Re: converting numeric to date-time?

2014-09-05 Thread Glyn Astill

 From: Jan Steinman
Sent: Thursday, 4 September 2014, 16:40
Subject: RE: converting numeric to date-time?

 From: Ed Mierzwa (emierzwa)
 FROM_UNIXTIME(1409304102.153)/*your epoch column here*/

I don't think the OP has a Unix timestamp.

Really? Looks like a unix epoch to me.

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Re: Precedence in WHERE clauses.

2014-03-19 Thread Glyn Astill

 From: Christophe
 Sent: Tuesday, 18 March 2014, 19:10
 Subject: Precedence in WHERE clauses.
 Hi list,
 I'd like to get your advice about precedence in where clauses in MySQL
 (5.0.51, and 5.1.66 in this case / from lenny and squeeze Debian
 packages ).
 Considering the following simple query :
 SELECT * FROM Status WHERE DWProcessed = 0 AND PreviousStatus NOT IN
 ('PENDING', 'ACCEPTED') AND SubscribeDate  DATE_SUB(NOW(), 
 Which of these filters are processed first ?
 I'd like the first filter (DWProcessed / Lowest cardinality and indexed)
 being processed first, but I can't really find any useful information
 about this .
 Is there any performance impact on query processing, about the order of
 WHERE clauses ?

What is the output from explain?

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM Status WHERE DWProcessed = 0 AND PreviousStatus NOT IN

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Re: Error while running Mysql

2010-12-23 Thread Glyn Astill
I've no idea of the status of dtrace on linux, as I've never tried, but failing 
that you could run it through gdb to get some insight into the issue.

--- On Thu, 23/12/10, Johan De Meersman wrote:

 From: Johan De Meersman
 Subject: Re: Error while running Mysql
 To: Adarsh Sharma
 Date: Thursday, 23 December, 2010, 12:39
 Probably one for the guys with the
 compilers, but have you tried running it
 with dtrace and seeing where it explodes ?
 On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Adarsh Sharma 
  Dear all,
  I am able o successfully build Mysql 5.5.8 from its
 source code on CentOS
  but when I issued the following command , it doesn't
 shows the mysql
  prompt, there is no error in log file.
  [r...@ws-test mysql-5.5.8]# bin/mysql -p
  Enter password:
  Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with
 ; or \g.
  Your MySQL connection id is 2
  Server version: 5.5.8 Source distribution
  Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its
 affiliates. All rights
  Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation
 and/or its
  affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their
  Segmentation fault
  [r...@ws-test mysql-5.5.8]#
  Don't know what to do.Please help.
  Thanks  Regards
  Adarsh Sharma
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RE: Is SSD suitable for mysql server?

2010-10-26 Thread Glyn Astill
--- On Mon, 25/10/10, Daevid Vincent wrote:

 From: Daevid Vincent
 Subject: RE: Is SSD suitable for mysql server?
 To: 'mysql'
 Date: Monday, 25 October, 2010, 21:52
  I guess it depends on how
 important your data is too.  Quite 
  a few of the SSDs on the market have been proven to
  honour flush requests, so if the power goes out you've
  corrupted data.
 Uh. If you're not using a UPS battery backup then you
 deserve to loose your
 data. And if you don't have it configured to auto-power off
 when it's low
 on battery (extended outtage) then you also deserve to feel
 the resulting
 pain. (

A UPS doesn't save you from the possibility of a server crash or any other 
outage (including the UPS failing), in that instance your data is hosed anyway. 
 You have to make sure the data that the database thinks is comitted actually 
is, and for that you need a storage medium that honours flush requests properly.

Disregarding your storage system reliability because you have a UPS is madness.

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Re: Is SSD suitable for mysql server?

