Re: New Value From Concatenated Values?

2007-08-18 Thread John Kebbel
Your solution was exactly what the doctor ordered. Thank you.

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Re: Recreate Table With Sorted Data

2007-08-15 Thread John Kebbel
The solution was CREATE TABLE copyname SELECT * FROM originalname

I was having problem with a PHP command that's not pulling what I want
from the table Ruling out random order for the rows was narrowing the
focus  on the PHP problem.

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Re: General Questions About Indexes

2007-05-27 Thread John Kebbel
INDEXES - A Science AND an Art

I've been continuing to look for answers to my own questions. I've found
a few ...

Q1. What good does it do to store the primary key or a unique key if
you're normally SELECTing columns that don't use that primary or unique
As you can see, it only makes sense to index those fields you
use in the WHERE clause.
Q2. Does a SELECT statement look at an index before it looks at a
Before we repair the table structure above, let me tell you
about a most important little secret for anyone serious about
optimizing their queries: EXPLAIN. EXPLAIN shows (explains!) how
your queries are being used. By putting it before a SELECT, you
can see whether indexes are being used properly, and what kind
of join is being performed...
Q3. Are JOINs where the real timesaving occurs and SELECTs just a
peripheral issue muddying the water?
In MySQL, Paul DuBois writes: Index columns that you search
for, not columns you select ... [t]he best candidate columns for
indexing are the columns that appear in your WHERE clause or
columns named in join clauses. 
Q4. What about non-unique indexes? Is the structure of a non-unique
index file similar to the index in the back of a book, the phrase you're
searching for plus a list of row numbers (page numbers for a book) where
that phrase is found?
I haven't found the answer to this question, but I did find:
Indexes work best for columns with unique values,  and most
poorly with columns that have many duplicate values Paul
DuBois, MySQL 
Q5. Is an item in an index tied to a memory address (like a pointer in C
++) where the indexed data appears inside the larger memory area staked
out by the table?
Q6. As for memory, when you choose a database inside the mysql client,
are all the tables within that database read into memory from the hard
drive, or just the indexes?

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General Questions About Indexes

2007-05-26 Thread John Kebbel
I have a few questions about indexes. I understand (1) what an index
is, and (2) why indexes are useful, but I don't have even a rough idea
about HOW they work. The internet resources I've been able to find don't
answer the questions I'm asking. I also tried
cat /var/lib/mysql/srms07/staff.MYI to see if I could glean some
information directly from an index file, but the MYI file wasn't

Q1. What good does it do to store the primary key or a unique key if
you're normally SELECTing columns that don't use that primary or unique

Q2. Does a SELECT statement look at an index before it looks at a

Q3. Are JOINs where the real timesaving occurs and SELECTs just a
peripheral issue muddying the water?

Q4. What about non-unique indexes? Is the structure of a non-unique
index file similar to the index in the back of a book, the phrase you're
searching for plus a list of row numbers (page numbers for a book) where
that phrase is found?

Q5. Is an item in an index tied to a memory address (like a pointer in
C++) where the indexed data appears inside the larger memory area staked
out by the table?

Q6. As for memory, when you choose a database inside the mysql client,
are all the tables within that database read into memory from the hard
drive, or just the indexes?

Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this, and even more
thanks if you take the time to respond to my questions with either an
explanatory URL or your words explaining the matter.


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Replace, Substitute, Delete

2007-05-09 Thread John Kebbel
For years, I've been using FileMaker Pro to generate a staff photo
gallery and staff phone directory from the same table of staff
information. I'm switching to PHP/MySQL for the year ahead. In STEP 1
below, I concatenate a name for the teacher/staff person image and in
STEP 3 I concatenate an XHTML table cell for the image and name. Steps 1
and 3 have been tested and work fine. I don't know how to accomplish
STEP 2 however. Suppose I start with a last name like De Long or Van
Schmidt? I wind up with de lonxx.jpg or van scxx.jpg for my image names.
I have a superstitious dread of putting spaces in Linux/Unix web file
names. Could someone suggest a way to replace the   in imgName with

STEP 1: Create the root of the image name
update staff set imgName = Lower(CONCAT(Left(last,6),Left(first,2)));

STEP 2: 
How do I delete spaces in the imgName?

