Re: convertion to utf-8

2008-07-03 Thread Pooly
2008/7/1 Dan Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 In the last episode (Jun 30), Pooly said:
 2008/6/30 Dan Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  In the last episode (Jun 29), Pooly said:
  I'm trying to convert my tables to UTF8 but I'm getting the
  following error: ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'Zorglüb' for
  key 1
  Not too sure why I'm getting this error since the current (latin1)
  data are:
  mysql select * from topics_lookup where label like 'Zor%';
  | label| topic_id | main |
  | Zorglub  |   72 |0 |
  | Zorglüb  |   72 |1 |
  2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  There is a unique index on label, however the 2 data are different.
  Any ideas ?
  I can't reproduce this.  Can you provide example commands
  demonstrating your problem?

 Yes, sorry I should have been more precise in my email.

 mysql select version();
 | version()|
 | 5.0.32-Debian_7etch5-log |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 create table mytable2 ( label varchar(200) primary key ) charset latin1;
 insert into mytable2 values ('Zorglub'), ('Zorglüb');
 alter table mytable2 convert to character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;

 this gives:
 ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'Zorglüb' for key 1

 I tried to search the changelog and the bug tracking system, but
 without much luck.

 Mysql's default collation is latin1_swedish_ci, which sorts ü along
 with y.  utf8_general_ci sorts it along with u:

 More reading:

  ... To further illustrate, the following equalities hold in both
  utf8_general_ci and utf8_unicode_ci (for the effect this has in
  comparisons or when doing searches, see Section, Examples of
  the Effect of Collation):

  Ä = A
  Ö = O
  Ü = U

Thanks for the link and the detailled explanation. It's all clear now
with the collation, and I now what to do with my data.

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Re: convertion to utf-8

2008-06-30 Thread Pooly

2008/6/30 Dan Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 In the last episode (Jun 29), Pooly said:

 I'm trying to convert my tables to UTF8 but I'm getting the following error:
 ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'Zorglüb' for key 1

 Not too sure why I'm getting this error since the current (latin1) data are:
 mysql select * from topics_lookup where label like 'Zor%';
 | label| topic_id | main |
 | Zorglub  |   72 |0 |
 | Zorglüb  |   72 |1 |
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 There is a unique index on label, however the 2 data are different.

 Any ideas ?

 I can't reproduce this.  Can you provide example commands demonstrating
 your problem?

Yes, sorry I should have been more precise in my email.

mysql select version();
| version()|
| 5.0.32-Debian_7etch5-log |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

create table mytable2 ( label varchar(200) primary key ) charset latin1;
insert into mytable2 values ('Zorglub'), ('Zorglüb');
alter table mytable2 convert to character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;

this gives:
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'Zorglüb' for key 1

I tried to search the changelog and the bug tracking system, but
without much luck.

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convertion to utf-8

2008-06-29 Thread Pooly

I'm trying to convert my tables to UTF8 but I'm getting the following error:
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'Zorglüb' for key 1

Not too sure why I'm getting this error since the current (latin1) data are:
mysql select * from topics_lookup where label like 'Zor%';
| label| topic_id | main |
| Zorglub  |   72 |0 |
| Zorglüb  |   72 |1 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

There is a unique index on label, however the 2 data are different.

Any ideas ?

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Warning about truncated data

2007-11-03 Thread Pooly

I'm reloading a backup and I'm getting loads of warnings like :

| Level   | Code | Message|
| Warning | 1265 | Data truncated for column 'page_public' at row 1 |

I'm using 5.0.32-Debian_7etch1-log, according to these entry it has been fixed :

But it's really unclear wheter it really truncate data, or if it's
just a spurious warning. anyone had the same issue ?

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Re: mysql_upgrade script problems on MySQL 5.0.24

2006-09-01 Thread Pooly


could it be this bug :

2006/8/31, Whisler, David [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I've upgraded from 5.0.22 to 5.0.24 MySQL Server on Solaris 9 using the
Solaris package utility (which means I de-installed 5.0.22 then
installed 5.0.24 in the same location, environment, configuration).
I'm having the following error when trying to execute the mysql_upgrade
executable according to the directions.  This may not be necessary given
it's a minor upgrade, but still - it should work, right?

Here's the error.
$  mysql_upgrade -u=root -p --basedir=/u01/app/mysql
--datadir=/u07/mysql/data -v
Enter password:
Running /u01/app/mysql/bin/mysqlcheck
--defaults-extra-file=/u07/mysql/data/upgrade_defaults --check-upgrade
--all-databases --auto-repair --user==root
error: Found option without preceding group in config file:
/u07/mysql/data/upgrade_defaults at line: 2
Fatal error in defaults handling. Program aborted
Error executing '/u01/app/mysql/bin/mysqlcheck
--defaults-extra-file=/u07/mysql/data/upgrade_defaults --check-upgrade
--all-databases --auto-repair --user==root'

What's the deal with the upgrade_defaults file that it's complaining
about?   This file doesn't exist anywhere on my server (does it create
it automatically), and according to the instructions it should be using
the options I setup on the command line (and if not, it should at least
be using the my.cnf file that I've setup in the MYSQL base directory.

Here's my mysql.cnf   (Note, I added the [mysql_upgrade] group options
to see if that made a difference - and it didn't).

$ more my.cnf


This is on my test box (I'm no dummy - or at least I like to think
that), so no harm no foul.  However, I'd like to upgrade my Production
box, but am waiting for this to be resolved first.   MySQL 5.0.24 seems
to run fine without running this script, but then again - I like to play
it safe.Any ideas?

David Whisler

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replication breaks

2006-08-29 Thread Pooly


I recently upgrade our master to MySQL 5.0.24. But, I changed on
option to log_bin=server-log-bin, as a result the binary log has
changed from server-bin.000228 to server-log-bin.01...
So now, the slave throw me an could not find first log file in binary
log index.
I suppose I have to do a CHANGE MASTER TO ...
MASTER_LOG_FILE='server-log-bin.01', MASTER_LOG_POS=?
What position should I use 0 ? 1 ? 4?
Thanks for your help,

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mysqlcc / mysql query browser

2006-08-18 Thread Pooly


MysqlCC not being in developement anymore and not working properly
with a server 5.0, we are trying to use MySQL Query browser, but there
are few things which are less than efficient compared to mysqlCC.

- you can't execute several queries ! The query tab executes them one
by one, and if you use a script tab, you don't have any results
displayed... quite annoying.

- edition of results are a pain, instead of a double-click, one need
to click on edit, then double-click on the cell to edit (spacebar
would have been quicker) and press enter. and you can't use the arrows
to move around cells when you are editing (!). To commit you need to
press Apply changes. It would be nice to have be able to edit cells
without clicking on Edit and be able to move with the arrows (Apply
changes is a good one though).

- to open a connection on another server you need to do New instance
connection, it would be great to have the same thing than MySQLCC,
where you can see others server in the sidebar. It's easier to move
around several servers and run query through them, instead of having
several separate windows.

What are your usual workarounds for these ? Is there any better
interface to do some queries ?

-- : forget the rest Webzine rock/metal

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mysql_upgrade returning an error

2006-08-11 Thread Pooly


I upgraded one slave server from 4.0.23 to 5.0.24, and when I run
mysql_upgrade I got the following error :
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 22: Duplicate column name 'File_priv'
what can I do ?


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Re: transaction

2006-07-22 Thread Pooly


2006/7/22, João Cândido de Souza Neto [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Ok Dan.

Thanks a lot for your answer.

An other doubt about transaction is in the foreign key case. If in a
transaction i insert a certain register and get the last insert id and after
i try to insert another register using this id because this table has a
foreign key, it gives me a contstraint fail for the foreign key, that is, in
a transaction, the inserts do not get inserted until commit and i can't
insert registers in tables that has foreign key in the previous table.

You should test it :

mysql CREATE TABLE t1(id integer auto_increment, field text,primary key(id));

mysql CREATE TABLE t2(id integer auto_increment, next_id integer,
field text,primary key(id), foreign key (next_id) references t1(id))

mysql insert into t2 values(1,1,'nope');
ERROR 1452 (23000): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key
constraint fails (`test/t2`, CONSTRAINT `t2_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY
(`next_id`) REFERENCES `t1` (`id`))
mysql begin;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql insert into t1(field) values('my data');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql insert into t2(next_id,field) values(last_insert_id(),'my data');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)

mysql select * from t2;
| id | next_id | field   |
|  1 |   1 | my data |
1 row in set (0.05 sec)

mysql rollback;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql select * from t2;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

In the table T2 which depends on the table T1, you are able to insert
rows even if you didn't commit your inserts (hopefully :-).


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Re: How to look for balanced parenthesis?

2006-07-11 Thread Pooly

2006/7/10, Joerg Bruehe [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi Mike, all!

mos wrote:
 I have a complicated SQL statement with around a dozen
 if(this,val1,val2) embedded in it and there are even nested If
 clauses. I'm getting syntax errors because I'm not balancing the ( )
 properly. Is there any free software out there for Windows that I can
 copy and paste the SQL statement into that will show me where the
 parenthesis are unbalanced? It doesn't have to know about SQL, I just to
 either highlight the parenthesis range or find out when the parenthesis
 become out of sync.

I cannot give a list of editors that will do it,
but I know that vim (vi improved) does it.
It will also do syntax highlighting, but I do not know whether it knows
about SQL already or would need an additional SQL syntax description.

In vim, you can find matching parenthesis, with the % shorcut. Put
the cursor on one parenthesis, hit %, hop you jump to the
corresponding opening/closing parenthesis. (definitely a must-have for
certain language).


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replication stopped

2006-07-06 Thread Pooly


recently, our slave stopped for a duplicate key error (which is a bug to me :
How do you usually check automatically that slaves are up and running ?


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Re: varchar(5) and select question

2006-07-04 Thread Pooly


2006/6/29, Joerg Bruehe [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi Pooly, all,

Pooly wrote:

 I stumbled on one issue yesterday which took me some time to figure out.
 the table is :
 create table tt ( PCname varchar(5) not null default '');
 insert into tt values ('Centaure');

 So, by mistake I inserted names which were too long for the field, but
 then I tried to do queries on this particular value :
 Select * from tt WHERE PCname='Centaure';
 which returns obviously no result. How comes the 'Centaure' in the
 SELECT is not cut has it is in the INSERT ?

The rules of SQL allow you to compare even such values which you could
not assign.

So you may compare values of character string columns of different
length, and the SQL specification is that the shorter string is
effectively right-padded with blanks before they are compared
(in other words: trailing blanks are insignificant).

Ok, thanks for the explanation !


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Re: Getting unique values

2006-06-29 Thread Pooly


2006/6/28, Chris Sansom [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I'm sure this is an elementary problem, but I can't get my head round it.