2010-10-25 Thread Glyn Astill
--- On Mon, 25/10/10, Johan De Meersman wrote:

 From: Johan De Meersman
 Subject: Re: Is SSD suitable for mysql server?
 To: wroxdb
 Cc: mysql
 Date: Monday, 25 October, 2010, 10:03
 On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 7:56 AM,
  We are a company for gaming.
  Our main db is mysql 5.1 installed on Linux.
  Currently the hardware for mysql is 2*4 CPU, 16G
 memory, Raid 10 (four
  Now we have the plan to replace the disks with SSD for
 better performance.
  Do you think is it right for the SSD solution for
 It may or may not be, depending on which problem you're
 trying to solve :-)
 For starters, how big is your DB ? If it fits in memory
 anyways, you'll not
 see a lot of benefit for selects. SSD may still be useful
 if you have a lot
 of writes, though.
 If the database doesn't fit in available memory, a lot more
 factors are
 going to apply, depending on the usage patterns.
 Incidentally, i'm not aware of how SSD plays with
 hard/software RAID setups
 - anyone know more about this ?

There have been some reports of raid cards not behaving themselvs with SSDs 

I guess it depends on how important your data is too.  Quite a few of the SSDs 
on the market have been proven to not honour flush requests, so if the power 
goes out you've got corrupted data.

That's not to say that SSDs don't look promising, the more expensive ones with 
a supercapacitors on board have potential. But I just think you'd have to do a 
good bit of testing yourself before trusting them no matter what the 
manufacturers say.  A good raid controler with BBU and a few more spindles will 
greatly improve your write performance too, maybe that's all you need.

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Re: Recommended swap partition size

2010-04-14 Thread Glyn Astill
--- On Wed, 14/4/10, Dan Nelson wrote:

 Hammerman said:
  My organization has a dedicated MySQL server. The
 system has 32Gb of
  memory, and is running CentOS 5.3.  The default
 engine will be InnoDB. 
  Does anyone know how much space should be dedicated to
 I say zero swap, or if for some reason you NEED swap (for
 crashdumps maybe,
 but I didn't think Linux supported that), no more than
 2GB.  With that much
 RAM, you don't ever want to be in the state where the OS
 decides to page out
 8GB of memory (for example) to swap.  We have a few
 Oracle servers with
 between 32 and 48 GB of memory and they all live just fine
 without swap.

But surely better to have a server that is paging out and has slowed to a crawl 
than one where the oom killer starts killing off your processes, with no swap 
I'd be turning overcommit off.

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Re: mysqld_safe

2010-03-29 Thread Glyn Astill
--- On Mon, 29/3/10, Brown, Charles wrote:

 Hello All.  when I issued this
 command: ps -e | grep,  I noticed that mysqld_safe was
 up running in my system.
 My question is:  what is mysqld_safe and why was it
 running. Please help.
 [sp...@naxbmisq03 ~]$ ps -e | grep -i mysql
 11989 ?        00:00:00 mysqld_safe
 12025 ?        13:28:39 mysqld

My understanding is that mysqld_safe is the process used to start mysqld and 
handle any runtime errors, crashes etc.

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Re: mysql RAID

2010-03-11 Thread Glyn Astill
--- On Wed, 10/3/10, John G. Heim wrote:

 I am working on configuring a new hardware database server.
 I'm a little confused as to what to do about disk. We have
 several mysql databases but by far the 2 most active are
 spamassassin bayesian rules and horde3/imp web mail. Both do
 a lot of updates. The bayesian rules are added to each time
 a spam message comes in for any of our 200 users. And the
 horde3/imp writes address book updates and preferences quite
 I have read (and have been told) to stay away from RAID-5
 for update-intensive systems. Are there performance concerns
 with RAID-10 as well? We will be buying from Dell (done deal
 for reasons too complicated to go into) and the disks
 they're selling are 146 Gb. I can get up to 8 of them in the
 server we're buying. I asked them about just getting 2 big
 disks and going with RAID-1.
 My understanding is that with RAID-10, the system can do
 multiple reads and writes simultaneously so throughput is
 improved oversystems w/o RAID or with RAID-1. But the same
 logic would apply to RAID-5 only it doesn't work out that
 I just want to make sure I'm configuring this system
 correctly before I order it.

As dan already stated, the write penalty of raid 5 doesn't really make it a 
good fit for databases, go with raid 10.

Like you for reasons beyond my control I've been stuck with dell hardware, just 
beware of dell raid controllers. The perc6 isn't too bad, however I still swap 
them out for more capable controllers. Pretty much everything before the perc6 
is complete junk.