STEP 3: 
update staff set webLine = CONCAT(tdimg src='images/,imgName,.jpg'
width='100' height='125'br clear='all' /,first, ,last,/td);

Thanks in advance for your time spent in reading or responding.

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Re: Replace, Substitute, Delete

2007-05-09 Thread John Kebbel
John Meyer wrote ...
you may want to do a perl script to find and replace the spaces.

Scott Haneda wrote ...
I would move your html and string parse logic into php,

If I'm doing data entry for individuals via a web page, Javascript is a third 

Here's the reasons I was thinking MySQL. 

(1) I thought it might be quicker than Perl or PHP. Correct me if I'm wrong. 

(2) I have read a short description of Triggers, and I thought these
three lines of code might be an excellent AFTER INSERT trigger. (I
don't know enough about Triggers yet to know if they'll even take multiple
lines of code however.) (A) Could this be a Trigger? and (B) Would it be worth 

(3) I've written plenty of Perl and PHP code that concatenates fields
and builds XHTML cells and rows. I thought it might be interesting to
build the rows inside the database table and have my PHP do nothing but
count MySQL records in order to know when to open and close the XHTML
table rows. 

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Re: Replace, Substitute, Delete

2007-05-09 Thread John Kebbel
Instead of individual replacements, as in ...

SELECT REPLACE('De Long', ' ', '');

would this global approach work?

SELECT REPLACE(imgName,' ','') FROM staff WHERE imgName REGEXP ' ';

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Databases are used to store data,

2007-05-09 Thread John Kebbel
Databases are used to store data

This line spoke the loudest to me. Over the years I had become very
proficient with FileMaker Pro's built in scripting language. I had even
gotten FileMaker to construct the web pages that would be used to
connect to FileMaker (including writing the page's Javascript data
validation). The line between database and processing language had
become very blurred for me. I'll take your advice and keep the XHTML
coding in PHP (but I will use Steps 1 and 2 to create the imgName that
PHP will use).  

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--xml or --html output to file

2007-05-08 Thread John Kebbel
When I try using the --xml or --html option with a batch file using INTO
OUTFILE 'dirpath', the --xml or --html option seems to be ignored in
favor of the tab-delimited default. (If I get rid of the INTO OUTFILE,
xml or html displays fine in the terminal.)

I tried using the pager to write to a file from inside MySQL. I
succeeded, but it was table data. I couldn't figure out how to add the
--xml or --html options from inside the pager.

I tried the redirection operator from the command line, but I haven't
stumbled on the correct syntax if such a syntax does exist.

Does anyone know how to write an --xml or --html file from a SELECT
statement, either from the command line or from a batch file? This would
really be useful information.

Thanks in advance for reading or responding.

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Deleted Root Account

2007-05-05 Thread John Kebbel
Fortunately, I'm learning MySQL on my home machine, so this
MEGA-Mistake doesn't sink a Fortune 500 corporation.

I was experimenting with a batch file that ...
(1) Created a set of user accounts with tiered privileges, 
(2) Set passwords for the new accounts, and then 
(3) Displayed the grants for these new accounts on the command line. 
The last few lines of code took advantage of a new security tip I had
just learned--change the name of the root account to something
unguessable and then give the disguised root account a new password.

I was running this file over and over again to debug it, dropping new
users left and right, and ... oops ... not recognizing the off-the-wall
new name I had given to the root account, I Dropped the root account.

I deleted MySQL server and client 5.0, rebooted, then reinstalled
server and client 5.0 with Synaptic. I still seem to be locked out,
however. Are there some configuration files that are clinging to Linux
that I need to manually delete in order to get a installation with a
password-less root access?

