RE: sporadic error 13 on windows

2007-11-02 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
-Original Message-
From: Artem Kuchin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2007 9:23 AM
To: Baron Schwartz
Subject: Re: sporadic error 13 on windows

DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Can't create/write to file '#sql_948_0.MYD'
(Errcode: 13) at line 89, STDIN
ine 1.
DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_array failed: fetch() without execute() at line 90, STDIN line 1.
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Can't create/write to file '#sql_948_0.MYD'
(Errcode: 13) at line 89, STDIN
ine 1.
DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_array failed: fetch() without execute() at line 90, STDIN line 1.
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Can't create/write to file '#sql_948_0.MYD'
(Errcode: 13) at line 89, STDIN
ine 1.
DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_array failed: fetch() without execute() at line 90, STDIN line 1.

I found several places where anti-virus as referenced as the culprit.  Did
you look into that yet?

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RE: Log Warnings Level

2007-01-19 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
 -Original Message-
 From: Colin Charles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 9:08 PM
 To: Kristen G. Thorson
 Subject: Re: Log Warnings Level
 Kristen G. Thorson wrote:
  But all I really get from this reading is 0 turns it off, 1 prints
  warnings, and 2 prints level 1 warnings plus aborted connections
  warnings.  I have not been able to find any additional information
in my
  search.  Am I missing something, or is this all the documentation
  is on this?
 What kind of additional information are you looking about the --W (or
 --log-warnings=N) option?

Thank you for the response.

I was looking for information on how high the level can go - 2? 5? 200?
- and what types of warnings are logged for a given level?

 I'd pay attention to aborted connections, as MySQL Network's
 service actually does do so

I'm not sure what you mean by this.  Could you clarify?


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Log Warnings Level

2007-01-10 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
The manual indicates that you can specify a specific level to control
what types of warnings are logged:

(See section on log-warnings.)

But all I really get from this reading is 0 turns it off, 1 prints some
warnings, and 2 prints level 1 warnings plus aborted connections
warnings.  I have not been able to find any additional information in my
search.  Am I missing something, or is this all the documentation there
is on this?

Kristen G. Thorson
(804) 553-1130, Ext. 204

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RE: Reports

2006-10-20 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
 -Original Message-
 From: Ahmad Al-Twaijiry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 10:00 AM
 To: MySQL List
 Subject: Reports
 Hi everyone
 do you know any good (free) application that make it easy to generate
 (with charts) a very nice reports from mysql ?

This is a very good tool.  I don't use the charts features, so I'm not
sure how advanced those are.

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RE: 'Not a valid MySQL result resource' error

2006-10-18 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
 -Original Message-
 From: List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 9:30 PM
 Subject: 'Not a valid MySQL result resource' error
 I'm running f.a.m.p, f =freebsd 4.7 and mysql is 3.23.52.
 Anyway, I inherited a website from someone else's server(I don't know
 what they we're running) but the admin section of the website
 this error iin the apache error log when trying to login( on the
 just takes you back to login saying invalid:
 [Tue Oct 17 19:10:08 2006] [error] PHP Warning:  mysql_query():
 argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in

 on line 16

This is the first error.  So look for the MySQL-Link resource suppiled
to mysql_query().

 $r = mysql_query($x,$db);

$x is a string, so that's not it.  $db should be the resource, so it's
the one throwing the error.  So you either don't have a connection, or
that's the wrong variable for your connection.

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RE: how to store quotes in mysql?

2006-08-09 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
  battling this problem on several forums and mailing lists, I got
  when store string that contains quotations (ie afan's php shop) in
  does it have to be stored with backslashes (afan\'s \php\ shop) or
  the way it is? my login's telling me the way it is. am I wrong?
 Yes, MySQL stores it that way for a specific reason.  That is strings
 generally input in the form:
 INSERT INTO table (blah) VALUES('blah');
 That said, if you didn't have the slash escape, you'd have something
 INSERT INTO table (blah) VALUES('I'm blah);
 Which MySQL would choke on, not knowing what to do with m blah.  Also,
 this is
 done to prevent SQL injection, like:
 INSERT INTO table (blah) VALUES('[bl' ; DELETE FROM table;
 where [] is what the user inputs.  Now when displaying, you'll have to
 unescape the slashes generally.  Unfortunately I can't remember in PHP
 that's because of magic quotes or just the way the db has it stored.
 instinct is the former.

No no no no.  If you have to unescape your data before you display it,
then you escaped it too many times.