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Re: version 5 to 4

2010-02-15 Thread Glyn Astill

--- On Mon, 15/2/10, Prathima Rao wrote:

 From: Prathima Rao
 Subject: Re: version 5 to 4
 Date: Monday, 15 February, 2010, 7:09
 hi mysql tem,
 i have a version 5 on which i have developed a database
 now one of the systmem  has 4 
 i tried to migrate from 5 to 4 it says 
 I AM not able to see any table
 any solutions for this?
 i need this data in version 4
 pls help

Try dumping the database as sql from the v5 server with mysqldump and then load 
it into the v4 server. You may need to tweak the resulting sql from the dump to 
get it to load correctly.

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Re: Bug? Distinct AS with Order By

2009-10-22 Thread Glyn Astill
 From: Matt Neimeyer

 Generic code to draw a SELECT element on the screen
 sometimes it ends
 up like such...
 SELECT DISTINCT name AS myvalue,name AS mydisp FROM names
 name!= ORDER BY myvalue
 On 4.1.22 this returns
 A A
 B B
 C C
 D D
 On 5.0.22 this returns
 D D
 D D
 D D
 D D
 The odd thing is that if I remove the order by clause it
 works fine...
 It also works fine if I remove the second copy of the
 column BUT this
 is generic code so it might also be doing something like
 productid as
 myvalue,productname as mydisp where the values are
 Ultimately I can sort the array I end up with but it seems
 like this
 should work. Especially since it did in 4.x.
 Am I crazy? Doing something wrong?

Doesn't look crazy to me, and it works in 5.0.32

Perhaps time to patch that server ...

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Re: Bug? Distinct AS with Order By

2009-10-22 Thread Glyn Astill
 From: Glyn Astill
 Doesn't look crazy to me, and it works in 5.0.32
 Perhaps time to patch that server ...

I've guessed at the table def there, obviously your def may be different and 
that would surely affect the palanners choice. Perhaps you'd post yours?

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Re: is_string or is_numeric

2009-10-15 Thread Glyn Astill
 From: sangprabv
 Subject: is_string or is_numeric
 Date: Thursday, 15 October, 2009, 10:34 AM
 I found no built in function in mysql to check whether a
 record is
 numeric or string. Is there any trick to do so? Many

You could use some regex to do it...

In fact, a google brings up this 

RETURN myVal REGEXP '^(-|\\+)?([0-9]+\\.[0-9]*|[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)$';


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Re: show tables is slow/uncached

2009-08-16 Thread Glyn Astill

- Original Message 
 From: Laurence Meyer
 Sent: Sunday, 16 August, 2009 7:09:25
 Subject: show tables is slow/uncached
 We have a production database that has 4,000+ tables. For a variety of 
 our CGIs always
 have to run show tables to generate a list of all tables in the database.

 Does anyone know why show tables is so slow?
 Is there any way to speed this up?

Unless it's a general database performance issue, or something where there's a 
mysql specific workaround you could use memcached to save hitting the database 
at all.

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Re: Oracle , what else ?

2009-04-24 Thread Glyn Astill

--- On Fri, 24/4/09, David Sparks wrote:

 From: David Sparks
 Subject: Re: Oracle , what else ?
 Date: Friday, 24 April, 2009, 6:42 PM
 Joshua D. Drake wrote:
  I would expect that MySQL in two years likely
 won't exist except on the
  most tertiary level. Most new projects will be
 developed in either
  PostgreSQL, Interbase or one of the forks (MariaDB,
  Joshua D. Drake
  PostgreSQL - XMPP:
 Your FUD would be better posted on a Postres list with all
 the onging
 discussions on how Mysql doesn't support foreign keys,
 transactions, etc.
 Begone Postgres troll!

Oh the hostility of a scorned mysql user. Joshua has posted no more FUD than 
you mysql chaps have done yourselvs over the past few days. You were worried 
about the future and he's posted a few ideas of how you can prepare.

That said I do agree he's jumped in at the right time to do a bit of Postgres 
pushin' and pimpin' :-)

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Re: Oracle , what else ?