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Re: Deleted Root Account

2007-05-05 Thread John Kebbel
The Synaptic checkbox menu has a Mark for Removal and Mark for Complete
Removal. Complete Removal seems to be same as Purge; when I look at
details, it says the configuration files are being removed. 

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Re: Deleted Root Account

2007-05-05 Thread John Kebbel
Even though I completely removed everything I could find related to
MySQL in Synaptic Package Manager, a folder still remained
at /var/lib/mysql/ containing all my old table information. If that info
hung around, it seemes logical to assume the Grants table were still
somewhere interfering with my attempts to login to mysql as root.

However, when I followed instructions at , I
was able to kill mysqld and restart it with the skipping the grants
table option. I was then able to to login as the the weird Debian/Ubuntu
equivalent of root (a user using sudo) and access the mysql database.
From there I was able to reinvigorate root.

The thing that surprised me was that all my data survived the
reinstallation process. I thought the databases and tables I had created
would go up in smoke when I removed mysql_server. They're all intact.

Thanks for your help.

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Less | More

2007-05-03 Thread John Kebbel
Is there a mysql command line equivalent to | less or | more to make it
easier to scan rows one screen at a time? 

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Re: Less | More

2007-05-03 Thread John Kebbel
Thank you, gentlemen. From the little I had read about pager so far, I
assumed it had something to do with outputting to a text file. First
chance I get, I'll read up on pager in detail.

On Thu, 2007-05-03 at 12:39 +,
 at your friendly mysql command-line prompt enter a ?, and then look
 at the options ... hint pager.
 and/or search the documentation for set pager.
   - Rick
  Original Message 
  Date: Thursday, May 03, 2007 08:33:57 AM -0400
  From: John Kebbel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: MySQL
  Subject: Less | More
  Is there a mysql command line equivalent to | less or | more to make
  it easier to scan rows one screen at a time? 
 -- End Original Message --

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Re: REGEXP Character Classes

2007-05-02 Thread John Kebbel
I went to the MySQL documentation pages and read up on using COLLATE. I
knew SELECT was case-insensitive, but I was sort of surprised that using
a character class didn't override that. Anyway, I next tried the
status command to see if it gave me any characterset information.

Client characterset:latin1
Server characterset:latin1

Once I thought I understood what was going on with COLLATE and case
sensitivity, I tried this command...

SELECT id, pswd, division, department, title, classification FROM pswds
WHERE pswd REGEXP '[:lower:]' COLLATE latin1_bin;

It seemed to work fine. I searched the column to see if I could find any
instances of all caps value, but did not find any. (They do exist; I
created the data for this table from a Perl script solely to practice
using  character class regular expressions.)

Then I tried this command. It should not have found any instances of all
lower case passwords, but it did.

SELECT id, pswd, division, department, title, classification FROM pswds
WHERE pswd REGEXP '[:upper:]' COLLATE latin1_bin;
| id   | pswd | division | department | title  |
classification |
|8 | euwsrbwm | Customer Service | Accounting | Clerical   | 0f1b12
|   13 | mejccvoz | Customer Service | Receiving  | Clerical   | 437113
|   18 | kwkheprh | Customer Service | Purchasing | Clerical   | 29652
|   20 | qpvxvqhz | Customer Service | Accounting | Clerical   | bcb244

Is there something obvious that I'm missing here?

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Re: REGEXP Character Classes

2007-05-02 Thread John Kebbel
I was experimenting with Character Classes because they were covered in
MySQL Crash Course. There are probably substitutes for all the character
classes--such as ^[a-z] for [:lower:]--that I probably should stick with
instead of wandering off into foreign territory.

Fooling with Character Classes did pay off, however, because I heard
about COLLATE and declaring columns as binary from other responses. 