I have two tables: pix and sections, the relevant bits of which are:

pix (2,421 rows):
picid   varchar(7) not null
sectionid   smallint(5) unsigned   not null
caption text   null
picid and sectionid are a joint primary key
caption is full text indexed

sections (a mere 152 rows):
sectionid   smallint(5) unsigned   not null
title   varchar(63)not null
blurb   text   null
sectionid is primary key (auto increment)
title and blurb are full text indexed

In pix, there may well be several instances of the same picid, but
always with a different sectionid (obviously).

The trouble is, this was originally set up with no intention of
actually searching the tables, but now I want to. And I want to find
the first instance of each picid that matches the text anywhere in
caption, title or blurb, and get some other info at the same time.
Oh, and for the time being it needs to be possible in MySQL 3.23.x.

So far I'm doing a very simple:

FROM pix AS p
INNER JOIN sections AS s ON p.sectionid = s.sectionid
WHERE caption LIKE '%searchterm%' OR title LIKE '%searchterm%'
OR blurb LIKE '%searchterm%'
ORDER BY picid

then as I loop through the results I'm more or less repeating the
process to get the other information:

SELECT p.sectionid, caption, title
FROM pix AS p
INNER JOIN sections AS s ON p.sectionid = s.sectionid
WHERE (caption LIKE '%searchterm%' OR title LIKE '%searchterm%'
OR blurb LIKE '%searchterm%') AND p.picid = 'picid'

If you know the picid previously retrieved, then the clause (caption
LIKE '%searchterm%' OR title LIKE '%searchterm%' OR blurb LIKE
'%searchterm%') is redundant, isn't it ?


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varchar(5) and select question

2006-06-29 Thread Pooly


I stumbled on one issue yesterday which took me some time to figure out.
the table is :
create table tt ( PCname varchar(5) not null default '');
insert into tt values ('Centaure');

So, by mistake I inserted names which were too long for the field, but
then I tried to do queries on this particular value :
Select * from tt WHERE PCname='Centaure';
which returns obviously no result. How comes the 'Centaure' in the
SELECT is not cut has it is in the INSERT ?


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Re: Version Numbers - Precedence

2006-06-24 Thread Pooly

2006/6/24, Asif Lodhi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


Mathematically speaking, the 5.0.22 I am using came _before_   5.0.5.

mathematically speaking, there no such number like 5.0.5 anyway...
5.05 perhaps...

MySQL are numbered according to a X.Y.Z release number.
X : is the major version, where major uplift and features are added
(such as triggers, stored procedures)
Y : is the minor release, where few features are added (events, partitionning)
Z : is the revision number. No new features are added, only bugfix and
security fix.
and they are separated by dots.

5.0.5 being an beta release, I'll suggest to upgrade to the latest 5.0.z :-)


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Re: a tricky join

2006-06-21 Thread Pooly


2006/6/21, Helen M Hudson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Yes, I can see how this would work for just the one order and hardcoding the
100... but I cannot assume only to sum distinct values and my table has
other order_refs in it with the same multiple rows of over multiple days, so
I need a more generic select that will list this nice summary for all
orders... do you see what I mean?

 id | date   | order_ref | amount
 1  | 1/1/01 | 100   | 1000  these 2 are the rows
 2  | 1/1/01 | 100   | 200   i want to exclude for order 100
 3  | 2/1/01 | 100   | 1000
 4  | 2/1/01 | 100   | 200
 5  | 2/1/01 | 100   | 50
 6  | 2/1/01 | 101   | 1  i also need to exclude these 2 rows
 7  | 2/1/01 | 101   | 2000   out of the calculation for order 101
 8  | 2/1/01 | 101   | 1
 9  | 3/1/01 | 101   | 2000
10 | 3/1/01 | 101   | 500

What you're asking does not involve join, but is a trick called
group-wise maximum.
Depending on your version of MySQL, there are several options to resolve this :

(I haven't tested it) :
SELECT date, order_ref, sum(amount)
FROM   table s1
 FROM table s2
 WHERE s1.order_ref= s2.order_ref)
GROUP BY s1.order_ref;

the subquery get you the maximum date for each order_ref, and then you
do the sum of this date. Was it what you were looking for ?


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Re: Sql optimization

2006-06-20 Thread Pooly


Hi All,

I am using INNODB.I have a delete quetry something like this :

delete from modnaptrrecord_zone where modnaptrrecord_zone.modnaptrrecord_id in 
(593536 ,593537 ,593538 ,593539 ,593540 ) and 
modnaptrrecord_zone.modnaptrrecord_id not in (593536 )

I hope this is just some quick copy/paste, but if in your query you
have : IN (A, B) AND NOT IN (A,B), I don't think it will return much
Is there any index on modnaptrrecord_zone.modnaptrrecord_id ?
ALTER TABLE modnaptrrecord_zone ADD INDEX(modnaptrrecord_id);
Where did you get the list of ids ? you may be better off using a
temporary table and doing an inner or left join on it.


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Re: The number of left join in one SQL statement.

2006-06-16 Thread Pooly


2006/6/16, Takanobu Kawabe [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I tried  this statement  without error.

But Ihave some questions.

1.How  many  left join  keywords   can  I   use   in  one SQL statement  if
are   5000 datas in  one  table?

as this blog point out, its 31 or 61 depending on your version :
And the number of rows in the table doen't have to do with this limit
(only the query time :-).


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Re: Subquery Problem With mysql-4.0 (Works with mysql-5.0)

2006-06-05 Thread Pooly

2006/6/5, MySQL Nexeia [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I face one problem with mysql4.0

I've two tables, one called company and the other called favorites.  The
relation between those two tables is CO_ID on the company table and
MASTER_CO_ID on the favorites table. When I run the following query it works
fine on mysql-5.0 but it give error with mysql-4.0.

SELECT c.MASTER_CO_ID as Expr1 FROM company
LEFT OUTER JOIN (select MASTER_CO_ID,SLAVE_CO_ID from favorites where

MySQL 4.0.x does not support subquery. Subqueries are only supported
starting with 4.1.

Error with mysql4.0
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
'select MASTER_CO_ID,SLAVE_CO_ID from favorites where MAS

I have two tables company and favorites, like

CREATE TABLE `company` (
  `CO_ID` varchar(36) NOT NULL default '',
  `CO_NAME` varchar(50) default NULL,

CREATE TABLE `favorites` (
  `FAV_ID` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `MASTER_CO_ID` varchar(36) default NULL,
  `SLAVE_CO_ID` varchar(36) default NULL,


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Re: Need help querying a database of polynomials

2006-05-31 Thread Pooly

2006/5/31, Peter Brawley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 If I have another polynomial, say the sum of terms 1,3,4, and 5, how
can I quickly search this
 database to see if it's already been stored?

SELECT DISTINCT polynomial_id
FROM polynomial p1
INNER JOIN polynomial p2 ON p1.term_id=1 AND p2.term_id=3
INNER JOIN polynomial p3 ON p2.term_id=3 AND p3.term_id=4
INNER JOIN polynomial p4 ON p3.term_id=4 AND p4.term_id=5

Make sure that there is no other concurrent connection when you're
doing it... (Since I expect then next step would be to insert this
polynome into the DB)


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Re: Easy regex replace?

2006-03-20 Thread Pooly
2006/3/19, Adam i Agnieszka Gąsiorowski FNORD [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On 2006-03-18, at 00:59, Yani Copas wrote:

  Is there a quick and dirty way to update such that I can only
  affect the portion
  of a string (varchar column) that matches a regexp?
  (e.g. replace all '%20' with ' ' leaving the rest untouched?)

 You know that proverb - For a man in possession of a hammer,
 everything looks like a nail.
   Don't do that. MySQL is *really slow* with Regular Expressions. It
 will be much easier to SELECT
   all records you want to change, storing their IDs in a list (or
 array) construct, then tell your favourite
   script program to construct an REPLACE query out of these chosen
 few, after it does whatever you want it to do
   with the records' data.

Yeah, but sometimes beoing able to do such things on the mysql 
command line would be very helpful ! (Instead of having a script for
such simple things which would be like having a jack hammer for a
nail.. )

Webzine Rock :

Re: insert my_ulonglong data with C API

2006-03-15 Thread Pooly

2006/3/15, 古雷 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Thanks a lot!
 But my test is not successful. Please help me.
 This is my test code:

 #ifdef WIN32
 #include windows.h

 #include mysql.h
 #include stdio.h
  union ull {
   unsigned char a[8];
   my_ulonglong id;
  } ull;
  for(int i=0;i8;i++) ull.a[i]=(unsigned char)255;

  char s[200];

  return 0;

 On Windows its output is:
 It's still a 4bytes integer.
try :

Webzine Rock :

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Re: Rollback is not take effect on MySQL 5.0.18

2006-03-13 Thread Pooly
2006/3/11, Truong Tan Son [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Dear Sir,

 On RedHat Enterprise 4, and MySQL 5.0.18, I did :

 mysql set autocommit=0;

 mysql savepoint abc;

 mysql insert  something

 mysql rollback to save point abc;

 Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

 RollBack is NOT take effect. But on WindowsXP, it is GOOD.

 What is wrong ?

Did you check if the table are innoDB ?

Webzine Rock :

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Re: Rollback is not take effect on MySQL 5.0.18

2006-03-13 Thread Pooly
2006/3/14, Truong Tan Son [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Dear Sir,

 I could not find table of  innoDB in mysql.

Tables in the mysql are MyISAM and should stay that way.
Odds are that there is a skip-innodb in your my.cnf on your RHE, and not you XP.
what produces a show status ?

 mysql show tables;
 | Tables_in_mysql |
 | columns_priv   |
 | db |
 | func   |
 | host  |
 | tables_priv   |
 | user  |

 I  set innodb_table_locks=0 in my.cnf , but ROLLBACK is still not effect.

 Could you teach me more ?

 Thanks and best regards,

 - Original Message -
 To: MySQL General
 Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 5:13 PM
 Subject: Re: Rollback is not take effect on MySQL 5.0.18

 2006/3/11, Truong Tan Son [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Dear Sir,
  On RedHat Enterprise 4, and MySQL 5.0.18, I did :
  mysql set autocommit=0;
  mysql savepoint abc;
  mysql insert  something
  mysql rollback to save point abc;
  Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
  RollBack is NOT take effect. But on WindowsXP, it is GOOD.
  What is wrong ?

 Did you check if the table are innoDB ?

 Webzine Rock :

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Re: Change on LEFT JOIN ON syntax in 5.x?

2006-02-20 Thread Pooly
2006/2/20, Eric Persson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I have a query which works fine for me in my 4.1 environment, but when
 moved to the 5.0.18 environment, it fails with the result below:

 mysql SELECT r.uid, u.username, u.image_type, count(id) AS antal,
 s.timestamp FROM recruits_uid r, users u, users u2 LEFT JOIN sessions s
 ON s.uid=u.uid WHERE r.uid=u.uid AND r.rec_uid=u2.uid AND u2.deleted=0
 AND datetime-00-00 00:00:00 GROUP BY r.uid ORDER BY antal DESC
 LIMIT 100;
 ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'u.uid' in 'on clause'

 It seems like the table alias u is not recognized for some reason. Does
 anyone have any hints about this?
precedence of comma has been change to conform to standards. So you'll
have to use arenthesis or rewrite your query.