2009-04-24 Thread Glyn Astill

--- On Fri, 24/4/09, David Sparks wrote:
 Mysql is getting better at a pace that is making the other
 open source DB
 servers irrelevant.

lol. Is that a typo? Surely you wanted to say Mysql's bug fix list is 
gathering pace...

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Re: Oracle , what else ?

2009-04-23 Thread Glyn Astill

--- On Wed, 22/4/09, Joshua D. Drake wrote:

 From: Joshua D. Drake
 Subject: Re: Oracle , what else ?
 To: Martijn Tonies
 Date: Wednesday, 22 April, 2009, 10:45 PM
 On Tue, 2009-04-21 at 15:19 +0200, Martijn Tonies wrote:
  Hey Gilles,
  After MySQL bought by the java maker,
and now Sun bought by Oracle,
  what are we gonna run as RDBMS ?
 How about PostgreSQL?

I second that. You should all have a play with the 8.4 beta

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Re: Repeatedly got signal 10 in Solaris

2009-03-24 Thread Glyn Astill

I can't help you directly, however I find the silence deafening, you'd expect a 
little more participation from the mysql devs - it's not exactly a high volume 

I recall getting a sigbus from postgres on netbsd a few months back and that 
turned out to be a bad build due to the combination of a linker error and 
specific piece of code.  However that's a totally different scenario, in fact 
I'm not sure there's even a point to me writing it. Yeah, forget that entire 

There are a few steps you can take to try and narrow down the problem listed 

Perhaps that's a start.

--- On Tue, 24/3/09, Nico Sabbi wrote:

 From: Nico Sabbi
 Subject: Repeatedly got signal 10 in Solaris
 To: MySql
 Date: Tuesday, 24 March, 2009, 9:24 AM
 for 2 consecutive nights I got the following message in the
 followed by a restart:
 090323  2:00:14 - mysqld got signal 10;
 This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible
 that this 
 or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt,
 or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by
 We will try our best to scrape up some info that will
 hopefully help 
 the problem, but since we have already crashed, something
 definitely wrong
 and this may fail.
 It is possible that mysqld could use up to
 key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + 
 sort_buffer_size)*max_connections = 1748985 K
 bytes of memory
 Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the
 090323 02:00:37  mysqld restarted
 090323  2:00:43  InnoDB: Database was not shut down
 The package I'm using is the 5.0.45-log bundled by
 Mysql for Solaris 
 10 - 64bit.
 If I'm not mistaken signal 10 is SIGBUS, something that
 in solaris 
 happens as frequently as SIGSEGV.
 There are no coredumps to analyze. The number of active
 was average (81), so I don't expect that crash to have
 been caused by 
 a lot of activity.
 Can anyone advise me what else to search? Thanks,
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Re: Operating Systems.

2008-12-12 Thread Glyn Astill
--- On Fri, 12/12/08, Craig Dunn wrote:

 I'm currently spec'ing out a design plan for a large
 scale MySQL infrastructure to support a high-read large
 scale web environment for a client.  I've got the
 overall MySQL set up planned out (which I'll post here
 later to get peoples inputs/advice) but one issue which is
 currently undecided is what operating system to support. 
 The boxes will be Sun AMD64 servers with 8 local disks each,
 there are numerous people arguing for Solaris and equal
 numbers arguing for Linux.

I think whichever you and your team are more comfortable and knowledgable with. 
My personal view is that solaris usually requires a little bit more effort if 
you're intending to use lots of gnu based tools, and I found package management 
a bit of an arse ache.  But solaris has other advantages e.g. dtrace, and I'm 
sure suns acquisition of mysql ab is also in it's favour.

 So, leaving advocacy at the door, what is the best OS to
 use for a MySQL set up, Solaris or Linux? And specifically,
 the reasons why one is better or worse than the other.
 Also, what filesystem type to use for datadir would be
 recommended for best performance, this question obviously
 depends on what OS we're running.  The applications
 running on it will be mostly using MyISAM.

Suns ZFS is supposed to be miles ahead of the linux filesystems. We use ext3 on 
our postgres systems here, and I think for mysql you'd be best to use a 
journaled one whichever you pick, look at ext3 and XFS. Then their is ReiserFS, 
I know very little about except future develpoment is probably not going to be 
fast; the original developer is in prison.