If you have the following query:

INSERT INTO myTable VALUES ('I\'m Happy');

MySQL does NOT store this value as 

I\'m Happy

it is stored as 

I'm Happy

The escape character is needed so that the interpreter that reads your
SQL commands can understand the query.  MySQL does not choke on
apostrophes or quotes.  It has no problem with them.  They're just
characters.  The interpreter needs to know the difference between a
string-defining quote and a quote that is part of the data.  Hence the
escape characters.  Just as if you have the following PHP code:

echo 'I\'m Happy';

PHP does not print out

I\'m Happy

it prints out

I'm Happy

The problem is indeed caused by magic quotes.  Magic quotes
automagically escapes data for you.  When you escape your escaped data
with addslashes or the like, you're escaping your escape characters as


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RE: how to store quotes in mysql?

2006-08-09 Thread Kristen G. Thorson

 -Original Message-
 From: Chris White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 11:43 AM
 Subject: Re: how to store quotes in mysql?
 On Wednesday 09 August 2006 08:37 am, Kristen G. Thorson wrote:
  [ stuff here ]
 I'm confused.. did you read my email?  Most of what you said doesn't
 correlate with what I said.  Can you quote the specific lines that
 disagreeing with?
 Chris White
 PHP Programmer/DBacillus


Yes, MySQL stores it that way for a specific reason.

MySQL does not STORE escape characters, unless you have escaped an
escape character.  The following query:


is instructing MySQL to store the string value I'm Happy.  It does not
store I\'m Happy.

Now when displaying, you'll have to unescape the slashes generally.

A clear indication that you have over-escaped your data.  If you have
properly escaped your queries, then you should never need to unescape


SELECT string_value FROM myTable;


I\'m Happy

then you have inserted your data as follows:

INSERT INTO myTable VALUES( 'I\\\'m Happy' );

This happens because magic quotes produced escaped data:

I\'m Happy

You then run addslashes() or similar and end up with this:

I\\\' Happy


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Re: Is select ... insert working with 3.23(58) ??

2005-12-14 Thread Kristen G. Thorson

RAPPAZ Francois wrote:


I'm stuck with a sequence of sql commands to duplicate a  record whithin the 
same table (server is 3.23.58):

I have table t1 with data : char and id: auto_increment, int, unsigned, primary 
I would like to do the following

SET @template = 104;
DROP table IF EXISTS tmp; 



INSERT INTO t1 (id, data)
SELECT null as id,
FROM tmp;

And I always get 0 rows inserted.

By the way last_insert_id() gives something meaningfull: the id is incremented, 
but the other fields are left empty.

I there a way to get this working with that server version ?

Thanks for any help

François Rappaz


Works for me on 3.23.58-log.  Make sure @template is an id that exists.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# mysql test
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1382731 to server version: 3.23.58-log

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `data` 
char(3) NOT NULL default '',  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`) );

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql INSERT INTO t1 SELECT id, code AS data FROM VATtest.VAT_locations;
Query OK, 8 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 8  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql SELECT * FROM t1;
| id | data |
|  1 | 1|
|  2 | 2|
|  3 | 3|
|  4 | 40   |
|  5 | 50   |
|  6 | 51   |
|  7 | 60   |
|  8 | 99   |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SET @template = 1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql DROP table IF EXISTS tmp;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql INSERT INTO t1 (id, data) SELECT null as id, FROM tmp;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql SELECT * FROM t1;
| id | data |
|  1 | 1|
|  2 | 2|
|  3 | 3|
|  4 | 40   |
|  5 | 50   |
|  6 | 51   |
|  7 | 60   |
|  8 | 99   |
|  9 | 1|
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)


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Re: what happened to error log in MySQL 4.1x/Windows XP

2005-12-02 Thread Kristen G. Thorson



I haven't admin'd MySQL in a couple of years, and I have forgotten and lot
(and probably never knew even more.)

I recently installed the current 4.1x MySQL release in Windows XP. I am
trying to track down problems, and can't seem to get an error log. I
expected to see a file, mysql.err in the data directory.

Not only isn't it there, but trying to add something like

err-log (extrapolating from the --err-log I'd used in Unix)

in the mysqld area of the my.ini file prevents the server from launching,
so that is clearly either not the correct syntax or not the correct place
for such a line (or both).

Next, is there supposed to be a way to start/restart MySQL in Windows
other than by going to the Services panel for the general computer? Is
this something that can be done from the command line?

Many thanks,




in my.ini should work.



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Re: SHOW commands.