On Wed, 2007-05-02 at 08:08 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wouldn't the regular expression be ^[a-z].* 
 ^ = start of string 
 [ a-z] = class range for lower case 
 . = any character 
 * = mods last to grab anything after that... 
 actually you should just be able to get by with ^[a-z] 
 John Kebbel
 05/02/2007 05:33 AM 
  Please respond to
 Character Classes
 I went to the MySQL documentation pages and read up on using COLLATE.
 knew SELECT was case-insensitive, but I was sort of surprised that
 a character class didn't override that. Anyway, I next tried the
 status command to see if it gave me any characterset information.
 Client characterset:latin1
 Server characterset:latin1
 Once I thought I understood what was going on with COLLATE and case
 sensitivity, I tried this command...
 SELECT id, pswd, division, department, title, classification FROM
 WHERE pswd REGEXP '[:lower:]' COLLATE latin1_bin;
 It seemed to work fine. I searched the column to see if I could find
 instances of all caps value, but did not find any. (They do exist; I
 created the data for this table from a Perl script solely to practice
 using  character class regular expressions.)
 Then I tried this command. It should not have found any instances of
 lower case passwords, but it did.
 SELECT id, pswd, division, department, title, classification FROM
 WHERE pswd REGEXP '[:upper:]' COLLATE latin1_bin;
 | id   | pswd | division | department | title  |
 classification |
 |8 | euwsrbwm | Customer Service | Accounting | Clerical   |
 |   13 | mejccvoz | Customer Service | Receiving  | Clerical   |
 |   18 | kwkheprh | Customer Service | Purchasing | Clerical   | 29652
 |   20 | qpvxvqhz | Customer Service | Accounting | Clerical   |
 Is there something obvious that I'm missing here?
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Re: IS NULL Question

2007-05-01 Thread John Kebbel
It looks like it was a string named NULL posing as a null value.

I got 0 for ISNULL(suffix), which I assume means false. I tried this
command ...

update persons set suffix = 'Empty' where suffix = '';

It changed the NULLs to Empty.

On Mon, 2007-04-30 at 18:12 -0700, Jeremy Cole wrote:
 Hi John,
 Are you sure they are actually NULL and not NULL (i.e. the string NULL)?
 Try this:
 SELECT first, last, ISNULL(suffix), LENGTH(suffix) FROM persons LIMIT 5;
 John Kebbel wrote:
  I'm having problems understanding NULL. I grasp what a NULL value is,
  but I can't get NULL to perform correctly. For instance, if I do a
  Select statement, I see that I have columns with a NULL value.
  select first, last, suffix  from persons LIMIT 5;
  | first | last | suffix |
  | Benjamin  | Page | NULL   |
  | Jonathan  | Watson   | NULL   |
  | Jose  | Thorson  | NULL   |
  | Alejandro | Nickels  | NULL   |
  | Griselda  | Richards | NULL   |
  5 rows in set (0.01 sec)
  Logically, it seems that a Select statement should find these five plus
  any other NULL values in the suffix column. However, such a select
  statment returns an empty set.
  mysql select first, last, suffix  from persons where suffix IS NULL;
  Empty set (0.00 sec)
  Does anyone see what I'm doing wrong? (Thanks in advance for any help.)

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REGEXP Character Classes

2007-05-01 Thread John Kebbel
Linux Version: Linux version 2.6.15-28-386
MySQL Version:  5.0.22-Debian_0ubuntu6.06.3-log

I have two queries using REGEXP character classes and their respective
outputs below. The first is supposed to match an upper case character in
a column, but I wind up with 4 rows out of 25 that contain only lower
case characters. The second is supposed to match lower case characters
but returns 11 rows out of 25 that contain only upper case characters.

Am I using these character classes correctly?