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Re: Pid file issue

2008-12-12 Thread Glyn Astill
Where does the pid file usually live?  Does it exist?

I guess you need to do some digging, but as a punt you could always try firing 
off the stop part of the init script and then try to start it again

/etc/init.d/mysql top
/etc/init.d/mysql start

Assuming you're running some linux flavour, otherwise run the script from 
wherever they are in your os i.e. rc.d

If that fails, and is nowhere to be found you could have bash at 
creating it and making sure mysql has permissions.

However, looking at this part of the message:

 081212 10:59:50  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 5

It's possible a) your filesystem is shagged, or b) Some part of the mysql 
install is corrupt, missing libraries or not compiled right.

--- On Fri, 12/12/08, Olaf Stein wrote:

 From: Olaf Stein
 Subject: Pid file issue
 To: MySql
 Date: Friday, 12 December, 2008, 9:26 PM
 Hi all,
 I just rebooted one of my servers and get the following
 error when trying to
 restart the mysql daemon:
 Starting MySQLManager of pid-file quit without
 The server shut down fine and that is when the pid file
 should have gone
 away. Any ideas?
 This is from the error log:
 081212 10:59:47 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with
 databases from
 081212 10:59:50  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 5
 081212 10:59:50 - mysqld got signal 11 ;
 This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible
 that this binary
 or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt,
 improperly built,
 or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by
 malfunctioning hardware.
 We will try our best to scrape up some info that will
 hopefully help
 the problem, but since we have already crashed, something
 is definitely
 and this may fail.
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Re: Sun's Mickos Is OK With Monty's MySQL 5.1 Rant WAS: MySQL Server 5.1.30 has been released

2008-12-09 Thread Glyn Astill
Sometimes people need a good kick up the arse, and take Widenius's post as just 
that; a good thing. Rather that than loads of bugs, denial and silence, that we 
always see from the closed source databases.

--- On Tue, 9/12/08, Daevid Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Daevid Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Sun's Mickos Is OK With Monty's MySQL 5.1 Rant WAS: MySQL Server 
 5.1.30 has been released
 To: mysql
 Date: Tuesday, 9 December, 2008, 8:12 PM
 Sun's Mickos Is OK With Monty's MySQL 5.1 Rant 
 Back on November 29, MySQL developer Michael Widenius
 trashed Sun's
 decision to give MySQL 5.1 a 'generally available'
 designation in a
 now-infamous blog post. Widenius warned users to be
 'very cautious about
 MySQL 5.1' because 'there are still many known and
 unknown fatal bugs in
 the new features that are still not addressed.' And now
 we get Sun's
 response. In an interview Monday, Marten Mickos, senior VP
 of Sun's
 database group, said, 'I learned over many years about
 the benefits and
 the painfulness of absolute transparency in open source. A
 little bit of
 debate never hurts. This is part of being an open-source
 company. ...
 People are free to blog about what they want.'
 Doubtless, this will do
 nothing to end the debate over whether Widenius will follow
 fellow MySQL
 co-founder David Axmark's lead and leave Sun.

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Re: MySQL not running on fresh LAMP install

2008-09-18 Thread Glyn Astill

 Part of the problem is that I can't stop the server.

Oh, so it does start? I thought it also wasn't starting, if it's not starting 
then stopping it will fail.

 Is there anything else I can do to get a clean install of
 MySQL running 

Can you list what appears in the process list? A ps awux | grep -i mysql 
should do.

One other thing... on debian in addition to my.cnf, there's a debain.cnf which 
also has the path to the socket in it and the start script uses that to pass 
the socket to mysql (in addition to my.cnf - which is a bit odd).  I've never 
used ubuntu, but do you have something similar in /etc/mysql/ ?

If that's not the case, just try setting the socket location back to where it 
was initially and then re-attempt to remove the package.