2005-11-30 Thread Kristen G. Thorson

Michael Williams wrote:

Thanks for the responses everyone.  Just a quick FYI, I am using  
Python as an intermediary to sync the DBs (I'm fine with using  
whatever as long as it's Debian compatible).  I suppose I should have  
explained before, but I'm using the Python script to connect from a  
client machine to a server machine which is why I prefer a  
command to be able to 'sync' the data.  Although I will have DB  
access on the server, there is no guarantee that I'll have actual  
disk write access.  Hence, again, the need to be able to query for  
the command so as to write it to a text file on the client machine  
for use, etc.  Sort of a  hey, server, what would it take to make  
table BLAH if I wanted to recreate it completely?  kind of thing.

There's no one command, but you can build it by pulling the information 
you need from:


And then of course a select on the table.  I have some PHP code that 
does this, and it's only 50 lines or so.


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Re: Insert query problem

2005-11-29 Thread Kristen G. Thorson

Jeff wrote:

test',unix_timestamp(now()),'[EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED]','Medium','Open',unix_timestamp(now()),'Jeff
McKeon','Jeff McKeon','','','ks5hslajdfasd','1','[EMAIL PROTECTED]')


Use `from`

(those are backticks)  See:


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2005-11-22 Thread Kristen G. Thorson

REIT = real estate investment trust

Maybe the extra F is for fund?  I didn't see any mention of REITF - 
but I have seen the acronym REIT before.


Ed Curtis wrote:

Does anyone on the list know what REITF stands for? I'm guessing it's
some type of data format for real estate information but I can't find any
information on it anywhere.




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Convert Subquery - need to find max of a set

2005-10-14 Thread Kristen G. Thorson

I need to convert this query into one without a subquery:

   r.selector_forms_results_max_points AS points,
   r.selector_forms_results_description AS description,
FROM selector_forms_results AS r
WHERE r.selector_forms_id = 1
   AND r.selector_forms_results_max_points = (
   r.selector_forms_results_max_points AS max_points
   FROM selector_forms_results AS r
   WHERE r.selector_forms_results_max_points = 12
   ORDER BY r.selector_forms_results_max_points DESC LIMIT 1

Given selector_forms_results_max_points like below:


and selector_forms_results_max_points target of 12, I want the maximum 
of the set of selector_forms_results_max_points that are less than 12.  
So in this case, I want all rows where selector_forms_results_max_points 
= 11.

I hope I have explained this somewhat clearly.  I cannot see how this 
can be accomplished with a join, but my sql skills are rudimentary.

Thanks for any help.  Table structure and sample data follow.



CREATE TABLE `selector_forms_results` 
   `selector_forms_results_id` int(11) NOT NULL 
   `selector_forms_id` int(11) NOT NULL default 
   `selector_forms_results_description` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 
   `selector_forms_results_max_points` int(11) NOT NULL default 
   KEY `selector_forms_results_max_points` 
(`selector_forms_results_max_points`) );

And some sample data:

insert into `selector_forms_results` values (1,1,'Pro1 180',9);
insert into `selector_forms_results` values (2,1,'Iron Eagle 180',9);
insert into `selector_forms_results` values (3,1,'RR 180',9);
insert into `selector_forms_results` values (4,1,'Pro1 200',11);
insert into `selector_forms_results` values (5,1,'Iron Eagle Platinum 

insert into `selector_forms_results` values (6,1,'RR 200',11);
insert into `selector_forms_results` values (7,1,'IK 200',11);
insert into `selector_forms_results` values (8,1,'Pro1 215',13);
insert into `selector_forms_results` values (9,1,'Iron Eagle Platinum 

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Re: Convert Subquery - need to find max of a set

2005-10-14 Thread Kristen G. Thorson


Kristen G. Thorson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/14/2005 
09:15:21 AM:


I need to convert this query into one without a subquery:

   r.selector_forms_results_max_points AS points,
   r.selector_forms_results_description AS description,
FROM selector_forms_results AS r
WHERE r.selector_forms_id = 1
   AND r.selector_forms_results_max_points = (
   r.selector_forms_results_max_points AS max_points
   FROM selector_forms_results AS r
   WHERE r.selector_forms_results_max_points = 12
   ORDER BY r.selector_forms_results_max_points DESC LIMIT 1

Given selector_forms_results_max_points like below:


and selector_forms_results_max_points target of 12, I want the maximum 
of the set of selector_forms_results_max_points that are less than 12. 
So in this case, I want all rows where selector_forms_results_max_points 


= 11.

I hope I have explained this somewhat clearly.  I cannot see how this 
can be accomplished with a join, but my sql skills are rudimentary.

Thanks for any help.  Table structure and sample data follow.