SELECT id, pswd, division, department, title, classification FROM pswds
WHERE pswd REGEXP '[:upper:]' limit 25;

| id   | pswd | division | department | title  |
classification |
|8 | euwsrbwm | Customer Service | Accounting | Clerical   | 0f1b12
|   13 | mejccvoz | Customer Service | Receiving  | Clerical   | 437113
|   18 | kwkheprh | Customer Service | Purchasing | Clerical   | 29652
|   20 | qpvxvqhz | Customer Service | Accounting | Clerical   | bcb244
25 rows in set (0.00 sec)

SELECT id, pswd, division, department, title, classification FROM pswds
WHERE pswd REGEXP '[:lower:]' limit 25;

| id   | pswd | division | department | title  |
classification |
|5 | VBOEUTTM | Human Resources  | Purchasing | Clerical   | c18528
|9 | ENDPAXWW | Human Resources  | Accounting | Clerical   | 73d00f
|   14 | TEVXTOBK | Human Resources  | Accounting | Sales Rep. | 6606a0
|   15 | WREZUFAU | Customer Service | Receiving  | Asst.  | 14159
|   17 | LGMMPJEY | Customer Service | Accounting | Asst.  | 291512
|   21 | DMCLWWDX | Customer Service | Receiving  | Sales Rep. | 968745
|   23 | BZZCQWWE | Customer Service | Payroll| Asst.  | 11f2b7
|   24 | EPGWQEXC | Customer Service | Payroll| Clerical   | 706894
|   31 | NYOOQVJI | Human Resources  | Accounting | Sales Rep. | e7d0bc
|   33 | BUTSHOUS | Human Resources  | Payroll| Asst.  | 548082
|   34 | VOSCTTGZ | Customer Service | Receiving  | Sales Rep. | 858435
25 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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Rename or Delete Users

2007-05-01 Thread John Kebbel
I've discovered that I can type ...

use mysql;
show tables;
describe user;
update user set user='newName' where user='oldName'

However, this seems to have no effect on the user name in the privileges
table when I searched them. 

The MySQL site says the alternative way to do this has the same problem:
RENAME USER does not automatically migrate any database objects that
the user created, nor does it migrate any privileges that the user had
prior to the renaming. This applies to tables, views, stored routines,
triggers, and events. 

Is there some kind of shortcut to a privilege swap, or am I better off
just deleting users and recreating them with the new name.

Sorry to deluge this mailing list with so many requests, but I'm trying
to build my knowledge base for a CMDEV and I spend hours painting myself
into corners with MySQL every night and weekend day.

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Re: Rename or Delete Users

2007-05-01 Thread John Kebbel
Thank you for stating something obvious that I was completely
overlooking. With normal tables I had created, I would never expect
related tables to be magically updated by something I did to one table.
Because I was dealing with a table in the mysql database that was
created by MySQL, I had assumed it had some special magical status,
that behind the scenes routines would synchronize this table with others
if I found the right key (command) to do so. They're just normal tables,
aren't they?

Anyway, it's DELETE and CREATE for me from now on. Thank you. 

On Tue, 2007-05-01 at 19:51 -0400, Michael Dykman wrote:
 I trust that you realize that you can never expect related tables to
 be uodated in the mysql database if you using using SQL to manipulate
 them directly. moving on..
 I can't think of any mainstream systrm that generally allows usernames
 to be changed..  I mean, sure, there is a trivial hack to do it on
 not-so-secure unix systems but it's still far from common practice.  I
 recommend that you take the easy road and just delete/create.
 On 5/1/07, John Kebbel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've discovered that I can type ...
  use mysql;
  show tables;
  describe user;
  update user set user='newName' where user='oldName'
  However, this seems to have no effect on the user name in the privileges
  table when I searched them.
  The MySQL site says the alternative way to do this has the same problem:
  RENAME USER does not automatically migrate any database objects that
  the user created, nor does it migrate any privileges that the user had
  prior to the renaming. This applies to tables, views, stored routines,
  triggers, and events. 
  Is there some kind of shortcut to a privilege swap, or am I better off
  just deleting users and recreating them with the new name.
  Sorry to deluge this mailing list with so many requests, but I'm trying
  to build my knowledge base for a CMDEV and I spend hours painting myself
  into corners with MySQL every night and weekend day.
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RE: Research Subjects drawn randomly from databases

2007-04-30 Thread John Kebbel
id is an integer ...

describe persons;
| Field  | Type  | Null | Key | Default | Extra
| ID | int(11)   | YES  | | NULL|   

I got a 0 count ...