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Re: Perl MySQL

2006-02-18 Thread Pooly
2006/2/18, Mike Blezien [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 MySQL version: 4.1.10a

 we are getting this error when attempting to connect to our MySQL database:

 install_driver(mysql) failed: Can't load
 for module DBD::mysql: cannot open shared object file: 
 such file or directory at
 /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 230.
   at (eval 6) line 3
 Compilation failed in require at (eval 6) line 3.
 Perhaps a required shared library or dll isn't installed where expected

 Now I recall reading something about this, something to do with the DBD 
 used. Or is this something too do with the MySQL version we are using?

Nothing to do with your MySQL installation, it's DBD::MySQL which is
not installed properly. I would suggest to reinstall it, since you
have a broken dependency.  (If you use debian : apt-get install
libdbd-mysql-perl )

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Re: unix_timestamp + milliseconds support?

2006-02-09 Thread Pooly
2006/2/9, Jose Antonio [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 An efficient way to store time is as UNIX_TIMESTAMP (4 bytes) instead of
 using DATETIME data type (8 bytes). We were using this technique to save the
 time in our database.

 Now we need to support millisecond resolution as we need to store data
 comming 8 times per second, that is, every 125 milliseconds.

 Have you already face this problem and come to a solution you are happy

a smallint column should be acceptable for storing millisecond (that's
what we use), but depending on the way you need to manipulate those
millisecond, a tinyint could be acceptable as well (you only store
millisecond with a precision of 1/8 second).

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Re: Last access time of a table

2006-02-04 Thread Pooly
 Otherwise, you could try to use the binlog.  The filesystem sure would be
 easy though...
for mysql  5.0
show table status

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Re: How NOT to log SHOW INNODB STATUS in the query log.

2006-01-26 Thread Pooly
2006/1/25, Nathan Gross [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 My query.log is full of 'show innodb status' queries.
 How do I get this ascii log file not to log these. OR some help with a
 grep script to copy the file without these lines.

If you have a linux box (or any acceptable shell)
cat query.log | grep -i -v 'show innodb status'  query_clean.log

grep -i : case insensitive
grep -v : everything but the patterm given
cat : well a cat is a cat...


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Re: Estimated Drive Space Requirements

2006-01-25 Thread Pooly

2006/1/25, Cummings, Shawn (GNAPs) [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 If I have about 2Gb of raw text data to import everyday -- can I expect
 that to take up about 2Gb in a mySQL database ... slightly more.. double?

It all depends on your columns, indexes, and so on...
Without any more details, we can't help you precisely.

 Pretend there's no indexes for now.

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Re: CHAR vs TEXT and fast Row Updates

2006-01-17 Thread Pooly

2006/1/17, Karl Pielorz [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi All,

 1. Fixed length CHAR fields are quicker to update than VARCHAR fields
 (because the field size is constant)

There is no advantage if not all your field in your table are fixed
size. as soon as you add a text/blob column, you loose the fixed row
Keep in mind that index will also be fixed-length, and it can be more
efficient to have varchar to have quick select.

 Do we get any 'saving' by using a TEXT field, and pre-populating this with
 say 2K of 'spaces' when we create the 5,000 rows - and then ensuring that
 the UPDATE operation always writes 2K of text to the field? - e.g. will
 this avoid MySQL having to 'free up' the space for the field, then
 re-allocate 2K again for it.

space is not reclaimed after deletion until you run an : optimize table.

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Re: Stepping into libmySQL.dll with VC6

2006-01-16 Thread Pooly

2006/1/16, Jan M [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 How do I set things up so I can step into the libmySQL.dll from my C code
 using VC6?

Binary download for Win32 doesn't include a debug verison of the dll
(AFAIK), so you'll have a recompile by yourself. Download the source,
load the projet, chose the debug version, and off you go. Quiet useful
to debug buggy query strings :-D

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Re: Histogram from tables.

2006-01-13 Thread Pooly

2006/1/13, Mike Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I have a large table of filenames and creation dates from which I want
 to produce a histogram.

 SELECT year(date), quarter(date), count(0) FROM pics
   WHERE date(date)  '2000' AND date(date)  ' 2005'
   GROUP BY year(date), quarter(date)
 I want this:
 | year(date) | quarter(date) | count(0) |
 |   2001 | 1 |0 |
 |   2001 | 2 |0 |
 |   2001 | 3 |   34 |
 |   2001 | 4 |0 |
 |   2002 | 1 |2 |
 |   2002 | 2 |0 |
 |   2002 | 3 |0 |
 |   2002 | 4 |1 |
 |   2003 | 1 |0 |
 |   2003 | 2 |1 |
 |   2003 | 3 |1 |
 |   2003 | 4 |3 |
 |   2004 | 1 |1 |
 |   2004 | 2 |1 |
 |   2004 | 3 |5 |
 |   2004 | 4 |1 |

Someone will surely come up with a better solution, but I would do
something like that :
Create a table date with one date for each quarter (or, if you do a
script a more complete table, with all working days for instance), do
a left join on it with year and quarter.
SELECT year(, quarter(, count( FROM dates
left join pics on year( and 
   WHERE year(  '2000' AND year(  ' 2005'
   GROUP BY year(, quarter(

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Re: left join record in one joined table and not in another

2006-01-12 Thread Pooly

2006/1/12, Vincente Aggrippino [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 That fixed it... Thank you!  But I don't understand how.  Isn't my implicit
 inner join the same as the explicit one you used?

 I read Join Syntax in the ref. manual.  Is it related to the new order of
 precedence for the JOIN operator?

comma operator has lower precedence than join now :

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Re: mysql 5 - disk bound - fixed

2006-01-11 Thread Pooly
2006/1/11, George Law [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi All,


 I have to work on an automatic way to rotate these tables every week.
 Is there an easy way with SQL to create a new table based on the schema
 of an existing table?

I believe CREATE TABLE newtbl SELECT blah... is what you're after :
 You can create one table from another by adding a SELECT statement at
the end of the CREATE TABLE statement:

CREATE TABLE new_tbl SELECT * FROM orig_tbl;

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Re: autoincrement for year

2005-12-28 Thread Pooly
2005/12/28, Salvatore Celsomino [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 it is possible to create a field autoincrement  for year.
 new year--

This could be of interest :
So, if the year is generated by your application or with YEAR(), you
could do what you want. (For MyISam and BDB tabel types)

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2005-12-23 Thread Pooly
2005/12/22, John Galatti [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I am trying to build the mysql 5.0 from the source
 When I run the configure scripts it error out saying it can not find termcap  
 data base  also, can not find tegenent  in any library
 I am running under debian linux 2.8

you mean Debian with a linux kernel 2.6.8 ? then you're running sarge.
Did you install the dev packages ?
apt-get install termcap-dev

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Re: Mysql 4.1 full table (nearly) - best practice to alter?

2005-11-18 Thread Pooly

0. stop the web server or avoid hitting the db !

 1). Backup everything! :)

the mysqldump should suffice.

 2). do the alter

The alter does already a create table with new data and then exchance
table. You need 2x the storage space though.

3. do the opposite of 0.

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Re: differenced backup from sql dumps

2005-11-15 Thread Pooly
 We are making whole database sql dump every night.
 Now I have a bunch of sql dumps, that covers much space.
 Is there opensource tools with whom I  could make one
 smaller differencial backup file with possibility to
 get dump from every signle day?

 Any ideas?:)

diff ?

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Re: Does MySQL Support '=' Sign?

2005-11-11 Thread Pooly
2005/11/11, The Nice Spider [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Does MySQL support:


 rather than select ID TAG_ID from Table. I need this for MS SQL Compabilty.

Did you try the AS keyword ?
Select ID As ID_TAG from TABLE

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Re: vpn connectivity

2005-11-08 Thread Pooly
2005/11/8, prathima rao [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 hai all ,  im using mysql 4 version

 we are trying to connect inter units thriugh VPN will my database work and

You just need to open the port 3306 on your firewall. No other step
should be requiered.

 p rao

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Re: LEFT JOIN problem

2005-11-05 Thread Pooly
2005/11/5, Guy Brom [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I have the following tables:

  language_id int,
  language_title varchar(80)

  object_id int
  object_language_id int
  object_title varchar(100)

 I want to select ALL available languages, and match the translated object
 (if it is exists) for a specific object_id. If it does not exists for that
 specific language_id, I want to have NULL.

Have a try with :
Select language_id,language_title,object_id,object_title
FROM languages
LEFT JOIN objects ON objects.object_language_id=languages.language_id

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2005-11-04 Thread Pooly
2005/11/4, Marc Pidoux [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I've been using ASP for years but I have to work on a bigger project
 involving many users and data so of course, Access is not an option
 anymore. Since it's a project requiring thousand of files and several
 applications all linked together, I can't create it once and change it
 later. Basically, which option is the best between PHP/MySQL and
 ASP/MSSQL? It's not a giant project but it might include around 20'000
 members interacting daily through forums, blogs, messages etc...

A setup of ASP/MySQL could be a right option for you if you already
know ASP. I'm not sure if it's possible though (using ODBC ?).

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Re: Input on Materialized Views

2005-10-20 Thread Pooly
2005/10/20, Heikki Tuuri [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 how about using triggers to recompute materialized views? A challenge is to
 write an automatic program that can compute the required triggers based on
 the view definition. The materialized view would be a normal table. Triggers
 would update it.


Better, mark this view (or particular rows if it's not too expensive)
as dirty and recompute it only on access, you may spare few

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Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction

2005-10-07 Thread Pooly

I had that error for quiet a long time, and I usually restart the
transaction, but sometimes I have to do it 2 or 3 times, and I don't
really understand how it can happen.
I've strip down an example, that does basically :


I run 10 instances of the program in parallel and I get the error :
Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction.
The isolation level is the default one.
My understanding of the SELECT ... FOR UPDATE is that I should not get
that deadlock, all transaction should be waiting on this select. From
the manual :
 A SELECT ... FOR UPDATE reads the latest available data, setting
exclusive locks on each row it reads.
All instances should select the latest data, or wait until the lock is released.
Does anyone have pointer for a better explanations ?