CREATE TABLE `selector_forms_results` 
   `selector_forms_results_id` int(11) NOT NULL 
   `selector_forms_id` int(11) NOT NULL default 
   `selector_forms_results_description` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 
   `selector_forms_results_max_points` int(11) NOT NULL default 
   KEY `selector_forms_results_max_points` 
(`selector_forms_results_max_points`) );

And some sample data:

insert into `selector_forms_results` values (1,1,'Pro1 180',9);
insert into `selector_forms_results` values (2,1,'Iron Eagle 180',9);
insert into `selector_forms_results` values (3,1,'RR 180',9);
insert into `selector_forms_results` values (4,1,'Pro1 200',11);
insert into `selector_forms_results` values (5,1,'Iron Eagle Platinum 

insert into `selector_forms_results` values (6,1,'RR 200',11);
insert into `selector_forms_results` values (7,1,'IK 200',11);
insert into `selector_forms_results` values (8,1,'Pro1 215',13);
insert into `selector_forms_results` values (9,1,'Iron Eagle Platinum 


The only advantages of doing this style of query as a subquery is that you 
do not need to explicitly create/destroy a temporary table (the engine 
does that for you behind the scenes) and you can write it in one 
statement. In my experience, the subquery versions are usually noticably 
slower. YMMV.

Here is a non-subquery equivalent of your particular query:

   KEY (`selector_forms_id`)

   , MAX(`selector_forms_results_max_points`) as max_points
FROM `selector_forms_id`
WHERE `selector_forms_results_max_points`=12
GROUP BY `selector_forms_id`;

   r.`selector_forms_results_max_points` AS points,
   r.`selector_forms_results_description` AS description,
FROM `selector_forms_results` AS r
   on r.`selector_forms_id` = tm.`selector_forms_id`
   AND r.`selector_forms_results_max_points` = tm.`max_points`
WHERE r.`selector_forms_id` = 1;


I made this a little less restrictive than your original query so that you 
could run the query against other `selector_form_id` values if you wanted. 
Instead of using a temporary table, I could have used a single variable to 
hold the max value as you only wanted the list for a single value of 

Does this help? 
Shawn Green

Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Thank you, this works perfectly for me.  I don't even have any questions!


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How to use logrotate to manage binary logs

2005-10-12 Thread Kristen G. Thorson

Hi all,

This may be a simple solution that I'm just not seeing.  logrotate has 
trouble with binlogs since the extension keeps changing, so instead of 
actually rotating logs out, I just get a dir filled with


and on to inifinity.  The manual says If you supply an extension in the 
log name (for example, |--log-bin=/|file_name.extension|/|), the 
extension is silently removed and ignored, so it appears I'm stuck.  
Does anyone have some pointer for me to set up auto-rotation?  I'm 
somehow not finding much info on this.


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Re: connection error from c application

2005-06-29 Thread Kristen G. Thorson

Your syslog8.txt file has two problems:

1.  The first field, log_date, is in m/d/ format.  It will not be 
converted by MySQL automatically.  It needs to be in -mm-dd format.  
For this reason, all records will have the default value of '-00-00' 
for that field.
2.  The primary key on your table is log_id.  In the sample you sent, 
all of the log_id's are the same.  The first row is inserted, and all 
others with that ID are skipped.


Elizabeth Bonifacio wrote:

 Dear Guys,
 I have been stucked in loading file using load data local infile command.
At first it is loading a null value on my first record followed with
one record from my input file. The rest are ignored and i've been
receiving lots of warnings.

I tried converting the text file into a csv and was successful in
loading all the files but with a lot of null values and data going
another field. I used the fields terminated by ',' lines terminated
by ',' instead of '\r\n' because the loading problem.

I tried reformatting my txt and csv file, check its spacing(tabs) one
by one but still the data seem to go haywire.

I'm actually building an application that will accept continuous data
(syslog) using c++ that I need to store in Mysql. But just want to
handle one thing at a time so I'm just testing how it will accept
loading file from the mysql prompt.

I'm running on windows XP, mysql server 4.1.11. Kindly refer to the
table structure and the attached file. I know you guys are experience
and must have encounter this matter before.