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM persons WHERE ROUND(id) != id;
| COUNT(*) |
|0 |
1 row in set (0.06 sec)

On Mon, 2007-04-30 at 10:45 -0400, Jerry Schwartz wrote:
 Is your ID field an integer? If not, you might be running into some rounding
 corner cases. I don't see why that would happen, off-hand, since integers
 can be stored exactly as binary floating point numbers, but who knows.
 To satisfy your curiosity, you could
 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE ROUND(id) != id;
 If you get a non-zero count, then you know that there is a possibility of
 CEIL(RND()) not hitting an ID.
 Jerry Schwartz
 Global Information Incorporated
 195 Farmington Ave.
 Farmington, CT 06032
 860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341
  -Original Message-
  From: John Kebbel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 11:49 AM
  To: MySQL
  Subject: Re: Research Subjects drawn randomly from databases
  I rewrote my line using your suggestion ...
   select id,first,middle,last from persons order by rand() limit 10;
  and it worked perfectly. I'm still curious about why my
  original version
  gave such cockeyed results, but I'll focus on the successful solution
  and leave that unsolved problem for another day. Thank you for your
  solution Michael.
  On Sun, 2007-04-29 at 08:48 -0400, Michael Dykman wrote:
   If  might suggest:
   LIMIT 10
   On 4/29/07, John Kebbel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
For possible educational research purposes, I was playing
  around with a
query that would randomly select people from a database.
  The database I
experiment with has a group of fictitious persons with id numbers
(primary key) ranging sequentially from 2 to 378. When I ran these
queries below, I was expecting to select five random
  persons from the
database. The query partially worked. I was getting
  random subjects, but
everytime I ran the query, I got a different number of subjects,
stretching from 0 and up (sometimes as many as 8 or 9). I
  could see the
query generating fewer rows if I duplicated an id or made
  an off-by-one
error, but I don't see how it could generate more than
  five. Does anyone
see my error? (I've used two equivalent forms for the
  query below; both
did the same thing)
select id,first,middle,last from persons where id =
or id = ceil(rand()*377+1) or id = ceil(rand()*377+1) or id =
ceil(rand()*377+1) or id = ceil(rand()*377+1);
 select id,first,middle,last from persons where id  in
+1), ceil(rand()*377+1), ceil(rand()*377+1), ceil(rand()*377+1),
| id   | first   | middle | last |
|   35 | Viridiana   | W  | McCarthy |
|   47 | Crystal | O  | Cassady  |
|   67 | Ricardo | L  | Johnson  |
|  183 | Christopher | E  | Denver   |
|  237 | Christopher | B  | Brenner  |
|  255 | Danielle| W  | Nickels  |
|  299 | Christine   | D  | Dexter   |
|  300 | Rachel  | J  | Baker|
|  339 | Jenna   | O  | Murray   |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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IS NULL Question

2007-04-30 Thread John Kebbel
I'm having problems understanding NULL. I grasp what a NULL value is,
but I can't get NULL to perform correctly. For instance, if I do a
Select statement, I see that I have columns with a NULL value.

select first, last, suffix  from persons LIMIT 5;
| first | last | suffix |
| Benjamin  | Page | NULL   |
| Jonathan  | Watson   | NULL   |
| Jose  | Thorson  | NULL   |
| Alejandro | Nickels  | NULL   |
| Griselda  | Richards | NULL   |
5 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Logically, it seems that a Select statement should find these five plus
any other NULL values in the suffix column. However, such a select
statment returns an empty set.

mysql select first, last, suffix  from persons where suffix IS NULL;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Does anyone see what I'm doing wrong? (Thanks in advance for any help.)