Here is my program which I run in parallel with :
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do ./test_mysql $i  done

#include mysql/mysql.h
#include stdio.h

int main(int argc, char **argv)
MYSQL *mysql;
int insert =0;


mysql = mysql_init((MYSQL*)NULL);
if(! mysql_real_connect( mysql,,
printf(Connexion failed.\n);
} else {
int ret;
printf(%s : create table\n, argv[1]);
ret = mysql_query(mysql,
( id integer unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
) Engine=InnoDB;);
if ( ret ) {
printf(%s : Creation failed %s\n, argv[1],
return 1;
printf(%s : Begin\n, argv[1]);
ret = mysql_query(mysql, BEGIN);
if (ret) {
printf(%s : Begin failed %s\n, argv[1],
return 1;
printf(%s : Begin ok\n, argv[1]);
printf(%s : Select for update\n, argv[1]);
ret = mysql_query(mysql,
if ( ret ) {
printf(%s : select failed : %s\n, argv[1],
return 1;
} else {
res = mysql_store_result(mysql);
if ( res  mysql_num_rows(res) ) {
printf(%s : found a row\n, argv[1]);
insert = 0;
} else {
printf(%s : found no row\n, argv[1]);
insert = 1;
if ( res )
printf(%s : Select for udate OK\n, argv[1]);
printf(%s : sleep\n);
/* should be ok to check and not fire a timeout */
if (insert ) {
printf(%s : insertion \n, argv[1]);
ret = mysql_query(mysql,
INSERT INTO ttt(id) VALUES (7));
if ( ret ) {
printf(%s : insert failed : %s\n,
argv[1], mysql_error(mysql));
return 1;
printf(%s : delete it \n, argv[1]);
ret = mysql_query(mysql,
if ( ret ) {
printf(%s : delete failed : %s\n,
argv[1], mysql_error(mysql));
return 1;
printf(%s : commit\n, argv[1]);
ret = mysql_query(mysql, COMMIT);
if ( ret ) {
printf(%s : commit failed : %s\n, argv[1],
return 1;
printf(%s : Commit ok\n, argv[1]);

return 0;

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Re: Easy or not so easy GROUP BY

2005-10-06 Thread Pooly
2005/10/6, Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I'm trying to group some sub categories with a concatenated result. I'm 
 trying to get the max sub for each item per month. I think it should be 
 fairly easy but it is kicking my butt. My data looks like this,

 | month  |  item  | sub  |
 |   8|5   | NULL |
 |   8|4   |   a  |
 |   8|6   | NULL |
 |   8|6   |   a  |
 |   8|5   |   a  |
 |   8|4   |   b  |
 |   9|1   | NULL |
 |   9|2   | NULL |
 |   9|1   |   a  |
 |   9|3   | NULL |
 |   9|2   |   a  |
 |   9|1   |   b  |
 |   9|4   | NULL |
 |   9|4   |   a  |
 |   9|2   |   b  |
 |   9|1   |   c  |
 |   10   |1   | NULL |
 |   10   |1   |   a  |
 |   10   |2   | NULL |

 I'm not having a problem getting a concatenated result but I am having 
 difficulty getting my data grouped correctly. My results should look like 
 | MAX Group |
 |   8-4b|
 |   8-5a|
 |   8-6a|
 |   9-1c|
 |   9-2b|
 |   9-3 |
 |   9-4a|
 |   10-1a   |
 |   10-2|

 - Thanks in advance

So, Max group by month/item ?
and for concat :

Since we don't know your MySQL version, I can't give you a precise answer.

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Re: alter table

2005-10-04 Thread Pooly
2005/10/3, s. keeling [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I'd like to add a bit of history data to a table (who changed a record
 last, and when it was last changed).  Is this the way to do it?

alter table MEMBERS
add CHG_BY varchar(3)

alter table MEMBERS
alter CHG_BY set default sbk

alter table MEMBERS
add CHG_DATE date

alter table MEMBERS
alter CHG_DATE set default CURRENT_DATE

 Whoever next ends up with this can set CHG_BY's default to their
 initials and carry on from there.

It will be best to ensure the good value in your application, I'm not
sure everyone is willing to fill more fields in a query that track him
You better go with an extra table to track all changes, and not only
the last one.
Something like members_changes (member_id, chg_by, chg_date)
btw, you could do :
alter table MEMBERS add CHG_BY varchar(3) not null default sbk, add
CHG_DATE date not null default CURRENT_DATE on update current_date
(not tested)

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Re: Mysql Regular expression

2005-10-01 Thread Pooly
2005/10/1, Binay(Local) [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Can any body tell me how to strip all the html characters from a text column 
 while querying?

MySQL can't do it for you, you'll have to program it at your application level.
(PHP has strip_tags, Perl and QT have regular expression )


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Re: restore db from mysqldump I get different databases size

2005-10-01 Thread Pooly
2005/10/1, Lorenzo Sicilia [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi to all,

 I have a database online with innodb myisam tables. I use this option when I
 do a daily backup:
 #mysqldump -c -e -Q -u --lock-tables --flush-logs --opt myDB -u MyUser -p 

 when I restore my db with this command:
 # mysql -u root -p -D myDB_restored  db.sql

 I get a new databse but the size it doesn't match.

 I do a diff between myDB_restored.sql and db.sql and all match.
 Then why my db in production it's more heavy of my restored db?
 Orginal size 3.1 MB the new size 2.7 MB.
 any idea?

They may not be ordered in the same way, and may have empty spaces.
If you optimized all tables in both database, you would then get the same size.

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Re: MySQL Query Browser

2005-09-30 Thread Pooly
2005/9/30, Sujay Koduri [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I am not saying MysQL Query Browser is anyway bad or inferior, but as for my
 experience sqlyog is very good. There is a free version which you can use
 for executing SQL queries, ofcourse you will be stripped of some advanced

 You can run multiple queries at once  using shift+F5. I suggest you to try
 this out once.

the no longer supported Mysql Control Center, can do it as well. It
supports single/multiple query without tricks. You can even directly
edit your dataset (and not do the annoying : edit+ do your stuff +
apply changes of MysqlQuery Browser )


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 7:14 PM
 To: Rob Agar
 Cc: 'Mysql '
 Subject: RE: MySQL Query Browser

 Rob Agar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/29/2005 08:27:37 PM:

  hi Scott
   How do I run more than 1 queries in MySQL Query Browser?
  The only way I've found is to put the queries in a .sql file and load
  it via File  Open Script. It doesn't accept multiple typed in
  queries, even if they are separated by semicolons.
 He can just start a new script tab, can't he? That's how I do it. I don't
 know why they have two different types of tabs (one for multi-statements and
 one for single statements) but they do.

 File - New Script Tab

 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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Re: MyISAM to InnoDB

2005-09-29 Thread Pooly

 Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/23/2005 09:57:06 AM:

 Yes, I meant exactly that. Within each MySQL server is a special
 database called `mysql`. That is the database that contains the tables of
 all of the user login and permission information for the server (and
 several other important bits of system-wide metadata). None of the tables
 in that database can be converted to InnoDB. That would be a bad thing.

 The tables of every OTHER database on the server (including yours) are
 eligible for InnoDB conversion so long as you do not want to use fulltext
 searching. If you need a FT index, you have to keep that table as MyISAM
 for now (they are working on enabling FT indexes in InnoDB but there is no
 release date yet)

And GIS as well, IIRC:
(just to be picky)

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Re: varchar vs char speed improvement

2005-09-27 Thread Pooly
2005/9/27, Ow Mun Heng [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Is there any doc looking at benchmarks of a database which is populated
 entirely with fixed length char compared to variable character lengths?

 I know using char is preferred over varchar when it comes to speed. Is
 there any available benchmarks available?

I guess benchmarks depends on your data...
varchar take really less space, and so is faster to read from disk, so
you could improve speed in having varchar ! But since it cause dynamic
row format, it can makes think slower.

 Pointers where would be appreciated.

 Ow Mun Heng
 Gentoo/Linux on DELL D600 1.4Ghz 1.5GB RAM
 98% Microsoft(tm) Free!!
 Neuromancer 10:38:25 up 2 days, 15:24, 6 users, load average: 0.71,
 0.56, 0.35

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Re: ORDER BY for ints

2005-09-27 Thread Pooly

  The command in PHP is:
  $query=SELECT id,first_name,last_name FROM Player ORDER BY id;
  When issued from the mysql prompt, order is fine, but when
  called  from php I'm getting that strange order:
  1, 10, 11, 12, etc...
  Steve Cochran
  Then the problem is in your php code.  Mysql will certainly return
  the rows ordered the same way to both the mysql client and to
  php.  If php is showing a different order, then it must be
  something your php code is doing.  If you post the code which
  displays the results, I'm sure someone could point out the
  problem, though that really belongs on a php list.
  I had this same problem a while back, and while I'm probably making
  the same mistakes you are but have no idea what they are, I solved
  it by using ZEROFILL on the field I was sorting. So that PHP was
  seeing 0001, 0002, 0003...
  Worked for me, although from some of the replies I'm wondering if
  that wasn't the best way to do it. :/

 Well, since I wasn't the only person to have this problem, I'll post
 this here in case someone has the answer. My php code is:

 $query=SELECT id,first_name,last_name FROM Player ORDER BY id;
 for ($i=0, $i  $numPlayers; $i++)
  $label = mysql_result($players,$i,'id');
  echo $labelbr

Try with mysql_fetch_array

 And that generates an order like it was doing a string comparison.
 I'm just iterating over the rows in the result in order, so not sure
 what would be applying another sort.

or it's likely that mysql_result retrieve an array of rows
(well-ordered), but fetch it by using  a string for the index.

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Re: To multi thread or NOT to multi thread?

2005-09-27 Thread Pooly
2005/9/27, Lefteris Tsintjelis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  What makes me wonder is that the same test, with the code
 stripped down, to my surprise, is significantly faster that the
 multi threaded one, no matter how many times I run the tests. I am
 including the code for both tests I run.
  Since I couldn't find a good example of mutex locking the
 following one is something that worked for me. However, I am not
 sure if its as optimized as it should be, so I would appreciate an
 expert's opinion about this. Is this a good example of mutex
 locking? Are there any other better ways for this? Is this an OS
 or MySQL issue? I am currently running 4.1.14 on a FreeBSD5 box.

You ran several queries with multiple thread, fine, but they are all
serialised over one connection, so you get all the overhead of locking
and thread-creation, for no advantage... So that's the result
(So, yes forthe troll, it's an OS issue, threads creation are somewhat
slow on FreeBSD :)

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Re: add a column if not exists

2005-09-26 Thread Pooly

2005/9/26, Peter Brawley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  I want to check if a column exists in a table before I
  do an alter table to add it. How do I do this in
  mysql? Thanks.

other solution, do your query in all case and check for the return
error (if any).
mysql alter table board add message varchar(255) not null default '';
ERROR 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'message'

So, if you get back that error, the column already exists. So if it
exists the table is left untouched, otherwise it does what you want.
(yeah, Information_schema would be better, but 5.0 is in gamma)

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Re: Must mysql_free_result be called after mysql_store_result in case of NULL?

2005-09-24 Thread Pooly
2005/9/24, Lefteris Tsintjelis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I have been searching for this for a while without finding a
 good answer.

 In the following example, MUST I call mysql_free_result() in
 case mysql_store_result(sql)==NULL or not?

 Is the following valid in case of NULL?

 query=update/insert ...

 if (mysql_query(sql,query)!=0)
 else {

if you do that, you don't retrieve your result since you don't set any
variable with it

if ( (res = mysql_store_result(...))==NULL ){
//no result set (update,delete, insert, wrong select...)
return 0;
if ( res ){
   res = NULL;

So you have to call a mysql_store_result for a select statement, but
otherwise, you don't have to. And if mysql_store_result return null
there is nothing to free, but you have to check for errors. (if you
fre that null pointer, what do you think will happens ?)