Will appreciate all your help to a new developer like me,



mysql show create table log8;
| log8  |CREATE TABLE `log8` (
 `log_date` date default '-00-00',
 `log_time` time default '00:00:00',
 `device_id` varchar(17) default NULL,
 `log_id` varchar(11) NOT NULL default '',
 `type` varchar(7) default NULL,
 `subtype` varchar(7) default NULL,
 `pri` varchar(6) default NULL,
 `vd` varchar(4) default NULL,
 `serial_number` int(11) default NULL,
 `duration` int(5) default NULL,
 `policyid` tinyint(3) default NULL,
 `proto` tinyint(3) default NULL,
 `service` varchar(10) default NULL,
 `status` varchar(6) default NULL,
 `src` varchar(15) default NULL,
 `srcname` varchar(15) default NULL,
 `dst` varchar(15) default NULL,
 `dstname` varchar(15) default NULL,
 `src_int` varchar(8) default NULL,
 `dst_int` varchar(8) default NULL,
 `sent` int(11) default NULL,
 `rcvd` int(11) default NULL,
 `sent_pkt` tinyint(4) default NULL,
 `rcvd_pkt` tinyint(4) default NULL,
 `src_port` int(11) default NULL,
 `dst_port` int(11) default NULL,
 `vpn` varchar(5) default NULL,
 `tran_ip` varchar(15) default NULL,
 `tran_port` int(5) default NULL,
 `dir_disp` varchar(5) default NULL,
 `tran_disp` varchar(5) default NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY  (`log_id`)
1 row in set (0.08 sec)


On 6/27/05, Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Send an example of your file and your table's definition

(use SHOW CREATE TABLE for this purpose). Please, next time

send your replies to the list.


Hope you're doing great today. Back to my question last week, I've

been encountering this problem of loading my file using the load data

local infile command for a particular text file.

I cannot determine the error in my sql codes since i find no problem

loading other text file into the database.

mysql load data local infile 'syslog5.txt' into table log4 fields

terminated by ' \t' lines terminated by '\n';

Query OK, 2 rows affected, 513 warnings (0.03 sec)

Records: 20  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 18  Warnings: 505

I'm not familiar with this warnings myself. I can only load the

first line in the syslog5.txt and the rest are ignored. From the two

rows only the first line is stored and the rest are ignored.

The result of my select statement from the log4 table includes all

null value on the first row and the value of the second line for the

second row.

Would appreciate if you can teach me how to debug the warning or maybe

enlighten me on the cause of the problem.

Thanks for all your help.


On 6/24/05, Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


What 'SHOW WARNINGS' reports?

Elizabeth Bonifacio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
 __  ___ ___   __
/  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
/ /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: Problems using Binary Install on Mac OS 10.4.1

2005-06-15 Thread Kristen G. Thorson

Double check that mysqld is running.  I usually find out that it's not 
when I get that error.


Elton Hughes wrote:

Hello All,

I am trying to install MySQL 4.1.12 on my Powermac G4. My OS is  
10.4.1. I downloaded the binary distribution from the MySQL website.  
I uncompressed it and opened the .dmg installer. I ran the installer.  
Where it prompted for the Administrator's password, I gave it. The  
installation completed successfully. I then followed the instructions  
and installed the StartUp item without problem. I then tried to  
access the database and I get the following message:

- mysql -u root
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through  
socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)


Should the installer have installed mysql.sock in /tmp on Macs  
running OS 10.4.1? Is there a step I missed or is missing in the  
documentation? Can MySQL run on a Mac using 10.4.1?

Thank you for your time.


 NOVA505 W. Olive Ave. Suite 550
 Elton Hughes (IT)  Sunnyvale CA 94086
 Phone: 408-730-7235   Fax: 408-730-7643

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Re: LIMIT error

2005-06-10 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
I think you might be confusing UPDATE and SELECT syntax.  As far as I 
ever knew, you couldn't specify a limit offset in an update statement.  
I don't see in mysql update docs where it indicates offset is allowed.


David Legault wrote:


I'm using the MySQL C API and I got the following error for this query:

UPDATE tracks SET track_state='-2', track_cost='1.50' WHERE 
track_flynum='10' AND track_testcase='45' ORDER BY track_step DESC 

SQL Error 1064 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the 
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right 
syntax to use near '1' at line 1

If I put LIMIT 1 instead of LIMIT 0,1 I get the correct result.

This seems to be a weird problem and according to the documentation, 
should be equivalent, but it seems not.

Running on Win2k, MySQL 4.1.11, mysqld-nt.exe



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Re: mysql database problems

2005-05-17 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
Are your php scripts by any chance called phpWebSite?  If so, you might 
find more help here:
What you're getting is almost definitely a PHP script catching some kind 
of error trying to connect to the database server.  You should have a 
file called configure.php or something similar.  Make sure the database 
settings are correct.