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Re: MySQL not running on fresh LAMP install

2008-09-17 Thread Glyn Astill

--- On Wed, 17/9/08, Dave M G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Subject: Re: MySQL not running on fresh LAMP install
 Date: Wednesday, 17 September, 2008, 12:51 PM
 Thanks for the helpful advice.
 Unfortunately I've hit an error I don't know what
 to do about.
 The symlink solution worked, but Ubuntu clears the /tmp
 directory on 
 every boot. So I edited the my.cnf file to use

Does the .pid file exist in either /var/run/mysqld/ or /tmp/ at the moment?

What symlink did you make?

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Re: MySQL not running on fresh LAMP install

2008-09-17 Thread Glyn Astill

 The file is in /var/run/mysqld.
 The mysql.sock file is in /tmp
  What symlink did you make?
 None right now. I removed any that I had made before so
 that I wouldn't 
 confuse the situation.

To start with, check that the .pid file doesn't exist if the server is stopped, 
the start script should check if the server is running even if it's present, 
but I saw some similar problems on debian a debian machine not too long ago.

Check the permissions on the start script, and try running it manually with 
/etc/init.d/mysql start or invoke-rc.d mysql start

Try to take a look in syslog, it'll tell you what's been happening - if 
anything, give cat /var/log/syslog | grep mysq a try ...

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public cvs

2008-08-11 Thread Glyn Astill
Does mysql have any form of public cvs or svn repository?

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Re: Transplanting table structure changes

2008-08-06 Thread Glyn Astill
Sutput the table definitions and cut and paste the new columns into a ALTER 
TABLE table_name ADD column_name column-definition statement.

--- On Wed, 6/8/08, Jerry Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Jerry Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Transplanting table structure changes
 Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 2008, 4:46 PM
 I've added about a dozen new columns to two tables in my
 environment, and now I need to roll it out to our
 production environment.
 Can anyone suggest an easy way to do this? I want to avoid
 typos, as much as
 I can.
 I made the original changes with PHPMyAdmin, so I don't
 have any original
 script to re-use. The best idea I've come up with is to
 capture the output
 of SHOW CREATE TABLE and massage that, but I wonder if
 I'm missing
 The production environment has data in the old
 columns, and all of the new
 columns allow NULL, so all I really need to do is preserve
 the existing data
 and add the new columns.
 Although we've discussed this before, and I admit it
 makes no sense from the
 machine's point of view, I want to insert the new
 fields in a particular
 place for the benefit of the humans who will be using MS
 Access to view and
 filter these tables.
 Jerry Schwartz
 The Infoshop by Global Information Incorporated
 195 Farmington Ave.
 Farmington, CT 06032
 860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341

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Re: a question...

2008-07-23 Thread Glyn Astill
I think you're after the SUBSTRING_INDEX(str,delim,count) function, so (I've 
not tried this):

select substring_index(ip,'.',3) from ipslimit 10;

--- On Wed, 23/7/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Subject: Re: a question...
 To: Daniel Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wednesday, 23 July, 2008, 5:10 PM
 Yes, sorry. I have a database that records ip of attacks on
 a customer
 server, what I like to do get a count so that I can see
 what subnet is
 doing the major of the attacks.
 select ip from ipslimit 10;
 | ip  | count(ip) |
 |  | 1 |
 || 1 |
 |   | 1 |
 |  | 1 |
 |  | 1 |
 |  | 1 |
 |  | 1 |
 | | 1 |
 |  | 1 |
 | | 1 |
 10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 11:45 AM, 
  I have been fighting with mysql trying to get it
 to only show every
  the last dot(.) on a ip. for example
  instead geting only get 10.0.0
  As pulled from a database row?  Sorry, I
 didn't quite understand your
  /Daniel P. Brown
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Re: Problem - Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server, Please advice..

2008-07-14 Thread Glyn Astill
make sure to FLUSH PRIVILAGES;