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Research Subjects drawn randomly from databases

2007-04-29 Thread John Kebbel
For possible educational research purposes, I was playing around with a
query that would randomly select people from a database. The database I
experiment with has a group of fictitious persons with id numbers
(primary key) ranging sequentially from 2 to 378. When I ran these
queries below, I was expecting to select five random persons from the
database. The query partially worked. I was getting random subjects, but
everytime I ran the query, I got a different number of subjects,
stretching from 0 and up (sometimes as many as 8 or 9). I could see the
query generating fewer rows if I duplicated an id or made an off-by-one
error, but I don't see how it could generate more than five. Does anyone
see my error? (I've used two equivalent forms for the query below; both
did the same thing)

select id,first,middle,last from persons where id = ceil(rand()*377+1)
or id = ceil(rand()*377+1) or id = ceil(rand()*377+1) or id =
ceil(rand()*377+1) or id = ceil(rand()*377+1);

 select id,first,middle,last from persons where id  in (ceil(rand()*377
+1), ceil(rand()*377+1), ceil(rand()*377+1), ceil(rand()*377+1),
| id   | first   | middle | last |
|   35 | Viridiana   | W  | McCarthy |
|   47 | Crystal | O  | Cassady  |
|   67 | Ricardo | L  | Johnson  |
|  183 | Christopher | E  | Denver   |
|  237 | Christopher | B  | Brenner  |
|  255 | Danielle| W  | Nickels  |
|  299 | Christine   | D  | Dexter   |
|  300 | Rachel  | J  | Baker|
|  339 | Jenna   | O  | Murray   |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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RE: Giving Back...Well, Maybe

2007-04-29 Thread John Kebbel
I had the same behavior when I substituted this line using char(10) for
the line that used '\n' . The query sent from the file still just prints
the '\n' instead of interpreting it.

select Concat('\n', Honorific, ' ' ,First, ' ', Middle, '. ', Last, ' ',
Suffix, ' (', spouse, ')', char(10), house, ' ', street, ' ',
streetType, char(10), city, ', ', state, ' ', zip, char(10)) as
supporter from cert.persons order by last,first limit 3;

On Sun, 2007-04-29 at 08:14 -0700, Gordon wrote:
 Just one suggestion re the behavior of special characters between file
 input and command line input. Try using char(10) {I think that is new
 line} instead of \n. That should work in both scenerios.
 -Original Message-
 From: John Kebbel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 7:19 AM
 Subject: Giving Back...Well, Maybe
   I don't have enough MySQL knowledge to contribute much to this
 list, but as a 23 year veteran teacher, I have some expertise when it
 comes to developing methods of instruction (especially
 self-instruction). While studying for the MySQl CMDEV exam, I created a
 method for MySQL skill-building that may help others trying to master
 MySQL systematically.
   I had been building my expertise with queries by redirecting
 from a text file into MySQL. When I discovered MySQL comments through
 this mailing list, I realized I could store my learning by putting an
 active command I was testing at the top line of my text document, and my
 previously tested commands below them inside a commented out area. This
 morning I went a step further when I realized I could embed XHTML coding
 inside MySQL comments and have a dual-purpose page, a page that (1) lets
 me test queries by redirecting them to MySQL on my local computer, and
 then (2) stores the tested queries inside commented-out areas in a
 format I can post on the web.
   The web page format allows me to review what I've done and lets
 continue my research at home or work by downloading, testing and
 expanding, then uploading my new research.
   I hope someone finds the concept useful. What I've accomplished
 so far
 is at
 Thanks to everyone who has been of help to me here now and in the

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Re: Research Subjects drawn randomly from databases

2007-04-29 Thread John Kebbel
I rewrote my line using your suggestion ...

 select id,first,middle,last from persons order by rand() limit 10; 

and it worked perfectly. I'm still curious about why my original version
gave such cockeyed results, but I'll focus on the successful solution
and leave that unsolved problem for another day. Thank you for your
solution Michael.