Dwayne Hottinger wrote:
Greetings all,
Im new to mysql and have inherited several mysql databases and everything has
been going well until lately.  Most of my webpages come from mysql databases
with php scripts.  Now I am getting the message Unable to load database
indicated by configuration file or something similiar when trying to connect to
any database running on the server when the mysql user is running @localhost. 
I can however login at terminal as the mysql user and look at the database with
no problems.  My mysql version is  3.23.58 (upgraded from yum), php version
4.3.10, server is Fedora Core 2 kernel 2.6.5-1.358smp.  Im pretty new to mysql
so be gentle and easy in any help.  Everything was working fine prior to Friday
of last week.  Mysqld.log show nothing other than start and restarts that I
initiated trying to get things working.

Dwayne Hottinger
Network Administrator
Harrisonburg City Public Schools

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Re: How to set trabnsaction isoloation in my.ini file

2005-05-17 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
Adam Lipscombe wrote:
I have MySql 4.1.12 installed on an XP box in C:\mysql.
I have the settings below in my C;\MySql\my.ini file:
I have the transaction-isolation set to READ-COMMITTED but the server seems
to ignore this.
When the server starts up the tx_isolation as reported by mysqladmin
extended-status is REPEATABLE-READ.
I can set it manually from the mysql command line and that works. The
tx_isolation is then reported as  READ-COMMITTED.
Its almost as if the server is not reading the my.ini file.

It may not be.  Do you specify this file when you start the server on 
the command line?  If you don't then you need to move my.ini to the 
windows directory:

When the MySQL server starts on Windows, it looks for options in two 
files: the `my.ini' file in the Windows directory, and the `C:\my.cnf' 
file. The Windows directory typically is named something like 
`C:\WINDOWS' or `C:\WinNT'. You can determine its exact location from 
the value of the |WINDIR| environment variable using the following command:

C:\ echo %WINDIR%
MySQL looks for options first in the `my.ini' file, then in the `my.cnf' 
file. However, to avoid confusion, it's best if you use only one file. 
If your PC uses a boot loader where the |C:| drive isn't the boot drive, 
your only option is to use the `my.ini' file. Whichever option file you 
use, it must be a plain text file.

Convert subquery

2005-05-17 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
I am moving some code that was developed against MySQL 4.1 to a server 
with 3.23, and I have one query that uses a subquery.  I'm having a bear 
of a time wrapping my mind around how to convert this.  The original 
query is this:

SELECT page.page_id, page.page_keyword
FROM page
WHERE page.page_id6
AND page.page_id
   SELECT page_links.child_id
   FROM page_links
   WHERE page_links.page_id=6 )
The table `page_links` contains parent (page_links.page_id) and 
child (page_links.child_id) mappings for items in `page`.  Given a 
page.page_id=6, I want all items in `page` that satisfy the following:

page.page_idpage_links.child_id only where page_links.page_id=6

So, for a given page, I want all possible child page candidates 
(condition is that current child pages and the given page are not 
possible candidates).

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Convert subquery

2005-05-17 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
Thanks so much, this is exactly what I was looking for.  I was having 
trouble getting the condition (page_links.page_id=6) in the right 
place.  I had gotten as far as

SELECT page.page_id, page_keyword
FROM page
LEFT JOIN page_links
ON page.page_id=page_links.child_id
WHERE page.page_id6
AND page_links.child_id is null;
Which of course didn't give me what I was looking for.  And of course it 
never occured to me I could put the missing condition in the ON clause.  
This one was a challenge for me, as I normally don't have to do anything 
beyond very simple queries.

Thanks again!

Kristen G. Thorson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/17/2005 
02:37:12 PM:


I am moving some code that was developed against MySQL 4.1 to a server 
with 3.23, and I have one query that uses a subquery.  I'm having a bear 


of a time wrapping my mind around how to convert this.  The original 
query is this:

SELECT page.page_id, page.page_keyword
FROM page
WHERE page.page_id6
AND page.page_id
   SELECT page_links.child_id
   FROM page_links
   WHERE page_links.page_id=6 )
The table `page_links` contains parent (page_links.page_id) and 
child (page_links.child_id) mappings for items in `page`.  Given a 
page.page_id=6, I want all items in `page` that satisfy the following:

page.page_idpage_links.child_id only where page_links.page_id=6

So, for a given page, I want all possible child page candidates 
(condition is that current child pages and the given page are not 
possible candidates).

Thanks in advance!