- Original Message 
 Sent: Monday, 14 July, 2008 10:59:35 AM
 Subject: RE: Problem - Host '' is not allowed to connect to this 
 MySQL server, Please advice..
 I did that too,
 I executed the command  - GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* to
 'root'@'localhost' ;
 I tried also GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* to 'root'@'' ; where is my machine name
 But both of these did not work, I did not mention this in my earlier
 mail. Can you please let me know if there is any other way out.
 -Original Message-
 From: Parikh, Dilip Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 3:26 PM
 To: Ahmadbasha Shaik (WT01 - E-ENABLING); Raghavendra Hosabettu (WT01 -
 Innovation Group)
 Subject: FW: Problem - Host '' is not allowed to connect to
 this MySQL server, Please advice..
 Importance: High
 Hi all,
 First try checking out the grant for the particular user ?
 Show grants for user@'';
 If u don't find the results u can give grant as :-
 Grant select on *.* to user@'' identified by ''; Flush
 Thanks  Regards,
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 3:21 PM
 Subject: Problem - Host '' is not allowed to connect to this
 MySQL server, Please advice..
 Importance: High
 Hi All,
 I am facing a particular problem which i have explained here. Can
 you please let me know a solution for this.
 From my web application, I am trying to connect the MySQL server by
 using the IP address as the server name, and it says the following
 Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server
 Options that I tried: (from the information availabe on internet)
 a) I tried modifying the hosts file in WinNT directory to include this
 host name (assuming that it was not understanding the IP), but it did
 not work
 b) I tried adding a record with the IP as host and user as root in user
 table of mysql database it did not work
 c) I tried adding a record with the '' as host and user as
 root in user table of mysql database it did not work
 d) I tried enabling Remote Access in MySQL Server instance config
 wizard but since the root users password is not set, it is not allowing
 me go forward (i.e. the next button is disabled)
 e) If I try to reset the password while configuring the MySQL Server
 Instance, it does not allow me to do so
 f) I tried adding a record with the '%' as host and user as root in user
 table of mysql database it did not allow me to add the record
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Re: integer

2008-05-22 Thread Glyn Astill
int(10) will pad with zeros on return, i.e. if value = 59

int(10) 59

- Original Message 
 From: Krishna Chandra Prajapati [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: MYSQL General List
 Sent: Thursday, 22 May, 2008 9:34:55 AM
 Subject: integer
 I would to know the difference between the two
 int(10) and int (Used in create table ) Which one is better and why.
 Krishna Chandra Prajapati

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Re: Migration from 32-bit to 64-bit MySQL

2008-04-26 Thread Glyn Astill
 another option is to do a mysqldump and pipe it over to the new server, e.g:
mysqldump --opt 32bitserver | mysql --host=64bithost -C 64bitserver

 - Original Message 
  From: Mike 
  To: B. Keith Murphy 
  Cc: mysql list 
  Sent: Friday, 25 April, 2008 5:33:49 PM
  Subject: Re: Migration from 32-bit to 64-bit MySQL
  On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 12:08 PM, B. Keith Murphy 
   Olaf Stein wrote:
Probably not
AFAIK it should work in theory if you have no floating point columns but
would not try it.
Why cant you take a dump, you can do it table by table, you will have
downtime though.
One option might be to use a 64bit slave and make that the master and
add more 64 slaves.
On 4/25/08 11:57 AM, Mike  wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Olaf Stein

  As long as you use dumps to restore your databases on the new 64bit
  (instead of the binary files) you should be fine
 I have so much data that we can't take a mysqldump of our database.
 directory tared is about 18GB.  I just use the other method by just
 over the data directory.  Do you think the data will be intact if a
 just copy
 over the data directory?

Seriously, 18 gb isn't too big to do a mysqldump.  And I really wouldn't
   advise you trying to do a binary copy.  You are just asking for trouble.
   Plan ahead and you can do this on a slave without any problem, import the
   data on the new server and sync it back up without any problems.
   Keith Murphy
  I know you can take a mysqldump and copy over the data directory.. I not 
  what you mean by binary copy.  Can you please explain?
  We have one database in memory that why we are moving over to 64bit.  I'm
  planing like a year ahead of time.
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Re: Oracle is acquiring...............................

2007-11-26 Thread Glyn Astill
surely mysql would just fork the last gpl innodb release if they got
bummed by oracle...

--- Martijn Tonies [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am little bit worried about the mysql future and me too. Oracle
  acquired Innobase and now BDB also. Slowly it is capturing the
 whole. What
  is the future of mysql. my future is also related to mysqls
 future.  MySQL
  should have some thing in their own hands
 Like Falcon?
 Martijn Tonies
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Glyn Astill

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