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Re: insert subquery

2005-09-24 Thread Pooly
2005/9/23, Gordon Bruce [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 What am I missing

 INSERT INTO table1 (column names.)
 FROM table2
 WHERE primary id = insert value

 You will have to put in your real table name and column names.

nice and easy :-)

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Re: Multithread handling of Connect/Close

2005-09-24 Thread Pooly

2005/9/24, Lefteris Tsintjelis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Sujay Koduri wrote:

  I think mysql does not allow multiple threads to act on the same connection.
  You have to create a connection pool and pick one for each thread

You can use one connection for all your thread.
Just be sure to properly enclose it with a lock/mutex, and build you
query thread-safe.

for connecting :

for query :

 Either that or keep handling them on a per thread basis but do I have to also
 do mysql_server_init/end on a per child then, or just once in the parent proc?

 while loop childid

 ...handle thread...


 or should it be something like:

 while loop childid

 ...handle thread...




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Re: connect from oracle to MYSQL.

2005-09-22 Thread Pooly
what about :

2005/9/22, Ananda Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi Pooly,
 I know your busy, but please help me, i need to submit this by today for the
 testing team.
 If you dont mind can you please guide to any url or documentation where i
 can find the complete steps to connect from oracle on sun 5.8 to
 mysql 4.1.14 on Lunix fedaro with innodb engine

 Thanks in advance.


 On 9/21/05, Ananda Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Pooly,
  Thanks for the help. I did that , where to find odbc.ini file. This pkg
 does not create this file.
  On 9/21/05, Pooly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   2005/9/21, Ananda Kumar  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Hi Friends,
Can you please help me on this.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Ananda Kumar  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sep 20, 2005 9:46 PM
Subject: connect from oracle to MYSQL.
 Hi All,
Can you please help me in connecting from oracle database to mysql
I am trying to setup the hetrogenious service provided by oracle, but
 i am
not able to complete all the steps.
 I am failing at this step
 *cp MyODBC-3.51.06-sun-solaris2.8-sparc/libmyodbc3*
# *mv etc/odbc.ini etc/odbc.ini.backup*
# *cp MyODBC-3.51.06-sun-solaris2.8-sparc /odbc.ini
# *cd lib*
# *rm*
# *ln -s
# *ln -s libmyodbc3_r-*
*I am not seeing libmyodbc files in
MyODBC-3.51.06-sun-solaris2.8-sparcdirectory. I am
 seeing only this
   #pkgadd -d MyODBC-3.51.10-sun-solaris2.8-sparc.pkg
   #more README
 I am using solaris2.8 for oracle database and mysql 4.1 on linux
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Re: connect from oracle to MYSQL.

2005-09-21 Thread Pooly
2005/9/21, Ananda Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi Friends,
 Can you please help me on this.
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Ananda Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sep 20, 2005 9:46 PM
 Subject: connect from oracle to MYSQL.
  Hi All,
 Can you please help me in connecting from oracle database to mysql database.
 I am trying to setup the hetrogenious service provided by oracle, but i am
 not able to complete all the steps.
  I am failing at this step
  *cp MyODBC-3.51.06-sun-solaris2.8-sparc/libmyodbc3* lib*
 # *mv etc/odbc.ini etc/odbc.ini.backup*
 # *cp MyODBC-3.51.06-sun-solaris2.8-sparc/odbc.ini etc*
 # *cd lib*
 # *rm*
 # *ln -s
 # *ln -s*
 *I am not seeing libmyodbc files in
 MyODBC-3.51.06-sun-solaris2.8-sparcdirectory. I am seeing only this

#pkgadd -d MyODBC-3.51.10-sun-solaris2.8-sparc.pkg
#more README


  I am using solaris2.8 for oracle database and mysql 4.1 on linux fedaro.

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Re: Lost connection to MySQL server during query when calling stored procedure

2005-09-21 Thread Pooly

2005/9/21, Jasper Bryant-Greene [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Martijn Tonies wrote:
 I have a stored procedure defined as follows:
 CREATE PROCEDURE `album`.`getUser`( IN userID INT )
 SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=userID LIMIT 1;
 Sometimes when I execute this stored procedure with, for example:
 CALL getUser(7);
 I get the error Lost connection to MySQL server during query.
 This only ever happens with stored procedures, never with any normal
 kind of query.
 I am using MySQL 5.0.12-beta-log on Gentoo Linux x86.
  And what is your question?
 Fairly obviously, how do I fix it!? ;)
  Most probably, a server crash...
 Can you be a little bit more specific please? The MySQL server is
 working absolutely fine for everything else and also continues to
 respond to connections and queries perfectly after getting that error.

I think he means, that you should try the official binaries, and this
still happens, file a bug report because 5.0 is still in Beta stage.

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Re: mysql_free_result() 2 different connections

2005-09-21 Thread Pooly

 It is Linux Slackware 10.1 with MySQL 4.1.4 installed from source... I have
 tested it too (same program and same version of MySQL) with FreeBSD and the
 result is almost the same, the difference is that Linux craches with glib
 message and in FreeBSD just sends a warning that the results have been
 already free...

4.1.4 is beta version, isn't it ? I'll suggest you try the latest
binary for 4.1 available for your setup.

 I suspect that the current version of MySQL frees the resources automatically,

no, it does not :-)

 in FreeBSD the warning was more explicit, it said something like trying to
 free again a result chunk... this one performed a single query and a single
 result_free() so there was no place for a mistake...

again, showing _real_ code would help, or a strip-down code that
crashes. The MySQL api does not free ressources automatically, so if
you have the crash on two different system, I would think the bug
comes from your code.

  That would leave a nice memory leak indeed...
  eventually, recompile and set a break-point before calling mysql_free,
  and look at all variables.
 MySQL internal variables? to see the status before? that's a good idea, I will
 do it, thanks for your comments and will post it as soon as I get results :-)

nop, you MYSQL_RES, and it's value. did you set to NULL after freeing
it ? that would help.

 I already posted it to but still do not get response

again, I doubt it's a bug in the api, I use various 4.0.x, 4.1.x daily
and several OS and I've never had a crash in it (except from my own
mistakes, non-null terminated query strings, threads messing up,
freeing twice a result, non-allocating of result). the API is pretty
robust :-)

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Re: mysql_free_result() 2 different connections

2005-09-20 Thread Pooly

 I have 2 different result sets, since are two different connections to the
 server, simultaneous but independent (two handles, two connections, two
 different queries)
 Today was probing one of my programs with just one single connection and
 mysql_free_result() still crashes even with just one set of results, no
 matter how I use it, it always crashes :-(

what is the code you're using ?

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Re: Failure to install on Solaris.

2005-09-20 Thread Pooly

 /usr/local/bin/ld: cannot find -lpthread
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 gmake[4]: *** [mysql_tzinfo_to_sql] Error 1
 gmake[4]: Leaving directory `/scratch/hgs/mysql-4.1.13/sql'
 gmake[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 gmake[3]: Leaving directory `/scratch/hgs/mysql-4.1.13/sql'
 gmake[2]: *** [all] Error 2
 gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/scratch/hgs/mysql-4.1.13/sql'
 gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/scratch/hgs/mysql-4.1.13'
 gmake: *** [all] Error 2
 neelix hgs 57 % ls /usr/lib/*pthread*
 /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/llib-lpthread
 /usr/lib/   /usr/lib/llib-lpthread.ln
 neelix hgs 58 %
 Any suggestions as to how I get around this and get the whole thing
 installed in /usr/local/mysql-4.1.13 ?

Have you installed the development package for the pthread library ?
I guess you're missing libpthread.a which is needed even for a dynamic
linking, the linker can't do it's job here.

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Re: mysql_free_result() 2 different connections

2005-09-20 Thread Pooly

 in a very small representation the program is this
 *** dbmail and dbmail2 open 2 different connections, one accesses
 DBM_ADDRESSES table and the other accesses DBM_NAMES table. The first one
 retrieves addresses from the table DBM_ADDRESSES, the second one a relationed
 names to the addresses from DBM_NAMES. Not all addresses have name set, so
 for questions of space I separated into tables, just 10% of addresses have a
 name and it would be waste of space having that column in the same table
 (90%+ of over 50,000 rows), so I created a new table for the names and linked
 them to a corresponding address via an 'id'

Are your two tables in the same database ?
If yes only one connection if enough, and you could use a join query
to do it, thus having a speed improvement of several magnitudes.

 1. connect dbmail and dbmail2 to server
 2. dbmail.query:   SELECT id,address from DBM_ADDRESSES WHERE ...
 sp_id = atoll(record[0]); // stores the id in 'sp_id'
 3. while ( dbmail retrieves rows from query at step 2 ) {
3.1 SELECT name FROM DBM_NAMES WHERE id=sp_id(from step 2)
3.2 if ( name exists for id=sp_id )
do something with DBM_ADDRESSES.address,
do something with DBM_ADDRESSES.address
3.3 free results from dbmail2.query (inside while)
 4. free results from dbmail.query (1st query before while) ***CRASH***
 5. disconnect dbmail and dbmail2 connections
 The crash is in step #4 after  all data is retrieved successfully, but why?

Have you checked that you free the correct result ? set it to NULL
after used, and add a test for nullity, it may help.
What version of the API are you using ? which OS ?
Have you check ?

 1. query: SELECT ...
 2. while ( fetch rows ) { use the results }
 3. mysql_free_result()
 it crashes too, this model is very (really very simple) and does not leave
 space for errors in code and still fails on the free function...

pseudo-code won't crash as far as I can tell :-)

 I've asked on a linux list and somebody told me just to avoid using
 mysql_free_result() if the program works that way ('cos the results maybe are
 being already free by the library), but I don't think it is a solution, I
 want to know what happens, if really the set is free automatically by the C
 API functions after reading it or not, and if so, why the documentation tells
 that it is a *must* call the free function after the whole set of rows is

That would leave a nice memory leak indeed...
eventually, recompile and set a break-point before calling mysql_free,
and look at all variables.

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Re: mysql_free_result() WITHOUT mysql_fetch_row()

2005-09-19 Thread Pooly

always reply to the list please

2005/9/19, Miguel Cardenas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I'm a bit confused. If you just need to know if there is data matching
  a criteria, a count(*) is enough and will do absolutely the same thing
  that you want, and spare you the mysql_store_result with a whole
  count(*) as nothing to do with knowing is there is data in the table or
  not... If I'm still wrong, could you provide a sample query ?
 Well maybe am making a storm in a glass trying that and possibly there is
 another solution...
 There is a table like this:
 |   id INT   |   list CHAR(16)   |
 I have (id,list) pairs, there may be duplicate id's or list's separately, but
 together may exist unique pairs.
 a,1 --- ok
 a,2 --- ok
 b,1 --- ok
 b,2 --- ok
 a,1 --- error, duplicated pair
 so, in pseudocode I do this
 lets supose I want to insert (x,something)
 while ( retrieve data from file ) {
1. select id,list from mytable where id=x and list=something
2. use_result()
3. fetch_row()!=NULL ? (data exists already)
   yes: don't do nothing
   no:  insert into mytable values(x,something)
 the process is repeated thousands of times, so, retrieving all data in every
 loop would make a big difference, 'cos that I use use_result() instead of
 store_result() thas would retrive all data in every loop...