SELECT page.page_id, page.page_keyword
FROM page
WHERE page.page_id6
AND page.page_id NOT IN (
SELECT page_links.child_id
FROM page_links
WHERE page_links.page_id=6 )
SELECT page.page_id, page.page_keyword
FROM page
LEFT JOIN page_links
   on page.page_ID = page_links.child_id
   and page_links.page_id=6
WHERE page.page_id6
AND page_links.page_id is null
The trick to doing a NOT IN() query as a JOIN query is that you try to 
make an _optional_ match on your columns/conditions (LEFT JOIN...ON...) 
then look for those rows where the match-up conditions are *not* met 
(WHERE table_on_the_right.nonnullablecolumnname is NULL). I have assumed 
that in the table page_links, page_id is not a nullable column. So by 
checking for a null where there shouldn't be one, you detect where the 
matching conditions in your LEFT JOIN phrase weren't met. Does that make 

I know that talking in the negative can be confusing so here it is from 
the other direction.  A LEFT JOIN will make sure that all of the rows of 
the LEFT table  (the first table listed) are available to be processed 
against the conditions of the WHERE clause but only those rows from the 
table on the right-hand side of the phrase that meet the ON conditions 
will be in that same list. All column values (even those that are not 
normally nullable) for the table on the right side of a LEFT JOIN will be 
NULL if there is no match that meets the ON condition(s).

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: Convert subquery

2005-05-17 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
I actually had something similar to this at one point, but I never got 
it working.  Your query returned 148 rows, which I can tell you right 
away can't be right since there are only 130 items in `page`.  I believe 
the problem is that it doesn't take into account that a page may be a 
child page of several different parents.  Therefore this part:

SELECT page.page_id, page_keyword
FROM page 
LEFT JOIN page_links
   ON page.page_id=page_links.child_id

Will return more than 130 rows:
mysql SELECT page.page_id, page_keyword, page_links.page_id FROM page 
LEFT JOIN page_links ON page.page_id=page_links.child_id;

| page.page_id | page_keyword | page_links.page_id |
|5 | training |  4 |
|5 | training |  6 |
|5 | training | 17 |
|4 | services |  6 |
|4 | services | 12 |
|4 | services | 13 |
|4 | services | 14 |
|4 | services | 15 |
Then adding the condition ( page_links.page_id  6 OR 
page_links.child_id IS NULL ) would still leave duplicate rows:

| page.page_id | page_keyword | page_links.page_id |
|5 | training |  4 |
|5 | training | 17 |
|4 | services | 12 |
|4 | services | 13 |
|4 | services | 14 |
|4 | services | 15 |
Shawn has already posted a working answer, so this is just me sharing 
how proud I am that I figured it out well enough to know why it doesn't 
work, which I guess is as good a learning tool as any!


Jan Pieter Kunst wrote:
2005/5/17, Kristen G. Thorson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I am moving some code that was developed against MySQL 4.1 to a server
with 3.23, and I have one query that uses a subquery.  I'm having a bear
of a time wrapping my mind around how to convert this.  The original
query is this:
SELECT page.page_id, page.page_keyword
FROM page
WHERE page.page_id6
AND page.page_id
   SELECT page_links.child_id
   FROM page_links
   WHERE page_links.page_id=6 )

With some minimal test data, this seems to work, at first sight:
SELECT page.page_id
FROM page 
LEFT JOIN page_links ON page_links.child_id=page.page_id
WHERE (page_links.page_id  6 OR page_links.page_id IS NULL)
AND page.page_id  6


Re: Need help in running MySql in PHP script

2005-05-16 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
The folks at can help you.
In PHP 5, MySQL is no longer enabled by default, nor is the MySQL 
library bundled with PHP.

CIKALA Frédéric ROSI/SIPROD wrote:
It seems like you got the same problem' as me :
Php (? ) do not have the librairies include, and you need to run a kink of 
daemon in order to make t works.
Under linux, it is just a question of the good rpm to install (for me it was 
Under windows, you'll need to install some kind of bridge whose name begins 
with php-mysql*.
Check weather the php.ini has got the extension ligne uncommented ...
Hope it helps
-Message d'origine-
De : madderla sreedhar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : lundi 16 mai 2005 14:52
À : sql firm
Objet : Need help in running MySql in PHP script
 Iam using mysql 5.04 , php 5.0 with IIS 5.0
webserver  and written some scripts and executed
on IE webbrowser but getting an fatal error
undefined function mysql_connect() in the code 
kindly tell me where iam going wrong and also tell
the mysql username how to find it out becoz when
Iam opening the Mysql from start button it only
asks the password and doesnot prompt for an
username tell the porcedure to create a new user
an tell me how to identify the current user in
Is there any special code to be written in .ini
file of php to link Mysql with php to run the
Mysql code in php scripts,if so please tell the
code required  in detail.
Any sort of help is welcome.

