select IMdirectory, IMljd, count(*) as N from Images where IMstid
= 5, N  10 group by IMdirectory order by IMljd;
ERROR 1054: Unknown column 'N' in 'where clause'

My question is: how could I select only those grouped entries that have
a count number greater than e.g. 10?


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Re: How to include count(*) in selection criteria

2003-12-17 Thread Gaspar Bakos

 In other words, you cannot use values that are determined from
 the selected rows to determine which rows to select. :-)

Sounds very logical. In fact I was not surprised that my query did not
work, I just had no idea about the workaround.

Thanks again!


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Re: Master/Master Asynchronous replication

2003-07-28 Thread Gaspar Bakos
Hi, Joe,

I have exactly the same scenario. Did you get any valuable response you
could share with me? I haven't seen any on the list.

In fact, my case is slightly more complicated; I have N computers, all
having their local databases, and have an additional computer, which I
call the central one, having a central copy of the database. I'd like
to sync all the N+1 databases continuously, so they are identical.


That is, if I change anything on any PC's DB (e.g. A), it replicates
itself to the central DB (C), and then migrates to B and D. This
means that the A-C connection is such that A is a master and C is
a slave, and the C-B is such that C is a master and B is a slave. On
the other hand, if I change something on another local DB than A,
e.g. B or C itself, I'd like this to migrate to A, i.e. this case
the A-C connection is such that A is the slave.

Altogether, I'd need a continuous master-master replication between all
DBs and C. Similar to a RAID-1 array, just in the world of databases,
and over TCP. Maybe there is a problem with my concept, and this solution
of pushing for reliability will eventually cause chaos.

The Mysql manual does not mention master-master replication:
Starting in Version 3.23.15, MySQL supports one-way replication
internally. One server acts as the master, while the other acts as the


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high availability sync of 3 hosts

2003-07-18 Thread Gaspar Bakos

I am trying to find a solution for the following scenario. The topic is
replication/high-availability/redundancy and sync.

I have three computers, A, B and C. A and B are operating important
hardware (astronomical telescopes TEL_A and TEL_B), and the operation
parameters as well as logs of operations are stored in a MySQL database. I
prefer having a central database (DB_C) for this purpose, in fact located
on C, from which I can overview parameters and logs of A and B
simultaneously. During normal operation, A and B reads/writes only

C - DB_C
 | |
 --  -
 |   |
 A - TEL_A  B - TEL_B
(|)  (|)
(|)  (|)

However, if for some reason the central C host goes down, or internet
connection is broken, I would like to achieve the following: A and B
to continues standalone operation (read-write) with the freshest possible
local DB:

C - DB_C
 | |
 X X X X X X X X X X X
 |   |
 |   |

I guess this has to be done with continuous slave-master
replication between DB_A -- DB_C and DB_B -- DB_C while the
internet connection is alive.

When the internet connection is resumed, or the central DB is available
again, I would like [to realize that DB_C is available again, and] DB_C
to be syncronized with the changes made in DB_A and DB_B (the changes,
of course, are different in the two replicas).

In other words, we have a synced system of A, B and C, and we have the
possibility of A and B slowly diverging from C temporarily. Then we'd
like to sync up the system again.

What would you recommend? Maybe there is a problem with my concept.

All the best,

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