Have you try :
select count(*) from mytable where id=x and list=something
if count ==0, it's like fetchrow==NULL from your solution, but without
all the fuss about use_result();

 I am not very experienced in mysql, with a 'UNIQUE' option for a field allows
 only one unique field, but in this case fields may be duplicated, what can
 not be duplicated are pairs, 'cos that first I see if it already exists on
 the table before insertion.

You may run into problem if two process access your table at the same time.
First solution would be to : lock the table, check the existance,
insert if it's ok, unlock the table.
Second solution :
ALTER TABLE mytable ADD UNIQUE(id,list)
which make a unique index on two field. inserting a duplicate value
would give you back an error and let the table untouched.

 Maybe you have a suggestion to do the same in another way.

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Re: Select ALL rows with WHERE statement

2005-09-18 Thread Pooly
2005/9/18, Jasper Bryant-Greene [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Alvaro Cobo wrote:
  Thanks Pooly and Peter:
  The problem is that in the same php page I would like to choose either the
  calculation from an especific year or the calculation from the whole table
  using URL.
 The same page can easily handle both.
 $sql = SELECT * FROM mytable;
 if(isset($_GET['year'])  !empty($_GET['year'])) {
 $sql .=  WHERE year= . intval($_GET['year']);
 $result = mysql_query($sql);

Well, if you have control on everything, this approach would be the
best, no trick, easy to understand and maintain.

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Re: mysql_free_result() WITHOUT mysql_fetch_row()

2005-09-18 Thread Pooly
2005/9/17, Miguel Cardenas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  In the last episode (Sep 17), Miguel Cardenas said:
   I have a technical doubt, very simple but not mentioned in the manual...
   What happens if I call mysql_free_result() after performing a query
   but without doing mysql_fetch_row() ???
   It may sound strange, but just need to know if a data row exists more
   than the data itself...
  A faster way would be to run a SELECT count(*) WHERE ... query, and
  check the result.  Since you are not selecting any data, mysql is more
  likely to be able to use index lookups to speed the query up.
 Well, in fact don't want to check if there is data already inserted on the
 table to make condition TRUE, what I want is to do this:
 SELECT id,data FROM table WHERE id=XXX
 but, just want to check if it the search found something and then free the
 resources, not to retrieve the data... in short words:
 1. search rows which id=XXX
 2. if mysql_num_rows()  0 then CONDITION=TRUE else CONDITION=FALSE
 3. mysql_free_result()
 WHY? well, this operation will be repeated over 100,000 times and only need to
 know if the specified data exists, the difference between just know and
 retrieve 1 time and 100,000 times surely would be significative if I try
 1. search rows which id=XXX
 2. if mysql_fetch_row() then CONDITION=TRUE else CONDITION=FALSE
 3. mysql_free_result()
 Specifically, my doubt is, what happen if I call mysql_free_result() if I
 don't call mysql_fetch_row() before, or if not all rows are read before
 calling it...
it does not says : you have to retrieve all rows before freing it. So
you should be able to free the result. Otherwise it's a bug or
undocumented behaviour.
But why don't you use the Count(*) solution ?? that's exactly what you
need IMHO.

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Re: mysql_free_result() 2 different connections

2005-09-18 Thread Pooly

 while ( my1.fetch ) {
my2.query +
if ( my2.fetch ) {
   report = my1 + my2 results
} else {
   report = my1
my2.FreeResult --- free for every my2.query inside loop
 my1.FreeResult --- free for unique my1.query

One == One
you're doing it more thant once, it can't work.
from the fine manual :
You must call mysql_free_result() once you are done with the result set. 
but in you're code you're still using the result set !

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Re: mysql_free_result() WITHOUT mysql_fetch_row()

2005-09-18 Thread Pooly
2005/9/18, Miguel Cardenas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  it does not says : you have to retrieve all rows before freing it. So
  you should be able to free the result. Otherwise it's a bug or
  undocumented behaviour.
  But why don't you use the Count(*) solution ?? that's exactly what you
  need IMHO.
 No, I don't need to know if exists *any* record, I need to know if it exist
 one specific record or set of records, but not to retrieve them, just need to
 know if it/they exist to take a decition on how to insert the following
 ones... if I need only to know if there is data on the table the COUNT(*)
 would be enough...

I'm a bit confused. If you just need to know if there is data matching
a criteria, a count(*) is enough and will do absolutely the same thing
that you want, and spare you the mysql_store_result with a whole
count(*) as nothing to do with knowing is there is data in the table or not...
If I'm still wrong, could you provide a sample query ?

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Re: EXISTS subquery optimization

2005-09-17 Thread Pooly

 Now as expected it's an dependent subquery and makes use of the index on
 document_id. BUT: If we change the SELECT id in the subquery to
 SELECT document_id or SELECT 1, we get:
 *** 1. row ***
 *** 2. row ***
id: 2
   select_type: DEPENDENT SUBQUERY
 table: file
  type: ref
 possible_keys: document_id
   key: document_id
   key_len: 2
  rows: 1
 Extra: Using index
 Note the Using index!
 I played around with it and it really makes a huge performance
 difference - in my case the file table contains a lot of large blobs, is
 fragmented and I'm running weak hardware. Seems as if using index is
 not just (irrelevant or wrong) EXPLAIN output but is what is really
 going on?

From the manual :
- Using index

The column information is retrieved from the table using only
information in the index tree without having to do an additional seek
to read the actual row. This strategy can be used when the query uses
only columns that are part of a single index.

So you should save an extra seek from the disk I guess.

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Re: Select ALL rows with WHERE statement

2005-09-17 Thread Pooly
2005/9/17, Alvaro Cobo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi all:
 I've searched into the MySQL manual but I can't find the solution to this 
 very silly question.
 I have a select query where I need to filter the data using the WHERE 
 statement. But also need to have an option to show all the data in the table.
 For example (something like...):
 SELECT * FROM `tbl_table1`  WHERE field1 = 'Test' #To show all the rows where 
 field 1= 'Test'
 But also have the choice to select all the rows using something like:
 SELECT * FROM `tbl_table1`  WHERE field1 = * or ALL or %  #Select all the 

You need to select all rows, but you have only control on the
condition on flied1, I am right ?
If you can input %, it should do the trick.
select * from table WHERE field1 like '%';
Why can't you do just 
select * from table ??

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Re: innodb and myisam and db optimising

2005-09-16 Thread Pooly
 I have a web site that have 100unique users online at the same time. I will 
 optimize DB structure.
 1. Is there anysource about mysql optimization and performance tricks?

you might want to look here :

 2. I can change the DB type, which is the best for high mysql traffic web 
 sites, innoDB or MyIsam?
It depends on your website. If it's massive select over few
updates/inserts, go for MyISAM, unless you need transaction.

Check for slows queries. If you don't have access to the slow query
logs, the best is to log query time on a per page basis (or per
script/template which is better, depending your website).

check the field type, no nee to have an integer to store a state value
which is 0 or 1 for instance.

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Re: innodb and myisam and db optimising

2005-09-16 Thread Pooly

always reply to the list, you'll get better answers.

 My actual DB isoptimized well about field types. I am using tinyint If i
 need etc;)
 But my problem is about examining logs, because
 1. I dont' want to know how to reach mysql logs? Can you explain me how can
 I examine detailed mysql logs?
 2. Can you basicly define transaction and its advantages and disadvantages?
 Thank you
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 5:13 PM
 Subject: Re: innodb and myisam and db optimising
  I have a web site that have 100unique users online at the same time. I
  will optimize DB structure.
  1. Is there anysource about mysql optimization and performance tricks?
 you might want to look here :
  2. I can change the DB type, which is the best for high mysql traffic web
  sites, innoDB or MyIsam?
 It depends on your website. If it's massive select over few
 updates/inserts, go for MyISAM, unless you need transaction.
 Check for slows queries. If you don't have access to the slow query
 logs, the best is to log query time on a per page basis (or per
 script/template which is better, depending your website).
 check the field type, no nee to have an integer to store a state value
 which is 0 or 1 for instance.
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Re: Unclear on UPDATE versus INSERT, and a simple query that is not working

2005-09-15 Thread Pooly
2005/9/15, Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 MySQL General List,
   Server specifications:
   MySQL 4.1.3-beta, phpMyAdmin 2.5.7-pl1, PHP 4.3.8
   My specifications:
   MySQL beginner, PHP intermediate, HTML and CSS advanced.
   The situation:
   I have two tables, one old, and one new. In both tables I have a
 column called active, which is either 0 or 1, to denote whether a user
 is to receive email or not. I am migrating all the data from the old
 table to the new.
   I want to make sure that the active column is identical, so I simply
 want to copy the fields from the old table to the new, overwriting what
 may exist in the new. I want to match the fields by using the member ID,
 called id in the old table and MEMBER_ID in the new.
   This is the statement I thought would work.
 UPDATE forum_members( active ) SELECT active
 FROM members
 WHERE forum_members.MEMBER_ID =

I'm sure other on the list will explain in details, but I'll do short.
I understood that forum_members is the new table, members the old one.
So :

UPDATE forums_members,members
forums_members.member_id =

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Re: [newbie] moving mysql db to new server

2005-09-15 Thread Pooly
2005/9/15, Julien vander Straeten [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 hi all,
 my machine crashed and i'd would like to restore my mysql databases
 on my new system.
 i'm having a backup of the entire drive, but no dump.
 my system is mac os x.3 server.
 is there a way to dragdrop some folders to my new system?

If you use MyISAM Table format, you could do that indeed.
shutdown server
Look for your MySQL Folder and just drag/drop the folders (the ones
containing .frm, .MYD and .MYI files)  in this directory (except mysql
and test) into you new destination.
restart server
If it's InnoDB, I have no idea...

 thanks for your help :-)
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Re: Performance of DB with many tables

2005-09-02 Thread Pooly
2005/9/1, Chris Cutler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 My apologies for repeating a question asked earlier[1] but the
 question and the answer were a little vague:
 Does the number of tables in a database affect MySQL's performance?
 Specifically, if I have a database with 1,000 tables in it, will it
 be slower than usual due to the number of tables?  What about a
 database with 10,000 or 100,000 tables?
 As one section of the MySQL manual points out[2]: If you have many
 MyISAM or ISAM tables in a database directory, open, close, and
 create operations are slow.  

they are slow due to the underlying filesystems (AFAIK)

 But what about INNODB?  And are there
 table engine-independent implementation details which might cause
 performance problems for a database with many tables?

il you only have one innoDB tablespace, it should not be a problem,
but for the option to have one file per innodb table, that's the same

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Re: MySQL Subquery bug or am I doing something wrong?