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Suggestions to retrieve surviving data

2005-05-04 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
Hello all,
I have a problem on a development machine that somehow got every single 
mysql program in the /usr/bin directory wiped out (which looks like it 
was everthing but mysqld).

The server is actually up and running, and the datadir is intact, so it 
looks like my data is okay.  However, I had this set up only with users 
from localhost, so I can't connect from a client on another machine.  
It's like I'm trying to reach an island but I don't have a boat.  I have 
an older backup, but would like to try and save the current data.  It's 
not at all critical, so I don't want to go to too much bother - it's 
just a convenience thing.  I only have 4 important MYISAM tables, so my 
plan is:

1.  Shut down server
2.  Back up datadir
3.  Install MySQL-server and MySQL-client
4.  Restore backup to datadir
I'm installing same version over the old from RPM, and planning to just 
-force the install.  My second thought was I could try just forcing the 
install of client and mysqldump-ing the data before reinstalling the 
server, which I'm thinking is probably the better way to go.  Am I 
missing any issues or a better way to do this?

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Re: Using Different Database Groups On the Same Computer

2005-02-17 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
There may be some helpful notes there.  How are you determining which 
datadir mysqld is using when it's actually running?  Are you logging in 
with mysql or mysqladmin?  Make sure that if you are doing so, that 
you're actually logging in to each server separately, and not just 
looking at the variables for the same server that you've logged into twice.

At the very least, try passing --port and --datadir and any other 
necessary options on command line for both mysqld processes.  Command 
line options should override all others, so if it works then, you know 
you have a problem with your cnf file or environment variables.


Hal Vaughan wrote:
On Thursday 17 February 2005 10:18 am, Hassan Schroeder wrote:

Hal Vaughan wrote:

I've tried this by running 2 instances of mysqld, the first with no
arguments, and the second like this:
mysqld --port=3307 --datadir=/dbtest/mysql
I have to run mysqld directly -- not through safe_mysqld
(which /etc/init.d/mysql calls).  If I run it through safe_mysqld, I can
run only one instance at a time, it will exit without running a new
instance if it detects one already running.

FWIW, `/etc/init.d/mysql` and `safe_mysqld` are just shell scripts.
Hence you can copy and change them easily to run multiple versions
or instances of most software...

I see that, but even when I bypass them, I can run 2 instances of mysqld, it 
shows up in the task list as 2 separate tasks, but they both use the data 
directory specified in the last instance I run.

I'm trying to get 2 different instances of mysqld running at the same time, 
each using a different port and different data directory.


Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===
  dream.  code.


Re: Mysql running as root

2005-02-17 Thread Kristen G. Thorson
The line:
MySQL 4.0.18 running on localhost as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
refers to the hostname and user you log into *mysql* with.  It does not tell you what user mysql is running under on the OS.  The user and hostname that phpMyAdmin logs in under are changed in the phpMyAdmin file. 


Russ wrote:
On Wednesday 16 February 2005 08:48 pm, Gleb Paharenko wrote:

Please tell us, in what way do you launch your MySQL server.
Send your configuration file.

sql running as root. When I log on as root and look at the users, I do
not see a mysql user. Do I need to create this user and what permissions
does it

Log on into the server and use 'ps aux' command to check under what user
account mysqld running is. Look into /etc/passwd file to check that mysql
user is present on your system.

the host database,etc. can these be copied to my new Linux enviroment or
is it best to rebuild everything?

I think you should, dump your data from the live windows server with the
mysqldump program (if you don't have such, setup it and copy tables to its
data directory). And then, import your data from the dump file into the new
Linux server.

I have two questions:
1) I'm still having trouble getting mysql to run as user mysql. All the
file and folders have been changed to be owned by user mysql but phpadmin
shows my sql running as root. When I log on as root and look at the
users, I do not see a mysql user. Do I need to create this user and what
permissions does it need? How can the files and folders be owned by a
user if they do not exist?
2) When my windows environment died I was unable to dump mysql. I was
able to recover the Data files for both tables I had (.myd, .myi and
.frm) Also for the host database,etc. can these be copied to my new Linux
enviroment or is it best to rebuild everything?
Thanks in advance for any help!!

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 /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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I am using SuSE 9.1 Pro. I started mysql in the runlevel editor of YaST. It 
start when I boot the system.

below are the results of the two items you asked me to look at:
ps aux
mysql 5471  0.0  0.4 21584 2400 ?S07:38   
0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld

mysql:x:60:2:MySQL database admin:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false
This is what I see in phpMyAdmin.
Welcome to phpMyAdmin 2.5.6
MySQL 4.0.18 running on localhost as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
thanks again for your help.