On Sun, 2007-04-29 at 08:48 -0400, Michael Dykman wrote:
 If  might suggest:
 On 4/29/07, John Kebbel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For possible educational research purposes, I was playing around with a
  query that would randomly select people from a database. The database I
  experiment with has a group of fictitious persons with id numbers
  (primary key) ranging sequentially from 2 to 378. When I ran these
  queries below, I was expecting to select five random persons from the
  database. The query partially worked. I was getting random subjects, but
  everytime I ran the query, I got a different number of subjects,
  stretching from 0 and up (sometimes as many as 8 or 9). I could see the
  query generating fewer rows if I duplicated an id or made an off-by-one
  error, but I don't see how it could generate more than five. Does anyone
  see my error? (I've used two equivalent forms for the query below; both
  did the same thing)
  select id,first,middle,last from persons where id = ceil(rand()*377+1)
  or id = ceil(rand()*377+1) or id = ceil(rand()*377+1) or id =
  ceil(rand()*377+1) or id = ceil(rand()*377+1);
   select id,first,middle,last from persons where id  in (ceil(rand()*377
  +1), ceil(rand()*377+1), ceil(rand()*377+1), ceil(rand()*377+1),
  | id   | first   | middle | last |
  |   35 | Viridiana   | W  | McCarthy |
  |   47 | Crystal | O  | Cassady  |
  |   67 | Ricardo | L  | Johnson  |
  |  183 | Christopher | E  | Denver   |
  |  237 | Christopher | B  | Brenner  |
  |  255 | Danielle| W  | Nickels  |
  |  299 | Christine   | D  | Dexter   |
  |  300 | Rachel  | J  | Baker|
  |  339 | Jenna   | O  | Murray   |
  9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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Giving Back...Well, Maybe

2007-04-28 Thread John Kebbel
I don't have enough MySQL knowledge to contribute much to this mailing
list, but as a 23 year veteran teacher, I have some expertise when it
comes to developing methods of instruction (especially
self-instruction). While studying for the MySQl CMDEV exam, I created a
method for MySQL skill-building that may help others trying to master
MySQL systematically.

I had been building my expertise with queries by redirecting commands
from a text file into MySQL. When I discovered MySQL comments through
this mailing list, I realized I could store my learning by putting an
active command I was testing at the top line of my text document, and my
previously tested commands below them inside a commented out area. This
morning I went a step further when I realized I could embed XHTML coding
inside MySQL comments and have a dual-purpose page, a page that (1) lets
me test queries by redirecting them to MySQL on my local computer, and
then (2) stores the tested queries inside commented-out areas in a
format I can post on the web.

The web page format allows me to review what I've done and lets me
continue my research at home or work by downloading, testing and
expanding, then uploading my new research.

I hope someone finds the concept useful. What I've accomplished so far
is at

Thanks to everyone who has been of help to me here now and in the

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RE: Permissions and Into Outfile

2007-04-28 Thread John Kebbel
Thank you. It's working now.

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RE: Permissions and Into Outfile

2007-04-27 Thread John Kebbel
I experimented with a local /var/www folder. I assumed setting 2, 6, or
7 for the Other value would give mysql write privileges, but mysql would
not settle for anything less than a 7 in that last slot. What was really
curious to me was that the User and Group settings were inconsequential.
I even set the folder for 007 and mysql could write to the folder. But
as soon as I tried making that Other setting anything less than 7, mysql
generated an error message.

I've been using Linux for years, but more as a hobby than profession
(though I do maintain an internal Mac OS X web server at my school). I
am unfamiliar with the syntax you were using with the username in front
of :mysql. I didn't know of any way other than chmod nnn  to change
permissions for UGO (user,group,other). Could you post one or two sample
command line statements that illustrate this syntax in action. I did a
brief web search, but it only turned up the stuff I was familiar with.

Thanks to everyone who helped with this issue.

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