2005-09-01 Thread Pooly

 mysql SELECT criterio, idSite
 - FROM dominios_propios_completos
 - WHERE criterio NOT IN (
 - SELECT criterio_pub
 - FROM sites_criterios
 - );
 Empty set (0.05 sec)

Do you have NULL values in sites_criterios.criterio_pub ?

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Re: LIMIT alternative

2005-09-01 Thread Pooly
2005/9/1, Vladimir B. Tsarkov [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I've heard that LIMIT is a MySQL specific, and cannot be used in any other
 DBMS. Is there any portable alternative to LIMIT? I'd like to create a
 portable PHP pager for a web site, but all the tutorials that I've found,
 contain solutions based on the LIMIT usage.

 For compatibility with PostgreSQL, MySQL also supports the LIMIT
row_count OFFSET offset syntax.

but if you want to be fully compatible with many others RDBMS, go  for
something like adodb, or some others DB interface in PHP

 Good Luck!
 Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
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Re: Please I need inputs on Lost connection to MySQL server during query

2005-09-01 Thread Pooly

what is the error in your error log ?
Does your server crash for every query it makes ? Or only some ?
Are you using the official binary from MySQL or the one used for you
distro vendor ?
Are you using UDF ?
... We need more inputs ;-)

 Hi all,
 Ive read this link; 
 this has something to do with the error...
 Ive already checked based on the page the list of roots of error to 
 gone-away.. w/c i hope leads to  Lost connection to MySQL server during
 query  and non of it is present.
 One thing Ive noticed.  When I tried connecting using mysql client 
 from web
 server to my DB box its takes time before mysql console shows-up after giving
 the password.
 Client and Server are connected through a LAN.
 Based on ping an average of .1 ms reply..
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Re: MySQL Control Center works with v4.0.23 -- how about V5?

2005-08-31 Thread Pooly

MySQL Query Browser do what you want, but it's less traightforward.
Try to click on the wrench/tool just below the data grid, you will be
able to update you field (don't forget do click apply changes).
That's the only reason why sometimes I still prefer MysqlCC

2005/8/30, Siegfried Heintze [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 That is unfortunate that it MSQLCC is deprecated. Is there a gui tool, maybe
 query-browser, that will let me update, insert and delete without writing
 SQL statements? That was a very nice feature.
 Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 1:12 PM
 To: Siegfried Heintze
 Subject: Re: MySQL Control Center works with v4.0.23 -- how about V5?
 Siegfried Heintze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/30/2005 03:11:26 PM:
  [Siegfried Heintze] I love MySQL Control center. I can make it work for
  MySQL v4.0 but not the latest (v5). It simply does not connect to the V5
  Mysql server I just installed. It seems to hang on the connection.
  Am I doing something wrong or does MySQL Control center not support 5?
  Assuming it does not work with MySQL v5, is there a similar substitute
  does work with V5 that will enable me to look at my data and try out SQL
  statements interactively?
  I was using the GUI program that comes with MySQL V5 (I think it is the
  MySQL Administrator) and that looks very nice too. However, I could not
  figure out how to make it view the contents of my tables. It looked like
  was supposed to be able to do that from the screen shots.
 I think what you are looking for is MySQL Query Browser
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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question with rows count

2005-08-28 Thread Pooly

I ran those two queries :

mysql select count(id) from forums_data WHERE forums_data.group_id=1
AND forums_data.state=1;
| count(id) |
|  2385 |
1 row in set (0.11 sec)

mysql explain select count(id) from forums_data WHERE
forums_data.group_id=1 AND forums_data.state=1;
| id | select_type | table   | type | possible_keys | key   |
key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | forums_data | ref  | forum_id3 | forum_id3 | 
 2 | const,const | 2265 |   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

CREATE TABLE `forums_data` (
  `id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `group_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  `subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `body` text,
  `timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update
  `state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  KEY `forum_id3` (`state`,`group_id`)

I don't understand why the number rows analyzed returned by EXPLAIN
does not match the count(*) of the query. I can understand when it's
higher, but lower ?

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Re: question with rows count

2005-08-28 Thread Pooly
2005/8/28, Michael Stassen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Pooly wrote:
  I ran those two queries :
  mysql select count(id) from forums_data WHERE forums_data.group_id=1
  AND forums_data.state=1;
  | count(id) |
  |  2385 |
  1 row in set (0.11 sec)
  mysql explain select count(id) from forums_data WHERE
  forums_data.group_id=1 AND forums_data.state=1;
  | id | select_type | table   | type | possible_keys | key   |
  key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
  |  1 | SIMPLE  | forums_data | ref  | forum_id3 | forum_id3 |
   2 | const,const | 2265 |   |
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  CREATE TABLE `forums_data` (
`id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`group_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
`subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`body` text,
`timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update
`state` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
KEY `forum_id3` (`state`,`group_id`)
  I don't understand why the number rows analyzed returned by EXPLAIN
  does not match the count(*) of the query. I can understand when it's
  higher, but lower ?
 I'm not sure why you think higher vs. lower makes a difference.  To quote
 from the manual, The rows column indicates the number of  rows MySQL
 believes it must examine to execute the query  Note the word believes.
 Your table stats may be out of sync.  If this is a MyISAM table, you
 probably just need to run
ANALYZE TABLE forums_data;

I ran OPTIMIZE TABLE forums_data juste before performing those queries.
So, the rows returned int the EXPLAIN command juste indicate a rough
count of how many rows MySQL think it will have to examine for running
the query ?
Ok, it's a bit clearer.

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Re: Birthday strategy

2005-08-25 Thread Pooly

Thanks for all your answers. I'll go for a flexible solution, with one
column for day, one for month and if i want to compute the age, a year
column. This will also give more flexibility if someone does not want
to give his birthdate with precision (He would be able to only give
the month, and if he give the year I'll compute his age).

2005/8/25, Jigal van Hemert [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Pooly wrote:
  I would like to display a list of members who have their birthday a
  given day (today for instance).
 For such an application I've used a single integer column to store a
 number consisting of the month and day (day as 2 digits!!!) concatenated.
 So dates range from 101 to 1231. The range isn't continuous, but at
 least the dates are ordered correctly.
 In this situation you can also easily query ranges (who's celebrating
 their birthday in the next week/month/etc.). The only caveat is when the
 start and end of the range is in two different years; then you'll have
 to split the range up and use a range for each year.
 Regards, Jigal.

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Re: MinGW and MySQL

2005-08-25 Thread Pooly

MinGW is the GCC compiler for Win32 :

I get the mysql API working using the comments on this bug :

2005/8/23, Michael Monashev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 P I'm using QT4.0 which works with MinGW.
 What is the MinGW ? Database server?

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Re: UK Bank Holidays

2005-08-25 Thread Pooly

I guess you have to maintain a table of bank holidays separately,
that's the common setup. I don't know any application that can do it
(even Excel don't do IIRC). Moreover, bank holidays can depend on your

2005/8/25, Shaun [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I need to work out number of business days worked by staff in our company
 Available days = Days in year - (Saturdays + Sundays + Bank Holidays)
 (Available Days - Time Off) = Capacity
 Is MySQL aware of UK Bank Holidays or do I have to create a separate table
 and keep it updated with Bank Holiday dates?
 Thanks for your help.
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Re: create serial number by select

2005-08-25 Thread Pooly

Why not adding an auto_increment column to your data ?

2005/8/25, Gyurasits Zoltán [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hello All!
 I have a little problem. I can't do serial number in result of select.
 SELECT (??), value FROM table1 ...
 3 ...
 I can't build serial number in table1!
 Best Regards!

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Re: LATEST N RECORDS from a table without date field

2005-08-24 Thread Pooly
If you don't order your data but specified a LIMIT clause, what are
the records returned ?

24 Aug 2005 17:26:27 +0200, Harald Fuchs [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Praveen KS [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Can anyone help with a query to retrieve latest N records.
  No auto_increment field.
  No date field.
  Primary key exists and is populated with random unique values.
 This means that the only possible definition for latest is highest slno.
 Translated to SQL:
 SELECT slno, name
 FROM tbl
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Birthday strategy

2005-08-24 Thread Pooly

I would like to display a list of members who have their birthday a
given day (today for instance).
My idea is to store their birth date in a column, and then query the
table against the column. But the query would be like :
select id from members where MONTH(birthday) = MONTH(NOW()) AND
but it would perform a entire table scan with that.
What would be your best strategy for that sort of query ?
And how would you deal with 29th of february ?

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Re: Birthday strategy

2005-08-24 Thread Pooly
2005/8/24, Cummings, Shawn (GNAPs) [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 The 29th wouldn't be an issue because if that is their birthday -- and
 today is 2/29 -- it will show up.

It will only happen once every 4 years... I'll go with the two fields
solution and make a special case for leap years.
thanks for your help.

 Pooly wrote:
 I would like to display a list of members who have their birthday a
 given day (today for instance).
 My idea is to store their birth date in a column, and then query the
 table against the column. But the query would be like :
 select id from members where MONTH(birthday) = MONTH(NOW()) AND
 but it would perform a entire table scan with that.
 What would be your best strategy for that sort of query ?
 And how would you deal with 29th of february ?

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MinGW and MySQL

2005-08-23 Thread Pooly

I'm using QT4.0 which works with MinGW. Now I want to use the MySQL
API, but it seems to be only working with MS VC++. Should I recompile
my own ? Is there any official MinGw libmysqlclient.dll ?

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Re: Migration from MySQL 4.0 to 4.1

2005-08-23 Thread Pooly
AFAIK, to move the data from one InnoDB file to one table per file,
the only option is to dump and restore.
(you may want to remove index, and foreign key checks before the
restore, and put it back afterwards)

2005/8/23, Rafal Kedziorski [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 we have an J2EE application which ist using MySQL 4.0. There is an
 bug, which was fixed in MySQL 4.1. We are using tracactions and
 InnoDB is don't use query cache. Now we have to migrate our DB to
 MySQL 4.1 for use this feature. In our actual installation we store
 our data in one inndodb file. After migration we wan't use file per table.
 What is the best and fastest way to make migration?
 Best Regards,
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Re: Migration from MySQL 4.0 to 4.1

2005-08-23 Thread Pooly

why not using the -e otion to mysqldump ? it make an INSERT command as
long as your max_command_packet permit it.

2005/8/23, Bruce Dembecki [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Once you decide to use mysqldump, be aware that the quickest way to
 export/import large files is to use the --tab feature on export and
 mysqlimport to load the data...
 On the old (4.0) server:
 mysqldump --tab=/var/tmp/directory mydatabase
 On the new (4.1) server (assuming you have a new empty mysql data
 directory with just your MyISAM based mysql database to ensure your
 permissions files are there):
 mysql -e create database mydatabase;
 cat /var/tmp/directory/*.sql | mysql mydatabase
 mysqlimport mydatabase /var/tmp/directory/*.txt
 Essentially you are creating a text .sql file for each table with the
 create table command, and a .txt file with the raw data in tab
 delimitted format... mysqlimport imports the whole data file as one
 SQL command, using traditional mysqldump you get a unique SQL insert
 command for each line of data... doing it once means only writing the
 indexes etc. once and other time saving advantages... it's far
 quicker to insert many rows of data as a single INSERT command, than
 it is to do it row by row. So if you have a large data set and you
 are doing the export/import thing, that is the way to go...
 That said there is another option... in theory you can upgrade to 4.1
 keeping your shared table files, then tell each table to ALTER TABLE
 engine=innodb, this will force it to rewrite the table from scratch,
 and if you have innodb_file_per_table set, it will be created
 accordingly... The benefit here is your downtime is minimal but the
 problem is at the end of the day you are still left with your shared
 innodb table space, and even though it may be mostly empty, you can't
 clean it up and make it smaller.
 Best Regards, Bruce
 On Aug 23, 2005, at 6:19 AM, Rafal Kedziorski wrote:
  we have an J2EE application which ist using MySQL 4.0. There is an
  bug, which was fixed in MySQL 4.1. We are using tracactions and
  InnoDB is don't use query cache. Now we have to migrate our DB to
  MySQL 4.1 for use this feature. In our actual installation we store
  our data in one inndodb file. After migration we wan't use file per
  What is the best and fastest way to make migration?
  Best Regards,
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Re: BLOB in mysql ----- performance issue.

2005-08-22 Thread Pooly

2005/8/22, Kane Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Thanx , as i understood , i have to keet the raw data in folders and has to
 be stored that relavent file path's into mysql database,  
 so can u kindly tel me , how it is possible to get the file path ( absolute
 ot realtive ) of that certain files which are uploaded in to the database
 from PHP ? 
 what is the function i have to use ? 

It depends on your application, but you usually choose yourself the
location where to move the uploaded file. Usually uploaded file are
stored in /tmp temporally :
Your application move itself the file (hence know the path) and you
insert the path in your DB.

 so that's meant i dont try to hard code file path in my program , 
 This is not actually mysql question ...sorry for asking such out of
 list questions.  
 Thanx in advance , 
 Pooly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 2005/8/20, Kane Wilson :
  hi Friends,
  I have a WAP portal which is running based on mysql database. That's meant
 that contents has been stored in the data base.
  wallpapers , themes, ringtones, games ...etc data type as BLOB. upto
 now now problems with the content retrieving. WAP site hosted in REDHAT
 Linux BOX.
  I will leave my question by point form ,
 according to info of this link , it says there is performance issue when
 using BLOB for data storing and retriving in mysql and he has recomended
 some statndard file sharing / accessing methods to use . for instance samba
 or NFS - in linux.
  is this happening in mysql ? does it has a solution in mysql ? what could
 be the best way to use mysql to store / retrive my contents via the wap site
  I'm using mysql bcause , keeping data in a database is very easy to do a
 site search , rather than keeping contents in folders .
 The approach generally used is to store in your DB, information
 concerning your file (its type : ringtones, themes, wallpaper), its
 size, keywords and everything you find useful, and then keep the file
 on disk (and having its path sotred in the DB as well). You move all
 load from serving the files (ringtones, wallpaper) to the FS which
 does it very well _and_ can be cached by proxies, browser (less load
 for the server). So you an still do a site search since you keep all
 the useful information in your DB, but raw data stay on disk.
 For example if you need to send a ringtone which is in your DB, the
 browsersend the request, Apache receive it, load PHP/Perl, which then
 connect to the DB...
 If the file is on disk, you remove the last 2 operations which
 willmakethe whole operation faster.
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Re: Running select on multiple databases serially.

2005-08-22 Thread Pooly

I'm not sure of what you are looking for, and what do you know.
Did you read this ?
It could give you some clues on how to do your queries from your
library. I've never seen any library able to query several servers at
the same time. Usually people query the same server (or cluster).
If I'm off-topic, pardon me ;-)

2005/8/22, George Cherian [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 08:03:08PM +0530, George Cherian wrote:
   So I am surprised that no one has done this before. I am very new to 
  database - (about last week, is when I started getting into the 
  intricacies), so at present I am confused why there isn't such a solution. 
  I had created a database abstraction layer that mapped rows directly into 
  classes of the same name as that of the table, and even had values that 
  were serialized and all. It works, since I always limit the database query 
  to around 10-70 results, and all the inefficient abstraction is carried out 
  only on a maximum of 70 objects. That is why I need another layer at the 
  bottom, since my top layer is too inefficient to do multiple selects.
  What I meant is that, using this abstraction layer, I had kept my hands 
 clean from the unweildy syntax of SQL. (There is nothing uglier than a lot of 
 sql queries interspersed within the beautiful flow of C code :-). The only 
 query I know is select * from table. Even 'add', 'update' commands confuse 
 me. So I would appreciate if someone can give me some pointers (any 
 urls/links would be nice) as to how to write a client library with threading.
  Thanks a lot.
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Re: Is there an easy way to copy a table between two mysql servers?

2005-08-20 Thread Pooly
If you have a mysqlclient an an access to the command line, you can
directly pipe it !

mysqldump -h -u username -ppasswd mydatabase | mysql -h
yournewhost.som -u newuser -ppasswd newdatabase

that's it !
otherwise, yes dump/export.

2005/8/20, John thegimper [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Is there an easy way to copy a table between two mysql servers? Or do i need 
 export and then import? I´m using php btw.
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Re: BLOB in mysql ----- performance issue.

2005-08-20 Thread Pooly
2005/8/20, Kane Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 hi Friends,
 I have a WAP portal which is running based on mysql database. That's meant 
 that contents has been stored in the data base.
 wallpapers , themes, ringtones, games ...etc data type as BLOB. upto now 
 now problems with the content retrieving. WAP site hosted in REDHAT Linux BOX.
 I will leave my question by point form ,
 1. according to info of 
 this link ,  it says there is performance issue when using BLOB for data 
 storing and retriving in mysql and he has recomended some statndard file 
 sharing / accessing methods to use . for instance samba or NFS  - in linux.
 is this happening in mysql ? does it has a solution in mysql ? what could be 
 the best way to use mysql to store / retrive my contents via the wap site ?
 I'm using mysql bcause , keeping data in a database is very easy to do a site 
 search , rather than keeping contents in folders .

The approach generally used is to store in your DB, information
concerning your file (its type : ringtones, themes, wallpaper), its
size, keywords and everything you find useful, and then keep the file
on disk (and having its path sotred in the DB as well). You move all
load from serving the files (ringtones, wallpaper) to the FS which
does it very well _and_ can be cached by proxies, browser (less load
for the server). So you an still do a site search since you keep all
the useful information in your DB, but raw data stay on disk.
For example if you need to send a ringtone which is in your DB, the
browsersend the request, Apache receive it, load PHP/Perl, which then
connect to the DB...
If the file is on disk, you remove the last 2 operations which
willmakethe whole operation faster.

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Re: fehler

2005-08-18 Thread Pooly

Ich werde in english sprechen, so :
You get this error usually, when your connection with the DB juste
broke, or it's not working, try to test the return value of
mysql_connect, and see what is going on.
Or you can have this error when the server is too busy.

Tschüss !

2005/8/18, Scott Noyes [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link 
  resource in /srv/www/htdocs/web1/html/inc/class/sql.php on line 88
 I would guess that there is some problem with the syntax of your SQL.
 If you make it a habit to do queries like this:
 $sql = SELECT * FROM table;
 $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error() .  with query $sql);
 then the error usually becomes ovious.
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Re: Design problem About application related with cached rows

2005-08-14 Thread Pooly

Try in in two fold.
1. Get all the ID you have in your remote DB
2. check those localy with the ones you have in cache
3. Get all the info you need after you remove the ID you already have.

2005/8/14, Kostas Karadamoglou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I try to create an application for my dissertation that caches rows from
 an romote database. The application handles a cache database which is
 identical with the original. The only difference is that it does not
 have autogenerated fields and referential integrity is omitted.
 I have designed a caching algorithm specific to the context of my
 applocation. However, I have a problem that I cannot solve it:
 I want to send a query to the remote database and then store the result
 to the cache instance. The cache database might have rows that can be
 duplicate with some rows of the resultset retrieved from the query.
 The easy solution is to insert all the rows of the resultset one by one
 after I check their existence at the cache table. However, this solution
 impose network latency to the network because useless data is moved on
 the net.
 Do you know any efficient way to fetch the exception (the rows that dont
 exist at the cache instance) of rows from the remote database using sql
 I tried to use the following kind of query but the database returns an
 overflow message if the query string is too long.
 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID NOT IN (01,02, 03, ...);
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Re: Design problem About application related with cached rows

2005-08-14 Thread Pooly
Always reply to the lists, others may have better ideas, others insights...
I may have not understand everything in your previous description. Why
would you need an extra software on the remote DB ??
All the steps I've describe should work from the client.

All you want is a kind of cache for the client, that you can
invalidate when you judge it needed ?

If you need to check UPDATE on your remote DB, you're stuck, except
with 5.0.10 (at least) with triggers. If it's only INSERT, then you
just have to query the last rows you don't have (with a timestamp, an
If you don't have any total order relationship in your data,but have a
unique ID, retrieve all the ID from your remote DB, remote with the
one you have locally, and then query the full rows. No extra software
needed on the server !

2005/8/14, Kostas Karadamoglou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I thought this solution but it needs an extra software at the remote
 database. I would prefer to contact from the cache database directly to
 the remote database using SQL.
 But even using those 3 steps there is a problem. The only interface that
 I have is JDBC/SQL. That means that the only solution would be to fetch
 all the rows in a resultset locally(remote database) and then in a for
 loop I must check all the IDs that I dont need with the ID of the
 current row within the loop.
 I think this is a little bit time consuming!!
 Do you know I more effective way to do this?
 thank you in advance, Kostas
 Pooly wrote:
  Try in in two fold.
  1. Get all the ID you have in your remote DB
  2. check those localy with the ones you have in cache
  3. Get all the info you need after you remove the ID you already have.
  2005/8/14, Kostas Karadamoglou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I try to create an application for my dissertation that caches rows from
 an romote database. The application handles a cache database which is
 identical with the original. The only difference is that it does not
 have autogenerated fields and referential integrity is omitted.
 I have designed a caching algorithm specific to the context of my
 applocation. However, I have a problem that I cannot solve it:
 I want to send a query to the remote database and then store the result
 to the cache instance. The cache database might have rows that can be
 duplicate with some rows of the resultset retrieved from the query.
 The easy solution is to insert all the rows of the resultset one by one
 after I check their existence at the cache table. However, this solution
 impose network latency to the network because useless data is moved on
 the net.
 Do you know any efficient way to fetch the exception (the rows that dont
 exist at the cache instance) of rows from the remote database using sql
 I tried to use the following kind of query but the database returns an
 overflow message if the query string is too long.
 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID NOT IN (01,02, 03, ...);
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